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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 9

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
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been attending school hero, Is ho rue spent, lng the holidays. Master Will is visiting hi rrandmother in thU city. -Mrs. Jnlins ot Cwir.e.lton, is spending ttie holidays in tills ri.y. Miss Minnie" Lewis, of Bowling Gnn, ts spcrriling Uio holidays In this city.

Mr. C. P. SrteM. of Howlin ('reen, who hw l-een attending school here, i heme spending the holidays.

Mis Fsnnlo Baker and KITea TV1-Hnd, of Henderson. srrj visiting X'rs. Fred. Koike. Mary Houghton, of Milwaukee, arrivtd yesterday to visit Miss Etta May Stokes. ChurchM Eostfn. of Henderson, arrived here 1st Wednesday. Masters Ed. rtichaM ar.d Cliff Moore, of JTw Hope, are spetKltn the holiday in ttls city.

Rev. E. J. Anderson, of Georgetown, 1 spending koliuay in this NOTES, Amone the LouUvilln peoo who Gov. aiid Mrs.

liurknr'a r-eertion on Friday evanins Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Cheathain, Jlr. and Jlr.

J. It. Wathrn, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Belknap, Mr.

and Jtrs. Thomas fherley. Misses Hello lUidciuan, Queen le Watiien, Toaimio Duke and btockton. Mrs. Gaclay and daughter hava rebtro-ad from a three moriiu visit Fast.

Mr. Reginald GaxUy atTcompanied them homo from "ew York to i-nd the hoUlnys, but Dm leen seriously akk; he has about recovered and will return to New York soon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ouerbwkrr and daughter fetfiu are at the Louisville Hotel -iar the winter.

Mrs. J. D. Bondurant and daughters. Misses Lily and Alu-e, will return from 2ew York on or about January lj.

Mrs." L. II. Bell, Mrs. J. T.

WUliams and Mrs. Waiter U. Wilson leave Sunday for a. vUlt to their sister, Mrs. Becse, of Mt.

Vernon. 111. Mrs. Walter G. Wdson.

of Littleton, CoL, Mrs. L. BeU and Mrs. J. inre for earty this week.

Miss Hello lUldeman leaves next month for. Florida to speud the remaining winter months. .1 miijsLa Mr. Thomas Swope, who has been spending the Christmas holiday at home, will leare soon fur hU school in MailMis, Wis. Mr.

Laion Ailca returns next Tuesday to Yale, Mr. Maurice Wells left yesterday for Andover. Mr. Courtney Parmele returned jester-. day to Center College, Danville.

Mr. Frank GateheU will return next Tuesday to Yale Coilese. Miss LnetUe IJattburn. of Versailles, left last Thursday for Washington, where she will spend the winter with 1 er father. Miss Lena Cortes, of Owenboro.

leit Tharsday for heibyvilie to visit her ister if--. -T. after a verr rl--avanc vUit to reiairtes ami friends to tee city. Mrs. A.

M. Stivers, of Fern Creek, who went to LTdepeodorice. te visit her fcrother, J. Decker, formerly ot Fern Creek, has not Improved in health, but has aroma worse and ter friends have serious fears that she vrfU not recover. Her husband, Esquire Stivers expects to start to Louiii- ana In a few days.

Prof. Waboa Is viiitins at Kose Hill Seminary. il.i-i Laura Johnson, of Padurah, ar rived yesterday to aueud school in this city. Mr. Alfred Off utt.

of C.eorgetowu, has removed to this city, where he will in the future reside. Mr. Edward P. Mocney, of ttis city, sod Mis Kate eherwick. of Sheihyville.

were mail: led lat Tuesday at the residence of the bride's lather. Miss Cocbran. of F.ufaula. ts visiting Mrs. Sterling B.

Tor.ey. Mrs. Walter Hill, ef Indianapolis, is wist ting Mr. Pressou Kigers. Miss -May-HoushUKi, of Milwaukee, Is the priest ot Kiss May Stofcci.

Miss Bessie Euckner left Tuesday for visit to friends in Chicago. Mis Helen Gilford wiU give a euchre party Monday evening. Mrs. Buckuer V.reel en'ertained the So Kame Euchre Club last nigiit. Mrs.

M3ton H. Smith receives Wed-, nesday afternoon Irom 4 to 7. Miss Kate Howard will entertain The Trifles' next Monday evcuius- The Boat Club germaa announced for the 17th has been changed to Monday, the 13th. MUs Harris has Issued Invitations for Wednesday, from 4 to 7, to meet Miss fcaunders. The Misses Clark enlertiin Tuesday venig to introduce tieir guests.

Miss EJgt and Miss Berdan. Mr. Albert Fink and Miss Fink will receive Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs. A. D.

Hunt, on Broadway. Judge P. B. Muir'a Invitations are out lor the marrUse of his dughier, Xeilye, to Mr. Alien Hall Smith.

Thursday evening, January 19, at 8 :30, lturth avenue. Mrs. Louis H.te save iiifoAial re-eeptioo to Mrs. Robert FUley, wl tU Louis, yesterrt-iy aftern--n. Mrs.

Lcufs Rtve a Harming dinner WedTiesdy ol Mr tt. Louis. Gen. and Mrs. J.

B. Cattleman's Invl-taticus for two recertions have been Issued. The first occurs Tuesday. ar.d iU be re-stricKxl to married friends. The Tuesday loUoaing the young people will bo entertained.

Master powLatan Wooldride and the Misses WcoklndRe were at home to their young friends Slonday eveuins. Miss Barbour Bruce gave a luncheon Tuextiy to the following friends: Misses Millie Bangs, Mary Wouley, Minnie Ferguson. Lily Kenu Mary and feienah Ba Emily Fcrraan, Em Sklell Schroedor, Josephine Kticfcney and Preston a.Td Mrs. Hundley JUpley and Miss Untie TU1- Mr. C.

M. Shanahsn gave a theater arty, followed by a lunu.v.eoa at the Pen-dennis Monday eyeaing. His guct were: Mr. and Mrs. D.

A. Id actio a. Miss liosa Gorin. 3Ir. jajaes Bachana.i.

MJss Mary Bhanaban. Mr. Hans. Miss Kosa McDcuaid and Mr. John McDowell.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Brockenhrough gave a box party a MacauJey's. Thuiwlay Those present were: Misses Mllbrey W-l-rson, Mattie Thompson and May Messrs.

Trahue Bartlsiiale, John McDowell. Bohert Hunt and Archie Brock-enhrouga. bupper fcliowed, when Mr. Joseph Uaworta Joined the party. WEDDINGS.

The marriage of Miss Jennie- L. Dick and Mr. WlHiara n. Colomaa will be solemn-tced at the Warren Memorial church Thursday? January 8. at high noou.

Mr. and Mrs. Colemaa will remain wiih tlie brMo's another. Mrs. 8.

P. Dick. 113 Marvin llacn. aatil after the Oth. after hich tiiey will to Denver, future hcne.

Miss Kettle La liue. of this city, was married to Mr. 1. F. Jones, iu i.noxvIUe, on the evening of December 24 nit.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones hsve returned to Uds city, and wilt receive their lileiKis at 7i0 West Walnut street. Mr. C.

Garvin, one of the liiwotype operators In the Courier-Journal office, was married on last Thursday, January 2. at Lancaster. to Miss t-Jio M. fcchaiiheL The young couple will make Louisville their Xutura home. DANVl'-LE.

Danville, Jan. 4. Special.) Xlrs. C. P.

Cecil entertained at her home," Cnm-hus ThuriJay. ia her usvial elegant style. The creation was a dinner party covers were laif for sixteen. Those present were: -Mr. P.

THE Mr" Btie, Mrs. lv KowlnnJ -Mrs. Ttohm, Harttnfr, M. Sam Harding. Mm.

T.n wri.i- vt-. Winn-tird, Mr. J. R. -Brgs, Mrs.

VUmtn Harris, Jlass Carrie Writer, Miss Betta DilUcn, Mies Ns McDowelb j.r:i Marri-j. Xlisses and Aiary B. lusher. Miss Mary Neil, of Lxthgton. who has been guest, of the XJaases Craig, Las returned home.

Atwood Howman, wbo hnHcn with his sister, Mrs. James KinnairJ. tM't)fl ys, bus returned to Louis-Viile. 5 Sir. ColEns XI.

