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The Daily Exchange from Baltimore, Maryland • 1

Baltimore, Maryland
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL. 514. BOARD OF TRADE. Committee of Arbitration for the month of September. HENRY W.


W. ATKINSON, GEO. S. BROWNE. Pottttarg snfc Cgmmtrdal jebieto.

BALTIMOM. October 18, 1859. There has been more done in Stocks to-day than for tiro or three days past, but the Titrations were nevertheless not heavy, the value of the stocks sold at the Board being only about $28,000. There was nothing done in Baltimore nnd Ohio Railroad, but the market for it was decidedly firmer than on yesterday. It closed at bid, regular way, this figure being of a dollar higher than the closing bid of yesterday.

Northern Central Railway was however pretty active. The sales reached 1.000 shares at cash, seller CO days, and S2O seller 60 after 30, and buyer 30 days. It left ofT at bid, S2O asked regular way, these figures being the same as those bid and asked at the close yesterday. There was a fair inquiry to-day for City 6's and Railroad bonds. The sales of City C's include $1,600 lS9o's at 99, $2,000 1886's at and those of Railroad bonds embrace S2OO Baltimore and Ohio 1867's at 91; $2,000 do.

1880's at $2,000 do. 18S5's at and North western Virginia unendorsed third mortgage bonds at For Baltimore and Ohio 1875's was bid, and Northern Central 1885's closed at bid, 67 asked. City 6's left off at bid, asked for 1886 and bid, 99 asked for 1890's, and for Maryland 1890 104 was bid. There were also sales at the Board of 20 shares Bank of Commerce at and 0f250 shares Guilford Mining Company at time. For Springfield was bid, and Gardner llill do.

closed at bid, asked regular way. In New York to day Reading advanced Erie New York Central Galena and Chicago Missouri 6's and Virginia C's but Cleveland and Toledo, and Michigan Southern guaranteed declined sleach, Rock Island and Illinois Central bonds Harlem, Michigan Southern, and Canton all closed at yesterday's rates. SALES AT THE BALTIMORE STOCK BOAKD TUESDAY, October 18. 1859. SI6OO Bait 6's, 250sh.Guilford Mining 100 44 4i '9O.

Co. 560af.30.. 1000 44 Um7 N.C.R.R. ..20 2000 B. OE RR.

bds. 'BO. 200 44 44 s6 .20 2000 44 44 100 4 4 44 200 44 44 100 44 N. W. Va.

RR.bds., AFTER'THI BOARD. 3d Bait. 6's, 'B6, 2f. 5 shs. Citizens' Bank.

100 shs. N.C.It.R. bSO- 20sh. Bank of PRICES AND SALES OP STOCKS IN NEW YORK BY TELEGRAPH. Through 11.

1.1 AM FISHER SON, Stock and Bill Brokers. No. 22 South street. Ist Board 2d Board Virginia 6' 00 Missouri 6's Illinois Central bonds 00 Canton Company 17 00 Erie Railroad 6 New York Central Railroad Reading Railroad 38 Panama Railroad 00 Cleveland and Toledo Railroad 00 Michigan Southern Railroad 4 0J Cumberland Coai 00 00 Harlem Railroad Galena and Chicago Michigan Southern, guaranteed. 16 00 LaCrosse and Milwaukie Railroad IM 00 Rock Tsland Railroad 64 on dull.

firm. TlifrNew York Tribune of yesterday says In money there is no change to note, excepting, perhaps, greater abundance on call. The large lenders aro asking only 6 per cent, on leading securities. The offerings at bank are rather decreasing again, and these institutions are somewhat less firm in regard to the length of paper discounted. In the discount houses favorite names are scarce, and go at per cent, for sixty days up to six months.

Good two name paper, due after May, goes at per cent. The supply in hank or the discount houses is scarcely equal to the demand. The statement of bank averages for the week shows a steady movement on the part of these institutions, and. without important features, is generally favorable, inasmuch as, with a slightly increased metallic basis, they have not been able to increase their limit of loans, in consequence of the moderate demand for accommodation needed by the business community. The specie reserve is rather more favorable than was anticipated, and has been largely strengthened by receipts from Philadelphia and the West.

It is understood that the Central road is do ng a larger business than in October last year, and the Harlem and Hudson River roads also. At the West the movement of grain is active, in anticipation of the closing of navigation. The President of the Cincinnati and Indianapolis road telegraphs that the of corn is very large, and that all his equipage will be employed in a few days. The crop in Indiana is enormous. The New York bank statement for last week i 9 considered a very favorable one.

Annexed are the usual footings, as compared with the previous returns: Oct. 8. Oct. 15. Loans $117,211,627 $117,289,067 Inc.

$77,440 Specie 19,493.144 19.651,293 Inc. 158,049 Circulation 8,585,739 8.463.81G Dec. 121,923 Net 69,501,207 70,091,020 Inc. 579,813 CLEARINO-HOUSE TRANSACTIONS. Clearings for week ending Oct.

8 $138,293,810 Do. do. Oct. 15 130.954.074 Balances for week ending Oct. 8 7,145,772 Do.

do. Oct. 15 6 683,748 The average weekly statement of the banks of Philadel phia, for the week ending on Saturday last, presents the following results in the leading items, and the following changes, as compared with the previous week: Oct. 10. Oct.

17. Capital Stock $11,638,655 $11,640,845 In. $2190 Loans 25.687,358 25,816,137 In. 128,779 Specie 5,233,622 5.217,766 De. 15,855 Due from 1,507,634 1,543,283 In.

35,590 Due other 2,763,191 .3,023,755 In. 260,564 Deposits 15.459.055 15,332,414 De. 126,641 Circulation 2,910,908 2,873,402 De. 37,503 BALTIMORE MARKETS. TUESDAY, October 18.

has been some movement to-day in Coffee. We note the sale of an invoice of 1,200 bags Rio, cx "Paladin." at and the re-sale of some 200 bags out of this lot at cts. Coffee closes steady at the quotations, which are as follows, viz: cts. for medium to fair cts. for good for prime cts.

for Laguayra, and cts. for Java. The stock of Rio to-day is about 36,000 bags, and of other descriptions about 1,800 bags. FLOUR is some Flour selling, but the market is still inactive and rather heavy. We have reported today sales of 250 bbls.

Howard Street Super at $5, lOObbls. choice do. at 400 bbls. City Mills do. at 450 bbls.

Howard Street and Ohio Super on private terms, but understood to be at per hhl. Super Flour may be quoted as closing at for Ohio and Howard Street, the outside figure being for choice brands, and $5 per bbl. for standard City Mills. There is but little inquiry for Extra Flour and we hear of no sales being made to-day. We quote Ohio Extra at Howard Street do.

at $5.50 and City Mills do. at $6 for regular shipping, nnd $6.75 per bbl. for fancy brands. FAMILY Flourcontinues in good demand and very firm. Welch's is bringing $7.75, and we quote the Patapsco, Reservoir, Silver Spring, Ashland and Shenandoah brands at $7.25 per bbl.

Wc quote Howard Street Family at $6 50 per bbl. RYE FLOUR AND CORN Rye Flour is steady at $4.50 per but we hear of no sales of consequence. There is some inquiry for Corn Meal, and we note sales to-day of COO bbls. Brandywine on private terms. Corn Meal may be quoted to-day at for both Balti more and Brandywine.

Wheat and Corn were in fair supply this morning, about 18.00 bushels of the former and some 12,000 bushels of the latter being at market. The demand for them was brisk, and the market firm at the previous quotations. Wheat sold at 112 cts. for ordinary, and cts. for fair to prime red, cts.

for ordinary to fair white. cts. for good to prime and Corn at cts. for white, cts. for yellow, and a lot of 300 bushels very prime 'yellow brought 96 cts.

There were no fancy lots of white Wheat at mar ket to-day, but they would have brought readily enough, had there been any offered, cts. There were about 350 bushels Rye offered, hut no sales were reported to-day. We however quote Maryland as before at and Pennsylvania at 95(296 cts. per bushel. Oats range at from 38 to 42 cts.

for Maryland, and we quote Pennsylvania at There were bushels offered to-day but only a few lots were sold. hear of no transactions in Molasses worth noting, but we still quote tart Cuba at cts and sweet do at for clayed, and 27(2)28 cts. for Muscovado; English Island at Porto Rico at and New Orleans at 395)41 cts. per gallon Provision market is still quiet and rather heavy. For Bacon there is some inquiry and we note sales to day of some 60 to 75 hhds.

Shoulders aud Sides iu lots at cts. for the former, and cts. for the latter. Sales alio of 750 pieces plain Hams at cts. Bacon could not have been sold to-day in round lots at over cts.

for Shoulders, and cts. for Sides. We quote Bulk Meat nominal at cts. for Shoulders, and cts. for Sides, but we hear of no sales.

Mess Pork is selling in retail los at $15.75, and we quote Prime do. at SU.2S@U.&O, and Rump do. at per bbl. There is some little inquiry for Lard and we note a sale to-day of 30 bbls. Western at cts.

Lard in kegs is selling at cts. A lot of Western Mess Beef was sold yesterday at $lO 50 per bbl but Baltimore packed Beef is selling at $12(214 for old and new No. 1, and for do. Mess. RICE is dull, but wc still quote it as ranging from to cts.

for fair to prime. has been very little inquiry for Sugars for some days past, and to-day we have heard of no sales. The market although quiet is however steady at the following rates, viz for common to good refining Cuba and EngMsh Island; for grocers' styles Cuba; for fair to good Porto Rico and New Orleans: and for prime and choice do. SEEDS are not advised of any transactions worth noting to-dar in Seeds, but we quote Cloverseed as before at $5 50 for new, and Timothy do. at $2.

per bushel. There is but little Cloverseed coming forward, and Timothy do. particularly scarce and wanted. Flaxseed is still quoted at $1.40 per bush- 1. SALT.

still quote Liverpool Salt at cts. for Ground Alum, 135 cts. for Marshall's and Jeffrey Darny fine, and cts. per sack for Ashton's do. Fine Salt is very scarce, but of Ground Alum there is a large supply.

