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The Buffalo Enquirer from Buffalo, New York • 6

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 ENQUTREI? ATtJllbAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1804 THE BUFFALO i IN KING'S COURT. BARRED BY TIME, alleged cause of action Is barred by the statute of limitation, therefore the' complaint of the plaintiff, Edward R. Harrington, must be dismissed with costs." In 1870 Edmund It. Harrington upon the same grounds as are alleged In the above action just terminated, attempted to dls- l'1' MEDICINE Want -11 Kind, The End of a Sensational I -Case Against E. G.

r-v. I I k. I k. I TUE OLD RELIABLE SPKCI ALLsTT, I HIN INj SKILL ASOSlCCESiAU I PBIYATE, KERYOUS AHD CHROHIC DISEASES, aid thcso who suffer fmra the effr' of Orerwork. the Follies of Tenth.

Exce-ses. Unnatural Drains. Nigh: Jes. harvous Debl Ity. L.l Energy, exiohi Weak ie or I mpo Yean Kprlrnc has proven that Dr.

Unn' Celebrated Melbnd of Treatment c-n be depended upon with abolt oertainlty to effeet a ptrfertunt permanent cur. nsultMn fn-o un eor Hdential. Thone unable to call should PI rn. nnMUoti Uit iud Book, A frirndlr letter ornallwdt fieie and direel you to he.ilih. en 1 you can rely npoo belntf honorably 333 MAIN, cor.

North Division St, DurrALU, N. Y. It WEAK, NERVOUS MEN No matter bow complicated your dlaeaw or who has failed focure you, call or write for Free re' coulinuoua practice. Consultation free and eonfldeuuai. lprmte room for eacn peueuw PERFECT MANHOOD RESTORED.

Private. Nervous and Chronic Diseases, eif Abate, Weekoeee from peat errors, tf Exeesaes of later years, positively and permanently cured. HEWLIN MEDICAL AS5 MAIN Buffalo, N.Y.. Over Metropolitan Bank. and successlttlly treated.

RESTORED: Seeds." woDdrf tee tm iiWfil Vomorr. le. Hr.ii rewtr, ralr. Ie Mefcel. Kl(kU Drruit.

1-mrU. ero. K.rt.u..M, power In of eltaer aex caosed 7eatk.r0! rrnn, ezeeeie ee cf tokJW opium lead to innrnmr. wompuoa iihiuf. or uior 0-9.

w-v faan.leUanriTrau4 the ey. Kur aale by for a1 acrri no other. IKCd-AR IKSH. MEFD htm-'c 1 hi-7. PLEASANT FEATURE.

1 We bare a good raon for that It would par you te ae us b'fre bermg Srf-tit-ie- tt slM lbfM. i. JJAKT TU il TO iT TOC and cha'ge en more ibaa the ame que It woul I reet wbere radr-made. Uur mth'J tf entire FOX CO, i J. W.

Jarvie, Maaagev. 41 Mala bt rirn i.cii uxx. Geome Merchant Tailor, 17 COUHT ST: SA.HPLE BOOH. AL. BAliTZlIOI.p, Ka.


gfft 3. Sealed pr.pola far work aod au(pllaa at art forth below, wilt be received at tne efflce of this Itootn i t. Oty and County iIatl. un.Ul 'cloct( A. 14-, October vth.

lf4. No proposal wUl be alJered unless It be accvtnpaoied by a eeruSed chtca pay able to the order of the lioard U'orka. In the amount specified below fr each separate propoaL or bf txn conform In to such bonl te be fifty per cent, of the sum named tn the proposal. Plans and speclQcattons and estimate of QuantlUee can be seen, and prltxed forma of proposals, spedflfailocs and Instructioa to bidders. aaJ any desired Information, can be bad on aruetln at the 13 urea of Enfineerlrif; On and after this date.

