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Baltimore Daily Commercial from Baltimore, Maryland • 1

Baltimore, Maryland
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BALTIMORE DAILY COMMERCIAL. VOL 120. DAILY COMMERCIAL Published every morning, except Sundays, by ll'M. WALES Era. WALKS, (1.

C. COX, R. M. NEWPORT. Terms noi.I.AKN perannnm.

OFFICE, SO SOUTH STREET, Baltimore, Also published at the same office, the Baltimore Tri-Weeklv Commercial. TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY MORNINGS, perauunm, Also published at the game office, on Fridays, the BALTIMORE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. pel anomu. For "Havana" atifl '-Sew Orleans." To if arch 3 'Rat 4 O'Clock, P.

M. The first-class Steamship "CUBA." 1.100 tons burthen. Capt. Suodberg. will be promptly dispatched as above, for Havana, and thenee to New Orleans, from Brown's wharf.

Fell's Point. For Freight or Passage, having unsurpassed accommodations, apply to HKXRY M. VARKIELD, Agent, fel4-tM3-lstp 16 Spears' Wharf. Chevalier's I.ife for the Hatr Will restore Gray Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR; STRENGTHENS and PROMOTES the growth of the weakesthair; stops its falling out; keeps tho head clean cool and healthy; can '-e used freely; contains nothing injurious; is unparalleled as a HAIR-DRESSING; and is recommended and used by our best Physicians. I assuro you, LADIES and GENTLEMEN, it is ail you require for the Hair.

Sold by all Druggists, and at my office, No. 1,123 Broadway, New York. SARAH A. CHEVALIER, M. D.

Kindling; Wood. Wood of all Aires, Oak and Pine Wood, Delivered free of charge. Office City Steam Fire Wood Mills, Over 99 West Batlimore street, d27-6m2p JAS. H. JOHNSON proprietors.

Teleurajthlc! The only land lines of Telegraph in the WORLD that wijl work as well in RAINY WEATHER As in Sunshine, and by which RELIABLE AND IMMEDIATE DESPATCH Can be obtained, as weil ANSWERS GUARANTEED, are the INSULATED LIKES TELEGRAPH. NOW OPES TO THE PUBLIO. OFFICE, 125 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, AWTri be opened next to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Albany, and all the principal intermediate points. ja9 tf Warren's Flro and Roofing, Perfectly Fire-Proof, Perfectly Water-Proof.

Unequalled for Durability, Security, and Economy, Applied at shortest notice, and in any section of the country. JAS. 11. JOHNSON Si d27-6m2p Over 99 West Baltimore street. MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Essay of Warning and Instruction Cor Young Men, just published by the Howard Association, and sent in sealed envelopes freo of charge.

Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Howard Association. Philadelphia.

Pa. oe9-tf COMPLETE CLOTHING take great pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the conspicuous advertisement of Messrs. Smith, Sc No. 40 West Baltimore street. Wo speak what we know when we say their present stock of clothing cannot be excelled.

We commend this firm to tho favorable notice of all who may want goods in their line. They sell at small profits, and deal on the aquiiro with everybody. PUT THE QUESTION generally to your friends, to what preparation they use for their tooth, and the response, nine times out of ten, will be, Sov-odont. 'Tis no longer necessary to impress its merits upon the public mind; experience has taught the world that, as a mean? of beautilying and preserving the teeth, invigorating the gums, and giving pleasant aroma to the breath, it has no rival in either hemisphere. EXACTLY WH AT Y'OU WANT 1 MATTHEWS' VENETIAN IIAIR DYE, known and used over 20 years.

Daily increasing in public favor. Complete in one bottle. No wash. No trouble. Docs not crack or stain.

Produces a lustrous black or brown as desired. Does not injure the hair. Price, 75 cents. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. SrWe calf our readers attention to SMITH, BROS.

New stock of Spring Clothing just opened at SMITH. BROS. SC popular Clothing House, No. 40 West Baltimore street. Oar new stock of Cents Furnishing Goods just opened at 38 West Baltimore streot, next to Marble Call and soe our new styles of Gents Furnishing Goods at 33 West Baltimore street, next to Marble Hall.

All the latest novelties in Collars, Tics, Scarfs, at West Baltimore stroet, next to Marble Hall. The popular Clothing House, No. 40 West Baltimore street, next to the great Furnishing House. FOE THAN TWENTY YEARS MATHEWS' VENETIAN HAIB DYE has stood the test of trial, and is constantly increasing in public favor. It is the best and cheapest in the world.

Price 75 cents. It gives a beautiful, lustrous natural color. It is complete in one bottle. It does the work the first time. It does not crock, smut or stain.

It does not rub off or fade. It always gives satisfaction. A child can apply it. THIS HAIE DTE is manufactured by a peculiar process, ('known only to Mr. Matthews,) which renders it infinitely superior to any Dye in market.

In using THE VENETIAN DTK you avoid that BDSTY, DKAn appearance by which dyed hair is so easily recognised, when an inferior article has been usod. Invest 75 cents, and you will be convinced. Sold by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. A. I.

MATTHEWS, Manufacturer. DKMAS BABNES A New York, Wholesale Agents. You cannot annihilate the fragrance of Phalon's "Night-Blooming Cereus" by exposing a robe or handkerchief perfumed with it to the air. Time only rendots the aroma more delicate and tpirituel. Washing alone removes it.

Sold everywhere. lliilr lyel Hair HAIE DYE is the best in the world. The only true and perfect and reliable produces a splendid black or natural brown the ill effects of had Dyes, and frequently the original color. Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed, W.

A. BACHELOB, 81 Barclay street, New York. fel folgnte's Aromatic Vegetable Soap. A superior Toilet Soap, prepared from refined Vegetable in combination with Glycerine, and especially designed for the use of I.adles and for the Nursery. Its perfume is exquisite, and its washing properties unrivalle 1.

for sale by aii druggists. fc9 dAwly THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. SEWTNO MACHINES For Leather and Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail, IV. MEHKILL, Agent, 214 Baltimore street. Ilantly ill the House.

Of all the things which are really "handy to have in the house," believe us wben we sincerely assert that the roost useful and most valuable is a 50 cent bo ttle of Radway's Roady Relief. We say this deliberately, conscientiously, and without fear of contradict ion on the part of any one familiar with the extraordinary virtues of that popular medicament. From a bruise to a pain in the bowels, from a oat to a cholic, from a sprained ankle to an attack of dysentery, from a mere cold to severe convulsions, from a sore finger to the rheumatism, from diptheria down to deafness, and from a pimple on the face up to a paralysis of the limbs, there is no case ill which Radway's Ready Relief will not remove the pain as soon as it is applied, and remove the disorder altogether in a manner most surprising as well as truly oxpeditious. Rubbed on the afflicted part the relief exponeneedisimraediatc. Taken internally in sweetened water, (say a teaspoonful to a wineglass of water), it instantly annihilates a pain in the stomach, quickly cures a diaiThtca, destroys all inflammation, and re.

tores heal th. The Ready Relief is prepared from so IV''V fbose little ingredients common to the tam. at if positively indispensable to mother. For females i ls es se gift." and one susceptible ranremPDh Fnrlvu' peculiar difficulties and de- Ihif a mfrh'iwa -j ls even as aches pains, and £a-eud edeffir For with a miraculous eae an A ceieruy. ror men it is a never-failiue resort of comfort and relief in a thousand instances among the daily ills which flesh is heir to We would earnestly impress it upon the public mind that a bottle of Radway Ready Relief is the etoanest as well as the best article to "have about the ever presented, saving at an expense of 50 cents many a five dollars which would herwae haveto be paid for the attendanoeof a oapable physician.

The Relief ia a whole apothecary shop in itself, it is good health put up in a Dottle for everybody's use. who is wise enough to avail themselves of services. Sold 4nwiti. fefi-jw Wnnteil EVERY YOUNG MAN TO KNOW THAT Bryant, Stratum A Business t'olloge Is the only Commercial School in this city or State where ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE Daily occurs between the Students of the College. The public are cordially invited to call and examine our facilities.

College Journal to any addrosi. IV. si. Nailler, Principal. 88.50 (OAL, COAL, 89.00 The Undorsigned.

retiringfrom the Anthracite Coal trade, will sell their stock in hand, consisting of 2,000 tons White Ash Lump, for Foundry use, and 2,000 tons prepared sizes fir Family use, at 58.50 per ton, 2,240 for Lump; and $9 per ton. 2,240 lbs, for prepared sizes, delivered in any part of the city. R. G. KIEMAN fel7-lptf 28 South street.