We quote Turks Island Salt, as befcre, at cts per bushel. have reported to day sales 0f250 bbls. City Whiskey at 200 bbls. Country do. at 28 100 bbls.

Ohio do. at and 50 bbb. do. at 29 cts' City was held pretty firmly at the close at cts. and for Ohio Whiskey 29 cts.

was generally asked. DOMESTIC MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. October 17 A further sale of 20 hhds. Ist No.

1 Quercitron Bark was made at S2B per ton, at which rate the market is steady. The Cotton market is dull and unsettled, and a few small lots, about 200 bales, have been disposed of at irre pular rates. There is no new feature io the Flour market, the stocks and receipts are light and holders Qrm, but there is very little demand for export, and the only sale made public is 1.000 bbls. B. Thomas' superfine at $5.18 per bbl.

Good straight superfine is generally held at $5,1215. The trade are buying in lots at from $5 to $5.25 for superfine, for extras, and per bbl. for extra family and fancy brands, as in quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet for the want of stock. The former is wanted at $4 and the latter at $3.75 per bbl.

There is very little demand for Wheat, hut the re ceipts are moderate, and the market is dull at previous quoted rates; sales comprise only about 2,500 bushels, in small lots, at for fair and prime reds, and 128 to 135 c. for common and fair white; at the close these rates were not obtainable. Of Rye, about 600 bushels Pcnn'awere disposed of, in small lots, at 90c. Corn is dull and unsettled to day; buyers are holding off. and on ly about 3.500 bushels yellow, part not prime, have been taken at 92'593c.

in store and afloat, closing with more sellers than buyers at the latter rate. Oats continue in fair demand, and about 1,800 bnshels southern brought mostly in the cars. Of Barley Malt, about 3,000 bushels old sold at 85E. and 400 do. common at 80c.

In Groceries and Provisions there is nothing new, and but little doing in the way of sales to-day. There is a steady demand for Cloverseed. and further sales of 250 bushels are reported at including some lots of prime at something Whiskey is firmer, drndge selling at 250 Pennsylvania at smalllots at 2814 and prison and Ohio do. at 29c. Ilhds.

are very scarce at 27)4c. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET, October receipts of Beef Cattle foot up about 2,000 this week at the different yards, most of which were disposed of at S3FA4 for inferior and common, and S7IA9K for fair to prime quality the 100 prices showing little or no alteration as compared with those of last week. Of Cows and Calves about 100 were offered, and sold at from $25 to $45 each, according to condition. About 2.250 Hogs were received and sold at Imhoff's Union Drove Yard this week, at prices ranging from $7 to $8 25 the 100 as in quality. The arrivals of Sheep at the Avenue Yard were about 7,000 head, selling at from 7 to 814 c.

per lb. nett. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, Oct. 18 Cotton is sales of 600 bales.

is of 10.000 Ohio Wheat is heavy sales of 1,800 bushels; very choice Western white 142 cU. Cora is dull-sales of 6,000 bushels; mixed nominal at sl. Whiskey is active at cts. Sugar is quiet at cts. Coffee has declined cent of 5,000 bags at auction at eta.

averaglog 1114 CTO. Spirits Turpentine is steidy. Rosin is dull. Rice is firm at 814cts. Cotton to Liverpool 3 16.

THE DAILY EXCHANGE. PHILADELPHIA, October i 9 sales of Superfine at Wheat is quiet; red 1 9. Corn is of yellow at I 92 Whiskey closed firm at 28(2)29 cts. EXPORTS FROM BALTIMORE. FOREIGN.

Ship Luna. 976 hhds tobacco, 1 bbl. flour, 1 box shells, 1 box preserves, 1 bundle corn brooms, 1 picture, 2 boxes horns, 1,000 bags bark, 2 bbls. Mexican guano, Ship Falmouth. 1,032 hhds.

tobacco. Schr. John Grijjith. 1,491 bbls. flour, 150 bbls.

rosin, 64 chests tea, 50 cases blue drills, 500 kegs crackers, 100 cases lard. IMPORTS AT BALTIMORE. FOREIGN. PORTO Schr. Peerless.

295 hides, 254 bags coffee, Sterling Ahrens; 368 do. tl F. W. Sons. 1 COASTWISE.

NEW Baric Cherokee. 310 hhds. sugar, 200 bdls. hides, 20 bales 10 pkgs. order.

i Sftgptg gttftlttgtntt PORT OF BALTIMORE, October 18. ARiuvk i Bark Cherokee, Hopkins, 21 flays fioui gar, hides, to George L. Harrison. Passed at 4 p. Monday, ship Silver Star, (before ashore on Smiths 1 Point,) afloat, and at anchor in the mouth of the Fotomae rx River.

Brig Wheaton, Leeman, from and mdse. to 0 Kelsey Gray and Curtis Post. Schr. Peerless. Patterson, from Porto and hides to Stirling A Ahrens; and coffee to F.

W. Brune Sons ReDorts at Jas. Maxwell, from Trinidad, and Rowena, Wilson 1 Schr. E.J. Rayner, Rayner, 48 hours from New W.

Rhoads Son; stone to Hugh Sisson. Schr. Amelia, Griffens, from Newark, to Schr Wm. F. Burden, Ferris, from to E.

i Tratt Bro. Steamer John S. Shriver, Philadelphia mdse to J. A. Shriver.

Brig Virginia, frrm Bluff Point, to Schr. C. W. om Sullivan, stone to Fort Carroll Schr. Adeline, Howes, from and syrup to S.

P. Thompson Co. Schr. D. C.

Guyther, Kirwan, from to Hyland Woods. CLEARED Steamer George Peabody, Pritchard, Brant, Jr. Steamer Parkersburg, Powell, New T. Pearce. Ship Falmouth, Whyte, P.

Hardesty. Ship Luna, (Brem) Warkmeister, Kohler. Schr. John Griffith, Conklin, Pernambuco and a Kirkland, Cha Co. Schr.

Israel H. Day, Chase, Phillips Co. Schr. Prowess, Hulse, Fall Lyon. Schr.

Margaret H. Powell, Montgomery, Derby, Conn Dobbin WartJeld. SAILED. Bark Amazon, Kirwan, West Indies, iu tow of 3 tea in tug Edwin Forrest. Brig Roseway Belle, Cole, Rio Janeiro.

AT QUARANTINE. Schr. Sallie Mears, Richardson, from RhosuN Son. ARRIVALS FROM BALTIMORE. Brig Delta, Daulbv, Havana, sth inst.

Brig S. Francis, Moore, Charleston, 14th inst. Schr. Morning Light, Somers, New Bedford, 16th inst. Schr.

S. B. Huey, Huev, Halifax, Bth inst. Schr. Yankee Doodle, Ellery, Providence, 14th inst.

Schr. T. C. Worrell, Hubbard, I4th. Schr.

Seguinc, King stand, New York, 14th inst. CLEARANCES FOR BALTIMORE. Schr. Jas. T.

Boyd, Matthews, Albany, 15th inst. Schr. J. H. Cator, Catlen, Richmond, 15th inst.

Schr. Wm. S. Triplet, Pritchard, Richmond. 15th inst.

Schr. M. Writhington, Thatcher, Boston. 14th inst. Schr.

Elizabeth, Latchum. Newbern, N. C. 14th inst. Schr.

John Allen, Stover, Alexandria, 14th inst. MEMORANDA Ship Argo, Ballard, for Hampton Roads, sailed from Jarvis Island, July sth. Ship Elvira Owen, Potter, from Baltimore, ariived at New Orleans. 10th inst. Ship Flora McDonald, Fuller, for New York, sailed from Helveot, 2Sth ult.

Ship John X. Gushing, Plummer, for Baltimore, sailed fra Liverpool, 28th ult. Ship A. Lawrence, Claypoole, uncertain, remained at Marseilles, 28th ult. Ship M.

Whitridge, Cressey, for San Francisco, uncertain, remained at Hong Kong, Aug. 10th. Ship Flora Temple, Johnson, for Havana, remained at Whampoa, Aug. 10th. Ship Ocean, Klopper, for Baltimore, Ist was at Piemen, 25th ult.

Ship Banshee, Kane, for Baltimore, loading, waa at Rio de Janeiro. sth ult. Bark Campanero, New York, arrived at Richmond, 17th inst. Bark Justina, from Baltimore, remained at Rio de Janeiro. sth inst.

Bark Virginian. Lowry, from Rio de Janeiro for Baltimore is in Hampton Roads. Bark Messenger Bird, Delee, arrived, New Zealand, and cleared again, June ISth, for Guano Island. Bark Gen. Strieker, McDonald, for Rio de Janeiro, remain ed at London.

Ist inst. Bark Lapwing, from Baltimore, was at Rio de Janeiro, sth inst. Brig Monticello, to load at Santos, for Baltimore, was at Rio de Janeiro. sth inst. Brig Wheaton, fnr Baltimore, sailed from Eastport, Bth insr.

Brig Long, from Richmond went to sea from Hamp ton Roads, 14th inst. Biig Helen. from Baltimore, remained at Rio de Janeiro, sth inst. Brig Echo, Booze, hence for Mayaguez, was seen 12th inst. lat.

3515. lon. 74 31. Brig Thos. Swann, St.

Jago de Cuba, Ist should be brig A. J. W. Applegarth. Brug Hannah, Creighton, for Pernambuco, sailed fm Rich mond, 15th Brig Ocean Wave.

Portland for Baltimore, was spoken 12th iat. 36 41, lon. "6 46. Schr. Samuel.

Jones, from Trinidad, arrived at St Thomson, 27th ult, and sailed 29th for Sombrero, to load guano for Hampton Roads, at $4 per ton Schr. Jas. T. Boyd, Matthews, for Baltimore, cleared at Albany, 15th in9t. Schr.

Americas, Walters, for Baltimore, sailed frrm Malaga, 17th ult. Schr. Juno. (Dan.) Peilerson, for Baltimore, was loading at Malaga, 22d ult. Schr.

N. M. Tanner, of Baltimore. 114 tons, built in 1856, has sold for $3,500. to Mr Jas.

Paty, of Charleston. Schr. Dolphin, (Br.) Toland, for Baltimore, sailed fm Malaga, 20th ult. Schr. Maria Morton, frsm Sombrero, with guano, arrived in Hampton 15th inst.

