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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 20

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

120 vr. M. HMD CO. MONO'S' "FEVWOHDS." Till liaii'laome I'arlor )ck, in Oak or Mahog-uny, hss beautiful csrv-lnia, high polish finish. 31 pattern np to 1 Til i i nt i- i llmr lia rnrd I e.i ir i (ill it Itlga.

Ill .1 ll ii .1 tilliall uill i'ovrrr'1 with liin-il Silk i m.iik $HS-75 I claim and r-lrjiaot Lrchn; 1'ildc, in 04L outline mahogany or bird -eye maple Thia Lare, Solid Coin lor. Full Roll Feel Rcxler. 30 other styles. Se.98 Thia elegant Morris Chair, po.iah ft a ten. 04k or mihogany.

French Tetoar, rereraejj cah- aU9e it Chase Ieather Coach, Oak or Mahogany frame, beautii ol caning, an- perior make. teaniae Chaee leather covering. deeply tufted, very wide 211 WFiRs SL. CJarfkitfl. 1 Furniture, Carpets.

Stores. Make your own term. We ask ao reference. Yoar credit Is TERRIBLE Tragedy of Richmond 1- Kecalled With Shudders Each Christmas. Every Old Virginia Family Bears the Scars Left on That Atvfnl Night, Over DO Years Ago, jWhea the Only Theater Fir That Ever Threw Congress in Mourning.

Wiped Out 70 Lives. f.t. i ipir r. it ii sei laaa In hnvrvl. Ye lmWr Ju.

r.rj. II w.a a nlht lii (luixmu we-k fTTn-- 1. 1 1 hn th-r- ourr-iI in this f-ii (-aiaptri'ptif ni'-moriliii In of I he ruit4r. mffatlna it dlI mliolr ff. of which mlmNil ty oh VirrlniM family rMtna thin Uv iMnt tfJlflofi or mmortal.

Vhn th- tir-vip rth ih iiirr r'-arh't M'aahinl on. rniT htli Hotjar-a of i 'imrM sifil raoli-lion -ur a tiadjf of raoiirrili. for il.Trp. troti4ljv llif I'lily Iriatatii' 011 r--urii of muh 4' tlxii on mu iiri rMv.iiiioii tlo-I'-alaiJM1- liranih of ih liorrn-rwm r.iiiljl of I lie lJd iXJIallllun rt lrallnic 111 rim maa ajlon of lxll Kiili ill' uaiml fiiivlu- or ri.f pl.t ft'--1! lrt1Tai m.ifi in i iIk) innlns al the tR-ulT i li me ot ih- town. And this was IV ii "Ai-k of th fompaiiy a aipHra n.

c. fiJ Ttiurili7 lMneflt nlahl, of on- i-T lh tromlnli( 'iora. Mr wh-'w ronili powra hal irniii.l -sin HK l-ni ia 011 i-i ifl luliirlt hail lln Ii. ini.i wild ci-aluay. In in it ili lumt'ji, Rotw-rlaon uriii on tn tr tft a voice un- Tbo rejected guitar wandered alscoaso.

lately around tha theater that nlht. anwtll-Ing to so Is arbera ha would saw hla rhraj tn tbo coanpaay of tbo lardy bo loved. Whoa tbo err of Are weav beard bo waa aewr.aj bond. and. rushing to one of tbo windows ha caurht sbjbt af atlas HqmooeUe, who.

1a tha confusion, baa becosag separated treat her escort. Ha railed to her ta let doers bar bale. and. winding- bis baaa Uarhtiy la tbo beorr braldav bo lifted- bar up Utrough the window and bora hrreXety aows as tbe other side, and then aj4 -there, so the la la runs, ha ad greased her strain walla her heart waa Warm with srsttta4a and abo soow afeer-wora turesai Mrs. Tbena- tOO.

Tha rescue at JO or 13 ladles was affected through tbe combined exertloaa af Dr. Jaaaes MeCaw. aa eminent Richmond and Gilbert Hunt, a negro bUckanalth. Ono after another tha poor wneaea within roaeb of the good doctor's strong arms were aared. Hunt catching them aa tbo aataids aa ther were lowered But af the wraiirvw Aatona the bravo that, night' was' a Mr.

Marshall, who. after saving- a arambar of faulieo by droppla; tbetn from a wtndew. at length was about to Jump out himself, whea a woman frantic with 5 error clasped him abo the nark, falling wak htm. II we kitted anad ska vtt seveaV or ran rvywaaus. Bat another ti our frail aaassa nature wa to bo found beer.

A yeans; rl larsa baa goae WHS a larae party aa- saw jMa Irn ewwral4 free Br mseaa. Im tlto aao4 otrvcsf aa. It ao auk dtftVaUr eootd Hr (oola. Maar rvrar hr war Ikfwn dr s4 trasiftlo ivon. Aa iko rw4 ira to a tra, ta U4r dnty mw bor a ajaatlomaa af bT awoiootaCatu.

