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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 7

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Cloth of Gold. cannot set any particular color i tor aimoat any color aeema Of Outdoor arnna -m an: ft Bt, Louis, waa elected J.J. I TALK OF THE TOWN. Ma.r to vUfrTakln. WaeJ th m.i-i yetri.y th rfent.rby city.

sr.i his atata In vtlfiiar. I in the wntr Portias P.rt nwn' wor14 an If la de-eloped i eviod ao rapMiy. kiJI1 caw" eentral portion In mr count alone, Tin It nt tb. bottom atvl a ti trvrs it. meany nt a small farm of from 1 to anevery farmer la aoin wan.

Mral mall routes running from Th" entire atata la row i ih h' pwd sreat n.4rini'f. our cropa war exreedlngly A-alfa, or luoern. aa It la eotn- I a. ylM4 from els to tan ton nl la harvvatad Ihre time a mining I grt Industry w1th te nn'y co' on th Felflo Coaat i ii i arrount la mined In WaahintT- Th lumber Interest la prospering, and new field haa bn 41a. tT.ri Than.

1W mlWsa from Orel hlp to ua. Thla flld i. i Inn1 nf tha American Una, ani frvm hra lrillrt that It will itrAjr valua than tha Klondike ia grral ruh to tha near Held now, nii'iimj In Alka baa eel I led down ti tiini-xa imaiM. and there will ba no wiM niNln-e. cnnaequantlr atorlaa from i may ba accepted with aoma nrir In 'he future.

I ft'i-H-mi a atgm Wealarn ayndlcata. tlilfik. of Inveetlnc In aoma of tha (iii.j. kr "li Heida. and tha ohjact of hmr tit i Invretlyata aoma of liijinn rr.n1 bf the oil produrere.

I apent 'to In Knlurky, and Will report yti'ii''e unmfoiaieiy on my return, Vhii TTort will be 1 am not In to J'it now, but we may Inveet. tj qufatldned rardlnc in vtilnton. and be aald: "Our will 'f-rtnliily Inetrucl for Roneeyelt. Eirry In atata la for hlrq" it Ix-II've hlrn to be th beat n. lilnk ha will hare any Ir.ut.l" In the nomination, and wa who la aelected aa hie unt.if.a: nii' 11" ba in our town on "tn hurrying- home now In ri.r I) irornt a no aaaiat wiii in- hii'I It will ba ona of fha 'r cxtrnded to a man who Itral I fit- fimul.

Irmnc nil lii ahlnton lan toward lirymi it the party rather than alile. but whether they II for the Prealdency acaln I nn. my lit' not looked upon aa a lnt iu.w. but one can never tell a pollHHHl pnrty will do. Cleveland ia Mlo In, hut not enoufh to rry thf aint- for him If he beoomea a ndMair ryt'nlnT end ev fry body la lriax-ron In Hi North weat that I .1 i li r.

hi-y will vote for a chanfe In ilnltr(l'ili I ilm vtTV mo. in love with Cincinnati. a i Hv. and everybody aeema t.N.v If I i ver have an opportunity fiurn to thla m-otlon of tha country I in orroi.c- my nfTalra ao I can remain few ilny a niul brcome acquainted the iH--nl'. trmrr ij.iMriior Asa a.

Uuahnell, of itlrid. Ohio, rrgiati-ret at tha St. jtatnlay. lie cams to attend lV! tian'ifiet of laat night. ih met many of hla former lila at tli- and lit the afternoon tin ilrin' mi th rlty.

II discussed H-a with anm of hie frlenda for a few t-a utter hmrh. He aaya It la a I i tin i i i.loiifl Ilerrlck. of Cleva- win H.pulillrsn nominee for Grnor. atnl thi-re Is no doubt In hi hut hi wilt be elected. Ha aaya Kins.

-hla city, will th fur Attornry-tieneral. and will th a.iil.l sniiiiort of hla district. rrnnr liushnrll la In euleniild health. a it tnKlnit aa active nart In doK ii the pri'-Mit time ha watches th it' iii.a. iy ami Is alive to all that la to return to Spring- t' t-1 har lUatlnKulKhed Dhloan who waa ratnlnv.

wh.h Colonel Jamea Kil- nf 'tumliiis. former Democratic for iluvernor. He' le at th Orantl and to ntffntl tha Laayal Legion laat nmhi Mm was surrounded by fn.Miila shnrtly after hla ar rival the mid wna with them dur. ftiiirf Me had nothing to tay I'tfllratlon hitn-iirnina thai aw-tlltlial mlt- 111 Ohio i arrrct ronferene at th Cr llntal iatTiiav afternoon between 1- from various section of tha country all woodwork for carriage. Th- rfarcm Inat.d the greater part of no member waa willing 'jwnn intnapired behind tha closed All who wire aPDroached aald It ply lumlness conference, and thar 1 IUIIIC.

from Mlrhlaan Iowa Till. ikiuin nd tihlo were In attendance. Stavmann. of Jsckaon. for' tir; l1 ''in.

lnnatl boy, waa here yaa- twoajhahmg hands with hla frlenda. Mr. TH ENQUIRER'S DAILY FASHION HINT fashionable thia spring, ana an tn -m Manv enlora. blue, black and gray are, as usual, tha etandby. but a aoft ehad quite as substantial.

In ln tninea, vollea and veiling, faw plain material ara aaan. every Instanc tha etamlnea and vollea ar trimmed ln heavy lacea. rM the handsome new designs is which thia ua of lac ta prominent sh above ln a striking cloth of I remaining .4 i uB wgn. is 01 ecru sai graduated flounce finished at tha bottom wish a band of anit ai i arawn work. The waist la trimmed wath the drawn worn nu fge.

The sleeve haag full from two strap Just below th houl- garnered Into a narrow wrtatband of Kuaetaa lace. BLESSING Bea towed TTrmn Callsara 4s0 Alumni. Tork, ArchMshon Parlev. of Manager CConnall, of tha 'toman Cath X. university.

Washington. h.aiuittat FtS of honne Ik, alaa. ennlon af tha Alumni Aa-Amcrlcaa College in Roma. IV. held J.T, Mtevanaon waa for me ly eon Dotted wltk ana of tha faat frelttbt Una hare, tXJt two year aaro waa eent to Jaxkeon to ewver the Jbf laaa territory.

Urn haa mama a wamaerrul rvnord laer. anal la blahly tleaaed with lb rbanae, thouarH eiill elalaaa Clocia- aaU aa hie hetna. One of tha moat pOturaaqna mas at tha yal IeioM banauet laat nlaht waa Oen-eral J. A. Umlth.

