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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 7

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mi Revival In Operations, While All Drilling Stocks 1 (jrow Smaller, And Ohio Operators Believe the future Is Bright Men Are Still Hoplig for a Change. Indiana i jjew and Important Field M-jr B. Opened Up in Hamiltoa County. stsiATra Swot-rasS, July Sil. -There ts certaln- rt revival In oil operations In the re, many of the Idle drllWra 4 t--l oresaera have found employment time In three yeara.

An li completed wella cut quite a lr- the monthly pay roll throughout i.l.i.. field. With all tbe drilling now th itwki In Unka are tow- d-liy. and some more proline pool ot. now In sight will have to be found to brtrf production to Wlnrt.

the pipe want- to See It With, over ri(v to' a.WO.wl- barrela of oil taken within the peat seven -j. it mighty much as though the product ehould reach the ee- mark before long. The new drilling I not all I tie won uoing ny a -a great many of the old ha'S'l LBiLiAD fiftBf SK the second and even third pay. tii. are shot, and the production rl illy lnrrresd.

Such la the atate of In HvkI and Hancock Counties '1, Liberty Township. Hancock County, d.eper haa Increased the wella Jn.lTfuiiy. they have areund the utd met held of Wood County. One of the i n.linc up sand wella found In the 1 11, I.I located along what la known tii- Mur.n-cyBl-Portage-Bowllng iff, an. I llaaktns aucker-rod belt.

On I--: 1 go.l paying wella have hern f. below Imi feet In the tand, while the 1.4 v- In the early days waa found at iiinti half a hundred feet. I'otinfy for July la credited with r.4') I i umpieteu, wniie jiamiw -a up lth wr 31. Auglalse County thlr.l. with 'M Wells completed.

hil In llnlli.Ml wells there Is a stand off I.iiiks and Allen Counties, the wells of I.ucss County have u.r output of the Allen County wella. County falls only one behind I.uchk with 20 wella completed, rwr County hsa only a duaen, and ''oiiiity lius lo fin I lined. The balance if Hrlil- nhuw a slight Incresss over Tl little held down In Shslby very prominent, and some '(J amt crollllc Hells sre being complele.1. I'uiii the moii-tli an effort was mads to eti'rvl TUB l.t'CS OOCNTT yiBLD To tii' tnt sl.le of ths Maumse Illver, hut I'Vr Iring ilrlllsd In the wll near the was shot with 100 quarts of I. ut fulletl to make a producer.

At U't Mir a duien wells have been drilled tlic went PKlc, with only alight Indlca-uf oil. and In evel-y Instance the sajwl fv' pr.Mln.'is the oil waa found deep. This filiur will evidently settle any further at-u-nii-t- tn -xteiii1 the field for at leest'a few i.ur. vrtvii some one will come alotig and frik another su-hr like the KlolHlike well ti th runt ttlile and cause all kinds of ex-V-mwit. The senaatlon of the month In rirlee la the opening un of a very oil nnol In Jerusalem and oreiron l.o.

aa linmr. and near iloml- ortiera. A numler of wells were In Klmt territory some lime sgo and iirai tlcally aluindone.l, until Andrews a iinrui-iult a log protiucer on lVrry farm that starts! the present of territory. Since the completion of i'. rry well others ms goon, ir not better, nave len completed in the Immediate vlcln-.

ami a artat many more are under way. Tu the ruM a cxHjple of miles from the JVrry "ell 1'araaoti llellning Company struck time well on the lick property, Iraa aiarted the wll.l greasers a-rons. nl. uk naual. they liri'mw wll.l and of- i-ri all Kin, la or pricea tor ivcar-by leasee.

the tleJ.l far hsa proved very ii to reajum that all will not siiahera. The following will give a for the aork of July, against ili-t of June: BKVAFITVLATION. summary of eumpl.tek aalla: Jule Juna I uek All.n AuHlalae ea.xlusKT Ui uii (Vaip, tM i XI 21 ITort. Vrr. IT.KI.

Drr tl XI IT 11 7 1 I 4 Mil IHft lo lo Zil lit TO" 5 lo 41 JO 'n Wert s. Ttitale 282 4. UK 142 2 133 4 cnmpletM walla. 1IO. new DCMtuctlon.

I.Mmj kamla dry holes, I. AlanJoneJ wella. 41. Ax-rat Ausuat wella. 81, barrels.

A.eraae 8etemher wella, SH harrels. Averasa I toher wella. 8', barrela. A-erhs Novamber walla, 2tS barrels. Iwcember sella, 2i barrala Janasry wells.

21 I I barrels. Aiemae IVhniary wella. 28 barrala. A eraaa Uan wetla, 23 barrels. April wella.

Sou harrela. A-re May wella. 5T 1 8 barrats. Avtni. June sella, 2 barrala.

July wella. 21Uj barrals. I.RIl.IJSO WELLS ANb RIOS. Jaiy. July.

Its. Hi. T. Urgv Hig. if 1X1 ici 4 rtn-T.

AiU N-re- wrt T. lo 24 18 S4 81 .18 04 21 It 15 22 IT .18 10 1H 1 34 12 11 31 18 ii la a 8 8 8 3 2 4 1 .1 1 4 8 18 2 8 4 IS 3D 23 13 8 8 8 TTT r-" SMI 148 S3S 143 aniline wells la.naw up end building "at uMria In new work 24 1 LITTLE INCmSE lodlsna Oil Will Hake th Drilla Ham. n4t. siasaTca to tia satsxnaaa. ovTrxtjjrSrr July 29.

The present kihv.njfi; sre that there are great thlnirs -tore for the Indiana oil field, and ail that teeus to start the matter alone the trica of T5 cents per barret for the crude At this price the operators will justified In making outside ventures, lib. rood chances to par out and Increase tte oil production. Thera certainly exists future for the oU Industry. Though during the past month baa man- te fluctuats along the 8S-cnt mark "awehst. as If In reluctant obedience to Imperative voice echoed from the flds te the tanks of there hav but HUla disposition on I 01 th usually ready operator to JS on otrangth Of the t.ndency.

although the month shows increase. t0 pools of any great fan port tern. Ka mucn COO-- -mtory controlled by the Standard Oil developed to boister up de- iThe hni stocks: "i se.on for heavy oonsumpUon now SaT, n1 the attendant curtail- or operatlona ne. I ajtiref i roads; with all these en-aeao? 'nd cstlona in view, th Wildcatter ZT have decided ts amaa ealervt la sua plin nd not bo coaxed forward to bahIL0hun1' llns company 1, AT 1T8 WIT'S 8KD StTlii; Jh Ksatern, Ohio and In- na Which I he opinion of many pro- "eteaenT balance outstanding 4w lf npoa to l.e-ST,.oou 11 might experience TTxTlZ ta oo-n Hence the 4s. most ptwufla prodwclnc "ustw esl.JEWUnt ntg ta the all I 1 1 I July was the drilling deeper an old gaa weu ow the McCarthy farm, ta Kali Creek Township, Hamilton County.

Thh wwti wee a-numi ar of years ago. and baa Inn bee producing aa. and the drilling deevr may caoee the opening of an Import ant oil fleid. and at the earn time give a tain tsei of undriiKMi territory to yet dew velop. At one time that dlatrW wag eon.

etdered among (he ereom gag kanda of the state, trot the presettre haa so declined that Ing with the present anil-waste jraa lwa taw atate. All former attempts to eAtid the Welle County ftrtd aorth have been failures. wwt the last attempt wae made by the tlr n. Ciip4nr on the ilrosn farm; In UrtUm Ij. Harrtaon Township, and two miles sotatn ami two miles ast from Ktufftua, As It srcad a failure.

It will settle any further controversy of a northern) extension. Tbe Trdiana. Held ahows a healthy Increase for July over June. During July there were 2 wella completed, of which IS were worth less iur oil, the stance aoewmg A BAIbr OCTPCT- Of 1.M0 barrels, or sn average per well per dy of 2 1-10 barrels. In Washington Township, Blackford County.

the rhanres for a new area, of limited extent being opened up are looked upon favorably by many, and some Of tne late Weus nnlsnei tnerv are among the beat In the entire state. The best well eomuleted in the state durtnr the month la In this township, and Is owned by the ktan- naitan tni company, ana locatea on ne Peeley farm. It twl eiio barrels at tho Aret day's start ofr. The same roraoany's well on the Jamee Dai farm, in rWctlon 1, same township, did Imrrrls. The Mcoonalil-Ludwlg Oil Company's on the J.

V. A. leotmrd farm, in Auction 'I. same township. lid 2Wi barrels.

4n the Godfrey reserve. In Harrison Townshlii. same eounty. the Iia-atoiul Oil Company struck a ninety-barrel wll In No. 14.

This has l-n a big monrr maker for Ha owners, and the farm Is producing better than 2 barrels of oB every day, making It a phenomenal lease. Another rood well added to the string of rood producers In the stat. Is the Ohio Oil Cam- peny-e well on tne 11 nam Emlhsly rrm. In Section A. Van Hurn Township.

Orant County, as It did KI3 barrels. W. K. Wel-lon haa another good one In No, .1 on the Hyall farm. In Hection .1.

Township, rllsckford County, as It did barrets me Ohio oil Company well No. a the WILLIAM P-CBDCB rS, Tn Section 2. Jackson Townshln. Wtl. County, did l' barrels.

Barns company's wen no. tns J. f. ti.iiioway farm. In Section 24.

Chester Township. im rountv. did bsrrels. Hams company's first ven ture on the f. A.

Handerson frm. In flection ft. Van Huren Township, tirant County, did 120 barrels Hame ompsny's Well Nv l. on the C. Herchsv frm.

In Section 2S. Hartford Township. Adami County, did 1X barrets, ninrtair. Co. Well No.

6. nn the J. McKee farm. In section iCi, Jefferson Township. Xuntlnston Countv.

did loo barrels. The Dewey (nl Company's wail on the Rhlnheck farm. In Section Is. Wabash Townshln. Adams Countv.

did barrels. Tne Kernne urns." Well No. S. on the Nehr fsrm. In Sceikin 23, Nottingham did barrels.

Leasers have been woraing around the territory known as Warren and Terre Coups pralrlea. near porta for some tlm. and it Is reported thU several teat wells WUI be drilled for oil In tluvt before winter sets In. leasers have also been working ai rose the line In H-rriea I ountv. Ml.

with great hopes of vlcHtin the Indiana Into that star. teats hsve vet ltn mae around New 'prMslr, In St Joseph Countv, where there are the Indications of oil of any place t4the north or weet nf the productive nHl. ahe following rccnpltulafTon shows the wo. of Julv with that of June and a good study: kat'ariTCLSTIOM. Suni-afT ef comptete.1 wells: Ooonty.

film Hieckford. lr.l Ury.Comp. Prod. Dry I I la lt 13 a a I40 un Ml VI tet 191 SO 2 I Jay so tv no so al SO Huntington. Miami 3 1 1 1 75 Marlon Wabash Mtacellsnsous a l.10 tK 1.0OU Increaae com oleted wells.

SI Iru-reaa new produetlon. SAO ban arnils Ieoreese nry holes, si. i Aben.lonad wells, 2d. Averase Ausuat wells. 30 bsrrels.

ATerase fteptemhar walla. US barrala. Averasa wella. SS1, barrala. ATerase Noveftiber walla.

20 ba rrvta. Aeraee Tieceiniier walla, fut tjerreia. Average January wella, 244 barrels. Averase February wells, UAH barrels. AVersse Mac-h wella.

IT-SI barrala. Averasa April wella, 1a4 harrela. Averasa May wella, barrela. Averasa June wella, S.t D-d barrala. Averaa July walls.

2 1-10 barrels. pltlLLtNO VII.LI AMD RIOS. -July- July a- Ri. Tot. Vrm.

him. Tot. 5 31 a 11 7 A 4 lo ft 4 4 8 4 7 4 12 4.4 1 .1 .1 .24123 a 7 4 ft 5 13 In in 4 4 in 8 IS 4 ST 128 51 I'M 17 County. Wella Blackford Jy A4sins Orant Huntington Madleon Miami Iteleware Marlon Wlbl.h Miscellaneous Total fiu-reeae Srlllfna Ih-e. IS.

lis. lnrrrase new rtss up and building. Net Increaae new BICYCLES Stolen From Varions Cities Were Found in Toledo Undergoing a Transformation Process. asset at. to tii Bao.cissm, Toledo.