"aoa aroU kuma In aD4 htartUy tbotadn oao of tHo faahtooal'U- Imu of Cbo iy. MarbaolraUr. 1 tbocbt af blm. ooulMlM Wb aaao of fM pcr action, abo bat OWt har hand and Wi4 b44 tb akjrt of tbo fnllNun'i coal. To to Xovaiar VtrTa ram.n 1 draw owt a poaJoifo froa bla iwcku-i arvd In as Instant haa eut off ttw roa( and a ai 1 ttm.

taartas tbo a-vor4 fw-riloti In tna tedr'a Hand Botft w-r imiii tH aovad. and saturallr. tb ladr i- v. forsot ibo tnrtdant. In bor oM wouH orti 111 tha awi ilnta.

trxnrf.i rut ptoeo of root, wbta obo had rr--nra'l aa a aMnnto. Hut, viib hlgh-mind'd vonnroolty. abo novrr raraslatt tn 11.U1' uf ih man who had orovtr4 tilo aalf a daatard Hul maw- tooot bo hi in morta. dro4 tbo root of bio day. I.

la rowardlca abotild coato 'to llhi A ti waa trai It a fsw yoaro lator aa itvr hm theater, and tho ramalna of uf ikuir ho poriabod oo that lail ntant lntarrd brnaatb lh at rha fiufWt'a rntran. a rrwrhi. mir.ninviil mmmrm tfiam batnar In. I p'rttl Hi iivlr r.aaaolfor thro giira. I it-ma ploua or ahtpor bavo fcaott in prayer irr h.

liar a rbeo aronoo mrra an-. il in tbo 4rwdfal araaao hU-h had follow ao auttdoiUr on tho coontarftHt l-rrnlm. nl of paaoloo. And bymna and onanfui up to-ttey, aX thia botjr Chrtatmaa araoon. on tha man' i atd (round whrra in Ricbmoud Thaalor.

MRS. HAINES INQUEST. BfTia Yeatorday, But Husband KOn Too 111 To Appaar. 'iron-T ffrhwab tortfay Una tbo' tna -io-ai in tho damtb of Mr. Janoto U.

Mainos, lf i-oundhnaur a. Bi. Ifatnoa. of Corth l' which ocfurrrd laat Toaoday Irtxa toc-k-I fllown atraot.esi; serMoitt in ahk-k I h. hrr tittabaad and brr tlttl girt wrra atl I iadly hurt.

Tha arridant orronrd two VfrVi cu. In front th Fair around -at Moturman Allw-rt -nf tcotlflad that a aS-iit h-hound ir -a atoppod at thr croaalna ot Kdst-moni avetiiK. )n front of tha calx. Ha arm rol'iK north with lila car. Mr.

Ifalnoa and hia famiiv wr drivlnc aouth. and turnod out to 1ri around Oi car that had otopraM ami oru dh-at tly In front of Ma ear. Tfla front h--l of tha rc waa atruck and tbo riK fi -rt iM-ryad. Houtoa waa the worst hurt tiavwn barn rtrsaaod tha rmdrr. Hla t- timl har tlrurab brokan and waa allghtly l-rulaad.

whlla the rtilld had a jaah. cut In hrr forhrad. Mra. Ilalaaa a Jntiry waa rrot to I' aTVHia until trtanua devaioprd frocn tbo injiirwl tliiimb. Mr.

Maltiao la atllt In rioiia cvntfJUon and hia phyalrlan. Dr. Wll- lla Haffln. Informal Ccronar Hchwah yeatr that li would not br able to testify for anothT week. The tnqucat.

wua therefore aujourjini co nrxx Batnraay. i too ana nave amoat nnlahed tbo nuau Uoa af 8qutre Wtailwi offlca. This they will check ap- tha Court casta of those threa Squires at the 'cogrrhouss and win then make their report to Auditor who will submit; It to tbo It- of Tbe ac counts of all three Bqiaraw bare bee found mn net and tbe experts say that tbe bonks were neatly and well keot. THE EXQUIHEIX. CIKCIKKATI SUNDAY, DECEMBElt 21, 19011.

Monamontal Church, Richmond, Built en the Bite of the Doatrored Theater. iiouix-rx) fir. Two mlnulra had nut darnml i rrr tha thoiUr mi filled with nmuka anil damai. tha rinda nr.d im- foiirlh of the prrsone ho (tonr to the I piay wrr on flre. I rK10.1 AXD t-TT THERE, houw was rrowdad that IVirmbr niht with tha fashion, thr brauty.

tha till- I rnta of the town. Amurtfit thoar who lost ihflr Uvea werr the wife, daughtar and a numbar of the ptiplla or Monsieur Ointrdtn. 1 the translator of tha play. Tbo heroine of the afterpiece. 'The Bleodlna; Nun." waa I the beautiful Mra.

Oroon. and o. touchlns a-count la (Iron of her distress when on 1 escaping through a door behind the acone discovered that her own daughter, a young waa with some friends In of the boxes, eoukd not be found. In her stage attire the another ran distractedly from hnuso to house oeeklng her rhlld. clinging to lb hope that she might have been rescued and carried home by some of hrr acquaintances.

