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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 6

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i i I i I I i I i EIGHT LITTLE ONES. Democratic Gatherings For the County and the Seven City Districts. Partj Preparations For the State Convention To Be Held In Lexington. A Complete Litt of the Delegates To Go Frcm Louisville and Jsf-ferton Count. Latnctioni and Besolatiooi Indorsed and Adopted In the Second and the Seventh.

ALL IN PEBTXCT HABXOJIY. Datuoorstic CobtmUuiu were held in all she Legislative diatricta of th city and county yesterday morning, and delegate to Um State Convention to be bald at Lexington. May IS. wr elected. TUB FIRST DIKTmiCT.

The Democrat of tbe First ward, which ajao the First district, sawn bled on the miiam lis at Johnson aad Main streets, yesterday afternoon, about 8:15 o'clock, to elect detonate to tbe Democratic State Contention, to be held in Lexington, on May 16. John M. Letterle wae chosen Chairman of tan lUseTing and John Dreacber wae elected Secretary. It wae unanimously decided to elect the delegate by ballot. 1 be following Delegate! i John M.

Letterle. A. A. StoU. Cbarlae K.

Long. Louis Viasiuan, G. A. Birch, Speed Kiee. Jainaa P.

Gregory, John Dreacber. Frank Goasnell, Roland Miu-tou, William Bobon. A tie rote betwaen Birch and Rice caused tha election of eleven instead of ten delegates. Croe-ouarte' vote was alio wad each. TBS taCOKO DISTRICT.

Martin a Bail on Joiteraon street, near Clay, waa tbe pie of meeting for tbe Second district, oompuaed of toe Second and Third wards. Dr. W. K. Allen callad the convention to order and tbe ode-era were than elected as follows: Chairman, F.

L. Jenkins: Becretnry, C. Koe. On motion Drs. Allen aod Miller were appointed acorn-snittee to eelect tha deiegstas.

Thoaa chosen Miller, J. Sel Miller, P. O'bero, M. K. Allen, J.

l. Offutt, 1 Jenkins, C. Koth, Fred Richterkessing, J. Knhu. Aiternat T.

Eding r. C. C. Boa, SC. J.

Maioney, line Merritr, VV" Herrmann, C. A. Brown, C. W. Lewis.

Mm Hetxel. J. Una. The following waa then offered and adopted: are opposed to Government officials taring tae fatronae or toe Government to furtuer tneir mi private intanMte auti aims by tine una of Government StoreSeeper and. Uauirers in thi die-trb-t.

tbe Municipal loverraeot aa well aa toe Gmeral mhlT tlxi fwuj ut keutueky. in anauers of leguuation peruuniag to toe interest of ei tinea t. tbe same being is conflict with Presi eout Cleveland's orders aa seuig uetnnioalal to public rood." Tbe following resolutions were also adopted: "Krtrt. By the DemocraU of the seooad LejaUTe district of Jffercm county, ooiupueed of I be tfecund aod TnirU wards ot city of XAuiaeUla nt eoneeuion aaaamokxl. Toat ctir etesataa to Ibe State CoavwUoo ara berebr ia to caat tae voto ot tbe Beuond LieKiata-M district, aa a uaik f'ir the Hon.

Cuaries D. Jacoo aa deteKai froni tbe Kifttt CongreaMoaal. Otmrirt. conipoerd uf tbe city of Louisville and Jvtamio cuuuty. to the National Oonoeottoa to be be4d mt ft.

Luuio: wid. it in rurUier. "K-mUiuti. Tuat our deieaua are baieby in-' atracted to cast toe vote if toe Second 1 mumla- tit oBKnot for Hun. J.

K. Hetvinck, of Lhiutoa count'. the Hon. Henry 'H'axierauu, of Jeffersoa couatj, aa ueieguet from the state at large to tarn National Cooveo-Mou; aiao, tuat our litMeKates are uutrncted to rent tbe vote of toe becuod Letctslauee district fur Hoc UavHi H. Smuc.

of Larue county, lor eictto: for iLe State at large. -JemUced. Tnat ibe doxuatef elected at this meettuK are hervbr instructed to caat tbeir votes ter MackKllom Mi ler luretectorof lb t'ooicre-aiaaat utatrtct at ibe cotnin Democratic State Convenuoa to te beid at Leiuugiou, agf-" TUB DMTHICT. The Third dutrict, composed of the Fourth and aifta ward, convened at Scowwttaer'a ti ail. t-a Jefferson street, near Jackson.

Arson Kobu prcsuisd aod F. C. Dauis acted aa atvreiary. Ihe following Fore cooseu to represent the districts at tbe btato con van- teona: Delegates C. D.

Jacob, Jr. B. Caatle aoan, 1. V. Satterwhite.

Jno. H. Uaa- coca. M. H.

Hiip, Aaron Kohn, John D. i Barbour and U. P. McDonald. AJternatea K.

C. Davia, Lewis Kobn-- horst. Norborne Oraj. Jacob Uoerts, Frank Heury. W.

L. Lywua, H. W. Duke and J. R.

bnyder. TBI rtH.TH DISTRICT. (ieorge M. Da ie called the convention of the fourth district, composed of tbe Sixth and eievetjtu warm, to order and tbe organ- 'izaUon was thra ellcted by aiecunif ilr. Iaie cbairman, aud J.

B. Keioer secretary. The following were than chosen: Delecstes Henry Walteraoa. B. F.

Camp, George M. bavie, Tnos. bherley, John baien, K. Uaean. AJtematra Dr.

C. W. Kelly, Alex. P. Humphrey, E.

1'olk Johusou Jaa. B. Smith, Dr. Cary Biai-koum, J. B.

Kmssr. thb rirra district. "Tbe Eighth and Ninth wards, compriaing aha 1f to Legislative district, held tbeir oon- vantioei at too nail at tsixtb and Court rlaoa. Cant. J.

J. McAfee aouunated ISenator Jonu 3icCann for chairman, but tbe latter withdrew iu favor of Hon. Henry Kreiner. Car. McAfee then nominated Hon.

