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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 5

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 THE CAMPAIGN. tt Progress Throughout the Country. "Tom" Deaies that He Will Refuse Be Beatea ea the Democratic Tkket with "Sammy." the Mi-Bouti Democratio State ConTention to'fi Hungry Place Huntera. Various County Nominating Conventions Instractions for Fort and Logan. BATES AKD WHEEIXB AT SPABTA.

Bpsciei Telegram to The Inter-Ocean. Spakta. July 18. The Eepublicana nave organized a Hayes and Wheeler campaign club here, starting off with 200 members, which will be greatly increased as the campaign progresses. But the most encouraging feature of the canvass thus far la the return of the wanderers, who four years ago joined the Liberal party, the larger portion of whom now give in their adherence to the Republican nominees, and will vote straight.

Judging from present appearances, however, there will be a few votes thrown away on Sir. Cooper. A Weekly paper called the Wisconsin Greenback, was 6tarted here a few weeks ago, which supports Cooper for the Presidency, and they have formed a Cooper Club, comprising fifteen members. What they expect to accomplish not clear to be seen. The attempt to form a national party on this sole issue at this time is anything but wise.

That the time will come, and it no very far distant day, when we shall have a sound paper currency, more convenient and less fluctuating than gold, the Republicans of this lection have no doubt. ALABAMA REPUBLICANS UNITED. Moxtoomebt, July 18. The Spencer and anti-Spencer Republican factions have withdrawn their State tickets and united on a ticket headed by N. Woodruff, present Mayor of Selma.

A NEWSPAPER DESOCSCXD. Bperial Telegram to The InterOoean.l Marinette, July 18. A rousing Hayes ana Wheeler ratification meeting was held here last night. The national flag was raised on the liberty pole, a martial band and the Menomonee (Mich.) brass band participated in the exercises, and short, pithy speeches were made by. Messrs.

H. O. Fakchild and L. B. Noyes.

A Haves and Wheeler club of about 150 members was formed. The Hon. Isaac Stephenson was elected President; Ii. B. Noyes, 3.

J. Sherman, and two other Srominent citizens, Vice Presidents; C. J. Ellis, Secretary; and Caleb Williams, Corresponding Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted unanimously: Whekeas.

The Chicago 2 ime-s has. from being a professed neutral sheet, become a rabid Democratic partisan paper, whose character for mendacity is Anl, ltd flltkw inDtinnta Keolrd, That it is the sense of this meeting that I i Be umcogo tme is entirely unnt lor general cireu lotion. Ketolved, That we will use our best endeavors to supplant the Ctlwaco Times with the Chicago Ixteb- Oceax. and the Chicago Journal, Milwaukee Sentinel. and other truthful newspapers.

The meeting adjourned with three rousing cheers for Hayes and Wheeler. There was a very large attendance, and enthusiasm was unbounded. Look out for a magnificent report from these parts in November next. ZJVT1IGSTON COriCTT (1XL.) REPUBLICANS. Special Telegram to Tlx Inter-Ocean.) Pontiac.

111., July 18. At the Republican County Convention, held in this city to-day, William H. Jenkins was nominated for Circuit Clerk, B. E. Robinson for Sheriff, D.

L. Murdock for County Attorney, and Dr. E. Stinson for Coroner. S.

T. Fosdlck was selected as the candidate of Livingston County for Sena-fir in the Eighteenth District, and George B. Gray for Representative in the Legislature. Delegates to the Congressional Convention were instructed for Colonel G. L.

Fort for renoraination, without a dissenting voice, and a resolution favoring the re-election of John A. Logan to the Senate. The action of the convention secures the renomination of Colonel Fort. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY (ILL.) DEMOCRATS. Special Telegram to The Inter-Ocean.

I Champaign, 111., July 18. The Democrats held their county convention in Urbana this after noon witn a lair attendance, ana instructed lor General Black, Democrat, for Congress, and on the county ticket decided to hold a joint conven tion Aug. witn tne independents, xnis latter dodge is not likely to succeed. SANGAMON COCNTY (ILL.) DEMOCRATS. tpeMal Telegram to The Springfield, 111., July 18.

At the Democratic County Convention to-day J. A. Winston was nominated for Circuit Clerk, Temp Elliott for Sheriff. Robert Hazlett for State's Attorney, lohn Mayo Palmer and Dewitt Smith for Representatives. BERRIEN COUNTY (MICH.) REPUBLICANS.

Special Teleeram to The Inter-Ocean.) Niles, July 18. The Republican County Convention held at Berrien Springs to-day elected six delegates to the Congressional Convention in favor of O. W. Coolidge and six in favor of J. C.

Burrows. HENDRICKS INTERVIEWED. Ta tha Western Associated Press. Indianapolis, July 18. The Dailg Aetra publishes the following interview with Governor Hendricks with reference to the special from Saratoga to the Commercial Advertiser of New York: Reporter Will you indicate to the Nevm whether or not there is any truth in the Associated Press dispatch from New York to the effect that such differences developed between yourself and Governor Tilden at the Saratoga conference on the currency question as to possibly oblige you to repudiate Tilden or retire yourself from the ticket? H.

Really, I have seen no such dispatch aa you refer to. The reporter promptly produced the telegram, and the Governor, after reading it aloud, contln-u 3d: It Lb wholly unfounded in every particular." R. Was your conference with Tilden harmonious and satisfactory? H. It was. Of course we differed in some Immaterial points, but on the real Issues of the cam paign we were united.

It would indeed be a strange coincidence to find any two men in the tountrywnose opinions on national questions ere in exact harmonv. R. The telegram, then, you pronounce Lacking oi every element oi trutn H. Most decidedly so. The Commercial Adver uer, referred to in the telegram, I suspect is a itrongly partisan paper, which readily accounts tor tne iaoneauon to wnicn it gave publicity.

CONGBES8IOKAL KOMTNATIOH I3T MISSISSIPPI; Vickbbcbo. July 18. J. R. Lynch nominated unanimously on the first ballot for Congress by the Republican convention of the Sixth District.

TO HXTKOBT PLACK UUHTKB8. Ta tha Western Associated Press.l Ss. Louis, July 18. The Democratic State Convention which is to meet at Jefferson it to morrow has brought together the largest crowd of delegates and outside workers that naa con- trrearated in that city for many years. Every county in the State will be represented.

