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The Herald-Despatch from Decatur, Illinois • Page 6

Decatur, Illinois
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i CORBESPONDENCE. HurriHtonu. Did it ram last i ('urn a i slim. Oats coming up and are looking Weil. J.

II. I'irkiell is from Ins visit to the west. A. J. Wlit-cler shipped a car load or hogs to M.

Louis on a Dr. i i i i of Decdlur, was summoned tu see Miss Florence utookey on i a 'J'he bare-fcjorcd is now to be seen i to kick a boulder out of the road at any time. A son or I A a a skip on last bauadn i Mr. W.has lulled so lar in Citing any clue to his meandering son We wondeied why Dr. Connelly smiled so loud on last Saturday.

The myslcrv is now solved, he says they a a'liran new boy at their house. W. D. Chamberlain and mother went to the "Italy" of I i some one would shoot a dog, steal a cow, get rnariied or do something else that was real mean, as items in our city lire getting scarce. May DAISY.

Your correspondent wns out in ttio country this week, imd noticed some of the finoat wheat Unit wns over our lot to see. Alurgo boon sown around 5H. Hon. (Jats iiro nlso line. Mrs.

Noble Green and daughter, oi La 1'laco, aro visiting ut her father's, Banj. Smith. Our school, under the superintendence of i'rof. Hughes, assisted by Miss Brett, of Decatur, has donofiood work towards teaching the young idea how to shoot. The total enrollment is lo, which is good, considering the size of our town.

K. W. Conn nnd son "William havo gone Cincinnati to purchase a stock of new buggies. Mrs. Dr.

Blnlook, of Walla Walla, Washington is horo visiting relatives and friends. Home ot our old Bottlers say this morning's storm was the worst that has boon in this section of country for years. Mr. McClellan and wife are now residents of onr town. Mr.

McClollan tenches school at Long Crook. Squire Foster and another voimg gent of our town wont llshing Thursday, and succeeded in catching all the fish in Big Crook. Squire carno out the victor, Lots of farmers on the street to-day, causo, the big rain. WILD OSCAK. May Oth.

Arsiriitu There was another surprise party on Monday eve of this week. Mr. and Mrs. McMullon were the victims, it being the eleventh anniversary of their Miss Mollio nnd Ella Kankins with Miss Emma Evans gathered in the ninny friends who furnished a splendid pastry for all present. The Arirentn bund brought up the roar nnd niado a bccond surprise and furnished the music.

The presents wore too numerous to take space for. Wo noticed a tino dress pattern trom Mrs. Strick- lor, glass euUn stand from Mrs. Knnkins, ot Cisco, and one pickle ciistor marked Dora and Blue Grass No. 2.

All in nil it was boas timo nnd lasted until midnight, and then liluo Grass took the wrontf home, which ot course "took the bakery." Wo had preaching at 2 p. Sunday, nnd the timo to moot in four weeks is changed lo 3:30 p. m. Several wont rlshins yesterday and got nothing but bites. Or.

Danison, of Uccatiir, was in our city on business Monday, lie thinks of tryinp his luck in the far west, soon. Koosor Bros, aro onlarging their tilo and brick factory, Thov aro going to run it by stonm power as they can't (ill their orders by working day nnd night. Wo had the heaviest rain of the season last night which will be hard on the corn planted. Several were done planting when it rained and wo miss our guess it they don't havo to plant over now. Joo.

Kline, one of Docatur's traveling men, was with us Wednesday night. JiLav BUCK BYE. crro The heavy rains this i will stop a work for two or three days, even though there should be no more at presant. The Union Sunday school was reorganized last Sunday with Mr. D.

G. Dueling superintendent. itiss Lome Drum received a present of a line new Western Cottage organ from her father in Kansas last Saturday. Duell Huff made the first ice- cream of the season, last Saturday. Miss Mattie Bell commenced school in the Ho well district last Monday.