"In the selection of a wife another important matter is, that she should write well. A lady who neglects to cultivate this accomplishment is, not unlikely, deficient in other essential Gifts for the Girls: gifts for the Boys; A useful gift, not useless toys- Something to have, something to hold; Suitable, too, for young and A Oooi Gold Pen I Gold Pens, In solid Gold Holders! In solid Silver Holders 1 Suitable for Suitable for Gentlemenl' 'Twill please the ladies and the mea. Each line they write they'll bless the pen: The giver bless, and praise the taste That gave for and not for wafe A Good Gold Pen I Gold Pens. In Gold mounted Rubber Holdersil In desk Holders of every variety 1 ut up in cases of rich velvet for presents. AT WHOLESALR and RETAIL, B.

F. BLAKEXEY A GOLD PEN MANUFACTURERS, dels-tf 125 Baltimore Street, first floor, up stairs. Seizure of tbe Richmond "Examiner." The Richmond Dispatch of Thursday thus announces the reizuro of the Examiner, before announced by telegraph: The Examiner newspaper was suspended by military order on Tuesday night about 1 o'clock. An ofiicer, with a file of men, appeared in the office and took possession of it officer seizing upon proofs and manuscripts then in preparation. The Examiner, therefore, did not appear yesterday.

It i- known that the Examiner had discussed sectional questions with considerable freedom. Speculation was rife during the day as to the motive of the order, and whether it caino from Washington or not. It was reported that Mr. Pollard, the editor of the Examiner had sought an interview with Gen. Terry, but that that officer bad declined to grant it, intimating that if Mr.

Pollard did not know why his paper was suspended, he could not enlighten him. Mr. Pollard left the city for Washington last evening, to make an effort there to obtain relief from the order. The event of tbe suppression of the Examiner was announced by a telegraphic correspondent of tbe New York Hera Id, who states in that paper of yesterday that it is understood that the order emanated from General Grant. The New Orleans Times of the oth instant gives the verdict on the Bagdad raid more in detail than the despatch already received by telegraph.

The Court found that the attack was inaugurated and carried out by R. Clay Crawford, representing himself to be a major-general in the Liberal Mexican service, assisted by other adventurers; that several United States soldiers were seduced into the enterprise by these men, did so without the knowledge or consent of any officer of the United States, and that every means in the power of those in authority was used to prevent the soldiers from engaging in the affair. Our officers employed every precaution to prevent the carrying away or destruction of property, and seized all goods brought acrops the river. Not only did the officers of our Government discountenance the raid, but refused to help it many way. The Commission was unable to implicate any United States officer in the affair- At the urgent request of the proper authorities of the Republic 01 Mexico, troops were sent to Bagdad to preserve order, and their presence alone prevented promiscuous pillaging.

in no other way were our offioiala concerned in nffaif! at Bagdad, NEWS OF THE DAY. CONGRESS. petition from citizons of Alexandria, asking for a territorial government for the State of Virginia, was presented and referred to the Committee on Reconstruction. The bill in relation to the Court of Claims was passed. It allows an appeal to the Supreme Court, and provides that the regular session of the Court of Claims shall commence on the first Monday in December.

Mr. Hendricks spoke at length against the Constitutional Amendment. IIOUSR. a bill to reimburse the loyal States for expenses incurred in suppressing the rebellion. Mr.

Washburne, from the committee on the subject, reported that they had been furnished by Mr. Bancroft with a copy of his oration for publication. The Pennsylvania contested election case was taken tip, and after considerable discussion, was postponed untii Monday. A resolution was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, calling for information from the State Department as to General McDowell's order relative to the prohibition of the transportation of munitions of war into Mexico. GENERAL NEWS.

Gold closed yesterday at 137 J. Five hundred Southern postollices have been opened since February 1. Chilian privateers are pursuing Spanish vesseb oven on tlie coast of Spain. Spain has broken off diplomatic relations with Peru. The Emperor and Empress of Austria are visiting Hungary, and are well received.

Two Spanish war vessels have arrived at New York. The President has not yet decided upon the Freedmen's Bureau bill. It is reported now that Mr. Bancroft is a candidate for Collector of the Port of New York. The Freedmen's Bureau has opened an office for the gratuitous collection of colored soldiers' claims.

The Minnesota Legislature has indefinitely postponed a State Constitutional amendment infavor of negro suffrago. The Commissioner of Pensions has decided that persons who served in the rebel army forfeited all rights to pensions and bounty lands Ex.Governor Allison, of Florida, has been released from Fort Pulaski, and was at Savannah at the last advices. Gen. Sheridan reports that lawlessness still prevails along tho Rio Grande, and a ftrong military forco will bo required to maintain order. Portland, was visited on Thursday morning by a heavy rain storm, accompanied with thunder and lightning.

I)r. Nehemiaii Perry, well known throughout the State as an able physician and gentleman of learning, died at his residence in Ridgcfield, Connlast Monday, the 12th inst. Forty thousand head of cattle, worth over 52,000.000, have been victims so far to tho cattle disease in England, which is still raging to an alarming extent. At Boston, on Saturday last, two twin children died very suddenly, one in the arms of tho father, and the other in the arms of the mother, at nearly the saino moment, and without any apparent cause. A theatrical manager in Nashville, Tennessee, has entered a suit for libel against the Banner.

laying tho damages at for an articlo reflecting with considerable severity on tho Academy of Music and other places of amusement. As Dr. Joseph H. Levering was entering his residence between Whitehall and Roscmount Stations, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, on tho evening of the 13th he was fired at by some person unknown and fell lifeless to the ground. No explanation has yet been given of the dastardly act.

The number of steamboats lost on the Western and Southwestern rivers since the 13th of December last, is twenty-five, valued at one million four hundred thousand dollars. In addition to this, three wharf boat? and ten barges havo been lost, valued at fifty-seven thousand dollars. Mary Sheridan, a girl of 15, met a terrible death in thefouudery and machine-shop ofSandford, Nasson Sc at FuPon, N. cn the 13th instant, bv failing upon shafting in revolution. Her was completely denuded, terribly mangled, and dropped into a canal 10 or 12 feet below.

Havana advices of the 9th the arrival there of a special commissioner from the Emperor of Franco to Maximilian. This is no doubt M. Salliard, who it has been understood was sent out by Louis Napoleon to inform his imporial protege in Mexico of the intended withdrawal from that country of the French troops. Last Tuesday, while some workmen wore engaged in enlarging the natural cave used by the City of Minnehaha Lager Beer Brewery, in the lower part of St. Louis, they penetrated another cave about one thousand feet long, from forty-five to sixty feet wide, and twelve feet high, with a smooth, dry floor, a finely arched ceiling, and perpendicular aides.

Many curious petrifications and crystals were discovered. Dispatches from the different sections of the country show the weather to be colder than it has been at any time previously this winter, the ther inometer in the Northwest ranging from 15 to 30 degrees below zero. The railroads in Wisconsin are all more or less blocked up with snow, lleavy snow storms prevailed in Canada, St. Louis and Kansas. In portions of the latter State the mercury stood at Id below zero, yesterday morning.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE AT ALEXANDRIA. tho Washington THE SCENES. Last night the "Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South'' reassembled in the Methodist Church South, Alexandria, when there was a larve congregation present, including quite a num-bcr of asfnngtonians. The religious services were conducted by Rev. N.

Head, of the Virginia Conference: after which. Rev. Bishop Early addressed the Conference, stating that they had taken a stand independent of tho Northern branch of the church, and that there were evidence; of their being successful as an organization in their new church relations. He alluded in feeling terms to the trials of the ministers, many of whom were compelled to work at manual labor for their sustenance during the past four years; and he was thankful that now they had brighter prospects, although, even since they had been at the Conference, some oi the churches had beon wrested from After paying a tribute to the people of Alexandria for their kindness and hospitality, lie said that they (the preachers) are going to take up their crosses in the hope that Jehovah will open the way for them to work successfully. lie advised tho members not to meddle with them out of the pulpit.

None of the official bodies of the Church South have meddled with politics. They can claim their rights of citizenship and do all they arc able to accomplish to restore the peace of the country. Ho had taken the amnesty and intended to wait on President Johnson and ask him to restore tho churches which have been wrested from them. In conclusion, he prayed that they, while enjoying their rights of citizenship, would not get into the political arena, and never allow political questions to enter the pulpit, but use their efforts for the advancing of the cause of Christ upon tho earth, as did the fathers of Methodism. At the request of tho Bishop the cboir sang in an excellent manner the Ihymn "Oh, sing to me of Heaven," after which he announced the following appointments; Baltimore S.

Regester. P. E. Church, S. S.

Roszell; J. Poisall.sup'ry; J. Perry, T. E. Carson.

N. D.Thomas. East H. Wilson; J.N. Spanzler, supernumerary.

Baltimore P. Etchison: S. Kepler, supernumerary. Rockville L. Gilbert; L.

C. Miller. Rock K.Boyle. 11. Elliott, J.

W. Bull. P. Hall. Talbot A.

Mercer. West River, L.R. Jones. A. B.

