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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 8

Louisville, Kentucky
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ocTOBim 3, less; Tree co iiLKUrJOTrrszAX CLOTHING. Cotxrijcr-gotinxal CLOTHING. A WEDNESDATORyiNO. OCT. 83.

CITT FEATURES. '--w lb 0 tnr. rhr 1mm lb eat fl Ml ta Ml Va 01 Hi i 4 fit' -if- ti 14 i I 4 4 1 1 I ia eooxroi oa ta Llwuiiri aaa no, a i ti v--Lrw I a a Id id Id id 'r' II II I w. I iUI I ava. DEATHS QFAII01TK.

Baa It Os of Uarlat apiomeK. Baaltb OOor Gait atatiatiat of the jnrfhtr ia Lou-ma Jar toe IMtk iiipiiat ir I nWM (otUhb bar Itan war tbar war aaalb rporto1 BO" aa TV tar bar of a.of aa twn ty-a ra aaonmaeioa, wbJb fr cwrwi off twwatT-loer. Of tkj uow lrur war frooa riooU fr. from raauftaal, oa ffwaa yaiarw to iiti a tc. war tbartaa at ika i ii.1i ad fa ilrnil raaia(, imt iraa m.

tba mini aixiy--. war aaukirwa In yamr ax, wbtba lairr-axla taaa aixty yl eat. it. irj to tiiii ifi uiu oo aaam. 11 uud iTTTtTT.

I WW fww mt M. tV. fMriACvl 1 Frvatw 1 MMTMltV'lb. I iMWn i vr at rroa 'to riwa nt.M mm1ioX Lt ai iiawlt Im 7 toMLM liiiiHilrL.4 ara.M 1ml nl 5af inUT aXMMaXRT. twU.Ur tun va.ixa.

tka Eaaltk OOoa ymaMT wlwai Ifcirma. twviv watt ad) eaa Uars. aa foOawa; Wfcit Joaa Iwcaa. aza taxty-aix Taara. aaaaa a 1 humt.

xhaa ac. I tw1lI1 bjOeaT. ml I U'c. to at I ti Ur. larr i ml ii i Luaca.

iaiiiiaa of. Itmmmmm mrmm I aaTafaaiai 1 basata, aa at LaMaMiM Jlal I 7 WIMh IS XTrLmm, ail. 1 rmi laHiku. tnUM a a 1 1 aa 1 I try. Mm 1rmmm mmimm.

K-j-r I M.Mara'a I TZtT ttM, IfMKl ti in mv. ytaM 1 mli lli'ViMa oif Total ml UI. LOCjCMk aoctAi. ULll. tafia lunW.

tm Ii i at 4 TwaU- T-! bit. fL iViaai aU a aia aaaia. arsaaia timil of laa baart; mnaal uaaiai. mf aix waaka, inaaittnaj Jcaa kWw, ac lairty-aav. yaara.

aeo-aliatal Jufea aaw Mtaalaaa jaan, aariiawita. drvwaiac limmrj ILvart, aa laxaa oma-aalf aauauaa. earv. Vaaoua trotm crpaoai War; iUry baAaav. aa laauj-ea yaar aaaf inaf inaitin) lai aiia aTcataa.

aga -war yaara, gaaarai aatwotr; Jora Warn iajfr a-a oaa jraar aaJ aaaorha. corny-ut coiU; Aaua Matoar. aa tWtj aaarm, paiaiala aw aw alalia; Clara kt. Hull, laaMj-ki 7ajr. ajaaatary; Itar J.

I i llama. UMa awalM, laaiawai ar: UarbaiM Kaliarra. Taara, BrWM'a owaaaa. Cunrait haufoni Uraaj, (a jqrtj-aii Taara, MuuuUoa. IilUI Kaata far taa rraa.

C'olWotUs City Tax. Roeatr SbaUy baa tetafcad bv aaiac daatamtat warrant. Tba aa ibi ocooaat bava raacaod toXOuU, aa oxcaaa aoU lag aortad mt mm yoar wili taoaoi to Crorat, I aoaj onliaatiag oa "yrmm tbat km, oa finaaa wbo aaa yrtiaaoaa to pay wttboat at larwMEoat. Tb oarraax boa baaa aarvad ba ad toaaa win, bat ao-rau baud ap oa tba agraamaota to pay. Taoaa wao ta-i pay wid, of eouraa, oa Oaait wub accxMntg to at.

