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The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan • 4

The Times Heraldi
Port Huron, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FLOUR at FEED. Health an inestimable jewel. Tbe PUMPKINS Retail at 50c per do. At other points ashouts and the de Tie report that Jobn Hibbard, DRY O08 cough that deprives you of it may take struction of buildings and fences art reported. your life too.

One bottle of Hale's Hon and Hughallen McTaiisb, had been sentenced to prison in Canada, was in ev of IK arhound and Tar will avert the SQUASU-Retail at $1.00 per do. SWEET POTATOES Good demand and supply. They retail at 34c per pouod- WATERMELOXS Tbe snpply is good and they retail at apiece. ME I II marine: sews. correct.

Hibbara was released and baa gone to Chicago, and it ia expected lhat McTsviah wiil also be released. evil, and save you from consumation. Will you weigh Lile against a half-dollar Sold bv all Drotrsists. Pike's The-propeller China is lying at this or perhaps has been set at liberty already, I Fa raters mm their Veeallew. A corj-espomient sends the follow- 1 am not an agrienltnralis, bat I delight tbe triumph of agriculture.

Give me an iutelligent.enlhusiastie farmer, who delights in his noble and honorable vocation, and I could listen to hit shrewd and admire the res alts ot his skill and industry, "from sunrise to dewy eve." Tbe farmer is the foundation stone of tbe whole social ediSce, tbe only member of tbe community who can stand alone, if he so wills it. In every apprehension of national calamity, tbe question anxiously passes from rank; to rank: ot tbe social scale, "flow fares it a ith the farmer?" "What of tbe harvest?" And tbe laconic answer, "a plentiful harvest!" speaks to tbe popular heart; with an eloquence Defer" which the orator's puny efforts dwindle into tbe insignificance of linklicg'eymbals. Ev We should not be ashamed of the port. A large fleet of vessels are ljin at this port wind bound. NEW YORK GoLD-j-Tuesday, l.OOg.

MoxKY Prime mercantile paper easier at 3(4 per cent. GOVERXMEST BOXPS Coupona S1, 1071 o5, new, 102j 'o7. 1054 't fact, if it was a fact, that Senator ilc-Elroy had been mayor of Port Huron But justice to the people of St. Clair Tbe steam barge Huron City is lying Wholesale and Retail 107 new 5's. 10rJ; new 4J's, ICCJ; demands the statement that the Senator has been mayor, and is a resident, Toothache Drops core in 1 minute.

For bargains in pants cloths, shirtings, flannels, hats, car, go to Shatto's. Aw I'wrfrainhle Trath. You deserve to Buffer, and if vou bad a miserable, unatietactory life in this beautiful worlJ, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for tou, jour unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common seuse reasoning will ooo show you lhat Green AuUt lower will cure you ot Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable tEects, such as sick hesjiache, palpitation of tue heart, scur stomach, nabitual the head, nervous protralioo, low spirits, Ac. Its sale now every town on the West of that city, and not of Port Huron.

new 4s, tW'i 10-40's, registered, 1W5; do coupons, 106 curl ency 1192. Railroad Bosds Strong and high er. Stoces Buoyant and advanced prices, at this port, wind-bound. The propeller Beruchy parsed down this morning, touching at Parsons' dock The propellers Benton and Amic pass-en np this morning, touching at Parsons' dock. The scow Hannah Moore has arrived with lumber for Jenkicson from Tawas freight, $1 per M.

This in correction of an item which appeared in the Inst number of the Lansing IUjwhlictuL. Mr. Frank B. Conger, who recently returned from Maine, informs us that SEALERS IN ery person who baa thought upon toe subject will agree that this is no exaggerated view ot tbe case, Tbe backer, the merchant and the manufacturer know well how intimately their prosper C.lf.Beiseiyro. Bespectfully an-nounce their Fall Opening on Friday Evening this week.