Joe U. If awl, but ba, witnurew ia favor of Mr. Kramer. Thereupon the latter waa elected Chairman and the convention uro- ceuded to busiaeea. Keoator Motann waa nuanimoualy recommended to the State C'ea- trsi CommitUe lor permanent Chairman of tbe Deoiocratic coanuittee of tbe Fifth district.

Ibis position is now bald by Mr. John J. Koach. The convantioo then selected Mr. Rosol Waiasinger aa Secretary.

Tbe ticket choaea consisted the following: Delegates Wilus. Isaao Dinksl-apiel, John McCann. Henry JCretuer, J. C. bilbert, Geo.

Baird. Alternates Lee DinkelspieL Ed Fuller, J. B. Bead. Fat Hopkins, Koaei VV siaainger and Ka Boaler.

TU SIXTH DISTRICT. Democrats of tha Sixth district were called to order at Falls Cay Hall, on Twelfth and Market streets, with Mr. William Price as Chairman, Tbe following were Delegates John Ryan. Mike Htss, Mike BoUeraa, John facaJiy and John Stebec. On saotinn of Mr.

Kyan, Jonn Mallet waa elected chairanan of toe daleiration, and giv-n tnetmctione to vote for Hoot Charles D. Jacob and CoL John a. CaaUsmaa aa deh. (ates to. toe Kattooai coavsntion.

tbx ax a dutrict. Tbe eonventinn of the He van to Lpgtalativa diatrict, com posed of tbe tleveoth and Twallta wards, was hehl at Twenty-sixth ntnat and Portland avenue at 3 o'clock, and was called to order by chairman Ed McCuV On motion, Sir. J. R. Pflans waa made Chainnan, and L.

K. AlcCleery Secretary. There were about forty men present. There was bat one ticket, which waa ananimoaai alerted. That was aa Delegates -A.

D. McCnilottgh, J. PtUnxT W. H. Able, J.

Lindaey. CarrolL. cH Charlton, Wm. Keed, J. Ifevin, Tboe.

ScanloB, H- buckrod, U. Bronger. R. McOeary. Alternates B.

Ureo, W. T. NaTnt, T. Woodson, T. M.

Mourningv Tha following reeolntion waa adopted; "jteotoeaVTbet wa hearUly Indorse the adV minJatretioa of rover Cleveland, and that our eVIea-ates the Mate Coeveauoa are herebv in-atructed to vote osuy for auca candidates lor det-eatas aad alternates frost tbe Mate at 4are to tae Desaocratie coaveuuoa aa will pledge themselves to vote for rover Cfevelaad forMminee for rreaidsot and wul use all hoaor-aUe means to secure bis nomination as long as his name is before the convention as a cana date." Uajor W. H. Thornaa offered the follow lug which was adopted: -Sixolpcd, Ttu rvn ttii'trk to vote tor aiesraie National Uoaven to ed vacate and arrmne aomlnee Oentthat are who win pledge vote for a platform and Dem- for Prssideat Vkw Presl- wtth tae Mule Tariff Bin. Tarn ootmrr coavaatioar. Tbe eonnty Democrats met at the eotiit-hoaaa.

Order waa called by R. W. Herr and tbe eiecttooa of officers then took place. Mr. John K.

Green wne choaen aa chainnan Tbe diatrict aalegatee ware) than nominated aa follows: Deleratae-R. VT. Herr, 8. E. Mtofc.

George H. Aleasndsr, E. D. Brteeoe, John B. Green.

Dr. Bohannn, D. M. Rodman, Cbae. Godsbaw, Nat.

T. Raglaad, Hoott Kewmnn, Robert H. StooestraatjB. Garr. Alternates Dudley Vaugbn, W.

A. Kinney, T. B. Beeler. K.

G. Minor. Murray Ks-lar. W. P.

Hardin, John Jones, J. W. Hoof-ler, John Hennessey and Chaa. Graves. A reeolntion inatmctlng the detegation to vote for Bhaekleford MUler for elector from the State at large was adopted and tbe meet-ins; then adjoorned.

Imports For the Work. The following- is the wport of tie transactions in imported goods st the Custom-house during tbe past week, prepared and compiled by G. Bly. Customhouse broker: t.imna RBCXTVXD. J.

M. obi neon A 3 eases cotton lace; Nottingham. J. laca Sons, 1 eaae eottoa lace Not-MBcham. Wraanpnl meter A eases furniture Birmingham.

Benneet Bros. A IS handle furnltnre Birmingham. And UoO ba rice, Bremen 9 casks wine, Bremen 1 ease ebemieala, Gorilts 1 oasa arames, Leghorn to sundry consignees. trlKiOM Dt-UVtHiCU. Phil Hollenbach, 4 easka Rhine wine; Can Algesheim.

I'hll Holienbaoh, 2 oetsves claret Bordeaux. Kovnthal A 30 bks. earthenware; Uvarpooi. And 300 boxes tin plat. Swan see 1 case eombs, Liverpool: 5 rAse curios, Mar-eelUes: a raaes brandy, Havre; 4 rates wfna, Havre; 1 case wearing apparel.

London: 4 packages earthenware, Liverpool; 93 barreri whisky, Bremen; 1 cask wine, Antwerp: to sundry consignees. MUNICIPAL MISCELLANY. The Weekly Statement of Mortality Prepared By Health Officer Gait Police Clerk Woumoyorn Innovation Other Matters At the City HalL The mortality report for tbe ending May prepared by Dr. W. H.

Health Officer, is aa follows: Gait, the CACSI or DKAT1L 1 Kklnev. B'gtsdia'eof 4 Apoplexy BroncbMUl Cancer of Consumption Convulmone Croup Enterrtia KryatDaiaSL Fever, later, pwr. Fever, typhoid Gangrene Heawcrfamof lu Meningitis, Meningitis, oar o-ept I Oldajre Paralraia a Rneumatism. 1 Kcrcfum 1 Triamua nearentlnm I TauereukMas Thromboau 1 Uremia I Aoctdeat, burn 1 Accident, 1 Wound, stab 1 imcs Ueujorrnaaw of vmuo HearUurgaaie di Inanition. utawperence Kidnov.

ianamtion of I Total es axx. cobon. Male WbSa. aociAi. Rxxjt'a.

oiaade SS Married Kot 4 ATI ITT. LouirviDa. 30 Engtaad Other partaof U. 8.. 1 Other For.