Tb aw rka mt bagaa toaaty daya aaruar tbi yaar taaa Iaat. itac ataiba a lOgkloiag Mmk Iba VTroag riaa. 1 bo Cariaad aadTaaraaaa paaa aa Taav ty-aiatb aad baaa atraata, a bcb waa araofd ibbi tlon ago by Coaacilavaa BcaraiUr aad too Twaii lb-ward ttaadaaa dab, waa atrarc 4j kgbtBtag ba Monday atgbt'a abaraa -aad waa Mr. bebraoar ana, Jaba Ecaraibor, waa at biting at tba tontir aaar ta poia waittag (or a atrao oar. aad aa tb bot airoca toa poia tba yoobg aaaa oa tarowo abilaatiy to tb groaad ad waa taanaaitia Xraaa tba awes far oarLr mt aa oour.

Do4lb of Cioravart Kalpara. -Ooraart Kaipara, a won-kaowa browor. wbo fit li at baa tor avaaa aad UadorbiU auaot, djod bloaday aigai. at bia of apupbrxy. Uo waa fuiojojly a mt to Araa MOiar.

Kaipara dt Sadorf. mm Jodaraoa atraot, bat bad for too baaa taa yaara 1 1 io doaag beataaaa alnoa. TtHtfaaarai tabai 4aa taa) aioraJag. at o'oork auaa Ht. Koifaro Caarca, oa Graaa atrort.

Ta auiariuoa nU ba iat 1 a i DlUS aTalto: ft ia ptaaaaav Foe KobMag Dvaskoa Jiaa. Loai Traadal waa ax ri at if yaatariay aftaraooa by Xbjaactiwaa Daly aad Boopac. tbargad wtaa graad barcoay. It ta aLagad vat Traadat woat to okard'a bouaa. at aOvoataaatb aad Madtaoo atraata, aad aftar laaiog bus droiik.

atota V-i aad a box mt ab aaa froaa ktaa. iim tta too tao artariaa ad aod loata bo a oacc-aaVMaad daaiaa aaoaai Joaap ITtmmr. wbo auaa batiaaia at til taat btarbrt atrraC TraaJ waa la Coatrai oiioa ataiioa. 1I Wu Afraid of UiaiorlC Joka riaa, wbo Utwj wub kbi Oaaa atroat. waUad tato Caatrai -poUoa atatioa Iaat aigbt aad aakod to locfcad Bp, aa waa axr4 bo woaia do fcliaaaif bona, lia tnaa luii ta ataiaoo-kaapar bow bo bad luat rwUQ aftar poattioa by driak.

anlil waa oow aimoat kal ma. ii aokl waa afraid to go booaa oa bt atap-faxaar woaid baaa kua oad ariv baa away. 12 waa givaa a bad aotU oraiag ta ta cU-roav Xaixx Maito. Balldiag rcraaita. Bat tkra boiHing porauU war booad by tb CUy fninaar'a oCOoa yaatarday.

Tbaa to: Ooba trifl for a brirk dwrtba aa Zaaa atraot. oat lanni aaa twaaio, aaa a at KuL a acrn t. -ik. (Jatawiar a isa-na acrnat. Maa aaaatr aima aaa I' waaty-aiBta; aoM iiaarr Cijuoaf.

trw dwCte mm Alaaal Otraat, bat waa LaaiUart aad Craaa coat "Brrrccra for cooaumptioa ia VLm oil nwna Vagataiiia fiiiinnatrr tKiiamT I xl at oa a. aa BII1IIV1 ''ft! VI II II I I i VI II I I I II II 1 I II II I I I I II II Ii I I II Tt I I 7 I 1 1 at. ofbaatog rTaoaoa- MV ILJl.lLJJ II II l-Jl few 4ar PraaUaat IagmOa -a dactdad ta aarra taa gaaaral efflcaa at Oawari. wit har awa, mad aboat 9oawstar 1 tba ItMt Of Uh Okfc fa taia orf wlB ba Tab ami tab away rraaa bara air. W.

