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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 2

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 i at of I 1 he 1 I. i -4 em I ni I Pi be I 1 i. i A ee Or 1 4 ja led ree nd he f- if he (K Sp at Lfr 1 to i w. 2 u- i ni 4 tl Utjr tif pr ge, lor K-rte op C.4 KIT iti lir tar ha DY WIRE Honey 8ent To Texas Thousands of Dollars Sab-scribed By People Of United 8Ute3 Foreign Lands Answered The Appeals Fer Help luned Bj GalresUn Knferers. Trains Hurrying South With Clothes and Provisions.

Disiifeetaits Are Needed To Pre tect the Lirin; Fron ConUdoa Vnn To l.i.j Corpse of Humini and Bat Hart No Cofflni. Auwnw. TuaA aptambr 12 Ooaarnor to-day ma-da tha follow-In nilfinrnl to tha Aaaurialad rra correponlrit on tha OaJvaaton flood altuatlon. randltlona at (iilrnton ara fiJly aa bad a raportad. rommunlcatlon.

howttar, baa bon ra-atbllhrl btwn tha taiand and tha maJnland. and herftr trananortatlon of euppltaa will ba laa dimcult. Tha work of cleartns th ia prurrmatn; fairly-wall, and Adjutant Oawral w-nrry. undar dtractUMi of tha Mayor, la patrollnf tha city tor tha purpoao of nr-ntlna; deprealai lona Tha moat ronwn atlT ratlmata aa to tho nunbar of doatha plaoa-d tham at iimn ron-trlbutlona of tha ettlana of tha atata and alao from othwr atataa ara rimln In rapidly and llbaraily. and It la ronfldently expactad that within tho nut 10 daya tha work of toratlon by I ho paopla of Oairaaton will bin baftin In cood camrat.

and with ao-rry and aurceaa. Tan Kiixjoir LoaT. "Of oowaa tba daatniotJon of prapartr haa baan Tory groat, not laaa than 110.000,000. bat It la hoead and bellared that rvan thta 1 1 aal foaa will ba over 00 ma through tha narsy and alf-rllaora of tha paop4a" OtninaT tha day tha rontrrbuOona ban fairly dalufad tha Oovarnor, upward of 1100.000 havlnc hran rccalrad. Amnnf tha larva rontrfhutora ara to ba notod tha Mtandard oil Company, with tlO.onn.

the 'tf. Ivruia 0mmairlaj Club for a llko anfMint and tha Huntlnarton lntrrnrta for Thla afternoon Oovarnor iayori received followlnf offldai rport from inral Ntanacar Trie, of tha lotrnatlonaj and rat Northern Railroad, wni la conducting th opvratkma of the relief cjrp at Oalvaa-on "Horrrow. Txx ritmlr 12. 1900. "To Govbrmok Sithii.

Austin. Tfiu: Tour of yentarlA recrlvrd. 'Ph rtn rotitalnlna; the trnta and ratlona were 'timed orer to tha bare llr.a thla morning and forwarded to Oalveaton. arranceroenta here having been mada for all freight to ba handled by bargea hauled by tuff from 'llnlou to Oalveaton. and pasnaari by ur Una to Texaa city and by boata from Texaa City to Oalveaton.

Thla is tha beat arrangement that can made and pre-vonta delay to either the freight or pas- 1 wncr sr-lce WOfLD II oelat If a handled the freight with tha paa-aangera to Texaa City, tha tranafer from 'he ran to the boata would cauaa too much delay to tha paaaenger aervtce. We brought In one train conalatlng of about 300 Galveston people to Houeton to-day. and will get another train load to-night, moatly women nd children, whllch will make about 000 that we w1'I get out of Galveston to-day. The paaaenger and freight servlc between Houaton and Oalveaton la all free for auf-farra. and we are laaulng tranaportation to all points north of Houaton to all suffer-rrs not able to pay their war- L- Trncr" Reports reaching the Governor show that the railroads, telegraph and telephone cam-pan lea have suffered an Immansa loaa by tha storm.

The Governor waa Informexl today thai quite a number of tuga from Naw Orleana and other availabla points had rlthar arrived or a-era euroute to Gajveaton, and that by Saturday tha transportation problem would be solved so far as getting people from the island to tha mainland waa concerned. Hundred! applied again to-day to Governor Bayers for parmlta to go to Gajveaton. but ha ra fused all. saying that there were alraady too many people there, and In cases of amargancy the local managera of the relief corps weir better abia to act on their discretion than ba dictated to by him. MONEY WANTED By tha Caitastoa RelVaf CoaamUtea XHicw To tha Pabllc.

Oalviitoh, Texaa, September 12. To TRa AaaociaTcn Pitaaa We are receiving numerous teleg-ramj of condolence and offers of assistance. As tha telegraph wires arc burdened we beg the Associated Press to communicate this reaponse to all. Nearby cHlea are supplying and will supply sufficient food, clothing, Ac for immediate r.eedkt. Cities further away can serve ua beat by sanding money.

Checks should ba masSe. payatble to John Sealy. Chairman of tb Finance Committee. "All supplies should be sent tW. A.

Menu. Chairman Relief Committee. Ws hava 23.000 paople to clothe and feed for many weeks and to furnish wtth household gooda Moat of tbaas ara homeless and tha othera will reQUlrs money to stake their wracked resldaocaa habitahla. From this the world may uadarstana how much money wa will Bead. This eoennultea win from Uo to time reart oar needs with mora pau-tlcuiartty.

We refer to dispatches of this date by Major R. Love, which the committee fully tn "All coeasann Ira tea will please accept thla answer In na ef dnrect reaponsea and ba assart tha haartfelt gratitude of the eattra popvlatlotv. tt. Jokks. Mar or.

XL Laskbr. IX BatnorKX. C. H. MCaCaSTKX.

R- O. Lowm. Claksimcs Owslxt -Comsaltte." UIIQJ PMJTUL3 or Oalvaasoai hlajta aat AppasU to Their SfaUo-w DafliMia. avssrroM. Taxaa, aWptembar IX Bistaa TTMMaULarsca Usuoxs: Stand-tB wtthiav tha prssssica Of tha saost ovr-powartnw caiamltjula tha history of tha Wathra OaJvaaUm Typo-grarbicaa Vnloa K.

8 aanga thta appaai bar siatar amtona far aid to care for tha Hv ht Ana hary ths daavd. asnSrsadhsta aeiioef aheohiValy neceaaary. Thar aaua a tw aaggaratKm. CoBdittona ara toasushmhtsvt thay ara horrify ta and hapaleaa. Wa ara.bolataiy bom.aa.

