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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HAINES, Advertising Manager Sole National Advertising Representatives: the Thomas F. Clark Co. New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, San Antonio, Ban Chlctgo, St. Louis, Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered as second class matter at tlic post oflJw at Blythevllle, Arkansas, under act of Congress October 9, 1917.

Served by the United Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier In the city of BlythcvUle, 15c per week or M.BO per year In advance. By mall within a radius of 50 miles, $3.00 per year, $1.60 for six months, 85c for three months; by null In postal zones two to six, inclusive, M.50 per year, In zones seven and eight, $10.00 per year, payable in advance. Looking For a "Goat" In ancient times when IHIIIIIIII misbehavior 01- short siglitctlnoHK brought down upon the people the inevitable penalties of such short comings, it wits custom to erect an altar anil sacrifice upon it gout in tho hope of thus appeasing the wrath of the mysterious powers controlling the destinies of men. In some circles the offering of a dumb brute in' atonement for human misdeeds jsesfncd inadequate, and the practice developed of choosing by lot or otherwise somq man or woman to play the unpleasant role of goat. According to the' best available records, that seemed.reasonable and sat- jsfactory to everybody, always excepting, it is to be presumed, the unfortunate "At all events, human nature being little lo change, the good old custom still prevails.

We do imt burn our "goats" on alUtrs, but we still seek 'vicarious atonement through l)e physically or other- vise, persons no more responsible clyes, fo.r from which go wrong, 'particular person or institution must be singled out to be blamed. Poor Mr. Hoover, having been elected president of the United States because of his self-confessed ability to make prosperity permanent, is the natural goat of prosperity's collapse, and unless signs fail will be driven office when his term ends. He richly deserves what is coming to him, but lie is no more responsible for the present depression lhan he would have been for prosperity had it continued, and lo load the blame onto him is merely to dodge the issue and to postpone solution of the problem. Similarly with respect to the current difficulties of the cotton and wheat industries in this country.

It has been plain as the nose on your face for some years that American cotton and wheat growers had their choice between meeting foreign production costs and cutting their production to lit the American market. They have done neither, and Ihe fix they arc in has sent them hunting for a goat. The cotton shippers are trying to sick them onto the farm board, the co-op enthusiasts say the speculators have caused the trouble, and everybody agrees that something ought to bo done about Soviet Russia. In the meanwhile, and pending such time as he may be able to make some greater contribution toward a sane solution of the difficulties vexing the nation, Hie wise citizen will devote his attention, to Im own affairs, to the end that they may be in such shape as to carry him through even with Hoover in the White House and the Bolsheviks growing cotton for five cents a pound. If he is a farmer he will put his trust neither in the farm board, the cotton shippers, nor the Ked Cross, but will make his land provide him a living.

If ho is a laboring man, clerk, storekeeper, professional man, or whatever his method of earning a livelihood, he will do his job the best way he knows how, and spend no more than he earns, making provision in good times for the bad times that always come, And then maybe it won't make such a whale of a difference who is in the White House or who IK trying lo make economic laws run backward. Rebuild the Smokehouse The smokehouse- was an essential adjunct ot the old country home. It. was named "smokehouse" because hums, bacon, sausage and hog Jowls svcre smoked within Its walls. But it was far marc than smokehouse.

It was the chief storage place lor food supplies In Kcneral. Barrels ol Hour, 'iacks of meal, cans ol lard, dried fruit, beans, peas, honey, preserves, imd many other things were kept In the, smoKe- houses. It was tho fixed iralicy of the well-ordered family to produce nl home the general food supplies for the family. In the (all these sup- lilies were put awiiy tor the winter. With an abundance of "Imnrt-plckcd" food In the smokehouse for the family, and corn in the crib and hay in the barn lor the slock, in truth the family was Independent, it, was independent because It was In position to take care ot Itself.

It wasn't necessary for members of the family to worry nbout their living. They imd the highest type of unemployment insurance. By their Industry and frugality and foresight they insured themselves by making provision lor the future. It was a slcp backward when Southern farmers abandoned the smokehouse and resorted to living from cans, bought at the store. This change added 'heavy burden of cost to the fnriner and introduced a very common, unprofitable, lazy wny ot living.

The farmer who docs not make his living at home today in all probability Is going lo fail. Every farmer may restore the smokehouse if he wants It, and may make and enjoy a good living at home If he and his family have the Industry and the brains and the character to measure up to the obligations and responsibilities of the fmnlly in the country under present-day conditions. Agriculturist. SIDE GLANCES By George dark 7, "If I only hud a job (his of getting up and looking for work, I'd just stay home from WASHINGTON LETTER Nirarajua's Population Ins'l Equal i country and Vice President Juan tu That ot Several American Cit- u. Sacasa, now.

minister to the It makes a difference to tin actor whether he ranks or is regarded as rank. Dorothy thinks that a southern exposure the revelation of some Dixie scandal. Talkies arc soon to be shown in trains. As if train Journeys were not boring enough as it is. What tourists would like more than a United States of Europe Is some nulled rates of Europe.