Two actora who were In this company of 'Virginia Comedians" were the parents of tho grnat poet, Edgar Allan Poe. Thee were Davkl Poe and the fascinating Ellaa-betb Arnold, whom he had married six months after the death of her first husband. They both died in Richmond, very nearly at the aa me time, about two weeks before the ntarht of the fire. The (l.v.rnor of Virginia. C2ors William Smith, ttte President of the Bank of Vtrginia: Abraham B.

Venable. Benjamin Bolt, one of tha ernlnent counsel enmifred In the trial In Richmond of Aaron Burr, tn lftuT. were among those who loot their Urea at thia time. Loar wkiljb sAviiea otmbrs. With Mr.

Bolts perished hla wife and other members of his family. He 'waa last aeen standing near them, consigning to a friend tho care of an Infant child that bad been left at home, Mr. Venable. tt was said, had as raped mora than once, but In bis repeated efforts to save others waa at length tost himself. Governor Smith bad with him his wife and son.

the latter a boy of or la When the alarm of rtre was given the Governor led his wife out Into the box lobby and then returned for hia son. When he reached the lobby again with hla child hla wife waa no longer there, having been Impelled onward by the crowd against her will. Her husband, after putting hia son In a place of safety, returned to search for hie wife. She In tho meantime, having reached a window which win broken open. Jumped out.

a diatance of fifteen or twenty fbet. escaping with no serious Injury. But the devoted husband. Ignorant "of her resouo. met hia own death In the attempt to find her.

Two incidents are related- of ladies who were eared by means of their lone; and abundant hair. One of them, Julia. Wk-k-ham. became afterward tha wife of tho colobrated lawyer 'and statesman. Benjamin Wactclna Leigh.

Tbe other lady. Mtas Hotnooelle. who oeeans to -havre bora somewhat of a coquet Vo. bad two lovers paying her attention at this time. One of these, a Dr.

Thornton, she haa Just rejected, the other, noon whom she seemed to look more favorably, haa taken her to tbe plar CODE For All the Counties Will Have Ta Be Passed By the Next Legislature, and Beard af I'aa-trel Mar Suffer. Now Hut the new municipal code Is in a fair way to be aoon In working order, attention Is being turned toward a county code on that will make universal laws, applying to ail the count lea In thia state. Aa yet the matter ta still In the embryo, but the necessity is paramount, and. It hi conceded that this will be one of the principal things which the Legislature will have to wrestle with next winter. Aa the existing county laws now read they are Ailed wit Incongruities.

A few samples of the lawa under which the counties are working; ahow that the County Surveyor is kept on a fee busts, under a law passed 00 years ago. and which allows Mm but $1 per day for his neceaoary asotstanta. It la Impossible nowadays to get a man to work for that aunt The Coroner's Department is operated under old Laws, while under tha exist ing laws the Criminal Bailiff Is paid out of tbe fee fund, though bis work contributes nothing- to that fund. The road laws are considered the most incongruous of all. Some of those now In existence provide for the construction and repair of roads by The county onry to the corporate limits of Incorporated riliagos.

leaving- that part within tbe village limits to lookeo arter by tbe village Council. Other lawa. however, provide for tbe con struction and maintenance of county roads throughout their entire' distance, the village authorities havlrg; nothing- whatever to da with them. One point which will have to be settled by the new county coda when tt ta mads is the fate of tbo Board of Control. At present Hamilton County la the only county In the stats that has a board of this kind.

It ta a wef! -known fad that tho law creatine the Board of Control in thia eoonty, la ape rial Irrtalailon, and. therefore, under tbe recant rulings of tha Supreme Court, aa. ronjrrttutiooai. Just what tbo new code will do tn this regard eaa only bo conjectorad. It la certain that av bard ash will a pot up to retain tbo board la tbta soonty.

bait there la a aootd-aaesjtloa as ta whether ttte otaer counties toroua-boat the state will be willing- ta stand tha es noose of barms thin board tacked. on- to them miatx, questions that are aftetnet, erew at this' early date, are suca that boy forebode, no end of trouble for tbe ncrsoaa who are selected to frame tho now county code next year, r'A CEXISTXfAS IffiBIIT. bss rrosa "Mra Wlars-aL off tbo rva. bags from Dickens's TTirteisaaa Carat. and soma af grass whit comb's Riley's heat Christmas materbU wWl be are.

sooted by supUa of the Ptnkler School af BlocsUoa, Oratory and Oramatlo Art mt rbe Obse Conservatory of Muses. Taw day. re- eember 33. nt :15 m. aa.

