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The Buffalo Enquirer from Buffalo, New York • 5

Buffalo, New York
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AlnRflf 2 fill ca I I THIS EVENINQS OCCURRENCES r-, Shea's Music HactWarietWspU o'clock. Court Street Ttieajr Allen lay' Illustrated Songs, rtc. Lj o'clock. Academy of Musitjr-Ada BeSan in "The Last Word." I Lvpsitm Thfldtw-SA ScraD Paper," 8 June Sale sssaCEJ OF1 uslin Underwear? ONE can pull through the Winter months at home after a lashion with but few changes of muslin underwear, but Summer demands a more extensive wardrobe. Sweltering day and sultry nights, long vacations and one-day outings, picnics in the woods and excursions down the river, clouds of dust and perspiration oozing from every pore all these call for frequent changes ot the while undergarments.

Hence an Erly June sale of Muslin Underwear great in the extent of the array of snowy whiteness at special prices that seem to rest on the very rock bottom of possible cheapness, is certainly an opportune event. Such a sale begins TOMORROW at our store. On the 25c Table WHITE SKIRTS, CORSET COVERS, CHEMISES, DRAWERS, Complete Outfit for 05E DOLLAR 23c per (torment COLOR OF A GIRL'S HAIR THE BASIS OF A LIBEL SCIT. A. L.

Wilbur of the Wilbur Opera Com pany hts Instructed his muce-taiked-of press a-ent with the red Jacket. MI.Maud Daniel, to bring suit for damage for libel against the Buffalo Express. Saturday night when the company closed Its two-weeks' engagement, an attachment secured by Lily Lyons for back salary was served upon the manager. The story wa entertainingly told In The. Express yesterday morning.

In this alleged var nished talo it was eseerfed that Miss Lyons was entitled wo $lau and that she was a blonde. Now It leemi that Miss Lyons was not a bionue. to when the Kufralj papers were eeen by the comtitnr at Cleveland yester day while on its way to Mlnneep'l. Mls init-i was instructed by tirmr to come bark to liufTalo post haste and tell the public that MUl Lyons wa not a blonde, but on the contrary, a brunette. Also to deny The Express article In toio ana to commence a suit for JlO.uuo damages for libel.

This she says she will do at once aud she also asiMTts that an action will be begun agaiilMt the Municipal Court constable, who. It Is chnr.l. served' the attai nment after Aiiea i.ycuu claim Tor aaktry had been paid. This. Mlxs Daniel iuk.

amounted toJIOan.i not 15t. and also that Mr. ilbur uoea not owe any pt-rwon a cent. TWO INSANE MEN. Awaiting: Examination by the Police Surgeon.

John Reaker Addressed a Long Speech to the Clouds. Two more Insane men were taken Into custody by the police last night and both are locked up at No. 1 Station awaiting an examination Into their mental conditions by Dr. Fowler, the police surgeon. John Reaker of No.

113 Hamilton Street Is a raving maniac, but the other prisoner, whose name Is Michael Coughlln, Is not so violent. Reaker until a few days ago was an employe at the American Radiator Works at Crosscut Junction, but he lost his Job on account of his failing mind. He would leave his work and go Into the street, where he would wave his hat In the air and talk to the clouds. He did this so often that the foreman at the Radiator Works was forced to discharge him. This morning before daylight Reaker left his bed and went Into the street In his night cloLhes.

where some neighbors saw him and tried to get him to go home. He refused to leave the corner, and continued to rave about the stars Jumping Into the air and cutting up all sorts of antics. Policeman Rlchl of the Thirteenth Precinct was notified of the man's strange actions, and he arrested Reaker on a charge of insanity, lis will probably go to the State Hospital. Coughlln, who was arrested by Policeman Oraclnger of the Twelfth Precinct, stares blankly Into space and refuses to talk to anybody. The police think his Insanity Is the result of a protracted spree.

THE HARRIS MURDER. ARREST OF A MAN PERHAPS IMPLICATED IN THH CRIME. New York. June S. Charles about 25 years old, was arrested yesterday morning on suspicion of having been concerned In the murder of Ferdinand Harris, the butler of M.