This Department reserves the rLsht to reject any and all bIJa. i A separate prcpoaal must be made for the work and supplies Included la each desetip-tlve paragTaph followine; i For pavlnc Oelavan Avenue forty feet wide, from the easterly curb line cf Bailey to the VHf Un. wlttk (enutnc Trinidad asphalt pavement. In accordance with the pHitkn pr ird to the Common Council Novemter cnh, lt-a; ai3 tor pavlnc the above with the foJowtnr matetials: German rock ephalt, liltumln out rock, lledlna amwi block stone aaJ licit In cc rJinrt with pajs and apeclncationa on file ta the office the Bureau of Check IUXM. For pavlnc Ralph Alley, between Burton Alley and Virginia Street, with aeoem J-rlaas M1lna sandstone, accortlance with the petition preiaerited to the i Cemmoo Council April XfH.

also for lavtnj the above with the followin materials: Oer-man rock asphalt. Trinidad asphe-t. Ull-umlnous rock and brick pavemmta. In ao. cordaoce alth plans and apect flea lions oa file In the office of the bureau of Enf1 neerlna.

I Check tlOO. I For pavineT Inwoo-l Place thirty OP) feet wide, from the easterly curb line of Windsor Avenue to the westerly curb line of Delaware Avenue, with Kenulne Trtnliad aaphalt pavement. In acconlance with the petition prewented in Common Council May ZtLh. leeH; aiao pavtar the above with the following materials: Gmn rod! as- halt. IiltumJnou rock.

Medina dreaaevi lock stone and brick pavement, in ac- cordance with plane and specifications oa file In the office of the Bureau cf Engineerings. Check J.O. For surfacing- Eagle Street forty feet wide, from the westerly cwrte line of Pearl ftreet to the noribeaateriy curb line of Niagara Street, over the present woe pavement, with asphalt. In accordance wim plana and spectflcatioos on Re In the office of the Bureau of Kngtaeertng. and In accordance with notice of latentka by the Common Cuuncli Ju.y iJ-J, lot.

Check For pavimr Eer Avenue thirty feet wlJe. from the eaateriy curb line of Tona wanda Sireet to the westerly curn line of Sklllen Street, wlt Trinidad asphalt pavement, in accordance with the Klltioa pretesiei to in Lominoo pt ember Sth. 1U; 1 paving the above with the 1 1 Inc tnaleriala" German rock aaphalt. ltltunUnu rock. Medina dreeaed block stone and brsck pavementa.

tn accordance with Plans and rpeclfioeuoc.e on file In the cC.ce the Bureau of Enrt- oeenng. Check C. For pavtnc Ooemble Avenue twenty-six CM) feet wide, from 10 northerly euro UM of Waiden Avenue to a pKUnt twelve hundred and ty OK' fl orthrty. with genuine Trinidad asphalt pavement, in accordance wlte the n-Ui cf intenUfa aaoptel by the CVmroon council ju.y 14. also for pevicg the above with Vfee followinc mater ia; German esehait.

BltumifMua rock, McCiaa onew-j uoca tune 1 t.rick jrcv Ith plans and epevi ca ton on fie la the office cf the Bureau EEC-meertnf. Check For paving Kehr Rtrwrt forty feet wide, from tne wjuiherly curb line of lrt Sireet to the southerly ruro utv oc iwry Street, with iwuct TnmlM Uytbi pave- m.nt exceot the crc new paved ordered peved before the prewenxauon the petit ton. and the etce to be occupied br I be tracks of the 1 Hallway Coea- cany. In accordance with tbe pertUun pre sented to the Conooa March h. l4' aleo for tvtag tne atew witn cue followinc materials: Oermaa rock apait.

Bituminous rock, Medina dreoaed btck stone and brick pavements, la accordance with plane an i peclncaiioae on ate Ia the office of the Bereau of Check tl.uu3. for ravinr Sklllen Btret twnty-i CX feet wide, from the northerly curb line tf Ontario Sireet to the aouibeetr curb lino of ell Street, with genutae Trtnida.1 epfcalt pavement, escept tee croaetnge wow or ordered paved before the rre-mia-tlon of petition, in accordance with tne etltUa presented to tr-e Common Council gVptember Utb. ld; a-o for pa via the above with the following- materials: German reck a re halt. Bltuminfes rock. Vdlav if block atone and brtck pavement a.

