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The Daily Exchange from Baltimore, Maryland • 2

Baltimore, Maryland
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2 BALTIMORE. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1858. The unsophisticated citizens who keep on the outside of the Court-houses, appear to labor under the singular delusion, that when they have elected what is commonly called "the Judiciary," they have fully accomplished the great work of choosing their own judges. They seem to live in blissful ignorance of the fact, that while it takes only two to make a bargain, it requires precisely thirteen to determine the rights which grow out of Juries, in fine, as well as Judges, have something to do with the composition of what are known as Courts of Justice. While, therefore, their republican sensibilities stand aghast at the idea of allowing any body but the people, in mass, to select the one judge who sits on the bench, they are quite satisfied that the twelve judges, who sit on the platform below him, shall be appointed, as luck may have it.

The Governor of the State, who ought to be, and usually is, an intelligent, upright and responsible person, is neither wise nor good enough to choose the one man learned in the law." The Senate, nay the whole Legislature, though it makes the laws which are to be administered, is altogether unworthy to designate the person who shall expound them. But the twelve judges, who are not learned," and yet have to comprehend and apply the law, notwithstandingthey, upon whose arbitrament, after all, nine cases out of ten depend, without appeal, may be safely left, it is thought, to be chosen by the Sheriff or the Sheriff's deputies, at will, out of the entire list of free, white male citizens in the Baltimore Directory. They, and the chance talesmen who may be captured on Baltimore street by a Sheriff's runner, as they go down town to pay a note, or to look after the ways and means of doing so, are the folks who hold, in the main, the scales of public justice. They are, in criminal cases, "judges of the law and the fact," and in civil causes "judges of the fact," which, with a little latitude of eonscience and interpretation, comes to pretty much the same thing. And yet.

with these precise facts every day before them, large numbers of sensible people are in a state of constant wonderment at what is called the uncertainty of the law," to say nothing of the strange perversions which sometimes render it so different a thing from justice. Now, let us not be understood as suggesting to the framers of the next Constitution, that jurors should be elected by the people 1 If there be any gods or goddesses who preside over law-suits, we trust they may keep us from that. It would be better, by odds, to have cases triediat the primary meetings. With the Judges, the Clerks, the Registers, the Sheriffs, the Justices of the Peace and the Constables, we think that the public mind has a "Judiciary ticket" quite long enough to exercise it, even if it were not compelled to rex itself, otherwise, with the choice of wreckmasters, roadsupervisors, and the rest of the "sundry officers" who now appeal to it, under the Constitution. What we mean to say, is, that much as reform is needed in the practical working of almost every department of our judicial system, there is none which needs it more than the branch to which we have alluded.

We intend no reference to the incumbents, who have the matter, at present, in charge. Our comment is on the system itself. No man who goe3 much into our courts can fail to know, that under the most favorable circumstances, our jury department is, more or less, a nuisance. We shall have occasion to recur to the subject, and a single illustration will suffice us now. Wc refer to the existence of a class of individuals, whom a plain-spoken Judge, in a sister city, has recently denominated "professional whose business it is to sit on juries, grand and per diem is a means of livelihood to them, and whose names, by some strange hocus poevs, in all the mutations of parties and sheriffs, appear on the jury-lists of some court or other, at almost every term of every successive year.

They may be political or personal friends of the summoning officer, or boon companions of his deputies. They are about his office, when the jury-lists are under consideration. They are conveniently in the neighborhood, when talesmen are They are ready to act as substitutes for business men, who cannot leave their private affairs to dis" charge one of the most important duties of the citizen. They are often the killed, wounded and missing of old party to help them, at the expense of the public and of suitors, is regarded as a cheap and commendable charity. Their votes may be useful again, as they have been Wore, and votes are not, as we all know, to be despised by any elected officer, judicial or otherwise.

But, let them be what they may, and let the matter be managed as it may, it certainly is managedand the same familiar faces appear, and the same familiar hands are "at the book," from season to season, till one might think that the life-tenure, which has departed from the judges, has gone to the jurors, who die not, neither will they resign No doubt a good many of the persons thus engaged in the jury-business are worthy and sensible people. So much the worse for have no excuse for following a bad trade. But it is with their calling and not with them that our present concern is. Trial by jury has, for its basis and its chief recommendation, the constant admixture of fresh popular elements in the administration of justice. Its theory is, that plain and impartial men, taken indifferently and occasionally from unprofessional occupations, and untrammcled by forensic usages and the technical ideas of those who live and move in courts, constitute the best tribunal, under judicial guidance, for the investigation of truth in legal controversies.

The theory may be a good or a bad one, but it is still the theory, and its very essence is involved in the exclusion from the jury-box of all who have become hackneyed in the ways of the forum. If it be true, as has been said, that the practice of the law, when not alleviated by more liberal collateral pursuits, is at best an occupation which contracts the mind, what must be the effect of hanging about the courts upon men, who, having neither professional education nor knowledge nor responsibility, are connected solely with the forms and machinery of litigation? They acquire a smattering of law which is a hundred fold worse than ignorance, and a perverse self-confidence which is as bad as corruption. They have their predilections and prejudices, and learn how to gratify both. They become adepts in the art and mystery of brow-beating a xveak panel and bamboozling an inexperienced one. They become familiar with all the tricks of the jury-room, from log-rolling for the plaintiff down to "eating their boots" for the defendant.

In fine, they get to be a sort of outside pettifoggers, and as the only cure for that class of gentry, is to throw them over the bar, when they are inside of the remedy for the caSe of those who are on the outer side, already, is to keep them from getting in. A question has been raised in the United States Senate, the discussion of which, it is to be hoped, will lead to the abandonment of a species of sharp practice, introduced into Congress within the last few years, and almost grown to be considered a settled parliamentary usage, but which we cannot but regard as a great and mischievous abuse. All deliberative assemblies are liable, from misinformation, haste, or the excitement produced by an animated debate, to adopt wrong conclusions. Such bodies have therefore almost universally, in making rules for their own government, provided that within a certain time after the decision of a question, one or more of the majority by which it was made, may, if they find they have been mistaken in their views, move a reconsideration of the former vote. That such a regulation is salutary and judicious, will, we suppose, scarcely be denied; that it is generally so considered, is proved by the fact of its being found among the rules of probably every legislative body in the country.

But practically, this rule is entirely abrogated and annulled in the House of Representatives, arid in other bodies, under color of another rule, which could scarcely have been intended to be soused or TVe allude to the rule which allows a majority to lay upon the table, without debate, any resolution offered, and thereby not only get rid of the motion for the time, but prevent its being again brought forward for consideration during the same session It has thus become a common manoeuvre in party tactics, when a decision has been made, by however meagre a majority, and perhaps one entirely accidental, for a member, who has voted with that majority, without the slightest pretence of haying changed his opinion, to move a reconsideration of (he question, and then immediately move to lay his own motion on the table. This last motion is adopted by the same majority which decided the question in the first instance; the avowed object of the whole proceeding being to deprive any member who, after a few hours reflection, may be satisfied that he has voted improperly, of his just right to ask for a review of the action which has been had. If such a practice is to prevail, surely it would be better for all bodies in which it is tolerated, to expunge from their rules the provision which professes to secure the right honestly to ask for a reconsideration, and to say plainly, that a decision once made shall be as unalterable as the laws of the Medes and Persians. Of all forms of tyranny, the most dangerous, because the most specious, is that which, by professing to enforce the letter of one law, juggles away rights which the letter and the spirit of another law are intended to protect. LATEST NEWS.

TELEGRAMS RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE OF THE DAILY EXCHANGE. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. WASHINGTON, April 8. SENATE. A discursive debate took place on the expensive printing of picture books, in connection with exploring expeditions.

Lieut. Emory's expedition was especially under discussion. Mr. Johnson, of Arkansas, and Mr. Brown repudiated the practice of Congress paying immense sums for zoology, botany, etc.

