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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 9

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOR THE OLD FAITH. Democratic Convention Across tfce River This Afternoon. Electors To Do Named and Del. egates To De Chosen To Indianapolis. Ttis Democrat of the Third Ir.dra.fiA district win bold con vention In New Albany this aft- ernoon to select two delegate ana two alternate to the National Democratic Convention to be 1S at Indianapolis September -1 to nominate candidates for President and Vice President, the call for the conven tion having; been Issued br Chairman IIottelL of Washington county.

As yet bo particular names hare been mentioned for delegate, but It Is believed that one will be from Dubois county and the other from either Washington or Clark. A number of representative Democrats win so from JeffersonTlll to New Albany this afternoon to attend the con vention, which will be held at the Maxe-doo Hotel. M. B. Hottell.

a prominent Balera attorney, who is provisional com mit soman, was In JefTersonvlIle yesterday afternoon conferring; with a number of leading; Democrats who repudiate the PopocraUs ticket. He said that every day the sound-money movement was and In every Instance the recruits were the leading; citizens. To-days meeting- Is for the purpose of selecting; delegates to" the National Democratic Convention to be held September 2 at Indianapolis. Presidential will also be named, as yell as a permanent chairman front the dlstrtot. rUmllar meetings will be held all over jnaiana.

Neither State, district nor local atnataates will be nominated. Lontsville Eloper, Robert Hardy and Carrie Stulck were married at S20 o'clock last night la Jef-f ersonville by Justice Haoae. They wer irons Justice Hans also married Hmm Brooks and Lottie EL Hay, of Grayson AX Daniel Gibson and Fanny of ijuhhii-. were marriea last night br X7 artClM, WaAXs JEFFERSOStTLLE. --ni wa fined In the city TroTi provoaing umcer Tb of x-lf ayor I V.

Warder uu oroa ner ten arm above the elbow. aTaa PntK1UM a. win 1U( nigm, eV IJoola LKui headqueu-tera and orran- lataVsrf B. fvnl erelevla was Wwu WUU. c- Alonao D.

White has filed an action Jtth and St. L. railroad er a -we iilgl Trm. aaiThslPlaM a-a Id. jliJd yesterday at hla home on Mia- Mun 11 AmrmmT war veteran.

f.ciuKiru. xarraer, wthof? eighty-two years, la dead ouuiii SCOtt coniLlr. a. nas con- x0rfM nniuv rwn IT vw i m.jui oimuin, aaa been chosen a trustee to serve three years. Cape John IT.

Hoffman declined to ltF elinee of the Jeffersonvtlle vvoria company and George Plata has oeen named. It was not William Crooker who nmmea Anreitne Phoenix but wnilam Cooper, of New Albany. The similarity names caused coot naton, Last night the Republican of Ijrt i cutr -ueliT a ineetlna ami ornnixnrt w. uino. judge CardweiL of Aioany.

oenvered a speech. Ed Aldridge and Ed Mitchell were Drought to the county JaU last evening; 'from Underwood to serve sentence for provoke. Justice Neville committed eacn I or tea days. Oeo. Pult yesterday applied In the Circuit Court for a divorce tram Rnu Fliltx.

Incompatability of temper Is al- jegea, jo tne. claim that Mrs. Kults refused to live anywhere but In. the dty. Ulachevlous young men at New Washington went to no little trouble to rrpetrte a Jok on Bert Skaggs.

vnue air. fckagg was paying a social call the boy placed his burn th. roof of a high barn, and it wa not coverea untu the next day. The case of th Stat va. George Pfan.

treasurer of the JefTerson-vllie School Board, ha reached th Su preme court, an appeal having been taken by Mr. Pfau. The State wa riven Judgment against th board tor Sii.oue. tne suit Having been Bled by A. O.

Smith, who wat at the time Attorney General. Payment Is resisted on the ground that the Stat 1 not entitled to the money, a it waa accumulated tnrougn local taxation. Ther waa no meeting ef the Jeffer- convili dty Council last night. Th election of a pump contractor wa to ffimt II rr but th kn km majority, became uneasy and would not go Into session. Vir.

Samuels, one of their number, waa In the South, and liia absence made It possible for th Democrat to win. since ther would be three candidate for the place Dea nts Clune and W. A. Democrat, and Oeorg Worthlngton. a Republication At one time there waa a quo rum to era BamDrofSc.

but Messrs. Kogg. Streuca and Carr left, and 8 o'clock Mayor Whiteside announced that no session could be held. At the effloe of Dr. O.

p. Graham last night another meeting waa held, and further steps were taken in th matter of reorganizing Company of th Indiana National Guard. Nearly fifty Individuals hare Indicated, their Intention to enlist. Applicant must be between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, and be at least five feet, seven Inches talL Under th late regulation concerning the Indiana militia th dutie are lea arduous than formerly. Three years' service entitle th member to' wear a whit service chevron on hi sleeve; for every additional two year another stripe Is added.

The State places on the sleeve a half Inch service chevron la case such as where the mlliatiaman participated In suppressing the riot In Sullivan county at the time of th labor troubles. However, the chevron are to worn only when the men are detailed to assist In suppressing rebellions. Invasion, insurrection and riots. The Indiana National Guard 1 composed of I.OUG men. The annual appropriation for it maintenance 1 tiJ.000.

NEW ALBANY. -To-morrow night th Crescent Band, ef this city, will glv a concert at Corydoo. W. A. Louifhmlller Is attending th Knights of Pythias' biennial conclave at Cleveland.

VI rm. K. T. Maxedoa and her daughter, fciiss Kola Maxedon. ar attending the Corydoo fair.

Mangle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hurley died yesterday afternoon at the home of her parents, on East Sycamore street. xv. i has gone with his family to Southern lllmoia to spend several weeks With relative.

Thomas Jin ley was arrested last even. In bv Patrolman. Adams for assaulting wife. He i'i answer in Magistrate court to-day. Michael "Bha.

father of Conductor Will of the News ani ol Valley railroa.l. Is very Ul at his fcm on North farl street. Charles Meban Is la the city visiting his family. Mr. Mebsine- h-chnr if the Southern district of the Travelers-Insurance Company, of Hartford.

William H. -Watson and Miss Carrie Vrtfslerman were married last evening at 1 the rectory of th German Evangelical cnurr oy tne kby. t. y. John.

Mr. and Mr. William McDonald, of Chattannoira. ar in the city. They were called here by the death of Mis uarnara Kyrn.

sinter of Mrs. McDonald. Th Itev. 3. K.

Steele. Presiding F.ldr Of the New Albany district. Indiana M. K. conference, left last evening for Hock port to nolo an adjourned quarterly meeting.

are us Rlcketts. sixty-nine year old and a former resident of this city, did at the Louisville City Hospital last Sunday. His remain wer brought her yes- trroay jor nurial. Wepley Parker, who wa arrested Mon day night by Patrolmen Kichard and Beery on a paternity warrant sworn out by yen a Vaughn, compromised the matter yesterday by marrying th girt. No sale has yet been made of the plant Of the New Albany Woolen Mill Company.

Should the property not be disposed of at private sale before September 1 it will be offered at auction, the minimum price Demg fLjo.oue. Th funeral of John II. Dorst took place yesterday morning from th family resilience, on West Second and Market streets, unW the auspice ef the Odd Fellows. The burial wa in Cave Hill cemetery, Louisville. The Union Steel nd Iron Company.

of Alexandria, nurehaser of the plant of th New Albany Hall Mill Company, aaa been placed In the hands of a receiver. A number of men from this city ar m- ptoyeo: in th works. Prof. Georg B. Haggett, who was principal of one of th publio schools of this city for two years, and who after- wara neio a similar position at ruueta Kr.

has been- elected principal of on of tne public schools ot loulsvlil. moot) altera. Charts Beekler aad Weeley Drane left yesterday with three strings of trotters for Corydon to enter tnexn in tne speed nan at th fan now In progres there. The horses have been In training at th Pair Grounds, near thia A lanr barn, on a farm near Maren go, belonging to John this city, waa destroyed by lire yesterday. In the building were three fine Clydesdale horsea which were suffocated.

Ther was but small insurance oa the building and BtOCJC. Th teachers of Greenville township have organized a Institute wttn the rol lowing officers: James H. Scott. President K. 11.

Moore, Vice President; Mrs. Eva Seott, Secretary; Mrs. Eva Scott. Kdnr Bchwarts and John Murphy, Committee on i rorrunme. A large Bryan sad Bewail Club waa organised laat evening at tne Democratic headquarter In the Hammond building on Market street, near PearL and officer wer elected.

