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The Herald-Despatch from Decatur, Illinois • Page 8

Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

"OUR VOLUNTEER." It) 3 ni in 3 i iff 8ho Onoe More Proves Her Prow- em Against the Whole Fleet. The Yacht That Is Destined to Lead the Thistle Wins Another Race, BBOS lor tha Doitan "Herald" Cap. MAHULKIIKAD, Aug. A. a g'wl breuzi) and Indications are that tho raco will curtainly be started.

The fog I.H lifted aud all partendu a rattling roue. A. big sloops are running out of HID htirljor. Bargas ladon with poo plo aru ovory tnlnuto. Tho race to-duy for tho Button Ifenilil cup, counio i triangular one from Half Way rouk to i buoy oil Uurding Imoyi tlixn twolwj i to caitward, and return to a a rock, making in all thirty-nil imliM.

A Spanking Breozo. A I I A Ann. wind now i miles an hour Away They Oo. A i A Aug. A.

Tlio ynditH IIIIVB Just ntartud. Tit? I'urltiui irot tlm lint. Tlio tlrst log i hn i i ti) i a I I i I I LK.AIJS. i Muylluivar Is wull to i wiini, nnd iihwirl ut: tho othwi. All tuu Ijlg urn iHiiiuhwl.

I I I Voluntonr Inn tho Miiyflmvor. and ii IIDW In thu load. I I 1 I A A I I Mrtydowur has come ntiuiit nnd Is a i in almru, Thu Vol- tiwr nnd t'nrltun uro both Inadliig linr. It bugitu to rain, and thu wind itrutigar. I AWAV fllflJI TIIK Wllof.K a in i nwny (run.

thu wholw Hunt. I'tfTTIVtl HACK. 12.11-- Tho i Is i i I i and many of thi) tniall crat'tH aru i back to thi) harbor. lias iut hor buliy- top'tail, nho is luaiiing hy a mmrtor of a mllo. I A I A A I I A I A a i IIUH i crwiort tha Mnyllowors' how nnd Is loading her.

Tho Voluntnitr Is now luadmg the tlcot by half a mllf, and gradually lin'roaslng hor load. Loadlntr Every Thing. p. Volunteer In nviM 1 noai' Hlg Hi'nwsturs, lending ovory thing. l'h' 1'urltan Is it i i i i Tim Inn nnindnd tho flrst xtiikii-hiMt at bull a mil" ami qiifirtur uhcatl il' tho whole flnot, All Around tho Harding Buoy, A I I I I I I I A Aug.

tho big sloops nro iiroimil tlu Harding buoy. Thu i i i Imi a long load. Thu i.s.sooond, and thu i art) Inuirlic'il. Lost Ror Topmast. MAtim.r.MKAD, Masn.

AUK. Tho 1'risollla hni rnturnod to Marblu- hofid i lur tupmtut gone, and has come It 1 aiR'hor In tlio harbor. Thu Volunteer ronndml the mnitlii'iist buoy at 2:40, and sfood away for hoiim. Tho Voluntoor Wins. MAlllil.KHRAt), AUK.

Vol- uuttx't' orossml tltu i i i lino at 3:31 p. i The Athu.tic anil 1'urltan are i i for SMI ond place; tho Mayflower Is I I NHI.I. TllAOKDY. Huslmrul ami Both In a Fair Way to Recover. i A i I I Dr.

who i Ins wit'u was at tho Mngg9 night, Is I'uportail to bo In i i tun this morning, ntid of a a Ha oocuplu.s a bed at tin' t-ounty hospital, and tho phy- in aru somewhat hopeful, tho niVns of i a i i a which wore bio lait i having maturod. His wlft', to.i, is on th' rourl to rouovi'ry. It Is nllugud bv i i bo'li that tlu wito's Insnii" Ind to tho miarrol.s which thpy hail Ind'ly had. Shu had thrpo tuifl' biunU jn'i'vntc-t to a i MoPonnell, Mrs. Mi'D'inni'H's maiilon name A i i and shn Is said to bo a Iliflo of fiuiiural H.