Countr a. 1 Ire la nil 4 Uaaaowa ineiijr AUKS. trader lyeatw.Jt FromlOtoaOu 4 From 50 toa.n 4 From 1 FromtOtoTtU From sto 6... 6 rom 70 to IW 4 From 5 to 10. 1 Frocn Jto 60..

4 Krom i Mot stated. ft WARDS. First ward. Sixth Eleventh oexrouu uro. a tiev'nth ward 8 I wslfth 7 Tlurd ward 7 Eisbth City Hospital 4 Fourth ward.

6 NinUi 7 Otner iaet nail Fiftn 7 Tenth W. H. Galt. M. Health Officer.

A new book of record baa been introduced in the Police Department, and Clerk Jfen-meyer is engaged in filling its first pages with tbe nam oa and information concerning each man. Tbe book ia called tbe "Force Book." It begins with the dam that Chief Wood took charge of hia office, and will hereafter form a part of the records of tbe department. It will contain the names of every man on the force, from chief down, hia birth-place, former occupation, where and wben naturalised if forworn-born, age, whether married or single, residence, date of original appointment, length of service to data and number of badge and key. Heretofore it required considerable time to ascertain tbeee particulars, which may, by tae new m-iKhorl. be ascertained in moment.

Mr. H. W. Konnborst, Tax Receiver, is stul confined to his bed, and ia vary 111. During hia confinement tha office ie in charge of Mr.

Jamas Shelley, hia assistant. The new office on the second floor is a great improvement over tbe old one. Tbe City Engineer's offioe has been temporarily removed to a different room on tae enrond floor, while tha old one ie undergoing Mr. Mayer Hilpp, Deputy Marshal of the City Court, leaves to-day for Penaaoola, wbora be vnu remain six his health. for There were no building permits issued yesterday.

Death retume were made to tbe Health Office yesterday aa fallows: EUn Clifton Griffith, white, acute lobar pneumonia; Alice wheat, white, sixteen years, erysipelas: Maggie E. James, wnite, fourteen years, typhotd lever; George A. Brown, white, twenty-one years, typhoid fevers bister MichaeUa (Mar Dillon), white, forty-six years, typhoid fever. XX IsAHOH CIRCLES. Tbe Bricklayers have plenty at work ahead.

dome street railway exteneioss are being arrangotL The new eoitoavmiil will employ over S0O pecpia, Tte Brewers' strike la becoming a national affair. 2-Tbe new aolU oa the Point will employ about forty sands. Tbe Bakers' Cn'oa had a pleasing sea sioa last evening. Of carpenters in New York only 4, SOI are ortcaaised. National bakers' Union It distributing copies ot the 1-ayaru treaty 7-CarpenterV District Council are growing In favor and numbers.

Cigar-maters' Union headqnartcra will be moveC from Buffalo New York. The German Typographical Union win meet to-day at 3lj3u p. m. In Beck's HalL. The Trade and Labor Assembly will meet next euaday at a UK p.

nv, in Lieder-krana UaJL Tea ostrich teal her tradn has gone down greatly, leather that one told for Vti now eii eff.3x v. The baker la Ccont Zang, ot IA Otk OOO'COO'e epem S4 vauoiA bread shop In Parts. Tha BtiivLera, who bought' tha Sbelny tree Motkodrtt chare will be given posse etieu Janoarv 1688. The Brotfcerbood af Carpealera and Joiners have raised the wages In 179 cities to the teat of The Grand Divrtlon, Order at Ttallway Co nd actors, will meet Tuesday at Toronto, LoalsvlUo will be represented. The Tradea and Labor Assembly has a cA book oa ha 1 te, start It library, bat THE COTmTmt-JOTTBAJjt JjOXnSVTLldE SUNDAY MOVirEXG SLrVT ha an room, The Bteam rorge worss cetnbUahcd a readit-rroom.

HOUKIOAX'S TMAL. Teatlmaay In tha Prelimlnnry E- atsalnatlan af tbn Murderer af Sam- nel llnye nt Rttsy, Kf. Labanoa, May 6. trial of Dr. J.

T. Hourigan was oootinued to-day up te noon, when an ad-Jonrnmsnt was bad until next Tuesday at 9 o'clock. Tbe Common wealth uetmuen more than half through its loeg list of wit. Manas, and if all of them are introdnosd the trial ia likely to be a long one. In tbe main, tbe testimony so far adduced 'ba been of the sams tenor, end much of it merely cumulative, being substantially repetition of that given in tbe Cotraixn-JocnaTAL this morning.

It was furtber hnn tn-dav that on tha altarnoon pre lnr tbe killing. Dr. Houngaa waa at nia father -tw-law's store at Riley, and having bongbteoma floor and potash, asked hie brother-in-law, Samoa! Hays, to charge thstn to his account. Sam declined to do so, but told Hourigan ho would civs them to him, remarking that Hourigan bad not yet paid him the $3.50 which be bad borrowed eome time before. Hourigan refused to accept tbe goods as a gift, and want to B.

J. Hubbard, tha- teJscrapb operator, and tried to borrow $3.50, but Hubbard not having the money by him, bo failed to get the loan. Tbe next day Hourigan came in and paid tbe B3.50, aad the oouvarsatlon which ensued brought oa tbe dimculty. Hays was shot three times, one ball entering near tha navel, a second in the region of lb tempi, a third at tbe back of tha head. So lar the evidence has no shown any attempt on tha part of the deceased to strike Hourigau, or do him any injury prior to the first shot.

It remains to be aeon what tbe defease will be able to produce in tbn way of justification. Method! Foreign Missions. NasfaviUs. May 5. (Special.

