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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 20

Cincinnati, Ohio
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20 THE EXQUIKEK. CLKCIXXATL SUNDAY. FEBBUARY SLEEVES Have Reached th3 Limit, And the Reaction Will Set In Soon. The Lace Collar at the Height of Popularity. Exqof'ite Creamy Creations Eff nin Toilfts llinti of Spring Slylei.

mlX'm A TOCXO GIRL'S TOILET. for There now ern to be trum worthy foundation for the' assertion that sleeves have reached their utinot limit, and. thin being an Inn-" tbl rea'tl'm la likely 10 cri In. Tureesniakers. bownt, ar making thlr way very cautiously to mich reduction, for It would be qutle too groteefjtie.

after the i i fireneat extravagant ruiuuie yi sudden rebound nut us models a barrow and urwomfortaMy tlahl aa they formerly shaped. Hull. those who re. Call the time when the mormou tournure Went out may also remember a few daring Spirits who flint ventured to walk abroad In Cllnglng garmenia theae hy forve til contrast looking tike anlmilwl broomsticks, tha majority atlll clinging to their prvfxje-teroualy distended skirt It will be a matter of universal renret If fashion really elect to go to tha oth-r ex I rem with drain leave. Whot and flowered nailn rtMona are largely uad for roettea, frills, atreainera.

BHahes and hrelellra on pretty guana for tfeml-dress wear. New bodices rontlmie reach tbe walat only, and most elaborate belt adorning are the natural outcome of these shortened corK. Lace cojlnra are r.u longer regarded aa luxuries they are roniit'l'-n economical Investment. One lace collar. If Ingeniously treated, la capable of varying: the effect of half a doxen uifferetit waiKts.

Every woman knowa that If'the bodice of her gown appears Ilka new ber entire costume Ik lamped aa such. Therefore. real la the Value of a lace collar. It Diuxt be a large collar of aome heavy laca like Russian thread, and should fall well over the corsage and form epaulettes over tha sleeves. When It la purcbaaad It ehould be worn un-tiimmed over a dark waist and-a 111 give a tyllsh affect to tha whole costume.

On Its next appearance It may be Joined to a gay little stock of chiffon or velvet; again It appears lined with any of the new shades of Ilk. This will give a charming toucb of to a black bodice. It may also be made effective by turning It with ribbons, as shown In tha Illustration, having tha loops stand up high on the ahoulders and the longest ends reaching below the waist Una. These ribbons should appear to be fastened to tha collar by small bunches of flowers. Imagine a cream white lace collar trimmed with heliotrope ribbons In this manner, and fastened with dulnty cluatera of forget-me-nots.

This collar crowned with a forget-me-not blue chiffon stock wouid be an addition to any costume. After a lac collar haa been treated In thee various ways aa a last 'resort It may have the deaign outlined In Jets, gold threads on tiny colored beads. Then again It will appear Ilk new and fulfill Its economical mission. Katon jackets win i-maln In popular favor, but often with a difference In their adjustment. Home of the newest models are Hot loose-fronted at all, but booked part of t)i way down on each side of a vest of a tin moire, fancy taffeta, or other contrasting material.

Every known neck and corsage adorn-goent Is termed a collar, whether It fs made Of laca. Jet. chiffon or flowers, or a combination of them all. The latest creation entirely rovers the corsage, and Is most useful In brightening up a worn bodice. It Is a weep yoke of fine black net showered with I spangles.

A blight velvet stock Is worn bout the neck; appllqued to the black net re two Vandyke points of cream lace studded with Jet- Another novelty which Is seen In a variety of colors la a stock of chiffon aught at each side with small clusters of flowers. From beneath each bunoh of flow-ra falls a Jabot of cream lace. This new collar Is effective mad of baby-blue chiffon with knots of violets at each side and the full Jabots of duchess lace. Cloth turbans, edged with fur and trimmed with a bunch of violets, are worn with tailor-made costumes. These toques are becoming to tall girls with fluffy hair.

Very few Women w.ltb straight tresses can wear such chapeau. Word ccmes from Paris of the extraor dinary popularity of black eowos. The latest combination with black la gold. This Is newer than the light greens and reds of the last season, and Is going to take the place of the cold, unbecoming but until now, Kuch-worn bluet. Chiffon haa received Its conge, too, along with Its equally popular companion of- th winter, th coraaowar biu.

Th latest dancing gowns bav lac Instead of chiffon, and tbe Eastern toilets are to abow this garniture very extensively used. New spring woolens will bav a rough or a wrinkled weave, entirely- displacing even for tailor made wear, th smooth surface cloths. The high -fas-or In which crepon Is. and Is still to be held. Is responsible for this.

Crepon In every shade, deaign and Quality Is to be used, and It will be possible to have an entire outfit of this fa brio with a satisfying variety in color sad purpose. Bllk-llned kid gloves are one of tbe latest Imported soveitlea. The aklU er tbe dressmaker seems likely to be taxed to tbe aunoot la the varied Phases of -the saodera skirt. The latest de ar In Paris Is that tbe skirts of morning druses shall ba abort enough to clear tbe ground, and made with no fullness at tbe waist, either at tbe back or side. They snust be Sued very carefully around the bipe and stand out ia folds at the feet in Croat as well as at the ack.

Another variety of skirt originating la Paris baa three box plaits In tbe back, which meet, and three ra front which are separated. Three beads guipure embroidery ending In rosettes of velvet trim this skirt. Tbe gown la of gray figured taffeta, and the bodice, quite plain In tbe back, haa a Jacket effect, with epau lettes, and collar of tbe embroidery. Large veils ar still wera te cover tbe see. but de not drape under the cam aa formerly.

In anaar eases the chenille dots are very large, and agala tbe veil will bav the Tux i and no dots whatever. Cloth itnss is are still macb wtD ba smtU warns weather ssakes them aa IssposBjfbtltty. and a very stunning rows et bescsiiUeoiored cloth, trimmed with aa- trakhaa. outlining the folds down tbe skirt ad ea tbe kwdia. wbick has a fail efaesni- sette of whit silk nuslln.

anil a yoke and collar of mauve velvet. Cloth in one of tbe pew violet shades makes a pretty gown. with bodir of green and violet shot silk, made plain tn the back and two wide plait) In front Violet velvet finish th nack forma the belt, and trims In sleeves, whlcr can be either of cloth or silk. An cloth made tip with blue velvet bodice, trimmed at the neck and belt with gold sod blue segulns, is another pretty combination. A novel bodice fur a pal tan erspon gown is mad with a blous front of tur-quol blue Velvet down the center, and neckband and belt of black satin.