C. D. Borden, last Monday noon. The Information which led to arrest was furnished by Alexander Gunsberg, his room mt'f. Gunsberg slated that on the afternoon of the day Harris was murdered.

Wesseif came home at about 4 o'clock, dripping wet with his face white as and he waa painfully nervous that he not ait still. afa-rwards left the house and did not return, leaving all of tfta coihlng behind him. At the West Twentieth Street Police Station last evening. Acting Capt. Lynch lined up 1) men, the prisoner among them, and summoned three men who saw ihe siran-gers leave Mr.

Borden's house ater the murder. One of them positively Identified the prisoner as one of the men he saw running up the street. Weueif dented that he was the man, and subsequently made a statement of his whereabouts on the day of the murder. SUICIDE OF TWO LOVERS. Cincinnati, June J.

John Wagner walked Into Henry Wydman's saloon In Bromley, yesterday, and pulling out a revolver, put a bullet Into his heart, t'pon hearina-of Wagner's death his sweetheart took poison and Is said to be dying. BALE Of CI. n.4 K3 A SD CI TS. THE EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS AT DICKINSON'S COMPEL HIM TO SELL AT ANY PRICE. H.

B. Dickinson announces a great sale of Cloaks nnd Suits to make room for workmen. The sale began this morning. He has leased the commodious store north of r. ki present quarters and the two large store are to tie in cue extensive Cloak and Suit store.

The uro. rees of the work compels him to gel rid of as many of his present stork of goods as possible. me eccentric season has left him an unusual number of fine garments on band, and he has a double reason for a great sacrifice and alteration sale. These are sample prices: Labile' Duck Suits at SSc. regular price J2.50; mx Jl.49, regular price tS.iv.

Wool Suits at 3.. regular price J10. Ladlee' Jacket. small alxes, sc. regular price U.Sv: at H.9S, ree-ilar price at regular price $7.30: Ladles' Capes at regular price so-at $2.98.

regular r'lce $3. Children's Jack ets at SMso. regular price. $2.50 $4 and $. Ladles' wash waists, slightly soiled, at Kc, 41c.

c. rrrular urcK II Silk Waists regular price M. Be sure to secure some ot tueee moet alluring and desirable argalns at 472 Main Street. Travelers' Home May Not be Completed. RUMORS OF A COLLAPSE Lack of Funds Caused Suspension of Work at Binghamton.

UNDERTAKING A Bid ONE. Special to The Enquirer. BIngtiamton, June I. For the past few weeks there have been rumors regarding the collapse of the great benevolent movement construct a Home for Indigent Traveling Men in BIngtiamton. The day that work ceaaed on the building last fall the public was informed that construction would be in the early spring, as won ae the weather would permit.

Now that two months have gone by and work has not been resumed. It Is not strange that It has enme to be an almost accepted fact that the brilliant banning 'n'1 In dismal failure. At a choice gathering of men In the cafe of ti Iroquois Hotel in Buffalo a few days ago. It was positively stated, and a wager was offered to back the sta-tement. that the fcom would never be completed for the purpose for which it was deerltrnd.

A prominent traveling man, hailing from Chicago, said tliat the whole project ai a bluff from the start, conceived In a hurrah spirit and thus far had bren carried out by the stlffest sort of braxency. Other gentlemen present expressed the opinion that the board of management never fairly appreciated what a stupendous project they had undertaken. Still others went so far as to say that much of the dissatisfaction recently expressed was due to a sudden awakening of traveling men generally to the fact that a Home for Traveling Indigents was a monstrous silly Idea to begin with. This talk Is given simply for what it is worth, and probably does not express the opinion of the large majority of travelers of the country. Friends of the organization say that the greatest opposition that has been met with thus far has come from traveling men themselves and most of it has been Inspired by Jealousy.

But the fact remains that the management at the present time practically without fund, that $125,000 at least will be needed to complete the main building, and that after Its completion at least will be required annually for Its maintenance and the support of its inmates. The membership of the Commercial Travelers' Association at the outside estimate amounts only to 8,000. Each member pays In annual dues Thirty-one thousand dor.ars have already bfen expended ln the construction of the foundation, the building of rotuls and general Improvement of the site. Fifteen thousand dollars of sum were subscribed by the generous crtisens of Binghamton, who lo pave the sVte for tiie building, consisting of 1(0 acres of land. Hence, it may be seen that the aJBOcfcition Itself tins otdy expended upon the work $15,000, arid that has been nearly four years In getting fhls sum together.

