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The Buffalo Enquirer from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
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Chllds-BUckburn Tells Hott She Was Cared. "Dsa Mu Pttiham I tale pleasure in acknowledging- the efFecta pf Lydl E. Pinkbam' Veetabl Compound. Ia my eatimation thera ia ua female remedy to equal it. Weak-bcm sat properly attended to, together IIS Taffeta Silk Waists, nostlj light colors and slightlj shopworn.

Regular Talus from S4.00 18 $5 CO. ladles' 27-Inch Coats of fins quality Kirsej In ack, Oxford. Cas- tor, rod and llnsd throjghout-halffittid 0 ba-k, or.h sir. $1.98 $4.95 Bargains! Friday We advertise facts onl' and our prices for thoroughly dependable are such as to compel attention. Take the following items as an example.

The Church of the Mesiah Club sent out following notices ytsurday: "The Literary Club of the Church of th- Messiah will hold its iirst meeting of tiv- season of 1901-liO2 on November 6th. from 3 to 0 o'clock. It wii! be 'Members' Day' and no prograiiirr.r will be given. 'Delegates- to the State Federation roi.o'rcss will present reports. Calendars v.ii: be distributed and there will be informal outline of the winter's v.

"HELEN W. GODFREY. "Secretary." This club is the largest, and, I believe, the oldest literary club in the city. It celebrated its twenty-first birth-iuy lat year. Though starting as a ri organization, it has among its many of the leading literary v.

omen of othc-r churches. Its outside membership is limited to fifty, so it ha3 a long waiting list. It is always a pleasure to auend their meetings, for all the women take great pride in the success of their programme, and no iMvi fe i TfeS f' An unrivaled array of Elegant Ready-to-Wear Apparel for fc a Ladies and Children at prices lower than elsewhere. Ladies' Tailor-Made Sails. Dress and Walking Skirts.

MISS W. CHIXD3-BI-ACKBTTRN, Secretary Rock Island Literary sad Art a In Eton, tight-fitting or box the popular materials in black, extraordinary Man-tailored Suits front Jackets, all navy and Oxford, values at $15.00... a Choice assortment of new style Wool Dress Skirts, beautifully trimmed, made of best quality Venetians, Cheviot or Broadcioth. Prices about one-third lower than elsewhere. $19.00.

$8.95. $4.95. WALKING SKIRTS 1,000 of them in all the latest styles, materials and colors. The largest and best line to be found In the city. ter v.h:it the sublect of the after Man-tailored Suits of Best Quality Pebble Cheviot in black and Oxford, silk-lined Jackets, CiA QC regular price $22.50 Man-tailored Suits of highest class finish and workmanship, best of materials, in black and nivv, sKnd and $25.00 $3.95, S4.95, $5.95, $6.95, S7.95.

$10, $12.95 Uirrh Place Unual'hc in Cill rirocp Clir 0 Society. with the close confinement at my desk brought on nervous prostration, so much so that for a year 1 doctored continually. I tried different remedies which only succeeded in poisoning' my system, and my stomach refused food. A neirhoor who had suffered with ovarian troubles and' was perfectly cured, called my attention. to your Vegetable Compound, and I made up my mind to give it a two months' fair trial.

However, before one month had passed I was like a new woman, and after six weeks faithful use of the Compound I was in perfect health. It certainly is of great benefit to women, and I wish every poor suffering" woman could have a chance to try it, Yours very truly. Miss W. Cbh-ds-Blickbirn, 2922 Fifth Rock Island 111." $S90t forfttt If mktu tttiimonlal it ntt gtnuin: noon, all the members have given it thought and study. This organization hcu, without doubt, the best discussion 'roin trfe floor of any of the literary in the city.

Mrs. George W. r.d is it3 president, and some-'-'W whatever Mrs. Townsend handles to be successful. Mrs.