In acoardance witn piana and -epednewt lone on flie tn ebe office of the Bureau of ieck St 000. For paving- Carmine Place thirty CKTi feet wide, rrom the northerly euro line of Bird avenue to the southerly eiirti line of For-Lj Avenue, with the German Bock Ae- aalt ad Cement CowK-any'a tUmlted) renulne Trinidad aephalt pavement, la accordance with the petition presented to the Cocemea Ceunal hi arch Sth. lw-t; als for MrlDf the above with the following mater-2ia: German rock Bituralneue ipek. Medina dreaoed bknrk sto and brick pnvemeeta, tn accordanoe with plan an eeelficaticBS on file la the office of tb bureau of Check e- R.

Q. PARSOKa 2-a-3-od Becretary l. p. A JS' Raft of Warrants Was Da-' fnanded For Alt Sorts of Offenses. ROCHESTER MAN SENT DOWN How Matte Smith lof Clinton Street Took and Disregarded the Pledge.

CHARGED GRAND LARCENY. There was a rush for warrants King' eourt thle morning. Everyone seems have on hi fighting clothes mra weather. for1 assaults, non-sup port, petit larceny, defrauding hotel keep ers and In fact warrants of every kind were asked for and given. After ail had satisfied line.

Matie Smith of No, 128 Clinton Street was led up to the Judge. She was charged with She was trembllnir and weep ing ae her love for the cup that Inebriates. "Will you fake the pledge. Matler asked the Judge. I'll take any thing you say," answered Matie.

All right, swear off." said the Judge, and she swore; Then she ran out of court and dowa Franklin Street to the nearest saloon. Michael' Cassldy, you are charged with attempting, last nisht, to burglarize the house of Cornelius O'Brien at No. 62 Ohio Street. Are you guilty?" No, JUdee, I am not. I am all right.

I have only been up here once before and that was two "years ago." sale Cassldy. "Vi'ell, what do you want to dor "I'll plead not guilty and waive examin answered the prisoner. Held tot' the Grand Jury. Hurry up with anothet eald the Judge. William Kldd, a baker at the corner of Vermont and Thirteenth streets, was the next "victim: He was charged with strik ing dnd kicking I.

D. Crandall, a young man--who was drunk. Crandall toad been induced td drink by- an old man and then went with him to his room. Kldd got angry and struck Crandall, knocking him down. -He then kicked him In the ribs Kldd strenuously denied the assault and had -two- ffomen to Swear in his behalf.

But one. of them did him no good. Witnesses were also on hand on behalf of the prosecution and proved the case. "It watf a cowardly act," said the Judge, and I am going to line you. Uo over there and pay a fine of $10." The1 next prisoner Was an old man, 67 years of 'age.

He up to the Judge and pleaded guilty to stealing" a pair of shoes from Solomon Ooh en. 'I was Barefoot, Judge." said the old man. That why I took tne snoes." "Where are you from?" "Rochester," said" the culprit. "And late Of. Erie County Penitentiary," suggested the Judge, The old man admitted having Just got out of the pen.

1 11 have to send down for another 30 days, said Judge King. Now, Adolph Delllng, it Is your turn said Con. Lyons. Delllng was charged with grand lareeny. It was stated that he appropriated to his own use $100 belong ing to Charles Frankel, liquor dealer.

He pleaded not guilty, was unable to satisfy the Judge that his plea was the proper one and was held for the Grand Jury, BALLINGTON BOOTH. COMMANDER OF THE SALVATION ARMY COMING TO BUFFALO. The Salvationists bf Buffalo are preparing for a very active fall ahd winter campaign. In addition to the six stations already in operation la the two new ones are to be opened during the next few days. The brick church at No.

S78 Oak Street, near Genesee, ha been secured by the army, and Capt. and Mrs, Martin will begin their work there at 8 o'clock tonight. The. second new station will be located at No. 864 Prospect Avenue, near Hampshire Street, in the building formerly known as the -Prospect Avenue Tabernacle, where CapU'Wesner and Lieut.

