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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 6

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FINANCE AMD COMMERCE. MOSCTAttY. ThtsWt Ernnsn, Aug. 27. Thert aa unusual degree of unlet in the money -rket, Oner trade is displaying only a nedcrua degree ot activity, though there a perceptible Improvement, bat the money market is dullT than in mid ii timer.

There has not been much new vaper offering for discount or. of old for renewal itu week, and the money market bu been comfortable but ste.idy. Commercial paper baa been qnoted at 0H7 per call loan at per cent, A decided redaction la supplies of silver are reported by some banks, one institution, whlos ordinarily carries about on hand at present only Other banks report a fairurply. Eastern exchange wti steady, and Jfew York sight bill sold between banks at 607oe per pr mlum. A.

bid upon Chicago was answered an offering of New York sight at par. The Cletrlng-house excusnces amounted to and the currency balance was fl24.7tW.47. Local stocks and bonds were dull but firm. Brldpe to ktoldie 123. Oas stock was quoted Henderson bridge bopdt at UK), witn tab-rest added.

H. sad seconds sold at Kentucky National Bank offered at 113, with 1 Jo biJ; Logan county bonds sold at 0V. and. Met racken's at 100, both with interest. City bonds were held flrtn, with but little doing.

Tl.e local buying and selling rate of Government bonds were as folio wv SelUno. per cent, coupons. lo.ftj 4 per ceui. coupons 12- rJ3 4ji Pr cent, coupons. 1 1 1:46 urrtucy ds .126 liiO Toe Chicago Tribune says: Tbe demand for money is light, and there ia eooiueraole uisconrageuient growing out ot the decline id wheal home of tue a hoiesale houses be Tine customer in the soy tbat tne influent- of tills decline is quit appreciable in iheir advices.

hut tins the only unfa orable feature mat baa recently appeared, and the general lour of n-pvna iroua Jarice tjotieee is favorable. A noUoii prevails that the bankers of this eily had a hand in Ui tie line of wheat, and aouie ot this late bulla are a ir.fle sore auout it. Leading- bankers declare thai ibis is a foolish charge that there was tio concert of aotion aiuoug them. It is every way piobaul that the only ktep they took was lo exercise care in i-a-ard to urn loans on wheau" New York. Sterk Beard.

Fpecial to the Courier Nrw York. Aug. .7, The market continues firm, notwithstanding somewhat lighter dealings to-oay, and Western Union and the Yauderblita have both been exceptionally strong; Western Union undoubtedly aavanced on buy ins; done by int-den, though it is claimed that Mr. Uouid had nothing to do with the advance. Air.

Sage, bow-ever, was an active bull on stock. Its ttreugth can in part be traced to the stroug statement (or the current quarter which the company la expected to make. The dividend to be declared next month ia fixed by expectation at 1 ir and thrre is also a vague teeitng tuat the negotiation with Balliuioie and Ohio may yet amount to 'so me thin'. The spectacle of President Boberts and Mr. TanderbUt rcoicg out together at Saratoga and the conference with them of ptber prominent railroad men have much to do with the strength of truck-iine stocks.

Several large order to buy Vanuerbilta came lnm bam toga to-day. lb riae lu Jersey Central and in trie seconds is one result of lbe persistent rumors Hint lue plans being I or mod at Saratoga luclud a cnange of status id i boss loaua. 'iue aoseuce of frost in the Northwest strengthened the Uraugers, and the market was strong and buoyant at in cose. Kansas and 'lexaa geueral mortgage 6 have advanced nearly turve pwinls la Wire days, fore- Jiatiowui apparently a rise in the stock. bottlers ot a ititarn-ta ia Uutario and Vestern preiemHl nave una uoutiMt that pay- m'eiii HiU be ma-e therefor in irexei-iiorg ceruhcatea.

exchangeauie for eat buore guar-atiuwu 4 per cent, touiia. Uhia maxaa anotber sUfc-oin ue uuiUt-iiue scUleiueau New York Stork Exrsiaace. Krw Teat. Aug. 27.

iioaey on cail was easy at lHi cent, I luue inert an tile paper iy cent. Foreign exchange wss quiet and Unchanged at 64 for oO day anu teoja tor ilewand. bar silver 1.0dt Oovernment bonds have been dull but strong. State bonds have been quite active and prions generally strong. The railroad bond market was fairly active today, aiu-ough the sales aggregate only but ti buaiLeas was better distributed, the Lrie seconds coiisols contributing only tja, 000 and the Mckei-plate The Texaa and Pacific ismes were dealt in to the extent of Pr.ces are geberaJy higher.

lhe stock market has exlJblted decided suer.gtb lo-Uay, ilh the exception of a reaction In the ai lei noon, most ot which waa recovered kelre the che vt the board. Business was also ruoUera.e active. Ii largest trauiug mas iu atid Western Union. Prices at the opei.iiig were stronic, showing in most curl an auvume of Ji to 9i teuU, and tuere were further kiua in lue torcnoon of to over 1 when, with few exceptions, li highest prices of tue day were made. The mantel was heavy, slowly after midtiay, unul nearly 'i o'cioca.

losing a portion of the early aJvauccs, aituough, witn lew exceptions, the lowest (rices were at or immediately following the bpri.wg. In the last liour there wsa a rally, led by eaiern luiun, wuich touched its highest price and closed f) ceuu loser, with a net gain of 3 oenu Lacaawanua, Near Jersey Central, Paul, and Misaourt. Kansas and Texaa advanced )4 to cent. The result o( the day's operations, other than the stocks mentioned. as an au auvauce of 1 cent, lur Lake bhore and Union Pacific.

1 for Central Pacitic. for New iork Ceuirai. or Ket-ding, lor Louiseilie and and ainaiicr iracuous tor the rest of list. It a auii-uuceU thia at teruoou that the Lehigu Vai-iey raUcoavd bad reuucoU the bolia on coai 2oc ton. the object being to enable U.e iadivid uai operators to continue bua.ness without too heavy loos.

It is altiiOtt unauioioiuly couteded by cmii men the coal business Is in a strained ct.uluon. owing to the excesaive supply that is ou La. d. la sme cases the co.upauie are c. lupelied to hire barges in the bay for, Uie uiuibary duapxg grounui alieodjr bein; full, lhe Craugers were UnuaUaily quiet aud iuwt.1 special leaiurea.

'lhe uaaiaactioUM at the Stock Exctuuire today aggiegated shares, including tne iiiJtwil.g: leiaaaie, iuu.kawanua and Wcateru Eanmts and Texaa Lake Shore; Louisvule and aaiivilie II.010; Nortu-western New Jarsey Central 7.7uU;New York Ontrai 17.4o0; Jwortnern PaciOc do fratrred tl.oou; k.lwaukee andbt. Paul bt. Paul anu Oiu-ta Union Pacihc lo.liu; Western Uuion aud Oregon and Irane- eahiinenLal 8,700. Auk mampulatioa made no headway to-day. etliing at be OUier sales were: booie at l.bu; U.

nnia PKelr tlill.C tl tn. VII on 1. an. I Virginia at (1J0; Argents at loc, and Eutro lbC. GOTXB.tJsK.'iT MOXDS.

Threes 103Vs Jtur and a nalfs, coupon Uot en r. coupon JJ tttlUl Ok Oa lnwo. lri STOCKS. Cen. rc trie seconoa.

Leh. d. ta. oouaohl luc'tin Pan. bi.

hi. P. i b. 1st. 1 eun.

sixes. to. T.P.Lg. lex. P.

a. mo ti- 113 Lake Erie A Wa bTSs Laae Ub Lou. i So bO lUJU, llbvt xai? 44 too' Hi 107 l-lys 60 144 V'vk im ti oh'a 136 l.iO vat 84 Si atttd 11H o4 A.X C. lat pref. Ijo.

second prrf aieiu.dtChiuT.... 3d kiicu.Cen.. OoVs a.lij. a. itoutai Iw Lo.preierrea....

4iH ko.facsuc iiOLUe UUio. 11 oiriso: V-io hasa. 4 4 J.J. or. a.

honhernPacidc. Vl.i-4 ho. 4b? NotuiwMierQ. Lo.Drsterred.... loo i.

Y. 1004 Ohio I Oloo A itise Lo. 7tJ Onuat ester. 14 Cregua Aavtgt'n, 7i Oregon A 1 ranae UVii Creson 1 in X'l Pacuieatau. Panama.

rvoria. 1. at lu Piusourrn. l4y U. P.

P. land rrauC s'k'g f'ds 'Vugiuia lo. con. ex 1 10. adiDi txpi a lit sueuy Alton T.

i o. tusfsrrsd A encaa tzpn, B.CK.4N.. Canada Pad tio an. bontnern. Onual thea.

o. second preC Chic I'o. u. at (J C.M.U, N.a com. Lo.

O. b. and dev. at Column, lei. A 1U LaC O.

W. I aover bL. runaianPakCar iw7 steadies'. toes aslan0.r.m feUUstti. Do.

pre Lo. n. at L. Preferred. bt.i-.M.ii.T:: cup.

A Ouiaaa. lo. Texaa Co ion Ki press. -tv lk4 a bJ 7tfh, 113 H), let mi "lwrai cL Juw. sM st.

ta ro. orafprrad 11 WaUs arraH 115 Western Harlem ilous.TexaaM. ii Illinois 131Va 1.. b. Wtatan.

13 ls st Texaa St Mixtim btocmm. Itew York. Krw Te. Ang. 27 Follow-In are the ofR-rfr quotaimtisai the 2e York Mining Exchange Uus aliernoon: Homestake 17 Cuiek silver pref.