To.vnsenJ has made the Worsens Union; she has made this literary club I have just been talking lilgll UlUOd IIUIQIIKO III Ollr UIS0O a coueciion 01 sweii styles-in DiacK raneta, Peau de Soie and Point d'Esprit Skirts not excelled in this city. 0 $6.95. $8.95. $10.00, $12.95. $14.95 mil np to $40.00 bout, she has been a power In many I of the leading philanthropic and edu- I organizations in this great I country of ours.

She not only has bee: but she is still, successfully working the great cause of feminine human- Silk and Flannel Waists. Taffeta SUk Waists in black and about a dozen of fashionable colors, tucking and hemstitching In front, back and sleeves, regular CO tZ price All-wojjl Flannel Waists in a variety of col- QO- Ji ors, open in the back, worth $1.50 "OC French Flannel Waists, with white front. em- Jfothinar will relieve this diS' ity. IN MEMORY'S HALL. I heard the other dav from a eirl tressing- condition so surely as Lydia E.

Pinkhara's Compound. Mrs. PixLkham advises sick wo AH the New Up-to-Date Coats, Automobiles, Raglans, Newmarkets. 27-INCH COATS of fine quality Kersey in black. Oxford, castor, red and blue, lined throughout, hilf fitted back, made to QJZ sell at $8.95 vP.J 42-INCH AUTOMOBILES in black and all fashionable shades, splendid quality Kersey, silk-lined, half-fitted back, easily CIO flfi worth $16.00 sJJIVr.VJVJ RAGLANS of strictly all-wool materials, with pointed yoke in back and front.

In black, grey and brown mixtures, worth at least one-third more $12.95 and $15.95 NEWMARKETS of excellent quality Kersey, half or all satin lined, tight-fitting back. In black. Oxford, castor or tan; regular value $35.00 vJJ.vJ broidered. a re eul.iir. $2.98 0 men free.

Address, Lynn, mass hood friend of Mrs. Townsend that when she was young no one dreamed of her as one who would be actively inter- ested in public affairs. She was always $5.00 waist at. $1.25 BlacK Mercerized Waists at 75c 0 The soft Fd rich chinchilla promises to be the leading fur this winter. A decided novelty in a profuse decoration of tails is here cnted.

popular out ratner sny and retiring and (lower girls; the maid of honor. Miss rona 01 a purely domestic lire. But she Kdith Sterling Nichols: the hest man. See our Fleecs-Ilned Wrappers at 98c 0 was a thinker and the moment the time 1 Mr. Frederick Leroy Sargent of Boston, came to help along her own sex.

she Mass 1 ne bride was really lovely in a Natural Orn-um Scarfs, with 0 cluster of talis. CI QQ i4 worth vl jO re Fur white silk crepe over taffeta. Her long tulle veil 'fell in graceful folds to the hem of her gown. In her hand she 99 started right In and with an immediate success which surprised her friends. I heard, too, that same afternoon that John J.

Mc Williams, who presides with such dignity and force at the meetings of the oldest philanthropic or Genuine Alaska Sable Scarfs. 3F Department 2 i French Coney Collarettes, silk carried a shower bouquet of bride roses. Miss Edith Nichols wore a gown of white Deau de sole with trlmminc-a CHILDREN'S REEFERS, with shoulder cape, all ganization In the City, was a great I of Rnaslan lar-o QnH oorrU Hi; $1.98 wool material, nicely trimmed odd sizes I 1 I UL HALLOWE'EN SYMBOLS. For the Aid of Those Who Would Make Merry on the Eve of All Saints. Bargains.

Kinnoou aays ana the valley. The little flower girls wore was the leader of all the mischievous dainty gowns of white Swiss mull and lined, worth CI ftR $4.00 3l.i3, 4 Fox. Sable. Mink and Marten Scarfs. actual value from 3QF il000.

