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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 9

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HlSuS To Get at the Evidence i fll.i Pj VonlMfj Beftr the fluent (iraad Jury. Cantriir Rules That' It tan 00 tiAKvow' I. th ItawraPn Trial Bag Will'" II' mmmtj Otrr lb' Hark Fence. yr.Mf.irt. April -Th dfSe la Jib In dvnc juat what 9 eA; a I tll whs Vila on eks ago Howard' et- r.rnial request for Yout- given to tbe laal grand.

i.e: i.iwippuy turned loan. Thin a written motion in i'vsm i' allowed to bafor 1. a owpy of hla tllBony 1.1 r' greno jury in -avary. statement In which ba Jj i.v In bla poaeeeston, and n. a written confession of y.

but tha ha did hart aoma I kia ne.n fgUI of fe r- Li ihe ftnr.1 Jury, and Ihla ha declined en-" i tU0 ar.y ore uniee wuvhi iiw I.ID If CAKTIILL. tau. trill 'ivirruiw m.Jiiun oa 4.frtr i ionei mnntu uui, va Mm nrst witness to-oay, Biaisu the window In Calab Powers' he rale-1 ru incnaa ueiore leoeoara When, on croaa examination, ha if lis did not aaa armad man on aiJ.e th cunlaat In January. iai rr.c.ti.w.l that ha aaw only ona mn iti. 'I I--I alJa baarln t.

vuuM rtilwr not praaavd to anawar ku thia mmi Aftar raftvettnff a iirii-M adlad: "That armad man n.twir, I On not wian to iva nia it m.alit ambarraaa ftoutt. a- it aaa." Uuwau Qalnaa. J. C. lk.

Kratik llcanay, Nawton Fraalar, II IMDinan, Harry Tandy, R. O. Arm- rr.nt. i "hn K. Mlla.

Uraham Vraaland. irt Tiii.mwaon. M. Meinarnay, j- ju, kT anJ Uaurga rarria taaunaa aa i irlala AW MIM JVM P. Citlnra aald ha waa poalttva that Jin il aralhad rapidly out throuarh ar.

l.ii'k of ttM niatahouaa, jumpea th aiona wall and want up Clinton ami Ju.t a taw mlnulaa aflar Uoebal wl gauL waa within a taw faat of tha hrn ha Jumpad avar tha wall, got i fr.Hl I.H.k at him. aakod him a quaatlon inrr limna without ttln any anawar. I Identified Howard In Jail aa lit lam man. J.ii-r Lairkar. of Illchmond.

aaid ha Ma Howard In Itlchmond January 'A. and Hjr I tuld him ba bad baan to Frankfort (mi.Hr and waa on bla way back to rHnkfrt to aaa what ha could do. R. il. Oambrlll.

of Clay county. aaM lUwr.l apuka to him tba Saturday bafora 0oM waa klUad about aatllac up a miliary company. Tha dafenaa ohjaolad to al-atna Charlaa Howard to taatlfy, baeauaa atlmlttad ha had baan onoa aant to an na aaylum. Tha commonwealth agraad at might ba ajteuad. SERIOUS CLASH letwawn Traction Companj and trona of Suburban Una.

On account of tha aawnn of Ilurrall. Khlen. Zoarchar and Mtr Norwnoil found I did not mett latl iht i taka up tha tnalier of the t-untru- nv that haa arlena over tha allraed ra-fuaal 'f th (Mnnlnnatl Traction Cumpany Aicrut tranafvra from tha Haptd Halk- i It aaa dacldad IJ have a can taaitea a apaulal maatinc at ciovb tm.rr..w nlBhU at which thla and other aait'-re tan be coneldvrad and action taban thrtn have baan frequent claanaa batwaan a.nuct.-a and pVaneTra oar taanafar fuul. lurln the paat few Aaya. ana Mayor Mini an.

I Oiuncir have bean naked to aacar-tein If la not auena vlaua In tba fraa-tkiw irunted tha traction companlaa that t.ulU c.r tha polnta In dlaputa. Tha fare bvm to tha city llmtta ta five ma. a it .1 by reaaon of tha ttonacueptanoa 1 tTAnar-r by tha Cincinnati Traotluti raa4.wi pwMnfrra -are balnar reejutrael to H7 Ave-cent far In order to tat to tue Cvt-mnora-etreet terminal. Praaldant ruhMin. of the iLajild Hallway Company.

ui.1 lui iilrht that the oieatlon of trana-bn wu na over which be bad no control. i oprraie our cars Inside the corporate turn Cincinnati unJer tha charter of IS tlni'innatl Traction Company." aakl ha. nd h-ii the car croaa Lh Una Into the f'r tliv lattrr company taJtea obsrse. Mr. rwtuaed to atra tranwfera to kni.

ramliK Into tba city on our tinea. ad. 9 he la tha man In authority in tha are poweria to brtnjr about tba CtA.Tt J.nmnJtU." THOUSANDS TltTtd the Remains of Konaig-nor Boa- chet a Thaw Law In Stat. cub to iori.i. l-wiisviiie.

Aortl IS. Prom aarlr bonluK until lour after dark tbouaanda Ckiholtrs have visited the vathedraL Vr the rcmaina of tha lata alonsisnor het n- lo state. Out of reipect ta the Numtly exprraaed wlah of the dead man "re aa-lit be no floral trlbutea. Tke tun.ral ceremonies will becln at 10 rlk to-morrow morulna- RUtht Rer. att Milntikev.

who haa haan In inorlda Mi hesith. will arrive home in tint to Mate-ate the solrmn blsb mass of requiem. r'rr4ina this mora than til) pr testa will in chantlna the solemn offlc for the The reraalna will taken to Naaa- "ik burial on-a special train, which IU leave lunula villa at 1 a'rlwk tivmor. stternooa. NEW SITES fa Ut Location of Xathodist Church JLr Salactad.

The Oi4n.l.- an mJt Ik. inoaU litstrlct of tba Methodist Bpla-II t-tiurch held an eiecutlve aeaalon at the Book. Concern to dtr- b-ae ULKJD alta f.ia taa mrtlon of new wckrs. Tia Truataea of the new Metho- In Readlnc were rap--'Toted by a committee, aakln tba Jiiere of location, which was TmAted. autter of location of th Near Street K- Charcb waa left to tba dn-actloa of uaai at Trustees of the.

City Miaaion-" Society. Tha CiiumklM ka msinnaM the foliowlna. prominent clertT and Asm im n. viuK, a. R.

cowen. Re. Dr. D. O.

Lattshaw. Dr. JI. Jf KuiIaf baa Ir Rati 1 Smul Hannaford- FOUND HIM tt jury Dida't Knew Wnathsr Hs Wii Lrnchad or If et. April IS.

Tba body ot ae-Batned Titua Moor waa found thla ZTn riHrln to a tra la wxxxim two north of Puitoa. He bad bean In th of Sidney Bard. A farmer. Ha was eeea allva vs. lone be bad bean dawd and 'not be ascertained.

The Corn. lUPV -m a the racu aa abstad. PTTTT. DtTftTlT'ati TTTTTT a to rai uunn. awT" Ky- April lX-Tfeva Commta-tn appoiated andar th tk7 Uu Cm Rhode, ta th aaatter JCTur acboUrahlpa.

met la thla oMjr UaTW nd effected permanent orgaAlsa- riji "lon of Prof. B. DC Dray. rW 7 i -ue" a Preaadent aad 5rd to notify tha trustee In batra56wptIlkof bai adjourned to await mora 'OHIO. tHaabenvUla.

Ohio. Awrtl lL.Hu lee, acad T. fail freea tha tbird atavy ae nar itotat atainiaj ta dar. a4 waa fatally Injured. Hayaaond, ay PbA-baadl rrn ant bark ta na a train.

r( om tba oa or tit tiaa, waa atruck by a traia and fatally Injured. Uarrevllla. Obi. April U. The Covnty vaaamiaaionar to-ay areata a rraaehlM for veara Ik.

i CprtagYUId and Clndnaaui JCtartrt lUUread ta epafata tknuk I'aWw a wa eAoon eraa atvea to bava tba road roea- pwtaa mr Apru Mat. wpriaatiatd. rrfata. Ani i aaoMar aauftad lb anafaeturera to-day nai a par cent tarreaee la waaea would be requaatad an Mar 1. Tba minimum arata al praaa at la 3 T4 for floor man and 93 00 iot nanca naaaa ward t'auvault baa bean found doattn la Lake ercer.

With John Stutler ba went duak buntln and It la auppoaed tbatr boat aapaiaeai MM POM WOT OrQWMO. Colwntbao Oror. Ohio. April IS. The epnnc aaeatlnc of the Lima Presbytery In aaaion bare.

To-nbxht Mra. John Wrlcht, of Tabrta. Parata, adJreaaed tha Worn)' Mlaatosary Soctaty. Ooluanbas. Ohio.

April Mlaa Delia. Me at aa tar wwa to-day appointed aaslatant clerk at penitentiary, ta auonewd M. A. Karah-per, who waa named private aecretary to Mayor-alert JefTrey. Akron.

Ohio, April 11. Jacob Armabauch waa arreaied to-day for Dewotne Into house In ftlda atreet. It la aliased that ha baa been frtahtenliia; women nlht after niant by hla ay-1 ions. Tlffln, Ohio, April 11. Tha grocery Arm of Green Wise, of Poatorla, established PI yeara Mo, aaaoa an aaatsnment bare to w.

Hurlm to-day. Aaaeta and liabilities eacb about Bellafontaln. Ohio, April IS Lawrence Knlfbt fell from a tree and fractured two rlbe and otherwise Injured himself so that be may not recover, tie ta lo yeare of aa. Maryevllle, Ohio, April U. Elmer WU-llama.

aad SO, waa killed at Uead Man Ooeelns." near Plain City, laat nJcht by a train. Zanaavllla. Ohio. April IS Old ace and Ita ooneequant Infirmities caused Ixiula Moore to commit auldda. ruttlna hi throat with a raaor.

Norwalk. Ohio. April tS. Frank Bartow, a deaf mute, of Milan, waa around to place by a W. and L.