Dolly. Washington g. Martin, presiding elder. Washington city, (M V. Tudor.

Central Church, (new enterurise; be supplied. H. Griffith; one to be supplied. Charles B. Smith; one to be supplied.

St. Mary's to be supplied. D.Nixon. Loudoun Landstreet; one to be supplied. Richey; one to be supplied.

Rogers. Warren T. James. Gum T. Maxwell.

Fredericksburg, F. C. Tebbs; Dabney Ball, supernumerary Roanoke District, S. Garner, Presiding Elder. G.

Brooke. John W. Hammond. F. Liggett.

Lenz, one to bo supplied. McNeer, E. Jamieson, supernumerary. G. Hailey, J.

F.Beau, supernumerary. M. Grandin. Big W. Canter.

Lexington H. Whisner, John N. Gray. be suppliod. Lercisburg District.

Hoffman Waugh, Presiding Elder. 11. Zimmerman. S. B.

Dolly, one to be supplied. White Sulphu 11. Wolff. Blue Wellcr, one to be supplied. S.

E. Sixeas. W. Cantor. Green A.

Joyce. Monroe W. Ewan, James R. Vanhorn. V.

Chittum. Gap Mills be supplied. Q. Flaherty. Mouth Branch John C.

Dice, Presiding Elder. W. Ilaslun; Joseph H. Temple, supernumerary. Realty.

South Branch and Patterson L. Torreyson, M. A. Taylor. New F.Butt.

North Smith, supernumerary. S. Butt, C. W. Cooper, Briley.

W. Tongue, Marberry G. Bathis. B. Hough, General Superintendent of Sabbath Schools.

Winchester District. R. Veitch, Presiding Elder. Winchester. Market R.

S. Hough. Braddock be supplied. Winches ter 11. March, Edw.

F. neterick. Frederick W. Wolff. John P.

Hyde. Front Gwyn Coe. G. Eggleston; one to be supplied. Shoaff, John A.

Kern. Jefferson Kobt. Smith. L. Kregloe.

Harris; one to be supplied. Hedges. Bockinghmn Ezra F. Busey, Presiding Elder. E.

Armstrong. R. Stringer. B. F.

Ball. Wost 11. Jones, William D. Lippetoe. supernumerary.

Hildebrand. Joseph C. Criekeuberger. Fairfield McDonald, George R. Jefferson.

supernumerary. Mt. L. Engle. East A.

Gaver: one to be supplied. Rockingham N. Pool. Stevenson. Geo.

H. Williams. P. Boude. New A.

P. Neale; one to be supplied. bo supplied. Warm L. Domeron; H.

Hoffman, supernumerary. Wm. S. Baird, Principal Wesleyan Female Institute, Staunton, Va, At the close of the reading of the appointments, the assembly united in singing "Together let us sweetly c. after which Rev.

S. Regester led in prayer and the Conference adjourned after singing another appropriate hymn. For some time after the adjournment there was a general leave-taking in the Conference room, and preparations were immediately made by some to enter on their new fields of labor, quite a number leaving this morning by the early trains for their new nomes, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1566. LATEST mm un TO THE DAILY COMMERCIAL. FROM NEW ORLEANS.

Sale I ISIP ffhrcvepori and Vilksbnrg It. of Xarili GUHH, A S-. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. Shreveport and Vicksburg Road was sold by the sheriff at Monroe, under a mortgage sale, and bought in for fifty thousand dollars by a compax of speculators to whom large debts were due, and to a number of old stockholders. The road will be undoubtedly put in running order from Vicksburg to Monroe.

The railroad from Shreveport to Marshall, Texas, will Soon be finished. The Louisiana Legislature passed the city municipal election bill by an almost unanimous vote on the 10th inst. The Ouachita River at Monroe, is low. Cotton continued to come in at Trenton and Shreveport. Mardi Gras was celebrated here last evening, in a style not surpassed for many years in the number and splendor of balls and other kinds of public amusements.

Hosts of people attending them or filled the streets to watch the maskers. Only ono act of violence occurred, ar.d the sccno was one of unrestrained mirth and reckless joy. The Grand Lodge of Masons for tho State arc now holding annual communication here. Tho country lodges are fully represented for the first time in five years. The Governor to-day vetoed the Parochial Election hill on the grounds that sufficient notice was not given for the election.

He had it in hand nearly two weeks. Cotton steady: sales of 3,009 bales at 45c. Exports to-day 2,100 bales. Sugar, fully fair, 15c. Tobacco active; leaf Sterling 49.

Gold NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 14. advices of the 9th inst. have been received. There is no later news from Mexico.

No. 12 sugar, for export, is quoted at 7Vic. to coffee 16c. to c. New Y'ork exchange 25 to 26 discount; on London 1614 to premium; Paris premium.

Nrw ORLEANS, Feb.4.l4.—Further advices from Havana to the 9th havo been received. The steamer Louisiana had just arrived from France, on the way to Vera Cruz. She had a special commissioner from Napoleon to Maximilian on important business; ulso a Belgian General, who will inform Maximilian of the accession of Leopold 11. to the Belgian throne. The Cold Weather.

MILWAUKEE, Feb. heavy snow-storm prevailed yesterday and last night all over tho Northwest. Tho weather is colder than it has been at any time this winter, and the thermometer ranging at from fifteen to thirty degrees below zero. All the railroads in Wisconsin ar.d Minnesota are more or less blocked up by snow. It will take a day or two for the trains to get running again.

WASHINGTON, Feb. thermometer to-night at 11 o'clock, indicates ten degrees above zero. NEW YORK, Feb. 15th. thermometer at midnight indicates ten degrees above zero.

Tho weather is clear. Reports from Canada Wost and Michigan indicate that the weather is very cold. Thoro is considerable snow in Michigan. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. weather is very cold, the thermometer indicating ten degrees below zero.

NASHVILLE, Feb. river is rising, with seven and a half feet of water on the shoals. This is the coldest day of tho season. ST. LOUIS, Feb.

four inches of snow fell last night. To-day the mercury stands at ten degrees above zero, and is falling. There bavo been heavy storms in Kausas and the West. The mercury at Leavenworth, at day-light, stood at sixteen degrees below zero. CINCINNATI, Feb.

is the coldest day of tho season. The mercury stood, at eight o'clock, at zero. BUFFALO, Feb. worst storm of this year commenced last night and continues to-day. The weather is very cold.

There is a drifting snow. The mercury is six degrees nbovo zero. The lako shore trains arc arriving on time. From the I'lu-ifl- SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15.

Honolulu to the 27th ult. have been received. The United States war ship Lancaster was still there, ller officers were being extensively feted by the authorities. The Victoria Chronicle announce? tho total loss of the American bark Mustang, on January 21st. She left San Francisco on the 14th.

San franeieco, Feb. steamers America and Nicaragua have arrived, bringing passengers, from New York. The Moses Taylor of the San Francisco line, has sailed for San Juan, A despatch from Portland, Oregon, says the steamer Pacific had sailed for this port with $140,009 in treasure. Navigation is not yet open between the Dallas and Unandilla. The merchants of this city held a meeting last night to adopt measures to secure the Montana trade, claiming five cf the best routes from this side.

Mining stocks are again stronger. Ophir $245; Chollar Potosi, $303; Yellow Jacket, $380; Alpha, $255: Holl and Norcross, $985; Crown Point, $900; Gould and Curry, Imperial 43)4; Legal-Tenders, The ship William Tell, reported lost some time since, has entirely gone to pieces. Mining stocks have improved. Savage, $965; Gould and Curry, Imperial, $112; Chollar Potosi, $288: Alpha, $250; Crown Point, $900; Yellow Jacket, $365; Hall and Norcross, $970; Legal Tenders, Sew Jersey Legislature. TRENTON, Feb.

a late hour last night the supplement to the Morris and Essex Railroad bill, by which the contract with tho Atlantic and Great Western Railroad is confirmed, was 41; nays, 15. The Newark and New York Railroad bill passed the House this morning by a vote of 31 to 21, and the result was received with great applause. A motion was made this afternoon to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed, and it was negatived. The Colli Term. PHILADELPHIA, Feb.

cold last night and this morning was intense. At daylight tbe thormomoter indicated above zero. At Altoona, at 6:40 A. M. the mercury indicated below zero.

NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 15. thermometer to-day indicates above zero. LOUISVILLE, Feb. 16.

above zero. Fire Savannah. SAVANNAH, Feb. cotton store and warehouse on Battle river, occupied by J. T.

Rowland, was destroyed by fire this afternoon. The storehouse contained 300 bales of cotton, the bulk of which was saved, and loss is covered by insurance. A negro fireman was fatally injured by a falling bale of cotton. The cotton was the property of Tyson and Gonsdin. The Fvniaii'i.