Mr. Bright defended Lieut. Emory as having brought back from the appropriation for his survey. He also contradicted the opinion that these scientific works are useless. On the contrary they are regarded as authority, and several have been reprinted in England and elsewhere Mr.

Fessenden urged that Congress should not order the publication of any work until all the manuscript was in. The works certainly are valuable, but a judicious, rather than injudicious expenditure is what is required. He asked Senators, individually, not to encourage the printing of books to gratify personal friends. Mr. Johnson, of Arkantas, gave notice that he would on Thursday take up the act to amend the act, approved August, 1852, to provide for executing the public printing, and establishing the prices therefor.

If that be passed, it would put a stop to those abuses, respecting which so much has been said. Mr. Green moved that the Senate take up the bill for conveying the mails by railroad from the Missouri river to San Francisco. He briefly explained the several sections of the act, and urged the necessity of immediate action. Mr.

Broderick also reported the necessity for early action. The President informed the Senate that he had signed bills to acquire lands for the Aqueduct, and to permit Lt. Jeffrey to accept a sword of honor from the Queen of Spain. Mr. Slidell (taking up by consent pro forma, the resolution to present a medal to Com.

Paulding,) read a lengthy review of the course of Gen. Walker in Nicaragua, disapproving of his course, and also of the course of action of Com. Paulding. He said that Cuba could only now be obtained by negotiation, but if Spain attempts to impose a despotism on Mexico under Santa Anna, the United States should take part in it. The subject was then deferred till to-morrow and the Senate adjourned until Monday.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, moved to lay on the table the deficiency bill, which was 43, nays 143. The question was then taken on recommitting the bill to the Committee on Ways and Means with instructions to report the various appropriations in separate bills. Decided in the 101, navs 119.

The bill was then put upon its passage and 106, navs 174. On motion of Mr. Montgomery, the House proceeded to the consideration of the Kansas hill. Mr. Montgomerv moved that the House adhere to its amenment; which motion was agreed 119, nays 111; (the vote was the same as on the question a week ago, on the adoption of Mr.

Montgomery's amendment, with the exception of Messrs. Humphrey Marshal and Bowie, who paired off, reducing Doth sides one vote.) Mr. Branch submitted a resolution instructingthe Committee of Ways and Means to report six bills, embracing the separate items in the Deficiency Bill, which was rejected this morning. He earnestly urged its passage, showing the condition of the army required immediate assistance. Mr.

Campbell opposed the resolution. He was willing, if the other (the Democratic side! would take the responsibility; the vote by which the bill was rejected might be" re-considercd. The House then adjourned, pending a motion to re-consider the vote by which the Deficiency bill was rejected. FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, April 8.

forenoon, a man named Peter Besancon, formerly of Louisiana, had violent words with Mr. Thompson, Secretary of the Interior, in the hall of that former struck or attempted to strike the Secretary, when the latter turned and discovered Besancon drawing a pistol on him. Mr. Thompson seized and threw him upon the floor, dislocating and fracturing his arm. It is believed that is well known refused an office by Secretary Thompson, which, with pecuniary embarrassments, had temporarily debilitated his mental faculties.

He had been for several years in the government employ at Washington and was looked upon with respect by all who knew him. FROM KANSAS. ST. LOUIS, April Kansas Constitutional Convention has adjourned. Negroes and foreigners having declared their intentions are allowed to vote for the Constitution, and at the first general election thereafter to vote on universal The question of permitting negroes to vote caused an angry discussion.

Several counties signed the Constitution under protest. FLOODS ON THE MISSISSIPPI AND ARKANSAS RIVERS. ST. LOUIS, April dispatch received here confirms the accounts of floods on the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers. FTom the mouth of White river to the Louisiana line but few places escaped.

Plantations have been submerged, and the destruction is immense. At Napoleon the water is higher than during the flood of 1844. THE EXPECTED STEAMER. HALIFAX, April 8, 10, P. to this hour we have no tidings of the America, now due here from Liverpool.

NEW YORK LEGISLATURE. NEW YORK, April Legislature has rejected the voter's registry bill by a vote of 52 yeas to 07 nays. THE NEXT EUROPEAN STEAMER. NEW YORK, April 8. steamer Vandcrbilt sails at 7, A.

on Saturday for Europe. MARKETS. NEW YORK, April has advanced sales of 4,500 bales at 12 cts. for Upland. Flour is of 6,000 bbls.

common to good State at Ohio 54.705?54.85; Southern $4.85. Wheat is of 11,000 bushels White Southern 130 cts. Corn is of 15,000 bushels White 75 cts. Pork has advanced Sets, for at Lard is firm at cts. Whiskey is dull.

Sugar is firm and active. Molasses is 33 cts. Spirits Turpentine steady. Rosin" is steady 152)4 cents. Rice is steady at cents.

CITY INTELLIGENCE. BODY OF Fort, body of a white man, apparently thirty-five years of age, was found in the water at the foot of South street, yesterday morning between eight and nine o'clock. On his person was found one dollar in ver, silver snuffbox, pair of silver spectacles; also a memorandum book containing a map ingeniouslv drawn with a pen. On the first page of the book appeared the following memoranda, written with a pencil: Ben Jones. John W.

Carlton, 112 Richmond street; 54 at court house. An inquest was held bv Coroner Stevens and a verdict rendered of accidental drowning. Subsequently to the above proceedings, and after the Coroner had given orders for the burial of the body, it was recognized by Mr. Wm. Dorbacker and Mr." James Crangle as that of Benjamin Jones, who had been missing from his boarding house.

No. 78 Columbia street, since the evening of the 27th of last March. Upon hearing this, Coroner Stevens had the body conveyed to the middle district station house, and immediately proceeded to summon another jury to hear the evidence which would be brought before them. The following gentlemen compose the jury James Crangle, Foreman, Wm. Dorbaker, Philip Backs, J.

M. Fuller, Wm. A. Finlev, James Flynn, W. R.

Simpson, J. B. Collins, F. Christopher, W. H.

French, Samuel Beard, Isaac Baker, William 11. Condon, James A. Gibson. The jury was then sworn by the Coroner, and at his request viewed the body of and Dr. H.

P. P. Yeates was desired to make a post mortem examination of the body. The first witness called was David Anderson, who was sworn by the Coroner, and deposed substantially as follows: Knew deceased he boarded at my house, No. 78 Columbia street; boarded there some months was a sober, upright man; never heard anything against him considered him a perfect gentleman deceased he thinks had accumulated considerable money; had been to Santa Fe, New Mexico, constructing mills for Mr.

Dusenberry; had also been to Texas, and said that he had bought land there, and was going out there to settle on it; was preparing to so when he disappeared intended to start on the Monday or Tuesday following his disappearance; the week previous to the Saturday night he was missed, deceased appeared unwell, and only went out one or two rights on the night he last left my house, which was last Saturday night two weeks, about seven o'clock, deceased went up to his chamber without a light; my wife asked him to take a light, said he did not want it; a light was taken to him by my daughter; after a while he came down, my wife said, Mr. Jones, you better not go out, you better let me send fo'r some pills for you; he replied, I have some business on Pratt street, and when I return I think I will stop at the Doctor's. He then left, I have not seen him from that time until to-day on the wharf; no one left the bouse with him; my wife, my son James, and myself, were present 'when he left the house, oa morn Mr. Griffin came to my shop, and been found in the water at the Inladelphm Steamboat wharf, South street; gave teft house nP GHffi 0f Cl thing i. had on at tim he lett house, Griffin said man had a rule in his pocket; THE DAILY EXCHANGE, APRIL 9, 1858.

I said if he has a rule in his pocket it is Mr. Jones: I then went and told Mr. Dorbaker, and started for the wharf myself; deceased was generally in bed by o'clock; on the Saturday night he was missed a young man from Cecil county and Mr. I Hall waited a considerable time for him; the young man wanted to see him on business about going to Texas with him: don't know his name, but he was a gentleman: they left between 9 and 10 o'clock; don't keep boarding house; a young man named Matthias Rochester boards with me now; he came to board on the same dav Mr. Jones disappeared; he was not present when deceased left the house; he came home i while Mr.

