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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 9

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jMtnrf In ar WAR Oa the Administration and Peculiar Methods. irmy Commander Part of His Report Was Suppressed, and Gives It To Public. To Drain the Baalna. Of ih. (r.ali-.- la a nvrr arlaea Interurhan alac- 1- a 1 '2 In this Joe Joseph If any.

great 1. in. but a larira onas ma)r he easily and tna trai tha use Stat.a of these of aak. "-i'iuii'i survey la of tn Wabaah River trlbutarle. 'e.

rv. 'J fayatta. auch aa Tlp-V C.L Inew "Kl Selemonle raiT. kT mtrr murement a at Important i77. rtlnad at which will in.

amount of water tbat 1 iit Jl' tha fall 1U arot lr now bMn mveatl- points can be Jet. ItSJt lnii u. 01 Indl. qj aa lnveatl- the water Rlvar. Thsf nart hin lying within the T.

flat and rl on urface at but tha dry "tku ln "Uccanaful draln- I'D. the purposei tha for aarlculturaJ "nat to 'r without doubt. whoTl tha flow of a. aototn ---aars a. wa.r katuat, River.

fan L. ut taa tributary li di. wer on a a bit a. rr titruu.

tnat naa con- 'Jtba be, Tk- smau flow of -ati-T aanaakee Itaaln Ultchas River ia being con- project vindar water from River. a una'- ths dlrectioa -einton. Vrr-" Johnson. of Dd fflcltU ld of Dutr. -wioaer nf 1..

I -w uta uga. I It i. whta. tlon aorta tnat i.wL"r dlacusaed i-. tha Ular a 1 1 '4 th.

r. is 1 do ilktsta "I by labor un'i'ona am be- He Did Not Attend Secretary's Dinner To Officers. pirn For Inrreasln Volome of tyilrr in Indiana Hirers IVIm Urisht Doesn't rju Cased. tMr.r" lfc-Uautanant in. ih'a avanlna- daelarad aws Administration, kacra-w fi.

rnallalad by raatln him mr--l foK sJld o.rwr 4 nil" Country Plub to- with. iii if" ommandlna; Oonaral Aiiiwrd tba War Ia-pinsMi iil suppraaalon of portion a- I'blllpplnaa condition tt.ftrn''n fllrd with lha praaa of thai trr la.wd In iba Phlllpplaae. inch i iin haa lncludod In hla in h. Mtrr tha praaa ba aays: uiulrrwitiid now ona migni hnn a communication rt with soma vital portions ll twiu of Wav 3 tntrt "flu aa'b Journal that In publlahlos hla mada of my ordar a-mtir whii-h formad a part of at Ha 'ifiT i K'n In full, and la an lr.iois lo commit DO v. i.wAAs Mla i anil un that tha nawa a 'vwin mi-'nixl.

hi aaiomna iniormi trm othar methods not'l in-' priiieipitw ui ciruiwQ aariir. h.i iHinn lo tha sara' of tha (tmatMft and tnat sucn matn- ii to tna nonor or tm Tw firthiT utiitra that tha "ratal i.iij'iul ond'tlona Juatlflad tiw itmiir Is auhotil foundation and TV Aim-, il Naw Jinirnul will print 11' Irurr rr-m narsl MUca. hi ihr of rrualtlea In tha Pijipin'. in-rdl Irtter rrada aa hia 1i a mat that tha a.rioua a h.vr li.K lirrn 1'OmHiHtM by tna aMln urlMs ihrv arra undar tha diract drfi tif it who wara raapon- hivf wlthhaM flra whan or- rt tn nh.xit protaatad acalnat ra tmtiiy na wrtttaf tot tha kotborl- ai: bm. umint theio 40 taka aotloa to US to rlma.

It-will rrwat aif iy (lon.s ih-. army that such l.y ahatevar to thr Artirrlcan aoldlara. Tba 4on rrniionKlhia do jiot by any mm rntttlmu thr Aniartcan army, and miui a wry unmlatakabla Una etiti Disfn ihr body of honorabla nl and brsve aoldlora f.stipirltktvf i-nmmendable, and bw if bot acta hava -h "M.l r. olv. tka aarneat of iMirTahln man." Ttunlr am no; pul'l'shad by tha praaa a it) thr rrii.

(ianaraj MUea'a lir raaaon that It wa thr up) furnlshad tham by test Adjutant Hall and Judae lf Gnrral Itavia. Ilcnaral Mllna aw drpjisni. tit a few daya hi rrijort h.ul liren Klvan out In tril mf rmJ dv Swrrtary Root fcart ai ma action to-day tlt th- virai'ltv of thai Hi iti a itmi to ba borna "tl Ik. fan. in ihr

That tha or- I on aas rnnsKlarad by tha de- aa aimonillT rathar than a nrrma to ha tha onlv Mfiimn of srraiary Koofa noattlon. atlrajr i( In.t Miaa ,1 b-yond tha ofnclai pala, "It Wms'il. that lha i-Kpa nT In. sti nim lo-n-ih: xin.n.i'i tln'h tha AdmlnMratlAii 0 kB h'lol hla hoait tnr r.inv I ri t-rrtsry Root ai the Country Club all In 1 ih- offlcara on Ihrrr a i.rspnt Usutansnt Hrlgadtar Oanaral Krladiar Ganaral yntt. jn.l Sam raturnad from tha iVIonels, imoil I K.