Th collar la roverd with lac, and haa lace and black satin bows at tbe back and the remaining portion of the waist consists of a soueve of blu satin and covered with an applique of whit cloth and golds Black satin ribbon is arranged around th arm boles and ties in a bow on the thculder. Another and more slmpl waist, pretty for aa afternoon at home or fun drss morning occasion. Is made of silver gray "Alms" brocade. Th collar Is of crep. with a frill of th same, and tbe front of crepe Is cioaely tucked to form a yoke and neck band.

The full sleeves bar an elbow frill and th fullness of the waist Is drawn down under a ribbon belt, finished oil with to rosettes. Beautiful, cool-looking xephyr ginghams are displayed at 19 cents a yard. The sim plest way to make tbem up Is th prettiest. wl'h ribbon belts and bows In a color to match, or black velvet. A very charming model for a black or any dark shade of satin or rrepon gown has in extremely full plain skirt.

If brown crepon la used a pretty yellow ecru shade f.f satin and cream laoe are th prettiest IS 1 1 vtx 1 Y.L3 flVWl WW MlMl I1! I 7 "MA- A MKr.bT IUM LME. combination. The back of th bodice is without fullness, but the c.repons slashed almost to the waist In five-Inch wide bands. which ar edged with very narrow bead trimming, and underneath theae is a smooth back of the ecru satin, showing In inch- wide stripes between the bands. This gives a very slender look to the figure.

Th front of th bodice has a Jacket effect, with nar row revers covered with a fancy trimming of colored seguins and embroidery, and full vest of the satin. Wide cream lace falls over tbe sleeves, which are quit plain, and points of the lac peep out from under neath the revers at each side. An odd, fancl ful waist for black crepon skirt is mad of red velvet, with plaid aleevea. Th velvet Is plaited In two box plaits In front and back, and sleeve are covered at the tops with tabs of velvet falling cape fashion from a yoke covered with Jet. Another pretty bodir worn by a brides-muld, with a yellow sarin skirt and sleeves.

Is of white moussellno de sole over white, and trimmed with while satin embroidered with silver. The sailn la cut to form a round yoke baud in the back, which flts down two or three Inches below the collar, shining the mtvlln between, and the same aurtSlji yoke In frti-t. except that it shapes In towM-d the armhole a little, and has three bamla going Into the belt with a pouch effect. This trimming is very effective cut out of velvet and studded with Jet, and may match Ufe color of the skirt or not. A simple afternoon dress of gray crepon.

spotted with yellow, has a full bodice of gray open-work embroidered chiffon over yellow satin. The collar and sash are of yellow satin, or If something less showy Is preferred these may be of gray velvet. There la simply no limit to the variety In waists, and here is another worn with a petunia cloth skirt for a bride's golng-away dress, and made of the cloth, with a plain back and a Jacket front, with a blouse and yoke of petunia velvet. Russian embroidery bands the yoke and forms the belt, and tbe wide collar of cloth, edged with aa-ble, ends In narrow revers on the sides of the Jacket. An elegant dinner gown of black aattn has a Jacket bodice of pale amber brocade.

The pointed revers 'are edged with gold-spangled trimming, and the full vest as a ruche at the throat and a bow of yel low ribbon at tbe back. The basque Is lghtly full at the back and sides, where It Is tmlaned by bows of ribbon. ery handsome and artistic buttons are sold both tor coats, vests, fancy waists and for fastening the sides or front breadths of gored skirts, redlngotes and cycle costumes. Many of the new jaunty street Jackets and Jacket bodices on" tailor gowns that are to ake the place of the three-quarter coats are finished wiilfvests that button visibly from neck to lower'edge. The beat dressmakers are now using Interlining with great moderation.

There general tendency to discard Its use al together as a lining, employing the crino line, haircloth, moreen, or other fabric for an entirely separate underskirt. Some new silk skirts are made to carry out this Idea, being faced with haircloth at the hem. and trimmed very full around the bottom with piped or corded silk frills about three Inches wide. Inexpensive skirts are also made of moreen or haircloth alone, some fashioned with a closely fitted yoke, with kilts or box plaits Joined to this yoke that flare very much from the knee down, giving a like spreading effect to the dress skirt worn above it- A. few of these skirts are silk covered.

An Importer in this city said recently that these skirts were merely fore runners of crinoline proper. A fine French chamois glove for spring and summer wear has already been put up on tbe market, that. laces at tbe wrist. Is warranted to wash well, and to be superior to any chamois glove ever yet offered for sale. Creamy exquisite patterns Vandyke.

Mallnee. Bourdon and Madeira laces are laid over daintily tinted chiffons on elegant evening waists made to wear with skirts of satin, raoir. or brocade. The rose-colored, golden-green, or other colored chiffon forms a lovely background for displaying the In tricacy and beauty of the lac. Th full Queen Anne sleeves are made of tbe chiffon, and are more than half covered with a fall of the lace.

A much narrower ruffle fin ishes tbe- sleeve below the elbow. Scotch plaid satin blouse are made In the same style, with very yellow guipure lace for trimming. Other plalded or striped aatln or taffeta waists have a tiny sleeveless Eton Jacket added, made of peach colored, resells green, fuchsia red or black velvet. There are bead-trimmed caps on the should ers of tbe Jacket, and beneath these flare tbe very full sleeves of the blouse waist. Tha newest hatpin fcaa a ball of small.

finely cit rhinestones. These pins are very errecuve on black bats. Rhinestone orna ments are used extensively on fancy waists. Handsome evening- bodice are of velvet. studded wttb tiny stone.

Lapped skirt gore buttoned at tbe top. with real or simulated button boles on tbe sUk-Uned flap, are a feature of some of the new spring gowns. One very smart model baa a pretty wide braid work around the kirt bem: accompanying the gown la a cbta little triple cape of cloth, braided te wffv aoout inches long from Use too of tbe standing braided collar to tbe edge or tn lowest cape, and la ttned wttb aUk. Tbe fronts are finished with long loops and anas sens noooe. tare inch wid.

The l'bort Jacket bodice one of the new f0'- has a Was seamless caea wis eJ revars. and th medium large mutton-le keeves are lapped closely and buttoned trom wrist to elbow. i Caprice and fancy seem to have ron riot itoong seme of the new spring suitings la Ui-wooi and slUt-end-wooi weaves. These are fine Imitations of reugh-sorface goods, not anllke the old-style biaoa cloth. While tbe fabric looks extremely coarse, tbe texture of which Is made unoommonly soft s.nd line.