FvOmr; OiaariJ f-aanagar Ay. CL B. Kraa. bia aaanfiit. aad Ummt bal Iba lamaia.bT rf tba ariU ramata it a.

blr. Ckarka anil atiU at aa cltr tlcsaa 4 tba road, and Mr. Joba MorrmM aij pianngir aaat. aaal niaawa wiu oa aaaoiaal aa Ufora. Tba Caaa.paaka.

Ohio aad. goal mm mt mrm anii raaiaia aoeaaagad. aad tba i i Ifiipalcb anil laiiiiia wbara ia. Tba Eaot Taaaaiaaa To Ba Laaaad. KawTork.

00. Tba daracaots mt tba Xaas Taaaaaaaa railroad ummt to-da aad ra-atvad tba prvpoattaoe trom lb diraeaora of aad DaavUa raUraad to laaia Taaaaaaaa prapartv far a pariad mt I a aulT yaara a nirradtaaa aarntnaa, Tba aVractora paaaaa araaulauom naimaiaaa ty craaiat to tba propoaiuoa aadapoaoiad a anmminaa ta maiall wtb tba otttears ot tba Bjcaaiaad aad laaTfQ aad aUcaaaaad larauaai iaipaay bar ta parpoaa ot dnw fa a taaaa ta ba praiaatiiliir rafifltaffai a aannar laacaig ta ba lui oa lModay aaau it ia uOioaay ataxad tbat tba ami mt ti Riraaiaait larauaai baidiasa mt boat Taaaaaaaa flrata aot mciuaral la tba paaa-bif arraacaniaata. bat tbat lb BieboMaad Taranaai Cooipaay and coatia ta boiu tbat Tb Advaacw Doforrotf. TV Traffle Aamribfirat baa that tba ad Taara ia rata aball iato affaea October IS iaataad ot Octobar lu, aa at Brat It biacraad tbat aii wnaiaV radaeod ba tb firat tbrao raaturid to tba tanff mt iiarca. axcrpt tbat battor aad CK ba baa ail grata wui torn a coota baaaa.

ftroaiala ba wbica ordar riuoa to Octobar U. tab tba XoCSabJect to Loaa aad Dlay. bir. Horaoa f. baaith, of to LoaiTiB oabTilia.

baa booad to a bambar of bta acoata ba tba boat tba foUowiac 1b-aLraetioaa, afaowiag uiat tba truobia root yaiiew favar aboat at aa aad at iaat: "Kraaaw at ooca taoaiva aad tut ml Hug Iraai ail Vbavla mi Lka cacb rxrapi Uaca-tur. A-a. aaj Jaciaiia. from laxaa am im um m.i. mt Hiimi pi.

tiaiiaaia, Oawpi auO rkariua. Ajaa awBtnuia ra-aalm tur Ommttt wlM ta ioaa aa4 aa mj, aaoapk fur ka-aia piaaia. Tbo Coaaarror Haatalaed. Xaw York. Oct.

3. Ia tb aoit -of Jobs B. caatoa acaiaat tb Hiaaoari FacaOo Railway Coaapaay. to Fort boott. Wtebtta aad Waatara BaUway Cooipaay, Jay GooJd.

KoaiaU bago aad otbara, to an aawia tbara. orgaaiaaUoQ of too Fort Koott road la too av taraat mi too Jf laaouri fadOe. ta bopraano Court baa amtainol a daaiarrar of to feVantoa aokad for- aa awwanlln ot ib -Tor oeott abaraa; tba tb capital atoek oC too oow coaapaay oa HmUa4 to.6l4.t5,5i bat okay ba raatraiaad froaa aeuag aa ta ro-organiaarbT oauaitt; tba ta anuinl Bortzago coaotUod; taat Ibo Moaoari tmcUUs foatraiaad frooa ntiiinaiB. of UM.u wortb of boada tofaai ba Aarvat, lool. a Frelgkt Ha, Loaia, Oct.