I.r lirncral Mllaa (irnrral Milrs la not mum I aaomplle and prsaewt lav. (a tb Qeveaea)t to Instead press ntiaa; trrumnu. "1 always maintained that it te i be prevlaoe. aaf a Ownunt aytnv mw tvi Mru i ht primarily InaMitutlaau fee tbe rmtl-- 1 Utt 1 AO I tabnr yvw1" ptr iim eoMisoM with ibeMi fonift revelries. ob-uiom to drew free such data mum be left lefiieletlv ee an aw ia penile.

lawer uatna aa4 uf are. aaa. UM, a a any yrwn position next anon I eaa put tha work of Ik wmu im Mm imp that a read. I take It up aad tmtliiu a When Colonel Wright reelgne hie onW aa vmawnnw aa WUI immediately go Clark rover ally at Worcester, Uu. kjaj a atptnami or thai university.

Jtooeerir PUna. war wti rmitH la Washington ta-dy i rnmvni nnoMrrii WOVIq retlsrs to taw aptioi on jun a. Ha will ramalq bar until tha fh, ana than to Cleveland to waoflln or Mlit Ruth ffanaa. daughter of Senator aad Mra. M.

A. Hanna end M. MrCormtrk. aon of tha Americas AmHmgor to Jtussla, lVw iiu aWcured. irr uparimmi itaa el neei.wtta in nrMra of tha lot at Twelfth! end Chapllna streets.

Wheeling. W. Va. fori that lot aa a 'alia for tha new Federal! nuuaing, naving changed Its plana aa 11 wnnimn or wui la Known aa tha Ft. ai-iianrr tiua alia, al Fourteenth a Ml streets, Tiwt has been deep In.

I aeiection or a ana for a nuildlng. which la to coat about f.iu 1M ri. Mr Henry alia waa practically alerted, but noma of tha awnara of oart of I proparty oojaetoo to aaJllna. aiul Damnation waa ahout to bo raaorta4 to. Thai ballaf waa thai tha candamnaOon proraad.l Inaa would maka iha lot roat tha Oovam.l mont ahout which waa mnaldar- acta mora than II waa daalra4 to par.

An I aarant or tha Muoprvlalnc Archltart a offln waa aan I to wnwurf, ant raporta4 that I ina tna Twelfth and Chapllna atraaia lot. which la 1W by I7U fat, waa aa aatlafae lory aa tba othar. Tha prlca paid la fJ2.Si, A. Woman'a High OSca. Floy Oil mora, of Indiana, ha a haan pointad Aaalatant At tor nay -Oanar a I of tha Pnlllpplnaa.

Bba la lha Drat woman to nonorod with ao hlh an offlca In th laianda. Bba la a natlva of Indiana, and for aavaral yaaxa waa pr1v.ta aaaratary to Pror. WS. Kin lay Johnson. Ins trustor In law at tha t'Blvaralty of kflhlan.

Durlns; that tlma aha ahowad an aptituda for law. and look a eotiraa In tha Unlraralty under tba OJractkM of Prof. Johnaon. Whan prof. Johnaon waa appolntad Judas or tno rurt of -tha First Instanea In tha Phlllpplnaa.

Mlaa Ullmnra acrompanlsd him to Manila and remained In hla am Dior aa prlvata aacrafary. Sha Ira mad Spanlah kad took tha aiamlnatlon for tanowranhar and lypowrltrr In tha CWII Sarvlea In tha ialaada, Mlaa Ollmoca waa aaaianat to tka ofllco of tha AManwy-OMiarai la Aaptawa-bar. lBOl. and ahowad lurh aptituda for tba work In eonnoetlon with tha offlcwtbat aha haa now haon mad aaalatant to Iba Atlor-nay-Ganaral. Capital Votoa.

onator Jo Blackburn laft Waah'lnsTton yaatamay ror hla country home arar roar. ivy-, wncra na win apand tba aunt' Tba board of army offlcarm appolntad act in conjunction with tba eltlaana' mittao of Colambua, to aell tba army post alia, adjournad to-day af tar organising with Major HI May aa lo ma at aarly naxt waak. Thay aspact lo laavo for C- himbaja SaAorday. (Tnarlaa H. McOafTarty, atorakaapar and a-auarar la tho Parkarabura- W.

Va.) Dis trict, baa raaUamad. Hanry I Arboajaat haa ban dawivnatod aa a mam bar of tha Ctvll Barrloa Board for tba poatotnoa at Portland, lnd, TYaaawry racalpta to-day w.ra (1.550.- ZJH 00; espendlturaa. 11.400,000; aurplua 7B.a ss; dsftctt for tha month. 1 1.107.36 aurplua for tha flacai yaar, at34.S13.Sbt). -CONTENT TO STAY -1 1 Xa tha Sant; and Hot After Vica Pran- Wants, Baraga ja araciab DiaaaTtrKra awaj anaoaua.

Wabaah. 15. In a. Jattar to-davy to Jamaa PfTeoam, of tttla olty, eamattxir Al bart BovTilra aticka a pin Into hla om- bryotto boom for tba Ratpubtioaa Vice Praaddantla( nomination. That Sonator ta ao unoquhracai ia bis daolaratlon- that ho will not asUow.

tha uaa of hla name la tho national oonvwntlon tnat tha man who ban baan'thruattna; hla najna tuT tha for will ba put quit out of bualnaaa. Incidentally, alao, senator Ba vandca asproaaaa the utmoat oonfldanca In tola ra-oiocUon to tho Senata Undar ids. to of May 13. no wrltea: "ItCT Dnavm lla. Roaa I law your latter of May caUlng my attantlon to a state ment In tho Nw York Independent concern In a auppoaad letter from ma to a friend to the affect that I am a candidate for tha Vloe Preatdency.

Thla diapaitch from Wash tnaj-ton was a oireot faasehood. a newspaper fake or tno rankaat deaortsclon. No auch letter waa aver written. On tho contrary, I hava on many occaalona atated that I am not. and wtll not be.

a candidate for tha Vloe Pi eefdency. I am oowtent with my work In the Senate where. I ezwect. by the partlanty of the people of Indiana, to ra main. Araaar j.