8nd rcotrfbutsSna taChklraaaa RclW Cotomit. tea." v.r Gaoaoa F. 'JoK: T. it Wataixa, CnaJrmaa. R.

O. Low a. OaosHis H. Kowts, Editor Mewa. Prai4at, T.

QuiOLaTT. OWT O. Hasu, Wrtxaa. SsKTretary-TraavaTtrar. Kellrf Cammltte.

A APPEALS T0B. AlD. srgctat Maw-area rax gxansga. ToLxbo, September Subscrtp-. thma for tha relief et tha Tixsa.

flood sufferers saw amouat to about fiOOO. Mayor mr tm cur MJl lor aid tm "l-v: -v -V'-- THE E2TQUIREB. CrnrCTNXATL THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1003.

TMg AtOUAN eOWfANV. IUM u4 tssleeee mm it bbiiii r-ewtrtb Lions eg MM. rtotkla sad medietas are poorta Is A A rate, Mayr Joes Al lBUT3mawt bj MUI are Sr. Loeis. Me, Beptom tr 11-Wittw H.

Mayer, af tM dry. Oread Rrdr of tk Grand Knnapnnt ef Knigbta Ttmp-lars af tb Cntted Stat, br lr direction from R. H. Uoyd. ef Cm FravrSe.

Cat. Ofu4 Master, mc a Utifraia to the Grand Cam muvlari of every state, thus nrH leading to aalasss mn, apeejln ff aid for GiItmim brothers, he aa-ed or MM te Heary P. Stoddard. Deputy Orma4 Ku-( ter at Qlveto, waft rianrEOTAJTs. Mgarats.

pttmbmr 11. Tt foUowlag LtcrBn was rorl4 at th Cua Et-ctonf I hi aftarnoo ri(k rfro4 ch mmtr to riii a4 MUMi' am-loc bar tbi atnoaa: i.T-roi. Tnu, SpmtMr U. WW "Wlr monmr coltcetad at aMatias. Sao diafnfaetanta and (044 for man and braat.

SKuatton bonibta. Cannot aaaortb it- For Ood'a batp ua. II lrrBi, W. J. llclfiioa 'Cbatrmaa.

W. J. McMamoh "Rjiaai Comm. TO TEE TilVZLEBA Dlu, Toil, gipUmbor ft Bar. Ho- T.

Wilson, or FT. worta. n-niuouj CTia plain of tha TVarrtam' Protactlv Aaao- I dailoo. haa laaued a card to membara of (ha ortMliitlon. aucrcaUnr that mjr rata tnrm auSeran.

It la aurvaatad that tha amounta acurd ba ant to tit HtW Com-mlt(- In IVMtori. MATOS'S PROCLAMATIOI. rtciii Diaraica TO raa aaactaaa HiaiLTox, Ohio. 0apaanbr 12 Mayor Chart ea to. Bosch to-day Issued a ptrbllr prociamation appaaltnff to tha cltiaana of Hamilton to render aid to tha flood -atrlcken ritlxena of Garveaton.

Texaa. Tb four hanks In tN'a city have been autborlaad to receive suhecrtpUona. which will he promptly forwarded to trie Relief Committee. LIPTOS'8 0OITEIBUT10H. 1 1 rutcaoo.

Ke)traber 12 Robert Mlr, i Hir Thomas Upton's agent here, to-day re ceived tha following cablegram from the well-known yachtsman: 'Very grieved to press reporta hara regarding terrible calamity befallan Galveston Buffet-era have my d-epesl sympathy Send II 0U0 for me. Lirrox J0H9 HOGFB BESP058E. ssaaux BiaaaTcsi to raa asoctaaa. Zajraavna. Oaio, Saptambar 13.

Thla rMy la already making a datarnUned effort to materially aid tha Texaa storm suffer-era. John Hoge, tha mllllonalr manufacture- and new a paper man. last evening sent 100 to the sufferers. WOODMEH AOT. Omaha.

Heptember 1J Root. Vvereln Commander of the Woodman of the World, In response to an appeal from the Galveaton Rallef Commute of that organisation at Houaton. Texas, has Issued a call to all camps In the United Plates for Immediate aid. OOW WHAT IT UTAIS. racial.

DisATC to raa saqrraaa. Waihinoton Ohio. September 12 Mayor Blackmorc and othera raised $11 here to-day by subscriptions for tho Gal-esinn sufferers Klffn years aaro last Saturday thla city waa almost deatroyed by tornado. KOBE AID OFFERED. Washinotow.

September 12. Adjutant General Corbln has telegraphed Oovarnor Bayers saying that If the Federal Government can ba of anr further xirvlce to lha I people of Texas In their preawnt troubles. within tha limits of fhe statutaa, to telegraph him In what way. LIVERPOOL 8TrB30HIPTI05. I.i Karoo September 12.

At a meatlng convened by the Lord Mayor to-day it was decided to open a relief fund for the sufferers from tha Galvaston disaster, and was immediately subscribed, exclusive of over raised by tha Cotton Association. LEZDTQTOlf'8 OFFUBIlfQ. aracuL ettaarea to raa sxatrraaa. LaxtHOTOK. Ki Septembar 12 At a maas rneaUng of cltlsena to-night tlKO waa subscribed for tha Oalveaton sulTerara.

Ch airman ere aforton appointed committees to solicit further contributions. OOIYILLE'S QUOTA. Ksioxvixa. September 12. Tha Cbavmbe- of Commerce baa started a Galveston relief fund with $300 and appointed a committee to solicR fund and called a man meeting for to-night to further tha work.

OH PABSEf QES SCHEDULE. Chicaoo. September 12. Tha Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific special freight train ot 15 care laden with auppllea for tha Texas sufferers wilt leave here to-morrow The train will run en a passenger schedule to Houston.

LEQISLATTTE A0TI0H A8XED. Oalvkstok. Tsxas, September 12. District Judge Wm. H.

8tewart has tele-graphad Governor Bayers asking him to convene tha Legislature In special eeeaion to make large appropriation for the relief of Galveston. EACH GAVE A DOLLAR. aractat. pisrarca to raa sqrimaa. Ncwarx.

Ohio. September 12. In a little while this evening J. M. Maylona and Edwin C.

Wright raised $103 in dollar subscriptions far the Galveston flood sufferers and wired It to Governor Bayers. CITIZU3 WILL MEET. trsciAL DisrATca to raa xxonssB- CBAatxsTOat. W. Va September 12.