Hall and the young man were waiting for deceased; sat down on a chair and was going to I sleep, when I told him he had better go to bed; i ceased told me he intended to go to Indiana to survey I some lands for a Mr. llowe; since his disappearance have interested myself to discover if possible his whereabouts; have written to parties in Cincinnati, and also got the society of Odd Fellows to interest themselves, but had heard nothing as yet. The deceased's watch was found on the bed in his room, and also the keys were left in the contents of the chest have been examined; there was fifty-two dollars and a half in money, some papers, among them a receipt for a rifle, a note for two hundred dollars and one or two other receipts; effects are in my possession; when deceased returned from Santa Fe, had considerable money, gave mv wife a bag of gold, and also had a fifteen hundred dollar Government draft; he deposited his money in the Commercial and Farmers' Bank; dont know what he had in amount; deceased said it would take him two years to deposit his money in the Baltimore Savings "Bank by installments of twenty dollars per 11. B. Dusenberry was then sworn, and deposed as acquainted with deceased; had made arrangements to go to Texas with him; was in his company on Tuesday preceding his disappearance; we went to Mr.

Trimble's on Baltimore street, to purchase two rifles; saw him the last time on Friday evening following, at o'clock, at my boarding house, Mrs. Gray's, 164 west Lombard street; he came to bring me a receipt for my rifle; have not seen him since, until to-day; he looked badly the last time I saw him, as if he was sick; was a man of good sense, strictly temperate; never saw any thing in him like an aberation of the mind: never heard him speak ill of any body; did not think he had an enemy in the world; have been to Anderson's several times to see him about our arrangements for going to Texas; he intended to leave on Monday night following his disappearance, and I was to meet him in Cincinnati on Tuesday night of the following week; he told me he had paid for his lands in Texas; never saw him have much money with him; said he did not cany much about him; he was paid S2OO on Friday morning by my guardian, Mr. Brent. Dr. H.

P. P. Yeates was then sworn, and testified as follows: I have made an examination of the body of the deceased; took off the scalp, found no serious wounds on the head: had appearance as if deceased had been beaten: thinks deceased received a severe blow over the right eye, which was much blackened and the eyeball protruding; also opened chest, and found the' lungs filled with air; it is my opinion that the decea was first knocked senseless and then thrown into the water; a drowning man would naturally make an effort to breathe, and in doing so water 'would rush into the lungs and there remain: deceased lungs contain air, and will now float upon water. lungs were then shown to the Dr. Charles A.

Leas then corroborated Dr. Yeates' testimony in regard to the air being found in the lungs, and said the deceased had no doubt either first been killed or knocked senseless, and then thrown into the water. The jury then, with a view of obtaining some important testimony, concluded to adjourn until this morning at 9 o'clock, to meet at the Middle District Station House. THE MCDOXOGH The Committee on the part of the Councils up the McDonogh bequest, yesterday submitted a report thereupon, together with an ordinance providing for the future management of the estate. The report sets forth that The last appraisement of the property shows a total valuation of against which there are claims to the amount of about which will make the shares of the cities of Baltimore and New Orleans each about the sum of $875,000.

The first section of the ordinance provides for the appointment by the Mayor and City Council, of Messrs. Brantz, Mayor, Win. S. Petriken and Thos. L.

Emorv, as agents on the part of the city of Baltimore, for the receipt, administration, saie and liquidation of that portion of the estate to which our city is entitled, and that before they enter upon such duties, they shall each give bond in the sum of $25,000 for the faithful discharge of the duties assigned them. 'the second section details their powers and duties to be to receive from the agents of the cities of Baltimore and New Orleans, now jointly administering the estate, all the portion or portions of the estate to which our city is entitled, and to give all necessary receipts and acquittances therefor, and to make all settlements in liquidation of accounts with the city of New Orleans for taxes, expropriated property and their several interests in the estate; and, after receiving the share of Baltimore therein, together with all tne books, papers, plats, and evidences of title requisite for the separate administration of the estate, to do all necessary acts for the care and management of the same, as fully and entirely as though the property were under the immediate control, in this city, of the Mayor and City Council; and they are directed to lease and repair the property, collect rents, pay taxes, claims, judgments, cost's of administration, and to settle with and make all payments to the American Colonization Society and the Society for the relief of destitute orphan boys (beneficiaries under the will of Mr. in accordance with the principles established by the Supreme Court of Louisiana, and to perform all such other administrative acts as shall be needed for the guardianship and economical management of the property, until sold. It also directs and empowers them to offer for sale, and to sell at public sale, at the earliest favorable period, and on such terms as, in their judgment, shall be most advantageous for the interests of the city, all and every part of the real and personal estate, movable and immovable property, and to give to purchasers all necessary titles in the name of the city of Baltimore, and that all obligations, bonds, mortgages, notes, be given to the agents. Also, that these agents shall return to the "Board of Trustees of the McDonogh Educational Fund and Institute," created by an after-part of the ordinance, all proceeds of said sales, in cash, notes, bonds, mortgages, or other securities, and all moneys collected by them, as soon as received, and that they shall semi-annually report their action to the Mayor.

Also, that they shall, in conjunction with the agents on the part of New Orleans, provide for the slaves belonging to the estate, in accordance with the provisions of the will, by either transporting them to one of the colonies of free negroes in Africa, or bv their liberation from servitude, and use such sums of money as may be necessary for that purpose. The third section provides that, in compensation for their services, traveling expenses and all other extras, they shall receive a salary of $2,500 per annum, the same to cease in one year from the Ist of January, 1859, or sooner, if deemed practicable in judgment of the trustees mentioned, and that they shall be under control of the said trustees. Section four provides that, in order to carry out the objects of the late John McDonogh, the Mayor and Councils shall appoint twelve trustees, citizens of good standing, as a permanent board, to be styled as above. And the fifth section provides that they shall not be changed or removed except by an ordinance, for mal administration of official duties. Section sixth provides for the appointment, by the Mayor and Council, of a president of the board, in addition to the twelve trustees, who shall be subject to the same regulations.

The seventh section declares it to be the duty of such board to establish within the limits of'the city, an institute for the maintenance and education of poor bovs, to be styled the "McDonogh Institute," which shall be under their control. The eighth section provides that all proceeds of sales of the propertv, shall be invested in the public securities of "Baltimore, and that, on no condition, shall any part of the principal of the amount be disposed of or alienated, for any purpose whatever, and that the institute shall be free from all sectional influence. The tenth section provides that, as soon as the funds arising from sales of the estate will justify such a step, the trustees shall purchase a site for the erection of the buildings suitable to the objects of the trust; and the eleventh section declares that, as it is the intention of the Mayor and Council to preserve, in tact, the principal of the legacy to an extent of $500,000, in order that the institute may stand as a perpetual memorial of the beneficence (if the testator, the board shall not be limited as to time, in the purchase of a site and the erection of the buildings, but shall appropriate only the interest that mav accrue upon the fund, unless the same shall exceed $500,000, when the surplus mav be thus appropriated. Section twelve provides that the architectural design of the buildings shall be plain and substantial, and constructed with economy, and the institute, in its educational plan, shall comprise a preparatory and Collegiate department, each limited to a service of four years, and that no bov shall be received into the school under the age of eight years, or exceeding the age of sixteen vears. Also, that each ward shall be equally entitled to its benefits, in the matter of appointments, which shall be made by the board of trustees.

The remaining sections provide that all boys received shall be supported entirely by the institute, and shall wear a uniform dress; that no trustee shall be in any manner concerned in any contract for the building or maintenance of the institute, and that they shall not, either directly or indirectly, receive any compensation for their services. SALES OF Adreon sold yesterday on the premises, the lot of ground fronting feet on Sharp street near Montgomery, by a depth of 155 feet to Plumb alley, improved by a two story brick dwelling, with brick back building and stable. Purchased by Mr. Joseph Kramer for $BBO. Messrs.