Sttmerall entertained at dinner; Thttrsdav Dr. James li. Letcher, Messrs. Win. and Harrr Moore.

XW-rs. Wni. Dare and Ed. Lowland, Mr. K.

lv. Tlieil. Mrs. '-T-IIttfus McXioofl-wlit anil flaiiehter. Nell, will Monikiy for Auinista, to be abwnt lor several months.

Miss Kate Tunis left' Wednesday foe I Willinmstown, to le with her sister. Mrs. North Diekern. r-Mis Lillian SutneraTL who hns been speinliBg the holitlurs at home, has rc- turneti io 5iyre lnsuttlte. Mrs.

Win. Kowlnnil cntertnineI with a euehre party, Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. wm. liue, Mr.

an.l XTrs. James Ktnuaird, Mr. uud Mrs, L. Lee. Mrs.

B. Miiffoffln. of Lexinston. spent several days with, friends last weeK. Miss Zorado Welch left Thursday Jor Kansas City, to he the guest of Mr.

James Welch for severnl weeks. Mr. Thomas Shelby. of Lexington, -spent several days in Dunville last. weew, Miss Carrie Knisht.

of Sicholus- ville. who bus beien the gucst of Miss bopliia l'isht. hns returned home. Mr. Wm.

If. Uriggs and Scott Hud son have returned from Versaille. Xfrs. ITuh Mison, of Cliieairo, who has in the guest of her mother, Mrs. lsaaa bneil)y, has returned home.

'A nnrty eiven by Miss Nannie Bar- nee, on Wednestiav eveninir. to he? sun- day-school class, was a very enjoyable fiffiur. Anions Those present were: Mioses Martha Hatterton. Flooence Downton. Margie Ghiss, Annie Bruce, Jennie WoolfoUr Cowan.

Lovell Verkes, J. A. Patrick, Hart uocd loe. Mr. Chas.

E. MeChord, of Springfield, is here on visit to friends. Mr. Lsaae fletzer is at home arniin, after a visit to friends at Alt. bterhng.

Mr. C. D. Postwood is off on a trip of several weeks to Southern Kentucky and Tennessee. Miss Elizabeth Van Xletor enter tained her young friends at her father's mi vuu ti i ii'-io country hume, Vineiand, on New Year, from 4 to 6 odnek.

They ail went out. a merry party tosether ia the 'bus, and had a most enjoyable af ternoon. On January 1. Bev; B. A.

Dawes was married to Xliss Xiattie Smith, of Garrard county. After the weddinit tlie bndal party drove over to DunviUe and had lunch at the Clemens House. The attendants were Rev. J. W.

Lynch and Aliss won. Air. W. 11. Williams and Xliss Eniinj ArnoM.

XIr. C. XL Heed and Ncliie Hopper, ibe ceremony was per formed by C. A. Humphreys.

Other friends accompanied them to Danville, some of whom were Xliss XIattie Lee Smith, XIr. i rank Jfc ox, XIr. Jenkins, Air. AiarKsDerry, Judge of Louisville, was In Danville Tuesday, the guest ot CoL Jus. A.

isnec. Mrs. Bessie XIcGoodwin nnd Miss Luli? XIcGoodwin have returned from a week visit to Louisville. Miss Lela. XIcKee has returned to Oxfoni, 0 after a visit to Danville friea'ls.

W. P. Givens has returned from a visit to friends in Louisville XT'. John Tucker, of Marion counts-. is 6iA--uUtiiK a few weeks with his Irotiicr.

Dr. D. Tucker, Mrs A ntmlnxl I JLl U. W. at lunch.

Thursday, in honor of Mrs. William Thomas, of Ky. Those present were: XHs. Prof Redd, Young, Mrs. A.

Quisenbuxy, XL's. Cheek. LEXINGTON, Lexington, Jan. 4. iSpeciaL) Xlisses levies, of this city! have gone to Cin cinnati to spend several days with friends.

Airs. Dr. Prvor is spending several days with lriends in the oounty. Xliss Anna Phelps is spending a few days with tue -Masses KeUu. Xlrs.

Saliie Grimes has gone to NichoJavilij to visit relatives. CoL J. XL Kim brought who has bc-'-u quite sick for some time, is oon- vaiescenta. Mrs. Will Massie, who has been visiting at Paris, him returned borne.

Miss Laura Bloom, of this city, is the guest of relatives in r-minence. Xliss Anna Totten is home front a visit to Cincinnati. Airs. Lamliert Parker, of Mobile. Alabama! is the truest of her parent ia this city.

Xlrs. Ellen Wilkerson, of this -city. has gone to Hichuioial to visit friends. Xliss Jennie Hanson, of Paris, has been in the. city this week.

XIr. Willis Green, ot Frankfort, is the nuest of Airs. Dr. fewift. this city.

Xliss Blanche Stedman, of Louisville, is viMtnij: her cousin, Xliss Katie Adams! city. Mis Jennie. Frazie bus returned from Aiaysviuu. Xliss XliUIred Xlnrray la visiting relatives iu Xlidway. Xliss Elizabeth Jeffenm, of Louisville, who has been visitm Xlrs.

J. C. Bertyman. tor some time, returned home to-day. Annie Leo Adams is visiting friends in Xlt.

Su-rilns- Xlrs. XL Kimbroutrh, who baa eea vtsitiiijr ber parents in Cynthiana fcr several days, has returned haoie. --Xiii Nota Gravt-st one of the love--t ot next year's debutantes, who bus bect speeding the holidays at home, has rct-urLed to schooL i 4" Miss urley. ot liichmond. is visit, ing in this city.

Miss Saliie Deerini. ot Kiobolas-viile, is visitinn in the city. Xirs. F. D.

Carpenter, who has been visiting ia Midway, has returned aowe. Mrs. Elizabeth Xlyers, who baa been vLsitinx in Uichmoud, lias returned houae. -XIr. W.

C. Moore, of Pine Bluff? 'Arkans, and Xliss Lillian Gray were marked Weduesday at the home of uie bride in this city. Thursday evening Miss Len; IL uiiu, ot this city, and XIr. Byron rTiclns, a prosperous your-g farmer, were in mai-riage at the residence of XIr. Frazier.

Katie Adams gave a pleasant iy-puiiitn Thursday uigut at tlie home of her gtatimothcr on West second street Ihe ni.urriage of Xliss Katie Eades anT James Mahoney is announced to f.ko pice at Cit. Paurs Cutiioho January 21. Xliss BeuTab Bond, of Woodford ocuuty; has been visiting in this city lor several Xlissos Eva and Xlyrtie Stephens, of wis city who have been visiting in Clurk cvtaity, bavo rcUiracd borne. Xliss Ot-S Cravens has Rose to Win-ches-er to visit friends. Xlar'Siretta Xlartin wiU enter tain Uio Eucht-r Club on muni Lrdla Clark, of Mt.

Steriinir. lus ixa suei-tiing the week with fueads ia tiiis city. the nue of Xliss Clara Dudk-y, this Miss Mary of this city, leave ior Covington in a few days, Walton. Oiiie Maris, liessie Amena terkes, Messrs. Kiee I Lthvin an Winkle.

Alex Hnnn. J. ot a ft a in I I I I I Kimmrl. row Sa1i; jw iLvansviliei. Minnie H.Uitw.

Miir.v alio will bo entertained Miss L.idi Setuvlc. who vili mum witjj Jier visit. Miss Scuipi will sive a art, purry la honor of her oliarminr AiarcnreV llanuiixil and' Mr. John V. Mnsner will be married.

Wed- January 1 evenfnir dnnelnff nnrtv was jfiven at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. KichuriLsou on Soutli. v.

hENDERSOM. ITonderson. Ju-n. A. Miss Katie Kaye, of DoniKviJJe, is tiie guest ilihs AUnenne UlaokwelL Miss Mollie Howard, who line been viaiting Mrs.

elm has re turned to Uweusboro. Mit Ilessie RanJviu ns returned from short visit to liuifeviile. Mr. Curl SoUlaiu is visiting relatives Uwenuboro. Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Davis, who have been viKitins the fnilytf Hi. Bnmch lilac ttwclL returned Monday to- Mil-' Waukee.

Wis. Mi8 Bessie Smith lias returned, from visit to Mrs. J. B. MiUctt has returned llfoni vims to uwcnstxiro.