NASHVILLE, Feb. Sweeney and Colonel William Roberts arrived here last night from Louisville. They wero serenaded during the evening by a hand of music. To-night they address the Fenian Brotherhood at tho Old Theatre. Preparations are being made to give them a good reception.

The proceeds of the sale of tickets is to be applied to the purchase of arms. Tlic Female Emigration Scheme. NEW YORK, Feb. Supreme Court of this city has denied the application, in behalf of the female sufferers by the Mercer frauds, for an injunction against the owners of the steamship company. Messrs.

Buck and Chittenden, the counsel, will take further steps for their relief. Soldiers Convention in Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. convention of tho soldiers of Indiana was held here to-day, and permanently organized the "Indiana State Soldiers' Association," with GcneralNathan Kimball as President. Resolutions favoring the equalization of bounties and establishment of a Soldiers' and Seamen's llome in Indiana was adopted.

Four Persons Drowned. CINCINNATI, February will known citizens of Evansville, Indiana, were drowned yesterday, while crossing tho river in a skiff at that point. William Sprague, the Rhode Island Senator, and his brother, Amosa Sprague, employ six thousand hands at their manufacturing establishment. celebrated pacing horse Kinney, died at New Orleaus a few days ago. He was valued at 825,000.

and his owners once offered to bet that amount that he could pace his mile in 2.10. Kinney was a large roan, and one of the most remarkable horses of the age. Mary Ann Barket, one of the oldest women in tho United States, died at Wheeling, West irginia on Saturday last. Her age was one hundred and ten years. She saw Gen.

Washington and Aaron Burr when they made their first visit to the Western country. are over six hundred white people at Atlanta, Georgia, in a starving condition. "What is true of Atlanta is also true of every village and city in the State which was in the desolating track of the armies in 1864-5. The destitute are reckoned by thousands, and their sufferings are represented as extreme. sensation was created in an Episcopal church in Rochester by the sudden death of a lady during the reading of the Psalter, and while the words, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil," were being repeated.

division of the State of Oregon is being agitated, says the Statetman, which adds: "The proposition now stands as follows Give Oregon all west of the Cascade Mountains, and lying between California and British Columbia, form a new State or Territory east of the Cascades, out of the territory which would be detached by tho Cascade line from Oregon and It will take time to accomplish it, and by the time the machinery can bo set "at work the people east of the mountains may be ready I and able for a State organization. are in favor of the division." XXXIXTH CONGRESS. Territorial Government for Virginia. THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. HENDRICK'S SPEECH Reimbursement to Loyal States for War Expenditures.


Howard presented the memorial of 175 citizens of Alexandria. asking that a territorial government be established for that State. Referred to the Committee on Reconstruction petition alludes to the disloyal acts of tho Stato Legislature, and the nomination of Robert F. Lee for Governor, by one of its Also similar petitions from citizens of Alexandria, Prince William and Accomac counties, Va. Referred to the Committee on Reconstruction.

PETITION FROM JEFFERSON COUNTY, YA. Mr. Riddle presented petitions from citizens of Jefferson county, praying Congress to withhold its consent for the cession of that county to West Virginia. Laid on the tabic, Mr. Riddle stated that this petition was signed by twelve hundred of the voters of the county aforesaid.

THANKS TO MR. BANCROFT. Mr. Foot, from the joint committee appointed to wait on Hon. Geo.

Bancroft and return him the thanks of Congress, and request a copy of his address for publication, made a report of tho correspondence in tho case, which, on his motion, was ordered to be printed. REIMBURSEMENT TO THE CONSUL AT BLKTA. Mr. handler made a favorable report on tho bill to reimbu-3o Mr. Wilson, United States Consul at Bahia for his property destroyed by a riot.

Mr. Harris would ask for an explanation of this bill. Mr. Chandler said that while tho pirate Florida in the harbor of Bahia a mob in the night attacked the residence of Mr. Wilson and destroyed his library and other property: that Mr.

Wilson had proved himself a brave and loyal man, and was entitled to compensation. Mr. Grimes said the Senate should pause before acting in this matter. Much property had been destroyed by mobs in this city, Baltimore and ork, and they might be called on to pay for it. Ciark said that the Committee on Claims had recently made an adverse report in the case of a woman whose propertj had been destroyed by tho rebels at Norfolk, because she had given valuable information to the U.

S. forces. Mr. Chandler said that he did not wish to press the bill, and would therefore move that it bo laid over. BILLS INTRODUCED.

Mr. Chandler introduced a bill to modify the act to prevent the increase of disease among the cattle of the United States. Mr. Trumbull introduced a joint resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to tho officers and seamen of vessels engaged in the rcscuo of officers and soldiers of the army from the steamer San Francisco. Mr.

Dixon introduced a bill to prevent tho perversion of the mails for fraudulent and illegal purposes. Referred to Committee on Postoffices and Roads. Mr. Lane, of Indiana, called up the bill to extend the benefits of the pension laws to artificers, which was pasded. Mr.

Saulsbury presented the petition of citizens of rew Jersey, asking for the removal of certain freedmen to certain Northern States. Referred to the Committee on Reconstruction. Mr. Trumbull called up the bill in relation to the Court of Claims, which was passed. TELEGRAPH TO WEST INDIES.

Mr. Harris called up the bill authorizing and aiding the establishment of telegraphic communication between New Y'ork and the West Indies, which was read and laid over. THE BASTS OF REPRESENTATION. The regular order of the day being tho joint resolution fixing the basis of representation was taken up, upon which Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana, was entitled to the floor.

Mr. Hendricks said that the boast of tho people of the Umted States were that they were in tho enjoyment, of constitutional liberty. Our Constitution was made by men well qualified for tho work. No one questioned that. The Fathers of the Republic met and formed a government, under which for threequarters of a century we had lived and prospered as no people had prospered before.

A war came in 1861, a war most unfortunate; and now, sir, after a war against no common enemy, in which the men of the North hero fought against the men of the South, when wo havo learned to hate each other as 110 people hated it is proposed to amend the Constitution. Eleven States were absent from our councils, and yet the men of the North propose to make a constitution for whole the country. The Committee on Reconstruction was appointed solely to enquire into the condition of the late Confederate States, and had given them no power to enquire into any other question but whether the representatives of Southern States should bo admitted into this and tho other hall of Congress. Passing from this duty the Committee had seen proper to report amen dm its to the Constitution. Mr, Fessenden I Tbe Senator is very muoh mistaken.

The House of Representatives referred a resolution introduced by one of my colleagues in that body (Mr. Blaine) to tho Committee, and it is weil known that 110 matter how a Committee may be organized, it can report on any subject which is referred to it. Mr. is not a Committee of the House or of the Senate, but of both bodies, arid neither can add to its jurisdiction but by join: resolution. Mr.

custom has always been different. It is every day practice. Mr. Ilendrieks eaid, if it wuh tho pr notice, he aid not believe in it, and it should be abolished. The two bodies had been made separate and independent by the Constitution, and they could not even alludo to the action of the House in this body.

'J'ho purity of legislation required it. lie would now speak of the first of tho propositions which had been offered. It came from the Senator from Massachusetts, (MI. Suumcr), and proposed to apportion representatives, according to the number of male citizens over twenty-one years of age, qualified to act as electors for tho most numerous branch of the State Legislatures, and no opposition had been offered to it, until its effect was shown by a speech made in the oihcr House (Mr. Blaine's) New England would lose too much by it, and now not a man was in favor of it.

Ho tuen discussed at length tho proposition to base representation on voters, declaring that it was a question of party policy, the object being to secure tho permanent predominance of the Republican party, and especially of the New England States. He then spoke of tho plan of tho President, and said lie knew no more of it than what he saw in the papers, lie was not of the President's party, but ho did give his support to his plan. Ilis policy was not under the war power, Mr. tho President have power to appoint a Governor for Indiana? And if not, why for those States if they aro still in tho Union? Mr. Hendricks course the President has no power to appoint a Governor for Indiana, but in chose States facto governments had for a space taken tho place of the de jure governments.

Mr. Howe asked what right had the Senator to assume that tho people who elected Governor Orr were dissatisfied with Governor Magrath, and as according to the Senator's opinions these States were intact in form, what right existed to remove Magrath. Mr. Hendricks said he would not be diverted from his argument. That question was before the Supreme Court, ile did not tnink it fair to interrupt a Senator to say something smart or sharp.

Mr. no, Mr. President. Mr. refuse to be interrupted any further.

Mr. 11. read from tho resolutions of Congress and the proclamations of Mr. Lincoln, that the war was only for the restoration of the Union. Secretary Seward had announced tho passage of the slavery amendment by tho votes of the Southern and only the other day, i thad been declared that only under that amendment had Congress the power to pass the Freedmen's bill, Was it right to exclude these States from all representation, and yet pass law? affecting them which, it was acknowledged, could not bo enacted but for their action? He then spoke of the desire for vengeance wfcieh seined to possess the ininds of certain Senators, and alluded to the blood-letting letter of Senator Chandler in 1861.