Schr. Judas, of 13 days from Baltimore for Mobile. was spoken off Key West, inst. Schr. Ocean Bird, Gibnsfrom New Bedford for Baltimore.

put into Providence, 14th on account of head wind. DISASTERS. Schr. Independence, Brickhouso, from Baltimore for Ply mouth, N. is ashore on Currituck, one mile south of "Bautns." Cargo on the beach and vessel breaking UP By tel to Jas.

Carey Coalc, ag nt of New York Board Underwriters. EASTERN PORTS. NEW YORK, October steamships Ariel, Havre; Star of the West. Aspinwall: Montgomery. Savannah: ships Seaman's Bride.

W. C. Mexico: Daniel Webster. London: Humboldt, Hamburg: barks Worsata, Bremen; Excelsior, Barbadoes; brigs A. D.

Jordon, I.aguna; I. Beurraann, Port au Prince; Franconia. Nuevitas PRILADELPHIa, October 15. schr W. Springs.

Wilmington, X. C. Ol ships Ohatswnrth, Panama; Carioca, Rio de Janeiro: schrs. H. R.

Cogshall, Savannah; Somerset, Charleston: G. Still. Wilmington, X. C. BOSTON, Octoher 15 shins Enoch Talbot, Liverpool; Mansanilla: Edista, Charleston; Indiana, Savannah; brig Vertrouwen, Rotterdam.

CTd. ship Expounder, San Francisco; brigs Adina. Lon don: Susan, Savannah: Taratine, Jacksonville; schrs. Spring Hill, Cape Haytien: Nelson Harvey, Mobile: J. W.

Seaver, Alexandria: W. Castle, Richmond; W. B. Darling, Nor folk. SOUTHERN PORTS.

RICHMOND, October 15. schrs. D. C. Higgins, New York; Kate KaUahan and A.

Fd mond son, Philadelphia; Tl os Hix, Rockland. Cl'd. brig Hannah, Pernambuco; schrs. Antaries and Wm. Gregory, Salem; M.

Munson, Boston: Danville, New ork. NORFOLK, Octolier bark Adriatic, Havana: schr. J. E. CTd.

brig Larukah, New ork. WILMINGTON, October li. schr. J. A.

Bayard, Philadelphia MOBILE, October bark Lone Star, New York Cl'd. bark Jas. Cook, Havana. NOTICE TO MARINERS. DISCONTINUANCE OF LIGHTS.

Treasury Department, Office Lighthouse Board, Washington City, October 5,1859. The 3d section of the Act of Congress approved March 3d, 1859, making appropriations "forlighthouses, lifeboats, buoys, authorized the Secretary of the Treasury in his discretion. on the Recommendation of the Lighthouse discontinue from time to time such lights as may become useless, by reason of mutations of commerce and changes of channels of harbors, and other causes. The Lighthouse Board at its meeting hell on the instant, recommended that the following named light be dis continued, Lighthouse nt New Haven Long Wharf. Connecticut.

It is therefore ordere and directed that the aforesaid light discontinued on and after the first day of November next. By order of the Lighthouse Board. R. ES, Secretary. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS Ti) ARRIVB.

Ships. Leave For flays Hammonia Southampton New York Oct. 3 Bremen Southampton.New York Oct. 4 North Briton Quebec Oct. .1 Europa Liverpool Boston Oct.

8 Anglo Saxon Liverpool Quebec Oct. 12 Kangaroo Liverpool New York Oct 12 FROM UNITED STATES. Ships. I.eave. For Days.

Canada Boston Liverpool Oct. 19 Ariel New Oct. 22 City of Washington.New York Liverpool Oct. 22 Africa New Oct. 26 Edinburgh Oct.

26 The Havana Steamers leave New York on the 2d, 7tk, 12th. 17th and 27th of each month, and Charleston, S.C.,on the 4th and 19th. The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on the sth and 2ilth of each month London Neics of Sept. 24th. 1 IMPROVED ARTILLERY.

Germany, in Russia, and in America, less than in this country and in France, no inconsiderable amount tfingenuit has been expended in the endeavor to contrive a gun, suitable either for a ship, a fortress, or for the field, which shall excel all others that have as yet been introduced into either service; not only in range and i precision, but in the facility with which it can be handled. As might have be supposed, the performances of some of the most remarkable of the pieces of ordnance that have recently been tried have thrown into th shade our ancient ordnance; but even though a range of five miles has on more than one occasion been reached, military men are not after all, so sanguine as might have been supposed as to the practical utility of such vast power, unless is can rendered generally available for al 1 the urposes of war. We took occasion the other day, in our notice of several new works on rifled arms, to show that for naval conflict against ship, or fleet against fleet, anything like a range miles would be tively useless would only be in the event of the bombardment of a town or citadel that shells, jected from a remote distance, could be efficiently employed. In a land fight the contingency of a "protracted conflict "at long bowls" tween batteries miles apart is not a very probable occurrence. True it is that where, as in some of the recent battles of Italy, 1 one army is provided with field pieces capable of throwing explosive missiles into crowded masses whose artillery, on the other hand, is harmless at i half the distance, the advantage must necessariiy 1 be very great on the side of those who possess the more formidable equipment; but this pre-eminence it would be difficult long to maintain, since, as soon 5 as the adoption of any particular description of gun was found to be essential, its use wnnld speedie ly become general, and the gain to the nation origi inating the change would probably be limited to the first few engagements.

0 As matters stand just now, certain continental nations are perhaps somewhat ahead of us in the article of rifled cannon. The French have been straining every nerve to manufacture them in large quantities, both for their army and navy, and not to be behindhand it has become absolutely incum-0 bent upon us to perfect a still more formidable de-1 scription of artillery even than that which thundered at Solferino. The experiments at Woolwich, at Shoeburyness, and at Portsmouth, frequent and extensive as they' 4 are, are somewhat of a too desultory character and are generally carried on without a sufficiently definite object in each particular instance. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. -It is noticed as an esting fact that the Mississippi river grows narrow-7 er towards its mouth.

Above the month of the Missouri, for 500 miles, it measures an average of 3,600 feet in width From there to the mouth of the Ohio it averages 3,200 feet; from the Ohio to the Arkansas about 3,000 feet; from the Arkansaa to Red river abnnt 2,700 leel, ard from Red river to the Oulf about 2,100. Yet, wiih thi' constantly t- increasing funnel. In- olume of water to be disq charged tin nugh it is constantly increasing. Ilence, i. it is contended, come those bayous which start out of the river, and lad away into swamps and down j' in various directions to the Oulf.

The river can't accommodate all its water, and the bayous have to help it. LATEST NEWS. TELEGRAMS. Later from lluenos Ay l'es. NEW YORK, Oct.

18. have been received from Buenos Ayres to the 25th of August, but are unimportant. The previous report of the appearance of the Argentine squadron oft" liuenos Ayres and exchanging a shot with the Buenos Avres steamer, is confirmed. A Montevideo letter states that a forgery of six millions' worth of bonds had been discovered there, and that the forger had been arrested. He proved to be the captain of a Spanish vessel plying between that port and Rio.

The discovery of the fraud had served to unsettle business affairs and create a great run upon the of Senor Mana. Mr. Henderson, the Brisish Charge at Paraguay, had demanded his passports in consequence of the Camstad affair not having been satisfactorily settled. General Convention of tlie Episcopal Church. RICHMOND, Oct.

18 long report from the Committee in caucus and the General Theological Seminary was presented. The House refused to entertain a resolution fixing a day for an adjournment. A resolution was adopted appointing a committee to inquire into the expediency of effecting a severance between the General Convention and the General Theological Seminary. The order of the day relating to religious toleration in Cuba gave rise to a long and able debate. The resolution was recommitted.

The House of Bishops have nominated Rev. Jacob L. Clark, of Hartford, for Bishop of the northwest, and Rev. Henry G. Lay, of Alabama, for the Bishop of the southwest.

From Barbmloes. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 18. have been received here from Jamaica to the Ist inst. The Legislature meets on the Ist of November.

The Island was healthy, and the late disturbances were over. The Demerara authorities were endeavoring to induce the white immigrants from Barbadoes. CITY INTELLIGENCE. ACCIDENTAL man living at No. 5 Thompson street, went to his home on Monday night about 12 o'clock in an intoxicated condition, and sat upon a chair near a bed on the floor where his wile and child, seven months old, weresleeping.

He soon became unconscious and fell from his seat. In falling, his hand came in contact with the head of the child, injuring it to such an extent that it died yesterday morning about 4 o'clock. Coroner Sparklin was called on, but hearing the circumstances declined to hold an inquest. REPUBLICAN MEETING. adjourned meeting of the Republican Association of Baltimore took place last night at Exeter Hall, Exeter street, but there only eight persons present, including the President, Secretary and two reporters, the meeting adjourned without doing any business, to meet again on the third Tuesday of November.

IDENTIFIED. body of the man who was found in the water at Henderson dock on Monday morning, was identified yesterday by his relatives. He resided on the Ilookstown road, in the 19th ward, was 63 years of age, and was the father of ten children. The body was disinterred and buried in the Western cemetery. His name was not ascertained.

POLITICAL. night a small political meeting was held at the corner of Lee and Hanover streets. The following was painted in canvass on the front of the platform "American Freemen, repudiate Locofocoism, disguised as Democracy or Reform POLICE INTELLIGENCE. James Dea, a youth, was arrested yesterday by officer Neimyer, charged with stealing the sum of $35 from the desk of Mr. Wm.

Long, shoemaker, on the corner of Shakspeare street and Broadway. The accused was committed to await the action "of the Grand Jury by- Justice Griffin. John Davalin was arrested yesterday by officers Talbot and Riley, charged with stealing a silver watch, valued at $lO, belonging to a German named Caspar Weaver. The particulars of the robbery were mentioned in yesterday's Exchange, in noticing the arrest of Min'ny Welsh, arrested on the charge of being accessory to the theft. The accused was committed for "trial by Justice Mc- Allister.