Barvamioaat. ANXIETY And Humiliation Caused Beeaue, Lola Spenco Her Telegram Was Openedxt a HoteL' arsriav iHsraTca TO.Tka I Indlanavpotta tlnd-i. May was filed to-day arainat 'tho Western- I'nlon Telegraph Company and the Indiana Hotel Company by tauUa Hadley. asking kS.00ti damagea The plaintiff la alao known aa IaiIu Bpence. her maiden name, and ahe la the former chambermaid at the Hotel from where he waa discharged because she refused to make a bed that had been occupied toy Booker T.

Her grievance la the direct outgrowth of the popularity abe la enjoying" with people of aome of the Southern States who aV on making a heroine out of her because of her action In tna "Washington incident. A man at Houston, Texaa. read her story and telegraphed her an e-rrer or a poeiuon. Tie meaaage waa kaken to the Hotel llsh. whore aha had been employed.

opened there, she main talna. by people. She now claims that tha contents of the n.iuia ware made public before they ware known, to her. and aho thinks that e5.0 would about compensate for the "great un easiness, anxiety and humiliation' fared on tbat account. WITH A PENKNIFE: Pelssa Stabbed Hla Wlfa and Than Cut Hla Own jBgular.

aesciaL aisrarca to raa BAQCUtsa Akron. Ohio. May 1S- Loula Detaaa. a carpenter, while' drunk, broke hia wife a Jaw and cut bar la the face an with a penknife at noon to-day- Thlnklnar he had kUled her ha locked hlmeelf in na room. and.

atandinr before the mirror, ha cut tha JuuUr vein. He ran into an ad-jolnlna: room, removed hla reat and watch, and. lying 00 the floor, expired. Mra Deiaae kept herself and children i-tra un aJl last nlarbu ao ha oouM noc get at them. He threatened during nke to break In tha door and kin Delaee will recover.

Kne lt was the hotel she auf- nlgat them. Mra. COMPUINT en "a jrjula By Victim, and Offlcera of CM- Chicago. May. agatnet the maaac-ment of the raf" "fT Mualcal AaaodaUon.

SSS reauHed to-day tn tha arrest of A. McQil-lua. proprietor, and C. B. PhUDpa.

manager, on chanre of fraudulent uea of the malht About of the eomplateta were received by the petal a ut horrt lea charging- that de-poelts of 1.. were aaked on the promieeof positions that would-pay 900 a year. The concern failed to carry out tta part'of the agreement. Among the eomplalaanta were MlUer. Norwood.

Ohio: 8. B- Murpay. Delta. Ohlo and Mlaa Georgia True. Indianapolis.

Ind. CHARLES Women and Qay Bevels Floored In the Latter Daji ef, the Blordered Man, According To the Latest Theory of the Koiomo Polica CUt BU4 Has Beea F.nid Tkat May Gift the Antkoritii a Clew Ta the Gailtj 0t. arecfsL otsrarra To ras aaotiiaaa, Kekomo. May lb. The polloa that murder will out In the caae of Lewta Yeager.

Tbey aay that wine and women figured prominently In the latter daya of his life, and that be was killed during 1 forbidden revel on Sunday night at a aa eluded apot four and a half mllee eoutb east of Hemlock. At 1 o'clock to-day a Mr. Carl found 1 pool of clotted blood on tba grasa. Tha queetlon now la: Ind Lewla Teager coma to hla death by reason of having kept forbidden try at? XMd a falsa friend, whisky and woman, have aught to do with that tragic occurrence of last Sunday night The police believe that they did. Further more, belief obtains that the shot which killed Lewis Teager waa fired at a point bear tha Intersection of the Ionatlon road and ha joint county road, three and one bklf miles east and one mil aoaair of Haa.

kbtw THsoai. Thla new atory lncludea the theory that Teager, upon leaving the home of hla be- iroihal Mvrtle Plnlev. on Sunday night at 10 o'clock, did not atart for hla home. but. bent upon keeping an engagement mada under the roaa.

drove to the eastward from tba village of Hemlock and at an appointed place met a auppoaed friend and two women. It la urged that be went to keep tryst, and that In doing- ao be met mhar than those whom no cxpectea, IU unwelcome Intruder Death. Three and one half miles eaat of Hem lock ia a IHtle clump or wimia treea known throughout the country aide aa "the grove." A tittle to the westward of thla grove, probably 800 yards, a lands tha home of Frank Burns, an enfeebled Civil ar veteran. Sunday night Frank Burns tosaed on an uneasy pillow, rte ta chronic heart trouble. About miamgui na wakened from a dream In which he had beea dlatreaaed by having hla aon brought ome aasaaalnated.

The experiences of the dream had been ao vivia met duiu. himself all a-tremble and unnerved. He arose, put on part of bis clothing and went out Into the yard. His aon had not yet returned from a night call that he waa king in the neighborhood, so tne ratner bought be would alt aown anu coming. Eventually nts traded by volcea from the walnut grove.

horse OSSEKVED TWO IOS. He peered through the moonlight and ob-rved two rtga To one of the buggies a served hlch Mr. Burns Deiievea to and about the slxe of the one driven by Yeager was Wtcned. The horse hitched to the other buggy appeared to be a dark bay or brown. The horse were headed aouth on the Donation road Tba night revelers nd sound of Burns noma.

Those who have been loiiowin 1 ft, nnrxa saert toat tne n. as that of Lewis teaajer. leavtng Hemioca; n. ut grove and met ojr a two wom- and that tne tour night lt reveia- ihiir mile awW home of Evan Pickering. Mr.

ni.iiu aaua. aauB ma rrom in" riolntoa was tnat it distant from hia, home. shot ha turned awake, with th another revolver erot- htar of another morning-'. iii.k eantark. the of the walnut grovt At 1 clock Pickering was lying and Mr.