The threads are purposely spun with baft, silky tufts and vert-colored Unee to give variety to the surface. Into many of these threads are twisted long, feecy hairs, which ax brushed out after the weaving Is completed, making lines of cowny color varying from half an Inch to two Inches in width. A very stylish coetum recently admired was of finely twilled black serge, tbe flar-ng godct skirt of which had the seams trimmed with stitched straps of black satia raving a tiny dot, Th round waist of the erg had a full drooping plastron of black-jwted net. with braces to correspond. Tbe leg-of-mutton sleeves were un-t rimmed.

Tbe crush belt, of black satin, fastened at th back under a square bow of the same, and the crush collar, of Heine vel-tl. fastened under a square bow at the reck. On of the leading feature of tbe sea-sin's fashions Is the black crepon skirt, which appears on all occasions, at all hours. nd has completely usurped the place of the black moire so popular last year. It Is an elaborate example of crinkling in pattern and a work of art in tbe way it is cut and hung; but it usually devoid of all trim ming, and always the smart thing to wear for a morning or a swell reception, being equally suitable for maid and matron.

She haa only to live up to fashlon'a privi lege in th way of variations In th bodice, which has become such a continual expert n.ent In unique and striking combinations, and an apparently extensive wardrobe Is compllshed with on skirt. This fashlor for waists different from the skirt promlaer an Indefinite extension, and will blossom out In fresh varieties with the spring flowers. It is too full of possibilities to be quickly discarded. On advantage -which crepon has over silk Is that it wears wonderfully well. a.i4.

besides tbis. It la equally suitable for n.ornlng, afternoon and evening wear, where full dress not required, and quite i good style with a simple plain waist as with th most resplendent -confection of satin, chiffon and spangles. Festoons of pearl beads are seen on pink clilffon bail gowns, and velvet rosettes set with rhlneston buckles ar th latest for clilffon crush collars. The new silk ere pons for spring are In greater variety than ever. Ther ar chine effects In flowers of natural colors and ori ental patterns, which are very soft.

In pret tily blended tints. Tiny flowered stripes are seen in light grounds, and crepons, with the wide uneven marking, are spotted tn contrasting colors with great effect. Another charming variety seems to have an upper surface quite distinct and very thin and yet It I all woven together. Crepons bid fair to take the place of foulards, so long and serv-Keably worn, and one which will be useful as a substitute Is navy blue with s.nall white dots. French glace silks, very soft and glossy, are among the new spring goods, and these come in brilliant plaids beautiful to look upon, and pretty pompadour effects.

The man behind tbe counter will tell you that entire skirts are to be made of these gorgeous plaids, and worn a 1th plain silk bodices and blouse waists. However, It Is difficult to Imagine that any woman's fancy could lead her Into wearing one of the wide full skirts made of such a mixture of bright colors; but there Is the ashore, where anything, nd matter how bizarre, is permissible. The new silk and mohair crepona are verv beautiful, especially in black, brown and re seda green. Moire stilts in elaborate pompadour designs are to be worn foe very dressy functions. and a new variety of taffeta silk is woven in ruffs between stripes of satin, resembling the cotton goods which have been worn so li width and the silk comes In all the pretty I you fJshlouable shades.

It trims itself, which is a commendable recommendation, and the only necessary addition Is some satin ribbon for the collar band, belt and finish at the vrlst. Fpangied ribbon is especially Rretty tor this, and also for bands over the shoulders to make the waist more dreasy. Very 1 ght silk and velvet waists are sometimes trimmed with wide black lace Insertion, very open in pattern, with Irregular edges and with black lace points arranged from the collar and belt In such a way that tbe bodice Is nearly covered, Tbe Insertion Is put on In braces, one band over each shoulder and crossing bands between to form a yoke. Something newer than the chiffon is made of "Lierre" lace In a delicate tint of It is used over silk, satin or velvet, and la charmingly soft and pretty. The color underneath shows through very plainly, and It does not require as much trimming as chiffon to make It effective.

A waistband, collar and one or two bows of velvet or satin to match the lining Is quite enough. The lace Is fulled a Uttls at the belt In tbe back and draped a trifle In front the colored bows are deftly arranged. Chiffon Is sometimes used between the lace and ailk to give the bodice a soft effect, and add to the expense as well. The continued vogue of plaited bodices tnujit surely be attributed to the skill with which our modistes imagine new devices and trimmings for them. Some place between the plaits a strip of white, black or colored ribbon, covered with Jet beaded paasemen-terie, finished with fringe.

On acount of the remarkably low price of high-grade silks, both plain and In every imaginable fancy device and combination, a ttlk season Is upon us silks for entire cos tumes, for separate skirts and hosts of sep- te waists, for capes in innumerable iXlas, for dressy Jackets, redlngotes with tlaborat shoulder effects, for elderly women; silks for petticoats and teagowns summer lingerie for linings; silk foundation materials In pale tints for accordlon-plalted skurts and wa sts of diaphanous textiles, and wash sliks for tennis, traveling suits, It Is reported by city merchants and importers that they nave already sold nearly double tbe amount of silk and satin to manufactur ers of ladies ready-mad garments than they formerly purchased of them In an entire season. If cot composing the dress or wrap entire. It la prominently Introduced as a combination or garniture. The fancy laces vie In delicacy and beauty wltb tbe band-mad pattema. and new Calais laces show dainty straggling fine-threaded designs, like those In mediaeval device.

Imitation Alencon In finest meshi scarcely lesa beautiful than the real; there la certainly not difference enough In effect to pay tbe difference ia price for so ephemeral a trimming. Black silk Irish guipure will be used wltb a lavish band. Rococo arabesque patterns In cream. Ivory and "butter-colored laces will be extensively employed as a garniture for spring and summer silks, and shear ttght woolen Vandyke laces by tbe yard and choice Van' dyke cape collars will form elegant shoul der trimmings for stylish spring wrap On of tbe oddest uses to which accord ion-plaited chiffon la put la as a cap or bood on aa opera cloak. It seems Incongruous that heavy, warm cloaks of rich materials should be trimmed with this flimsy fabric, but aa fashion has set her stamp of approval oa tbe combination, it will probably be adopted by her votaries.

It Is too early for spring millinery and too lata to Invest la winter bate, but one or two specimens are interesting as a possible hint of things to come. Tbe round, dented crown, with a band of velvet In front and clusters of ostrich feathers at tbe aides, si a Parisian fancy called tbe Henri ILL bat. It ia glace felt, while tbe ether abase at of petunia velvet, wltb oalrich tips curling down oa either aide. A charming little bonaet far evening or day wear Is simply a round, viaor-ehaped peace, possibly four or Ave mchea deep la tbe widest piece, ewvered with black verret and trimmed oa the edge with four rows of small rhlaestooea set Uttk dlataaco apart. This fits close to the bead aad well back, where there are tiny black ostrich tips T4ing out at either side with a wring; effect aad bow of black velvet for a finish Tbis fad for wings haa ex tended te tbe baa gown, and sr rssinnsllj aa has delicately tinted wins; feathers sprouting- trom tha shoulder La a suggestive faab.