General Manager S. V. W. Cleveland and I T. Deyo, ex-Assemblyman and attorney for the association, both Indignantly deny reports which have been circulated.

Mr. Cleveland, however, frankly admits that he considers the laying of corner atone as having been a "too previous" act. and that it was done contrary to his advice He and Attorney Deyo both say that the suspension of work upon the new. Rome building was In accordance with plans formulated last year, but frankly admit that a lack of funds was the cause of the postponement of the work. The" two men say that this summer will be spent In making contracts for the tons of Iron and steel and the Immense amount of cut stone, brick, terra-cotta and all other materials which will be needed 1ft the construction of the building anj the of these supplies "on the ground before winter.

Mr. Cleveland expresses perfect confidence ln the ultimate success of the undertaking. He says he has received an offer from George Garnsey of Chicago, the architect of the building, to furnish sufficient material for the immediate construction of two or three stories of the superstructure at once, the architect having resources to draw on for the materials which are to be paid for In the future. Thus far the management has not allowed Itself to go in debt one dollar, and the offer was declined. BARBER SHOPS CLOSED.

Brooklyn, June 3. But few barber shops were open In this city yesterday, and thoee which were kept open had a great piece of white linen or some other material fastened over the windows. Customers were allowed to come In only by the side doors, the front doors being tightly closed, and watchers were posted on the outside. Antonio Bounn. who has a shop at No.

6U Claseon Avenue, was the only barber arrested for violating the new Bunday law. DKKKAT KOll. CiOV. MTONK. St.

Louis, June I. The Democratic State Central Committee on Saturday night an all-day session decided by a vote of ten to five not to call a State convention to consider the silver and financial questions. This is a distinct defeat for Gov. Stone, as he has championed the cause of silver and has been urgent In asking for a State These 25c garments are all well nude, from good cotton. The Skirts are finished with hem and cluster of tucks.

There are three st)le of Drawers two with hem and cluster of tucks and one with cambric ruffle and tucks. The Corset Covers are a miscellaneous lot of odds and ends, with V-shaje, square and round necks, trimmed with laces and embroideries, some finished with flat fell scams and the best pearl buttons. The Chemises are meJium length garments 36 to 44 sizes some with square yokes of embroidery and other trimmed with lace. One lot of Corset Covers, ladles' and misses' sizss for 15c each. Worth 25c to 35c On the 50c Table SERVICK3 AT WHICH OXLT THE LOYAL, WIKL BE R.ECE1VED..

The Rev. Father Flacsek, pastor of 8t. Adelbert's Polish Church, Is his friends into a compact body. (He has arranged a series of services to be held In St. Stanislaus 'Hall to which the loyal will be admitted by ticket.

The pastor is arranging for the first communion of the of the parish and will receive only such children as have loyal parents, a proceeding which. It is believed, will give him some increase of HOUSE SURGEONS APPOINTED. THREE YOUNG PHYSICIANS PASSED THE EXAMLVATION. The appointment of house surgeons ln the Erie County Hospital, made by competitive examination, has resulted in favor of Drg. William House, H.

Robinson and Marshall Clinton. Drs. House and Koblnson are graduates of the Buffalo Medical School and Dr. Clinton of the Medical Department of Niagara University. The places have no salary attached, but are ounht for the fake of experience they give.

Four more appointments will be made Xovrruber. FOUND DEAD. A Buffalo Man Committed Suicide at Little Rock. Que C. Hardesty Ended His Existence by Taking: Poison.

Gue C. Hardesty, brother of ex-Judge L. Q. Hardesty, one of the counsel for the defendants the Roblnyon murder trial, committed suicide at Little Rock, yesterday. He was found, dead.

on the outskirts of the city and a coroner's Jury rendered a verdict to the effect that the deceased died from poison adminintered by his own hand. A letter addressed to his wife, Carrie F. Hardesty of this city, was found on his person. Among mher things he said: "I leave this message for two reasons; First, that If my existence was ln doubt, you might have trouble with my property, or settlements: the other, that it might affect you'r marriage again, which I hope you will do. As to the property, the Q.

case Is a Just one. I agreed to pay Os-goodby Hamil one third of all that they got. Johnson will be all the wltntas you will need. He should pay you the $1,000 less what he has advanced. Pelham, I hope, will do right by you.