Tha Board of Misaion of too Mstbodist Episcopal Church South to-day waa engaged ia the consideration af the various foreign mission fields. The Brazil and China Missions wsre provided lor and the board adjourned during the consideration of tbe Mexican Mission. Tbe piaoee of Dr. infield, ot Arkansas, and Dr. Bar kneed.

of North Carolina, deceased, and of Mr. acrugga, of St. Louis, resigned, wars filled by Uteeiectioa of Dr. Bonnet, editor of too Arkansas MefAevitsr; Dr. Finiey.

of tbe St. Louts Conference, and Mr BwindeU, of the North Carolina conference. Bisbop Wilson and Dr. Young J. Allen wars elected dala-gatea to tbe World's Misaion Coniaronoa, which meets in London in June.

Mr. Graee Wne llenornblr DlamlaeeeL It was (taxed several day ago that Mr. J. L. Grace had conrpromlsed the charge made against him by Mr.

X. G. Strohmau, of obtaining 018 under false preteasee. Tbe fact was that Mr. Urate was honorably dismissed by Judge Thompson, the court holding that there were no fahte proteoses In tbe bargain made between the two.

Mr. Grace hsd been employed by Mr. Camp to act as chief uher, and Mipply his ssltanta. He sold tbe place to Mr. otrohman, having Mr.

Camp's consent to get some one else to fill tbe place. Mr. Camp did not desire to hsve Mr. btrohman laser charge of tbe place, whereupon the latter swore out the warrant for Mr. Grace's arreet.

Mr. Strohmau did not ask Mr. Ureoe to refund the money, but went at once alter Mr. Camp's refusal to allow him to take tbe place aod swore out Ute warrant for Mr. race's arrest.

Accidental Death At bwymoar. Seymour. May 5. Hpeeiai.) Garret H. Buss, aged soventy-aavan years, and am of the wealthiest and moat prominent German citizens of thia county, waa taken tck, and to relieve bis pain ba swallowed, by mitks.

a large doss of crud carbolic avid, from the effects of which be died in great agony in a few hours. "Natnjrul Gas In Tennessee May (Special. There is great excitement on Copper Rldre, eight mile north of this city, caused by the discovery of -oral gas. Several men ware- digging a suaft in ieareh of manganete and hau cat bod a depth of forty feet when tbe whole bottom waa Mown out by a stream of gas. several mlneralogitta have gone to examine tbe phenomenon.

Chinese Good Grabbed. Montreal, May 4. Customs officer have seised 75,000 worth of Chi Dees good for undervaluation. They are consigned to tbe King Tsi Ching Company, which is about opening a branch establish man here. Mow Kow, toe agent of the company, has gone to Ottawa to endeavor to settle tha matter.

Craahed By Stone. Knoxville, May Special.) Thos. Durden, a masonry contractor on tbe line of the Powell's Valley railroad, was killed this morning by a stone from a blast. Ills skull wsl literally mashed to a Jelly, aud death waa almost Instantaneous, lie leaves a wife and several children. Keely Granted an Extension.

Philadelphia, May 5. Judge Finletter today, at the request of counsel for Joan W. Keely, granted aa extension of sixty day in tbe time for too inspection tbe Keely Motor recently ordered by toe court. The time as per the previous order of lb court would have expired on Monday next. For Cleveland nnd HIL Utica, N.

May 5. Tbe thro Democratic aatemhlH diatricta convention in thia county to-day indorsed the administrations of r-reaulent Cleveland and Gov. Hill, and instructed their delegate to the State Con-vanUoaXor them. Lexington. Lxacoa.

May 5. 8pedal. Mra. SsiosCox. ot Cincinnati, la the guest of her daugnter.

Mra. H. H. Thompson, of this city. Mr.

J. B. Wugu I quit sick with 'fl-Twm-tory rnenmaiism. at her soma ea the Bussed Cave pike. Mies Mary Gtlnmre, who has been viattipg la Cyataianatorlhe past two weeas, ha returned CoL B.

H. Courtney, a leading banker, and formerly of Louievuia. marry Miss VVe-t, daughter of tbe lata Col. K. West, Jus is.

Maa Lilla Jacob, of this city, will aad for Europe oa toe Suth, ia. company with her cousin, Mrs, Alex. Clara. Miss Kata Nugent ha returned from a vtsi te relatives at Boring Station. Man Harvey, of New Orleans, vantiag relatives ia Una citjr.

Miss Mary Basset, of Indianapolis, hi the guest of relatives aad rrieads ia tow city. Man Had ley Stooe, of Woodford county, i viai tug ia tha city. Mies Laura Lyons, of Louisville, who has bean vieiting in Uus city, ha returned home. Mrs, VK- Ulaaa of Georgetown, baa faaea visiting ia tha city uus week. Col.

E. B. Blaine and wKa ara vauuax in MayeviUe. Xias Carrie Blaksmor has retornad from a vahl to raakion. iss May MeHrard Ie viaitmg her slater Mrs.

J. Graves, at Paynea Depot. Notes. Among these who leave Monday apoa the ex-euraioa to Liule Falla ara: Mas Barrat, Mr. aad Mrs.

Cnaa, Gbeena. Mr. aad Mrs. N. Bid.

Phut, Mr. and Mr. Dexter Belknap, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa.

Gibson, Ms. aad Mrs, AUlia Cox, Mr. bam Caitlemaa aad daughters, Mr. W. N.

Kolph. Mas Scarlett, Mr. Chaa. rata, Mr. aad Mra.

W. c. Xaaoriok, Mr. John Capertoa. Mr.

Jobs a. Pbelpa, Mr. A G. Muna, Mr. Jesas aliddaMoa, CoC Jno.

B. Caaikim and wife, LhanvGov. Bryan and Hon, Cbaa. TA Jacob. Mis Uly Turenr gava a tea Friday afternuon ia honor ot Miss Crawford, of CleveiandV Miss Jer.nle Morton entertained tbn Fortnightly Juschrs dub Uat Thiirsday.

---Mr. Joseph Sprsguo gave a box party at M-cauley'. i Theater Wednesday evening la honor of Mis Goodrich, of Milwaukee. he other ladies of party Were Mitae Carrie- liana, belenah Barret and Juacsh-Lao bl kancy Mia Edith Foadiek aatortainod the Blue Mocking dub last Thursday. Miss Carrie wood entertained Tuesday evening In honor of.