I 1 flutter, Horllrst husband was a Boston man nainod Eustls. Tho CoUorB. PITIMHI Aug. A ronferonoo of coki and employ's is held al tu-ilny, it which Imig pending dispute a scale for tho coko rog.Vn workmen will probably bo There wert' two Important fonturos in coke rnguHi which hare cau.iti nlmoHt iiu'liiiiti'd trouble, but which av) oxperti'd to Iw arranged to-day. One 's thu wage and the other of whk'h union nhalt prodoiulnntj In the region an fur a.s the recognition of operators is concerned.

An otllolnl of tho operators before the conference that tho proposed by the Amulgnmnteil (Union the miners is almost certain to bo agreed upon. If this is true tho Knights of Lahoi i bu left out In tho cold. Tho President'! Programme. A I Aug. The United Treat is In receipt of Information from the Executive i that It Is about definitely determined tho Pmsldont will leavs Washington the last week of September and go directly to St.

Louis, probably b.r way of IiuliiUKipolis. Ho will spend two dnys at St. Louis, and go fros thoro to Chicago, Milwaukee, Madl- Ht. 1'iuil, Minneapolis, Knn sus City, Mempuls, Nashville and Atlanta, reaching the latter place In time to mint his engagement for October IS. wilt go by tho ordinary lino of travol to the places named, his tlxod appolntmontt will preclude any divergence from the route to visit other cities.

All outtmle of it will have to be H'tru J. Fatalities at a BROOKLYN, Aug. Allro destroyed King's now opera-house nnd several bnlld' Ingn adjoining. The loss on the opera- housu Is $10,000, with no insurance. Other losses about $10,000, with partial Insurance.

Wm. Crawford was killed by a (all Ing building. Warren Martin wai aver by a (Ire ougluo nnd fatally Injured. Caught from a Prairie Fire. CHICAGO, Aug.

A prairie In thr town of Luke last evening destroyed the Wligon Works, the Auburn tcuool bolldinj, and four residences. The fire wai under control by tea o'clock. Lou Labor la Conrentlon. BnotiESTKR, N. Aug.

o'oloci Iran the hour let (or calling tho Union- Labor State convention to ordor, but It was twelve o'clock before Chairman Junio rapped for ordor and a.sked the further pleasure of the convention. The entire morning up to this time wu.s occupied in completing plans whereby business could bo hurried through i delay. Up to the hour of opening the session, the leaders asserted that the selection of State olli- cers would bo left entirely in the hands of tho delegates. The Cincinnati platform would be adopted, with a few modifications. Tho committee on resolutions reported in favor of the Cincinnati platform, except the planks referring to the tariff and to pauper immigration.

Jas. R. Me- Kelvcy introduced the following tanlT a That we, as a body representiiu ttie win 111 or the SUUc of New York condemn he efforts made dnrlnjj thu Insl Con Kress tn reduce tho toi lit on articles made unit miitutf.icUinjU In this country; we ijemiuul In the luturusth of our mnnufucturers and artisans that protective tiirilt bo maintained by Con- s.s for tho flu thor advancement of our inter esln, mi.I we ilemiind the iibolUhiiieut of llir Intern il vim, 1 This resolution drew foi an active discussion, and tho i a of an amendment by David in which tho refer- nice to tho abolishment of tho i revenue sysiem was omitted. Tho resolution, roforring to naupor immigration is as follows: I I I I I The constant lido of Immlgr.ulou to this country thro-ilen" result i to the snciul coiulitlon of the NiUlon and Intor- fere vvllh thu ftp of our i pup- of skilled anil uaaiUliecl laborers In uinl, I I A Tl.erc aru tuns of thousands of men throughout the Natlun who can not ob- tnlti oniployrnmit; wo domaml of thu Govorn- liH'nt a moru Rent onforo-'ment or the laws Kovernlnx prohlbitliiK the impor- tntltxi of contract labor, und furtnermoru that it Is tho duty of Congfusb to cnuut other protective lawb hy which there will be an Imposition of an Increased tax or othor means of stopping this thle of Immigration ami tho Hooding of tlie couiitiy wlih ft iclgn laborers. t'toti'nl, Thut all discrimination by employers list a associations of employes to secure their Hunts vlol.ites tho rUhls of tho and should bu declared felony.