Grayson Dearing, charged with assaulting and striking Henry Cook with a billy, was committed for Court by Justice McAllister. Valentine Teller, charged with assaulting and beating John Wolf, was committed for Court bv Justice McAllister. Henry Conk, charged with violating city ordinances, relative to fast driving, was fined SI and costs by Justice Spies. Elisha Burke, negro, refusing to have his chimney swept, was fined $1 and costs bv Justice Showacre. Edward McCendrien was arrested by officer Short, charged with assaulting and attempting to kill Isaac Potee, and committed for the action of the Grand Jury by Justice Showacre.

AMUSEMENTS. GRAND MILITARY grand levee of the Fifth Regiment Maryland volunteers takes place to-night at the new Front Street 'heatre, I which has been splendidly decorated for the occasion. The association of Old Defenders will be present at the ball. Everything will be done by the management to make the affair one of great enjoyment to all who favor them with their company. HOLLIDAY STREET performances at this establishment to night, will commence with Moore's Tragedy of The Gamester.

Barry Sullivan as Mr. Beverly, and Mrs. W. C. Gladstane ns Airs.

Beverly. To conclude with the new farce of ici on parle Francais. SIR JOHN BO.VRINO ON THE OPIUM John Bowring, the British Governor of Hong Kong, is an apologist for the opium He thinks that the injurious effects of opium have been greatly exaggerated; that the evil productd is nothing in comparison with that resulting from the use of intoxicating liquors in England and elsewhere; in fact, that this trade is, in a negative sense, productive of incalculable good. He therefore recommends that it should be legalized. The opinions entertained by Sir John Bowring, so antagonistic to those commonlv received, are more fully expressed in the following report of his remarks, recently made before the British Association: "For a long time there was a class of men who felt that the introduction of opium should not be allowed; but at last the good sense of the people had seen that it should be legalized.

It had been said that we were introducing opium in violation of treaties; now in none of our treaties with China was there any mention of opium. Though they referred to a number of commodities, in none of them was opium named. No doubt the introduc tion of opium had produced a great change in the habits of the people. He was the last man to justify excess, and he would be the first to acknowledge that the use of opium was most deleterious: but compared with the social evils and the crimes resulting from intoxicating liquors in this country, the results even of the abuse of opiym in China are as nothing. (Cheers.l There is not the slighest impediment to any one there consuming opium, if he pleases.

Some use it in excess, all consume it, yet the number of deaths he had taken some trouble to collect only 4 per annum out of 90,000. The proportion of deaths from delirium tremens alone in this country, then, was three or four times as great. It would be a very great calamity to China itself, if the importation of opium was stopped, because, if opium were successfully shut out land now devoted to the growth of rice would be used for the cultivation of the poppy. It is very extraordinarv how completely the habit of intoxication has become extirpated in China. He had scarcely ever seen a drunken Chinaman, yet the edicts of the Emperors a hundred years ago were filled with threats of all sorts of punishments, in consequence of the numerous crimes arising from intoxication.

Certainly, the effects of opium are very pernicious, but it does not lead to crime or to acts of The opium smoker dreams, and fancies delightful visions; but the man who is intoxicated with drink often becomes a perfect ruffian. The introduction of opinm has undoubtedly produced a moral change among the Chinese people, and although he agreed thaf opium in excess is most deleterious, Be had come to the conclusion that its moderate use is scarcely pernicious." GRADUALLY natives of the Sandwich Islands, like the Indians of this continent, are gradually disappearing before the approach of the white man. The present number of the Hawaiians would not probably exceed 65.000: and should the present ratio of decrease proceed unchecked, in a few years the number must be very small. The decrease is due, in a great measure, to licentiousness, indolence, the prevalence of epidemics, and the great demand for Hawaiian seamen, who go abroad, many of them never to return. While the aborigines are decreasing, there is also a steady increase of the foreign element by birth and immigration, most of those born on the isiand desiring to grow up and spend their days there.

SEA question is often asked, where do sea birds obtain fresh water to slake their thirst, but we have never seen it satisfactorily answered till a few days ago. An old skipper, with whom we were conversing on the subject, said that he had "frequently seen these birds at sea, far from any land that could furnish them water, hovering around and under a storm cloud, chattering like ducks on a hot day at a pond, and drinking in the drops of rain as they fell. Thev will smell a rain squall a hundred miles, or even further oft', and scud for it with inconceivable fleetness. How long sea birds can live without water is merely a matter of conjecture, but probably their powers of enduring thirst are increased by habit, and possiblv they go without it for many days, if not for several weeks. FROM PORT AC the arrival of the brig Isabel Beurtnann, Capt.

Tames, at New York, we have Port au Prince dates to Sept. 29. It is rnmored that the leader of the last attempted revolution has landed at Cape Havti. There are about 25 of the revolutionists in jail undergoing trial. Some of them, no doubt, will be shot, and others sent to the United States.

A shock of an earthquake was felt at P)rt au Prince on the 17th at 7.10 P. M. RUSSIA ENCROACHING UPON has taken possession of Sagallen, an island just opposite the mouth of the river Amoor, and parallel with the coast line. By a provision in the treaty between Russia and Japan, this island was to constitute the boundary between the two nations. Coal is found in Sagallen, in many places, either on the surface or cropping out from under the rocks on the sea coast.

The quality of coal is represented as very excellent, and it will prove an inexhaustible source offuel for Ru-sian steamers running on the Amoor and its tributaries. Mr. Patton, a "well-to-do" merchant of Lafayette, who ran away with a mistress, leaving a wife, but taking his child, has been traced by Mrs. friends to Mackinaw where he is working for his bread at the rate of $1.50 per day. A brother of the injured wife followed him to that island and recovered the child, forcing Patton to settle his property at Lafayette on his discarded wife, and then serving a subpoena on the faithless hnsband in 1 behalf of the wife for a divorce, left the scainp to his poverty, his paramour, and his conscience.

A NEW STATUE OF is now in New York, fresh from the chieel of Hiram Powers, of Florence, a beautifully executed full length statue of the Father of his country, clothed in Masonic regalia. It was executed for Fredert icksburg Lodge, Virginia, in which Washington 3 initiated, passea and raised, at an expense of $6,000. BALTIMORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1859. LA INTELLIGENCE CRIMINAL COURT. Henry Stump, Judge.

Milton Whitney, State's Attorney, prosecuting. assisted bv T. Joseph Rogers. Esq. WilliamS.

Waters and R. L. Garretson, for the defence, State Robert Miller, indicted jointly with 5 Thomas Hoffman, for the murder on the night of the 23d of August last, of Hugh D. O'Sullivan 3 by shooting him with a pistol in the back of the 5 head, causing a mortal wound of the length of i halt an inch and of the depth of four inches, from I which w.und the said O'Sullivan instantly died. On the opening of the Court the examination of witnesses for the State was continued: Henry Miltendorf, at 127 Central 'j avenue; was at Smith Curlett's soap and candle 1 factory on the night of the occurrence with John Orem; heard a crowd coming up Holliday street singing: went to the'window and saw a crowd cross; ing Holliday street; some of the crowd went over to house No.

10G; some stopped there and some went on; saw two men come up and heard talking, then heard a pistol fired. By a at the third-story window. Witness then a man run, with light pants on, along Holliday str et to Pleasant and towards North; first saw the two men coming along Holliday street, just as the crowd got to No? 106; they were walking pretty fast; saw one of them go on the porch of No 106 before the shot was fired; saw no one go on the porch of No. 104: did not know either of them; did not see the other go on the porch, he must have stopped; in two or three minutes heard the shot, then saw the man with light pants run off; think there were six or eight in the crowd who went along nolliday street, the two men coming up Holliday street after the crowd were together. Cross-examined by Mr.

witness first saw the crowd, they were coming from Shipley's stables; am certain the man who ran away with light pants on was same man witness saw come up Holliday street; knows it only from the fact of both having on light pants; the flash was on the pavement near the first porch; there was an oil lamp burning on the pavement in front of No. 104. Dennis Sullivan, at No. 115 North street, between Bath and Pleasant, know the situation of the houses Nos. 104 and 10G Holliday street; they are back of witness' bouse; recollect the night of this occurrence; was at home, heard the shot; thought there was something going on around the corner; came out in the yard, opened the gate and just then a man passed the gate towards Bath from Pleasant street; he had on light pants and light slouch hat and shoes; this was between four and six minutes after the shot was fired, he was taller than witness; (witness was about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high;) did not notice where he went to; saw him till ho got to Bath street.

Dr. Morgan, called to examine Sullivan alter he was shot; was called to make examination the coroner's jury; there were three or four wounds about the head; the ball entered the back of the head almost at the medium line, passed diagonally across the brain, and lodged over the right eye; the ball weighed about half an ounce; it was much flattened; there was a wound on the side of the head caused bv the ball breaking the bone, and a wound caused by falling; from the appearance and size of the wound, and size of the ball, cannot say how far the shot was off; the ball appeared to have its full force; the skull was broken in three places; have no doubt about the ball causing the death of O'Sullivan. Cross-examined by Mr. not often examined gun-shot wounds; at a short distance discoloration from powder appears on the woundfound no powder on O'Sullivan's wounds; the wound could not have been inflieted by a person standing above the person shot; thinks the weapon when fired was on a line with the head ofdeceased. By Mr.

entrance and exit of the ball were nearly on a line. John Snyder? O'Sullivan corner of Ann and Gough streets; went to Fleet street with him; O'Sullivan said he had an invitation to go to a party in Hillen street; some six or eight went to house on Hillen street; stayed only a short time; then went out; something was said about cigars, and O'Sullivan said he could get cigars; we went to house on Holliday street; O'Sullivan and witness stopped, and O'Sullivan, in a smiling manner, asked for cigars; Miller then came up on the porch; and a young man named Scally asked him for cigars; Miller said they didn't keep cigars there; witness then went on, and when he got about twenty steps from the porch be heard a shot, and a ball went through witness' coat; witness exclaimed "I am shot;" witness then heard Lvon say O'Sullivan's shot; went back and found that O'Sullivan wa3 killed. witness here showed to the jury the course of the ball which struck him: it passed through the back of the coat tail, struck a little below the right thigh and glanced When witness went back the police officers were there and Miller was arrested, and witness also, as a witness. Cross-examined by Mr. walking up towards Bath street when shot; the ball struck witness but glanced; witness don't know whether he was nearer to the house or the curb stone at the time.

lames Scally, the night of the occurrence; was a little a head from the steps of No. 106; about Bor 10 feet: heard the shot, and was about going off when I heard Lyon say O'Sullivan was shot; turned back and saw" O'Sullivan lying on the pavement; Miller came down from the porch as if to assist; there was no one behind witness when the shot was fired except O'Sullivan, Lyons and Miller; witnesl saw Miller going up the porch and asked him if he kept cigars there, when Miller said they didn't keep cigars; witness then went on; the report came from behind; when witness looked behind him he did not see any one but O'Sullivan, Lyons and Miller; Miller came down as if to assist O'Sullivan, samejas witness. detailed the facts about the movements of his companions previous to the shooting, same as previous Cross-examined by Mr. company had been drinking some that night; was not a little "in for am generally lively anv how. James Carroll, present on the night of the occurrence; was in house No.