F. W. Bennett sold yesterday at the Exchange, the piece of property known the "Alberton Factory." situated at Elysville, in Howard county, 20 miles from the city, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and Patapsco" river. The property consists of forty acres of land, a four story granite factory, 150" by 48 feet, a two story stone dwelling, seven granite dwellings, thirteen brick dwellings, and two rows of frame dwellings, together with all the machinery, steam engines, machine shops, and turning lathes; the property has also the right to what is considered the best water in the State. The property is subject to an annual ground rent of SGOO, and was sold free of all other incumbrances.

The bidding went on with very little spirit, and it was finally Knocked down at $50,000, J. R. Canon, being the purchaser. The improvements alone are said to have cost over $150,000. The sale was made bv Messrs.

Geo. W. Dobbin and Osman Latrobe, trustees, by virtue of a deed of trust from the "Alberton Manufacturing Company." ARREST FOR Williams and Rote vesterdav arrested illiam Francis, on the charge of stealing a lot of clothing, the property of Francis Johnson. He was committed for court by Justice Mearis. CHAROF.

OF lad named Charles Smith, employed in the china store of Wm. T. Valliant which was fired on Tuesday morning, was arrested yesterday as the incendiary, and committed for court by Justice Mearis. ROBBERY AND Wednesday night last officers Curry and Carmine arrested a man named Peter Riley, about ID years of age, whom they found secreted in a closet of one of the new buildings, belonging to Mr. Michael Roach, on Calvert street near Madison.

He was taken to the Central Police Station, where he confessed himself the per- I petrator of the robberies that have been committed in those buildings during the past two weeks, and informed the officers that the stolen articles had been taken to the house of Leopold Himmel, Xo. 50, and George Beck, No. 40 Harrison street. At the house of Himmel nothing was found, but at Beck's house various tools and other articles were identified as those stolen from Roach's buildings, and were taken to the marshal's office. Himmel and Beck were arrested and committed by Justice Mearis for a further hearing, on charge of receiving stolen goods.

Riley was also committed for a further hearing. CONSECRATION. Free Church of the Holy Innocents, on the North West corner of Chase and Eden streets, of which the Rev. J. P.

Fagitt i 3 the Pastor, was yesterday morning consecrated by the Right Rev. W. R. Whittingham, Bishop of Marylxind, assisted bv a number of Bishop Whittingham then preached an appropriate and beautiful sermon, taking his text from the 22 verse of the 21st chapter of the Book of Revelation of St. John the Divine: And I saw no temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." After the sermon, the sacrament was administered, and the congregation dismissed.

DELEGATES TO TXIE QUARANTINE The following gentlemen have been appointed delegates to the Quarantine Convention, which is shortly to assemble in this citv, on the part of the City Council: Messrs. John T. Ford, John Dukeliart, Samuel R. Dunnock and Charles H. Clark, of the First Branch; and Messrs.

John B. Seidenstricker, Lemuel Bierbower, Alexander B. Gordon and John R. Kelso, of the Second Branch. ARRESTS.

officers Gorman and Stevens arrested yesterday two men, named Mathias Rochester and James Anderson, suspected of being concerned in the murder of Benjamin Jones, whose body was found yesterday morning. They will be brought before the jury of inquest this morning to testify in the case. RELEASED ox BAlL. Levy, committed to jail for the shooting of Edward C. McAleese, was yesterday released on bail, in the sum of 54,000.

J. S. and Stephen Broadbent are his sureties. The body of Benjamin Jones was taken in charge by Harmony Lodge, No. of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which he was a member, and was conveyed to the Egyptian Saloon of the Odd Fellow's Ilall, from which the funeral will take place this afternoon at three o'clock.

I NQUEST. Stevens yesterday held an inquest over the body of a colored woman named Susan Johnson, who died suddenly at her residence on Potter street. A post mortem examination was made by Dr. H. P.

P. Yeates, and the jury rendered a verdict of "effusion of the heart." FIRE. roof of the house corner of Franklin and Chatsworth streets, took fire about five o'clock yesterday morning from the chimney and was extinguished by officers Burnham and JlcGuffin with but little damage. FULLY COMMITTED. Eccleston, (colored i arrested a day or two since on the charge of setting fire to the building attached to the dwelling of Mr.

John McMullcn, corner of Gay and Favette streets, had a further hearing before Justice Mearis yesterday afternoon, and was fully committed for trial. DRIVING THROUGH A FUJJEBAI. A man named Richard Moore was arrested yesterday by officer Simpson, on the charge of driving through a funeral train, and fined S2 and costs bv Justice Mearis. THE WELCH NIGHTINGALE. E.

L. Williams, widely and favorably known as the Welch Nightingale, will gir-e her popular entertainment, entitled Love's Dream, at the Maryland Institute this evening. In this composition, which is of the most unique character, Miss Williams displays a versatility of talent truly astonishing. The circumstances under which she appears this evening appeal strongly to the aid of the generous, and they may be assured that while securing to themselves a pleasurable evening's enjoyment, they are relieving embarrassments to which this lady has been subjected by the treachery of those to whom she had entrusted her pecuniarv affairs. HOLI.UAY STREET THEATRE.

engagement of Miss Maggie Mitchell is drawing to a close. During its continuance she has appeared in a series of characters, which by her sprightly style of acting she has invested with an interest rarely excelled, and attracted large audiences each evening. Tonight she takes a farewell benefit, appearing in the new drama of Jessie Brown and The French Spy. Of course the house will be crowded throughout. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL.

THURSDAY, April 8, 1858. FIRST RRAXCH. met. Present, John T. Ford, President, and all the members except Messrs.

Dunnock and Dryden. Mr. Dukehart presented a petition from R. Mason and others, asking that fire plugs be placed on the corner of East Baltimore and Dalles streets, and on the corner of East Baltimore and Caroline streets. Referred to the Committee on Water.

Mr. Talbott presented a petition from Marshal Herring, asking to be refunded certain expenses met by him at the station houses. Referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Cunningham presented a petition from Geo.

W. Buck, asking permission to build a sewer from his premises, No. 34 west Pratt street to Frederick street dock. Referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr.

Harvey, frftm the Committee on the MeDonogli bequest, submitted a report, together with an ordinance providing for the future management of the estate 011 the part of Baltimore, which were read and laid on the table. Mr. McComas presented a resolution authorizing the Clerk of the Ilollins street market to procure hose for that market. Referred to the Committee on Markets. Mr.

Glanville, from the Committee on Claims, reported upon the petition of Jno. Davis, the Portwarden, asking to be refunded the amount of $6O, a judgment granted against him by Justice Myers, in a case wherein lie claims he acted in the discharge of his duty. The report is accompanied by a resolution directing the petitioner to take an appeal from the decision ofthe Justice, and instructs the city counsellor to defend him before the The report was adopted and the resolution passed. Mr. Addison presented a resolution directing the City Commissioner to place gas lamps on the corner of Hamburg and Hanover streets, and such other places in that vicinity as he may deem proper.

Referred to the Committee oh Police and Jail. Mr. Dukehart submitted an ordinance providing for the closing of the account for deepening the Patapsco river, beyond the limits of taxation, and place the amount unexpended therein to the credit of the jreneral expense account. Mr. Harvey called up the ordinance providing for changing the grade of Saratoga street, at its intersection with Republican street, which was passed.

Mr. Dukehart called up the revised ordinance providing for a police of the city. Mr. Cunningham moved to amend bv reinstating the old system of the day and night lost. Mr.

Dukehart moved to amend by authorizing the Mayor to appoint any number of the regular police, not exceeding twenty, who shall not wear uniforms, and who shall be styled a special police, to be stationed by the Mayor in such parts of the city as he may deem proper, and for such period as he may deem necessary, who shall act as detectives. Mr. "Beale was opposed to any innovation upon the present system, and regarded this as a movement introductory to the breaking up of the same. Mr. Dukehart did not deem it as containing any such effect, the object being to detail such special officers in places where incendiaries and thieves congregate, to watch their movements.