20 Iron ouver. 10 Ontario. 23 butro IU yiwa Frearisee, Fas Fwaweiaeo. Aug. 37- Tna following are the offcial closing quotauuns at tne btoca Bxcoaage tl i alternooni aitav.

so tcher 1 oo I eat A Belcher. 3 ih kodieCouaui 1 7U Choilar 1 bJ ton. a O0 Crown fomt 1 2 tureka uoiitotd. Oomd A Curry 1 37i hale dC tii lisnin White Vexteaa iiount inaolo. Upiur Kotos! 80 V0 bavsge 2 b7V eierra Nevada.

1 6o Union bi Utan. Yellow TIX A CI A L. i i TO IKYESTOBS. I HAVE for sale at par aad aocrued liMerset, a liunied nuuiber of $1,000 Oki nongage bjoOs of tne Owrnuoro Water Coisyaav, bearing six per cent. Interest, and raoiitng years.

It la known that fur safely th LouUs of water companies are regarded ty lu-vreiorsastae favorite eacunry. u.w J. J. H. hiLi.URD, COS Fifth st.

WALK ifc li Prlroleuoi Urs iters, Bt4iut4. Pa. OIL bought and sold for cah or on marginit; obo allowed on short oiL Refer to rim National Lank. Bradford, Pa. aul Latest aNens.

PERSONS dexiroaa of seeing the latest New aork quotauuns wi.l Una mem at our oQlce. We mill promptly execute orders for rock or bonds ha this or tne New Yore markets. W. U. tj.

UREEX. 434 Main street, between Fourth and Fliih. mr.4 dAoutf TRADE ITiiUS. Local lavement of Leading Art tries. Locia-riixx Boaao or Taaog, Augl 7.

188 The fouowmg was tne local luovetateui at rra Jing articles by rail and river a unrig toe pt 24 hours: Artictet. Apple-s green, bbls Ale. beer aud porter, hacoa. ibs Boou and shoes, case Corn, bush Coffee, ibs Flour, bbls Furiuiure, lbs Hardware, Lard, lbs Iatner, Naiis, kegs Oil, tarbon.

bush. Potatoes, bbls fcugar, bbls Soap, lbs Tobacco, leaf, hhds Tooaceo, manui aoiured, lbe. beat. busit Wool, lbs Whisky. bbU o.

if ceited, Shipptii. Sl.OU'J 471 IM l.mjs 10,784 14 16,000 17.4UO o5 44.tMi'j S.iilH 4S ISO 32i 90 41.8 15J 1.177 600 135 7 1.770 l'S 1M1 1.HM3 49,383 l.iVv 17 327 lbe Eastern Iran Market, Dispatches from Pittsburgh, published In yesterday press teivcrama, declare thai the iron mills are wot king on double time, taat there are evidences of increased ac-ivuy in the tradn all around, and that a boom in prices ia oredicied. Inquiry at the Metal Exchange an araoug tne members of the trade yesterday failed to show any idicaUon of tne boom alluded to, and the fact that any such biiiliaut outlook is observable was geoeially rcgardea as improbable. "Tne Pittsburgh diapalch is mistaken," said a prominent iroo dealer. 'The iron market is very dull.

Tna total ick of harmoi.y among mauu acturers on the question of production is enil an incubus oh toe trsde. The uuii owners seem to bsve forgotten everything else but tne cheap price of coal. Tney have continued to avail tueiiiaelves of this favorable t'iivumtance to manufacture Iron umL the lore-houses tl tue primary centers and in tbe Allaiiuc ports are nil -d with iron for anion tuere wui be no demand iu Lbe mantels. It is noticeable, however, tnat the supply to a very great exient conaista of very poor grades. Ibis fact baa some effect on the general maricet, and b'ips to give urmuesa to the quotations for the best groues of iron.

Advices from Glasgow continue to htw declining prices, and me situation ia fjurlaud ia by no paeans The Osls Ooa. A Chicago crop report says that farmers have been busy turesuing ouw, iud lb the majority of oast-a they report tne yield in quality sua quantity tuuo i Oe luw tnat ex pecu-U tuiity days ago. Tue rniucuon in the yield of oai is very pla.uiy traced to tue ravages of the grasshoppers. Mi.ce bur vest tue tit brvn working upon iwmrwov sua al-o tbe corn held, but lbe crop of coi been so far auvanoed that but sugat damans has been done. Hrt Freats and lbe Harveat.

The late frosu ia tbe Northwest draw the following review from the New Yorx Utraldl "In 1874 frosu occurreJ iu New York and MKSsacnusetis ror six cooaecuuv oays In Auguat (irom me id to the ihi, but the oep-U-u. bar teuiperaxuie was as hign as usual higcer in almusl all beciiou.t of ihe country. In Auut, Iblo, tuere were destructive frosts in Minnesota ou the 21st, aud in New Yor- Mate ligMt rrosts on tiie and SItth. but the sequel was not an exceptionally cold September iu ihe Northwest, lnltii? neat was repotted as far Sou as Cape May on August 1J, and iu Iowa a week later, but the temperature of the ensuing beptember was higher tuao usual over tue wuole coumry except ou tne Rocay Mouutsic siopes. la ls7 mora.

1 for i tii.e crops, irost occurred In Laaota ou Aug. Id, in 3iaacbuseUs a e-k later. in Iowa, Connecticut and New Yori ou the wmle ceptemoer of that as at rjoruilly warm over aimoac all juiris of the Ln.ted Suiie; ai.d vrry nearly a parallel ca- as rrcor Iu August and fcepusinber, bolli iu ltb and lVvi. jtpi. mber temperatures in 17J sna l67u weregensisily iow iu tue inted blaiea, but not to such a uegree as blight Uie late crops.

"JuJsing. therefore, by tbe experience of the last decade or mure, we have no reasou to anticipate that Uie seaaou for maturing aud har-vt-sting ol Indian oru and oilier growing crops wiil be cut snort by tbe preseut cool wave' 10 tne North west." Pork Parblug. ICincinnatl Price Current. Aoe. 27.

The reduciiin in tne number of uoga handled dunu tue past week by Western puo.ers quite botu a compared wnu tue recent past aud Kr corrrKpoudiu time last year. Tue re-turns oC uuinuer tue week allow To.bOt), aV'alust IM.CS for CO: TrspoD Jlug Week litstyear; from Alarch 1 loda the total is 3.405. -O'jou its. against a year ago lucie-se, Ch cao prlte of hogs are reuuced about 10c per lob compared witu a week ago. lbe posiuoo oi in provision uiarKetnaoaWuginened riVhily duiini; the week, pr.o-s teiiding gradually to a higaer range, at.d the movrmeut of product out of thicago liss beau wrli maintain -d, luuiujliiis turn a suiiafuctory reuuci in sicK-ks li-ily to oesiiown lu Uieictumsof the fLst of toe louiii mouth.

r-rnrcial reports to tbe Cincinnati Vice Cr-rem uow tue number of nogs packed iroin Mureb 1 to date aud la.est mail uat. a. at the un-oermeuuouea places, wim comparisons, aa folios AotrA ifo August IS 1835. jsj. Chicago.

1,34.000 Kausaa City illlwaukee lou.lM) lOT.oOO lnaunapolis ltJ7.uoO ou Louis 13.1,000 Cedar Itapids l.MLlid Cleveland lUi.bTa 8l.i-0 Ciaciuoati b4.oo Auovedi: all other points.3,43o.UOU. AIAlilvxa Xi-1 Al iUJ IJ3 W. BAGQ1N0 Stea dy, with a good inauirr. We quote Joboiiig prices of rouuj lota as follows: r.tra gu- Jute, ly I kt4c, 14 B-s lutic Stt-s lie, and lic. FUx'and jute mixed, flax 80 per 2 lbs wa and stiaigut tUx lus 10c.

baling twine, arrow cotton ties, bL'TTLK The market was firm, aiihagood regular demand. We quote country pacsages at as to quality; dairy uominal. rolls nominal, and creamery at 'Mi 4e lor choice, aud ualry at lbe. C0TT ON The tone was steady, the August flur-Ty ia New Yot not iutlaeuvlDg prices here lradeslow, though' some suipi. luquiry was reported.

Vie quote at lla tor good uiid-olmg unlands, 1040 for tuiduUug. bc tor iow miadiing, for good orUiuaiy, ana orUl- nary nominal. COFFEE-Firm, on tbe basis of our fast quotation. We quote common, lair, bi 4Vc: prime, tys'itec; cboK-e, lollc, and Laguayra, i-'Kmsloc; Java, 17; Hocna, 0 sbc. C0KNMEAL Bolted l.Sa per 100 aal klln-aned perbbL CliF.KSt: Moderately ective, and prieee ruled steady.

We quote skim at otitic fur common, and Ufaio factory eheboygwa and Indiana tain flats at bai4o. EXiGS Lemand exceed ej th supply, and nrtees wrra strong. We quote at ia per dosea in original oeaes. rtvUiio lucre were larger offerings of peacues, inc. suing a good percentaa-e of superior Iree-stuu varieUce, some from Uelaaare.