$10.00 CHILDREN'S AUTOMOBILES in a full line of sizes, made of good quality Melton in red, blue A A or castor, a bargain at $5.00 4J.T-0 i 0 0 NVITATIONS for Hallowe'en Hits 01 Home BressmaklK 71 Un-Jerweir Hosiery Gloves. Extra Specials. FrrwnttkUE.NdriHE'l COUPON' tud wr will rll yon 01 Ladies" parties can be made by' sketching in one corner a. lighted candle, the figure of a ghost, a bit Ladles rlbDea neece nnea ests or Pants, in ecru, white or grey, the In neat stripes, worth 50C f-riaar Men' Fancy best to be had in the city 9Cf 19c A. at niDDru snirCs or each, at.

BY VY MANTON. Ladles' medicated red flannel Vests Limit 4 garment. De Not Forget to Bring Your Coupon. or h'ants. strictly all-wool CI iifi 0 0 0 Ladles' Knitted Skirts, reduced "5Q from 5Jc to JW TTT Ladles' white Lawn Aprons, Kjf every day price 22c 3v sl Ladles' best quality Gingham Aprons, usually sold at 25c 4 Ci each 53 and worth $1.50 each.

zi Cashmere Norfolk styles are In height of fashion both for younp girls and their elders. The exceedingly smart waist shown exa one of the black all-wool Ladles' Hose. Men's Furni hiiTS. In plain or ribbed. stead of 35c a pair Isew line of leather ajid satin Belts, all up-to-date styles, 0 0 0 at Children's black fleece-lined full line of sizes, worth Hose, 12C 1 -2 Infants' flannelette Presses.

20c a pair 0 0 0 0 0 25C IOC and cheap at 35c Infants' white AVool Veils, regular price 15c Infants" knitted Jackets. white Men's wool Cardigan Jackets, in black or brown, reduced -) from $1.75 and to plZO Men's natural wool Shirts or Drawers, regular $1.00 Cf goods Men's laundered colored Percale Shirts, with separate cuffs, the latest fall patterns, sold everywhere at 75c each, our jr price -Dow 0 unk or white and blue com- plnl Ladies' and Misses' Golf Gloves. In ft-variety of styles and colors. ")r special Ladles' Kid Gloves, with 2 clasps, in black and colors, every 1 (( pair guaranteed, worth Jl.aO.M 1 25C blnatlons 0 0 0 Infnnts' knitted White Wool Caps, worth 35c 25C 0 0 0 0 0 EkTI FMINI tfT CC S61 Street. ffton St.

ZZ 0 latest designs and Is desirable for many materials. The original is made of velveteen in a black and white Shepherd's plaid; but flannel, corduroy, and all the season's waist cloths are equally appropriate. As shown the waist is made over the fitted foundation, but can be left unlined when preferred. The lining is simply fitted and terminates at the waist line. The fronts and back of the waist are smooth at the upper portion, but drawn down In gathers at the waist line.

The box plaits are applied, stitched at each edge, and are graduated in width to give a tapering effect to the figure. The yoke is cut in points, that are stitched flat over the plaits, and the neck is finished with a novel collar that matches It and the cuffs. The sleeves are in bishop style. To cut this waist for a miss of 14 years of age 3 5-8 yards of material 20 inches wide, 3 yards 27 inches wide, 2 1-4 yards 32 inches wide or 2 yards 44 Inches wide will be required. The pattern.

No. 3,63, is cut In sizes for misses of 12, 14 and 16 years. 000000000000 0-00000 0000000000000 at the Nurses' Cottage, adjoining; the Ljsau main building tonight. All Restaurants Should Keep a Stock Miss Elizabeth Cottier of Richmond Avenue entertained friends at cards and passes the knife to the second victim, each one endeavoring to keep the secret. A ring is placed In the cake.

The lucky finder will be married before the year is out. The eggs are found to be but the insides being blown out by means of a puncture in each end, with an inscription of luck on each one. The walnuts have had the meat removed, but by pressing slightly some souvenir of fortune will be found 'inside. End with the regular supper of cider doughnuts, nut-cake, nuts and fruit, where the old-fashioned game of throwing the apple-peel over the shoulder is indulged in. As the guests are departing, the hostess absents herself for a moment and dresses herself to resemble either a fairy, a witch or a fortune-teller.

