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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 8

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

T- ft: r. I- a lapae of mx aonffis. EN QUIREIl, XcnTNATi; OCTOBER 27, 1893 '-a 8 PRESIDENTS Be Held Responsible the Revennes of Roads They Manage, ys M. E. Ingalls of the Big Four and C.

and 0., Rates Will Be Maintained Better Thai Recently. Int Traffic Association Agreement a Miserable Failure. fiaaati Nartbera aid Big Faar Aanual Meetlnga Xatea aid Xewa Fraa. Aleaj Lioe. -ealdrnt M.

E. Incalli. of tha Cheaapeahe I Ohio, who arrived home from Hot Inra. yaaterday morning, wbra i at hla office in the Bis Four building an Ekqi irir representative and baked it he thousht of the declalon of the ted Slates Supreme Court in the Joint i ITJo Aaaorlatton cane aald: "Since the de- in th Trana-Mlaaouri case In March. 7.

I have felt that the Joint Traffic A- iatlon under that decision. to apeak. have a legal lea upon which to id. I was abroad when the decision hi Trana-Miaaouri caae reachfd me and mjr return home 1 waa In fuvor of onllnulna; the Joint Traffic Aaaoclatlon iitherorllclala didn't taka the aame view did and thought It best to continue the bel nit of the opinion that the iremr Court would, upon a hearing of rage, declare in favor of the aaaocia- Vlll the declalon againit the Joint Traffic nclation. lr.

Ingulla. be harmful to the iroadu Vi. not al all. On the contrary, I nk it will be of great benefit to the rall-da. Bo far aa the maintenance of rates been ctnu erned the J.

T. A. has been to advantage to the railroads. In fact, las been a lamentuble failure. Rates never in my railroad experience been poorly maintained or badly demoralised at various times during the life of the roclatloTi- Particularly haa this been caae during the paat alx months.

The lard of Managera of the association made tea. but representatives of the fast tint tines were sent ut to get business, i they would get It by cutting the rates ado by the managers. "The Joint Tragic Association agreement ns a rope of Penalties could not collected, and the railroads have no andlng In Court by which agroements ude by them can be enforced. As I aald, i decision rendered by the Court will rove of great benefit to the railroads. "The Prea'denta will now be held Indl-iduaily reaponalble by the Iirectora and tockholdern for the revenues of their re-i ective companies, and they will have to to It that rates are strictly maintained i ortler to render to the owners of the ic-pertles a satisfactory account of their ti wardship.

"Tha Presidents will give their Traffic nm' Cieneral Freight Agenta pos- Ak (nslrnctlons that rates must be main lined. I hae to-day no Instructed the Big our and Chesapeake and Ohio officials, id I have no doubt the executive officers I the other roads will pursue the same urse, for the reason, as I have said, that he Presidents of the various roads will ow be held personally responsible tor the -venues of their companies, and will not ave the skirts of the Joint Trafflc Aasocla-lon to hide behind as an excuse for de-loralfzatlon In rates and consequent In revenue. There Is no tloubt lat under these conditions rates will be Hter maintained than they have been the Joint Traffic Association regime. "Will the Joint Traffic Association con-nue to do business?" "So far aa the Blar Four rhsunnv. nd Ohio is concerned it will not.

I have otlfled our representatives on the Board of ianagers, Mr. Decatur Axtell. to withdraw tnd resume his former duties with the 'hesa peaks and Ohio Company, of which he i Second Vice President. Some of the at-orneys of the association think there la UIU a. chance for the association on points hat have not been made, but I.

don't, and think the general tdoe. of the railroad of-ciajs Is to accept the decision as linaL The Four and Cheeuuieake and nhie win withdraw from all associations, as it has been decided the railroads have no lesra to enter Into agreements for the maintenance of ratce." "Will the railroads atumpt to form new associations on lines that will be within the law?" "No. nothing can be done until national legislation is secured will give the railroads atandlng in Court to enforce contracts. Uniform rates, and which are reasonable, are gremtly to be desired not only by the railroads, but particularly by the shippers and business community. With such rates enforced under the sanction of the law, the heavy shippers and big dealer Or mere ants will have no advantage over the little fellow, as they have now with their private cars, and through many ways used for obtaining reduced rates that are unknown to the man lo business In a comparatively small way.

The merchants and business! commurrltlrs all over the country recognise tha Importance of uniform and reasonable rates and wtll urge the passage of legislation at the next session of grass that will benefit both the railroads I ana the mercantile world. "What legislation do you think Is necessary. Mr. Ingalla" "There are two changes that should he made In the interstate commerce law which would arid In creating a better condition of affairs. First, the tenth section or Impiis-' onment clause should be stricken out and a new law should be enacted Imposing a fine of say upon the offending corpora- tlon.

make each and every contract or bill of lading a separate offense. Leave out the shipper altogether. You want his TiKxir, If he cheats by underbilling or false Invoices he should be punished, but his at-, tempt to secure a lower rate than his rival should not be Indictable, as you then pre- went getting the testimony you need. With this amendment put Into the law every mil-road official will willingly prosecute his rival for a violation of the law. which he will not do when the penalty Imposed In Imprison-V metit.

A few fines of B.tsTsT would work won. ders In reforming railroad corporations In their management. "2. The law should be amended so that railway corporations can contract with each other for the maintenance of rates or tbe division of business and in case of failure of either party to keen his contract allow the other to sue In -the Courts and recover damages. This, in part, is what la called Dool- lng.

but It Is more than this. It legalises contracts between railway corporations. It may be a contract for maintenance of rates with no division of business. To-day. If two railway comorations contract that thev will maintain the same rates between Baltimore amd New org.

it is a conspiracy, contrary to public policy and cannot be enforced In the Courts. This is an old law which ta not Adapted to modern business methods. It grew up to-protect the puouc in old times. but la no longer necessary and should be changed by legislation. Tha tight to pool orovides that twa or more more railway corporatiana can.

agree to divide the busi-' neaa bat wean competing nolnta on certain proportions, aad tha line that carries more than its share shall pay-a certain eum aa rl a mages for Its failure to keep Its contract. fTna objection to allowing thla haa been that axeeesive rates might be charged. To pro-vt. tact the public In- this matter, enact Into i law upon tha complaint of any cltiaen such rates anal I ba subject to review by tha In- I terstate Commerce Commission or elaa tha aCTeajtrSBt shall ba ended," WILL BE BICDEBS. TIXM strrsv-urp-.

Octaast aw. It Is ra- petted ta railroad drossa here that the aHsaaara OU Oampaay. -wkloh as admtttadty the haavtast slorkhnliV at tha EvsaavTOe and Terra Ttaale Raisraad Coxnpssr. wttt ba ta tba btddtag wwen tne Terra Baats aad nan nan art gii-tslua af the ysndaBa Ik sofat oa Navwatbar at Crawfords- VI lie. The advantaga ta naeoriag control of the Luganapiirt dlTieJoa by tha Standard Oil ptoses Is obvlaaa, aa with-the Rvansvllkt and Terrs Xiaute lanaat liana a direct Haa setwaaa tba Oread Lakee aad the Ohio River woatd be aa-cwred.

st 4a likely -that the narrhssns af tha Iausaport Road arm have to say handsomely V- far it. aa It has been stated aJao. that tba Vaa-' derm It people are after the property, aad It at tens that tha Wahaah antleaeetsd to minis contra! af tba rand at tba time tba Vaadaila It ta tta ays teas. Tba Peanaylvan is Railroad, which aow easa-tjes tmt road. wiU alas be a btddar.

7 eeere ef- iito Tjaiaca 8sJt FstAJtascxV OfJsaer 3C To-- pars and Baata Pa trains will be raaatssj lata riaaldiat at. P. ltlpxey. of the Santa Ft. who aaa Just arrrred here, after aa rnsctrslea at tbe Saa attatoaia-walley taasL -It, tt trae that we save aa eettoa oa the YejJey yatd.

Alt tJxat kt rsq aired ta eoanmBUUI traasfsr la the tsxauU tuaat af sar atatkaoldcfa. think thar la aav bant ilka. Th. win wtktebtr be mads before Jan uary We and nwiwiim tin ausn Tejoa Put. ben has bm anMrf that, ee there la a local ksslssss fsr any art hs that dial Hoc ws wculd do better by buying tlM right te see (hat snara of the Bsathera FarhV UadL We have sot yet anai arts sax us AITEB STOIC MAKKET.

arsctaJ, BtsrATOBI TO "tarn bbbibb Haul and Sopxstxmeeut mu, or t-ia- clroxatl. Partxsnosth snd Vxraiaia were IS this erty to-day examining a roate far the eea-structloe at oranob tress the mala Hne- to the Carey's Run rtmc dxetrtet. This will require 'he construction of about ats miles sf load en the wm side of lb Bcteto River, ant wtll give aa oim mawafilia beat atom Dcopertlee ta em Ota. From Vmmf Bun to tha baooa Bxxena VIMm district la a matter or eras tixsn iw miiee, and It Is bettered Ih C. P.

aod V. artH MM atop at Oarora Ran. tbma two batata tha Una will na wttbra mntiw or a ou ooua aartM of quamaa, lb pmdurt of ajblcb ta I rarriM try may other aimt. na a araajra tbla fiM tba C. P.

a4 V. via ba abb to eoatrat tba CrBetnaaU atona btaalnaaa. BECEIVE ng.TOl'8 BEP0BT8. rsatac tari.m to raa raacriBsa. COLVMBca.

OHIO. Octabrr a. Raoatvar M. Frlloo, of tba a. and H.

Rallwar. bd Ma porta af raealpu and diabanemaaU of tnt road with Uepatr Clark Wblta. of tba Unttad Btataa otirt, rmrarlaa: tba parlod of tba laat atx taoatba. Tba rapoit for tba quarter beginning April 1. ana.

and anting Jatr 90 abowa tha receipt amoumad to 1573.74 47. and tha "dleburaemrau to M. leaving a Balance or Tha raport for the quarter bedaalnc July 1 and endine Bieiuher an ahowa tba rereipta amounted to $-iaXe7a 27. and the dlaburaementa to 31.44B St. ImrlBS a balanra of 21.n4 SO.

WITHCIUWAL AID 00BBEGTI0H. Chicago. October 28. The Associated Press having taken from a newspaper and uaed a statement that Blanton Duncan had been charged by the Southern Pacific Rail road with petrjury. In pleadings before the Interstate Commerce Commission, which offensive personalties by another railroad were stricken out by the commission, and the statement used from the newspaper being sn error, tha Associated Press corrects Its part of that erroneous dispatch by this withdrawal ana correction.

PBE8IDEIT EIPLEY 8AT8. 8aj October ad. D. P. Ripley.

President of the Santa. Pa system, aaya, la ref er-enea to tha Supreme Court declalon asalnet tha Joint Trafllr A seoclatton "Aa a lawyer. I do not rare lo express an opinion as to tba law laid down by the Supreme Court o( the Cnlted States. But as a matter of equity I consider tha decision an outrage, -ma treatment of railroads by the oov eminent la outraawoaa. A railroad la "liber a private corporation or a pubuc corporation.