Miss Lula Hart, of HonUiusville, is the guest of the Miksui ji liisieiit. Mr. and Mrs. Beu Weaver' and son returned to loULsviim swiiaruay Miss Massie Chy is visiting itficnds r.vansviUe. Mk Edna Gates who bits vslt- lng Miss Cbeaney, returned to Owens boro.

Mis Bessie Withers is in Louisville, the guest of the l'amiiy of Dr. Keynolds. Mrs. Josh Letcher and duilulitcr, of Evansvillc, spent tue past week in this City. Mrs.

Elliot Johnson is visiting rel stives in Uwenboro. One of tlie must ploagont social events of the week wa tlie reception iriven on Tucsdav afternoon Atlrienne UlucUweU. nonor oi ner irueHt MIsk Ktie Kave. of Ixiuisviile. These present were Mles Katie Kaye, ant llanna.

JlaifL'ie uuieu. i-ucy Lyne. A if nes tlark, Allie Bottumly. liutti 'nest, Phe Lambert, Juliet Johnson, Sooner, hudie Soulier, Withers. Marv Susseen.

Aiieu Dixuu, Blaekwell. Mr C. T. BIackwt-11, Airs.;h iiluckwclL Mr.

and Mrs. Gecrse Atkinson, who have recently moved into their new residence on Utuier Maiu street, were iuvou a house-warming by tiieir IrienUs, on Mondav evenine. AfiK. Mason and -Minnie Hoskins entertained a number of lriends nn Tuesdar eveiuns. Mr.

and Mrs. Eliiot entertained day evening, in honor of tlie law. of Evansville, ami Miss Kaye, of Louis ville. fcr Jnehson and Hunt McClnre (rave a reception and dance on jfuuesuiiy eveninc. to a numoer i mru i friends.

Miss XIaggie Winstcad entertained i a few menus on ruurruoj nr. Neva and Todd licttiel. ot Evansville. are visiting uio lamiiy oi Mr. Hubert Posey.

Miss Irene Kohl is visiting friends in Covington. Xliss XIattie Lumpldn, of v.ariinynie. 111, who has been visiting -mitj huui lriest, left Tuesday, for Owcnsboro. FRANKFORT. Frankfort: Jan.

4. (Special.) Miss Fannie Gaines is back from a visit to relatives in Texas. XHss Erne Hill has returned from a visit to Hartford. -Xliss Mamie Johnston, of Louisville. visited Xliss Joe puvail, this wet-K.

auo. returned home uursuaj Miss Lucy Stockton, of Louisville, is visiting Xliss Kato Green. Xliss Kate Newman went to Nazareth Academy tiiis week. Mrs. Dr.

Win Cheatham, of Lottis- :11 n.l ilay liowcrs, ot Aiooue, l.l, are visiting James Kodnian. Miss Henrietta Blackburn, of Spring Station, visited Xliss iiose Stewart, this Miss Elodie Helm, of Elizabethtown, Is the guest of Xliss Kate Green. Miss Corinne Blackburn, of Versailles, was in the city Xlonday and Tuesday, and went to Louisville Wednes day, to assist AUss waiiersuu ui m-r New Year's reception. She returned to the city Thursday and is the guest of Miss Kose Stewart. XIr.

Cbnrles Desmond and Xliss Ella Noonan will be married at the Catbolio church week after next. -Xliss. Mary Haly entertained Xlonday evenmg in honor ol uer ixieuu. Newman. Invitations are out for the marriage of Capt L.

D. lioliaway. of this city, to Xlrs. XIary J. Reynolds, of Shelby county, the ceremony to be perlormed the 21st inst at in Shelby county.

Miss Belle Haldeman; of Louisvil is visiting Mrs, Gov. puckner, at tue Executive Xlansion. Xlrs. Dulaney. of Princeton, and Xfrs, James Cook, of Harrousburg, are visit- ma -Mrs.

Will Cannon went to Clay City this week to make that city city ner iuture home. Miss Ada Bennett, of Henderson, is visitine Xlrs. Judge Bennett. tr psvi, Vii holftsville: Xliss Car rie Bartiett. of Trimble county, and Xiiss Lydia Carnco.

of Oweusboro, candidates lor Stato Librarian, are the guests oi the Capital Hotel. Xliss Sumner Hnys. ot liichmond. is the guest of Xlrs. Buonuer, at Uie Executive Mansion.

Xliss Julia Ii. Todd visited ber sister. Xlrs. J. W.

Wateon, in Lexington, this week. i- tin lat. Mrs. Jennie Campbell, of Louisville, visited Mrs. J.

1L Williamson, this week. Miss Xlagsrie Clark, of Guthrie, after a viait relatives here, went to New Orleans Tuesday to visit friends. Mrs. LewU McCrady and daughters; Misses Dea and Mary, wlio have ncen visit.nn Mr. J.

M. cW, have returned to their home in Cirelevilie, Belle Hamilton, of Georgetown, is the guest of Mrs, W. la. Jolt. Xliss XIary Ettie Smith is visiting in Louisvilie.

XIr. and XTrs. N. P. Whiteside, after visiting relatives here, returned home to Leaveuworth, Kansas, Tuesday.

Xlrs. A. C. Higliee, of Nicholasville, and Xlrs. Bettie of Lexington, are the guests of Xlrs.

SatTcli. Xliss Tommie Duke, of Louisville, ia the guest of -Mrs, liuckner, at tue za-ecutive Xlansion. Xlrs. Eliza J. Watson went to Seattle, Wash.

this week, to make her home with her ilaughter, Mrs. Sims Allen. Miss Harris, of Staunton, is visiting Xlrs. Buckncr, at the Executive Xlansion. Mrs.

Xlvcrs. of Cdvincton. is with her husband. Hon. Harvey Mers, Stnker of tiie House, at tlie Capital llotei.

Xlrs. Brvan. of Covington, is wiih her husband. Lieut. Gov.

Bryan, Speaker of the Senate, at the Capital llotei. Mrs Gov. Hnckncr received at the Executive Xlansion New lear's Day, from 3 t) ii o'clock in the nttemoon. Sue was assisted bv following Indies Xirs. G.

XI. Adams, Xlrs. Wicklifle Chap man. Xlisses Louise Ciaiborne and huiu-mcr Hays, of Richmond. Xliss Tommie -of Louisviiic, and Xlis-sea Xlarr XIason Scott.

Marn ti Lindsay, Nellie Dudlcv. XIary Ely, Elbe Hill, Lizzie l'ickeit and lise Stewart. The Assembly Ball Club, which dates back to Uie latter part of '4 us. and has teen noted throughout the State tor its splendid and enjoyabie entertainments every legislative winter since its organization, wul begin the usual wties of weekly dances at the Capital llolel ball room next Ibsirsday night The ilallorr. Annie Starling Mamie a H.

1. on T.OUISTTLLE, SUNDAY ball room, which has the flnest dancing Door Jn the Ktate, has been newly up- noifctered and pretred ecpeciany ior tlies entertainments. The newest and choicest music, will be furnished by laieuter'r'a band of Cincinnau. and no pains will be snared to make eseh dunee memorable social event of the season. The club is officered as follows: Gen.

Fayette Hewitt, lrc8iUent John Stuart, Seeretsrv; George U. Payne, TreaKurer: Vice President Gov. i. lUic.kDcr. Hon.

Ira Julian. Hon. VVHlism Lindsay, Hon. Ell. Taylor.

Sam li Hill, Gn. Seott Brown, Hon. C. Xorman, Hon. S.

G. Sharp, Hun, Gnortre M. AiamKj Wiarles L. Hoge, ol. t.tvart Hensley und Col.

Suyres: Chairman Committee on Artane- mentfj. M. Kecnon; Cliairmaa ComBnttee Invitation. James G. Dudley: Cliair- nian Couiuiittee on Floor, Henry 11.

Ware. EMINENCE. Eminence'. Jan 4. iunme Snwucl, of Newcastle, is visiting Louisville.

Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Pe'flV. of New CitttJe, lcltTiieailuy tot Fr.iniciin county.

Miss BrtUe Feitrs. ot New Ckstlc, Ira lor -Franklin county' to relHtivcs: Mihs Lulu McKenie end brother Ed. are nt tlieir home in New Castle fin Millersburg. Mi Murinret Penn. of Franklin county, is the guest of Mrs.