Wilson will conduct their first meetings Sunday, at and 8 It is also announced that Commander Balllhgton Booth-of New York city. c- comt-ihled hy the Victory Brigade, a d-tatchment of singers and Instrumentalists, will conduct two services in Concert Hall, on Thunday, 27. at and 7:46 P. M. The public5 is Invited to all thee meetings.

Mr. Booth will speak concerning the work of the artny la this 'city during the winter. SUMMER HOiTEL. BURNED! Atlantic N. Sept.

,22. The Grand View Hotel owned by Morton So Obemaeier, wae burned this morntngr. Night Watchman John escaped In his nljrtat clothing. '-The only other occupants were Watchmaa Hugh- McConnell and his wife and child. They had narrow escapes.

Lots Insurance JW.00O. i i i i STRllCE LKADER NOMINATED. Woodland, Cal Sept. 22. Harry Knox, leader ef the late strike, who Is charged with complicity in train wrecking at Sacra mento and is now out on ball, has been unanimously nominated for Sheriff of Yolo County by the People" party county cn ventton.


Chicago Limited leaves Buffalo at 8.00 A. -arrives new lorn. Grand Central Station, e.30 P.M. Bos ton 9.05 P. M.

every day In the year, only 19 hours and half to New York and Li hours to Boston. All parlor cars. Well equipped Try it. 20t2J catholic cos ORICSB LUVISV ILLE, SEI'T. 4 Committee on transportation has selected the Lake Shore, Big Four and Louisville Mo Nashville railways as the omdal route.

Fare for the round trip from Buffalo. $15.75. Tickets oh sale at 21 Exchange Street and Exchange Street Station, Sept. 23 to In clusive; good returning until Oct. 1.

17t22 WAXIEIi Fifty boy, not under 16 years of age; ean earn from to xs per wee, rrom 13 to I P. Enquire this office. For sallow skin and all other conditions resulting from constipation, go by the book on Beecham's pills. Book; free, pills 25c At drugstores or write to Allen Co, 365 Canal st, New York. posses and eject the Erie County Savings Bank from its building at the corner of Court and Main streets.

This complaint was dismissed by the trial judge, the de cision affirmed by the General Term and finally upheld by tbg Court of Appeals, the later court holding that any claim to possession which JSdmund it. might have to the lands through. a breach trust, mismanagement or misapplica tion on the part of E. G. Spaulding or Edward L.

Stevenson must be settled by action to and recover against the trustees named. J. Campbell Hutbell was- the attorney for the plaintiff and Spencer Clinton for the defendants. WRONGED MR. KNEPPER.

HEALTH DEPARTMENT WITHDRAWS THE WARRANT AGAINST HIM. The Health Department finds that It wronged the firm cf J. H. Knepper Son. plumbers, by causing the arrest of the senior member of the firm for an alleged violation of its rules.

It seems that this firm was called upon to repair a ewer at home of H. Drrntfre. No. 154 Broad way. They found a wooden sewer beyond repair.

Mr. Dornte hud a tile sewer put at their but refused to let house fixtures be either trappen or vented. When the Health Department in spector looked over the work ne s.w trat had not been done roperly ana swore out a warrant to- Mr. Knepper. un learn ing the facts of the case the warrant was withdrawn.

Mr. Dorntge will allow the traps to be put In now. FUNK DISCHARGED. Ha Was Arrestad. But Coroner Ransom Decided That OlHe McKone Su.cided.

George- Funk, the man. who lived with Ollfe McKone, the young girl who com mitted suicide yesterday at No. 159 South Division Street, was arrested last by Detectives Donovan and Quinn. He was found at his home on North Street. He was taken to Headquarters, where he spent the night.

He told 'the officers that went to the room yesterday shortly before noon, and found the girl in a dying con dition. He notlned the women of the house of her condition and stayed with her until she died. He said he sent the telegram to the girl parents, and then went to see a prominent city official. This official advised him to stay away from the room. Acting on this advice, he went to his name Instead of going back to the room.