104; Hoffman was buttoning his pants, when Capt. Mitchell and Lieut. Wright were there; they were black pants; Hoffman had been to bed; there was a pistol given to Capt. Mitchell at house No. 104.

George Kelly, standing at the corner of Gough and Ann about o'clock, and a party came along on the other side of the street; witness and friend was then called over to them, O'Sullivan was with them. then related about the party going to several places previous to the shooting, and the remarks made bv O'Sullivan about the Witness Holliday street past I house No. 106, O'Sullivan was at the porch then: witness went on and had got as far as Bath street bridge when the shot was fired; Snyder said he was shot and witness laughed at him; then heard that O'Sullivan was shot, and went back; did not see Miller when passing the porch. Cross-examined by Mr. on Bath street bridge when the shot was fired, about half a I square oft'.

Mr. Whitney then remarked that the State would rest its case here. Mr. Waters arose and was proceeding to say that it devolved upon the State to show a case against the prisoner, which they had utterly failed do, when he was interrupted by the Judge, who said that the defence could not argue the case now, but might make a statement of what they expected to prove, and after the evidence was in then the case could be argued. Mr.

Waters said he was only going to explain to the jury why he would not offer any evidence in the case. The interruption by the Court he thought perfectly proper. He then announced that 'the defence would offer no testimony. The opening argument on the part of the State was then made by Mr. Rogers, who addressed the jury at considerable length.

After the conclusion of Mr. Rogers' speech, Mr. Wills, one of the jurors, stated to the Court that he had been taken with a violent chill, and felt too unwell to sit any longer. The Court said it would adjourn, and allow the I jury to go to their quarters and come in at ten o'clock this morning, and that a physician would be allowed to assist the juror. The Court at 2 o'clock adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock.

After the examination of the witness, Scally, Mr. Whitney stated that the Grand Jury wished his presence, when the Court took a recess for half an hour. (In the re-asseinbling of the Court, Mr. Whitney not being present, the Judge desired a bailiff to go to him and say the Court was waiting for him. Mr.

Whitney'returned about 12 o'clock, and shortly afterwards the Grand Jury came into Court. After fiandisg their presentments to the Court, Judge Stump said that in consequence of Mr. Whitney being before them the business was somewhat delayed. He said" if the Grand Jury wanted anv legal advice, they bad better send for the Deputy State's Attorney, Mr. Pinkney; he knew all the Prophets and the law.

The foreman said he had not the least doubt about that, and the jury retired. CIRCUIT COCKT FOR BALTIMORE WM. George Krebs, Judge. The following occupied yesterday John McKeever ex. Joseph E.

McKeever el at. Bill for distribution of the estate of John McKeever, deceased. Argued upon a demurrer by defendants. Held under curia. T.

P. Scott for complainant. E. Duffy for COURT OF COMMON PI.EAS.—Hon. William L.

Marshall, Judge. The following occupied yesterdav Jacob Bohn, J. B. Heim, George P. Thomas vs.

Josephine E. Coflield. An appeal from Justice Myers. Judgment affirmed. Assignment to-day, 1 to 20 on Trial Calendar.

SUPERIOR Z. Collins Lee, The following occupied yesterday Joseph T. Turner, survivor, vs." Edward M. Green way. on a lien.

Before reported. Jury out. Walsh and Schley for plaintiff, Brown and Brune for defendant. the late fall or early winter of 1841, an elderly gentleman was overthrown in a sleigh, and thrown out with some violence, striking upon one of his shoulders, the side of his neck, and Jiead. He was not much injured, but when he was raised up it was found that his head was evidently rotated one-quarter round, so that his face looked directly over his opposite shoulder.

There was no pressure upon the spine, and no inconvenience to breathing or swallowing, except what arose from the twisted condition of the organs. A physician saw -him, and made some gentle manifestations, not daring to exert much force from fear of a sudden and fatal result. Several days passed, the old gentleman remaining quite comfortable. One morning, in attempting to rise from his bed (to do which he was obliged to lift his head with his hands,) as he lifted, with a sharp snap the head flew round into its usual position, ana the family were astonished to Bee him walk into the breakfast room, apparently as right as before the accident. Nor was any sub; sequent inconvenience experienced save a slight stiffness for a few days.

SERMON IN FAVOR OF SABBATH i immense meeting of German citizens was held at Cooper Institution New York, on Monday night, to express their approval of a proper observance of the Sabbath. Mr. Schwab, of Brooklyn, presided, 1 and a large number of German and American derj gvmen and members of the Sabbath Committees 1 sat upon the platform. The proceedings were eni tirely in the German language. Rev.

Mr. Garlich, of Brooklyn, offered were delivered by Rev. Mr. Gulden, of this city, and Professor Schaff, of Pennsylvania, and resolutions were adops ted in favor of Sabbath observance, on account of i its benefits to the individual, to the family, to socie-1 ty and to the Christian church, and requesting the 1 American public not to hold the whole German population responsible for the Anti-Sunday-law i sentiments of some of their number. The addresses if were listened to with great interest by the vast audience.

THE LATE REBELLION. FROM OUR OWN REPORTER. The following detailed and circumstantial ac: count of the' late insurrection at Harper's Ferry, i is from our own Reporter, who accompanied the detachment of volunteers from this place on Monday afternoon. After sending my despatch from Monocacy, I resumed my seat in the car, and the train proceeded slowly, stopping at the different stations tor the purpose of getting news from the On arriving at Weaverton, I learned that the soldiers from the neighboring towns and the citizens of the surrounding country, who had gathered in large numbers, armed, had driven the insurgents from the armory, and that the latter had taken refuge in a building used as a fire-engine The train proceeded and stopped at Sandy Hookone mile distant from the Ferry. A despatch had been received by Major Rnssell from Col.

Lee, com! mander of the U. S. Marines, ordering the entire military force to stop at that place and await his arrival. This order was obeyed. Here we found a great many men, citizens, with all styles of fire arms on their shoulders, some of whom had just returned from the Ferry, where they had participated in the fight.

We also met a number of women, several of whom were residents of the Ferry, but they had fled for security. Some were weeping, whilst others were rehearsing to the eager listening crowd the outrages which had been committed by the insurgents. The train containing Col. Lee not arriving, and as it was uncertain when it would arrive, being anxious to reach the Ferry, and familiar with the road, I concluded to walk, one companion volunteering to accompany me. It had ceased raining, and the heavy clouds were breaking away.

The rays of the moon occasionally struggled through the clouds, lighting the mountain sides, and giving a beautiful view of the confluence of the rivers and the rugged sides of the pass. The rain which had fallen during the day made tin ig b.i bu no difficulty was experienced, and we reached the bridge in safety. Here we thought we would be compelled to remain for some time, for we found a strong guard of soldiers at the mouth of the bridge. On approaching them, however, I found the Captain of the guard to be my friend Capt. Butler, of Shepherdstown, and after a shake of the hand, he ordered two of his men to act as guard and escort us across the bridge.

At intervals guards were placed on the bridge while the streets leading thereto on the Ferry side were all guarded. On gaining the Virginia side I found Colonel R. W. Baylor in chief command, and after hearing from him a short account of the state of a flairs, he took me to a room where lay one of the insurgents, who had been shot and captured during the afternoon. He was stretched out on a bed, and surrounded by more than 20 persons, some demanding that he should be shot where he lay, others that he should be dragged from his bed and hung.

The man's name was Stevens, and he appeared to be suffering severely from his wounds, there being two, one in the head, and the other in the abdomen, both having been made by small rifle balls. I approached him and had the following conversation: "What is your name?" "Stevens," he replied. "Where are you from?" "From the State of Connecticut." "Tell me how many there are of you, who are the leaders, and what your intention was." "There were twenty-two of us, and we were all under Capt. John Brown. We came here to free the negroes.

Brown made us believe that we had only to strike the blow and thousands of negroes would join us. I have found that he deceived us, and if I had known what I know now I would not have been here. We were not to receive any money for this work, and we had no design to rob the paymaster's department. I feel very bad, and it hurts me too much to talk." I left this man still surrounded by the crowd, many of whom were clamorous for his life. The telegraph wires which had been cut were mended by the operator who had accompanied the train, and were now working successfully east of the Ferry, and I sent you the second despatch.

I met several prominent citizens of the place, who gave the following information relative to the insurgents and the attack on the town. The two principal men were Brown and Cook. The latter came to the Ferry about fifteen months ago. He depifrted himself in a respectable manner, and during that time courted a young woman named Kennedy and married her. He was a school teacher, a man of more than ordinary intelligence.

Cook is aboul five feet six inches high, delicate frame, with light hair and a fair complexion. Capt. Brown came to the neighborhood of the Ferry about seven months since. He rented a small farm three and a half miles from Sandy Hook, in Maryland, ostensibly for the purpose of cultivation, but failing to turn a farrow, on inquiry of the neighbors he informed tbem that he thought he could make more money by hunting for minerals in the mountains, and that he was making extensive preparations to work a considerable number of men. Accordingly he ranged the country over, without exciting any suspicion, and received a number of spades, picks and shovels to be used in his proposed About four months since his two sons, Oliver and Watson Brown arrived.