J. It. Aiaro in eiv Castle. i Misses riirrent and Able, of Louis are visit in it relatives near New Castle. Miss Fannie -Kinney-, of Louisville.

is vivitiug XIi ea Xlury and Fannie Prj or in Sew Castle. jllisscs i sua Aiiiue lauiuuiia- i i son, a short visit to Louisville, bnve returned to their home in New I Castle. Miss Fannie Newton Simms. of Cin cinnati, is visiting the family uiLM. near New Castle.

Mins Annie Caplinger left for Cleveland, Monday, to spend several months with her sister. Mrs. C. XL Higgins. Clarence Starks has returned from a visit to Louisville.

Miss Lillie Patterson is spending some time in Bagdad with relatives. Jus. B. Moore bus returned from a short visft to Lexington. Miss Daisy B.

cm i son, after a few days' visit to Louisville, has returned home. -John W. Thomas. has returned from a protracted visit 'to Eureka Springs, Ark. Miss Lucy Hocker.

sfer a few days' visit to relatives In Louisville, returned home Monday. Miss Mary Batterton has returned from a visit to relatives In Louisville. Arthur Armstrong has returned from a visit to Louisville and New Albany. Ind. Xliss Laura Bloom! of ia the guest of Misses Julia and Laura Starks.

E. B. Thomas has left for Louis- ville, where he will make his home for a few months. Airs. Hen Snvder.

of Xlilton. la vis. ititis: the imp of her Mr nml I Mrs. J. T.

Baskett, near town. I Mr. and Mrs. John Nf. Mills hm.v I 1 HORyiyq, JAXTJAUT 5, returned from a hoJiuay visit to Clncin- I Illinois fur the last six months, has re-nuti.

I turned home. Miss Flora Wntson! after I visit to Xlisscs Julia and Laura Starks, I bus returned to her home in La Grunge. BARDSTOWN. Bardstown: Jan. A ininl lViu XIattie Wilson is at home from Louis ville.

Xliss Garnette XIcKav hna. after delightful visit to in Central Kentucky, returned borne. Iraf. Charles Drillette and bride (nce-Addie Uitej are at home from tiicir bridal trip. irof.

C. J. Peterson, of is in town for a short visit. -Xlrs. Judce I lord has return) to her home at Frankiort.

Hon. A. lL Montitimerr was in imrn foe a few hours last Monday. Dr. H.

Hobson has returned from Hodgenville. Xliss Xlinnie Benfro: of Sul Springs, is the guest ot Mrs. John Mc- uanicts. Joseph XL Llovd and Xf isa Jnd Crume, of High Grove-, wero married lust, ltiursuay. Mr.

and Xlrs. Lud XleKnv mv a pleasant reception to their children mH Krandcliiidren on Christmas day, it being ths fortieth anniversary ot their marriage. Xliss Annie Lazio. of I IB mc suv-Sb VI Mjm. X.

11. jUorriS. J1? tio on that city. XHsses Stella Walker, of fannrro. town, and Myra -Mussel lman, of Cynthiana, lire the guests ot Misses Garnette and Ophelia McKay.

An elegant entertainment was given i i.t iic- i. iargeumoer iraung. -Another of. tln.iu. Ughtful social events, for which this town is so justly fumed, was given at Wick- lun.i, I lie Oeautinii rrHiidpnn.

tt Mk lt.i,iu. i v- zui i wreij ieopie oi luus uuu MUjUilliUIT CUUT1T.IM Wur. rat tendance, while a number from distant point traced the affair with ence, Ihe stately old mansion where in so oit nave, on similar occasions, heen gathered the yoath. beauty, wealth, and gallantry of the South, was illuminated from top to bottom, nnd presented a scene of rare beauty and elegance, when all had assembled beneath tlie

yet softly-tinted eagerly awaiting the signal from the orchestra to begin the- danced Xlrs. Beckham was assisted in receivintf tlie guests by Hon. nnd Mr. E. XlcKay.

Scibert's orchestra furnished tlie music. At mid- I nint an ekgtmt Olid sumntunna lnnnh was.scrvedt The-dance, was mttod nntil morning, and even then the gay (iiroui; reiuriauiiv t-w, u- iiH Hecklinm and her assistants completely won the liesrta f. all by the charming manner in which They, dispensed the true Kentucky hospitality -that is always so refreshing. Tbve. nreseut were Hon.

and Xirs. Iv McKar. Mtw Jnlliw Iwlr. biim, Mr. nnd Mrs.

George Connor. Xliss Alvra Alusaclmn in- 11 Jffu. MP lie rhly. uruyson Springs: Xliss Violet vaunon. iouLsviiie: Hum M.n- U.ii-.

aall .1 Louisville; Ike ThurWA An. 51 Icrs, Srinirficld Harry XIcKav. Howard uonolioo, lulgar rawford, Robert John- son. Cretins rhvkham y.v.. Collingi Richardson and i'- ii.

ayaugneny. ELIZABETHTOWN. kS Elizabethtown, Jan. 4. ISpedaD-XIr.

XL IlliUips left Tueadnv fne Onlv F. XI. Phillips left Tuesday tor Ocalt ne will sjieud the winter. Miss Dosie SaUT'icrs ia in nnrrett. lisnmg menus tut week.

-Xiiss i Jlereer is viaitlng relatives in where she will remain i or some time. -Xliss Katie Sweets is vis ting relatives in Valley Station this week. Xlrs. Joe Sweet. Jr is visaing Mrs.

Joe Sweets, ot thw Mr. George W. Wooten, of Florence, is liere visiting friends. Xliss Ellen Saunders is spending this week in Louisville with friends. Dr.

J. A. Costiy and family have moved here from Flaherty, Meade coun-iy. A- Sale, of Louisville; at visiting her mother at this place. -Mrs.

D. L. May and Xftss Nora Arnold imvc gone to raokiort to spend the nuiuri. XIr. B.

E. Bowling nnd wife have returned to Louisville after spending sev- ham, Garnelte Xle.Knv. Ann.n. itdn I Mrliit vTr Ophelia r.nima XfeKay, -Blanche Crum, K- WU1 I I -t, eral dayg here visiting friends and rehw lives. Miss Josie XLller, of Fountain Blue, a guest of the Misses Xiulhis.

Mr, F. XI. Joplin and fiimily have returned irom lartforl, where -they liave been visiUng relutives. Miss Lena XTilW nt (TT1 Ytlt is a guest of the Misses Meadors. Mits Jennie Dyer, of Sonora, is vis-itinjr Airs.

AiiretJ Dyer, of tliis place. ilr. E. B. Winiernii.tli, of Cincinnati, is here vimUlk Ins iiarents, Mr.

It. Lu lutetsuiiih an'l wife. Mrs. It D. Geoghecnn.

of Ixiu.6Vlllc, is a guest of Mrs. Saliie Farris. Lizzie McElwaine, of a guest of Mrs. Granville Walk us this week. Mr.

W. R. Stith muved tn Vin Grove, where he expecU to reside in the lutuie. Misses Xlinnie and lioria Alvey have returned home irom visit to relatives aud. friends at Betuleuem.

Mr. Geo. Dickey and wife, Louis-' viile, spent several days here visiting friends. Masses Alice Rcbertson and Nellie Milbnni, of Louisville, are guests ot Mr. uuu ii.

iiusii. LUiza Green well and Agnes Cole, of St. Johns, are guests of the I Misses Alvcv Miss Jennie Scott is visiting friends nd IFLltivn. in iLlirlinff XDsS Saliie visitinir friends in tx'itcnneid tins week. Mrs.

XL P. Bowline has returned liome from Bitrdstown, where -she ien visiting lier diiushters, Mts. Clay McCauless uuu Mrs. i iioiuas Morrison. Mr.

Henry Alvey, of Campbcil's ti, tn 7 T. i. i Messrs. Hardin and G. C.

Junes, of Atlanta; G. W. Jones, ot Cincinnati, and Sxini Jones, of Chicago, have been spending a few days with ther mother in this county. Mrs. Lizzie Farmer, ot Louisville, was a guest of her brother, XIr.

Hubert Giles, this week. Prof. 1L E. Woods bus returned home from Cloverport, where be has been sjiendlng the holiday vacation with his mother. -r Dr.