Partlctpaats w-Kl ha Misses Iran Krehnbrlnk. Jasa Bansaea. Edytae McOrew and Messrs. Ftaak F. QacTtsoa and wnv rTlAlTTTOa EaTTSZS ACCOTJITrS Tha experts of tha City Auditor's offlca bars coea pleted the srsmrnsrtoo Of the hooka of ea-8ouus Kusbman and Tearpta KLKarTsllc auL a A ria Will tell tttr UWaaawRMaBLBrVh stCAstftS AID AtS.

forth will ssll wo Capes. ladies' All-wool lnrib Black Kerxy Capes ami I ta, rVaJ plush Capes, fur-trimmed, plain and braided; worth up lo so.AO, will be a QQ ofTerod to-morrow st. Special Offerings at On Sola afoaalay. Tassday tad Wadoaaday. aoc Ail-Wool Shoulder ehawls for Men's SOc Overalls and Jumpers for for Men's Silk Suaperaters for Good Quality Plain and Fancy Taffeta SUksl la Black.

WE!) a Fancy China ware. Cups, Saucer a. ate, worth' lip th 11.00. for Beat Calicoes. In full Wrapper Patterns, for Table Oil Cloth.

White and Colors. 2 vards fYar aa.ri 4Uc Whlt India Linon Aprons. ISmbroMer-ed and Hemv stitched, for Infants' hlte Em broidery -trimmed Jong dreaeea for. I -a dies' and Misses' Silk trimmed Union Suits, White and Natural, for Men 3oc White Tnlaundered Shirts for Vi Handsome Hue Men's 3uc Neckwear. Ill all the new ahsnsa? Men's and Boys' Pull Seamless Kanry Sock a.

extra fine quality, 2 pairs for 9t ladles' and Misses'' All-Wool Oolf Oloves. plain and fsnclss. for Men's and Boys All-Wool Scotch nloves. worth Sue. fop Hemstitched Applique Dresser Scarfs and Squares for.

18-Inch Uncovered Down Pillows for 00c Hand-Painted Pillow Topa for As All-Wool Hand-made Shetland Shawls. Black, White ana i-oiors, tor Rradmade Sheets. 1'nbleached, for 75c 83,75 White Waists. and avert ahsde: also MetalUoPrlnted-MohaU BrtU 1 Hants, aid be on sals in fuU lor il oe on aais in ruu gut failero for Art Squares "yrtiBn uraae ruacx Rich Moire cllka. In all Colors and Black tbd twell Novelty bilk, will be on sale in XuU Waist fau Ity bilk, will be on sale In lull Waist Pat.

IjCfi terns (or li9U Handsome Xorelty Velvet and Rich MeLsillo Valours, in sll the choice lo'. Stripe snd Pars Lao sflocta. easy Wale English Corduroys, tn Black. White sbd Colon, Swell Fancy Taffeta Silks, corded, hem -turned. itt a tre-mendnaa line of designs and color lags, will be a QQ offered In full Waist Patterns for-.

l30 Large, room alte. Wx feet squsre. vslus CfJ S4.SO. Monday, at AiUU Children's Hose, Vast blsck. heavy ribbed, pie In and ffeet-e lined, all aises.

value lKc, Monday Shopping Bafg. Kxtra large doae-woven Shopping Bags. worth 3Ac. Monday Bleachexl Sheets. Ready-made Bleached Peppereil Sheet, else 81x90.

Monday Table Seta. All-Unen Hemstitched Table Sets, full bleached. Cover a yards long, and dosen 1 Napkina to match, value Xl.SU. Monday rrT0 Wris: Basra. And Chatelaines.

ImssSnsa asaortment. all 9e 19c Uc is Will IfftLC MO. CO. FOUKTH STBliliiaTo, df iav MAsts bca rta asp boa. eeil Extra fine, fall aise.

stKAL. IKK stC'ABrts. VTortb will sell st LaaW aud Miasm' White Madras Waists, plain and Jacquard fleet, worth $1.50. will go to- 0 morrow at 69S Christmas Specials at, Flannel Waists. iadica' All-wool French la.tnel Waist, la black and colors; worth uu to will be oti sale Monday On Sola Meaaday, Tsjaadlay asm WaUoeeday.

Boys' gi.BO All-Wool Knee Pants Suits for rSe i Men's Sl.aO All-Wool Cssslraar Pants TSe I1JM Fins Baleen Cotton Pilled Comforts Printed napnalstts Wrappers, choice pat I ems. for Tna- I Boys' All-Wool Silk Wiped westers for 7r fVP" T4 Week Olorta Silk tmbrellas. Mounted Pearl Handlaa, for jt Men'e $1 So QuIH-d Oxford Mufflers for 7ae Ldiea' Black Silk Chiffon KuRa. Worth l.Si. for yae 1.2 Tull alas White Marseille Qutlts for Te Men's 11.30 Kid-lined House Stlppera for 7e Ladles' 1.25 Pur-trlmtned rati Kulllflers for Tie Men's and Boys' Kid Oloves.

sjl slaea. for 7e MiTm' ru Kw Olovea. Tsn. Brown and KM. worth (l.M.

for Hr Misses' Dona-ola Kfcf Extension Sole Shoes, in all aisea worth 11. for Dolls. Dolls. Monday we will offer every Doll in the houte. dretaed, at Jot Hglf Price, which mean 24c Dolls for.

lSso fv DolU for Hulls for -i tl.Hi Dot i 73c Doila I riPO Do la for Ire-ed and I'n- 4vc 7c IM 98c Monday we will nlare on "Hm 1 W-a v-ti dlovei. 1 and 1' clasp. In all sixes for Ladles an4Missa. bla. white and erery abede.