IT. M. retired. For many yeara ha waa connected with tha I'nltod ajtate Knaloeertna Corpa, ao4 for 10 yeara waa locateal at tTlaveland. A fw year ao ha waa aent ta th FaaHAa Clop, and reached th aaa limit while there, and waa retired, la knowa every mmber of th Ivwai Lation la Ohio by name, and at tha Oread MotX yeaterday afternoon maay plaaaaat Inctdenta of bygone daye were raeallad whan araeped loath and of aoma j-riaaied veteran af an aJmoet for- often war.

AO gar him a eordlal welcome, and ba recounted maay Inctdenta which had paaaed from tha minds of I ho aoncerned la them. Pater Schwab, tha wealthy brewer of Hamilton. Ohio, waa at tha 01 NlehoUa Hotel yesterday. 11 waa bar on a buau- naes trip -and returned borne laat event nf Krhwab apoka very neouraainaly of bustneaa, and aald haa aot ba better with htm In many yeara. Jamea If.

March, a politician and furnl lure dealer of Llnton, waa at tha (Irand Hotel yaaterday, havtna; coma here to lay In a tart a aupply of During a eonveraatlon Mr. March aald he ia partial ta tha marketa of Cincinnati bacauaa ha can tret batter gooda her maoh cheaper than In tha Kaetern marketa, and tha coat Of a long railroad haul la eaved. Mr. March aald tha accidental death of Waiter rone ton, who waa killed Monday by a revolver falling- and discharging Itself, baa cast a gloom over tha entire town, aa Bron aton waa on of th moat popular young men there. Th Idea of suicide advanced by aome, Mr.

March aaya, ta aroutad by every ana who knew tha young man. Ia connection with hla death It la recalled that aoma months ago a story was clrcu bated of hla engagement to a beautiful Italian Counteaa, who waa a gueat of J. rlaggln, tha muatifrallllonaire, and hla wife, who own a large atock farm near that elty. Mr. Bronaton paid assiduous attention to tha young woman, who ta vary weanny, ana wnen ana ITt there ware rymora of an engagement.

They were never affirmed, but It la known they were attacnan to each other. Warner Klnkead. aunerlntendent of the Pepfxtr Distillery, ona of tha larsest In tha South, was at tha Hotel Honing yeaterday rrom Islington, Ky. Ha reports a very fine buelneaa, and aaya tha outlook for a good trade thla summer and fall la very en couraging, tie win remain several days. Harold W.

Robinson, who for manv vears haa been connected with th Flelechmann yeaat In areata, and who for tha past three yaara and a Tialf haa been representing the Flelachraanna In Cuba, haa been apendlng tha paat few daya In Cincinnati vlaltlng hla bid frlenda. Mr. Robtnaon waa muci Impressed with Cincinnati' prog-res s. Ha aald: "Tha change haa bean Immense since left here, nearly four yeara ago. and everything aeema to be It la good to blow In hare onoe In a while.

Havana ta on of th -beat cltlea In th world now. Peopla tell Ima that th Impression haa gained ground her that the city haa de teriorated alnoa tha Cubans have taken charge, but euch la not the case. They have not had a caa of yellow fever there for two yeara, and the city la as clean aa a bandbox, and peraona need have no fear of going thar at any time of th year." Mr, Robinson left laat night for New Tork on bualneaa. John Gorman, who la known all over tha country aa a horaeman, arrived In Cincinnati yeaterday morning from 8t. Loula.

where ha haa been making hla home for the paat year, and la vlaltlng relatives In Cummlnavlll. He Is a brother-in-law of tha Xaraoua Jack Hayden, King of the Oypalea, who ia now in Newark, N. William King. Bergeant-at-Arma of tha Ohio State Senate, waa at tha Orand Hotel yeaterday morning an route to Athena to attend th aenatortal convention of th Ninth-Fourteenth District, which will be held there to-day. Fred Blankner, Bergeant-at-Arma of tha State Senate, came to th Orand Tuesday night, and ha and a number of other polltlclana left yeaterday morning for tha scene" of battle.

It la understood that B. H. Moors will get tha nomination without any trouble, aa It aid he haa sufficient Inatructed votea to cauaa oppoaltlon to dwindle away. John B. Clark, of Brookvllle, a lawyer and politician of that aection of tha tat, wa at th Qlbaon House yesterday.

Mr. Clark waa here on a private bualneaa matter and declined to discuss politics. aaya people In Northeastern Kentucky are too busy making money and attending to their awn affair to take much Interest In polltrca. Dr. C.

E. Lawton, of Philadelphia, waa at th St Nicholas Hotel yeaterday, having com to Cincinnati on a bualneaa trip. Ha formerly resided In thla City, but for many yeara haa been connected with a large Insurance company In tha Quaker City. Ha aaya all of tha large inaurance companlea are doing a splendid bualneaa, which la a good Indication of tha financial condition of tha peopla of tha United States, because when business I dull and money la scare they da not think of Ufa Insurance. Xcru Zdj'm aside aa tha fashionable ona of tha gold costume.

i v. an. I. tn iteea President. Th naxt annual meeting will ba held in St Ixnils In March, 1904.

a a tk. ktannuat ArchblshOD Parlay bestowed an th members th papal blessing, wnicn was recwtna cabled congratulation to Hla Hollnaaa. ABOLISHED. Milwaukee. May v-Tha Intern.

tlonal MachlnJet' Convention to-day e-c4dd to abolish tha referendum clau In Ita a Mnvantlflltl and constitution -wim r-v--v decided to meet biennially. TROOPS May Be Called Out To Enforce the Court's Sweeping Order. Omaha, Teamsters Have been "Interfering With Interstate Commerce, Says tbe Petition Upon Which Judge Monger Granted a Temporary Injunction Caao To Bo Decided May 2a omaba. May a. On petition of a number of complainant, including; the principal tranafer and delivery companlea Involved In tha teamster a etrlka.

Judge Mungwr, of tha Federal Court, to-night granted a temporary rea training order en- Joining th officer of Team Driver Inter. national Union, Local No. Tl. J. K.

Crews, President; H. Wilcox. Treasurer, and Edward Sumner, Secretary, together with all member of th union, from doing cer tain acta Intended to Interfere with inter state commerce, and commanding them to appear In Court on May 20 to show cauaa why a temporary Injunction ahould not be granted. WHAT TWT OBJECT TO. Tha petition waa filed by attorney repre senting aeven delivery companlea, Ave coal dealer, ona lumber company, one Jobber and a department store.

In their petition the complainant recite th term of th contract th Team Drlvera' Union naked them to algn, and their par ticular objection to that clauae therein which provided that "No teamster ahali be dlecharged. laid off or docked In hla time or pay for refusing to haul goods to or from any house. Arm. corporation or contractor declared to ba unfair by the labor unions," and then go on to relate par-tlcalar Instance In which by threat. Intimidation and violence, the strikers have Interfered with lawful bualneaa.