E. train yeatarday. Ball aire. Ohio. April IS.

Buraiara entered tha store of the Klne Supply Company and stole fava casil by blowing the safe. INDIANA. Lafayette. lnd April IS. Mlaa Emma Klrkhoff.

the handsome dauahter rif tha late John Klrkhoff. a wealthy farmer who died a month aao, and I'eter Ix-merly. son of Jacob Llemerly. were aecretly married In thla city February 2 laat by Rev. Father DepauL.

of St. Uonifaca Church. Thlr mar-rtaaie waa made publlo to-nlaht. MaahvHIe, April 13 The Democrata of Nashville to-nliit nominated for town otneera, to -voted on Monday, May 4, Alortao Allison. owner and editor of the DnmocraC for Uerk and Mayor; Richard Mobly.

Marshal: William Wood. Treasurer; John Brown. Ed Walker and R. 1 Coffey. Cuunotrmen.

'Torre Haute. April 11 Poet O. Travelers' ProtmUve Asaoclatlon, will put a state ticket before tha convention neit month aa follows: President, John Shuttle-worth; Vice President. Al A en: Secretary. W.

b. Cbambera; Reeldtnt State Directors. Ed Kleiner, C. A. Lae and W.

H. I la hay. Terre Haute. April IS. William E.

Chandler, a traveling man. who haa been arrested on a charae of bigamy, asserts that the whole affair la spite work. He aaya be waa dlvoroad from Basle Chandler, nee Pollard, of Owenavllle. In March. IVUtf.

and marrhfd again at Sullivan last falL Waahlnstoft. lnt( April 18. AuthorttU are searching for Eabralm Coon, who cama here April 2 from St. Louts County. to pure ha aa aoma land.

He had several hundred dollars with him and haa disappeared. Pool play la suspected. EvanavUle. April W. Nexaen.

and Mlaa Dora Beal ware married la Mt Vernon, laat night. Nax-aen'a former wife recently obtained a divorce from him. alleging misconduct with Mlaa Beat, Newcastle, April 13. The police raided an aUgd rmbl'n room laat night, and aay they obtained Incriminating evidence against a doaen young men of this city. Indictment may ba returned tomorrow.

Rlohmond, April 13 John Goodwin, who shot George Crull at Eaat Oermeuttown, haa. beer, released on hla own recognisance, no can appearing to proaecute. Crull la aaid to ba on tba Pwoifle Coaat. Kokomo, April 13. Mr.

Lydla Moorraaa, aged T9. while speaking In church at Pblo laat night, fell dead. Her Crust Moorman waa. burned to death aome year ago. Terr Haut.

lad- April 13. Joseph W1UW formerlr Justloe of the Peace and Mayor, la dead at th age of tt3 years. Wlnamao. April IS. For beaUnr his wife and driving her from horn Judge Nye to-day fined James Ceaap $30C April IS.

Mr. Reed Wykle. of Young America, was fatally burned to-day. KENTUCKY. TS'lncrraater.

AprU IS. Mary Horna- by, aged T. la dying, and her sister Nina, agd ft, pi arioualy 111 aa tba result of eating raw cabbAgeon which parts green had baan sprinkled. Th IHtm anea axe daughter of of Rev. Thotnaa Horosby.

a Baptist preacher. Hla preaant whereabouta are unknown. Lexington. April 13. The Democratic Committee of Fayette County met here to night to consider th holding of th May primary election.

It was agreed that each precinct should bold fta own primary with out expense to th Stat Committee. An other meeting wnl ba held Saturday. Ky, AprU IS. George Hona-ker. white.

In Jail hare under aentencw of Ufa Inmrlaonmaat for murderously aaaault- tng bta wife, swallowed pawdered glass with suicidal Intent. It ta in a eerie na conai- Uon. LoUUvUl. April IS. Dr.

Sarah A. Murphy, indicted for th murder of Mlaa Stella Stork, waa released on a bond of S1.0UO thla morning. Her sureties are J. T. O'Neal aad Mrs.

Ei laa bath Booneft. ar- taell M.RAAle Hrieaaha killed John Kmc at WUllaaoa Siding, waa acquitted, establishing a case of self-de-fenaw. Jo Lor, wounded by A a tray ahot. will proBably die. Columbia.

Ky, April IS. J. Beany 8mith. wtAlta, and Ben Bmttb. a negro, quarreled over a erap gasao.

The latter shot the for-near through tba heart- Tba negr eeoaped. OreeAup, April IS. Mr. JuXU. A.

Holltngsworth- waa awarded $3U0 damacas Against Danns B. Waroock for killing her baaband. Jobs Holllagawortb, ta 18M. Padacah. Ky, AprU IX la a fight thla arternooa between Bob Caldwell aad Zno Willi th latter Jugular rein was everad.

died. Caldwell under arrest. MorgmaAaba. Xy AprU 1S- Fraak Baker, founder of tba MorgsnAald (Ky.) Saa. dlad to-dar Jackaoavilia.

Fla. WEST VIRGINIA, McMadMB, W. AprU Wooastock. ta alleged, attempted to blow up a house In which a party- waa being held, hla ftnotlT hetng. aaid, to kill Mr.

Ubbl Dennia. Th fuaa failed to lead to tab powder. Ho waa arraated. OXFORD. Mra.

Alaisalsr a a preearaeat -r a tke Metbadwt Ck.rck. baa evelaos 1 1 ot msaalty aa a result eC rellalnwi acA-tatAoa. (. nam wiaewoo. a arewitneeAt Pimserathy arrn- atrk-kea wlib aipiay yeeAeiaay.

Hla ta MEMPHIS FORM SHEET. Nf MKTKttirTM Dif TMC ral)" bJEgTIKQ or TBS MgW MKMrVIU JOCK ST cucm. AT MnrrorMESr PASS, MSMI-Hi. TKJUf. 60Q PJWT mrt-it reree ai fcl.T""-"- P.

1- I iaa fT t-m bakkf aa I 1 Z' a- llas.l.aiw. lot iT-e "oa. a biwarioa Matt twvia. IOS J- 1 Paae-Piyswar AIU wee iea-iy lite aw, wtikawc aa effart ta tae ran kofaa. Je aa lactee waa eiow is aaa-r raatraiai tka tret ka-; betuket: tfaratna.

4890. asyvywrr ft tCC rar faftonas. rarse 7S flar.B,.., ..) I SMAt Iblrt foad. Wi If eaaa Mavty rrea. Ka'CaVT, a rnelaa.

vm aa SMiaaore. lot 7TO iKeitia B. ft i letna At atari far Waa rlaViaa mt. pi.

faaaeal If ill Mlaek. tlareaWMit raead el tie It fraa. ka iAh.ii am ia. Imms tdm Mr Puaa var tae track; raa. simna at ike etxl an tae pusre la taa iaat tew tavtr rvae Kalghl save graved alt the way; tired ta tha rua horaa.

raalaa waa carrta wtata at the tara lata the hums sirauk; flaisae is tae aii44ie of the track. Mlaar waa aiwaya eatrue. She a everrsted. acratebad: Stumpy and trio. 4 WQ 1 THIRD Rtr-Rrtaa mm one siaiaath aulas: parse lUO; tor tbree year-alda aad apward.

'09l. rraotiuaaj Tlosao MV 0 kA. 1.ITV I Raaalra pnaltloas alerters W'akta. I M. V.

'Rankia 1 I' I1 lBta. T-nnr ten IHolllns Hoar. 11. 1 1 A awl. Was cleverly, aaally.

At poat oae anaaia. Wiaaar. yr ky May o' I ri Rankia wee aeer b.rth- -4 aa. at home IB trie exruia, eaave agaJa at the tara tato the bam. retrh arkm sfajor Teaey rhaJAeacet him.

and ha4 pteaty left at tk artier. o-twire took Miff Teaay baek In ike nrei quarter. ibuvwI ae ta Rankia wtthoet aa effort reAUKlIn tke tor tara; druiB4 fcsrh at lb. farlung poia, and cam aala a ben Cobara weat whip. HUM Boar was aaver danaarous.

JQQO HACK mile; ft Boo ad4: Mi llon Tin eltk. I lV 1 i Suanlna P.aiitions Starter-W'ehts r. K'letlaat. 117 llr- He rah 11 ax m. I IT.

4klu AoH. ut MAT 1IT 44 I 4 4 4 IS 4' B-A ftA A-e A 3" 4T4I IJ.aMU. 117 47 L'dr aaicniw. tiT i a a a a Alart a.M-1 Wun Aflvin, t. A Aliens M.

Wlnkfleld dI.i-.I Oledant In the first fsr turn; ruht her at the pole, and the miiaia to (et ar In time winknem ootrrxi At. Aim waa under a eilr trull the llret half, looked etrtH: wae tlrlne; all lh last furlons Avoid raa to her beat form, lehe did nH like the solns. Tke others wre aatclaaeed. Scrabrhed: tavdy Winkle. -OouyAal In tk.

slralakt Uttlof only, Added starter iOOQ riKTM RAnePevM, on. half furlunse: purme $SO0; for four-year-olds and upward. HOVO. rracilunal Tlnw-dU. o.ftoV Running H-ajtttons Hi.

1 I- 4 4 A a 1A 2' In. I Starters ehis 4MD Pavonlua loa 4ML1 Henry lrt. 104 4MIHA flald. IU4 4nA (Aulumn Ieavea. tl 1 2 4 4 4 4 1IA let tu.

4 Start "Won drlvlns. nlsce the same At Itke Kavunta. burn hd Ksv.ilu. usdVr A hie field lo set to the front; as. under a hard Urine st the end.

end sot up in th, laef etrld. waa Jumped un and ut down: ran a same ra-e beet form: will be her.f to beat from n.w run home. The latter was crowded baA-k at the Elsie AQ.QA "1XTH RA'IC-HI furlongs, purse 400; tuix tlonsl Tim 02SV 1:114, I Rannlns Fuelllon fades. I Sterlere Wahte. hi Mi'Hesen.

loa I 4 1471X1) ufl 4M44 Hume. 104 I4al Martin, llu 1 A- 1W. a a i i I' 4e ftA S' S' 6 44' Suburban Queen. P31 8 iHodweiaer, 1 4 Start fslr. Won driving, pla-e the same.

At post Toa Oallant aalll. Heaen o' Haaen aoc causht In wore me leatlere down rnundin tne far turn: waa gulna away at the end John Coulter rsa but eould aot last the journey. Jue Martin wae had to pull up. Scratched: Automaton and Louis PENNING FORM SHEET, NlJtFTEENTH DAT OF THE WASHINGTON JOCKCT CLUB'S SPRING MEETINO WASH- INOTON. D.

MONDAY. April IS. 1M Weather cloudy. Track slow. innr FIRST RACE- Mile and a half: ft9ut iUiil, ward.