The number of candidates ior tha different offices la nnnaiiallff wRa KaImf a4v Ia flAvarnAo uuuouau acsa kuoiv uoui dia iva uvt seven for Secretary of State, eight for Register of Lands, six for Treasurer, five for Attorney General, alx for Supreme Judge, and thirty-five for Railroad Commissioners, only three of whom are to be elected. Among the prominent candi dates for Governor are Gelsus Price, son of Gen eral ttterungrnce; ueorge u. vest and Jonn Phelps, the latter a prominent Congressman be- fore the war. Pools are selling at the Madison House to-night at $5 to $1 in favor-of Phelps. I SB HERE AND THERE.

Brevftlaa Ova thai Wires from Tarloas Flaeaa. Special Talearam to Tka lnteeOoean.J Eioih, ILL, uly 18. A. L. Hendricks, a well' to-do citizen, dropped dead of heart disease here this morning.

He leaves a wife and seven chll dren 4 Iperlal Telegram Blooxhiotos, HL, July 1 8. The Havana Base Ball Club played tiie Bloomlngtons in this city this afternoon. Tne Bloomlngtons were the win oers by 15 to 6. Mr. J.

S.McFarl trotting stallion. The horse waa val has refused oast. The milkmen blnotion to resli claiming that tmpt irom cit tnd, of this city, lost his fine eneral Grant, this morning, aed at $5,000. Mr. McForLand for him within a few days this city have formed a com- the nsvment of license fees.

aer tne rotate taw tney are ex- cense, xney propose to mare a CASUALTIES. nignc Special Talemms to Tka THE DAILY INTE1I-OCEAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1S7G. test case and carry it up to tba 8upreme Court. Special Teiecran to Th. uajuheb, ill, July 18.

G. Y. Augustine, OI Brace vllle, one of the oldest coal dealers In this 5 'art of tha 6tate, has sold his shaft and land adorning to tha Star Coal Company, of Chicago, or $63,000. Thus work will soon be resumed at that place and things in general benefited. Tha report Is that the C.

A. Railroad will build a branch road from Coal City to this place at once. Major Munn, of Jollet, and tha Hob. D. B.

Bailey are in town to-day, Very pleasant weather. Special Tele ram to Tha lptar-OoeaaJ Dubuque, Iowa, July James Faken, employed by the Illinois Central Comoanv to watch the temporary bridge three miles from herejwaa struck by tha cow catcher ofZ an lnoomlnir morn lng train, sustaining Injuries from which he died in a few hours. He was Bitting on a rail asleep when caught by the train, Tba company waa in no way to oiame. The citizens are beeomlnir alarmed at tha influx of tramps. Last night W.

E. Massey, living on the hill, had his barn burned by them. Attempts at burglary occur every night, clotheslines are robbed, and petty thefts are numerous. HnartaU TmAmm I tn Ttu 1 1 Lafayette, July 1 8. A probably fatal ac cident occurred night oerore use to nn.

nu Weaver, livinir a short diatanee west of the city. Goinir home durinir th avpnlng she was thrown from ner wagon in tome way, a wheel striking her on the head, fracturing her skull and tearing the acaln in a fnarful manner. In the Heff habeas corpus case Judge Vinton decided to hold him in 5,000 ball to await tha action of the grand jury. The security waa furnished at once and Heff released. Special Telas-am to Tha Des Moines, Iowa, July 18.

Joseph Bohler. a shoemaker of this city, fell from his seat to-day dead of heart disease. The State Association of Iowa Millers convenes in this city to-morrow: also the semi-annual meeting of the Millers' Fire Insurance Association. Tha public Installation of. Odd Fellows Lodge Polk City, took place to-day.

A special train bearing 250 Des Moines Odd Fellows and a band went from here. The Rev. J. C. C.

Reid officiated In installinc the officers. Special Teleirr am to The Inter-Ocean .1 Detroit. July 18. Captain A. A.

Day has resigned his position as State Inspector of Illuminating oils, ana trovernor oagiey nas appointed as his successor D. D. Spauldiug, of Jackson. Special Teleeram to Toe inter -Ocean low a City, July 18. We had a hard rainstorm here to-day.

accompanied with terrific thunder and lightning. A son of Mr. Cathons, near town, was struck with lightning, and seriously injured. The house was badly shattered. The smoke-Btack of the whisky distillery here was also struck with lightning.

It Is 100 feet high. The lightning struck near the top and ran around and round to the bottom, tearing out a course of brick some two feet wide. The rainstorms hereabouts are doing a great deal of damage to crops and property. special Telegram to The Milwaukee. July 18.

Flnecone Clever, a resident on Vliet street, a dUaipated old man. committed suicide to-day by taking poison. He leaves a wife and two children. Little Rock, July 18. A colored man dropped dead to-day over the pinner, where he was at work at Cunningham's Mill.

Heart disease is said to be the cause. Sol Rice, a promient liquor merchant, died this morning. Shrevzport, July 18. Trains on.the Cairo Fulton Railroad are again running on time, all the washouts having been repaired. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS.

Oar Special Reports of Uia Markets la Kew Terk and Liverpool. Special Telegram to The New Yobk, July 18. State and Western flour waa more active to-day, but prices were generally weak and 10315c per brl lower on low grades. Shipping grades suffered moot. Sales 13, GOO brls of all grades.

Including unsound flour at of which 5O0 brls were very good winter wheat extras at ft. 25; sour flour. very poor to fancy No. 2 $2(33; Inferior to fancy superfine and Western. city mills extra, shipping grades, mostly at for the West Indies and fur England: in ferior to choice shipping extra Western.

choice to fancy do, round hoop extra Ohio, shipping. $4144.70 for small lota, and lines of poor to very choice Western trade and family extra spring wheat stock. very poor to very choice do do of red and amber winter wheat stock, ordinary to choice Western white dodo. R.25; poor to fancy bt. Liouis extras.

74.5W'--3; poor to strictly fancy Minnesota extras, straight, tt.MS: Minnesota patent extras, inferior to fancy, Spring wheat values indicated more steadiness. Rales. 161,000 bu. Including strictly prime No. 1 Sheboygan spring in store at $1.10 for export; prime No.