C-Taarry 100 fraigkk Xata of lb vancftta raxlroaia of Ut ooaotry baat at tb EJka' Clab roocaa to-day for tb parpoaa OC oryairing a iTiraal aoinrlatlna of tb looai (raigbt agooto' aaxHitinaa ot tb diffaroat cuica. Taa prrliauaartaa ot orgoaixatioa ctiaanaiiB to graatar portioa ot too oay. To-aUbt too dabrgataa aiawvd aa atiwwiaa too vauod lb looai awaociatioa anil gia to aaaosra aa axcoraioo oa too riTor to-oiorrow. 10 Buying wtU oaauaa aar-arai uaya, A 5oj Coaaarfaaioaer. Waakiagtoa.

Oct, 3. Tb Soutbara fLaO-Way aad biaaaaaitp' lamaialiao. ba that city tb-aizbt. olactod J. H.

Caraer, of ooiaiiaainoar of tbo Aaaof-iatioa, to auooaai T. K. M. laioota, raaigaad. aad J.

K.Ogdaa. of KnoxTUa, a amoar of tao board of ArUtrauoa, to Mr. Carter. BaBBBaaaBBBaBBBBaBBO Ccocral Xotea. To Mekak brokara or kaviag aa a map ieaaiiy good wa.

Jack MUward. of too L. aad at back froaa aa advoruaiag trip. t-, All jo tiekat aa.aia aro oow boxy aaaiv baa; oat tbair bpianor roporta, Tbo laot aptbo ia taa Mwxteaa Xattoaal raulroad oa drtaao baat batarday. Harry A.

V. aad, oparator at Sortb acaoa, ia ia tba cuy. gar Axa O. HoTno aatca, of tao Moooji, a at Cloryoraii. J.

H. Kioa-y, ooa of UioUUWS, Oparatora, bock froot a abat to Jloatoa, I lam oorfca. rapr aaaa tiag-taa. H. aad at braoLli, Miaa a ia to city.

-WUi OT. Croab, TrTliag Faiiacar Agoot oC Ik Moooa, la baca root Aaaa- PaiaiaxaT Azaet H. R. Darins. of tbo M.

aad baca frooa a trip to Virguu. Caarfoy Oabora. of tb U. B. aad roport to Uaaarai Agaat, i.

U. xaiar. Ttcfcat or oow oaiac aokl to all pc aa to boauoriba, Xow Oraovaa aatk. A Factaoroad. Albert Wraaa.

TraaIiM Agaot of tba laooiarillo boat bora, baa gun to kouXTuia. -baaa. McCatebaoa. of tbo L. aad V.

at Saakrula. wa bar yoaacrday, oa kai way to lmhnatlia, Tbo K. aad la kaaiag a groat frotzkt booxa. All af tbo cara of to road ara ia actitro aaa. -afaaQoiaaaad Croacaat yaatarday bo-faa a aaw aaa it root bvtwaaa MarMliaa, Jaaat aad CliKiuoaU.

Goa. EeWa waa aoKXd yaatarday la aaatroiag Biointuiiat aa Karepaaa trio to law ot ba iraaoda. Tba M. and poopte ar diatrib-atiag aaatortai tbo grooad for a oW brUi aoraa Wkao riror at tUichlori. A.

Coopar. of Saw Albaay. baa baaa appoiotad a omalurtor oa tbo Loaterill boutaara. Ua waa loraaarly wub tbo H-nrra. Tboovaa MoOttebooa.

Aariatant Tard-aioatar of tb L. aad S. at Naaaruia, -hti I taroab tbo oity yaatorday oa bia way boot trota Ooio. Vi. J.

Barg. Oaaaral Adrartadag Agoat of tb baa baaa oa tao aic iaj lot a wiak. bat oaxpacu to boabUto go oat to-day. Tba aaw aambar of tk Aaaorieaa Tick at Brokar kaa bora aaoad by bacratary W. K.

Cartar. aad a Cud oi aw ot baaarcat to tb Aaaa-iataoi of waick bt i tbo orzaa. T. it. K.

