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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 5

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BSTRUCTIOH TACTICS. 'he House Repabllf ns Acting Lit. of Coatrarj School Boys. Ejection of Democratic Overtures For An Arrangement ot Set Speeches. senator Ve.f.

Interettins Eemarkt Oath. Iportnc 01 An international Copynjht Prudent britad Tennessee Senatorahip. OENERAL WASHINGTON NEWS. Anril "rZi tt the Wr ud Democratic fc.a about concluded k.v about concluded uses noBUBiHo HtopeblioM id ot the Hoom 3T hieh to make their set tea 01 TVm.MU hnm 1 Kill "Vrri ich or May. Then the "nt batter will be openedj at "uj thort range, and the fir will CTfcf if Demoerate will gnd tt lie present intention ia to hev a vote a the bill ilooiiay, June 4.

Jlr. Mills tirW aaluid unanimous eoa ttt ta it (eiticmea mibt be allowed te mat ia the HewtU any remarka upea jfrsjee ef tfce tana, but ALT. HliU MslSe, ebjtCttd. Mi. hof uf York, objected n4iot of lr.

Malls that a ruitht jja Mtouid be held thia evening. ib ilsiaouoan in me uoum iuv ia aa uuxnusieal howl because lpf jjtiweBi.ic mcnioers ou the Com-BltKi sa Hcrebant Marine and Fiab-coct hi- i rciort bill fiaut- jar Ancncaa reisteia to foreitrn ships. it aiBoniy rvpoit irou the eunsn eum-MMe itself a lifting of the voice is wad'Ow ne course of the Uepeb-aaas ia lius matter is directly in koep-iU vita what it ia in regard to the Urt. fur while they howl the liepub-hoaa Senate ia paeeing- quite frequently feila granting K(ti( to forciam-built tup special eases. Ihe Republican tkiak that tiuh tlunjrs are all right; lies those thus favored are benefited, at the of the many, does not dis-tarb them in the least.

1 hey are there-fcte eotsirtent, for their tariff tactics sjcJtitute just auch a programme, fa-vur-fl as it does, the few at the expense the many. Ihe very day that the Hfpubli cams in the Tlouse commenced tteir howling over the Dunn Fire Snip aUi the Senate i aaaoU two special meas-tn of character mentioned. COH MITT EH Tie Sarpla uul Indlna AfTairs Istue at Fractional nrreney. Tatblnston, April 24. Owing to a fait in to gee guornm unrll oearly noon, Iks kmIoi of the Way and Means Com-alttee to-day lasted only about 10 loll at.

The of deLaie on the tartlt bill tu not trfeired to, and the esaunlttea eontetited itself with sending tfcs Mills 6urpius bill with the Spooner-L4C a ametidenient aj passed tj fbo Sen-si, to a subcommittee com posed of Messrs. XIUs, McMiUin and Keller, and ordering a tsTorsble report on the Brecklnrido lesoluttoa calling upon Ihe Seeretery ut tfcs Treasury fur fniurmatlon restardln ta hapurtaiion of furxlpn Lator and Us cSen upon American Industrie. Tte bwuaa Couimlns on Indian affaire Otis noroing agreed to report wrh fa-verabls rseutnrcentlation a bill to pay the Yabpetoa and Mit.etun liodlans, la Patau C.0uO In one Instalment which to sew sue then in small instalments. Cstretarr Falicblld appealed before the twats tiiianeo i tu-day at the ejsest of tae cumminee to pieseot his vtsws ea the bill wblrn had passed the Hesse providing fnr the isue of frac-teal current j. ihe Sccieuxy strongly ssose4 Ihe bill.

He aserted that stwlous Issues of fractional currency had east ia the expense of production and the has frwa destruction, aa much as too satire face value ef the average cites isiiee maintained. lie did not believe that MbUe convenience required a re-Issue, aw that It would be popular. Fractional dver and the postal note system aet all purpose which ti-actlonaj Botes eouid ssrve, ascept by a very large Usue extending to ths most lemote Pitts of try and requlrtn; years In Us prep-aretloa. The cost and nrr-at loss Incl- essl te such an laue and Its manifest etaadvaatagas wbich led to Its abendon-eat were te his wind oonclu-uv ses agaiast a reeewal of such circulation. The Coaptreller of the Currency.

Mr. TTsnbolai, epteursd before the committee Merest some minor modifications of the hill to reimburse depositor in the needniau's Lank. THE NATION'S EXECUTITE. The Presleee! levttrd te Tisit Texas vee)isatioe Kent to ibe 8et. VasalBgtoD, April entire Texas reacretsloDal delegation, beaded by 6eneor Cake and accompanied by Benjamin Este.

ef Texarkana, with First Auditor Chenc U. called apon President Cleveland today arsst ii isd ar Invitation from the Oov-rac ef tae state and the manager ef the weal lalte, attend, with Mrs. Cleveland, a easeing end dedication of the new State tspltel at Austin. la President met the delegation kindly aa appeared to appreciate the Invitation "stir, lie said that it wouia give him aesur to attend the ceremonies, but he aet see hew he could leave Washington MUe tl me. He would not give a lael aar, hut while he might possibly arrange asst.

he could nut hold eat any aaeueracemsBU eelegatlon also presented an Invlt. "ata kUulster touiero for tranmiaaie fIMe Ptss, of Mexico, freadent has sent the following aoauoattoss to the fcenate: rostmasiers Wm a Norman. Alvarado, T. A Ballmger, lexaa; aty Taamas. Gatrett, ludisna; Fletcher Metropolis City, 111 I Charles fcl Esllooa, Pecatouica, 111.