1 Milwaukee spring afloat, soft No. 2 Milwaukee, soft to about prime No. 2 Chicago do. $1(31-04; soft No. 3 soring.

tM(388c: ungraded soring. poor to choice, very inferior to about prime red Western, Corn was fairly active, but at a further decline in prices. Soles of 156,000 bu ungraded mixed Western, poor to very choice, 500:54 ViC chiefly at 5354o for sailing vessel qualities, and 50(352e for steamer. Options were quiet; 10,000 bu New York mixed. August delivery, at 56c.

Oats were steady. Sales of 51,000 bu, including poor to choice mixed Western, at 3038Ljc; No. 2 Chicago afloat, 36c; No. 2 Milwaukee, 38ijc; poor to extra choice white Western, 3044c PROVISIONS. Pork was in greater demand and firmer.

Sales for early delivery. 500 brls, including Western me6s for shipment at July options closed nominal; August. September, $20.20. Bacon was quiet for Western delivery; long and short clear together, 9V39Tsc; short clear, 10V.C; long clear, Western steam lard was decidedly stronger, and salea of 7.7O0 tcs prime to cnoice new ior eany delivery at 150 tea choice old at $1 1.374; July was nominal; August, $11.37 4(311. 40; September, $11.50.

ixroBTi. The Dailv Bulletin includes In the week's ex ports: Flour, brls 4.273 wneat, tu Conubn 449,611 Pork, brls 4.440 Cut meats. ts 3.BS1.553 Lard. ts 2.689.830 LIVERPOOL MARKET. Special Cable Telesraia to Tba liiTEaPoou July 18, STemng.

closing quotations are as louows- Flour Extra State 22s Spring Wheat No. 1 9s hpriug wneat a o. ss Winter Wheat 9s Corn Mixed. 25s Beef Extra India Aloes tr2s Beef India Kess 89s Beef Prime Mess 77s Prime Hess Pork New oa Prime Hess Pork New 84s Hams Long Cut 20 ts a 57a Shoulders 32s Bacon Cumberland 45s ed 3d 5d ed 6d Bacon Short Bib Sides 47s Bacon Long Clear 49s Bacon Short Clear 50s Lard Prime Western. 60s Lard Oil 52s 6d Cheese Choiee American 49s Tallow Prime City 41s Bosin Common as vd BpirlU oi zas DulL Bull.

ulL Dull. Steady. DulL DulL Dull. Rteadr. Firmer.

Steady. DulL DulL Dull. DulL DulL DulL Steady. Dull. DulL Steady.

Steady. Explosion with Fatal Rawlta Drowned Struck by Kpadal Talearam to Tka Ohio, July 18. A distressing accident occurred at this place this evening, by which Augustus Sachs, druggist, was instantly killed Ha waa charging a barrel of seltzer-water in the drug store of Sachs Pruden, on Third street, when the barrel exploded, a piece of the coupling tube striking him under the chin, passing completely through the neck and coming out the other side. He leaves a family. pedal Talecraoi ta Tka La Cbossx, July 18.

James Connelly, a fanner, residing about three miles from Browns ville, Ulna, waa drowned this morning while bathing in tha Mississippi. Ha waa a young man 3U years 01 age, ana unmarried. St. Louis. uly 18.

w. Z. Brinckman. of Chester, ILL, and Joseph Melroy, of PerryvUle, wera drowned while attempting to cross Apple Creek, near Long-town, Mo oa Saturday alLXiWATJEEB. aJUiy i.

A VOUng named Henri Koerner was run ovar hv srerlteh engine on thtf St. Paul AUUlway to-nbrht, near the 1 Sixth avenue crossing, and Instantly killed. He and a companion named Coo lis were struck, and the latter escaped without serious Injury. Tha accmeni waa tne result oa neeuiessnese oa tne part of Koerner. oil rRAJf CISCO, cal, amy IB.

Adeline wife of Henry F. Lambert, ef Boston, was instantly killed here to-day by the accidental dia-charge of her husband'a piatoL Tha parti were making a tour 01 tn btate ior neaitn and pleas ure. Tha Coroner's tury found a verdict In ao-cordance with tkese lActa. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The Latest from the Scene of IIosUlI- tlea in the East.

Death Alexander Eutell, th Wall of knawn Writer. New from Japan. WHAT THI DISr ATCHXS SAT. Yietsa, July 18. The Yaese aaya that during an engagement with the Insurgents on the 13th Inst, near Kleck, a Turkish man-of-war fired upon tha insurgent, notwithstanding the.

protest of the commander of the Austrian man-of- war. The Presae aaya mat uua is a ngraut violation of Austria's rights. Nbw Yobk, July 18. A special dlspatcl aaya: The British Ambassador at Vienna staUs that the British co-operation with the allied sowers depends upon the Porte being confidentially kept acquainted with every step taken by the powers during and after the war. It also depends upon the vaesalBhlp of the Insurgent States remaining unimpaired, unless the Porte relieves them of its owu New Yobk, July 18.

special from Berlin says the German and Russian Governments are united in supporting the demands of Kouinauia for concessions from the Porte. Lo.ndos, July 18. The Foreign Office baa rt-ceived a telegram from the British Ambassodot at Constantinople stating that a Turkish functionary of high position has been sent aa an Ex-tirordlnary commissioner to suppress the excesses in Bulgaria. He is furniahed with full niiwertii Dtiniahnient. Pakis.

July It. Roumanla has sent a circular to the powera denying the reported mobilisation of her army, and stating that a very small portion of her reserves have been called out to reinforce the corps of observation, which is Intended to defend tha neutrality of ber territory. Private Intelligence from authentic source ennHrmatha aLatrmeut that Prinoe Milan and his immediate followers are greatly discouraged, and that little hope of success is entertained. Belobaox. July lrt.

It la officially announced that the Turka attempted on Monday to enter Servta by way of LJubowja, but were repulsed. CosiSTANTixoPLx, The Grand Vlxler has issued a proclamation announcing that Irregular troops committing, brigandage and other outrages upon peaceaXle lahabitants will be arrested and summarily executed. Officers will be held responsible for the conduct of their men. Bucharest nas sear, tae rone an address expressing the devotion of Prinoe Charles, and insisting that Rouaaaia. conformably with ber own interests and ttoe wishes of Europe, should continue neutral, and labor peaceably for tha development of her Internal resources.

ViKKNA. July 18. Servia is sending her Last reserve, numbering 11,000. to the front. Pour thousand Egyptiaaa are leaving Salonica for Solwar.