F. E. Anten will start south for Tennessee, in a few clays. David Frantz is doing quite well at the last word received. There is now a fair prospect of his recovering.

Mrs. Rev. Villars lectured on Wednesday evening, in the M. E. church on temperance to a full house.

The lecture was good, and delivered with good effect. The ladies of the Woiaens' Christian Temperance Union will meet on Saturday evening, at :30 to-morrow, at the residence of Dr. Harsha. All are cordially invited to attend, whether members or not. ua Cloyd was in town yesterday, ou legal business.

5' me from Sullivan. Members of the Bement High.School gave the play entitled "Dead" at the hall last night, to a full bouse. The town board charged them a license of 82, which was made up by the a i ence. A selected reading will be given by Miss Helen Riter, on Tuesday evening, at the hall. She is said to be a.

good leader. The item in the LaDace notes recently, stating that Dr. Hartsell of this place was about to locate there, is a mistake. Drs. Replogle Hartsell, of this place have an extensive practice about LaPlaco and one or the other visit it unce or twice a week; but Dr.

II. has no thought of leaving Cerro Goido. A. Maecke, of Oakley, has opened an agricultural implement house here. Cerro Gordo has now four firms doing a good business in farm machinery.

May 5th. SOME ONE. Lake City. The farmers are busy plowing and planting for corn. Wheat and oats look nourishing.

i'rank Bailey, of Alma, is visiting friends in the city. lie will start ioi Iowa in tae near future. Drs. Bndgman and Allison, of Ml. and Cone, of Lovington, weie been on our streets this week.

Wm. Winnings shipped 11 car loads of corn last week, also one car of wheat. Lake City is in need of a good doctor. Joel Foulx Saturday with his steam sheller for Williarnsburg, where he has a job of i 20,000 bushels of corn tor Minor of Peoria. The "Piobable Son" has arrived at Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Selders and George smiles at being called "papa" so early. On last Sunday evening D. E.

Steward's stable caught lire from some unknown cause and was consumed, together with pair of harness and fifteen collars. One horse of the seven that were in the stable was severely burned and Mr. Steward's bands were burned while be was engaged in tearing the boards from the burning staole to liberate his horses. The school is progressing finely with Mr. Stiver as teacher with sixty-six scholars enrolled.

lie has been engaged to teach the winter term at per mouth. James Byrnnm is slowly recovering from his late illness. Thursday, May 4th, of consumption, A. B. Dudrey.

His remains will be interred in their private i ground, on Friday at 10 o'clock. May NON DE PLUME. Wnrreiiaburg. Miss Hose Williams, has boon spending the past few weeks with her brother, will return to her homo in Lincoln on Wed' nesday. Miss Agnes Humphrey, who teaches at the Brick School House, spent Sunday in Decalur.

A heavy stroke of lightning rneltcd the tologrnph wire at this place and also over' throw the smoke-stuck ot Ritchie's elevator. The M. E. church will hnvo an "evening of song" once every month, instead of the usual evening service. Your Sunday edition was immense.

Muy 8. DUACO. A a i A child of S. P. Davis, and also one of A.

C. Smart havo been very sick, but are recovering. There will bo go-as-j'ou-plenso walking match, the 20th under the management of Billie Connor. Three prizes will bo given. All are invited to enter the con- tost.

Dr. H. N. Clark sold one acre of land to S. G-rosh last woek for $200.

Saturday was pay day at the coal shntt, and all the boys wore happy. A little son of J. W. Jones was playing Friday with a boot' clipper and cut off the end of one of his finders. Dr.

Cass Chenowoth wns in town Saturday, attending on Mrs. George Jacobson, who is very sick with hemorhage of the lungs. H. Nottlomann departed for Racine, Friday to visit his sister. Duquoin and Kazor have been engaged lo do the painting on Nottleimm Jacobson's now store.