The motion was decided in the affirmative by a vote of yeas 11, nays 6. The second having so amended the ordinance as to abolish the places of the regular detectives, and authorize the Mayor to appoint detectives at such times and for such periods as circumstances may require. Mr. lalbott hoped the branch might dissent from the looked to the discharge of the present dectives. lie moved to amend by striking out that portion which required the appointees to be confirmed by the Council, and leave the whole matter in the hands of the Mayor, in such manner that the parties thus appointed may be unknown.

The motion prevailed by yeas 9 to nays 8. Without concluding the consideration of the ordinance it was laid upon the table and the branch adjourned. SECOND BRANCH. Branch met pursuant to adjournment. John B.

Seidenstricker, President, in the chair, and all the members present. Mr. Horney called up the resolution appropriating the sum of S5OO to aid in defraying the expenses of the quarantine convention. On motion of Mr. Hintze, the subject was referred to the Committee on Health.

The President appointed Messrs. Bierbower, Gordon and Kelso as delegates to the quarantine convention on the part of this Branch. A resolution appropriating in behalf of the House of Refuge was received from the First Branch and laid on the table. Mr. Herring submitted a resolution requesting the City Collector to furnish this Branch with the names and assessment of all persons paving taxes on thirty thousand dollars and upwards.

Adopted. A resolution in favor of the judges and clerKs of the late State election, was received from the First Branch and laid on the table. An ordinance to open and condemn McCabe street, was received from the First Branch and laid on the table. The report from the Committee of Conference on the ordiuance in favor of the Messrs. Reynolds, was received from the First Branch and laid on the table.

Resolutions on the petitions of James Fox and John L. Brown were received from the First Branch and concurred in. A resolution in favor of the Aged Widows' Home was received from the First Branch and laid on the table. A resolution authorizing the City Commissioner to advertise for proposals for impairing West Falls avenue was received from the First Branch and laid on the table. Mr.

Siinms called up the ordinance to license and regulate places of amusement. Mr. Bierbower submitted sundry amendments to the ordinance, the object of which is to reduce the license on Theatres, and increase the license on temporary performances. Pending their consideration, the ordinance was laid on the table. Messrs.

Bierbower, Hintze and Homey, were appointed a committee to confer with the First Branch on the ordinance to levy a direct tax for the year 1858. Adjourned until this afternoon. A dispatch dated Berne, March 14th, states that the Genevese Government has dissolved the Italian Benefit Society. The Federal Commissioners have ordered the expulsion of twelve French and seventeen Italian refugees. An inquiry is going on concerning twelve others.


The following business was transacted yesterday yi illiain' and James McGowcn rs. The Baltimore Fire Insurance Company. An action to recover on an insurance policy. On trial. R.

J. Brent and Israel for plaintiff; Schley for defendant. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hon. Wm.

L- Marshall, Judge. The following business was transacted yesterday: Thomas Sehaelfer James M. Brown. An action to recover the value of a horse sold by the plaintiffs to the defendant, and for which the defendant passed to the plaintiff a promissory note, which afterwards turned out to be worthless. Juryout at the adjournment of the Court.

Carter for Carson for defendant. The First Independent Church of Baltimore rs. Robert Howard. An action to recover expenses incurred in the paving of Belair avenue. In this case it is alleged that tiie defendant made a verbal contract with the trustees of the church, that the paving in front their property should not exceed $1.15 per foot, and promised to pay the same if it should exceed that amount.

The suit is to recover the excess of expenses. On trial. Brown and Brune for plaintiff; Malcolm and A. M. Brown for defendant.

CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Hon. Wm. Fell Giles, Judge. The following business was transacted in this Court yesterday Hezekiah Crout The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.

An action to recover damages for an alleged infringement of a patent. On trial. B. C. Barroll and W.

M. Addison for plaintiff; G. L. Dulany for defendant. CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE ClTV.

was no business transacted in this Court yesterday. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. WEDNESDAY, April 7, 1858. 53. Enoch C.

Roberts, plaintiff in error, James M. Coopex The argument of this cause was continued bv Mr. 4 inton for the defendant in error, and concluded by Mr. Reverdv Johnson for the plaintiff' in error. No.

71. Charles W. Gazzam, plaintiff in error. r. Lessee of Elam Phillips ci at.

The argument of this cause was commenced by Mr. J. L. Smith for the plaintiff in error. NEW BOOKS.

FOREIGN CELEBRITIES FROM RAIK'S JOURNAL. "In the portrait of the author which graces the outer leaf," says the English Reviewer, "we recognize one of the men we have attempted to describe as the received circulators of intelligence. Stiff, well-dressed, portly, closely shaven, hatted and and gloved, we see him as the privileged world was, no doubt, in the habit of seeing him, as he set forth each day on the business of his life, see his friends and talk; to hear the news; to spread it; to win the coveted reputation of being an cuuraut of everything worth hearing, in the only circle worth knowing. And certainly he must have been beyond most men fortunate in the sources ofhis information for whereas innumerable noblemen, dukes, princes of the blood, ambassadors and courtiers received their intelligence of what was going on from plain liaikes, he never seems to have gained his own impressions or knowledge of facts from any but titled these not new creations, law lords, and such questionable and debateable greatness, but the true, ancient nobility of the land, men of large estates, historical names, and hereditary statesmanship; xvho, clearly, one and all, tound something very attractive in his society, held him in their confidence, and enjoyed a gossip with him. The secret of this attraction is not revealed by the Journal; though we fully believe in its existence, and give Mr.

Raikes credit for perfect accuracy and good faith in every conversation he records." BEAU BRXMMELI. AND THE WATIKR CLUB. gambling of that day is one of its most distinctive feature, and therefore these pages teem with anecdotes of its fatal fascination. There is the a tier Club, over which Bruiuracll presided, and where our author himself owns to have sometimes played till five in the morning. Watier was "a superlative cook," hired to be master of the revels.

His dinners became so recherche that all the world of fashion became members. most luxurious dinners were furnished at any price, as the deep plav at night rendered all charges a matter of indifference. Macao was the constant game, and thousands passed from oue to another with as much facilitv as marbles. "Brummell was the supreme dictator, 'their clubs perpetual laying down the law in dress, in manners, and in those magnificent snutf boxes for which there was a rage; he fomented the excesses, ridiculed the scruples, patronized the novices and exercised paramount dominion over all. lie had, as 1 have before said, great success at Macao, winning in two or three years a large sum, which went no one knew how, for he never lost back more than a fourth of it before he levanted to Calais.

During the height of his prosperity, I remember him coming in one night after the opera to Watier's, and finding the Macao table-full, one place at which was occupied by Tom Sheridan, who was never in the habit of play, but having dined freely, bad dropped into the Club, and was trying to catch the smiles of Fortune by risking a few pounds which he could ill afford to lose. Brummell proposed to him to give up his place, and go shares in his deal; and adding to the £lO in counters which Tom had before him £2OO for himself, took the cards. He dealt with his usual success, and in less than ten minutes won £1,500. He then stopped, made a fair division, and giving £750 to Sheridan, said to him, 'There, Tom, go Ijome and give your wife and brats a supper, and never play i mention the anecdote as characteristic of the times, the set, and of a spirit of liberality in Brummell, which with all his faults he possessed, and which was shown towards an old friend in away that left no pretext for Vol. iii, pp.

85, BG. Few of the members reached the average age of man; most were irretrievably ruined: not one but looked back to it as the source of life-long embarrassment; but all this wanton recklessness of extravagance and mere desperation is partly redeemed in our journalist's eyes bv being acted out in the spirit he sighs after, if acted out with perfect good breeding, good humor, and a high sense of honor. A PARISIAN FOUTI NE-TELLER. was in Paris in October, 1820, and one morning, meeting John Warrander in the Rue St. Honore, he urged me to accompany liirn to visit a fortune-teller who lived in that neighborhood.