Tho tariff plank In the i i a i platform was adopted with tho ami'iidments of McKolvoy aud Healy, and also the plank compollng a label to be placed on all contract work. A delegate wishod prison conyaut label plank to bo more explicit, as tho speaker said he know of nstttnces whore boxes containing prison contract goods wore properly labeled, but the contents wore frequently without label. A motion was adopted to up- a committee of flfteon to wait on the United Labor party at Syrnc-uso August 17, i unite on tho State ticket, but to insist that all candidates be sympathy i protection to American ndnstry. A proposition to designate the Union f.abor party as the Henry George party, was strongly opposed. Mr.

McKclvey'g iinnouncomont that he "rocogninod no man as a God" was applauded by tho con- volition. A resolution "that tho laws the employment of bribery, force )r I i i i to secure, nominations or elections to public ofllco bo rigidly on- rced," was adopted. Another resolution against class legisla- whoreby a poor man should be al- to enjoy his beer at his suloon with ihe same freedom that tho rich num on- joys his and liquors at his home or club, was tabled. The convention then proceeded to nominate candidates for State ofHcors, as folows: For HotM'nlnry of State, Orvillo Preston, of Hornellsvillo. For State Treasurer, J.

J. Ryan, of Brooklyn. For Comptrolor, Asa Clapp, of Ithaca, For Attorney-General, Lawrence Me- a a of Lockport. Tho nominations wore made with a rush, all being by acclamation. The convention then adjourned sine die.

A Blasphemer's Fate, WlOtttTA, Aug. clerk and several eye witnesses relate tho following as having occurred iu the this city. A young man named Frank Morton, from Moberly, saving just come from attending a ni'ettng of tho fialvation Army, was standing near the desk, when a comrade who was about to said, "Hood night, Frank," and Martin replied, "Good night, I'll meet yon in hell before morning." Immediately after saying this Morton fell to the floor, apparently lifeless. He was picked up and medical aid rendered, and although he was able to walk about a little, in a few clays ho was perfectly speechless. Advices from Moberly say that he is still uuablo to utter any Intelligible word.

As soon ns he recovered sufficiently Morton wrote on a piece of paper: "Send for iny brother In Moberly." And afterwards: "I did not know I was so'Dear bell." Tho Salvationists are making capital of tho strange occurrence. Takes It Coolly. NEW YORK, Aug. Halifax special says the rumor is current that Commodore Bonham will succeed Admiral Luce In command of the North Atlantic squadron. The correspondent asked the Admiral what he thought of Secretary Whitney's robuko, and was told that he had boon plying tho sea too long to be much annoynd by these little matters.

Tho olllcor quoted Shakspe-nre as follows: Dchold tho groat Imago of authority; A Uog obeyed In ofltre. Live-Stock Gremated. STERMKO, Aug. C. Henshaw's stables was discovered on fire this morning at one o'clock.

A pair of fine mules and horses wore burned. Owing to tho Inflammable condition of tho stable it was an impossibility to save any of the contents of the stable. Incendiarism is suspected. Lett the Seventh Day Adventlsts. DETROIT, Aug.

Elder Ovaitt, of. Wellsvlllo, N. and Rev. D. N.

Canright, of Otsego, two of tho leading mer.of She Seventh Day Adventists, have left that church. Dr. Canright has joined the Baptists, and Dr. Ovaitt is expected to follow his example. Jumped Overboard and Drowned.

NEW YORK, Aug. A dispatch was received In this city to-day from Montreal stating that E. B. Cowlos, a lawyer, of No. 33 Wall street, Now York, had jumped overboard from the steamer Quebec and was drowned.

The body has not been recovered. tonu ut Interest from Towns and Cities in this Vicinity, Cerro Gorlo. Ob for ns good rein that will spread ore all this land Thedroutb does not stop our building goesrlgnton The township Is In session at the Chris tmn church. Mrs Potter, of oomlngton delivered a very Interesting address Tuesday evening The, Cerro Gordo Browns will play the Illlopolia Browne at the Dilvlng park at IIllopolls on Friday, Ang 12, at 3:80 tn. A good game may be expected We bave a signal station, but no signals yet.