Talcott, fonaorly bacrvtary of tkofaoatbara iUolway aad btaamabip Aa aoctauuo. baa bao appoiatad rat Vic 1-roodaot of tb Kx-tuuuod aad PaariU, ia cbarg of too trafliu. Tarxlmro ia all tbo railroad yard ar Bow xpt tojaay aagaoad oa account of too auddaa iamoao of fraicbta, oooaaqoaat to too aitirtrariroi of aaraatioaa or tbr bbrogauoa altogotkor. Uaoarai Faaaaaxor Agaot aVIwarda, of tbo Q. aad aaooooraa tbat tb raiuag of tbo at 2kaw Qraaai kaa araa lol.owad by Xitm opaoiog of all pointa oo tb Vtcx.

borg aad Man liaa aad Viokaborg. torT-port aad Faci IHTtoiona. Tirt.ta for ail potnta oa aad tayoo-i tbaa diriaMaa ar ao conLcly agaia oa aaia. war arat ptwi aid oataa, 3o naiiniaaiiiin. ear-k aling car Sua or aay ciauaanua tbat caa radaoa raiaa wiil ba parauHaO.

i ti i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ii 1 1 if. ii CM HOT BE HATCHED. i'-J: A light-weight Orercoat is a necessity these keen mornings and chilly evenings, arid we want yba tf know that our assortment is large, variety nandaome, styles correct and prices low yea, very low in trmth, a great deal cheaper than-you'll find them elsewhere in Louisville. Our largo sales make 'this, and a. visit to our store will prove it to be true Every 'material, color, shade and style are shown by us, and in magnificent: Good Overcoats, 5.00 to $10.00 Fine Overcoats, 12.00 to 15.00 Finer Overcoats ,18.00 to 22.00 Tlie Finest Overcoats, 25.00 to 30.00 "MOTHER, do you know that it is a great con venience to all the newest the largest assortment; best made goods at the lowest prices under one roof? Come in with the children to-day, for we have a glorious feast of good, cheap and pretty things for them.

Latest shapes in Hats. Good warm Undeiv wear the lowest" prices, New Neckwear, Hosiery and Shirts, and all at prices 15 to25 per cent, cheaper than are named by any other house in Louisville. MAMMOTH SHOE AHD CLOTHING GOIIFAIiT. 42 to 434 West Market Street. STOVES.

RADIANT HOME HARDWARE. 9 HATCHETS All Steel, Fall Polished. 51 3 53, Wa baaa bitradonad bib tMa aaarkat braodof Hr Hataliafa far oopwioiitF of aica taaoa. CAN'T BE BEAT. waaaianikt SHINGLING, CLAW.

HALF Tobaoao Hatchet bi a apart! aba pa. do. I to ajact tbo waata mt lb warabouaaaaaa. tows "OP liiVERPOOU CapIUl $10,000,000 AxaeUiaUal'nltedSUtes 7 7 The Rojral Insurahea Co. haia.

the largest lira surplus of any company in tna world. Reliable) agents at all desirable points throughout the Souths (. tlKZI Ei in, flHnJ at) Xaui at- LoaamHa, I. CI RQ BASE BURNER NO GAS! Intense Heater 30,000 rtfcj" Haadtoateat, niost Moaomlral aa4 the aiat prfect operatiar Aathraelte tUre made. The Uaited States clotelj exaatiaiag iato Uie merit af all Be-barars made, kaa glTea the Radiant Home the preference by ordering a Urjce a amber of these Store te be shipped te all parts of the eoaa try, far efflee, anarters, bospl tala, etc.

This will be the only. Bane-banter wed this winter bj the Government, i Handreds of Badlant Homes gm. nave beea pat np aa, aaa not v.T a alngle eemplaJat. Don't delay narehaslar natll cold-weather. Call at eaee aud examine the Kadlaat Home.

Bridgcford Salesrooms 5th and Main. WALL fAPIili. TO BUY WALL PAPERS OF ALL.GRADES, GO OR SB2ST3D TO- J.V.Escolt&Soiis; LABOEST SWClC LoiyEST FBICES; 521 Fourth Ate. ''r AfAAMOa A-3tI HINZEN ataJfvrAcraajuu or Cprijiit Squirs rPianas. ararnaaa.