OK MAM THREATENED. It is alleged that a threat waa made by one of tha atrikera that If Walter Jardlne undertook to do bualneaa with non-union driver he would be aaaaulted and killed. It la further alleged that Interstate com merce waa Interfered with when the atrikera stopped good in transit from Oha- ha to Council Bluffs, and from on freight depot to another in Omaha. Mora than 900 of th Teamsters Union are named In the order which I most sweeping In Ita provision. A violation of tha order it la believed will reault in tha calling out of Federal troop If necessary to preserve the peace and enforce tha order of tha Court.

Large crowd of atrikera hava gathered in different part of the city during tha day, and Jeering tb owner of wagons who were themaelve driving teams, Tha entire police force ia doing double duty, but no violence haa been reported during th day, and no arrest have been made. MEN ARE UHOED To TJa All Effort Agraiaat tha Fort- land Expoaition in 1905. Iaagrange. May 6. The Stat Fed eration of Labor, In eeaalon here, has adopted resolution calling on all working men to invoke th referendum on th atata ap propriation of $500,000 for th Larwt and Clark Exposition, to be held at Portland In 1906.

The reaolutlona aak tha atata convention to lay the faeta toefor tb Ameri can Federation of Labor, and to aak them to address circulars to all International, national and cantral bodies in th United States, calling upon tham to petition Congress not to appropriate money for the fair. Trie resolutions say that tha sawmills of Portland hava formed a combine, ralaed th price of lumber 75 per cent, and refuse to lumber to contractors who employ THE EXQUIKEIU CIKCrKTKATI. THURSDAY. 31 AY. 7.

100'X union mn; that renta have bean ralaed, andlfalra. and came to the conclusion that aome that under these condition th fair will not Tot tha larae offlcea ahould be examined aen- of th large office ahould be examined gen. benefit th working-men. UNIFORM SCALE Waa Adopted By tbe Operatlra Potter at Wheeling: Yesterday. Wheeling.

W. Va, May 6. There were ao many reaolutlona offered to-day at the national convention of the Brotherhood of Operative Potter that tha time limit for producing; tham waa extended until th eloaa of tha session. Th most Important resolution passed provides for tha uniform scale, and thia was adopted with less friction than waa anticipated. It alma to prevent any radical demanda for wag Increases and will go to the Conference Committee to ba submitted by them to th manufacturera.

resolution decreasing-th number of appreaticea in Certain departments waa referred back to the local offering it. A reeoluttvn increasing tha r-lostatement waa defeated. To-night th delegates wer entertained with a smoker given by the Ohio Valley Tradea and Iaabor Assembly. LABoa mnoNs Host Baapact tH National Guajd, According To Thia New law. Albany, N.

May 8. Governor Odell to-day signed a bill designed to prevent dlaerhnination on tha part of labor union against member of tha National Guard. Tha bill Is very drastic, and refers equally to labor unions or am ploy era. making it a misdemeanor to Interfere la any way with th employment of a peraon who ia a member of th National Guard on account ot such membership, or to dissuade a person from enlisting by threat of Injury with reference to hla employment, trade or bualneaa. It especially forbids any trad or ganisation from passing any resolution or membership against any member or the National Guard.

-Tha act la ta taka affect September 1.1903. TABLE CTTTTEBS LOCKED OUT. Glovers vllle. N. T-i May 0.

The lock-out of the International table cutter by tha Glove Manufacturera Aaaoclattoa ot Glov ers-rill and aTohnatown occurred to-day. About S.200 operatives ar Idle. The employe of ail branches of tha heavy and fine goods trade ar now out except in two no toriea. and within a few daya about T.000 peopl will be out of work. TTE-TJP IS FEARED.

T.aianaaMlU MV A TTttf Wall bt ft. fttft- rioum tnte-up" of work oa the ntnr Fedrml Bu-ldtrur unless tn su-ik or xn men a tha Bedford QuArr1e Company la soon set-vawi All of the aton that Is now being; -a a-waa, Ist rnmlRaT tram the Vfa-U vig tarw Bedford concern, and there 1 a aupply on hand at tna nuueang winurai uui mora than. 10 daya. Pittsburg. Penju.

May Arrangement wer made to-day ta hold tha annual ware conference between the American Tin ptate Company and tha Amalgam ated Association Scale Committee ta New Tork next Tuesday. TWO BODIES Off THE TRACK. Aurora, May 6. Th dead bodies of Emmet Owynn. aged 18.

and Albert Green, aa-ed la. both of Cochran. wer found the Baltimore and Ohio track to-day. it ta bellv4 they were killed by a freight train. ESICK Or Lumbar Will Dellwarad la Haw Tork at Praaant.

New Tork. May 8- All tha brickyard ot th city to-day began a lockout agalnat th drtvvrs, a4 a doclsloa of torn bar-yard wa- mrm ta start a aaaamar sweavswt as anaawaw this antira. Ttite bum tbat aa be, ear Ivsaaanr wtil aVrtivier te-aay aunt: tha batidisa; tradea Utfiac ara -ttatt tffwrl UA)rJa tb drive ar g-ivra aa ta eaoa af th laekowta. It Unaeat rhay wlii throw thantsanda af ja at a work ta aS part tha city. wnx nor sTSiXn.

baajford. Ind May Tb etooarutter bsv deddad to eoa tints at work, leavteg tha plaaara aaat aawyara to astti their Uf- rs re noes swat isMcaariv. FIFTEEN GRADUATES Baeeiy Dlplomaa Frvm ClnciaaAtl Col lar af DantaJ aarrary. InpirtasT wauala and aifclraa marked tha tatata annual ewiwiawmint aniitlaa af tha Ctnetnaatt Collega ot Dental Surgery at Stntoa Hall last evening. Several hundred aaopl wltaaw4 tha conferring of that degree aaea ttt graduate.

Th exercise coram raced with tha invocation, delivered by Rev. Robert B. Nslaoo. which waa followed by rsmarka by' Prof. S.

JankaraaaitB. dean af tha eoUaar. Prof. Jankennauin poa of tha work ot the gradaatea during; th tJxn farr wer at coUega and of trrlr future. Tha eon erring; of tha degree waa dooa by Hon, Franeia B.

Jam. President of tha Board af Trustees. Tha address of tha evening waa delivered by Hon. Warren Oard. who I the pra- ecutlng Attorney for Bailer County.

Mr. Oard addreaa waa along tha Mne af a young man starting out In Ufa and was full of Bate of hope for tha gradaatea. A pleaaant feature of tha evening waa th presents Uon of Urge bouquets of fl oarers ta tha gradiuuea by friends. Th aamea of the graduates are: G. T.

Bar re. A- A- Drummond, C. S. Dye. J.

Jan- sen, W. A- Kluavnarter. F. B. parrum.