They accompanied their father through the mountains, and it is supposed the three conversed with the negroes, inciting them to rebellion, and made arrangements for the intended insurrection, They were at the Ferry almost daily. The old I man was a subscriber to a Baltimore paper, which he called for regularly, and although lie conversed freely with citizens whose acquaintance he made, yet he never by any word created the slightest suspicion. He was intimate with the man Cook, and they were frequently seen talking together. Within the last two months, several others of those who composed the gang, were observed about the Ferry. They all had the appearance of ing men, were quiet and well behaved, and while they were not employed at any time in any particular business or labor, they were known as friends of Brown, and it was supposed they were men he had employed in searching fov minerals.

On Sunday evening Harper's Ferrv was more than ordinarily quiet, and long before eleven o'clock its citizens had retired to rest. At that hour, Brown, with his twenty-two men, (the true whom five were free negeoes,) entered the railroadbridge from the Maryland side, and the watchman at the bridge was seized and made prisoner. They had a one-horse covered wagon, such as country people use for attending markets, with them, in which were stored their guns, pikes, picks, Ac. Sixteen of the number went immediately and took possession of the arsenal and the armory, while six of them passed through the town, along the turnpike road which leads to Charlestown, and went immediately to the residence of Lewis Washington, five miles from the city. They entered his dwelling with false keys, and the first information Mr.

Washington had of their presence was a gentle rap at bis chamber door, the call "Washington." Mr. Washington sprung from his bed (it was now one o'clock) and thinking it was some friend, immediately opened the door, when to his surprise there stood four men, one of whom was holding a torch and the other three Sharp's rifles, with the hammers raised. One o( them remarked, "Mr. Washington, yon havenothing to fear. We do not intend injuring you, but you must go with us.

We have taken Harper's Ferry, and it is our intention to free all the slaves. We want you as a hostage only." Mr. W. found that remonstrance would be vain, and he accordingly dressed himself and accompanied them. On gaining the front of his house he found two more men, one a negro, and they had roused the servants for the purpose of compelling them to join in the rebellion.

Tbey also took Mr. Washington's carriage and horses, and then left for the Ferry. On the road back they stopped at Mr. John H. Alstadt's, roused him from his bed, and also his servants, took his horses and wagon, and proceeded to the Ferry, where they confined masters and servants in the arsenal, the latter refusing to bear arms.

When daylight came the most intense excitement prevailed. Extravagant reports in regard to the number of the insurgents, and the readiness with which the negroes joined the rebellion were circulated. Horsemen were dispatched in all directions informing the' people of the affair. Citizens who attempted to go into the centre of the the arsenal or armory, were seized and imprisoned in the first named building. Among those seized were J.

E. P. Dangerfield, cicrk to the paymaster; Armistead Ball, master armorer; Geo. Sliope, Patrick Burn, John Prichard, and Mills. The insurgents mounted guard in front of the arsenal and also in some of tho streets.

The finished arms in the armory were removed into wagons and driven across tho bridge into Maryland. The express train of cars which should have passed at one o'clock was stopped and detained until seven o'clock. A negro man in the employ of the railroad company attempted to go on the bridge and was immediately shot, the ball passing through his body. After the negro was killed, conductor Phelps was told he could pass, providing he did so in five minutes, but no other train would be allowed to do so. The telegraph wires had also been cut, both above and below the Ferry, and therefore all communication by that means was destroyed.

Some of the citizens of the place commenced arming, and a few ventured out on the street. A Mr. Kelley and Mr. Thomas Burley, with guns in their bands, ventured within i sixty yards of the arsenal, where a mulatto was walking guard, when he levelled bis piece and fired. Tbe ball struck Mr.

Burley, passed through his body, killing him almost instantly. This deed created the greatest consternation. All the houses in the town were closed, and the people became alarmed lest the rebels should commence to destroy life indiscriminately. A party of seven men, part of whom were negroes, bad been dispatched up the Shenandoah side, to take possession of the rifle works, which they did. Citizens gathered on the hills (which are 300 feet High) and which overlook the works, and by rapid and correct shooting, soon convinced tho insurgents that their force was not sufficient to hold tho position.

They accordingly left the works and started to cross the river, but as soon as their persons became fuli exposed the rifles were brought to bear upon them from the heights and six of them fell dead in the river. Only one escaped. The news had spread rapidly through the counties adjoining, and citizens and volunteer militia commenced pouring into the town. George W. Turner, one of the most estimable citizens of tbe county, hearing of the rebellion, shouldered his rifle and mounted his horse, and proceeded to the Ferry.

Just before he reached the street in which the arsenal is situated, he was shot; the bal' passed through the vital organs and he died almost instantly. The fact of his death appeared to nerve the people. The dwellings near the arsenal were occupied, and one of the insurgents, a negro, was shot dead in front of that building. The rebels concluded to more their quarters, and they accord 'ngly took possession of the engine-house. Military by this time had arrived from Shepherdstown, Charlestown and Winchester, and the company from Shepherdstown, under command of Captain Butler, crossed the Potomac, west of the Ferry ami took the bridge, driving the insurgent guard to the Armory grounds.

One of the rebels, named Tagg, was taken prisoner and confined in the hotel. At 3 o'clock Fountain Beckham, Mayor of the town, and Ticket Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, stepped out on the platform of the railroad and be was shot. He fell and died instantly. He laid on the platform I for over an hour, no person daring to go near him, as the position was commanded from the engine house. As soon as Mr.

Beckham was shot a proposition was made to kill Tagg, which prevailed, and he was brought out on the bridge and shot, and then thrown into the river, and a volley ot bullets sent into his body as it lay on the rocks where it lodged. After this a charge was made on the engine house, which was led by Captain Samuel Alburtis, editor of the MartiDsburg Republican and George Murphy, Prosecuting Attorney of Berkeley county, and son of the Paymaster of the Armory. The men whom they led fought desperately and succeeded in releasing a large number of imprisoned citizens. Two of their number, however, were killed Horsey and Richardson, and five were wounded, among whom was Mr. Murphy, who received two balls in the fleshy part of the leg, and although thus disabled he courageously cheered the men to action.

The most of the young men engaged in this attack were employees of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company at Martinsburg, and were brave fellows, who certainly would have been successful if they had been properly sustained. Shortly after this attack the man Stevens, referred to heretofore, was wounded, and an insurgent named Leeuian, who tried to escape by wading the Pot imac, was killed. The pockets of his clothing were searched and the following commission found: No. 9. HEAD QUARTERS, WAR DEPARTMENT, "I NEAR HARPER'S FERRY.

GREETING Wm. H. Leeman has been nominated a Captain in the army established under the provisional constitution: Now, therefore, in pursuance of the authority vested in ns by said constitution, we do hereby appoint and commission the said Wm. H. Leeman a Captain.

Given at the office of the Secretary of War this day, October 15, 1859. JOHN BROWN, Commander in Chief. H. GAY, Secretary of War. This Commission was a printed blank, with the name of Leeman written in legible style.

Firing was kept up during the afternoon between the insurgents and the people, but night closed in without any other persons being shot. During the eve" ning and night several of the citizens and Colonel Shriver visited the engine house under flags of truce, and conferred with Brown, for the purpose of inducing him to capitulate, but he would listen to no terms except that he and his men should be allowed a lice and protected pass to the mountains. This the citizens refused to grant, and Brown sured them that he would die fighting. At 12 o'clock, Col. Shriver visited Brown and offered him protection from the wrath of the people and safe conduct to jail, but ho scornfully refused it, saying he knew his fate, and he preferred meeting it with his rifle in his hands to dying for the amusement of a crowd.

Before day break the U. S. Marines, Major Russell in immediate command, were inarched into the armory yard and positions assigned them, where they remained until daylight. The Maryland troops also crossed the bridge and took positions on the different streets, together with the other military, Col. Lee, U.

S. Marines, in command. At seven o'clock the streets were cleared of all persons except tbe military, and Lieut. Stewart, U. S.

Dragoons, accompanied by Col. Samuel Sttider of Harper's Ferry, bearing a flag of truce, went to the engine house. They were received bv Brown who partially opened the door. Lieut. Stewart set forth in plain language the folly of further resistancethe certainty of their capture, either alive or dead, and assured them of the protection of the U.

S. Marines against any acts of violence, which might be attempted by the people. Brown was fixed and determined; he had drilled loop holes through the ivall to strengthen his defense; be would listen to nothing except a safe escort to the mountains. His men had wavered and were in favor of capitulating but he would not allow such a step. After much fruitless exertion on the part of Lieut.

Stewart, he left Brown. A squad of sixteen marines were stationed in line just below the engine house, two of whom carried large sledges, and tbe rest Minie muskets. Further on were stationed another squad of the same number. Major Russell was commanding, and the flag of truce had but fairly left, when the order was given for the attack. The first-named squad advanced, and the two marines dealt repeat, ed heavy blows against the door without effect, when they were ordered to stand aside, and the other squad were ordered to take a very heavy ladder and use it as a ram to burst the door.

In an instant their muskets were laid down, and taking hold of the ladder, at a distance of twenty-five yards from the door they started at a full run, and struck the door. It partially yielded to the shock. The marines retreated and gave a second blow, when two of the boards of the door vielded. A third blow shivered the door, and the was given to enter. Major Russell in the most cool and gallant manner entered first, without weapons, with his right arm raised, demanding a surrender.

A shot was tired at this moment by one of the insurgents, and the ball struck a marine named Quinn in the abdomen and passed through his body. He died of the wound. Another shot struck a marine named Luckinsin the mouth not seriously wounding him. The engine house contained two fire engines and a hose carriage, which incommoded the marines greatly on entering. The citizens who were prisoners separated from the insurgents and were recognized by the Marines, and none were injured.

After the Marines entered they were compelled to fire at the rebels. A son of Brown's was ball passing through his body near the left nipple. J. P. Anderson was shot in the abdomen and mortally wounded.

Old Brown was cut to the floor by the sabre of Lieut. Green, of the Marines, who acted in a fearless manner. An insurgent, named Edward Copie, one of Brown's sons, who had been seriously wounded during Monday, and a negro, named Gains, were taken prisoners. Two dead bodies were lying in the engine house, one of which was that of James Hazlitt, of Ohio, and the other that of J. G.