Prices were sot fully sus: allied. Applettntl earn were psauuful, ims about steady, otuer THECOURIER-JOURXALs LOUISVILLE, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1885. articles were qootably unchanged. We quote MrMina lemana. uranraa.iin.iiiL $350Qu, Bananas, We quote on am vnl as follitwa: Apple, medium to best.

per bbi. lbe latter for too rrsdea. wim common erock O07j0- Peaches, ooiaOc per peck box, for chus, and for iree-stoue, as to qaailty. Pears. Tjciil.60 for avvraire stock, aud $3 for BarUelts and other fine rrades per boi.

as 10 quaiitr. Damson plums, pur S-b crate, and Ives eeedlimr Concord grapes 3k4c; Delaware DlOo. and MuUari 10kl'Jvo per lb. dried apples 2 ft -'40 for sun-cured snd forvnrora eJ. California rood: piuroa.

oJ per ao-D box. Pears. ioO4V4 per bushel box FLOUR Millers report that It Is difficult to biy wueat, and dealer tuat it is difficult to buy flour. The general market was arm, witn moderately fair demand. We queue on Louisville i.pections at Ju or ehoses) pas- eots, winter wbeat, and for cuoice Ju-Desota, S5.10i,d.3A for plaia patent, $4 Bo i--o lor chotoe.

ehoice faner, plain fancy, S4 low grades, SSL7A34. A Urge number of standard brands aw selling on their merits as follows! Patent. standard straight. Jo.oOi 75: standaid clear, low grades. i.7okA UINSENU pirm at last prices.

We quote at torKood 10 prime dried root. FEATHER3 Prices were firmer. quote at 47Hdo. and KUtoe for mixed per SV. H.Y-St'adr and quoubly unchanged, fte quote at Sll.cOQ.14 for large and small bales of prime to caotoe timotuy ou track or it-vee.

10.50 fur uediuiu belrs, Aud for tatiud mixed. UUJES AND -Prime flint. 16c; No. loc; prune dry-aaited, 12c; dry -sal lad, lotac; prime green-salted, No. '2 do, 7e: prune green oc; No.

-J do, oc; aueep-sKfaa, butebera. "icutL-o; Umo-tkins, country, 30 A rOr; sneep-saaus, saearunga, green, oAjoi; uo dry, ion, lloNEY-Ia comb, 140, nod strained at 10 13c per io. ilLO Wat-rmelona and csntaibupes were in utoxlrrute supply aud meady to Arm. We quote waierntelon at tlov-O per luVI. and cantaloupes at for home-grown per as 10 quality.

U1LL i t-tD Tbe market was somewhat weaker, vt a quote kla.00 for bran, and auipstuffs Sld.50. JtOLASSES AND STRUP Louisiana molasses, common. aajJc; ia.r, aoou; prime, lbe, sod choice, Cora syrup. 2 and sugar-nouse syrup, 6s3oc ncrguutn, lhoS Hoc per gaatoa. tor prune.

NAlLS-ririn, but not quoubly changed. We quote iron nails at sunu al to per arg tor lo-peunies. oiJair-Linsoed ai44t4aj fur raw an! 47ilo for boiled; lard oil. extra, at 54c: No. 1 at 4vn, and Ao.

-J at sue: gasuuue. oj at 11a. 74 at lo, 61 staVic; bang ou at 4JC, svaiu oil at 440, lubricating oil at loxltc per gallon; cotton-seed ou, rennet 1. 4c per gailou, ana peerieee at aoo; coaloU per gaiiou. ldu fteatuoay ts wc, loo test, He, and 17j Kentucty test, ueaJ-lUui, lix bpunta turpeaune.

PKOViSlu.NS The market was steady at yesterday's adrance. with a moderately good lunul- xi for loauiug aruclaa. We quote on tne baais of car lota, oasn. Miss Pou-Per bbl 110.C3. bacon anouluers.

4c; clear rib aides. CJaQ. ami ilnsr slues io per s. loose. bcuMstTS ououiders, 4gc; clear-rib aides, 5.U HGJ.t'oc.

and Clear sides. 0.I0C, loose. LajLo Cboioe lea, evyo in Qeroes; pnme steam, and cuoice fatnilr, 00 iiul. btaaa-ooaao Hxats nauis loMnlOHa for meuiuui aiiu ueavy weiicute, and lOaK.1 1 4u tor suiaii; breakfast baooo, uc, aa4 sag-art; or ed snuuiders pacged. Daian Baar Jc for Louisville, and for Chicago and bt, Louis, POULTKTf Young chickens were quiet and somewbat lower.

We quuta liens at perdoxea, and spring per doten. aa to sis and cvudilaun, to outside fur lara-e sixes. FEA" TS Firm at our last quotation We quote at3i.aj4c lor leauesaee rxxi aud suite, and re-deaued lo turner. KlcE We quote the old crop: Carolina and lattnaiaua at Of4dVv for gouu 10 prune. FIELD SEt Timothy was weaker, it other articles werequotauly unchanged.

Orcaard grass was quoted red clover at j.SHjia for cuoice, good jtOOj. ,0, sua sapling at rea-top at o'-W io. aud t.iuotuy. cuoice. al.bu.

prime sl.ob.i.70 and good sl.eo per extra cleaned btuegrass boo, aud fancy 1. STRAiV Prime new wheat straw is quoted at (bAu.dd ou arrival. bVQ Demaud fair and sales were made at List priors. Yte quote ta.eru loiiows: Itrauulaled at cut loaf aud crusued at powuereu at confecuouers' A at otogc; staudard al o-t, j.o?4c; off A extra at otfvt-gu; yeitow at standard branda. urieaas sugars, opeu tutus, tu.Ov- tor prime.

VEOBTAtSLL Ite market was steady, with sooieuhnt more inquiry 10. potatoes, ouloni sod cabo We quota ou ar.ivi oul as iotlow: iwaiueaat ouious LOotl.oo lor jeiiow Aud a hue per 0a; ret measure. 1 ouiatoes, cl4l.6i; per bu. tub. Potatoes, L-'o per barrel iu snipping order troro, store; ouioiis, per baa ret for yellow aud ahite, aud cabbage OH- per crate.

Ureca coru, Tiui-er bairei ou a. rival. WHISKY Tbe maraet ia unsettled and prices nontiital. OOL- Firm on the bads of our lust quotations. We quote Kentucky wool al X0CS--C lor Clear medium, liurry is quoted ullii.ctor t-ouiheru.

aud loUK: tor n.euiucay, ana btacg atlbtuvoc; pulieu, ir-ic; luu-waauea. ulc The Uraln Alsrket. Controlling centers were firm and higher. Our quotauooa are baaed ou in cjat of grain on track. Lealers' selitug prices rutu tio re or elevator are lt-ii'-'c htguer.

Wbsat The toue was firm, but offerings were light and but it. tie doing. We quote iiew u. 2 red at blc. aud No.

lou berry at Woe. Coax be oiarset a us timet aud prices were quotauly uiicuaiiged. No. mixed was uuouuie 4ir'V4bc po- and 47c lo arrive, anu No. 2 wmte wo aa art it a.

iar otic, lor mixed aud a hue. tJaTS Firm at quotations. quote No. mixed oruieru newr at ilt47c new Kentucky No. a at S4L.

Jwo. Huut bouiluaL Firm loue, but prices wire nominal. quote No. 3t new to arrive at Vc bid auu 000 asked. 1 Tbe Leaf Tvbarco Market.

The sales reported by the warehouses to-day amouuted to UuU hogsheads, including 434 Uoga-heads of original iiispeciiocs. 1 he rejevuuus on eiiei day's sales amounted to 79 hogsheads, or iiO per ccnu. Uie lar.est percentage reported this season. The cause of this may be due to tne large percentage of dark and heavy styles olrrvd. which failed to reach sellers' limits.

Dark and heavy sii loa offered pretty freely agaiu to-day, seiilug at 11 regular prices, wuicu in utanr cuaaa were uot alu.gether saliatauiory, "especially nondescript leaf, regies, aud low grades. The better grades were relatively strouger. tturley tobaccos were without new features ot special iuteresi, ail grade soiling al about uie puces of yesterday. Couutry advice indicate that the last rain was iu narrow paicues, and tnat tue crop is in a spotted couuiiiou east, southeast aud wet of Louis viile. The terrific storm upon toe coast a few days ago is s.tid to have damaged tun sued lesf crp iu New England aery seriously.

1 ho ilea to-day were distnoulej as follows: The Louuvtixs Uocss sold 77 huus: i nhds Auair cuituij eai auu iig a. ti.i'o; 111 bbu Hat 1 county Ki.u a.tU lus at 0.7o, ti.U0, 4.05. i. 4.0, i.od, b.70, 4.o, fr.o and; ni.Ua iiancocit ctuut lugs at. 9.1.00, i.a'i, j.7o, 6.00, l.J, 4.00, 7.B0, it J.ij; 15 nuus liart coumy origut a ia, p.

rt. lear auu lugs at ai.oO, 'J J. Jo., la. 00, 1.00, ia.i;5,,

7.30 and o.7u; hnus Urecu couuty le fanu lugs at $7, KMu, 6,7, 4.7o b.4u; 1 i.ud le.iueases lujiit4.o.i,l tm aicLeau tuuitu iusatjj. 36-- ttasn at 4.3U aud 3. lienry county ieai at auu 4 una. coumy luga .0 o. o.a, o.di ai.d 0.0, lu uuua Carroll county l-ax and lus at lu.

b.taj, 0.0O. 8.30, li, 13, 8.1W, A) alW. 8 d.i-U: buds ieafau i lugs al 0.20, ija, 4-oXI, aud 3.03. The Nurra-STAEXT Hot as soul (Uiu sale) 84 hhu-: lu uuds uanisou at tu.7j, 15. 14.00, ii, i.i.

00. u.i0, 13.0O, 11 anu lo. 11 uuua 1 icuiii.g coui.ty teat auu lugs at Ud.Uu, o.3J. Ado. 10.75.

5.3u, 0, lj, 4.K0, sua 11; huus Oarreu aouut leaf aud lugs at 7.oo. 4 8.J0, 7.M0, 5.3.,, o.iu, 5.7u,,,, 0.8.1, 5.40,5,4.10,0.10, 6.O0, B. 10 auit u.Uu; 10 nuua ornery c-ouair eat auu uga at lu Jj, 10. It. ll.oo, ld.j auu p.iu; 2 uuus Carter Cuuuty ieal aud traaii ai 2u aud 1.3o; .1 iiiius ludiaua leaf and lugs al a.