He should let you have at least $3,000 of stock. "A large ehare of my notes to Mrs. Lee were unjust because I was forced to settle by allowing full amount of contract city school bonds. I have been to Ood much and am myself. Forgive me all my wrongs and commend the good." Before be left Buffalo, about a year ago, Mr.

Harde-ty had been connected with the Queen City Bank, the Gatllug enterprise and other unprofitable ventures. He lost considerable money and his troubles began to weigh upon his mind. Mr. Hardesty was In Buffalo for a few days about three weeks ago. From here he went to Detroit and Tjledo and uwtU the news of his death reached Buffalo this morning he had not been beard from.

Up to the time he left this city he lived at No. 1ST Fourteenth Street- Ex-Judge Hardesty In speaking of his brooher today said: "He cam, to Buffalo worth $75,000, but lost most of Ms money In real estate speculations I In Marion, Ind. As you are probably aware a few ago he began an action against the Queen City Bank to recover something like which he thought was due him from the bank. That money waa Invested ln Marion real estate, and when the bottom fell out of the place he never received any of his Investment back or any of ihe moneys he had advanced for other stockholders. Gue left the- bank when his health broke down and has not been connected with It since.

His wife went to a few days ago to try to straighten out his affairs before his return. He had become very despondent and aha thought if his business matters were taken out of his handa his mind might be more easy." The deceased was 35 years old. The body will probably be brought to Buffalo tor burial. HORSE MEAT. MATTER WHICH CONXTERNiS THE MEAT AND PROVISION MARKET.

The attention of the Department of Agriculture is called to the fact that within the past month two corporations have been formed ln the State of Oregon for the purpose of slaughtering horses and selling Uie meat obtained therefrom for human consumption. The business, of course, la a legitimate one, particularly In view of the fact that It is the intention of the pro-motors to kill none but young horses. The Industry should, however, come under the Jurisdiction of the department, and as the present government inspection laws have no provision authorising' supervision by Mr. Morton's Inspectors, we think ths matter calls for prompt attention, so that the public will not be deceived ln this country as It was for years In France, where horse flesh was for a long time consumed in the belief that it was ordinary beef. This Is a matter which concerns the meat and provision trades very much, and sis we understand large quantities of tinned horse are already on the market, and most likely In disguise, it is well for our readers to know that the article oan be distinguished from ordinary beef by this simple process: The meat Is thoroughly chopped up and boiled for 30 to 60 minutes In four times its weight of water.

The bouillon thus obtained has added to It. after cooling, 5 per cent, of commercial nitric acid, and It Is then filtered through paper. A few cubic centimetres of the filtered product are poured Into a test tube, and a few drops of Iodized water (saturated while hot) are allowed to flow down the sides of the tube. With the horse bouiljon there is formed a violet -red-brown ring which Is not developed In veal. beef, mutton, pork or chicken bouillon.

The hot saturated solution of Iodine may be advantageously replaced by dram's solution, which yields a more pronounced coloration. The "new food" will no doubt first find Its way Into the cheap restaurants, and any of these which offer a four-course dinner with wine and Ice cream, with the "piece de resistance" chalked up as "prime beef." and a ticket for the theater thrown In, and all for 10 cents, can reasonably be suspected of having a quiescent hind op fore quarter of a bucking broncho around the larder somewhere. While young horses can be had almost for the catching It goes without saying that the stuff will be sold pretty cheap. National OHIO FOR kiAlet. Youngstown, June S.

Judge Lewis King, who has the confidence of the For-aker people ln this State, said last night that the delegation to the National Republican Convention would be solid for McKinley for the Presidency. He says there Is no quarrel between McKinley and Foraker. VI-- Int all tm 4 M.t v. till. vm iuq i.

uusuiUI style. Grant "the" Printer, Main St. Municipal Patches Are Progressing Finely. MORE HONEY IS NEEDED Extension of the dood Work Pre vented Only by Lack of Funds. WHAT MR.