If tba former. It ahonld ba left alone; If tha latter, then It should be protected, and tbla tba Government doss not do. PJOONgTlTDTIOBAL Chicaoo. October 36. In the habeas corpus proceedings brought tor Ticket Brokers A.

J. Orals. Hogan B. Crosby and Devtd Waseerman, who were Indicted some tune ago for alleged violation of the ticket scalpers act. Judge Dunne, of the Circuit Court, to-day held that the act was unconstitutional.

I 'Oder a recent ruling, however, that unconstitutionality of a law is Insufficient to warrant the release through habeas corpus of persons haM under Its provisions, tne Court dismissed tba petition and remanded the relators to custody. b. aid a s. w. nr8PEonos.

General Manager Rawn. Engineer Maintenance of Way Carol hers. Oeneral Maatar Mechanlo Keuffar, Oeneral Freight Agent MeLavaghlln. Assistant General Freight Agent fee-body. Oeneral Passenger Agent McCgrty.

Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agant Warftl. Superintendent Barnard and BpenaJ claim Agent DeMnea. of the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern, left here yesterday inuimus mi inepvciiun inp over ute aiieeiaetp-pt Division. The party la expected at headquarters again Saturday morning. BIG FOUR AflBUAL The annual meeting of ibe stockholders of the Big Four was bald here yesterday at tbe general offices of tat company and James Barnett, of Cleveland Oeo.

A- Fariow, of Boston, and Alex ander McDonald, of thla city, whose terms aa Directors expired yesterday, were re-alerted for terms of three years each. There ware voted at tba meeting lgl.aos shares of common stork ana ot.sos snares ot preferred stock, WAIT TES H0T7B3. alststca TO YOCNOSTOWR, Oslo. October M. The Broth erhood of Railway Trainmen of the Erie and Ash' tabula Division of tha Pennsylvania Railroad has presented a petition to tba company, asking' that hours constitute a day's work: that day- eon-doctora receive $3 75 per day, braaemen $3 50 per aay.

nignt oondurtors aa so and nignt eraaaman 12 70 per night. The men claim they receive less pay than employee of other roaoa. AIOTHEB BALE OBDEBED. spsctai, ntarsTCS to tars am actus. Ixn'IlvtLLS.

October M. Judge Barr this morning ordered SpedaJ Commissioner Oeorge Du Ralle to make another sale of tba Richmond. KtcholasvUle. Irvine and Baattyvilla Railroad, and to begin with the offer of made by John St 1 tee as Trustee. The sale of tba road on October 9 was set aside by Judgment entered In conformity with the opinion banded down yesterday.

GETTISO MEMBERS. J. R. Decree, the organiser of tbe Order of Railway Telegraphers, was hers yesterday. He ta going over the Big Pour system getting members for the order.

It is understood that a large number of the men are becoming members. From here Mr. Dacres will go east oner the road. He has been over the line from St. Lotus to this etty.

IMPRACTICAL. CHTCAOO. October 2d. An independent Trans-Missouri passenger association has turned out to be wholly Impracticable. At least the roads east of tbe dividing line have reached thla rone hla ton.

They have discharged the committee which they appointed to act with tha committee of lines west of the river to arrange tbe basts of organisation ror sues an association. KORTHEBH AKSUAL The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cincinnati Northern Road was held here yesterday and the old Directors were all re-elect od. ex cept Oeorge R. Sheldon, of New York, who was succeeded by Walter B. Rlcbey, of Lima, Ohio, The board will organise later.

woainra time seduced. sntota, ataraTCsi va yaa aaKwiaaa. WASRUiaTOit. October 28. The work-ins; Urn of all departments of the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad shops was to-day reduced from 50 to 40 hours per week.

Oyer 500 men are affected. K0TE8. Receiver Feltoa, of tbe Cincinnati. New Or-Isana aad Texas Pscfnc. haa some valuable ret tee of the American-Spaa lab war.

among which are a piece ef teak wood front tbe deck ot tbe Cbras-tapher Colon, a six-pound shell that waa Bred at the Vlacaya and failed ta explode and a number of Maaser cartridges. Yesterday Taarnrag 88 of Torrey's Rough Riders arrived here at o'clock over the Queen aad Crescent and left at over the C. H. sad D. for Chtcaao.

Last night ISO ot the aame com- nsaaxJ came In over the aad C. and left at for Chicago, ever the H. sad D. The H. and D.

Inspection party went over tbe Welhtton Division yesterday, and to-day will Inspect frosn Lima to Daytoa. to-morrow, from Oaytoa ta Cincinnati, and oa Saturday, from IndUnapolig ta Uaxalltoa. Ticket Agent John Caasell. of the L. and who was taken saddealy HI st his office an Mom.

day aad wha has been confined to his bed stsce sasaay insaaa wut oe sat to lea I a as tl proving. Receiver Feltoa and Oeneral Passenger Agent) iemaau. new UTIIUS ang Texas Pad fie, arrtvad boaoa from Lulaarcoa yea-terilay ssantiag. Oerteral Baperinteadeat Flaaders and General Pteurbt and Paaaeearer Ageat Bchmdlar. at- the Cincinnati Xortbera.

wars here rsstsidaj Brainard Alitaon, Ceases! Advaitlatug Asaat at the Mlsaoarl Part tie, wheaa aeadaaartasaara at ixla. was Bare yea tat day. Traveling Pa earns as Agent Raaaneniw af I New York wboee aaauOaanars are Batfala. waa bera yaataiday. 1 Kd Casey.

Oewaral Ageat of tha Cincinnati, New rsrlee hmTe-iwa'r- Ttmrataa lewta, ssaaaaar of the Btanawha Dee- i a lAKitmxiu yansrssy mianiag a 'District PasBxinesi' aaasit OailagBer. 'af the Missouri Pacific, arrived, ba at .1 sr- Will ITK Georgia. K. W. Whfta ef'tbe Oeorais Cam tral.

ysstxrday frosn ats basaqaartars at St. Ltxsxa. Chxlmxa Canrpbafl. af the Boutbwaalatn Freight xsaxwaev waa sera ysaramtr zrom ns, Joana. Geaeraf stssnara Agent Miller, of the Erie, was here ewsterdavy frsga, New CHABTEB PEOYISIOIT TOm FsaJtroai't, October 21 Tbo Coort of Appeabi ta tut opinion, by Jadga Btmuua isiskiiad a dacisioa holding; nrstsasstlUrtlosxal tha vsrovlslon In cOuxrtwra baurrtng ArtJoos) tor 4mMm axsinat tha dty aJtsr imeoes te aative ssxxx of of Is MEMORY Of Brave KentucMans Who Sleep at the Historic Held fChiekanaiiga a Will Be Perpetuated By a Single Monument Tb Uii.i and Ccafederate Flap Firled Tgetber VeratBt Grai- it aid Bmbe WrL racial, vtsrarca to Tata sjrai naa IonsviLi.B, October 28.

The work erecting the single monument which will perpetuate at Chlckamsvuga the memory all Kentucklana, both Federal and Confederate, who aleep on that historic Held, will begin next week. It will be finished time for the dedication on November 25. The monument, which will cost erected by the State of Kentucky to her dead heroes, both those who wore the blue and those who wore the gray. The sentiment Is beautifully expressed In the following inscription, which will appear on the monument: I Erected by the State of KENTICKY In Memory of Her Sons Who I Fought ami Fell on This Field. As we are united In life and they united In death, let one monument perpetuate their deeds, and one people, forgetful of all as perities, forever hold In grateful remembrance sll the glories of that terrible conflict, which made all men free and retained every atar In the nation's flag." It la only by a special dispensation that this Inscription, which was taken from a speech delivered by Governor Bradley, waa allowed to be placed on the monument.

It Is the rule that only the historical facts are allowed to be written. But the commission era appointed to select the design, appre ciating the beauties and the peculiar slg nlflcance of this Inscription, wrote to Sec retary Alger for permission to have It placed on the monument, and their request was granted. There are three more of these bronxe dies. The inscription on two others are as follows. One reads: Confederate Organisations From KENTUCKY Engaged Second.

Fourth. Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Infantry Regiments. Second and Third Cavalry Regiments Cobb's and Graves's Batteries. The other reads: Union Organisations From KENTUCKY JSngaged First. Second.

Third. Fourth, Fifth. Sixth. Eighth. Ninth, Tenth.

Fifteenth, Seventeenth. Eighteenth and Twenty-rttrrd Infantry Regiments and Second. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Cavalry Regiments. On the other die is the coat of arms of Kentucky. i The monument will be built entirely of Vermont granite, with the exception of the bronxe work.

Tbe base will be composed of three blocks of granite, 13 by 10. On these will rest four small blocks of granite, which will support the large block, on the face of which the bronxe dlea will be placed. These tablets will be four feet by two feet four Inches. On top of tbe projecting blocks wtll be the old-style mortars and cannon Just above these will be the American flee end tha rvinfadamta flaar. half furled to gether.

These flags will ba alx feat three inches across. There will also be Federal and Confederate devices on the sides of the caps. Then cornea the shaft, on top of which Is a sphere resting on four cannons, and on this sphere Is tbe figure of Bellona. the Roman God- ocas or war. witn sworo gpunsu.

inj mon ument will be 43 feet 1 incnes in neiguu COVINGTON. News of the Conrta. County Court In tha matter of Oeorge Oray. admtBtatrator of Jane E. Oray, deceased.

Eber Adams, statutory guardian of Qraee Ad a ma, Oeorge W. Oray and Orace T. Adams, the Commissioners appointed by tbe Court to Investigate and report aa to tbe susceptibility to an equitable division of certain real estate, report ea that the aame la susosptlbte of a fair and eqult able, division as to -rsiaatson, and the same as determined by the Commissioners ta acceptable to all tba parties to tbe suit, taey as apart to rieoee. fw, a ha the aouth side of Fourth street. Js feet west of Philadelphia atreet.

by feet. To Orace T. Adama. lot on the north side of Elm street. 2S0 feet west of Philsdetphta, 2S by 87 feet: also, a tract af toad ta Campbell County containing IT acres.

Tbe Commissioners are Messrs. T. B. Wise. John Otll and Bnnia Kenney.

The report was eoaArmed. and T. Wise appointed Special Oom ml sat oner to make the deeds. Which be did. Michael Hare, oa his own motion, was assessed for aoo state and county taxes on three parcels of land oa Dry Creek, containing 11 "police Court John Bell, colored, was charged with shooting with Intent to kill Frank Polk, also colored.

leputy Circuit Court Clerk Rank In Ravi it asked the Indulgence of the Court and stated that he saw no evidence whatever against tbe man to warrant )la being bound over ar even fined for a misdemeanor, and mewed that the action against him be dismissed. The Court continued the esse until this morning. Polk cannot be found. Will Wriggins. colored, waa next called en tbe charge of assaulting his bunched back brother Pearl and striking hiss over the back with a shovel.