10 ma v. 00; 1 una Jtuu-IsuU toulliy leal at J.O.ou; hlius usury county leal and lugs at lo. uO. 7. 0.30.

b.bO, B.OO. B.7o. 4.4i at. a a nhu AnUersou county lugs at lio, 4.1vx 4.1O, A30, -k ui Ahd 7 uuus veaiey uuty ileiin.) ieai aud luga at tn.uo, 7o, 0.00. 4, 3.7o, or 76 aud 7.

00; 4 uuds tuiuiur couuty taal auu lugs al Sla.o, 0.00, 4 anu 7jo; 0 uuus arren couuty leaf aud lugs at 3.Bo, 0.O0, 7.t0 aud 6.40. Tb Boons Bovss sold 34 hhds: 14 hud Owen traaU at alo.od, 10, 8.30, 0.0O, b.4o, 0. 10, 7.00. 4.80, 4.0 snub. 4a; 0 uuua neri couuty loal aud lugs at 7.u, 0 0.36, 4 aud 4.40; 1 t.hd heury county lugs at lnudOuio lrah at jl.o; uuus nsn-Uersoa county leal auu lugs at ti.a0 auu 3 Oo; 1 und oiewailu county lugs at 41.

10; a buds lniu-ble county leat, lugs and iraau ai SI J.60, lu. u.bu. 8.10. n.rfj, o.vO, j.jj and 4 06. The Kjs.ttvost Tosaogo Waksuoch sold I'i biius: 'i uuus piacgeu county ieai auu Sid anu e.bV; 3 Buds Mouroou couuty lugs and traaa at sa.7U, OO auu 4.00; und oarreu county leaf anu lugs at 7.sM and 4.t5; imua Iriuiuie eoouty lug anu traan at 50.

tu aud 4.6i; 4 Dials heury couuty lugs at i7, b.oi and UM. The Faae-gas' Kocas sold solei ltm hhds: 40 uuus arreu uuauty tiara leal auu lug from to ro.60; 17 huus Hart county leaf aud lugs at li.o, (J,, 8. 7u, 7. 7.1W. O.00.

IO.XO, O.C0. 0.40. 4 AaX. 4.60. O.

to and a.xo; uuds Owen oounij teat god lugs at eli.lLa'o, 11.10, 7.0. 0.1U, A3U, 4.ei,t.40. 7. 10. 4.75 and 3.75; 4 hhds Green county leaf and luga at 6.7a, 4 ud ami 6.

IO: 3 huda Mean county common leaf and lugs at $7.50, 4-26 and 1 1 1 i 1 0.K1; until jaoitson eonnty common tear and luoat B. IO and 0 bbds Mootiromwrr county leaf and lugs at 13, 10. Wo, O.oo, 8.80, 7.10 and ii. 10; 6 hhds Henry county leaf and lugs at SO.UU, 60, 8.HO.

O.oOsnd 3 bos Met. calre county oommon leaf and logs at 7.5U, A so and 4 13 hhds lugs sud Uash SA 4.10 to 0.50. Tbe ratan Crrr Hocsa sold 03 hhds: 0 hhds Bath county leaf, lugt and trash at $17.75. 14, 13. 7 1L75.

11. 10, 7.3o and oodford county leaf at 14.0, 14. 60, 13 and 1:1.60: 30 hhds Onto leaf, tugs and trash at 7 io, H.3U, 7.KO, 7.K0. 7.4M, ft-Uo, 8.70, TU, CSA A.Uo. a.

4. AuA. 4, 4.3o, U.10. 4.i!a. A4oad bods Jeaduotna eounty leaf, lugs and lran as $14.75.

II, 7.00. 7.70 and 4.00; 7 bads Henry eounty leaf, lugs and traan at (11. So. 10. 0.40,0.40,7.80, 0.10 aud 4.75; bhUS Bart county summoa ieai and lugs at vii.40, 930.

ewtMi. A ai. eCVJ and 4. 00; bhoa braesen county commoa iear aud lag as S.Au, T.uu, AO, 0.10 and lu hhds Onto common leaf, lugs ami trash at 14.10, 7.10. O.U0, 4.aa, 4.40.

4. a and Abo; 0 buds Indiana leaf and lug at 1.1, 4.34, 1.M, A 70 andA0it7huds Butler eounty lea and luge at AfLgU, 7.MU, 7.7o, 7.6u. a. 04. and 4.W0; 7 hhds Mublruorrg couuty comuion leaf, lugs aud uash at $7.00, 6.

O-'JO. A. JW. UA. 4 to and 3.7U; a nnda Grayson county lugs at AaVa, 6 and 4.7a, TnsPLajrran' Hooan sold 45 hhda: 6 hhds Oa.

cuuuiy leaf at $10,75, lu, 14.73. IX 7i, 14.75 aud i 0 bads layetta county leaf at U.25, 11. 10. W.70aud7.1O;4hudslrw hie county leaf at $14. ga., tt.wu and 6.40; 4 hhds tieury county leaf and lugs at $13. o.oo, 8 33 and A. 40; 3 hhds dark traan at $4.35. 3. no auu 3.

Jo: auda Hat eouniy eaf and lues at 7. 0.00, 6.5U, i.xi and i-boj id hhds brecktonug couuty leaf ami lugs at $10.75. h.tfj. 5.85. n.30.

4.1a, 4 So. a.iA, 4.3u and 4.4u; 4 kuas (Jrrea oouuty ieai at 0.00, 0.7u aud 7.70; 3 aiids Urat son county laaf aud lugs at ad.50, i and a.4u. The Sawtxb, Waixach A Co. Wabxhocsb sold 57 hnd: 3l fabda Lain coumy leal aud lugs at S7.JO. 7.oo,, 7.

e.70. 8. to. tf 30.

o.oO. 0.0U, 0.60, O.uo, ll.Jo, 8.70, A.lo, 4.4u, W.iO. li, 11, i.15, ttO, O.bV. tt.70. 1A5U.

U.40. U.UO. luaoUO. to; nuds Praukiin eounty leal aud lugs at ta.80. ft.

O.Oa. e. lu, b.oo and 7.30; lihls lenuffsse leaf and lugs at S4.n0. 4.0O, tiJOU.

o.3u aud A 45; Id bads biuip-son couuiy leal and luga at 4. 60, 0.00. B. 1U,,7.tjo, O.lo, n. 7.4'J and 0.45; 4 uuds Logan county lugs at 4.

A 75 and 5.3$. Tbe hciitt Hons sold 1:0 bbdai 3 bluta Trios' ble couuiy voiumou leaf, lugs aud traaa at a.50, 4.U5 and J.S5: 3 hhds Laucocg couuty leaf and luga at S. to. 7.30 aud 4: 3 nnds Orayaoa couuiy lealalsi.vO, 7.40 and 3 bad Mart couuiy common leaf and lugs at $5.70, 4.U and a hnUa aicLeau county leaf, luga and traan at AO. 40, O.40, a.30, 4.trO, 4.oo.

3.70 and 3.60. AAA's illcA JSAtACaVra. Lonlirlils Lite ateck Marhet. E' ported by 6. Snodgrass A Live Stock utnnxasiou Aleioaa Uuuitwo atoca Yerua- LocisviLU, Aiu.

U7.CATTLB- Tuere ar a few seiliug lo-Uay, consisting mosuy of tu Ireau arrivals, wnue the eaieuieu are working off the surplus oi jiuuday. more uuo changa to noie iu tbe geuerel luarket, auu price are low. itoos lue nari leuuuus soirctuti briu, wltu tu best eiuouui heavy, 1st curu i sell-log row 4 5c so 6o; thm grass aud ba(-faturd lUu at 4tda to 4tc; stock hogs seiliug at ojyj pj 4c, ita t.u il.tie Ovwaud lur lhi c.asa. Hilar 1 be uiarsel slow ana uut-uauged, wi.h tbe bi qul.y old tat sheep seiilug ai vVu to ilo; cvunuou si U.I 110 deuuiud tor, auu ai sell-iu iroia ooc io 7oc per hi it i-answ ue market quiec The quality generally not good, tu beaa selections Itiug lo-Uay truut 3-4i to Aloe, CUIUU.0U stuif slow. QUOTSTIUSS.

Cattls Good to extra Luut snipping 4 toei.raoxeo common aud rougn oxen 2 Bun I Ligut 1 73 ft 5 C3 '-'to 50 75uul 2 0ok.i i'j 1 60a 7a 1 7o.J 60 4 1)04 1 3 tuul 63 2 V5i4t-s 7 a iesi butcueni -Meuiuiu to KOod butcuera ommon to medium ou.cuers Ilu: ruugu steers, poor cows aud 1 Boo pacaiug and buicner. 4 Fait to good bu.Cuers 4 Light UMMium 4 bboats 3 Biatp and Laabs Fair to good ship-' ping 2 Common to uiedium. 00 oO 50ft4 75 4014 70 00y4 OO 6Ca3 00 ootavii 00 txua uuu os a oott 15 Common to uiediuui lambs 2 0014,2 76 xtovasigjira Laai Twg.NTT-roca bouhs. Receipts. CatUe 57 Uok-s.

3si Shipment: 2 bueopaaJ Utubs .441 lUS xiorsoaAud muiea 31 Totals 010 244 t'lnriaasti Live Bterk. fSoecuU to lbs Couner-JouruaL! CrtcistitATi Tmom Stock vmat, Aug. 27. Beceipis aud shipuieuu for the past twenty-four hours, np to noon to-daya aa compared with tit two previous days, are as follows: Excxipts. SutrxuiTa.