Five thousand Softae have also started for there. Roumanian In consequence of the remonstrance of powers, only mobilizes 2O.000 men. Heblik, July 19. The National ZeitunQ publishes a letter from the Hungarian General Klapka, stating that be goes to Constantinople (or soma weeks, not to enter foreign military service, but to exercise bis influence in favor of Hungarian interests. The latter asserts that effort are making at Petersburg to induce Roumania to torn the Sclavonic confederation, and points out the danger of such a confederation to Hungary.

London, July 19. A Berlin special saye the Porte haa protested against Austria concerning the closing of the harbor of Klek. and confidently communicated the protest to other powers. Roumania has not demanded the cession of the Lullna districts, nor the abolition of the tribute. The rar' Rairusa dispatch says the Montenegrin march on Moetoi uninterrupted.

Salem-palank and Castaba under threat of bombardment. Mukhtar Pacha, commanding tha Turks, intends going out to meet the Montenegrins In the field, hoping that troops from Bosnia will take tbetn In the rear. Moetar is considered indefensible. A Vienna special says: "It Is stated here that the conditions upon which England Is willing to adhere to the agreement between the two Emperors include that reither belligerent receive, direct or indirect, aid from abroad mediation to be admissible st the request of the belligerents or the Initiative of the powers; no power to be allowed to take any step without notifying the Porte and oblainiaing the consent of the others: territorial chanoea to be aettled after the war by all the powers afW hearing the viewa of the Porte on the subject." Constantino tlx, July 19. Kiani Pacha, Commissioner in Bulgaria, has been instructed to release all not directly or greatly implicated hi open rebellion.

lOVDOS. July 19. Tne Telegraph Constantinople special says that in consequence of dispatches from Earl Derby received at the British Embassy Mr. W. Baring.

Second Secretary of Legation, has been directed to investigate the Bulgarian outrages. A Berlin dispatch says: "It is agreed here that if Roumania nas really presented the note, as alleged, war is inevitable. AU9TBXA. TEX EABTHQUAEE. VIEX5A, July 19.

Telegrams show that the recent earthquake affected the Danube basin from Passau. in Bavaria, to Presburg. in Hun- ew hiutV a) WtttAnMn In Bohemia: Rcheletan. in Moravia: Budweis. Tre- bitscb, Tischnowits.

snd Pre nan, and elsewhere to the north, while the southern limits were marked by Odenberg. Kindberg and Korie Alps. The center movement was st Scbelbbs where there were three shocks lasting ten seconds. Bents ore visible In numerous houses in ienna. Several chimneys hsve fallen.

The River Danube receded from the right bank and passed In a great wave to the other side. CHUTA AJTD JAPAN. THE CHIHESE BUDGET. Hoxo Koso, June 15, and Shahohai, June 18. The aged statesman Wen Slung Is dead.

He waa a member of the Grand Council of the Grand SecretaratandTsungLl Yamen. and greatly respected for his abilities and particularly his integrity. He was one of the few Chinese officers believed to be strictly honest. Although holding positions of great power, he lived and died poor, and the cost of his funeral was defrayed by the government. The Emperor personally contributed three thousand taals.

The ceremonies will be of unusual splendor. The pirates of the Saigon steamer Pelican have all been executed. The Spanish Minister ha arrived and an. nounoea bis Intention of acting energetically In the matter of the coolies for Cuba. China is determined to put an end to the system.

If possible. Spain Is equally determined to continue it. JAPAN. Yokohama, June 25. The Core an Ambassador sailed from Yokohama June 1ft.

Myiamoto, of the Japanese Foreign office, haa been appointed Consul to the porta of Core. The infant daughter of the Mikado died June 9 and was buried on the 16th. The government offices were closed one day, and the public amusements were suspended three days throughout the empire. Divers are working upon tha wreck of the United Statee ship Oneida, sunk in 170 by the British steamer Bombay, and now lying thirty fathoms deep. Four guna have already Been recovered.

A line of Japanese steamships have been established between the porta of Japan and the Chinese porta of Chefoo and Kew Cnaraano. Geoffrey, who waa recently French Minister ta China, has been appointed Minister in Japan. Inourqe Kaorn, Assistant Commissioner in the recent expedition to Core, and a member of tha tienro in. saua ior America ana Europe by the Alaska, with the purpose of Investigating finan. cial and commercial aublecta connected with Japanese Interest.

His visit haa no political object. E. Peshlne, tha South American Counsellor of the Japanese Foreign Office, retires next month. The Mikado's progress through the northern provinces continues. Several young Japanese attaches of the legation In Washington and students sail by the OSZA.T BBXTAUr.

DEAD. Loiroo. July 18. Francis Hart Dyke, Pro. curator General, died yesterday from Injuries received by a fall from his horse.

Alexander itusseu, a notoa writer, is aeaa. THE MOLARS. BlSKAECE, July 18. There la much uneasiness among tha people oa th Immediate frontiers, especially Southern Dakota and 'Western Mlnne- Vaola. There is, however, do cause to apprehend danger east of tha Missouri Elver.

Sluing Bulls band la eertainiy a noereeu rested BY treaeraia bhermaa and bhertdan. it waa Weed by Craiy Mors It numbered ever war nor. Colonel Hurt, tba agent at btaadtag Rock, who ta wll Irjorraexi, rtUraalM tb la. dlans at 10.O00 fighting to, la tha bottle wit Custer, bitting Bull a Lacapapas I oat loo men, and tha other bands La aim liar proportion. Crasy Horsa Is believed to nave oees killed.

i ttees Indiana, at Fort Lincoln, mourned several days over Custer's death, cutting thaineslya wit knlrai. and exhibiting genuine sorrow. Tba la. dlaaa at Fort Feck agency ale expreaeed great orrow. Tha agencies are all out of supplier, e-wt ha Indiana are foreed to hunt ar atarv.

China and 1 Oenerai Caster a wioow is vary w. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. Brutal Harder of ft "Woman at L-aayan worth by a Srjaotad Btrltar Jealeesy an! Mirier at ta Craga, Tib. Em. lag ef aa JLDf4 Bene Taier.