Addressee eirs mads by local Democrata and arrangement effect ed for weekly. meeting. The Hon. Robert J. Trace well.

Repub- llean nominee for Coagresai la canvassing Perry county. He reports a very decided sound-money feeling among the German Democrats of that aectioo. and says that a sound-money Democratic ticket will cap ture a majority ot their vote RAINS GAME LATE. Worm Hal Already Injarel tfce Totacco Cro? Seriously. General Improvement Noted In the Weather Bureau's -Weekly Report.

Th correspondenta of the Kentucky section of the climate and crop service of the Weather Bureau report a general Improvement In the condition of crop hi this Stat during the past week. General rains occurred -all over th State on Saturday and Sunday, and thirty sta tions well distributed In th different tions give an averug rainfall of L5 inches. This together with th chilly night has practically pat an end to th ravages of the tobacco worm. But thia relief cam too late. For prior to It TomTrrg- the tfeeoiatloa wrought ty worms In th weetern counties wa wei nigh complete.

Thousands of acre of tobacco ar said to hav been destroyed by them. Late corn has been greatly benefited by thes rains. It had been on the vers of destruction Tjy drouth, which had pre vailed In th western section of th Stat for nearly four weeks. In the eartera and central portion of the State. erally speaking, all crop ar In An con dition.

Th following I th report if th Ken tucky Section Climate and Crop Service for th week ending Monday. August 25, prepared by Acting Section Director G. J. O'Connor: Th weather of the past week ha been much to th farmer liking. Th early part of th week wa cool and dry, which enabled th farmer to prosecute their labor more successfully than during th previous hot spell.

A marked failing oft In temperature slutted th ravage of th tobacco worms, ana made condition favorable for cutting and houalng. All crop bowed sign of relief from th excessive heat of th thre preceding week, and in thia respect th reduced temperature of th past week was supplemented with a general and neavy rainiau on aaturaay and Sunday, which revived late corn and Improved crop in all parts of th State. Ther may be some Isolated counties so unfortunate at this time as to escape thes general rains, but they must be very few, and probably none that did not get a fa vorable shower. This seem almost certain from the fact that thirty rainfall reporting stations located In different part or tne state give an averaae or la incnee. Some fall plowing has been begun, and prospects for It havs been benehted by thea rain a.

estera Kentucky was most need of rainfall, aa drouth had prevailed fv four weeka prior to last raturaay. wnea renet came. The storm which produced this general rain treated ail sections of th Htete alike, yet taere was any oinerence In the averages It wa la favor of this section. And It came none toe soon. lbe lata corn was approaching th verge of destruction by drouth.

It la now revived, aa are also the farmers hopes. Th crop will be saf by October 1. but occasional rains may ttasten it to maturity at an earlier date. Kariy corn 1 mad and Is in generally satisfactory condition, con-sHertug the extent to which it has been atfect-d by unfavorable weather. In som counties it was maturing so rapidly prior to th recent rains that much of the crop had to cut and shocked In order to uvt th.

fodder. But on th whol th crop Is made and cutting will begin on a general scale about September 1. Th tobacco worm are passing away, leaving nnlv aeenea of desolation behind them. Thousands ot acre are to have been detroed by then. In a Tew instances reported they continued their ravages even sfter the tobacco had been houaed.

It is also said that much ef the tobacco TnoiiMd la damaged from curing green. Pully two-thirds of th crop In this section will be cet during the coming week, Pastures and rraaxes are Improved. Central Kentucky has all season been favored with sufficient ralna and the oora I yet very free a and green. On this account It is susceptible of injurious result from early froat. but moat correspondents agree tbat It will be safe by September 15.

Generally speaklna, both late and early crop are 1a good condition, and hav been benefited bv recent ralna The same may be said of tobc o. The cool nights of th past week, toiretner witn tne rain ot isai-urdav and Sunday, have almost entirely disposed of th tobacco worms. Rains have softened the Br round a-nd In som counties fall plowing has begun. Pasture are good. Potatoes anl cabbage are poor, peaches and wnter apples are good.

Ks stern Kentucky continue to be moat bountifully favored wKh excellent grow ing weather, and consequently th crop are all in fine condition and In advance of tho of other secfona Th cutting of corn will commence this week. Late corn Is also fine. Although there ha been some damage from worms, yet the crop la th he section will equal or exceed the average, and Its quality la also good. Pastures continue fine. Potatoes are rotting in some places.

Fruits are good. Late peaches are said to be much better than ne eariy crop. Gen. Cabesa Dead. Managua, Nicaragua.

Aug. 25. Gen. Cabezas. of Mosquito reservation fame.

Is dead. He wa burled at Masaya. i TIIE LOUISVILLE. TTEDNESDAY JJOHNTNG. AUGUST 20.

I8DG. Fir: a i iL eh i Toeasay Tsventng. Aug. S. There was a very tight tsaelaess t-day la the bantu.

Scarcely any thing waa belag ona. Tb clearings wer very Hrfct, as the following report shows: rwy-s clearings. SC. Balance 14. The security market waa again dull, though ther la a moderately goo demand for flrst-elaas bonds.

Ixmlsvtue Ksilwsy common Is unchanged aad with bidders uawllllng to advance former flgurre. Buffalo Railway Is a trine strong er, Tbe following sales were reported: R.0n Buffalo Rallwav Vi.iw Hurts lo Hallway sai so Is, 2, City ta.o Louisville Railway (s 1iv U.W City (due 1W1) '113-, A If. sod 1. seconds "KT shares Louisville Railway -aa interest. STCCXSAXD tCS31 KCW TOR STOCK KXCHAXan.

New Tor. Aug. Za Money on call flrss at SO per last loaa aa aloes at per cent. Prime aaertsntuo paper nominally par east. Sterling exchange easy, with actual basis us la bankers' bills at for a 4.B4.n for slaty aya posted rates t4.M'i aa aad SttR.

Cesnmerclal bills M.CT.4-Bar stiver SSe. Silver certlflaates sTo. were steady. Stat doll. Railroad bonds Irregular.

Tbe total salsa of stacks to-day war shares. Including the following: Americas Sugar 17.MS: BurUngte an Qulacy ant: Louisville aad sab villi Maahatta Ulssoarl OS; Reading I.SK); St. Paul 1.S0; Wester ValoB Is. A I Whssllng aad laka Brit S.1W; sil ver eertlncatas (.00 The specBlatloa la stocks to-day. waa about aa dull aa oa Monday and was anlntersstlng and practloally snsaBlnglsss la general outline, the only notewertky eevelotinsi nt belag a decline, to the lowest point reached, la the present snove-snent la th stsrllag esekaag market.

Actual figurea NM at H.K'e9t34 an for long and short bills, aad posted figure were alas reduced ra KMHOt-M by a Brsenlneat draw er. The wissnsss revived expsctatlona ot further ssjbstantlat Imports of got from European Sales of about ra.t0t.0e of American gold Cor shipment ta thia eouatry to-morrow, yarther shliimssts ar expaeted to he made oa Saturday. This newa checked the selling saovemeat which was ta uiugisss at the outset aad led alight put abases fu beta Manhatta rscov. ered 1, Sugar 1 aad various other properties sharp freetams. and the Bst was carried a shad above yesterday's eloslng.

Europe was a srete seller. The dsurtsssd eoadltloa of th lroa aa steel trade. rnOsabud to by th embaiTiss sasot e( a large soecsra, was sonsk this Cor sreeJts ef I per eent. ss Minnesota lroa to ST, aad egnal la lillanis Steel Darin the forsaeon susss nnisunt waa exerted by dullness eC the railway boa aaarket. Up to said- day aot a slagl transaetloa bad la either Atchison, Kisses and Trxaa, Texas and Paeia er Ssatksf Railway Issues, which by Agere evea ta th dullest market.

Th Lewis vllle aad Mew Albany bends reflected la tbe receivership The general is dropped par sent, to aad tbe consols I per cent, to Ta The traders la the dullness selected tbe traffle returns as jects af dlsrnsslon. Reports of seme of tbe prin cipal lines for the third week were dlsooaraglng. partrayug the rata dlrrtnrbaaoea. Some aratlnoa. Un waa expreassd.

however, over tbe ment exhibited by soens eg the minor properties. The failure ot the leather directors to declare dividend at to day's meeting precipitated sailing, depressing the price of th preferred 1 per eent. to P4. The early afternoon eperatloas characterised by extreme dullness, hart were well sustained, see pita repeated drive by th bean Seralnst an of the eperlsltiea. Wheel tag and Lake Erie waa eofnparatlvery aettv aad receded sharply.