Time 2M. Runnlna Ptiellions Index.) Starters Wsbts I HI. at F. 40) uib. Lishi 4, i4o; i av, i' it i- 4HM Alma Olrl 14), ls.

4 S1 2 4HXX ICollealan IB). 144.. 4 lit 4 4NMS lH F.Aton 6). 144.1 1H 4 4 8' 4 good. Won driving, winner, a was tha best, but was very poorly ridden, was taken wide ail the way, and nnneaan nungiea beully at the Bnlsh.

Collelan ahoeel big Improvement under vigorous kandllnc- Helen Paston did not seem to like the solos. Scratched: Ben Battle. Lady Radnor. iuaO aBCOND RACK Five snd a half furlonas; 4M sdded: sailing: for three-year-olde and 4830. uoward Fracllonsl Time 0 12V.

0 2S. SM. 0 61. I 04W. 1 11.

KennliiA Posit Index. Starters Wants I St- It F. l4Hft i3). 7l 4 1 1' 1' 4WI3 IS Ch'phvr (a), lint: 2 4HTI B). loot 4KV Prsncer 14).

OH 3 14172) IF-loAm l. IOT 1 4H.VO lAnnre Orac. iftl.toa; 8 4HT2 IMId. Ohlmea 7 1C Ina ft. 41 Ka 4' 3 ft ft 4- SA 4 2H 2" 4" 2S 4- 3 7 7 it it a a (4H3) Mue.

HllpperlS). 13 13 1.1 H51 llHrecturo id. KH. 10 ID lo 10 10 lo 4U IP. of (Jalors 11 11 II (47WD) lOeleha Girl (S).

IS 12 12 IS 12 '2 4HAW iHhow Olrl IS). 13 IS 13 1.1 Btrt caod Won drlvlna- Winner, br. yr by The Friar UnA. The winner ass tlrtns fast St the end. and Blue and orania cloelns.

EMolm was done at the end of half a mile Sir Christopher hung on looser than uaual. Prl.lo of Ualore and Muaclal Kllpper vera In a mlx-up at tha start and they hs.l no chance. Wsterbury was of no help to Midnight hlmes. Annie Grace shejwed some early speed. but tired.

Scratched: Little Boy, True Blue. Oeaesco, Lady Radnor, showman. aOuT THIRD RACE Four and a half furlongs: added: selling: for two-year -ol da and up-407I. ward. Fractional 0 aty 83.

8 Hunnina Positions St. la, 1' 1 la la a 2 4A SV, 2 2 8 4' 2 2' te 1 8 8 ft 4 4 4 3A 4Uj ft ft Index. I atari ere W'shta I IHuale Christian. P4.I 4M74 lOra McKlnney. UV.

4HM I flea. 4HN4 nt. Roche, lot 4783 CsJyx, aw Start goil. Won driving. Winner, c.

by Wyaluslng Ollt. The winner eut broke the ethers. She was getting Jady at the end. and Ore -Kinney would have bealea bar la a eouple more strides Fisher tried to bring Pleasant Memories home sex I ts the Inner rail, where the going waa deepest. Bite stumbled repeatedly.

St. Hocbe to have lost all hla form. Calyx topped badly. Scratched Duncan. fiQfi FOURTH RACE About two and a half a-OarO.

fur four-year-olds and upward. Time 8 Running Positions gtarter Wants. 4J1 Arlus 1M M. 8. F.

8 S' I 2 4 1I4 'W Clftbry 137 114 47 Ray (4). 127.. 4AaS Kalorama lAk 148. ft ft 4 4 3" 2 4dl L. W'dlanda la).

161 Btart good. Won easily winner, b. but little more than galloping when he raa out yr. In the handling of AM us. 'Gold Ray fell at next to the last jump, but was remounted.

Kalorama waa also remounted and finished some time after the other. Well. Scratched: Qum Honey. FIFTH RACESevea furlongs: SSOO added: for three-year-old maiden and winners of one raos only. Fractional Time 0:124.

I Hunnina A-ueAtions. Index. I atarters Wshts I St. A 4 8" fi- 44T Messo. lO 4HS3 Urd Advocate.

Ill .1 a. a 2 is fa ft 4 ftH IO 10 2' a 4 4 ft BH Jerrr. Ill 2 io 8 4KSH 1 1 than, 10 (4H78) Cherubim. 10S 47X7 1 Lucky Day. 111...

4t3K IWheeler B. lit 4U1 9ap.r. loej Fortunatus, 103 TH (4TT8) 'Benduro, 112 1 8 10 10 10 Start rood- Won driving. Winner, br. the very last stride.

This Ally Is Improving with Advocate: still he stood the drive well. Jerry's reuh trip. Fortunatus waa overrated, Bapare Drop Rye. John Nevln. Qnn SIXTH RACK Six and a half rurlonce: gano added: selling: for rour-rear-otds aad SgVIU.

ward. Fractional Tlma-O ISH. 0-2. ony I)2H. 1:2.

Running Posltioaa Index 4H24A 4712 tart ere W'chta "ahts I St. IB). 1061 2 i 4 5). 107! VA 4 s. r.

Mol. Peyton i' i ft ft a 2 aa 44 ft a 8 i i 2 a 2' 4 4H ha 8 riara ibi. i 4AS1 Blue Victor i IBaasverlne IS). IOS' 470 Fluke i. 107 Alslks ().

102 477s 48S7 Gwynne (6). 107 L. Welbeck (a). 11! Start good. Won drlvlna.

Winner, rh. ft U.P,on? Ti" had all the beat a the aoing In th anal drive, sad Klue Victor was In the middle of the track, vim It waa Terr deer Kennedy waa ef no beln to Fluke. Baaarerlne la Improving with each start. Scratched: Mowtcb. BiJoa.

8BENTH.R-iMIU and asventy yards: A)0 added; handicap: for three-rear-olda 7U 1. and upward. Fractional Time il is ihu. I) tia. 1 i TLi i T.

I I Run sins Posltioaa Index.) Starters Wxbta t- 8 r. ft 3 la It i4. lis t4MW ISUdell 14). 1XO 1 1 2 2 4 4. 4 a 42 IMcWIIIlams 8).

lllj 2 2 ennx icasr le uuc 4). SO 4 4 swo. vaou onrirr. rv inner. D.

4 jsr.cssri xj t- -v s- -sa-v. uun coin. Bar im Iu3 la wi-r 4iirdiBsr ixmt Pue la vry 4nrdtary Juc now. CHANGE OF ROUTE For Xe. and A.

TractioB Iin To Considarod Sunda. A special eating of the North Bend Trustees will ba held next Sunday afternoon ta th office of th Cincinnati. La renceburg and Aurora Railway Company at Anderson's Ferry to consider the application of the C. L. and A.

Railroad Company for permisaion to change the route of the traction lino between Cleves and North Bend. The track ar now laid over th North Band HiO. It baa been found that the pull over tba steep grade la da nacrous, especially during tba winter months. The traction company petitioned th Truatea 0f North Bend at a meeung of th hoard iat Bight for permission to cut through the hill to the southwest of the preeant routa The application waa refet-Tad to tha Committee) of the Whole and be acted upon at th apodal meetiag called for next Sunday. t.

ill 01TES AWAY $500,000. Indianapolis. AprU IX Tha will of th tat Jajaes M. Tomltnaon was probated to-day, giving William 8. May.

a graod-nepbew. S13.0UQ. with th balance of hi ha sm soma estate to Mr. Flora. Wulschner.

nice, and Oeorge SolUran. nephew conditioned that they arbitrate all dlffer-noeg between themselves and never per ail; the eetat to ntr th Court. Th bequest exceed $900,000. vmuww AS EDITOS. CUrksburg.

W. Vt, April 13. Wilber c. Morriaoo, editor of th. Clarksburg Dally Telegram, waa given a borwewhlpplng by John W.

Da via. Tbe trouble graay oat of arricleo poWlaherd daring the munlclpaj eampaign by Morriaoa retVctlna; oa avis's atbar. ex--0ngrewnaa John J. Daria. Iavla waa flood SA THE ENQtmtER, CINC1XKATI, JTUESDAT.

APRa 14190 aWkjtDaT, AprU U. Ma. Weather threaieaiag. far Muea year alia satayearti I Sirtttaw waara. Jerbere ajaw.

fiaw Q. C. Itoawtt I I n.r. a- i i- I ttkAey -j t-J S-l i Mr, mm MeeVrj a-f WiitMw A iipel I t- I ra. m.

wee aster a 1 TTl w. ble.SAn o-i aa-j t-j l'f 't Mxkler few fast ta tae Sret half, aad eaama fbaekiay kat ta ba bar rtm ta eAait a aaa. aaa a er.lless. waaa as lie Watab aa; aaa te Cue rwa-yaar-sMs; aetUa. Prasttnwal Owwaee iaebera.

I Open. Ciai. riae O.r. iwMtl A Oakaral A R. K.

Wsiktaa o-l aa- a-1 Mrs. t.iarassi...t. Haiti I 1 J. W. arkaev Baliaasaf S-t -S Otwaw rktllrpal l-l Sn-I a.

tayr aa-t i-i Boat Ve aVaeias Wtaaar. b. a. bv ki air bar fast la laa rat tana rerlaml rw away was slow ta lurM aaa ear au I EVltlaa Onen. Jeekeve.

Opaa. Oaee- Placa. Arlkar H. PHlllIpe! I I -t Out I Hlldretk OAural T- Out 1 tmraell Hera Henry' -l T- I 1-1 for three-year-eld ailtae; Tan Oaks, frac- -Bettlaa. Jnrkere.

I Open. Ouee. fiaae J. Oreener Co. r.

Maha f. A. Hoaia J. c-hn J. V.

airale MeJlebtuh WlnkOeld! Aft 4 1 Henry) II Hall; XI H. Pnllllpe! l'i-t OjLumi It I ft I It-t 15-1 IS-I aji. mlBul Wlaaer klk ne he t. by Ornus half: moved a to Sarah htaalm rouaitn ike pair fought It out at the end- Oledaat Just did uullroan woes it came to tne nnien evu like aa easy winner at tha tura Into the home I Del I ln Owners Jockevs. I Ciyit.