Thomas Teirv, prlBt Vailer, IU. Jerry th Adhine, WiV baaiuet S. CarroU. Ad el. IUB; ia ItrnttnAll firlt I BL.

i Edlna, Mo. Oeorgek etaf. K. V. Plnkord, Pel.

'f Mo. i Christopher M. 11111 brand. gpt fiiui. Ma Joel hheUey.

rrtnee Li VvUo J- Mrtoy. eavsenah. Me; Thoi pon. Alma, Was Charles J. P1 Clty.aa.; Caarlee V.

Uowe, V-cW. has. Taylor W. ecott, ataiTord, P. alaeey.

Las Animas, Cot wry ft BrUey, IxU Kapkls, f. Laursa, Uresd Korka. Dak. JaooB Slr' Jtao4Un1 Joha a hstcr, Uak. uiiver a.

Gloan, Ueile-a, Uahe, eud Wm. T. Griffin, Moscow, viflnUoa! rX E- Smith, of H. fwerRaudent end Consul General te Jwia; Robert Calvert, Surveyor of Cos. UCYoas, Wis.

Indian Agentsi S. triitrx ea, Eiows, Ceeoeacbe and jitoladlses, India- Territory H. Jahasoa.oi Indians, Artaooa: wi Vr District Attorney Buutaern dia "Me MonWe, We Keeeor, Kansee, toed three privaU pen oiUUafcHUy. T0H KEXTUCKIANS. Ge Ceedeti fa the Ohle The I'TPerks Bestallea Another onete Over the Keetacky.

Mhlagtea, April IA tpeelaL) Mr. eeay made favorable report to ttoua, f-eta the Committee on Coav ytth alight amendment, upon the aatkorUlag the Kentucky Bock Oae lay eontiDaou pipes apon or ra Ua aed ef the Ohio river, for plp-ihn- petrolaaBx, aad salt water ij, KwuwBT. The report ZL aees discovery ef InJ1ua near eaeugh te be ii louUviiie. The amendment te frovw.v by the committee Us lha work ehaQ be done under nloa the eocretary ef Wt. and tha In protocntlng tt there ihall ba Renresenterlve Ktnlev, ef Ken rocky, today Introduced ia the Hoase a bill for the relief ei the soldier of the Three Forks Battalion, hVeatacky Stete truous.

The object of the bill Is to niaee the member ot that troon, their heiri. deseeedaate and astgns, tn tss imml looting, nnde the boumy sad pensloe law, a that enjoyed by other ex-Union soldier. Mr. i'helan, from the Committee on to the House favorably the bill Introduced by Mr. Taulbee the LoulsvlMe, 'anetnneU Virginia railroad to Const root brtdKe eereee sn added proviso that telegraph Mmpenlee aa the United stetee eame right for a postal teie- ro ixjrTDCXiAKa.

Washinetaa. iwn oa 0.ji -r following Keotockiane ware rreatod pensioee to-day, Orir sal Invalids vVm wiV--1 Robertson, Stodoa'j i vew; yrsneie nosers, Falmonth. Uexioae) Wsr-o. Hanhouser; Covin non. Mexican widows Louisa, wid-ow.

Tboe. sUppia JdtaoraviUe; Cordelia, wideof Was. 0. Bnghee. rsileshorn.

Henry Oeorge ia here. No Henry George, of New York, bet Henry Oeorge, of Ken-tucky. xaa rucxT roer-omcra. JfashlngtOB, April a. (Special.

The foW towing Kentucky post-ofnoes were eslab. to-day Birdie, Anderson county, Edward XX Brown postmaster Faij-vihe. Jake. Pike eouety, Harry Weddlngton post. tnrw, Mnwa county, u.

K. xie-asae postmaster. The name of the post-ornee af Cebh, CaidweU county, was to-day banged to Cebh; ABOUT PEOPLE. A Scotch Barrister Visits the Senate Exofteproeeatatlve Post la the flaaae. Washington, April ftA (Special.) Mr.

Edmund a Scotch banister and a member ef the British Bouse ef Commons, waa at the Capitol to-day. senator Edmunds met him when he waa in England several years ego, aad gave testimony before the House of Lords In regard to the diverse law of this country la colonial The Vermont Senator therefore very appropriately acted as Mr. Robertson's chaperons. He seated htm on a sofa In a corner of the chamber ana brought ny fellow members of the Senate to weet htm. Mr.

Robertson' bow to those to whom he wae Introduced waa no Impulsive eif-hand nod. bus a svry pvofeaad and polished sour-tesy. He evidently enjoyed himself. Ex-Representative Post, of Pennsylvania, who wee the youngest member ef the Forty-eighth Congreev, was at the eapltol today. Be say-, that the PsntMlvanla Dera-oeratte State Convention, which sheets on tLe sad ef May next, will Indorse tl-e Ad-ministration and send a Cleveland delegation to tot.