II. Saalavsky. W. H. Wright.

T. B. Castlecnaa. I W. Dunham.

B. Harlan. C. C. Kemper, F.

Lush. J. N. Sadler. N.

8. West. Follow tag th commencement exereiaes th official guests of tha college and the graduate went to tha Orand Hotel tn a body, where a banquet took place. Prof. A.

Laeue. of tha vJhio University, presided as toaatmastar. Addresses wer mad by War. rn Gard, W. T.

McLean and Prof. W. Rowe and other. METHODS Employed in Clueen City Will Be Scrutinized Bj tbe Reprcsentatires of Pajne. Postmaster-General To Investi gate All 'Large Offices.

Wants Know Partieolarl Abont the Purchase of Supplies May Emplaj Lawyers. arsciAb mspATca to tbb ngciaaa. Washington, D. May In a short time an Investigation of tha bualneaa methods ln vogue in tha postofflcea In Cincinnati and other large cltlea in tha country will ba begun under th direction of tbe Postmaater-General. Th Idea of such an inquiry la tb remedy supposed defects In tha present sys tem and to make improvements, which, tn tb judgment of Mr.

Payne, ara necessary both with a view to bettering th postal arrlc and also- to effect economies. Th investigation will be undertaken ra- gardleas of results which may follow tha In vestigation of alleged Irregularitiea ln the Postofflca Department In Washington. Particular attention will be given to eztrava-gancea in tha way of supplies, equipment, Ac Nothing; haa been dona In thla direction alnca the regime of Postmaster General Wanamaker 13 or J4 yeara ago. WHAT PATHS' SAT. In explaining the new plan, Mr.

Payne aald to-day: Last year Representative Loud, Chair man of tha Committee on Postofflcea, and I had an extended conference over postal af- erally, but especially in reference to the pur chase of supplies. We expected that the work might taka all of tha year 1900, and for that reason it waa agreed to raise th miscellaneous fund st my command from (1.000 to $6,000, which was granted by Congress. 1 have not yet resolved on tha extent or detail of th examination. It may be done by a committee of expert composed of employers of the Poatoffice Department or of people outside of the department. The appropriation waa Increased because could not foresee all tbe expenaee incident to such an undertaking and desired to have enough money to do the work thoroughly.

It may be thought best to employ local expert on aoma of tha pcatofflcea, or we may hav to employ lawyer. The examination of city postofflcea will proceed, no matter what la the outcome of the investigation into the conduct of affairs In the Poatoffice Pepartment. It will continue long after the inveetlgatkme here hav ceased, and will probably reault ln a change ln the methods of doing; business." TBI WASMIMQTOSI Th Investigation will cover all flrst-class post office whose annual recelpta aggregate a half million dollars. Postmaster-General Payne haa now received replies from e-Postmaster-General Chart ea Emory Smith, Controller af th Treasury Tracewell. Postmaster Merrltc of thla city and' Fourth Assistant Poatmaater-Oenaral Bristow.

regarding th charge mad by ex-Cashier Tulloch. of the Waahingtoa postofflc. Th abstraction of paper from tbe safe, of th office ot the Assistant Attorney-General -for tha Postofflc Department by Mra. Jamea N. Tyner.

wife af th then Assistant Attorney-General, la stew regarded aa practically eloed tartdeau Ta paper were taken on April St and the rase was referred ta the United Statea Attorney for th District of Columbia a week later. The matter ha not progree4 further. It haa not been presented ta the grand wry and It ia generally believed that the grans' jury would not be likely take arrtoa cause af lack of proof tbat tha paper taken wer Government property. SUGAR GS0WERS ELECT. Maeaa.

May a. Tb Interstate S. gar Can Grower' Convent loa tedy elected the following: officers: President. D. G.

Purse. Savannah; First Vic President. Judg Smile Rlat. New Orleans; U. K.

English. Georgia, Treaeurar; Eugene Anderson. Georgia. Secretary. Secretary af Agriculture Wilson la In tha city and addressed the convention.

A Biw Concent la a Bautiful Stora. Th sumptuous quarters which th firm of Henry Straua haa -acquired and Sued ap In the Grand Opera House Block for the main distributing depot of their vast cigar business are ideal In commodious extent and ornate adornment. The public 1 naturally unacquainted with the enormoaa output of Ane vigar by Henry Straus, although the firm's name la svnomymous with luxury In the line of cigars and enterprise In the way of Every large city ha It foremost cigar distributer, and ln th present age the consumption of cigar of the finest, most expensive order ia continually oa the Increase. Mr. Straus represents the biggest, heaviest producer of cigars ia the world, and their goods come to this mar-r pnnalsDed to Mr.

Straua- wh aa vir tually the sole and excluaiv is burner of the ricneet quauue curar wai corns 10 this --trket. Ar example of office furnishing and dec. an. as well as aa illustration of wha -istltutes suitable quarters for the care handling af fine new store Henry Straua demonstrate that it la almcet a deep a study to take proper care of cigars aa a commercial commodity aa It la to protect diamonds from conditions that affect their value. Mr.

Straua will be very pleased to snow you through his new premise In the Grand Opera House Block. 627 and SSSi Vine atreet, aad anahJa von to derive a clear idea arha cautious and considerate scientific care i devoted ta tne nanaung ana aiatributlon of cia-ara. We have already deecribed Mr. fitraua'a snlendid new premises and AtiiAi hi equipment. To-day he Invite public inapecuon.

oi we ne oe giaa to welcome you to aa examination ot aa Ideal clarax depot. VICTORY For the Covington Ilan VtUgittt CoBsIttered tbe Selee lioa ef J8de Goarlej. The Eentsckj ETablicAiis Are Meeting in Parii Kane a CaadJiita rr la Ofix af Eailrsad Cam at Us laser Setrs fBIaaCraaaPaUtiea. awavra re wa Parts. May Th BajtVbHeaaa el tha Third KaUroad Dtatrtci af JCeatiwky.

composed he Sixtav Seveotb, Eighta. Kioto, Tenth and Elnvmth CtonsTraa4aal District war ealle4 tagerher tha afternoon to aelart a namin from eaaaoc th nlna announead aajKUdatea. -'Thla la tha only electlv itfflca tH tha taU ia which tha party haa a aafa majority. Jadaa J. OEtooar.

ef Pulaski Oeantv. Cnairmavn of th district, opened tha con Richard P. Ernst, of Cor-lnsTton. acted aa secretary. Invocation waa offered by Etttar J.

R. Sweeney, of thla city mu)s ara yua T. B. Kirk withdrew hi name, aad th majority report of tha District Coram wa adoptaaj In th aelectioa af Judaa Hfrge w. uostlrr, of Lata County.

vvrmry nairman. Tnle waa considered a victory for Collector IJebarth. of Coring-, ton. a strong supporter af Wood I Four Republican aewcaaper men were se lected aa Be ere tan ea. in th ret on tm- Pary organisation the delegates holdin cTvoenuaia aignea ay regular oraaaiaaUon were anowM tat Vote.