The lagular retail pries of big ittialitv dollar jlr. sud wo are gong tossIU ftflra toem from uow until Jl mil ai i UUu Vatanasoms ixovelty Skirting in sll tbe Leading Mlxturaa. Kharnrr Zlbeline. Venetiana and RmatrlAaba ir) tii-i. an aw abriea.

in Bla. and Coitus, regularly-sold at -00 a yard, will be offetwd in fuU Mkirt oat tax a. f-r 1-A i Black and Colored PsbWe tlieaioU. Black and Nary Klue High Finl.l.el Brill ianUncs. Iluiueipaai and Sft Granite Cloth, io all tbs lasdinc tbadasgnd Blsck, wUl be oo asle in full Stirt pattern lor r.

ful Pesad sto'e Silk, rich Black Silk Vsloura, Heavy Wale Imported Cord my. and raarsn -oiMi in -a rwgwiwr way 10 eo.ov, ui oe oneret in tull eifcirt pa. at tus a a ir.r j- wmw waisimtrs. $2.98 fo.0'0"1 WiJiu, Dd Wnit Jaaard Madras Cloth in a big range of Paiteru iil be odered full Wajat -jaitarn Ofl- siaasaa.enae. eaa.w.

jsT UfuUlstU0rnls T-J?" l'lla K.brica. aortl, 3V- a wiirbionVredln QQC V. bite Silk Mitded Norelty Waiatiura. iu all tbe Swell Imported atyles, plain snd rigurra, worth up to 7 Ac a yard, will on asle Daw IO lii II Tl aft pSttteTTafi fOaf iJCjC' Another Big Handkerchief Sate WfU aHart staaday Msi-ala at ftM sad Wa framlne tha irratat Haadkerrklef araraias Oaereai -rata aaaU. FOURTH STRTTFir.

WE ARE GOING TO SELL ALL CHRISTMAS GOODS AT SENSATIONALLY LOW. PRICES. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS -TME GKEATESTT'IIWAS SALE OF CLdDACIS AWHD FUDuS- Cinclnsiatl crcr kattr, will commenca Maaday oa oar It Monte Carlos. for raJies and Mtssrs. YTorth Aiu aud liOu VYiU stJI st $3.08, C5.98 and 57.98.

IUlOO. U1 1 -naa Third Floor, where Thoaaaastda of Caimenta for Ladies. Mlsae aad Child re a sriH ha off. red at laaa thsa Oao- If elf Rsfpilaf Retail I'ricew. Raglans and Newmarkets, 'or I-edieesrM- Uiaaaa.

Worth i4JM. S1.0 and st 83.75. C5.98 and 87.50. Fur Jackets. Worth XDU and s0.jtx WU1 ssU at 816.50 and 824.50.

Misses Coats. vrih l.5a aad taat WU1 sell at 82.48. 83.98 anl 84.0& Kers Jacke's, lor LoJaa and HJ-UU. Ul seiial fi2.nn, fiS.TE. Hal OR lirown sad all aba Se of Cray.

'f WTIWW Worth Si.w a. ei.08, S3 08 and S5.00. CHILDREfJ'S LOrJC 'CLOAKS. 01.25, S2.40, 03.50 AXD S4.98 DRESS SKIRTS BBX Sew neatly Fabrics and every new leetare-rfersntte, Ktaaslne. Broadclotb and re.

triranred man-caiiored gsrtnanta. in Black and Savr Blue. Wwrtb U-triofTo at -Suits. Ladles and Misses' Alt-Wool Tailor-M ade bulla, worth elO.0). and Will be on sale to-morrow at 84.98, 87.08 and 810 and vi4.i0.

Will ht on rale Silk Misses Skirts. Petticoats. i Fur Seta Advance style for 190R. TCIaborats dastcna in Peso ds ajoia, TafTetae and Net Effects. WUl be marked -ptcial ai.

87.98 and 810 0bM at Ua, Hroadcloth. Venetian and Novelty Ef. fects. wortb tVO and aX'jK. Will be on aaW MoiMlay at 81.29 and 82.48 S2.98 Pcltlc-la.

tuade of tha vrrv be raM Pieck tor Ml ee ga4 ChD.iaao. ta aU tbs ch t. Merterued 6-ateen. and regularlr 44 tor sa Wbita. "ray.

Tsa and Wortl, a. Will oti aae Mt-uday at I MJOeod sat a- VI 111 be on uc at 98c. 69c, 98c and 81.50 a se ESD BARGADrOS OH FUR SCARFS ANID) LOWG BdDAS. IiHiltlTry tha Baal Valvar aver ofTcrMl tn thia city ta Ul oa sal To. Morrow.