LotLs. 1 GENERAL WASHINGTON NEWS. AepoiatBseets at the JeflTersoevllIe Depot Kaetvtlle's Bridge Over the Tennessee The Columbia, Ararnal Bill Passed. Waahing-ton, Tpril 24. (Special.) It ia not iLkely that any new appointments will at present be made at the Jeffersonvllle Depot.

The vacancies which will occur on the last of this month will be filled probably by the fifteenth of May. The bill introduced by Mr. Honk, of Tennessee, authorising the Knoxville and Southern Railroad Company to build a bridge across the Tennessee river at Knoxville was to-day reported favorably to the House from the Commerce Committee. The Senate this afternoon, apon motion cf Senator Bate, took up and passed the bill providing for the construction of an arsenal for the repair, storage and dis-triution of ordnance and ordnance stores for the use of the Government at Columbia, Teon. The bill having already passed the House now goes to the President for his signature.

It carries with it an appropriation of S20Q.0OU, and prvldes that a site of not less than fifty acres for the arsenal be conveyed in fee to the United States Government through too Secretary oX War. ramcisAaa or bonds. 'Washington, April Offers for the sale of bonds to the Government were opened at the Treasury Department today by Acting Secretary Thompson aa follows Four and a half per cent, bonds, registered. $30,000 at SI 07. 60; at at Sloe at $107 7-e; 000,000 at $108 7-8; total.

$1,04 0,000. Four per cent, bonds, registered, $300,000 at $123 S-e: at $123 1-2; $2,000 at $1 27 total $802,000. making a grand total of '1 ue lOtlowing were accepted $300,000 registered four VaSi C300.000 registered four at liStf. TUB FIFTIETH CONGRESS. The Seaate Oses'4 With Prayer By a Rabbi Bills Reported Frans Coas-BBiiteee latereatioeal Copyright liscad Tee Aow Cattle Lte-ease Bill.

Wash ngton. April 24. The session ot the Senate to-day waa opened with prayer by Be. D. LL Ptrea Mendax, Kabbt of the Spanish and Portugese congregation of Kew York, who, according to the Jewish custom, wore his hat while engaged in prayer.

This is the seoond instance probably tn the history of the Government, certainly within the last halt century, when a Jew has offered prayer ia the Senate. Among the bills reported from the corum ttees and placed on the calendar waa the following: To provide fur the ervction of pubuc building for poet oihOvS in towns and cities where the post omee receipts for three years preceding have exceeded $3. too annually. Mr. Vest, who reported It.

said be would ask it early oonaideratiou, aa it waa a very important bill and was recmnsended by the Postmaster General. r. Hale offered resolution (which was adopted) direeting ths Civil Service Com-BusBsioners to furnish lists of all parsons or tiflad for sppointment to the Patent OAos from the'tiu of March. 133. to March, and lists of all persons selected and appointed under such crtilk-etion.

On motion of Mr. Harris, Bouse bill sp propria ung $300,000 for an arsenal at Colnm-Ua. waa taken from the calendar and UTEWWATIOItAX. OOPTMOnT. The BenaU then resums i ccnaiaoraUou of the International Copyright bi t.

the question betn on the emewdinent offered yesterday by Mr. Morrill, providing that newspaper and periodicals may copy article from lorvlgn aewspapasw Mr. Chaos opposed the ameadmeat SJ. -Ill 1.1 adnvoUj is. Mr.

Vest said that no tail ana ever coen- iteetf mere uoroaguy to nia jwu- vt sen I wasooiMwusH i aa mmiwh ia uttallectural produc-Uooe it waseonosdwd that a national rastod on the peopw of the United Btstee under existing ststnias. What would be thought of a Senator who would state ia the tienate that any citista of the United 8tatea would have a right to rob a foreigner bio personal property What Senator would dare bai ore the American people to aotnmit so flagrant aa outrage on the eon-science and judgment of the American pub-Uo aa to asake auch a statement) An yet the aaasrtioa was heard indirectly, if aoe directly, that no foreigner had aay right tu tate country except what was lira to him grmtia and hie property the shape of literary effort could be token away iroial him. Me should feel biaueeU de-a-ratiedif for aa Instant be eouid sob tern plate ute Men tnat man because a foreign ar had aot the right la thia oountry before the Uv to bin property that aa American cttiaen had to hta property. Congrees had not long ago Mated aa act that no foreigner should pur-chasereel estate in thie oounu-y, Uitheaaked would any benator nave voted for such a bid if it had proposed to take away the ex-isting right of foreigners to real eetate tn. thjTcouutry.

And yet for many years the literary property of foreigners had iwem tokeubv "pWpie of the lItl Stotos. aad fcongrves bad been sppeaW to yaio. If Bouer Bum were living to-day his immortal poems, the Cotter's Saturday Might" and "Tam O'Bbanlsr'' would be stoiea and sold on the street of New York, end Burns would have bean without redress. The productions of genius belonged to the. OMumonwealth of setters.