Business In the final hoar tar srsseed somewhat aad at the sajisass of vaiwaa Th Oould ahsree appearsd th objective point of attacst and marked oonossslons uwimied la Manbatf a. Wester UDtoa aad MSssoorl FaeJae. Sugar was else a sufferer la th reaction, waiok was chiefly doe to rsailsatlona Ths elostag was heavy at general fractional losses aa a result of the days operations. Railway bonds were very dull, with scarcely any transactions la tbe speculative Issues, Prises snored, Irregularly with a downward tread. nw IsvUle and Mew Albany general as sustained a et leas eg per eeec aad tbe eransols per cent.

The sales wer SUvar esTtlfioataa were weak aad resoled pee eent. oa sale ef A Laadoa eaMegran says: "The stock saarfceta steady but idle to-day. In view of the settle- which will oommesce to-morrow. The Uensrnt ka mines revealed, a increased boll sonar, but the ton la kafflrs was strong la spit of French selling. Americans were dull and aa.

th parity most of the day. hut th active la Mew Xork caused the hears to cover this, and the clues wss strong at the best ef the "Thm Paris Boraree opens firm aad The Berlin market waa Urn," aoVBRMKHMT BONDdt felted Stsxee new fours, realstared Pe coupon. te fives, reel ered. Io fives, sou pea Lo fours, regtstered. Le fours.

Mm Do twoe. re(iter-4 radios sixes ef -7 SO.NDa, Class A. ..1 IO. H. and S.

A i a.inrtf, 77 4 hta Class Lo Clsss Do Curreocy. La. new eon. KS Misseurl as. N.

Carolina iC H. and T. Is. be. 1M.

K. T. 1st (lM id 4s I Mutual L'nloa 6e IN. J. C.

sen. ts. (North. Pan. lsta.

1 l-o Ala. iDo teln. De 4s. Car. Tenn.

Bear set 73 De aa Lxi Old SS Va. Ceaturtea Du deterred. Atchiee a. Do id A consuls. De 8.

F. deb. as, o. and w. li tihi iC Paul con.

Ts and P.W. Mk. 71 is. K-JV4 7 us. ScL and LM.g.

A N. umncd Ks.8t.ljw and Ore. Rr. Mav. lsta.ln&VajTexaa so.

lsta. Cea Jsc. lsta, jdo Zda D. an JC (a, ts l'SiV. P.

lets of 14 Do 4a. fuiWet obore Kris Ida wrfciaoiunera se. STOCK. Atchison. t.H.

T. A Osms Kxprsss. N. Y. and N.

re A. and i. iJmiuno and II Amsncaa hlxa. lOregoo Imp. H.

and 13 Nsv 11 Caaada racinc k. u. sua u. n. is Csnsda Sou; hens, 41 Paciflo Malt 1T4 Central Paeluc l- 1'-, D.

and E. 11 C. and li C. and Pullmsa Palsee. C.

li. and Keadtna. 4 Chicago Uaa sliH. U. sod W.

1 Cousoi. uu,,UQ preti-rreu. C. a St. Island.

is1 COL Coal and itu Paul Coltoa oil cert Kin, Do preferred. vn Dei. and ana unuu. 1.. L.

and Lo preferred. lil D. and K. Q. Irtouthera pscine.

Id Lrla ll.Hugax finery. ,..1044 Do 1st jTenn. Coal and I''- 1m Id 144. Texas Pscinc kort Wsvae. i.l iT.

aad O. c. to it. Mortnera pref-uS nion r-acilio. 4 C.

and si. I. IL. a. go Mocking Valley.

13 Ht. and Si Illinois CentrsL (Do preferred. It St. Prual aad 1 Wells-Kaivo Ex. K.

and T. SS (Wesiera Union. 7it sU and KX.W. end L. Da preferred.

Da preferred. Lske fihore. -lui-' Minn, and BL. 11 Lead Trusu and K. '4 L.

sod IT' Oen. Kiectiic IS L. and rf. i'fa. I uinseeo.

li Manhattan Con. 7Vroi. and 1 't Mem. aad li De preferred, a Mtch. Central bt.

a K. C. 4'e Missonrt Pactile. preferred. IS Mobile and li ISoatnern by.

4i Kssh. and Lo preferred. 1 Nat Cordage. te preferred. 4 preferred.

K. J. Central M4Am. T. and C.

Co. 7S K. snd lHiCom Calle North As. 1 Am. Sugar North.

Psclfla. iU. ft. Curd'se t'd 1-x 1 preferred. V.

H. Leather 4Jt V. D. end v. n.

Konix-r. is Northweslern. i Do preierred. tit Do preferred. 1444, KIW TOU IXCHaNOB, St, Leers.

(1 discount bid. Cbicage. a. dlacoant, Memphis. 4 premium.

CiaclnnatL 7So diacoanC Mew Orleana itaak tl.efj premium: eotnmer- tai tie premium. t-OREIOK riMAMCIAL, IffitKn, Aug. Coasola for money lit s-M: for the account 113; Canadian Pa- ellle Erie 11: do Orst preferred 17: lillnula Central Mexican ordinary Iff1; St. Paul sason BV Mew Tork Central Pennsyl vania Ui Heading 1: Mexican Central aew 4s 114. Bar silver arHd per ounce.

Money Per seat. The rate of discount in tbe open market for both short months bills IS-14 per it. Tne amount 01 awuoa wnnarawa rrosa tbe Bank of England oa balance to-day Par, Aug. Three per eent. rentes 10S TOo for the account.

Exchange on London fit l.c for THE. LOUISVILLE riXACIAL. 1:: its savings Pays interest on DEPOSITS and Ueposiu not exceeding oW oy woru.mmea ireo irom all taxes. ITS URGE FIRE EULAR-FROOF VAULTS Poxes can bo rented at a very small sum, where SECURITIES and VALUABLE PAPERS can be kept safe from all fear of loss by FIRE, THEFT or CARELESSNESS. SILVERWARE and other VALUABLES taken care of for persons leavinj home for the summer.

WHEN YOU BORROW L10HEY at the lowest market rates call on Kentucky Title Co. iSrt. KSTABUSHEO 187a, 17.L. LYOIlS-fiCO. Stocks.

Eonis, Grain. ProYlsIcss AMD COTTOft. Laeait Sewarttlea TBeacht aad Sell, Exclusive private wire to all points, 'In cluding lenver, cnppie ireca anu -om- rano tapringa Aiso long-oiatsme wr pnone connections. I. W.

Cor. 2d asl Klin, LoiiiSTllla. Ij 'notice. Henderson Bridge Company. LoulsvlUe.

K.V.. Aua 1L 189ft The following bonds hav been drawn for th Sinking; Fund payment du Sep- temoer unn SO tot a 10 238 423' T21 7ftO StT S8 92S. 906 IIIO 12S7 14AS 147S 1824 IMS 1739 1791 187S These bond will be redeemed at Ids per centum on the par value, at th office ot th Central Trust Company. New Tors, oa th 1st day of September, 1S96. Interest on the bond will cease on September liar.

J. H. KLLIS, Secretary, FETTER-BAKEB COOPAflY COMMISSION Exeoates) erdeea by prtvate wire oa Nw Yerh Stech Exchange Kw Yorh Cattaa BxcTaaase Chioag Beard ef Trades. 2 ICsnyon Building. SAU'L C.

HEfilllllG, Stock and Bond Broker. lavestaaeat aad TractUa Secaritla. aaa nrrtt mr. Befseunsss by Ilusiity trust Co. Lars; and small Investors can set 6ArJD SAFETY.

Our Louisville- Baal Estate First-mort gage bonds ar better than Government Ilondn. Title and Interest guaranteed. K-ENTtrCKY TRUST CO. Bull Blocaw north rest corner Fifth ana Market sta References by permission: Fidelity Trust ga. coiumoia finance ana rnui v-o.

W. G. ObBOHNE a fHeeh 4 Beted mteoen. 804 Wss Mai Strwt. bny 'and eell seen rl ties and negotiate loan a Tradu in now zora stoca a.xcoange.

STOCKS B0UGIIT SOLO and GREEH BONDS -4S4 W. Mala st, LaeiavvllU. Kv. BONDS AND STOCKS IxaXDCtU AX ViCOHi Us 4 to Pee CaC Almstedt Brothers Utf Leeisvuea, Ca a-ectd for Lasts, Mist ObUbb rsj STOCKS, eKA12.rKOVUIOI(S COITOTf Cnsassisrleaai sre.a. Pore, FISHER CO 222 W.