When the Countv ot uwwey waa called a man front Breathitt In- Matad on casting tha vote. Th different committee came neat, and In thla tha Ue-berth foil wing withdraw their motion to have only five on each committee end ac cepted tha Bubetltute calling for nine each a representative for each candidate. This wss done after a majority af the votea had been taken. Candidates were aaked to band ln-recom mendatlona for committeemen, and recess waa taken until 4:13. ca.mciir casttkiu After announcement of committees th convention again adjourned, this time to At the night session, which adjourned until o'clock to-morrow, ao bualneaa waa transacted other tham tha report of Com mittee on Rulea being adopted, and tha time waa consumed In apeechmaklng.

Among those heard wer W. O. Deering-, a farmer Democrat of Fleming County; Mayor Bites, of Morgan; J. O. Bailey.

Sam H. Kaeh. Major A. T. Wood, W.

A. Gain, tb colored orator from Covington; J. T. Patrick and others. Many were the reference made to the trials of tha Goebatauapecta.

and Judge CantriU came In for erltlclsm. The recent epeaehe of Judge Breckin ridge and John K- Hendricka in opposition to Governor Beckham's candidacy, were referred to as being excellent Republican campaign argumcnta." ON FRIDAY Chairman Neal Say tha Offlcera' 14 rt WU1 Kfd Pnblle. srwrtAt. vtarATca fesqentaa. Loulavllle.

Ky May City and County Da? moor a tic Committee will meet Pridav nutht. when rnsnman an. w. jei atatea the Hat ot eWMlon officer will be given out -for publication. Some think that Chairman Keal la'ooifuatnc without hi host and as ona Dgtaocratkj leader atatad to-dar.

They wtfl bt givea out until early candl light SatoVday morning." Tha vartoue entnea ior larawcimia! amt kannn ar now oursutng a waUing course aa to tha local situs CMa. each, ona who haa not been put on aetr tne aiat mereiy hoping that he wilt, by aoma csaaee. get tha monev. Th real ngnt tm un oeiween Chanault and Ilsgex Jor the Bute Auditor-ship. The local organisation la doing ita beat for Hager.

Judae Haaer returned to the city yeater day and laat night attended a meeting of a candidate for one at the Circuit Judgeship office. He wss accompanied by W. J. Sermonln and other local lleutenanta. and tbey aU stated that they had an easy thing in tbe race.

John B. Chanault left Louisville to-day. but only for a day." John R. Pflana atill ahowa confidence In- Chenaulra aucceaa. Sam J.

8hackelford and. tTrey Woodson continue to direct the out-of-state work. In the ether state race no notable events hava transpired. Colonel William P. Thorne and Josh T.

Griffith arrived In tha elty today. Gua Richardson still thins a naa a chance, and Ben Watt, with Judg Hlnea directing hla campaign, atill claiming to be a winner. W0MA3TS STJTTBAGE Igriored in. tha Platform of tha Ken tucky Probibitionlata. srsctAl warATca TO tub awqimisa.

LoulaviU. May S. To-day a aesston Vaatiiaii atata proBiUDen conven tion waa the stormiest In the history af th party In Kentucky. cnier point or argument waa in recard to the insertion tn the platform of a piaaa aavocaung woman a autre Tha motion failed, and In con sequence there la aerioua danger of a pUt between the W. C.

T. L- ana ma rxomna- tlonlst. Mrs. Franca E. Beauchamp.

of taxlng-ton. President af the State W. C. T. U-, waa the champion of tha woman a ngm taction, rw i Smith, of Paducah.

Chairman of the Platform Committee, waa its chief an-a nlMfarm. directed aolelv aaainat tha liquor traffic waa adopted, and the fol- iwing ticket waa nomioaira; fi-i ta nasaaree. of Jessamine County, for Governor; J. A- Barrall. of Bullitt County, for Treasurer; Judge William Stone, ef Montleelte, for Attorney-General; Charles Brevaro, oi mninn, mr shjctv-uiu tr PrmkL of Madlaonrill.

for Superintendent of Publte InMructtca; R. Sidney Easttn. or nenaerson t-niniy, iw H.mmal aim. of IfsrrtaOB Commissioner ot Agriculture EFFORT OF DUHMES far Daisy la Eaarlng; Will Ba Tattrht By laawyar Bimma. srorts.

ssseavra vs asarrrsaa. ladlaaanolla. Iao. May a. Daniel W.

Straana. of Lafayette. a of the principal atteraaya for th father ef Moaea Fowler Chaae la tha legal battle aver tha la iter-a big estate, wha waa here to-night, waa ln forsaed af tha stateaaaat af tha Cincinnati attorney for tha Dahaaea tbat they would probably hava the Saal tteartnc before Jadg DeharV af Lafayette, poatponed until fall la order that they aaay taka deposi-lioaa ta Parle ta ahow how tha boy waa got away from there. Slnama aald ha aua-ped th Duhnse would make a movement of that kind, bat bia aide ia ready and will Insist on tha case swing- tried, next Wednesday, tha data for tha hartag. Tha attorneye for Chaae'a father will not take any aepoeittaoe ln Pari, aa Simma said Consul General Gowdy had found tha boy aad aent him home aad there was aa need of further evidence on that point.

Tha attoraaya for the Duhanea. It ta understood, will try to prove that the boy waa brought back, to thia country aralaet his Will. r- S0LDLER 11A3T AMTJCK' Wm. Murrey, wha haa a gallant record ta tha Philippine aa a soldier, and who 1 an tamate of tha Daytoa Soldiers' Home at present, raa amuck early yeaterday morning la a lunch stand ax George- and Smith Armed with two butcher knives he chased every one out of the place, and then attacked Patrolman Werpup. wha convinced him ba ought ta behave.

Ia Police Court yesterday morning; ba- waa remanded to Jail for sentence. SATS SHE WAS R0B3ED. Margie Miller, of 408 New atreet, arrested Tuesday aight for drnnkenaeae. declared la Folic Court yesterday Jnorr' that aha had been robbed of 11 in her Tha policemen who know her aaid she aot know there waa ao much money ln the world, and her caae waa continued until May aWWj Miss Alice AL Sollh, cf So. Ml3capoCs, MinrJL, tcHs bow vrXstxa monthly txrtlcrinz pennaoestly rcllcYcd by Lytiia E.

mkbataf Vejetattlc Coaposod. hav atever bafora givea gay ew-doaraenaent tar aay snadieiaa. but Iaydiav E. link. am a VertaUa CoBpessBd haa avddod ao anuch to gay Ufa aad happine that feci like mak-lag aa exwption la thia caae.