BAKING POWDER. Highest of 3 ia Leavening Power, Latest U. Govt Report 'MM AQ02A)irEEV PURE UNDERWEAR Of the Tender Sex. The Old Styles Are Going Out of Use. The Swell New York Seventh on Guard Duty, When Several Women Enjoy a Philadelphia Treat." The Poor Walter Ttkt To the Wosdi iaDigUit sraclAi.

counronuxcl or Taa satciaaa. New York. February 1. 1KU3. It 1 not generally known that the average woman cannot sit through a long dinner or a whole play either without slipping her u-ters down from above her knees to below them.

Now that garter buckles are so much worn It Is well for a young man contemplat-Irg tbe purchase of garter buckles for his girl to notice her at the theater. Of course. me girls still wear the elastics, and these do not have to be slipped. It Is a deli cate thing, a rule, to find out whether a pair of buckle garters are going to be ac- ceptable or not, and this la the only way to do U. Take her to the theater.

About the second act you will see her reach down. May be she has really dropped her handkerchief. Anyway, she always says, "Where Is that handkerchief?" and when you go to hunt she says "Never mind. I have it." You see It takes only a swift half minute, to adjust the garter. The only way for you to be sure Is to listen sharply.

If she wears long, and la used for waists. The puffs vary I the knee garter and la fixing it, ten to one will hear a little smothered snap, the sound elastic makes when It springs. Also, soul she will sigh a little bit, a nice little relieved elgh. If that happens you can go ahead and get the buckle. They will be aure to be Just exactly what I want, you dear thing: how did you know?" but don't you tell her.

After starting my letter In a way that Is truly helpful to young men I'm going In for advice for young women. If you Intend to Veep to the good old ways, then take advantage of the present condition of the market, and buy pretty white underwear, but if you want to be ready for new things, wait. Underwear Is being tremendously pushed now. because the old styles ar go ing out, A demand Is to be created for silken petticoat drawers of the bloomed pattern, and little silk blouses, these two gar ments to take the place of the long popular chemises and drawers. The petticoat bloom er Is made only Just comfortably full, and covered with rows of little frills from below the knee, where It buttons, to the hips.

It Is, of course, plain above. The blouse is In silk to match the bloomer, and Is a slm pie blouse pattern. Woman has always looked pretty and at' tractive tn her chemise, and nothing has all ths years been found that would take Its pretty place. But this bloomer and blouse tig seem to do It, for a woman looks simply adorable in the set. For warmth tights are worn under the bloomers, and a little knit shirt under the blouse.

For the street and day wear the bloomers they are called umbrella drawers ar of black silk. but for the house and with evening gowns all sorts of delicate colors tn silk are used. No petticoats ar to be worn. Tbe blouse comes low necked to suit evening wear. This sort of thing washes more successfully than the muslin, lawn and Nainsook have been wearing, and needs no starch, so our washerwoman Is not likely to regard the change of style with favor.

For my sketch I elct th attire that hides these dainty garments, choosing for ths first one a white satin ball gown. Its im sv-ebb I skirt Is arranged in godeta. the two on the aides being covered with whits guipure whose deaign la outlined with gold. The bodies la tttted satin, draped blowae like with guipure, and has a deep cut out bordered with pink apple bloasotns. A necklace of the same ta worn around ths throat and a bunch ef them Is placed at the waist.

The full steers puffs have Vandyke epaulettes of white guipure. Number two depicts a theater or concert areas of white and pale bluet changeable silk striped with pale sraage trimmed wttb heavy yellowish laca aad orange and dahlia mirror verret. Its gored skirt la garnished oa the tight aide with laca which la topped by a Werret hew. Tbe bodice haa an obi org decollate ta front, and Is cut at tbe bottom with a point both reused revers, and tbe velvet hi naiit torn- wide collar, high In back aad edged, wttbl narrow lace. Finally 1 abow a drees ta pinkish lavender aUk garnished, with gold gsiooa.

The gored skirt Is mads plain, but baa a moderately long: A square de-eaUeta leaves a gaturooa ahowtea of neck aad ahoulders, aad hi bordered wttb a draped berths of the silk. short eUeVas are as much looped that they 4 sot stand eat. aad tha belt la made of gold gaioeei with a sunburst of gold beads oa the right side. ro seams in the back and no darts In front, enry side seams and gores. Chiffon Is th favored stuff for trimming evening dresses.

Plain gause and grenadine ar especially affected tn black, but usually made up over black and trimmed with color. PUik, cerise, rue he greer nd vivid turquoise are the principal colorings used on black, and all pale colors art trimmed wltb dark tints. Very pale greer la exquisite with amethyst colored trimmings and clusters of violets or purple Iris, and for a blonde this in chiffon and tatln forms an Ideal ball gown, A very striking evening drees In black was of tulle, sewn with Jet and black sequins, over black satin embroidered In steel spangles, tbe effect of tbe bright steel shimmering through the tulle being original and pretty. Both skirt and bodice wore carried out ir tbe same manner, the latter having the tight fitting satin corsage embellished with spreading pointed designs of steel, completely veiled with the black tulle. Tbe huge sleeves were of meteor red velvet, a touch of the same color appearing at the waist.

Wonderful stories are heard of the hardships borne by the young swells of Troop A and of the Seventh Regiment in the strike campaign at Brooklyn. A delightful miss hss Just been filling me full of tbe heroism of her "Harry, who, poor, dear boy. stood out all one long day In the rain without hi I have no heart to shorten the pedestal of such a hero, but rain brings Its trials to civilians. Jones, now. be bad trouble, although be didn't go to war aid though be kept out of Brooklyn.

He catne out of his down-town office late, and found a wretched cotton affair left instead of his beautiful umbrella, but It was raining ao hard he had to take it. It was the moat awful looking gamp you ever saw. Literally green with age, and for shape! Well. It looked bad enough shut up, but open! It was more like a decrepit head of cabbage than anything else. Jones was dressed up.

as Jones always Is, and It was hard on him to have to carry a thing like that. He hailed hansom at once. Tbe weather cleared up before he got to his tailor, so Jones got out and left the umbrella Inside. While he was being measured an attend ant brought In ths umbrella, "The driver said you left It, sir," remarked he. Jones was too ashamed to say anything.

but Just -nodded. He tried to leave the thing when be came to go, but the fitter remarked obsequiously: "Tour umbrella, air," and Jones took it and marched out. It was not easy to carry that umbrella in an airy and unconscious way. It was such a palpabli misfit with the rest of him that everybody seamed to stare at It and him. Finally he stopped to look at Tiffany's window and managed to leave the thing leaning up against the rail.