DETROIT Quotations as follows: BRKAVSTCFFS. while here he saw Senator Blame, and that trentkman said he would FLOUR Wheat -Ext-a No. 1, white, ern Coutinent aud not a DruggUt but speak once in tbe Seventh Congressional district during the present cam Oats Very quiet; No. 1 mixed 24c will tell you of its wonderful cures, lou can buy a sample Bvttle lor 10 ceuU. Three dotes will relieve you.

9 1(5 10 paign, and probably io Port Huron, FEED, ity is linked with tbatot the Isrmer.ana expand or contract their boiness oera tions according to tbe calibre of tbe bar-vest. They are wise to do so, tor the farmer Dpplies the life-blood of trade. No man among us occupies, individual Iv, so important a position as the farmer. The tonejor tociety and the destiny of a nation depend npon its bold yeomen. The fanning community of the United States and Ontario are a credit and pride to the countrv, and are earning by tbeir in October.

The Republicans of St. cents. Corx Dull No. 1 nrixed 44c. RYE Quiet and steady at 50c.

Flock Quotations Clair and of the whole trict' should (dye him a rousing recep- The scow Ino has been chartered to carry lumber from An Sable to Detroit; freight, $1.25 per M. on the rail. The scow Wilcox has arrived at this port Irom Sandusky, with stone for Pro. bett's lime kiln; freight, $2.75 per cord. The propeller Benton, while crosin Lake Erie, Tuesday, picktd up a man named Percy, who was floating on an overturned yacht.

Ue bad been iu the water 36 hours, and hailed from Cleveland. Bl'SlAKSS RUT1CKS. 1 Vlh Ecrjbdy to Know. Rev. George H.

Thayer, an old citizen Delivered to any Part of the Cityv White wheats, choice city Uon. $4 WQ5 00 brands of this vicinity, known to every one as a White wheats, warehouse most influential citizen, and Christian minister of the M. E. church, just this $1 00 The II area. moiueut stepped iu our store to say.

wUh everybody to know that I consider intelligence and enterprise a social position which all clases will award them with delight. Nowhere else can we find that rare i union ef sturdy intellife'ence, intellectual energy, and robust refinement in so much perfection, as among our cultivated country gentlemen. Time will place them in an enviable position if they are true to themselves. $4 S0(t 4 75 50 (a 6 (HI 8.V3 40 $3 25 Amber wheat Minuesota spriug Low Office and Store Opera Mouso Block-Is 28 2 that both nivselt aud wife owe our lives Tbe hut day of the races has opened with fair weather and a large attendance. Although the track as somewhat heavy this morning, the warm sun and wind of to-day have done to Sbilob's Consumption Cure.

It A most complete stock of Ladies and having a tremendous sile over our coun Gent's Merino Underwear at Shatto's. ters aud is iriviti: I'v'riect satij-taetion in 1 PRODUCE Beans -Very quiet; unpicked S0c picked, qoiet and steady. Euoa. Steady at 14c per dozen. Potatoes Lively at 4045c per bu.

much toward restoring jit to a good condition. all cases of Lung D.seases, such aa nolh INSURANCE. Frait 1'eaiival. Teraado la Ilaraa Caaatr- over Huron The Ladies of the Baptist Church will A great storm swept ing else has done. BOL'BEOX, May 15, 1878.

Dks. Matchett 4 Feaxce, BOOTS A SHOES. give a Fruit Festival at the church on Friday evening, to which all are invited GROCERIES. Sold bv McCollota Sweetser, Por There will be no charge fur admittance, Huron, Mich. county, Thursday afternoon, 19th, doing much damage in some localities and resulting in loss of life.

It was most severe in a narrow course through portions bf Bingham, Verona and bigel townships, where it developed into a tornado and carried everything Yesterday's races came off according to programme. In the 2:50 race, four heats were'trotted, two ojf which were won by Cayuga Cbief, one by Comet and one by Pat Lcuma. This race will be finished this The special purse was won bjf Brown Dick, of Detroit, with Odd Fellow second u-20-2-2t NOBLE WELTON, Life, Fire Marine Agency. KSTAItLISIIED I.N 133. 1 And has a rtcord of over 23 Years.