Plckrings was about half a mtie When he beard Ih nl wife, who was a'r-o ratnark: mere, motovr. Suppose -we win suicide or murder in tne rhich wari prompted tha Sutton kHline. Mr. Pickering let the and thoui-nt -no mure about It unUI the atortra concerning the killing or Teaaer to reach him. It haa bteu much ealer to fimreout the at the walnut grove and on rac K.

like toint road than to arrive at anything reasons ote nma wno were wae wuh. ha come forward with any names aa yet, but those who are working on he case confidently believe that the names will ba torth- axkoasrr oatxou asro caktt. AU the parties whose names were given in eormalo vllCZZTJT this aortilu to appear before Coroner Harrison. It haa been reamed that Tear.r was at SharpavlUa Sunday afternoon, aad that while there he purchased orangea and candy which be took to Myrtle Finley. Those who rre at work cm the case think that he might have made tha meet the partiee at the walnut grwre while be was In SaarpsvlUe.

In support tbe theory that h. tolned a party of snerry-makers they "lnt to the fact that there waa a distinct oVoT HO-" about the buggy when tt reached home the Xtext mornin. At the inquest to-day tha courtroom waa c'-owded. Tha peonle from Taylor are naturally the moat Interested spec-tstors. and they are not allowing a syllable proeeedings to escape them.

When tLe Coroner's Court adjourned late etuoon It looked, the police say. and the Eades boys would thai as though be or tne man. i the general prediction as to how the lots 1 ill nuill iuiry oy TTTT CrXTTXrV ATT. A.TTTT?r AfAV -in m. mm.

m.J vaia 1 "7 a-aa-raV aV im. A Va HHJkH M. SCHWAB'S IDEAL SCHOOL IN HOMESTEAD, PENN. i r--- "''V "'----aM araotai. btsraxca to Taa asotrreaa.

Jniomeetaad. May 19. win be a anawnorabl day In the history of Homestead. Char lea Schwab. Preaidcnt of tba United States Steal CrporaUeo.

and company ef hla assocaaCtw win formally turn over to tho people of tbia city the apiendid eatabllakmant 00. Ninth, avenue known aa the C. M. Schwab Industrial School, ereetad at a total coat of 130.000. The event haa lone been postponed in order tbat the donor might be present at the dedication, but with the announcement that the head of the steel combination had landed from the ataamer Kron Prinx tn New Tork harbor, tha way became clear for the celebration and the Homestead School 1 LILY WHITES Think Either Hanna or Pairbanaa Will Oppoee Rooaewalt.

srsciai. piaraTca to tbs axatnaaa Birmingham. May 13. At an infor mal cenf erence-of "Lily White' Re pub a can leaders to-day the Republican situation waa dlacusaed and the statement waa made that reports from Ohio and Indiana still gave hope that Senator Hanna or Senator Fairbanks might oppose Roosevelt as a candidate for tha Presidency. This report gave much encouragement, aa the LJly Whites are avowedly opposed to Roosevelt.

J. A. W. Smith, the Republican nominee for Governor last year. gave out a atate-ment denying that the recent action of the atate committee in fixing- Qualifications of delegates nullified the action of the list slate convention excluding the negro from tne councils of the party.

He aaserted on behalf of the Lily Whites that white men will control and compose the next Republican state convention. Cincinnati LEFT THE RAILS. Accommodation Wracked Near La wrenceburg-. srsciai. bi.rT a To Tit axortaaa.

Lawrenceburg. May The Auro ra and Cincinnati accommodation fumoed the track near here at 7s to-night. Engineer Bert Lara be was thrown from the cab when the engine went over the em bankment Into the cornfield and fireman Taylor waa wedged in between the cab and tender. They miraculously escaped with few bruises. Three of the coaches left tha ks.

but fortunately did not turn over. Tha rails were and the track is badly torn up for a distance of 5a feet. The engine that drew the train waa run ning backward. Tha Exterior of tha School. Board set about the event.

The dedicatory elaborate soale. tbs task of preparing- for exercises will be on 1 Tha school claims na higbea aim than tha purpose of taachlna boy a and glrla ta work. It does not deal ia abstraot thaoriea or train the ml ads under Its care to aink out proa-Irmi In abstruse- scianca lea aim la te teach the boy bow to do the every -day tltinga which coma to hla hand In a more thorough manner than his predecessors have done them. The uaa of the saw, hammer, tonga and sledge the tJough board, frying pan and dish cloth these are the things which tha Schwab School proposes to teach youae; Homaateadera The school ia aaid to- be the embodiment of Schwab'a Ideaa and Ideaia of an educational system. In this connection the ed-ucatora will no doubt await with Interest the reaulta that are sought to be achieved In It- Schwab haa been Quoted as saying PLANS To Marry Young Woman Said Ta Hare Caused a Raw Between a Father and the Sea Who Shot Him.

eram arsra-Kax to tbs axoirraaa Hamilton, Ohio, May 15. Edward Moa-bua. aged 35, a hardware dealer on Court street, fatally shot his John Hoe-bus, aged 65, thla afternoon. The bullet from a 33-caliber Colt's revolver entered the father's right chest two Inches below the nipple, piercing the lung and lodging near tha aplne. The injured man was taken to Mercy Hospital In the patrol wagon, and but alight hope la given out tonight as to his recovery.

The trouble between father and son haa been of long standing, and Is aaid to have been aggravated by tbe Intention of pere to marry a young lady. Young Moebua In a statement' gives the following account of the tragedy: "Father cave into my store snd started a fuss with me about aome books. I told him I did not want any trouble with him. and with that he started torn ard me. reaching in his pocket for hia knife.

In the scuffle he tore my shirt clean off, and It was th-n I fired the shot." The father at Mercy Hospital told a different story. Ha said: "I waa sitting on yirr. ivj that a college education places the Individual at a dieedveatage In abe actual atrugwle for existence. Others In turn have propaeated that the uttl.ei alUes will eventuate Into mare technical echoole. The Schwab Scaool waa completed lata last year, and on Monday.