He told the detectives that he went with the girl to Stod- dart's drug- store about two weeks ago. when she purchased some morphine. He refused to say anything about taking the girl from Rochester. A few minutes after 11 evock. Coroner Ransom went to Police Headquarters and told the Superintendent that he was satis fied it was a case of suicide.

mother Identified the note found in the girl's trunk as being in the handwriting of her daugh ter. The note intimated an intention of committing suicide, and as there was no evidence of Funk being in any way im plicated, he was discharged from custody. THREE BURGLARIES. THIEVES TAKE EVERYTHING FROM PRESERVES TO OVERCOATS. Burglars continue to work industriously The police have done good work in cap turing burglars and thieves, but It seems the places of those who are sent out of the way are immediately filled by others.

Last night the cellar of Dr. Potter, 'No. 751 Fillmore Avenue, was entered and 15 cans of preserves were stolen. No clue, The midnight prowlers also paid a visit to Allen NlcoU's at No. 270 Fillmore.

Here thev trained entrance by forcing a rear window. They left with one silver watch. one filled watch, two pair of shoes, $10 in money and some clothes. The third place reported as having been burglarized was the office of Stewart lumber dealers, at No. 128 -Church Street.

The thieves here were satisfied with two old overcoats. THE GREAT STALLION ARION SHIPPED TO BOSTON TO COM PETE IN THE RACE. Terre Haute, Sept. 22.ArIon, 2:07 8-4, has been shipped by Budd Doble to Boston where the stallion is entered to start in the coming great stallion race with Direc tum, Nelson, Moquette and others. Kremlin.

2:07 3-4. will not start in this stake, having been drawn. SCHEME TO PAY TEACHERS EARLY. Comptroller Gavin, has resolved to do away with tlfe crowding of his office, which occurs whenever the school teachers apply for the warrants for their salaries. His scheme is to 'send the warrants to the schools.

Yesterday he sent warrants to JO schools, and on the next pay day these teachers will have to come to the hall and -warrants will be sent to the others. PRINT CLOTH STATEMENT. Fall River. Sept 22. Following Ts the Drlnt cloth statement fo the week: Pro duction.

10,000: deliveries, 62.000; stock, COO; sales, 32, 000; spots. market firm; price 2 15-16 cents for 64 and 64.. FIGHT ON A BOAT. Medina. Sept.

22. Capt. Fred. Nichols and Steersman William Carey of stone boat Lena Edith, from Buffalo, had a quarrel yesterday, which ended In the latter hav ing his Jaw broken. Carey insulted Nichols, who turned and struck him in the jaw.

knocking him overboard. Nichols was arrested and Is now out on bail. UO TOV KAttJT That the loVest rates to all points West are obtained via the Nickel Plate Road? The shortest line Between tsulTalo and Chi cago. Palace Buffet sleeping cars; fast trains inquire ui ncarrsi ucKet agent or address F. J.

Moore 23 Exchange Street, Buffalo, N. I. uiep30-w-8 1 flOO-MEirjLItD-tlOO. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn- that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that ts Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the fraternity.

Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constituticnal treatment. Hall'e Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood ana mucous surfaces or tne system, inereoy destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by buildrng up the constituti-n and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimor-laLs. Address, F.

J. CHENEY Toitao, o. to OPEI.Iondij, Wednesday, ud Fridij ETenings from T.15 to 9.15. Thxve Tsro Tn Weeks Kerh. ectasias; TbJs Week.

A OOOD CHASCB for eoersetie Youne Mea lail'n to Imerjf their edecalion eo-t prepare for better perlng positions and more rapid advancement t) horthaed. BuUnes. end oelWh courses that ere up-to-date, tklllod teachers rive close personal attention te eTrr pupil anl secure rapid pmc-re. It pevs to get the UaT. freed (or catalogue to ISRY.0T STIUIIOL 51 Mala Street.