A rOCXf DEED- St. Lone, Mo July 18-The Cfeaa-lVsaa. erafe Leavenworth special aaya lira. Annie Johnson waa murdered last night la the out skirts of that city by Louis Earlewta, whom the had several times refused to marry Her beat waa beaten almost to a Jelly. Tbenur derer haaencaried arrest so far.

Mrs. Johnsoa lsft four skU children. TEALOCSr AID HTEDXE. St. Locis.Mo, July 18.

Bud Laae. a Deputy Marshal at La Cygne, ahot and killed John Morton on Saturday last, for aa alleged too great Intimacy with his wife. bobsb aritxixa and saoorrxo. LocisviLLE. July 18.

A special to the Comrier-JomrmaX frota Lebanon furnishes the particulars of a sertout affray whtch-oecmied in Casey County. A horsAknvlng been stolen from John Tate, a deputy Bjerlff. he summoned posse of men, and, prooeeLng on the trail, he ran serosa six mounted ma a fight took olaee, In which rUmore HarelUrtoa of toe alx. waa killed, and a man named Davm aerioosly wo and ed. before aoatn Muren aintaxl that at rty waa Innocent, but tne nreaeua rr aaiveral de.

peradoee with him. and the rexxery of tha atoUa norse, OO not prT rua mnnwu. Speetal Tstecraaa Tas lawaxi iaal oat CITT, hit ib. usam weaiover. of this oity.

had a valuable horse axlen froaa the pasture last night. AS ASSAtTLT CkAK SEDCCTVjS. ayacaalTakaiaaatoTkalatst aa.l UAVEirroaT. Iowa, July 19. Will Um Oreon-walil rharirexl with oaaault upon his wt and raother-in-lsw, bos been beid to boil ta tl to ti TNatriet Court, and He in tail in default.

Charles Marshall, colored. eduod lolly Marshall, who brought auit for aoductioo- after considerable diarasalon Marshall dided to marry the girl, which waa dona Immediately. BBAEB ail. r.wH rtKL ekrlsAAdkra vumvw, raped from the county jail to-day by overpoaajr- Ing laa jailer wnen aa waa rioainjr uaa ow. Three have been recaptured.

Tba ntnet hnpo-t- ant Drtaoner. still at large ta a eoored mat wv araa awaitlnar trial for raoa on a Utile white rtrt It Is reported on good authority to-night that Bemier, Treasurer or waningun doaaty. In Lhla city, is a defaulter to a Wra smoajoL ta aald Uiat nia atiortcominga wtu anxwiat m. from 910.OUO to THE MILWArEEB BEOOEP. Milwateeb, July la.

WlUlam E. Morris la tinder arrest aa the party who committed tha oattaA-e upon the little girls abaaut a waek ajro. He boa been idem tided beyond gratioe The prisoner Is insane, and eocapod from tha Rials asylum at Madison this soring, after eoaAasraent of thirteen montna. Morris In aaoa portooa served as eollector for aoctetlea 1 astd Anna, bat has In the mala boon supported by nia wkdowod mother. Iarid Ireernan and Daniel Cooaey wera ar rested to-day for burglarising tha raaldonoe of George J.Jung.

COLUIBUS DfUYMQ flAX Couracs, Ohio, July 18. There was a good track, good weather, aad a fair attendance, at thia. tha first day's meeting of I the Col arc bus Driving Park Association. The) Brat race waa trotting, three-minute claae, for fTOO, six entriee. H.

L. Johnson b. g.f Pmoke won la three atraight heata; Birdie Bovlsaa. 3d; Fiona BeUe. 3d.

Tiato 34s. SJmUm. Taa running race, mlle-and-baif doaMfor faOO, eight entries, waa won by J. M. MoCleLhaa'a Misdeal ta 3.40; Crulaan.

2d; Modoc, 3d. In taa pacing race, 2:24 close, there wera Una ewilrte aad live heata. Paal Walter's b. g. Sucker blate.

woo th first In 2:24 Adorn MlWa b. g. aorrai Billy won taa 2d. stn. aad out.

and taa raoe in las, and 2:25. The third beat waa dead between Sorrel Billy and Kucker State. Tim. 236. Sucker State got aooond moooy, bhakar Boy, 3d, aad bam, 4tn.

REFOUICt CmCOTAL CHURCH. Ottawa, Can, July 18. Tha Reformed Epis copal Council resumed its sittings to-day. Bishop Cheney La tha chair. The report of tha Committee on tha State of the Chareh waa pre sented- The church waa organised Dooember, 1873.

At the present date upward of alxty ministers and fifty eonrre ration were ta union with this reneral council, beaidos thoae already formed or In process of formation. Beoorte wera made from thirty-lour congregation, which contain 2,311 famlllea, 3A4B communicant, and 4,093 Sunday school children. Collections for tha year, flSl.OOO. Adjourned to meet tn rnuadeipnia next year. OYEMOTTs OF OCEAN aTtABtHlFl, PLrMOCTE, July 18.

The steamship Canada, from Kew York, has arrived. Kbit Yobe, July 18 Arrived, steamship Ke-vada. from Liverpool, BorrHAXFTOx. July 1 8. The steamship BheO, from Kew York, haa arrived.

Kew Yobk, July 18. Arrived, steamer Gallert. from Hamburar. Movnxx, July 1 8. Tne steams nip Victoria.

from new fork, haa arrived. atrial Talan ass Tka FAILURES. Akbot, I1L, July 18. Aaron Goldatooe, dea ler la boots and shoes, failed to-day. LioblUfia, BS.000: aaaeU about Bockxsteb, K.

July 18 Tha Bank ol airport closed this morning. Henry E. Wolooti, the proprietor, went to St, Louts three week ago. The deposits In the bank amount to about 000. The other liabLUUee are not stated.

toloro Excrrta. BpacUl Taaarrsai The later Otaavl Toloxo, I1L, July 18. Soma fiend daeorated the store fronts aad doors of business house ta this plaoe lost night with obaoene ple-turea, aad painted buildings aad the M. E. eh arch la various colors, thua wholly polling the otmer paint.

The outrage causes great Indignation, and tha rasoala will be prosecuted If caught, and It as aatougut uey wtu tea. tyicioE. OatASA, Keo-. July 18. Charles H.

Smith, Joint expreea agent at tha Union Paolno depot, eot mltted suicide this afternoon by ehooUag hlav. sen through the heart. afORTtaa NOTES. KEW OBTBAKS. JnlV IB.