Mayor Floyd to-day issued a proclamation for a public meetlnc of tb cttasena of Charleston an Friday night to rate vfunds for the Galveston sufferers. SUPPLIES GO FREE. srcciAt BisrATca to Tea axocrasa. LonniUA Beptembar 13. Tha Louisville and KaahrU) Raslroad has of-farad to transport free aa far as New Orleans all supplies! Intended for tha reltef of Gatveetoa.

itlom rAnon msoa Sajc raiAWCtaco. September 12. Tha aab-acTtpOoa rawd for tha Oalvaatoa suBrra baa reavcbad fSes, In addition to a targ anvoanit of food and goods, whioh will ba forwarded free of charge by tha Santa Fa Railroad J0SS8T0WY AJL0U8ETJ. bssSAxca ra saxa saesissa, Josnfarrowst. Pmu Baptambsr 1Z Mayor WoadrulT haa ksausg pr lamartoa asktnc aad (or sJvatoa amsneara.

Tb Jobnav eeaoyad xx yaara ago. SE5T THEH tm TE0USA1IX LAViavTUJa. Kt Saptaashar IX Mayor Weaver thla sftarnoosi fix warded ta the Mayor of Garrestoa a draft aav New Or leaaav far lie.000, tha doaauoa at tb city at Louisville, to tha sulfates la that city. Tha Mayor a Oatvislssa waa aotjaad. mm wtu ha able ta rarw a acte against Kb funds, z- GATE TVE3TT TgOrgAJTD.

racial ssaratcal rata Flinsi-n. Paane- Beptaatber Carnegie Company hat aant 410,009 to Ca4-veston, and JUidrcw Carnegie baa tfven 110.000 "Uncle Mark, did joa know dat de Republican party am like a steamboat?" "Why, no, Theodore; explain yoaraeli." Yaasir; yon am de Captain, do truata am da paaaongera, de Preaident am de fig-nrebead an' I'm de foghorn." "That aweet vocalist, Mr. Sufrar Traat, will eing; bla favorite ditty, 'We've Got a Lot of Money, But We Want To Get Some New York JouraaL COMBS Olv Oat aa latcrvtsrw Day1as; Stat-snants Mada at Oearfetows. ir act ax Bisrarcs to tss sxQtrraaa. FnAWarrorr, Kt September 12.

It Is quite probable that the commonwealth will b. forced to anawer "not ready In tha Howard case to-morrow, because of tha Continued Illness Bowman Gaines, one of the chief witnesses. It la possible that Gaines may be In a condition to go on the stand by the time the Jury la secured, and In that event there will be a trial If Howard anawera ready. 'Tallow Dick'" Combt, In an alleged in terview to-dy. rives details of a recent talk he claimed to have had with Colonel Tom ampben and Jailer Lawrence, of Frankfort Combs rjuotea Colonel Campbell aa saying to him "Mr.

Combs, you are a sensible man. If you will make tha statement Mr. Lavwrence sara you made to him It will convict 'Jim' Howard. If you don Mr. Lawrence will ao on the stand agalnat you.

and you will be Comba says Colonel Campbell said this to him In the precens of Jailer Lawrenoe and Arthur Ooetoel, but both of these men say-that Colonel Campbell made no such statement to Comba. DIIIIID Til STOUT. In the Interview Combs said further: "On Monday Colon1 Caunrsbell sent for me to come to bla room. Arthur Qoobel waa there. Colonel Campball ahook havode verv warmly and Insisted on calling me Mr.

Ci'mhs He sat down by and said he heard that I had said I waa In Mr Powers office, holding the door, when Mr. Goetwi was killed; that either Toutsay or "Jim" Howard fired the shot, and that besides these two and mvwll Frank Cecil, and a roan known aa 'Van, wer also in tha room. "I denied the whole thing. I told him It was tr truth, that I waa never in tha Executive Building and that I rmJ never seen Howard to know him In my life. I also said I had never made sucb a statement.

"Then Colonel Campbell went Into another room and cam back wtth Jailer Lawrence. Mr. Irftwrence Insisted that 1 had told him rhat while in Jail here, and I said: 'Mr Lawrence. I don't remember. I don't fhlnk I could be mistaken, because my memory Is food, but If I did say It 1 told a don't know anything at all about that muffler 1 never heard that anybody waa going to he killed and nobody ever talked about it io me.

Comba, al Georgetown, gave oiiva sensational interview. In which he said he had talked to Hockererajth several times about the latter recelvine; money to kill Ooebe4. HIS FATHER-IN-LAW Made Charges Artast Shaver. Bnt Waa Hlmaalf Arretted, trccvax DisrATca ro rax saQCtaaa. TATUORBVUJ.S, September 12 LJoyd Shaver, arrested at Lexington, waa brought her to-day by Detectivwa Harry 9 tough, of Lexington, and C.

I. Caufleld. of Louisville, and placed in jail on a charge of bigamy, preferred by Elisabeth Spiegel 8haver. of Shelbyvllle. who says she waa married to Shaver In Cincinnati In 1M.

Shaver waa married here last April to Mexico Lambert, tha daughter of Allan Lambert, who resided on a farm- near Waterford. Detective Caufleld tk In the employ of tb commonwealth, and haa been engaged for some time past in aiding in the detection of the assassins of Senator Goebel. About three weeks ago Allan Lambert went to Frankfort and reported to Governor Beckham that his son-in-law, Lloyd Shaver, had been implicated la the assassination of Senator Goebel and had In his possession a pardon from W. S. Taylor.

Caufleld waa put to work on tb case. Lambert agreed to secure the pardon and letters which he said had been written from Frankfart by Taylor and othera of his administration to Shaver. Im tha meantime Lambert was arrested on a charge of hers stealing and placed in Jail here. Be wrote a letter to Cavern or Beckhaaa and told him he bad secured Shaver- a papers and would turn them over if pardoned on tb charge of horoa-stealing. Whoa Can-Sold was sent to find out tha truth of this statement Lambert claimed that he bad hiddea the papers under a ktt on a hill aeven miles away.

All the logs ia that vicinity were turned ever, but no pawners wer found. Shaver denies any complicity in tb crime and claims that is a bla prove an alibi. The detective says there la nothing in the charge. HEB HEAT) seeled eat tha Grotsad Cattl the Yoxw Woaztaw Died, treca aor atcsi raa asajeiaaa. MaJcTraavixuk Isnv.