Mala. Or LEADK.3 ARTICLES. LoultvllI Board of Trade. Aug. U.

of leading articles by rail an river during til past twenty-four hours aad oorrs-spofKlIng tints last rears Reed I BhipdH Reed I Shlpd ARTICLES. less. I lss II IMw. At'l Imp.e'ts. iiuiriritut.

His. 61.140, 45. ...1 IM, LMi evw Bouis. she 24.1 HK.i 4. CoffM.

Ils. hales. l'lur. hhis. Furniture, lbs.

Cora, busih. bush. 7.ii; li.i;. Hil l.S sa.zu l.W iw, Oats.

buxh. nusn. VThrst- bush. 1 Mil Hartlwsre. pkga.

Ivsovm. Iba. Hants. Lard. tbs.

ft Iron, Leather. Iba. 47 Lira l7.i-al Tt.nt 2.. I a.f.J 71,5 Wli tat it( in PH 141 4VS 1I.Z4 St.iil at 1 Nails, kegs, Snot Anules. bills, U2 Onions, bbls.

Intaiuss. bbls. Seed, araaa and Cto- 1 t.l! 64-u U.733I P1, (li. ver. Iis.

4T 4W 04 Soap, lbs. 44. 1 t24Al tsUl. huvar. ODa Totxu-w, Isaf, litis.

Tobacco, nift lbs. n.e lltW'' 'Whisky, bow. 4iw i.u:, Wonl. Ins. IEAHXETS DAILY REVIEW.

rCnless otherwise sueeined. ss In the ease ot produce, handled by commission men er SToeers without charge, tnese quutacoas repre- eent the prices ehsrsed by wholeMi dealers of this city. Produce quotations represent the prices charred br shippers.) BUTTER Country ordinary Tc; medium IO So par choice lac; country oreansry luwlei Klgina hie aaVsJt Kortlisf haadspteke SSs par bsjehel Indiana beaoa tiVluo. UEOIWAA-Wl quote at aoe. 1 CUCESB-Jo'ew York cheddsra lie: Western Cheddars 10c 1 fail cream flata and twins Us; skim goods o.

COFKsJBJ Waehed Caraeeaa imHei as. washed Caraooaa 17ihlS)o; Uustexaala t'O 12 He: ataracalbe Ufroe; jbagaeyra 17017HCS Java K03Oo; Mocha 17uo- Oreen Rloa aa follows: raacy Ma; choice lHJJOo; prun UOlSoi good 17 lie; ordinary eomnsoa UiaUlaa. Roast Arauckla SLSac, less rebate. DRIKO 1 ftUIT We quote: Apples, sua-. dried, new lWVlNeo; bright, la res eut tGtot evaporated Hrtci peacitea.

sua-drlsd halves Iff I've- MOOS We geote a lOSSHo per ooaen ea ar rival. Oulnee, esse half price. f'ATHKR3 we quote prime white geese at 0e per gray XVUJOc; muted li, oid tituc; dark aad mixed old goose UOSci daok Ujf riELD SEET Timothy 1.M: clover t4.M; crUneoa clover tl-Sa; b.uesraaa, fancy ti.M; eatre. clean 7c; orchard grass U-i: red tap 70c; yel low onion seta 11.2 per bushel; white li-? per bushel. i'Uil'B-We quote: Minnesota spring ps teats psr barrel; choice winter patents 43r4.2; piain patents -Tu4; straittht W.

104(171; (smily tl; low grade S2.7; rye flour S3; bolted ansa! i'OREIaN AND PACIFIC DRIED FRUIT WW compounds same Bcmi-annually. WANT TO- OH REAL ESTATE We uott Currants, per To for nswf rai sins, London layers, per box. tLUgTLB: Baltaaa raisins UUlSe: loose muaeateie la ie-lb. hexes. '4c: prunes.

California, new 4ee; psschis 4t5c; pears Tre; Bgs la Uysrs lOOUs; agrfeota OlOWici Isrataa dates Vard data FRUITS Messina lemons KSt see hex; or-anses. atessiaa 4. per boat bananas rte UuM per bunch; home-crow giathis Ttcm.X per bushel; apples TVctiU-tS par barrel. If ohoto and In shipping order: pears tXSSl. per bar rel: rsartknia t4o4.4 per barrel; Daenaoa plums $29 per 1-bushel stand; Indiana watermelons (4 per 10; ear lota, tB' per oar; home-gToan cantaloupes TEcOvl par barrel; grapes, grown TScfjU.

per stand. FRUIT JARS We qootst afaaoaS sasnulets packed In dossa eases, plnta gvX( quarta IS. SO; 'n-galloa per gmss. FUR Marks nomlnsl. BAY Ws quote to shlppsrst Old Ha 1 tXtf U) oid No.

1 flOOia.5; mixed Ka 1 tlXH; No. W.H. This Is Cor baled bay I hay front store (101 per ton higher. Straw ti-top. HIOES AMD SKINS We quote assorted lotst Dry flint.

No. 1 HfHt Na. I 7Hc: dry salted. No. 7c; Mo.

Hc; dry kip and calf 71 green salts. No. 1 4Het Me. set kip aa aaU 0 4c: shsepsrln. botchers' Ht4c; eouatry skins k0c; shearings, dry to; grsea las; lambskins US)c: reread lets ef heat hides, grsea as; round lots, dry tte.

LIMa AND PLAaTCT Isms per barrel too; easnewt ROtSs psr barrel: plaster of parts. Mew- ark par barren Michigan LSt per barrel plaster hair esw MILL OFTAL-Ws quote la car lots! Braa snorts Hi skips tuff M. Frioss are 11 par tea extra la baas. MOLAS8K AMD SIRUFS Osra ayrrs K9 tie, eotxbum U2Se: New Orleaas O. K.

S4 7e: earaoels lis; Mew Ortssna eeatrifugals NUTS We quote dealers' prtes as fonewst Almonds lte par fllbsrts te; Maples walaatts UQltc; French Ue; Braall ants psaauta, fancy Virginia Pe; eholoe Virginia fsjei peeaas risc: eneoaaata tS.M par MS; mixed nuts lea OILS We quote aa follewai Castor. No. 1 170 17a per gallon; Ma I 74o; lineeeit lower; raw t2o and boiled 4c; V-bbL hxa and ever 1 less; lard ell. winter strained 40c; extra Ma 1 tc; Na sse: Na Too; gasoline. St dsisss.

17a; stove gasoline se: strait oil Mc; bsack alls Tfgtsi sjoldea machinery urtlSe; extra goldea lubri cator He; diamond cylinder tie: eotton SMd oil. leQnsd KOOs psr galls; mtaers ell. white aa ss psr galloa; coal oil lower: Kentucky test Te; water whim. 1S aigrna Set headlight. Its dear eta.

Ic; Are proof lfto; radiant Ic; liiipam tins to per gallon, FAINTS AND COLORS We quote strictly pare white sad red lead at fa per Isas 1 per cent, discount for cash. red lfJlHc; yellow ochre o. POULTRY we quote hen at docks per dossa; wring chickens ft Hc per lb. ROOTS Ws quotel Clean glnssag. Keet unity alrbuiana t3oaU per th.

yellow root 144 Uei Mayapple te; blood root TM; Virginia snake Dot Uc; Beosca esaae root pink rest 14c: lady slipper te. Dealers do not want ginseng split aad strung or anwasbsd before dried. We quote delivered ta fay lea lotst Ohio river T-ba, bbL Met stf-th. TSsi Mlchlsan T-bu. bbl.

LU; arMh. bbi. ttOtsa. Old aad inferior quality of salt sad oooaarag Ue leas psr barrel than the above; dark osoperag 40 leas. TALLOW I4SD4 KUKTABLKa Moiis glows Potatoes t0s par barrel; onions Tie per barrel: savbbags SOtfTto per barrsl; tomatoes TfrsGU per bushel; cucumbers SdU per dossa: grsea corn oi0o per barrel; string beans tLtt par bushel: Lima beans kn per buehei; beets 10b per doses new sweet potatoes per barren ofcra Us psr bash, el; young tarnlpe Ue per does a.

WINDOW OlisHH -Ws quota S. S. 7 aad 1 per cent, off list) I. 7 aad 1 par osat. oS list.