December 8, waa opened for tha nee of the ebitdrea Schwab had long ebertahed the dream of eatabl toning a school along practical nnae tbat auggeated themselves to him ee a la borer In the Iron mllla but be waa una ble realise it until after hla elect! to the Presidency of ths steel corporation. Ev then ha was obliged to pat off actual In tereet ta the school owing to pressure of bualnsaa care. Recently, he found time te devote himself to It. and will be dedicated to-morrow aa a monument to tha thrift. and practical notions tbat have made him perhaps toe talked of man la toe first decade of the twentieth century.

a cbalr and had last, at art ed to riae be anot ma, Then he sapeed lata uncon solouansas. It la aUsapad the John a-nephew of Moebua. waa In the store at the time of tbe trouble, but be ra fuses to give bla version of the affair. Touag- Moebua waa arrested by Mayor Bosch and taken to the police station, hut later was released on 10,000 bond and hla preliminary hearing set ror Monday. At-10' clock' toinight waa given out at Mercy Hospital that no hope was entertained -of Mr.

Moebua recovering. Prosecuting Attorney Oard and Captain of Police Leaehaa took hla ante-mortem statement. Tbe poHce claim that young Moebua grappled wtth hla father. throwing him. and while the old gentleman was la Ina; from the.

floor reached into drawer in. tha shop and. picking ap hia revolver, fired the fatal ahoc They discredit the atory that Moebua dnrw a knife on his son. as none, was found, la the at ore The knife found on Mr. Moebua, waa i opened, nad been freshly oiled and tke blades were dirty from carrying In bis pocket- To KING'S PLAN Keep Hia Saloon Open XHdnt Oa With tha Xajror.

arar i aj. ptaraTOt ro ras aseontam. Columbus. Ohioag May IS. John King, local saloonkeeper.

proposed to enjoy Sunday front-ooor trade in spite of Mayor Jeffreys orders. The Mayor Informed salooniats tbat in all cases, except wbere saloon buildings did not have front or back doors front doors dim be closed on Sun day. King's saloon had a aide door to it. To-day Mayor Jeffrey waa informed that King waa closing up the aide door so that be conld run a front door saloon. Tha Mayor advised King that tha dodge would not work.

-PhotoByJWeestaiCampben. JS'Z eoachea of tha and O. S. W. train that waa wracked it Blooniin-nrc, near Wasbington TharsdaT marninw.

lt Was in this arrack that Engineer loha KtMnd Kraman at. A. I-tyton, both of Newark. Ohio, mat instant death and -arerar pmMng wahurt. 7 On Sultan's Treasury Maj Make Tarkej Helplfss To Uaa a Xtntcuon, 1, XHlnr.oom ZtjSuatU.

IB SP. 'JJ. 1 r': I Tmc XwcliaukU. at Work. -ill i yJK i-V-- J-S rir 1 1 1 1 WINK lim'tite QTD A TM Of Crtwpio Croak Ktaat atrtarlaa atawait Ta CHOI ts a-Ms.

Mar tl- awtaaacf ras asss-taaa aa a taw Aamiia Vaarasa aa Mba M3a Una tas aMrajaav avyaai Ma a lias SMT faa Mf avail t- Taa sartaa IH i nmm aa aa a IW at iura aeawra aakd twaT3aw far1y tVM pay artal pswfcaaiy to feaaaal to aaaaa rJaat ti rt. ao mt pWa Hist vtow aaawa-ataar oawtt aw tmrAaa Mwt (a aaana fw of tba mast laf nrtaat atrkhaa to tha Oatrart waa as Bmmtm KM aaat. a lasstHMa of ma a.iaa.a. as waVairrr-raaai wm as? aaa Lava iain. Tbaa aa rbo nswt atnava fen tko twwi of araav aima Tba aaa aaasa al wat ta tba taau bssUaa fa pa aam of aiiar, aJkd la arg ap I na.

7 bo I oat raw pwkrr. taua) baaaa 'aa a Oa 0a Oaaal fmt basi an wr rawaa. Two aaw waa kraaao at eaptai of ta fast, vbatw taa vata ama ata. fa anaa, at of wra Toa pay atraak stoat tVa a. fcjk aa tad aaw Mas.

EVERYTHIKQ READY Tmt tava Oaia CwataatataJ CaUkraUaa Ta Sw Hal4 i CblUVowtW CmeaMka. Oate. May tk aaa-rt aiae ta al ktat ta readies aa tor tka at sat aaaaaxa- ta we kwM fcewe aejn araj la iea ef the Math aafi.ssaarT aat Iba Oak te the I ate. aa it be aaaibtsw that tka errea kotag ta ba waa wf tka am aiaheraee and hstaeartaat erwr baU I the y. Oa ef the feature wot be the as at Ml taa af klaanna raawa.

kkk la oaasetsd te eate wf the ant aaaasini af taa ktaa earee got toarataar. The very ereasa af areata 1 loajwatl dlacovertaa ta tba atata. watch haa arered aateJi a treaaajre haoaa ef rarvoa. wui be at lap lay sal bare, teafwiaa a- waih aaaay saasasialsia a sal atkar taiaaje esaasctsd wtist usWs early Mattery. One BOILER EXPLODED.

TataUr caUda4 aa4 Aahear Wm Blarwn Awar. ras aaasnaaa Oraftoa. W. Va May li-A B. Snpprew Balkaa I'priaia.