The next block he met Pussy Van Utter. And wasn't he Jolly glad he had got rid of that umbrella! Just as he was saying nice things to her a bootblack touched htm on the shoulder. "Here's yer umbrel," Boss." be said cheer ily. "I ssw yer leave It. I've done aav It from a cove wot was lighting on It, air.

I But Jones grabbed the thing and gave the required nickel. Mlaa Van I'tter looked queer and hurried on Just as she was going to ask him to call, too he was sure of It, At the club he gave Henry a dollar to throw tbe thing away, but the hall boy returned It as he went out. "Henry tried to give It to me, sir, but I aaw you come In with it. air, little while ago, and I hope I am honest. Mr." So Jones came up with another dollar, took the umbrella and departed.

He took car. It was getting dark; he stayed oa the rear platform long enough to stand up the umbrella In a dim corner, then be went and sat down. The conductor followed him In a block or so. "Too left your urn hrella outside, sir," be said politely, and Jones accepted It again! He' edged along to I an end aeat and managed to lay the um brella along the seat behind him. Then he stopped the car.

He heard the lady next him say "Umbrella" aa be seared tbe door. but he only hurried the more. The con ductor. however, rushed Into ths car and out. and flung the thing after htm, shriek log "Tour umbrella, sir." He tried to pi on and leave It lying there "In the mud, but a gentleman called his attention to the fact.

and he had to thank him and pick It up. With something of a sense of security he left the thing standing in the vestibule of his own place, and letting himself In with key, felt safe. It bad been bad enough to lose his own umbrella, snch a handsome one. with a gold-mounted top and a shape that aald "imported" In every line. But bad aa that was.

It was worse to have been stuck to that other thing. Just then his bell rang. He went to the tube. A husky voice shouted up: "Here's your umbrella, sir. Jones yelled down the tube: "Go sway, go away!" but the voice was persistent.

"It's your umbrella, sir; don't you want It?" Jones yelled no, he didn't, and after pause the rotce asked doubtefulljr? "Can have It, then, air?" and Jones yelled yea. It was not tin two weeks later that Smith remarked to Jones, "What the dickeaa did you give your umbrella to my man for?" Jones said "What, and Smith explained. "I didn't have as umbrella that horrid rainy Wednesday and I took yours. Tou were ths only fellow I knew, and of course you wouldn't have let me have it If I had asked you, because It was raining, so I Just took It. Knew you'd square yourself with soma other fellow.

Besides, soon as I got home I sent It down to your place by my man. He came back wttb it. aad said you had yelled down tha tube yon wouldn't have it, and had given It to him. Queer yon cut up rusty that way besides you didn't know who took It, any bow. All Jones could do was ts look very severs and say he did know, and that he hoped It would beat lesson to Smith, but he.

neverth alias, assures me that be can't see any reason for saying so much about those 8erenth fellows having to ba out la the wet, The girls, however, think that lt'a Just too sweet for anything of tbe boys, and the latter will have a line chance to lord It If they can and get leave to soma back before the girls' tenderness wears off. They'd better make haste, for girts minds are capable of shifting from on thing to another pretty quickly. I heard myself a party of tbem make tha "too sweet declaration, and In two minutes the boys might as wen hare 10.000 miles away. By that time the back and front. The lace forma a rest and girls were seated for tha lunch that was te precede then- going ta the matinee, aad they wera doing "Philadelphia treat, a favorite fashion with women.

They all get what they want and each pays ber own bill. They think they aara something that way. and that to why they do it. but It te bard on the waiter. This party Included atadge.

Polly. Tfathertae. glnnles aad Frances, and Taa- Tew. gtria, it's Philadelphia. Let's you and I order togs I her.

Polly. Boon?" "Ob, let's all haves Soup." pat 1st Isadge. "All said Fir as a But Kathertna 3. 1695 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. vx I THE CERMAWIC PHY COOPS CO.

'M'" A Purchase That Completely Baffles Competition! A I rre rorttoa of the Entire Stock of the STATTOAAD C5DERWEAR ef Pewarfc, 1. CsaprUlnc Won. of adies' Cot ton Underwear To Be Ottered ky ooda Hornlnr at From 25c to 60c On me Dollar of tbe Cost to HaBifactore. Come To-Morrow and supply vonr needs or at least two years to come. GREAT PURCHASE OF 11,000 Pairs Suede Gloves, In 8-Eutton Lengths, Black and Colored, worth 1.25, now go at the low price of Only 59c Per Pair.

24,000 Piece Men's, Ladles' and Children' Underwear To Be Closed Oat To-Morrov at Half Price. Final Hark-Down Sale of All Our Ladles' and Children's Cloaks and Capes. Ladies' Jackets, Chinchilla, Beaver and Ker sey, lormer price to and $3, now at S2.48 and S3.SS Ladies' Double Beaver and Golf Canes. worth $7.60, now at 92.98 Misses' Jackets now at $1.98 Children's Gretchen Cloaks, all new fresh novelties, worth $8.50 and $8.50. now ro at $1.98 and $2.98 Children's Reefer Jackets 98c Alaska Seal Plush Capes, worth $20.00 now p9.89 Silk Piush Capes at $7.39 Astrakhan Fur Capes, worth $20.00, at $8.89 rUKOFACTUERS SAMPLE Blankets and Comforts, Slightly Soiled, at Less Than Half Price.

Blankets and Comforts now goat 60c. 76c anu i.e; worm double. Ladies' Wrappers Best Dutch Blue Calico 69c Ladies' Fancy Fleece-lined 87c said she didn't want any. "Well, two or ders are plenty," said Frances; "what kind will, wa haver After some fight they derided ea tomato. "Two orders of tomato.

and four plates." For the next order Frances and Katharine went together. Frances ordered Ash. and that she to share with Katherine, while Katherine would share her duck wltb Prances. It was later decided that there would be enough quail for Polly, too. Polly went fish, another kind with Madce.

Elouiae not taking any, but sharing her roast beef with Madge. Thus the order was oue flah with two plates, another Asa with two platea, a quail with three plates, aa roast beef with two plates. The they4all took potatoes, two took salad, feur loukVa entree, all of tbem took Ire cream, one took black coffee, and they all wanted cheese. "Cammembert la nice. If It's ripe." said Frances, who knew everything.

I want cheeae aad no fruit," aald BABY" HAXDS. Dainty, dimpled. Utile thine. Bolt as ausei's plumey wings, Noujriit to du but grow, ewkwardly you move about, and down. In and out.