The Senator from Oregon wanted these people punished. What did he or his people know about the war Tho sound of the cannon had not overreached that far Pacific slope. His colleague was not willing fur these States to come back, "until the traitors met the felon's doom." Why this clamor for more blood when these people were on their very knees before theiu Mr. Howard said ho would like to know upon what grounds the Senator charged honorable gentlemen on this floor with thirsting for blood. He (Mr.

Howard) had brought in a resolution calling for the trial of Jefferson Davis, who had been charged by tbe Secretary of W.r witfi complicity the assassination of President Lincoln. He asked the Senator, and ho wanted an answer, whether he would bring Jefferson Davis to trial for his crimes Mr. Hendricks said if he was an officer of the Government, charged with the execution of the laws, and believed that the charges made by the Senator against Jefferson Davis wero true, he would bring him to trial, and if found guilty by a oourt having the proper jurisdiction, he would execute the sentence of the law. even if it was death. Mr.

Howard Senator admits that he would tako blood himself, and upon what grounds has ha tho assurance to charge other gentlemen here with thirsting for it? Mr. President, the Senator has used word Wilich is not for the Senate. lie asks upon what ground have I the assurance. Sir, if he was twice as old as ho I would fling the word back in his face. and Ido what is have discussed this question in a fair manner.

I was alluding to the remarks of my colleague just now. The President had suffered mcro wrongs than any of them. Andrew Johnson had been an outcast from his home for two years: had been reviled and persecuted, and yet he could be kind and forgiving and they could not. In conclusion, he drew a picture of the happiness and prosperity which would attend a united country, and tho assurance it would give to foreign nations that we could not be trifled with. The discussions of this Congress would form the most important pages of tho country's history, and their decision would be the most momentous since the foundation of the Government.

lie exhorted them to extend the hand of brotherly friendship to those who had once been in accord with them. Why could they not let these States come in? on the floor.) Had they not guarantees enough? As for himself, he should do all he could under his duty for their restoration. Mr. Chandler said the Senator from Indiana had referred to him as having written a letter in 1861. lie had been arraigned before on this subject.

He been arraigned by the traitor, John O. Breckinridge, und after it that traitor went out of these halls into the rebel army lie had been arraigned by another Senator from Kentucky, and by other traitors on this floor. He had written that letter and he stood by it. A Democratic traitor was in the Presidential chair, Democratic traitors were in all the offices. The Democratic party had ordained that tho Union should be destroyed.

If that Senator was willing to go down to posterity on his record, so was he, (Mr. What was the condition of the country at that time A Democrat mob was drilling here every night, under tho name of the American rifles, to break un the Government. The Democratic traitor. Robert E. Lee.

was in the War Department. He had written a letter to the Governor of his btate, that if the Union was 0 be preserved, blood must be let. He knew he would live in history after the Senator and his party had 9s t(J infamy. (Applause and hisses.) The Chair (Mr. Pomeroy) stated that these demonstration of applause and disapprobation had become too frequent.

Ihey had been repeatedly checked, and if persisted in, the galleries would be cleared. On motion of Mr. Trumbull, it was resolved that when the Senate adjourn, it he to meet on Monday. The Senate then went into Executive Session, and after a short time spent therein adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

REIMBURSEMENT TO LOYAL STATES. Mr. Blaine, from the select committee on the subject, reported a bill to reimburse tho loyal States for expenses incurred in suppressing tho rebellion. It was ordered to be printed, and recommitted. Mr.

Ferry, of introduced a bill to exempt the Gettysburg National Monument Association from taxation. Referred. Mr. Baldwin, of offered a resolution that the Committee on the District of Columbia be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing the act passsed Aug. 5,1864.

relating to the paving of certain streets in the city of Washington. Agreed to. THANKS TO MR. BANCROFT. Mr.

Washburne, of 111., from the committee on the subject, reported that they had placed the resolutions ot Congress, of thanks to Hon. George Bancroft for his recent oration, in his bands. Mr. Bancroft replies that be values the distinguished compliment contained in the resolutions, and complies with the request to furnish a copy of his address. The correspondence was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Rogers, of N. asked the gentleman to print Drcd Scott decision with Bancroft's oration in order that both sides might be beard. Mr. Washburne.

of 111., said that the Drcd case had been finally decided, and there was no oce. sion to renew the controversy. Mr. Wentworth. of the Dred Scott decision died with its author.

Mr. Laflin, from the Committee on Printing, reported on the resolution heretofore referred, and in favor of purchasing one thousand copies of the work entitled the "Memorial Record of the National Tribute to Abraham Lincoln, together with tho address of Mr. Bancroft." Disagreed to. PAYMENT TO CAVALRYMEN FOR HORSES LOST IN THE WAR. On motion of Mr.

BromweP, of Illinois, a resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into tho cxpedienev of providing by law for payment to non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates, who served in tho volunteer cavalry during the late war. for horsefurnished by the Government 1 lost without the fault of the soldier. Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio, introduced a bMI providing for the punishment of any person for throwing cars Irom the track. Also, a bill to establish United States Revenue courts; which were referred.

PENNSYLVANIA CONTESTED ELECTION CASE. Tne House then took up the contested election case of Cofforth versus Koontz, of the 16th district of Pennsylvania. Neither party is a sitting member. Ine majority report of tho Committee on Elections states that neither claimant has any prima facie right to a seat in the House under the Governor's proclamation. The certificate of tho return judges transmitted by Mr.

Cofforth required by law, being the official certificate of his e'cction, which, the omission apparent on the face of Governor's proclamation, would seem tp, prxma facie, entitle him to the seat. The Committee say the certificate of Mr. Koontz being signed by persons not legal return judges, is wholly illegal and void. The minority report is in favor of Mr. Koontz (Republican).

Mr. Upson, of Michigan, spoke at great length, entering fully into details in support of the majority report. Mr. Paine, of Wisconsin, replied on behalf of tbe minority, and contended that Mr. Koontz was clearly entitled to the seat.

The subject was then postponed till Monday. Mr. Orth, of Indiana, asked but failed to obtain 1 avo to introduce a constitutional amendment, prohibiting any person who has held an office under the so-called Confederacy from ever holding any office or receiving any emolument from tho Government of tiio United States. On motion of Mr McKee, of Kentucky, a resolution was referred to tho Committee on Foreign Affairs, calling on the Stato Department, for any information as to General McDowell's order, issued Nov. 1865, relative to the prohibition of the transportation ot munitions of war into Mexico.


report mado to tho House to-day by Representative Blaine, of Maine, from the Select Committee, on the debts of the loyal States, includes data upon tho subject from all the States excepting California, and Nevada The sum total ot such far aa fl a ccrtaiaod, is $467,954,364. The reports of Governors of States were not oxact or in full but approximate, and it is believed that the total amount is not leas than 000,000. The dohts of tho States as reportod aro us follows: Maine, New Hampshire, ermont. $8.806.759: Massachusetts. $47,809,827 Rhode Island, Connecticut, $17,386,151: New York, $111,005,953: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

Maryland, Western Virginia, Ohio. Indiana, $22,334,967: Illinois, 000,000: Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Kansas. This does not include the amount, raised by State taxation or individuals Tho committee recommend a reimbursement of States in part upon the basis of tho proportions of men furnished by such State. It was deemed too burdonsomo to tho general Government to require more than a fractional reiin burseraent, which would not impair the national credit.

Twenty-five per cent, of the average expenditure throughout the loyal States, or $55 for each man furnished, is recommended. This would produce the amounts as set forth in the following bill: Whereas, the State? that furnished troops to the Union army during the late war were subjected to very heavy expenses, amounting in tho aggregate to $475,010,000, alarge proportion of which has assumed the form of oppressive debt, and whereas thw entire outlay was made for the common cause of the Union, and therefore constitutes an equal claim on the common Treasury cf the Nation, therefore he itenactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of America in Congress assembled, that there shall he reimbursed by tho United States to each of the States that furnished troops to the Union army and also to tho several Territories and the District of Columbia, sum equal to tiftv-five dollars tor each man duly enlisted into tho military or naval service ot the United States during the lato war, the total number boing reduced to a uniform standard of three years servic the State of Maine for 566 595 men. to tho State of' New Hampshire for 30.827 men, $1,695,485, to the State of Vermont 29,052 men, to tho State of Massachusetts for 124 844 men. to the State of Rhode Island for 1, men, to tho fctato of Connecticut for oilmen. $2...