Datc 'i lHo 1.37W 87 13-j 313 i-'o- bio 1.410 Aug. 2.J Aug. Aug. S7. 0u7j i'4lj bio 1,01..

a.4ii 1 aoi Cattuc Beoe.pu to-day were not so large, but some were carried over, making about 000 bead on sale, the larger porbou being of common aud medium qualities, and of but a fair general quality. The trade to-day was slow aud we-k. witu slow sale for shippers and with a quiet maraei for buicner stoca. while oommon and low grades were very dull aud weak, with price of such averaging lOtTil-xJ lower, aud some OX the latter classes were Iv.t over unsoll. the marast coaicjc quiet and easy at prices all around about as follows: Common.

fair to median. 113.75; good toclioice outcaer grades, tA souie extra, good to choice cow Si.7aM4-o; good toctoice heifern, common to falroxeu. i -5; good 10 choice. l.o0tii 4.5o; coiuiuoa to fair ahipuers. 4.uAo; good to choice, Jo.10i4v5.Oo; stocvers auu fee.eii, souie exira.

some ligut earlings and calve. i-ou. Jo. lioos Keceiu.s to-day were uot so large, show, lug a large la.litig off from those of yrsierdur, and witn -ry few carried over from yesterday, quite a portion of the receipt pli-od betore leaviug a very luchi supply ou sale, some of which were grass hogs a id low graUes, tue goneial quality was a low average, ibere was a gooi demaud for both good l.ghi aud good heavy qualities, the supply of boiu being short of tue want ot lhe trade, which conduit, and low grade were dull aud weuk, out as the offering set ilcht peus were about deal ed early iu tne day, pr.ces all arouud being about as ioltOws: Selected butenars aud heavy OoAbo; fair to good packers, 00; some topa A4.oo; lair to gooU uVrui, a lew selected of 100 to -'u0 ibs, common, cuiia, $Jtu 3. o.

HEEr Receipts were only fair, bat the de mauu was ligut. and the market ruled slow aud weak, at puces as iohoas: Couiuaa to lair. good to choice, some extra, culls, LB lieteipta were lair, but were generally 01 low aues, wuich ruled dull' aud weaa, ranging as -Hows: Coiniuou to fair, rood choice.; ao extra ou sale; CUil-. vAaoiuVd.o.

iKCLSjian. Aug. 27. Hoes Market firm; common aud ligut packing auu butchers 4 34.85, recipu uau; suip-meuts bl5 beau. Cblrago.

Cntcaoo. Aug. 57. Tne Drover" Joum if re. pons: Cattu Keceipu 12.500 Bead, the largest onrecoru; aumnwaii S.Oow arau; tne marxet ruud lu4oc loaer ou good; otuer cauie ruied iowor: sulppmg steers stocaers and feed ra $-L 751 lo; rua, uuus, anu uuxed 1.7013.30: through Texas cattle laMov lower at 6j; eaterii raugera uull aud looC lower ou uatiTes and nali-breet-e at i.

75(4. 7d; cows irJL7utuV3.oU; winterea lexans 3.6s3.7o; uisuy iare urovea were unaoid i a late uour. Hoos ttecaipts 17,000 ad; shipments o.OOJ iieau: market eommou ruieu tower: rougn aud mixed Ao.OoiuV4.o; pacaiug aud suippiug tk.M.tiiii light wsigul A-i 7A iiauur ara Lasts Beceipt 300 head; trading cslera 'lexaus staaaaa Cits. Kaksas Crrr, Aug. 27.

Tne fo luii- eaiur reports: Cattls Hsveipu87 t.001 ueau: native aeaa; rauui good to uuoio cotu-uiou to meuiuui; stoctera leaders cows A3.4O&U.40; grass Texas Steers i 05. Hoos iteceipu head; siiipmenu beaa; niai tti w-ag aud diuitOc lower; tigut aud aaoorteu a. JO (4 4-4o; neay aud mtxea cA.nUan 4.8J. Sugar ajid Lajias Receipts 1.310 head: ship, meuia 44u ai; maraet quiet; lair to good uiut-tou oommon lo luodlum al.tfwiaato. si.

Mills, r. Loots, Aug. '-'7. Carrus Receipts 1.1 uj bead; SiUDuieuW 7u0 head; Were was a be.ter feeling auu uiore diaposi.ioa to Cade; prices are steady: native steels 4.aOu.oo; Colorado uallte s.eera $3(4; UliXed lots OI uu Ottering SiUtl 3.0OU; grass leX-tns luOiau steel. Aw.

i04. Hooa Receipts 2,900 head; shipments beau; marsel pacslug S4 a.0o; Yorsers S4.7o4.av; vutcners t. 7.4. tj. aniKr asd Lasas neceipuj 1.700 bead; ship-meut luu ueau: ueat giauea are steady, out poor graueaare dull aud not gova to cuoi luutions A3tud.tiJ; couimoa to iair lambs j.y Vre, 5xw Yoax, Aug.

47. The Drover' Journal bu-au report; tTrtai rveo-iDt to no deuiauut drewaetl beef dud at 0dd7c lb tor Texas auu tolorado. and otivty'; ir native do ICxport 477 nead catue, X.soo quarveis ui beef, and 250 carcasses 01 tuuitou. buxxr Ann LAJtas nVvaaipl 0,000 bead; sales were alow as 3u4lv or sheep, ami aOb Ho4)s Hrcrlnti 500 bead: a number of State bor sold at IlO ta alive: tbe market aioeeej ladlaea sella, IsBUHirous. 27.

Cimt-Market dull eomnson to enotee sheBDina- ii 00 Market steady; oommoa to best grades 4. 1040,4. 13. bwxap aXD Laws Market dull; common to good grade S1.7u(3.oO; lama A.itu3.7A, Ma4klIlaTa JJY TialalaCiitAP It' Uetksna's Crela, Provision and Cettow Trade. iSpedal tu the Courier-Journal.

1 Kiw Tosut. Aug. 37 Tbe wheat speculations were very bt Isk to-day, and pretty well dlntrlb-uted. but confined mainly to October and No vember deUverle. The foreign grain markets today, according to Boerbohm's report, were generally eaaier for wheat and staalier for corn.

Chicago spriug for prompt shipment was 3J lower. Wheat and corn on poassg were steadily field. The arrivals of wheat off coan were large, and of corn none. Tbe weather ia na ettled. When compared wltb the corresponding data of last year, the amount of wheat now on the passage shows a decrease of A.040,000 busbels, and corn au Increase of 630,000 bushel.

The Tisibi supply of whsai in the United State and Canada, with the amount of wheat now at tea for Europe. atnouuU to 00,524.509 bushels, against 3M.3il.615 bushel at the corresponding date of last year, aud of corn, 47a bushels, against 6,207.887 buahel one year go. The wheat at first was reported as being warm. but subsequently aa being dirty. During the first two hours after the openlogthe market were very firm, but weakened on lb posting of some bO, OOO bushels of wheat, mostly No.

8 red winter. in Beard' stores, Erie biain. Brooklyn, he same bavins become warm and weevely. The decline la prices, oowever, was only trifliog. and Lie markets icaly reacted.

it is reported It ml Uivra are yet to arrive at St, outs frui i.tXKJ cars oC wbeat front Indiana, and tnat more li being bought. Tbe Inuutua millers are opposed to selling ui good wueaa. but tbe elrvaiur uin art. ouyiog only tbe best grades for shipment St. Ljuis, while the Interior grades are ueiug seat to Indianapolis and Toledo, where Ihe inspection ia lea ctruumopect.

It la Uiouxht that tnucu of trie flour made from the wheat seut to hi. Louis will be shipped back to Indiana for consumption. Tna receipts ol wheal to-day at the principal extern points are about Vul.000 bush els, agaiust ol.Ooo busiud for tue corrrsiioiid. lug uay ol iat year. '1 be inquiry lor beat lor export has been limited up to p.

Tue oniy sale reported for shi pineal was ltt.00 bush- els soauirru at lc. deb verea. Tuere was a lai luquu-y or corn for export, but the purchase were restricted by light pup plies. lix sales for sniymenl amounted to a. out 48,000 ousuels.

The proviaiou market since noon has been firm witu a fair volume of busiuess, but doaiug lame. lne cotton iQ.rltt-l opvueU tuia ur.iug lor Cotton for future delivery Oun-ly steady at one point advauc. At tue opening call August delivery sold at la 31c, mber. doc, D. 841c, KMe, October, 8.00c; NovemiM-r, 9.0ic; December, H.Olc; February.

0.8-c; Hay, 0.1 Jo; June, ale. aal.a, bals. Alter the opruingcaii and uo to noou tue as firm, erpteiuber delivery ahowing an advance of aoout five puiuts and sue later months tnree 0IUle. Chicasa 'Chsaga. IS Dedal io lbe Cowrier-Jouraal 1 Cbicaoo, Aug.

'SI. On the curb, to-night, October wurat was about "puts" oo tais op tiou were bo aud calls rAitc, The report that some of tbe wheat in one of tbe elevators waa eul of couuition made a weaker feeling on the curb thia morulug and resulted in lowering ton opening quotation fgc from that of last nig-t's close. But tho buperiutendent of the elerator la question empbatical denied the story and prices sharply advanced, more than making good tue loss. Wbil foreign markets were, so far a public cables go, of the stereotyped "dull and no de tuaud" order, exporters had advices which indicated that wheat was a turn dearer. Moreover, tbe weather in England was not th best for harvest operation, aod it was said to be raining in the Vorihwett, besides.