Pearl waa unable to appear in Court and was reported aa being In a serious condition from tbe effects of tbe blow received. Judge Pence continued the case until to-day to learn aa to the extent of Pearl's Injuries. William Htmpson. tbe colored lad from Parte, who eeoaoed from tba Insane asylum at Lexing ton several weeks ago. and who the authorities there claim they do not want, as be Is not Insane, waa called up, and.

on his prom lea to return borne ax once, was allowed to go. Real Eatate Transfers Anthony Hunesath and wife to their daughter, Anna Bore hers, lot on the east side of Holxoaa street, Mr feet el. Ac. T. w.

Rand ford and wife to J. O. Bellman, rot on the soots net ot wentletn street, 154 rest east of Oreenup. 38 by 46 feet: ll.SUO. Arnold Browa aod wire.

Of Mew Tork; Jobs W. Clendennlng aad wife, of Dayton, Ohio; Chariea M. Cronlnger and wife, of Louisville: Herbert Brown and wife, of Pittsburg. R. H.

Cronlnger and wife, of Dayton. Ohio: t. iinoro xx. it-Tvmingar, ox 01- loub; iiaa? inline Mexnl aad E. Croat narsr and wife, of Cov ington, and Louts B.

Oroolnger. of Covington, hairs of tba late Loreaso D. Cronlnger. ta Sarah A. Cronlnger.

widow of the tweeased. lot on tbe wast aide of Madison avenue, 471, feat north of Eleventh street, 33 by 150 feet; atsa, all personal property ef tba deceased. Including bis printing oroea, engine, artotlag apparatus, type, tooax. Ac; also, tbe lire Insurance of the ilii the Mutual Benefit Lite Insurance Company of ew jersey i or Hew: assa, an otner property. peraooai ana real, ror love aad affection.

The estate rcpr taenia about Meos. Pecallar Tax Cans plication. ts eonfraatad at crsxxunL xrttb a Fcconar state or affairs tn the coHectioa af, te aad caanty taxes that- fat giving him osa- wasrania aanoyxusce sad worry. The Court of tnpssla. ta a raoent dedaton, bald that the cttl- ssna of Central Caetngiua ware earempt from nay hsx a inad and brtdga tax.

The btUa at sment tn the hands of -the tfeerttT eaiUag for i iiataj saxes xui nave tneee roaa aad beirara taaaa bsctwd ad. and tha rial lasts ef CaartreJ Cbvatatoa Ttgtst fully rafuss to pay the taasa tailtiiil hxvaiM. The Sbertff sJiagas his taabttity ta a baa collect oa tha Mas as axade oat by tha nvat rxaad paj mailt of a las that haa beers darlaxea to be aa eriutextsas saa. Altorasys ftldasT Ar-ttsar and Qraex SlmraU. i na isnial Ins a aanslii af taxpayers of Ceatral Covington, ltasw aiiimd Hum to proffer far pajutaal msrery far all taxes, esoept the said road and brtdaw tax.

tusder fsxeeioo 4.1e at tha Kentucky BtatxUee, aaa that kt the teaxasr kt itsrthla by tha gberlg the taxpayer oaa dec.xoe ta pay any tax at alL Baartn Bosks al- wberets to held Usa opea ta mal af a rs-aat tbxs ssmtsaatloa Is bearina- being asked tar. af Cexxtrxvl Cov- tnsrtoa, aad axeartst Brake sppreciates taa fast ba wosxld ant ba liable ta be sx-rppc sufj-norted by a ta eeraai Inn A saaxas H. Nsad, ta MU1- rlusid ap by Ossxstabte Taiaiaia's asset, ta a i bora, af Jad by A. F. saloon of Mr.

far as agasai sd yastm day's stttbag say tha srticie. yM X. At tha aiming ot the Teassg Mea'a Fsai'iiaalli CTutx. tae ooaanxMiee asimiaasd ta arraasra IVw a tnsxs aad aasaa 0Dew. Cosnety leanaiir.

aad oaa find a axsossr ar sssaas of saakhag tha adiswlnrxs tsmt as roaaaco era swing aiissgfiirty daman dad, and nnsi Inaas to ass as mining wars gtvwa irarthst a ask wWcaj 8a vasact, aTtaur Jess 11 tha eosj ann aae) fine In and got ing Ed of of of of In Harry Jobs wars appotatad a i ee. tsto tba advtaaMIHr mi gtvtng aamtthlr'bsaat ar- sr la eaainsr winter sea est if tag of tba ebsbv The Jinae Oraae Oanrlag eesaaq of tha aadt for aorea boaa) la aa alTan gewynMi i iig j' aaai aawareatr erani totl was abw rented te the Mary i Oar Mi art Borrety for a swpoer on for tha aiaia af M. PMrtek'a Hood. IS. Ire he tbe, Cfreatt Casrt reset Jar agalaat tsar Ar-gjnsnt Cot tea Milt Camps ay tor tba recovery of 7.aO damasea for Injurtas sasrtamed erblle la amalui of said ensirain.

The pkUnsig. ta or petition, aileaaa that a gepis ratter arhsla mt ejii ill eWi le kimas aa a asawehtne a eWkv Miasl a SCt Of wheels tbat sboajld base sees eered. bat. thnxagb sawJIsesee aa the part et tbe as Ha da at. were asst.

and tbe- coses usance was that bar was terrtMy aacerated. bruised sad tbe nee hone massed. She further alleges that by nan a of said accident her right ares is now helpless aaa aaraJraea. sad ssks for Judgmeett Is the above aaauKsx. B.

r. Uraslani. attom for plaintiff. The ansroel pocmd party far tba' benefit of the Protaatass Cbltdras-a Home takae place tbla evesv-Ing st tbe borne aa Mad term avenue. natne time daring Tuesday night a number of ferns and plants were stolen from the vestibule of tbe reside oca of Mrs.

Beck, No. U7 Garrard street. Kate and Joeepb Mason, eonrirted of robbing Mrs. He Una Melstyra. of Cpper Oreenup atreet.

tbe limit Oaart laat week, and their pan-lahment fixed at owe year each In tbe penitentiary, bare decMed to accept tbe verdict found against them and will not ask for a new trial- Mrs. Mason told other Inmates of the Jail that aba expected at least three. Sentence will be passed the at aeons hr jodge Tama next atonoay they will be taken to Frankfort to enter upon their terms of confinement. Dr. Chariea Thomas, a leadlna- ohreietaa of this city.

Is closing up hla affairs preparatory to na- to New Orleans to easume marge ana eaatrol of the Immense estate left by Mr. Charles Holmes, his father-in-law. who bad the largest department store In tbe Mouth, together with numeeoes other business interests. Tne oepaxt-ore of Dr. Tbomae will be regretted by a wide circle of friends and acquaintance.

Elmer Ten lev. a Covington boy. one of tbe lead corned 1 ana with Clark Royal Bur-lesqoers at People's Theater, was in the city yesterday, tbe guest of Police and Fire Commissioner Pleck sad Mayor fUilnoca. R. L.

Wilson. 31. and Mollie Hans mgey, 3S. both Bethei. Bath fount v.

secured a marriage license from Deputy ounty tiers tfuo sicinerney laat night and were married by Rev. C. F. Oney. the Eleventh Ktreet M.

E. Church at hla resi dence. No. 65 East Twelfth street. Mrs.

Joseph P. Pope died at her residence. 1016 Ruckle atreet. Indianapolis. Monday morning, of nemorrnage or ina orsin.

one waa tne aaugnxex I wje we i i u. isoosiar, ox to Mr Pope In the Hooaler 185S. and with the exception nt in California has been a I ever since. She has: Vw Sk- mtmm m.nUJ If. Pm It.

the HlMSlCr i Capital In October, a few years spent resident of Indianapolis ever since. many relatives In Covington. Al Mann, of Mltmale. mashed Ms left hand ae- verely yesterday while engaged In unloading barrels st the pickle factory-. Dr.

Bird atended him. htiss Vellie Rurke. sister of Deputy Sheriff Burke, and Jtcob Flick were married yesterday morning at St. Cecelia Church, in Independence, by the pastor. Rev.

Fsther Kolbe. Harry, the Infant son of Mr. Joseph Wabnboff. Fifth and Bakewrll streets, died yesterday of membraneous crop. The ems tne will be buried Price HUI Cemetery to-day.

Mr. Conrad bVhmlOt. one of the collectors of the Newport and Covington bridge, and hla estimable wife yesterday celebrated tha twenty- flfth anniversary of their marriage, and laat night entertained a number of their Intimate frienda at their home. Z4A West Twelfth atreet. In honor of the event.

They were the recipients of many handsome presents on the occasion. There are some 13 or 19 female prisoners In the city Jail, and Turnkey Fred Maurer has been over indulgent In allowing friends to visit them dally at their quarters In the third story of tbe betiding. Several of them commenced to act ugly, nowever. yeateroay, and it was witn consid erable difficulty that tbe turnkey could get them to execute hla orders, which resulted In Ltaxle Jackson being locked up In tba dungeon for tba entire day. rney win receive no more visitors in the future until they learn to appreciate favors extended to them.

The William Riedlln Republican Club will hold an Important meeting to-night at Ita ball. No. 46 rise street. A run attendance la desired, as there la business of importance to ba trsAsaoted. Tbe members of the body also want to expatiate on ny tney are not ror tbe straight Kepubucaa ticket.

The Catholic Institute will bold aa Imnortant meeting to-night at their hail, corner of street and Maduxon svenue. A full attendance of toe memnere Is requesTea. Marriage Licenses William Bell. 24. of Lexing ton, and Lassie K.

Butler, 23, of Covington, both colored. Daniel Brooks. 112. of gtsffordsburr Kv and lAim atemii. is.

or Covington. They were fjxar-rked by Judge O. W. Jameson. Covington secured the lion's share of the boa ore bestowed upon tbe Knights of Pythias Conven tion st atioaissDorougn ID is week In state convention.

John T. Homer waa elected aa Grand Vice Chancellor of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky Max Herbet. Grand District Deputy: Qua Mennlnger. A Id -de-Camp on Oeneral Millwood's staff; John Woodai. Commissary General of the Kentucky Brigade, and Captain James A.

Brown-field, with Company 2f. received tha second prise In the competitive drill. -Mrs. Blansa McOoud waa arraigned before Judge Lewis L. Man son in MlUdaie yesterday afternoon on the charge of evading toll on the Benkltck turnpike on complaint of lira.

Kale Perry Cain. President of the road. County Attorney Bert Simmons prosecuted trie case- and a One aad costs amounting to (21 waa tmposej against the defendant. LUDLOW. Day of Marri atres.