Tell me. do you know Why such antics you so through? What you're trytne now to SoF Where you want to get ItUnty, dimpled, little thlnaa. Clutching, aa your cradle swlaga. At this aothuunieaa. Who can tell whayyoa wfll hold.

When your srmsuu Arts sod beta May be honor rfy be sold May be nothingness! Dainty, dimpled, little thlnaa, WhaUM'er tbe future brine. 1 There'll be work (or rod. Tbousta you etlll be soft and white. Tou cannot your duties light While there' work to do. i There'll be burdens to be lilted, From the bad rood must be elf ted, Frora the faies.

tbe true: And thouarh you're eo eoft and small. Of till work, a part will (aU, 1-1 tUe haada. oa you. Womankind CABBY BA.PBAGEB. Ber! la Cor.

Philadelphia Telegraph. Ths candy shops are effectoally disguised, for ia the show windows ars to be seen only pickles, bread, bam, sausage and potatoes. This arouses a passer-by's curiosity, and by close observation ha will see that this Indeed Is candy. The potato there, with Its skin breaking as If It had Just been forked out of the pot, la candy. Ths slices of sausage yonder lying on a piece of buttered bread are candy.

The large chunk of ham alongside, with a slice off Its end. Is candy. Tbe aish there with a great Ash on It, with the shiny eye, the slimy tail, and the brown gravy all around It, la candy. Everything In tbe window, indeed, ts of the same material, little pigs, clowns, lobsters, horses, loaves of bread aad bouquets, and what a beautiful aad artistic idea It, of course, all is. It adds so immensely to tbe delight of Christmas to think you are eating fish, and then suddenly discover that It lain reality.

Instead, a kind of candy, not good candy, of course, but still not fish. TAIII3 JO CHAJ0E3. See York Tribune. A Philadelphia barber who has become a convert to the arena theory of disease haa discharged tbe bootblack and roatbrusher connected wltb bis shop, and refuses even to keep a brush an hand for ths individual use ef his customers who may want to shine their shoes er dust their coats, lie holds that tbe doctors are light, aad that the germs of consumption and other diseases are so plenty that they settle on oeaiy particle of the human wealing apparel: and be Is not going to have any broeuuig going about his place that will disturb dlsea-e germs and send them bunting for a new place down his throat, where they aa dc mors damage than on clot hire la lb Kesr iMl'raus. Visitor Is your town a religious town? Native Too bet! Visitor Any Shakers among you? Kattve Mighty few now; we've got medicine what knocks the chlUs sky-high: where He Miascd It.

"And, papa, what did grandfather do for Us country? touting whatever, my He was a of Cusvgieaaf The Germanic NEini'llEI. PRaSIDEXT. Dry Goods Co Northwest Corner of Main and Canal. Closing Out the Odds and Ends From Our Reserve and Retail Stocks. The Short Lengths and Odds and Ends all placed on Cheap Tables in our different aisles, and extending 325 feet in length, we have marked everything at Ladies' 4-Button Real Kid Gloves; sues to 8.

Ladies' Skirts, Flannelette au 1 Quilted; full siae. Boys' Good, Strong Cloth Pants; all sizes. Men's and Boys' Vnlanndered Shirts, Linen Bootnssnd Bands. Men's and Boys' Outing, Cheviot and Percale Shirts. Ladies', Men's and Boys' Camel's-Hair and Jerey Ribbed Shirts and Drawers.

Ready-Made Sheets and PL low Cases, Pleached. Cloths, 2 yards long, and half dozen Fringed Napkins. 5- yard lengths Dress Ginghams and ft-yard lengths Dutch B'ue Calicoes. 6- yard leegths Best Apron Ginghams and 6-yard lengths Outing Fiannela Half dozen Large II uck Towels and 0 yar Is Canton and Domet Flannel. 6-yard lengths Tea Toweling, in Plain and Checks.

Fine Linen Roller Towels and trslf dozen Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs. Quarter dozen Children's Black Ribbed Hose and quarter dozen Ladies' Black Hose. (- Half dozen Men's Socks and quarter dozen Men's and Boys' Linen Collars. 3 Men's Silk Teck Scarfs and 2 pair Men's Suspenders. 2 Best Window Shades, with Bft Spring Rollers; all calor.

GirV Stlk Tain O'Shanter Caps; all colors i 6 to 10 yard lengths Laces and Embroideries. 10-yard lengths India Linen and Plaid Nainsook. 8 yard lengths Wide Silk Ribbons. 3-yard lengths 42 inches wide White Apronettes. Boys' and Girls' Fine Cloth Caps, Plain and Fancy.

Ladies' and Children's Beit Goodyear Rubbers. One dozen Clark's Spool Cotton, half dozen 600-spool Basting Cottoa. 0-yard lengths Skirt Linings and half a gross of Whalebones. Half gross Dress Stays and quarter dozen 100-yard Spool Silk. Thousands of Remnants of Black and Colored Wool Dress Goods.

SWAM THE RIVER Ia Order Not To He Wed- Chatlaaonsa Tim's. We have all heard tha, story of the brave fisherman who swam a raging river to see his sweetheart, was discovered by her father, who. mistaking him for a porpoise, harpooned and sunk him, and how the fair maid, seeing her lover sink beneath the waves, herself Jumped in and perished; and 'low in after years the pair matched on earth by that all powerful something called eve continued their happiness In a mer-TtaM's furnishing store under the waves. That story is sweet and probably true, but ta truth la more la Action than fact. A ararvely leaa roraantla affair, however, actually occurred In Virginia a few days ago.

when Mlaa Ida Hamlet, of Charlotte, a later of Mra. N. Ford, of this city, vii Klnnlxo who was hluhad I ntuoura waiter being near. "Oh. res.

cammembert la nice: It's kind with holea In It, isn't It, and cut thin? "NO, hut it smells; better have roem-fort." This from Madge. "Really. I think Jjutch Is aa nice as anything; you know, the kind that you scoop out so." advised Polly. Then Frances told the waiter to bring "just soras cheese, any nice kind, and bring It for how many will do, girls?" Polly, who was cross because her suggestion had nt been taken, decided she didn't want any cheese, and two orders were made for the rest. Then came the bill.

F'ranoea looked at It and then said severely: "We want separate checks, please." The waiter hair rose, and be repeated "separate checks" in that tone of voice waiters have. Polly to have some consideration. "He can't remember," she said. Then they all shouted together: "I had soup. I didn't.