They struck coal Sunday evening at a depth of 180 feet. The depth of the vain is about 13 inches, and the eoal is of an excellent quality, very much resembling nut coal. A. J. Grider and wife, of Decatur, spent Sunday in town.

Miss Helen Kighter delivered a very able temperance discourse to a larqe and appreciative audience, at the Christian church, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirwood, of Harristown, were seen on our streets Sunday. Died--At the residence of her daughter, Mrs.

M. Campbell, on Sunday evening, May 7,1882, of Asthma, Mrs. Carr, in the 78th year of her age. Deceased was an own cousin of Gen. Winfield Scott, and was beloved by all who knew her.

The remains will be sent to Chandlerville, Cass county, to-day for interment. We understand that John Linanam is to occupy the position ot advance agent for the Kelly combination soon. BLASCHB May 8. Mosquito. The health of this vicinitv in general is good, with few exceptions.

Farmers havo plowed considerably for corn, Owing to the last cold spell, garden truck don't appear very well. The knowing ones in our vicinity are divided as to whether we are to have any fruit or not. Some declare we shall have all the trees will 'hold; others that we shall have none. The proverbial old woman has had her first mess of greens some weeks ago. She now keeping a game eye on the green gooseberries.

Madam rumor says Fred Goldstein is gong to Africa to get a woman. Henry JTuerstenberg has subscribed for the weekly HEKALC. Henry knows what is be best county paper. The road commissioners of Mosquito township met on liny 2nd at the Illiopolis ron bridge to receive sealed bids for the jutting in of 200 feet of trestle work at place to be make of oak, and to be completed by June 20th. "Plowboy," a correspondent of a certain Decatur paper is said to be as green as rass.

Eev. A. D. Northcut, of Blue Mound, Breaches the first Sunduj' in every month at the Sanders church. The old grannies of Lickskillet and vicinity stirred up a fine scandal about their preacher last week.

F. W. Nevius is canvassing our neighborhood for the HKRALD with great success. Sheep shearing is now the order amonij farmers. Dr.

J. P. Punkel, of Boedy, recently paid us a flying visit in the interest of his profession. Dr. R.

is well thought of. The wheat that is sown on high ground looks well, while that on low ground does not look so well in consequence of the wet weather. Mrs. C. Fuerstenberg, very low at this writing and it is thought she cannct recover.

Her disease is an abscess in the heaO and dropsy. Boody is proud over her new lumber yard. John Sleter's mngniflccnt new barn is approaching completion. Wo had li heavy shower of rain a few days neo, which has materially improved the appearance of the wheat. Candidates are beginning to button-hole a fellow, and ask for support.

John Sleter has a pntch which takes the ribbon in Blue Mound township. Schools are moving along nicely. Tramps are beginning to swarm. Many more acres of corn are planted now than there were this time last year. Chinch bugs are plenty, flying Hke clouds in the air.

A very bad omen for a good corn crop. Oscar Cross has bought a bran splinter new buggy for the ladies. The pastures are looking well. Dr. Clark, of Niantic, is visiting patients in this locality.

Fever and ague have just put in an appearance, Rev. J. H. Young and Ben Baughman, of Blue Mound, were here last week soliciting subscriptions for a parsonage at that berg. They raised S140.

The Blue Mound Township S. S. convention convened at Madison chapel last Sunday. Among the prominent speakers were Eev. Nauman, of Boody.

Hon. W. T. Moffett, Wm. Deacon and others, J.

H. Sloeter was chorister and E. A. Moffett organist. Good vocal and instrumental music interspersed the'proceedsngs.

A vote of thanks wns tendered the first E. church for the use of their books. HAI-SAZZAKD. May 8. It II1C .11 Oil II cl.

The windblesv a perfect jjnle Friday evening, Melborno's hay press building, feet dimensions was blown offits foundations and some of ils limbers were broken. The storm came from the north, overturned hay-stacks and flattened things generally in its course. The amount of damage done has not been carefully estimated. Our city dncls sny that thore will be $9CO in the treasury for saloon license i i the next few days. Muy 6.