Yesterday was a day of marriages xt ttl James's Church. Rev Father Thomas Kehoe performed three marriages between and 840 o'clock. At o'clock Mr. Dsnisl W. FltsgersJd.

of Mexico City. Mexico, and Miss Mary McCabe, a prominent young lady of tbla city, ware united In tha bory bonds of wedlock. Tba young oouple left for Mexico last night. At 8 o'clock Mr. Dennis Coughltn, super! A-tvndent of the suburban Delivery Company, and Mlaa Llssle Chapltna.

of Mt. Auburn, were married. Miss Chapllna waa a convert to Catholi cism. Doing Deputed by Father Kehoe Last Bun- aay. Miss Nora Callahan and Mr.

Ji were married at 8:30 clock. Mr. aad Mrs. Gilbert Vrn llama arrived here Dayton. Ohio, to attend the yesterday ruaerai or to-day.

slater. Mrs. Waiter C. Wlthrow, Mr. J.

H. Wilbur, of Teketaahav MWei and Mlaa Ethel Kmoey. of Hudson. were married on Sunday afternoon at tbe home ef tar. aad Mrs.

Bentley oa Eon street, by Rev. losers. Mr. Henry Backer, of Nlcholasville. Is tha gtxest of Mr.

and Mrs. James Coanell. of Elm street. Miss Jaste Keaheimer. of Lexington, la TisHlnr ner motner, Mrs.

j. icesneimer. of Elm street. The funeral services of Mrs. Walter Wlthrow win take place from the home of ber parents.

Rev. snd Mrs. C. C. Bun tin.

at Crescent Borings, to-day. A bowling crab, with the following busin- men as meuibeia. has been formed: William Behsirars. Dr. John 8.

McCormtrk. Joseph Wetget. Dr. Jefferson B. 8nyder and Henry noetcner.

VALIDITY Of the Kentucky Medical RagistratiOB Aet Questioned By a Bowling Green Doctor. srsaiAX, srsra-rca to twsi asorrrsura. Bowuw Green October Dr. N. Murphy, of this dty.

to-day Sled a suit enjoining and restraining the State Board of Health from revoking the certificate giv tne blm tbe right to practice mrtHclne In Kentucky. Dr. Murphy has been notified to appear before the board oa the seventh day of November, to answer charges of "unpro fessional conduct," filed against him. The alleged unprofessional conduct aHtstets of advertising to cure cancers snd other sald-to-be-incurable diseases, and- of practicing osteopathy. The doctor denies all of the criarges.

Bad cJalms that too act under which tha board waa organisad la against the United States and Kentucky cxxnstitutiotxs. and that the acts under are niesral and void. He also states la his petition that several members of the board are bo boatlla and bitter toward him that It could not and would not give him a fair trial, even If rt had tha power and authority to heavr and dlsnoaa of tba alleged charges 1 Dr. Murphy claims that tha authority under which the Board of Health, acta make tt accuser, prosecutor, witneaa and Judge. A temporary Injunction ansa granted by Judge Settle, of the Circuit Court, aad November 4.

In thla city, fixed aa the time) and place tor Bearing tree case. The whole question of the authority of tha Kentucky State Board of Health will be brought out. and Anally disposed of. TOO UNCLE iM. fine pea or a atuast EvitltmUj IjajtlSiCtaes).

Ky. ToLarotX Oano. October 3tV TATbUs the tug yacse i stm waa passing down tha rrvar this aftanaootx sba raised a soatex. Tna 8naa ta about S3, years old aad hla faro apnoais ta be all beaten In, lnllcatina' fool play. Tha tsfxaaa ta maa txttild faot Iw leau-aed.

Pa. pars found aet hla from Iaditsn8v Ky. MITST FAT THE DOTClXv FaAN sVPUBT. October The Cvnrt of ApapeaJs to-day sJSnxted a iwigmemt at tha Bracken Circuit Conrt compelling the srxeitty Deposit Cenpany of Marylaad to I tha state 94JK mm tnrrety of ex-SbertfT Thomas Sheehey. who fell befclnd ta his tax eoiiactiona as Shartg ta lo3x, t- Ta win Solo to eon per nan for the her out 1 of of be A.

of A. to NEWPORT. A MsnesCai Tram. A eraa raanu wot be sjwra take aiaslsg al atark's Caarch fa the bail at at tba ewsresv sTsatscky CaHrse of Meade assf Art Choral society aad tba earners s) savntbi af the eoTlega take part. Tii msnssai Alette eat.

p. Ill sum. D. J. Lswaa.

stent ttrkr College's usae (Taaaml in Native Worth" Harem's "Cl i atlas" lset "My Patth Looks ta mie and Ellsakstauavaas. Maaurta oe n.a.i.n 1 Mlaa Floreaca Frssatlta. Arm. Arm. Ta Brave" Mr.

w.iVhMIs hea he ri viae resei fn -a sei.a Mtsa Daisy Til iMiipsiai leetad. Recttati al Oeoese nsmsaev. ess and riuras-l--nln. i w. -Adi Mlaa Amis Dsvtea aad Caoral ocety- Mrs.

Lyons aad Mr. Herrmams. nigrtm of Lave." Mr. D. Humpbray Daviea Sole, with Violin Obllgata "For All Eternity.

airs. j. a. WSBtleirtein. Mlea Xsms t.

and Cham I sre. x.yoas satt COSTai ewcisty. Woenaa Reaiaca A treat- eervRMB 1XVXU the WITS OS a rt. nomaa restaurant keeper who ana of IB and eostst la sll amounting TO, by Magistrate gbefcrar for estng abusive inauning iangaasa lowers otnrer Toss Jolir. created considerable excitement yesterday avorn- Ft.

Thowxas and at the entrance to newport Jail bv violently rial Strug a tempt to place ber in the en cleat bsatile. Her rerueat to pay the Judgment was the raaee of snaiiy landing ta lalL bat not before completely worn out the arresting occurred when aa attempt waa made to place I Li 'V bea tbe tail was reached she again axade things lalereatlag I the omceea, but waa Anally piaeed behind bars. Attorney Phil Ryaa appeared before i r.oog.ri'Th: i Jadga Hodge doted tbe own Slssxaiaani a talliner to appear before blm fxatarday. when Squire She low will also be as del ad to be nuasnl rwt explain by aa Itemised statement how ba made a cost bill amounting to (IT. Jadge Hodge uinae mere xs a mxstaae ta ia la aaamaat and dealrea to neoae the -rw appesa oaa oectoao that a rtefenslanl asae Appeala baa decided that a rti ft ndanl saae be piijed In jalMuTpay eostS itcooiaulgY the cost bill there must have beenxa aseaawai ly large aumber of witnesses, aad Jwtga Hoag.

wants to eee where tha rJZT. wnave ne measy wee ixrswa are wen ansae sad rssx ni tad la Bellevae. Dayioa sad Newport, aad tor tfele "sew to aoaxr creates a ssaastl Banker aVrhroll' The pet It loa ef Jobs c. Bebeoll rar the aaseasmant frost eXs88 sa bat assf sad Property will very llhely he rekarted by lbs Osa- ersl Council. A mxmber af the tsssmaiss -eg "Srhroll doss not sav aarthifas abeaat axe e.

erty altwated ea Nkatb street, east eg Paea'avw. nue. One ot these iota aatd at asaa watet. xeaa eased for 84UO, Aanxxa. int rale.

sler offered him H.aWI for a sat sn iiatb atreet is -sst a at sexrt ant sramll sraaxxd asa aaa a 'ee lese than 11. 300. Ry eaerial art the ir airly over which tbe ooatentioa has a rise a waa aa-sasatd aa farm land while owned by lbs Tayxoe retate. bat tbe provleloa was that la the event Its sale and sabdlvbMoa waa te be aa- seeeea aa city property. The easamlttee feats that If it reduces the eaaassnnnl It woald be vrorktng an Injustice oa a pomei seiaua taas Mr.

Schroll. who. If be purchased a lot Is tbe above property from tbe bank President, would ssstssuil up to the limit." aptlal Events. The marriage of Mr. Robert M.

Paul, a well- known and popular salesman, aad Miss Carrie 1 meson, tba beautiful and accoaiDllshed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Imeson. loss Washington avenue, took place hut even ing at tne resioence oi tne bride's parents. Rev.

V. Slzemore. of tbe First Baptist Church, officiating Miss Aana Terrel. of Mt. Adams, and Mr.

Edwsrd Paul, a brother of the groom, were the attendanta. A sumptuous wadding supper was served to tbe Invited guesta. Tba happy couple will take up their residence on West Eighth street. The marriage or Mr. Joha Cha to Miss Theresa Herringer took place yeaterdajf morning at St.

Stephen's Church with nuptial mass. The marriage of Mr. Henry Ernst Hchwelnxger Miss Susanna May Ctos took place at the residence ef tba bride's parents on Oerman street. After a reception the happy couple left for a trip Xewa of the Conrts. Circuit Court The oorornonwealth of Kentucky and Campbell County through Attorney C.

L. Raison filed suit yesterday against the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company to recover 8738 23 and (73 11. alleged to be due on franchise taxes. Real Estate Transfers Msthlss M. Joaes to Newitt Msy, 33 by 104 feet on tbe north aide of Eiiimn atreet.

in rxesj port gl.uuu. Sams to Win lam K. Hammer. 35 by 104 feet on the north side ot Eighth atreet: 1 1.000. ir The funeral of Fred Wend took place from the family residence, en York street yesterday afternoon.

The lutsi maul waa made at Evergreen Cemetery. Commonwealth Castle: Knights af the Golden Eagle, will have aa open meeting this evening at their lodswrooms in Memorial Hall. A varied programme, consisting or literary and, mnstrai nuts oars, wju oa presented. Ex-Judge Charlee Helm snent veatardav ax Frankfort bafore the Oottrt of Appea hx-wbera be represented tbe Christian Moerietn Ixreerlng Company in tbe -caae of Joha Draddy vs. the Meer- leia tsrexnag ueaiaanfjoi an appeal.

William Edward Cox. of Cincinnati, and Laura Newman, of Newport: John H. Olena aad Anna Martin, both of Newport, were married yes- leruay. One of the George Wiedemann Brewing Com pear's teams ran away at Front and Monmouth streets yesterday morning aad ran up Monmouth to Sixth and over Sixth to tba new stables, where it sxoppea. no Tis-nsgr was a one.

Humane Officer Gran yesterday received a let ter signed "Neighbors Living tn the Vicinity." la which complaint Is made of a house la the vicinity of Eighth street and Washington avenue, where it is alleged a girt IS years of age has aa improper home. Tbe writer aaya that drunken soldiers frequent tbe house, and that the -girl, who la compelled to witness their misconduct. Is sent out for whisky and beer. Officer Ore ft turned the letter over to Chief ef Police Bennett who will Investigate. BELLETUE, ET.

Walter, the esvea-nuoths-old eon of Mr. snd Mrs. John Melfari, of Rensford atreet. died yesterday morning of pneumonia. A meeting will be held at the Btamms Hotel for the purpose of organising labor ex ha age next BUnoay.

There will be a meeting of the vestry of St. John's P. E. Church at the rectory o-night. Mrs.