Ohio, July 29. The detecllvrs late to-night unearthed what they believe to be the hoadquartera nf an organised Bang of bicycle thieves who have been carrying on their operations In Detroit, Ft. Wayne, Elkhart, Grand Rapids and several other titles. The gang. It appears, has men In these different cities who steal high-grade wheels and ship them here, where they are put through a process transformation by which they lose their Identity.

This work has been traced to shops which are conducted under the guise of "bloycle repair shops." In order to ward off susoiolon. The wheels are taken to those shops, where they are re-enameled in a different color, ttie umbo re ground oft and every trace of Identification deetroyed. The wheels are then taken out and sold at figures 75 per cent oeiow tne price or mat particular make and grade of wheel. The detectives traced the stolen wheels down to where the frames were in ths enameling oven, and thoy had to wait for them to cool off to get the numbers, it Is believed hundreds of stolen wheels have found their way here and have been transformed and sold. Some venaa tlonal arrests are expected to follow at once.

EIVAL CREDITORS Try To Get Possession, of a Htaa facturlnit Plant, Chicaqo. July 29. Rival creditors made trouble to-day at the plant of the Charles IL Sleg Manufacturing Company, Kenosha. Wig. Ths concern closed Ita doors a week ago, and at the request of the Shelby Steel Tube Company, of Cleveland.

Judge Gibbons appointed the Security Title and Trust Com- M'pany receiver. Kmployes of Morgan A Wright, who hold two mortgages of $40,000 against the firm, endeavored to take poases- eion di inc lactcrr io-oay, uevpue tne pro-teeia of the watchntan left In charge by the receiver. The Kenosha police were called out to preaerve oraer. The Shelby Tube Company claims that the mortgages given to Morgan dt Wright are an unlawful preference over other creditors and designed to defraud. Bicycles were tne principal output or tne Hieg plant, which Is valued at tivi.outi.

Judge Oibrxins to-night Issued an order citing Morrau, A Wright for contempt, and an Injunction restraining them from Interfering with the efforts of the Security Title and Trust Company to hold ths plant as receiver. WITH A BANQUET Commercial Law Leagoa Clog Their Convention. Prr-1 Bay, Oifto, Jaly 29. The convention ok th Commercial Law League of America will be held either at Asbury Park. N.

or Montreal, next year. The matter was left with the Executive Committee to-day. To-day C. Mast, of Springfield, Ohm. read a paper on "Enforcement of Creditors' Rights as Affected by Cove- ture," a paper on "Tabulation of Business Experience." by Edward of rvijcunrcr, was aiso aeiivered.

Tlie session closed with banquet to-nlgai. HYSTXEIOCB billt Waa Too Faat For Genrg Green, raotax, wtsraswai to vaa Bvasiaxm Nxw Tons. July" 23. At Carson City kst year Oeorga Oreen Corbet of Callfornlal defeated Mystertoua Billy 8mltb, of Boston, la 13 rounds. To-nlgbt the men met at the Lenox Atbletla Club ta fight 23 rounds at 133 pounds.

Oreen. waa the ravorlte at odda of 18 to TO. It wai a clever exhibition- In which Smith daraon. atrated hie superiority. Oreen fought with treat sameness, but waa eaallr outpointed by his clever opponent, who was awwrded tne veroict at the ooncluaion of the twenty Ufth round.

Both lads looked thoroughly fit upon catering the rinr al lo o'eioek n-nith wji aeoocded by Johnny Ojrroan. Billy Med-ham fit Bob BmWi. Green's advirers were Billy Lavifrne, Charlie Patterson and Archie Charlie White wag referee. From the beginning they mixed it up In lively aasBwu. aoQ oeia rreqiMouy scored nara.

RAID. CfUfTiii'fn nin THIHD PAGE. bTkof the Wkcd proved woeoueJ to the taek weitaed them. Muffoon wn ander a poll ty ro l0t' rota Iet4e. Woonraiigr.

wa- eij hut. left at the- poet, shewed wonderttil nrTi ni ntH In Ue last twwr ana ikUt a nrad for third place. In the eVowl race Tender waa bevy was tnirn. ta wma nm aa a ew atrldea waa ootrua. Dots -reaoer and Hoperth paeetag bar.

Bowadlftg tie torn ror noma paaarle, on or rae oucataers, snowed In front and tt required very Uttle wtwliut to keen- Mm there to the ttoimlL. He won by two iMigtba from Bubiect. Dntch Rkater had things all hla own way In the third race and won In a common ranter. At the end he waa being eased op mrn ivngin in irwnw vi muiauo il.t woo was rkl.lan out to beat LnadVle a ui length for the place. 1 he fourth race brought another upset.

Bannock, the odds-on favorite, being com- belled to put up with aeoood money, rree Lane, at the comfortable odd of 7 to 1. irvn. nulling un was tniro. Tiss fifth race brought no consolatloa to the losers, se the winner. Jack Point, waa practically unbacked outMa at ike r-Wrwia of the stable.

He waa loaded down with a handicap of 12n pounia. god this eaueed hla vo wvaaen. ne woo in a gooa nn Ish. Ian Cunld beat Chorus Boy a neck for second place. Continental was the best liked of the fire that made up tbo flekl for the closing event, but It waa the old story, for he talent.

Rotterdam winning by a length from Continental, who beat Maximo Oo Ths start wag poor. 8T. LOTJU RACES. sssoi At siaeaTca to vbb sBexnaasv Sr. Louis.

July 23. Inclement weath er, a bad track and a poor card were tba conditions at the fair Grounds to-day. For some unaccountable reason Alma Glynn was mads a Se-to-3 favorite tn the first race. Zarlna, another beagle, tiad second call In the betting. She was off la front, but shs didn't stay there long Mlae l.lxsle and Alma Ulynn race-l py tier like a naan.

1 nese wo were In front ail tne way. miss lassie drawing away from Alma Glynn In the ireien ana winning eaetiy oy tnree rengins. plantation waa third. beaten off five lengths. Moralist, on the strength of bis second to Schiller the other dar, had a call for the second, but floundered badly in the sticky going, and waa never prominent tn the contest.

Moralist couldn't win a boat race to day. Rowland Iuett. who won his last rave at one or the K-ansas nty wninigtga many years sgo, turnea me trick at su to l. win ning rather handily from the ancient Joc- O-Sot. Our Nellie took Pat Cleburne's measure In the succeeding event.

Nellie opened the choice, but the coin eejne rolling in on the gray rut a and Pat went to the Dost first choice at 6 to 6. Pat Cleburne started after her, but had a hard time shaking off Lafayette. This effort cost ths gray colt all hla reserve speed. He had nothing left to finish with, and Our Nellie draw away from him In the stretch, winning aa she pleased by four length. Lafayette hung on to third poaition to tne erxi.

Wlaa-los and Helen H. Gardner had a battle royal In the fourth. Helen H. Gard ner is quite a mudlark. Wiggins waa on running and stayed in front all the way.

Ht-len 11. Gurdner chased after him vigor ously, but she could never get up. Wiggins won ty a lengin anu a nail, iiuien II. Gardner defeating Nora for the place by six lengths. lian Honig won hla first race or tne meet ing with Ktmtr II.

who went to the post an odds-on favorite for the fifth event. The Navv. a newcomer at the track, also had speed, and raced In front with Zamar II. ror a hoir mile, noma a gelding made tne pace so hot that The Navy had to aive up. finishing unplaoed.

Can Galop beat Lor- ranla for the ulace. A he cann a colors were earned to victory In the closing event by Heaueatn. tne brotn er of Aquinas. Bequeath went to the poet at nves. uiny oi ine weet ana nowiuar closing about equal favorites.

Bequeath raced In front all the way. and won impres- siveiv from Lady of the VesU Howltxer finished third. Flrat Ttaoa Sell Ins: one mile: Mlas Uaale. Mt Ilia. HViHitl Alma (ilyn.

102 lbs. J. M. UaiaJJ) Tha Planet. 107 lbs.

(Routhsrdt 11 to 2 I ml 13 to 1 Time 1 Harris rioyd. Voloca. Stearins and Ily Chance also ran. Herond Race lelllns: one mils: Rowland lmatt, HO lba. 30 to 1 Joe Sot.

IiM lba. ilWkarl 18 to 1 bH-lngtlme. 10fl4 lbs. (Kutter) a to 1 Time Jim ttoss. tiaisra.

judge ut bouse. Gold Top, Morellai and Prsctltlooer also ran. Third Race nailing; lor two-year-elds: flve sod a hair ruriunsa: Our Nellie, lie lba (3lrmnr 8 to 2 Pat t'latmrne. 102 lbs. (Ilulter) 13 to 10 Utrayette.

UJ I ha. u. HcDonaldl 8 te Time 1:12 a. Bsinmalrer. Jos Douahtr.

Hen ry Woifer. LAiclnda w. C. Daly and Tululab aiao ran. Fourth Race Belltnr: alx and a half furlonaa Wlaslna.

HX lba. (J. MclMinaldl 4 to 8 Helen M. uardner, iuh ins. to 8 Mora s.

t4 lbs. iw. Miner) 18 to 1 Time ZSSi. Frank waaner. School GtrL Tra- niie, naina ana Annw iwji Bieo ran.

Fifth Race Pen nr: six furlona-a: Zamar 103 lba. J. 3 to 4 Galop. Ill lbs. IBnell) to 1 Lorranla, 104 lba.

8 to 1 Time The Navr. flara Bauer. Scribe Mr try Monarch. l.UUe BUlea. Lady Oray and itoo vv nne aiao ran.

Hlxth Rax. One mile: aalllna: Beouaath. 103 lbs. i Lineal 4 to 1 Lady or the West. KH lbs.

(J. Hot nnwuser. i ins. iptobii to 1 Time I May. Flora a.

Lord Ne ville and Etnei aiao ran. BGHEEBER HAD AIT ARM BEOZEN Montreal. July 29. Mirth and Brown Girl were the surprises at Belalr this aft. eraoon.

Scherrrr was thrown by Belsara in the last rare and had a rib and arm broken. Rcitx was reinstated. Results: First Race Seven furlongs: Mirth won Annie Lauretta second, Isen third. Time Second Race six furlongs: Trimmer 'nn. ox second, uavottee third.

Tim. 1:1. i nirn ttace seven turiongs: ttrown utri won. The Bard second. LJsle third.

Time Fourth Race For beaten non winners: four and one half furlongs: Jessie won. Collateral second. Our Bishop third. Time 1 iitn tiace oeven turiongs: Aianxanita won. Deyo second, Josephine third.

Time Sixth Race Seven furlongs: Sleepy Relic won. Lady Aiaua second, ttouvnais third. Time VAPAIOTETA RAPES. STBCIAX SIsrATOBt TO VBB BBO.VIBBSV WAPAkoNBTA, Ohio, July 29, The fourth day's races of the Wapakoneta Jockey Club, considering the heavy track, were good and the attendance large. First Race Three-qosrter-mile dash: Backs- dee, b.

121 nrsti Violet Fareons. b. 117 second: Rampage, b. a-, lis third. Time 1:24.

Second Race one-mile a nan: Eagle Bird, b. II. Hni, Aoaun w. tvm. sacond; Kathmere, ca.

lue third. Tin 1 Thlrd Raoe Four and a half furlongs; nutlden daah: vol act te. ch. Ill nret: Aroiine. ch.

117 second: scotue L. en. 11 third. Time Fourth Race One mile: Rapldo won; Kactno, ae.nd: Maavero. third.

Time 1 43. Fifth Raca Half a mile: Rtatkar won; Don't Know, seuund; Chitob, third. Tune B0V T5ET BA1 AT EPTTE. RCTTB. July 2a Results-.

First. Race Five and one half furlongs Newmoon won, Mldaa second, Barnato third. Time 8econd Racer-Fire furlongs: Ocorona won. Knsy second, E. Come, third.