81.69 82.98 84.98 A --sVJki's-VSV rt 85.98 Silk Waists. LaUiet' bwsllTaneta Hlg Wsiiu snd rul, MsUlUc Velour WaJaia, In Mark sni colora. worth ap la AA will be to-mor- f) fp OWjjaji- Attractive Bargains at On bale MaeMlay. Tnoeday aaU Weoajrawlsj-. rtevraiMe Hoaxer Double Shawls ff t'hl-e Nottlugham Curtains, worth fiVi pair, for Indira' TrlmmeJ Pstiern Hats filo ringed Smyrna Rugs, site fuf, 11-4 White and Gray Shaker Blanket, srortk f'T Swell R.v rrrtrea, worth tuw Man's All-Wooi t-ardlsran Jaeka ta Jar Men's iOU Silk I'mbrellaa, rbuioe handle, for Ncrveltles In Lailies' N'ettwear tliat sold up lo jfl, fof All-Leather Traveling Bags and Suit Cases, ort far Handaotnc Tap Tahla Covem.

worth CXo. r6r- Indies' and tnif Fine Ouallty Sample Shoc.tca:i eiaaa. worth uptu Monday for i Ladies' and Misses' Kid Gloves. Isrgeet Btara-aiH Keor OgeraS. Flannelette Waists.

For Ladies and Misses, in tbe hotce.i of a- lightaod dark ea oring. north op toi will be ofersd toanorrow at Useful Gifts at 48c. Oa aata Mondajr, Taaedsy asd Wediveada J-lnc lillk Covered Down Pillows for 1 tliWrdusn Ireaalng Satqn-. -r Children's Vhr Bilk Caps fur InVr riiiiged Oranlte Kugt. site gdi for Pull aise Cotton White and Naatly trlmmad Percale rappers, worth Men's luaf)' trimmed Vlannelet t- Miht HTmii- for Men a and bo tl-W atrlpad Sweaters fur Children's (lb? Schooi t'mbreUaa, wilh hoit-e Men'a Navy Blue.

Kirece-ltned Jersey rr.Mf Men'a UAr Bnawtlnl ailk Mufflan. Black. Whlt for Mens sod Boys' Panry Madras Shtrta, worth fv. Laailea- Black Stlk Double Mitts, value 9r. for Men's Pine Oaallty All Wool Plesoo lined Drawara for Lad lea' Vaalea Lace Cottars, worth Kc for Bbc Hod 'and Oreea JO-4 Fringed Table Cover.

Men's rtrunil tad Velvet House Slippers fr WAOST, SCaDDuT AW0 DIKESS PATHFED-WS for atr etly First-Clsss Uo-To-Date Materials. Full Waist 1 U' Full Skirt pattTmR ..1 m. All-Wooj Printed Flannels, iwsli style, will ha offarad JCai In full Wslet pallernt for. Jla. i06f- All-Wool Tricots, In erery sb ads and Black, will he oq C0n tare in run waist patterns iot 1111 mmw-nna rnLonriinj All At: Cbevioi, -Wool Hemespnn Ladles' Cloth.

Oranl Mohair Brilliant. In black and al- worth up to sOc a yard, will as odsr Ustnepnn Ladles' Cloth. Oranltaa, SI. I Iraaa r.ilai nafor Caiidran lo Men's Plain White ertd Colored Bordered Hemstitched Linen ilanuker- Child ssn's Fancy Handkerchiefs ao i chiefs at aJX Men's White and Colored IJordered Hsndkerchteft at Men's Fur Linea Handkerchief. bernstiMied.

plain white and colored Plaln and Fary HtuUchsd H.ndkarclii.U for- iJItZnZoZ. Haa -oJ Handkerchiefs for 4c 1 n.itUI Handkeitrhiefa: worth up to 2Sc, aiH be oo sal st. I OC ladi-b 811k Lmbroidsred Initial HaadkerchiefA fto Men a All Linen Hemstitched Initial H.ulki.ur.. lAdies' FId Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs Men s-ilemstitcbed Jspuneti Silk Initial Hsndkercbisf, aU letters, at 1 a w. rwar.

saavASS IV I OS MS I at a aa. Mouday's price I 0 I Men's rj-lach HemaUlcbed Silk Initial Handkerchiets; a orU. flf-c, at 33c 4W-4 l.r ar tW 4W 4m- 4Wr 4w I IV Wr 4w tbs taadlna L. -oOsred In full I QQ I AU-Wool Tailor bergs. A II-Wool be CbevW.

A II-Wool Broadclo In Black and t- -I leading abadea. also Snoafeke and bone la Kovai be rioh two-tone effeeta. Bme.reeu, Brown and Tt 1 ruadi worth regularly nptotl-jos ysrd. wtll It 4 be offered tn full Suit Patterns tar I 3 High Grade Black Psea de Sola Silks, tha kind that venna vrery us st si -ou yarn, guaranteed I service for two years, wfil sUch I aa oflarat oBered lo gl ea-- -i rnarea row lard eilka, Cbewer Beot bars' Beat nood. immewes tins to e(ee from.

prfca t.00 sad il.i a fro ta now until a wOj sell them (a full brass tauartu e7 ni pautrtu 1 Ladiea Hoaa. 1 Fast Black Ftaaoa-llna and A' wool Casbmare Hose, worth lie-. Monday at Pillow Cases, Ready-Made Bleached Pillow Cum Sen atitchad. 4-x SB. at Pocket Books.

