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The Daily Exchange from Baltimore, Maryland • 1

Baltimore, Maryland
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VOL. IV 515. BOARD OP TRADE. of Arbitration for the month of September. HENRY W.DRAKELY.


BROWNE. ffifratag anb Commercial BALTIMORE, October 19, 1859. There was some little movement to-day in Railroad shares, but in other Stocks there was very little done. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad continues to improve, and a further advance of of a dollar per share was established in it to-day. There were 265 shares sold as follows, viz 100 at buyer 30 days, 140 at regular way, and 25 at ss7in' buyer6o days, all ex-dividend.

closed at $57 bid, asked cash, for the opening. Of Northern Central Railway there were 200 shares sold at S2O seller 10 and 60 days, and 50 shares at buyer CO days, and the market for it closed at S2O bid, asked regular way, these figures being an advance of to on the closing figures of yesterday. We note also a sale of Baltimore City C's 1890 at and this with the sales of Railroad shares comprise all the transactions at the Board. Although there was nothing done Railroad bonds, they were steady at the previous rates. Baltimore and Ohio 1885's closed at 80 bid, asked, and Northern Central 1885 at bid, 67 asked.

Mining, stocks continue pretty firm. Guilford left off to-day at $2 bid, asked, and Gardner Hill at bid, asked regular way. In New York to-day most of the stocks on the list were higher. Erie advanced New York Central Cleveland and Toledo Michigan Southern Michigan Southern guaranteed Rock Island Harlem Canton and Missouri Reading sold at the first board at yesterday's closing price, but at the second it dropped off Galena and Chicago also declined and Virginia TIIE BALTIMORE STOCK BOARD. WEDNESDAY.

October J9.1859. Bait 6'u, old SOshs. B. kO. ..57 fiOshs.

N.C.R.K. 50 44 JW I 5 44 44 160 4 44 2 5 4 4 44 100 shs. B. O.RR. 25 44 44 I'RICES AND RALES OP HTOORH IN NEW YORK BY TELEGRAPH.

Through 11. 1,1 AM FISHER SON, Stock and Bill Brokers. 22 South street. Ist Board. 2d Board Virginia 6's oo Missouri f's 85 85 Illinois Central bonds 00 Canton Company 00 Erie Railroad New York Central Railroad Reading Railroad 38 Panama Railroad oo UO Cleveland and Toledo Railroad 00 Michigan Southern Railroad 00 Cumberland Coal 00 00 Harlem Railroad o0 Galena and 00 Michigan Southern, guaranteed 00 LaCrosse and Milwaukie Railroad 00 00 Hock Island Railroad on steady.

steady. The New York Tribune of yesterday says: The mail by the Cunard steamer is a moderate one, and in consequence of the variety of outside bills, an advance of por cnt. has been established on sterling. The range is The receipts of Cotton last week at all the ports were 375,000 hales, against 340,000 for the same week last year. Stock 319,000 bales.

The following is a comparative statement of the exports (exclusive of specie) from New York to foreign ports since January 1: 1857. 1858. 1859. For the week $2,132,124 $937,137 $1,480,092 Previously reported 53,481,187 48,578,783 61,047,443 Since January 1 55,610,311 49,515,920 52,527,651 BALTIMORE WEDNESDAY. October 19.

COFFF.E.—There is still an inquiry for Coffee, and the market for it continues quite firm. We have reported today a sale of 500 bags Rio at but we hear of no transactions in other descriptions. Coffee closes steady at the quotations, which arc as follows, viz: 11(0)11 cts. for medium to fair cts. for good for prime cts.

for Laguayra, and cts. for Java. The stock of Coffee here is bags. remark rather more inquiry for Flour today than there has been for some days past, and a somewhat better feeling in the market. Sales were reported on 'Change of 100 bbls.

Ohio, and 1.300 bbls. Howard Street Super, mostly choice brands at ar.d of 500 bbls. City Mills do. at $4 per bid. City Mills Super was however generally held at $5, and at the close there was no Howard Street or Ohio do.

tobehad under per bbl. There is but little inquiry for Flour and we hear of no sales being made to-day. We quote Ohio Extra at Howard Street do at and City Mills do. at $6 for regular shipping, and $6.75 per bbl. for fancy brands.

FAMILY Family Flourcontinues in good demand and very firm. Welch's is bringing $7.75. and we quote the Patapsco, Reservoir, Silver Spring, Ashland and Shenandoah brands at $7.25 per bbl. We quote Howard Street Family at $6 50 per bbl. RYE FLOUR AND CORN Flour is steady at $4.50 per but we hear of no sales of consequence.

For Corn Meal there is some inquirv aud we have reported sales of 2CO bbls. Baltimore at per bbl. We quote Brandywine at $4 per bbl. was in rather light supply this morning, the receipts amounting to only about 9.000 bushels, but the demand for it was active and the market very firm. Red sold at 115n 120 cts.

for good to prime, anil white at 120 cts. for ordinary, 127(qi131 cts. for fair, 134(w 140 cts. for good to prime, and one or two choice lots brought 145 cts. Of Corn there were about 8,000 bushels received.

Yellow was firm at.j-esterdav's rates, but white was rather lower. White sold at 91(a 93 and yellow At cts. per bushel. Rye was dull and rather lower this morning. We quote Maryland at 85(0)83 and Pennsylvania at 93(a95 cts.

There were some 450 bushels offered on 'Change but no sales were made. Oats continue in fair supply, the receiDts to-day reaching about 3,500 bushels. Maryland sold at and we quote Pennsylvania at cts. note a sale to-day at auction of 18 hhds. Porto Rico Molasses part tart, at 27 but there is nothing of consequence doing in Molasses by private contract.

We still quote tart Cuba at cts. and sweet do at 25(a 26 cts. for clayed, and 27(a)28 cts. for Muscovado; English Island at and New Orleans at 39(u)41 cts. per gallon.

are still quiet, and rather heavy. There is some retail demand for Bacon but there are no large lots selling. The sales to-day include some 40 to 50 hhds. Shoulders and Sides at cts. for the former, and cts.

for the latter, and about 700 pieces Hams at from to 13 cts. We quote Bulk Meat nominal at cts. for Shoulders, and cts. for Sides, but we hear of no sales. We have reported to-day sales of 80 bbls.

Mess Pork at $15.50, which is a decline of 25 cts. per and of 330 bbls. Prime do. at $11.25 per bbl. Rump Pork may be quoted at $11.50 per bbl.

Lard is steady at cts. in barrels and tierces, and in kegs, and we quote Beef at cts. for old and new Baltimore packed No. 1, and sl4(fiil7 per bbl. for do.

Mess. RICE is dull, but we still quote it as ranging froLi to cts. for fair to prime. Lemraon fc Brogden offered to-day. at auction, 149 hhds.

Porto Rico Sugar, 126 hhds. of which was sold at prices ranging from $6.35 to $7.45, the quality being common to good, but we hear of no sales being made by the brokers. Sugars close steady at the following rates, viz: for common to good refining Cuba and English Island; for grocers' styles Cuba; for fair to good Porto Rico and New Orleans; and for prime and choice do. are not advised of any transactions worth noting to-day in Feeds, but we quote Cloverseed as before at 50 for new, and Timothy do. at per bashel.

There is but little Cloverseed coming forward, and Timothy do. is scarce and much wanted. Flaxseed may be quoted to-day at 140(o 145 cts. Salt is firm with rather an upward tendency. Ground Alum is selling to-day at 90 and fine at 140 cts.

for Marshall's and Jeffrey 155 cts. per sack for Ashton's. We still quote Turks Island Salt at 17(alS cts. per bushel. is inactive and rather heavy.

We quote Pennsylvania at 28 City at and Ohio at cts. We have reported to-day sales of 100 bbls. City Whiskey at and 100 bbls. Ohio do. at 29 cts.

DOMESTIC MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Oct. Quercitron Bark there is very little doing, the stock is light, and the market firm at S2B for Ist No. X.

No change in Tanners' Bark. Floor and is very little export demand for Hour to-day, and the market is steady but very quiet at previous quotations, being the uniform asking rates for superfine, the latter for good straight brands, which are comparatively scarce. The trade are buying to a moderate extent only at from these rates up to $5 per bbl. for extras and fancy brands as to quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are scarce and very quiet, the former is selling in a small way at $4.25, and the latter at $3.75 per bbl.

for Pennsylvania Meai. much Wheat offering, but the demand is limited and prices the same. Sales include about 5,000 bushels, chiefly prime Delaware red at 1.25. and some small lots white at the latter for fair quality. Rye is steady with further sales of 600 bushels Pennsylvania at 90 and 700 do.

Delaware at 86 cts. Corn is dull, and about 7.000 bushels yellow have been disposed of at 91 cts. in store, and cts. afloat, chiefly at the latter rate for prime Delaware, Oats are in steady request, with sales of 2,500 bushels Delaware to note at 44 and 3.000 do, Pennsvlvania and New York on terms kept private. Barley and Malt are unchanged and firm.

are firm in their views, with light stocks generally to operate in, and the sales are confined to small lots of Rio Coffee at on time. mark't for this staple is steady and firm, with a reduced stock of pig metal to operate in, and only about 300 tons anthracite have been disposed of at S22X for No. 1 and $22)4 for No. 2, on time. Nothing doing in other kinds worthy of notice, and no Scotcli pig in first hands.

Jianuracturediron is selling to a moderate extent without change in quotations. Lead is unchanged and sales to the extent of about 4.800 pigs Galena are reported on terms kept private. Naval Stores remain quiet, and about 250 bbls. Spirits Turpentine only have been sold at mostly at 4714 cts. per gallon.