For two years every BaoaUt 1 woaid hava (a daya of aever pais aa4 exmld And aa relief, but ooa day while vialtlns; a friend I ran arrosa Lydla Em IMnk-ham'a Vrwwtabl C'ompoaauV aba bad sumkI it with tha beat result: aad adviaed ma to try it. fotmd thai rt worked wemdere wfth tna now arperietkea no paia, aad only had to naa a faw botUre to briavf about thia wrmdarfal Misa Alicx M. Surra. Third South. Mia-aaapolia, Mina gaaso afw tf Many wetna saffer silently and their beat irlfu fade away, laydla K.

Pinkbain's Veretabl Componnd makea tbe entire fe male orwanism healthy. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN Mrs. Plnkham will wire erery Ulinw woman expert advice en tire I free. Hhe has helped thoo-Bsisdii Adtlreas X-yruv, Maaa. TRACTION NEWS.

At a meeting yeaterday la tha office of Kramer a Kramer ef toe prelector of th Richmond and Portland (Ind.) Electric Railway Company, attended by Hon. Peter Schwab, of Hamilton; General Manager Jones, of New Tork. and First Vic President Reynold, of Philadelphia, atp wer taken -toward rapidly Duelling- throurh the work of laying tna 3Vi miles of this new road, which wilt cross th richest section of land In tha State of Indiana. Mr- Schwab, who la Second Vice President of th road. said! "We will try to hava theiroad built and finished by November or December af thla year.

If possible. The road will run through the cities of Winchester aad Gaa City, striking tha rich gaa and all fields of Indiana, with thriving walla dotting the route every three or Ave milea. Our company has Just been financed for $3,500,000, and Ita main office la now at Fourth and Walnut streets. In charge ef First Vic Presi dent Reynolds. General Manager one ta tationad at Richmond.

auperin tending the construction of tha road. Later an it la our purpose that the road be built ta Hamilton, where it will connect with th D. and T. Traction Company, thua gain ing an an trance into Cincinnati. Mr.

Schwab la enthusiastic over tha pros pects of tna Indiana line, and prophesies for It a brilliant future The Circuit Court, la a decision by Judg Judge Swing concurring, handed down decision yesterday ia tha autt againet the MiUcreek ValJry Street Rail way Company, so oust It from oocuaancy of tha Carthage pike from the Zoo to the Village of Carthage. Tha opinion holds that the amendment to (ha reply offered by the plaintiffa la prematura. Tha Village of Carthage, through it at torneye. W. S.

Bell. S. B. Hammel. J.

R. Sayler and Wm. Worthington, filed suit some time ago to Invalidate tbe franchise of the road through that village. The MiUcreek Valley Company filed aa answer, and ubaequently demurred to th plaintiffs reply. Then the attorney for th plaintiffs aaked permission to amend their petition so aa to attack the entire franchise, and when this waa granted the plaintiff presented copies of tha grant from the County Commissioner In evidence, aa well as coplea of communlratione and reaolutlona which paaaed between tbe Commissioners and tha Cincinnati Inclined Plana Railway Company, which held the original franchise.

The Court now bold that th paper brought into the pleading differ from thoaa attached to the answer of the defendants In that the coplea of the grant by tbe County Commissioners ar tha muniments at tbe defendants franchise, the tha question aa to whether those are ao tacompUt and am big nous aa ta need or admit of a perfect cannot bow ba determined has not aa yet been presented. Tha Court finds that It can judg better after the hearing of th demurrer. and tb decision reserve th light to coun sel for the relator to reopen th question upon further development of tha caae. DAMAGE SUITS. aromat.

atsraaca so vara asot taaa- Hamilton, Ohio. May The Hamilton, Glendale and Cincinnati Traction Company yeaterday brought suit for 11.800 damaga against E. G. Ruder on a bead in tha ault of th C. H.

and D. Railway and C. D. Fntoa for 92.0OO da mares aa a bond la aa Injunction ault by the H. and D.

and a similar ault against Jeaeph W. Smith for S700. The auita ara for damaga auataiacd by reatralninar ordera "GYPSY BILL'S' EYE G0SE. stkciaL BsrTcn To las BKciBaa. Columbus.

Ohio, May 8. The left eye of ri-n. Hi if Bioomflald. of Cincinnati, waa removed at the penitentiary to-day by Dr. Thomas.

BloomneM got into a ngnt wita another convict and waa badly cat. Minnie (ALL SIZES) City or Hill Delivery Now Ready for-Prompt Deliyery. TOarmetGo. 01 OR COLULTBUS, OliZO 1 LONDON, Kaaad Tri- SPIUIJGFIIILD. 7Gc BATESVIIiLE Jl STJXDAY.

MAY lOtli. 1101 Atcnoi -saaisaaaaasiaMiiaaaaaaaasasaaai I rt'r vti artam AmcHoammrm mm4 tJerchmats, Cwj. 2337 ta 2343 an in. BYRAXT AXn rtTR HATS, a r. hucartta' AT ArCTlOV Of tor T9 m-rr r-eAuraa.

a aarMtra. a avatgais cat aa. aaa ataas a Kent end Wfi.dmere Hotels UaXWMrMM4jUClV Oisiipi, H. T. a a a tasaok nakt aavav s-ia Jaa.

ia. Tawaaw Oa. Tat a raaataen cat a Start fraasa skiwsit Far ILf. wwarr rraanrta. fTke Warrr aalpaieri.

Fseait I ar Its slBr eauW alaiira BMOta, srtt artvate kauka vaastm ef iinai Tar ana tit lli wa. a BN sat aasil Writs for lihastrat saulM. A4naa ID Jaa 1 Oea. A. stUka.

Mar-. Ta Oratea. Waak, WARM SPRINGS BATH CO VA as sow orsK rem QCxara. For rtrealar aa terssa aadesaa atrBAVst a OUlVIH warm Sprtaaa. aata Va.

Thssa sane ess. eT Tmrirw CHr, Traatt nea. tng wttata a rwia rta aatsta. aaeaty Saaeh, tiB4Ti at a a a a aa at wacaawra. r.iorjur.icrjTS! FLOWERS MONUMENTS HATOT-l'RBAK-At Chicago, by th Rev.

David Creiratoa. on Saturday, April is, Oeorg Feaaletoa Handy and Edith Urban. SZATSaV ADKIKS-Tnarasa Haana, wife af Elbert E. A kin aad aeuabtea ef Aana a. and the bt William Hanna, Wedaeeday.

Mar at War. Tcxaa. Due Betice af funeral. BACKR Moaea Baoer, after eon tin tied illness, Seymour, May llML Funeral chapel United Jewlah Cemetery. Walnut Hilla.