5TEVENS SAYS. Mayor Jewett's potato patches are all right. The early potatoes, of which few were planted, are above the ground and growing well. The planting of the late ones i still proceeding and those In charge of the work expect a good crop if nature will only consent to aid them with moisture. Rain is badly needed.

Mayor Jewett and Secretary W. vens Bay aJo that more money, $1,000, is absolutely necessary If a little C. Ste-at lebst the re mainder of the avaJlaDie land is be cultivated. While talking with Mr. Stevens, an Enquirer reporter was informed that the subscription had been already n-ixrly exhausted and that more monev was required to buy seed for and plow the 150 acres still left.

There art applicants still unsupplied with plots. It costs only $4.50 to plow and pivvlde seed for each plot of one-half and those who seni In. a $5 bill put one mere tamily on the list and give It a chance to provide against hunger next winter. Of all the money spent so far, '98 per cent, has been for sped and plowing and only 4 pet- cent, for incidentals and salaries. So it can be easily seen that there has been no extravagance.

In fact, everything has been conducted on the most economical basis. As Mayor Jewett says, Mr. Stevens, the able secretary, is the right man In the right place. A talk with him shows that he is enthusiastic and Is a hard worker. He told the Knquirer man that they had already 250 acres out of an available 400 acres planted, and mac mere -were 6uo people on the list of those who had been given plats.

About 600 mire, he said, had applied for planting space, but unless more money was promptly subscribed they could not be accommodated. There was land left and more to be gotten, but no money to go on with the work. Very few early potatoes, Mr. Stevens said, had been planted, but what had been were doing well, although they were later than usual on account of the spell of cold weather. -It was the idea to plant late potatoes which could not be harvested till October, so that the people would have the benefit of them for winter and not use them up during August and September.

With this object In view, they were, said Mr. Stevens, still planting and would not finish till the end of the present week. In the meantime, if more money came in more of the available land would be plowed, more seed would be purchased and part of the extra 600 'applicants would be pu't tc work. Mr. Stevens believes that most of them are deserving of assistance.

He says that they have not an Ainworthy person on the list. The promoters are constantly in touch with the Charity Organization Society and depend upon its reports to a great extent. One or two persons who were not deserving had crept In, but they had been discovered and dispossessed of their vIats. "All these people are willing and anxious to work." said Mr. Stevens.

"We have few Americans. -Most of those to whom we have sent cards have replied saying they were working now, thanking us for the proffered aid andx asking that we give the plats set aside for them to others more needy. 'Most of the people called out have promptly responded. The Irish and Germans have failed to appear in many cases, but the Polacks have come out almost to a man. "Talk about lazy, dirty Poles If you wish, but we don't find them so.

Most of them are deserving and willing to work. In fact, they are the best, the most docile and the most obedient workers we have. They come out with the best tools, baskets and other equipments and work like Trojans. When the men can't come, the women do. and often their husbands come and assist them after they get through work in the evening.

"Ln dealing with these peop'e we have been ably assisted by Frank Klnchowskl, the clever young Polish agent of the C. B. S. They obey him implicitly. While art this point let me say, too, that In Charles Michael, superintendent, we have a jewel.

He Is a hard worker, a practical man, and is always on the ground as soon as the laborers arrive in the morning. He and I are kept bu'sy. "A large number of the more thrifty onies are furnishing tbeir own small seeds and growing beans, peas, onions, tomatoes, cabbages, etc. GOOD FARM LAND. "I wish to say Just here that the greater portion of the land furnished us is as good farm land as the sun ever shone on.

As an example, we have out on the Abbott Road a large tract of land lying right beside that of a man who pays $15 per acre rent and still makes money. Of course, all the land Is not as goou this, but It Is all good enough to grow potatoes, and there is no reason why we should not have first-class crops if rain only comes. We have looked carefully after the land and the planting. Now we must leave the rest to nature and trust that she will be generous with us. "It's rain and money we now want.

We must do something to provide for the hundreds of people who are awaiting a chance to work. These people are willing and anxious to help themselves, and it will be too bad if they cannot be given an opportunity." Mr. Stevens exhibited to the reporter a large number of letters of application. Many of them were pathetic and others showed a degree of unselfishness surprising in Polacks. One little girl wrote: "Mother thanks you very much for the offer, but she Is 4 sick and cannot work.