Nothing doing in Rosin. Tar and Pitch continue scarce and high. Provisions market generally is firm but quiet, with a reduced stock of most kinds to operate in. Mess Pork is quoted at the latter for smalt lots, and Mess Beef at per as to brand. Of Bacon the sales have been limited at for Sides, and Xc.

Shoulders. Hams arc selling as wanted at for plain and fancy cured, and the latter very scarce. Of salted meats the stock is nearly exhausted, and we quote Hams at Sides Shoulders at Lard is firm at 11 Xc for bbls. and tierces, and 12c. for kegs, and not much doing.

Butter is in better demand, solid selling at and roll at per lb. Cheese is steady at 9X a 1014 and Eggs at per for western and State. continues in steady demand, with sales of 350 bushels to note, at mostly at $5.6214 per bushel, for good to prime lots. Timothy is worth per bushel, and hut little selling. "Do mestic Flaxseed is taken by the crushers at 60 per bushel.

Whiskey is selling at 2Xffl27e. for Drudge, for Pennsylvania bbls. and 29c. for Prison and Ohio, as to lots; hhds. are very scarce at Freights continue dull.

Some further engagements for seed have been made by the packet to Liverpool at 255. per ton, and 1,500 bbls. rosin at'2s. per bbl. To London 6d.

per ton are the going rates for heavy goods, and but little offering. West India freights are very inactive. No change in Boston freights, and business fair. Colliers continue scarce and in demand, at a further advance. The going rates are $1.85 to Boston, Providence, $1.25 to New Haven, $1.05 to New York, $1 20 to Richmond, $1.15 to Petersburg, $1 to Washington, and 80.0,90 cts.

per ton to Baltimore, from Port Richmond. PROVIDENCE MARKET, October firm. The sales for the week have been 105,400 lbs. Fleece at from 35 to 60c 1,000 lbs. Pulled at from 37 to 40c.

900 lbs. Foreign at from 28 to3oc. PRINTING CLOTHS. continues inactive No material change in prices. The following are the sales for the week: 3.000 pieces 7,000 do 64 64 6Xc.

3,000 do 00x68 sJjc. 3,000 do 60x 64 3,500 do 5,000 do 24,500 Providence Journal. WILMINGTON MARKET, October Sales yesterday of 353 bbls. at $2.90 for Virgin and Yellow dip, per 280 lbs. No sales to-day.

Spirits sales that we have heard of. Rosin doing in either grade. yesterday of 54 bbls. at $2.35 per bbl. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH.

NEW YORK, Oct. of 800 bales to day, and 1,000 yesterday; market firm. Flour is of 18,500 State Ohio Southern Wheat lias of 47,000 bushels at an advance of 1 cent; red Southern Western white Corn is of 5,000 bushels; mixed sl. has ad vanced 6 Lard is steady at cts. Whiskey is steady at 29 cts.

Sugars are less active; New Orleans by auction 614 Musco vado cts. Spirits Turpentine heavy at cts. Rosin is heavy at $1.55. Rice is firm at Cattle Market Beeves have advanced 50 berewt Re ceipts 3,000 head. Fair qualities have improved mostsales at prions ranging from 614 to 1014 cts.

Extra quality IX OU. depressed. Receipts 17 000 THE DAILY EXCHANGE. head-sales at a decline of 25 cts. I receipts 10,000 at cts.

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. X9. is steady; Superfine Wheat is of 6.000 bushels; red 125 cts. Corn i 9 dull: yellow 90(3)92 cts. Whiskey closed firm at cts.

IMPORTS AT BALTLMORE. FOREIGN. WINDSOR, N. Brig Condor. 240 tons plaster, Kelsey Gray.

COASTWISE. NEW Schr. E. J. Raijnor.

35 blocks marble, Hugh Sisson. Schr. Adaline. 300 bbls. svrup, 150 do.

sugar, S. P.Thompson 50 bbls. mackerel, 50 kits order. BOSTON Steamer William Jenkins. 104 hales dry goods.

Rice, Chase Co 118 cases Duvall, Keighler 210 do. boots and shoes, Magraw Koons; 108 do. T. Magruder; 115 do. J.

C. Balderston; 118 Grinnell Jenkins: 204 160 bbls. mack arel, B. O. R.

180 bbls. herrings, Pennsylvania R. 100 drums goods, sundry persons. EXPORTS FROM BALTIMORE. FOREIGN.

HAVANA BarI; Julia Dean. 400 tons coal, 10 bbls. rosin oil, do. provisions, 6bake ovens, 2 bundles slides, 1 stove, 250 kegs R. R.

spikes, 100 car springs, 4 hhds. gi9 coal. 150 cross doz. scoops. ST.

JOHNS, N. Br. Brigantine Laurel. 1438 bbls. Uour, 75 boxes crackers, 20 bbls.

bread. 1 tierce hams. HALIFAX, N. Schr. Comet.


THE ZURICH CONFERENCE STILL IN AFFAIRS UNCHANGED. HALIFAX, October The steamer Europa arrived here this afternoon from Liverpool with dates to the Bth inst. The steamer Kangaroo arrived at Queenstown on the 6th. The steamers Ocean Queen arrived out on on the 7th, and the Persia on the Bth. The Zurich Conference was still in progress.

It was reported that the steamer Great Eastern was expected to leave Portland for Holyhead on the day the Europa sailed. Italian affairs are unchanged. There was great agitation at Naples and numerous arrests had been made. Later advices from India have been received. The discharged European troops had consented to go to China.

The ship American Congress was ashore in the English Channel. It was expected she would be saved. The United States frigate Constellation and steamer Sumpter was at St. Vincent's September 23 rd. The ship American Congress got aground near Cowes light, but got off and was towed to Spithead.

The ship Cano from New York for Rotterdam, was ashore at Smith's Pampus on the 4th. No particulars. The ship Lancaster from San Francisco for Australia, foundered off Malaki duly 10th. There was nothing further known as to the proceedings of the Zurich conference beyond the general assertion that some progress continued to be made towards the signing of a treaty of peece. It is said the treaty will be complicated and will leave Austria with the door open to quarrel with Piedmont.

The Paris Constitutionnel has an article from the chief editor stating that the preliminaries at Villafranca had rescued Italy from every foreign intervention under whatever name and from whatever power. France confines herself to giving the Italians proper advice which, if followed, would have ensured the prosperity of Central Italy, but having in vain offered advice she cannot dictate orders for Italy. The latest reports say that a treaty between France and Austria will probably be sighed on the 10th or 12tli inst. Austria has consented to sign on all questions belonging to Lombardy. The British official correspondence relative to the Pei-bo affair has been published.

Lord Russell fully approves the course taken. He says that preparations are making, in conjunction with France, to enable tbe forces to support the Plenipotentiaries in their instructions. Minister Bruce's letter expresses the opinion that the Chinese will not make difficulties about exchanging ratifications with him, as the conditions under which the American Minister is alone entitled to visit Pekin contain nothing offensive to the Chinese. Mr. Bruce acknowledges his indebtedness to Mr.

Ward and Commodore Tatnall, and concludes bv saying; "Mr. Ward's position is one of considerable difficulty, nor do I see, after our unsuccessful attempts at Pei-ho, that any course was open save the one he adopted." The Heirs' city article of Friday evening says tbe demand for money has increased. The Times says'the funds are quiet, with a slight tendency toward an increase in tbe demand. The ship Jacket, on her voyage from Liverpool to Australia, ran down the ship Elizabeth Walker, and the crew had only time to get on board the Red Jacket before their vessel sank. The details of the loss of the steamer Admattes, trading between Adelaide and Melbourne, say she struck a rock and broke op.

Forty passengers clung to the bulwarks, but one after another was washed away. The remainder were five days without food, and fifty died of cold and hunger." Accounts from Paris of Hon. Mr. Mason's funeral on the sth at the United States Chapel, say the foreign ministers were all present, and numerous other distinguished persons atttended. The body was to be sent immediately to America.

The Paris Patrie says that a special corps of fifteen hundred men will go to China via Egypt. The fortifications on the coast of France, from Hnvre to Caen, are being carried on with extreme rapidity. The London Herald's special Paris correspondent says it is strictly true that Napoleon has a secret understanding with Austria and Sardinia which enables him to command the whole Italian seaboard as far as Civita Vecchia, and another step in furtherance of his scheme is an expedition to Morocco, as the Mediterranean squadron, which sailed from Toulon with ten thousand men for Morocco, would command the African coast from Algiers to Ceuta. The Times' correspondent is assured that six steel plated frigates have been ordered, and twenty large transports capable of conveying fifteen hundred men each, are building or ordered. Accounts from Italy say that on fhe sth, Anniti, the President of the late military commission of the ex-Duke of Parma was discovered to have arrived at Parma in his purpose being to get up a conspiracy.

The door of the Guard house where he took refage was forced by the populace and Anniti was killed. Perfect tranquility had subse quently prevailed. Another version of the affair savs he was merely passing through the city, and'was dragged through the streets, buffeted, and finally, that his head was cut off and carried in triumph. A vague rumor was in circulation that the Prince Cavignand had accepted the Regency of Central Italy for the King of Sardinia. It has been confirmed that the Sardinian Minister at Rome bad received his passports.

The government of Bologna has adopted the Sardinian Custom's tariff. Mazzini has addressed a letter to the King of Sardinia, frankly renouncing his personal opinion, and promising to support the Democratic party, if the King can and will make Italy free. The letters from Naples say there is great agitation there. Fourteen persons belonging to the highest families have been arrested, being accused of holding meetings for fhe discussion of political affairs. The Government was taking active precautionary measures against an apprehended outbreak.