I NOTES The State institution for the Blind at Jacksonville, has been closed. Daiyille has a Chinese citizen who has an American wife and child. In boring an artesian well at Peoria, sulphur water was struck at 810 feet The people of Baybrook, McLean county, have decided to boie for coal, Peoria has six wells now, and will have four bathing establishments. The Johet papers say the small-pox epidemic is practically under control in that city. The Peoria people are boasting of their new court house, and estimate that it is visited by 2,000 people daily.

Cora Rogers, employed in a Peoria rag warehouse, fell through a hatchway to the basement, three stories below, and escaped unhurt. The Peoria Sugar Refinery, of Peoria, has commenced suit against nineteen fire insurance companies, in the Peoria circuit court to recover 873,000. The Mattoon coal shaft has not yst panned out a success. Seventy-five thousand dollars have been expended, and coal is not yet reached at a depth of six hundred feet. It is now proposed to sink a smaller shaft from the bottom of the present shaft, three hundred feet, making the total depth 900 feet.

There seems to be a little trouble about the finances. Bush Brown's distillery, at Peoria, was sti uck by lightning, at Thursday evening, and the cistern room caught fire. The bonded ware-house, malt house and cistern room were totally burned. Over 100 barrels of whisky stored in the warehouse were saved. The wind was blowing from the mill, or it would have met a like fate.

The loss is estimated at about 85,000. The insurance is said to cover the loss. Don't pay 50 to 75 cents for sheet music, when you can get the same for 5c at J. T. HAND LIST OF PATENTS Issued to Illinois Inventors nay by JohnC.

Dupee, Solicitor of Patents, Decatur, 111,1 Anderson, snap and buckle, Roseville. Beaumont, valpe, Eankakee. Blaney' A. shade, Riverside. sharpening machine, Chicago, Covel, jointer and gage, Chica- Griscom, W.

H. apparatus, Chicago. underground wires, Chicago. Hooker, W. Abingdon.

Johnson, buckle, Kobmsor. Jones, J. rake, Bockford. Lane, for molding car wheels, Hyde Park. Latz, W.

elevator, Chicago. Matuy, alarm, Harvel. Moore, 0. for wagons, Monticello. Morgan, J.

over, Decatur. Moulton, G-. tilo furring, Chicago. Oar, coupling, Kansas. Pates, plow, Alton.

Stone, Bloomington. Unxicker, Chicago. Van metal farming machine, Chicago. "Webber, A. Saratoga.

Wilis, B. fence barb, Freeporl. Winegar, W. drill, Chambersburg. Patents 300; designs 11; trade marks labels reissues of patents serial No.


cSS GOING EAST, So. Through Express 7'05 a 4, Alliiutie Express 12 til '2, LiKlitnhig lixpresb 1 0 5 5 8, Bemeut Accommodation 7 2 5 Tho following freight trains will carry puiben- Kerr with tickets 1 0 2 0 7 GOI.XG WHM'. No. 3, Fast Line 4 :50 n. 7, Jacksonville Accommodation 7 a i 5, Fast Mall 4 oo 1, Through Express 7 :45 The following freight trains will carry passengers with tickets' (ioingWest On and niter Sunday, Jnn 1,1882, trains will run us follows on the Chicago Division of the St.

L. P. li'v by way ol Bemeut. GOING KA8T. No.

48. Chicago Express 1 2 2 0 a -Hi, Through Express 7 41, Chicago Mail 12.15pm ABBIVK FROM CHICAGO. N'o, 47, St. Louis 3 45 a 41, Ht. Louis Mail 3 60 in II, Through Express 7 2 5 St.

Ijo-ULls 3ClTr3.s5.oaa. GOING WESP. No. 47, St. Louis Express 3 5 a 13, Fast Lu.e a 41, l)ecauir St.