Please give our plat to some other poor person." Some of the letters, too, are from people of evident education and they all express gratitude for the chance afforded them of doing something to help themselves. Mr. Stevens tia established a system of bookkeeping and oard checks by which he can keep tab on all hoe who have plats 5i aside for them, aiid If any are faund Who are not worthy or who fall to work and cuKivat? their land property, they will be promptly An tnvKatkm is extendd to -Who wish to see how the people Wtfrk to go out to the Abbot Road Farm next Wednesday nromtag. There they will see 160 busy planters a work. TH PAST guarantees the future.

It ia not what we say, bat what Hood's Santepanlla does, that tells the story. Remeotber 'clock. Delawara Avenue M. meeting' Young Men's o'clock. Peyple'a Dime ililaeum, Chtffch Annual Association, 8 SerVca Street Andrew J.

Seymour clairvoyaet, and varieties, open Until 1(30 o'olockv; THE BOHEMIAN. In A City that bH be namels and In a time not far past a -young off: an of fashion who alms to bevery swacr had her brown balr bleached It was pone In "Sew York, and done wgll, and Wen she returned to her home her kfiisfolk were amazed at the brlglrt yellow iT her tresses. A woman of sone import nee gjave a reception shortly after the of the bleached one and invited her? She came, but it so happened the jiiostess had hired a hand-organ 'jnan to tfjind out tunes in the parlor land wheij the young woman with the bleached hfelr was announced he, oblivions of lis yappropriate-neas. struck up that! good ol? music hall tune, "And Her OoldSn Hair "as Hanging Down Her Back." Inntanily tie girl halted, and blushed so deeply andltlably that the laughing guestsjjj were cJ strained to stop the organ. Th golden-fcilred young woman turned and lft the hfise.

To tie hostess she is now srn iceberg for all the recognition she gives her. Tfts.t tune was played with malice aljprethougfe, she avers, and will brook no contradiction. She still gets the laugh from! those w8o know the story. fj jj A young woman, rpt long i resident of Buffalo, who makes ji great showing with handsome turn-outs and a greater showing at balls and receptions, cheated a sensation in a Main Street store ft short time ago by asking for ahirt-walsj and then calmly disrobing to try them She unbuttoned her gown Jnd atoo before the amazed merchant In painty fishings that revealed a figure fine nough fr living pictures. The storekeeper lacked the nerve to (It on the waists under thee conditions and called in his dressmaker.

8 If On Decoration DayCand on turday last people who traversed the lenih of Tenth Street observed, flyln from aSmddeat cottage, a largj green ensign, thi' flag of Ire land. The owner of ikhe cottii and also of the flas is Mr. M.KFalvey. iftlreil furniture merchant. Twentv-nine yrs ago last Saturday, that flaa was carriedjat the head of the FfTilan Army, which crossed the river into Canada, aifd Mr.

Fafvey carried it. On every holiday, and especially on June 1, Mr. Falvey lfolsts thisjeneign. He says it Is a shame tiat the limited States ever interfered withtthe Fenirtn raid and declares that the Canicks woul4 have been driven to the North ifple and all of Canada captured in five weely. beiTi let alone.

if the Fenians had Did the members oft the Bohemian Sketch C.ub have a good tme at tIr our ing? Just ask any one of hem whojwent along and enjoyed Mr. Marshall's hospitality. The boys apparently felt llif a lot of young colts just turfled out grass and rolled and tumbled and kiSked around in huge Enjoyment, jflvery onetoo, seemed to want to makejU a Mr. Marshall 13 king of Shaver and raised no objection the made thi "wellikln" ring with a will. I No cne who remehjbered anyiing about base ball was allowed -to play lii the great game between the HotchkLss ffelelera and the Marshall Muckajnucks, which was a feature of the fternoon's Jport.

It was Immediately' after a terrific slide to second base that the after jor.lon of Mr. CauUtlns' trcuseloons looked as; If a bulldog had had twqj grand chgVices at It and taken boih. Tlffe Spielers fsot wiped oft the earth and nqlone trouble to find the correct Siore. Then Sweden and Scotland hfel a great old "wrastling" math; Sweden won in 17 consecutive falls. O'Brien and Kelly also entereclithe arena and O'Brien got ft injthe neck.