It was reported that Gen. Garibaldi had entered the Marshes, and the rumor caused much sensation at Naples. Tbe latest accounts say the parties above referred to had been arrested without a prosecution. The Pope has informed, the Great Powers that he will not give up bis temporal powers, and will, if necessary, call upon the Catholic Powers to support him. Advices from Turkey say that Omar Pasha, chief of the army of Bagdad, has been deprived of his command because he abuses his authority.

The reported appearance of the plague at Bevrout is denied. The India mails reached London the morning the steamer sailed, but not in time for the Europa. The force to be sent to India would number ten thousand men. Disturbances were imminent on the coast of Rattynar. It was reportoa that the people of Jeypore would not comply with the disarming order.

Nena Sahib was in Nepaul. China dates to August had reached Bombay, but nothing important. From South America accounts say that the negotiations initiated by the American Minister bad ended without any result. Mr. Yancey was about to embark for the United States.

Prepartions for war between Buenos Ayres and the Argentine Confederation were being made with activity. The London limes says til it Mr. Yancey failed because his demands were tantamount to requiring the unconditional surrender of Buenos Ayres to Urquiza. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET.

sales of the week have been 54,000 bales, of which 3,000 bales were taken on speculation and 11.500 bales Fair and Middling qualities have slightly advanced, inferior qualities continue unsaleable. Holders offer freely but show no disposition to press sales, owing to an improved trade demand. The sales of Friday amount to 10,000 hales, including 3,000 bales on speculation and for export Stock in port 580,000 bales, of which 440,000 bales are American. No quotations received. Manchester advices are unfavorable.

There is hut little inquiry and prices are weak and slightly lower. The Cotton Brokers at Liverpool and the manufacturers are again raising a loud cry against the practice of mixing sand, dust, with American cotton. The Brokers' Association at Liverpool have presented a memorial to the American Chamber of Commerce requesting its influence to stop the practice. The memorial says during the past year the sand and dust has probably been equivalent to 100.000 bales, and a stiii greater depreciation of the value of Cotton. Int ERPOOI.

BREADSTEFFS MARKET Ppence quote: Flour is firm at 225. 6d.ffi27s. per bbl. i. 14 1 there has been a better tone in the cc Tuesday but closes Western 9s.

whiteOs. 9d.Tails, for all descriptions. Corn is buoyant and all qualities have siightlv advanced un-7se(a7s i 6d" purc hsa -yellow 'ss. 9d white Messrs. Bigland Alhay fcCo.

say Flour is held for an advance of 6d. to Is. per sack, and Corn at 6d. to Is. per quarter.

LIVERPOOL PROVISION is steady: inferior qualities have slightly declined. Pork is heavy and unsaleable. Bacon quiet and quotations nominal Lard is? firm and there is more doing at 555. 6d ISsfs Tallow is in better demand: sales at LIVERPOOL PRODUCE Sugar is active and all qualities have slightly declined. Coffee is quiet Rice is firm.

Rosin is dull at 4s 2d 3d. Spirits Turpen tine is steady at 355. 9d. Tea Previous quotations are barely maintained for common grades Other qualities are firmer. Pot Ashes quiet at Pearls at 275.

9d0285. Baltimore Bark Philadelphia Bs. Oil (SBs 9d. Fish Oils are unchanged, with nn average business doing. Linseed Oil 6d.

LONDON MARKETS. close steady. Iron is dull. Welsh bars have all declined from sto 15s. Su gar is firm.

Tea is quiet at Is. sd. Coffee is dull at a slight decline. LONDON MONEY MARKET Xloney market is decidedly There has been an average business, and prices are generally un -hangcd. Congo's 95.

Bullion has decreased f.27.000. HAVRE MARKET. of 6,000 hales of Cotton for the week. Stock 6.5t4> hales. New Orleans tres ordinsire, 109fr.

Bas 101. Brcadstufts are firm. Provisions steady. Rice is firm. Spirits Turpentine closed firm at 355.

fid. In American stocks a generally limited business has been doing at previous rates. From Brownsville and Mexico. NEW ORI.EANS, Oct. 19.

dates ol the Bth have been received. The fever had disappeared from that locality. The citizens had formed talions and stand on guard nightlv against the robbers. Monterey advices of the 28th ult. say that rango was taken and sacked on the 10th bj two hundred robbers.

Troops had armed and dispersed them, killing many. The army at Monterey had pronounced against Yidaurri. Gen. Marquez was defeated twice on the 10th near Guadalajara by Gen. Ogason of the Liberals.

Marquez had asked reinforcements from Gen. Woil. Further from Brownsville. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. M'Cale of the Federal Court to-day delivered a strong charge against filibustering.

The steamer Indianola from Brownsville, with dates to the 11th, has arrived. The Mexican outlaw Cortinas, with several hundred men, is still encamped above Brownsville. Another attack was expected before the government troops could arrive. Cortinas has issued a proclamation saying that orderly and innocent people have nothing to fear, the object being to chas' tise the sheriff and lawyers. The Overland Mall.

ST. Loots, Oct. Overland Mail, with San Francisco dates of the 2Gth arrived last night. The Pacific Railroad Convention had adopted resolutions favoring the central route, appointed committees te mature plans to be recommended to I the Legislature and Congress, and adjourned to meet at Sacramento in January. Judge Terry had been placed under bonds to appear for trial on the charge of killing Senator Brodcrick.

The schooner Lewis Perry had arrived from the Amoor River, with Russian-Asia advices to Aug. 12. A small steamer, capable of ascending the Amoor River two thousand miles, had been launched at Nicolaivski by a company of Americans, who hare the privilege of navigating the river. The Russian officials show the greatest favor to American enterprises, and encourage the immigration of American mechanics. The bark Melita was lost in the Anioor river, June 22.

Vessel and cargo insured in Boston. The Sacramento correspondent of the San Francisco Bulletin says a project is on foot among the Republicans to 'exclude Messrs Scott and Burch, the Congressmen elect, from the House of Representatives, on the ground that the California Legislature neglected to District the State, as required by Congress to comply with the Constitution, which says that Representatives shall be elected every two years. Nearly the whole town of Monte Cristo was destroyed by fire on the 19th. Loss $92,000. There had been another large fire at Diamond Springs, involving a loss of 540,000.

Upwards of CO Pitt River Indians had been killed by a party of citizens of Pitt River Valley, who design to keep volunteers in the field till the Indians are exterminated. Business was dull at San Francisco, and quotations nominal. Sailed from San Francisco Sept. 23, ship Charger, Hong Kong; 24th, ship Christina, Sydney, N. S.

W. The Yaclit Wanderer Again. SAVANNAH, Oct. 19. Yacht Wanderer sailed last night without papers, having a full crew with prisoners and ammunition.

She has been stolen from her owner. Mr. Lamar, by Capt. Martin, who has been negotiating for her some time. The Collector of the port has sent a steamer with Mr.

Lamar and others after her without success. CITY INTELLIGE DEMOCRATIC MEETING. special meeting of the Democratic City Convention took place last night at Rechabite liall. Henry Snyder, President, in the chair. On the roll being called it was found that out of the twenty wards, seventeen were represented.

The Chairman have called this meeting in pursuance of a written request, signed by a number of the members, which, under one of the rules governing this body, it is my duty to do. On the minutes of last meeting being read, Mr. Lanahan rose and moved that the resolution offered by him at last meeting, relative to the 4th Congressional district nominating a candidate, be reconsidered. On the Chairman putting Mr. Lanahan's motion to the meeting, a reconsideration was unanimously agreed to, upon which Mr.

Lanahan proposed the following as a substitute "Resolved That it is inexpedient for the Democratic party to make a nomination for Congress in the Fourth Congressional district, and that the President of the City Convention be requested to withdraw the call for holding primary meetings in the twelve upper wards, comprising the Fourth Congressional district, for the purpose of electing delegates to a Convention in that district." Mr. should like some qualification in that resolution. We don't know under what circumstances we may exist at some future period. I would like it if the gentleman would so alter his resolution as not to preclude future action. Mr.

present resolution embraces only the coming does not extend be 1 yond that. I Mr. Brenton withdrew his remarks, and the reso- lution, as amended, was carried unanimously. There being no other business, the meetino- jm- 1 mediately thereafter adjourned. I THE GRAND LEVEE OF THE FIFTH REGIMENT came ofl' last night at the New Front Street Theatre, which has just been refitted and refurnished by the lessees, Kunkle Co.

The Theatre 'i presents now a beautiful appearance, being fitted up in a style very similar to the Holliday Street Theatre, although not so gorgeous in appearance. The parquette was floored over, and tbe stage to its full extent, was thrown open, giving ample room for dancing. At nine o'clock the ball was opened with a grand march by Volandt's band, after which i the dancing commenced under the direction of Professor Spies, and was kept up until a late hour. There was a very large company present. We noticed several officers belonging "to the United States Army and Navy, among whom were Capt.

John A. Webster, of the Navy, engaged in the war of 1812; Capt. Hunter, U. S. Col.

Magruder, U. S. and Col. Dixon H. Miles, U.

S. A. Of the volunteer soldiery there were Major-General George H. Steuart, Gen. Egerton, Major Lilly, Col.

Shutt, Col. Mills, Capt. Geo. A. Talbott, and a number of other commissioned officers belonging to the citizen soldiery.