These influence, together with light receipt at Western points, set buyers agoing, and eometuiog of an advance was maiittained. rchwarta A Dupee, Lester Hamill, and Brine Baxter gathered up pretty pood j-. Some of it was probably snot tnat waa being taken in. but 11 was not ail such. Wneu tue word came that New i org had a-aiu posted wheat, the ti.

ws set prices hack a ii lie. and lue bear traders tried to make Hie uiot ot tins opportunity to break lue uiaraet. but trie fforis availeu them llti. 0n, we have got used to the New Yorti Host ing busuiea," was tue couttleBt of a large a neat tne telegram annouuo-lng th fact Were held out to him. "Aiut dor It amuuul to, aityuow" he coutiuued.

"iel the New YtTkeia siop m.xiug wueat, and they will bave a batter quality aud more tuouey as a result." Pork took Vnm back track acaln, and made such good time at it that tbe short who put Uie price up ou themselves, yesterday afternoon, were quite disgusted. October poi lost 2.o a bairel. from iat uight's close, witnin tbe tiit hour ol tbe ira.1. In bears in mis produc bad a story lulu them yesterdsy to tfe effrct that tne barrels were being openeu and tbe meat put into "strips." and so ihey set about covenug their sales, hammer and tnngs. To-day tuey look red.

cuve. and staad around their nearly amply pit in a serious way, aa tnough they bad lost, something. Oata is suit a matter of interest to th August slior s. that option being quoted at -7Uc As for corn, it waa nought tne Heavy engagement of yesierday would atrengUien the price, bui tne promise oi warm weatber seemed to odaet this, and so the market was 'tame. Io the afternoon -at made an advance in svmpathr with New lork.

aud under the belief that Mail-suant Dai-ties were buying uere. September wheat cloeed at Sltjc; October at 83Jnc: Nuvemb at KjAj. N-ptember eo-n cloa.4 at October. bepusatoir oats closod at Uoc; October, May, epiember pork closed al SVo.H; October. tfa.0 JS.UO.

Short ribi lui September closed al October, iV-ptembcr lai closed at jO.iiUiOcto-tuber. tf.30. Cbicaoo, Aug. 27. There was a good speculative business transacted ia wneat to-day, and Ihe feeling developed wa.

strong. Th usual bear influences did not appear tu affect the mar-ku The fact that AO, 000 bushels of wheat had been posted out of condition at New York had; aly a temporary effect. There was a good demand and with Very little wbeat on sale, aud the shorts displtirlug soma anxiety to cover values improved. Tbe influences creating the firmness were enleflr report of wet weather abroad and firmer private cables. The receipts of winter wheat at other poiuts also show a falling off, and this asslideJ the Amines.

Th market opened higher, but quickly advanced and rallied iu all lyfjc, closing ou tue regulv board lc higher than yesterday. Titer as still another advance of Hr" in tbe sf ismoou, tue market closing firm. Tbtre was a fair "demand for corn, aud, indueuoeu by smaller receipts and Sua firmness In wheat, ruled Freight engagements for 410.000 bushels of May also have bad some effect. The market finally closed about He hi her than yesterday. The receipt of oats were liberal, but the market ruled firm.

Th August option ruled fi tn and higher than yesterday. Mess pore opeucd 10fel5o lower, dec-lined additional, ruled steadier, but clos at tbe inside figures. Lard was quiet aud steady. Plour quiet aud unchanged: winter wheat flour $4.00460.6 for aoumeru. st.oOij for Aiacou-am, and lor ul.cnigan; seconds i 4.0O; soft wheat flour S.lJ4--J5.

Mmaesoua kkrs' pateuu A4.7.iA.oo: soft spring iow graue Bye flour $3.103.70. Wheat, the speculative emaud was good aud tue market ruled stronger; tue oprumg priors were. lower, bu. quickly auvsncaJ reactcu, aud lc uigtier tuao yeaier.iay. bales ranged: teller August 7tSVsoV4C, closing at eO bc; seller bepteuiber 7wf4tAOy4C, at aoc; seller October nlnatb'-'jac, closing at 8S5i44tb4c; seller November 1 nuattauc, closing at 84c; 2 spring boc; No 0 spriug 7157; 2 red bl; 3 red ttllc com, tuere wa a fair demand auu iha niaravt rule-i sirouger; price fluctuated wiiniu a rang ot faOc.

end closed tinner. Sales raaged: Uts.i srllrr August dosing at 4 antler eep uinurr 44t4.n. elusnig at 4. 4 44-0; seiltir October ciusiug at 4oA4 iiau; seibtr Aovemoer UU--loJc, closing 40-c. Oats ruied firm, witu tue August op.

ion t-ifra higjer. Sales ranged; Uun seller Au-gust 20X41140. closing at 27c; seller September ciwatng at o4; sailer touer 3 ((oc. rtye is sieaoy; No ooc. Fiax seed lasuoiiger; to 1 $L1U.

Ideas por opened luloc lower. iuloc aJutUouai. aud closed ateady at iuside Cgure. 8atea ranged: Cash seller a.JM, closing at $3 o-Hs-O-Oa: eier Ociooer eo.0ost8.05. cluoiug at ad.oOAB.u-.'; seder veuluer closing at o.BiivuV.87U LarU ruled steauy an quiet.

Sales ranged: Cau seller September o. closing S5; seller October so 0.3O. seller November 0 doaiug at boaed mcAtsurm; dry-salted shoulders soon rib sides snort clear siues einiasy nominally Sugars are uncnanged'-cuttoaf 7c: grauulated suudaru Adisu iHe OataiaPruduceAUouaiigauuiter waanrm ereamsry tutst.oc: oir. 1 14A.00.

H(c were- Keceipu lour i.OoObar. wheat auaueis; corn 240.00O bushels; oat I40.00O buanela; rv Iv.Ooo ousnela- barley busnets. Sulpments Flour 000 barrets; wneat 74, 000 nuanets; corn 3i4.uvO ouanela; oat aolOVO buaaaia; rye U.OOO pusuels; narwy laiov outhelt. CBtcaao, Aug. S7.

At the afiawaoon boaru trongwr and 9aV4 bighsw. Corn 4n; niguer. oat war Mo lower lor August, pore was oo uglier. Lara bigher. as le Nrw Tost.

Aur. g7. riarReceipts ILWO Urrels xporu 21.349 bamlst sales 12.806 bar- a. sunemne common 10 good extra Western and Stale AJ.40 A. 'I m.

(uwi chocs so common to enotee whit wheat Wester a extra fancy do S-. 104 A Id: eommnn to enotee extra bt. Louis L45O5.50t tuargst heavy and rataar easier, closing nrm. tiBAiw Wheat was Orra and higher: reeelpta bushels; exporta eo.4ioj bushels: saias buanels of lulurv. aad bushels of spot end to arrivw; No spitug Boo bid.

B7a askedj nogradel red bOiawc: No i red tWJtc; sieamar red 0040: No 2 red WJfe ia aiorei in ele.ator; W4S afloat: U-3 to No whit vie; ungrua white tttc: No a red Seller AilUht nominal at 0.1c: Seller 8epUmber atWllgai) iCHJ closing at KHae: seller Oc a-ber at iatOsec, ct-snng M0O44C; seller riv ember at fctfrsvjkto, closing at lMc; seller bee at-ber at iuibtc doaiug at iMVu: seoer Jaauarr closing at $1 VI; seller Febrairy at iLoo4nL0J4 tdoaing at aeiler Alarcn L4U; seller A pnl at tl.r4iiL05J4. closing ali.o..J,; seller ilay at elowiug at seller Juuaal.Ool.Ota. cJoaiuK al sl.utvik. Cora wa him; reeeipui buaaels; exports HS.78& buahels: sales dofLooo bushels ,4 futures and 7.4. OOo ousul of spot: angraoed aluAol4c: No 4 ooc in cievator; btrmt afio-t; No 2 whiteuoc: low mixed 5lc; yedow 56u50We: N0 3 seller Auguat ic ciustag at 66a: seller bep.ens-bor at u.j4iao'Vc.

closing at seller oci uer at closing at 52c; seller NoTeuiber ai iialirO. closing at alcc Usts ar uigner, closing witu ihe advance partly lost; receipts 3.10.450 bushels: exports iTiVir bushels; naued Wss era 3ot34e; while do 37043fe War 1 nrui aud nemaud ten shipping 75c. lipps Are quiet aud weak; otnuion to euoica Tgtloe. usorrsrs Ooffe. spot fair Rio firmer at sag optiuiis are ies active and Higher; No 7 pau spot o.

7oc; sales of 10.500 bags; aeiler Au-gtut at 0.aXHatk.sjc; seller beptetuoer at o.ooO 0.70c; seller Ociooer at 0.7ufed.;5c; eeUeT November at A 75c: seller December at o.8ot,0.8iu: seuer January at tf.BUe: seuer rVbruary at B.uo o.Onc; seller March at 7c. Sugar Is strong and fainy active; rehued firm; 5H(45ie; xnm Avauvofie: wniie extra AgA yeliow 4Hei: niota A i i-i octaouotiera' A ti Au ice; oi A fie; standard powdered A I 1-iohcUjvC; eut toal and cruaneu 7c; wwanlased a ccbaa totuibr I air oHe. AloiAAAts i qmet: tuba redmug 5o-test Cardenas Sic: Nw Orleans 40Al: common augar-uouae Darbadoes ales rorte itico lc; ttaiaua au4c; Anglian islands .15 440u bicg lsttesdi auu deuuin.i tail i'atna 5V4jC; Rsngouu 4Jtaoo; domestiu Java A4aA efas. i'lTxoLxm Is firm; United Pipe-line Cftrtifl-ea cio-u at 4 t.034 ai i crude in barrets 4v He rettoed li ai Tallow Is at 5j. -COTioxaxao Oib Is quoted at 3S35a for Crude; a.jav.tac reuued.

steady at LOSi.lo for coamoa good SUaiued. 1-oTaToxa-Are steady and demand fair; Bos Norioik ToRPO'TLNic la steady at 3 Aos Are urm anu tu lair r. ueat; receipt AAA pc. tveuern Iresu 14140. LlATHia la unchanged; hoUocg sole.