Hsptssabsr lh It d- vlep that Rtta Bark hart, aluise body waa found aa thahiU north thla city yes terday, was anardtrsd. Louis T- ta ta JaJL Be haa aagned atbaseaa aosp te tha bin, where they aaa-sua. than choked har and pumas eisa 1 snoots the giuund temn llf -waa Dnieam Core, Baney Martin. Ouy Mayheld were airaslsd aaya ha sJoss wa Me fee har death. zotccziass xzssaa rca ts Owsursaoao, JCT-.

aUtsaber lXUrs. J. J. Orimea and several etbsr e-lsttora OwajaTstmeaw are theaight have at Gahraaton. TWa ssaatasa te as ery seal ef the featalae UXSUTC LrT3-fUlI5 Tahlata Waves of the Lakes Lashed Into Fnry By the Fierce Winds.

Steamer John B. Lyons Founders Near Erie, Penn. Fourteen of Her Crew Seen Clinging To the Rigging. Veuol Sent To Rostrae the Imperiled Sailor Maj Thrillim; Egcp Recorded. arc.AL Dtsrarea ro raa eigraii Ct-arvxxAiP.

Osuo, September 12 The schooner Dundee, owned by the Kinsman Transit Company, of Cleveland, in tow of the steamer John M. Glldden. foundered about 11 miles west of thla point at an early 1 hour this morning. The boats were bound for Ashtabula with ore. and the storm struck them about dock this morn tng.

shortly after thay passed the dummy, The Dundee lost her rudder and a larare sea boarded her and carried away her forward i hatch. Tha crew all took to the rigging with tha exception of Kate Hoffman, the cook, who was drowned. The men were In the rigging for about a half hour before tha boat foundered, and were picked up by the ateauner C. Lower, of the Wilson fleet, who started for Cleveland with them, but put them aboard the tug Alva B. LASHED TO THB BJOOINO.

The oook lives at Milan, Ohio. Captain Martin Ehien, tha master of the Dundee, who Uvea at Milan, la la bad shape and bad to bo put to bed at the Ufa aaving atatlon He will, however, recover. The crew lei: an exciting story of tb wreck. Thay were forced to lash themselves to the rigTing and being nearly drowned by the aea tiiai washed over them. Waves dashed to a height of 40 feet over the breakwaters ail last eight and to-day Several vessels had narrow escapes from going down or being driven ashore Just outside the harbor.

XaUtSWtT SSCArXS BXiTX. The steamer Alex. Xlmick. heavily laden with or, had an exciting experience in the storm. She was bound for Cleveland and waa 0 miles away when fright fen Tuesday.

About midnight, when the storm reaohed Its heigh-t, tb steamer nearly foundered. Her deck wa most of tb time partially under water. The crew wer kept at the pumps and were compelled to lash themselves to avotd beta; swept oaertaoard. About a. wlken Che saner waa 13 mflee off tha harbor, the deck bona was swept away.

Th tuc Lues waat to the Ktmsek's saehTtaaoe and get her lato port with great difficulty. Several asnall oral, and yacht anchored batsd tb a ust breaJrwatar were driven sahore and dsjnaxad slightly. SMALL CRATT ta the Vlotnlry eT Baflavk TShTwly. BurTAVO. X.

ftesttasBber 13 Reports froas Crystal Psach, a siniisiai- iseurt on the Csasdlaa ssde Lake Erie, say every dock haa beaai destroy ad. and ail the boata ef the Buffalo Caaoe Club, and snany sea yacht sphered there were completely wrecked. The damage there haa Th wind her aUtaiswd a vsaacityef 78 smile aa hoar at thla saeraiac. hat Beyond the blowlas aVowm ef a nossher ef trees, tha wrckins; awniaa-a and cUsoneys and th daatrunUaai a tawer ef ee of the Paja- aailadltag tm the cows ef whlle av-klnar we debris ba her yara sunt aoa ex an aicuie iignt wire ana we suitea. Jtter ansneaa badly la- At fev Psaehr.

tfae haeiiiiai-taae'ef Buff ale Teeht Ciuav. mocJa Us as saw are The a tea re fruit la thta ssctioat ex ta State as eatlmaeaa a latwaa. a El TKE ja3CII3 Crurivlrn, Oatro, Bsptsfahsr 12. A gram front Crt. says tha Jobs Bl Lyona fedared off Oteard.

ta tke btc gale mt teat eight, aaad tt la -aeved Id aiiriias weat Vrsm with hsm The tdaxa aarrled a erew ef xt, twaras wbosa reached elaor. Tbe veseel was erased by J. QOchrtat. ef thla etty. and waa valued at 96O.00S.

Laian At ax ha. tavdey A asOecrtusi wee fsclved at i. C- oaeltfast-a efflc her atat-Hkt that wrecked stsanMr. baQaved to be the Iecat, had been sijrated Ore miles off Conneaut. and that with rb aid of glaaaes a dosen or fifteen men could bu seec cllcg-; tng to the rigging I Tufi hava been ordered sent out from Conneaut to the assistance of thoe cn the wrecked steamer.

REACHED PORT, Bat Nearly Every Passe tiger Wa More or lie Injured. MnWArxXE. Wis September 12 Battered and damaged by the terrible gale that swept over Lake Michigan last night the steam-r Flint and Pere Marquette No 4 of fhe Pere Marquette Line, arrived tn port here thla morning after one of the nar-roweet escapee from dlsaater ever experienced by a passenger steamer on the lake Thirty of her passengers were more or less injured on the trip, while the fallowing received serious Injuries W. Harker, Detroli. Mrs.

W. Harker. Maggie Eglenton. Detroit Mrs. Martha Deerham.

North Lansing Conrad Hlbbard. Monroe, Mich Willie Oustte. Detroit. John Feaber. Toledo.

Ohio Mone of thelafuries will resujt fatally Prayers of thankaglvrng went up from tb lip of every paaaenger whan land waa Anally aighted. Probably no ataamer ever went through a wUder night on the lake and survived. Almost every window In the cabin waa broken, while the cabin waa one maaa of broken timbers, broken chairs and general debris The iif rafta were blown to pieces and hurled through the windows of the cabin, where were congregated all the passengers Scarcely one escaped In-Jury. The weather waa not severe until clock when the wind changed from southwest to northwest. putting the steamer right In the teeth of the gala WATER Driven From Toledo Harbor aad Vee-aela Stack In the Mud.