In tka OjM.tV.eee Club rowing regatta to-day tha first raoe. alnvla scull workior boat, one mila. wa woa hr Oml Lesassier, of tha bt. John Club, beatina- Doml of tha Orleans, and Howard, of the oouthern. Time, The other raoe wars poatponad oa ewwwes va aliaiia UYWa 0U tOUTX Borrog.

July 18. A number of prom Inent Boston ladle have purchased the Old South Church building, aad If they cannot raise the amount required to purchase tha land sixty dsys, they will take down tie bi re-erect eiaownexe. WASHINGTON. IComtimmsd frtm JVas rraryUUng alas, aa4 are aa sot ITraaa tka woa4 yoa ta tall a abotiib srasini ta. aLT.llaakaeiSf- jt -wi.

JhatkaaHsha I asawar to the its tae Oevai iiaaeat at Htiwa ta imSm ta arrat WUn UUw Ii.mwm a4 asrruary 4 ta I atv4 Btawraa Mait tor amrrossa mt s4aa4sy aa4 robSary. ka aataorts-et If la ks )o-Lr-Mt ka- nseaasaiy. arvav Saa axUe ta taa oswamsai SI Mamteex to arriar IrooM la emu simll lA ik lavaaWa ta las Ils. r.naiis aavA ta ass sack naau axA aWialia to arts of was aa aaay kai raUit for tbe raaoei arf aaolaaa iniattT. Sa4 aruaaal tae erua a aa4 amanty ol tba tajaad acaiast toe acta 4 ejtiaa aa4 raUesra.

MB. cox iuciis dlaeaaaioa taa ttaata Carolina sa itlsr rtdi- etaUs) raattsV tii imlm aAoat (aiunaj awkief koajtWa saaj, aa4 ask4 bun kr aa ka4 a fa--a a taa araaa frail. Taryaa. Irey. Jswtfl.

aa4 ta-era. and socrsjatM that aa raxbM (aal ea lU aaeka of Mcae. HeIoaal4. ioj ea. Loeoea.

Ialaae aaa avary aa-a wM ratAav aaw-aes a karr faalofaJ TVa km'bUeu ate) c4 IM gets a ka4 aW- loodad Oraat aa4 btaadoilaistratioaasTaaaM a4 tkoaa wkea tfce asaa trosa Jtaw lark Tnaraaa) talkaal aa mutiit at Tvaal aaa asfces a wnk wkoaa be tCmtt ba4 ao aaanejatiw. ha waat4 2 know bow was wtlk Fabaoek. wuh Avery. UA aaa tna reaa of uhm as a. Towaaao- kast aid yon AiaaUra Wltktavtar Cot I oawtaT had aar eynactloa wtlk them to dla- aoi.

Ilarae I tba Btblleaa Lrarkalaiara. wktew I lad were tha rras araaaeatar. balsata Ta aia traaMU Cm kar lork. sNvrrkodr laewa avav ta mr Ufa cava taxsar vote to at klsa. Dvar ta as 7 uia cava aw or vote to kei kl T-fr-1-1 gjiyafi Taaansr siaeia Oo aaada roe.

akawta ta oraWJ 1 aaj are the aaoat arfaot tool s4 --r wko fcas avsy oaa tn Xaw lork. ILaackU-r. aaroar, aa4 gra OBfajatoa.) Toaj Wad to Irtrs ihl eaair. IKaak Uo. at tka eaU of kally.

aaa got euLmaaa. Taaak Uo4 TO ar ot of It. aaa aaal a LarA! Co Toaj art 4ova; I kar av the Boor. 1TW ri aar taai 1 Ml tka eaair at tka kark of aa aaa. amre.

1 waa elaataa aa soelcata froaa aar wviag siy aitraata ot katag tkaea. I ka g. paji waa as ao auaa raiL (Skoaiia of Uma. oroar." "orOr." aaa graat aoalaaaoavj AWOTBZB aCkSTIItTB. Toeker.

ol TtrglaU. oflav4 a aabatltata for aswoaa aMuoa. Witaoat octkea Ua aotaaUttae roaa aaa tka Boom aajwraaa. Howe's circus woe showing at IndlaaoU whoa tha storm of tha Foarth catae oa, sod bocaoaa of Injury to the railroads waa com tied to ramala ra until the track waa temporarily repairs. rrid'Tnlng.

Then the cirens sUrtad for thatr next place ewaviUon. Wbea aLoat aia-tit anfiaa out one center y4tm gy ana Lhroa cars onovainiDg winaia tK- to mod over Into ua asoa Tlrrw car twii ien atwa, ne vua camel, tba otber Utra tka Bra eetua.K snail wera aaaaliy unorauea. Dart vaa phaaU war all in a bear. To rrsnova then toe car waa cut away, expaaiac aewtewr aalaar oacaa. imswm naiwi-i th IntetHretjc which avarka tkeaa half katnaa brataa.

Tbay keeper, erawlttaa aidaa. aqutrmlng wood erf il aad i arflhed oa tba alxrw bow tfceir DerUoaa poauioo tbera waa not a aerate apua trteaa. aoa no acoaoioy awr more emphaOe etpreaaiua of relief froea etak-tnemeot aa did Ikos tea aievkasila Tkey trara-peVed. svared bark andjorlk. aad aid evaythiag Ummt tela TKe remaining dlalaar-a to tkarity waa naaae ovorUod.

aad a hareraey erww aeaer slarte oo than wera thoae animals. TVa aoot, kcaayy aLmoaabera, sad tka brtgkt aaooailgbt were aiMaaotrtng. Aa tb brtdga war gooa at oack atreaa. taa aaefiaaaaa ao Fraah eorOyaaent of tkeir boerty. At tissa wera tbay ocatunaa aaa GjaoDrvtesn, van iiihii a realise tha attaaUoa.