They were no circumscribed by geographical limits and sever while be oocupi-d a public position would he sanction the jMHional outrage of the last flty yw subject. Ad- XiUj mUUIKlUTnTrn'n ATs ntrtetrrt -r -re Kitted to be propeity ia an individaaL it oe proonot ot hie hrnia rary work or aa iavaatkm- ar in lite- Mr. Bawkry said that he was not disposed meriu of the blil forii soeotoito him that they were really la dis-pote. A German rneehanie eon Id Invent a a flhook on which he might accumulate a fortune ia thie oountry. but a Goethe or Hnmboldt eonkt not make a cent in the Lnited State on bis immortal works.

Ho admitted that there waa some embarrassment about the precise details of the bill. Mr. Beck remarked that be had just procured Ue eepy ef an adverse report snaoeve the Senate in 1878 on a similar biLL by Mr. Morrill, of Maine, and Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, aad which answered all that bad beea said oa the other sMa.

and he would like a little time to prsnut to the country the state-menta suede in that report, denouncing the bill aa a measure of monopoly. Cattu Disease. The bin weak ever without aeUoa tOl to. morrow, and the Senate proceeded to the considers Uon of the eubeutute prepeeed by Mr. Palmer for the bill to provide for toe establishment of a barer of animal indue try, to facilitate the exportation of live stock end tbeir products, and to extirpate contagious pleoro-poeuinoola diseaesa, Mr.

Palmer made a long statement, and Introduced and had referred numerous extracts from newspapers published ia New York. New Jersey sad other btatea, criticising in severe terms the manner la which the existing law is executed, some of the charges agaiaea the Government agents being, as he said, atrocious. Without action oa the bill, the Senate pro-osedsd to executive business. After the doors reopened the following For a public building at Portsmouth, Ohio, $300,000. To emend the lews relating to mineral lands and mining resources.

To authorise tue city of Chicago to erect a crib la Lake t''gwe for water-works purposes. To provide a collector at the port of St, Paul. The Portsmouth, Chicago and St. Paul bills ere House bills. A pension bill having been rei1 oa motion of Mr.

Seen, Mr. Blair prop oa ad to celebrate the era of good feeling when that benator was found asking for the passage of a pension bilL Senate adjourned. 1MPOHTLD LABORERS. Preaideat Cleveland Writes a Letter Oa the Subject Te a Bostoa Official. Boston, ArrU M.

The letter te United States District Attorney Gal via from president Cleveland, relating to the importation of foreigners into these ports in violation of the contract labor laws, is as follows: "To Bos. O. A. ALVtM, Csrrsn Htatb Disisict Attobjist, Bostsm Dear ar; inierinauee has reached Uie Treasury bepartanant tnat a large number of fvrwiicBsrs have) bssn brought into MssMSohiBwlf under viuiaUoa ef is. uoutrao Isour law, for the purpose ot manning Aawnua tl.hing vma ills aant ou from thai ports of Ulou-onemr.

Bostoa and Beverly for the puipesa of takinir flaa aiuag the Canadian coaau It aeema quite eartaia thaa such orehrnors. and aiieua, have been urouicht ia by parties ia direct violation. ut Um statute covering auch csaia. and 1 believe tbat the unportaiioa of such lorvigoers testes to the dtsplaeeuieM of amaricaa laeor. 1 ua aaare that, nuuiy of Uioee pvrsoua have, througn tue care of the offlclaia, haaa reluraed to Uie oouauy from which theycama Uwrsiur, aajoin upon you the Uuiy uf a unapt iavrtigaiioB of these naai-s.

aad reuueat that you ooater witn tae Oot-la. lore of the Porta of Boasoa aad Uouuestrr, that prompt and eneuu ve moaaures may be t4iken. The Department has oruerod taat apeciai siceaie he del sisal, whe will report directly to you. and if you rvquir any furuiee assistance it will be 40o you epoa spplteailoa. Yours ira.y, "UaovBa CutTBXAjiik A Big Backet-Shop Pails.

Philadelphia, April 34. The Keystone Investment Company, after a brief history of a few weeks, ha suspended payment. The Ustiilitle are placed by the counsel of the company at No figures on the assets are given. The company had the minimum number of stockholders allowed by the laws of New Jersey, and they were Frank Brown, Ralph Kendall and W. H.

Conn. Mr. Kendall was President of the company, and Mr. Broen, who is under. ood to have beau the real heart of the concern, was Secretary.

The company was orgsnised soon sfter the eainpaixn against the "bucket-shops" bad beeu begun by the Stock Exchange. Tiie Keystone Investment Company was a big bucket-shop," and acted as a backer for about twenty atock-jobUag aetabushmente in this city and in Treutoa, Reading, Wilmington. DeC, Baltimore and Washington, and other points in the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Cincinnati' May Festival. Cincinnati, April 24.

The auction sale of choice ot seats for the Centennial May Muaio Festival began to-day, the being limited to holders of eeaeo Two thousand three hundred out of four thousand asats in Music Ball were sold a year ago, and to-day the purchasers are selecting their location by buying at auction the privilege of preference in selection. The first choice was bought by Feehheimer at Bros, tor $130. lb second choice dropped to but the eighth brougut $50. The lowest premium wee to. 90, and toe average fg.OU.