VBCIAL DrsPATCB TO Til K74ClBBa. Tolido. Ohio. September li While last night's storm did not cause aa great loaa in dollars and cents aa people generally ex pected, still It caused all ktnda of inconveni ences. It demolished the telegraph service to such an extent that the Produce Exchange members were cut off to-day entirely from the big markets of the country.

The water waa blown out of tbe river and bay to such an extent that only a baif- fllled channel connected Toledo with the lake, and vessels could neither got out nor come in until late tnts arternoon. All tbe vessels tied up to the docks were burled In the mud several feet, and were keDt from rolling over by hawsers fastened to tb docks, some yachta owned by tbe va rious clubs here were beaohed. Some of them were ruined and others caps lead. OAPTAIJfS WIPE, With th Crew of tbe Schooaer Msg. net, "arrowly Eaoapel Death.

DarraoiT. September 11 The crew and the wife of tbe Captain of th ifttle schooner Magnet, ot Harbor Beach. narrowly escaped destruction on Lake Erie during last night's storm. They wer re, cued by tbe Frank E. Klrey.

Th Magnet waa leaking badly and had aleo aunk when the Kirby came in sight. The sea was too high to allow close approach to tb steamer, and th crew tossed about In their yawl, a Hne with a life preeerver alt ached waa thrown from th steamer near the yawl, and Mra. Bennett, th Captain's wire, sprang overboard, reached th preserver, mm was drawn aboard. RE3CTJES BT LITE BAYERS. Oswseo, ft.

September IX. Tha eterm here waa M-vere. The wind re Isail a velocity of 43 mile aa hour. Tha schooner Al ber core waa driven ashore. The crew were raaausd by th life savers.

Tb T. P. Merritt, ef UaaaMton, Oat-, is asbore at 'Nine-Mile Point. Th crew escaped to shore. Tea bandsora yavehts were deshel upon th beach her.

mxCLED THE HOUSE. EivaoD. Zjtdl, September li The Ugh wfasd that lwevalled an day Tuesday la-creased ta auxenexty toward nightfall and did swea damage In thla vicinity. Th new residence of Andrew McCersaack. ta ta southern part of th city, was ready for the to.

i am wrna dus it ua its nninssTir and harVed agalnat tha astVloiauaar aaroeerty, oadly wrecking It. FROIC A CAR FraicVa Ttaraasrr. Tsm Tans day alars Cwaesr, afhex Freight Train If. 04. th fop af a ear at a Ps etlle aadRUldaJ.

Mlrt, seesen. Tee spaie -of Ii aaalea avs boor. unm ETrALLna BArm IX- of a high wis saw end mt a pobtsoal kllUasr rai-1e Donneld. ef Bltml Aiaw wbe was passing; wtth haa.hgni.aaaT a inraa. sftt-ae-Arswaa Bjusai Waa a asxt His wek BreeXaau hOcxw a brsksmsa Lake aeswiae; ex.

ta te -Cook Imperial Xxtra rry Cliamtipar-e haa a delkiius arotn. of the (rape. Its purity ia undoubted. Names of Those Dead Compiled Bt Men Ybo Hare Searched Rains. Growing List That Will Only End Intense Strain Wbe Nines ef LtTed Oies Appear ia Prist.

For the Others Friends and Relatives Must Wait Ami flop For tke Best km ABwr To Qorstiwit RfAHiai; tke Ust Oaxvcstosi. Tsui 'via rug to oast on). Septasjihsr li The authorities are trying their beet to eoeaaii a list of the dead. Laklag car to make the death roll accurate Following la tha latest addition to tha known dead Mrs. Mary Burnett Mra Toothaker Mia Etta Toothaker Una an Miller, wife aon-tn-iaw daughter and Ova children.

Locta Minor E. Mande Charles Darby Mrs. Fleehr Three men. lost while trying te save a bridge Jacob Smith Charles Tllieeech. wife, mother-in-law and two children.

Mra. Leon Rattixa a and four children Mrs Sam Dowell and two children. Mr and Mrs. Stawinsa-y. Mr M.

Park. Mtaa Alloa Park Mias Lucy Park. Mr. J. Bverhart.

wife and daughter. Mrs E. Seixae and two daughter. Arm a and Lucille. Mrs.

Gary Burnett and two children Mra Hock erf and son-Peter Hockletch. wife end six children-George Sebwoteel. wife and daughter Lula. I. Krausse.

wife and two daughters Mra. Matilda Olaen and two children Ml neon J. Kelso, Jr Roy Kelso, baby. Edward Webatar. Sr.

Mrs. Julia Webatar Mrs. Sarah Wabeter George and Jo Webster C. Torr, wife and Ave children. Mrs.

W. D. Thome sen and two children Dr John B. Sayrea Tom Sayree Roberts. watchman and Railroad Mrs Peters Mrs.

Henry Delete and child Mrs. John A Hay-man and five children Sam Tovrea. wife and child Mrs. Bhilke, son and Infant Mrs. W.

H. McMenus Mrs Zwelgel and two daughters Mra. Chaffee and child. Mra. Mary Pieraon.

Alice Plerson. Frank Plerson. Mrs Nelson and daughter Mra Johnson Friedman, wife and son. Mr. snd Mrs.

Dempeey. Mra Maria Lewis oolored Mrs. Anderson Mrs Mattle Anderson Reader family Hoffman famlly Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Falkenhagen Mrs Clem Kuhn and two children Willie Day Mrs.

Jamee Holland Mr. and Mrs. Lockman Sam Williams, colored Mrs. Nathan Moore Julius Ferget. Cbaxles Boss.

D. Boa. Mrs. Frits Frelther. Englehart- Mrs.

H. Johnston and two children Mrs- John Holland Mr. and Mrs. E. Chas Lee son and child Mr.

Henry Seldenstiicker Mr. and Mra Wm Roohm and two children. Chas Schultxe. Chaa. Bodecker.

Mrs. Howard C. Dunning and three children, Alfred Ludwig. mother and slster-tn-law Richard Dunning Mrs. Hlggina.

A- E. Ooth and wife. Jo Manley. mother and two rurcr Mr. Manley.

Sr. Ravey family. A. Albertson and wife. Mrs.

Oscar Lindqulst and three children Mrs. Lackey father and mother Mr. Park aad twe daagrhters. j. Levin and family.

Mrs. Jack Ardaoa and sin children. Mrs. Holme, colored school teacher Henry Dirks and family. Five of Feigel family Adelaide LTertdg.

colored-Jordan Tresvant-Mra Turner. Mrs. E- C. Williams, colored Prof. Weiss.

Cell Sexalls. W. R. Jones and child. Julius La sett Joseph Labatt.