H. to tho State of New York for 381,098 men. to tho State of New Jersey for 65,785 men, to the State of vama for 267.558 men, $14,715,690, to tho State of Deiaware for 10.303 men, to the Slate of Marylaud far 40,692 men, to the State of West 4 ireiiiia for 27.653 men. to the State of Ohio for 287,976 men, $13,880 OS); fj Hie of Indiana for men. to the Stato of Michigan lor 80,865 men, -IIMIT 575- to the State of Wisconsin 78,985 men to the State of Minnesota 19,675 men.

the State of lowa 68,182 men, to the State of Missouri, 86,192 men. to the State of Kentucky, 70,345 tcon. to the State of Kansas 18,654 men, to the State of Tennessee 077 men, to the Stato of California. men, to the State of Nevada, 21-5 men sll 880; to the State of Oregon. 581 men, to the District of Columbia, 11,500 men, $632.83 i to the Territory of Washington, 895 men, to the Territory of Nebraska, 380 men to ihe Territory of Colorado.

1,762 meu $96,910: to the Territory of Dacota, 181 men, to the Territory of New Mexico, 1,011 men, $55,605. The amounts to be thus reimbursed shall bo in refistered Bonds of the United States, of not less than 1,600 each, bearing interest at tbe rate of 5 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually in lawful money and redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after 20 years from date. Paid Bonds shall be dated July Ist, 1866, and interest thereafter shall be payable on the Ist day of January ar.d Ist day of July each year, said interest to be payable and said Bonds to be redeemable out of monies to be hereafter appropriated by Congress. Section 3. Each Bond issued in pursuance of this act shall have plainly printed or tneroon the words following, viz: "Tho Bonds of which this is one, are bsucd by the Stato of in full disbursement for expenses incurred by said State in war for ihe Union." Said bonds are negotiable until after the Ist day of July, A.

L- and then only upon the endorsement ot the Governor of tbe State, and said bonds arc acceptable by State in full payment of all claims for expenses incurred or losses sustained in the war for the Union either by the State or by any municipal corporation within the State. Section 1. The bonds authorized by this act shall not no delivered to any State until tho Legislature thereof has formally consented to accept thorn on tho terms contained in the third section, and upon such consent being properly certified to tho Secretary of the Treasury by the Governor of any State, the Secretary shall, on the Governor's receipt therefor, issue to such State its proper amount of bonds, as provided in the first section of this act, hut the condition contained in the third section shall not be construed to exclude any demand or claim which can be credited and paid under any law in force at the time cf the approval of this act. Section 5. The Secretary of State shall f.rward to the Governor of each State a certified copy of this act within thirty days from tho date of approval, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby charged with executing the provisions of this act.

Tho bill on motion of Mr. Blaine, recommitted and ordered to bo printed. CONFIRMATIONS BY TOE SENATE. The sollowing nominations were confirmed in execuPive session of the Senate to-dav: To bo Consul at St.Petersburg: George Poumty, of lowa, at Leghorn; John Hutchinson, of at Leipsic; Timothy Y. Dickinson, of Indiana, at Laguayra; Charles 11.

Lehr, of Pennsylvania, at Valparaiso; Ambrose W. Clark of New York, at Cyprus; J. P. Delesnold. of New York, at Panama; Win B.

Little, of Nevada, at Boulogne; John D. La Montague, of Niw York, at Prince Edward's Island; Jos. Cowell, of Me. at Nice: Asa 0. Addis, of Vermont, at Foo Chow- Augustus Canfield, of New Jersey, at liaug Kak- George B.

Bosworth, of New York, at Bahia; Richard A.hue 3, of District of Columbia, at Zarrah- Obos Page, of lowa, at St. Domingo- Paul X. of New Jersey. James Hadwell, to be Collectors of Revenue for the Sixth District of Kentucky; Edgar Keenan. to be Collector of Internal Revenue for The Sixth District of Kentucky; To be Deputy G.

Lamb, at Alton, Illinois; Presco right, at Springfield, Illinois; Jesse R. Grant, Covington, Kentucky; Cornelius A. born, at Philadelphia; Fabius Wood, at Columbus, Ohio; EJwo Cleveland, at IlartfuiJ, Connecticut; Nehemiah P. Sperry, at New Haven, Con nec'icut. To be Collectors of the Luiher Haven for the district of Chieago.

Jiilinois; W. 11. Connell for the of Genesee, New York. T. of Indiana, to be second lieutenunt iu the Marine Corps.

Passed Assistant Surgeon A. W. H. Hawkins, to be a Surgeon in the Navy; George E. Thurston to be a third lieutenant in the Revenue service; Thomas J.

Drake to be Associate Justice for the Territory of I'tab; Charles U. Hanstead of Utah, to be United States Attorney for Utah; Isaiah llosmer of Utah, to be United States Marshal of Utah; E. E.Douglass of Alabama, to be United States Marshal of the Northern District of Alabama. DELEGATION OK PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Tho delegation of photographic artists, representing several of the larger cities of the Union, are still in ashing ton, seeking such changes in the existing revenue laws as will supercede the necessity of affixing stamps to photographs and other produ tions of the a-t.

They represent that inasmuch as the use of stamps has resulted in serious damage to pictures, in defacing and discoloring them, it is manifestly the duty of Congress to deliver the petitioners by substituting a more acceptable way of contribut- ing to the National Treasury. ARRIVAL OF GKN. LRK IN WASHINGTON. General Robert E. Leo arrived here to-day and is stopping at the Metropolitan Hotel.

The Lexington irgiuia says he has been summoned here to appear as a witness upon the reconstruction committee. IMPORTS OF HIDES. In response to an application to-day Secretary McCulloch has decided that no general permit can be granted to importers of hides, and that before a cargo can be removed from a vessel undoubted evidence must be produced that the hides have not been taken from animals that have died from the effects of the cattle scourge. The Reconstruction Committee, it is said, will soon report in favor of admitting tiio Tennessee members, A pretended assistant assessor at Pithole, has collected much money by taking bribes for promised low assessments. The victims did not dare to complain.

musicians in tho orchestra of the Roy al Op era of Paris lately struck for higher salaries. Instead of leaving their places they agreed to play pianiasima, so that hardly a note was audible, aud the effect was laughable enough. They obtained the advance demanded. The Fenians in Ireland are manufacturing pikes. The London Examiner says: "What would be thought of a people bent on revolt who busily employed themselves in the manufacture of bows and arrows? and really bows and arrows may in present circumstances hare the advantage over pikes, for the arrow is a missile, though a poor one.

Here they are where they were in 1798. and there is not a head tuuong thetu but the pike bead," The News from Europe. FRANCE, MEXICO AND UNITED STATES. THE FRENCH "YELLOW BOOK." Advance in American Securities. The steamship Bremen, from Southampton January 31, arrived at New York on Thursday morning, bringing three days' later news.

The steamship- Canada, from Boston, and Edinburg, from Lew iork, arrived out on the 29th. The Moravian, from Portland, arrived out on the outn. The Wyoming, fromi Philadelphia, and the Monarch of the bca, from New both arrived at Liverpool Jau. 28. The Havershain, from New York was spoken Dec.

3, in lat long. W. FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES "YELLOW Tho official "Yellow Book," containing the diplomatic correspondence of flic hreach government with foreign powers, was laid before the Coups Legislatif on the 2Uth ult. The despatches exchanged between brancc and the United States on the subiect of Mexico arc in conformity with tht declarations'made in the Emperor's speech at tho opening of thr session, and in the account of the condition of injure. A dispatch from M.

Drouyn dc lMTuye to tho dc Montholon. dated January 9th, replying to a.communication from Mr. Seward, dated December loth, alter announcing that this reply had been subilie Fmperor, expresses the conviction that AU (Bvwgonce of views between the two cabinets is the resui of an erroneous appreciation of the intentions of 1' ranee." Drouyn dc l'Huys proceeds to state that France seeks the realization of no ambitious ideas, and adds: that there is a regular government in Mexico, the legitimate object of our expedition will be attained. VVe are endeavoiog, while satisfying our inferes.i ana our dignity, to make arrangements which will enubie us to consider the mission of our army in Mexico as terminated." despatch of M. Drouyn de l'Huys, dated oanuary 2D, 1866.

and to the French Minister at aching too. relates a conversation of the former with Mr. Bigriow. On that occasion M. de Lhuys ueclined ill official controver-y upon the measures by the Einneror Maximilian, stating that he eouid only receive Mr.

Bigelow's communications on that subject as simple information. This reservation establhhed, the French Minister observed, in the course of conversation, that the measures pointed out were of a purely administrp.tive order, and did not appear to him to constitute any of those exceptional derogations that might perhaps sometimes justify a government in interfering in the interior alums of a neighboring state. lie could not admit that the Federal Government, not wishing to recognize as legitimate the de facto government of Maximilian, and considering ft illusory to address itself Juarez, had any ground to apoij to France, in order to escape from this embarrassment, and request explanations from her relative acts emu rating from the sovereign authority of a foreign government. M. l'Huys continues: "IV return to the principle of non-intervention, and from the moment wo accept it our rule of con duct, our interest and honor require us to demand it? equal application by all.