Johnson, of Connecticut. When the released citizens walked out of their prison they were hailed with most deafening cheers, and some of tbem expressed their gratitude for their deliverance by clasping the Marines in their arms. Lewis Washington was the last to show himself, and when he did, the mountain sides reverberated with the shouts of the multitude, who had thronged the railroad platform, crowded the windows of all the houses in the vicinity, and filled the different streets. When the Marines brought out their prisoners an immense cry of "Hang them" tilled the air, and young men with rifles jumped from the walls and the bridge into tbe armory yard, and were pressing to where they were, fully tent on killing them, but the Xlarines i were ordered to protect them, and drive back those who were eager for their blood. The bodies of the dead and dying men were brought i out and laid on the grass, and it was impossible to keep the crowd back.

Capt. Brown told the crowd not to maltreat him, that he was dying, and that he would soon be beyond all injury. Major Rus sell had him conveyed into a room of one of the I Departments, and kindly ordered all attention to be paid him. Brown looked up, and recognizing Major Rnssell, said, "You entered first. I could have killed you, but 1 spared you." In reply to which the Major bowed and said, "I thank you." i Major Russell kindly admitted me to the room where Brown was lying, and 1 held the following conversation with him.

I asked "What is your ere you born, and how old are you "My name is John Brown. lam well known. I 5 have been known as Old Brown of Kansas. I'm 1 from Litchfield county, Connecticut, and have lived divers places. Two of my sons were killed here to-day, and I'm dying too.

I came here to liberate slaves, and was to receive no reward. 1 have acted from a sense of doty, and am content to await my 1 fate, but I think the crowd have treated me badly 6 I'm an old man, and yesterday I could have killed whom I chose, but 1 had no desire to kill any person, and would not have killed a man had they not tried to kill me and my men. I could have sacked and burnt the town, but did not; I have treated the persons whom I took as hostages kindly, and I apj peal to them for the truth of what I say. I am 63 years old." Reporter. did you first conceive this move?" Brown in Kansas.

After my property was destroyed, one of my sons killed and my happiness destroyed by the slave party of Kansas, I determined to be revenged. I also was moved in this matter by a hope to benefit the negroes." Reporter did you get all your rifles and the pikes which are here Who furnished you with them 1" Brown own money. I did not receive aid from any man. Cook is not a son of mine. If I had succeeded in running off slaves this time, I could have raised twenty times as many men as I have now, for a similar expedition.

But I have failed. I did not intend to stay here so long, but they (the citizens) deceived me by proposing compromises which they had no intention of carrying out. I am not in any man's employ." Brown complained that the crowd who were clamorous for his blood were treating him unkindly and unfairly, after the kindness and leniency he had shown the citizens and the town. He also said that he was fully convinced that he was dying in a righteous cause. It is not, however, probable that he will die until he has been tried by a jury, as the only wound he sustained is a cut across the head with a sabre.

The sum of S4BO was found on his person, which was placed with the Paymaster for safe keeping. Ed. Copie states that be is from lowa. He made the acquaintance of Brown last winter in lowa, where Brown told him of this scheme and asked him to join the expedition. Copie states as follows: "We wore to be well paid for our time and trouble.

We never made a direct bargain as to how much we were to receive. Old man Brown was not to pay us, but I don't know who was. The rifles were furnished by the Massachusetts Aid Society. They were first sent to Kansas, but the excitement having died away, they were of no use, and Brown got the rifles for this expedition. They were sent from Kansas to Chambersburg, Franklin county; they were then hauled from there to Brown's house by a man who lives in Oreencastle.

I don't know who made the pikes or picks. I have said all the prayers I have to say, and am ready to die." This man was in excellent spirits, perfectly unconcerned in regard to his fate, and said that he "was ready to swing, if the laws of the country ordered it." The negro's name is Gains. He says he lived in Harrisburg, and that Brown had induced him to come over to Maryland and work for him; that he did so, and was induced to go into the insurrection. Gains is a bad fellow and no truth in him. He told several palpable lies while telling his story.

The prisoners were in the hands of the Marines. After they had been taken, the Independent Greys, Capt. B. L. Simpson, heard that Capt.

Cook, with other insurgents, were over in Maryland. They proceeded to the spot designated, and found the arms and other articles which had been removed from the armory, together with the wagons and horses. They returned with them to the A large number.of persons are out on horseback, bunting for Cook and his companions. The little wagon which Brown brought with him was found in the armory yard. It contained pikes, picks, shovels, kindling bark saturated with fluid, and a number of histies of peculiar construction, which when pounded give forth a strange trilling note.

OTHER ACCOUNTS. We are indebted to an eye witness, who left Harper's Ferry yesterday morning about 4 o'clock, for the following interesting details The Charleston Guards crossed the Potomac river above Harper's Ferry, about 12 o'clock Monday night, and they reached the bridge on the the Maryland side about half an hour afterwards. There was a great deal of firing between the insurgents and the men on the Bridge. One man was driven into the river, but despite the firing on him, he turned round and discharged his rifle and attempted to fire his pistols, but they both snapped and he then threw into the water." Ho was pursued into the river by a man who got within ten feet of him, when the rebel raised himself and said, "Don't shoot me," but so exasperated was his pursuer that he was shot immediately. When they got him out of the water they ransacked bis pockets and found on him a Captain's commission, in which they discovered his name to be Captain E.

H. Eeeman. The commission was dated October 15, 1859. and signed W. Brown, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Provisional Government of" the United" States." It was a printed blank tilled up.

Our informant had the above commission in bis hands and read it. He describes Capt. Eeeman to be an extremelv fine looking man, thin features, fair complexion, and remarkably well dressed. The insurgents killed were allowed to remain on the spot without any burial. Five of the rebels" were shot in the Shennandoah a a mulatto, and the remaining three white.

The Charleston Guards drove them out of a lodgment they were in, and they fled to the river. The negro was drowned instantly, but the other four reached the middle, and planted themselves on rocks. These four msn stood on the rocks and returned the fire ofupwaids of two hundred. The banks of the river on either side were crowded by citizens and troops. The distance from the edge of the river to the rocks was probably about 100 feet, whilst the distance to the same place from the hills was probably about 200 yards.

Eventually, two were killed outright, one wounded and taken to the shore, and, strange to say, the remaining rebel was secured as a prisoner without sustaining the slightest injury. The wounded man taken happened to be the mulatto, and our informant, for the purpose of eliciting some information, went to the man and rested his dying frame on his arm. He repeatedly asked him his name, and the origin the outbreak, but all he could elicit at first from him was a roll of his large eye and a shake of his head. At length, seeing that he bad not long to live, he declared, in all sincerity, that the rebels only numbered at first 19, but that they had got, and were expecting to get, reinforcements. Whilst our informant was engaged in his interregatories, one of the infuriated citizens came up and snatched the dying man from his arms, and with one gash of a knife cut his throat from ear to ear.

The mulatto was a good looking fellow and about twenty-five years of age. To such a height had the indignation risen, that before his throat was cut, a female came up and struck him a blow in the face. Another rebel by the name of Stevens, was described by our informant as a "mighty fine looking fellow." As he lay on his bed last night wounded, a person came to him and had his rifle levelled to end his days, when somebody came and pushed the gun aside. He was about 30 years of age. and told those around him that if he" died, to telegraph to his father in Connecticut "that he died in the attempt to commit high treason against the State of Virginia." He was suffering from a wound in the side.

He told those around him that if he lived till daylight the people would hang they had already erected the gallows, and were only waiting the dawn of day to execute their purposes. EFFECT OF THE NEWS IX WASHINGTON. The disturbances at Harper's Ferry produced, as may be imagined, intense feeling in Washington and the adjacent cities. The detachment ordered by the President to proceed to tho scene of tumult, consisted of 81 privates, 11 sergeants, 13coporals and 1 bugler. They took with them seven guns, Dablgrecn howitzers, (three from the Navy Yard and four from the Barracks,) 300 shells, and a large quantity of ammunition.

They had also ample supplies for several days' service. Quite a number of gentlemen volunteered to go up with the troops, but they could not be received. In the anonymous letter received some months ago by Secretary Floyd, it was mentioned that "Ossawattomie Brown" was to lead the insurgents in the attack on Harper's Ferry, and hostile demonstrations were spoken of as likely to occur about the same time at Washington and Alexandria. For this reason Mayor Berretof Washington despatched a requisition to the Secretary of War, who upon receipt thereof issued an order for bim to draw on the U. S.

Arsenal for two hundred stand of arms and five thousand rounds of ball and buck shot cartridge. The arms were received at the office of Capt. Goddard, Chief of Police, where they were all loaded with cartridge and bayonets fixed. The entire police force was on duty, one half on parade and the other fifty under arm 3 at the City Hall, for action at a moment's warning. Police mounted on horseback were stationed at every outlet of the city, at the bridges, to give instant warning of any hostile demonstration from outside the city.

They were instructed to signal the first suspicious movement by a certain alarm that had been previously agreed upon at headquarters. Capt. Goddard also instructed the active police force to arrest all colored persons found on the street and search them for concealed weapons, and in case of finding any to take the parties to the watch-house, and if no weapons were found, to send such arrest; ed persons to their homes without delay. The Star says As an evidence of the rigor with which this order was carried out, some watchmen arrested a colored uian soon after 10 o'clock, and proceeded to search him, when he cried out, "Bress God, maesa, no use to search dis nigger; I'se been 1 searched free times afore to-night." He was cau tioned to make tracks for home, and Permits to colored people to hold balls and festivals, which had been previously issued, were coun! termanded, and t'i Mayor and all the police force, as well as the clerks in the City Hall, were on the alert until daylight this morning. 1 At the Capitol, at the Arsenal and elsewhere, the i greatest precautions were used, but nothing occurred to justify the slighest apprehension, i Governor Wise, of Virginia, in command of sixty men reached Washington at 3A.

and after a short consultation with the Mayor, proceeded at 1 once to the point of insurrection. In the afternoon it was reported that Hon. Chaa. J. Faulkner, who I had gone to Harper's Ferry with the Marines, had a been killed, with several of that corps.