Time 1 Thlni Race Three Quarters of a mile Dora Wood won, Xajchnesa second, Sal Us Goodwin third. Time 1:1414. Fourth Race one nair mile: Kacuer won. I Don't Jvnow second, iutcn tnira. nun O'ATv.

Fifui Kace Heren rurtougs: i-aay ngnt won. Briar Hill Second, liay Bey third. Time lia. ERIE RACE3. araotaa BtsraTcat to TBI txatixra.

Eric. July The midsummer meet closed to-day, after, one of the most successfully "conducted enterprises of the kind ever held In this city. The unfinished pace was won by Anna Hartman, with Arbor Day second and Almea Jim third. Fastest heat. The trot was Won by Flrat Land.

Clem mnA Nellie third Reat heat. 2:. The free-for-all was won oy Acs. auoie atone second. Effle Powers third.

Fastest RACES F05TF0BID. sraoxax bistatCb to tbb aaravxaaw. Lakcabtxe. Ohio. July 23.

-After Waodford had taJtea the first heat In the 2U7 In 2i22 this sfternnnn. rain terminated the races. which were poetpoued unUl to-morrow altar noon. EHQLI8H BACEtl LoKOOtt. July 29.

J. G. MowenthaTa our- yaar-old bay cott Chaleureua woa the Ches tef field Cap. J. R.

KecM'a 8L CkuJ IL waa second and W. M. Clarke's Prince Baf. CAUcune third. i A LOBSTER.

Corraa, th Engl tab. Xtlglt. Watarhf, Mad a Ball Bhosrlne Philaoxlphia, July Curraa, the much-heralded cbamplesv light weight of England, made his flrat kpnearane tn this slx-roued fight wKh Jack Bennett, of Mc cii. an a ocxer to-nigat at lae arena tit a netainjA, ria Atucn itaa pern npeciea ef the Englishman, but frora a tart to finish ef the bout be was entirety suioisessd by BconrtL Tbe first two rounds were lia T1IE ENQtrntER, OIKCINVA'n, JUTi 30; 1898. HARLEM FORM S11EEL ipm ram tat or tmii MmuMuzm jnmxa or tub bum oemr ct-nt.

at CBICAOa ILU-riUDAT. Johr Weather ekmdy. Tmck heavy. Ei? JT. U.

aaAt. eaiy otu lA, wmrrm. i i Kwmu heiion fades i mertere WehrMs. I W. a.

S-Tll laoe Hue, lan 3 1 3 I 1-1 4 "i aae vtaeg r.leW i I A i -ii-iAIr Bt. S. 8577 WJ .....7.1 aai lAWeaeer If s- Ood. lug 7i BCsat. 1 Shite Hrna, 87 Jt Bo't Umyr Kawrldga.

1 8 881 fTbe Crawaaa. 44 4'S a- 8 1' lo 1 es IS 83 12 It farm. Haetu ft BT lis ts IX II IV 671 toe-ar-s Jey, 14 14 14 14 14 Ktue L4ek. lot 11 18 18 18 83M 'Heckv Baa. a start MrsawMng Wne aeatiy.

eemrel. trim scui loana eiiuii. by Harry OTaimoNvleiKna. FYloea Harrv bed eaerymins We rw way. tff la aa loeaaa ecu at the poet, bet a s-od start sad aow-d sosae sea a.

vii hackle getting so well, wbtrh greatly aASa-4 bin la gauiae tblr piaee. marter Owvev was eaeaat for tola race, sad hut saaiaiaat dtspau-bed the Be was estrcsMiy watoftuoata. Besstabea: PeUaa B. ftitver loam. Mr.

Jojissan, 'Left at the Q-QA BKCOVT) RACE-One sad one sixteenth sMies: foe three-jear-olrta sad wpward; setltag; VOffU. 84-O added: valse te wiaaer. 8348; 11) ewuaace; $lt te ssroa. 838 to Itare. rmrtleasl Time sr.

iy ijsb. is. I Rannlne Positions. lnei tUartara WeJglrta. we ii st i i KtP a e- 8 4 8a xa aa I'm I 3 4 21 7 8' 8' 8 03S rriwiar r.

so Sola yproaacwrnr. le ejiv ir onn. IKU4 jAlvsrsda leM6 iMuaksioese. llu Bvl Mania Vas 4 3H 4't 8 145 Pel a Kltctven. 13 g.

7 7 7 tart fair. Won eaelly. tha axwad hard ridden, ell. )W by futay Mndaaty. lJuy friar John teamed to labor all tba way Alesrade bvl went all te ptaeea at ths end.

Musks longs Scratched: Tarda. Ouoae Liver. 9591. THIHO BACK-Five etrhtbs of a mile; foe net valuo lo auau. aauu: 878 tu aaeuad.

in, ai'a. I oey I Runalng PoaiUAmaT Tndea Btartara Weights. r. SAAO 'Jinks. 118 i iH 4' 3 8" S' 8 i J4 3 3' 3" 4" 4 ft.vrT) Mptruueile.

114 WWtlTulls, Hal 8378 lat reaa Peg. ri. 4 Xtart soud. Won haadlty. aerond whlweins.

38 mlsutea. Winner, b. bf Albert Hoodoo. base HpirUualU puaalbly ass bad lee mura ut It. Tulla Fonso was nsrely Bt to raea.

Kha aaa sore 9592. v.slu FCiLRTH RArsV-One mils; for three value to winner. 83taj. 878 to aaeood. JUVa.

I 113-j, is. 4Qfr. Runmns Positions. at. ja Si r.

I3 1 1" 1' 14 ka 4a 3a 3 2 3 4 2 3" 8' 3 8 la 4 4' 4" 4" 8 8 8 8 ft 3 Indas! Btartera tfalchts. isvt8 Found. 80 (U.V Cddla Burke. 1IO. M44 The Uavll.

103 HTH AddIs Jack. U3 MS 83 Mart soed. VTun hand ridden and out to tns mnd aeven mlnutea. Winner, b. 8 yr.

I. J. I r. P. 11 aad T.

J. T. third At HM neele. yaar SS J. last by apaed.

and mads a runaway race of It. but was stopping badly at the end. Had Eddie Harke not been ridden cloae to tne rail la tha heavy gtang all the way. he would bare won. The Uevtl can do Latter Herat chad Oaroon.

Lew Hopper. Lddy Callahan. The Taryon, Ksthansoa. r. 1 1'J FIFTH RACE Three euarters of a VMilu.

fteon: net value to sinner, now; sis te 0 31. 1Q4. Running Pualtlona. Bt. Aj F.

la I 1 1 8 2 3'H 2 8 4S S' 3' 44 4 4 Index Start era We'--Ma. 8570 lArsmads. I 8878 ILoruat Ukaiaom, 87. 8M1 iTreopla. I' 82481 Bahleea.

83 pus Tally-Hs. VX 7 7 7 8" SWS Florence Chance. 87 8 Ia C1unlN(iM, 1" 6 8" 8- 8 7 7 Woa wn in hand eeeond and third a Kw or hi. mi roe Laura W. aom ahowad a lot of apaed.

and ran a good race. Bebleoa waa anort on speea. ana ma puunr. a BIXTH BACK One mile and aavewly fOaf-y. puree 84ai: net value to winner, $3uw; -x.

0 51, 1 la. 4SV 1 4wy Runnlne Poalttona. Index Btkrtars-Welrhts. 1 8t. ta u.

F. mxi (John Uright. x- ss a a- j- lHi7 Ifharley Chriely. 106, 8 3 3 2" l- 2" U3S4 Simon w. lis 1 1- 8 8 the" mher two drlvinc.

Off at the Ir Dixon rlnshtllgbt. As the race waa run his uaual honest race; he looked sure winner Uliffht'a rurh. Murns eompisman lo ine juosea an Simon W. Interfered with Charley fnriety ail auatnal Buma. Klmon had a lot of speed, but.

mile; 16 aotne 1 to a place on intrwy tnnej, eventful excent to show Bennett's superi ority In the science of boxing. i I V.a. In tne round orimeo moucu on Curran's left eye, raising a shanty on that member, which disconcerted the Englishman for the remainder of the bout. In the last round Bennett went after Curran In Jig time and landed four hard punches In succession on the Kngllehman's face Just aa the gong sounded. Althouah no decision is ever announce! at ine Anna i was the Impression of every one present waa a ble dlsaDTiorntment and stands practically no chance with boxers of the Lavigiie and Lialy stamp, whom tx-peots to meet.

HARLEM E3TRIE8. First Race Helling three quarters of mile: inex. Walahta. inecx. eisnta.

PVMi Bonlen SOK8 Carrie 87 U.3 Millie P33 Imp. num. Sea fMUU) Klla Peasance. Ml KM Tha Tory lot Lucy Belle eOez Osmoa lvu 83U3 LalHiampagn. 88 La reel la IM fMSU Bethlehematar 80 Fair Iiecelver.

80 83A4 I 'a Ita. Form vs Uioe King's Hlgh'y S3 oS3 I'ug 3 911 Flrat Call "3 ottl Canova Hecond Race Hsndtcap; one and ens sixteenth miles: iets2)Donna Rita f78 Three Bars S637 BrSW lad eoei aont ronee ve 8342 Itulra 102 tl5Xi)Dnvld Third Raca Mali mile; ror iwo-yaajr-oeaa; 9ft8uCheval d'Or B9 Csthertrai lis Andea tlKiioutuniiri eS29Houchon 110 871 Oelathee Ilk 8501 Tulla Fonso (WUW)Krank Ben ....11 8573 Elale 110 U3H4 Kaplonage ....118 Mnale ll W217 Oreatland ....118 Fourth Race One Park 6tskss: 8683 t. Alphon sDloS 83 Faoemaker 109 Ooodrlcii etvtuAl Freaco Traverser ....118 Llcaial'a entry. Fifth Hare Three quartern of a mile. 6.VT8 Clothilda 8SAO Imp ufttw Mary Black Storm King ...11.

9MK Traverser 1141 Blath Race One mils snd and one hundred varda: aelllns: lot Pepper Slk Reuben RowttIo Klin ynernr i.Zl BT.73 Bwordamaa ...12 (WflSiPaul bauver B34SI Blaho Keed vo.e tuna J. 8AU0 Muskalonga t3. 8 Topmast B6u8 Moncreith H4 HMD Boanerges beventh Bare Tnree rounna or Irt OlIU Wrimate l'ai o-iAt Kleanar Holm's W3 8K t.Alphoitaea DI8 104 104 ettial Easter a. VOW Tit For Tat 8.r.7ncaah Day Sybarls 13 878 301 Bldonian 14 Brighton Beach Entrice For To-Day. First Race-fne snd one eighth miles: NedM.

AbtnsJon. lis each: Bergen. 119; Leo take. 113; Uun MetAl. I'M; Ella lvajy.

103. Second Itace Ftve elshtiis of a mile: uuara, Tha Oardener, nuaner. i V. Froshln. 112 each; Lady lUJiaocna, Fulmtnate.

li tech. Third Race erne mile: nurteeque, 108: Ben RonaM. lo7: Io Lake, lo3; Endeavor. Merlin. each: Chamgraua.

FTahmao. 81 eacb: Ruby Fourth Rsos Three quertera of a mile; h'jrh weight handicap: Peep o' Day, ltd; Lambeirt. 137; Leedevllra. Lennep. lfflech; Tripping, lis; Blea Devil.

lli Hanwell. 118: MuriUo. 113; St. Nksvolaa. 110; Lady laaiion.

Chenille. 107 each: Fleeting OrSd. 14. Ftfth Race Two snd one quarter nales; Brighton Cup: Howard Mann, Master James, 133 each; mrZ. tliure.

112: Dal entry. Sixth Race Five eighths of a mile; two-yenr-otda; Seilmg: Lady jaeuoieaiane, i' mr M.m, Matanxa. 103; Let, Ida. 1(8; The Oardener, lot; Ben Vlklnc. 102: Cormorant, 1U1; Tut Tut, ti'iu ini ttU each.

oouma bandtcsn steaole- ehaae: Ollnd.x 137; Beauort. 14A; Tiiltion. 147-J Ferget, 147; Rbalnatrom. 142; Baby BUI. uu; eld.