Miss neebersar. ed Misses Seeberrer, Cants Wood, Louis Todd. merino Messrs, Tom Todd. Sam Look, Lee Bloom aad Odiorne Mimposai a box pari)' st Macauley's Wcduoxlay even, 04. Mr.

Clement fetplcfurd l'gettns np a rauiata to ba given soon at Hampton la Silas Strnnas Annwnl Bnlt, Ml Katie BHraas aarraal baU, which off at the Musical Clab HalL last Fri day evening, wa a very Intoreatlng event. The hall was well filled, aa the baa a Urge clast and there wa a large attendance of patron. The ball opened with a waits, which was followed by several parlor dances, and then came a march, wnloh waa one of tbe best thing on the programaae. Tee evolution were unusually complicated, bat the children, largo and mHl were so thoroughly drilled as to through without a break. The "Pretrte Queen Quadrille" la a new and very attractive dance, having a variety of pretty figures, with frequent change of the time.

Tbe solos, which came later Is the evening, were all beautifully dona. Among the best dancers were Miss Jennie Cook Webb, who did aoaotoh darce, La Marilesa. with eatanet accompaniment, very gracefully; Mis Minnie Ella 8 he Hey, who danced the Sylvia ballet as a solo, and Miss Pearl Miller, who did a Spanish dance, La Mlnota," with Castanet accompauimenL Little Katie Moore, not quit five year old, danced the aame solo very prettily. The Rope Dance done by Misses Ethel Davis, Mara Winn, Kvelyn Lultcoe aod IVart MUler was executed In excellent st)le, and tbe same dance by MImcs Leua KUber, Minnie EUa tiherley, Jennie Cook Webb, waa also well done. The Highland Fling was beautifully done by eight of th larger girl.

MltMS Ethel Davis, Uattl Speckiuaa, Km ma TronneU, Lena Fisher, Amy Joseph, Mora Wins, LUue Fraser and Evelyn Kri. coe. Among the smaller children who danced well were little Richard and Anna Deitzman. Tha Highland Fllhg, by Maater Morris Baird, who was picturesquely Areited In the kill and plaid, and Miss Jennie Cook Webb, was among tbe good things. Tbe children's dance closed with a graceful G-vottevUianced by Misses Webb, Joseph, Sher-ley.

Fisher. Magie Belle fchaw. After tbe fancy rtinces were finished and tha children went home, the festivity was continued by the grown boys and girl. Mis Strauss' class will open again in October. Plenannt Occasion.

A raoeptton was given by Judge and Mrs. Biuce laatTbursday afternoon from to o'clock. In bonor of Mies Tucker, of VIrghua, aad Mies Bria-gs, of Naahvula. Among those present wers Mr. aad Mra Helm Bruce, Mrs.

Mary Clark, Mrs. Cril CoUinga, Mrs. Henry Chiirchill.Mrs. Harry Harry Giuuore, Mrs. Charles Merri wether.

Mrs. T. Q. Gay lord. Misses Margie aad Piakie TUlmaa.

Margh) IVjttet. Louies Nooe, Misses Nortoe, Juliet Lea. Joaepaine Stickney. Emartaa aad beaupie, Isabel Fitch, Luuly Foreman, Mary Wooasyi Ueaara. Geo.

i Anderson, Stephen Shepherd. Tboe. aad Jonn' Jacob, Chaa. Campbell, K. P.

IlalUak. Law Btoom. Stuart BaU. Mr. Lee.

ot Brooklyn. Mr. Hrmieoor. of New York, aad Mr. Churchill gives a diaaer Uus bar slater.

Mrs. Bsalett. of New Orleans. Mrs, T. tt.

Gaj lord gave abandsosa lancn to Mrs. Gerard SUiyveaant Thursday at o'clock. The deeorattoaa were att la ptak aad yeilow. aad very tastefnl ia tbeir asTengvaieet. Covers ware bud for twelve.

Tbe ladies present wars Mra. Stuyveeaxu, Mrs. Jloyd. Mrs. Phil! Bate.

Mrs. P. IX Carly, Mrs. W. Hesuung.

Mrs. J. T. Moore. Mrs.

Amos Sticfcaey, Mra, Cm CoUsaga. Mrs. J. C. MoCoUough.

Mrs? Arthur WOlard and Mrs. St. John Boyle. Gae of th moat plea seat aad 1111 rmf ill ea-teetain merits of tbe season was the miialcaie of Mra. Anna Bmist wad's claaeea, at Baldwin's Musm Hall, last evening.

The hall was well Hiied with, the free ads of both tisrhnr and pupos. aad the latter rave evidence, ia tbe various aeieMione rendered, of careful and competent training. The success of the concert waa due la no small degree to th assistance of Mr. Mania, Misses Jessie aad Mary Martin and Hodapp aad Woarner. A pleasant tnnsisr party wa Wednesday by Mr.

Henry Wattersoa to some young ladies, who spent a particularly agreeable evening ia wuasaaiag Mr. Jefferson's performance of "Kip Van Winkle." Too children, wae were beautifully dressed aad made aa -r-r-M I aad exceedingly attractive group, were chaperoned by Mi a. John Maeeuley. They were: Manes Ethel Wattersoa, Lily Alexander. Pickett Johnson.

Bessie Applegats, Mary and Rachel Macauley. Masters Henry and Harvey attar-son, Willie and Hamilton Applegate. -Miss Helea Glfford gave a speculation party at father's residence oa Oak street Friday evening. The following ladies aad gial'iiaia were present: Miaeea Miller. Adams.

Hani. Marriott and Undenburger.aad Mover. Bonnie, Vance, Helnaoha. Thum. Parker, Jefferson.

Swan and Carrtck. Th prises wers won by Mane Miller, Summer and Marriott, and Burton Vance. Weddings, Tbe nMu-riage of Mr. Charles Kriecer and Miss Annie Heeksmp took piaeeat the residence of the bride' parent on last Thuraday evening. After the ceremony the guests partook of aa ale-rant supper, aad toe yount; couple left for a lour The engagemaat ot Mr.