Relying upon tho equitable spirit of the Washington Cabinet, wo expect from it the assurance that the American people wiii conform to the law of non-intervention, which they invoke by maintaining a strict neutrality with regard to Mexico. When you shall have informed me of the resolution of the American Government in this matter, I shall be in a position to acquaint with the result oi our negotiations with the Emperor Maximilian for tho return of our troops." CRUSF.RS In tho sitting of the Committee of the Cortes on January 27th, on the address to the Queen, Scnor Cassatnera requested permission to bring forward a protest in favor of the temporal power of the Pope. Ihe ministry assented to this request. It was rumored that the state of siege in Madrid would be raised. The Politico says: "Several vessels bearing Chilian colors -arc appeared off Valencia, and given eha-o to some Spanish coasting brigs.

It ij asserted that tne pursuers are not Chilian erasers, but simply pirates under cover of the Chilian flag." POLAND. The Czar Las addressed a rescript to the Governor ot Warsaw, promulgating a series of educational measures to be rained out in Poland. Superior and elementary schools are to be established for Poles Greeks, and Russians, and separate schools for Germans and Lithuanians. All scholars will be taught the Polish and Russian history and languages. The religious instruction will be entrusted to tho secular clergy of each respective denomination.

ITALY. Tho telegram from Florence of January 29th says: The Ministerial bill lor the suppression of religious corporations Italy was distributed aiuong tbe Deput'es to-day." The bill that every member of a religious body shall receive an annuity jr oln the State, varj ing from ninety-six to six hundred lire. be revenues of bishoprics are also reduced, arui a portion of the property is conveyed to the communes. Fiuaneinl ami Commercial. 10 city article of Tuesday, January 30.

says: iuc absence of any rapid recovery in the money market, or alteration in the tone of tip ioreign exchanges, from tho high rates of discount long maintained, continues to demonstrate the extent to which the commitments of the country must have bedfcearried last autumn, and the certainty that would have existed, but for tho check thusim parted a serious commercial crisis. Consols There was some increase in the discount demanded to-day, and in the Stock Exchange advances are again in great quest. United States improved and Eric shares paid up yy, Illinois Central shares declined A. from the West Indies, has brought The Time ft' city of Wednesday Each of the Stock Exchange business showincreased gloom. On every side the evidence daily becomes more complete of the serious condition the country would now have reached if tho ciauioi lor cheap money on behalf of unsound ffrms, and the promoters of deceptive companies, had been gratified, at-nnytimoduring the past three months.

There was again some increase on the gen era! demand for discount to day, and in the Stock Exchange the rate for advances was 7. French 68OiC. Illinois Central shares recovered and bonds advanced and ditto paid up shares, further £150,000 in gold was withdrawn from tho Rank day. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, January 20 and 30 Market dull and irregular. Sales for the two amount to 17,000 bales, 6,000 oa speculation and export.

LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET. January A limited business was done in Wheat at the prices Tuesday last. Flour was easier to buy. Inuicn of prime 20s. London Corn market unchanged.

CITY NEWS. A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE WESTERN MARYLAND the First Branch of the City Council, lust evening, Mr. Ewalt, of the 19th ward, submitted on ordinanco providing for a subscription, on the part of tho city, to four thousand shares of the capita! stock of the Western Maryland Railroad Company, of the par vuluo of SSO each. The ordinance provides, however, that it shall be specified in, and as a part of such subscription, that the money shall not' be payable until tho commissioners of Washington county, shall have subscribed for three thou sand shares of said capital stock, and that the mon. arising from the subscription by the city shall he expended in the construction of tho Western Maryland Railroad from its present terminus at Union Bridge to the line of division between the counties of Freil crick and Washington.

It further provides that tho subscription shall bo paid in such instalments and at such times as tho same shall be called for by tin President and Directors of therailroad, provided they shall not have power to call for more than $15,000 in any one month, and as each call shall be made upon the Mayor ho shall immediately notify such call to tho Commissioners of Finance, who shall, week after such notification, issue certificates oi stock to the railroad company for tho amount of such call, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per centredeemable in Juiy, 1890. Tho ordinance was read and ordered to ho printed. After the adjournment the members of the Council assembled in the irst Branch chamber tojhearthe remarks lrom a committee of gentlemen from Vlash ington county, Maryland, interested in tho extension of the Western Maryland railroad to that county Daniel Harvey, President of the Second Branch of the Council, was called to the chair, and stated the object of the meeting. P. 11.

President of the Western Maryland railroad, returned thanks for the courtesy of the Council in giving them a hearing, and introduced Mr. Kepler, of Washington, who presented a communication from the County Commissioners of Washington, in which they state that some time since they made a subscription of $150,900 to the capital stock of the Western Maryland railroad, upon condition that the city of Baltimore subscribe $200,000 to the capital stock. Their action had been legalized at the recent special session of the Maryland Legislature, and they now asked the co-operation of Baltimore so as to enable them to further aid this enterprise which promised to much of mutual benefit. They also set forth many of the advantages to bo gained by the construction of this road to Washington county, and finally to the coal fields of Allegany. Mr.

Kepler, in a few remarks, also urged action by the city, as ho did notthink such a course was likely to entitle them to tho appellation of "monomaniacs" upon tho subject. Addresses were also made by Mr. Brumbaugh, A. K. Seyster, Mr.

Grovo, and Judge Wason, of the delegation, in behalf of the citizens of Washington county. It was stated that this is the third largest wheat producing county in the United States; that upwards of 200,000 barrels of flour are annually manufactured for exportation from the county; that minerals of all kinds, except gold, abound in the greatest quantities within its limits; that coal could be brought to this city for nearly $2 less per ton than present, and that upwards of $200,000,000 worth of goods are annually imported into the county for consumption, not one-fourth of which are purchased in Baltimore because of the want of facilities for transportation. Various other considerations were named why Baltimore should make this movement towards securing a large and valuable trade, which legitimately belonged to her, but which for yen past had sought other outlets because of the reat difficulty in reaching here by rail. Chapman, in conclusion, was highly complimented for the decided stand he had ttLkcn in favor of the extension of the eatery, Maryland Railroad, and about eight o'clock the meeting adjourned. LARCENY.

Tuesday last a colored man named Thomas Garner, was taken into custody by officer Ilynson, of the county, charged with breaking into a house and stealing therefrom a revolver, tho property of Dr. Prentiss, of Govanstown. He was lodged in the Towsontown jail to await the action of the authorities. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Lehman, who was arrested on Thursday, charged with selling bogus jewelry, was yesterday, after an examination hefore Justice Spieer, committed for the action of the Baltimore county authorities.

THE STATE TF.MPERA#CE State Temperance Convention, which was announced to commence in this city on the 22d instant, has been postponed until Tuesday, April 10th. PERSONAL. Le Vert and her daughters, of are in town and stopping at the Eutaw Beuie. THREE CENTS. PROPOSED CHARGE IS THE MANSER OP OPENING BTRKETS.

An important ordinance was last evenine reported the First Branch of the City Council, by Mr Foreman, of the Twentieth ward, which provides ll "ax Court shall he relieved of the duties which have heretofore devolved upon it in connection with the open in? of streets, by the appointment of three commissioners to serve at a fixed salary. In making an assessment for the opening of any street, only those persons will bo assessed for benefits who reside upon the line of the street, ar.d the remainder of the expense is to be paid by the city. ASSAULTING A Officer R. Mitchell, of the middle district, arrested John Fields on Thursday night, charged with assaulting and beating Rose Fields. Ho was committed to answer the charge at court by Justice Spicer.

SALE OF A The fa A of Mr. Wm. Miller, containing one hundred acres, situated about two miles from Westminster, has been recently gold to Dr. Call, of Ballimore county, for STORE The storo of Mr. Frank, situated at Ellieott's Mills, was burglariously entered recently, and goods to tho amount of S4OO taken therefrom.

We are indebted to Hon. Charles B. Phelps for interesting public documents. AMFSKMEN'ra. THE MILTONTAN TABLEAUX AT THE MAKVLAKD yet there is no abatement of interest ill this exhioition, though it would seem as though every person in the city must have visited it already.

F.very evening the nail is fiiiej to its utmost capacity, and no better evidence of its merits could be offered than the fact that our ve-y best citizens, accompanied by their wives and families, are its patrons. Illustrating, as it does in a most vivid manner, tba grand conceptions of one of the most celebrated of poets, and calculated to inspire the mind with sublime ideas of the creation, it attracts the attontion of a class of tho community whose sense of proprietv and right and wrong, would deter them from attending the common shows that ars trumpeted through the country. A refined andmoral exhibition is a means of publia instruction as well as innocent amusement. It improves the public taste and removes prejudices, and by presenting at a glance what cost years ofstudy, and effort, and skill, lifts tho mind at onee to ihc noblest conceptions of genius. Many of the scenes possess a considerable merit in an artistic point of view, and all of them at onca direct the mind to the contemplation of tho sublime theme which inspired Milton.