On arming a otnea railroad ears had to ta tfocared. whtch waa oot eoaily onae. aa ordiaary ears are boo Vow. noaa wera Bnaily toaxad. at bar waa aOoart oae tack hlcaer tbaa tae taUaat saaaaate tart Tbay were broogkt aloag aid aad toe naatlonn Brooertv olacwd.

wbeo in eg sxi 4rs. tkat It waa a atraag oar, asHaad with nia trana. rav a vtroro tkea tried tka Boor. aaUanod at roaa; anaroad alow It la th UJOCT AXJ3 BXrOBJC aoOos the door ntaoiad ktmaelf Itensrthwta. rare a rockikB isoo, aad ausnpeo ap aaa oa a.

a uai au hit his back, aad atraight oat of tae "It a ao as, aaid tka keeper, ka woa go bark thara agoia. Tk rtba wkirh apoorte taa roof ware removad. tba aleotiaala cioaery watrk-laa? tka onaraLtna. baa tkia was ooae ark" went ta. awsyeo ua ear, uarMi ass oae-a.

iwa wrythlng all right, trumpet hia Mtiafactaoa. aaa want to aairng. year ara as yo eaa r. Tkat taa rae year's rotac ta wta Br eryraaT aasoraa la loaa ta BaaT Bat, Haauay. UT baa fAaa, Tba scf a kaow yo a attla ks woQ Ta keltaea a wori ya aar, Ta aieet rea woald be eats' tal aaat, Aad aaa tkat wvaidai aay.

Tear obost sWorai- is gooa, We aaad retorm. at kaow. Bat reWaa aral. wa fcad ratkor yea wola. bef ore aa tka hits Hottaa re an.

ToaU kaae aaaaty el Utaa. oa oa 11 koa B. too. To cteaaae yoaraan I roaa ata For the riaatdaaey aovar waa teUaaad ta i ll as nr fat aa. Tb fipU have ateaoaaea yoar aaataaoa.

Aad tbay In tea to aarry oat Tbay aeswr will have yo lor ri sides For they kaow akai laey're aaoat. la lacttkay kaow of year wteka ways, Aad wkea their vataa are youae Toa 11 ad they've eierte yoy rivaa, BkraSw Aad Wft yoa out tha coid. For Hayes aad Wheeler they wQl go. Aad aWt tkeaa aaea aa lata. To 're oaly fiahlag lor vote, they kaow.

Aad using "bafurai" for bait. Bow. ftaanroy. glea as a rest, ak Aal Doa1leak olKerforsi-'aay aaore Or the aaoata will saraly aaack at yea. vr aroaoaaoa yo a raaraiar bora.

1EX0W ESCAFC. Mr. H. Taylor, who brought the aewa of Cus-ters defeat to Fort Ellis, traveled tha asoat direct route. Oa the Big Hora he diaoovered forty Bioux driving a herd of about 100 buffalo ap the valley, aad not wishing to have trouble with toem, made a detour for a high bluff, aad the first thing ha knew, vat went aa arrow Bear hia bar.

boo, whe looking ta aa oppoait direction from tba Indian wit the buffalo, ha aaw a Indian about alxty yards from aim. deliberately draw. Lng oa him for a ahot. aad attU beyond, several other Indiana. Ha then made a dash for the river, plunged Into It, swam It twtoa oa horso-baek.

tha Indiana ta hot ours nit aad ahooUrr. fend against a good many Indiana Abaadonlag nia nors. ne immediately ascended aaa took poaaeasioa of the roek. which afforded him pro-teetloa against th ladlana. who spent tha rest of the day ta shooting st him aad trying to catch his bora, but failed.

At aunaot thay Ufa, whe a earn a down from hia covert aa tha rarA caught his hora (which ta a good ooel, aoouaied hlm. and continneei taa Kamey night aad day. arrtVinr at Fort tills ea lha third rUvfrnra aMXSICAIs. oMimi mm OF TLS TE1HS' C.IU3iVTn CURED BY DR. RADY7ATS REUXDIES.

IEATC rUD Af rry 1 yt TTT TW TTT OTA- J-LLS AXU Ml t-LS fX-k TLJ 1 EA La i a r-- 7- i a. Im. tlBiej a I i 1 kava ka4 aa Ovkrlasi Taaxw ta ovaaa loy law veara. Itnss as aasi NiaaJ ana 4 taas aaaeaj aa4 atkaa-e vckoat aar 'tt. It araa avwataa at atjek ratadrlr aot I tnli axH kaa L'4 aaavk euar.

A tnm4 of aaiaa aaxiae4 aa ta try ST a i aw ill i I kA mmt mtrm ka I swt BaaJ. aher aaax-k WtratV. trW Uaaa. rarrKaaaje alt knaiiss 4 tka ksdtt ta Una Uaa l-Uia, a4 las koatW of tka AuW. 1 tkua anikoat aar atl arias baa sail- I eeteratael ta fa aaa.

taH'a saora koulet a4 lie alaa tea a tka Iu-Imc, aatal twa boaeat a) h. tyrturm iaT arsra ajaaa 1 ka4 la iv-v-a aaaate. 1 enaiuaaae ta ajaa tka foaiaana awtal law aa taallaataaUralTewai. I tka awwlaa) at tka. ao4 Oartaa tkat ttaaa t- i--i-fm la all 1 tak ikna awa ii i aa rt tba k.

aoHa). ata bietiaa tUataf, aa4 al bari 4 tba I la lie) TtaaUf aav4 aaf ksaaft ta ati 4 ta a4 for Uua kensoaa. 7 tea. i a(s aa aar oT ml kta aar aWw a aw.aata yosw waarfas aaotaa. aa4 an ararr ta tkat at aaar ka aa aak mi a Vra.

Blkblaa. arka aaakaa Cba mbmm wu6'a is riaa ta wkoaa 1 raaMaa4 yaj aa iml a a. 1S7V Tta aaaaieitaaa aliaaa alaiaal arara aaa, Wtlk tba aieeaoea c4 wkaa a-aa aaait SAGACITY OF EIXPHAKT5. rJTaa a- -a I Drarrkat aa4 CWwlat. Aaa Aj aT aa aa aaaaaaaj tt aaBIBavavwaj mm MB SWBaBH flaaWWaB kVx-k.

Tkia saar eeruir tkas Bra. k.tata. arba aaaAea a C-ertta-'btav. ese start- lng. lie will reosala here till dUpatehe from aahlngtoa arrive for Gibbon, aad carry the as so neadquartera.

aoarava liaas. The Cincinnati Gaetu haa a tors for Errors. aad It turned to Tllde-a elsJa of rsdadag taiea la haw York with eoaatVe6e latere a. It hola as tajtaavtad IhrTwaTaTd'a'eka' EertTu eaas had aaad off tha debta. aad Uara waa.