She was an old woman in a garret, and not so much known as Lenormand, but had made some successful bits in that line which had gained her a certain celebrity. I have never forgotten the words which she spoke to me, whom she could never have heard of in her life. 1. "You have no father." 2. "You have a mother: she will die in a year." 3.

"You will be arrested within six months by an officer on account of debt." 4. "'You are rieh, but within seven years you will lose all your fortune and subsequently recover it. The" first was true; the second was fulfilled in about that period; the third was accomplished iu rather a curious manner. 1 was then in very prosperous circumstances, living in Orosvener Square; the repairs of that house had bepn performed by contract, the builder failed before his work was concluded, and the assignees claimed of me the whole amount of the agreement, which I would only pay as far as it had been fairly earned; the difference was only £l5O, but the assignees really did send a bailiff into my house, and arrested me, while my carriage was waiting at the door to convey me to dinner at York House, where the story caused considerable merriment at the time. The last had been fatally verified also, but the good fortune at the end alone turns out a complete ii.

pp. 84, 85." NI.VA LASSAYE, THE MISTRESS OK Cafe de la Renaissance, in the Place de la Bourse, was for the last two days completely thronged, in consequence of the proprietor having engaged the too celebrated Nina Lassave to take her seat at the eomptoir at a salary of per month. She appeared in a satin tfame-colored gown, and her hair adorned with rich At the entrance of the room two men were stationed, who demanded a franc from each visitor, giving them in return a ticket for refreshments to that amount. Nina is rather pretty, and unless approached close, the loss of one of her eves is not apparent. She seemed overwhelmed by the notice she excited, and from time to time the most cruel sarcasms were thrown out against her.

Some one having reproached her for daring to show herself in public four days after the execution of Fieschi, she fainted and was carried out of the room. In half an hour she resumed her seat, and when any one seemed disposed to be severe in their censure, she entreated that sport might not be made of her misfortunes. "Nina is a good looking girl, with rather a vulgar expression of countenance. I observed that, besides one eye, she has lost two fingers on her right hand: it is said from a scrofulous humor." ii. pp.

330, 331. A SKETCH or TALLEYRAND. Talleyrand was born lame, and his limbs are fastened to his trunk by an iron apparatus, on which he st ikes ever and anon his gigantic cane, to the great dismay of those who see him for awe not di-, minished by the look of his piercing gray eyes, peering through his shaggy evebrows, his unearthly face, marked with deep stains, covered partly by his shock of extraordinary hair, partly bv his enormous inuslin cravat, which supports a large protruding lip drawn over his npper lip, with a cvnical expression no painting could render; add to this apparatus of terror, his dead silence broken occasionally by the most sepulchral, guttural monosyllables. Talleyrand's pulse, which rolls a stream of enormous volume, intermits and pauses at every sixth beat. This he constantly points out triumphatlv as a rent of nature, giving him at once a superiority over other men.

Thus he says, all the missing pulsations are added to the sum total of those of his whole life, and his longevity and strength appear to support this extraordinary theorv. lie likewise asserts that it is this which enables him to do without sleep. Nature, savs be, sleeps and recruits herself at every intermission of my pulse. And indeed you see him time after time rise at three o'clock in the morning from the whist table, then return home and often wake up one of his secretaries to keep him company or to talk of business. At four he will go to bed, sitting nearly bjji upright in his bed, with innumerable nightcaps on his head to keep it warm, as he said, and feed his intellect with blood, but in fact, to prevent his injuring the seat of knowledge if he tumbles on the ground: and he sits upright from his tendency to appolexy, which would no doubt seize him if perfectly iii.

pp. 263,264. On one occasion Talleyrand's name had been injudiciously brought forward for censure in the House ot Lords, and the Duke of Wellington had risen to repair the mischief, and paid some handsome compliments to his great talents, and the services he had performed on certain occasions. Atvanley went to visit the i'rince on the following day, and found him perusing the debates of the preceding night, and, though much hurt at the attack of Lord still more affected bv the friendly intervention of the I)nke. He expressed his gratitude in the warmest terms, while the tears ran down his cheeks, and then added "I am the more grateful to the Duke since he is the only statesman in the world who has ever spoken well of me." The confession was rather ludicrous.

TALLEYRAXD AND MONTROXD. said one day in the freedom ofintimacy, "Duchess de Laval, do you know why 1 love Montrond? It is because he has so many prejudices." Montrond responded immediately, "Duchess de Luynes, you know why 1 love M. de Talleyrand? It is because he has none at all." A GHASTLY JKST. bou-mult always 1 fly about. Ilis friend Montrond has been subject of I late to epileptic tits, one of which attacked him lately after dinner at Talleyrand's.

While-die lay on the floor in couvulsious, scratching the carpet with his hands, his benign host remarked with a sneer, "It appears to lue that he absolutely wishes to descend." THE HEATH OF TALLEYRAND. Thursday, nth. I This day, at 4 o'clock, Prince Talleyrand died. It would seeui that, the priest, who arrived on Tuesday morning, was sent for privately by Madlle. Pauline Perigord, the daughter of Madame de ltino, but the dying man would have no communication with him, and refused the consolations of religion.

The priest therefore took up his post in the ante-room, awaiting a favorable turn in his sentiments. Last night the Due de Poix and others of his relations, represented to the PrincS the scandal which would result to the family if he persisted in his resolutions, and that his corpse would be debarred by the clergy from Christian funeral. After some consideration, for he enjoyed his senses to the very last, he refused their overtures for that night, but fixed five o'clock in the morning for his compliance with their wishes. At the appointed time he received the Abbe Dupanloup and other friends, in whose presence he made confession and a formal recantation of his errors; after which he received the Holy Sacrament. He undersigned two letters, one to the Pope, the other to the Archbishop of Paris, professing his faith.

His recantation was read aloud to the company by Madame de iii. pp. 253, 254. His connection with this lady is a story of involved and elaborate wickedness, which we need not go into. "The end of M.

de Talleyrand was not only attended with great pain, but the his back, which had spread down his hip, prevented his lying down, or even keeping a reclining posture. lie sat on the of his bed for' the last forty-eight hours, leaning forwards, and supported by two servants, who were relieved every two hours. In this attitude he was attended to the last by his family and various friends, while the numerous servants in his hotel gathered in the adjacent room. It was in miniature the scene of the death of the old kings of France. He died in public.

The library adjoinfeg the Prince's bedroom, and from which it was only separated by a portiere or curtain, was constantly filled with servants and detiendents. Frequently one of them would draw lack the curtain when unobserved, saying to those in attendance, 'Voyons a-t-il signe? Est-il His voice failed him at twelve o'clock in tlie day, and at a quarter before four o'clock, as Lady Sandwich culled at the gate to inquire after him, a servant came down to the porter in his lodge to announce that be had just expired. M. de Talleyrand had been so often ill, and had so often recovered, that even at his age of eighty-four, he would not believe that his ease was hopeless. On this account he so long persisted in refusing to sign his recantation, or to receive a priest, being determined not to make this public avowal of a religious feeling, little in tenor with his past life, till he was absolutely on the point of quitting it, "It was a perseverance in the dread of public opinion to the last hour which was fearful.

At the moment he was into the presence of his God, lie seemed more anxious to avoid the scoffs of the world in ease of his recovery, which was impossible, than'to make his peace with Heaven, that tribunal where his appearance must be immediate and inevitable. His acquiescence, at last, was only obtained by tlie entreaties of the little Pauline, who told him if lie deferred his signature, she should feel miserable for the rest of her life. The comments of the world 011 his death are, as may be supposed, various: The Legitimists est mort en bon A lady of the rielle cour said last night in my hearing, -En fin il est mort en liomme qui sait And M. de Ulancmesnil said, 'Apres avour roue tout le monde, il a voulu finir par rouer le bun iii. p.

255,257. ANOTHER DISGRACEFUL FIGHT IN KENTUCKY. Saturday jpvening, a bloody fight, disgraceful to both the parties engaged in it, took place in Springfield, Washington county, Kentucky, between Ben Palmer and W. Mack Booker. The former was instantly killed, and the latter is not expected to survive his wounds.