Wa are ah owing tho boot Hoa of r-tjr. and Pocketaooks In ClnctnoaU at II i. ic vc sud 10c 9 25c 1 All-Wool Blsuiketa. Kull aisa. piain cotora and pialda v.

3 Oray and wco-th Ix 'a l- a at Osaa lfwaiilaaa P-lsTtl Saaj b' mam awa aw. aa ana awa a ash aasa ana maaaaaaawiaa TanestfT Pnrt'arei. fl 1C I I III lal I II fill. IV IPII I'f EnilDTII OT Oicb Fran sfa tk. v- w.

sjhetr ileaaBeUll UOWi UUt IV Jm rUUnj i 1 1 1 1 vnsirw mtiurn i -r -n wve. lunrvci in nun For the County Jail Prisoners on Christmas Day. The prisoners Vn the County Jail will be regaled with a regular turkey dinner Christ mas Dar. The County Coomtiasion-ers yesterday gave Sheriff Taylor pertnle- m.iul s-2; Mtr. far thia mil aa.

Turkey, cranberry anuoe. mince plea aad a lot Of other aooo tnings win oe on tne om of fare that JaUer Kushman will present to his guests next Thursday. MUD HOLE Is Richmond Pike, and Speracsr Towm-ship Truateea Elama the Water-workt (jmmlaaloBers. Accordina ta a eosnmutilcatloa totheCoun-ty Oimmlsalnnars yesterday from tha Trustees of Spencer Township, tha BJchasood turnpike, througrh that territory, la tn an in-passable condition. Tha eomnauolcatton.

which Is signed by J. IL Meier. Prweidetit af the Trustees, statea that tha condition of tha roadway Is tha fault af tha Waterworks Coxnmtaaioners of this city. Aooordlng ta tha Tt usisas. tha Waterworks Commissioners put a lot af Mnaostoos aa the pike and this soon became aa crushed aad pawdered that tha recent had weather has aaade a perfect mudtieie of tha pike.

The eoearmlOB as sascta that aaaoat aa tha srbnet ebaldrea aro aabie ta go aobooi. and tbe few that do are steal aU day and wnahla to carry oa their stadias. In hia latter Mr. Meier says; "Cava half hoar spent ta tbe schoolroom Bstwejinw ta tha children cong-h la enough to ajatmuoa any aaa af thodaa era that. they ara.tacwrrinc ta raarlna- to throuch tbe wet and atad and then ak la tha schoolroom th cold aad wet feet.

sauat ha relief, and at aaca. or ww wtn he compelled to take the matter to the Courts." Tbe Cosaialaslnoera refelTed the aaauter ta County Engtnear Knay. ta Inraailgata aad ceeifae with tbe Water weeks Ciisaaalaalna in a la reward to rettlfyina: tha evil. cut "auix jtCaXCeUiri): A force af painters yaatsraay oeea pasted tba work af riSicuratlwa tha wails aad cea- I nn At r. a a aad th effect i gaprh.

Th ceilings are a oeaunriu cream color ad arced wiux areao aada af try wraatha. Tha waila war painted a naUt aad dark oak. aod araawaeated with wua-Bka flgurea hs the eaatter af wbseh are Oraek shiaiaa with palm tea res oa each atda The. work ratrutred three- weeks, and waa done aadec tha dtrecttoa of T. H.

Bad- CCmACTCH CALLZD TO THIS. Tha County Caauniaskmers yesterday aa tiftsd th coatraotor for drain pipa aad ap praacbea on the Taylor Creek read that mil aaa tbe work la it to i neaiili ana at ooo they will eroaa it em at thy aa-pensa of his warn1, asm p. aaa at a mum By buying your Shoes at the Stair Shot noose The Greatest Values ever offered. Large af sortment of WARM SHOES aad ttOUpAY SLIPPERS at the Lowest Prices attfaVahv fM Wk? mm. wamam i M111SE 11 194 1121 a laiHIitl U-aeeav NEW APPUCAT10N Tar ItaAehias) rioa 7 sad Tmc.

Oompawy. Attatrner PhOta C. Balaa, far tha Clacfaw saatt CaMosaiaaa Trlettaai CwssaarT saada eppHoathwa aa tbe Csaastw CmSmSmL siasaara ysateaday far a Craachisa owwr tae saadiaosi pike, seter tha the ctnafaUatsi Of Oakiey aad MadiawtiTUla. at tha time This eld ral a Ilea tha ma hmic aad. tbarefora.

tha hew aa. as man. Tna aasr aaa tnatVia pirrnar tea tba -ssataj ta aa tafat, as tber (ear af tha Meanest, waa abrnad rha cm mar consesta way- aotaew be Mrlnc aad their heirs may ranee trouble. It was eacAded to refer tbe a nailna tbo COuattw antv-itar for- nam a poo this peaatt. ana tba matter wwavbud ovay.