133. aHKchcock entry. 81. Louis Eatriee For To-Day. Race Sevan elshtht of a mile: for three- year-olds: Oypcetver.

107: Rebel Jack, loo: ft. 97: Verify. Wolf ore, Ordago. 83 eacb; Allle B. Reefer.

Little Bally, so each. Sacond Raoe One mile snd an eighth: selling: Marquise. 108: Plantation. Latla Fry. Hetea H.

Oardncr. 8V eacb; Prince of India, Msddalm, Gomes. 88 seen; Leaseman, Fresoo, King Eik- wood. Ransom. 87 escb; Mam Is Mlasrva, ita us eoeJt: tmnle Lea.

U8. Third Race Thrae quarters of a mile: we-year- old handicap: LAo riaater. lai: ibumbit. Ctarenoe B. lib: Oenua.

107 Fiylns Biro. los ma. 1a.m. Ann- 88: Mona U. S3.

Fourth Race One mils and a sixteenth; handicap: Crocket, it; RasuAiU. 104; LaAiraate. 8d; VlU.n at Kehlllee. Bo. Fifth Race Three quarters of a mile; special for all asea: Tba Chemist.

117; Belle of Memphis, lot; Miss ai anon. ei.ih aee Three owariars ef a tnfls- Oibraltar, 112: David. H4; Horsaahoe Tobacco. Iu2. Aquinas.

80; Mies Verne. But tine mile: Bur. burst. Jim Henry, Ox-hina. it each: Jack of Henna.

Dan Huwer. t.vr alea. Hradabaw. MM: Belle Bramble. Xleme.

Flraalde. lo2: Mystery. Pinochle. BJ art land 81 each. Saratogra Kntrlea For ToDaf.

First Race Ftve eighths nf a mile: two-year-otds: Maxte lie: in-aerietie. i a atyiua. aa; Dlmlnatlve, 143: Chryeoor. 100: Ty ran, 87. Second Raca One mile; three-year-old Bangle, lis: Oienotae.

McAllister. Hsndnrees and Baa Hadad. V4 each; Dear foot. 101; Harly Burly, t. Third Race One mile and aa eighth: all ages: Havoe, Btr Vssaar, Fataoa and Premier.

112 each; Squaa. Iu8; Foetcas. 107; tSeerge B. Cm. too.

Fourth Reew Three foorths of a mHe: Kearney Btaks: Msceo. 123; Premier. Tragedian. Oo-tham and Domitor, 113 each; Irish Real. 114: anion.

118: Dr. Black. 104. Fifth Race One mile and a half: six hurdles: Fuse Craft and Governor Budd. 143 each: Msrble.

140; Right Way, 144); Barry Up, 133; Platsrch, 133. TIPS. f. Obi Harlem. OSMOX ELLA PKJfXANCR.




ALFONSES D. RACE8 DECLARED PIT. gram a. arsrATCai avsatnaauv W. Va.

July J9t Races of the Wh6llnsT Jockey Club were declared off on account of rain. Entree ef te day will be the prograainee of to-morrow. COHTICT AT LAEQE. arBCiAB BraSATew FnAsXFbBT. Jaly 29.Ed asalngton, a negro convict from Scott County, 1 four years for boose bresajne.

escaped from tne irmtitin i dsy or last night- The ofljclals think be rode out oa wagon ooTtrad wlta Some reieoled J'ZXl aetnae; tv added Wattia Ctoea. tlsss 8-1 II t-t f-1 81 A I Wl 3-1 1. 1 e-i a-l 1 8S-1 le-l e-l 12-t 13-1 8-1 12-1 8-1 e-t I 18-1 a-l e-l 12-1 ivt e-l is-i e-l 18-1 8 1 Jrc-era. Tbeei feiesa J. faeiu a-t, X.

Tevwev: 8-1 I e. u. W. Mar A ana (e-l THama e-l r.u-a. tx-t W.

J. A. IWtO' J. Cooler! KM llradiey je-J T. ie-rt 8-t WTsldea WTsleea J.

V. 'w n. b. Hatnu Kmar! cfcwsrts I Ifcw oWal WV1 18-1 w. H.

is-l H. J. tnuu Ewt'i CnrmU B. R. taradley.

W. H. aink J. Woo4i 8- 4-1 13-1 4-1 8-8 'eti 8o-l a- 8 8- I 8- 3 T-l 8- a- I m- 1 eeuaTt u-i Thorpei 8-1 Bums. 8-8 tUoeai 8-1 M.

Arthur T. Kelly Bverett 23-1 W. A. McDonnell. ghepyaM1 33-1 third driving.

Poet tew auautea. Winner. smllopad all the way. Proeaewtor Bwlaaed Hm(. waa at huaas la the guana, sad skewed speed, Pete Kitchen aiai8 te ba la tbatr ewa way.

two-year-eld fillies: allowances; purse 84o: 823 to third. Fractional Time ia 8 34Ak, Jockeve. I Open. Cloae. Pbvea.

TV. May A N. Turner! I I 8- I 13 C. Mrliowell T. rtnmsj 8-8 T-10 tmt Huffman A Co Thorpei 3-1 4-1 I I l.

Hsll Conieyi 18-1 Vnh i I I-nck) A A. ttAt-1 v- 1 S-1 Kahn a Ktvc.m l'-l 3oo- I to 1 eused at the end arter early pantahaaeet. Poat tne weuthta and In the sln Jlnka waa the seemed antir at tne puat ana rentaea le nrean ka-ratcbed: Uucae Me, aaUiee. olds and upward: ailowanrea: 844 added; net to third. J'racuanal Time 24.

e.2 awtttaa. Owners. laSnt lOoen. Cloaa. Place Huffman o- 1 4VI a 3 royi MofJulra.

T. Haras; a- 8 3-1 8-8 T. F. nailers Tleoree 7-le 4-8 Oat C. Fallon P.

J.irdan.sno- 1 3tVl So-1 John fall Bheppenr 8w- 1 -t 18-1 ounce, second driving nara. imra eneea st nw inivkmaeter lirsup. ruiw niw an or ner for three-yesr-oWa sad upward: selling: puree aafoou, ao loiru. rnniwai hoot v.u, -Betting. Owners.

Joekeva. I Open. Mlddletoa A T. Bumi x-5 Cleveland Kmshlj 13-1 I Jamee Everett 2o-l lhlke Wiahard 3. lit it 3-1 A.

Kraaer a Co. 13-1 Mra. R. Brad lay Hiark IMo-1 Wslden Martin ISo-l Cloee. Place.

S-8 IAUI 11 -l 'j-l 12-1 lal-l 180-1 4-1 8-1 4-3 4 1 8w-I 80-1 mildly dnvan. coal tnreav minute. Winner, The race a sift to Afamada. locuat lllns Traopia liked tha aoft suing, and performed well. yaroa: tor tnre- year-olda and upward: allowancea: te eeeond, 823- to third.

Fractional Time Si 14. Betting. Owners. Talbott Hroa. horr a H.

Jockeys. I Open. Close. Rises. Everettl 3-1 3- 1 Out Hon Hume! 8-1 4- 1 (ml N.

Turner! 4-3 15-2U Out first break to s'sood ef art. Winner, b. by Jol.n Hiishi waa tha beat. Charley tbiiaty ran un the at retch turn, but eould sot stall ofr John ine rare mat lumer, won nao tne mount tne way. Turner made tea aame complaint judging from hla raca, wae abort, There waa BRIGHTON BEACH FORM.


1. Weather clear. Track faat. KI RUT RACE gelling: for three-yea r-o Ida and upward; 88" added; ttve furlongs. Time -1 Startera and Walghts JH.

S. Betltng inmoon, i.v D-l a 1 Decide. 8 3 3 8-1 3-1 lo7 8 3. 8-1 13-1 Wart poor. Won aaeily.

BllaH, Athy. Field Lark. Set Fast, lied nploer. 4ur Braeiy, The ad. Tent Pin.

Adaxus and All Over also ran. BBCOND RACE aelllng: 83. Si added; for two- year-QHla: nva. rurlonsa. Time Btartexs ami Weights.

iBI. Paaule. It rwogerj 4 Bubject, lo3 O'Connor; 8 F.j Betting. 1 a-i 111-1 2' 8-1 18-S 8i 8-3 3-8 Tender, Dogett! 1 Start fair. Won driving.

Hopscotch. Klondike Queen and Farllno also run. THIRD RACE nailing: tdon added; for four, yesr-olds sod upward; mile and 8 quarter. Tlmey-9 it. Starters and Weuthle.

Afc.B. Battlaa. Hutch Bkater. 118. Di 1- 11 8-3 3-3 Hanqun Id.

Tare I 2 3.2 2-1 11-8 ltndadai. Andadale. 113 Lewie! 8 8 3-1 7-8 Btart good. Won easily. FOURTH RACK Handicap; for three-yesr-olda wo upwara; mite aad an eigntn.

ime Htarters and Welahts. ft. Free Lance. 112. Doggett 2 8.

Betting. 1 1 4-1 7- 1 Bannock. 13s ftingerl 1 Whistling Com 114. 3 3 1-1 8-i 2-1 11- 8, Start good. Woa driving.

Jefferson also ran. FIFTH RACK Handieao: foy two-VMr-olda ftet aaned; alx rurlonKs. lime 1:17 Siartera and Weights. S. F.

Bettlns. Jack Point. 128 Monger; 3 1: 5-2 7-2 lan Cupid. 1S. Leary 4 2 2 8-1 8-Chonta Boy.

109. Hanul; 1 3 3, 8-2 8- BAart soo.1. W.ta handily! Helen Thomaa and lr. llJutibbona aiar ran. BIXTH RACEV-Helling; for thr-year-oMs and upward; goou added: one irtlla.

Time 1:43: Starters snd slants. ittt. 8. F.I Bettlns Rotterdam. 112 Lcafr a 1 e-l 8- Costlnental.

118 Taral 2 2 1 1-1 1-1 el eat mo u.imtl, 3 3 3-1 a-o fiiart atrassllna. Woa driving. Doggett and Tinkler aleo ran. SARATOGA FORM SHEET. fractal.


1888. Weather clear. Track fair. FIRST RACE Five furlongs. Time 1 04 Btartera and Welghta.

iSL S. F.l Bettlns. a ya ai eana 1 la. Mart 1 1 i ij a-l a-l A ft lis CiawaonJ a- 4-1 Burden. 118 3 3-1 3-1 Start good.

Won driving. Colonel Tenny. Lost lime, iranquu. A-nor A ana menu else ran. BECOXD RACE-Ons mils.

Time 1 Starters snd Welchts. 8. F.i Bettlns. Bueia, 12D u. Sloan 1 11 1-1 1-1 1.11 I Ball, 108..

W.Martin 3 2 3i 1-1 7-3 Saratoga, CUwsonl 4 3 8, 8-1 10-1 Start good. Won galloping. Bardella also ran. THIRD RACK-Mile snd a alxtaenth. Ti: Btartera and Welahta.

I St. B. F.I Athamas. luf Martini 3 1 3-17-8 Past, lis Wllllama 2 3 31 1-3 T-I0 Valid. 104 Orer 1 8 8 SO-1 30- Start good.

Woa galloping. Bqnaa also ran. FOCRTH RACK Five furlongs. Time 1:038. Starters and Walghta (St.

B. F.i Batting. Mr. flay. Ho C.

Sloan; 8 1 1-8 3-8 Galahad. 108 Barrett 4 4-1 8- Water Qlrt. 108 Irving! 1 4 3 4-1 8-1 Start good. Woa easily. Irlva also ran.

FIFTH RACE Six and a half furlongs. Time Startera and Welahta. s. F.i Betting. li e-l 8 1 3-1 6-1 8 4-1 3-1 lx'a Pirate.

118. Ron Ian. US McCary 1 1 Williams ft 1 Damoeles, 113 Clawsonf Start good. Won gal! oping. Marstan.

A ra trims. Chareatus, Hankm. Organ 11 lot, Oxnard aad Plw tnrch aiao ran. LAWRENCEBURG. Hermas Sicking was arrested oa a paternity warrant sworn out yesterday by Mere Bho She to IB and Sicking.