Buenos Ay re, uud le aud heavy wetgui Woob la q.uel and steady; Uoiuesuc Bsuue 27.1. puiled 14a33c: Texas 02'Jc PaoTiaion Pork is flriuar auu iu moderate de.u uives spot lo.7o: extra prim family maa nies: suortaiear ciear back 1. beef is Ufiva beet is city extra India mess llu; nsw hams 10.5U'.'b; old S10.5Al.60; extra mess $12. Cut meats are uriu; clear Afc: pickled Bellies oc; PMMued siiouiders 4tc; piuxied bams llc; smoked oo 15c; do shoulders 44o; eatera do S4c Lard opened loser, reacted and closed stroug; contract grad spot quoted at $5. cuoice Western steam spot jao.oo; sailer bepteui-ber; seller October toiler November seller December SO.

seller January ti.oo; seller city steamed Bittxb Is una audio fair demand; Western Bit- Elgm oreamery 17Q1UC. Caxcaa is atrouger witu a fair xportdBBaadi birns nominal. lauuoHTs to Lavsaroou Market stead rj oot- tou per steamer td; wneat do Jved. Pwlooa is quist but steady; bVootoa $101 Sl.ou; amsricaa slAlrl-SO. Corpca Is nnu; lage ll4c.

I Laan Is duii; eommou 4J4ii4-c; refined 3. Boc. i is-Is steady; reflned EngUsb nominal; plates t. Laala 6t. Lorts, Aug.

7. Flour was nsch Mured; douoleexir $.1.40 4.3.40; triple extra $33. 16; family A3. choice A ttl laucy Jl. ujl.

puieuu $5. vtbeatopeued aoout steady, then ueclined iutftc. but soou aod a ivauced lc, aud cloaed y4ttaac above t-aiuruay No '-i red cash Maooac; se.iei August 80t'S aellar September n0'gisjc; aeiler October seller O.vic; tue mai kel Closing at th outeiue ngures. Corn was slow but nrm; No 2 mixed caau seller bpu-uibr 40ide; sailer year JjJc. Oats aero firm and niguer; No 2 mixed caau -IHO Joe; seller August oAgc; year auVaitUjc Kye was easier; 5Ju caau; 53o aellar bep.

ember. Lead duU; cueiiiical l.ard 4.1oc; refiued 4 JOc asked, butter wa uuchanged: creamery dairy 1-(iA18c Eggs were firmer al UJ.likC. lax seea was qu e. at $Ll4. Hay was uruiet prairie timothy 12.

Bran was quiet: oue at uiill: ootiaJbu on lue rsu tiack. Corn meal was quiet at Wool waa unchaugeu; tub-was led unwashed Texaa 11 (Sile. Wniaky $1.13. Pruvuiiou at re stronger aud more uoue. foi Lard Bu.k weau, oar-lou f.

o. long clear sides it. Gov; short rio sides a.8uc; snort clear side bo. Bacon, long clear sides 6. short rib side snott ciear eidea u.OotbVO.

7oc Hauis lOj-llc. tteceipta: Flour 3.000 barrels; wneat 0 1,000 buahala; corn 66 ooO buahai; oats 23.0UU bustieu; rye 4.0OO buaaels: barley bunnels. Suipments: Flour barrels; wneat V.uoO busheu; corn oi.vuo uuahels; oaut bulieis; rye none; barley none. fcT. Loci.

Aug. U7. At tue afternoon board ueal was excited and higher: aeiler Auguat eOc" seller September OuJtc; aeUer October trdUo. Corn was firm but dud. Oats ware neglected, i-aiuinere.

Baltmoxx, Aug. 27. Wheat, Western was her, closing quiet; No 3 eatera winter red spot seller August S8c bid; September bSr4b7Va; seller October 8UJ.c; seder Noveuitwr U2ytMa. Corn, Western is steauy aud dull; Western mtrsd spot jt6oMc; Seller epiemoer 4k seiU-ryear 44WiJs 444c: steamer 47c bid. Oat are steady and; eatera while mixed 82.

e. Provisioas are Urm and fairiv active. Mess porg $11. Bulk meats, clear nb aid, pacxd, otdoe. ban n.

suoulUers oc. eiear rib alas 7a. datullVslo. Lard, rsnned 7f4c Eggs are quiei at 13c. Couee dim: Rio cargoe.

ordinary to fair Tfcae. Beeeipu: Flour Ua-rreia; wueat 1 boaasos; oorn buaaels; oats rye 8.000 usual, bmpmeuia: Fiour 3.61J barrels; wheat i4.oo0 bushels; corn 83,000 buahels, -w Urleaas. New OaxAsirs, Aug. 37. Ooffe Is steady; Rio cargoes common to prime 7H0ic.

Sugar is aud unchanged: centrifugal coin in on to fair OstUViHc; good fairt) cnoio nominal; Louui-aua ceuirifugal off wuite Oite; clarided prim yellow titac; seconds 3joc; off yellow o3s uV07c; aeoouds oaoc: cuoice yeJow 7c; cuoicw ellow and wuite tiiiQic Aiolasse is euil; centrifugals common to good common Id fair to good fair 2e; Louisiana cen-tru ugala prim to strictly prim UOiOJc. Kic is steady with a fair demand: Louisiana ordinary to good 4bk jic. braa iu dull aud lower at 7atA Cotiua seed oil is steady; prim cruel 27iaVJrJc; reiined 35V: suium.r yellow 35 Uc: eoosiug 40aA41c; city cage 2io f. e.

Sight exenauge on -New York Sl-nO S1.O00 premium. Sterling exeuange, banKers' biiis o4; tousols ttwdnaan. CnoontATi. Aaz. 27.

Flour was heavy; fasoOr fancy Wheat wa steady: 2 red He; receipts lO.Uoo bushel kiiipuietits l.dOu bushels. Cora was easier: No mixed 430. Oats were irregular; No 2 mixed 2iii 4uVuC- Was firmer: No a0.Vc. bar- try wa In lair demand; extra No 3 fails 2c Pork waa Uull at Jju. Lard was firm at d.l-'!.

bulk meats were easier: enouluars 3. 7 on; saurt rib sida d.70c bacou waa easier aud unenanged; shoulder 4.J?iec: snort rib sides 0.u7Wc: snort eiear sides d. 7oc biaxy. no off eringa: marxet entirety nouuual. sutler waa aulet aul ui.

changed; extra creamery 22Q2JC', fancy dairy 15 tisiuc. uinseea ou r.tJC sugar is firm and uucuangeu; uard refiuea o47c; New Orieaus optic are in iair deuiauu at 11,1 -c Cueese is arm; cuoice mild Ohio lac lory os47c Celts a Alaraeta, Nrw Tobx. Aug. 27. Couon, th market today has been buoyant and decidedly l.igher.

at- leuded with excitement at time. Th Auguat deli very was worged up fully xO potata, and the suoruwere badly squeezed. Latr deliveries are also somewhat b-gher. A featur of strength was that of 10.400 bal. tagen for export to the couunent late yeaterdty.

Cotton Arm; mi.ldliug uptsnds lu 5- 10c; ninldiing oriesns 10 7-10t sales 575 bales; futures closed steady; seller August lO.Aou; wilar neptemoer seUer Ociooer 0.tio seller November 0.62c; seller December U.Coc; seller January 9.73c; sailer February 0.h3u; seller March 0.03a; seller April 10.03c; seller May 10.14c; seller June 10.23c; seller July au.o.o. August deliveries nave been luriber 10-day, lO.odd beiug the Liguest pnoe paid. Ail other months were more or leas affected thereby, but the advance of tbe latter was mostly lost sgain. At the third call only Soo bale of November wre bought at OjSle, aud bales of May at 10.13c bids of 10.ic for August were refused. September wa futures closed steauy.

bale 7.. 000 bales. aw OBMtax. Aug. 87.

Cot too, the market le dull; midttiing iyo; low mldaliug o-loc; good oruiiiary 1-luv; net receipts bales; gross it-eipts 3o4 uaiea; porta to Oreat britain l.lroJ bales; sale sioo bale; sloes bale. jsanrms. Aug. M7. Cotton, the market is quiet; middliac 0c: rweeipt 20; sblo- mer.ts noue; fK J4 oaies; sates oO bales.

M. laHua. X. Cotton, the saarkat le la a i n. i nn.wviosiiai: fwetn 33 bales: aiunmenia a.l b.lnai auu sua ciacutxiTL Aue.

37. Cotton, th market to dull; t-H'(nx ll4ic -w waeaaws anl Star he. Iftw Tox. Aar.2r.-Tha petroleam snarkel ie rrowine a little leas activ day by nay. the letal sale to-day beiug o- ly barrsla.

The market opened strmg at ILO-'H, adraacad I racuon, declined to tbe lowest price ef VV," wre at fracUoa leTT'tV03, ln th Burt woa i roes to fl.OJVA, and cloaed at tuat price, with eX03t bid, a aet gain ot ljc. Transit eertlS. eates opened at and closed at Krikf0- V0J: ship, menu bJtlO barrels; clearance A4a.0oA bar- firm'ita? Wlf OftUWU. wea Maewie. Jobbing trad the market eaubauea activ, and a uuve volame of buisa 1 ie rrnaTsea vrua agents the business is ot large proportion, and for aolj ahead.