Mayor Walker of New York may have acquired a fine burn in California, but it will be nothing compared to the roasting he'll get back home. OUT OUR WAY By Williams i "Tuva OuTA AM' PoT IM -THIS ARM, DOWM VIE Re. TtAE.N\ THIS LEG OUT ARM AM' VT 1W THIS UECr UP TvjRM AROUUO 'AT OTHER LECr OOT OF ER ARM AM' PuT Vsl 1 Ics, but the tittle Country, Now Stricken by 'Quake, a Big 1'art In U. S. Affairs.

BY RODNEY DUTCHEH NEA Sen-ice Writer WASHINGTON, April' The earthquake struck Nicaragua as she was striving to rehabilitate herself after years of unrest and revolt, engaging in a. struggle rendered liH the mors bitter by the recent world-wide depression which ijrlpjK'd her principal industries. Anyone.who has traveled through Latin America, where national affairs, national life and national developments are nearly always prl- matlly' concentrated In national capitals, realizes the likely eifer; on the entire republic of the disaster which befell Managua. Proportionately, the calamity Is so "great when recalls-that Nicaragua's population of 039.000 is not CQiinl to that of various 'American cities. And that Managua is nol as large as 'many of our cities of which Ihe average American hardly ever has heard.

U. S. Ran Election But the little Central American republic lias been very large in our foreign affairs. American marines have been in Managua often and for longer periods than in any other foreign capital. This country stopped Nicaragua's last revolution and enforced the "free and fair elcclion" which gave her the government which Instituted her recent program of national reconstruction.

We maintained the stability of the government and gave our blessing lo the program. Now, after the sudden double affliction of earthquake and fire is the United States which has rushed to the rescue. And still look to Nicaragua as the country thru which wn probably some day will build another canal from the Atlantic lo the Pacific. More than a century of recurrent disorder preceded Nicaragua's last three years cf comparative peace and progress. Warfare was both internal and external.

About 20 years ago. Mew York bankers tcok over the country's tangled fi- r.ancinl affairs and United Stntes made its first large scale intervention. sending 2000 Ilands of internal secretion are reflected by changte in the mucous membranes. It the underlying cause Is removed, tho Infection may bo brought under control, but In the vait majority of cases correct treat- mjsnt involves not only control of the underlying cause but also treatment ot the infection. If the vitamins Insufficient, they may be supplied through giving a well balanced diet.

For the sensitivity, It Is necessary lo make diagnostic which will Indicate the special substance to which Ihc person may be sensitive, Disorders of the glands of internal secretion must be carefully Investigated. There are some cases for instance, thosq In which the thyroid is deficient, in which It is possible to supply the deficiency through proper preparations. People who work indoors in crowded rooms where the air Is bad and the temperature too low or too high are more likely to develop Infection of the sinuses than those who spend a good deal of time outdoors. A constant discharge from the nose, particularly a discharge of pus, is one of the most certain indications of Infection In the Sometimes when discharge from the sinus berojnes blocked, there is swelling of the forehead, dizziness and even ringing in Ihc ears. There are several sinuses, each of which must be studied individually by the physician in order to determine the extent and nature of the infection.

Such study involves a thorough examination through the nose cf the openings of the sinuses into the nose, washing of the sinuses to obtain the discharge, traiiEillumina- tion in a dark which indicates whether or not the sinuses arc clear, and the use ol the x-ray which indicates whether or nol there is thickening of the walls of the sinuses or any amount of material present in the cavity. MOTHER NATURE'S CURIOSVJQI IT IS POSSlBlE TO AW THRUST TflC HAND IHTO A GLAUS WrtfKS 1HE ISO' OAttORE. AS THESE SH AfTff OF SUHUSHr CREEP FOREST i.ooa., ALL. INSKTS PAWS. United States, undertook to capture Managua with an army commanded by General Jose Moncada.

After warfare causing considerable properly destruction and Interference with the ifational economic life, the United-'States sent Henry L. stimsori. to' 'demand that both the conservatives lay dbwn their arms election under' marine supervision. All agreed except the rambunctious General Sandino. who has since given some trouble, and Moncada was elected.

He promptly began a.vigorous effort to put the country, on its feet. -Conditions have not been any too good. Some guerilla warfare continued and, much more the slump which has hit agriculture all over the. world dealt heavy blows to Nicaragua's coffee, banana, sugar -and cattle But the Moncada government seemed to be making a-remarkable amount of what-is called progress in sifch backward countries. Public works were being pushed forward on a large scale.