Fish for me. I didn't take any who had roast no, mine was quail oh, dear, you mean thing, I did not. Who was to pay for that fish, don't you remember? You had some of mine, and then I had some of your salad. Oh, no, waiter, I can tell you Just exactly." The waiter fled and left them Jabbering. Then be came back with five- checks made out so you couldn't read a thing, and all with different totals.

Just as Frances was beginning to protest Eloulse shouted that It was a quarter to 2. "We shall be late and you know be comae on almost at once." At that they all paid and tore madly out. They hadn't given the waiter anything, but when he counted up he was 1 'S ahead. Ct.taa Biui. Copyright.

15. mm, mmm the 'Wily 12 years of age, she gave her hand to Mr. Chambers on condition that hs wait until the day when the wedding really occurred. He walled, but on tha day of the marriage found that the river on the Una llvldlng Charlotte and Campbell Counties had been swollen to a raging torrent by tha recent rains In that section. He, bis best man, John P.

Ford, who a nephew of N. C. Ford, of Walnut street, this city, and Rev. D. S.

Hubble, who performed the ceremony, were on one side of the river, while the bride and her attendants waited on the Mher side. There were no boats, snd no wsy of crossing the river was found. The wedding was to take place at 10 o'clock sharp, and when the hands on his clock showed that that hour had passed Mr. Chambers became uneasy, as he hardly liked to lose the treasure for which he had waited many yeers. F'lnally, after several hours of search for something to serve aa a boat on the Important occasion, the groom, preacher and best man decided to let history repeat itself, or repeat history themselves, by "coonlng It across the turbulent flood.

It was as much as 11 r. Ford's life was worth to attempt the difficult feat, as he Is a portly man, and an ordinary log would have a hard time keeping him up. Put finally the little party atsrted. The nrescher. It Is suDDOsed.

felt the fall from dignity keenly, while the fat best man had harder and more material problems to keep htm busy. As his mass of flesh rolled from side to side the loif rolled, and i every time he shifted his superfluous flesh to the other side to balance his log the beat man gasped with fear. And tbe water was cold, too, but tbe groom's warmth, sentimentally speaking, kept the party from freezing, although wben they Tha Tbf nifreretaoa. Detroit Ti Ik as a man over there says the world do isn't understand with, the fringe oa his a Bt tht sher man wttb the ilkhat and the pa Mat laaiher shoes jjjJ- ono Use world doesn't aa- J.hTjmaimmM the asarrews wittered, for it su in ih. 1,7.

The) Pad. are voa mm. a do aarthlag oa this aorowatt Madge 1 don't know. I bars been hro- otlzed so that 1 can't tra throoa-h u. o-uii-oce ot psytne, even when 1 have the aocie.

I as awfuy sorry, 1 you. A PRINCE. Who Worked as Liocmnotlvs tn This tenantry. New York Recorder. -Prince Hllkow.

who has Just been appointed by the new Cner to the poet of Minister of Koada and Communications, rendered vacant by the disgrace of the incompetent Krivoschlne. Is well known In tbe United States, where he served for a number of years as fireman and engineer on I he Pennsylvania and New York Central Kail-' roads. After having sown an extensive crop of wild oats at St- Petersburg and squandered an enormous fortune he forsook tils companions 'of the Jeunease doree ant started to seek a livelihood In the Vntleo States. When he landed here the Prince had no Idea what work ho should adopt, but finally found employment aa fireman on freight engine. He worked his way up until he became an engineer, and after several years spent in this country be returned to Russia, where he experienced no dllTlculty in securing a similar position on the Uovernment railroads.

Liurlng the war with Turkey he greatly dlatinrrulMhol himself in connection with the railroading fnatures of the cam-paiicn, and attracted both the admiration and commendation of the late Csar's father, the then Emperor. y- When Bulgaria became an Independent' sovereignty he wss tendered the post of Director of the Impertinent of Koada ami Communications of that principality, which be accepted On the withdrawal of the Russian functionaries be returned to St. Petersburg, and took a prominent part In the construction of the Transcasplan Railroad. THE CZARINA Trying; to Banish Tobacco From the Boudoir. London Cor.

Mall sad -Express. I hear that the young Cssrina declines to smoke, like ths majority of the ladles In Russia. Bhe has requested (her ladlea-ln-walling not to soma near her If there ia any flavor of tobaooo about their clothes, and Her Imperial Majesty Is credited with the ooservation tnat a cigarette In a woman's mouth Is as bsd as an oath In a man's, slost of the Orand Duchesae In Hues la smoke, and the Empress's sinter, ths Orand Duchess Serglus. Is quite devoted to her cigarette. Dn tbe other band, the Ducb.M of Edinburgh, sister of the late Csar.

always expreeee-1 her disgust at a woman smoking, and this dislike hss been Inherited by her daughter, the Crown IMrpmi reached the other side of. the I Roumanla. river late In the afternoon they were con- This last roysl lady, who Is at best a very elderably the worse for wear and tear. mo inexpenenooe, i-nncess. is nav lothlns tbe wedding took place at 4 o'clock, six hours after schedule tune.

The repeating history referred to was the wedding of Parson Roach lu the same community about 23 years ago, when the arson and half the wedding guests were orced to "coon" it across the swelling Falling River. But anyhow "They were married and lived happily ever alter." WHAT MAX O'EELL SAID. nwwever. inawi, uiwn naving ner way, ana Bhe has point-blank forbidden ber maids of honor and every lady lu attendance upon her to use tobacco In any Shape ths penalty being dlarotaaal from the court. PDE3AT0BY.

The purgatory" Idea Is not orlainal with the various Christian sects, as Is generally The Buffalo Courier thus reports a recent 1 supposed, but was known to many Mental the Cnlted States aad fail wwwb tnm Hne I line Tire. D'ffer. -iir'li lisirnsl. -Now. my favorite aald tKm aenger with ths wfalu necktie, -to Carlyla.

"1 can't say that I think much of aim- KTrSSiP eTt, thin. muM." lh1 think they" HAIR REQEW fATO IMPERIAL HAIR REGENERATOR. Pereett resteers a Mr e-Her, mU ttbsir tTTa. r-- i. txa Iwi mpertsi Venus reretet IM Is 4.

LUW aVsttl favatas "I ikasV kBrowa. new 1 I I uretra. LI vem-tt. I neefaat. I Ke.

Co a oei -fc mm. lei IkSeanw. -A wtwte inn naiami ea one euiiiai ura. oo, eae. kCt.