Cloae Placa Mrs Ti 5 1- 6 E. Rowe Halll 2ft-1 4-1 ft- 1 Mrs Henry S-l a-in Hellebusb PbllllUS B-5 2- pef one minute Winner, b. aged, by choking pull th flrst half: had to go around drive all of the test furlong: raufht Henry llart There was a lam at tha flret turn and Favontue under th. rlrcumetancea. Henry llert raa to hie Sootcb Plaid outsamad Autumn Laatm In the first turn, itorathed: Old Hutch.

Arachue aad for three-year-olds and upward: selling. Ftac- -Rettlna Jockeys Ofen. Cloae. riace McNulty Mcl acuity to-l 1-1 4-1 Neylor A I Ollrmal -l I 11 tiurn-ll A Hera Henrvl 1 '7 1 2 1 Tracer A Co. Phlllltail 1-1 1-1 1- Johnson Co.

H. Phillips ft-I -l 1-1 i C. Cahn Helgerson! 18-1 b'-l -l Ave minutes. Winner, a lam at the start and wae 4 yr. by Imp.

knocked out of It; JAlea nam, fiuppmi in me laei hla race. Mlea Hume bad a lot of early apeed. cut off at tba tura out of the back stretch aad boy Collier. added: selling; hurdls; for four-year-olds aad up- -Betting. Owners.

Jocker. I C. Wallace Mars Mrs. Uradley rinnasan O. A.

Muller Bernhardt J. II. Youn 8. Wilson Open. Close.

I'le'-e. 3 12- I I 4 8 T-IO 18 HI 12- 1 S-l 10-1 1 b-S yr. o. ly impiisnter uoiaen ieei a v.iri I bettla Owner. W.

Jennlnr r. Daniels McLaughlin R. Haas W. I Jockey. I Onen.

Cloae. wia'-e 12-1 6 1 S-l Mlnderl 10-1 Haackj S-l I So 1 S-l 12 1 4 1 BO-1 5 2 13 I lO 1 eu-i 4-1 lOu-l -l 20-1 loo-1 4-1 7-8 14-1 1-1 6- 1 4- 1 an-i 7- 8 40-1 5- lu-1 40-1 Orara Burns 10 McCarthy A Co Water-y I K. Ormvee tAuylel 20-1 T. Orlffln Wllkeraon! -l I.lger Hrown Pollak. 100-1 r.

A. Wolfe "heai Ift-I T. B. Dotwell Neely! 13-1 Mrs. C.

Fellows.Jr MiFa.l I Bettla. Owners. Jockey a. Open. Close.

Place. Mrs. R. BradleyH. Callshanl 19-1 SO-i Daniels Co Redfern 4 8 8 1-2 R.

C. Hall Flaherj 8-6 -ft 1-S -QHffln -l Su-1 4-1 The Pepper Stable Haack -l lo-t ft-2 miles 4. 300 added: Kaster Monday Steeplechase: Betting. Open. Cloae.

Place Owners. Jockeys. J. E. Lane Robinson -l 2 T- ft J.

Colt MaraJ -ft 2-1 S-l 2 1 SO-l SO-1 S-4 -l 4- ft w. A. Htotsaaury tMrnnardti F. L. Huldekoper T-10 ti C.

H. Hinkamp Rod rock by Korwood Avrtel. Walter CleAry was at the last lump. There was bla Improvement Q.2&a. 0:344, ftHj, 1:14.

1:82.. ettln Owners. Jockeys. H. T.

OrllTIn O. L. Richards Burns O. W. Cook Blake P.

8. P. Randolph. Oanaon A. shields Redfern Open.

Cloaa. Place. 1 -a 2-1 1 12-1 ft-l S-l lO-l B-l 15-1 s-t 18-1 S-l fs-t 20-1 o-l -l -l S-l S-ft -l 8-1 lft-1 F. Frtsble Doyle a jacrsm Mlnderj J. A.

Broschsrt Water but R. W. Foe bender F. Alexaader Odom -1 4-1 4-1 4-1 2-1 2-1 by Chorister Vlarsa. Messo got up In each start.

A lot of use waa made of Lord Impreeeaaant waa startling. Cherubim bad a very does not like tha aaud. Scratched: Trapexlat. UP- Bettma Owners. Jockey.

I R. W. Nellsoa Haack B. Murray B. Farruaoa Mulnolland W.

A. Red mood Salllncl J. Foat Open. Close. Place.

S-l T-2 I- S-l S-l S-l 2-1 4 1 H-S -t S-t At -l 12-1 -l ft-l S-t 1-1 4-1 lO-l 4- 1 IO-1 5- S-l W. O. Daly PotAakl V. W. Power K.

C. Bates Blake yr. by -a. -a. -a.

-a. a Betting Open. Otoe. Place. T-10 SA Oat 4-1 4-1 a-io I 4-1 T-l 1 S0-1 S- 1 Jockey.

I J. O- Lang IV. W. Power I J. P.

Isakm Alrv. u.k T. Ev JAannlx A Co.Mulhol rr bv (TAraiua Xtmn te tMbVt liuiTfJVcasiid "ti: twi-i. knew uw mvci. Ht is ran to via drv a.a,iUd.

w4b- Scimtchy4 Mowioltl, Btm. GEM CITY NOTES. The new St. Elisabeth-. Hospital, which waa erected at a cost of 22O.000.

waa dedicated yea-terdajr afteraooa wan elaborate esramoalea. Arekkisboo Eldar. of ctariAnai. blessed tba taatitaUoa. Lewis B.

Cuackel, farmer COnareasbisn aad a pahala-splrited eiuaea, made aua aa 'M ar. rf. KaeVS. AtSV. Dr.

Maurioa K. WUsoa sad Rabbi Lefbowlcs. Orover Statsmaa eecuptea a padded cell Is the County Jail, aod Jaojra MeCaaa wlil ttcalar liking to Mlaa Oertrude Oil, dauahtarof Oeorae Oil. a reaideat at BMaavan-toera and he baa farced bis AttentioBe with aaa-arasiaa pertiaaeAtjw Dayton's Ilrst Whits Wtrmaa. bflaareaalie.

April ar.r. xati anew aai aay. aa-eu aw yvers. suae Ae aorviveat br three daughters, torty-elaht and aiaaty great graadchlldrea. "he was tba Arm white erosnaa bora la Daxyvea.

Ohio. Mt. Staal Baaats K. K. A.

O. wfll ajtve a BAuaAcai aad literary etuertalamaet at tka Sted to-aay. ared lo years. She le survives by K. ef P.

Bail Seat TheraoAy evaouig. At lis close of tba exercises there win be a hamaaet 1 the asala ledgeroon at which SUO pla ts wilt be laid. The committee arrasajtng the aSafr e-A. atsta of rred Haklii. Cbairanaa; 1 H.

Oabhart, W. a. Ovyia J- Shaissaa. WaXtar ML c. Herbert Joawa aad W.

T. Crsas' ir. On Wednesday eeearng. Aprtt fa, Kerweed Lodge No. ST.

T. and -A ML. wiU aesbrate tba arventh sjmlveraary -of ita wua tae lBLrodoctlua for the Srat time ka Noa-wood et tha ancient Jewish Feast at ShaaalttA. la ancient times the fsast ot SbaasJrta vesa calm, brated every seven yaara. aad W'urahiparai Maaaar Albert Banaacb.

of the Voeal loalge, is aasiaarlag ta bava sosse af the raremoalea la ceanectkaa with It performed oa the Cuming eccetoaa Past Hi.ta. -tar radcaaBL TVS AMmaMk "eorxe Pacbta. Orria N. Littell. Orrts P.

Cobb, Gee. H. Stager and Jeba C. Aa.WiBoa, wUt he 1MB LAWRENCEBURG. 5- -r -a i The frax-hlse of tha Sabv-tbaa TVagrapb aad T-l p.

one Cr-mpwr. a braach ot ta. Bell Teie-paoaw CDmpaay. kaviag Auaoired with the etar. the company is asking aa extension at nm A aaabar of citixaaa from haae aad A'rura aa-seeu-ed before Council aad proteaid aaainat aa ENTRIES AND WEIGHTS.

Ses" WsarkAej Uawl Star liaaia eA a ai i ruaait ei-. KMUt Tbamb teg -l be aaa daet Lsaatm AJau AL. Ikj a i as II. aaa! Algae saa vsii nam taa as 1 atawa- gas arsis an tha e-4 UeAr aflanei eatUeat' 4e- en WeAsayir 7 Tktrtb.n Sa'ts-'lai eaje sat etgbtb tew-lK-laa-Ae tirmwitfai ire Fir. Raw-aitia fiar aeaga: eel I lew aaaaeaT-l.

ai STSa) Aau PAITW Haaua eaia et rrma'Avr 4AH It-Ma e-asa AKyar eea-w irk 7.7 Waad OeHioaal HS 4-AILjrs-r t'h ac Que BAiie asilltAg: sasTaKw.i a-- 8 PI a i 4 a aa 4ie rem. AMI rb. ae niii iu a aa r. t-At pt pea aeT. a immia an ae-ra rAbau e4 Mlaa Neeaa a riaaa.

aw 474 J-e Collleas 471 Oeuale tc OaUtXAjru. First flace FotarUy leaasi HiajMi gray Ita aellleat: Haeaa. Watghm- Pba 'eaa taa Hilary let A Hoaaa Mtee Culver 1I I rai lut Kgyptiaa rvtaeaa Jtaiharuae Kaaka 14 Melkanb Pst Baaeaaie 14 Leaai Masua 14 t-ltoeraiaae bS Satan.aU Floaraah ratrkar-y IV aacoad Race Half a mile; paaree: 9 Oeoraa. Jr 112 4 Mehva Dr. Rowsll lie AlssAssa-a I Ruaaie Tar lu Sh-arty Kaae toft Tuitre Third Kara Savta els' frtee Mtracla I'd Puae la Boots Aadrew Rtnr 1' Baaaatt Vm Flgardoa Ion Courar Byronerdals i'tm Anvil lua bths at a aaile: aellia lUlaarui Tosamy Knight 1' Gladys Bali Iras Tuia loo Dipont I-arttaret Fourth Bass Three at Modicum Mtatraaaa a r.