The Association of Old Defenders were present and seemed to enjoy themselves heartily; one of their number, Mr. Richard Bowen, aged 66 years, during the evening danced in juvenile style a sailor's hornpipe, and was rapturously cheered. The Company from Richmond, which had been invited, were not present, owing to the fact that they had received orders to repair to Harper's Ferry on Monday evening. SHOOTING afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock, two tnen named William Slaysman and Bony Hobbs, who had been in company during the afternoon, had a quarrel on the I corner of Bath and North streets, which resulted in llobbs drawing a pistol and shooting at Slavsman, the ball taking effect in the left leg, between i the ankle and knee, penetrating about two inches i into the flesh, hut not touching the bone. After Hobbs fired the shot, he started to run, and was pursued by Slaysman, (although wounded,) who tired three or four balls at him from a revolver, i without however, it is supposed, taking effect, as Hobbs when last seen by the officers, was in full run out Mulberry street.

Slaysman was taken in custody by officers Burkhead and Batchelor, and i conveyed to the Middle district station house, i where Drs. Morgan and Yeateswere called to at- tend him. 1 to six o'clock, the physicians were unable to extract the ball, and the wounded man, after giving security for his appearance to answer I any charge against him, was released by Justice McAllister, and conveyed to his residence in a hack, Hobbs escaped arrest. SALE OF THE MOUNT VERNON TRUCK HOOSE. Northwestern Young Men's Christian Association have purchased the Mount Vernon Hook and Lad- der Company's house on Biddle, near Ross street, I and are making arrangements to throw open the i building for the uses of tbe society.

The first floor will be fitted up as a Library and Reading Room, 1 and will be tree for all young men who thiDK proper to avail themselves of its use. This building ha 3 long been known as the head-quarters of tbe "Plug Ugljes," and it is a subject of congratulation that 1 it will now be used for better purposes. i LA INTELLIGENCE CRIMINAL Hon. Henry Stump, Judge, i Milton Whitney, State's Attorney, prosecu- i tiDg, assisted bv T. Joseph Rogers.

Esq. WilliamS. Waters and R. L. Garretson, for tbe defence.

i State vs. Robert Miller, indicted jointly with 1 Thomas Hoffman, for the murder on the night of the 23d of August last, of Hugh D. O'Sullivan 1 by shooting him with a pistol in the back of tbe 1 head, causing a mortal wound of the length of halt an inch and of the depth of four inches, from which wiund the said O'Sullivan instantly died. i On tbe opening of the Court yesterday morning, 1 R. R.

Garretson. counsel for the defence, addressed the jury, and was followed by Win. S. 1 Waters, on the same side. Mr.

Whitney then made the concluding argument on the part of the State, explaining the law of homicide, and reviewing the testimony as ad- i duced. a Mr. Whitney concluded at a quarter past 12 o'clock, when the indictment was banded to the jury, who retired to their room. At ten minutes of 2 o'clock the Court sent a bai- liff to the jury, who soon returned and said that the jury had not agreed. A bailiff was thensent to the office of Mr.

Waters, asking his attendance at Court. I Mr. Waters soon came in, and the Judge in- 1 formed bim that the jury had sent word that they had not agreed. The Court thought they might well be sent to their quarters, where thev could deliberate. Mr.

Waters had no objection. A bailiff was then tiirected by tbe Judge to ask the jury to come into Court. They came in shortly after, when the Judge re- I marked that he had been informed that thev had not agreed upon their verdict. He bad spoken to the connsel on both sides, and with their concur- rence the Court would aflow them to go to their quarters, which were more comfortable than the 1 rooms in the court-house. They could come in Court in the morning with tbe'ir a sealed verdict; the Court wanted no more sealed and then the Court would be ready to re- "ceive it.

The jury then retired to their quarters and the i Court at 2 o'clock adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock. It was rumored that the jury stood ton for ac- i quittal and two for conviction. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. William L. Mar- shall, Judge.

The following occupied yesterday Joseph T. Turner, survivor, r. Greenway. 'Be- 1 fore reported. The jury not being able to agree i were discharged by tbe Court.

Charles I). Hinks and Samuel Hinks vs. Amasa C. Hall. An action of replevin.

Schley and Fisher for plaintiffs. Wallis and Matthews fordefen- 1 dant. Frederick Schumacher T'. Frederick Scbuma- i cher, garnishee of Benjamin Hughes and R. C.

Barton. Verdict for plaintiff on first issue for $877.19, on second issue for $691.29. Assignment for to-day 282 to 311. SUPERIOR COURT. Z.

Collins Lee, Judge. i The following occupied yesterday Henry Ackenbaek vs. Jacob Rise. An appeal from Justice Logan. Judgment affirmed.

Howard Bank IT. Joseph F. Snvder. Appeal from Justice Hayward. Judgment affirmed.

i James Johnston vs. Jameson Brown. An ap- I peal from Justice Hayward. Jury out. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT.

William 1 F. Giles, Judge. The Court was engaged yesterday in issuing naturalization papers. BALTIMORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1859. SfKPABDS tfWOCACYijf 1 B-0 £NQ.

if CHARLES i 3SS I I I 1 II rl Jjl SVEWANDOAH si. I pi crsn or JMTORSM B. Department. Gates. Buildings.

Works. Hotel. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. and Ohio Railroad Bridge. 1, 2 States Marines.

Soldiers. a. which was battered down. THE TOWN OF HARPER'S FERRY. The town of Harper's Ferry, which obtained its name in the ancient days when a ferry here afforded the only means of crossing the streams, is built upon the narrow declivitous tongue of land lying directly in the confluence of two rivers.

As the mountain steeps converge precipitously at all points above the gap, but small space is left for building with accessible convenience. With the exception of Shenandoah street and Armory street, on which the Government works are built, all the streets are narrow and difficult to travel on account of their steepness. High street is the principal road usedin reaching what is called the Ferry proper. From its intersection with Shenandoah "street to a point 400 yards further up the rise is over 400 feet. This point is called Camp Hill, and quite a village is built on it.

The powder magazine of the Government is situated on the north side ot' this hill, overlooking the Potomac. The view from this point is beautiful beyond description, and particularly so at this season of tbe year, when the forests on the mountain sides present their hues, varying from tbe livid green of the spruce and pine to that of the nut brown of the oak. The waters of the Potomac and the Shenandoah, for two miles up, can be seen leaping over their rocky beds, and hurrying to the i juncture, where they kiss each other, mingle and become one. After reaching the top of Camp Hill the land descends slightly, and after passing over a short distance of unimproved ground, the town of Bolivar is reached, in which most of the tien employed in the armory live. It contained a population," in 1850, of of which number 106 were negroes, GO free and 46 slaves.

Harper's Ferry in the same year contained 1,747 of which 196 were negroes, 109 slaves and 87 free. The population has not increased much, if anv, since the last census was taken. The turnpike road, which leads from Charlestown to the Ferrv, turns to the south at the west end of Bolivar, and by a rapid descent of several hundred feet reaches the north banks of the Shenandoah, and runs along the bank until it enters Shenandoah street. The Winchester and Potomac road also runs along the bank of the Shenandoah, and for a mile and a half above the Ferry, the track is laid on tressle work. Therefore there are but two roads by which the Ferry can be reached from the Mvest, either by passing through Bolivar, over Camp Hill, and down the steeps of High street into Shenandoah street, or by the turnpike or railroad passing along the north bank'oftheShenandoah river.

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad passes along the south bank of the Potomac, and there is also a narrow road, very difficult to travel, running along the south bank of the Potomac, and considerably below the tressle work over which the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad passes, and which ends at the outskirts of the town, the hills being two rugged and steep to admit of anything except a foot path. Altogether, the Ferry is one of the most inaccessible towns in this country, and garrisoned by two or three thousand men, would be most difficult to take. On the north side of the Potomac river there is a narrow road, running east and west, lying between the river and the mountain. It was this road over which Cook with the wagons containing the rifles and other articles passed on Monday morning, and by it the Independent Greys returned with the wagons after capturing them at the schoolhouse. Stevens, the insurgent who was wounded by being shot, on Monday afternoon, and who was talcen prisoner, stated that he had been led to the belief by Brown, that arrangements had been made with the negroes for a general he(Stevens) had expected, in less than 24 hours, to have seen the entire slave population in arms.

BRIDGE ACROSS THE POTOMAC. The bridge so constantly referred to is somewhat in tbe shape of the letter dividing as we approach its western end, the left hand branch connecting with the Winchester and Potomac Railroad passing up the Shenandoah, and the right hand carrying the main road, by a bold curve up the Poto- I mac. The bridge is about 900 feet in length, and consists of 6 arches of 130 feet, and one arch of 75 feet span over the river, and an arch of 100 feet span over the canal. These arches are all of timber and iron, and covered in, except the western arch conpectiDg with the Winchester is constructed entirely of iron, on Bollman's plan. It is remarkable, not so much for its length as for its peculiar form, the end being curved in opposite directions, and the structure bifurcated towards the western extremity.

STATISTICS OF SLAVE POPULATION. The following table shows the population, white and slaves, in Jefferson and adjoining Virginia counties, together with that of Washington and Frederick counties, Maryland Yi'hite. Slaves. Loudoun County, Ya 16,438 5,641 Jefferson 11,016 4 341 Berkeley 9,815 1'956 Clarke 3,738 3,614 Frederick 13,681 2,294 54,688 17,846 Frederick County, Md 3 ,074 3,813 Washington .......28,754 2J)90 65,830 6,003 ADDITIONAL DETAILS FROM OUR OWN REPORTER. THE MURDERED CITIZENS.