WOOL qaotes Clear wool HfglJHo per Its. borry twite; black 10o; clean wait washed italic; cieaa black washed ie)17u, TUB FROVISIOM MARKsTT. MESS par barrel. HAM cnnioa aaarai ssaad. llaht aad areola! eure l401iHo; heavy te medlam a RACON-iaar rib aides 4o! regular etear aides 4Hc; packed breakfast baooa tHfMvo; near-cured shouidera SHtrse; oaooa.

extra ea. BULK MEATS Ribs regular elear 'tCi extra sbort Sleo. LARD Prune steam la Uereas loi choice leaf in tierces 4Mo; In firkins purs leaf lard In tierces ttc; firkins Hc DKiao bbJr leVrs. MERCHANT IROM AND HARD WAR BV IRON BARS BTEEL l.7I.

SWEDISH BARS Base aiaea T4o psr tb. HOR8B BHOLS Burdens tt.Wa.7ai Juniata t3t.ia SHECT-Noc and 11 tt per WS Moa. 14 aad It U.23; Noa It and Nas. Zt and I3.M: No. tXW; Na XT CTi.

HORSB SHOIB HAlLSNo. I KXflto. to quality. WWB-Ma galvanised galvaalsed barbed 11 7X NAILo Cut ttaie rate; wire ttTCei-Ss rats for goad ssaortmcnt. REmtBD SUOAR FRICBS.

The following la the New Yorh price for re-Sned sugar. The Louisville prtce is the same plus So tor freights and to other points the freight must be added aa par equality rats book fnf aCentuekvx Cut roaf. 1ST Crushed. mm. Vosrtiered.

standard sranulated. r'tne (ranutated Extra tine Outtee. XXXX powdered. Mould A. liliinnni conecf loners' A ...4.

1 Cnuiect staiard A. .4.41 No. 1 Coluinoia TVo. V'lnlMjr No Rlilxewoud 4. No, 4 No, rcmpire No.

a No. 7 No. t. ..4.1 No. No.

10. No. 11. 4 ISO 1 3, NO. 13.

e-eee 1-81 sl (m 14s eeea esstev. eeseeeee sees ee siee esl. fcaT No. la. t.44 New Orleana epea kettle 4qv4Kei do.

clartftad Vt044o. These prices went Into affect August SL THE GRAIN MARKET. WHEAT No. I red and longberry tlHa, If av eraging over Iba par bushel: If averaging fee I No. red and loagberry C7e; re jected less; oa levee 1c less.

OATS Old, No. 1 mixed 20c; Na mixed lKi No. white, old S3Vsc; new No. 1 mixed lc; No. 17e.

RTBStc; nominal. CORN Mlsed X4c: whit Ss. These are the prices paid by dealers, who re tail to customers at iea boots per bushel. THH COTTON MARKRT. Ws quota: Good middling tci middling 71c LEAF TC2ACC3.

Tuesday Evening. Aug. IS. The market opened with tifterinss ot poor quality, but with more activity than was shown last week. Quotations were an bleber except, perhaps, oa good dark leaf, which waa atronger oa account ef the.

ess- aa-es of th mama, and oa cosory gradea The lis year tbaa they war last snd the ultimate damage most be very great. The demand for eolory tobacco Is remarkably strong. Tbe sales to-day numbered fin hbds. classified as follows: Old crops, 11 Burley; ISM crops. 434 Burley snd dark.

Original Inspection 49; HlkSl 144. The first sale ea Wednesday will be at tbe New Kn Wsrebouse. Tb sale to-day were distributed as follows! BURLEY. Barren County bhda new trash at tS.W and Its. Bath County 4 fchds new trash at flX LU te IK Bracken County I hbds new lugs St It sad hhds new trash at UK to LSs, Breckinridge County I hhds new lugs at IS.H and 1 hhds new trash at tl.t to tia Carroll Coanty hbds sew leaf at SIX asd T.10; hhds new lugs at t.U, s.6 and 111 hhds new trash at, snd L4B.

Carter County 4 hhda new lugs at, (. to 4.06: I hbds aew trash at t3.M, t.M to 43c. Clark County 1 hhd new leaf at V. I hbds hew tags at SS.M. to 4.H; I hhd new trash at tt.4s.

Fayette Ceuaty hhd new traSh at O.U. IS ft, Fleming Coanty 1 hhd sew tag at t.M; bhda sew trash at SI. IS ta l.M. Franklla Coanty hhda new leaf at It aad LSI hhds aew lags at gt, L7t to hhd sew trash at tt i.t ta LIS, Oarrard County hhda sew tags at And t.44; hhda aew trash at O.M to LM. Ureew Cottaty hhds saw lugs at M.

and I hbds new trash at It and l.i. Harrlaoa Coanty 1 hhd new lugs at t7 hhd new trash at II. and Lta Hart Coanty hhd new; lug at ft; aew trash at tatt aad SvU. Henry Coanty I hhd new leaf at IT; new lugs at W.W an i.M; It hhds aew trash at tt, 1.70, Z.40, tX to L4t. Jeesaawns Coanty I hhd new brash at IX.

Larue Coanty 1 hhd new lugs at 44-M; 1 hhds new trash at and 1.1. Montgomery County 4 hhd new leaf at; hbds aew lugs at K.M. 4. It ta hhds new trash at to a.

Nicholas County hhd new leaf at Oldham Coanty 4 hhds aew trash at tttl. sva I and S.U.. Owen Coanty hbds new leaf at II to T.M; hhds sew tag a M.iO. Att, to 4.10; hhds aew trash at tt, LU, 1 te He Scott County hhda new tags at tt-ZS aad Alt; hhd new trash at tt-tt. Shelby County hhds aew leaf at IlL U.TS.

11. to II hhda new lues at tat, t.40, to hhds aew trash at tt-M, I to Taylor Coaaty hhda aew lags at IS sad Att hbds new trash at ft 40. and t-lA Trimble County 4 hhda new lugs at tt-K, LM te4.M; hhds sew traah at t. Lit, Jutt Warren County 1 hhd new lugs at M.M hbs sew trash at aad Ltd. Washington County I hhd new leaf st ITS hhda aew lacs at and 4 I trash at B.M to tftt.

Ballard County hhda new leaf at K.M. t.St. to I.S: It hbas aew lnys at ILtt, l.iS, LN to Ltt: hhd new traah at tL CaldweU County hhda CM lags at UK and L7. Cambertaad County 1 hhd new leaf at tt.K; I hhds new tags at 12. to.

LM aad Z-St; 1 hhd aew Fulton Coanty hhds new leaf at IS and 4.06; I hhds sew tags at CM each; 1 hhd sew trash at Oraves County hhd new leaf at,, L4t Alt; hhds asw tags at SLtt, Ltt to LMv Llvlngstoa County 4 hhds old traah at ILMv S60, Ma aad ISc. MoCraohea Coanty 4 hbds new leaf at SS.M. 4 and I hhds new tags at O.TI to LM. Moare County hods saw lags at aad Tenneeeee 1 hbds new leaf at tats.

AM, aia. 4.59. tt to IT hbds new lugs at tt.20 te List hhds aew trash ht IX J3, Bee to 70c. IlUnols 1 hhd new lugs at 12.23; hbds new traah at n.4. L0( and tie.

Indiana I hhd new tags at tt.0; hbds new trash at Kc and SOc CINCINNATI Cincinnati, Aug. SpeclaL Th. tobacce market to-day waa dull and restart I ue. with prices oa aa average the same aa but Friday's quotations. The offerings (4M hogsheads) consisted chiefly of tbs low grades aad there ws ho Improvement ta the demand oa these gradea noil ees his.

A few hogsheads of goo to Has leaf were offered and sold at satisfactory nrloes. The baying elammt was welt represented, oa the breaks, but did not indulge In any animated bidding. Rejections reached 2 per cent, of th offeringa Tbe range of price for the day waai 1 hhd at IU: at tl2jl4J: at Slia7l; at SStrs.4; at at 14 MT at 119 S.SS. Estimated oftarlnga fur Wednesday ft UYE STOCK UAHim LOUISVILLB. (Reported by the Louisville Live Stock Exchange, Bourboa Htock lards.) Louisville, Aug.

2 Cattle The supply to-day waa small, bat sufficient for the demand, which waa limited to baying for loan! requirements. Trading was geeerelly at yesterday's figurea ta prices being reported except for takers and the pins were fairly cleared. Calves Ther was no ebangt In values to-day. Tb light ran was In goo request by lings Ths receipts were tl head of good stook. There was a good number of shlppiag aa loaa! buyers la tbe market and trade area brisk.