The total premiums for the morning sale reached Sd.iM0.ii3, This indicates something more then the ordinary interest in "in is a musical events. The sale was resumed ia the afternoon. At the close. 1,114 asata bad beeu located at a total premium of aa average of Pae- A Family's Terrible Affliction. Lancaster, April S4.

The family of J. Waltmyer. repairman on the Marietta branch of the Reading and Columbia railroad, siding la West Heinpfleld township, has beea terribly aflUeted. About ten days ago his son William was taken ill with a malignant type of diphtheria, aad died within a tew days; then three other children, aged Ave, eight aad eleven, were taken ill end died within a day of each other. They were buried yesterday.

Now the four remaining Children three weU-growuaon and a daughter are dying, end the father aad mother are both down with the disss, The neigh-bora srs psmc-atrtchen. Victory For the Irish Flag. New York, April 84, The Board of Aldermen bed a lively session to-day when the resolution curtailing the Mayor's power in displaying flags oa the City Hall was offered for psasage over Mayor Hewitt's veto. By the ordinance the Mayor bad unlimited power over the flag. 1 he resolution passed over his veto by a vote of twenty to three, gives the Mayor power unless the Aldermen otherwise direct.

The whole trouble grew out of the Mayor's refusal to display the Irish flag on the City Hall oa St. Patrick's Day. A eaaal Coaveatloa of the Geranaa Bapiisia. Shaonton, Va. April $4.

The committee to select a place for the annual ooaventionor. enoampment ot the German Baptists of the Catted States tee decided oa Harrieoaburg, Vs. The convention will be held the first Tuesday after Whitsunday in About 1U.0UU to 13,000 persons of this destooaina-Uoa, representing every State and ierntory la the Union, usually attend these annual gatherings. The Haad-baU Champlea. New York.

April 34. PbiL Casey, the champion hand-bail player, called at the iUU GoseUe office to-day and deposited a forfeit Of $250 to play Jain A. aeiaa, the of Haw aoutu Wales, tor 10,000 bshie. be agrees to allow Ksenaa l.00d for expanse! incurred by him coming te New York to play tue game. Richard K.

Fog also agreed, if the match la ratinetL to put up a hand-Dell chauipiotiship trophy valued at $1.000. Am Aaaisansoat la Palate and Oils, Chattanooga, April S4. (peeial) C. C. MoCuUough, dealer ia palate alia- made an assignment to-day for the set of hie creditors; assets, $13, liabilities.

Las Friday aih snore than half of hta stock waa nee troy ed by fire aad hi creditors began coming ia oa aim, which caused the aaaiumeuw His insur-anoc amounted to $7 AiJ. Hot Lite Some Other Editors. Wilkesberse, Pa. April Record will announce to-morrow that Editor B. F.

DUJey, of Kingston, who nystsrioualy dla-agmeeredneawtenaBcathaeaadwho wae mm sMV llfl sappcaed to have been nmrdered, is alive and welL He is in Denver, CoL, and will leave there to-morrow for heme. Though net kaowa positively, it is believed that be waa temporarily Insane. SUhZ.BTriLZ.Bt KT. A Hnlf Interest la the Horse Cea Pond Sold Programme of School Corameacemeut. ShelbyvUls, April Charles Csasidy has sold a haU interest in his Michigan stallion.

Con Feud, to Mr. James Jeasse for $1,000. Too various schools of SbeTbyvllle are ba ghmamg to make arrangements for their several cosnmeacemente. Science Hill beeaa-ouneed Bishop Gran berry, of Lamia, to preach the commencement annual arnica oa Sunday, May 27. Rev.

Lyman Abbott, D. editor of the Chrisfiaa Union, aad successor or Henry Ward Beecber, will deliver the address on Tuesday evening. May kV. Subject, "The Democracy of Learniug." Rev. W.

T. Poynter, li. the Principal, will adrlrese the graduating riaas Tuesday morning, on "After Graduation What)" Dr. Abbott will lecture ia Versailise oa Wednesday night. May HO, and in Louisville oa Thursday night.

May HU Hie subject in each place will be, "Our Hsenee and Their Perils.1' He will speak ia Louisville uadar the snspicee of Dr. Wulits. For many years the aenooia of Shelbyville nave not beea ss prosperous ss during the past year, and the coming commencement own promisee to be a no treat. Teach, are and pupils are working hard to make the ssasau of load ia every way commendaula. Body of Ex-Gov.

IXoflmaa. New York, April 24. The body of ex. Governor John T. Hoffman arrived to-day on the steamer Fulda, of the North German Lloyd line.

It will be taken to Grace church, whence the funeral will take place the latter part of the week. LOCAL NOTICES. Arraagemsate hevo beea ssaee wtth the L. and S. R.

B. to sell round trip tickets to Shelby, vine and return for $1 2 to those dmiring to ae tend the fifth annual sale toe bbalby County Fins Horse Aecistioa. to take place Friday. April X7, Tickeis good for returning oa ihlth. W.