After refreshments hiaA been efrved there were speeches and recitations an the like, in which L. G. Seated "Cortisln Ben" Folsom, Charles O. Oeoe Hager, E. R.

Lawrence, Frei Wren, HeiMy Altman and others took parti, As the shades of pwillght deepened and he moon rose o'er tee river, thi aggregation adjourned to tfje lawn ani veranda and sang ia the mciyy pHnk-pIufjk of Stevens' banjorine for te rest of evening, and on the boat golrr up and oii board of the street car, of Thlch they tpok complete possession. Th outing wasvoted the most joyful occasion that ever jjhappened to the Bohemian Sketch Club. I Mr. Marshall was thanked foi hit hospitality In this fashion: Solo What'a the nwer with harles D. Miarshall? tj Chorus-of 80 He's ill right! Solo Who' a all rigjjt? I i Chorus of 80-CHAJLES D.

MAST HALL! John Kernell has sme queer liks about business. When he Received a cj jllect telegram Saturday fron a New Yoic variety 'manager, aylng: fail to on hand Monday night," he Jwird back "If you can't pay for yours messages, jeou can't pay me. Go to fj" After sending that he made arrangements for going a Europe Wednesday. TROI L.Y CAfi 5HAKEuP. raS3cRS IN-JUID BY THE! CAR JVFPNG THE TigVCK.

Syracuse, June 3. A trolley ctf full of pleasure-seekers on their way Onondaga Lake jumped tracks a'ld rolled down an embankmeip at 11 o'clock yesterday morntn. Out 20 passengegs only 5 escaped withoutinjury. iThe cartas running at a high rate tpt speed. going down the embankment tore loose irom the trucks and turned Completely ovsr, landing- on its roof in puddle, of witer two feet deep.

That no was killed, is llttfe short of miraculous. A broken collar bone, a broken leg, a arm, internal Injuries and cuts and abaslons were i'jutalned by about five of the Bassengers. "two boys, were Hdlng oi th sld nktiormi, yrtte thrown into theij shallow rmtar. tout were ru4 by a jK.i(eemau. Regular 75c and $1 Garments.

You Can Prove It. NIGHT GOWNS. SKIRTS. CORSET COVERS, CHEMISES, DRAWERS. These really Cne rarments are made are cut in all the favorite styles and exquisitely trimmed ith lares arid embroil- from the best nrislin and cambrics, and worth and eries.

Some ot them are ribtxm-orawn. ineijns na smrw come wur distinct styles, and the Corset Covers, Chemises and Drawers, rach in six styles. likewise a lot of Short "Night Gowns, One line of Night Cowns at 3Sc Regular price, 50c each. On the 75c Table NIGHT GOWNS, SKIRTS. CORSET COVERS, CHEMISES, DRAWERS.

Some English Xainsook Gar-raents in This LotL At this price ladies will find four styles each of Gowns, Corset Covers, Chemises and Drawers, and three styles of SkfrU. The muslins and cambrics, the laces and embroideries, the general quality of the work and the perfection of the finish all stamp these as underwear worth nearly twice as much as the special price (75c jct garment) which gives one the choice of the table. On the $1.00 Table NIGHT GOWNS. SKIRTS, Yon CORSET COVERS, CHEMISES, DRAWERS. new before saw snch a Splendid Dollars Worth.

Variety first 6 styles each of Gowm, Drawers, Corset Coven and Long Chemises or Short Chemises. 4 styles of Skirts, fine textiles rich trimmings exquisite finish marvelous value. BESIDE THE RIVER. We sat beside the river, she and One evening in the sunset's golden glow, And as the sparkling waters rippled by We made our vows for future weal or woe. I asked her Why is it the blushes red From your fair cheeks do never disappear 14 Why don't you know replied this little maid, Each day I drink a bottle of BECK'S BEER.

FINER LINGERIE. We shall likewise place on special tables for this event a considerable quantity of high-grade Crxlerwear such garments that sell regulirb for and upward to $10 and the new price attached thereto will range from upward to $6. The variety is so great that no description can cover the range of styles. THE ENQUIRER IS THE BEST.

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