In this respect their attractiveness is unsurpassed. The rebol angels, led by the Arch Fiend, are represented making war upon the hosts of Heaven, led by the Almighty, and finally defeated, are cast out of Heaven and thrust down to Hell, and even here they resolve to continue the warfare. Satan departs from the infernal regions, after having erected the palace ol Pandemonium, and traverses the realms of Chao3 until he meets an angel from whom he learns of the Creation, and finally discovers the earth, and enters the gardens of Eden, where he accomplishes his diabolical purpose, and causes the fall of man. The Bible account of the Creation is vividly represented, and the landscape views of Eden are charming. Some of the scenes, in which the sun.

and moon actually rise and set, are marvels of mechanical and artistic ingenuity and skill. All wo could wish of scenes is, that the stars might be set to represent the constellations, which would greatly enhance the pleasure of the views to ihosswho have studied the geography of the heavens. An exhibition will be given this evening and every evening hereafter until further notice, and a matineo this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Doors open at THF. The operatic season closes this evening.

with Mozart's great opera of "Don which will bo given with a powerful including Johannsen. Hotter, Dziuba, Habclmnn, Stcineeko, Hermans and Yv'einlich. As the company are compelled to leave the city by the 10 o'clock train, tho house will open at half-past 0, to commence at 7. FRONT STREET The Circus gives its last malinec this afternoon, and.its last performance this evening. The mtire company appear in both entertainments.

Master Pvichard Coker announces another of his popular concerts, at tho Concordia Opera House last that will be given in this city, as Master Coker leaves for Europe in short time. Master Coker will bo assisted by several talented artists. CITY COI.MIL. FRIDAY, Feb. 16.

Branch. of members were present with tho President, James Young, in the chair. Mr. Uorsuoh. from the Committee on Fire Department, presented a resolution referring to tho C'ity Commissioner all petitions relating to the erection of frame sheds, as that officer has control of each matters; adopted.

Mr. from the Committee on Police and Jail, presented a report upon tho jail, stating that, all tho accounts were correct, and iho duties of all officers connected with it satisfactorily performed. Mr. Foreman, from the Committee on Highways, presented an ordinance providing for a chango in tho mode of opening read and laid over. Mr.

Lynch, from the Committee on Claims, presented a resolution discharging th-s committee from further consideration of tho petition of Jacob Kcyscr, for damages for losses sustained by a military mob, composed of the 18th and 20th Pennsylvania cavalry, in November, 1365: read and laid over. Mr. Ewait presented an ordinance authorizing a subscription, on the part of tho city, to 4,000 snares of tho capital stock of the Western Marylan Kailroad; read and ordered lo be printed. Mr. fticiiolls presented a petition from.

VV. S. Morton for permission to erect a steam engine at No. 8 North Liberty street; refetrcd. The President presented a petition from Geo Taylor and for a sewer from 'be intersection of Gay and Ensor streets Jones' Falls; referred.

The Branch then adjourned until Monday afternoon at 5 clock. Second Branch met at th 3ual hour, Daniel Harvey, President, and all the members present. Mr. Mooro presented an ordinance providing for trie subscription on the part of the city of Baltimore, to 4.0;J0 shares of the capital stock of tho Western Maryland Railroad, at the par value ofso(j provided that the sul icription shall not be made until the County Commissioners of Washington county shall have subscribed lor 3,000 shares in said road; read and referred to the committee on ways and means. local Received from the First Branch, the report of tho committee on highways, with an ordinance providing for the opening of Cook street, from Gilrnor street to Pennsylvania avenue, read and laid Mr.

lrelan offered a resolution directing the City Commissioner to make an estimate oi the probable cost of putting an additional story on the court house; also for tho erection of a building containing four rooms between thecourt house and record office; read, and adopted. The Council then adjourned until Monday aftornoon attire o'clock and the members repaired to the First Branch chamber to hold conference in conjunction with tho First Branch, with a delegation from ilagcrstown and elsewhere, in reference to the extension of the Western Maryland Railroad. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FRIDAY. Feb. IG, 1806.

Criminal on. Judga C. Maund, btates Attorney, prosecuting. Leorge Moble, attempting to steal a piece of rope from Carman postponed. Jno.

Brooks, for the larceny Oa overcoat from Daniel Hudson; tncu anu verdict of guilty. John iiultz. for the sale oi lottery tickets, contrary to tho act of Assembly; postponed. Edward Johnson, larceny of pant" and coat from Michael Moon; tried and found guilty. George iiudgins, larceny of a silver watch chain from Win.

Winders; removed to Baltimore county. George Hudgins, larcenv of overcoat, two China vases, from V. I. Hinds; removed to Baltimore county. Joshua lieed, larceny of a gold wa ch from Lavinia Cassidy; tried, verdict of not guilty.

John 11. Tilinan, larceny of one dollars in Treaurv notes from Thomas Porter; postponed. Mary Bathe was tried by a jury and found to bo a lunatic, and sent to tho iiosphal Grafton Taylor gave bail in the sum of SSOO with John W. Kilmer, to answer the chaige of cpUinc 'i? uo F. S.

Boyd gave bail with ru. llkmson and James McKillson, tn the sum of $2,000, charged with making and a counterfcit check on tho Mechanics dank, ami forging name of in. S. Lloyd. adjourned to this Saturday) morning.

Court of Common Hon. Judge 11. Cowman vs. Jiv.aes O. Dedman; appeal from Forrester.

reversed. Baltimore Steain Packet Co. vs. John Lash; appeal from i icer. Judgment affirmed, llecht vs.

Kudolph Bley; appeal from O. W. 6howaere. Judgment reversed. Is a tc fS.

Dclevio vs. George iloltman; appeal from Pindell. Judgment affirmed. Win. Delia, al, vs.

Patrick Courtney; appeal from Pimlell. uduuient reversed, and judgment for appellee for and costs. Assignment same as yesterday. Superior Hon. Judge Martin.

Abell vs. the Chesapeake Bank; argument made on prayers submitted. Case not concluded. Orphans' Judges Supplee and Hoffman. Tho will of John T.

Goldsmith admitted to probate, and letters testamentary granted to Emeline Goldsmith. The will of Elizabeth Knapp admitted to probate and letters testamentary granted to Andrew Pctz. for the Daily ANNAPOLIS, Feb. 10, 1866. Court of of Term, 1865 No.

60. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v3 loultney Trimble. Anneal from the Superior" Court of Baltimore city. The argument of this cause concluded by Wm. Price for the appellant.

No. 61. Thomas vs. Mohlcr A Graff. Appeal the Superior Court of Baltimore city in equitv cause was argued by Wm.

Cadwalader Bcb or appellee, no counsel appearing for tho reliant No. 62. Vestry of St. Peter's vs Warn'ir et al. Appeal from the Superior url of Baltimore city, lhis cause was argued b- Carter for the appellant, no counsel appearm for ho ees iCO 0 the Commercial.) TOWSONTOWN, February 16, 1866.

There during the December term of court one trial mnrder, four for larceny, one for robbery, Dr ror false imprisonment, twelve lor selling liquor oil Sunday, two for selling liquor to minors and three for assault with intent to removed from other counties or from your city. A plea of not guilty was confessed by the State in two of the above cases, and eight were tried and found not guilty by the court or jury, and eleven were found guilty and two pleaded guilty, ana recognizances were xorfeited five cases. Of the county cases tried, two have been for assault with intent to for sault and battery, twelve for larceny, one for malicious mischief, one for keeping a disorderly house, one for keeping an ordinary without the proper accommodations. seventeen for selling liquor on Sunday, and one for conspiracy (the Mount Hope case). Of those tried, four were found not guilty, seventeen found guilty and nineteen confessed a plea of guilty.

Four cases were removed on affidavit to the Criminal Court of Baltimore city, five to Carroll county and one to Howard county. indictments were found by the grand jury. There are at least tnree murder cases to be tried heio at our next term of Court, viz Clare, for tha murder of Grove; Moran for killing Win. Ronsavile by running a boat over him in the Patapsco riv er John Curran, for the murder of Patrick Hi? inV Only two cases on the civil docket, which La? 3.VV cases on it. were tried, viz; Pieltz uto'i occupied the Court a week; and Brooks vs.

the Central Railroad Company. There werefforu i ments by confession, three of non proa, ar default; four cases were eutered "off" tared, "agreed." Six cases on the dismissed, four judgments were re ver affirmed. were cases.

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