Government Retains Control Tlic government had regained control of its bank railroad and a new mortgage bank had been opened up for the aid of agriculture and industry. La the fortress overlooking Managua which was always the first goal of revolutionary movements because it, so completely dominated the city, was razed and a. splendid presldcntia palace erected on its site. This country had erected a flue new legation and commercial concerns had gone ahead rapidly with improvements after the promise continued peace had then confidence. A read was begun lo lead from Managua to the Allan tic coast, through terriloy now virtually impassable, alonj with several other important new roads Railrcad'cxtensions were begun anc dams here and there in the coun try for power and light systems All this required strict economic: in other ways and both determlna tion and sacrifice on the part Nicaragua. full effect of the dcstructto; of Managua on the country's inv No Real Bookworms in Philadelphia Libraries PHILADELPHIA, (UP) he Quaker city has no book orms. Parkway, so fnr the books have een free from the book worms hlch formerly infested all li- raries. marines. When the body of mediate cannot be told, bu marines withdrew we Ictt a lega lion giianl which at Mana.

gua until 1925. The I revolution of recent memory is that which followed the ccup d'etat of General Emiliano Ciiamcrro In 1926. President Flrd Tlic elected president fled the it probably will be an Importan one. And with a history of revolii tlons, wars. Interventions and eco nomic depression, It seems tha stricken by earth quake, lire nnd resultant distress- has had more than her share the world's misery.

Fishbein Tells Underlying Causes of Sinus Trouble Editor's N'clc: This the first i of by Dr. 1 on fcrlcd sinusrs. i MORHIS HSHBRIN Kdiior. of ihc American Medical Asrnrinlii 11. inti of Hygcto.

the Uraltli Magazine i The public has Ira are flnuses or an nat trnre rounding the nose, assoclate.1 'with tills kr.o-.vicikr. ta Dr. Lee M. Hurei. ILIK lus developed among types a fixation on the s.niisi-.^ which there is not only hrariach' and pain.

and whn have not realized that th nasal condition is primarily slble for the trouble. According to.Dr. Hurd. the mu cons membrane of the nose become deranged either by a bad diet whlc is deficient in vitamins, by sens tivity to various protein sutuuncc or by tcmc disorders of the giant of Internal secretion. The changes that take place in (he mucous membrane make it possible for germs to invade them easily snd then the infection has "C4N HAVE or GtUllLS lErT.

A iAKGE LIKE 'rO, OOO OF -WESE PAGGERS, EACH ONE MORE TWAK OF A CHURCH EXCUSES By George TTnrhnrn When a fellow reads the papers. wore long whiskers (If he hears folks lalk and fees how many grow them), and sister wore I things are going on in the world, it and not a boyish bob. They Ell I just looks like you might as well attention to what the preJ quit. I've been a Church member'. said and it it suited them they! since I was a smail.boy but of tots nified their satisfaction hy'sJ years I've nol been regular iti my; something.

Father, and even 1 attendance. In fact. I'm not sure the younger men, did not that my name is on any Chinch' to offer up an occasional prayel Roll. I fell out with them when the day or night was hot and they began to want mere money was an occasional snore no om and larger buildings and new seats. I excited.

If the babies cried While (wo legged pssts are frc- (I believe they now refer to the I the preacher kept on preaching uently observed in the library on seals as yews). Mother either did something When I was in the Church the s'-oPP" 1 llle w' 01 pews were benches. Tin rostrum was a pulpit; (he choir was singers; the piano was an or One real book worm, tlm fork. The Preacher was not as found years ago by David C. I referred lo as a doctor and librarian ol the Library was pronchin" and not Th" ompany of Philadelphia.

He cap- ired the little worm, placed it in i flce of vils mrelin hous3 no Ilt Th box where it thrived for several not ling bsnYfcr eveiybody knew eeks. only to have it disappear cr to ga chm and ab3u; 'Ith the box. how long they would be there Til- 1 Since then none has appeared in! women folks sat on one side of the ny of the Philadelphia libraries or house and tlic men on tho other, ook centers. Mother wore a tcnnet and Father by out to look at the horsss buggies or the Smith twins had arrived too late to get benefit of the preaching. Grandma N'ixson felt- like she wasted no time in getlfl it.

The only commotion this was that they usually gave Grandma more rcoml So really all these new thl leave a fellow know where. Read News want adsl TAKE A TO COB ES ARE BORM but a btgiin. If rats arc put on a diet i to lend strength to u.r picture. that is deficient In Vitamin A. the On the r.tlur hand.

-i 1C r3 are mucous membranes change and in- ji.ilcgrn.uic with fccllon of Ihc sinus occurs. obstructed the fn cases whcr. there sensitivity and a profile woii- dei vxhv always, ferl red. have no appetite, who they likely to be invaded by germs. pains in the joints :1 limbs, i In the same way, disorders ol the to various food substances, the mucous membranes swell and are much "That desk has stood there years.

I wouldn't think of moving it." "George is awfully fond of that chair. It belonged to his grandmother." "Yes, 1 managed to match the old red draperies exactly. It wouldn't seem like home if things were changed." You have known people like that, set in their ways and hide-bound by tradition. Good souls they are.fme, solid, substantial. but missing out on so much that they have every right to enjoy.

Wouldn't you like to shake them awake sweep the cobwebs from their mental horizons give them words like "new" and "latest" to replace the "olds" and If they would only read the advertisements in the daily newspapers! New foods and balanced diets. Household' appliances that add hours to the day. Stylish dresses at astonishingly reasonable cost. In fact, all up-to-date merchandise in complete array. That is the sort of news the advertisements bring you new ways to do old things, new articles to replace the old news! Read the advertisements every day.

It will pay you in added enjoyment, and actual money saved..

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