Rrsttala Ft Wayne a ttarters of a mile: aelllae-: Rl Chlhuahaa Tower af aad laa HO Tha Pride KM 01aeaataa loo Firth Mire Oa. aalle aad Blr yards: eeUfcac lesion Mtea Vera in Tom aiavla Rasptrator Oawaine Halmetta Alturaa DwieAt War Irt ls mlle; ..110 Hlmraet Wbieait Matin ball illi air 1 Damoaal Mlaalle Flo Culver Cougar eelllns l-oral Redner Galaathua Sugdea ...1 l') ...11 Mixta Doda Star Real a I. ana Kitty Kelly Castahe 1 14 ...111 BZNKIHO. First RaoeOne mils and a half; hurdles: Index Weights Index Weights 4AM Moderstur 1 17 Historian 144 4X72 Lady 132 ssg7 Wiilerd 144 AMU Masls 14 Wound Waoe Seeaa Clarlonae: Banal nc Haadl- eap: t477)Apr1l Sboarer.JIt 4A47 Honolulu lot HO 14WH)Pseaat lo l4M4U)Ahuraada 112 47S Tugai Bey 4H73Olennevls loS tah Merriment 4fUHMrs. r.

Fosr ItaoHiitbrlae 4Huli.trcus loft (4a2rDuka KendaL Pw 4JM Par Kic-e 104 Third Rac. Nina atxteantha of a mile: two-year-old maidens: 4S4Jelleala 4A4 Maurlo 474 Rk-ky a 4704 Buy Blue VU 4H74' Hevarbeialor (4w7)8uals Chris' Ir 4U Echinate Fourth Race Seven furlongs; tbree-year-olda and upward: selling: 47K't of 11T 4872 Mystic gt 4leBlue Victor lo Indeacent Ill 4171 Clocbe 8 43bNap.tal 4K3 Little Boy 4s4uaanbarramm't lol lM Wheeler loo taw Luvky Day aft 4ievvL'd lo Fifth Rac eleven furlong: three-year-olds and upward: 472 Walbronk tt IW7 Dora Vale 7 Alien 4WI7 Catch Me 7 4HS7Mlchaelmaa 4BS4' Pearl 7 rtlxth Raoe One mile and forty yards: three-year-olds and upward; 4m7 Black Dick IWU'd 4SAMBenckart lo 4eA Ithan 84 487S H. L. 4S72 Apr! Qg brook so TIPS. On Xamphia.

arse i ai. diapatcsi to tss axotnaaa. Memphis, April IS. L1SBKTH. INSOLKNCE, VELASQUEZ.



FLANEUR. KCOMK. DOM81E. On Bern tU tig. rThe Kew York American.





The three best bets: Reverberate to wla. Pearl-diver to win, H. L. Coiemaa straight and placa. KENTTJCKY COtTST 07 AXFEUJL arBciAL DisTArca To raa xxiactaxs.

Frankfort. April IS Present: Chief Justice Bumam and Judges Hobsoa. paj-ntar. Nuna and Seuia. Johnson's sdmlnlstrator va.

L. and 74. ytar. rison: dlamissed. settled.

City of Fiemlng.burg va Plemlne; County Farmers' 14a nk dismissed upon appellants' motion. Woulley va Milisr, Judge; pAelnurf Sled groanda, aad, on motion, given ao day further exteaaaua of time to file petition for rrbearing. First National Bank va. Reese. Bell; agresmeat Sled correctlns; transcript.

Matttnxlr's Truataa va Mattlmxly. Martoar grounda nled by appellee, and motion fur --submitted. holes v. Stone. Ac.

Bsoderaoa: appallse given 10 days' further time to file brief. Upton'a Committee va Hanley. Hardl same vs. Grnddy. Hardin: appellant tiled affidavit and Bolloe.

and motioa b. allowed to saas In forma peuperie: apaallaaa object and response: motAon subnutled. Commonwealth, va Point, Mason; notlee and grounds, aad motion to advance; motion submitted. Gardner vs. Continental Insurance Company, Mason; advanced oa appallants motioa.

Iy tie vs. Neweli. Mason; nolle, and grounda filed, aad case advanced. Weber vs. Weber.

Ac, Jefferson; affidavit Bled oa appellants' motion, and W. C. Marshall sap-polnied guardian ad litem for Infant appellee. Whitney va Whitney. Kectoa: notice and grounds; motion to advance aad to altUm aa a oelay cans; motioa submitted.

Albany Mill Company vs. Huff and Ot-lise va. Kentucky CI liens' H. and L. Aaeoda-tlun; re.

me at, nled In each case that meads tee ma lasiie Illinois Central Railroad Company va. Watson, McCrackea; grounds filed and motion by appellant to set aside order of submission and ael ease for argument, aad motion submitted. Wyanowd vs. Barbour Aaphalt Company. Jefferson; Afraenaat Aled.

statement mmllned aad E. C. Dan-nett maul, party apfielLant. L. ai.d Railroad Company va Da via.

BdanoA-son: appellee xlven 1ft daa' time to iwspond to petition for rehearing. Robason va. Maury, Jefferson: C. Third Division, not toe. copy Judgment, bond.

Ac. nled by appellee aad motion to dismiss with tlsmsgtx. motion submitted. CumtMriand C. and O.

V. Railroad Company va. A B. and O. Railroad Company.

Aa. apaaacer; appellant Sled additional tranaonpt andar leave beretofore given. Fox va Willis, execturlx. Jetferaoa; appellant moves the Court to est aside order of March 2ft. averrullag petition for modification and farther grounds aad motioa tor lu par oeat fla max, am ttinila.

aaotmn submuteeL Fidelity aad Deooelt Company. Martrm, va. Loulaville National Hanking Canxipany. Jef-lea-sDo; agreement Sled and cabs docketed oa May 28 by consent. Hall vs.

Graxiani. Kenton: en appellee motion case advsneert and aabmittad with so days' laa v. to appellant aad to days iheranfter to appeliee. Story va. Firat Nauonal Bank.

Ac. Faemmg; appele Firat Nattoul Bank filed affidavits and verified answer and moved the Court to withdraw apinaun to set aside order of Buhiakaaliai aad dismiss nppeal. axioaiiant ebtsct lo xoocjoa and by aamement Sled bearing motkrra rgitxil until June A Mosklns va. atoetoa. JetTaiaon; tton ay to amrm as aelsv laat Aled notice aad espies ef snnareailaaa hoad.

otder of attarbmeni. and ntoatoa far rule aaa mat appellee to show csilae why she abaQ not be panJahcd for contempt and disobeying writ of supersedeas: aBpeUas objects te motion far rale and nied nthdsvlt: mntloaa submitted. Maraden A Coenpaay va. BaiUtt Davteas; Harmon va. Avaritt, recetver, Marlon; Black va Commonwealth: Card wet; va.

tUigk: Tarlor va. King: New York Life Iaauraacs Company vs. Carry A Reno. Ac. vs.

Black burs. Lancaster Ac. vs. City of Owenaboro, CllT of Louisville, vs. Brewer's administrator: Garth's guard-laa va.

Taylor. Hare; hard, tw. Fitch. Ac; petltioa for rehearing aled by appellant an rarh case. Frank vs.

Fraah. JexXeraun: pefltlesi for sad estiension mt epiaion by appela. Myeea. ate-, vs. Pettian.

ere; Story. AA. ta First National I leak Steph.nuii va otavpnenson: HiirtmrA trustee, vs. Hir. axaculr.x Murphv.

Aesesenr. vsa. Olr af LarausvlUa; prtltten BSC re-, heanaa Sled by apwabas is anch ease, H-werim vs. L. and A.

Hal road Cesnxexay. ap-petianl Sled pctiaAm fur reaanrlng and aaratiBra-lli-n W0ey. S-. va. City mt LswiaallU: pealtlona fr rehearing Sntd by appeimnt ami sppallsa to Sv days' lie to raapoad.

AngUn va. Coaae-ly: anpaUeo Sing petition xox rer.vA. ISA ADA awauwuioa, Karw torn A are A. anrutl.AAlOCA. Cook vm.

Tadd. pstttls for rebaarliig and ea taratfc-a of 9Pnion by appevien. Metroputttan iosaraAK-e Conrrpany va Miller, pe-tlua for rekaai leg byafretia, and ssvpelise given to tars ealaavea in ef lime la raiat-nA Th laiir Cms nwaAutb. Tvax-g; oraaiial aaa bar Ahtil XA City- aaf lvasvii-Ule v. Caohwrt.

Warden tra. I Trsiumss Soother JBAltway vs. TttnrmaA. Na- I1 aval Baalding and L-aa aaaor'stl ex va Ptas- I boa. Lcwui Tabs ecu Wnraeeiia.

AumiAiay ta I OM, a-oAAAVlile aao AVaAiruaw ajceaapuar Barrel, camshatt va i a eajai i. Spark a va Aecaait xta-amv laarae. a- Aata. an ins csvees tiaeW anmlsska brief fur pciUea have been SleA Louiavbla and NAUAbvUie RsRran-1 Cheapaay va, WAOdraea, awe va. Kvaaa-B adaarn-brtrator va.

Kvana MarcAey A Son VA V. M. Fvd. aad Guar. D-wrarnar- Spnrka.

Ac. va. Raw- a. sk-haakK vn --s nsa. a.

naiA by Bpnsllaats SleaL -v OoAnasenwealtk anas mm aa an.k.t, Kea. 1, W. 14, 14. It, km. SO.

22 avg weave. Aue-aslt ten. Ftv aa ear .1 fee oral A saaclan nnd are and a eoe area aigaanal Sled by apt, aaiee. aaotAoa saabmlus-l. 1 5Ta 11- i- It It ti.

B. 2S. 25. 2A 2S. 2 and Maya tra Coeaaeuev-waaiih JWTeraoa.

wrv a a. sail fur brtefa. Mr. tiaorga i IWaa swasm aa aaa vursry nx eesrta aaai oa. tti so aagaaa sail; asan ea: lie Waaler Wt-reata atoalA Sraasal SA tteAel, taarvaaA JEWS TOVJilS ACROSS COVtrsQTON.

Th fnnsral mt Uk halo aad ItignsintaUv an tn SXata Laajlal tare. kL Jt. IllrAey. wdH taka plssa tha maralnsl frwsn tba St- saa rye Cntbadral. at eriaca, Ttonr Qa I Uranssrt wtil aaf-ttctat at yoal high snaaa.

aaaxotad by Iter. Mnjrry and Maw. Illt.sna.ay. Tho netle paUbsnrsr will af- T. ItAtSead.

X. B. Ksrrea, A. Pecgtnger. Franh Tracy.

Henry Met trap and MaabtVco mhsiia II a a wary paUbaarwr froa mng th elU-aaeas win be CbarW Dowaetly. Sr, J. BeHser. W. W.

Brow. O. T. rat-rtrk Trery and Ur. I.