Frioss gained about to all around oa Monday's quotations. Buying was divided equally between the different weight aad took all offeringa. Sheep and Lambs Th market was without activity to-uay. The demand waa small aad ceo-fined 10 buying for resell 1 nc in too Kastera markets. Ne change la prioes wsa reported.

The run. which wss of pour quality and numbered QUOTATION a. Cattle Extra shipping. tt SS9 4 II LtM Le4 butcliers. a sir to soud Common to saeUluo Than, rouaU steers, poor ouws aad scaiawsaa Oood to extra Commoa to medium oxea Feeders.

stockera. Bulia VL I li I 4vf inf ii I twqf 1 4, 1 Eft 1 1 4 li I I is I I ve liiu I 4 7t Milch cows Choice, Oiu 34 ta Fair to soon. I vs Hess Choice packlog aad butchers. to suO lbs I V9 Fair to guod packing, 1M to I Ji, I 44 Uood to sxtra iisnt. tw to ee 10s, K.t siioats, te 14 Fat siioats, 14 ta 1-V lt RoUKhs, lev to 4o lbs.

Bloc Iters. I 4M 4 ii I tiy 2 7i I tutt 2 Tt I 1 I looitli 1 eui 1 1 4 2 14 4 6" -i I t' 2 71 1 Pi I OA IhdlU Sheep and Lambs Joed te shlppiag Sheep. Fair to ood Comraoa te medium. Burks. Extra spring lambs Fslr to rood Medium butcher lambs.

Tail-ends or cutis OUCAUO. Chlcaeav Aw. J. Cattle tt was a ordinary Tuesday's msrket. there belns a Uirht suppiy and a fairly active demand at steady and onchanicd ortcee.

As the fresa supiiy or natives did not exceed P4 bead prioes were largely at for the commoner lots of sraxs cattle to 44.1 4.7 for choice to extra dry-fed bcev-s. Iiul. 'i-ers' and cannera cattle are selling fairly, cows and heifers xolnc at snd bulls st tl.Ti t.25. Ciir.ctmliiu. to advance and the beet sell at 4.i.ii.

a rtee since wrek of 2c. Texas steers eell at ttt with a few aaiee of choice araeeers st tx W4 vu. sni Weetern rsnes eteere hrlna Hoes There Wits a sued demand and prices ruled strms at an advance of 61 Iwc. Hales were mane or neavy na-e sf 12.

(rv medium weishts at Uvl-JO, lis lit welrlits at t.l4i4.M ami pts. st 1 ne "u.a oC tlie s-ies were at HiU A year sxa tne Dest hesvr sold at 44.75 snd the nest llaht at 14. j. fbeep were steal active at strrme prices, prime flocks being salable st aa advance of Eft Km oa lst week best flmres. Veet-rn rsnare sheeo were In excellent demend at- ti.464.4i for com mon to beet.

Native ehep were WAnle.1 st t't ie for anythtns d-sirsbls and fancv 112 to in. export sheep were scarce sna at vi sa Lambs drsg at 13 for poor 10 the best flnrks. Rxoeipte Cattle t.j head; hogs sheep U.0OX KANSAS CITY. Kansas City.

Aua. IS. Cattle Receipts 4.000 bead: rhlpments mtrkct staedy; Texas steers ttil.U; cows h-ef steers 44; native cowe 1.3tri aad feeders. ti-4v4 bulls Hos Itecetnts Sr; market steady to tc hlrher; Hulk of ul-s at heavies lit'ol parkf-rs mixed U3.xi: lirhi SJ.l'tit.n: Yorkers t. ps H.i43tJi.

fcneep Receipts shipments none; market steady; lambs 144 ATS; muttons 12. luwi. NEW YORK. New Auy. 25.

Beeves Receipts HI head; no trsdlna. Enmtens cables quote Amer ican steers at ivrnc on weiRnt; American sheep "uriic; reinaerstor oeer at tc. ex ports STi beeves. sncep snt quarters of beef. Calves Rer-iots 142 heed: msrket active anl Orm: veals ut; srsseers snd txitter-milks bneep and bsmos A-l2 head; market but belter fruits ill around; sheep SJzt7R; lambs fm ehoice st t.

Hm aiecsluta AITS headi market arm at lATAl. suruMnii, East Liberty, Aug. 2s. Cmttle Vsrkat steadyi prtme ttffi rourti fat fXTS.T: bolls, stare arKl cows Hoes 1'rlme liKht 10.71'" Iet mellura ti SOfSJ eommoa to fair Yorfc-ra ft i.fift; heavy H.titu nowtia Phe-o Msrket steady: prime ti.w4.7; fair tli.eiAu: common tftl-7; common to good lamba tejt.Mb Veal eeivea Uii-A CINCINNATI, ntv-tnnatl. Aue.

gl. Hoys Market setlve at ST.5o' rereliKS t.iOO b-1; eMpmente 1.71. Cattle Msrket steady st Ht -iM ii; receipts b4 heed; shipments fSheep Market dull at II 14 tii.2i; receipt. bead; shipments 1.4W; lamba weak at tAiHis- GEKESAL LaHXETS. CHICAOO 'CHANGE.

Chicago: Aug. 21. There seems to be ne limit to the slump of rern aad pork. Both of these commodities made new lew records. Cora declined and pork tie.

Wheat suffered coast erably from llquldatloa aad declined ae. Oats were heavy aad declined tower. Wheat opened very strong, but that was succeeded by a loag spell ef competitive weakness snd gradually declining prices. December at tbe atart brought ClwtlHe and decline to In the course of a boar. The firmness at tbe start was occasioned by tbe strength of tbe early eahiea, JSvery exporter who made oilers ta tbe ether sits by cabl yesterday ef taraaoa had thee accepted, and accord Ins- to early telegrama that waa tree act only of offers babied front Chicago, bat Baltimore, New York aad St, Louis a welL All brums with Europaea connections appeared to have asks regarding tb prospects for the wheat erco of Russia, and every ea agreed la sarins that the Russian wheat erop was poor.

The reason ror tbe weakness which Mlewed waa principally connected with the talk ooawsrutn the unsettled flnsnclsl conditions, aad perhaps some extant to the increasing receipts of spring wheat la the Northwest aad th extreme heaviness ef sera. The number ef nag Soads fees I via at Miaaeepetle aad Dalath was SM. samps red with 4t ears Isst week sad 1.0a ears oa the corresponding day ot the year bat ore. Thl Increase over last week was soaslderabie of a bee risk fas. tor.

Tbe world's shipments te Europaea ports hut week aiiaiams as only kllLM baahels. aa socially mparts, aa aaa last private as hies of tb day before te th effect that the total waa about LOM.OO bushels mors than that. The cor. rest Bsaras were were probe hly aa etsaaeat la Bradstrast'a report of the world's vis. Ible snowed aa Increase la thia oeaatry east of ths Rockies of SSAOSS bwsbels, sad a decrease Is sad afloat for Europe of 4A00S bashsl.

making a of tia) haahsls. A year a than of 60.00 baahela Motaiag; how. waa se peteat la dtprssslag wheat aa the uncomfortable local sttaatlea growing oat of tbs Diamond Match troubles. The market eoa, during the last hoar ea llquldatloa sad her sold dowa to t7T.40e. spilt, bat tistn te t4H4o.

closta at that figure. Another twenty -four hoars favorable for com caused the Immensity of the prospective soppUes to overshadow sverythmg else. The effect of this was augiaiam by liberal looals sad tb re. eelpta, aad the nealis waa a decided stamo. prioss going lower tbaa ever before.

Free liquids, tloa by discouraged longs aad eouatry selling helped along the decline, and the dose feeling was very weak, September opens enchanted at 2SM. dachas te 21 too, cJoalng at 21 to. Oats were fairly active, a good liiilmn beta bat prioss were lower all day. Tbe decline was started through sympathy with the corn, and tree offerings developed a prioss gradually fell off. September opened a shade tower at Is and gradually dsnUasg ts Its, where It closed.

Pork made another low mark for Itself. September selling down to tAfAV The weakness was mostly I sympathy with corn. Lard aad ribs, however, were bat UtUs affsotsd. the decline in each being confined to M60. September pork eloeed 2fie lower at tLTTtt.

Closing flrures for Otptcmhsr lard wa 12.27. aad for September ribs It. 10. Estimated receipts for Wednesday: Wheat lit cars; oora 27; cats 21: bogs 20,000 head. The I tailing futures ranged as follows! I Open- UUcS- Low- (Ysiy Tog-ys Art idea, lag, ex.

set. jcioee. Close. WiiKAZ I I Aua-. UTH sTt.