.1.1 mm i BaMH tiU JOHM HOI.LAJfP OOID FKH COMPAJTT. 1 GlltW i. i How To Please Your Friends ITH article of etertfaff worth. Its will be tisily remiadars of the e-irer and will laat a trifle; or. price i.

aat.aobject. lar. artmrut of Solid cSd if whllh .1. but uai.csaurwiluril wbohn notro ivedthe nn.u...; orFoatal.Pe.,T uiy beia free tro tie TDdlUt to e. joy It, to exp.tie.tce the lazary.

to re.lite it. they mast own Flfltf'JZZT COT' of too, where rery pei.t d.ooce7.rUUc ol moat eakeraf Gold, Pee. 1. the ayotrld 0ar Pen.

co.tain Tall the qaTuJI'. Jf LrtL. rl Oold Peewit- floe. pola at Desk aad Pocket Uold.r. i7Hm i Cmie.1 Tkertno-eter Ctaae.

t2 SoUdl Br PavrwUUBars I at Iavtfcer. RUrer. BUTer, Peeurl or Platet o- utatrrian; lMg fatll, latk Stavatds. Roller Rw.M enda Paper Ctrttt lkJfarl otsixa, neuer Blotter. GOLD PEN COMPANY, 127 and 129 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati.

1: eisawai 1 1 'USEFUL COAL OIL. It la aot only for tha atsrie af lauminsv. that ttamglsa asefta about a Tha eery aO that to used la laatpe ways fhaa on, hat the naajsiity af bouss. sot know tha doses and eft this, that aoal ea WUl de. Ttsere Is aaerbiaaj batter ha tba Wand for easawhsaraai aaawi.U eeaiwa batbtna thjaa a caotb tba haa baaa wreU aataratad wich arose a The accumalattopa that rather fram tbe Itard water tarsi away witk aoarca.

ly aay effort wdaaa tha ally cast ta applied. la a kit-haw atsk tha aaaaa ha true. The aaa aad dirt that la baaed ta aaaihwr. aa mat tar aasr careruJ and thorough aaa may fires away at aaca before the coal oil, Pjy afarwjdjrta hot water, howerrr. A awat faa a beUar ta which ewrhee are mssak-aay helps to Improro their cnler cx.

aad makes them aaalrr at ta. seeaadl WTTT'e i jcltixx waavv. Krreoeae will anaka tha hiades af Bafvesi hricht and ami prsssrrs their ad gee. wd te also a. axceneat thla wKh WhKh a alaaa sslmira When tha sawtee aaa.

cbiwe eu greact the karaatua eaa may be rassrted ea, bat ibauld aary he aasd ap tba Itaawwjaadbearlntrs. Tbe TTtttty Oab ssovaa back to tta eld stta thia season, Maawrs. Jaaaas A Craeai aad HaysM Ryhwad. Hgaiiiln gj. caOenl Inst Ilia Inn, hatra set mad tha eaa af tba Orssad Car tba siasn a's eouaae' tee tarsa.

wbtaa wUl bewbs exnaday axtarnoen. January a. Tba garaa thta sieeiai tar-lode serea new face and threa of the-old faror-IteaMr. J. DeWht Miller of coarsel, Praak K- BelaeTaoa aad Wallace Brace, tbe aether -irtiwalaa after coaaMrrabie ab- or CASIX atlaa af fisdar cal etrapx alotuf the streets Is the samwaatara pari ox tae ny by the traeUee w-ry aapoaa la th) K.

af r. g. saw a aeraut tew taa wark, and It wtn be araotad. One eectioa of tha a a amhia am) extead from th Deaot Street SfafJoa by war or guaaa wraaeh wlH a two ml Will rttav fi sail rha tloa by way af Central aad bfahrtaa-. ta toe ascnaa paaaa aad ciifteo are- ATIXS.

AJCD I- XT. AQ1XX r- P. -aahea aad Saaauej Roarer, ta cammnn lea lion to 2 be County Tnaailislnii era yialirLaj-. aWlare that the ClaeiauaaH Iadhaaa. Wastirw BallreaJ Ceoase-ar la a oa runimlaatisiaa a Work rwad ta good tjondlUc aat.

w-hUo tba rwad haa I tka aa aald be af the greataat be ta the awsbtie. bat wh. tbo raOswad aamm: paatr naaif. T-. Watter ma referred ta County Mtw.

wttk aewts ta act. aWtfTAUJIO aTBUJ Ate AlB USealkB atVT. s. W-taaatsTw aawa.ataSa. at wdsaas.

tBasashsS a ahaanaar aha ax ar ar aaaBl avo Mn. "xse xortataa shaar t- Ttt-niiNvi, wirs ysjtyscT stc-t suothes the cartrx aor-rtrvs ra iLUTI ad PalW: CVX wncu ori aad ta tae h. a sv. ar i taiawa aaa attao atsta tub ho mam acrsrix iaii-raJi.

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