Oeorge Groat, of Rhensford street, waa eel sad with an apoplectic attack of the left side last evening. Dr. Gould, the attending physician, thinks tbe chances are favorable for ber recovery. The Enaulrer is now on sale at Oauxas E. net ia a orugsxnra, faimtki ana xxerry aveno Miss Mae Morgan, the pianist, of this dty.

snd Miss Calla De Mosaef Newport, the well-known vocalist, win give a recital nere next month. David Abramowits wilt sestet with violin selec tions. DAYTOB, IT. Mr. Heernaa Perkrns, of the gallant Sixth, waa visiting Mr.

W. 8. Eaton Mr. Perkins lust arrived from Cuba, be oeine tba leas with one exception of tbe regiment to leave tbe xe txuea. tie bexeixgad te tbe noapiixu arrtsma of tbe ruts Army Corps, and neaoa waa oetxuned.

ttxeethar with Mr. MeOnlre. another msmbee. Mr. Perkins kt on his way to his some In Low te rms.

Mr. Frank Lsnge. 88 years of age. died Tuesday nignt at axs aoane ea Tniro avenue. Mrs.

James O'Brten. of Sixth snatch worried over tbe mysterious dlasujeiearanos of ber aged father. Mr. Joha Hxvrrxnartea. He Uvea at WHmlrigtoa, Ky.

aad cams here a few days ago ta vleit Mrs. OBriea. On Taesday he left, saying that ba Intended ta take a walk. He never rttuinsd. bea i sr.

and Mrs. O'Brien taasa that be has met witb aa aoddaat- Tbe sol loa have been notified and sre working oa the Miss Blanche Yaagbtut. who was reported exxn-valeectng from aa attack of typhoid fever, had a relapse yearterder- sar. jeaae TaanebHL TOtsoanre taaaoxxa sass. ball pitcher.

Is at boms for tha winter. a The txtaaxral a Me Tbnmss Jsnas tank Blare from the residents of Mr. A. F. Oaetar at 2:16 ytstxiday.

A- J- Ramaey. of tha Baptist Church, oeneiated. The pellbeaeees xeera Meawes. C. B.

Hayward. D. J. Heestaon, p. T.

Kaiga aad B. B. Clajtea, GEM CITY NOTES. In a.eaasataa ailsiie sn sksLUbt ear- sad atone wag-tax tha driver sad ot the tetter. Thnsaae ItcCbynald.

was Oxrewa ta the axoaad aad xxadly tatxaraa. Owe ef the mis wwa giaajd. by Cx-xaxcil laiiiaanrs The nfa sal ta on the optmoa ef the ttoOcitor Uaat BeJtie Radarers. allesina wilful aliriik Tiny swa airrlil ta lliaaia. MM.

Jobs Kaxxrs, 7X K. Jsyasa a H- sad frssas. was IttxmTlarmlrm tsrday aaornissr. He was ismieal ta a bnapttaa, tak. oxaxatam as rsBrm -v, Tbe wU'xaf tbe hxte Ctxartes Headerxcmd appoitsuat axexnstrtx.

estata eattimaiad -lww' J'-- lodaws I. O. O. aad taetr laaxUlea, will aa to npruxgnesa ta-oay xo ire Is as of the Stats Odd AsrDsatatJw. Isro-, trtob PWrc of Alexandria, for ye r-cted loa.

Property sad ratiauat tha ear ta baaed an In hiss eon it at, aa He ef a was' at B. GATHERED OMo-yaU8y: Toviii Cktiee Keriels Grtid Dewm Tt -Saali'PiraplUs, Aid ttt Waole Pat ti a Colami Raadf For BnaklaJit Tablet of Reaiera. oma Lima. October 3S. -A test ease ef the 10 o'clock ordlnanee will be made by C.

L. A liirass, who mads so d-fenaa at the ease- bewagbt aad was Sued flOB and easts. Ba wilt Colonel Henry Taylor died at hts home at Cnl- opoUs to-osy. will ha XXA li TOCSUiTutS. October Ml The rtabtasre of Pstrtrk TrmUa.

In Briar Hill, a subnrb af thU city, was robbed this ssorntns af R7. Mrs. Msiaasst Jenksns. widow of CMmtaMe Joaa H. Jenkins, a victim ot the Braatoa tragedy, began satt to-day far damasea aaalnst r.

Otkgea. adwalawrater-of the Brantoa ZAHBjsVItJJL October 3s- To-day it was an aoeaced that Mm Hetea Maginnia had left the tmT Browa County, where she will enter a vent asd hereafter devote her life te reU- a msmosi1 or one ot tne oldest aaa wealthiest families ef this city FlJtDLAT. October 3A Ed Pratt to-day pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary and waa aesseaosd to atne years ta the penitentiary Pratt waa recently acquitted of the charge of at ssi. be having been wRh Frank Cartaen when the latter allied Omeer Will Holly. FOSTOBIA.

October 3a, Daniel Bhridsr, aged sassier ed at tha Hartar mill, taight stspped a side track to allow a west -bound B. and O. fialgtsi to sass aad was straek by a switch ea-gxwe aad fatally Injured. WaRBB. October ja Rev.

Benjamin T. la Vienna, where he went to unday Pneumonia caused his a Pi esbytsilsa. 78 years old. CARDUMrrOts. October 38.

George R. Hosier, aged TO. died ef apoplexy, at Johasvllie. to-day. waa a aiarraant aad prominent In county poll-teas.

t'rraa SaSDCSKT. October 38-Waoob Werley. Little Sandusky, wss kicked by a colt aad will leae sa eye. IIDIA1A. iKpiAJfAPOua.

October 38. A stranger, sup posed to be James Oowdy. colored, or Anderson. reeisterad last night at the Nicholson Hotel, this city, and this morning waa found dead In bed Aa empty morphine bottle suggests suicide. Wabash.

October 38. Tbe will of Emanuel Beitmaa waa probated to-day. He left from 890. 000 to XT s. 000.

nearly all personality AH the oroDertv is devised to his widow tn trust for his two children. fiHCLBTViLLa'. October Sd. Henry aad Joseph Wilson were placed In Mil for selling some cattle claimed to have been stolen. Their arrest was brought about by a trap sat for them by Sheriff Bchoeich.

Looamspobt. October 38. Mrs. W. B.

West- lake, of Marlon. died here but evening of rheumatism of the heart. She came here to visit ber parents. Mr. aod Mrs.

Horatio Thornton. ORKgifcABTUt. October 8. Riley Brown, a farmer aad stock dealer, waa to-day run over by train. His body waa terribly mangled a death resulted la half an hour.

Richmond. October 38. Ellas Simmons. prominent and wealthy farmer, to-day became suddenly and violently Insane over troubles. IEHTTJOXY.

SHXXBTvru.B, Kf October 26. Two more gold seekers have returned from tbe Klon dike penniless and disgusted. They are Ben Howserend hla son Bam, who left here last Max-eeue Both sar they win never leave Kentucky again. AUOUsTA. October 38.

Albert Grange, a young farmer living near Gertrude, this county, wss In stantly klBed st noon to-day by a span ef horses he was driving running off and throwing him against tree, pressing sis ssuu. HOFAIRav ILLS. October 36. The Coroner's in quest oarer the remains of John Cable (eoloredV, killed by Alec Berrymaa In a dispute ever aome racing bets at Guthrie, resulted la a verdict of acquittal lor tferryman. Warsaw.

October 38. Henry Oray. a fi hanged himself ia his stable while despondent from long lllneaa He wss wealthy and had troubles, save baa aeaitn. WEST YIRGIHIA. Whielwo.

October 38. William Hammark. an employe of tbe La ugh tin Tin Plant at Mar tin's Ferry, had hla bead perforated by a brand lag rod to-day. He will die. Mrs.

Hathaway, of Bridgeport, while attempt lng to exringulsh a lamp, fell from a chair aad received Injuries which will prove fatal. Chariea Under, the colored man of Martin' Ferry, who shot his father, was to-day sentenced to two years la the penitentiary. FaIUMCKTNT. October 3a. Tbe atata meeting Knights of which assembled here today.

Is being wall attended. To-morrow the first boaanrss eeaetoa wtH ba held snd to-morrow sl- tbe prises for work among the lodges bwarxara. will be aw N0EW00D. At aa early hour yesterday morning a black and tan terrier that from Ms appearaaens bad evidently been tbe pet ef envae artstocratle family, was found on the veranda of Druggist J. 8.

Tompktne'B residence oa Wavsrly avenue. Mrs. Tompkma admitted the tittle creature tote the Bouse and for aa hour ot more capered about tbe rooms In high glee. Finally the terrier aad the family eat "noohedrup" a large-etsed row, and peace could be restored only by electing tbe former from the house. The dog Immediately left the snd trotted down Waverty avenue to the C.

L. aad N. Railroad rrossing. arriving there aa a psssxngir train hove In sight. Tbe roar af the approaching train Beamed to exert a baleful earl nation aver tbe animal, for it wss noticed ay spectators at distance away to eiutxch dowa between the rails and evince si inpumxs of terror that spparantly depilaed tt of the sower to save itself from impending danger.

The eatrlae struck the tst i iBsd animal and tossed tt onto a bank at ana aide of the track. Hera Mottxue Torapftins lowsd a tew.mimites aitervaara wwa its nina leg seokas. He took the letrtor to tbe K. of P. Mail mmd tbeem BMislsxd Msvxaxal Eberhard ef tta condition, and aa pat, tne lasnvx amixuxxx oxsx eg its misery by sending a psstot ball tnrotxgh Its braia.

Thews being no way af asranalslag the name of lbs terrier's owner, n. its Mrs. P-. Rsllsaistb win aabxaaaia ttsa Club at sar hems car Potest, aveaas to-nxorrow afterxsion. The membership car tba.

elne, t- aete ap ef 1 of the leading Mies of tha villaae, aad to-mcrrew-s sssetiag will be the Bxst sf tha Members sf Cssstll are i laagliig for with Mayor Lxxsbv and 77 ear at Solicitor Bandy's sroce ht the Bear future. The shjact ef tha meeting ta ta eorstidar the sermoeed siaa af ssustxlng to Norwood a eartala tract ef sand soxflb of this village snd smjaeeat to Evans-toxx, ea that the chief obstacle will ba reamevtd te IBS isasejwvwxeasss sg moatgnmstf pUXB ta tha Bag xxaumsxioa line of Clnrixmstx. Tna A-Gtses class mk tba aJett seaeaxl adostad the saililasUoa of beaxe asd gold as the cbasa tiultis for tha ceealng yaxxr. go far. while a number ef ds signs bays asaa sslwsl 1 1 ail, aayesss Owe ef tbe issstlts sf tha egeavUxm greea by the Id af tba- rniariiaal Cburrh ta the Aaaxsriatas Ml ssi tat Tuntsy ansa Guild af the log xs spa rant i the dal sa ia laa Ilia, as by members of tbe coax tag alios Phes, Rev.

re. jt m- sdi etaargs ef tha Chsxrck af the Goad aUsxpbera. for sa iiiiisiiiiiie terex. xx ansa ansa aas ax taa stratr at the Jacob isslilsnxa that he waa Basting great Be sat day i xa autoing aa the perish axxa arxta tl DEDIO ATIOI TO-D AT. mrsuatuarrsnn.