I jZTSZJT. How Money Is Raised Ta Ssppart tke 100,000 Tr.pi Whic. Are Mawilifrtf T-e Latest Kareiga News. seacaaa. casaa f.

taa aatarcnsaa Caanslamleopae. Mavy IS. Turkey's flaaan- clal expedients eomplaMely pu sale tbe dipomaUe eorpa Hew tbe StaMaa. wtte. duutaad.

makes bakavs that the traaavury ts aanspty. matnagea to flaaaee the ani 11 1 ar saovementa which have ta pwaa-reaas for aosne tlane. as a says- I lery. Tbe burden Is admittedly enormous. troops are active at various points, aad a great many mors are held la readmeaa la Asia.

It Is believed la some quarters that the financial strain may ultimately cause the col la pee of Turkey 'a attempt to control the altuatiou both la Macedonia aad Albania. At aay rata. If the ex 1st tna; conditions should be prolooared. nobody understands how tbe outlay la to be met. It ia sug gested that If tha Powers are determined, let come what will, to bolster Turkish rule, tbe time wfll arrive aooner or later wbaa they aaat- he eoaapefleat "to advam money to keep tha Ottoman troope la tbe field.

Official reporta alaoe the number of Chris tian victims at Monastlr and In tba surrounding country at 72. B0T OF H0BLLITY Xiaaina; rom Kiel, and It la Thought Ha Waa Kidnaped. Berlin, May IS. Love of adventure and desire to see the world are thought to have caused Jesco Von Put tha me r. who ia only IS years of age.

to leave tha luxurious home of his father at Kiel. Xlemanneeweg. Oermany. Some of hla relatives fear be ay have beaan kidnaped and ta being betd for a ranaom- Otbere think he haa come to thla city. The on Puttkaroers are connected by marriage with the family of the lata Prince Bismarck.

Young Von Puttkamer ia described Ina IS years of age, although he looka It 17, tall, slender, of fair complexion, with blue eyas and straight noae. KIXQ EDWABD Should Visit America To Forestall Othar Xonarcha, Saj-a W. T. Stead. London.

May IS. VT. T. Stead's review of rerlewa a us; casts that King Bdward should break all records and visit the t'nited States In 1904. Mr.

Stead thinks the St. Louis Exposition would furnish an excel lent pretext. If any ia wanted. The Re view ef Reviews adds: if King Edward does not taka the ini tiative be may find himself forestalled by tne Kaiser, or. Incredible thousrb it mav pern, even the Ckar.

The King and Queen returned to London from Scotland this evening. aUSSHIP IS A MARVEL. Paris. May 15. The Lebaudy airship made another ascension to-day.

cirrlina- Mantes. Rosny and Moissoiu. In a series of evolu tions over tna Chateau ale Rosny the ship answered her rudder readily. She covered over IS mi We ta minutes. Part or the course was sgainst a kriak wind.

A ella-hl so -id ant to the ventilator did not interrupt tbe success of the trip. SHOWS BTJSS1AJTS KTJXZ. Shanghai. May 15. A British official here the Imperial Chinese which, ver ts as follows: "In i-erardiEaT to Xewchwauwr ax old time is 3, rd.

but since Russia has oc cupied at Maachu charges being increased to SI 10. as tbey treat Manchuria same as Russia ia This a rial Intimation Is considered here to be significant. LATEST CABLE FLASHES. Rome. May li- There la no dor at about th appointment of R-r.

Charles H. Col ton. rector of St- Stenben a Cbr-rrh. Xew Tork. to the Bishopric of Buffalo.

Tbe doromente appoint Ins; him Bishop of that diocese have already been sent to the I'nlted States. Melbourne. Victoria, May li Premier Irvine announced la the Leaj-la'athre Asset hry to-day that be had received a letter the otBcaale of flee Endue Driver A saoriatSoa aVsetaria-tar tha strike off aad subSBlttlns; auacondJOonaliy. Vancouver. B.

C-, May IS. In speaking of the terribie droaght still prevailing ta Attstralla, H. RiisstiL th Government near of AraHraXa. clahoa ta have marls the dleeo-asry. after loaasT aad careful -h sia asi aseronasaical recaajda, that stoosi resTialaxeB Che rata.

Astronewaers ef the diffcre-at Australia a roioales have inaiorsed Mr. RuaseiTs laXAJTEST OF THE laXAJT. laaraTca va -rata sstocxasa. Columbus. Ohio.

May 13. Adam KUnkert. 737 Eaat U.luasluaie avenue, waa a fenced ts the works te-dar tor mix wasatha eased a na ef SlOO for failure te provroe raw auat aaawuy. i ne amoence ahavad that hia wife supported tbe fassJry tar erashtnav aad that he sold her wasav tnc machine te buy Hqaor. PASSTJS-GEES RHVTtnT UP.

Ind, May li Tne- south-bound Xa, snail train was wrecked oa the Mo- thh morniria-, aearliere. Four eoaches nd the hegrage car were derailed. Th pnssa-fngrrs war shaken up. Stephen Smith, a horse- buyer, of Bedford, was In jured Internally. tat waa mm tie Sly ana Ideal that he WUI daa Fraafe Oaia.

feevaaaa af the tawa sees. waa scalded about that face aaat heats Diplomats Puzzled To nTWMR Elaartrtetaa Hanatoo waa sea load a aat blown swveeat tmm rraaa the aaaUaUaa. Had thar aapiwaaiea ecaeuTaat doa-tatar the day it would have tee ateaatrewa Oalr a man were, working a bee It oorurred. They were aared by the aloaa wa2J bet wave the turn shop and the bartler house. The ftualding waa badly daaaaged.

DROWNED By Water Tarewm on a searaaa scam a tTneoaiacii tseasca Te rare Beea ALIVE, Tire ATter Ba Chleage, May IA Flames tbat Seat ray ad Ike Wsetehsater Apartavent atetldlaaT. autf Cottage drove aveaue, thla' ajaornlnaT. caused the death of Ionise Pttaeea. aaraal to. and Harry BWruntey.

seed ao. aVaaaoet Halt. a ao. la miasma. aa4 suap as il to bat la tne ruins, lawf the injure ware Tmea.

dore WnltJe, Pstrtck Itelger, Nat sow lasad berg. Mrs. J. D. Hofftnaa and Loaala Her bert.