Louis Mossier, of Lebaooa, to Man Enuna Oppeabetmer, of this city, la announced. Cards have been received' that caty aa-noimcing the marriage of Mr. N. O. Heediy aad Miss Florence CnapoeU, wbieh ia to be the residence of tha brine' parents la cada.

at high noon. May. Mr. Heauly I General Agent for Kentucky, of tha Given. HeadleyAOa, Tobacco Wareacnaa of tafctcity.

Mha Cbappeil will be moat piaasanUy remembered as one of th graduate of Aosd-emy ia (87s. Vial tare. Mies Marie Jan Herr at vaating bar aunt, Mra. a W. Hrr, ewe Ughth street.

MrvLucy tKone Black well, of Boston, wiU be tbe guest of Mra. Avery, during tha present week. She ia to lecture in tbe aaait hall of the Fmyteehaio oa Monday night oa Womaa Suffrage. Mrs. H.

W. Hunt, nee Eugenie Contmaadeur, of Odaago, is vhiting bar parents. Ms. and Mrs. Mrs.

M. E. Allan, of Trim hi oounty. Mvkdt-ing her daughter, Mrs. R.

M. Hnghsa. MhaesLulaand Maud Ur ana. of Ctsrksvina, Tennessee, wul be with Mr. aad Mrs.

Wesley W. Chestnut, during the Dra-suatie Festival. -Mrs, Banlett, ot New Orlesaa, Is lbs guest of Mr. Henry CburculU. -Mrs.

Tom Mitchell, of Bowling Green, visit Miss Anns Cowles thia week. Mr. Witt BirnarJaaa, of Msade couatv. spas aevoral day la the city last week, th guest ot Mrs. Mack Scanner -and Mia Maul dark.

Mrs. David Niabat, of EvaasviU, I vkdtiag Mr. W. H. Frayaer, S00 Fifth areea.

Mr. Louis Mossier, ot Lebanon, IneL. wfil be in the city to-morrow visiting Mr. aad Mrs, L. OppssdMMsasr, No.

Ms East Broadway. -Mis Ma Bruce Brnnn, of tte clam of ths Cincinnati Wesley an Oauejr. accompanasl br Mow Dorr Magrath, of Athena, Ohio, at yiaaV lag her pareat at So. 7X7 Fifth sienna Mrs. J.

W. Spotts, of Uriaodo. Florida, at here, and wiU spend the summer with bar mother, Mra E. Meteaif, SI 14 Floyd street. Mr.

and Mr. 3. Chandler, Mrs. W. B.

Hmkle, Mrs. U. P. Bacon. Mies Bacon, Miss Ragoa, Mr.

Clarearo Htakla, of Kvaasrrllle, aad Mr. 8. A. Fowler, of Psdocah, wUl form a. party for th Booth-Barrett BranuUio Festival.

Mrs. and Miss Bacon are expected la th city 00 Tuesday evening- They vrtu be of toe Louiavuie Hotel. Mis Rid Watklns, cf Owens bora, and SHOW WINDOW OF BARGAINS IN OUR SEW Wraie im Special Batgi Column From now on we hare determined to make this a distinct! re feature of onr business. We will quote specialties at from one-third to one-fourth their actual ralue. This we guarantee.

Each week we will endeavor to display something new and attractive at ficures that can not be approached. For IniayFTMs We Offer Choice of 50 Combination Suits FOR $5.98. These are All-wool and Silk and Wool fabrics of the latest spring patterns, not one of them but what previously retailed for S20, and some as high as 829.50. These are rare bargains. LACES LACES $5,000 JOB Mci ana TorcHon Lu AT 50c ON THE $1.

This purchase we hare divided into two lots LOT NO. 1. ATlOe per yard, not a yard worth less than 25c; LOT NO. 2, AT loe yard, never sold less than 0 cents. In these lots are included Medici and Torchon Edging and Inserting, from 3 to tt inches wide, very heavy, worth 50e to GOc per yard.

A IT WILL A FAi iUU To Watek for Oar Trade Mark COLUMN. LJ Mlt Alice Hlne, ot Frankfort, will arrlv Monday, and will spend several week with Miss Annie MeClarty, Louisville HoteL Miss Maggie Evans, of Owensboro, wul visit relatives la tbe city this weak. Hku Cora Xallau, ot Madiaon, IL. I visiting Misses FlUa-erald. Parkland.

Mies Mamie Gist, of New Castle, Is the guest ot Mr. Goorge Dou. -Mr. and Mrs. N.

E. Venablo ar Tl si ting Mrs. B. Mitchell. His Perey Coffee and Miss of Memphis, will arrive here about May 15 to visit Mis Masai Kennedy.

Mrs. Cjarenco Megtemry, ot Birmingham, I the guest ot Mi. Ben Currey. Mis Lltsle Kelly, ot Forest, Is ThiUag Mi Sell Unnt. Oat nt Town.

-Man Mary Pope McKay is Hatting her sister, Mrs. BL Gordon at Buwdahaca. Ala. Mrs. J.

F. McKay Is vtatthur her daughter. Mrs. a B. Gordon, at Birmingham.

Ala. Mrs. Kenning and Man Lull Henalng left last night for New York. Mrs. Wolf oik ia epsadtag a few day In tbe country with her oeuat, Miaa Faaai BaU Herr.

Mra. Cl.K. Jonas Veft Thursday for Brooklyn to spend the aanunar. Miss Sophia Smith has goo to Pews Valley to spend th aunumer. Mr.

George Bottle want to IadiaaapoU Friday Mrs. Thos. MeyasD left Friday to spend the aa miner with relative la Atlanta. Ga. Miss Carrie Heynell has removed te SOS East Broadway.

She wul leave about tae let of June to Join her mother ia Atlanta. Mr. E. Warm toft Thiirsday for a trip to Maw Glea Harris Is visiting Mas Kate Green fat Frankfort. Mr.

and Mrs. John Otter sail far Bartons June 1. Mr. aod Mrs. J.

Todd left for New York Friday. tytaU for Europe oa ths nth. Mrs. Annie Cunningham nod Mis, Dot. tie cuaolnxham leave next lueaaay- for Indian ISrrUurr.

tu remain durinx the Retara. Mr. and Mrs. Et A. Bali returned bon Thursday i Mrs.