Henry Labatt. Mr. Loey Ore. Matilda Woe row. Moille Vaa Lsaw.

Robert Hughea achofield-Marta Lewis-Mr. Waahtngtoe. "OTandm' Cuney. mother ef the 1st Hon. W.

KICht Cnney. Agnes Lewis. George Atartn auad wife. Alfred Day-Annl Soett-Bee Ford. Prof.

Gibson aad family. Mrs. Elka Finer. Effle Harris. EdKb WanitrTh-Mr.

Xtssr-CelU Wsrrem-Mr. anal Mr. Cab Xav1a. Alessnder BeB. wife, twe seas and en aa-bter.

asat Mrs. Wsbber. Wxe. LyVa, syaaoatsatssw aad sister. Mrs.

Powers ana cauo. Fred Scans aad wtfa Mr. east Mr, Aeaas. Oaatga-Agia. Mra.

Bmltk and aassy. Mrs. Kathaa Mi ara. Mra Mary SoeR Mrs. Williams X-mBreoks -ThXaaejOBkeav Mrs.

Bland. Mrs: niatsaea aUasst T.Cawt.8r. nnlmtsfealoeeri. Mrs. MlUer aad ftw ckildrrS Kamtmrmt Mra, PVney Mrs, Trostnaaa and three ehildrea.

tda sad Cera Patrick. KCCtxaer. lira W. T. Ejuoe le aad two chndrasx.

0- WlUck mj Ms) CM flJ tlM fUssX THE PIANOLA HEARD IT? THE AEOLIAN COMPANY AO LI AN HALL, 124 E. FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI. O. Mra aVrhaler and six rhlldrea Harmaa Tlx. Sargent Mr aad Mrs Derrfe aad twe daughter Corrine Carter and family Herman Martin and aart cf faml Harry Freitaat Mrs Kuhnel and twe datigbtera Frits Waedemaan.

Tom Torr Mrs. Gottlieb and sevea ehildree Joha Macseil. wife aad flv ehildree John RobL wife and flv children Herman Vanbura aad tars oblldren Schutta wife aad twe children. Assistant City Electrician Wtlke. wife and boy Mrs Peter Humberg aad Bv children.

Prof. Buehrmond. wife and two ehildree Charlotte Gentry, colored Ada and Hattte Rowe. colored George Rowe. colored Rev and Mrs Thome Cala John MoOntre Mr.

aad Mrs Toby Adams, colored Mrs Alex Allen and five children, colored Cv Clark, colored Mrs Thomas Calhoun and thre. children Mra Waring, of Chicago Pet i asters snd two children colored Robert MePherson. colored Oeorge Ashe. 8r Oeorge Ashe. Jr Mrs Annie Dur.ton W.

D. Dammel and wife Jrln-r-e colored Ed McDade. colored Mr Charles Boukees Otto Reuter Henry Reuter Mra Annie Casey Mr and Mrs Turner. Henry Bell, colored Arthur Morse, wife aad three Mr Morse waa a printer on tbe Tribune Buck Lloyd and wife, alao a printer Albert Ludwig. printer Will Rice, proofreader.

Galveston Nwt elfe aad children. Jhn Christian POISON To Be Put in the Beer For Mr. Sells aad Her Alleged Companion, According To Testimony of an Elephant Keeper. Re Sart Showaian Wasted Coariaf- int: Proof Bj Having Wife and Bolts Found Dead Together. riciaL rtararca Te Tea srtat CotusiBrs.

September 12 Peter Sella, tha millionaire showman, ts charged with tha attempted aaaaaalnaulon of his wife, tn an affidavit sworn to by "Star" Chambers, an elephant keeper, formerly In Mr. Sella a employ Not long ago Mr Sells sued his wife. Mary. for divorce. on the statutory grounds The rase baa not vet come to trial.

th attorreys for both sides seeking delay in order t- heap up affidavits Tbe 1 was reached to-day. when Mrs Sells attorney filed the Chambers charging the husband wtth deliberately plotuni the murder of his wife. According t. chambers sworn was employed bv refer Sells tu kill Mr- fells aid alleged paramour William Botf The crime, he save, waa not to be In tbe broad llabt of day. nor were the two to be notified of their Impending doom They were to be given a quick and deadly poison, and.

according to the testimony r.f Chambers, th two wre to die ahil- spending an evening together rartoTtc bt skills Chambers in testimony said that trp to May of this year be was employed by -he Sella Brothers as elephant keeper, but Wl the ahow In Boston, Slaes. and rame to Columbus. Since t.iat time be baa been In -he employ of the I'nlon Transfer Coropenv While the eircua was in winter quarters here last winter, be claims. Peter Sells came to Mm and asked bun to aaslst In killicg Mrs. Sells and Mr bou This was about fie weeks after rh f'-r divorce waa filed Chaambers states tha- Mr.

Sella told him that ha iSealsi ess satisfied that Mr. Beit waa sull calling on Mrs Sella and ba wanted I. proved to the a-orld toe charges made by him In his peti'lon were true. He wanted them auch position that no Sen la la could be marie According to the plot aa told by Chambers ha was to secure a certain ani it an opportune time be was to pay a visit to the home of Mr. Sella.

He waa to enter the ha aa giant. Wkaie be would flrvl a quantity of bottled br stored and which wax constantly being taaed- Ctaambers was unoork on or two of th nettle Which were on Ice snd plac ta them th poison. The ber would then Be bxak Ty Mra. Bails and her krver and they wesUd dl tocotaer. The poon would have effect, as Mr.

Sella wanted them fewad bath la the same room. Tba plot was xpaaind ta Chambers tn detaJL Cham bars allege Sbat ha agreed to carry est Mr. Betas' wish aad isromised to piace rh poison In tbe beer. aa was rrss-ajoxp. Be 414 net de ao at once and a shert time later.

a claime. Louis Sells called and wasted te know why be did out kM brorher-s srishe. Cheasbers he told 1 aula tbe time bad net arrived for of the by both Sella and tlane he pat tbe tlsa cam th mmmwm ef WOO CThamsers nisims tt wa tea lai far him te carry oe Mr. BeHTs wsxhes, vn he eira. Tka Oaasartr Is Sml 1 1 by htr.

aWnS anereeya Thr pajixi) tss nAatXa. rXe-The aiaat wad a by Ore aarty ni eila aSAat eBa a-read emim 1 ne ana ea Jtstrba will rasrh gltUM. cciuc av cow) or oxbdat rafsed tba ay If kt ua te ertuJxTend after hstas Alschars4 sasm tilted aad was arrsatsd. Ha was And aad aft-arsrard easae hsm a They adassa there a a ayndaAisa whatever fr rbsigis. TO MO5Za0WtkJ aatyaj "Isroaa kitSm in roasjs aaOamT bjt Ao srii; daaf tbm HtmmoU or fa ttm will Orr tAiatat hmt a a grmt r-tm-oso thaf plmx-" HILL Caught the Convention When He Proposed To Make Uoaoimoos The Vote Thit Nominated the Man He Opposed.