This creaj ted intense feeling, and Pennsylvania Avenue was thronged with people, who besieged the hotels, tel egraph and newspaper offices for the latest intellid gence. The authentic information, however, of the suppression of the riot, caused a speedy subsi-. dence of the excitement, MOVEMENTS IN BALTIMOBB. At an early hour yesterday Lafayette Guards, Capt. Ferrandini, the reserve guard of the Law Grcye, the Baltimore and Turner Rifles, and le the Artillery companies, presented themselves al y- the Camden station, ready to proceed to the seat ol PRICE TWO CENTS.

war, but it was not deemed necessary to call their services into requisition. The three companies of United States troops from Old Point Comfort have arrived here, and are quartered at Fort McHenry, awaiting the orders of the Secretary of War. Last evening the volunteer companies, except the Independent Greys, which left the city on Monday to assist in quelling the insurrection at Harper's Ferry returned. A very large number of persons were in attendance at the arrival of the cars at the Camden station anxious to welcome back their friends. The Independent Greys remain to deposit the arms which they recovered.

All the irginia troops had previously disbanded and left the Ferry, and the United States marines remain until further orders from the President. LATEST BV TELEGRAPH. The following telegrams give all the additional intelligence received up to 2 A. the hour of going to press: HARPER'S FERRY, Oct. Governor Wise is here, having arrived at noon.

District Attorney Ould is also here to institute proper legal proceedings at instructions of the Government. Capt. Brown is still living and his wounds not considered so serious as first supposed. The determination of the Government in regard to the prisoners will probably be known in the morning. All is quiet here to-night.

Tho United States Marines are guarding the village. WASHINGTON, Oct. President and Secretary of War were together for several hours to-day deliberating on matters connected with the proceedings at Harper's Ferry, the result of which conference was the sending of tho United Statrs District Attorney Ould thither, to superintend the legal proceedings in the premises. The excitement which existed last nieht in Washington and neighborhood has subsided. It is said that the affair at Harper's Ferry is the nrst case of the kind which has occurred in this country involving at the same time both State and Federal jurisdiction.

While the State is affected as to slavery and locality, the General Government is interested with regard to public property, it having exclusive control over the Arsenal" grounds independently of the State, also with regard to the mails. Already in distinguished quarters the question of jurisdiction is discussed, as Governor Wise will, it is said, claim the prisoners now held by the U. S. troops to be dealt with according to the laws of Virginia. In this case, the question of jurisdiction will have to be determined by the judiciary.

HAGERSTOWN, Oct. town is quiet, and we have no tidings of any fugitives in this direction. FREDERICK. Oct. military from this place have all returned from Harper's Ferry.

The town is still excited in regard to the insurrection. Nothing lias been seen or heard of fugitive negroes in this direction yet; but some are supposed to be in the mountains, or on the way to Pennsylvania through the range of mountains "near Hagerstown. the town is all quiet to-night. WASHINGTON, Oct. companies Virginia military, numbering three hundred rank and file, arrived here this evening from Richmond on their way to Harper's Ferry, but as the order calling them out had been countermanded they returned again this evening.

They made a fine appearance and were provided with all the necessary appliances for a campaign. FOREIGN ITEMS. PEDESTRIAN FEAT BY THE DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER. On tho 26th the Duke and Duchess of Manchester left Tomnadon in Glengarry, to proceed to visit Lord Malmesbury, Achnacarry House. They set out on foot, expecting to overtake their and were accompanied by a guide.

When about half way the guide was dismissed, the Duke conceiving that he was sufficiently acquainted with the path over the hills. Unfortunately, however, his Grace turned to the left instead of the right hand, and came down upon Loch-Lochy, instead of Louch- Arkaig. The journey, however, was proceeded with, and about eight in the evening the Duke and Duchess arrived at Achnacarry, having travelled from twenty to twenty-five mile's of rock, bog, and steep pedestrian feat which probably no lady of the peerage ever lnverness Courier. The North China Herald says "Opium is becoming the winter crop of several of the Chinese provinces, where the country produce is fast superseding the Turkey and the inferior classes of the Malwa drug. It is largely used for admixture with the dearer Patna and Malwa.

Tho juice has an acrid taste. In cultivation the Chinese look more to quantity than quality." SUBTERRANEAN FIRE IS Union, of Charleroi, in Belgium, savs: "For some days, and especially for some nights past, flames of a blueisli color are be seen in the neighborhood of the village of Falisole, and they leave after them a strong sulphurous small. They come from the bed of coai called the Grande Masse, wbich has been burning under ground for about forty years, in spite of all efforts to extinguish or check tho conflagration. The soil above the Grande Ma3se contains numerous crevices, from which puffs of heat often come; the crops on it ripen two or three weeks sooner than on other land, and in winter the snow always melts; whilst from an abandoned well smoke continually arises. This subterranean fire, the only one which exists in Belgium, is said to have been wilfully occcasioned by some of the inhabitants of Falisole.

as an act of spite to other inhabitants of the village for having extracted more coal than the former thought pit being common property." has been received that the Duke of Anhalt, a small Protestant State of the Germanic Confederation, has just restored to his people representative institutions, of which the duchy had been deprived since 1849. The new constitution, however, contains a clause which excludes Jews from the representation. Madame Jenny Lind Goldsehiuidt performed at a miscellaneous concert, in Dublin, on Monday evening. The Freeman' savs that the appearance of the fair singer created quite a scene, all the vast assemblage seeming to bend forward whilst peal after peal of welcome greeted her. A party of ten gentlemen, among whom were Marshal lie M'Mahon, General de Bremont, Count de Castries, recently assembled at the chateau of Count d'Epremesnil, "at Praslins (Loiretl, for a shooting excursion.

Between breakfast and dinner they killed 252 head of partridges, six hares, one rabbit, and one teal. THE AUSTRIAN'S SIDE WITH THE the head of China, the Austrian Gazette publishes an article from which we make the following extract "If any Russian Ambassador should take it into his head to enter the Thames with a fleet of war vessels, or if a French Envoy were to enter the Scheldt with a strong squadron, all Europe would ring with one cry-of indignation, and everybody would bless the arms that opposed such an attempt. Now, tho English and French have been attempting to do this very thing in China, and the Chinese government has only done its duty in resisting thetu. This was evident to everybody all over the continent of Europe from the very first, and even the English are now beginning to see the matter in the same light. While they are enthusiastic in favor of nationalities in London, and stand forth as their champions in France, they tread under foot nationalities which had a literature when the English and French clothed themselves in skins, and civilized Europe did not know what writing was.

No one can have the ight to force another to trade with him, and every man may shut his door when he pleases. But they say to the Chinese, 'Rascals, you must like us; you shall trade with us. You must receive our embassadors, though you know well enough they are only spies who want to discover your weak points and open the way for us to the very heart of your The resistance of the Chinese against Europe springs from a truly national sentiment, and it will net be easily overcome. Is a new war against China to be undertaken by Europe? If France and England were to set about it together, we Should see another version of the Crimean war, and England would again have to take the second place. The French would have another opportunity of discovering the defects of English military organization, and tho Asiatics would also learn to know them.

The French transports which would pass through Egypt, and would find themselves in relation with the English possessions in India, would not be very advantageous to English interests, and those who now i aise the outcry that Lord I'almerston wishes to throw himself and his country into the arms of the Emperor of the French, do not meet with deaf oars. The English arc now more moderate because tbey feel their weakness. WINE MAKING tx A letter to jbe N. O. Picayune, from Washington county, Texas, July 15, speaks of the work, then in progress, of gathering the wild grapes for wine.

The writer says The tvino made last season does not content me. It has a rich color and bouquet, and a peculiar and fine flavor, and a good body; but it is iutenselv acid intensely is the term. This acidity I shall try to lessen greatly in that now being made. The process of making, as we pursue it, is simple enough. The grapes are passed through one of Hickok's cider mills (made at Harrisburg, and just the thing for the purpose,) and passes directly into the fermenting-tub, whence it is drawn off'into barrels or casks, after fermenting some 70 or 80 hours.

There it remains for a time, when it is lined and racked off, ready for bottling and for U3e. There is not a doubt but that a very superior red wine can be made from this grape. But the process must be well understood, and the different manipulations properly gone through with." A gentleman there from Madeira thinks colonies could be established in Texas of many who are now suffering in Madeira, who would cultivate grapes upon the same terms they did in that island before i the disease attacked and destroyed the is, giving the proprietor of the land one half of the must, and selling their half at a fixed rate. as the railway train was leaving Spa a few mornings ago, a young female, handsomely dressed, but in a very disordered state, and evidently in a state of great excitement, entered tho station and wished to leave by that train, but in the state in which she was, she was refused. She bad been seen, it was the previous day at where sie lost several thousand francs, and had probably been rambling about for the whole night in the neighborhood.

The profits of the bank at Spa had on the day in question amounted, it wa9 reported, to Journal of Commerce says the following letter was lately received by the Secretary of an Insurance Company in that citi, in response to an ad-3 vertisement for a bookkeeper. The writer thought fully inclosed a leaf cut from ail old account book, las a Bam; le of his work. Either the applicant is an Original genius, or a wag of the first water: "BIG TAGEH, Wilkes Ga. a "MY DEAR SIR: lam a watting ofa situation in bookkeeping, and Mr. Sbirman said bow that you would like to get me in your office.

II so please answer to once. I send you a specimen ot my sin-0 gle entry, but I can keep cm double as well. lam 1 all of a tremble, having just been licking a nigger "From yours truly, HIRSHFELDER. PRINCE NAPOLEON A rumor being spread in the circles of the Palais Royal that, by Prince Napoleon's own act, the pursuit of his tion to the throne of Etruria has been abandoned. It is said that the Prince has thus formally renounced every pretension to the honor about to be thrust upon him.

His argument is made to startle his Imperial relative, and BO it has done, no doubt, The Prince declares that he is prevented by his Ree publican principles from accepting any other posi- tion than that of Dictator of a Republic. This new idea, if publicly proclaimed, will add another complication to the troubled Parit Cor. of tho London Pott,.

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