ITt SH t7S 67'a MH Lec. tils tl CORN Aus. BS 1H IIH Sept. 2iS 21S M', tl May. tv tel.

2m 2 OATS rVpt. 1S Jt. 1 Its; it May. UVa It 1 Ira 1 TWKK-- tlV. S3 tr ITS MM M7e Oat.

I It4 st Itm II7H I ti 4 ltt LAHI HetH. I 27H 14 I 21 ItTVe I ITH Oct. 2 474s I 47 14 2 44 It IN I72H I 77'A .2 7w RI1W Sept, IS IS ITTH I 4JCV. I 124 2 24 22 I 27i Jan. I 47H I 47H 44 I 44 2 44 Cash quotailoas were as follows: Flour Steady and unchaaged.

Orals No. I spring wheat etJo; Ma do 120 44 He: Na I red nvfcc; Na eors No. oats lie; Na whit f. a MCsHh; Na I whit f. o.

b. ls4J2veS No. I rye tlHei Ma I barley nominal; Na I f. o. 24i23c; Na 4 a b.

itsSc; Na 1 Baa seed s7He; prim timothy seed Si-SB. rrovlslnns Mess perk tAtOtXAM per bhLi lard tt.tTH par short rib Mdes, loses, ts.l4 AM; dry salts shouidera soasd, tATeSt; short clear sides, base. S2. 4244.71. VS'hisky rUUHers' flaisksd ilia, per galloa.

Il-ia Boa-are Cut Isaf alls; graanlatsd tKo; stead- ar A 4.00. Oa th Pradaes Exchange to-day the batter market was Orm I ts in miry 0lto; dairy sel4c Cheese quiet at Ttr7a Ecgs ana: fresh Ue. Receipts Flour t.M barrels: wheat 111. est bushela oora 21.004; oats 42.400: rye barley tats. Shlatnents Flour It.

tot barrels; wheat iot.00 bushels; oora K1.00; oata tt.tvt; barley WaTW TORE, Mew York. Aug. M. Batter Receipts 12.Ct perks gee; market firm; State Amity loejlic; Wsstrea dairy mOUs: Wsstsra creamery no Elgiaa 14 toe 1 factory ItoUa Chun Receipts ASM packagas; market dull: targe I toe; small sgTStoa Eggs Receipt 10,21 pack-aseet market arm: Stat aad Fsaasylvanla ISO lte: Western lrHtJISo. Flour-KeceApts 2AS9 barreUi exports It.

ltt; starMH very stcsor itye 1 uin i. 1 vtak. Rye firmer: No. 2 Weetsra 4to4ic Barley steady. Barley malt dull.

Wheal Receipts f.e.uu) bushels; spot msrket week; No. 1 hard tv-ifco. (Jura Receipt bushels: exports spot market weak; No. 27aa Oats Rseel ins uAK4 basneis; ayot market weak; No. 2 raa.

Hay steady. Hops steady. HlnS quiet. Leath er quiet. Wool dulL Beef firm.

Cat me. tl Arm: pickled hems Ird sasiert vyeet- era steamed St. 77 Tallow steady. Cotton-eeed oil steady; Lulled closed at tl.4 bid. Koala steady.

Turpentine steady, l'lr lroa dull; Southern SlAltilt: Northern 12. j. Copper stesdy; bruksrs prtoe SIS. 74 eju-haae price tltf.47,4iU. Lsd Steedy; brvkers prlue 44; es-chsnre price Stti2.f7A, Tin dull; strairhte pistes steady.

Spelter easy; doaea- tlc Si. win. lb. uptiona opeaee sieauy ana narhsnsed te 14 points advance. Koreiaa news wss featurelees.

The market, ruled steady oa llxht local exports. Brazilian reports were lib eral; closed st-sdy at feult points n-t sdvance; Aucuet lukift.uw.i-i neptemoer ituru: Rio eaev: No. llrHc' mild dull: Cordova 14) lla Susae Raw steadyi rettnad quiet. ST. leOUIS.

fu. Lsala Aua. 2s. Flour ateadv. Wheat opened but rm declines In domeetlo snd llquldatloa it dropped ltoe snd closed st fcTfifeie for No.

2 red ca.n; on tratk t)(tei Autert 4.W bid; ftepteinber faAac bid. Cora dropped Se to lSHo. the kmeet point eter rescued hers. In sympathy with wheat; No. 1 casn ltoc; Augnst l-c; September 1'M; te-cemher ZlSc.

Oats (eil a la sympsthy with whest and corn; No. 2 rash lftc; AUBust 17c; September 17 too; May lSa Rya ewlrf at tc. Barley steady. Corn mesi Arm at tl.M. Imui dull and wesk at oa esst trsk.

Flax seed steady at t3e oa aset sine; timothy see Si.2.'fi2.6i. Whisky unchsoged. May ete.ily. Buiter unchanxed. Chsees unchansed.

less flr-n at.P"-. 1-esd dull st SS.4.V eveller. SI 4 sellara Cotton ties aad basaing uscsaaftA etsitttivi ni. tra. pr.iue tt.2i; choice fci.zito, Itscon, shvaltlers SAIztoi lonss tl.oTto: clear ribs U.UHI sl-1-s M.

I'ry salt meats, nosed eboul l-re 2A74; longs tt-tto: ciear nea tt.7ei sides i-7to- BALT1MORS3. Tisltlmorn. Aue. 2A Flour In more Inqolry and rece.pta M.4rf barrels; exports none. Wheat dull and easyi spot and month tittfoto; 6ept-mber steamer No.

2 red rlpta AV'7 bushels; expoiis none; ttnath-ra t'orn weak; soot, nvjath snd Heptsex-ber 2bi'7c; steamer mixed receipt pa.etiS bueheis; expurts Houthera white snd vtlow corn Sue a.ked. arm; No. I white No. I mlxd receipts 21 2 buehs; exports 1.A Hye hrm snd la demand: 'o. 2 nesroy 24''rJc Westera Mc; receipts 1S.

bushels: exports none. Hey quiet and steady. Ornia falr.y active and un- chenged. Pussr steady aad uacnenceo. stutter, seas aad rhtess firm aad none need.

KANSAS in. sr. tin. fsv Wheat steady eerty and closed about le I' wer 00 be.t rraties and Wo lower oa others; No. I hard No.

2 47H 4W No. I re.1 nominally Soe; No. vtc No. 2 ei.rinr nomlnslly 4c; No. 2 41f)47e.

Cora dull. but steady: NO. a mum Oars stesfly; No. 2 mWed nominally 1-c; No. 2 nomin.llv 21c: new c.

Rys. No. aomleally 2-c. Buy eomewhst hIrhM-; rookie timothy ti.suei; cnoto p.i. traly and nhntd; creamery U.

iJe: dairy l'xeiea. Legs arm; demand aurmal; quwtabia at MEW ORLEANS. New Orleans. Aug. 2S.

ifo prodact jir.DicAr- On tlie Drain Tb kidneys act molt on -tb brain. It Is th duty of thee organs to Alter and purify every drop of tb 1 o4 which la constantly surging through 'our heada Suppose your kidney do not do their work properly This 1 th case when yoa hav Tealr Kidneys so many people, perhaps unknowingly, have. It Is easy to know when yoa have weak er dlaordrred kidneys, tileep-Icssneea. Back pmllis. nervouaueae, but, dry skin, acta lasts, ar amou- Ute syntte-to ma.

Weak kidneys, sending Impurities to th brain. Irritate It, canning nervous headache, restlessness. fsuJIna memory, and ail Ills ariBina- from an irritated brain. Your brain must have pure nourishment, artd pure nourishment can only cutae from Well kidneys. This relief will surely coma Try ne of the medicine of known merit, the kidney remedy of thirty years' suoocos.

Vintersraitirs Buclm SOLD BY ALL DRLGOISTSj Arthar Ptr ft Ce, whelswal Agahts. rrmeis ma tios of stltil sei eiiasstTLO by 1 la piaia wi 1 -1 I lia 1 eotii-e, ti-Ts. ss ttrsslsr seat eat restssav Clitmii KaeKe nil I L-let. I l.U I UU i'lkkO ils'sel ea ely On ilia A 4f t.v 1 Se niuiet mmm. I at vta ih we.

i I X' See I jjii.i 1 11 1 ti Kiwe-te alia- I 4e 'V I. MMT fc MfllMlIrt, .11 si I 4. mT f-r Ie lunr, Jt lr KmL I Wktkt 4 1 iee? Hurley's Sarsaparilla Is tbs great system at thenar Ladles sad chlldrea ilka it. Chi-m Kidney aad Liver TrouMesi rw-moves Face Blotches makes Rosy Cheeks. ROBIPISOri-PETTET C0 Wholesale Arrests.