TnreU a gria prlSs for dallveries to the beoefll of auyflirtoer advance. Warautta bleached ahlrUngt te, OU, AAA. hU and CC baue Oeolnaa Ua eacn, aud baaTrr treeg dsnjoit 0B grade. The market is firm and IharSeaini. Prints and goods are ac rUoueuT a iu wide demand.

Clotning woolens are tneten req test for heavy goodi, but the order buaiaes for spring is unusually large. fureun naaaciai aad CeiastsraiaL 27. 8 r. Coneol 100U for botb moeey and the aeeoun Bailroad Bond- Atlantic and Ureal Western firsts mil do aeeonda 'c'n vn I7U: uOMeonda WtUiiuolsOsntral 137 Mexican cnarysS? MuwauAeeand bt. Paul oomm.

New York r'uin Central tSZhvZi in the uank drcrrased AuO ,306 durtog toe past week; th proportion of lit bank' re-erve to ita-biiity now 4A Sugar iiewrt tLi cetttrirmral poLtruingat Wtdvias 3d for museovauo fair refining afioaA 1 urpeatine, spini steady at go Bd cat Pajus, Aug. 27. Three 41 cent, rentes BU 15e fort account The weekly statement of tbe bank of i ranee shows an inc-reaee ln a-old of and io silver of Lrrxaroot, Aug. 2tL p. cotton, market nrm aua uiauer; uuddbaa; up land a jWl; midduaav Jn u-iuu; 10.000 oaie.

including (JJ0 Ues for speculatioo and export aad 200 baie of Amerieau. heat quiet but steady. Com ateady witn a fair eiuaucU Uama. long tat J3a cwt, Ltacon, Cuutbrriajid CUt 33a Od cwt; long clear mluules 30. tki short ciear Jer.

4a cat. Cueese, Amartoaa baa dl cwu Turpemiue, spinui tfd flvt. Lard, prime Wesusru 33a 0d cwt. -Ltvaaeooi. Auc.

27. Mir. m. Closet Pork. market steady; prune tastera mes5ts; prima esura mess 45.

Lard steady: spot and seller Auguat, tyeptember and Octouer 33s UO. saal 1s a "1. 0o spring 6104. lour is dull at bs 2d. Com, spot firm at 4a 7d: seller AlurtiMt i a --a.

11 Vs tu, saner rwipisninet eteady at aa iU: seller October steady at 4 7ajd Always Resdf fur a Pig he Delia Fools, a colored denizen of Lafayette street, waa arrested yesterday by Officers Miller and Myer. Delia is a terror on tho uu among the colored fraternity. Sha is six feet six inches tail, and weigh 310 pounds, and cballenges auy nian fight bar with bar knuckle. VVneo under the infln-eooe of liquor, which ia frequently the case, she it ery quarrelsome, and any maa who comes near ber aha slaps down. Yswserdar Charles Porter was th unfortunate victim of Ler fist.

He came too near bar and aba dealt hin a blow in tbe mouth. Porter complained the police and she was arrested. Pell Oat of a Sefoea-story Wladew. Harryi Weitsgerber, a six-year-old eon of H. V.

Weissgerber, of Jio. Aj8 Jackson street, met with a serious accident yesterday morning. The child was sailing a Ait out of a second-story window, in the rear of th boose, and leaning out too far. lost his balance aod fell a distance of about fifteen or twemy feet. Mrs.

Weissgerber beard her son scream, nod ran out to see what waa tbe) ntatrae Rla fmin i iwuu Ullll uucuusviuua XUS bead was bleediufc profusely. Dr. Braocow-ski, who Uvea just across the sUvet. was 1 1 .1 i a nuai iu auu ureaaea tu WOUntu. 31EDICAL.

VALUABLE ItifORfiUTIOII -T0- mmi sumuAUij with diseases OF TH Lirer, Mmi afld Bladder. Read the foTl owing xtracts front th U. avaA llllrfitaa a,oi-iMS. auowiug hie "'-'I 'lnai Ktawu aad aiwa tafat aajchu is gsatiy stiutuiaut, with a pocnilar tsooency lo t-e uroaary JrZZ, ptxJiTj rcaia. aud us all atuuiar ui-uiol lie.

ui7dt apuorwats wueu carcuiintauue iarur tnisTfswiL lae tiotwutots uav loug uaed uiu a vanetrof aseaaes. rroui tu rude praouooersTtaa remouy waa oorrowea by jVaiUeau Wlitn auauumn puyauaaua, by wnos Tn" liouwaeuipioyeaiAurop, aul haa mum Iniogeuera uae. it ia given cmJy piauit tne uniur orgaus. suuu aa tarunaT cuxonns CautiTu of oUdaer, aad mo? bid irriiauun of tu. iWasr a4 trnv lUMaseot tu Proatate, aua neteauoe or Tnooi-tiueuc of tn orine, iruai sou of tone lata pari concerned in it evacuation, it aas ajaa Beau recouimeudea urftym.

Cnrooio staaue niatiaui. cuuaueoua aaleouou aud UMlar." paraira crava i tuuc, apeneut and diuretia It wa lutroauued luto a.urooeaa ruacaanaTaa aungagoasaooa, auu ujoyeare. IwSlusUosl asaUuiouUlpac UU levoaiuieUud laCaicu- lous AUecuuua, Chroiuo luhamuiauoa aud Lcir-auoa ot tue aaaney. auu A-rvpar and jaoaoica. pui oua loruea is at present umeJ.mpioysUas for ia Tau3 ei carwiM uujease of tu urinary I'lin tr beigajiuaii rouliuau4 Tofr iZTiaatct' liinaiiiiuatioa of tu olaUder, in aiUylu irrita- buity ol tnat organ and corVecuo suVdrtnos? 5 uou proida uiuoous secreuou: and it ua aj-' srqueuuy wun mio geueral use ui uZb1Z.

lacuoca. Cleat aavantag may otuZoZt. eUUI, wfl-WiatsnuiiUi'i xtraes of BaenuanA Pareu-a Brave ua aa tue a toe ol ireau ducuu loeaV ea. greaily iiicrwaaed iu its euioacy oy oeiug eou tuned witu ui out lugreuieai. txeTraiirar.

Cuueos, eumper lorries aud ouhiisol MUM ia sucu a way aa aad graauy to curauv power, it isaoertaiu remeoy tor an eUaeaae oitae Mdaec, auaneys, iropeioal OWslilaZ eio. a has cured every can iJiaOeieTTa wnien na been given. is a speciunSsdy tor uiseaae ol tue frotate uuutjTtlmutVe tae cruie. Jiucous c.7eet,- irrilauJo. UUmC.

in auorWloralldoaJaaes uTin. Lruiary urgana, wnetuer exiauug in male orf tuaie. lur uiany utoaes pecuuAr to ieuMios.1 IsoC great service, aud eapecialiy so is at peruaa termea i. i.t L- foe lAarosts or ifcsutioa, irreguuvrity, laiufuiuesa ec Aur peutiou of csuai i erioda, cloeraied state of tna cterus, Leueorruea or tVaitea, It is aspeotA rsuaeUy. It is a certain cur (or tfeaVwedingla Cididren, lor weaxueas aruuug from early ta xom in youtn.

and ui be (ouud a specido. ilia uo a secret uostrum. but is reeodinteadad and prescribed by our Itii'l ia physicians. Foe al By all oruaawa kaaulacvared sj a 1L urrxaasuTB. i Aatuoa PaTxa it Co.

Louis vtUAv OeoersA WhalesSslAaWU. anAeoOat wm em SAliS. Sparnuttorrliest avnd IsspoiXLCT sstbaeaaatt SBfseii vsvtk, snsal aaMa Is a rsa' uur aatuas. ss sraaoriDf 1st v.I atfareMaeaeneia. Sesilsal Kwliilssa.

(eliln ear Vaa fc swat). Waw af fctct, Uwrr. rw aa.Das.-.rwpfcan ria, InnlnahcanSfaaS Of-aaa -a. Ia. acaaal rsvar "rat' iaanwr alupj, an tbaraert.r am trs JiT -rV-t Gonorrhea.

I Btnctere, OnatlUa. Baraia Auseaa rtaSataaUMr wirats raral. 1. ul steUsesassyiastienJajeaew sr-ua eaaa vf Sletaati. ana uratict tamaas4a aar sl.y sa.rea (Ten akin.

rseitouiBa kaea1aUil lawafa fwxetaws rwa is my csrs. Wat it a- tseaaanwsi vlail tbs dty isr tnausrDt. sMdHsei ks MSI srtrstaa sstfjaAily by stall ar apnea aarekera. C-artu OaAranteed im evil Caaea laaa.aa.Kii amanv ar tv latter fras ss4 "aipi nawsitaaaaAaarraapSrsoaamcUy aealUWaua PRIVATE COTJNSELOR Of WD sacaa, arat laaay rtlita amaly mM.

aVir. OOI aNita. SSaeia Sa fMd b. aU. a4rM 0A fessn fras I A.

trj F. M. lr WL RIOE, Per is years at 37 Ceurt Place, new at 322 llarketStreet, nTiiorril lo 7v Bet. Third and Fourth, JJUlLiUliilUjAa A raralarty elimnl sat iecally aaalts.4 TiTSliSas aaj aw am. R1ERV0US HEDIUTV Prematerc Decline from error or excise.

Leat Power. Diseases of tbe Kidneys. Riade frr. sil rra.taia CLRIiD wlthsat aiessaeb by the Mara ion Bolns. rlrocele cured without Surgery.

Treatloe and teat- si on is!" free. All fwrespoedenee rorifldenrif. JLASATOIf KXXESY C0 er H. TAXSXO 40 West I4tii Suaet, NEW YORK. teAxuew AX.

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