James Montgomery, of Vanderr I nut University, has been spending a few days here with relatives. Xlrs. Rebecca McCalley, of Lexington, is visiting lriends and relatives near this place. Miss Annie Calvert, of Louisville, is visiting friends near this place. Miss Elodie Helm left Tuesday for Frank lort to attend the Governor's reception, i Col.

Ab. Teager, a former resident this place, but now ot Nashville, has been siiending a few days here visiting his brother, Mr. C. W. 1 eager.

-Mr. B. H. Diilard, ot Richmond, Ind i visiung at this place. Xliss Mary Haycraft, of Owcnsboro, who luts for sme time been tlie guest of Misses May and Bessie Brown, has re- turned home.

XIr. John HunUbury and wife; of Ijouisviiic. after spending several iavs here vititinz Iricnua and relatives, have returned home. Mr. W.

T. Stith. who baa been in Meri and Knimi Midflletnn liave returned irom a visit to the Misses Jones, at Noiin Station. Mr. liobert Gates has gone to Bowling Green, where he will reside in the future.

Mr. S. H. Thomas has returned from an extended trip through Kansas and the Northwest. Mrs.

Dr. J. IL Gray: of Big Springs. is visiting lriends and relatives here this week. Miss PraM Jackson, who has for the Inst week been the guest of the Xlisses lour.g.

has returned home to Louisville. Mr. Philip O'Brien and wife, of Louisville, after a visit here of several days, guests of XIr. James Montgomery, have returned home. A number of trends were elegantly entertained at tlie Showers House, Wednesday, by Xirs. LaRuc, who has just taken coarse of the hotel and will run it in me iuture. FRANKLIN, IND. Franklin, Jan. 4. (Special.) Leo W.

Vores, of Anderson, is visiting here. Mrs. W. Long and daughter, Eva, are visiting New Albany friends. Xlrs.

S. K. Maxfield bas returned from a pleasant visit to Columbus relatives. F. B.

Piles," who is publishing a paper at Florescenta, CoL, visited relatives here this week. XIr. and Mrs. J. W.

Bagsdale delightfully entertained a number of their friends Xlonday eveninit, at tlieir iH.nM r.n North Watee luTetT -Robert Wa.gner Jr after a Pleas- ant visit here, lelt lor Lalayete Ihuxs- "ay- Xlrs. XIary Lagrange very pleasantly entertuined a number of ber friends Tuesday evening. Misses Lotta Grayson and XIary Oordrey left Tuesday for their home in after a nleosant visit of a few days with the family of A. J. Xlerreta.

a rnS.T" wp tbrougn -Edward Beed'nf anA Xliller, both of Edinburg, were married in this city inursuay nlgn uie ivev. 11. 11. Nesslage performing the ceremony g. Xlrs.

Jap Barnard, of Bushville, is visiting relatives here. Miss Carrie Franks is visiting Edin burg friends. w. C. xtoiana nas rewirneu irom viu- cinnatL Dr.

EeppJ wife and daughter are guests of li. J. rusnop ana iamiiy. Bev. Bobert Sellers and family left bia week for South Bend, where Mr.

I sellers takes charge of the Christian- church. Allen Sexson left this week tor Frankfort, iADUCAH. WriMoah Jan. 4. fStieciaL) XIr.

and Xlrs. Charles E. Jennings are borne from their bridal tour. r.f Gt. finl.

1a Mra Ta-ilie Snule Wng Xliss Annie Hart Jeiicrson street Xliss Gage, of Xlemphis, is the guest of Miss Annie Hart Xlisa Susie Camnbell! of St Louis. is- visiting hex aunt, Xirs. James Camp-beiL Mrs. Irwin Thompson, of Henderson, returned home Wednesday, ftcr a short visit to her father. XIr.

W. H.liicke. Mrs. Frak Bieke is visiting her I parents in Henderson. Xliss Helen Sihnott is home from a visit to relatives in line Bluil, Ark.

Miss Kathleen O'Brien, of Clarks-ville, who hes been visiting Mis Thompson, returned home Thursday. Xfr. Joe Hobscn left for Richmond, Wednesday night, where be is attending schooL Xlies Berdie Fowler gave a delightful reception Wednesday evening. She waa assisted by Xlisses Hatrie Leech, Nellie Nnsh; Laura Saunders. Ruby Cobb, Lucy Barker and Ckira Fowier.

XIr. in re nee Dallam returned Thursday from Hender-on. The New Year german given'by the German Club Tuesday evening was the largest and most, enjoyable aflair of the season. The following were in attendance: Xlisses Griiwold, Wootfnlk, Girard and Bas-etl. Louisville; Misa Page, of Xlemphis; Xlisses O'Brien end Daniels; Clarksviile: Xliss Clnra Fowler.

Lexington; Miss Susie Campbell. St Loou: Xlrs. Irvin Thoruson, llenderson, and Xliss Luitra Saunders. EvansviUe; J. a 1 I iis, Mnrie Moss is home from a vis-AicKaj it ijowUnir Green.

-Xf GHswofd of LouisVille. Is vis- 1S90. TWK.NT PAfiES. Mr. and Mrs.

Cook, Husband: XIr. and Mrs. Frank i'arhara, Mr. and Mrs. George Ijinostaff, Misses Joe nnd Fowler, Carrie and Clarabel Uicke.1 Lily Hohson.

Minaie Nellie Nash, Huby t'obb, Auuif Hart, Cleave-, Millie Vaugimn, Katie Xi'-ssrs. Museo and Van Burnett, Saunders. Fowler, George Emery, Will Leech, liod-nej- iJavis, Nush. liobert Morrow; lYiink Ham. Henry MKn.

Henry Over-by, Gus Thotapson, Joe Ifolison, NnLVU, G. Johnson, Charles Hitikle. Mrl'Wr-n,, W. XL i.nd W. 1L iiieke4 W.

Ijbuz, Ike Quicley. Mrs. Henry Burnett end children have returned Irom a vbit to. Henderson. Xliss Laura Saunders, of Evansvillc, returned home this morning.

The" Misses Hart have issued invitations for revrpriori Tliursday iiiht to meet their' Miss Griswold, of Louisville, and of Mentphis. PAK1S. Paris, Jan, (Special.) Daniel McMillan, of Jackson vilie, HUuois, is a guest of relatives herc. and Mrs. Green Lee, of Mii-iersburg', are guests of A.

S. Stout. Miss Lizzie OHutl. of Se.ftt couhtv. is a UVS! vl -uiS! "'e ioury, Miss Hcuiington has reLum ed Irom Cyiitluaua.

MUs Liuic Wiutets, of Cynthiuna, is CuCkt ol hit; sister, ilin. Jas V. Davis. Xliss Liilie Louty and aiv visiting tn lUchnioud. Mra Haum, of Covinfeton, Jsa guest of Xliss Jennie liansou.

ili-NS iUirgie lurney has returred from Harrison couuti. E. li. Parks aud fataiiy anl Miss Lottie Winter have moval to Dy Kun, Scott county, Uss MtGrim, of Versailles, is a guest of Urs. Keily Moore.

Clias. Howetion, or Ciujuinnati, is a guest ot relatives here, Wm. Blakcniore, ol diicago, is on a visit to lriends ia Paris. Xliss Bertie Woollcrd, of Cynthiana, is a guest of Miss Maty White. Miss Kate Price, of Wiuchcster, is a guest ol Airs.

Dr. xiutk. Mr. and Airs. V.

K. Xhissie, of Lex- jiisiou, are guests oi Air. uud Airs. w. W.

Mssic. Miss Estcllo Lew is, of swab 01 -in, viius. oiepueca. Miss Lucy Simms lias returned from Clark county. Aliss Opiielia Childs, of Lexinjrton.

1 a 1 w. una. iiomu oiieurs. Xliss Lunuuis Muck, of Xiillersbur, is a guest ol liattie McHvain. Mrs.

E. -M. Dickson, has returned from Richmond. Misses Julia, Catherine and Sady Prewitt of Winchester. Mini Mi-- Speck, of ht Louis, are quests of Miss i-uey oimnis.

-Missm Xlinnie and pl- of Cynthiana, ale guests oi auss aHuiuo i uiuuia. Felix Lowy has returned from Maysville. Mrs. Jane Sinith, of CvntUiana, is a guest at Pruuciia. Miss Mamie lUiy, of Lexington, is a guest, ot T.