M. OWEK, Bsc'y. P. a Tickets will be oa sale mthaadigth. DaaeraC aad kaaaere raie.

aad falllag hair stopped by raauss'a Bam Riiaia, amS Faxxxa's Gixexa Toxic Is new life to the aged. Advice te Mashers Mrs. Wlnslow's Seething Syrup should always be used for children feeth-ing. It soothe Lb odid. sof tea the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and ia the beat remedy for dlarracea.

Twesuy-nve ceeta a bottle. Paia la ace-ail mi tae Back. Bsvevoa paia the oaeaf 11 tlV bctb A botueuc isrTamiin iHMaa TW VfSfA. wdtr'' CRISTADOHO'S HAIR DYE Is the azsr. It acta nsTAjrrsjtsocai.T.

produo ng lbs most natural shaoasof Bl.aCa' or BBOWN; does aot suua las acta, ana is suauy epuaU Pnc Cnstadora's Hair PrsssnratiiJ ud Baintifiir ii the best drraeing for the hair. Try it. Price 1L J.CK1STAJXRU kO WliddAJi ST, -se xoaa latwesf ing pampniete asm freav mrlS UKATliS. MILLER April at o'clock r. a-, at hlsree-I deuce 1UI Brook at.

Da. Mm Miiaaa. is toe t. tn year of hat age. The remains wui be token to ShelbyviUa, for tntertueot Thursday morning.

SCBNIEDER Aortt St, at 4 a. Fajm. W. Schmicobs, a.ed si years. Funeral wul take ptaoe to-day at o'clock, irom toe re.idsBoe of brother, Uea W.

hhrlby as. liunal private. MISCELLANEOUS. OR 8a LE TT PEW KITXRS Parties la Louis. 1 Vole desiring wruing maciunes suouU bu is Chicago or Mew Yore, we uav a lance number of aicenwt metnniienta, at pelcua waioa wdi estoanMi you.

clxecutiuu equal to near ass torsAUipies ot wutk. Auurees TYPEWKiTlR uaADtuAitl tita, lis aaue atreei. uuioago. or n. i.

City, apai sua we Notice. LOCtSVlLUt, Ktm AprOSX 1888. AMZE 1 i-N of the stocknoiders of theLuuis. villa bafety Vault and Trust Company, ul be beta at to th ox ot the eompauy, ou toe 4 Cay of Mev, lea, oetweee tue hours of 10 e'eotk a. su.

and o'cioca, r. to vote on a proposed tacre-ae of tue capital asocs ot the conusay. By order of the hoard. HOBT SCHHAJ(. beey and ireaa.

Carson Family (U. H. AJ CLEW wanted to date and place of death of David Cereoa, of Moore Hold, in I8ir: nr of hi fourumklrea. Ki ly tdD.NLY H. PKE5TOX, Maein Friead' Ag at.

1 Ureal College street, aet in i ml nr. Loadou. a. W. LoaisTllls Chancery Coari, Bemnel Sternberg's assignee ve.

Samuel Sternberg 'a creditors, etc. 141.770. A LL peraoos holding claims against estots JT. ot eanauel Btarubera; are aotined to preva satue me by April xi. lata.

JOHJ. a. MiLLkR. Oeenmlealeaer. An Itching side or aoalp ia osicuU-ted to provoke a Uuarai amount of piofanity exprasaaii or uuder.

atoud Lut rest aud ooudort ar qulusly aecurej te such sufferers by using dbomat ajraot. boar, a pure luedidual auap th. Is cleaae. log, hesilng and soothing. L.dis-penaahle to toilet, bath and aick room.

Each eake la neat ba box. suitable for traveiera. Bold by dnigrfiata or sent by mail, tto. SSASVBV JoBXBOB. DO TOO EVER SCAflTCH? DAL8AK1 nsarianS aiewia.

Restore urr hfsl Color. iidlaasaeaasStailrtaUtts NOTICE. YOU caa have your marola msntels iwpalrad, cleaned and polisbed by leasing orders with X. Muliooa A hei Oreea st mrtauAWel JOHN WALLACE. J.

W. HENMIMO'S SONS. Real Estate Brokers. mENYOff Steal Batata Beaght aad aeld ea 'seimlsslea Leeae Keeetlalad. ileaese ald aad Beate Celieete.

Piopetty hated with us for sale advertised free ef charge to ewaer. fadlUAhuly Eaady di rested; ef the naaas asvee. A hearty Beverage fur a strong apprtdwi a dwllcala dnag for the asasiUva. Tnoreudhly teals.1; auirluoue; palatable; uaexoslied ia purity; ao uvpssseaet after-eaaeto, atojaira ae beillas. Sold by HALL A HAT WARD CO.