Gat up the flags Mr Moore, and lei them float Wood, Pormeuter, LCham bers.ET Lee and other soldiers will attend ttie soldiers' reunion at Danville A aid Mrs Hall, of Decalur, were visiting Mr and Mrs DC Say lor MrsQRSteele and son are vtsltlr-g Mrs Rugau ut crazy pick festival 1 to be held at the parsonage here Wednesday evening 10 raise money to belp pay for the parsonage Mru Wood and Mrs EldoSaylors were Decatur visitors lost Monday i wells are i. olng dry and water wlllt-e scarct. rain comes soon The lire that tare will be a very large number the Posts around Decauir the oiowd that will leave lor Ibe Bt Louis encampment on Monday, the afilh of September, and take up headquarters atCump Lyon, where the Illlnjia department have been assigned. The request Is that all who attend wear tne A uniform end participate ID the grand parade on the 27ih The Misses Fanny and Nettle Constant, of Illlop- oils, were visiting Miss Lanbam at Decalur. There will be a meeting of all those Interested In tbe cemetery at the brlok cuurob west of Cerro Qordo, on August tbe 20th, at 8 a m.

All are Invited to be present as tbere Is Important business to transact John MelZjjer preached a very Interesting sermon at tbe uunkard cbuieb on last Sunday evening We bave tivo binds and ought, to h.ive music, but falls to ma U. S. Auguut9. T.INTNER. Earnest Troxler, wbo bos working lu this vicinity for two summers returned to bis home ID Ohio last Monday Grandma and Dolly Stlne visited Mrs Wines last Thursday Mr Stlne has given up grain buying and has transferred tbe business to Mr Espy Wm Strop and Gluzebrook visited Melseuhelter, of Monltrle county, lost Sunday Will hamhers aud Jake Wines went to Atwood on business last week Quite a number from this place attended camp meeting at Decatur lost Sunday A good in tuy farmers have already commenced to feed their stock, aud this being tbe case hay and straw are liable to become scarce by spring.

The entertainment given at our school house by Paul Corroze last Monday nleht was largely atteuaeu. BUCKBYE, Ju. Aug. 11, OBEANA. Threshing Is still In full blurt.

The oats and wheat yield Is very good. Cora will probably make hiilf acrop Well diggers are In areat demand. We Us are failing everywhere. Mrs flarrauff visited friends at Sullivan last week a i and Shenry attended the of encampment at I coining ton last week Kuhna went to Iowa on a bust QMS trip tuts week. Basto Is preparing to move to Blue Springs, Nub, where he owns a farm.

Emma Florence, Infant daughter of Clarence and Elenor Emery, died i Tuesday and was burled at the tildge cemetery on Wednesday, The little child wan getting well of i he measles when It was seized with cholera Infontum, which soon carried It oil The measles bave afflicted the families of Henry Balcom and Clarence Emery and are expected 10 work out lu other families who bave been ex posed Will Larkln and Miss Bell Stuart were made one In wedlook bonds last Thursday at Decatur, and have taken uo their bode with the parents of the groom Corn, pastures and every description of vcge tatlon have suffered terribly with the drouth, Corn will not be half a orop here, and pasture andsare barren. Many farmers are feeding heir stooK now. A One rain Is now falling and we trust tbe long dry spell Is ended. Aug. 11.

JUMBO, The W. C. T. U. Goes into Business.

On the 13th of July, 1887, the Secretary of State of Illinois, issued articles of inoorp-iration to a company at Chicago to be known as the "Woman's Temperance Building Association," with a capital stock of 10,000 shares of $100 each. The corporators are Matilda B. Oars, Frances E. Willard, Esther Posh, William Deering and Jame3 B. fiubbs.

The purpose is to erect a building in Chicago aa a national headquarters of tHe Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and aa a temperance training scho 1 and hall. It is also said that this enterprise will become a source of revenue to the nationalbociety. The plan is that while the building is intended in the first place to furuieh headquarter for the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, it, is also to ba a great office building, and will bring rental of at least $133,000 a year. Ground has been secured for it in the very center u( the city. The Btrcctnre will cost $600,000, and to cover this $600,000 worth of bonds will be i sned.

The committee having the matter in charge has issued a call to all friends of temperance for contributions to aid in carrying out this work. Vigor and Vitality 4re quickly given to every part of the by Hood's Sarsaparilla. That feeling is entirely overcome. The blood is purified, enriched, and vitalized, and carries health instead A disease to every organ. The stomach is toned and strengthened, the appetite restored.