Forrest, the actor, is neither converted nor about engaging in tlie liquor business. He is announced to appear at Burton's theatre soon. The wheat through Bucks county, looks remarkably well, and the farmers are prophecying a good crop provided the season is favorable. The newspaper publishers of Lehigh county, have held a public meeting, and agreed to adopt the cash system iu their business. A.

J. Glossbenner, has disposed of his interest in the ork (Pa. Gazette to his partner, David Small, Esq. Several vessels will leave Chicago, this spring, direct for Liverpool. Patrick Murry, of York, was run over by the cars and killed, on Tuesday, near York A RI ED, On the 6th instant, by Rev.

Wilmore S. Elsey. LLOYD DORSEY, of Carroll county, to Miss CAROLINE HOWARD, of this city. On the 6th instant, by Rev. Henry Elbert, JOSEPH WILLIAMS to SUSAN JANE MUX DARN F.Y, all of Halt city.

1 I) At bis residence, near Baltimore, on the 6th instant, Major HORATIO GATES ARMSTRONG, in the 68th year of his age. On the 7th instant, FREDERICK WINCKLEMAX, in the 85th year of his age. He was one of the Defenders of Baltimore city in 1814. On the 7th instant, DIANA in the 76th year of her age, wife of Augustus Dames, of Baltimore county. On the i th instant, JOSEPH ASBURY, in the 27th year of his age.

youngest son of the late Thomas and Achsah W. Hardesty, of West River, Md. On the 6th instant, LEANDER C. LEAGUE, in the 20th yCar of his age. On tlie 7th instant, SIDNEY POTTER, in the 65th year of her age.







GIFTS. GIFTS. At the GRAND GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 41 Baltimore street, corner of Frederick. mr-25-dtf EVANS HOYT.

WHEELER WILSON MANUFACTURING GO'S IMPROVED SEWINO MACHINES, For Families, Manufacturers and others. "In oar own family we use one of Wheeler Wilson's machines, ami we cannot imagine anything more perfect." X. Y. Evangelist. 126 BALTIMORE STREET, American Building, fe22-tf.

W. MERRILL, Agent Prom the Xeio York Xews. esteem it a pleasure, resting upon our absolute knowledge of its merits, to recommend Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative as the best article of the kind with which we are acquainted, and one which has done, under our own observation, all that it it claims everything in its name. This article, in short, will restore gray hair to its original color, and add to its growth and beauty wherever any blight or disease has checked that growth or marred that beauty.

This has proved in our family within a few weeks, and in numerous other cases related to us, without the knowledge of the proprietor. We have only to add that this most valuable article is for sale by the proprietor, at No. 312 Broadway. of worthless imitations as several are already in the market, called by different names. Use none unless the words (Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, De pot, St.

Louis. and New York.) are blown in the hot tie. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Also by all Fancy and Toilet goods dealers in the United States and Candas. ap6 cl2w. I.

M. SINGER Go's, IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES, TUP. BEST EVER OFFERED POR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURING. SOUTHERN SALES AND EXHIBITION ROOMS, 105 BALTIMORE STREET. It To Clergymen of all denominations, and Sewing Societies attached to Churches, we offer our Family Machine at half-price.

W. E. BRODERICK, fe24-tf Agent. GIBB'S FIRST PREMIUM $l5 SEWING MACHINE, JOHNSON'S PATENT $6O ELASTIC STITCH MACHINE. The alwve Machines for FAMILIES, MANUFACTURERS, are not EXCELLED hy any other MACHINE for beauty of STITCH and durability of work on all kinds of materials.

The labor of hours becomes the pastime minutes. Every MACHINE SOLD hy us kept in coinplet. running order the first year, free of charge to the purchaser. Salesroom, No. 99 BALTIMORE ST.

L. D. CHASE, Agent. HALLIKJ FUNERAL PROCESSION Whereas, Brother BENJAMIN JONES, a member in good standing of Harmony Lodge, No. 6.

I. O. O. under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, had mysteriously disappeared from this city for the past three weeks, and under circumstances calculated to excite snspicion that he had been unfairly dealt with; and whereas his body has just been recovered, and exhibits a condition which, in connection with other facts, leaves no doubt of his death having been caused by assassination. llis remains are now in tlie Saloon of the Odd Fellows' Hall, in North Gay street, whence they will be conveyed to the place of interment.

For the purpose, therefore, of manifesting the respect to the deceased brother, the members of the Order are respectfully and fraternally requested to meet at the Hall this day, at 3.o'clock, P. to attend his funeral. JOSHUA VANS A NT. Grand Master. Jos.

B. ESOAVAILLE, Grand Secretary. ap9lt PARK CKMSTKRY COMPANY, UnJ BALTIMORE, APRIL Bth, of this Company are hereby notified that an ELE( TION FOR SIX MANAGERS, to serve tlie ensuing year, will held at the Office of the Company, on TUESDAY, the '2oth inst between the hours of 10 ana 12 clock. STEPHEN PRYOR, ap 8 10 13 15 17 19. Secretary.

jyjANU FACTI RED A. Knos, lbs. Economy, 12's. H. l.arrrnce, lbs.

Jas. Hite, 12's. A. Enos, s's. J.

Mason, 12's. IV. Reynolds Anthony, A Johnson, 10's. Win. Walker, lS's.

G. 11. Larrcnce, 10's. Economy, 20's. G.

11. Larrenee. s's. Cncle Tom's, 20's. W.

Reynolds 10's. Planter's Daughter, lbs. G. H. Larrenee, 4's.

Jas. Smith, 12's. Just received and for sale by COURTNEY GUSHING. ap9-tf 65 South Gay street. POT A TOE 250 Bushels WHITE MERCF.B AND PINK EYE POTATOES, in Sacks, for sale in lots to suit by JAMES WHITEFORD, Spear's Wharf.

BOARD OF TRADE. Committee of Arbitration for the month of WM. H. KEIGHLER, J. D.


I'. Wuobs. itommcrml BALTIMORE, April 8,1853 The business at our Stock Board to day was about the average of late transactions, and prices were hut little changed. 44.) shares of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad stock sold at the same rates as yesterday. Bonds of this Company, 1885, were sold at to 300 shares or Northern Central Railway sold regular way at 200 buyer 60 days, at a North-western Virginia bonds, 3d mortgage, at 35, regular way, to buyer 60 days; of Springfield Mining Company, 200 shares sold at The market closed for Maryland 6's, 103 hid; 1870.

10314 asked; Baltimore 6's, 1870, bid; 1875, hid, 9314 asked; 1886. 92 hid, 93 asked; do 1890, new 9214 hid; North western Virginia.3d mortgage, 35 hid, 36 asked; Northern Central shares; bid, asked; Northern Central bonds, 5814 hid; Baltimore and Ohio shares, 4314 hid. 4414 asked. Money continues in active demand, but without varia tion in the rates demanded. The Banks take nearly all ap proved paper offered, and on the street, notes are negotia ted at from per cent, per annum, according to esti mated quality.

The President and Directors the Farmer's and Mer chant's Bank of this city declared yesterday a semi annual dividend of four and one-half per payable on and after Wednesday next, the 14th inst. At the New York First and Second Boards to-day, 6's Canton Erie New York Central Reading Panama IV; Cleveland and Toledo IV, Michigan Southern Cumberland receded and the market closed steady. The assistant-Treasurer reports on the 6th instant, the following: Total receipts $112,065.28 Payments 503,775.31 Total balance 5,108,261.80 The bank movement reported this week from the principal four commercial cities, and the specie line in the New York Sub-Treasury, are as follows Boston, April Philadelphia April Specie New Orleans March Sub Treasury 1 Total last The Boston Banks have declared dividends this mouth amounting to nearly $1,260,000 on a capital ot $31,960,000. Five per cent, semi-annual is tlie highest dividend, and not many banks reach that. There seems, from a late article in the Richmond Ennui rer.

some hesitation on the subject of bank resumption ill irgtaia, but we cannot suppose there can he any foundation for such a course, as it must be presumed the banks in that State have been atjeast as cautious in their business as those in others, who have resumed payment without difficulty. SALES AT TIIF. BALTIMORE STOCK BOARD. THURSDAY, April 8,1858. $2OO Virginia 6's, 9500 X.