Osrtcx. October 38. Tha Kaaar Arid STUvera ftt.ta Hosna Will ha OOxllcated tO-treOrTOW With BMsronat X4 elans. Otva of tint featgraa wCl be tha tsa- tosdna: -saradsv tsasjat-xsjixtaxd by James ML Haver, of Koatorta. Uraaa warsnai ox tna Grand Lodge of Ohio.

It Is expected mat acry lodge In tbe stats will ba represented aad at taast etsMsTetdt tria be tn una. THE SWITCH WAS OPEI. erary May. S3Ta. R.

setts ta ta en frt hi the ly sna "eat uot St. of of hae Omaba, Kebc. October 28. A raatr-eBd eoU liskm st tha Cnloa Pacific ta-day tatmltad in tha death of three men and tha asriuus tn- i Jur'. 7-ZZJTT' EZZZtSZl with Major DoKey.

and one of tha best jurei; John Griffin, brakeman, -knoam promoters snd real estate wiett tn An extra freight was stanciing on the side-Irximna. died to-night of typnoid fever. He 1 track, and tha switch being left open, waa in his thirty-fifth year, ausd consent frora rTeix-ht No. 27 craaaed Into too rear sad of a prominent intucky taJnliy. I the extra.

-llEAmiTBAnS tree am Dayton aad Mlddetwa at sDh aad Mioowa ot pa-tDaytoe. and kkt. Daytna and MlddJetoaa C. Mssjwlra tar rraalt OTIeBC pears erase eg St by Mat ssst -aorta as saset, bits aaa MUI sad Wen straaas; aa- asu ass t. 5-r-' sawesba.

im sia at al. HaarT Narre, tares af a by sa east mm Mam. iMesJiW amass ear aaaraat, rasrt, gx. at It Case. anrtftsCJ stetsnt a sM.aa asues esse, Sssdaa ta starsare A- Miners ak Tswswhla; fagm i Maraarat aaa Mtcnaet Rras 'tO M.

TJrsam Ut tastuste. MO by ts fsst-as sssrthwsat eor- Oak susita: IB.a aast fiartasrssr Cassgsss- as MatHaa Visos a us A Ttk.uMe es Tsesa fear years- teases at is by 83. fast eat 8 yea- L'aloa a seostur: SASOa T. Co. as lsaae aad Harsh May to.

Fi'UsittJi iillsgsr. area proawrty; Jetiaaaa KaUer. adnslrUst rarer as Jaag L. asd Xt by leu fast an west aide of I fi sea ins aveeiae, being Let 177 ta tjataa's suadtvxaxoa aaap Waahlngxoa; 81, son. John M.

Lepary. admlnisareeor. te Francta M. Howard. 38 acres ef hxaat ta gsctlaa No.

7. ta Syranxore Towxsxalp; 8Z7T. Jotxa Weatset te 'V. tllram A. rtaspe.

Lot ttl Mi mt. 'tacea Syndicate euttaivtsUsa: Saue. Sixth Ward B. A. On.

to WUlmsa H. Wail, Lot ia liupklns's third suadlvtsioa ta Hearv and Iertae Meadsr ta JOBS Boeonnger. I of Lot 1 la Frsak Feldakaa's subdlvtalon staheese. XX xsm heseaa a aa Jasxa KVaahrinarer property; si. H.

Wllhelmy ta MaadelU tyaathef. Tang-1 nth Company, aaa year lease ef 87 feet on east side ef Mala avetnst as AToadale; asoath- rent Ma, Frank E. Adams to Loots Adams, ee acrea ot land in section No. 8LS7S. in Oolamoia Township; Eleanor R.

XAeht at al. Sa Wpuiaxvi D. by lun fees, oa tba sort heaeteeir side of csrewon street, being Let 70 la Kw lug's sabdlvlslon: 8dxej. man la asm to A nan a oavia. laa a tn -rnoxap- a Thompson's 8 rat esbdtv leans Fatrmount: 8000.

Meee BTooer to' Jes A. Anawewe. 88 bv MO ns Hunt atreet. 78 teat south of McMillan Fannie B. Stone ta C.

H. Stephens, part of is newnt a nrat sassivtBton: stuanix M. L. Latand et al. to Josapb H.

tiaaima trustee. 34 acres ef lead la section Na 33 la MUlcreek Township; 81. Moftaatet Tllaxl. Adam W. ana Mlllliaa lxnhesta Sa miasms Olft and L.

8 l.noo Margaretbe Weber to Lenog B. aad L. Sua lyases l. and Clara IX. Jaoaoa to Barbara Moaaatrger Frederick and Carrie Seellnger to Union 1 SIX b.

u. ana t. to Ursula Institute to Margaret Ryaa 1.400 et al lt.lTOo Charles' P. and Matilda a eTbite ta Aetna L. and B.

Co Life Paulina jooee et at. to Henry Holtrun 1.7V3 PhiUlp and Kllaa Leiat to Anton Bchralner. l.StMl Philip aad Eliaa Leiat to Axttoe aV-ii l.aao Francis M. Stewart to J. W.

Cornell sea Wm. H. Wall to Sixth Ward B. A- Co btaj Charles CToeesemaa to Cincinnati Bav ins Society 1,300 Charles H. Jones to trsak V.

Hsilmana et al too Julius lilsdau tn same TX-t Charles C. Bauer et al. to Sophie Merkl jonn a. aiurerer to unn p.o- ana xx. Company 8,000 MOaToaaia CAKCXUTD.

Mary Tiefcen to New Courthouse B. and L. A. Co 800 nnmuei einstein xo nogiass and at. Co.

John Fltxgersld to CtDoinnatl B. and D. 3.330 CO 760 750 eon 3, sou 3.0UO llKI Wm. 8. Dotan to 8.

M. Cooper. Mary Bungenatock to Katie Bchpbert Louise Hohmlttbrtmae to Peter Ohlinger. Philip Jiat to Jung L. and B.

Oa. rrancia at. mewart to B. M. Peter Renner to Boflnger A Hot) kins 428 Chas.

H. Cheese man ta Ortis B. A. and L. tes Valentine Bauer lo Jeerst L.

aad B. 6UU EAST END. Hasen street hllL In Feltoa. Is a territory that many teamsters have ranee to remember from experiences during past years, and another driver met trouble there rest seder afternoon. A barrel Sour rolled from the avagoa and tumbled all tne way from tbe bill's neater to Eastern avenue.

In tbe descent the head of the barrel came out. Three children were going an the hill from school and the barrel barely missed them. A stream of flour deluged and for aa instant blinded the trio ecared little ones. The driver, from Columbia store, bad intended taking the flour up the hill to xxie rxenxroa nome. At the funeral of William Sleertat were rath.

erad yesterday, besides hie relatives, many of bis old-time friends. Ixellgtaoa service wss conducted by Rev. W. E. Stevens, of Columbia The pall bearers were C.

W. ananas, brotber-tn-law of the deceased; John Hal si an. John Werner and Henry Truckerraan. The Interment took place at opnng wove. A trial trio will be made to-day over tha enea.

plated part of the Deha Avenue Street Railway's new umaoex ITSCK. Tbe BlXth Preebvterlasj rlnifl XX' T2, 1 hood will en ioy a social asd Intellectual hour this v-reninc. viu tne stes s-cisb of tbe necond Pree- prwnsB x.nixrcn as East End couniee aaaeeieA eae. sepb Trohcber snd Mlaa -Nellie Harold, Fulton xsr. rx.

Lawis aad Miss Margaret MaKbv. eoev-MXl niXXT HJXO SX I SS SO Wli vi. asr. xurtia Mersog snd Miss Cal xa. sr visas awkriAe UllOa.

HAMILTON. Meat snd Milk w.Je dally engaad u. Ttiken bT uiueen trom tne oinerent mint wagons as thev "ow the ewaoaru required oy law. wf fiJ the tabulation of the bids for paving Seootvd atreet with asphalt. Ttxeblock asphalt bidders sre A.

J. Uroeatone curbing and ratter. 858.834; wnh Tce- oeox euro ana gutter. 85T.140; J. M.

Quill, with limestone cerb and gutter. 8S8.178: with cerneat curb and gutter. 86a, 883; street asphalt. Devtd asphaH. witb limestone ew er, wita xwixxaax worn, 848.344 60 Warrea-xlcharf Company.

Trisldsd land asphalt. 2n4 lud i-vnh Umemum work. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Assignee's Sala of Real sTatata. PURSUANT to an Order for sale ta m.

directed from tiia Couil of Inaol sicv of Hamilton CounjOiVtier forMufol xJTT' ryUAJ- the auk day i "VVP. the 7 eatate. oetng three tracts of land contiguous to each other, and comprising one farm of T2 acres: irst contains twentv seres the south line of the northwest corner of election a In the Ulse.1 running northwart Talong the original Tines of said land 62S feet and Inches, or so far suirws, ana oeing south part LTTT.LzZ'?. 9: sL'WsaWa. testa aa aaa aa tmaa Mas asset aVsw i i- sin Isl ns.

tl.tli). JUrr K- ra'tV'vTtar FrSfer. e-jrWb af peemlg.s known as He, 52 sat Fsartb' street: aaoethlr rant. XiTX at I I I I I 1 18 tb. 2 arcn, M.

amMilf ord sad Int. Stallone. 8 AO am 1838, also, the south part of 2 seres snd 4tle ts amLovetand and Int. Stations. 7 pm Mies conveyed to aald Day by Beniamln Ml is am Marrow and Int.

stations. 4:30 pm u.v., auoo, aevr. oercpooj tract contains aa4 acres, more or seas. In Section 4 of Fourth Township, Second Fractional ftsaes. Uisiel wvsiiiiuiis exx ma soxxtneaax corner of the E.

Mautters 20 acres; thence aast with said Muchmore'a line 11 chains and in link. i thf. Hioatt tract: thence with the line of sxuui menu tract norts JO chains to the Day tract; thence to the said Masters 20 acres; iuvw.e seruiu xx xaw txaaianing. Also, third, cosjtalnlnar 29 O-T-lnn. i- Bection 4, Fourth Township.

Second Fractional Bangs. "MV and beginning 4 cnaxna nna vn irats south from the section line in tne west line. or tne Hleatt tract: tnenca north IbCdeg. and 10 east 4 cnains ana iw links; theore south IS min. east xnxrajiei wita Tne west line of ssid tract bought by Muchmore of said Hleatt 22 chams and links to the northwest corner of the lands of William Much-more: thence south Ktu dea-.

snd 10 min. west with Muchraore'a south Una fl chains snd 40 links: thenea north 18 min. west with jdoenmore's west una is thence south 88 dos and HI min. west 2 chains and 20 links: thenea witb the west line of tha said Hleatt tract Bona .18 min. west 34 chains and 91 links to tba beginning: all of said urea tracts ot tana Deing tn tjoinmDta Towns bin.