The kidneys and liver are roused and invigorated, che brain is refreshed, the mind made olear and ready for work. Try it. irt) A Cabinet Meeting. WASHINOTON, Aug. IL-- A meeting of the Cabinet was held at the White House this afternoon.

It was attended by Secretaries Bayard, Falrchild, Whitney and Lamar. The financial situation and the Canadian fisheries question were the principal sub- (eclt of discussion. Cash tor Poultry Farmers, bring your poultry to B. J. Bills at the refrigerator building near the abash freight house, ana get the highest market prioe in cash.

No trucking, but good, hard money. Odd-shaped toft felt hate of English origin accompany woolen costumes. It WM Radel? Interrupted Froukle Conductor. He was dressed in checked trousers, white vest and light blue coat, baseball shoes and light Derby hat. She wore a gaudy-colored and white striped suit, Norfolk jacket, and a jaunty straw bonnet was poised upon her head.

They wore both colored, and boarded an inward-bound Harvard square, Cambridge, horse-car last evening, in tho vicinity of the Port, and appropriated the third seat behind the driver. They were evidently very much in love with each other, although an open avowal had not as yet taken place, as the demonstrations which followed indicated. At first their conversation partook of the ordinary every'-day tenor, but only for a few moments at most. Presently the young man made the smallest perceptible move closer, a fact which she appeared perfectly conscious of, she did not show any sign that he did so. "Lilly," said he, dropping one hand carelessly along the back of the scat i her, "have you ever thought ol getting married?" "I don't know," falteringly replied she, giving a wistful, sidelong glance at her ebony ideal.

"I'd want too much of my husband." "Suppose he liked you?" "Liked?" responded she, with some vehemence, "I don't want him to like, I want him to love me." "Now, if I he gotnofsrr- ther, when she lost all patience, and exclaimed: "Love! love! love! Don't say like; it's love I want. The man 1 call husband must love me every uinnient of his life!" During this colloquy their heads had been dropped closer and closer together. As his lady love gave utterance to the above outburst of feeling, ho allowed his arm to fall to his charmer's waist. The hand did not seem satisfied with its position, for it immediately began a sort of installment movement under one of tho arms. Lilly gave a half-frightened forward movement, us though about lo reprove the boldness of the man at her side, out on closer observation it became apparent that her change of base was merely a ruse to facilitate matters and give greater freedom of nclion.

"What if such a man loved you, Lil- what would you do?" The question was asked In a half-frightened ivhisprr, as though he had some doubts the results of his i "I--I dou't know," murmured she, nervously toying with, a a big which rested in her lap. "I--I don't i I ought to be trusted, for I'm as flighly as a bird. I'm too--too--" "Lilly, stop- I--" "Fares, please," shouted the conductor, suspiciously eyeing the pair. "Oh, go t' blazes, will you, an' let ill 'lone," shouted a rough-looking individual from the scat just behind, who had evidently been watching the jame with interest from the beginning. The passengers burst forth into Hearty peals of laughter, while the cause of it all looked confused, evident- now for the first time becoming aware of the fact that they were not the sole occupants of the car.

Djng, ding, chimed the register, and fares were recorded at the cost of the blasted hopes and happiness of the poor souls. The rest of the trip was made in peaceful Globe. WHEN TO WEAR JEWELS. Shelbj villa has voted to light Greets with electric lamps. Raftw Smock fell from a horse s( iVhitc Heath, several weeks ago, and is believed he rill die, Claude Warren, a well knowa res- cauranter of Pfloris, who has beei since July 28, is believed tt lave committed suicide.

George D. Hayden, of Alton, ii- missing and his family nnd are greatly distressed and apprehend that some calamity has befallen him Natural gas been found on the farm of a man uamed Powell, twentj miles from Peon a The flow is strong, and experimental boring will be begun at once. Mr. Ambrose Qillilaud, who for twenty five years has been station agent of tbe Illinois Central at Moa- was married at that place to Lillie Hargraves, on Sunday. Jacksonville has lost its oldest citi n.