18, years of aga. Whew brought before Squire Probst the prisoner pro posed to atarry the girl, and her Barents obnseat- Inc. tha license was pracored and tae Squire par- formed the marriage services- -Virr Shane and Alice Cress created a ei BMtlon la ths City Park by engaging In a halr- pnlllng and face-scratch Ing match ever a seedier lever sick at laantlago, and claimed by both the warlike misses aa a sweetheart. Officer Gen tar srreetew Jeotb the women. EacA will be tried la tba Felice Court te-day.

vr P00LCT0 AT aractAX, atsraTea to twB sasotnajam. Ixmlayllle. Ay, July 38. Pools soed at the Turf "-g- te-alght ea Rartata as follows: Fkrat Bans No pooling- Hoc nad Race Donna Rita, $23: David TVnny. 330; Morte Foase, 313: Brew tatd.

8 12: lndra, tie; Three Raxe- Bt Third Race -Soocboa. IS- Oreatland. 318; Frank Bell. Eaplonsge. (13 each: Cathedral.

312: eeaatiet, 38: Gaiatbse. 88; field. 14. Fourth Rao OoMtrteh. 323; Traverser, gift: Ladv EJlersOe.

Al Fresoo, Kd Jones. 813 sack; Manbe. IL. 818; St- Alfrratas D. ag; pars maker.

3d. Fifth Rsee Vary Black, 323; Traverser. Iain, 113 eacb: field, 83- Sixth rises Boanerges. 318; Pspper. stag Blaeer.

112 eacb; eiaakaloosre. Moncreith. Paoj ICanvar, ach; Top ma it. B8; Oasrry Lsaf. faaad.

3 Sevsnth Race-Tart srlaa, US: Cash Day, (3: St. Alfsnses l. Cyckme. 3 earn; lies nor Haiidea, Prlmala, 33 eacb; field. 3.

REACHEjVgE BPrREXECOTIRTe srxciAX aasATCt to rsta uajnaak, CocratBca, Ohio, July a. The case of tne John Hattck Brewing Company atralnst Wtlluvnl and Johanna Glseke came to the Supreme Court Klsekes sued the brewing corapafry for 310,000 for atleg-ed damag-es received by Mrs. Kiseiis in resisting the attempt of sn agent of the brewing company to take away beet alga frem their lunlaea, COVINGTON. Wb Harw aaie) strrT trtuie Bais-aaS enrrlas glvBaf thetr ssmes aa Baa aad kawa OoadiBX years of age, wtas were trytag a sea a Boese and baggy few 878. aettaws frara II liei and a Sea taken to ponee lieaSamar- ters they te CdeSlet'ng atiertee, that warranted the nefictals IB tarking thess gnUt tbetr ease eawM tw tsavetlawtea.

Tba hnrse and venule were traced tn a stasia for. ante keeaisg antll taw matter can be Jnlir tavaetatee. Tb aaea rtelmed to be front VI aahlngtaei Ceaaty. thee frees CynlBeAna. and were aaaele to gtie Use Basse ef any eae Kviag at eitaar piece.

Xersre AM OBtarta. The SMaager Oepeatt Baa fBed suit te the OreuM Court isenrSay against ateary Ones tor the leauten ef $100. alteced to be due ea a note, with tuUieat front May 12, Item. Petlee Court atary Bweet. cnarsed wtut aa as sault sal ACetia Parker, ef Bradford aUey.

wae let ear vrKn the BayssaM ef tae tssia, 83- xaBtM Mart, cnergea ana ataa -n nm pease aw Jr-aa Mask, was tuail H't, Tne eaarge of living la adeliery wss taiaas agausal tne bitter, and he wae gtvea a a us sans ssntswee of 8w dare. Real tstate TranararMaMer comauaasorier B. F. OraslaM to Mary it. Mtaw.

ST by SO faat oa west aide nf norma street. euwUt roar- taeata euaet; 8.bua. Threw ALarwaa, The Fire Deaartaaeat suseand Tbree alansi yastsraay. The Brat was eeraalaaed by C. I O.

ttallraad aelaoa eetcbtag are reusa tae eindare of a aaealns taoannotlve. The cbaaaBnal eeigina waa aaed. and the iiasss were extia- Sulehad, wtlk lues of taio. Tba alarm froaa ieea 41 csOledtke eapartaaant at o'clock tn the raatdeeea of t'oreaer Tmreia. at Here aad areenue et reals, where a saaall blase waa estuuiulalaed oa tae roof.

Wlsile at work here Bus 83 was Bounded, caused) by tae es- B4oaaa mt a raaollne at aaa et tne laseSiaea of Mr. Aoha Lebouta, at taa Bant EIbwaB steaat- This blase wss saadued wlta alight bane. Want Hauiagea. Oflleer triihaat HayBea, who Was Incarcerated la the Newport Jail earing ths racatg controversy brtweea tae IJtreetors of the Hewiaart and Cbv- ngtna rwtdge ninsen. by ywdsp- Hodg.

of Kewnoet. am Ins efcnrwa ef eawtaixM ef hsa retained aa attvrnoy and exneeta te recover damages from some one for imprtsoement. Ha elaime Uuu be weal to work aa CXdlector under the orders of the Kenton Clreuli Cuurt. aad la tar was sereeted for (djevlna- the instractmns by the Campbell Circuit Ceavt and eadgad la jalL Mrs. fiarlea W.

F. BtrUrer and ana Robert Maa left yesterday to apend the balance of tka aienuner la tae metis Lai aa of ateatwiky. Mrs. F. tedders is -home from nleasant stay with friends la tralcago.

Julius Bare nam. SB eat love nf tne CnamDIoe Ice Comiany at tba foot uf Bcott at reel, living at No. 84 East Sixth street. raffersdaC aUsht abra- alos of the skis oa hla right band several days sgo while ualng a pair at. Ice books.

Blood potaonliMt set In. snd yesterday be wss forced to euneatl to tne operation of navlng toe taenia and Brat -two Angara of tha memnar amputated In order to save lbs balance of hla hand and arm. The Board of Sinking Fand nornmlsatoaera met ta the oflk-e of Mayor Rhinork yeaterday aad allowed coupon Interest oa funding bonne. aaaAall tree I Improvement, radomptlvn. Covtnston and Weal Covtnston roadway and Willow Run sewer brmda to the amount of 814.874 30.

Of thta amount 313.338 goes to New Turk and 31,843 80 to the bank la thla city. ftty Auditor Jerry Kin ley veeteedav laauad a Building permit to Tim Money for a two-aiory unca a we i una -nn ncolt atreet. beta Month and Eighteenth, to coat 1.7U0. Meaars. John Flnsa and Frank flchnaldee left yeaterday for a lo daya stay at French Lark fHa-tnga, where they wui taat tba recuperative uueuiuaa the water thaw, and if they prove beneficial tt to Uietr Intention to sand fur alt then- friends to pay them a vistl last fur soclebtltty.

Mr. Peter Becker, who baa been laid no at the St. tXisebeh Hospital for the past eeverai weeka from the of a severe faM. la rapidly regaining a renal snd am pacta ba about again la the next day or two. The Fiscal Court, eomooaeit.

of the Masletratas throughout tha county, together with the County Judge, haa decided to drive a double row of piles sloiuf that portion of the Da Courary I'tke which la always overflowed and damaged by high water, and All la ine weak places with macadam. This will aavs a future Ma expense tu tha county la the way uf repairing. Members of the O. A. R.

of thta city, handed by Poatmaater A. O. Reynolds snd i'sntaln Brown, will attend Orand Army iAsy at tha Miami vauey t. si rrsnsnn. uniu.

neat Tuas- dsy. Jamas Nolan. who waa locked up tn Jail tor orflrera Oar la and Bailey last aarekeeplng by Thureday night. Is said to be suffering from men tal aboerratioa. and Be will be Investigated by the Courts.

Henrietta Crockett veeterdav wore out a war rant before Police Judge Pence for tba arrest ef Thomas Crockett, charging him with uatng abusive snd Insulting language toward bar, ealculsted to provoke a breach of tha peace. mee McOtll. an emnlove of ea-Onuncllman Henry Lueke. the Madlson-s venue bnnlfsce. while encaged in preparing luaca yesterday morning, aloiiiel amputated the tndes finger of hie left hand by a mlestteke with a butcher knife.

Many members of the Cowhigtoa lodge of lBlka win attend the state rsaaioa ef tne order, to be held at nanduakr. Ohio, on Ausuat II and JJL The headquarter, et the lodge will be at the Sloans Hotel. Chief Meyers, of the Fire Department, was the victim of -a flying cinder that enured hut eye during the bis Newport are several dayt ago, whlrh so Injured the memoer that the serv ices of sn orcullst were necessitated to savs tt. Lieutenant of Police Ren Sch wain fuss s8d Fire man John Pugh left yesterday for a two-weeks' stay at French Lick Springs. Llstls Tavlor.

of Clinton court, seriously HI. wss removed yesterday in Meanlngtr's ambulance te 81. Elisabeth's Hospital. ding down Madlsoa avenue, sear gov- emit, lam night on his wheal Mr. At Teelau waa run Into by Mine Bessie Banmyar.

a young lady wnoee 1 education in regards to managing a wheel nad not been completed. Mr. Tertau wss rendered unconscious by the snora, but fortu-aately sustained no broken bones. The funeral of Mr. Oeorse Thels took place yesterday from the Church of ths Mother ef Ood sod waa tersely attended.

The Bell-bearers vert Messrs. George Schulte, Augast Tlmiaerdiag. H. Oauspohl and F. Best, of fit.

George' a Benevolent Society, and F. Bits, F. Staatebeck. J. Overman and H.

Tan' Lehman. The funeral of the late Fred Tegelkame took place yesterday morning from fit. A toy si us Church nnd was largely sttended. Rev. Father Joeeoh Blenke omriaten with eolema rraalem mill.

Burr wairn tne renaainw were laaen to Joseph's Cemetery, Price for Intel man t. The German Turner Association last night elected the following Committee ea Arrange ments for tbs anniversary and dedication serrtces for thetr saw hall recently built: William Behlntncltn. President; H. Rouen. Seoretarr.

and O. Roth, Treasurer. A street parade win be among the features of tbs celebration. Mr. James Brophy, ef the Cincinnati WotlBca.

turn Company, aad Miss Agnes Brsaaaa. ef Third street, were married last night. LUDLOT. Corporal Patrick Glenn, of the Second Ken tucky Regiment, bow la camp at Chioaamaoea Park, arrived bare yeaterday morning. He will apend several days with bis pareata.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Glenn, corporal Oleao says the boys of tbe Seouod Keetaeky were greaUy dia-appolnted because tbey were not taken la OM Puerto Rlee expedition. He reports all of Ladiuw boys la goad health. Another Realn Fir.

The ettlaras of Ludlow were startled est elds SBoralag by aa alarm of Bra froaa the Oar! Keg rests plant, whlcb was aastiniig by are tares weeks aga Investtgstkro sbowed that tbe fire wss not la a dangerous locality, but ea tbe river bank, where the rame ef tbe Iste Are had been dumped. The retfa eaaght Ore st 11 o'eioek aad burned vntH lziau. Klgtil box cars standi the railroad aide track were also nartlellv aged- Tbe Led low Fire Departsarnt estlagulabed tne BSmss. It at suppessa taat traasps or tsryt toechsal a match ts the eumB and started tbe gre. Tbe people aow Beast en tbe ressoval ef tbs reata of tbe plant.