Louis Accom a 45, Fust Mull 4 5 AEKIVK FHOM ST. LOUIS. No. 48, Chicago Express 1 2 1 5 a 41, Atlantic Express 11 5 0 a St. Louis and becattir Aceoni 9 15 i 42, Lightning Express 10 4 0 The following freight triins will carry passen gers with tickets on theSt.

Louis Division: Going West 7 30 am Arrive from West 2 da-axcvpalgTaa. X3i.T7-5.sloM.. Arrive from Enst 1 0 4 0 a Leave tor Chnmpulen 2 0 8 Illinois Central IK'y. GOING 1TOBTH. Passenger 6 05 am Accommodation 3 4 0 Freight 4 20 GOING SOUTH.

Passenger 5 3 0 Accommodation i Freight i a FMA, DECAIUR E7M1LL2 RT, G01XG EAST. Passenger 1 0 4 0 a 10 40 Freight 3 1 0 GOING WEST. Passenger 55 am 3 2 2 Freisnt 10 4 5 a I. B. PL'y.

(ST. LOUIS DIVISION) FOKMEELY Manaplis, Decatnr Springfield R'y Trains leave and arrive at Decaturjas follows: No. 2 Day Express 12 15 p. No. 4 Night Express 11 00 p.

No. 6 Way Freltrht a 10 Stock Express 5 so'p. Trains No. and 8, daily except TralnsNoN and lo dally. ARKIVE.

No. 1 Day Express 3 00 p. No. 3 Night Express-- 4 30 a. No.

9 Through Freight 8 15 No. Way Freight 7 So p. Noa. 1,7 and 5, daily except Sunday. Nos.

3 and 9, daily, K. HARWOOD, Ticket Agent Decatur. C. E. HKNDRBSON, EO.

H. SMITH, (ieneral Manager. Traffic Manager. Trains will run as follows Mail and Express arrives at 7 40 lenvesat 6 4 0 a GOING WEST. Mail apd Express arrives at 7 55pm leaves at 6 4 5 a GEO.

B. SPITLEB, Agent D. H. COKKLIN, (ien'l Supt. Young men in want of a nice, well- made and good-fitting suit, will do well to examine the large stock just arrived at Decatur's One Price Clothing House, corner of old square.

m29-dwtf GENTLEMEN: I tinvc used DK. MASTER'S InOM Toyic In iuy practice, a i i i Otvrentr-flrc In medlcln have ntver found anything lo girc the results llmt DK uses of Nervous Prostration, Female Dysnemu 7 Dii, this peerless remedy, has in my made somt woiiderfuh IRON TONIC doe's. In many cases poyerlshed condition of the blood, -wm Cases that have baffttitl some of our most eminent physicians, have yielded to this ureat mi. asDB Is a necessity in my practice. ST.

tons. Nov. feth, 1361. It fjivoa color to the blood, natural heolthfitl tone to fA0 digestive organs and nervous system, making it applicable to General Debility, Jjtss of Appetite, frostration of Vital Powers and Impotence, MANUFACTUREDBVTHE DR. HARTER MEDICINE fPOfTR MAN'S FRIEND Wooden THIS MEANS THE 5th ANNIVERSARY CHEAP CHARLEY Hi Himself 1 tto Marc oi Dun As reminder, we have received froinfouriFAOTOKYtln Chicago Some Immense Large Wooden Boxes) Containing'tlie first shipment ot our Since oiirjcomingto Decatur ourlprlnclpiil wits to make friends by treating others as we wintl to oe treated ourselves, We Have Succeeded! And continue In the futurelns in the past to be worthy of the patronnge bestowed I the tasl live years.