John Jordan, who died Satur day, was t.early 100 years old. was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was a nottd character and widely mown. The work of exc.vating the city water we rks well at Clintou is iu progress. I'ue well is fifty foet in ter and when complete will have a capacity of over 2,000,000 gallons The erection of a stand pipe nnd engine house and layicg the mains will jegin soon. It is expected the sys- will working order in alout 'our mouths.

At a rueeting of dairymen, Monday, at Elgin, it was resolved to organize protective league for In? winter, and the general expression favored a demand of 20 cents per gallon for milk. The third ennnal reunion of the Basleru Illinois Vmoran Association convenes -Q the fuir grounds at Danville on fueadtiy, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week Ample arraBgements have been made for a time. Prominent speakers been secured Sham battles and realistic camp life will be soma of the atti active features. Near Adeline, as Charles H. Newcomer was driving to town afier a doctor, a highwayman pointed a pis- ol at him and made him give over valnabk s.

Abfturd FaRhlnn of niKplmrluK Dia- moutU at All Tlnios and lu AH FlacM. Since the sale of the crown jewels of France, many of which are destined to adorn American beauty, conversation has loaned in the direction of precious stones. A few words may therefore not be out of place in regard to the proper time and manner of wearing them. It is an unfortunate custom in the United States for women to wear jewels at all times; at breakfast, in going to market, for visiting, for every possible occasion, in fact. I know one lady, the happy possessor of an exqnis- ite pair of solitaire diamond ear-rings, who never takes them out of her ears.

This is not only foolish, but in execrable taste. In Europe--that it, on the Continent--ladies wear jewels all day long. But then, these fair foreign dames are not housekeepers. They never go to market, the kitchen in a fine establishment is an unknown quantity, milady does not a about the streets looking for bargains and arrayed in an ugly tailor-miyde costume, or a still uglier thing called an ulster. The ways of living abroad differ essentially from our own.

I do not say that they are better, but that they are different. In America women walk a great deal, aud to the promenadcrs especially, I would say, leave your jewels, if you have any, at home. Nothing is more ridiculous than to see a woman in a coarse serge gown, even made by the best tailor, stout walking boots perhaps covered by muddy overshoes, and with diamonds blazing in her ears. For paying visits in the afternoon, if one go in a carriage, a few 'jewels may appropriately be worn with a silk or velvet costume. In any event, never put on such abominations as imitation precious stones.

No woman of real refinement is ever seen in them. They are only fit for the'rabble who seek to ape their betters. If you can not afford to purchase the "real thing" go Clara lama, in N. Express. --The daisy over which the sentimental young girl goes into ecstacy is the same flower which the old granger curses under his breath.

To him it'i nothing but a pusill anirnons wee4- The Lincoln homestead at ield has been transferred to the state, compliance with the provisions of a law enacted by thelast General Assembly. The prohibitionists have began the )ublication of a weekly paper at devoted to thair eanae and woman's suffrage. It is called the Liberator, and will be nsed to build np the prohibition party and ppread emperance knowledge throughout iienry county during thu approach- "ng campaign. Arrangements are being mide at Springfield for the reception of Grand Army men who will visit the tomb and home of Lincoln daring the St. Louis encampment.

Thnradhj, Sept. 20 will be ''Spriagfield day," upou which date the railrooda ara prepar- ng to convey 20,000 from St. Louis Springfield, and will give them six lours to vieit the monument and other points of interest. eUU.WE/0/Yr CREAM Its superior excellence proven In millions of Homes for momhau a quarter of a century. Is by tbe United States floverument.

Endorsed by the beads of the Great Universities PS Strongest. Purest, and moat Healthful. Dr. Price's the only Baking Powder that does not contain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. only luoans FRtCB BAKING POWDKB CO.


Optical Institute Open Daily. Hoars: 8 a to 5:30 p. m. Astigmatism, hypercpia, myopia, etc. corrected by the nse of spectacles.

I guarantee all eases, and at reasonable prices for spectacles. My patent adjustable nose jriard for spectacles will suit yen admirably. Call and see them. DB T. T.