F. Kuohe. Miss Xlary Ashbitjok, of Cynthiauai. Is a t-uest ol Mrs. liari Ah brook.

Mrs. Neppie tiivens. of Lincoln county, is a tutst of her lather Dr. Noah Xlisses Vertie Garner and Sue Buck- 1 are guests oi Aira ii. W.

Harris. i "rrissa I'runeli, and -Mr. A. Ia. Olore, oi Liouisviiie, are Kuesis at a.

11. Pruneil's. Ms. S. XI Wilmoth, 'is visiting in Clermont county, Ohio.

Xlrs. A. G. Thomion, Mts. XL J.

irucy and XHss UUe Tracy, of Winchester, ae guests at J. 1. tjuisenbury's. The Senior Asseiubiy Club traTe an s. uii, iucmr nail, lust evening, ihe loliowius is a lisi ol the ladies present nnd then dress: aHss Lii-iue Withers.

L'tmhiunn silk, Xliss Minnie Wihnoth, black saun. lu JUiie irergrtison, eanary silk, blatu trimmiugs, XDss Xlary Stcucr, elienilie, Miss Anna May; Davis, white heurictta! Airs, leny Hutchcraft, white silk, Mis cnam beuxielta, i ze 111uoJfuer. uite silk. Xliss Saliie Bedford, XtiUeisburg, biack silk. Miss Alarj' Ivine Davis cream henrictt.i.

gold embroiUery, Xliss Saihe Morau. pink silk, blue trimmings, Mrs. Owra Davis, blue silk, black, iaee over-dress. Miss Belie Clay, street dress, atiss Jennie Jjoss, cream easlimere, -Miss Euciiie luuey, white muil, Miss Maggie laacy Street dress, Miss Ida Bartuu, MiUcrs-burg, red plush, and pink limmuui, AUss Lady1 Prewitt, Winchester, wh.te mull. Miss Laztie Sjiears, onuue silk.

Miss Marietta Hawkins, canary silk Miss Xbicie White, white none, Miss Hertis WoKord. Cynthiana, blue srik. Miss Lucy Simms, bine lace, Xliss Xlinnie Parks, Cyntuiana, oil rose silk. Miss baggie Clay, pink cashmere, Xliss Cath- vineiiester, wiuto slik, Aliss Lula Canuck. GforeeUiwr omn.

od red Plusl XDss W.itd, Levin iid ciuZ sS XDss Estelle Euwis. Georgetown, white 6wiss and carnation silk, Mamie Neely, white mull. Miss Salhe Wilson, "-niio ltidge, black Mary Jrks. Miss i'illie Hrent, Miss -Margie luney, Airs. Briee Steel, street I HARRODSBURG.

Hrrodsburg. Jan. 4.H.Vcial)- Harrodsburg. Jan Misses Zoe Eue and Luc ile Jones Tve returnei from a pleawint vit to Miss Julia Hraaley, at HustouviUe. Xlrs.

James T. Cooke and da ugh tee are guests of Judge Caswell Beimel and wife, at Frankltxt Xliss Xlinnie iiasoni. of ia with Xirs, W. P. Walhiston.

Mrs. S. C. and children ot Lexington, arp wiui Xlrs. J.

B. ihuuip- i son. on Danville street 1 Xiuu-es Mary Logau and XIary Burn- I ham, ot Riciimorad, are with Miss Irene aioore. Xlrs. Clarence Anderson, of Hop- aausvnie, nas reiurueu come after a plensant visit to her lather.

Dr. C. H. Spilman. Xlisses Buby Xlorris, of Shelby ville, and An uie of 1-uwrencoburg, were gue-s of Htn.

T. C. Bell, aud other relatives and friends here, this week. J. J.

Hoxsctt left Xlor.dav for I New York, where he will visit the nrin- I eipal schools, wkh a view of adding the I military leature to itarrcsitntrg Acad I CDy. I XIrs. Il. C. Nuckols and children.

and I'aul Iil and child are with relatives at Lexington and Georgetown. Xliss Cord ie 'lay lor and Nora Curd have returned te Georgetown Seminary, alter spcudit; tbe iaaiday at liome. ills Alma Davis nas returnt i tq BcllwooU Seminary Misses Mnry Davis and Lillian Forsvtlia. to avra Institute Katie James, and Mattie liobinMin: to Oxford University: Xlnymrd and Wallace Moore uwl Minnie Bohon, to SMunion, Va. Fay Kyle, to Xliss Peers'; J.

-Morir-iii Chinn. to Cornell University Tnlly Wuhersoan, Clii-eago College ot 'htirruaey, ani Sid An-ticrsou ani 1'oweil Lotj-iey, to the Louis ville Coilcso of Plwruiacy. ELKTON. Mkton. Jnn- r4.

iSneriaL) Jadpe (i Terry, our State Soui.t-r, and Capt N. B. Itilct. reeleeteJ Representative, let Saturday for their duti at John Xlilllken, after siending some weeks with bis relatives in tins city, lias returned to St. L-jtiis.

-Mis XIattie Hard wick is visiting ber sister, Xlrs. W. L. Thompson, Hopkins-viile. li.

B. PTce 'and bride, nee Carrie Ril'inson, Kirkmars viile. have gone to Clarksvilie to reside. Ida AHersville. visited Mioses Kcnnc-ily tiiis wck.

Misa Kate Tayif.r. of the traded school fa cuity, has returned from Evansville, Ind. G. H. Hocan a memlcr of the Civil Engineering Ceri of Nashville, and Miss incs Camp were wedded at the bride's t.

borne, near Trenton, Wednesday afternoon. At bom at Nashville. The Erst meeting of the JL B. W. Ciub for 1BV0 was held wiUi Mm J.

lle'l luewiay evening. original poems and addreates constituted the proKramme. supplemented with a delight ft; 1 social feature. Thomas A. Wilkins and Miss Fannie Vowelis, an eloping couple lroia rairyiew, tins eountj-, were married in CUrKsvilie ITittrsday nighu 'rhej" made tie trip and return on horseback, a uiatauce of afcout thirty-live miles.

VERSAILLES. yerssillea, Jan, Lucy Winn returned home last Monday from Nashville, where she has been visiting several weeks. -Capt. and Mrs. H.

1L Culbertson left fcr Louisville luesday afternoon, to visit relatives. Xliss YoungJ of Xlt. Sterling, is the guest of XUss liilie Cox. Miss Annio Field is visiting Miss EH Graves, in Georgetown. XLss Lucille Blackburn bas gone to Washington, D.

to siend the win-. ter. Miss Clara Scott, hna rolnmiul frnm Mt. Sterling, where, she spent tie holidays. Miss Mamie Steele bas gone to Louisville, to visit Xliss Florence Hi ter.

Thomas K. Lay ton, bas gone to St Louis, to accept a business position. Xliss Fannie Lillard is visiting in Botir'iou county. Mias Jennie B. Montrotnerr and llol-rt G.

Lowrey were united in mar-niige, by liev. E. O. Guerrant. at the iroy iTi-si'yrenan church, on ew leax Day, at 1 o'clock in th? afternoon.

Herman has gone to San Antonio, Texas, bis old home to make a visit of several weeks. NICHOLASVILLE. NleholasrUle, Jan. 4. SpeclaL Miss F.valju Easiman.

of Danville, is the guest of Judgo E. 11. Ilown and fatally. Prcf. tirvilie Brown, of Uermantown, is visitiug Hon.

W. T. Jonea. eo. i.

Den man and brkle left this week for Atlanta, thair future horns. Miss Maggie Smith has re turn sd from New AlBany, Ind. Brown Anchison returned yesterday to school at German town, U. Jacob Franklo. of Louisville, Is visiiiQS frtrnii ia the city.

'ieo. hxrofigin. of Clarksvaie. visited his auut, Mrs. Elizabeth West this Week.

Mrs. Texle Cooler, of Omaha. is visiting relatives la town. Mrs. Jos Woodward and Miss Carrie Woodward, of Louisville, are vhatng Miss Maitie Woodward.

Miss Oracle Urenaurh. of Vtrden. 111., who lias been several weeks hers, returm-d home this week. Miss Eva Coolklge has returned from a visit to relatives at Cincinnati. Mrs.

Joe Knight Is visiting her parents in Garrard couuty. Mrs. 11. II. Tousy is visiting her father.

Rev. L. it. cooper, at Cynttuasa. -Mrs.