Thomas Burley was a respected citizen of the Ferry, an Irishman by birth, but for many years a resident of that place. On Monday morning, when the insurgents were in possession of the arsenal, he, with a few others, was in favor of attacking them, but enough of men could not be raised to ensure the success of the assault. He, however, loaded his gun, and every opportunity which offered he attempted to shoot down the insurgents. At 'he time he was killed, he had left his home a few uinutes before with a Thos. Keiley the intention of trying to shoot one of the rebels.

Keiley had fired at a mulatto who was walking guard in front of the arsenal, and some of the shot with which the gun was loaded took effect on the negro, but did not injure him severely. They walked down High street to the intersection with Shenandoah street. The mulatto was still on guard, and he must have been aware of the approach of Burley and Keiley, for the moment the person of Mr. Burley was exposed around the corner, the negro fired, and the ball passed through the body of Mr. Burley, near the heart, and he felt and expired.

George W.Turner, was next killed. Mr. Turner lived five miles south of Charlestown, and thirteen miles from the F'rry. He heard of the insurrection and immediately ordered his horse and gun, which were brought out by a favorite servant, and he started for the He entered the Ferrv through the town of Bolivar, over Camp Hill, ancf down High streets. He was riding leisurely along while the inhabitants were warnine him of the danger be was approaching, which he listened to, but still rode on.

As he was passing down High street, and when near the intersection of Shenandoah bullet from a Sharp's rifle struck him on the side, passing through bis body, and he fell mortally wounded. He lived about three-quarters of an hour after being shot. Mr. Turner was one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Jefferson couuty. He was a graduate of West Point, and, after spending a few years in the array vice, he resigned his commission and re- I tired to his farm, (hi 3 father having died and left I him the home estate of the Turners.) Here he lived a most useful citizens, a kind master, respecti ed and honored by his fellow-citizens and loved by his servants.

His death will be lamented by the entire community. He was a brave, generous man, and was known far and near for his strict lionestv I and unblemished honor. At three o'clock in the afternoon Fountain ham, was killed. Early in the morning he had gone to his office, where he remained during the day. He had warned many of his friends during the morning to keep in doors.

At the hour named ho left his office, walked along the railroad platform in a western direction until he reached the water-tank, (the house farthest west marked ir. the diagram.) He stopped for a moment to converse with some men who were sheltered-by this house, and in an unguarded moment he exposed his person, when a shot fired from the engine house from a Sharp's rifle, struck him near the shoulder blade and passed through his body. He staggered a few steps west, fell and died almost instantly. His body was lying so far west that it was impossible to reach it, unless the person doing so was fully exposed to the deadly fire of the insurgents in the engine house. The body was accordingly allowed to lav for a considerable length of time, when a citizen removed it to his office, where it lay during the night.

Mr. Beckham was more widely personally known than any other man in Jefferson county. He had been the agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Hailroad from the time the road was constructed, and had discharged his duties in the most satisfactory He had been a justice of the peace for Jefferson county for over twenty years, and at the time of his death was Mayor of Harper's Ferry. The negro Hay ward was in the employ of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, and in the morning when the insurgents had possession of the bridge, he was active in his efforts to secure the passage of the Express train of cars which had been been stopped. Conductor Ph-dps, with his baggage aware that there were armed men in the bridge, lamp in hand, (it was not yet davlight,) started through the bridge to see that the timbers were all safe, and the rails of the track had not been removed.

He had progressed but a short distance, when he was commanded to halt, and on raising his lamp, found that he was confronted by four armed men, who ordered him back. He of course returned, and as be left the mouth of the bridge a shot was fired at the baggage master, who was behind Capt. Phelps. Fortunately it did not take effect. A short time afterwards, Hayward took his shoes from his feet, and thought he could creep across the bridge with- out being heard, but in the attempt he was discov- ered and shot.

He was a faithful and kind servant, and had refused to be armed, although Brown's men had endeavored to force a pike into his hand, THE DEAD INSURGENTS. Soon after Mr. Turner was shot a bullet from a Minie musket, in the hands of one of the citizens, struck the mulatto while he was on guard in front of the arsenal. The ball entered on the left side of the neck, passed through, severing the jugular vein, and tearing a hole almost sufficiently large to admit of all the fingers of a hand. It was a most frightful looking wound, and as the corpse lay on the ground it gaped open.

The body was allowed to lay just where it fell, while the hogs which were running at large turned it over and tramped upon it. This fellow was said to be a runaway slave from Fairfax county, Virginia, where he "left a wife, and he was no doubt the one who tired the shot which killed Mr. Burley. The body of Leeman, who was shot when he was trying to cross the Potomac, in floating down the river lodged on a ledge of rocks, where it remained until after the insurgents in the engine house had been taken, when it was suggested by some of the persons who were standing on the railroad plat- form that it should be fired at, and immediately a volley of bullets were discharged and the body was moved from the rock and started down the river. In an instant almost every man who had a gun fired at the body, and as it floated on the discharges con- tinued.

Thompson, who was one of three brothers who were engaged in the insurrection, two of whom escaped, hud been taken prisoner, and when Mr. Beckham was killed he was brought out on the railroad platform, and four or five guns were discharged at him and he fell, apparently dead. His body was i picked up and thrown down from the bridge into i the river, a distance of over 40 feet. On touching the water he immediately commenced swimming, whereupon a volley of bullets were sent into him, and he turned upon his back, floated between two of the peers, where he lodged, and at noon on Tuesday the body was still lying in the same place. Of those shot opposite the rifle works on the Shenandoah.four were floated down the the bodies of two lodged on the rocks, where they were allowed to bleach in the sun.

When the engine house was taken, the wounded 1 and dead were brought out and laid on the grass. Old Brown's son was living when first laid out, but in a few minutes he gasped his last breath, and lay there with eyes open and glazed, and mouth yawn- ing. Two of the other bodies were cold and rigid, having died the previous day. THE PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF THE INSURGENTS. Brown, the leader, is a small man, with white head and beard, and cold-looking grey eyes.

When not speaking his lips are compressed, and he has the appearance of a most determined man. His two sons (one dead) were strikingly alike in their per- sonal appearance. Each about five feet eleven inches high, with spare visage, sallow complexion, sunken eyes, and dark hair and beard. The beard was sparse and long, and their hair long and matted. The wounded man is of undoubted courage, and from his cold, sullen manner, one would suppose did not ask for or desire sympathy.

Anderson, mortally wounded, is tall, black haired and of dark complexion. His appearance is indicative i of desperate resolution. Although suffering the most intense agony from the wound in the abdo- men, he did not complain, or ask for any favor, and the only evidence he gave of suffering was occasionally a slight groan. He looks to be thirty years of age. Stevens, who was wounded on Monday afternoon and taken prisoner, is physically a model man.

He is five feet eleven inches high, with fine brawny shoulders and large sinewy limbs, all the muscles finely developed and hard. He is 1 of dark complexion, and of undoubted resolution, When taken prisoner he did not ask or expect quar- ter, and lay and suffered from his wounds, without complaint other than a groan. Coppie who was taken prisoner uninjured is a small sized man but very compactly built. He bas light blue eyes and only one of the enentire number who has a pleasing expression of countenance. He was in a most agreeable humor, and said it was immaterial to him how or in what manner he was disposed of; that he would prefer a trial by jury, hut if those who had him in their power, preferred to settle his case in some other manner, it would be agreeable to him.

Green, the negro, is a large man, with a very bad countenance and expression, and a most arrant coward. He cringes and begs to every person who approaches him. LIST OF THE INSURGENTS. John Brown, commander-in-chief; Oliver Brown and Watson Brown, his sons, all of New York; Aaron C. Stephens, Connecticut; Edwin Coppie Iowa; Albert Haslett, William Maine; John E.

Connecticut; Stewart Taylor, Canada; Chas. P. Tidd, Maine; William Thomson, New York; I)olph. Thomson, New Y'ork; John Ragi, Ohio, raised in Virginia; Jeremiah Anderson, Indiana. Negroe -Dangerfield Newby, Ohio; C.

P. Anderson, Pennsylvania; Emperor, barber, Rochester, N. in South Carolina; Leary, Oberlin, Ohio, raised in Virginia; Copeland, Oberlin, Ohio. INCIDENTS. During the attack on the engine house by the Martinsburg men, on Monday afternoon, one of them had a part of his coat tail shot away, the ball cutting it off near the waist like a knife.

As it fell the ground he looked at it for an instant and then remarked to a comrade that "they will have to cut my pegs off before they stop me. They are wasting ammunition in cutting off my coat tail." Mr. Ball, one of the imprisoned citizens, was so disheartened during Monday night that he desired some one ot the insurgents to kill him and end his misery. Capt. Drown requested him to wait until morning, when it was probable he would be gratified.

In the morning Mr. Ball was more hopeful, and did not remind Capt. Brown of the wish he had expressed during the night, and when the engine house was taken he manifested his thanks and gratitude to his deliverers by taking a marine with each hand and clasping a third to his breast. Mr. Ball is an estimable citizen and a warm hearted man.

A negro boy belonging to Mr. Washington, who was taken by the insurgents at the time his master was, when he reached the Ferry was offered a pike, which he refused, when one of the insurgents told him that he was tree and should fight the whites. The boy replied, "I don't know anything about being free: I was free enough before you took me, and I not going to fight until I see Massa Lewis fighting, and then I tight for him." This boy was among the prisoners in the engine-house. THE ANONYMOUS LETTER. The following is the letter addressed to the Secretary of War, warning him ot the outbreak at Harper's Ferry CINCINNATI, August 20.