HUBBELL, Proprietor and manager. Absolutely Pure. Mevnr Amarvelot sy, strength More eco-' lonrcaltnsm 'lie ordinary kinds, and cannot jold In com iri'tlon tht multitude ol low short wcmtit, alum or phosphate powder. I Joldonlv In eatiH. liOYAi, BAKIKO POWDBB f- me 1 Maw York.

C9 09 Ul 00 A I By Mine WS OTK-COiT ITCTOY PAIST FncUy, ran it to Church Sunday. XlMttt Fashionable Shades: tack. Maroon, Verm iGoo Blue, Yellow, Olive Lake, Brcwster and Wagon Greens. No Varafehmg necessary. fcu-4 with 4 One Coat and job is doue.

YOUR BUGCY Tfo top for Chain, Lawn Scats, Sash. Flower Fob. Baby Carnages, Curtain Poles, Fornituie. Tiont Doors, Store-fronts, Screen Doors, Boats, Mantles, Iron Fences, in fact Just the thing for the ladies to use about tbe house FOR ONE DOLLAR WITS HONEST Are you coin? to Paint thii yeart If so, don't buy a paint containing water or benzme when forthcumie money (or nearly so you can procure lOiT 0-8 PVKK PA1XT that Is to bean H0NKST, filMlSE PAIHT and free from water and benzine taU hi-Md aad othtr. Merchants handling It arc our agents and authorized by us, in writing.

to win-Milt wrar ft VKiRS wftb CDAT8 YBIRS with 8 COATS. Our Shades are the Latest Styles used in the East now becoming so popular in the West, and tip with the times Try lias brand of 1IOMEBT PA 1ST and you will nevej regret It This Ip the wise is sutdent HOUSE PAINT CHIT'S FIOOR PAINTS Paint that never dried beyond the sticky point, waste a week, poil the job, and then swcart Next time for COiT KLOOR PAIKT 4 popul ic anil suit.ibJc shades, wamwtf A dry hard a ruck on-r night. No trouble. No DRY STICKY Farmer's Column, 1'J LOAN-Ou good porsonai entity. Apuly to J.

C. Hosteller, 146 iNortj liter st i eet. A EX 4.MINA.T1ONS JDH lor UIB year 1687 will bu jw follows: FeLvrutry 11, April 8, May 13, Jo.e 4, August 2ti, ciepteiiiber October I4aad.ue- Lvaib. 3D. X.

1.. EVANS, Co. Supt. Uecatur, January 6.1«87. fmliwrf SALE--At a my property OQ iVebl street, 456.

House has five ruorns, summer kitchen, cellar, well aud cistern a na chicken and lot. The lot It 50)4 teet truut. If the prouert) Is uot sold by luiy i it will be for reui. H.U. A Ti'liM Farmers aua SWCK.

will yell at i.utMc auction, without any re-1 a rye, on sauirUa, iuyust JU, in fr jut oIJ our stable, ou street, lu uecalur, one Kuyui George suililou, Black Wood, jr. UiacK i i a a years old ami well urutieu, a flue driver mid allows a3-mtuute gait. He Is a da bay, )r(4 lianas blgu, wth a wi.ite stii? forelieud. lie nas siruil by the Koyal Ue Blacx Wood, who reached a 2:27 gait. B' Wood liy old loroutoCulel, record I of Black Wood by Mohawk Morgau.grauddam by Messenger, u.

U. U. by Tom Knuoal and O. G. ti.

Dy Old hoyal oeorge. Buck Wood, a grand borae. ju-t such a ona as the tinners 01 Mac on couuty should uretd to If they want to raise sellers. We have Imported ana brought him herd lor th- purpose ol Introducing this stock lu tula county, as we well Know tine urrd horse IslUt) tbmiug horse lor the market. We will sell tills hone on twelve rooiuul' time without lute est.

It no is paM at matnrl- tj, pu, cursor to irtve au approved note. G. W. rouoh bun, 130 aud North Jfraukllu St, Decatur, HUTU.In 'OR SALE--A form ol 80 acres miles southeast or WUcon, 111. Farm Is wall 1m- raved; all two wolls; fences aud uildingH In lair condition, rhe place Is known astherarKi'r farm.