At the meeting ot Cownell Is wee elated that tae tearilek 1'iewpany woaid nsreartar store tar In place of reain near the vtaduot. Cll- iaens think tar. will peeve aa eaagstues as rasa. Mlas Jassis Wood. 8B accotopllshorl yoeng society lady, of Loots.

baa ntststa borne after a deHgbUut visit with bar slater, jars. Al bert Rodger, of Kim street. GEM CITY Last Bight Mrs. Kst Moore, ef Bank street, while eaasinat emarr a rallraaal vtsdnet ea route to bar koine, was baM up ay a highwayman, woo demanded aer master, jars, ears was Barely tor tbe moment with frtgmv Tbe man aaca her soeketbank, senislnfng a snaail amoamt mosey, and tbea attempted te nam a tllsnaneii ring rfess a anger. Tbe pais enabled tba womea te regain Bar speaea.

waea sae Tbe robber taea raa away. The prcrpoaltlos ef renewing aa Umax anus gaS. SOS ea tbe MUTO ncbool Building, wkseh car. ms a total insurance of ST.eoe. kte to aoeae adverse eiiticinm at a mi tins: ef the Board u.

ttcstloa kast night. Tbe building la 8iilgaiae aa a are trap. la the discusstoa the Chief of tbe Fire lAapartmewA is guotes ae aayln that If Sre one gets kawd war tbe sauldiaa- the aaa btaed fire departmsnu ef TJaytoa aad Clactaaatl J. McC-braker. yinich Sbairtles' and rnetea the trio ef alleged wlisiappsis.

arrested and I held est snepleion by the police, were released ea s.bsss serpas arncostitaun te-dsy. Tbs Hearty of each waa sborl Uvea, nowerer, tor Imsitiisl i Ij usau eeMTgiag uwtw use nannasi rosy ware itamstiS oa tbe eaarge ef betas; rmgitrrea frors tustlos. It cbvtmcd that they are tall 3 ia Clevelaad and aise la BaSaJe, M. T. Oty ASatre et Ma aass of 33ta toarard tbe awnetl ta a asakeiina tna a IAetroet ea tbe art aan as ef the Hasina ie (ho city af tae 1 sage's ef tawrlaaa MaaMiwJitJaw.

Corporal Lswis W. Cartisie. ef Beeantv-Brst New York Voluntas ta a New York aeamital Tbarselay et tirabotd aver SIISII tllel' bV a Wound roeeVed St Ban. ttago July fmmaily resided la this city. His parent.

Mr. aad Mrs. W. Carhnis, reside aa Lis San avatsBS. la the anatter ef the Sawtgniasnf ef trFTRam Brtaea ea lByeWrsry was fiisd, sanalsg rsaaty vaAwea st a.swk.

Br. J. B. Lswea, FieMeeat ef tM PsjtuS aad Wessera Trnctica Line, waa ta sa'smt vaster ear with Pest.rnaarai Ira Crawford asat tae Super BBiiaiiset at Maiis for tfcea ervistse. ssasarre as the estaBrtrmKeat ox a saau geate Betwaea this dty aad Eatoa.

BaBSfiea, tba twaee ttssisrt- wws saw BBS Be Belies aaawwsastass NEWPORT. eAWBBBssBaabassaaBW i Teschers' tmmlmi Tbe-t Omaty TesKWrtsf. laslllat. a. aad senna lag fear l-rat.

48. Ml ilea Klaaa. ltactpai af tbe aaaiae Norsaal Onwaty. wfO as aside at wOl be wruBam 1st re Twiaii aad the Art as T-wStng win the savbtect fee snsA uaawia at tae arieiwaat ma. Mtaaatel by Praf.

Flam He will be ta tbe elasnllB by Hft aeetl ksjewa aalarataaw aa PrMa Henry vewtoa. C. J. Halt, V. l.

rtrkaiL J. A. rtswt Baal CVmrtre Wait a. In the aewatna Sania lainSnt a. Alley aaid Bapertateeideat J'jha Murks will speak.

WaU I fttasla PaaapwAl Jdard. trot tbe fire ta the asHtnats last week.said yes-terday that the first beer bis angina was at work tt pumped ssere Baud than water front tbe mala eat the bias. CRv Clerk Cwralt Issue 8 a bwlldiha nermlt yes terday te Caamer Kaernt far tbe erectlosi af a twe-stury frame dwelling ea kUgelA auwet, 8War lsekella. te east 31. uuu.

Oardner. ef Ft. Thnaaaa has wrtf tea setter to the Dewey Juveewie Jkrwtv nnd Navy Awsiliary 1 aagu. tannalnar the Utile wmn for tnear am the tort. Contractor Jnbq Trepp bewaa the work ef psv- lag eoui street witn tarara iveiiiiiij.

Tb Board ef Health attewwtad to hold Its Brat asestlng In faatr nsantn test night, but Hsaltb Onicar Pbvtbtaa ewukl na4 ae ntaaent. nnd th mealing wna abaadoned. Anutbar attsenut will be made te have- a meeting neat TtneUi even log. when it to hoped Dr. Pnythtaa caa be present.

Tbs la die ef Oats Briluaate aad vicinity bare organised the Cote Unitiante Army and Katy Tbe efneers elected are Mrs alter frost deal. Mr. W. Haatet. Traaa.

and Mr. 41. Dank. Bacrsiarv. Tbs la.

dies bars already turasrded a tot of nvuh needed artlciee to Coeanel Gardiner at tbe post. Tb Bokl lees' tarohan be he St thla evening at 814 Waabinstun avenue proaulees to I-, a big mar-sea. Mr. George 1 WeiiMr, Mia llanenun: Mm aantngtun. Mr Harry Weil Mr Albert lrain.

Mle i-ale Schnvvr. Sir istvia ewing. Mies Laum Ever, at lea ussa ttbihsm aad tba Ideal Mandohn OrcbeMra wiu tab part- Sou ire Donelaa married Peter Ri hwed and Nora JeJtnvr. both ot Newport, last evening. Tb Christian Endeavorera -of tb or k-street Congregational Church wiu have rharse of neat Bunder church eervl-ea.

in the morn ng at 11 o'ciova th rearuiar meeting will conat.ler the thern. orn. In th evening at rrri Th TuciBalun will be IB net rated with specially prepared chart by the Superintendent of the Hunday-erboAd. Rndavorr and Sunday, school teachers ar urged to at band. BELLE YUT.

IT. Boy Nearly Urowned. Cbevaer Cralt. of Ward avenue, while in bath ing with a number of com pan loo a In tbs river, narrowly escaped drowning. Tae ur three of the boys were on a lug.

a htwh tby -pushed out from tba shore to catch the wavs of the steamer Hud-son. Tb crsli boy was seised with rrantiv and lost his grip on th log. Will Hartery. who waa on tha shore, saw tbe accident, and. throwing off hi elolhes, swam out snd reschrd tb boy Just a he was etnklng for tha last time.

J. Patterson, of Dsrtcn. waa fined 83 and coats by Ju.lgs Beylafli Inat evening for diecharg- lng nrearnia within tn city iimita, Mr. r. a Llnasey sttsenei fstteraon a for a debt.

snd tha caa will tried by Squtr Fortr thla evening. City Attorney U. HeniM is 111. The physician ay that a ta threatened with typhoid fever. The Church will give a muetcai sn- trtaanmnt and lawn fete at Bhady Uruve to- tugbt.

Burslara visited tbs residence of Mrs. J. Horns Thursday night, but ware frightened sway, leaving behind a number uf valuable article which they had cutleeurd. and also a hat. Mr.

and Mrs KdwaM Blrel have the sympathy nf their many frtemt tn the lose of their daughter Helen, who died itiuneiay evening, awed lo month. Tbe funeral will take 'p-ace from the residence on Walnut street at to-day. The lawn fete last nisht nt the resl-lenc Mr. E. H.

Reaaley waa a auceess The A. R. Drum Corp entertained tbe crowd wits numer ous pleasing selection which were rendered In very creditable manner considering that ths corps waa only recently orfanlaed. Tbi School Board did not transact any bualneee last evening on account of a quorum not being present Messrs. Aseom.

Truxaii sn-l roorigger failed to sbw up, and Mr. Hukell Is out of tb olty. A meeting was caned tor Monday night. Mr. snd Mrs.

Blakeny. ef Beefy aeeno. re turn to-day from a trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Put-In Bay. Th 8. 8.

Society wss entertained by atlas te lle Murphy Thursday evening. DAYTON, ET. Ths Joe Hooker W. R. C.

has mad un th fol lowing srtiele for the sick and Wounded at Ft ms. Three Onsen ntant sntrts. ntty siitow esses, twenty attest, two dosen towels and three diss, i handkerchuvf. ContrtbwtWms for thle worthy canst my loft at Mrs. Jamas McDowell's, cm Eighth avenue.

Matthew l.uts haa sued th German Working- men's Asaoctattoa for on week's sick benefit Tbe association acknowledged th claim, but wlahed lo wait fur a regular Baaetlng before paying It. Ths hospital patients report a great Improve ment In their bill of far el nr tbe saltation of th matter by th akaard of Hsaltb a short time aga. Ths Dayton Bowling and Fishing Club left for Ross. yestardsy morning fur two week' camping and fishing. A trHvata Ban fry wilt be engaged in by tb following gentlemen to-night at th residence of Mr.

Constance feiiieb: Messrs. y-rank, Ed. jonn snd William Ortlleb. Jo Klefer, John Thlery. Qoca Schneider.

Kd Neimeyer. Andrew Eaehen- li Dick Jeormaia. ireorge tc.oy, wiiiinm Hodser. JosmA Martin, Chris Wagner and Jobs aVbappsb Tke Joltv Tbree. Misses Flora Miller.

Daisy Ross and Rose Rich, entertained their young friends with a lawn fete yesterday afternoon and evening at the resldenee of Mr. Miller, of Fourth and crrsiion avenue, ab njuyaw time waa had by alL Mr. F. B. fihsmst.

ef Krtth evenae, wilt leave to-morrow for Wrlghtsvllle. Ohio, te attend tha funeral et hla autar-tn-law. Mrs. Jospb fehu- The Willing Workers have postponed their pic nic until Sunday. A a suet 7.

to a held Bear Ft. Thomas. Tb following maenber ef tb elub wtfl sartanpate ra in outing: teeorge taorajin. etrii start I a. Chris Oondia.

WUUam Bchlueter, Vie tr Muore aad X. Jtuavew. HAMILTON. Tba nrawlt Court ester dry handed down Ms daeiaiom In the appeal of th Injunction suit of tell S. MeMaktn va Th Cincinnati and Hamll- um aosctno wtrewt muwtr, i woien AeVllan gsv ptsMMW a permanent Injunction.

The Injunction ta so modified to sllow tb eoa-struetloa of tb trana. and is eaturted a substantial victory for tn street railway people. Ita only provision ar tbat tn track meat 13 fast from the property lias: that rr.aelnga aha II be conetraeted at tb plaeae wber tbey te ealet. and that traRfl mwat not a lmpeo. ah in stlpalallons la th order have already will soon be comgJIsd with, and tb work of csinstraetlon will from BOW oa be rapidly waived ts esea- pletion.

ttueakar aadaraA Dr. M. Jaeebs's WBldaaeS OB oath StissnS street laat nlsht aad carried oaf a vahiabl set ot surgical InstruSMSta. Tne pulioa are tavcstigsting. L.

P. Harm 'yesterday mad spoil eat Un to be appointed administrator ef tb estate ef the late Frank X. Black. Tb consent of in family was attach to tb application. Tbe parson si sstat alooe to estimated at Slao.oo.

Tar. dVmbof tbe Oxfard Rati eat, notified tb police esterdy to be oa tb lookout for sa Inmate et tha tnetilaxleei narosd A. 1. Haseaven. she bad escaped kast Thursday night.

The poace anabie to ana a clew ui ta missing man. THE KENTUCKY Oireoi Hrenr Ssrrrloe Tks Will fCoea Mayor Rhtoock. of Covtng-too, Is fn re- eelpt ef A letter front Mr. Harry Wetssts- LayuurvUle, who is 0aJrAnaa of the Finance CoauaUlee on th porchase ot a strtrer eerview for tb barU ship Kerrtueky. Th gift will eoat foot tea than and ewery towa la tb state at expeetwd be isprtawstttd, with a view ef raakins; tbe subscription a general on.