Los of memory sad sleepless nignts ar tbe most usual symptoms ei writ tuu uswruowi kidaevs. vviatertmllh't Kucha earea kidney diseaaea During tu yean It hs relieved thousands, and shot it no reasua why ts skoald a taUr yoa. old new 27. Lard, refined tlerea It.Uit. Ddks4 aaeata dry eait snouiosrs asi sides SSc.

Bacon, cr rib sldee IkviV. Hsms, choice sussr-rured SSo. CofTee dull; ttes. ordinary te low fair 14S ilt .0. Klour quiet: ea-tra fancy; litems tt.4-rul.4w.

Cora ateal quiet at II Itrsa oull st Wtc. liay sssy; firime choice ora quiet and wesk; No. 2 saufced mixed an white tec; ye low zsftlHc. ret.

No. 2 old TWi tea; aew 24. Suyar quiet; eeatrtfusal rotes 4c: yellowe 2 H-liu2 l-14c: eacond. Mo! seers dull: eeatrlfacal ttftc 11. oe, ordinary le good 2n.4s.

CINCINNATI. Clnclanatl. As. Kloar eulet snd ease. Wheat fairly ectiva; No.

2 red m-i reeeuMS bushels: sblnmeats 'orn doll snd No. mixed 24c Oats flrmi No. 2 miss I ss. Rye dull; Na 2 tie. Lsrd easy st Si 24.

limn rural, quiet snd steady at Hscoa "esrty st S4.f. Whisky easy: sales Ui barrels st II 14. Hatter Arm. Hussr quiet aad easy. Lsss urat at lsHiC.

Chess steady. TOUEDO. ToUMo. Amr. Wheat Irrwer: Wo.

I eee. tlVc: Heptemoer UtM! iJecembe 47c Cora low. rr and quiet: No. 2 mixed He; fW-ternUer-Uata dull aad erwer: No. 2 mlasd l.e.'1'Hya xt.

1 xu, Ut. Clover eeed. Kwtl prim and October S4.2U. Oil North Lf seal iiouth Lima Mo; ladlsna 4e, kI-U LKTROIT. netrmt.

An. Wheat eesy: No. 1 white tJSc; No. 2 red Mc; No. 2 rl 42-m-; nemewio-v Ueceml sec.

tum, rve. white 24c Krastis KIW TURK DRT GOODS. nori foe brtntea rainee. o.uwa culluas. btesched etairtlne.

and ewlor-d and faarr ml.a and ft lege US new MS stuR. 1 hs June of th maraet to much belter snd prtoea tt titf goods lusher. 1-rmtlna olotna In at 2 144 bid and declined sn small la Is at two, COTTON MARK TfA New Tore. Avar. 2A-Tee eerma anarhet asiail arm at sai puuits snd rueed a sreat iwtloa of the day.

Asrly etrensta wee oa unexsected stsadlne ef levereovl. wl." a rlneed aa ualmpoclsiU loe It tli I hrst weaknees was cue to rete rains In the Aastera lf stsus eod Isimiit. Lster tbers w.e c.iloerslii liuylus oa ins pre-duntoa .4 a very unievorstrfe report oa Ik eoaae, tioa ef the crop Pr ia aertursi i le. reeu at Wasiilrsion. "I hs matael, however.

here etes-lvl less; Keteruarr t.t4r; M.rra Site I April lie M.y A2ie; Atlul 4.u4s; aeptew.i- T.sec; Oste er art novenio-r i mini opened quiet; mkliilng aptaada tVuTdo su.r St i oesd saleMiin ape sat ii. demand; prWa lower; Americaa mldalln fair (4- soed auodilns 4 ll-IM: Assencsa aodlii 4 4-1 vl; Kw mbi'ilin -tJa; t-ie 4 k-it. The sie of the eee wer 7. of which 6" we lor ipseuistlt a aad export and IrwieJ-o nnn; -l aw bslee.

all ArserKaa. Kuter-e oteed quiet but etesdy ana e.osen si-ey s. Ueiaoe.a Aus, qotet; aitdATIn receipts tie bales; ebtpenaola atouk lei s. -s i t. St.

Ixu1S. Asy. imiei tei -1 midilllns 7jui reeeipte baieai aliipatstas S.a i'tncinnatl, Aug. r. ottrm nni miouon- uri.m.

Am. xi t'otlue very steady! mldnllhg tci low do -se; goo eeetnarr e-lo reoelpts 1.174 belee. t.r7 hew; expierts tbe oeotiseat Itwi as.ns l.let lioton, Au. Coitua quiet; mi'iiiiine leS rsceipts 1 ie: esprns to irst Hrnsie Mavannsh. Au.

tt Cort.Hi steady! fetddPeg Ttv: reoetpta Ass bates, ail aew; sates 2il BOfrroN woou Tlneton. Aus. JK. italee la ts araet tl se bw thle te bIius an laervaee over the a verses of late, but the tone or in trsoe on Tne Inor-see In sates w.e l.rsriy cue ih we. Itees la If rrltortee, la whM e-verel fstr etstd blorke have been tesen ny pnni terms.

Aa fsr ss eaa ne wry. buyers oot.ined eMtstlere.u4e rrvo the auminsl market brfore the wool Is sold. Territory Wo" are isrsa srf'y. the trade le dull. rieoe wools ar qei-t, wlia price wav-rlne.

Th meraet for Auetraiiaa wools Is held flrtn. but Is u.t. ST. IJIMS WOOU at. txiakt.

Aar. f. Th wool market I quiet. ttiwuiwrt snd liiinoi. m-4lao Kvli: nent no 7UIHC, heavy (lHi sad Mieaurl rneumm ic; itsnt i I AnutllMJ end Indl.a Terrllor-v meomm Xtil'e-: floe 7i7 heavy fine 44J4-c weetern wesaiuss tw, nr.

me TVc; heavy Bn TBitrtHTiss xtnati. niarieitDX. Au. Ira at Sl.2f.fTl 2a Turie-ntios dutl snd aothine doin. Wiiniinctua, Aus.

firm; strains II soud strained ll r'. Pptnis of turrn, tineetesily at tiwne. Tsr steady st rwrte turneauae, quiet; hard ti-Ai suit ll-i virgta ''euvsnnsh. Aue of tureentm Orm ht 23ic; sale 1. 6X lrrei.

Itoain firm. I.lverpooU Aus. Wheat firm: No. re winter, stocks exhausted; No. i r-e spnn 4e lt-d- No 1 bar Cslironila 4e On futures ot-net lit.

snd Ol.i. ni position. histi-r; Pliot oui-t: American ml.ed new 2s lid; future Ofned dull, wnrt nrtr sna lower; cloe-d dull, with nesr p.lii. P.wer snd di.t.nt po.t""ns 'rd k.wr: buun Sliowt Kiullly dietrlieM-d; Au.itet 1st PVI; rt-e-tember 2e ocW-r Ss Novemir is liersim- Ze "n'T ana fr-''v eemlled: Ht. 1-ouis fary Winter 7s.

JANCHESTtR UBI OOOlS. Au. 2A VHha strong, bat Sat tat film, but oit, es Tit aits a a In me aj 1 t-meoy fr tint 1 srersiei.rr la I i44.rt. I lutes, aa sals si a I beiuM VJ rrtarge, wr any ibtssisis- set siim tl'ia.

irritatHaa ee uare a sstriasesa raswee. New Tork, Aug. ror Tneedr there ws a rood baslnes si. around. Wire orders were numerous from esl-wnea oa the rd for g--4 i mlM-iiiiMues merrKsreilss.

Trie tose steady at 4 nts saas-. siures vpewed lirsx: estes H.4JS Baiee daws Wr: mrl s.l Jisrvh lec 4II saw Mar t.2JC; Aus-uet t.lle h-ptenilier lMe 11. November S. 1 lev I leoemier ees. eloeed easy, wna newr t--ieie hixner end etetsat arx n-os-a te t.4 lower; buines lui An.

eusc 4a lied; ketrtemb-r 4e l.d; tcter 4 lvdi trecewio-r o..

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