Ticket Choses Br tbe New Terk DenocrAU. Big Wavger Made That Bryan Will Be Elected. Resalts in VenBost aad Maiao Dr rlared Satitfaeiorr Br Ciair II JBf. ahaTooa September IA This IB the ticks named to-day by tha Democratic State Convention For Governor John Btaachrtold. Chemung Lieutenant Governor William Maekey, Erie Secretary ef State John Nortoa.

of ef of Rennaeelaer Comptroller Edain Atwster. ef Ducn- ess Treasurer John Judson. of Fulton Attorney Genera I Thomas Cotrway. of Cltnton Engineer and iarveyor BtuarV of Onondaga When tha will ef th cenveeuon bed beea finally reglatered. ex -Senator David H1U waa tba first to propoae the uaanlmeui nomination ef "A fr.end of life-long stand-leg.

John B. SUnobneld Repreaentativea of almost every eauaty which had oppoaed Mr Staecbfield wars Im- mediately upon their feet, an one b-y on they seconded the nomination AKiMoarrr assay its roars J.WGF aad when a man had balrwf oa I Aa evtoence of purpe to avoid frwtioa upon all other questions tbaa tha gwberna- 1 tonal candidate upon the part ef bo'b Mr Hill and Mr. Creker waa manifest tn the adoption of committee reports upon both resolutions and credentials Beth these riwt were adopted by the cnnenuon without obtectioa Some of th remarka of tha speakers ware extrm4y poignant and their abaft a aimed with unerring aoruraer. and ao attempt was mad te conceal the intensity of feeling existtng among tbs rival leaders But this spii its enure force in tba selectiM ef tbe basd of the ticket, and thereafter la the naming ef minor places upon tha tioket there waa aucb an aheolut unanimity of aea'isient tha: all were dipeed of without frtote-n and with- out dtvtetoe of any character rvATronn Ascrrtn The report ef the Platform Committee waa adopted wit bout aaaeadsaeet Tba platform begin with piedf-teg fhe Detnecrsry ef New York anew to tha principles and policies of rff ersotatan emnr. racy and Indorsing tbe platform adopted by tba last Democratic National Convention It continues 1 We reooarniae the trwtb of the derlara- Hon of tbau cAnrraflM that the burring I 'sous cf Knpenaiaarm growirat nut as tha I Spanlsb War Involves the ver axiaienc of the republic and tbe deet ruct tor of our free Inetlturions Wa regard It as tbe pera-laount laaue of the eaanaailga "Cpon ttila kaaue.

iherefore. we rarite all ctttsens of our state to promote tbe ekerttoe of a Democratic Pre dent, however tber I may differ upea nateoaal lasiaee, sratrh at tnis time are interior in rank. Then follows a rf era ion of dee.ars- 1 tetma ef the isat Democratic State Cen vea- 'Ion on tbe subject of ImpenaJem. hta. tirpoasan As te the netniaee ef the Kaaaai City Convention, the platform says: We ratify and indorse the nomination for the Presidency ef William Bryan a atateman of undoubted pat riot is sa aavd hade- pendeoce.

enjoytng in a marke: Atearree the conMen of bis ellow-eitiaena. a hie snd fearless ahaanvton oT r-n a ana sarnrsiioni in wnoai lianea tbe businesa intereeta of the ceuatry aad the Ir.dustrial elements of our citizenship would eiual and ample protection KeiaiHe to lru i. tfc, plaiform aperflcal- condeauu "IB cierporai oatnatnatien anw-n as the "Ice and all comMnatiocs of capttaj knew a as trasta aa Inevitably and intolerably ua-just both to producer and rrrasuawr eae 'ceult of which ts to destroy all indlvlduai and to rob the young men the country of the fair roan jwittloai arkerh ra Democratic times caMtstitete the si sei l.orv the nation sod permitted tha ad- ancement and indspeedence of oer youth 1 he platform corw-looes wtth a dlav-usston I pur'ij siaie issues, tee claim being snad that "the Democratic party to stale and na-tl'-naJ arTatrs kaa been tbe cooa-tstem champion of tabor." TWITTT TH0PSA1D Wagered That Bryan rul Wts De-wey Have Moans Moaaev sractax sasraTc re Taa fasrraa. Pi Ii setae. Beptsmbat IX W.

H. Dewey, wae associated with J. M. Gaffey. H.

ennings and ether Pittsburg era In tb Trade Dollar silver mrne. has bet Ma Ae-aint that Will leas J. Bryan wm tae next Press list. Cakarl Drasr was a de-egate te tha sfsnsss City Cea-veatloa. aad was ea the jBryaa KotiScatiea Committee.

He waa Mwa at the MM "veqon aa tb seuruavl Use aVraster "aa" ben be survived her several wae As Mr tsaket CA4- aarainst gltMro oe Bryan with Charley FHnn. Shed wUeeta. tbe beeeball saunger. wbe as aOssoet irmmi bet-On- against tb Pitta burg BaaeeeJi Clak wwa aava. wall Wl Asawss 9 Brt aila-P Teeaereey Je.

taOey sat Dewer had a it. wrsuee Haley-s tJOOO that Bryaa eraU wlaTm that the ilvr aaiss sssn Li set IMIIS All ea tle fap la cerriCed cbecka and grvwn to John related ta Sssd ihsr lata-Cattad itaveat K- Jsada. Chabaisa ae tb Kexaaoal eg arBrht aad head a arlea wita. sadar ta th Ha af AeprraaWtatleaV tssad aettsfe-ttee in aa "'Jhm rewtlt ef tb -e-rloa, to Vinavw.t a Xaata. lie seta a ad aaaee a.w anaxe aa te statee ta I rnia era tn th haw- la HAVE YOU l- AJewey nee rose aaere CZAOMAMJaXtl a aw Tstx.