Corner Lafayette Park. PREPARATORY SCHOOL IU JERSET 8TREKT. Ia (UetenWr, UB4 tbe 4rird h-trwrtoe mlauce Careeil ierMtr iii e(e iot' lrrawry StM i Bef ie. Lmiy ta Wat lrmjd Utclm ill be mtari. eed so pim vul awed tborvexkly ie pret by tee OvWr bitituuciMna vsbMi.

ee fail DertMelmr ederee I ft. timiTl, VA laa Stan SI, Kkea, BUFFALO LAW SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF LAW OF THE UNIVERSITY OP BUFFALO, Una. Oar'a. Dmail. LL.

Dni, Win twlwr 34. Mo. liratOM a llamcbir treiame- tmatractwe by 71 U4ic Jaii( u4 levyen la Ui ibtory sad uce 'a etrv luW uloruuog 4drM ctH.15ti TOWS3ESD. Beertry-41-U HklU Bul4ie, buSalo. V.

ELECTRICITY Biffalo Electric aia ScWeL tay and KtdIox Oass ia Eietrlclty. MatbemaUes. Or a ting. Jbte, Call and ob-taLo information. G.

BARNES, 609 Main St. Thornton Chester's "BEST" Patent Holler FLOUR "GLOBE MILLS" MAKES Bread and Better Thin uj other Flour la ths IirieL Our Flour can bo had at mill PRICES, of any first-ciaas dealer tn the city. Thornton Chester, 7 Board of Trade Buffalo, N.Y. KotebUahed IMS by Loreas GUU-. GILLIG BROS, Importers ai dUrt rt Wines, Whiskies.

Brandies, GINS, CORDIALS, ETC. EIBXCT IMPOBTZK3 Of Hungarian Wines FOE MEDICIIAL FURP0SE1 273 WASHINGTON Buffalo, N. Y. TelepKome teaeta 147. The Niagara Hotel, Corner Portee Avenue aad SeTenta BL Contains nearlr 1 lr.

elU ra a ed room a. ian(lr ea suite. Cool aee peaa. tpi ia summer, warm ui eomerasaie la winter Locate In tae faaeAsrtabJe reel- deece portion of the city. ieadreble far em 111, teurtsia and boswieea metwKo oiee.

duet or smoke. TW an eoretce onsurpaaeed. Exuie vry of rare ezoUca. Tranalent re We tit to S5 ee per day. Bpetal montbir rates to rajnuica.


Father TimeTurns His Class on Edmund Harrington's. Charges. WERE TRUST FUNDS DISSIPATED? Harrington's' Claim For $1,000,000 Turned Down by the Statute of Limitations. ECHOES FROM "GOOD OLD TIMES Judge Green handed down his decision this morning in a case of especial Interest to local antiquarians, for -the de fendants is the best knovn old resident of Erie County. E.

G. Spaulding. and the other defendant was Edward L. Stevenson, an octogenarian contemporary- of Mr. Spaulding, but now deceased, while the plaintiff Is Edmund R.

Harrington, de scendant of Mr. Isaac Harrington, who owned the Eagle Tavern 1st at the southwest corner of Main and Court streets, and in 1840 was counted one of the richest men In this section of the State, but who met 'With disaster In 1817. The-' action was -brought by Edmund H. Harrington against James M. Smith and Charles D.

Marshall as the surviving executors of the estate, of the late Edmund L. Stevenson, and Elbridge G. Spaulding, Reduced to figures the plaintiff's claim is for upwards of $1,000,000. Mr. Edmund R.

Harrington recites that Isaac H. Harrington, the grantor -of the lands In Question was well seized in fee simple of this property which is now of great value. That on Nov. 9. 1817.

Isaac R. Harrington and his wife delivered to Elbridge G. spaulding and Edward 1. Stevenson a trust deed for this property, to hold in trust, tUl certain debts were paid from the proceeds, rentals, etc. Then the ''land was to be returned to the heirs and assigns of Isaac R.

Isaac R. Harrington died In 1S51 and his will wag admitted to probate by Judge Peter M. Vosburg, the Surrogate In those days, and the heirs of the deceased were Amanda, the widow, Charles L. and Donald U. Harrington, sons; Jjili-k ette E.

Harrington, daughter, and the vplalntlff in this action. Edmund R. Har ringtan. i Juliette Harrington, married to Robert Pftase, lias since died, leaving William Pease, Marlon Pease, now. the tvife of E.