Thursday. May at p. aa. BENKIHOER Edward IV. bob af Jacob Benntnger decraad and S.

Rannla-ger, Sunday, May at Cttleago, aged 43 year montha Fuaeral Cram residence. 3M W. McMickan Thursday. May 7. at p.

an. Intormeat at SprtaeT tirov Cemetery. Burial private. BINKLBT W. uddnly.

May S. JaOB, 4 p. m. Funeral Thursday, May at 2 p. from Delta M.

S. Charch. DOHERTT Monday, May 4. la Atlanta, Jamea Monro Doharty. Funeral from Spring Orove Chapel Thursday, May at p.

m. private. HAKDMAM Knnth Uttleferd. yattngaat soa oi w. ana xayior Handman.

p-. Tueoday, May f. Burial Friday, at 1 o'clock, front raai-denc. plaea. HEITZMANM Joaeph Heltsmann, Mar a.

at iu aeiovea auanana or jdary Heltsmann. aged year ft months- Funeral from residence. SBS2 Litoa a Saturday, May 9, at a. m. high mase at Mary af Help Church at lJua.

aa. HESSE Mr. Barbara Hesse fee Scnwartstrauber. Burial from her residence. 925 Clark Thursday.

p. m. Burial private-. Frlenda Invited. MtTRRAT Arthur aged 38 rear.

weaneaoay, aaay at a a. m. tiurtai Friday from residence of hi parent. No. 1510 at 3 p.

an. forts mouth (Ohlol and Waahingtoa paper pleaaa copy.) O'COKNOft Wednesday, May Mary. rauci or ina late tmou Connor, funeral from reeidanre of her eon-ia-law, Joha MeAvoy. K. K2B Richmond mu.

Friday morning at 7AI a'ciack. High mass at the Cathedral at edaek. Frlenda invited. SIMS At Kaiusa City. Mew May a.

Mary E- 81 ma, wife of Robert A. Sims. Due notice of fuaeral will be gives. 8CATJOHTER Mar 'Jaa. af Clinton May Burial Friday morning.

4: ao. from at. C1nnt' Church, Sc Bernard, Ohio. Friend af are ra-apoctfully tnelted. STEWART Herbert H-, ajred year.

May at tad p. Nar-aias Bereaford Walnut Hill. Du notice of fuaeral will given. Boston. Kew Tork.

St. taenia aad San Franclaea papers please eopy-1 SWEENbTT Sweeney, Wedaeeday, May at J0J0 P- m-, ia hk Slat year, at the residence of B. Wallace, ef Wai-lac Covington, Due notice af funeral will, be sTlven. ZIMMERMAN Ulllan. daughter af EmU and Kate Zimmermaa.

auddealy. at tbe age ef 13 year month. May ft, at a. m. Fnneral Frida moralr.r Mar a.

at ciora, iron resuwi saoav 214 Ninth at-, Jwport, JVy. J. Seta (Jaffiffia ataaa sass. Chas. IL EppIr.

Undertaker. Tad. aVS. 41 aVUbar Avw. inwiiwiHBHaiw sasasHi Far tafaraaatla spear te A.

4 x. BOtVCB. gaivaiarr. lursBra wtieing xsas- atraT ao Faivrn TO mm CHILD. MRS.

WtataXayarg BOQTH1XQ STStTF has eeo aaw for aaasr SXXTT TUU Br ULUOM OF OTHER for thetr CHlUf WHlxa TTETHI-Sa wita FEFxyr 4CCCEB. It SOOTHES the CHILD. OFTSStS tha dUUk, AlXATg alt FAIN. CVSEg WTXp CfUJC, ami la tits best rrna.Sr far WaSRHrtJU. aa44 ay Druatrlsta a every sart ot the wevtd.

Be aasra ye ask WbtaieW aoMbuag Smra." aad take sat ta fcUut. Itstr-m seat a ssrtia 05: CLEVELAIID OS AIID nETURM. PEtlllSYLVAIilALKIES WAY 9, 1 003. For partWlar lnquira- at Ticket Of-Scc X. W.

Cob. Fewrta and Wamat; Station, Peart and Butler treta. ar Abbott's Ticket Ofllce, Covrcrton Ky. tire ores EB XltOWS" ALWAYS. CTCa tK.VTAL wottsx of Dental gain aaaj Waavui Mataval V- sa t)'la ftaat4 btti I atoMitet Snob a Warns BVaCpstatrs.

m-ivt a Is aerebr Xv Bfidg CompaaT. sacorsorataa asaasr ta law ml that of Wast Virsnsua. has Bias a7t-a us r.tsrr af War. Bsass aad pi a ef smdar. vr tae Oai Rrver at rT(Veai.

Obj. TbT wSi xonsMlerot ta a MbtM sto a a boars ef Cai: a'atas Kbv luaat LrsMa. Chaa Tna.lsr. tbs li gar ef Mar, ls-t. at lO a Ontral a-adard m.

i no i raa, wn i ivaaa By Jesse A- XeweU. frrsmarrt, HMCf ULJC2T WC2X FC1 CO-TCPPE2S ssJlfrlt ssannnnaaaLs whh ageats. Ta BUI Too imamarr. A31 Mala at i ait- tn ia aaya aeaw at iwi ataii wa moq jrasesaaasaaasaaCa si anaii asms teisii van a mi an a aasa aaese Fsaeee. aaow tstblaa.

Vasr- aetitaa Ban fwaaat ar gw aBSMwaassasasa aswlsai la las mails, nalsa, aaaty a t-W. auaa. ii isa, I il mi ij CHAWdrE Not $1.69 ma Advertised, ttegaler 82.00 Kind. Ctr whit soapW frsBses, bataatiaJly goaid s4 trmly lnctdi mx aad backs of b4Ty waits sal tlsck. reaaads mt laws should be without this cotaforUbJs sa4 slht! chair.

Not Over 6 to Each Customer. i Sold to Consumers Only. Zatahllahad la 1S30. IZTZSTE. SatXX A3TD GllllITO TUlCZ.

Hi SICK BUSINESS VEl MADE STRONG AND HEARTY ACAIfi. ABE TOr WORN OCT MAMI weak, aervoua, hardly sbta to rterforra yoor dutiee, fast ktalns a graap ao toast-B tor an ladruoabt feeling of hoip-basnea? Have yea overworhed. hava roj abused ronraeif la yotir early dayaf Then go to th EctrvCbtnlC laatitBta ta-day and aecura FREE X-RAY EXAr.iirjATiorj A1E3 TR EATf.1 NT. It win bring yon back ta bra lib aad etrcagth aad sarwai rawttoa, KVaev trtcity Is tb Ufa os neawl It all muU tea aad repairs weaksaad aad waated tissue. Dlaottlered Berrra ara mad atraog.

aad I ha torala ta put 1st tgi ossrtJoa. Too will given a coaiplota 4mgw of ywttr 'rsaa. sad wUl know your exact dlaaaaa without charf. ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY CURES WITH UT E17 ATI 0 CACEB. OOSrMrnOX.