StO W. Marbatt Faatary. Aigaai aaata aad Waa. a ou. acaaia aad ijM kj4 aajaar aa aoaa k.

wutia KjBMSM Get tliem at Get them where ityand fini share itedwith a low price. Our Overcoat? are "better ar6 "better are "better fitters," and Tin-questionably lower in COIE SEE THEM COME PRICE THEM! W'LJ, BUT THEM! DEPPENS Clothiers, Batters, Haberdashers, Tailors. Maiket Street, bet. Sixth, and Seventh. FURNITURE.

FOURTEEN YEARS Of close attention to the iranta of buyers of firstclas FURN I TTJREl i Enables us this fall to present a stock more nearlj perfect than an erer shown in this city. Erery intending buyer in this and surrounding cities should either Tislt. our warerooms or correspond with us if they wish, to fnniish a Parlor, Bed-room, Dining-room, Library or Hall correctly and at bottom prices. HEWITT BROS. CO.

320 MAIN STREET; Bf.T. 3d 4tli For twenty yara Hall A Ilajward Company has sapp led the peo- pie ef this eo in inanity and a large portion of the Sonth with the parrst aad best CUACKKK. CAKES AHD CANDIES, la that, time not eae ounce of aay kind or adaiteraat. has been used net one oanee erer will be nsed. On Pnrity and Cleaaliaeas we base ear claims to pablie faror.

See that roar xroeer gi res I. HALL HAYIARD COMPANY, 233, 237 and 339 W. Jefferson St, LouUrille, Ky. aatdASair- DIAMONDS l'rlees gnaran teed as lew as eaa be had elsewhere, considering quality and finish. WM.

KBNDEIGE'S SONS 336 Fourth NEW AND SECOND-HAND MACHINERY. 60 Banalo Sleel Pressure Blowers (hew). 4 Molding Tronghs 10 complete Sets Flasks (Holder a). Steam Fumiia, 1 Emery Urloder aad Polishing bUnd, with a fall set of Leather and Felt Polishing Wheels; COMPLETE TIN-JlEU'UL'TilT, including Set Boilers, Turning-over Machines, Beading, Setting-down aad Hiring Xaehiaes. Crimpers, Circular-Shearers, Xaadrels.

Stakes, etc. Tinner's oatOt but little used. 7" We inTe an inspection of those who desire to purchase. GAY NOR ELECTRIC 439 W. MAIXST L0C1ST1LLE, KY.

llAltliWAlili. TVIRE NAILS, STEEL CUT NAILS, Japanned and galTanlzed Coal Grain Scoops, Gain Traps, liuskinrFins, etc Large assortment of Table and. rocket Cutlery at prices which defy HART HARDWARE CO. BUSINESS SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE "o.0; West Jefferson Street, between Fourth and Fifth, ratiTltnm ial raantTt.1 tnrt ta.iian IndoriaC byatt -too arniaia ail tinaaiaa aaaaaod lOCib-aaataraot kbMu raif ai ailliai v. BEN.

tm baaiaaiijin ainiai biiarm nr 1 MEDICAL. Cancers Cured cures oar aa load. taial aa trait ia iih aad aura aura. l-aarUaJt acu'T brux taat aaa 800 auaa aura aaa. auw our.

a tartar par aab mi. aaai.aa laiiaan tuau aa uUwwajt Utm agni. j(aa aaa aaoaruwa Utm tfibd mi aa a aura aaU antnaa uui wa laaxa ax apotu to aa. Zzi aaua anaar euraa a canaar. um Hal 11a ura auMMt ira.

tm am juxji OauaMaaioura ail turuM. aaia.ra. ittooa poawaiax aa inia)n ua loreaa. toaa ot aaraaarua. aura araa.

jraat amaiamaiiaa aa4 aiaainaial aia wa mama a rura, iiaaKi i I mat a a aura aura tar aarra trniinlaa, aiai- ataa. n.lipaitp. xiawat aMO b. I aaMT. Mm M.

mm, mj. ROD'S liJEGTIOIJi HZTZX mlE rnSETJATTi'L Cuia iTi.rW. -f UKBt adViam! ti aliuaat. a3 am vw "ii i iirra 1 ri aU I I 4 yea good made by FALLS, CITY. Avenue.