At Wbaleenie ass Herni)- KA 14 Hawaii's -www liMtoj. saw. gen apnl'e by-. Aad til Lasdlsg llZ A Transaction in MVE, Silks Thai Demaads Instant Rscgs- 0 23,009 Tri FLAW iM TATICT SlUi Comprising- the Mew York Settlor; Arte, Entire Stock of Thesd' Silk FaUrio, Offered by oi ifor large ctn C0U5TER at O'clock HonJar oriiinf From Less Tnaa tie Castomary Retail trkn. NOTE.THE PRICES! Plain China Tlaia Surah Figured ndia frilk Morieanl le 82-inch Iprp'rK Satin Sfrprd rcpe Figured' Taff ta 7.....

WideSilli XiiiUh Vrlvetrejs. Terrible cr. of ft" 33c 2k Here Is a Bargain Column of Wonderful Values! Qress. Goods! 36-inch Hill wool Ileurulu 9- 33-inchBUck and Col. WoM Hrr.nctt, it 46-inch i-k Finish Npve it Dress 40-inch French 22c Vi inch Bet Imported Fine S-otoh r.aidt..,....-.l2.'c '24caiiJ Jjf r.S-inch Stbrm.Srrges ijt 4-inch Storrn Merges at 22' A 1-wool Broa.Jc'.oth High Finish BroailL'iU.

Jfc Kvening Crepons, in Henriett ta, Pink, Light Blue and Crcua IJ. Albatrosi Sur.ilr 'Clothing: Down Tacf Go. Boys' Dovb e-f rei steil Ji $4.00 SttU, all sizes go 4- Heavy Tweed Pa uts Men's Cheviot Pants at Boy' Wnter at. i Boys Scotch Overcoats li.t SHOES, RUBBERS FREE Ladies' Kid B'U-itcn Shine; pi ten lip. 98c.

$1.26, $1.48 a id .88 a Mlises' and Best School Smioti button or laced, worth $1.21 and Hi now go 76c tslSi Yale's Hair Tonic tS Ladies AD Gentlekn-; Itx-fords me great pleasure call attention the public to ilfc'Exi-sior Hair.1 Tonic, which is the if and only remedy known to ilitttu try which positively turn gray m-' back to its original coior dye. It has gone on -record tb Mme. Yale wonderful vozx chemist has made this twit ble of all chemical discoveiR-. Mr Yale personally intlorstii i'-VtJ and gives the public guarantee that it hai U-eti 1 The maids on t'other side greeted the he greatest rtlffloultv at the Roumanian cr' COJJCeiVaiiie Way. warmly, and after an exchange of i ourt, where ladles of the highest rank i proved itself tfo Ik tilt OShilH-f niua.w nvi uij viiarvnte, dbi curars, ana even chew tobacco.

Ths Crown rince. I specific. It STOPS II A Ik talk of Max 0Rall, apropos of Buffalo and religionists centuries before ths beginning of Rochester: "I vtll tell yon how I alrst hairt off Rochester, he In. be in! I Vaa beeled to appear-r-r In BuSa-lo. Zee man who hat engashay me evidently fought I voold appeal peenk tights ant valk on my bait.

arount see town slrns vicb ret: CRell ant Krow Fat hein, heln! I vas preety mat, and knew aat tare voold be a small bouse. Eh. heln, sare vas on lee about vree bonert. zee nex aay as i vas getting on see tratn at Buffa-lo, I met Major. Handy, oft Philadelphia, see great shournaleesL He mart, 'Veil, O'KeJl.

vol. hint elf a house deet you have" 'About tree sayt I. abort lee, for I va steel mat. 'Voir sayt Handy, tree honert people ro to a leeterary lectyoor in Buffa-lo? vy, two honert off dem moat have come from aochee-tar" heln, hein!" THS TABLE? TP US ED. Detroit yvee "May I bare the pleasure of the next waits with your hs said to ths tall and stately blonde at the masquerade.

-Certainly: I trill be dehghted. So they waltsed and promenaded the whole evening. He cased into her deep lue ayes and began to pins for tbe time when the mask would ba removed, so that he might gase upon ber lovely face. At last the dock struck IX ths masks were taken off, and he saw ths avenging face end form of his angry wife, whom he bad left safely at home. "Are you satisfied he said coolly.

"I have made love to yen the. whole evening so that no other fellow has dared to come near you. If I I echeme, I would night." And she believed him. our era. It has survived to a Certain extent ra Persia.

Arabia, and Asia Minor tn. general, especially among the 'J atari tee and the AtlaendlcB, branea sects of ''mltm Ta r-r-r la tbem tbe purrs lory idea Is conveyed and ex-L I saw pressed by the words Al Araf. This See Mss Oriental "place of preparation la supposed ad not discovered your not bars boon here to oe tocateo nair way between heaven aad hell, and. according to the popular Idea, la first hot and then cold, going through the changes of extremes lu a very short period of time. The Mohammedans say that their rVht 1 the poly perso.

who has ever tmesed directly from earth to beaveo without first going through a preparatory course ft el AtV. THE OXFOiD JU1CTI01 AEROLITE. The aerolite which feU near Oxford Juno Hon. Iowa. In April, la, haa been sag up by a syndicate, which Waa formed for that purpose.

It prove to be something unique la tbe Una of air-stones, being almost as round as a eanaon ball, and only about 10 Inches In circumference. It Is of some tin. known metaL which. bears a strong ecnblance tobroos It evVlentlTrJT: men or a larger body whlK LTZ a t-nnaaa at immediately and creates a lua growth. Contain no iujuruii gredient Physicians und litis- invited to analyze iu lts not tice or greasy; on th cortraVv it nui the hiir soft, fluffy.

keeps it in curl. For Kenrlein'-n tat ladies with hair a little jrray gjay. entirely gray, and witb BAU HEADS, it specially recomratnlt. All druggLti aeU it. Frit, If Anybody Offers a SabiUtute Sbao MME.

M. TALK. 11 est (h snd (t-ot Specialist. Temhla of tVa Jtf. Ute street.

Cbtrsgo. A PR'S HAIR STORE- cenmuuivnou stf Fine Qpallty or cat poptLAb Switches we wIM cSNr for sale a euaipiete te--- of our 16.00 Switches SjUi rf $3.00 Each tela dies that done only by uCrV int were unable to ca at peel) Srrurh Hmlm. Justice te ail. we av f-VOtSJ swk Japp's Hair Store 470 and 472 opp. Katural.

fluffy Poa Pane, prvrt s. sen the eorrert Mes fur 8-" WINTER RESORTS. Laiewood, Jersey. "The Lakewood NOW OPEN. BTfSRiev.

JSMtHKOa del9-39tjrSaSo) ST. AUaUSTlNE, FlA HOTEL SJn.IT AcconmoDA-norrs ron iWh the keaHhleet sue Pert,. a kocei ef the nail at animate nrtoee. (tend for TZi HUAKCHaJtD.

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