Sewtaai iitsaiBitUi Kattooal Csmtalflia tM etktw cee Lt ef percssuagm 1-rpahaVaJI sales aay tu ca rsf a r-'af fw sw gi mi svar pVasr fata ssafrv timet go JB faoraaasifa of ao cmttrntf trean ot ptmlti rtfirtt leraaai aav4 in riOr ssatateiaej te rhe geeeeei a k--. Askd U'Wi tse (aetM- -i wewlj ae reaveat ia lw. 'arrytng as tae r-ata. vu e-a a Mr Jnetes aefcl taa: a fW waa, r-ue a SS tt i ae r-m. I tn 4 lata aal tka trie ta ia ml Hlinn a as tf-a -srtlaa siase mt lat fax Wesi er.

te anl. If a-'an rtsraea a i nan' t- tabor THREE To Be ft a a By PreaHeeavaaaaea Tbetr a as pa tg a Tsar BWftaeatT 11 apedaJ iraui am Kr. niadi BBerajag. ar-eaabr is fw.rT- 1 1 WeeOaw -aadKUte f.r releaeeary M.i tl aietrs.r aaikUK 1 Vice Pretavietii aesaiaei Cn. a eAl'ur tae New eica a-n7 a caAiag AM iMitev SV ataeas-cblrsge.

Cbairwtan of Ha sall'ea Muet tra epeaaing eu. t-. 4 by Mr W4-, was wtj t-a saeteteit t- etbae aea 1 Mm. a aaaned w. era and laeAera ta fliffaeeei atatea wn aaeaaauiy lb traia ta ihetr T-rraia will ats at taena la Iuit.

a ii Neereeka, South Kortk M.r, a aeo a and Wtse-es re Mag "ei i oe the rat ure Searfenther atn a will mm ei as re Cartoser I atra ta tnaiaaa fMim Kaaiurkr t.A,,Mi niiaots After a maaa aiivt r. October the third atMwaai and travel ibresgh Mu-bira svlvsrda Vaa York Man ar.j N. aev 1 "eeeeefcut ai Mt--fhuaef. sjd Ne liaaipeblrr HAIIA ISIISTS That the Silver Qaaatlaa Ii Made 1 1 tb Pa raaioaai Imi. Cnico BejxaTr tvr 1J The Hirrj Club Irsd ta far at fun In tha utknt.

a peJgn of lata last sigh- Ths eoeetaon an a d.r.-er htr.v ssstsr Wtiiiaas Miam ar -oratorical honors et'l Sentter a Hi Be. ef Ohla Ovarrmar P.r jhil NaOenal Ceenan 1 flans tor Haana taaad frci -ha Ha ger ef overcer.ndeee par liraaa. aad deoiarei with r- a abasia that trrthmi be, i an -patnettc Deeierrata 1 t--r :t.r aar age waa at stake the i.r. silver and o- he asserted to far rrv r8WIJET W13I ProhlMtene Ca ad Id ate Waa Lf-i" By Orer Free TUnaaaad MaJrtit CoLt ataiA. Septeesber 12 -Tr oad inn era tie r-rt ary for rr.

stats orTicera was held votes heard fn-ra McAer-- en 1 i randldats for Govsmor 4 eaaved raal. and Cateeiet Her rt s-a. 2X.onO Mrisenat lo ia Jamee Tillman aeehew ef ir.e tor, Sefeated Joha Sioavn fr -Oevaraor A.I 'wirMMtim are rsturned Jasaee art on sefeated bv Ltewtana' ernor Sea borough a nd a a -Wllaoai defeated by Joeeph Jefcne-- WILL 8 CP POET BIT AS. ats siaratrs re rai i.arrsrs MosTrtU-isa Dearttt Praioett ot 'he ar-l'al Bauk and a laadir.g rrc 1 has refused tn a jpTvor' ft ttorsl ikhtt and rt imtetis.issr. DUE IN GALVESTON Oa a lavrda y.

anal tH tiatiasi'i Sale man ft a rotashiy Kllsrd HI IITA VS til IHTlll PaiTraotta fmii rfi'! Tt (ami! ef illiema. of 'Ms city a-r ieerfu, tfat raeTisSed r. eataefror.he wte-- trae. f-f asa Sr.or Comienr of la- at; was a at Uaeteston atjr'ia) ari as to r.a spent Sunday there Nofhirg taa te heard frorr. hlir.

ia a trwbe- of WIUtAvms Treasrrer ef tte farnvoer. Staf Committee Co.amibts TWO OHI0AJB KISellG arsciaL rtirrc ta rss Bsrrsm Totgpo Onan. rntlr 11 aad Elmer WlaaTeed. two yeuaa rsx of this Oty. left here tare meea ao engag ta tha aadertaklng butuaeea at vestoa.

Texaa Th rouag rare reiat ---here are co Al -w-e-i that bora penrV -(he good Es-Ptmsater "lames hr had two troth, ri ihtt and teoe also (fnariei AS IJDIAIA DOCTOR arxciax rosrai'-a ts i saerista Koxosio Iwt- Sep'ember 15 The Sawyer listed among the kt'sed In Use Ga es -er. borror is believed ti be Dr E- Sawver. of this place 6ft, pitwcra Mtpiciwca. In ice summer Of life a wotnaa artsy fhd bertatif fadtng snd txilia. She dorsa iradrrsUnd She roe to ooetorv who treat her forth or for that, hart she fcts no better She g-roers frail aad pale.

She can jes 'Ara; about the bouse, bet ha tx. -A 1 im swiiia a ma. Many so barve taken advaat- ot Dr. Pierce ad take aasar th stvearth aand hsaaty of 1 1 ii I tasse 1 As' tiinar, if Be. rwrrr a PaesB-he Pitusuiatsaa aad see ef tke 'Cei4cs c.

er. d. by. SToCHICAQO f.i'.f.r-r-'itVi'f. si sere exTar dlfrt tmmtmU.

ii UUrr, sad hava bar- nmXanA by Pr. rVror's sect health. TTnesw fmmaSrfae ar Patina's Psvaritg PTwatjj.1 a as. Its mttiom aaea the woaBAastly organ ts at oaca aksaarjt is tha atcraa af pain aad tb tn-1 1 sin ml mttrmgtS. Ijexa fern ale as.

jbm tan its nail srrrs- Atidresa TJr. V. lsrm. Vf Ssaar ibm Mm' "bxtr Mini it EkSA-zrecrv seal ssar eiass a lax rr srsa' jaw I aew ssaaaaavasM I wast tb wea-M as kaa fee The sa-taea of th rerib rVeax-rTsv fjaa aaMyany tfa mm mt 4TTea aVevAAX. y-.

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