FABALTSIS AM LOCOMvTOB ATAXIA, AND DISEASES Or MEN A-VD WOM EX. Gir.lPLE HOr.lE TnCATT.lCtJT, loelBdlsg; cocnplarta EJaetrtral Apparataa. Wrlta tor term nd traatasaaf. AH ar larltad to attend who, ara iDtareatad la th Waralas of tb X-Bay ta tha tTesUaaaet of dleae. Offloa botirs: 8 a.

m. to 1 p. in. daily. Soadays, 10 s.

at. to 1 sw as TheElecfro-Ghemiclnsfifute 112 GARFIELD PUCE, CCtrUtX CZ1 I I SOTZXS AJTD JUESOXTS. THE GABLSBLiO OF AKEHIGJL Ta at We Ssvase saias Haa, West aa taa Mssaaalt. B- Ta asast satajus sotal la the worVL Or Ummxii yaa. Cast, wtth rassWaaga.

IfM.vf Aa ass aaa wna raHk attb srlvata aata aa4 ail aiiilar. asmaiaa aaeaMweir waia rtT ristaaf saTwiif ts ajtsT saassrasflta aaa-aa isimi, rasilaais slisstttie West Laa aanim aaaaea iail So an af ta at a. Ur aaat kaaawave. stasia; tliasaasllam aa catanrsal traaaaiaa. Tot pae-aeaaara I trail WUI fcarrsTal SFBIMOS GO, Wast la.

OCEAJr STAKBTTTrS. AfiCHOR LINE rows Sew Yawn, SVaaralaMrly GLASGOW VIA LONDONDEEBT aalaaaa ilset Atlas Kt tlonal Bank. Attae itsnfc B'-l er B. BeaaM, TBara aaa aaatia i-. siSpanUlIIIla hokoUXU, Paetae MaU A a.

va. oeeaassiiai vnaaiai -a. a mal a Ce. Frnrs Baa yraavriato: Mm Mara, war IS: Sifearta. May Mi Coatsa.

Jsaw ft. Far Beasasa 4 tr rata. ssvUea, aaa- saa artera aaat Iftorwiwi aaair W. fct I AM SHORT. When you feci th urgent need ef lit-- tie ready aoooay ta saottnu frusa JI0.C0t3J5C3.C3 Consult th us nzti ea.

AU bolnasa eoaftdastlal. LCa SECCrJTY AX3 UUH CO. i wasaet aval rnonioif in hair I rf-l It.t. p.aro-os.4 TW a.1 BV. Cata, uirimw a 4 aa.

auiasaaa. SKTaawS pim. 1.1S i)i --rasaWai fa SWT flfft -r-T I ay Weeanv a cav. ava-t aa-s vase eva. Xaaa a Hat iroricza.

BcryrrTSBj TtfTT Blast'! SBaSBlil'T Last Clatl laatl (WW If at THIS fTHt. KJDTl mTVEsnjKj. VsMust a liissat At eeas af Caaotar us a anak sUafOi W- at A. Saale win rsee'vsa ay pa Baaara at Tt tees of Fii Aars ot a TMja CartBaas. f- KM ear ot May, for aa chaanc av b.

r-rha. Okio. IJau sact. anor or ssa. ena for ta tawss rt ss rar.

M4are U. soart atsvi 4 srtos of ta oaase a rTaM otmM. Ta boar memo tea ngat rart aanr ar oa a. -Pr araar of Jtaj- Ti sat mm ef FaaMa 'GBraI ICI.TSUt0 Eat ak. 4JO- auua.

e.aa 1 Ff '-V Pvnslan Arrs Attats A. li. iBii-. 4U c- for Bates ao tw lilaauata saws at Te Asoiy as HJtBBrw JaaoTM aaa, tw TecKarn 0aier Co, iao gaat Tir4 fttras. sr Oal Vaar Kauonai Saaa.

If Soa Tbm-4 ar at assaray BlBB, IN PEIQ Camp cArm Chair Oldawt Dry Qaada Ha Weat of that jUlYaaaiev tlatiaas sad UoabU Wars. AJnJSSJaAJITa. CRAWD rr I Hoimtanm taavar Tsas a saa tmtnvt mix nspiL Matinee To-Day tSLS Lwe TYaaraat. Ft I as: taflH. Ma I wrTiTa Q-rVOT.

J'Ba a. Kali waL MAmo AeaW. Fi w. T. rraMaa, Oa.

Cavfe Fsaaa C. sua. Aaa P7" Mrs. W. a eeaea.

Next Week Sest Ula To-Dsr a Baa aa ta4sa. as Bw Tera. Orarhtal aaat nms a Ca stew Tiara, WALNUT CT. THEATER SUNDAY M1CHT OffLY. UAY 1 0 wmt cast lycsatrtanm ULXU1 1 252 Ell fat neiinci.

PETIl F. WJin OnaTHU Cisisasis Vim ttm afaaat i sa Kae (era. Fnoooong TW I a t. If. a i V.

ana jiuriew-iue. aa mhm WA LNUTIIZ. Tae fcpars rpaaa-alar aa, THE SMART SET. g4 Wawa, rjaaaar sai Cea4ia rt at aay wans- HGUCK'QoS a-Baaiw aesefe ta urn aiat aajtavusaoa. Fills.

sa. tae. r-av lAe. torn, Bai staau Mtns Cttirs-Trisa OObUMDIA I'SifaXJaT jAX3TS0STraX aXEtV- Araaota. atsraada aaat I aaa.

Z3 Te PEOPLG'DV THE YWZID EATERS. aaavlty. tiaaaea Sow Tork, Jr. Of tb STth Aan-aal aa UU COLLCH CF CBTJU. ZZZZf CTaantai DeaaitaMiat af th Cirfvereity a Cina-tanaft).

at Rostnsorrs ofcra housz; Taantf errslzt. -tsy 7. ct tTccs. Aareaa tor OaTrFattar Bet, Frsdex ef Mxaunl Cniveratty. aaa by Ir.

ii. A. fjoaiu. Lxsan af tJaa Facsuty. Haste by Weaetr'a Oithaatra.

Tha intbaa la aMTiaIIy tavttod. to urcA UtaiiAi, i.tV 1. fuasad tnsw Sa. V. vy a-B La aiU ins a.

as-, iw av boss isstaa aot 4m svoriaTii.i.r: -4 a a a-s-ai I. stop i 4. IvrrkeBetarw. Kb H. raaaapeaaa, i list fcjt lsavo.

Sa1asa4 Bins. 0.

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