The body ef St rubier waa reeo-fered a the tossaa te ateap. It la tlasaght he oared Insanaiibla ty awaoke and drewaaat ay the aWJuge ef water froaa tbe engwtea. The property loaa la A Xxa Cu Embfzzls From Elisself Is 1H Qaestioa Bfr ft CITe- fore iispesslhlr for S3aXT3 caae. Hie hooks and chaark atahs aharwed he had paid awt fia JOt 97. There were e-ctrteav Pond said.

te show what th money waa expended far. ar bxadt foh inrsiciArs. trtrtisn spoils th Xattonal FederatioB af WAITED TiU Hope Was Gone. SIcCartj Tbeo Took Pd-son, theafins Callows. CaUedForCofTeeToWash Down Fatal Dose.

Mystery as To Jlovr Drags Were Given To IliOe Crowds Had ilssembled To See Hanging, Bit Hit Brt tkers aid Sisters Were Xat Pmeit, Tliej Hart Beea falle UttCairt. wcaaa easeastre ee Vate saaaaasaa, laajagtaa. sty May la lTUCtaaai Carty. that aasrusa. wwa WsJastweaaAset e'teaardl Ha shew ivy was twe head, tahia- ty etf saryraauSft satd af pM cetaaat bavd batwa aaeat at ta baaa ta a kaewa th afiVrtala.

The dsat'y sarv eeaitra ware tabes is the faaraa af a aaaaa s. tfc taw aaf a rap ef eae watch mm a.a far aha at areteak ttw arswtia heart ef three lAasSctaaa, wbe wvra faTiaislUtietr ae4 te attaaa) bias. Ufa iraws ttsact at Saaa SW ssaawtas saat ear SO sasst. aar at wtoh ale eaat. The beaty as sua held i the jail peaaiiiig aa eaSrial aakexay.

a4 the Javtlar whe had hlsa ta rastady will la- aaitate a thatrwaaak la.aat'gsliaaa te dlacavwr the witty pttrtlaa last aigM, abtaat II a clock, taw evJpnt caOaaf fur a ejrtak af whasky, sraarh waa Siva a hiaa Taa lunars Ulae he aaskaal for Jailer Hubert walla an. waa eaa enth Mas. la aevmuia ta lb dee ah we try left the lavit aaaaatn faar Slav. -Tat ataaia watr waa auli snta hiss. Wheat th aeaffs a wrwaght Mrt'arty draah tt with deal relish, aad isasaediafariy seal Into rare- ruiatlcMae aad atavetopa a ail taa syaasisaM of strtchaiaat suiauniai The aiariaaina waa taaUeetee) lr ate Matvaaawatas and anuaual coma It F.

Tea Wr. taa awavletad aa-v eat meat ewtaasay affitwr. ore opted mm adjolnltva card. Waa hastily sumssoaaeat Sad Vr. O.

Hadioaak trletmwaaal fjr. Suck aav known ta aaeaMral awwarfatl ra tivaa appose, bart altaoiat etati. pocetrr ma rtata. Shortly after daylight this aaornlng the erowes tttfaa ta aataar la lha vaatatty ml tha Jail, aailvaa ta otXaJe tka faint aat SHmpee af the haeglnat. Thoaeaada af rug-glad lor poeltUm af aataa oa taa heuaa.

top aad at the windows of adjacent Irurtd-Inga They knew not what was ta king i.m laa. W. f. 11 aM-a, wi Under Assumed; Name, fe.rlornrr atnoiasasea. eaa that ta laws mssaete might be earned eat.

t'hew the (jtcts tea. rams known aome express, ii a as I lafaarrlea Marti. Wall. Fi.d. Hi.

H. ZZrZ Thaitbt, Had Bttm KialflSrd bar f4in.ll. of what I bay Saa SSraerea. I spread and the rrted ajowtlaaed to Increaa a be. I hundred mllee of hla father' a ramdenea, Toaaf Walla left Sprlna drove, where he waa working, repaliina a B.

taring plant. December ai. latn. and waa sever sees I where again by bis frtenda. 11 went directly front Spring drove te RIvsrton.

where, ander aa aasnmsd aame. he procured awploTxaent. knew of search has father was making ta find hiss. aa It waa published la all tba Peanaylvanla newspapers. Martin Walla received Information which took htm to Philadelphia and through it tbe father located hia son at Rlverton.

Only a week ago Mr. Walls, had notice offering KO.Ono reward for hia son. dead alive, spread broadcast tiirettgh Tork Coun ty. Ha haa received a letter from frtenda, stating that hla aon waa being held for ransom, and took this xeathod of reaching the kidnapers. So confident waa he that bis sea had beea murdered that en tha tffth ef this month.

In aa interview, he aaid he bad practically served tha mystery, and was then search. Ing for hla bob's body, aad that the mur derers weald be arrested within a daya. WHETHER and aurga about the jattl uatal the aa- casssMt that atoCarty aaa died my ate ewa hand had has a aaaOa. TM paoeKs Tork. P.BB-, May IS.