Cyrus Marsh returned after a pleasant visit ia St. Louis. Ur aad Mrs. Will pUcher (nee Ooea). Lsv returned front Old Pout Comfort aad the East and wiU reside at 1344, New Broadway.

-TJ. Murahal Grass returned yestsrday aaora-lag trout a week's viau to hi home ia Brecxia-ndge county. While there be sddad by pur. chase sou more acre to his farm and picked up several pouads of flesh. Mra.

IX Carle left Thursday alga far her borne in Tuxedo. X. Y. Mr. Katie Vngeraad Mias Msnuo Safer wOl ilOTICEi 1888.

ri' jjJT3T; msmm Ave. ma NO SUCH BABGACJS EVER HEABD OF IK Colored Dress Goods SILKS, As we are offering TO THE TRADE THIS WEEK. 150 pes. All-Wool Combination Suitings, with plain and fancy to match. AT 49c PER YARD.

Actual ralue $le Importer's loss, not 98 PIECES 42-inch All-Wool Henrietta, in in all the new shades, AT 69c PER YARD; gond ralue at Si. Some extraordinary bargains in PRIESTLEY'S BLACK GOODS 42-in. Silk Warp Henriettas AT SI. 19 PER YARD; Good ralue at $1.65. ALL-WOOL NUN'S TAILING, AT 69c PER YARD; Reduced from 95c CAJIEL'S HAIR GRENADINES AT 8c PER YARD; Reduced, from $1.25.

(SILK WARP CLAIRETTE, AT 98c PER YARD. Reduced, from $1.25. Lace Stripe Nun's Tailing. AT 69c PER YARD. Reduced frpm85cr, ALL-WOOL CASHMERE, AT 49c PER YARD.

Reduced from 65c Priestley's Bordered Vails and Shawls. Laces and Embroideries We hare received many new designs in 40-Inch Black Chan-tilly and Guipure Flouncings, warranted all silk, of English and French manufacture, and will offer them, fully 2a per cent, under last week's- prices. 25 dozen White II. S. Handkerchiefs, at 12c, worth 25c 75 dozen White Embroidered: Handkerchiefs at 35c, worth 75c 31 nil Ties.

Embroidered, at 9c, cheap at 15c Fort FliOlUSTSe 'y'r The TInest Assortment of Roses and TV aenTaA.vaavf Ham Yal A 1 nn UTiile Cut Mowers a Specialty. Telephone 1S88, rlhr 2. Catalocaa fre. Flower aad ere table See, freah and reliable, Se per paper. F.

WALKER Opposite Hem Custom House, Ho. 644 FOURTH AY EHUE. return Monday front Madison, after a Tans to Mr. Weber. Mra.

John ItTddWon returned Wdndy trn ladlsaapolis Mr. aad Mrs. W. H. Ceen Mas Hayes, of Btehaaond.

who has bean visit- lag Miss Luea Harris. returned Thursday. Miss Lucy Hill. of Isnrlagtea. whoass beea th gust ot Mis Wicxlige.

returned hnsnoTos. dsy. Mrs. AUc wnJiamaon, aftar spndlng the winter at Hot 8oriags. Arit, has returned honvs.

Mrs. Cyrus Marsh returned noaa last Tuesday, after a vast la St. Louis. Mist Effle Ewtag. who- has been Tlait-iac Mis Lotta Matlkew.

yaUey. reinrnedyeterdajr to her JJXt envilla. a Mis Tboeaaso'n. who was 'the wwnt of her sister. Mr.

J. C. Mererraa. returned, to SewcasUe too nrat.ol tna wee. Mrs.

J. M. Athertott and Peter Los Athetton have returned irooi llorida. Mrs. Mnrrajr KeUar ha returned fJunt Hot nprlnics.

Mr. Gersrd Stuyresset Jet yesterday tor. her homo la ew. York, Mas JJalL of dociiinaU. wt ta wtnlk- lng Ml IXxie bhouse.

returns, thi IIan4ttn(ll. BepUnsTfUe, May SpeelsL Mr. J. Walton ha gone ta Isliou, Cia. Miss Ada Sod tt visiting la NsthTfllet Ml Alien Anderson, of Bibb Furnace.

tin, Is vlaiUng relative Ilev. K. L. POweO. the eloquent young pastor of the First Chrtmlan ehurrh.

Lou- ikVUie, will begin, a prwuacied ntoeiing her ra U) -OCR-SPECIAL TRADE-HARK COLUMN or BARGAINS. 0UB SALE OF Ladies', Hisses', and Infants' MUSLIN AND CAMBRIC UNDERWEAR, Which commenced on Monday last, has completely revolutionized the prices for medium and fine quality of Ladles', Misses' and Infants' Muslin and Cam-brie Underwear. Competitors, finding they are unable to undersell us, hare left us masters of the field. Low Prices Rule, And We are the Rulers. This great sale will continue in both our Cloak and Underwear Departments until we hare disposed of the entire stock, and in order to do this we hare put prices to a forced sale basis.

We are obliged to take this step, as we will soon Commence to Enlarge that part of our establishment, thus necessita'lng temporarily dispensing with these departments. WASH GOODS. One ease fignred Linen Lawns at loe, worth 25c 50 pieces fine Satteens at 12 l-2c, good ralne 20c 1 case India Cheeks at 11 l-2e, reduced from 18c. OUfl LIIIEII DtPifllfJI 50 dozen Huck Towels, 36x18, at 8c worth 15c 500 dozen extra large Towels, 48x26, at 19c, worth 35c Special bargains in heavy fine Damask and Huck Towels at 25c, 29c, 39c to 89c 15 pieees bleached Damask, 58 inches wide, at 47e, worth 75c 25 pieces half-bleached Damask, 58 inches wide, at 37c, worth 60c Unpholstery and Cnrtains. Nottingham Cnrtains, 3 yards to 4 1-2 yards long, 69c to $11.50 per pair.