West Joflepaoa Street, aad VflRACU it SCHOLTst 814 West Market btiect LonisTitle. Ky. H. O. WILBUR SONS, PA.

see SaMoAWeTS FBiCKFORT LQTTERI OP; KESTUCKI. OFFltLliAWINO. CLASd ISL FUR ntat. SO 4 41 a II IS ss cm, m. for eaa.

a is aa aa ia at as IS tm 4 it This compaay does ae. buaiasss tareugS the Psiled btste 7 and 2 Cent IN LABOB 08 SMALL QUANTXTIEA at tht omen. rau 1 HAIR IcHeaeak aad beai "reet li'Maaauea lonria vv' INsver Fail to Hair to its Voe STAMPS Be 8uro to Cet Hood's Sarsapartllx, my child. See that they do not give you anything else. Ton remember it Is the medicine which did mama so much good a year ago reliable, beneficial, pleasant to take my favorite spring mndlclna.

G-aOod's Sarsaparilla 4brlrKrists. fl six far SS. Plpaideaty 1 BeldbysJfangilsts. gli srzferrA. Treearedse rreearedealy Beld by CI.

UOOD a Aihaitartea, Lew ell. Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar PIANOS. BARGAINS Two weeks ago we advertised a list of six upright and square Pianos which, lor various reasons, we would close out at special prices. So low did we make the prices that they were almost immediately sold.

We now have live more, and we can assure customers that at the price we have marked them, they WILL READILY SELL First: A Weber Upright, rented four months. Second: A Choice Stein way Square, which we have put in perfect condition, and which we will sell very low. Third: A Fine Three-string Cabinet Grand Upright, Rosewood Case, taken in exchange for a Baby Grand. S245. Fourth: A Decker Bros.

Upright, token In exchange. Fifth A good A great many purchasers wait a long time, with the expectation of gettiug a special bargain. T0U WILL FIND These Instruments will are expecting a large invoice of new Uprights, and wo must make room. SMITH NIXON 622 Fourth Arenae, bot. Walnut and Chestnut.

FUKJUTURE. FOUR REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR FUKOTTUKE FROM WRAR1PELMEIER 1st. They are ward ot 200 MEN, SOULS. 2d. They sell yon a STRICTLY FIBST-CLASS article of Furniture at MANUFACTURER'S PRICK and gi-e you the profit of the middle man.

3d. They Tf ill show yon a larger, finer, and mor general assortment of all kinds of Fine and Medium-finished Furnitnre than any two houses in the city combined. 4th. They will gunrantee to sell yon CHEAPER quality consideredthan any house in the city. Come and see our IMMENSE ESTABLISHMENT and you will be convinced we mean to do what we advertise.

WMiPELMEIER STORES: Nos. 544, 54G, 54S and 550 FOURTH AVENUE. COAL. COAL REDUCED. PITTSBURGH OIHEB Screened from the elevator.

Special Pltttburgh, 75 Plttsbarjrh Kentucky, Taylor Jllaes, 0.... 8 So Keatacky Nat, bo 8 00 MINERS AND m.i... n.r SHIPP'BS Q': v-'f Mala flee. 415 Jefferson; landfnrs, foot ef Floy4 st, foot ot Sixth st. foot of Fourteenth: yard.

Font-teenta Hoodt SamnarD- prsn gpyiaUtheraeetpopn- 7Sr tar and suotcsarm Spring Mrdlclse, Nearly every Medicine bod; needs a reliable spring medicine like Hood's SarsapartlU to expel the Impurities which bare accumulated In the blood during the winter, to keen up slreslh aa the warm weather comes on, create aa orpetlte and promote healthy dJsestlon. Try Ilood't Sarsparilla ttli tpring and yon will bo convinced thatlt does possess superior and peculiar merit. A Good Appetlto "When I began taking Ilood't Sorsapanna was dizzy in the morning, had a headache, sod no appetite but now I can hardly get enough cooked to eat." Fintt finrraan. 1 Coral Street, Worcester, Man. "Last spring my whole family took IIoods Bona pari 11a.

The result Is that aU have been enred of scrofula, my lutle boy being entirely free from sores, and all four of my children look bright and healthy as possibly con be. I have found Hood's SarssparOa good for catarrh." Wat. P. ATgxnToat, Pa mlo CUy.N. J.

by HOOD IOO Dosos One Dollar IN- IT CALL TO-DAY. bo sola this weeK, as we CO. HOME MANUFACTURERS, and employ up. which represent a population of orer 1,000 CO. FACTORY: Fifteenth, Rowan, Portland Are.

and Duncan Streets. Sp SPEED attention to orders for family Crashed Cokr 12c. 00 Larre, 10.,.. SO 00 and Kentucky ats. WE TAILOniNG.

HAI A STRAIGHT From the Weather Clerk, aud can promise our friends warm weather from this time on. The wise man orclers his spring suit in time and does not wait for Old Sol to hurry him up. Last week wo announced our elegant line of English Pin Checks, Serges and Cheviots, for warm weather use. This week we call attention to a new arrival of fancy Suitings, French and English, Trimmings, and some Jjeautiful novelties in Parisian Testings, with Trimmings to match. We claim the largest and best stock of piece gppds, the most artistic cutters, the best workmanship and the lowest prices.

J. WBLOTEG? 5 OLD RELIABLE MERCHANT TAILORS, Southeast corner Third and Harket Streets. 6G- GROCERIES, REMOVED HI: O. A TJVCSTB-OZsTG- NINTH AND MARKET tsTS. 11 11 fiVi ELECTKIC A party claiming to be a representative of our company is attempting the sale of a so-called Electric Gas Burner and using our reputation as a guarantco of Its efficiency.