A Caaatdy froen th Lndsre of KUua. nmlB Adaasa. earn Morris. R. If.

KoAtsnaia and hL Sbtns: frwan tba gttslaasa Meat Club. t. K- Cmppan. Tbsedors Kotsia. Edward twaanArer and ioba Bryant.

At a epertai sae-Klng ef tho Lodaw of Klka. of wbkch the diciasig was an Aoeorwd nuintisr. cweasnitlae i)naa of Frank bf. Troary. M.

J. KAchmond. 1 Kaarva. Ben Brnmlag asv Jamea T. Tboenpaoa waa appolateat draw up reaw-luUott.

It I predlctad lAnt It wlH bo one of th Urgent fvinoral eortegen that ever loft this city. Sabttrsojs Wstsr opplr Th water quest km wwa agrata before the Board of Oonncdl las night, and actiosi fa vorlng a contract with the Kenton Woter Company of I Ionia waa the owtASosn. Ths ordtaanoo up for cotaatderBUUm seta out tbsvt a exMilract be eniared Into with th Let tonka emaapoay for a term of 11 years at a rata, of oenta per l.SOO gaJloeaa. aad that no person other tha a reel derate of Ln-toaia bo fwralaharl wsuar. An axcepooa ta tnad ts th Mars ef resident oa the southern bovmdau-y Un of Central Covington, wtao nre now patron of the Kenton company, but tbe erxpreaa peortaton ka made rhnt na other realdenta of Central Co vl Barton are to be furnished with water by the Lettonla cotnpnjiy.

Is ran La ton kg ta annexed before the splratkMa of the contract Bought to be made exptfe-s tbara tha property, pi pew and other npturtenn nrwa are to become the property of tba city of Covington at a price to be fixed by a board of arbitrator. Only two naenxbor of Council. Meoara. Croiiey and Hetdecker. voted against tba ordltmne.

Croiiey rial ma that tbe charter of the Covington ootnpnay prohibits th city from sailing water to other than cRIaena of Cbvlag-toa. and in thla be la sustained by Solicitor Hanaun. Attorney Milt McLean, who baa given th matter much attention, holds that thla view la ar-rotiavoaja, nsd tont the city can net! water to outatde reoiSeata ao long aa It doea not Impair th supply to Covington iwaldeat. If Solicitor Hanlon' view be the correct one. It mean a lone of flO.UiO In revenue to the city from Its Bale of water to Ludlow, Central Covington and LaUonka.

Na action waa taken upon tbe application of the Trustee of Central Covington, srbo are also Bewking renewal of their contract. Ixtersssad Tlx Protection. Th Pollc and Fire Com laal oners, together with Councilman Lob re. Bullock and Schuler, met Monday evening and discussed a number of different site and plana fur th proposed new engine house In th south astern portion of tho city. Th eonfsrence resulted la a start being mad for a long-n ended Sre protection for tbe moot rapidly growing section of the city.

AJot. SS by KM feat, at th southeast corner of Fifteenth and Hoi man atreeta waa aocopted, and a contract waa ordered ntrd Into with Logan Wood for th purcha at fTOU. Plana for a modern two-story brick angina house to coat In tb neighborhood of ftt.Ouu were submitted, but they failed te eult tb Commissioners, and City Clark Von Hoene waa ordered to notify all of the local architects to submit plana to tb hoard at tb Brat meeting In May. Tb board decided to submit all plana to Fir Chief Meyers bafor nvaking a decision. Council Doings.

Th City snd Suburban Telephone Company secured a reduction of taxation laat night at th meeting of Council. Th company claimed that through a mlatala of tb City A bb bb ii tb company's tangible and frnnchlee assessment wan excessive Tba report of tbe oonsnlttea ta charge of tbe matter, recom mending a red act loaa from I7U.000 to tSO.OUO, was favorably acted upon. Th repair of th lbblne-street brldfg waa ordered at a eoat not to exceed tduu. Tb work is to be done at onoa. A request from the IL O.

Esheiby Tobacco Work asking for exemption from tax for a term of five year waa referred. Tb company employ SUO kandA. and has secured th old McNamars plavnt oa Weat Sixth atreeL vtffsrltigT Iosn TarmtrntlA. Albert Pennington. 23.

residing at IS East Fourth street 1 locked up la tbe strong ward of th JAIL Pennington' mind has failed him in th last year, despite th beat of medical Attention. grew wort and at times threatened to blow np hi mother home. Th mother refused time and agsJn to bare him placed In safety. He grew violent yeatarday morning, and th mother, who Is almost prostrated with grief, called In Patrolmen Doheny and KUey. Pennington Is well known.

ha been morbid ever since hi return horn from the South, about a year ag. and haa a delusion that be ta being perse-cuted. He will have a preliminary examination befor Judge Cecil Ptnc this morning. Subway Franc hi ao Bid. Bids for tba franchise privilege of placing aubway along tb street of Covington were opened In Council last night.

Tb franchise Bought I for th purpose ef furnishing the residents with a general aya-tem of burglar, messenger and BignaJ alarms. Only two bids were received, that of the Kentucky Telephone Company, of Ludlow, and Prank 8. Ludlow. Tba telarphon company offered $400 for the franchise? for period of 2D years, and Ludlow agreed to pay S10O Sown and a graded percentage of tb groaa receipts Tbe coat of advertising tho franchise will amount to nearly aa much as th city haa been offered for th privilege. Both bid were referred.

City Will SeorU. An appropriation of 9100 waa ordered by Covington Councilman last night, to be pent In decorating th City Hall, la honor of tba trlatato convention of commercial travelers, to be held In thla eltv tb last week In May. The convention will be tb largest ever held Is Covington, and delegate will be present from Virginia. West Virginia and Kentucky. The number of visitors expected la placd op In tbe thousands The members of tb local council have raised a fond of nearly $3,000 to entertain tbdr rtsiting brethren.

Sahkl XstAta) Traiiaf crs. Albert K. Davison to Bird, lot on Oolding atro, MllldaJo; $200. Thomas A. Kennedy to George A.

Maa-ning. lot at Thomas and Edward tract; $300. norldA Neff to O. A. XcCackAn.

lot an Starrrttt street. Central Covington; Sam. Clean Rotner Heciry Von Hoene, lot on BakwU street, aovtk of Serventh. 23 by SO feet: $20. Kate Klonterma lo Wn Bruttal.

lot stt Pika and Kipp atreeta: fXSUO. Vata7TnATB, Sctd. Th a'rrtion of ventrjrmen of Trinity Erta-eefMhl Cbas-rh Mooday night raa ait ed mm follows: D. N. Coming ore.

f. R. Copptn. jr. O.

Curry. K. T. Onlav A. W.

aboard. W. ah aw. J. K.

Rerynotdn. F. A. ftothlanr. M.

A. Tata. F. T. WaodAll.

Oeorge Abbott and F. O. feller, Th Caatnr coUeo-Uona of th ecbarch anaoontod to $7.1. A rhack for SLOW waa handed Raetor Notand to ssmrw aa sAtnntaAt or to expand ta aay Strlcksst Vitk Fsjrats. George Barer.ns.

Yi. hvhig at IT Locfc-wood ssa-ea-t took soddsmly 111 ka Qndnnatl yeatarday snot nlng- Meeting A agu fr-a thla city hva aabeel thai txriver ta a.lew aux to rl-e over th brt-tga Urn grww war. and flnaily becam onc-MaK-lotBa. Pntrolaaaa Alberra had him rwmtd his horn i Dr. Hunt auir.mnnsil.

wtao nroint cab aa that of Prati etas. BtrjasTtns aav fta CotnacO last sight adopted a rsBituUon. ordering- th Superintemlemt of Pabtl Works nwd tb Camuiittee IntarmaJ las-pe-a-vxOArnta to provta sin pis, for Ins th brick strneta of th dty la a cieaa Awtry Badly A lad named Brauafeld. nvlsvg on (tsrtat avenue, wm painfully bexraed about tbe face yesterdAy xnornlng by th esploaaaaa of Tlrsd Tsasrs ttrs. Clab Ava-I tmm mt IS ate Ta now baa a mbbip mt a early eaa, an HMttt ressr tb tmm snara brf ar te psaint of th fall mmpatga Th lunni ata aftar wbmb a aaial lodalged la.

AlaiUsT BwWsvi ASeno rvvh, mt Lavtlww. Sad aaatt Mea. Say- la the) Clrewit Cenrt aanunat Oak. rtak, praytag far giver and I he rise, ad of tbeer Bre chlidreei. She rluirge failur provide.

Th dafsasaant wbereabevol ta mmi Csrertnrtaai atrlf S. Ths la tarts Haven ne day war: Bear. ILSUS; apsrttA $XM etsara. SS SO. tebac.

$34 total. Mra. CUen Cook. BBetber of Bdward CewA. I st th poiat of atk At Pliabetb HaepltAl.

Th Wosnaa frsebtnertA t'olo WIU hoM aa ail-Sag msstlng at tbe MadJaoa Avanaa Church Wednssdsy. April IA Dr. Ssudder. mt CAUtaaan, wtU addraa th re Ing mm lag at Jkl 'eloch. The other erv-la wtU be head at SO a.

aa. and 2 JS p. S. Mia Uda Ma Oregory. th lAleated to rotlo-Aiat of tbbj dty.

will take th part mt PvneUrpe la "Tbe WhaTtpooL'' a coaaegy to be gives at Odd lrwllow- Hall neat Friday evening under th auaploaw of the High School SluranL Th Mlaae Laura sad Hasel Rhlnork. who ar attending tb Sacred Hart Aoad-emy. Clirtaaa, spaat ttaater with tbatr parents. Mr. and Mr.

Jaaeob Kblnock. They returned cbool thla morning. twrstkc Prultt. IS. glad at his tat huma, btl Parry atreet.

ysalwrday. Alvlna the three-year -old dAughter of Louis mix. died at bar lata horn. ITS Wt Bobbin avenue, yesterday. Margaret Scarp.

T. of tb ptoneor yeeterday. of Bromley. Henry Retake. agd St year and Hvlag at ITS Eaat Thirteenth streel, met with a mishap laat night which will eoofln him to bla bom for aoane tlsne.