Sir: have lately received informal on of a movement of so great importance that I feel it to be my duty to impart it to you without delay. I have discovered the existence of a secret association, having for its object the liberation of the slaves of the South by a general insurrection. The leader of the movement is "Old Join, Brown," late of Kansas. He has been in Canada during the winter, drilling the negroes there, and they are only waiting his word to start for the South to assist the slaves. They have one of their leading men (a white man) in an armory in Maryland; where it is situated, I am not enabled to learn.

As soon as everything is ready, those of their number who are in the Northern States and Canada, are to come in small companies to their rendezvous, which is in the mountains of Virginia. They will pass down through Pennsylvania and Maryland, and enter Virginia at Harper's Ferry. Drown left the North about three or four weeks ago, and will arm the negroes and strike a blow in a few weeks, so that whatever is done must be done at once. They have a large quantity of arms at their rendezvous, and are probably distributing 'hem already. lam not (ull in their confidence.

This is all the information I can give you. I dare not sign my name to this, but trust that you will not disregard this warning on this account. CAPTAIN BROWN. John Drown, or "Ossawatomie Brown," who figured as leader of the recent rebellion at Harper's Ferry, emigrated to Kansas from Central New York in 1855, and settled at Ossawatomie. He had with him seven sons, the youngest of whc.m was old enough to work for his living.

He is now sixty three years of age, was about medium height, slim, musbular, and possessing an iron constitution. He had blue eyes, sharp features and long gray bair, wearing a full beard. In December, 1855, during the "Shannon war," Brown firs made his appearance among the free State men at Lawrence. His entrance into the place at once attracted the attention of the people i towards him. lie brought a wagon load of cavalry sabres, and was accompanied bv twelve men, seven of whom were his own sons.

He first exhibited his qualities at the time the free State and pro-slaverv parties, under the lead of Governor Robinson on one side, and Governor Shannon on the otlie-, met to make a treaty of peace. After Governor Robinson had stated to the people who were gathered around the hotel, the terms of the peace, Brown took the stand, uninvited, and opposed the terms of the treaty. He was in favor of ignoring all treaties, and such leading men as Robinson, Lane and Lowry, and proceeding at once against the border rufhau invaders, drive them from the soil or hang them if taken. Gen. Lowry, who was Chairman of the Committee ot Safety, and also commander of the free State troops, ordered Drown under arrest.

The latter made no physical resistance, but it was soon discovered that he was altogether too com- I bustible a person to retain as a prisoner, and a compromise was made with him by the free State men, and he was released. He was informed by the leaders of that party that his remarks were intended to undo what they were trying to accomplish by means of the treaty; that he was a stranger in Lawrence and Kansas, and ought not by his rash remarks to compromise the people of Lawrence until he had known them longer and knew them better. One of liis sons, who had been elected to the i Legislature in 1856, died from rough usage received at the hands of the pro-slaverv partv. Another son was shot by a party of Missourians. These bereavements caused Brown to swear eternal niity to the pro-slavery party, and, it was thought, made him a monomaniac on the subject.

In 1856, after the attack on Lawrence, he organ ized a company who became the terror of the Missouri border. He took five pro-slavery men I from their cabins at Possawotamie and shot them without mercy. This aroused the anger of the pro- I slavery men at Westport, Missouri, and a party of thirty men under 11. Clay Pate went after "Old Drown," but were all captured bv bim and sent I home. He next took part with Capt.

Montgome-1 ry and pursued the notorious Southern leader, Hamilton, into Missouri, killing several of his men and liberating a number of slaves. He next undertook to organize an expedition to liberate the slaves in Kentucky and Tennessee but was dissuaded from this enterprise. Latterly he collected money at the north to buy himself a farm, and with the funds thus obtained he doubtless organized his late expedition. He is said to be a Calvinist in religion, mild and inoffensive, except towards slaveholders, for whom he has a deep rooted and incurable antipathy. PROVISIONAL CONSTITUTION AND ORDINANCES FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES.

The following is the Constitution of the Provisional Government of the United States, of which a number of printed copies, in pamphlet form, were found by the Marines at the house of Capt. Brown PREAMBLE. Whereas, Slavery, throughout its entire existence in the United States, is none other than a most barbarous, unprovoked, and unjustifiable War of one portion of its citizens upon another portion; the only conditions of which are perpetual imprisonment, and hopeless servitude or absolute extermination; in utter disregard and violation of those eternal and self-evident truths set forth in our Declaration of Independence: Therefore, We, Citizens of the United States, and the Oppressed Peo pie, who, by a recent decision of the Supreme Court are declared to have no rights which the White Man is bound to respect; together with all other people degrad 1 ed by the laws thereof, do, for the time being ordain and establish for ourselves, the following Provisional Constitution a Ordinances, the better to protect our Persons, Property, Lives and Liberties; and to govern our actions: ARTICLE I Qualifications for Membership. All persons of mature age, whether Proscribed, oppress! Ed and enslaved Citizens, or of the Proscribed and op pressed races of the United States, who shall agree to sustain and enforce the Provisional Constitution and Ordinances of this organization, together with all minor children of such persons, shall be held to be entitled protection under the same. ARTICLE Branches of Government.

The provisional government of thi9 organization shall consist of three branches, viz: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. ARTICLE Legislative. The legislative branch shall be a Congress or House of i Represeutatives, composed of not less than five, nor more 1 than ten members, who shall be elected by all the citizens of mature age and of sound mind, connected with this organization; and who shall remain in office for three i years, unless sooner removed for misconduct, inability, or by death. A majority of such members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE Executive.

The executive branch of this organization consist of a President and Vice President, who shall be chosen by the citizens or members of this organization, and each of whom shall hold his office for three years, unless sooner i removed by death, or for inability or misconduct. ARTICLE Judicial. The judicial branch of this organization shall consist of one Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and of four Associate Judges of said court; each constituting a Circuit Court. They shall each be chosen in the same manner as the President, and shall continue in office until their places have been filled in the same manner by election of the citizens. Said court shall have jurisdiction in all civil or criminal causes, arising under this constitution, except breaches of the Rules of War.

ARTICLE VI. Validity of Enactments. All enactments of the legislative branch shall, to become valid, during the first three years, have tbe appro bation of the President and of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army. ARTICLE Commander in Chief. A Commander-in-Chief of the army shall be chosen by the President, Vice President, a majority of the provisional Congress, and of the Supreme Court, and he shall receive his commission from the President, signed by the ice President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Secretary of War: and he shall hold his office for three years, unless removed by death, or on proof of in capacity or misbehavior.

He shall, unless under arrest, (and until his place is actually filled as provided for by this Constitution) direct all movements of the army, and advise with any allies. He shall, however, be tried, re moved or punished, on complaint to the President, by at least three general officers, or a majority of the House of Representatives, or of the Supreme Court; which House of Representatives, (the President presiding,) the Vice Presi; dent, and the members of the Supreme Court shall constitute a court martial, for his trial; with power to remove or punish, as the case may require; and to fill his place as above provided. ARTICLE VIII. Officers. A Treasurer, Secretary of State, Secretary of War and Secretary of the Treasury, shall each be chosen for the first years, in the same way and manner as the Commander-in-Chief; subject to trial or removal on complaint of the President, Vice President, or Commander-in-Chief, to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; or on complaint of the majority of the members of said Court, or the Frovisional Congress.

The Supreme Court shall have power to try or punish either of those officers, and their places shall be filled as before. ARTICLE Secretary of War. The Secretary of War shall be under the immediate direction of the Commander-in-Chief, who may temporarily fill his place, in case of arrest, or of any inability to serve. ARTICLE Congress or House of Representatives. The House of Representatives shall make ordinance! providing for the appointment (by the President or otherwise) of all civil officers, excepting those already named; and shall have power to make all laws and ordinances for the general good, not inconsistent with this Constitution and these ordinances.

ARTICLE xi of Money, dec. The Provisional Congress shall have power to appropriate money or other property actually in the hands of the Treasurer, to any object calculated to promote the general good, so far as may be consistent with the provisions of this constitution; and may, in certain cases, appropriate, for a moderate compensation of agents, or persons not members of this organization, for important service they are known to have rendered. ARTICLE Special Duties. It shall be the duty of Congress to provide for the instant removal of any civil officer or policeman, who becomes habitually intoxicated, or who is addicted to other immoral conduct, or to any neglect or unfaithfulness in the discharge of his official duties. Congress shall also be a standing Committee of Safety, for the purpose of obtaining important information and shall be in constant communication with the Commander-inchief; the members of which shall each, as also the President, ice President, members of the supreme court and Secretary of State, ve full power to issue warrants returnable as Congress shall ordain, (naming witnesses, upon their own information, without the formality of a complaint.

Complaint shall immediately made after arrest, and before trial the party arrested to be served with a copy at once ARTICLE XIII Trial of President and other Officers. The President and Vice President may either of them be tried, removed or punished, on complaint made to the Chief Justice of the supreme court, by a majority of the House of Representatives; which house, together with the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court, the whole to be presided over by the Chief Justice in cases of the trial ICft resident, shall have full power to try such remove or punish as the case may require and to fill any vacancy so occurring, the same as in case of the Commander in-chief. ARTICLE Trial of Members of Congress. The Members of the House Representatives may any and all of them be tried, and on conviction, removed or punished on complaint before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, made by any number of the members of said house, exceeding one third which house, with the ice President and Associate Judges of the supreme court, shall constitute the proper tribunal, with power to fill such vacancies. ARTICLE Impeachment of Judges.