I Manufacturing Our Own Goods, We Have FaciljJ ties which cannot be overcome by any competitor, And contradiction by ouroppoeition, I i Sit tllG Ed if tllS For Good Quality, Style, Fit and Low Prices. Our Hat and Cap, as well as Gents' Furnishing Goods Department, is Complete. THE "OLID and all the leading brands of KENTUCKY WHISKIES. Sole Agents lor Bass Go's Pale Ale, and Guinnes's London Porter on Draught and in Bottles WI3STES AJSTD LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES A SPECIALTY. a NT, 1 Tk IT I I I A I I I JN Q--Ji JL 4 i a.

C3 J- Wholesale and lietall Dealer In OYSTERS, FISH, CANNED GOODS, AND VEGETABLES. (f ise inffloiMlil StaM, 39 Sort! Main Street.) will keep on hand constantly Fresh Oysters, River and Lake Fish. Also, Vegetables in tbeir season, and Canned Goods. Give me a call. llurUc A StaVibeUlu cB Kxc-ltmcnt In Oublln Over III HMN'i rd Fre 1e lv emUsl and Under Secretary Bi n'eie shot dead this livening in 1'lu 'art.

nnu.ix, Fredc i mulish', the new secretary to ,,1 and Karl Spencer had re in a Dublin castle, engaged in the of olllcial business tint 0 -cluek this evening, when each his respective residence. J. mncr Lord Froderich and Mr. Henry Burke, walk in Phusnix T.u'lt. tff shot close to the secret yo urrrests have been ma May teleg fumi i say it now appears uul Cavendish and Luder-ssecr i were stabbed and not They were both strolling in the about half a mile from the city ami a (juartei of a milo from the MCietary's lodge, when a car drov containing four men, two of jumped down and attacked Loid endish and Mr.

Burke, slalibing both times in the throat breast. The victims struggled lor i and in the struggle be M'jiauted, their bodies being I some ten feet apart. The trailed cuiii'd in open day, about 7 o'clo the evening. The bodies were first two young men who were riding clcs through the park and who i diatdy gave the alarm to the 11 surgeons soon reached the but the police were already conv linrke's body away to the town an examination showed life ex The upper part of the body was (united in a shocking manner am sented a ghastly sight. 1'roce the medical men reachei bjdy ot Lord Cavendish, which being conveyed away from tho on a stretcher.

The body of the chief secretar played some dreadful wounds, in turn to which his left arm was torn as if he had put it up his breast. Lord Cavendisl The bodies were ta hosuital, where they 111,1111 until tho inquest. The of the outrage is terribly marke blood. The. spot where the br Cavendish was found was absi deluged, while Burke's body la pool of blood.

It is said after tl tlic murderers immediately dro There heems to be no eme to thi sins at present, but the police art every effort to discover them. A large quantity of notes an coin, besides their gold watches in the pockets of the i shows that the object ennic was not robbery. Great iiient prevails throughout Uubli indignation is exi CupltalTalk. WASHINGTON, May esl centers in the Guiteaii case, begins the court in bane says he thinks the cai stiong, and (iuiteau expresses deuce, though it is easy to iii'iiher have verv much rea lOuitean seems nervous and ai evidently realizing tl i- hope remains. Jt is expected the Preside the Chinese bill to-day the Cabinet to-morrow before.

The i'ost bays if be the Democrats will have lost they gained by the veto and the Course of the Republicans. Kdward O'Meaghcr Condo Cinuinnati Fenian, so long imi in England, says he thinks the of Cavendish and Burke the the evnergency men, a low Irishmen whodo thework of lords even to oppressing the It rufuse to pav rent. There is talk of the nomin the Hon. Jno. C.

Allen, of member of Congress, as an ind for Governor. It is believed done he would receive the si the Republicans and be ending the Bourbonism of th. Iowa members have ation that the talk of Kirkwc inns for Congress is unfounde i Holloway is here. He Wk that the Indianapolis Jou secret favor Will. English, support Peele, the Republics date for Congress, is all sheer and that tbsre is no probabil can defeat Peele.

Postponed. WASHINGTON, May on the bill of exceptions in the is postponed until to-morr WASHINGTON, May signed the Chinese bill to-daj.

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