Tb rirtaltsit tt to be a gift from' the people, and subscrtp-Uoras. both large and will be most acceptable. Mayor Khlnock wtll srraage for lb reeetvlas of gubectiptlOTBt from ttssaa eeatrlnc to gtva PAUIjINE rabdin Is CowfjoTwray Over tke jlpBAulat-, maal am Assietaiat. Faajntpoaf, Kr. July 2.

tfait at rV txeverry has arbsea aa ta whether er tvot Mass Pauliae Kardia. tbe Stat IAwariaa; lajomlBsfl 4 give tb asadstaarB place to Mlas Barbextt. who was owe of her op-noaewba. Mia Hardin saw tb assistant's Biavcw Fraait KavajAawgb, the popular yooaff newspaper swan, but Mia Bau-nett's friMds Robert Harding, of rtanrtias. who anajtaared Mtwa rlarriin a roan.

pacgn. lorMt n. wtll sjaaae a statersmat facta Mtsa Hardin la a few ways. FugTBJaWtM. Oaio, July stat has bee filed her by Ellaa ajf.

of Newrport Ky-. tUnUaS that W. O. Eflerter, ezecutai of tbe wtU ot htslate wife. Julia Holmes BterVry, re3ulrd te fib.

aa swdJowal rfi- veeifory, charrrr.g hissself wrttit the wajo of block ef paid-op stock ta ioeal bulltflng sjasoctaoow. wnu-n ne la alleged aave converted 10 ots rsm as toatead ef taralag ever i r.aiaaary iiafanaB. RIVER CITP-aiCE sBraala liaaeat TeD. raiiW. la, Cbtes.

ACOMA, ft! ne. 3 38 a. sa. laeaUW J4. Rtnstian, rraaat LsesjtUls OF XJSKxraXX.

swew, aaa, ft p. av Lfv aHIMB, BtBi. av stilt I. aass avat AAssiealsa A. M.8rino..........W, F.

NiBenrr." Miaftay. I 8B. CiMCtwaATt, Oaao, July S3. Du-Tb tMbawta la ta stag ef water at tbe Vart- 3 saawe ap te 3 A tvi ei "li aVTAraar8 STACeOKk riaaTlnaau. city Pit let-erg WbeaUng tarkere7g Itlaum Baf Feail 8 latbeqw 3i lavsiB'rt 8 D.

M. Ran. Keukah ..,1 Bt Lsejl 1 1 3.. Chanast'a, 1am-a i Kaa. 113 leg e-aaesvttM ii MemsASte 7 ai.

eteaai ,.:1 BmMh I Rmajle I evBA 114 n. It aarati 8 t-sll'ub' rg I 1 rwrtam ta. LaaiUrvlll. riaabvlli Chatfa 88 8 Ibraveeawt I 8 4 lit. orieana! 3 8)8 I dwmtrus.

3 Cairo Rlf Fnrwoaat. Light rates have fallen la the tthi Valley aad the Kanawha SI ley Blight change have ur-mtarad la tb rtvr, Wales to rials at hen 4-walees and falling at mat other (eslnt At CIS-etamntl It will ba aiilng rrlaay and SATvbaiM faat, urday. S. S- BABSLgB. F.

O. Waslber srarsc. with tight ennwtra. Hirer II feet aad fcboat atstlsesrr ItuaStum wry fair. The arrivals aad departure were: Th H.

hi. Stanley, from Pssneruy aad return H. K. Bed-far A frass Maysvtu aad retara; Taeueaa, frers Title and. return; ptek Brown, rues Kewtweky Rivr and return; ftVastoa, from Loulavllla aad return.

Th tssSi the fail eala asat tbe (ihW and ita inbwtaria: lltfsiars waei- lot 3H Parfceraburg sa, Hi Bum .73 Awarlaa o-j. fwtnl ll.a.aal Aalletta, burg Purtsraoulh .13, Clivetnnatt Losks-vlll .38. From peeernt prospects rwptala Oambl Ihtnk be a mart tb W. cummina oel aa her rags, iar dy. Monday.

It will be aneotwd later tot Uvea etdnmna, site will so thraveh to Ptltsbwrs The beret mo BtaM will beta th CVfter leAaa-1 trad ttMtay. Th I rows Hill left rae sMettatrura arter a tow of lumber for C. lyase a IV Kmpty euaJ hargee was loa-oed amagei eg the Frank Prta reefer 'iar and ehala an jar her. IMvor Vic Uknurht tby wvwld base aer pempeAi out to Any pan lea having a tsnaH tswboat and barge that they wish be saei ar charter eaa find a cuatueaar by addressing ta river editor Th i-jnuuirar. Cat'iatn Waller Qrr down atausulting Mr. in regard tu th 1 stand taut aaee log hi Beet unVnr a full bead ad ataaas. Captain W. H. Hipmy, a rail red meaunboatman from Portsmtnrth. ohm.

Is Speatftna a few dava la Clnrtnmtl with aad friend. Captain Ripley mi. IS" nwteo iuia.i same rtss rorta-mouth be foes th war. Bh wa towlnw rim her on th I pper Mississippi Klver when last heard from. Her machinery may hat been placed In a new steamer, however.

t'aptaia Walter Urr. BuperfnteBdeat of the Crane-Lamb f'trntmaxv. ba built an etone bows in Eaat Coiembla, wksrs ba win give nia nvee mend a royal weiooen on ratllng. Tne funeral ef th lat Mr. tioorg M.

M. l.ynn took pine reefer ear at th faailly real. dene In Wyoming, the remain being interred si Hlahkvnd Ceavetary. la Covtnston. Ky.

In the eriy Bftle CaaaalB Joseph Linn and the lata Captain Robert T. Riley bum the atsame Oumare for tn tinethnatl and Kew Orw-ana trad trot ef tbe Pike Its. h'e machinery and cabin. Th Eunm cam out abvui tb same time for tb seme trad, being built from th famous Men srankna na rs machinery, snd commanded by 4'aptaln Hiram flawlsy Th Owl-nare, aa stated abm e. waa commanded by Captain Joseph Lynn, wiia in mt a pram HWrrt KlP-y, iteurse m.

st. i.ynn ana a nosnas jtoyss In th office. The ilalnar proved a profitable Investment for her owner Te-dav will be a big day for th Duett at rney latand. A boat will assy every so mia-stea. Th prosvamm of th dsy will bvcmde 8e4d sport, dsnlng, rauala end a ban gam between pi' ked iiinea from ths Imckwoeta nnd llla'A tiobe in in snernoriw.

Tne evenmg a programme win eowmtaece with tk vsndevlile entertainment at 8 o'stork. Viewed by a 8re- let, lar. dancing, music and a eenemj good flm. snair t.ytarie r. oweej ess wanen tne swr- vey of th West Fork Klvsr from abovs Fairmont.

W. to Clsrkabura. W. Va. Tb Weet Fork pessea through neb eesl country, and tbe turvtyi sr to be dire, ted toward determining the s4vfsbrilty of reetlng dams snd dredging channel.

Blaeawntsrtng turn stream win ra- cr-sse tb essl trad II Plttsmirg District. The Pkttsbsrg Times stys: "me nvii itsrvte K.rd 4 llxamraer roanseted with lb oflle i.f in Btatas Englaawr tn chars of tbe Allegheny and Monongahala Rivers. MsjortOias. F. resell.

eonMstlng of Cnarte feaienta. chief clerk ef tb onVrn, who- I President, aad John A UeCnlbrautb- AsabuaM Etutlnser. and a noa- elu.wtl.ewl oral xam)natpm in trade aad sh-Hird wv-upaAeona yeaterday apeiieeMs lor pust- iiidi. ae loekmaater. taruleea.

nails' ts and ot ht poalt lew tn the tree service orator control an teoiet unless. nere mww ew em. s.e,rMow corneotwd with ths Ptuaburs onVw. non of whV-n I vacant. Tbe list cf those Who passed th rxsmlnettua wlH be pestael ta few days aad flied with she list of el slblss ts be 8m a from whan vacancy Th faoaaaaa leave the met er oreMway rnr Potnerov snd way noinss at 8 In Mramend of Campbell, offlos la charge of J.

V. Th Taeotna. bt sommsnd ef Captain M. L. Hissem, Wllmot Hlssem la (he onv.

leave fur Hew HAetirtvowt. Maamow and Chllo every day. eawt nuaday, tram tbe toot ef viae atreet, at 3 lp. Si, The steame. Dtrw rk own leave for Frankfort sod wsy point frora in f-jot of eyvamore street at 8 p.

m. to-day, nt eoanmand of aptaln Ham-lltrm, with the offles to chars of fbd McAllister Th si earner r. Mksbet wave stoaday. Wednmiier end Friday for Mediaon end way nolBta. from the foot of Rrusdwsy.

st 8 p. av. is cAxmsad of Cnptaki Ed Long, pfflce la chare ef FranK Moeettarant. Th steamer I Ifv ef LootsvUle testes st 8 s. tn.

to-day far laslrv Itis end wsy prjesjta, in ommand faptain jonn ttrennnn. re.m tn root or wye-nure street. The ofBo to cbarg uf Csptaln lAnghart. The burtablne wave for Memphis Saturday, July 30. from lit font ef Main atreet, at 3 p.

In commane ot mra asarr, omen ta charge ft D. K. Lesser. TELXGRAPHia gPBC'lAL DISPATCH P. "TO THE ENOt'fRER.

Fair Pit labors. Pen. Joty 38. Oble River 3 feat snd stationary The rtee of 4 Ine he cam out of tha Moisjajgahela, aad wa eammd by light rslna. tha pools having been full.

Tb Avakra, whlcb was to tab th piece of the regular packet, tba Sea HarV from Parkefsbeii g. snd which fe considered the light draught boat la the trad, was enable to gat la. She got fsr a Fiasalnsi last nJgtit, bet was sewayertad to retura ew se-sowat of tb lew wwtar. The Ohss ImsufV.asant Asnoclatloa will meat In annual saoa at Wheeling on September 14 and 13. Coronet L.

Vance. real dent ot tae imnliim, wrets. to Captain Joha F. Iravo, asking If the date would be suitable to the Pittsburg rlverwiett. aad Captain Drave say tbat no ubjactloo has been offered Tb WheeHne Cbsmkat of iimaou wul entertain th delegation.

4 stain Drave said one of tbe thing ta be sat dared to tb Slllnc i tbe river at varteaas slaeea Waalber warm aad cloudy. Raia fall tM afiemeon. 4. WbeeU fnebea ai ling. w.

Ts, Jaiy as. River 3 and railing- root, ere. wans. Tb Avaioa, Parkarsburg. II a.

sa. Cbsrlestna. W. Va July 30 River Htm on 8 feet and staflotmry. Btaaawba Falls 3 3 nset aad rising Clear and bed during tb day.

Heavy ram st ft P. m. tsersr to-night. Tharssometer lo acgrees. Cbarsrstoa Lock lit, feat aad rialQ.

Point Flssisst. W. July feat 3 Uvehe and rsslaa. Cloudy sn euw. liard rsln this afterwoon.

Down: Tb Bonaaae, a. Columbia lered a SB. Tbe E. AA. AsIews aad ML Ctar are ess acted to get away with eeai o- flalheolut.

Ohio. Jury tt feet and fall. Ing. Lows: Tbe llnsania. from Parnsruy tor cinctnnatt.

tt 1 1 with svm trip; asat came Brown, tor eraretlhtew. at Jo a. sa. th Kan Taylor, froaa aat te Hnntlngtow. est lave, wMb good trips; tb Ouyandocte.

frsa and to Kanawha Hivsr, with annd trips. The Ceimbls arrived at boob from Csarleaioa snd wlH soeura In the Oaliipoll aad Kanawha River trad. Th Henry m. Btaniey i eve ap at a p. as.

gross ia-clnnaJl for posncroy and will return down Saturday. Tha new ptttebai and Lowievllie paeset City ef Pittsburg win bar thre Marietta holier, wilglaaay 3S teaa aad sub eaea. wBtea gre tbe largest boiler a ever put aa Ohio kuver rtsamboaL Tb Flttsbuig ann be completed la September. CsctwAns Daaa BcoVl, -W. If.

Caam-ettor and fotia fx Phlllla ar tb owners ef tb City of PtttsWorg. aae tn sat ann me Bseet rid-w weaver eeev seun ta w. WostXvsr bt. wttb abowsrs, Cstlettrbwrg. Jaly ttr-Ohl River 1 fast an.