Any member of the supreme court may also be impeachmed, tried, convicted or punished by removal or otherwise, on complaint to the President, who shall in such cases preside; the Vice President, House of Representa tives and other members of the supreme court, constituting the proper tribunal (with power to fill vacancies on complaint of a majority of said house of representatives, or of the supreme court; a majority of the whole having power to decide. ARTICLE Duties of President and Secretary of State. The President, with the Secretary of State, shall immediately upon entering on the duties of their office, give special attention to secure from amongst their own people, men of integrity, intelligence and good busines habits, and capacity, and above all, of first rate moral and religious character and influence, to act as civil officers of every description and grade, as well as teachers chaplains, physicians, surgeons, mechanics, agents of every description, clerks and messengers. They shall make special efforts at the earliest possible period, persons and families of that description, to locate themselves within the limits secured by this organization and shall- moreover, from time to time, supply the names and residence of such persons to the Congress, for their special notice and information, as among the most important of their duties, and the President is hereby authorized and empowered to afford special aid to sach individuals, from such moderate appropriations as the Congress shall be able and may deem it advisable to make for that object. The President and Secretary of State, and in case of disagreement, the Vice President, shall ap point all civil officers, but shall not have power to remove any officer.

All removals shall be the result of a fair trial, whether civil or military. ARTICLE Further Duties. It shall be the duty of the President and Secretary of State to find out (as soon as possible) the real friends, as well as enemies of this organization in every part of the country; to secure among them, inn-keepers, private postmasters, private mail-contractors, messengers and whom may be obtained correct and regu lar information, constantly; recruits for the service, pla ces of deposit and sale; together with all needed supplies; and it shall be matter of special regard to secure such facilities through the northern States ARTICLE Duty of th President. It shall be the duty of the President, as well as the House of Representatives, at all times to inform the Com inander-in-Chief of any matter that may require his attention, or that may affect the public safety. ARTICLE Did of It shall be the duty of the President to see that the provisional ordinances of this organization, and those made by the Congress, are promptly and faithfully executed; and he may in cases of great urger cy call on the Commander-in-Chief of the army, or other officers, for aid; it being however intended that a sufficient civil police shall always be in readiness to secure implicit obedience to law.

ARTICLE XX The Vice President. The Vice President shall be the presiding officer of the provisional congress; and in cases of tie shall give the casting vote. ARTICLE Vacancies. In case of death, removal, or inability of the President, the Vice President, and next to him the Chief Justice of the supreme court shall be the President during the remainder of the term; and the place of the Chief Justice thus made vacant shall be filled by Congress from some of the members-of said court; and the places of the Vice President and Associate Justice thus made vacant, filled by an election by the united action of the Provisional Congress and members of the supreme court. All other vacancies, not heretofore specially provided for, during the first three years, be filled by the united action of the President, Vice Presfdent, Supreme Court and Com mander-ln-Chief of the Army.

ARTICLE Punishment of Crimes. The punishment of crimes not capital, except in case of insubordinate convicts or other prisoners, shall be, (so far as may be,) by hard labor on the public works, roads, kc. ARTICLE Army Appointments. It shall be the duty of all commissioned officers of the army, to name candidates of merit for office or elevation to the Commander-in-Chief, who, with the Secretary of War, and in cases of disagreement, the President shall 1 be the appointing power of the army; and all commis sion9 of military officers shall bear the signatures of the Commander-in-Chief and the Secretary of War. And it shall be the special duty of the Secretary of War to keep for constant reference of the Commander-in chief a full list of names of persons nominated for office, or elevation, by the officers of the army, with the name and rank of the officer nominating, stating distinctly but briefly the grounds for such notice or nomination.

The Commanderin Chief shall not have power to remove or punish any 1 officer or soldier; buthe may order their arrest and trial at any time, by court martial. ARTICLE Courts Martial Courts-martial for Companies, Regiments, Brigades, shall be called by the chief officer of each command, on complaint, to him by any officer, or any five privates, in such command, and shall consist of not less than five nor more than nine officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, one-half of whom shall not be lower in rank than the person on trial, to be chosen by the three highest officers in the command, which officers shall not be a part of such a court. The chief officer of any command shall of course be tried by a court martial of the command above his own. All decisions affecting the lives of per sons, or office of persons holding commission must, before taking full effect, have the signature of the Commanderin chief, who may also, on the recommendation of at least one-third of the members of the court martial finding any sentence, grant a reprieve or commutation of the same. ARTICLE xxv No person connected with this organization shall be entitled to any salary, pay or emolument, other than a competent support of himself and family, unless it be from an equal dividend, made of public nroperty, on the establish ment of peace, or of special provision by treaty; which provision shall be made for all personswho may have been in active civil or military service at any time previous to any hostile action for Liberty and Equality.

ARTICLE of Peace. Before any treaty of peace shall take full effect, it shall be signed by the President and Vice President, the Com majority of the House of Representatives, a majority of the supreme court, and majority of all the general officers of the array. ARTICLE XXVII of the Military. I It shall be the duty of the Commander-in-chief, and all officers and soldiers of the army, to afford special protecj tion when needed, to Congress, or any member thereof; to the supreme court, or any member thereof; to the Presij dent, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary of State, tary of the Treasury, and Secretary of War; and to afford general protection to all civil officers, or other persons having right to the same. ARTICLE Projyerty.

All captured or confiscated property, and all property the product of the labor of those belonging to this organization and of their families, shall be held as the property of the whole, equally, without distinction; and may be used for the common benefit, or diposed of for the same object; and any or otherwise, who shall improperly retain, secrete, use, or needlessly destroy such property, or property found, captured or confiscated, belonging to the enemy, or shall wilfully neglect to render a full and fair statement of such property by him so taken or held, shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be punished accordingly. ARTICLE Safety or Intelligence Fund. All money, plate, watches or jewelry, captured by honorable warfare, found, taken, or confiscated, belonging to the enemy, shall be held sacred, to constitute a liberal safety or intelligence fund; and any person who shall improperly retain, dispose of, hide, use, or destroy such money or other article above named, contrary to the provisions and spirit of this article, shall be deemed guilty of theft; and on conviction thereof, shall be punished ac cordingly. The Treasurer shall famish the Commanderin-chief at all times with a full statement of the condition of such fund, and its nature. ARTICLE The Commander-in-Chief and the Trea sury.

The Commander-in-Chief shall have power to draw from the treasury, the money and other property of the fund provided for in Article twenty-ninth, but his orders shall be signed also by the Secretary of War, who shall keep strict account of the same; subject to examination by any member of Congress or general officer. ARTICLE XXXI. Surplus of the Safety or Intelligence Fund. It shall be the duty of the Commander-in-Chief to advise the President of any Surplus of the Safety and Intelligence Fund; who shall have power to draw such surplus, (his order being also signed by the Secretary of State,) to enable him to carry out the provisions of Article Seventeen. ARTICLE XXXII.

Prisoners. person, after having surrendered himself or herself a prisoner, and who shall properly demean himself or herself as such, to any officer or private connected with this organization, shall afterward be put to death, or be subjected to any corporeal punishment, without first having had the benefit of a fair and impartial trial; nor shall any prisoner be treated with'any kind of cruelty, disrespect, insult or needless severity; but it shall be the duty of all persons, male and female, connected herewith, at all times and under all circumstances, to treat all such pris oners with every degree of respect and kindness the nature of the circumstances will admit of; and to insist on a like course of conduct from all others, as In the fear of Almighty God, to whose care and keeping we commit our cause. ARTICLE XXXIII Voluntaries. All persons who may come fo. wardaud shall voluntarily deliver up their slaves, and have their names register ed on the books of the organization, shall, so long as they continue at peace, be entitled to the fullest protection of person and property, though not connected with this organization, and shall be treated as friends, and not merely as persons neutral.

ARTICLE XXXIV. Neutrals. The persons and property of all non slaveholders who shall remain absolutely neutral, shall be respected so far as the circumstances can allow of it; but they shall not be entitled to pny active protection ARTICLE No Needless Waste. The needless waste or destruction of any useful proper ty or article, by fire, throwing open of fences, fields, buildings, or needless killing of animals, or injury of either, shall not be tolerated at any time or place, but shall be promptly and properly punished. ARTICLE XXXVI Property Confiscated.

The entire personal and real property of all persons known to be acting either directly or indirectly with or for the enemy, or found in arms with them, or found wil fully holding slaves, shall be confiscated and taken, whenever and wherevei it maybe found, in either ree or Slave States. ARTICLE XXXVII. Desertion. Persons convicted, on impartial trial, of desertion to the enemv after becoming members, acting a9 spies, or of treacherous surrender of property, arras, ammunition, provisions, or supplies of any kind, roads, bridges, persons or fortifications, shall be put to death and their entire property confiscated. ARTICLE XXXVIII.

Violation of Parole of Honor. Persons proven to be guilty of taking up arms after having been set at liberty on parole of honor, or after the same to have taken any active part with or for the ene my, direct or indirect, 9hall be put to death and their entire property confiscated. ARTICLE AII Must Labor. All persons connected in any way with this organization, and who may be entitled to full protection under it, shall be held as under obligation to labor in some way for the general good; and persons refusing, or neglecting so to do, shall on conviction receive a suitable and appropriate punishment. ARTICLE XL Profane swearing, filthy conversation, indecent behavior, or indecent exposure of the person, or in, or quarreling, shall not be allowed, or tolerated; neither unlawful intercourse of the rexes.