He attempted to board a Newport aad Covington ear at Sereath and Madlaon avenue and, missing hi bold, fell to th trta. twtainod a fracture of tb shoulder and bad braise. Lira. Keam and AverdVck attended blnv. Pollcs Com mlaaloner Larry Boamnachuta and Conductor U'Day.

of th L. nnd are entertaJnlng aon at tbdr respactlvs homes. Tbe ault of Margaret Keith Hubbell agalnat Jame E. pepper A Co. waa dismissed, sattlad.

la tb Federal Court yeatarday. The ma of waa involved, alleged to have bean du oa not. Mra Jama Stafford, of Delia. Texas. I bare viautiag bar brother.

Patrick Oordxm. They bad not seen eacb other for tbe paat 40 year a Sheriff Mclaemey. Circuit Clerk Kdwsrd Miller. Night Marshal Wolf, of Let on La. and hla brother.

CharU Wolff, left yeatarday for Frankfort, to testtf In tha case ot Jim Howard, who la charged with tha murder of Oovornor Ooebet. William Rledlln. Prealdent of tho Bavarian brewing- Cosnpany. gave a bHtaak fry la th baeenvant of tb brewery last night to a number of wall-known Kentucky ciHsena aad puililcUkna Among ttMMM who wwr prewent were Mar. Joha C.

Wood. CharU Oray and 1. T. Seller, th Republican candldatea for Railroad Coram iaat oners; Chaatar Smith aad Collector Qorg Unberth. of th lotrnal Revenue OfTlce; Richard D.

aOmst. Joha Weaver and a number of Councilman and Aldermen. Mr. Weawer antes a toaatmaatce. nxvd plendld tlm was had.

LUDLOW. Chief of Pol loa Callahan laat night arrested Horace Bate oa a patarmlt charge worn out by Peaui Baker, of WUUam-town, Ky. was loekad ap Is Jail. BrTT.TeKVTJX, XT. Th contractor for th new Campbell County Bank Building' broke ground yeeterday morning.

Mayor J. W. Bllla, Vie Preatdeat of tb bank, tnad a brief ad- Th BUrue High School baa ball team will phty th Rugby MtUtary team at the Beat Nswport Ball Park Saturday arternooa. Joseph Wlmiayer, mt SM Lafaydt aveaue, fell on th aide walk yeeterday sad sustained a fracture of th arm st th -wrist. Dr.

Barker attended hlaa. sattojT, rr. Urn. R. L.

Klmberly Is confined to her home on Btxth arnu with tajurie sus-talned through a fall. Her ankle ts badly sprained. Dr. Struble rendered surgical asd. Ex-Daputy Sheriff P.

T. Kalghn left last sight for Lburg. Vs. where be was um monad tor a telegram annoiinctng the death of his brother. Dr.

Samuel I. J. sCalgha. Mis Luella Powell, daughter of Captain Powell, formerly of thla city, hag entered th Training School for Nurse at Christ' Hospital, Ciaoianati. FT.

TK0XAS. James B. Bin ford, of th Wgnal fna-vtc. PL Meyer, Vs. has bee-n ordered here for duty.

CMef Dswrcax aad OfBoer SchvrtMar arrwatod Mike Hera yeatarday aad sacked fabn up la th Newport Jail eo th charge of wU-beaUnc. Th rata Againat Tbsooors Allen and wire ww continued la Squire Arnold's Court until to-day. Major Wm. H. Stiller, of tb Qoartsrma AvwpsAA-AAnsaas aaa.

uisisn. rma Been or aaaww aw Bi.ap lit xska na raag. I stone if fleam prarttcabi. latwsaliaiaA taAeeta fnntry. was tried fur aaurnlea perorxaaaee --'r i in a seAHy.

fenced to be drsliaocraoly diacbarged aad HsKUlLTOtL Alfred IT. Kaapa. af JVa iasiaila. Jt. H-.

lalaat arel least Bar Snpermtea daS mt Si Btaa PabAie SehooUA. When -1 hfilaa it. A-uave evw I guaaaceaj ai IS Mai they mltS. and vtBlaa mt Haa. titan's faasona atraaalerTi large the Qrantte Brats nwl tha cold eejlie skews era tha Prvaje.

wr. hack. The barwearsr. aa a hona-Sde one. and PraC Kaaap-s ansae aba easy st.Ja.tton te him bera.

JegersonaWa. was tm BaaeUla a as si day laakhag BeOef, SA was ran away frame rv fstk.r sax jaanatafa and is aaw Uvav. with Thal at ana ufaiai aa sb haek. a father si care a dteesee an Lssasa Ills, freea her. wwihew, aad mrnm given the, asanas at the exuiaiBBA, waae absa wain gn.

Lafsretta." sf hriAVaVtawn. aaatas aa. M. Snuaarsa aa ar w- say. Sfareb lira.

ma Joha Brack. 4S. glad ems. day ed bas beans. Sag Waat strwrf.

pftsr the an the atly fararsvs be, km ef tb bVaard at Psa- Maywr Char -as A Boaah A. it, Larah. Tci.ah aw snsxT BncAsn. ana aa-cawa Tbe nreCaaa mt MajorB. O.

Saikhaae-s the H. HartJ'ac af i4atoei: A A Jonas aad J. K. liardiBC. of ITaoAAlla.

nnd Mr. Kaae Xtaac, ed lasmlWa, W. Bardlag wae lasts Pissiiaat la isini if J. J. Mr Ms kin, wa I a a clear read tram tha asaua line as Third aad KJrh etrsaria.

Tba cumpany will eat-a laa I a bs ef aavralysaa Wltban sAraa hs salt ear direees, nkra nled ssalker. abnra bb race ana. Sarairg Si Threw af the twsar nil aai. Bar err aav. a are Bra em Tb MUlua.b TaOey TraetJon OaaeaBy ha aswmlssd aa havAreara taws leg mt fa.aailio by the hxasr aaex at in a aaa.

au a. lass! aad ax. aaa have ki i ad. AAA taa riiinaar has ao eeA-raiioa THE RIVER.

KEWPORT XsgysjrtJtBt ttl-aajt mUStWT -ftwrtaV A Slaat Wblch abt MS a i we read at last sAgtat' af th Cmmo Rai Ms sad ta wbsrh I be aagaog sskjestad tb Oianal Cas stl graaimg tb as af th tbsrsagAfsrag anaiBf and Stalh tret fa treat railway rDasa Maarly SS reaS desrta aad Asasjrsra eg tbe Raat Bad and several agalan tbe of th atreet for thai ergaa Call net Aa ar Mated thai. If tb gran IA rtght. tb tbe atrssta woald take tbe siHisa.ry Ib Th nafl hesMer. upon betas granead th fraarhkea, wis be reanured to ex era bend la tb of an te ladamairy th sty 4Tlnt aay In which may ten wit fraea failure aaa tb part mt tb essai say te sum ptr with tb term mt tbe otaiawaee or ha th tHnartrwctlo af the road. Waa lb head Is fumlabed lb te-t caech will be returned Th tana for tbe fraanbkse a ha 11 a certiiWd chock for $10,000.

le laavar tb lb eurrasiral bidder ahaU aatamane tb eakaatniaitloa mt tbe road wttala SS day after ex erst In- bond. A aot bar require sat ikf the erdltvaae le that tb read mast he mm plated aad ta aperatioa wubin I year after Uk of the contract. It develops Snrtng the ctlati issstiia a tb rests we aed tbaf tb A aad C. Street RaUlway Company already ba a fraarhlae for th awe mt Moou-ee atraol. and that aay atleatpt oa th part of th prelector of the new road ta occupy that ttaaarouarhfare vettb a tree will be bttterly restate by ttte grwea tine pea pi a Tbe entllae of tb proprssed new road I as follow: First, belt Un opera tin over Central avnu.

Ninth, snd either Monro or Park a van ate to th eCatral bridge. eo-evd. a Ma le Ft. Tbnmaa, gMtag no esther Monroe or Park froen tha Central brkag tb aaat ocwvaratloa tin. Third, a rate track Una running from tbe Central brldg out Third or Fourth to Central avaauw, tliertc to th aouth eorporatlon Una Fourth, a Covington line, ape-rail a from tha brtdgw named down Founb or Fifth to either the Fourth-street brttlge or etas up Brighton to the Elevamth-etreet bridge-fifth.

Un to Uellevue aad Dayton that will rua uo Taerk to Sixth and thenoe out Siath to tbe aaat coe-porarlon Una. Tbe committee passed the ordlnnAaee providing for the Bale of a freuebtee with tbe exception that lb aelectloa of tb strewta wUI be Isft to the Oeneral Oouncll. waa also dactded that In tb event of lb auc-oaaaful bidder failing to take aay etepe te build tbe rued arltnln un year aftar bavin been swarded tba oon th. dty will take lb nscssaary legal steps to annul tbe fraachbM. City Attorney Baroour waa In trurted to sire th ooaunHtee an opinion at Ma next meeting as to whether or not tbe 8.

C. autd S. Street Hallway Cosnpany. through Its failure to operate oars na Monroe etreet. bad not forfeited that franchise.

Attorney P. Ernat and Matt Harold, representing tho green iin Intereeta. and Attorney la Raiaoa and Mr. Harry pinks, who are promotlni tb new company, were preeent at tn nvaetlng. It le expected that three two companies will be the only takldera for tbe franchise.

Peculiar Bird. Officer of th Newport pollc force are aot ornithologist, so tb exact pedes of tbe bird captured by them about midnight laat nlgtit will hardly be determined unlama om wise professor, with doubte-barmled eyeglass. Viet Is th police elation and "take a peep' at the atrange fowl captured. Shortly before 13 o'clock Offlcen lUley and Ward were patrollUAg their beat when they heard a cry aa If a child In agony, emanating from under the Loulavttle end Nashville bridge. They hastened there and found a bird about lb ata of a large goo fastened with Ita talon oa th back of a water spaniel aog.

Th bird wss viciously altar kin tbe aaalne'a eyea with It long pointed beak. Tbe officer attempted to grab tae fowl, but it turned upon them viciously nnd Ward knocked It Bat with hla dob. Tb bird waa ths taken to tb Newport pollc station And locked up la a cell. It resembles loon, measures ta Inches from tip to tip of tbe wing and baa webbed feet, but eacb toe le armed with a a harp slaw. The bird la a till la captivity.

Tor Mstxvsrlal Dsy. Th O. A. It posts of Nswport. Bailors and Dayton ar making extensive prepare-Uon for th ahesrvsnss of Memorial Day at Kvergresn Cemetery.

Tbe ewtnaMttae la charge consists of S. IL ateMtaeat, J. W. Armstrong aad Hiram Thobwrn. William NelBXJ Post.