Weather stsnir sad Vwe- Thai Braaeie mm Tk Ost ty. 118 A sa. tt. Staniey. as m.

Locals ea tire. Bandy silver rssnag seow-y. Tn H. M. BiaJford (or PalatevUl at 4 p.m.

J. LfeHg. Jiy 3. Rerer rtslag. with feet Brbs tn tb anaal.

4 leaf oa tiss falls and OB fast 3 inehea at tbe fast at the Bart. Bosenews fnl. Westhsr etsar aav8 dowdy with Hght slwrwer. Tb City Lawtot Ui. frogs swd ctwrlnaefl: Sua Basawba.

from and te Car, ronton-. Tara ibis, frosa asat Ke-assun: Fall City, trees aad te tb Kaniutky KJrrsr. Tbe Bkm- shme? Ae iosiiug neteury tor wsmpais Tst Fall City wae transected tw-dey, Tn Ossrgia Lew wa alee ban' f. Tbe aew tlimgia be leases fsr Mempwi to-morrow or Bonder morw-kag, PTIots Caul as am. aad Qeoi tarb Use UMim gym nowvn assy- Art am- ad's asm Indian potdr.

Caetala Milt Holl- awaad-ttm aeasrseen, died as Altos, a few gays sys. a aeid Red Rtvar psckst wtU rBaTWard 8 ta-i riaenc Cbmdy sad ws sown, Jwry 38Mrrr feet, Wsata- nr warns evsst sseswy. Cnlrw. TH- ilrw, TH-. Jury 88.

TW raa nler arrtsed at 1 fress 1 ism 1 ills wtut saw ewasay Tbe C3y ef sewffieM la en to-wlgitt frees itt, Lpvas snw. in sever ss is 1 rsss, a ne fit. Leals. Jaly 3- Store. le.T feet Arrreed: tb at.

Paul, fie Paul. Ot and fadaaw. Osklamx. Kew 1.1 leaf ea tbe sauna, a "fisri of Al bast 34 sosra. ins Feed Hrstd 11 Led early em wiilug fresn St.

Lamia with l.ett sacwagaa mt sasnhsiiilaw and A aad trsg ef i nia, rs. aa retsrsas ax is sa. srtta a lair vein, Jam Law eparesd at ft p. as- far Frtarf Pfnl. Tb Ret irt mV-'Ls tarved at 8 p.

SB, 80 Ash-sort. Rooster ay rrrer te-day ware 8 bass et miiasa and leg aaaa ti swaas sans-. LITTLE ONES Groaped in a tolumn. Intfrtstiir JlapppBinrs of tit ObU Vallfj PreieiUd ia S-ort Partfiaplu Tor tat Benefit fif Tat lquirfix'i Buy KetAten. oHia TnLgDO, Jaiy 3B -W S.

Car, ef wtsam Cesiaty. test, here a few days eg wttb a saag-al Scent tsem et rtvad hart tt veadsd tbe team far tw sets tw A bat tb deed wae mad swt tar a etrle at sand asar Maamsst, won a abM 83h. Car believes As wet hi tanas, worth 313. Henry Kaeanbaeb. ssed 13 ra.

fail oe? ihe desk lata tb met et Marboar A Bteer't bnebet yards this svsnUtg sad was drwarasd Ira Bafiw. cwtVeted sAnAslaugbt far fasv-l tag killed Daa Peters, has taken te lb bskI tewtlary to-day by Sbertfl1 let agar te serve a tbra years' aaateae. Burg la ra to-alght brake Into tbs Jewelry stare tsf I lean berg and bM 3 large qosntrtr af watchea, revetrer and diaamaito. Two of tween were rapt a red Tbey gtv their aeenea aa Den-ala Brady, of Pittsburg. P.hh and Wllilam Lea.

ef Bay City, Mkh F.AVgHSA. Joly SB-J c. Rean, w1l-kaoa seeleeat, eaanawrited a rase ta Co sans hi p'leaa Ctesrt bast evetito pvayln fee a dtiaseo fnajn bm wife. Laemda hi ltaaa. Tester Oar 'tterwe Kel had a leg cut set at tb Cmsaty infirmary ta frMtevevtll aad be essd but evening.

NaitiMViLUt, Jaly 3v-aam Ham, lb defasltlng Trswrer uf th misers' organise rt-a, ass gives a bearing st New PIUsBurg Ha steads gnilty and was b4md ever te Cesart tn th asm ef B3CB. II wa tsbaa te tbe Coenty Jail at Lugaa la defaalt ef balL WtBCRBSTBa. July 38 -Minn l. tbs aeven. rear-otd daaghter ef Monro Parker, who ft from a bay mow Wednesday sfiraovHs, died today without regaining ri aUneafwes.

Ae eMr sister, who fell at the ssm lime snd ptseb, trill ABBBDBBM, Jaly 3 Jdm Ingerman. seed 38. a resldeeit of this ptaee. Walked to IW Car. Ma.

Learn gt on. a distance of 70 Bailee, sad enlisted la en sf th. eofnynaie statmned at tbat sot st. Srlftonm.f. July fe? William Terklagtmt fail arron a ladder at tbe ftupertor Drill point ale a piece of Iron, whit a penetrated hi abde-men.

In diet Ing a ssrlooa. If not fatsl. wnaad. Mc-ABTHt'B. July tAougtasn, C.

II. V. and T. sg-til st Hsrivlen. and Mlas Anna Clements, of this place, were married ystrday eVetiing.

mmmmmm- Tirrnt. July IP. Andr-w I sged 13 ysra. fell from a derriAk 80 feat ynterday and broke his right tog In tw places and reeetved other Injuries. OaLlipolis.

July 2 Frank Adkiasna wss drowned In Ihe Ohio here while bathing Th bdy wna recovered. IIDIA1A. WtWDPAll. July 8B A mo Whit, nnr A a. Blatant Cashier of th People's Hank, this place, got a prescription for lb puipoea 4 quisling his Serve, giving rest Bod Bleep.

The directions were take the medlcih every bctrr tmttl rest wa obtained, but White IM1M eatle eoat I of the bottle. Ho waa soHt la a stupor, and Sired Within a few misutes. WAS tan, July Msggl lietntea day brought swR fur M-tK enmagss scalast rmae iamln F. lejudn In th MuntlnsfeS Circa It f'ourt fro- standee Ih'ttdnai a traiamae lbs Erie, who ha WovAe petnveriy. Vikce.NKr.

July 28 Council has a curfew ordinance by a mra malorHy Ii tttsnc with a petition of eftlsena. Tt iw will Into effect nest week. TIPTO. Jury P. Wklta.

a aenmlB enisea of Wildcat ate; taat msm fcrnt the etTaeta of an svardueo et 63p Indue sw. IE5T0CXT. aanBoarrowaT. Jaiy 3 -Dr A. Dw baa rsslaned th Preel leney of lb Col leg, which waa aecapfd Th eatle of hla poslUoe.

was Ihe raoee of his sel.m u. 1 1 u.l, SSas BWulS cwarck at Blrmmgluuta, Ala, WEdT YIBQIILL WRftRLfw. July 38 -Th body ef rrrrate fntm T. fwieffila. of Cowtpanf ots at Camp Alger, eaa buried bar as day.

NORWOOD. Th eommttte afPoltred by tb FAV.I sod fas a eeai WeKar Aesoriailon aonartime aev to ar- rsnge for a grand wnsa pear o-olered between tb l'nlted avnte and Spain, al beginning lo bestir Itself now that feagasl 1 Bguratlvel, se-aktng sdesaeing toward Prsst-4ent Klnler with se branch in hla band. Tn eommitla propose secure tb Town Hsll for th purpo ef gtv to an evrt-riwi rrmeev atetlng ef mwate, reettatiims end addi issi by two speaker of prominence. At tn etos or abi part of tae exercises fireworks display WIN 1 fives In a vaeaust he rente lly P. rated.

Tbe halrmaa of the oaheoenmtt tee that bare tbe affair la ebarga ar Theod're ftuaieka. eeeoea-iirim: A. lleren. firvwurk: W. IZaii.

sob- aerifrtlons: Baafard Klata and Junes struck boat. arrBngsmcnt. Plebow Boyd Vmeent, fl. will sortdwe tb ervWa to-morrow morning st In f4iseej Cherch th feood Bbrpbrd, corns et btonrue and Aablsad avenwaa. Rev.

Mtvrrtch T. sir ham. of Oraoe M. K. 1, has prepared errtton on the subkeet er of finetnnntl M-t hod ism." whi.a bo Church.

"PVmeer will deliver Bwndnr mormtwx. The sarnwrn Wtll very epwroptint la view fvf tbe fact that Monday marks tb oa bendredtb anfvrawry of Rev. Jobs olljer a entrana Into Ohm aa tbe first regularly appointed Methodist nrinistee who entered th Northwevt territory. Bh tbo evening Hev. MeerttA's dwtvrurs win We eetssl to th telling of Juava Kolber's esverie- a circuit ride.

EAST END. Tb itewtown-lndiaw Hilt bridge fe ratndly Swarwig eouisSetsow. Ts eeaareete. rs I War sad eemnt eidewalbs ar aow reeelrutg taetr Ing towokea. AtewtenT pw.elaesntiis Are tablmy mtseb ret In fn shot, wrapt.

ie dvn roent of th ewnv. Ing AndseSmt Townatttp Harvoet Hue, wbtrb evens oa Augwrt 37. wMI many crawe. aeiitorsfarlbe aeemtume and Ttummm. aad The swtriotte rWwdsswat boy asft bast veors join th First O.

Js. l. at Feenaadlna. Jobs f'ewaldteva. kMvis kWd.

Albert tawb-y. Clyse Oail, Job Jsotaj, Caartoy HIU aad Edward BotltAH JoaspBi Vlelnrn, of Fir 4'msny Wo. bom mjw after a pi' sseaUoa is. to at aa asar the gleet us. Tbe Aipb Wheel Clak wtll spend next Bunday with the C.

S. C. bore as their sparlal g-sseta tb day at trnw reins, swar nefsvia Jasy-Uo The ruriewitig saasty win camp. New York. Jsry 3 rrpt tuft 3 rare ea soed stwers Wendy otbsr a had lewsr.

Baito and fat ewwe steady am cows tn lower, fix 34 7393 3. t4 3344 4r. fat uasn snd staa 34 8344 SO. bull 3 733 3. em rJSs 8s) f'abtae Mow.

Live esttl loelle. refnerAr 3e per tb. Wrpsns S3 bead ef rattle Bserrow LA49 4 cattle sad 3.331 quart srs ef bf. Calv: receipt let bead: 13 bead ow sale. Mssrbet 33 kisber, an rat Vaaj 84tS, bottarmuk 33 33 ft aer, ae Wisitias.

Sheep sad lam ha: rept Sab bead lieu, ewe a sal. Sheep slew aa weak goad) tsmbe Brm; eisre doll: 3 ewe nn-sokt Shsap 8-A4 8u. tomb 84 Bweat. eaiky 34y 34 33. Hen: receipt I.aea) head, none te saas.

Market swastsattry firm 'm 84 384r4 30. EFFSA HI, B031AFZA. BTAJttfiY aUbfi tUZZIB BUT lease saJty at ft p. eaeept ftuiatsj, fi-aa ef sAeosdwny. VslsgSss.

X. layl. tAKLKV fW avanawha Tfewrwday. M. 3a HiastM, Master.

Tat Laywarw. amies. Ae-rr-MF Uts Leases 7 seeds Bard Tbeswdey laRregb Ftaskf ot 8awawaaay- st p. ss- 8. r.

atosiarr every MoAvasf. Wemissrtof awd Ft lis. tbe I ef Dewat esy at 3 f. sa, reel tWNANZA S8Ml CITY OF UMSTOXM rnef ef 8b sail wsy. Bast swsewea at tb foot ef lATss.aay eaaly at 8S.

ss-. aspx ponosy. as asm. e-ei. Lee sad wameaoTh Cv trrae.

isr 1 fir tiln, asaijss 1 tn a Jjeeeeem gowigm. '1.

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