Uariiora, Sa asraaaity lor iaaylng Ium aor taa ai a ma ta 1 m. tka aura of evTurT vaa eolieeaas Va fr oil dabta. title la 1S7S tka wkol asaoini ievte iu that Mi-prave we as If 7VS SAe. Tba whota re- SoeaJoa ol Lai tkia veer eniaee traa tba aaataaraaaa- aaeat of dK a4 that exun-aaaal waa breaaaA about by kVerwbuoaa aaaisi'raua nvmwmm as aa be tkaatefcle a see wka WVi be4ora WU wtlk sack a elaiea aa that Nabody bat a trtckaaar re r- ti 1 "'i i a ABBKia-kSS rry 1-1. JkmTM or-aari.

i-j rr stM a see. at taa Aa k. e. aer et tae eaiaaa. r-ai mr I a aa erf eka E.

,7 Ur.lrap iiimiL ta.aU.a mm le ai i ums mhi'm ess A Is ha eaa i i a aea ea tae teete as ef iai. a lx a- kear fiefc4 Wir lee ae us i s-e airaes at raaas. aaaatr ei fcara. JaJaA uXAaAJ.

a rmmt. raly 1 A 17A. tit ry tvm tmnt artTTa roa tttb 1 1 koeaaera taewH la tea mtifr at caa aa, Jb'ivpM. aealrapa la kaaaraparr. ts LKei a mmml (n4ianaVtnM'ul k- 1 es i.

a awa ef caa ae. r.t tu -c la l'e e-ir er-x e---ra i a i. i nrr- rJ tnu aaA 'a sec-hrnaa at wrH m' na a I a. Jtee a ts.a, eOEZ. Assist -A uv la aae aaa ki a lar to aa.

a4 taa I rra vvrrrxx. urasrrttaa. a oM aaaaatatri mint Ear kaewa ara. 'aa will bet'eea ke aeerueri. 0Ma-aa ti (tu.

maki KKoriX Kxxi txx.xxL a. roxa. DR. RADVAY'S SARSAPARILLIAS RESOLVENT. gpslsSp rata mj30D 'mm t4lta.

Wbea rate aaa from I TOW THX CTBJt OF ALL taa. lajsgs or rrjiEXAAX. dCtoxuia or or GntAloui. IT aXATXD ci COUrrTtXO arlJTa AJCD TTTlATteS tka ruift rkmats Bkiaaatliay Bmafala CkaaOaaar waC HaeaJalJryark.Caa 1 1 1 aa iCii i as. i lairta.

IWaaa. Tie as ta uaaara LWaL last SAta aat Htm Inai.a. He Pm sia, a ay uaa. 7aaaMev a. anai It aeaa.

fa- aaaaa C- antaiarte. tea. lAmt-r Ewtew. taa i-b am. hmaiua.

A iiisjiiii, Ivalaay. I lainar. Lt iiS, BAD WAT A COl, tl Warrra at-, X. T. BEADY BELIEF Cfert the lTon ruxu La from One NOT ONE HOUR After res list Otis ACITU WITH FATJL any i Radway Ready Relief Is a Cure for Every Pain! It waa tha feet aad is TlOEYPMnBEIUI That taetaaUy atons lays laBaaajaalioe.

liaasa. xrvwetatiaaT aals. al k. Iinw at a. or otaar 01 FlOl CMC TO TTLTTT atnr.Ttl.

va aaatter how vtoteaC 4 a seeaat at aae tk Mia. aaearaoW. lr.flraa. or sa-oaraae4 wtlh Saa as RADVAY'S READY RELIEF Win ArTortJ Irtatant Z. laaaaaaaaaaUaaa af She) BU Sa a.

1 Pli CaaB Oataa, Agaa fkaTia, 'Hk-I riiirinskik ait whe be dkaoorered a kirk rock, perpaadlealar I Th arotieatlo of the EXACT bXLTTF aa the aar oa all aide aad laaecasatUa axoapt at oa oiaeo, I ay aarea a Were the aaa ar 4 rneaUy wU a jtA wnicn a man well armed like be waa ooald da- I aa eoatiarv iweaiy bi li pa bejf a taw tier af water wd a few saocaaata eajreCraaBr. frwat. haar fraoeae a. Heartl-vrav Bark Haselarha, 1- arrkee. Deaeaiary.

Coita, issUU Iwweia. aad a-i lateawai I hi Trsre4-ra ar.H ai aarry a axH'a A.AIV BTATB kJLAtI KiJiLwltk Leem. A Cjh la aratey Jcat a-4aea ar a frsa a ajvre 4 erater. It La baatar thaa Iraaah A-raaai ay Aoaaxa as qatlatalsal Jfc'Ae AeAt. erVOTJTC.

fT aa ATP AOrT ewrea farTf eerta. ere la ot a remedial aareat a aaia w--. us a eara I seer as 1 Ut ma SeerteV. TTT-. --A 1 eaiOW.

Sat te- a i rTl)-1I ILLr- aa mrt aahAXSAl Au-ai. JjXllJ'. Lty eeala Bar txtla. aoe4 cy isrmsjim-. Facf ataly laatelaa.

el-yelJr saata vtik aweei -v MX rfaJe earu'r, I a -1 hkL wAl a 1 ilXa tba r-r mi au IM alaara, L''. lxta, A. 'aera. I t. eea Ln ism.

sailer he. euiac, a. laxtaanoa. 1' "a mh I imiMa i it aava mi la baa, aa4 s-l taa laaeeaal Taaevra. a arrwAi aa e2ea a I are.

I iarat'w. cla aiaT ax as ae'eteo ea u-a-a. i caa t'new: a i mntora rati" ttesaea 4 tti I'trea'J'S t-vara iiea, 4 tta ta u.e i a hy of ktoeaa. h. kanee.

1: TXmrr i 1 ol. i or V. evr la tAa tetaoaa. kitiira u- i Ijsat. wb.

mi tea a. 1 ei't c. i i-uerix at tea 1 kaSora' rw-c IiiImo aeea ef if', 'tm a and Dan I e.a la I E1. If 1 4 Ue hia a e. I (Kllet, I ttsiiaa 1 tun rjtiC'a i a i-w a txi i.i.Tiri rriTB fr i lai Irr ra a-l U.a a asel a.

1.. per tA, -v-i I a..

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