Real Lace CurtAins, 4 yards long, at $8.48, never sold for less than $12.00. Curtain Swiss from 331-2e te 55c per yard. ciuneniig ATiautn ut olio City. SEE OUR PRICES. Geraslnms, T5e ts tl pr dsieaj Rosea, fl.

dsgea: I'abaraso Balaa. eackl UladJalas, 6e eack; th beaatlfal aaUT flswrr, tirajwa lily, 2e earn; Tha 614 Ba Ulj, Mk; Paatie. 6e each; Yerbraaa, toe ftaeot la Ue eltr. Oe Sr 4zeni ilellntrnnaa. aid Monday week, la his 'old church which ho eenred acceptably formerly.

Mr. L. Hollo way. of Badareaa. ta via.

iling Mrs. Joe McCarrolL Mis Kata CUrksvUto. Woolridga to; wtstusc ta E. T. Morris died at her boose In thH nlty Uat Friday.

The Interuieetstee place at Newstead burial ground toatnrday. -Uttls River Baptist church win celebrate ths aemi-eeotennlal anulveraary af w. sieacsain-s entrance into the ministry, the 29U ot thia month, by dinner 7iVc vrita. coBsTvuiatory songs speeche. Miss Mettle Chins, visiting la the eHy.

at: ralrrtow. Is -Mr; Cv Lacy ha returned to the city Improved health. W. H. now, ot KsshTlUe.

wsc la tbn city thi week. sT Vr. 'JoLn T. Bavare, of OwesMbora. Is letting her daughter, Mrs.

A. L. Wilson, at this place. -Mr. V.

X. MeUalt I TtetUng ta StssV Uto. Mrs. Xhanle MrClsnnobaa. of Madison-ille, vial ted the family ot her brother, Co.

A. V. Townee, last eunday. Rev. J.

Iawi. pastor of the Methodist church. absent la Louisville. Mr. Joe sad -Mis Fanny Led ford, of Roaring Springs, were In the eiiy thi ween.

Mr. John P. Campbell ha returned front West Virginia. MImos Carrt Fuqus and Jannls Prater, ot Lalayetta, were In th city Wednesday. President Joha O.

Berkley, ot Oreen-vllle. ha caild a couvrntiuu of (he District (umiay-schoui Iii-Hlulo. to nit In this place June 7 aad o. A large attendance is DUY GOODS tU THEY GO! All onr Dress Goods. All onr Silks.

AH onr French and Domestic Satteens. AH onr Laces and Flounelngt. All our White Goods and Embroideries. All our Embroidered Suits. All our Linen Goods.

All our Hosiery and Underwear. All our Silk and Kid Gloves. All bur Corsets, Collars ami Cuffs. AH our Notions. Everything will le reduced, as our stock must be reduoed.

We cannot quote prices as it would tike too-much space and time. Price anv- where and everywhere, then come to price our goods and yon wiU that we mean business. Every ar-' tide in the house must be rafneed." Our Stock of Black and Qci. '-ored Dress Goods is tke Best complete in the city La isort. ment of colors.

Many new goods just recaTei from recent large sales in New York of which our customers get the Lea-. efit of this rare sale. Don't fail to avail yourselves ctv this week's opportunity. Remember the Place, N. Cor.

Fourth and Green. P. S. A special discount of 25 per cent, will be allowed ei all of our remnants of Silks, Black and Colored Dress Goods and for Boys' aad Gents' wear, and Satteens. PARASOLS.

Don't MB8U8YG It! If any store in Louis-' ville tnes to make tou think they are underselling George Cross in Parasols and Umbrellas, Don't Yon BeDeye It' any of your neighbors try to convince you that they have seen better or more desirable than those shown by George Cross, Don't Yon BeDoTtf If your best friend claims she has found Par' asols of newer styles and better value for the money: than those offered by -George Cross, Don't Yon Betti Ii! li George Washington's ghost should rise up and -tell you that there was a better place to buy Parasols than George Cross Parasol Store, 413 Fourth avenue, 1 and 2 Cent. labge ob emall QUAirrmxs. AT this expeeted from Owensboro. KnaseilviC. Pnueeton and other point.

11 nrr ad a burg. BArredaourg. Mayfc-8pwL--3fesa EsuwaadaadlYaas Marnavare were is Lew vua the first of the Meser. rx Tberaton aid Ed Voraaiilas. were atteadine- court her tan i-JadgeBobt.

BrecawidgeadOo. MiJsrrss were at court, Taaauay, fressDenvuie. Mary Jones aad Boma WBlss-. Ot ClBTIPf flM. laasiiias nf -Mb Mary Shlby.

of Daevlll-. "J't cinitinggusatof Mrs-Lb MagofilS a-Ap-e -Misses Lucy Tate. Lney Lawry a4 ot LaufW- Ooi-e. are spenoml eaya with taeir ecuoeltsia, Man Aaunaa-s near Burgin. J.

-Mis Nnai Smith, ot Lexis rtaa. lawttb aistar, Mr a. Hovrmaa, oT Uie Cs nssghhorhoed. -Mr. McCrohaa.

of Ctaelenstl. JT2 Ceflmaa. ot K-cnotoviuV vsuted Mrs. Cfca.T Tacaertaia wees. MfcwFroaie Lear lath gu" Mrs.

UiulUamdoi oa Case Kua pdta. MJeass Tiny. Burra. SaivUa aad saev iaNlliaArusaai-. btae-ea, c0t' iriitar.

Xarr a. 1 Parrvvill" be- ties, at wan Mr, llaaaah Lewis oa Ap The Mtasea TribWe, of eaat tiaaosv' with 11 1 ili-n i orsytae. a snd i'MrdL t. Cardwe View," eatertained their ssuer, ai JPeri .1 ibesta. .1 nameruoa.

aeci lue Urse vrMn aixl i -kept rinsuiT wivo mecr auuads uaui sa. morning of Uis next day. MOSES MEYER SON, Don't Yon BbMb II! AO S'Mi ct In -M Pf a HatJ lira. ed viu Xi "oll-ti tbe-i huras fte leu isi ot -ml Mr frier, i. oa, iv Mr tor 'irrta ei yr.

Kr. feo Mr. tWvw in, G7 to, i. llr. e-k..

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