T. Appleby, and Kate Pease, now Mrs. H. Hftbbard. Edmand R.

'Harrington alleges that Stevenson and Spaulding, the trustees of his father's land, have mismanaged, and mls-. applied the proceeds thereof, and have to give a proper accounting of the same. The land is described on the map of Joseph Ellicatt as being bbunded by Main Street, northerly by Court Street, westerly by Pearl, and southerly by inner lot No. 48 (the northern boundry of the American Block). SERIOUS CHARGES.

Quoting from Mr. Harrington's affidavit: "These defendants, E. Spaulding and Ed. L. Stevenson, have nor either of them, well and faithfully dischargsd their trusts, and although they have received large suras of money at different arising out of Isaac R.

Harrington's funds, and property, and the income thereof, which they have so received trust, they have not paid over nor accounted for the same. "And I charge that the said trustees, E. G. Spauldlns and Ed. L.

Stevenson, have dissipated such property and disposed of the same in a manner contrary to the spirit and 'intent of the trust so created. "I further charge that the defendants, E. G. Spaulding and E. L.

have eold and disposed of the real estate described in this deed of trust and have failed to apply-the proceeds as provided by deed, and they have wholly failed to account far properfv and the rentals rollected from the land." Continuing, Mr. Harrington demands the sccounting so withheld and then proceeds: WILLFUL NEGLECT ALLEGED. "That the defendants, E. G. Spaulding and E.

L. Stevenson, be required to account not enly for all such moneys as they have -received, but also for such mrmeyr as without wJ.liul neylect and through omlsr sion of duty, might have been received by the defendants on account, of the said trust and paid over to the BARRED EY TIME: In defending themselves from the charges rolled up them by Mr. Harrington, Mr. bpauiding plead9 that he made. a.

full accounting to the widow of the late Isaac R. JHarrlngton in 18o3, and after squaring- accounts there was a balance of $170 due the widow, which he paid. He claims that this settled the matter in full and the ac counting-. so renaereo. was never For a further defense the-statute of limitations is pleaded as the cause of the action accrued over 10 years ago.

Judge in rendering hU decision. finds that Isaac R. Harrington, owning various parcels of property, bounded by -Main, Uourt and Pearl streets, encumbered by mortgages given to- moneyed corpora tions ana as to such mortgages the said Harrington claimed to have the defense that-they were given as security for mon eys loaned at various rates of interest: that the trust, deed given to Spaulding and Stevenson was to satisfy debt other than those to which the defense of usury was set up. the Judge finds as conculsions of fact that certain conveyances of these lands were made by the widow to George P. Stevenson, the brother of Edward L.

Stevenson in- 1852 and were then recenvey-ed by George to Edward. Also it. at the Eagle Tavern lot was sold by the widow-in 1852 for $19,000. Further In 1853 there was -an accounting by Messrs. E.

G-Spaulding and E. Stevenson to the -widow of Isaac Harrington, and which ac-" countine was never objected to until 1894. AH the above are conclusions of fact- HARRINGTON'S CASE IS LOST. As a conclusion of Jaw, Judge Green finds: "That as the rl-rht of action set up In the complaint accrued to- the-plaintiff 30 years before the commencement of this -tmn. and ai Messrs.

E-- G. Spaulding A Edwrxrd L. S-ievsnsoo plead tiat of an th in th it I LlfilJHGOD 'l nrrTunaillv-ivi, Iicatwta, atimuianta wuico UEFOEK l.M iiTEB for sale in Buffalo, N. by C. N.

Rlxr. OLDEST and ORIGINAL 9 1 431 MICniQAN STRIET, (Kear Clinton Street) eg uler graduate authorized by the Sta'e, and conceded to be the leading arid most auc-cosaful Specialist In BLOOD, NERVOUS and URINARY DIS- EASES. Nervous Debility With ita many Gloomy Symptoms Cared. Lost Vitality Perfectly and permanently Syphilis Cured for Life 'Without Mercery. Urinary Diseases Quickly Relieved and Thoroughly Cured.