MoUie Monteuuery left this week -iiaawcu, ll. Misses Alice and Sarah Metealf are vls- iuug ineiHU iu Loulsviue. Mrs. J. W.

McCain and Carrie Bartiett of Iledlurd, Trunuie county, were the guests una week ot xnvtaaa Crutcher aod lamiiy John Breuaugh. left this week for Culifornia to try rliuiaUo Ireaunenu He Was accuiaitanied by Mr. Henry Muir. Ii. J.

Con net to and wife, ot Nashville. nave uvea visiting Mrs. u. W. xyne.

Miss Jessie Hemphill has returned from a viwi to Kicuuionu. W. P. t.uturie, of B-etur. has been speudicg soaie tune with relattuus iu tha county.

Mr. John Emory has returned from Ati aula, ua. our city has been quite lively with the cuDi-rous cots given during the out nous surpassed and few eqeiuxi tbe one Kiven bv JuUee and Mrs. r-- ii. nown last luesuay evenlni.

In honor of Unur guests. Misses Saliie Cariey, Ella anu nusia oregory, ox laailsvnie. Airs. Hown bad PrcDared an eles-aiit aunner. and in wis suMiaiiuai enjoy mouc arte still eaa claim the honor ol Laving few equals.

The following were present: Misses bailie Car ley, Ella and Susie Gregory, Louisville; Ali-s Evalyn Eastman, Danville; Misses Aiieen weicu. Nellie lavlor. Tyde iieasle. Ova Wilmore. bteele.

Marr H'eich. II. E. Pearson, Mary Fblger, Messrs. Thus.

Welch, Wm. Ueaaiey. Bruce Tar lor. M. Anderson, James Cooper, George Kurslr, "ijm jiuir, ii.

snuia, ana. b. as. Aader- sou, jr. The Kentuekv Kooklnr Klub hM tta first entertaiumeot Wednesday evenuig at uie Dome oi uie Jiissea bteesa.

a tenrus Party' being given. Each one attemllng was reque-tcd to brinr a lemua which waa placed in a basket Twenty-six were presented, and alter extracting the seed of the lrult, each one was reuuested to s-uesa tbe number contained in tbe lot a prise veins Riven ijk oua auessuis Dearest tiia uuiuoer, sua a boony- one to the Dei-sun guessing larUiest First Prise waa awarded Mr. James Butler. Maud nnia lo Mr Kam nuir. An elaborate supper was served at and eorisuted of Uie delicacies tbe season aflorued and a Croat varietv too.

as each lady was required to brUis souic- uiuig in eatable Hue. The Mioses bteele were assisted in entertaining by Miss Alice naraiy. LANCASTER. Lancaster, Jan. 4.

(Special.) Miss Nannie T. Denton is visiting her friend; Miss ucna uuersou. lu KlcamoDd. iieiK W. J.

Landram has gone to Wash ington on business. Mr. aud Mrs. U. Kinnaird gave quite a sweu p.riy to a lew irieuus on Alouuay niinu on me same evening at trie rest ueaee of her father.

Miss Annis lUiystoa euteriauieu uie junior eociat ctuu. Kev. L. Thurman. wile and dauch ter, ol liarustowu, are tae guests of b.

iiumirireys ami tauuiy. Miss Mary Ksy, of Stanford, Is visiting me iauruy ui iv. rearee. 1. 6.

Farris left Ihu week for Clarks- uaie, io engage iu toe ctvu engineer. laucaster society was never entertained mora grauuiy Ibau on the night ot tbe iil.t, wheu Aiira llessie liuah gave to her Menus the last imriy of tbe old year. The young latl.e, pi-esvnt were dressed ia the most oiabi.mie stylo. Uele looked charm ing lu a cusiurue ol oraiike silk, black vel vet boulte, lace, and oinanenis of diamonds. At 11 ouues ail a era mvited to tbe spa-c Ulmun-rooms.

where waa spread tbe uesi suier renin cuers couia prepare, and wtiera until tbe 'Mt ceased to be, they enjoyed the sutstantlal hleMuiga ot uia. Keiigious scruples would not permit ot ilai.unE. but progressive tete-a-tetea mada tiis shtht deviation a thing thought of as past ensure, 'i'huie present were Miss Mary rorn -colored satin, black velvet bodae, tini-el triuimuiga. diamonds; Miss Alarrs, black silk, natural Dowers: Mtss Lula Ratson. uransw cab mere, black lringe, pearls; Miss Marguerite Jet.niugK, dotteu Swiss skirt, wine-colored plush bolire; Miss Mamie Cnrrey, bronze in: a inmmippi, ranee rosea; Miss Annio Uobinson.

white sdk. lace. carls; Mrs. B. F.

Walters, black sdk. ioiiiiha iaiv uune nouu, rea prtisn, orat no Iraiimings; lilies of the vale; Mrs. w. it. wnouvise.

ienver. CoL. black aailn divmonds: Miss Honey wood Huffman, rream l'ivii'c uvaiiee, sapuuires; ts. ua. innp, pauiral flowers; Miss Ada Farra, -pink suk, isce.

pearls Mis hue Herring, 1. n- I ft.l-.ft. -Ilk. I'irit enran, a.use, aiamonus Miss Mary llavey Woohiridge, Donver. CoL, pink silk.

lace ovenlress, sweet vioieu; Misa Lulu Mnoiier. piriK silk. La Frame roses; Miss Kate Kitinaint, orange silk, blank tare overdress, opals: Miss Pattle Beacley, roar! surah trtrumintrs Mb a Mary ciesm i unit silt, clot tea net lauian ivmnairu. Discs aurab, wine I'luali boU'ce, dtaoKHult; Mis Fsunle Huff, man, scarlet ple.h. hlsek lace ovrrdra-; natural floaers: Miss fsallie Ettln.

white sUk on. I tulle, diamonds; Miss Jeunis Btyantsvllle, biack pstin, peart trimmlnus Mr. J. E. Doores, whirn brocaded silk, pearl lead Miss Oeorria Moore, salmon plush.

ox even daisies: miss civae irnnoisn. creara castiniem, atlk U-inmlBrv rM Miss May lluit'ies. wlilrw sirs' a. Hck velvet rortire, Xliss Ell-n tlwsiey. amber si tin.

uaitt velvet iKxtica; jars, ii, it I.vlnrTnn, old rose China silk. fointea rare; jiarecoar neu loses. Mi's Oirrse Cnrrev rave a verv en rsrwly pulling to her on Kew lesr Mr. J. a.

Hsmberger and wife, of Cln- cmnvtl, are here. The hop given ty ti Lsneasler Club In its club is. ii. over itlrms' NaUooal l.ank. on the evouine ot the 1st.

was qcoosl trie mwt enjoyable Impromptu dance given In a decade. Music by Boyee's strin: band, supper at intermission at the cafe of Blsbot. The couples present were It, G. Frank, Miss a Mamie Carrey; Anderson Campbell, Each, mend, Xiiss Tom Moore, r.ryauuviile; J. T.

Mr Rot errs. Miss Lula Sanulier; W. O. twlev. Miss Marv siandifei'; tlauile Miss Marv Mllier: J.

F. Lear, -Miss KeU Morris: LlUber Ownler, Miss Kate Landram: II. M. Grant, Misa Ebza Lusk; J. IX'tT.

Miss Emma rwovell; Jams Y. Currev. Miss Alia Markstau-v J. Flere Bot uuoH. Miss Carrie Mr.

J. E. Storms; 1L A. AlieTi. icinm-nd.

jeorg! A. li. Walker. Ku-Km-iUi 'Ls Orotrher. Richmond; Mr.

and A. H. Rite. Markshurv: Mr. and Mrsj W.

R. Morris; E. E. Hughes, Xlia, Aggie Miller. Walter Beaaley.

who has been attending tie Dental Institute at Indianapolis, has returned. Mrs. D. V. Williams, of Mt.

Vernon, lathe guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. IX. Brown. Mr.

Bourbon Dawes was married on New Yeir't day to Miss saliie tnilia. ot Marksbury. at the Fork church, Eov. S. ('.

Humphreys officiating. liobert Burnsirie. of Bsrbonrvllle. IS visiting his graiiulaiber, V. II.

Kiiinaird. Parry Brown, of Covington, is hare on to Harry Kobtnson. RICHMOND. Richmond. Jan.