ARTICLE Crimes. Persons convicted of the forcible violation of any female prisoner shall be put to death. ARTICLE The Marriage Sabbath. The marriage relation shall be at all times respected, and families kept together as far as possible; and broken families encouraged to re-unite, and intelligence offices established for that purpose, schools and churches established as soon as may be; for the purpose of religious and other instructions; and the first day of the week regarded as a day of rest, and appropriated to moral and religious instruction of the young and ignorant, and the encouragement of personal cleanliness; nor shall any person be PRICE TWO CENTS. JL KJ.

required on that day to perform ordinary manual lahor unless in extremely urgent cases. mauual labor, ARTICLE Carry Arms Openly All persons known to be of good character, knd of sound mind, and suitable age, who are connected with this organization; whether male or female, shall be encouraged to carry arms openly. vuurageu ARTICLE a 'o Person to Carry Concealed Weapons erSOQ within the limits of the conquered territory! except regularly appointed policemen, express-officers of carriers, or other fully accredited messen- President Vice President, members CoUrt comm officer of the army iiintri onir Un be allowed, at any time, to carry concealed weapons and anv person not specially authorized so to do who shall be found so doing, shall be deemed a suspicious person and may at once be arrested by any officer, Soldier citizen, without the formality of a Complaint or Warrant and may, at once be subjected to thorough search, and shall have his or her case thoroughly investigated; and be dealt with as circumstances, on proof, shall require. ARTICLE XL to be Seized. Persons within the limits of the territory holden by this organization, not connected with this organization, having arms at all, concealed or otherwise, shall be 0r ken iu char of some vigilant i lr thoroughly investigated: and it shall he the duty of alfcitizens and soldiers, as well as officers, to arrest such parties as are named in this and the preceding Section or Article, without the formality of Complaint or Warrant; and they shall be placed in charge of some proper officer for examination, or for safe keeping.

1 ARTICLE These articles not for the overthrow of Government. The foregoing Article! shall not be construed so a9 in any way to encourage the overthrow of any State Government, or of the General Governmertof the United states; and look to no dissolution of the Union, but simply to Amendment and Repeal. And our Flag shall be the 9ame that our Fathers fought under in the Revolution. ARTICLE No Plurality of Offices. No two of the offices specially provided for, by this ed tbe same person, at the same ARTICLE XLVIII Every officer, civil or military, connected with this organization.

shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, make solemn oath or affirmation, to abide by and support this Provisional Constitution and these Ordinances. Also, every Citizen and Soldier, before fullv recognized as such, shall do the same. BCIIEPULE. The President of this Convention shall convene, immeii on the ado tion of this instrument, a convention of all such persons as shall have given their adherence by signature, to the constitution; who shall proceed to fill by election all offices specially named in said consti tution, the President of this convention presiding, and issuing commissions to such officers elect: all such ofli cers being thereafter elected in the manner provided in the body of this instrument. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH.

0 UR SPECIAL DESPATCHES. HARPER'S KERRY, October Governor Wise is still here busily engaged in a personal investigation of the whole affair, and seems to be using every means for bringing to retribution all the participators in it. He has sent out a scouting party of cavalry, and has offered 81,000 reward to any one who will give up to justice John E. Cook. Stephens is still living, but is getting worse.

He sustained three in the ear, one in the cheek, and another in the breast. It is not thought that he can live long. Edward Coppie was not injured at all. Copeland, negro, is in Charlestown jail, and Emperor, negro, is in custody at Harper's Ferry, unhurt. Captain Brown, on being asked some questions, said that he rented the farm called Kennedy farm, i belonging to Dr.

Kennedy of Sharpsburg, Washington and that he never had over 22 men on that farm at any one time that belonged to his regular organization, but that he could" have armed 1,500 men at any time with the following arms 200 Sharp's rifles, 200 revolvers, and 1,000 spears. He said the negroes could not necessarily understand how to use the rifles and revolvers, but he could provide each with one ol the spears, besides which he had a great number of weapons similar to tomahawks. He iiad plenty of picks and shovels, blankets, boots and clothing, and a great quantity of fixed ammunition, all of which were at the farm, and that he had a good right to calculate on from three to five thousand men at any time they knew he wanted them. These were negroes, which he expected from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, North and South Carolina, and some from Canada, but that he never brought to Harper's Ferry more than nineteen men, fourteen of whom were white and the other five free negroes. No slaves were brought by him to Harper's Ferry.

He said thev bought the lire arni3 in the east, and they were shipped at Chambersburg, in double boxes, so that those who hauled them did not know what they contained. They were Sharp's rifles, bought in Connecticut, and directed to Smith Sons, Kennedy Farm, Md." He expressed his regrets at having allowed Conductor Phelps to pass with his train, as if it had not been for that circumstance, all would have been right, and that if he had known there was Government money there, he should have taken and appropriated it to his own use. £le did not regret he told Governor Wise he had no favors'to ask'and no apologies to make, that he was prepared to die, and that he was glad to hear his son 3 had died in so good a cause. Governor Wise and Mr. Ould are here, and the boundary question seemed to present no obstacle.

The former gentleman said the rebels would be tried at Jefferson C. as the Court meets there this week. There is a report current that a negro had returned to his master, who said that the rebel, Cook, and two other men, were concealed in a cave in the mountains. The Governor, has sent out a party to see if there was truth in the statement. The most valuable article brought in by the Marines was a carpet bag tilled with documents and letters connected with the expedition.

They were taken possession of by Governor Wise and many of them read in public "last night. Among the most important are: A letter from Gerritt Smith, the Abolition Presidential candidate, containing some financial statements, and enclosing a draft for SIOO, endorsed by the Cashier of a New York bank. A letter from Frederick Douglass, enclosing a $lO note contributed by a lady for the good of the cause. Several letters from Henry Smith and John Smith, prominent Northern Abolitionists. A number of letters from different parts of Connecticut.

Printed pamphlets of the Constitution of the provisional government to be established by Captain Brown. It was said these letters would implicate a number of prominent abolitionists at the North and West, as being cognizant of and favoring the project. There were letters of introduction to Captain Brown presented to him by Aaron Stevens, one of the insurgents, in which he was commended to him as worth a dozen ordinary men in a light. The writers of these letters stated that they had engaged him to join the expedition, which he had agreed to do on condition that they would give his wife, who lives in Missouri, SIOO to support his family during the winter, pay some small debts for him, and pay his travelling expenses to Harper's Ferry. Some of the dead bodies are still in the river, where they had been either thrown or shot.

The servants of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad killed in the outbreak are to be buried to-day. The Greys returned this morning about five o'clock, and each man received, before leaving the Ferry, a Sharp's rifle and a revolver as a present. Prom Harper's Perry of of the ifutsl ion of urisd id ion Settled. HARPER'S FERRY, Oct. the Marine who was shot on Monday, died this day.

Brown and Stevens, the two wounded prisoners, with the two not wounded, were this afternoon conveyed to Charlestown jail. They were fully committed under both State and United Slates authority. The Circuit Court of Virginia commenced its session at that place to-day. They will probably be at once indicted and tried. GREAT EXCITEMENT! REPORTS OP PI'RTHER DISTURBANCES MOKE TROOPS SEETT FOR MORE OUTRAGES! HARPER'S FERRY, Oct.

P. Moore, a reliable gentleman, has just arrived, and reports that the rebels, supposed to be the party under Capt. Cook, have attacked the farm house of Mrs. Gerrett, three or four miles from Sandy Hook. The alarm has spread throughout the country, and the people are flocking in by droves seeking protection A portion of the Marines under Col.

Lee, numbering thirty, have gone to Sandy Hook, in which direction tiring has been heard. Lieutenant Phillips, of Baltimore, accompanies the expedition. The excitement here is at fever heat, as it is reported that the rebels are ravaging Pleasant Valley, in Washington county, Maryland. A requisition has been made on the War Department for mounted troops immediately. We are momentarily expecting further details.

THE RUMORS UNFOUNDED HARPER'S FERRY, Oct. 1 A. M. Lee has Just returned from Sandy Hook and reports all qniet. The family of Col.

Gerrett are unharmed. Nothing has been heard of Cook and his party. They have probably escaped into Pennsylvania. No further difficulty is apprehended. FROM BUENOS AYRES.

an arrival at New York, we have advices from Buenos Ayres to the 26th of August, one week later than previously received. An attempt to break jail had been made by the political and criminal prisoners of the city, but it was effectually repressed. The Buenos Ayres Times of August 20th, lias the following from Paraguay: By the Salto de Guayra, yesterday, we received advices from Asuncia that Mr. Henderson, H. B.

M. Charge d'Affairs in the Republic of Paraguay, has demanded his passports in pursuance of order's from the home government to that effect, in consequence of the Carnstad affair not having yet reached any satisfactory termination. The National states that President Lopez had again oflered his mediation for the prevention of the war between this State and the Confederate Provinces. Nothing further of importance. The Cork correspondent of the Boston Traveller says: "It will take another Hercules to inaugurate a thorough temperance reform in Ireland.

Everybody drinks something, from the Cork merchant with his wines, down to the cabman with his bad muddy porter. Of course the cheaper drinks are the most in demand, and a great deal more money goes for them than for the substantiate ot life. Grogshops are an institutton here, and flourish, 1 suspect, better than schools, churches, or colleges. An average of one hundred and fifty journals appear every year in Paris, the greater part of which are devoted exclusively to the arts, sciences, literature, industry and speculation. Of these, fertythree are subject tobail, cautionnement ,) for which a sum equal to $337,500 is placed in the hands of the authorities.

The first of these journals in al pbabetical order is the Ami de la Religion, and the last the Univers accident that places all the organs of public opinion between the Gallicans and the Ultramontanes. At Wheeling oil Monday there were 3 feet water in the Ohio river, which was steadily falling.

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