We are in no way responsible for this person's statements or transactions and hereby warn the public against him. Our goods are sold only from our warerooms or factory. THE GAYN0R ELECTRIC CO. NO. 430 W.

MAIN LOUISVILLE. KY. 'HsaiM! V- aa. Vaa ROYAL Usnci ConsiF, OF LIVERPOOL. Capital 910.000,000 Asset ia the United States The Royal Insurance Co.

has the largest fire surplus of any company in the world. Reliable agents at all desirable points throughout the South. DARDEE St CASTLE 3 tl. "augers. Oaairal OfBeaSOi Mam a.

LoosrrtUa, Issl Hit Wa-U PIANOS AND OllGAXS. sPIANOSrm? ROSEN aajrcTAcruBxad or Upright anil Square Pianos. bb w. asaraosi rssaeey. lass-aa aad fcraveea asa.

ihOmstlma Mastoal Buses Misaa Tuaiaa'aaJ OIL) STOVES. MONITOR. The Un.y Absoiateiy bate OH stern. WM. RITCHER AUEMTS.

write or ctreular. Oaoasra. Ice Oreaia Fl Cartaia Btreceners, House FaraiaBiaa' Ooooa. hs vail lea, Ketrisnramrs. taia.a lima boats Ohio tuver.

umm aaa eea US Market ftt. Bet. Talrdaatf roorto. TsisphoaellSt-A KaSBAWa EDUCATIOXAL. ASS AR COLLEGE rl' eawiiaewM tw arf a ill ba bead a LeuteviUeia the Orat aeea ot Juum.

Aooilcaats aiMMtkl inform the rnaMflit bet ore ruTurlddraa M. TAYUJH, U. Vaaser OidMvr Peaehlteepei, H. Y. COUPOUATI02T KOTICES KeUee.

NOTICB Hrjereby clvenof a eaflad metin of the bteeeaoWoro ef the Knanmsy otoa Had war Compaay. a the eoniuy'e ofnos ss Louisvide aieaoay. May si, tor the tranaamira ot may husmaas thai may ba lass he-fore these. by or Jar ot boerl ot Liueators. JX.

K. OKKKS, See'r tee. TP Largest Grocery Hcnse in Ky. WE OFFER: 2C0 Bbls. im Pictlss, at psr ill 200 Ebli 24:0 Pickles, et $6 III Half Barrels ia proportion.

ILL STANDARD CHICAGO COODS. SUPPLIES. COltS ETS. than any other made In EUROPE or AMERICA, a. BECAUSE IT IS TITS CKtLT COBSETETZaSTAIXS that will rasas las sue and Is I the leasts of the waist FuaaT Lasisa vrtthoul vrtthout inJariOB tight lacmr.

Tt IS TUB BEST SPEfAL SUXTOSTX3 ever asade, and It sepposxs equally well the aMoasea and aU other parts of the body. IT IS PROOF AOAHTST PESSPIBATIO aad Baoiatnre. Win asUaer eerrede or 3d, 1 soil as iu-mtnr, stretch or break at the waist, The htsats server Bevaecooc out la 1 rr sxna cnxxGTS its rosat. slways rstalnins It orlaal shape; ie lBvalaahle to 7oa2 lsds, bacaas It r- move sn 501,1 move snd prerccts stooplnx sol reead ahoaldsr. THIS OOBSET MUST HOT OS XOSX aesSUrtatrwsffsrthsa the stac of yeer, evrlif when racasared Ughtiy over year area.

If se ordered ae Ceres ilaier a rasae see te order eteay prtar) that Ct a well, ec with ae ranch esse sad contract, or trre such a BasfBlftseet fans. miZUl CF VILES CI, 1 LT13. SVaseta ateek azd rr-aiaateaSel as JOJ1N LEWIS. SIIAKPE 31LDDLETOIT. sen WeltAoT WalS OPTICIANS.

in COR fOUKTrl AVE mark rr T5 AJto-rrr- LCUISYIOE OmFAsTEID ADOLPHUS GOLDSTEIN, CfO OPTICIAN die West Market. Bet. Pearth aad Fifth Ss IOAJI wah pleas ire refer tea successful prao-ttco ot over tutxj years, la a4 aaaea I wm make aa esaiainauoa ot the eye oa.iei es aciaa tine priactfeaa. aMl by apiyinc ciasare properly nums tne persee the paut trflea felt ahee toe eyesar weak wid be reiarved aaJ tbr FINANCIAL AULSTS. CAUY 1.

A It It K.N C0M FINANCIAL AGENTS, ta. p.i Xlnav. car. Mas IT? risers la luadi and Bee seat. hWrtrfsave iAena, BaOdiaa itfipro.

a hs. Paul fee. la', 11.M09 We take pleasure te aaaeaaetai the we hav eeeaea aa odM as louisue ia eonaatona est owe a7 raui eoee aaa aaa aiwaya oJe our a UxaersiavesuwuM aw Wiii pay ttasra baoap. MAS A rl WHY MiliJESTFS CORSET BETTER.

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