4. spertai) Ir. C. tSJ nolum tra relumed after a short visit la MaMa county. 1 Mr.

John L. Alvcrson. of Washington, D. C. is vUitinz his relauves here.

Miss Jeamine Hemphill and Mat-tie Vl tlluiore, of Jessaniinr routiiy. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Woois.

Mr. Joha )L lUbson and Mrs. Bates returned alter au extrusive tour thruuga California oud the West. Miss Maitie of Winchester, and Miss McCaUotn, of New are vkaung Mrs. Jauios 1-.

Buriini. Kev. J. F. llliani has reiurnsd aia-r a pieasant vUit in tlailauu Mr.

C. J. Meyers tuid wife, of Lexing ton, paid a suort visit tu tela: cs L--ir this week. Mr. and Mrs.

A. a. Woods ale visiting In JessaDiine this week. Mr. H.

11. after the holiuwys here, has reuimM to 1 air. Mr. U. L.

Scot-ee. of Mt. Srilini. aad Mr. Wm.

iluls, of Wnaiie-tei-. have rrturned borne after pavmir a visit to Mr. 1 comas Huls of this city. Miss tsusie (i. Stuart, of Winchester, who has teen visiting Mrs.

rrriKh Tipiou, Ia returned home. Mr. James W. Chandler, of Clar Water, Kansas, alter a visit to his hunter home ia this county, has returned home. CongreKSman Jaines U.

MrCreary re turned from Washington during the aaj-urn-men I and Is Uuw euioylug a brief rcl as his home. -Mr. D. A. Cbeuault.

of DeCraff, Kansas. Is visiting relauves bera. -Miss Alma llacan is visit leg Miss Maw tie Owsley at Stanlord. MUs Bella Bteck. of Wondford.

sprit several days this week with Mi- Jane McDowell -Miss Louis Campbell, of Lexington. spent last eek wita lneuds here, n-Uinuag huaie on Monday. -Mr. and Mr. Einmett Dixon aud daugh-i ter, Luuteiie, of Paris, spr-nt ir.e LoliuavS with Dr.

and Mrs. L. II. lilantoa. Mrs.

Ellen Wilkerson. of Leii-igton. has been vlluiig her luotbrr. Mrs. nallie KusseiL.

Mr. T. U. Julian and m'e, of Alt. t-ter- llnit, visited Mr.

aud Mis. 1- li. Cbeuault last week. Miss Kat'e Ixjrfenane. of Wlieherer.

who bas been the cuet of Mrs. U. C. Brotul. dus.

has returnct bouie. Miss Nettie Prewlrr. who siient the laolU days at her houie ia Mt. bterimg. has rr- tuniM to school.

O. A. Kennedy and bride arrived here on Tuesday, aud have take a rooms at Mr. L. U.

I.lautou. on lourta aveuua. Miss Lucy Crow Is visiting in Dan. viile. Mr.

J. W. Hart, late proprietor ot the Qaniei House, will move to-day a hh las faauly to Somerset, where he a ill taae cuargo of tbe iliiualey lloiri. Hon. W.

B. Sinith waa at hum froal Frankfort a few Caio his aerk. Misses JuUa and'lrgiuia and Mr. M. E.

Jones leit for lionua on Tuesday, auta will be aukcul several mouths. Misses Mollle Fife aud Ann's White are visiting Iu t'ampellville. Miss bailie Cobb cave a 1-Uchtful ru- tertamment tu her friends ou Monday cveu. lng. at her country home.

Au elegant lunch was served and uauclng was inUuiaC4 la untu a late hour. WILL PAY THE PENALTY. Joe Grogaa to Hang For a Mnt Fiendish rime. Jackson. Tenn- Jan.

'4. (Special.) i Joe Grogan was to-day convicted in the Circuit Court at Lexiufrtoii, Tenn. and sentenced to be hacked February 24, for one of the most diabolical crimes of which man could Iw guilty Last February, the 'Jtith, Xliss Virginia Meals, wliile going to the country 1W-, office, was outraged, shot three time. ber throat cut from tar to ear, and her body left dead near the roadsiue. The tracks, bloodmarks aud other circumstances pomteu overwhelmingly to Grogan as the murderer, sua tue jury decided he was the guilty man.

White Hirer Overttowiag. Columbus, Jan. 4 tspeelat.) The con tinued wet westacr la this section has raustxt aa. si rtiu.l lu. ia hn river.

Tne rlvat is onl 4. Its bank amber U-au fur uauy jeats. 'ins ssi-ia ruaa. Lhti butXba.s ara overftoaad. cubUiig iflr coauuuaicaUua froas this city to part of tha county.

Tae M. axk i. iiaiirua. luniwui sas a isre vmji- fe roiuMiyea ui lirvtrcttnc lta br.dircs trotu laa auaUAS 1 he cle tr Uui ul idvveiiy 4t very larjrr, aud as tae river Is UU risiuii uaict mura dau-ae Is It-ared. Street-Car Accident.

A turned switch cam? near causing a -rriutie accident on the elrcu-lc line sI evening abua 6 o'clcOl. A TV-txjUBd car in luiuiiic lTes- ton slr--S ran into the i'rr-swa-ktre- traik aud coatlaac-d halt a irvTrt. btfore is suiwel. Fuivsr ur a aasar-up suu a A u.u u.kms um wue a a lujurcu. aiuic- ibe electric ear.

and it a as puUca -mi u. tae virc-ai. street ttavav. Federal Court at Frankfort Judge Joha W. ilarr.

United ria-e Attoruar JoUjr aad Msr.kal will lo bwlar. aheie ta.y aid open a arras nt Use Federal tour', w-uurruw. 'lias criminal ae or U-e docart is saia to be unu.u-ailjr larire. aa then- nave a r-il ol arreau a-itaii. tae lew iuvulus Im vatr 4 Utt rev sue laws.

To Sweet liome or Trial. 6aerUI Kiageaay, of Henry county, arrived la the city yeaeruay trow Aiew UiUt after anal Erazler. was airtsb-d by Uet-cbveS arand huocuy. csl-e was erLpioyed at L-e reau giaaa lartoiv). soe was a- tae i-1 nca or alt.

rent, ot baeet ll om-i. tunX white acre i have stoica a lut, od ciovbiog and uuier valaatues. To Be Iinried Here. The remains ol the late Frsuk Hart, whe died la Merspals balnrdar nionncg uf cwis. La tea twecty-tbird year of his afe.

wul arrive la Ibis city to-day ai noun. He waa employ-a ua a haruwer- tbe.e. It waa luliueriy ol 1'adutaS, arl l. at. tn Hum elty.

The reaiaios win 4. Cave lilU cemetery. Hurt Uf HisDog. F-of-ne Stsrunj, twelve year, of ve, was playing with a di la ice )mrl nt his lattrota, Floyd aud Washington stx-cls, yiterUay Booa. waeo tae animal in co aw cutting a ga-a in iba Irtt ol 1 ore -t ail The boy aaa trtieixlcu by Dr.

Dr. All Dr. Alvla MavsteJL, who .11 reortefl ta have b-ea mla-ing since tue ire tn tu, atcra, ai 1004 West Market Hwl, rnuic, iaraed up yiMieiavy ai lie siva ne aecount or la. disapocafaava Utaa tatat be wan in tat rily. Seippe Will Hecover.

Joseph tsclppe, tbe Arabian i-lXer fhot, robbed and burned avuut Eve acoticar Aacaorag- by a itiaa Mapooid to hare l-e-a his partner, baa eo tar recovered (baa be will te auM) to leave tha City llosuita where be L-a been eon lined, neat weea. itobert Xlaaaiag's Fniwral. TVs of Manning, tbe killed aa the L. aud N. railroad near ar bellurg, will late pise Jrom Via Caoitvieii-etrei arUtisn cncrh Uu s.rtr.Tw-.

at o'eior-a. Tot) remains will be In- tTvd ia tue Lastcrn OaittH). Thinks If Has La Grippe. Cast Black, finrerlnuodent la-i wy tarar Rflsl, Is eontlned to his t-d wit a vre foil. Tbe 'artala Is Imiirwd to bell- ve tat he ha.

aa stuclt ol iinfi, but turn nhrahuatt asja laat it. ia nolo'lir bat a raad. I i Uf Hi I i i it i i 1 TYI 4 i I i 1 1 i i.

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