Will sell on terms. For particulars address Wm. Parker, Macon, $25,000.00 IN GOLD! WILL BE PAID FOB ARBDCKLES 1 COFFEE WRAPPERS, W. CKOTJOH SON have taken uosses- i ttie Hrenuemao stauii.9,1-J8 to 132 Horth Frunklla straet. where they wlllcontlo- ue their horse and mule market Highest cash price (or horses ann mules.

Stock bought eviry In the year, except Sundays. acid on terms. Farmers especially to inspect our stook. G. W.

cuouca 12H tu 132 North Frank in 8t -(jyiswtt iAUMS WANTBD-t have Inquiries for MS 1 con county farms at fair prices. II have a farm to sell, or If you with 'O buy ft.rn)« or city property, give me ac II. Mo on fa lands at six percent, interest, privilege of paying 8100 or mu tiplen theXf at any time, thus stopping Interest, T. erts, 1 6 Merchant TO LO Mt--I have money to loan at six per cent Interest on g.iod Improved (arm lauds, on flvcyea a' time. Person raking loan may pay back the whole of the prlnc.pal or anv part of it i or nltlples thereof a me trte beginning of toe loan.

This rate is certainly as lowascanbe obtained. Apply to T. Roberts, MS Merchant stree real estate. Insurance and loan agent -final If 'X PER CENT. IN'TERKST--I am prepared to make rarm loans at 6 per ceut Can maKe IOQS of at 7 per r-ent.

Interest without commission. Instal'ment pri vllegn allowed when desired. Our terms are the best nowofforedto tbe public. I am also prepared to make all classes of loans, In lane or small amounts Have ney to loan oj chattel inortgHKis, live farm Implements, grain or household goods, an-l on Individual security. App to Albert T.

Hummers, 145 North Water ovi-rtfap N-w York store--' MCwlyr ARMERS--You can gee the best value tor i our produce, either in cash or trade, at 8. Cowao's new grocery store In the big New Haworth block, north lde city park, am a new man lu tbe business here. I want to become acquainted with you all. a bound give you Inducements to trade with me. Mr.

w. D.Cl.a';iberlaln, late ot the firm of I. F. Peck will be fou at my place. Come and sen me.

I will do you good. a. P. Cowan. Burlington 1 Premiumt 2 Premiumt, 6 Premiums, 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums! 200 Premiums, 1,000 81,000.00 500.00 each 9250.00 850.00 20.0O DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CITY OF MEXICO TRAVEL VIA Through Trains with Cars, Pullman Palace Sleep.

Ing Can. Modern Coachet. San connections In Union Depots at Its terminal pointt, with trains from and to tht fast. West, North and South. Cheapest, Best and Quickest Haute from Chicago, Peorla or St.


'to Mr. and FABMEBS call at coal yard coai. Farmers, meal for 26 opposite th in good tea charges MBS. MJ hunse of occupies ft tanje from ly. burned.

Don't fill to prevent Ayer's Agn this disease produce or other die IN ooaDt of Susi Loa A. was allowec late of Geo an order we administrat at pri bilis i Backer and approved. THE farm has been Di ic Oil Linii nogs and worth in thi THE Mace has not yet rninm list fc tion which i daring the have to as saocessfa CLINT was so seri plosion at Al recover. Webb, cler store, and Co'a. Tt the young rr in Kansas.

Yoang, experience effflcts of children, sc sore ears, scrofolons i strong by "Six bottles, THE anni Dingman's more la than ever preaching, only the wiv to provide ii and no end I dcri temoon. THE contr er hoaae it I been let by I the board of son. Mr. building will ber 1. It wi dimensions, brick.

IN a letter 4 lawyer at in that sta was ru not make ov age crop. ndHarringi ttmt the cropi he drouth 1 aers have stee i year ago THE natic Jolted Stal benefit Asso oil, Mich Jeo. Stee by th jvieioo, con pern a es to the ACCOEDING zder the who st mto pr aboat tc thy for fals Ucioos prose ne army at no ill it through consolte oake a test ere jfbe began agf JACKSONVIL i her artesian Courier i lonika minatf pofta had hei drill has watery miasic interest here natural rtb NEWSPAPER nnectlng lints, "l'Jue' as yM- PAUL MOKTOH, I St 0. flf. p.

For full particulars and direction nte Circa- tn ppimd ol AMTOEJB' jjured..

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