She carries an armful of sticks so arranged that their shape cannot be guessed. Each one draws a stick as he leaves. If it is crooked, plain or smooth, or only a knot or two, so will his life be. Attached to each one of these is an article from the gipsy, predicting the sort of husband or wife will be the fate. List of articles for women's sticks: Small bottle, a physician; roll of cloth, a merchant; bit of goods with needle, a tailor; anchor, a sailor; flag, a soldier: bit of coal or iron, a miner; bit of earth, a farmer's wife: bits of wood, a lumberman; book, a writer; roll of paper, a journalist; pen, a lawyer; penny, for gold; brass, a gambler; nothing, failure; two sticks together, two husbands or wives.

For the man. comic valentines different subjects, or small pictures representig golf girls, poster girls, Oibson girls, are tied to each stick. For men, Japanese dolls, pig-tail tape-measure, clay pipe with instructions for use: huge slippers made of canvas or burlap, dressing gown of paper, dunce cap, pair of paper suspenders tied in tissue paper with baby ribbon: for women, clothes-wringer, dolls and dishes, small knife and fork, tea-kpt-tle, small rolling pin, box of matches (to light the fire for your future husband), ball of twine (so he won't get away). Forfeits: Blow out a candle blindfolded; smile at each person around the room (this forfeit, should be given to some one equal tcftvthe occasion, for if rightly carried ut, the whole room will be in lauerhter) cork bl-okned at one end handed tov the blindfolded who is requested to choose one end" and. rub it across his cheek usually the blackened end is taken, when a mirror is produced; mirror forfeit the woman is seated in a chair, and several men brought up behind her.

She holds a looking glass, in which she looks. If the man is satisfactory, she waltzes with him. If not, she turns the mirror down, continuing this until the right one appears. Lillian M. Siegfried in Women's Home Companion.

yesterday in honor of her guest, Miss Watson of Utica, Danahy's Spiced Pickled Goods IZ FK TO SERVE. YCUR DEALER WILL SUPPLf YOU AT FOLLOWING PRICES: Misses horiolk 6htrt Waist With Applied Box Flaits. No. 3963. 10 IS Years.

To be Made With or Without the Fitted Lining. 3 or rrult or a basket of nuts. the artist is especially clever the tchlng of two figures over a visionary Are Is good, with different lines, such aa "Come take a chance. Tis midnight, and I'll tell you true." "Once a year." "All'B well that end's well." "A Jack for a Jill." "I am looking, love, for you." If you wish to mystify your guests the Invitation can be written backward. Hallowe'en comes but otice a year.

Over at my house you will rtnii pood cheer; I shall certainly expect you at quarter to eight. Later than that ghosts will have fastened the gate. BACKWARD. a ecno tub semoc ne'ewollah doog dnif lliw uoy esuoh ym. ta revo ot retrauq ta uoy tcepxe ylniatrec llahs I eht denetsaf evah lllw stsohg taht naht retal Naturally the outside envelope would Save to be properly addressed, but the Inside envelope would be written backward, aa Miss Marie Brown, N'worb Elram Sslm.

An old-fashioned candy-pull will serve as a splendid opening to the evening. Little boats can be made of English walnuts split in half, and small candles cut in two, sticking the ends to the bottom of the shell by heating the wax. A number of these small boats are launched on "the sea of life," that is, a ubful of "water. Should these lights burn steadily and steer clear of all mishaps, such as other boats, sticks thrown into the air and waves occasioned by stirring the water, a happy life is predicted, and if two boats float together the owners' lives will have mutual interests. If a shell crosses another' line, bo will their lives be crossed.

If a boat clings to the side of the tub your life will be a home one. If It sails away, extended travel is the prediction. Do not float many boats at a time. "Luck Findings," or good luck for the year. Is another good name.