W. Vn. RR bds. 830 Bait. 6's, 70.

.9114 3d b6O. .8514 375 75..92 200 shs. Sp. Co. 2 300 300 shs.

N. t'. UR. 4000 200 1000 coup. '9O.

95 shs B. 44V 1000 50 s6oaf3o. .45 1000 25 I 3000 N. W. Va.

BR. bds. 50 3d b6O. 50 s6oaf.s. 500 ..35 25 150 "s6oaf3o.

Prices and Sales of Stocks in Xew l'ork. BY TELEGRAPH, Through WM. FISHER Sox, Stork and Bill Brokers, No. 22 SOUTH STREET. Ist Board.

2d Board 5 irginia 6's 00 00 Lacrosse Milwaukee 9 82V Canton C'ompauy 22 00 Erie Railroad. 20V 20 'j Illinois bonds 87 00 Michigan Southern RR 22 74 Missouri 6's 82 82 Panama Railroad 100 00 Reading Railroad 45V 47 New York Central 86 Cleveland Toledo RR 42)4 Cleveland Pittsburg 00 00 Cumberland Coal Co, 16V 17 Harlem Hudson 2774 Milwaukee Miss 32 00 Market Steady. Steady. BALTIMORE MARKETS. April 9.

was rather a limited supply of Beef Cattle at market to-day and prices show an advance of at least 25 cents per 100 lbs. since last week. The offerings i were 430 head; some 50 head were driven to Philadelphia, and the balance, 380 head, were taken by Baltimore butchers at prices from $3.50 to $5.25 on the hoof, equal to $7( 9.50 nett, and'averaging $4.50 gross. was a limited supply of Hogs, which sold at 7.50 per 100 lhs. net.

Sheep are. selling at last week's quotations, viz: $3.7567 5 per 100 lbs. gross. market continues quiet with much firmness manifested on the part of holders. The sales to-dav are 500 bags good Rio ex-Banshee at selling in small lots at 13 cts.

We quota medium grades Rio at good and prime 11 cts. The stock is 17,500 bags. market continues depressed, and to-day we are without any sales of super to notice. Holders are unwilling to accept lower offers than $4.50 for good brands of Ohio and Howard super, and $4 25 for City Mills. Extra Flour is in better request.

A sale was Reported as having been made yesterday afternoon of 1.000 bids. Ohio extra at Howard Street extra is quiet at and City Mills at $5.25 a $5.50. Rye Flour is firm at $3 75, and Corn Meal at $3.30 for Baltimore ground. offerings to day of all descriptions were larger than yesterday, hut still by no means heavy. Wheat was in fair supply, and white of better grades than has been offering.

Sales of 1.700 hits, white at 117 a 145 cts. for good to very choice samples. Red Wheat continues heavy reported to-day of 500 bus. at 100cts. for fair.

We quote good and prime 103(a 105 cts. I market was firm to-day. Some 4.000 bus. I white were offered and sold at 60 a cts. for inferior and mixed, and 6 to, 05 cts.

for fair to good samples. All the I yellow at market, sold at OS cts. offerings of Oats were about 3.500 bus. Some 2.500 bus. Maryland changed hands at 31 A 32 cts.

for inferior to fair samples. BYE was no Rve at market. We quote Mary land and Virginia at and Pennsylvania at 74 cts. per bus. sales have came to our notice to-day.

The market is very firm at the quotations. We quote New Orleans at 34 36 Cuba clayed cts do. covado 266728 Porto Rico 336734 cts. The stock is limited. market ruled quiet to-dav but very firm.

There was a sale yesterday but not before reported, of 40.000 lbs. country cut Hog round at cts. for Shoulders and cts. for Sides. Regular packed Western Bulk Shoulders are very firm at and Sides at cts.

In Bacon the transactions were light. Sales were reported of 25 hhds. Shoulders at 15 hhds. Sides at and 200 pieces canvassed Ilams at In Pork we note an advance of 25 cts. per sales of 100 bbls.

Mess at $17.50. and 100 bbls. Prime at $14.25. time. Beef is steady at $lB for Baltimore Mess and $l5 for No.

1 Lard is held firmly at cts. for Western in bbls. and tierces. Since writing the above sales have come to our notice 0f250 bbls. and tierces of Lard at cts.

are without any transactions to report in Rice. The market is firm at 4 cts. has been but little movement in Sugars to day: a sale of 15 fair New Orleans at $7.25 is the only one reported. We quote the market very firm at $5 50676 for refining grades New Orleans, $0.50 7 for do. Cuba, Porto Rico and English Island.

$6.7567.7 for fair to good Porto Rico and New Orleans, and $7.2567 7.50 for prime do. market continues dull. We quote Cloverseed at $4 5 4,50. and Timothy WHISKEY. -The market wa-a little firmer to-day.

We had reported sales of 300 bbls. city at 21 and 150 bbls. at cts. We quote Ohio at cts. DOMESTIC MARKETS.

NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET. April 7. The Current prices'for the week at all the markets are as follows BEEP CATTLE. First quality perewt. 11 00 Ordinary quality 9.

10.00 Common quality 9.00 in, 9.50 Inferior quality 8 900 COWS AND CALVES. First quality Ordinary qualit3 50.00 55.00 Common quality 40.006J45.00 luferior quality 25.00@35.00 VEAL CALVES. Extra quality peril). 6 Other qualities SHEEP AND LAMBS. First quality $4.50676.50 Other qualities 3.00@4.00 SWINE.

First quality 6 Othen qualities 6 the average quantity of the cattle on sale to-day was somewhat poorer than la week's supply, prices advanced under an active demand and moderate supply, fully one cent per pound: the range being from 9to 11 cents, with some few sales at higher prices. The general selling price was about 10 cts. There were some few cattle on sale which were pretty fine, but on the average, the quality was inferior to last week's supply. At Bergen Hill about 250 head changed hands at from 9 to part of which were bought on specu lation. Cows and Calves are in moderate demand at prices within our quotations.

Veals are moderately active at from to with a verv few sales at 7 cts. Sheep and Lambs arc in demand at our quotations. Swine are scarce and command good prices. No arrivals at Allerton's during tlie week. The total receipts for the week at all the yards were as follows: 4 eal i Sheep Beeves.

Cows. Calves. Lambs. Swine At Allerton 1989 10 652 224 At Browning's 46 39 45 1330 At 103 31 55 1089 At O'Brien's 62 102 73 168 Total 2210 1 81 825 2811 Do. last week 2392 208 747 3935 NEW ORLEANS MARKET April Pink is firm with a fair demand 400 bbls.

at Lard unchanged, and in fair demand. A continued good demand for Bacon Sides, and prices are again higher, closing buoyant at cents. Nothing doing in Shoulders. A good demand for Bulk Meats, and prices have ad vanced: sales of 100.000 lbs. closing at 77b SC.

for Sides change in Shoulders. The demand is chiefly for An active demand for Sugar, and prices higher; sales of 2.300 hhds. closing at 7 cts. for fair. A good demand for Coffee, and prices advancing; sales of 1.400 bags, closing at cts.

A good demand for molasses, and prices higher, closing at 286729ct5. WillsKET and lower; sales of 300 bbls. at 17 cts. for Raw, and for Rectified. CHARLESTON MARKET April 5, P.

M. demand to-day was of a buoyant character. and prices full and tending upward The sales amounted to 1.906 bales, at the following particulars: 14 bales 10 at 442 at 11; 4at ll I 52 at sat 11V, 735 at 202 at 149 at 11 143 at 101 at 12 cents. NEW BEDFORD OIL MARKET. the week ending April sth, SPERM transactions since our last include sales of 1.000 in.

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