aalt XoWal3a COLLEGE. ia ailli aaj a WEAVES Principal; jraiaxir AlEDlCALr. -THE OELEBRATEO FRENCH GflPSULEi MATHEY-CAYLUS viLte taaduur I-ayaiUaaararrabara. It oUwra for toa tmim. lorwr rtaonuur or rmtxnt 'ri-J tetttetiMt.M AJX IPOors ra.ael.

for amtSI Hit baacTa aairar-aal aadaiaettoa ta lb eara ot aaarrbaa, aad Utavt, I araaern It aaa lax it to ail anearara. a.4.ST0!(Cn,HJ Oaaatar. Id, SracKobb' 1 TTaiTaA a i wm'mmmtmm I uraaaoaraw titMeaamatlX i mrrr-vr'TTTTLT ETC. r- I ilfsioiil ii'iisl Our stock in the latest styles is now complete and buyers of Furniture and Carpets who fail to visit our Warerooms at this time will the chance of seeing the largest stock and lowest prices ever named oa strictly stylish and first-class goods, comprising OHAMBE Et STJITS, In Antique Natural Mahogany, and WaV nut.

The Newest Shapes in Glasses. FRLOR SXJITS, The handsomest in the city, in and Silk Plushes, in odd colors, patterns and shapes. DIlliriG ROOIJ SUITS. The greatest variety in styles, all woods, ever shoyn-Extension Tables and Chairs to match. THE PHCENIX.

The Phcenix Folding Bed, the leader of them all, beats any bed ever sold in this market. The liglitesu 1onnAcf' rVt oocinot tar fir Jnff nn fi finest finished Ji VtbUvO VUU XrffcaaOJ fcaWaJ aa VOW aaa. a a Sole agent for this city. Office Desks, Ladies' ijlurarv vasca uuu aauico. CARPETS New line in all styles, such as Body Brussels, Tapestry, Wiltons; Rngs, MatsOil Cloth, at factory prices.

Come and price these goods this week, it will pay you when you get ready to buy. 314 West Main 228 Third Street, Bet. Third and Fourth. WRAMPELMEIER CO. HAVfc THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT mm FURNITURE! J' ia To Show in tho City.

NEW First-class Workmanship, FINE FINISH' AND LOW PRICES ie four leaders we have to offer to the public. KINDS, OE Fourth Ave. WOOLENS, FOURTH AVENUE. Trimmings PELolEIEBJ' G8 544 to 550 FINE TAILOKINO. MCHOIGE iiLE -AN GANT PERFECT- FITTING GARMENTS, Winter Iti1A1to.WaaArrtat IN GRE AT DEM AN -THE GREAT SQIIQ VA SHEET MUSIC FORM.

The Campaign by Will llays. wklek appearea la the Cenrl'f Journal, haa been Issneof la Sheet Masie form, and tho demean1 for It has exceeded the expectations of the pabliahera. was eathasiaaUeailr reir-hf the National lNtnioeratie Clan Convention, held lalialUmore. ML, mmlr, and adapted as the lreuorralie battle sen for the ra at pair a. The, rest maad for this earn pal ra aoay has been met br i aaa I or a aoeoad editloa ef 104 000 eepiea, and the pnbllahers are thcrebr enabled to offer it at reatly dnced prices.

All orders from this time will be promptly Oiled at single cop. lSe a copy when tea. copies are ordered, life a copy la orders fill aad ie a copy for one hnndnd copies aad Of er. The weras aad masts printed oa hearr sheet matie paper of fear pare. Addreas all orders to IT ILL a.

11AYS MUSIC A.N1 1'OtTUT FUBL1SIIIW AAwtf Bet. Slain and Market. Conrierslonrnal CHYAflT -G STRATTOn Doscxss College znzXZZLJX-ZZJl E.CU1GVILLC, I1Y. "aaaaaWataotawW. i II III! pi ui th I Is ne Dt ha elf I be! an Hi pai th hi ba Al ph tio CM an ir stt bb I i i Vt an in Ii i sic re co yo Bu be qi Pi ah, CO hi thi of pit i fat Pic Tb a lit, PTi, ous 1 Clu to, wil, brij ihJ, tut, tioj;.

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