Hamilton County. Ohio. In pursuance of aa order -of said Court herein to survey, subdivide and separately spprsise each lot a subdivision, aald prem ises were surveyed and subdivided into six numbered to the plat xf subdl Lota Noa. 1. Z.

a. 4. aad S. and lota, and vlstoa sa each lot appraised separately. Lot Ka eoa con taming 13 arras, at II JnO.Oa Lot No.

IU2iLlt 3. cofltaining lajg men, at tot No. a. etenxttiainc; SfA A 1X50 ilmT -T: ijm No. a.

contsrntns 4 aeres. at favtrxx. Lot No. ttaitu'BsT 12.13 acraa, at fotsXtsl Said lota win bo soM aeflsaratefy, tnt tba terxxxs of exaa tntra easn. tnird at year and one third la two years from day of sale, wtth six fsetvcarrt mtarast on de-f erred rmyments, aanared.

Jy first BeOtjfSsa) oa prernises Bokl.v j. a- w. lalnu ef Ct V. Unrtnue. Jk.


vasxrs au sax asiaxxtoxx, casx. ox iniaMiwas Otr Tkekex tjfaess aeS Yxne Bliss. Trains. Arrtvo. 7SS am tTbiy En Greea vn la.

Vi Wart. Bryan. Tost da. Bat tss Crsak sad JsckAon. tAaa aJBpsa tCtacissxau.

Van Wert aad asa 15 aHIATl, tCTxVJO AWtt gQstTHEKM. HIGHLAND ROUTE. Depot. Coxtrt aaissn. East of Broadway.

Leave. TrsJaa, Arriyw. 7 io aw Lshaasa Mail aad 3 SO mm Lit sssa Mall and Lxpresa. 1 a iw. 6 OS Den Lebauaoa stall and i 8:30 pm Lebeaoa Aoapaxssodatloa dc a so am.

Mtxaigesaerr Aeconimodatloa 1 te :38 am' Moatsissir "a I I tatsa epnr.heatss. RoxxxxokeT Nor: "ST'" ok. Lyacfcbnrg. petars- I aa. 4 barg.RltAsead ItxpSTZ.

SMass gl Ssja rwrtsmoxrth. HUsxbore Mali I "on 818 aa, tloa tiAorZf 8:48 toaxsusisi Aceoenmods It AO IB Msatgomery SUNDAY 1 rlAle. 8-30 am Lebaasa and w.y t-BBi 8.09 pas Lensaow naa sty poiuia 7 te lo AO eee Moalxoxwery and war prt. 7 'Zm 1 SO ssb Momgomerr and wey points. iups ssi'lisnari tat way sxaaia.

6 As 1 RAILROAD TIME TABLE ciifaifRin. Dl bttt -rra ail DATT05. Depot. Firtb aad Bay-mi tier rta. Tkrkw sears Chamber of tuasitii Bat Mlaa.

aasvto ta the H. aad XX Eleeerks baa rroea bay Kna. End neat tba PeaaV T-Tl wrrth street, electric dewa sHsl rest, tec trie down Firth street. uaTTOX. IDlkdu su Ufci sou.

Dailyv bally. eaaacA Beoday aaay only. ai 1 1 we. aeaaaa -llaytoa. Toleao aMDetrart 4 te pat I ros aaa tTW "Mlcbtgaa Flyer" 7 bs sas paa-'Daytoa.

Toerd ani Detr-M asaat a is aaa tDe-rtoa. Toledo tnewarapar) a "ais aaa I. is pea I 4 4S sen Parian 8 Jb pea Daytea aad blrflilUoaa 3:48 ass fDaevxa aad Mtddletowa 8 as pasrjaynoa and Middle. own raxytoa aad Mlddletown ana Dayton Kxjeea, saxsnay onry 10 08 ssi irmrlni-l aaa uajies com mods lion ties em INPIANAPOUa Trains- Arrive. n1lenapolta, Oaanersvllle.

Muscle ana Ft. Wayne 1 3 A pmlxvdlaaapolia Ex. Veetlbaled. 7 88 ass Tx on VMtlbuta Tralna. Parlor.

Sleepm, and Wt- leave. -rrsxixs. Arrive. aoata am-Paat Mall em-'Lafayette and Chicago psa sn-tNooaday train pm 'Indiana p. ills aad Chicago Ex.

tt. -ach leaving OncinnsU 30 aaa ts cnicago via iwayette. ST. LOflB. Leave.

Trains. 848 Indisnspolla and St. via Vaadalia Une tljassa 8 0 prs 7:30 pas Indianapolis and St. via anoajia una. INDIANAPOLIS.

HANNIBAL KANSAS CITY, riiuxxa xueo vanev oeeyius I nnctanaii and aprtnsxxees. Leave. Trains. A rti vs. -ladisaauolia a a r.

Veoaenavilla. 7:80 pm Hannibal sad aaaaas Clly 7 AO am Hamlltoa Accommodation Dspart r8 isam. 7:00 am. am 10:00 am. 13:80 pxn, TS ma.

:40 nm. 8:18 pas. Ml: SO pm. sen. lll.xa 11-Mh, tlAXA Arrive: :45 am.

am. am. KM 12:09 soon, 1:0 pra. nxn. 'llOJpa, ma.

mm. pm. l40 pta. pm. ft: it pm.

TS SO am. HO OS am. pm. 18:08 pm. tlleetrfele AerwnrtMM'etlon Depart: tS 10 Tis) am.

1:40 am. 10:00 am. 12180 pta, -ft SB. M.20 18:18 Dm. pm, pm.

re pm, 'dta pm. pro, 11 30 pta, 110:00 xntex: ea-fln aaa. "area ana. snx. sen.

am. ts oo am. rsrss am. lo am. am, 13:09 noon, tl lo pm.

pm. pm. 3:30 nm. IS SO nm. nm.

TI am. -low pra. am, 7. pm. IIO OO am.

pj txt pm. THE VANDALIA-C. and D. and Vsadalla C-. H.

and D. Depot. Fifth and uaymiiier. Leave. Trains.

Arrive. an etr "St. Louis and Kansas City 7:80 nm St. Louis snd Kansas City. 11 SO am .1 4:00 pm TO CHICAOO.

C. H. and D. Depot. 'riflh.

Sixth and Baymlller. streets. Standard Tims. it. Tralna.

Arrive. 8:80 am Fast Mall Ml em 8:80 am Lafayette and Chicago pm 13 30 pm Noonday train 7:46 pm pm -cnicago Express, veetiouieu- LAKK ERIK AND WEUTEaN. Ft. Wayne. Clnolanatl Te Ualavilla Rya.

Leave H. and D. Depot, Fifth. Sixth and Baymiller streets. Lmv.

Trainat. Arrlv. in Bt wMii-siaia Wania. srintfllavy. FWofis-.

and tendtMkjr 1 3:39 pm a 45 DiAVtNfbrrrt IndlMA AM Mich- iawi yKtm pm RAILROAD. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE ROtrTE. C. H. and D.

Station. Fifth snd Baymlller eta. Ticket omce. No. 11 v.

rounn sxitcoeu Building. I teaona ro. osa- Traina. Arrive. Daily.

Leave. Dally. 7 -Urbana, Marion. Gallon, Akron. Youfurstown.

Corry, Lakswood (Lake Cbauuui- uai Jameaaowa and inter mediate points 8:60 am from Boston, New York. Buffalo, Pittsburg, and all Eastern points 8:28 pxn Urbana. Marios. Gallon. Aaron, xoxxxisaxwwo, wood (Chautauqua Lake).

Jamestown. Salamanca. Kirn Ira. Homellsvtlle. Blng-hamton.

Wavsrly, New Wni. P. eeA Interme diate points 3:80 pm ClucScmtl asatlon. Itrennsutvania ynss. Paaxl and Butler Btreota.

"rteke-t ootca al atalb-ax. Teteohoae 1898. Tiofcat Ofhce Tel. 84. a.

e. cor. Fourth and Vine streets. Leave. Trains.

Arrive. 8:18 ami New Tork city, 8:40 am i 10:46 to I 6:66 pm 4:30 sm Baltimore. Waxhlnartoa. pm 8-uO nm 1 Pittsburg Bleeping aaa xsimng car sn-rKs. CHICAOO.

ami Ollc. Lonnaport. Knkomo 8:88 sm pm Andersoa. Hichm'd. Ham.

I OS pra HxuTet. Parlor and Bleeping Car Service 4:40 pm Log aas port and Int. Points, 8 sm CLEVELAND. 8:18 sm Cleveland a am 8:00 pm Cleveland 8:68 pm rxnor anxx aie-vpixut -xw xesi ice. cvLrrMBui an rTgpRiNa field.

Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Springfield 8:40 am 8:13 am. ..10:46 sm pm 6 66 pm 8:30 pm ..10 46 am 8:86 pm 40 ot) pm. 6-40 8:16 am 4:30 pm Springfield Springfield GRAND RAPIDS AND INDIANA RAILWAY Leave. Tralna. Arrive? am-Mlchtgsn Day Express 8:08 pm 8 Be oca Nonniaas axpress i ju Omens Petnrkey.

Harbor Springs, Mscklnac Island, parlor, Beseptng saw care cars. CINCINIATJ AND MUSKINOrMJUET RY. I 8:40 asv Lsncxurter. "tsneevtlle ihm pm I HI 10 anv-taacaatsv. Asoeeviiw pm Leave.

fmbxtrban Trains: jTrriixT I all one Camp Dennlsoei and Int. Sfa.t 6 2fi nox laa toveutna ana int. fixations. til sm ao pm Morrow ana int. ntstlona.

7 8.80 pm Lovelstad and Int. Hla lone. 7 11:80 pen Lovelsnd and Int. tat 8:10 112 01 pm Mllford aad Int. Bt at lone 3 OO 8 JO pas LoealsBd aad Int.

Btsttona. 30 a a 11 Ikt Desnt. Pearl sad Butler aad Central t-aloa City Ticket Office, snmhsaat eutaet Fifth aad vine. leiepooxxe xsva. Two fast 1 1 alns ta Mew OrlaaaaL rhnee r--.

trains xo xaaasjxxea, oar last traiss to Louls- vnie. Leave. Trains. LoulsvtlU Exnriss Arrl Jtpm aja 4 8 11 IX: 7 I KENTUCKY CENTRAL DIVISION. Ctni, Oepot.

iSL ssvvaisaodstloa trains 4:18 pm Btrm. New Jacksonville. Tampa and Florida. 4:10 ats BowBpa: Oreea. Memphhx, Arkansas sad Texas 4:08 11:88 lliWam Naskville Express 110S pra Mob New Or Jacksonville.