As many seats must be supplied as there are guests, and placed as far apart and covering as much space as possible. The captain instructs the guests that written Instructions will be found near their respective chairs, where the lucky charm Is to be found. This charm, by the way, is supposed to bring the Under good luck, or a husband and wife, in the coming year. The seats having been given, the hunt for the mystic Instructions is started, but each must keep in his own territory in look-ins; for the paper. The hostess exercise the greatest ingenuity in hiding these papers.

Finally they are discovered with different quotations, as: "Maybe under mother's chair, Tou'll be able to find it there." The greatest silence and secrecy must Prevail, each person keeping his written Instructions a secret from his nelerhbor. Other papers may bear this legend: "If you really feci able. Look under the table." Or. Thp dictionary is a very big book. 51 Cut out the above illustration, stating size and number of pattern and inclose it with ten cents to The Enquirer Pattern Department No.

QUANTITY. Mrs. Charles Locke Gurney gave a luncheon on Tuesday in honor of her niece. Miss Madeline Bell, one of the season's debutante. Mrs.

Charles Miller chaperoned a party of young women through several of the Midway shows yesterday afternoon. The programme of the Friday Culture Club tomorrow will include papers on "The Meaning and Value of Literature, by Mrs. Richardson; "The English Language Previous to the Norman Zoo Alain street, tsurraio. It is important and absolutely necessary to state size and number of pattern in ordering. a I $10 50 4.75 2 75 I 25 1.60 1 25 $30.00 14 60 7 60 6 25 425 S.ZS 11 110 50 4 75 2.75 2.25 1 50 1 2 5 $8 00 6 ,00 68 1.15 1.00 $10.50 4.75 2 75 2 25 1 60 1.25 S3 $10.

4.7J ITS rst 1.40 lx Barrels. 80- tb. 40-tb. SO-lb. Kegs 20-lb.

Kegs Kits 1475 I 00 1 7S 1.44 1.10 .90 to.OO 2.25 1.) 1.10 .90 .76 carried white wicker baskets filled with (Continued on Page Eight.) 00000000: If your dealer should not sell them drop us a line we will see that you are supplied with DANAHY'S LUNCHEONS and 3 BONELESS BOILED HAMS 0 0 0 0 0 0 pranks at Elmira where she lived and arttended school. Mrs. McWilliams is the fine president of the Women's Christian Association. This society leads all the other organizations in the city, being 27 years old. The school teachers are busy women Just now attending to their regular duties in the morning and guiding their classes through the Exposition in the afternoon.

It is no light task to take a dozen or more children, show them the Exposition and keep them together. Keeping them together is one of the most difficult parts of the prpgramme. Some of the teachers yesterday afternoon had their young pupils strung together by a rope and the moment any pair of hands were off the cord they were called to order. They were a merry lot. and teachers and pupils seemed to be having a good time.

WEDDING BELLS. TVio Church of flnr Father had a The Danahay Packing' Co. Reply jy igvti i nsjyr 0000000000000 violets and lilies of the valley. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.

Pray departed on their wedding journey. After January 1st they will be at home in Cambridge. Among the out-of-town gueses were Mrs. James Pray of New York. B.

S. Pray and Mr. Ross Sargent of Cambridge. Mrs. B.

Sargent of New York and Dr. and Mrs. Maury of New-York. Mr. and Mrs.

William Nagel of East Utica Street announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Kathrvn Nagel, Mr. Harry H. Pratt, at their home las. evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Pratt have gon? to Worcester, where they will reside. No cards. HAVING A GOOD TIME.

The Lexington Heights Reading Club gave a theater party at the Star la. night in honor of Miss Caroline E. Morish of Albany and the Misses James of Rochester. rs. George B.

Matthews gave a luncheon at the Twentieth Century Club yesterday to fourteen guests. The first meeting of the Investigating Club will be held torn ir; in the rooms in the Library Building. The doctors and nurses of Riverside Hospital will celebrate an old-fashioned jolificatlon and supper per. one quarter teaspoonful of thyrn and a little marjoram, mix well Inte round balls the size of an egg. Roll them In flour, drop the dumplings lnt boiling salted water and boll ten mln utes.