Aki Dr. VTarren Invariably sue- ssful? Because be nviL-eo 1 I no roinltei til at be cannot fulfill. Avnid chean eure-alla nd unskilled ibyloians. and consult Dr. Warren in prson or tr Utter (giving symptomsi and reeie the candid opinion Of a pUsfMaii rf long experience, unqueo- tioned kill ana sterling lniegniy.

MKDICI.NKS frrrn my own laboratory fur nished lit small cost and shipped anywhere e-eure from observation. FREE 8S CONSULTATION. INARY ANALYSIS' Office hours-e to 10, 3 to 4. to Wilts for question list. No medical oompany.

-No medical Institute. Consult Dr. Warren in person. OFFICE and DISPEHSARY, 431 Michigan. Sireet, Buffalo, N.

Y. REVIVO RESTORES V'TAUTY. Made a wu.i. i-iMrz vcoiweii man IMhDay.f of Me. THE QRAT 30th.

produces the above remits tn'30 days. It arts powirfnlly and quickly. Cures wbes all other talL Youag men w.ll resuo their lost manhood, and old men will recover tbalr routlilal nsor by uing REVIVO. It quickly and surely mtores Merrou Defis. Lost Vitality, Im potency.

MgbtJy niaes, Lost Power, FalllDff Memory. Wutins DImihi. and ail e9rects of self -abase or excess and indiscretion, which nntlts one for study, baetnera or muTlaxa. It not only eures by startlni st the sat of diseaM. but lea great nerve tonic and blood bollder.

bring iDf back the pink glow to pale eherki and restoring the Are of troth. It ward off iDeaoity aad Cooramptln. Inalat ob htnni REVIVO. eo other. It can be carried, ia vest pocket.

By mall, 1.00 erpackjm.or mix tor eS.OO, with poei-tlvo written rurantee to ear or refund! the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICME Rlr 5U. CHICAGO, IU. For sale at BuftalCs N.

T. by Dambach A. No. SM Main Street aad No. 2W Seneca Street.

C. N. Rlggs. Iroquois Hotel Pharmacy. George N.

Stoddard. No. 1E Niagara Street. Oeorre No. 405 Genesee Street The Hat PROCLAIMS THE MAN I Don a New Fall Hat.

SEPTEMBER 1st. Knox. Miller, Gea. All Ready. KEEP IN THE VAN! THE GREAT FRENCH CURE Cures premptly additional treat-meet ail recent or chronic disorders of the urinary oricaaa' Ferre (successor to Brou).

Pharmatien. Paris. Sold by dru-BaLs tarouabuut tk United Btaxeev Dr. WARREN Ft Evil all ami loan of by oeriertton. an an.

a rica, wrilMa ell Omiritl.ti. At X1 fi F.KVr Drucr'at. and by T. M. Jobneon.

rrulat ERIE MEDICAL CO. A LL Diseases of the Skin, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Ner vous Debility, and all other Chronic Diseases are successfully treated by the Phy sicians and Surgeons at the ERIE MEDICAL OFFICES, 64 Niagara SL Personal calls and corre spondence invited. Consultation free; week days only. Office hours 9 a. m.

to 5.30 p. m. Closed Sundays. Garden Hose I will sell the balance of my stock of Garden Hose at 25 cer cent, discount lrora than Come maricea price. feet on hand, now it you want it.

Edward L. Cook, 199-201 PEARL ST. Telepheae Seneca S34. CLEARING SALE, TBI ENTIRE STOCK Harness, Saddles, Blankets, Robes, "Whips, of the old LYTLE STONE business. Most be sold within SIXTY DAYS to make room for new Goods and Fix tures.

ju il. uuiiaijouuij 3.0 Washington SL LPT0WN ST0RE-I14 as4 Ili2 Mala St TELE PH ON gnenecJ87. Tor rtret-ola Job at PLUMBING it Beuoukl Prloe. Call oe WIU1AM D. SMITH.

17 Tarrace, Bear Uala-SX. VMM ill Sold by rug gists, is (- 4v.

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