TxffmX SSI STLneX. 7:08 MaBBpm Bow. Or Araansas aad Teaaa. Psrlor Car lo Loaxevflle. Through Uuffet Biasm.

I er to New Orieaas. Jackanavtlie sad Memphis. 1 depaurtsrs ass local sleeper to Loa I ready at Peart aad Butler station at. a Loals- The leave Leave. Tralna.

1 Rich-. Frankfort. Ver-' t- 4 TiJmLmM txi a a Cwaa. Oewj and tnxor- msdlats aamts T3assa-yal Parte. Wlarne: i- Lrv Mid- -V Katygvills.

Pise PaeVw f.ea Arrive. 8-18 nana 48BfB 18 6 86 MM eeiwi aaii i rx. an ssaua raaaasassr Asaat. 1 axiBaatt. lrtsviMUii mi TLrrttda ft.

POCAHONTAS MOOT. al "88 ,30 aas Pcrtssnuxxtb -j pm iixniois ff CUy iVfcst Offioaj vTaa at, Jjayet, antra, akbxtlan. eapaf Leave. Train. 11 8:48 pa Mimyhta, Arkasssa anxt Tea.

Airive. snx GXAJiT) CXTTlALTsiDir vea. ei-: ersll sm fc.ers i. lnday a-ir tl eseep, tJZ2 f-7 g.jTzr rO fhtrs i'' lke t' tral A 1 1, re X. TTk altk, -tea t-et- -at taw B-wt gokl saw a to CWvsie- i.

r- gm. Tbinastl foaia llhualnsteo CINC1IWATI AHDCl.Evr.i.ANt. r.tvtZ East and Northeast Trains Tmytaa Express ivew TOTk-lVwttnn Txa 1w a waerlal iepss sl and the 18 pea trartoa and ass pas lexew Tors ens teexatnwealern Lxmnei vcxeveiand. Huffalu ski York Dayioa, Springfield and tajnaas i C1MCINNAT1 DIV. HI HI KHAN rXkV Iaaa.

Trains Crncinasti aad Khsr- Is ass tClaoinnati snd Ux Sto and Hhsr IO rss i tncinnau and Sharn 40 pea Cincinnati and ant ClrxeinnaU and Sharon "Cincinnati and Shamn J8 sag Oadnaati sad Hharun 1:18 aas Cincxanall and Bhao Beturday only 'is i uZ IS pan ftaexnnatl aad Mixms a :1 pox tvlnctnaatl and rihir'n TtsLEDO, DKTROiT, 8ANIrjKT Trsuaa rtaxr srara to xenroii snn Points via Kenton and fir-ts. Leave. Trains 7 Xo sax Trledo and Detroit SO pan estaadixsky and Way Pcir, Xme 11! i. I a is pm isanouaay ana vxey imn 8:18 pm TToxedo end Perron CHICAOO, BY. LOL'IB PKiiRIa l'ivisifIKT West and Northwest Leave.

Trains 8 :88 am 'Chicago. Indianapolis x-4 Lafayette 1:18 pra "White City" Special cago 'xa 8:30 nm Chicago Night Fxprees sjj am tBt. Louis snd Terre lUm. i mpel Terre Haute and pm 8t Louis sad Terre II. 80 pan Peons snd la orrt.M 14 pm-i ra viuiuit lie sou r.

ri, 8 pm Peoria snd Crswrordevin. 4 as am Indianapolis gsprese in 3:80 pm 'Indiana polls Esprees 'luatu, 4:80 pm Cortnerevllie. Harrison and Hegerstowa a xs am IXUSnriliy, snneem. eix rton. Warsaw.

Elkhart. Benton Ham. and xH Joseph Irn CHICAOO DIVISIOW. SCBfltl.A.S Ctevea Acoomsnodatlon Leave mi Bunder sm. 7 am.

10 em li 3.80 pes, 4 SO pm. 6. rO pm, A el) pm a i ro. 7:34 pm. 11 -al pm.

snxnasy ooiv xrr. i 34 Dm. Arrive dally except Runday-8 It am, tt ia, 7:64 pm, 8:48 am. 1:46 pm. Km pro 4 1.1 fa.

pm. txunoay oniy: ao sm i pa Lawreeixeourg km hiwv-ii i Sunday: 8:80 am. lo-no am. 1 in rm 3:10 pm, 8:00 pxn, 8 00 pm. Sun-lay nl) I a u.

1:13 pm. arrive dally except Bunnay on sm. xa. 8 85 am, 11 am. 1:48 pm.

i pm. a i i a.e mi- 1 11 am. II rmt. Harrison Aceommooatioti unday: 8:30 am. 3 80 em.

4 So pm. 4 ta sa iiedav only: sm. 7 pm rivet 00 am. sm. sis pm.

susea? only: 8:88 sat. ijsi pm. B.tx0.SW.RY. Ticket oAcea. s.

a. cor Kourth and vis. xu. Cincinnati. Teleohohe 1113 entrsl i ni-i tlon.

Cincinnati. 4sx3 Scott street, lAexve. Tralna Amis 13 a 'New York. Past Mall, tor fjreenneld.i hllllrotne. am enaParkersburg.

Manetis. Washington. Uslt I tm and New York Train 4 8 36 pta Boys I Blue Flyer.f.-r i.rerii nesa, nnm-oine. e-i Park'b'g, Marietta, West. Inaton.

Hallo. I'hlls New York. Train No i 'ls New York Limited Mali Train No. 6 00 am Colum's. Zaneevllie, t.rn lng and nttanuri.

i. Ixutd. Wilmington. lngton C. Newark i.J llellealra.

Train So lot SJ Connecla for Hand-jsk 8 00 pm Train No. loo, to Pittsbuis 2 pm TWO, lUO, except nunuey cuiumous SUU mi' ate Dolnts. and tn fantr vllle snd V. heeling 8:39 am No. 14.

to lYilurobue 1'iesW 3'23 am Lvvel'd. Blan-chester. ii-n field, Alh.n. farkersDurg anu an points. an imlMXil Hlancheater. pro boro. tlreenn d. I nun an ana iDMnnejwe 3:30 pxn Na. has through o-X' liesi has) Hllblboro Bxprrsa Tra'-- al tin no naa xnruusn i C'lntisnsii io niiisooro 6:15 pm No. 3S To Ulanj-heeter elJ llltermaoiaxe 1 8:00 pm No 27 lially from Ixxna, esx-aax ounoay.

bkxnclH-atar snd luterrorO. ats nolnu 'iawsj 1:00 pm tLoveland stoiei ax B4I eiatiuns The 8:00 am. 2 uo pin and too itxt. etoo at Wlnton Place and i. iuu a naaaeasers for Columbus.

Ohio, snd far nna pm trsine win I i and Wlnton Place to lake on lnn points east of Parkersburg. LOV ELAND ACCOMMODATION TKAIVi Trains. 7 -A, mm 'Krone si all stations ts til -if. am tBloDS at all stations fiat lai nen ttiluna at all suxtums. Stot-s at all stations a -An nm tljnes s-at stoo west of tioni Hill lSal 8:16 pm Btops st all stations -litst pm TXJoea nox xoop wen iviw Hill, exiept at Klghtfc xi I tXal OS pm rotops st sll stations ex 11.30 Pm at all Thea ter train.

i Joes not s--rv wast of Wlnton Isf 1 -O0 itm t8t ope st sll stations 'W Daily. Dally, except nunday lixuuou a-i MISSISSIPPI DIVISION-sVM 'Tli. WtsTAJ- nOCTrlW Kill Leave. Trains armt 1 8-U0 am fit. Louis Daylight Express.

Royal Blue Ki-eneville (xira. Hpnd.rsxtl. BC Louis 1BBJ 8:18 pm Night Express -For 8t loii aewl all Dolnts xeel. e. gin.

Bouthweet and Nrtf Td I 8:10 am Early Morning nor- is, f'f si isuib lonnevi. si Vernon for l.ouisvtll "11BS Mans St. Louis Lots! Kir-r. ex. Iieaie "'J en dlaxe ststkms 8:10 sax Louisville.

Memphis and 8:38 am No. 16 for Louismii Jeffsesoa vllle a 8.48 pra For Louisville. xivl dj nee e4n, pnr-ne. ft a0 pm Osgood Acx-om modal l--n X'esexea sou en ercv-Ji- if at ste una QUEEN CRESCEK ROUTE. SUPERB VESTISULED TRist Csntrsi Union Depot.

Tlrk.t Itsce llreeTX Dairy, stjajiy, cxceiK Hunix) Leave. Trat.e ILexIngtnn, iTvartaf: a ir- mingnsm. Bl.r-.i.r T-x- as, Mexico sn-1 ma points -s-u fxooaa and ITS'. -M pa Through Sleepers 'lat'l nouga ano atianis naciinmg nsn UnllHSflnr, 1 88 pm dChattanooge. Mtxs and Meridian F1X1RIDA ana dVeatlbulad pa am tanooga.

Atl.inix Ul- Cefe IXarlnr ar.d fe. r' 1 snv am I 8:08 sea iVestlbuled Puilms-i Cincinnati 'is hi- Ashevllle. jr i t. a LOCAL Sleklee all et ,1 rnstl 7:00 Bo te etomerset cars to Lexmgt BLt'E ORAits l-t 4 Ot pea 'Solid Vestibule trx dnnatl to txinv- la vllle and Jun. -i Free narmr sn tloa car to liirr -r -a-Bectioa for Prsn.r rt 1 pa 8 OS unday only east aad way points LUt AL, in.xi.-"- a-JH fan-dWIllUmstn snd i 8 30 pm "Eraxngsr and 11.46 axn 'Walton -lx' Local tralna 11 4S am and IMcLaaa venae depot.

0 sm x-ni 1 rive at McLean avenue depoi 7 pm I FRANKFORT AND CINCINNATI gSTm mb la tmtvnsctioa with Q. aad Tnxw am I Central I'sloa DepoC Dallx. Tr A.M. P.M. tJL'AS S-eo 4 sa Liv.

Cincinnstl 1848 8:38 AT. Georgetown 11JB 3:18 Ar. Frankfort ft. CHESAPHAsJ-! OHIO, at 131 Ba aRickroocd! Old mm' and Norfolk 1 rtese- 8:18 BBS-lUatt f. Danville boro, I aad Peterab rx.

iuxnn ion Ustti i -f WOO iW -vrav 'w" rmlmfi KartutM Vat-taii-l -a a e-Vx I -4 1 Lb tsf 423 -siaisgtos I JSM aay-tPotnt 7 1 'ttw'Hlstos ssdJ war aoxxtts -T 1 tan aad Pji 'sen Joaa sad J1 8:80 sad Hsmingtsa 8 80 Mayeville Acaissus" rr farttaj 5dl! XSj Vx7ka Laava. Trains Ui Bait 1 1 nm stp 1 1. -m-A Jcsssr 9 as Limited Dtn Mesnpble and Na'oetaaaxi ldmltasl 11 -at I Wia Hcmphts, New Orleans. Ar" 1. St.

I a.

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