After a mystarloua I thereupon euletly a tape reed. disappearance of almost tw years Oaorgel Al "rsi awroi i vriiaar. a awn ana uiaaaaivnaai a naa ta Walls, th son of Walls, af lUcCmny WM .,4 Uvina tow.rd mradows burg, baa beea located la tbe village of I would proceed to bang bias la any Riven on, near Hafrisburg. leveet. Meaawhii tha populace woad.rad AlUaoajarh his father offered a reward orl tao.OOO foe inforaaUoa coocarnln- hlan.

te aa- k. mmmmtm young man. under aa assumed same, haa I account for the exaaoa peaching lha working as a mechanical engineer I condemned man. He aaid: "Last Monday within tbe name atata and within a few I i aa eaxuptaa aarsore ptsrtna lit aaaaa aim ever htm. I carefuMy examlaed every crack or rrevlre, every aovk aad ayoraver ta cell and anywhere about tke apst McCarty omtld I renvad everything of such a nature wherewith McCarty could Injur hlmeelf.

sack aa piece ef glass, tin. ear other hard sub stance. Betng thersaghry aat lane I Oat nothing remained 1 turned him ever te tbe death watch, but 1 bar atata talnetd a elos scrutiny since. I am saabt state how th polaea could hava reavrhed hie- tt asanas te lb run ear, sua ejpri opinio that --Carty had bees Is poaeeaw elon the drugs for a month pest, ear re. and that th anderetaadtng waa that should not attempt to as lt until afiar idnlght of hla last alt-tot on earth w-kew knew that all hope of emmalatlow bad goae.

a aavca aa xs-nr. There ar some eVouaas es pressed tipsa the truth ever bains; koewn. the la rage Uaatloa that la te follow may eo eoaae- thlng toward rlearlna up th my starry. Jt transpired to-day that Met arty aaad a-t ary effort to divert suaparaeaa rrexe ass real fateatlona. and aast aisrht.

wbaa Part-' far with the day guard 1 him that he weald scaffold as a-aoae aa aay sssa whe aaa to glory by that Hla snxstrt aasa sisters visited him last sight, bat tavey aaa come la class eon tact srtth Mat. The hrotfcera did aet shake baae anoroaca aaarer to hiss th bars ef the re 1 surildur waa aaXl lauu tyuuxu 1 The aatepsy Cleveiaad. Ohio, May li Whsthsr a eaa eutoasiie rr-aca arms it wis aa porta at ies Von at las us ta tha Ed wis C. Kelly, now on trxU wef ore Jad tMaeette eaa a charge ef en itess Una; S2Msy tea the B. fC Fas snarl Brick Compaoy.

Kelly's caae tm sttractlng much atieatioo oa account of th stand in; ef tbe man and the protnineoce of the parties cone meat. He aa a anamaber ef the Chamhar of anrrce aad a wefl haswa tftwoaaoter. haviag eawanixad half a dus-ea large com pa ni wf which he fat secretary and treasurer. A contract between Kelly and the B. Enamel Brick Company waa tetrndaced la arvldejac ta day.

By this contract th ce pasy trsnsferred ta Karliy aval Its Mark. sharea. rn return far sea Uaa aad valaabee property and conteac-ta Of what thla val uable property consists the attorneys woaid not say. bat they claimed that Kelly, betag wner ef all th stack, waa entitled te tbe protests of th sal of stack, and. the was his.

be cwaald mat cashes frees htsaeelf. M. W. Poeat, IKciatary aad Treaarorer of the Ecocaomy Bolldiag aad Lean Coaxapany, testified that ah haa aodited Kelly-a books, aad foaaad that Kelly waa charged wtth fmaw ef tba compear" saonr erty. Of thm tWOm was paid stea.

aad Sl.Ot fa aaork was paid (or laad eonl a lal ng aeicb: clay. KeSy was ibsra siarers 1aH at aarr tlsa this waa head, but the isauBa hav aat k-sea glva McCarty aad at body of far- ktalal ShartaT W-tlkarsoa aa abtafaaal a Vstt mt the samaa at mM pTinir whe have Tadtaat the suirids Tha aothcrtCas attac tai asi sr ihfa af I Btficaaee th tact that arwkar of Ma basts ers were as tpsa I beea sassssoaed ta appear fcwtera the ta- Court tsv-morre-w saarnlaia an trstlf-a ia th lavestlgauea toat ta aa aw aaaee otrtvcernlns; th euipnt'e amlcida. Lalar ia th day Jalaer Wallace saw asat th atate aaeat that aat-tar ta tiinssaaans in retlraat tatat night ba'csraar staaiSi asta ef bisa. aad firmly mti tbat a waa aw aaaa-tetkiec wherewith ta isfilck Jury. Cootinuina-, he said: When this satapu-Jo iad 1 caasaa McCarty I be i haa ewU aad baat a cot xilSnsa ta far falsa ta nick.

I thea had him strip as sis Inaj. I exam laad hira ciumiy aaa ih errV-i ef caouiinx as taer were tnrnea hlsa. 1 fa ttraas ta a rasswaa. aat my ta to get brnta his seaelb. hart waa him awaaow miaat mta.

drank, th pt reran I aisap durtax rlaa i tuna. afoCar-tr was Isft la a wt(S A. Mrl reaver. taa death watch, aver snss, while I went for th coffee. It la exrlAent that be had taa why asked for the coffa.

Be waa a with th tuna bjbI tins seoa aftsr be coarciDE3a'cz. of death. lsattawUl. May li-Jsaa suae, cot-. hanged tn the Jan yard tsi Hia awrk was hrekea Thrs waa aa Lawarrto suae lad May li.

Arrange i nts I a inattst caiacidrwt wtth Btacsrs riarocoa it week. Over for tn entertain aaeat of na death af hia saottter. which ar- Cenventloa ef the- Asacrtcaa I mm sarfr hear thia Tn! araous ino-snapoiis I aoC abac I nee to tat delegate. frol- Tavnuch kte who td throtsa-howt the country ar. expected.

Joe jt. Weber, of Cincinnati President ef the Federatiew. arrived t-day and headqiisrtmt at the Leniao HoteL gnd-by st the jail ts day. knew of tt, sb dacled. wa the adrlre ef tho ail not te tell her brother.

Black murdered, hia aacie. Archie James. Majr St. UuJ..

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