Remove them with a skJmme and lay on a warm plate; then pour over a little melted butter seasoned with celery salt and serve. Fried Apples with Pork. Fried apples make an ac ceotAhla pretty wedding within its doors last 3 A But In passing by just give it a look." tepid water with a little ammonia In it. and put either ammonia or salt into the last rinsing water to bring up the colors. The secret of washing eiderdown lies in the drying.

An eiderdown should be dried In the open, in a good strong wind, and be carefully watched during the process, frequently shaking and rubbing It to prevent the down from going into lumps and knots. FORDHAM. Detachment of the retina is caused by blows or falls upon the eye, by tumors in front of the retina, by inflammation of parts of the eye in front of the retina, by dropsy of the eyeball and by severe chsl-s of myopia or nearsightedness. In front of the retina is a portion of the eye known as the vitreous humor. This is a mass of gelatinous material wM-h is perfectly transiucer.t.

When i. diseased it sometimes shrinks and in shrinking pulls off the retina. md-ness follows. No hope for relief can be given. evening, when at 7 clock Miss lor-ence Mabel Nichols, daughter of Mrs.

Samuel E. Nichols, was united in marriage to Mr. James Sturgiss Pray of. Boston. Mass.

The Rev. John H. Ap-plebee of Roxbury, received the marriage vows. The bridal party consisted of Dr. J.

W. Draper Maury of New York. Mr. Wayland Ross of Boston. Mr.

Harry Evers and Mr. McDonald, ushers; Miss Constance Pray and Miss Elizabeth Foster. change from apple nuee when served with roist pork. Remove the cors with a corer. but leave the skin intact I after thoroughly washing it.

Cut th I apples in thick slices, across the ap-: pie so as to give round slices. Hava ready a hot frying pjn in wnlch is a tablepoonful of butter. Fry the slices brown, then and brow jr. the re-verse side. Serve as a garnish to the pork.

German Potato Salad. Prer': ha if a WWW las mi ire in a deep bowl a dressing- of of vinegar, two tablespoon- art rift fu's of ve oil. a siltspoonful of FRANCO. The yellow ribbon, in the Torm of a decoration, in France indicates that the wearer has won a military medal Instituted by Napoleon a minor decoration of the Legion of The red ribbon is the decoration of the Legion of Honor. LINDEN.

The operation for relief of stricture of the ducts which convey the tears from the eyes to the nose is one which necessitates the passage of probes for a long time afterward. Unless the stricture of these ducts is relieved, you will always be bothered with an overflow of tears, especially in cold weather. MRS. D. Denim comes in almost all colors.

Art denim is very much used for library table covers; these covers are usually made with a ruffle, and above the ruffle in each corner often is embroidered a small figure of Pegasus. The colors chosen in the denim are sage green, yellow. Delft blue or terra-cotta. AGED. No.

it is not dangerous. It indicates, however, the varicose of the veins in the region of the -pot and favors the formation of a core or ulcer later. Keep the limb bandaged it feels heavy or tired at night. Use two and one half inch bandage, five yards long. Bandage from the toes to the knee.

SENSITIVE. In some cases oberlty a disease and needs a physician's -rsonal attention. In other it about by excess of eatiug. irregularity of meais, eating bc tw- en and lack of exercise. Exertion open air, especially walking at a brisk pace, is excellent to reduce rleh.

Those who go into a system of phy.slc.ii 'raining to became thin are careful to Hthe dally in tepid water, taking a vigorous rub-down after the bath, and eat moderately twice a day at noon and in the J. K. M. Eiderdowns can be washed with perfect success by the same method as any flannel, or If large, like blankets. If the color is doubtful ns 1 of and a large onion sliced thinly.