Jams Abort Puat, both ef Newport; Oraarille Moody Post, of belle-. snd Jo Hookar poat. of Newport, with th Woaaoa'a Relief Corp. Span Veteran aad a bnttnlwm of tb Tblr Infantry of ta rearuiar army, win psa-tact-pate. Chaplain Ksva of th regal at army, sow located at PL TbosaaA will be th orator of tb day.

He will be aawhstod by Kv. Dr. TbompeAosA. pastor of tha First Baptist Church. Sever al of the oSnrf vrtve now located at FT.

Tho ma will lng aotoa Tb decoration of gTavea wllf be under ths supervision of th Women's Relief Corps. Ciwwda Tram pi Orara. A commtttos of tb O. A- R. post aaat a cocnantttee ef th Ketgieea Camttery Dlractors yesterday with reference to th complaint lodged by several lot owners te the etTact that the Imanenae ere da thvat conai aaate at tb obi a cry to witwan the decora tton of aoidler' grave oa Meeoortai Day great damage to private grave by traraptlng over them ruthleaaly XAarlr f-forta to wltnea the exercise.

la was th oplaloa of Supadntendent Matt Jovac and the Cemetery Director that the Btnkei at tb eotiUmg' gravaa shawld be conducted la Swch a manner that th rank of th proce Ion shld kept tnttvet aa- til th gravaa ar reacbad. Here th crowd can do ao harm. It la probable that all of tn ssi ill A vrxtb tb exception of th raa tag of th rttaal nn tb emce-ratloa of th grave mt Ovll War vetarana and th regular soadars, wtU hrAftar be held at th grav. Xart Off AataUy. Joha MeBortey was let off ta tb Poll Court ysterdsy morning by Jodg Moore with a An of $1 sued eoat.

west hoaa drunk, threw a lMrMed tamp at hs wits' bead, broke ttp be aewtng xonartTtn. Dtcklnar ws th csnsk etova ta which wa a tar, hrofc rt tnt fragmstitn. aad aeatiy set ths boo oa Bra Korcasi lrtbAbly mToUde. Tb pssVna hav raced red lafe Lewla Morgna mystAdoasaly Alappard from hi East Third artrwet neauiy two weak ago. baa gon th horn af relative hm Toledo.

Th 1ii raan aaantiany that he rp-raaaatBd traced aim fro New-port Plot, tbeave to Xesna. Obi, aad from there Pitta a rg. Here ail trnee mt Mrxr- gaa was lost, bat ks aaid bae Totedtv He left hi wife ta dtut ckr- lamstaaria aad th local orwar mt Bad Men nest bear to bar parexit' TKtfmrptwt strlgfA Bal Aastaa Tib a far File aad Jabs Mtkaigas Mary Watra. SS by US fat MAT an a i S11S Al ta shaa for groods dallrera. was swttlwd ts th t3aar- teny cotart yssaertxay.

nainx operniae a aalns at rx. maaai. na waa cmp far debt by Ouggxnhslmar. Th cane a great eal or wrussiia. a at ra-at laetaaaa as? a aa liadaa taanvA-l debt ta Campbell Coaaty for A great laaartk oc Blggan.

mt Cmmt Sialatg. war rlad at th rwjdc mt th brtvaVs psuwal. Im Cold OrrlTJ Car, a dslijaaan. reortd ta tb poile lawterday tb theft of a let asJlk bilks that 1 afraid th hotdwrs win Burglar effected aa atraAC Btrgkar rentrtexaoa. at 112S early yravtsrdsy mnralag ut ditsiiH by aetghber.

aad they filghl ad away before tby sacurad any booty. They ran ear had th hows a thop. aexghly. ttnrnlng- th eoat eat of 4rear. Alfred WaAbfngtaaB aaa reft nsd Jfew Tota.

aflar a brleX vaxlt jpith hU nneiBsi a mejustajr ear tba rsasasr FWrs Msple nunas nseg Miwil swewee. aHBaaMka aba al apis Batnsj deetdad ebeA all tb hid sanamsaalsg by Kd Ptttaam rt. I Psifaawfaae4 niiassaa alasAt II Weeaaeewei eeasyawl LereeewaA Paine'o Celery Compound Sajrit Ther Is Nothiog f2sd Which So Will Restores I ViUllty To thi SjtUn. I I Veew asvd ate la had Sad miasT" Is thdt afsrtaaal a -st armr A ma Hi aa gssgiBA peaag aaa) Bad aa tbaf SAttwaa Tbe atreaosa Sf mm ar afsawi aaat Sent Wise err mt mm nd tbasy wsil laa, area and aaa let lea, all aA. i W.

K. FECPaK, trfbst weakae and pbystr! ana4Ali that man If sat tbesAawlve ta as siarsslaay ss laat aa aprtng advnnewA Tired aad deathly feallaga ia th -nsue-aing. daggle an pulsonnd bins, defeetive SigeaAtem. const 1 pa ikon. bUtaey and liver naabae lav, parferm their " all tend asksl life a heavy burden.

Mea aad warns should comm. see tbl eery day skerelsek. tbe tjod-glvaa euailty of summon mm and una t'eaaa's Ciry CiAmpaeuad. lb and ealy rs lis hie spring health builder. W.

H. Peed business manager of "Ulobe-Oasetls." Manoa City. lu. aayl "I feel Impelled by a deep senna of grail. tod.

te bow much I base been hsn eSted by Palna's Cetary toapounS; It basal made man new persoa Thar a ta nohlnf' sis whkHk'aKi wli reatorv vitality te tb system." Tb Ho. Edward MrKeney. Jefferaoa City. nays: "Pelne'a Celery Com pound the great aatlamel remedy. I eaa 3 cheerfully reoaaaaaad It" Cotorvel aad Mrs.

Cesorge Waalungtea. II bold puatllaiS with the Bloel cof porallo. Fred Kouatoanor and JoAn Buckmaa bad an eacttlng arm part sen a In maaway Avect-dent oa Uraad avenue while out driving yea-" terday. The horse took fright at a pesetas car at Tenth and Vine street aad etaned) toward Ft. Thomas at a rapid gale This slds of th toil gat both Buckmaa ami Kouatom-er were thrown out.

but both e) raped with a few brutse. Tba veblau wad badly wrecked. The bora waa later found oa a aid road, down which It bad turned. Charle Klenn's saloon on East Tenth street waa entered by sneak thieve early yesterday morning. They scured In coppers for their trouble.

A vaudeville and minstrel entertainment will be given thla evening under tbe direr, tton of a committee of Ibe State Council. a Junior Order. Mr. aad Mr. Thomas James are horar from Europe, where they have bean visit-' Ins points of Interest dun fig tbe paat three) months .1 W.

C. Buten. a well-known young atlotwl ney, waa admitted to tke bar yeeterday at Falmouth. Ky. Under th new law candidates for adm4astnn tba bar moat a out sids of tbatr.

own county ta be eaaaBlned.d Balsa was tb Arel applicant exaenlnod la Ptvd lotos Cvsnijr under th sew law. Tbe funeral af Mra Aana Ward, tout her of OAVeer Joe Ward, took place yeatarday BBavaaagA with aervteava at tbe Cburxb of tb Immaeajlata Concept Von. Tbe renaaln war phMt ta ta vault at SL Joswph Cta- etery. Th Seal a big match factory lf Mevrport tAvdatmndsat of tbe trust baa tnlte tbrongh. Tb Toledo tCMrla) eaptiAtlats waoj wwr te bank tit ec haute fall ad to cota an agrvevtnent a ta tbe price of tbe lot and th sjantlArr Is off.

at least for th' pmaau INSPECTED By Oraad Ooiti maarlsr Was ClaelAAatl Cuiamannary, jl. x. Laat rrlgtit. st th rottlsh Rite CkrhedraL th snaaal Iriapevrtlon mt CindnnAli Coa- mBmlea task piace. Theea.

are ervesst tbaSj, a-ra mktrad br tb Knlgtw Temptnr. Orvuvd Comnmoder McLean wa preaeot. though had delegalen urarwl aecretary Bell BBak th tnperlo be-fore bT rkal taa. awaaalA taa na hliaaeir Othvsr Ikotable pxawetit wwr Martin J. Hoook and William Batee, Paat Oraad1 Cbamtaotrfc A apeetaj programme of ale wss prspevred for th oocaasoa, and WTfjl tae aniiurai.

worn ot Lam oa i oemstttajtec! aa aeexilng mt annsual pi is ear tb kaighra. BLOOD HUMOURS! ar StoHzrSCwlpH Half KtaesCrSy ViTttaT cr Spra-Ij litrd tj fttteri cazrt Pills. Cf 3 bhi2l tzi tensi Is th friars. i st of fatartatlsc. tgrnHag, tUhlMg.

sssly, Agssssd. plsspty. sMsTBysskissgdosAS hoxsiar af ta akla, seary aad Mood, wtth lo oe hair. CstlcarsSostp, CrlaUaewt sad Fills hars i wtyadarf slle- snraasfl. Zfsa thw trthyftaaU mt tutMUlutluaal ks CTofalA.

lay aarrltad aad tvsxtaAioskS ha oar, with Von of hear, liwadnlar smrcJUaga. mitmr- man eyes, soy pgr eolieafoxl blotciss. sileers aad sxyres ATfadii from as tra-Mf sr lmystsilhiid rrmioa mt tabs A-a -e ar4t.4 r-l. Or. araayapae.

aaaaa aw ass A waaa. Mra aU other fwravstlie fan. Asd pntec SUO. If poaAlble, Is ths 4lAdrev. TtoaasrBcBka Bcmarllas hsr sljrviatsd tocbz, sad th eoasibrt thry hars sf fortUd wrs-tMt ss4 worried psrcarts.

IbsTslsdto tbalr sd4rliosi is couatiias arafjr tor the) lafsTttlk aad birth ha- nmomm sad mrmrj torm sf lulxc. scslf. ptnaphf skla sad gralp amABOwra. wiih ioaa of Wlr. mt lafaaey aad rheklawoBL sr s-yescuiy.

furiaaiaUy aad caUy mumm -whrm sa Ahsrr saltAbU far ehlklrsB, sad Ta th phTlrtaw. I sfl. atg. ifartA llehk eeaa. Il I a a Caaaeaaat 2-aaev Un, a cama.

Cera, be ear- Baf Aw 1 aa teeaat Aaawas Om A I I 4. A 4 a it rt it if -ir i (I.

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