Hnil in Jackets eight jot'toes and while yet very skin slice them rather thickly The lucKy searcner nnas a ring or sume other trifle suggestive of the day. In "Silhouette Pictures" the men are on one side of the sheet, a lighted candle at their backs, so as to throw a shade on the curtain. Under the direction of a captain each turns himself into a pantomime artist, and the young woman on the other side of the curtain, also under the direction of a captain, guesses who he Is; falling to guess, she gives a forfeit to be redeemed. "Snapdragon" is played by tying to many raisins a motto in tin-foil for good luck. Place In a tub with water, and over this pour a little alcohol and set afire.

Each player must try. while this is burning, to snatch a snapdragon, and so procure his fortune. The supper table must be unique, mingling fun, good humor, and general good-fellowship. In the centerpiece have a fine cake carefully frosted and trimmed prettily with seasonable flowers. Elsewhere have a dish of walnuts, tied with baby ribbon, a platter of hard-boiled ep-gs, g-arnished with parsley, and a plum pudding of raisins and alcohol.

When all are seated the hostess passes a basket of beans, each one taking a handful; these are carefully counted. The one securing the most beans has the privilege of cutting the cake; the next highest second, and so on around the table. The hostess instructs her guests in this manner: "Ladies and gentlemen. I have arranged with great care, as you see, a very fine Seasonable Recipes for He use wives ONLY JEWELS. There are times when riches have no charms.

The Arabs are fond of telling this story: A man sat in the midst of a circle of jewelers, but did not praise their goods. "Why do you view these jewels with such they said. he answered. "Not long ago I was wandering in the desert, my way lost, my provisions gpne. For days I journeyed without frod, wher.

half famished, I came upon a bag filled with what I took for fried wheat. I sat down to eat, but upon lifting the grains to my mouth, found that they were only-pearls instead of being the grain I craved. Imagine my despair. I was rescued from death by a passing caravan, but to this day I cannot look upon jewels without a shudder." TO KEEP AS A CURIO. A gentleman who was traveling through West Virginia went to a house and got food for himself and companion and their horses.

He wanted to make payment, but the woman was ashamed to take pay for a mere act of kindness. He pressed the money upon her. Finally, she said. "If you don't think I am mean. I will take one quarter of a dollar from you, so as to look at it now and then, for there has "been no money In this house for a year." The little farm and barter at the store had reusing.

Celery, cut into qgtr. lice, may be added if desired, with hird-boiled eggs and hot potatoes absorb ths beirg sliced thickly, they apt to b'-e-iit in being mtxel 'he dressing. 1 0 -r-irch re rt -cugh VUVJIIH 'J SI" jm. Vjl r-'fy yla IS "frforn ofthe body fall fr JI Tj'n iiyjj fOj toin und Iiohlins; the ihoald- 1 Cit Jj'SiLiCv Into a tlht lint, rt. 51 i3 'Teeome a superb body braee 3 ll fTiiJ brine, out all the natartf Sffi'ff ft- b-aty ofthe For Princes.

yyWJa Jf' D' Kreet form gowns Affl fPl From $1.00 to $5.50 3 yMLf'I At-L IIALEB ijA JX7 WEIKOAWTEN BROS. w' rr? nX iJaDuf'u7tarer? of raets fn rti I Ik bsry Woman aotcrwo boos! kwvw MA.WVTL WbirU(tj Sprar 1 be new "7r m'. tuin iimrtvm. II Ml Liver Dumplings. Procu-e a lamb's liver and heart: cut off one hlf pound liver and on poured heart; place a saucepan with one ounce of butter and two t3blespconfuls of finely-chopped onion over the fire, stir and cook a few minutes; remove from the fire and when cold mix it with the finely chopped liver; add four table-spoonfuls of grated breadcrumbs, two eggs and season with one tablespoon-f ul of salt- one half teaspoonful of pep- trH KtiiMny lino "Vvm will confer a.

ereat fa- B. fit pr by keeping to yourselves the won- jrs and secret of Hallow e'en." The A im Hiia fnrm Anil fmi rl to the absolute wants of this bran porridge, hardened and frosted worn. eaj by- EicaA no. tJiroax, ne nrst guest smiles witnout teuine. I 1.

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