Tbe Valuable llestoratton tUe llt-a lib. Sweeter, C'leaaer, Parer. Refined and intelligent ladies use Dr. Price's Uniqae Perfumes, Alista Bouquet or Pet Rose. Such ladies have loo Sloes.

During the past ten years tbe Great and Eden Gold Dust third. tastes for the beautiful, prove affection Shothouets Remedy faithfully redeemed every promise and guarantee made to the public. Alarming aud ap The half mile running iace was won before it. ilrs. Chas.

Wilder, of Verona, was on the town line between lhat township and Bingham in a buggy with! her two children. A tree was blown upon them, killing Mrs. Wilder instantly and injuring both children, one of whom had Look at laasiraaes by Union In two straight' beats with tbla Line ot Com taa leal parently hopelts esses of Lung Diseas King George second arid Twinkle GROCERS. Opera House Block es, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Afflic Phoenix Ina. of Continental, of New York third.

Time, 52 secondSjand 50 sec. tions of the Kidney and Cronie Com Imperial ami Northern, of Lon- the fastest running time ever made on excliiKive Ore. no uon, tuif plaiuts of every description, including Scrofula aud Skin Diseases of Ioui; du Life deivartniiut Roval, of Liverpool and its skull fractured and cannot live. Mr. John Pfoff, of Bingham, a blacksmith and wagon maker, in crossing the road from his barn to the house, was struck by the roof of the latter building, which had been blown off, and was instantly killed.

Other losses this track. The races for this afternoon consist of the three minute trotting race for a ration, have been permanently removed ate companions, and will keep well odored households. To tbe lower orders all smells are alike; it is the sweeter, cleaner, purer, that enjoy Dr. Price's rich odors. New York State cheese, best in market, at A.

L. Flyxx's. It you need a harmlecs ctimalant.taLe Sax ford's Jamaica Ginger. Prints for 4c, 5c, C'c and 7c at Shatto's Fresh Buckwheat Flour at A. L.

Flykn's. Groceriesand Provistons Cheap Connecticut, of Hartford Oriei. fSt, Paul Fire and and etadicated. Those who volunteer their testimony totbeeffiacy of the Bern I purse of $100, the mile running race, best two in three, for a pujrse of 100, ron cash. edy, are not bogus people in unheard-of reported are: Ilichard Braden's barn unroofed; John Fitzgerald's barn unroofed; Peter Murray's barn demolish We bes always keep on qaal and tiie open to all trotting race for a localities of foreign couutries but re hand the of purse of $150.

i spec table citizens of this country, easy ofacccts aud pea to question, upon Fireman's Funii, Uold S-ottiHfi Commercial, UlasgoW, Hoot land Trader's, of Chicago l.ixio.imo Ulens Falls, New Miawraunt, of liohton New York Life, of New York City This aircm-T waa eHtabiishecl in issa, and has been continued since that time without change of ajrent, and thousands of policies have been tsKtied, all of whici have the signature of t. a. Noble. Toaej, TIhj races close to-day and have been a complete success financially and Hisses Children's Good and Durable! SCHOOL i whose verbal recommmendations we are ed; 1 nomas Phillip barn unroofed; Joseph Larzoskie's two large barns and house unroofed; Mathias Domer's barn blown to pieces and grain scattered everywhere, and Mr D. badly hurt; and Mr.

Partiki's house and barn unroofed and his son seriously Injured. Fifty pieces of Fall Dress Goods for 8. willidg to rest the reputation of the otherwise. The average attendance has been large, and the! races have cents per yard, worth 12Jc, at Shatto's. Great Shoshonees Remedy.

If you are Oofloos), Sugars Splcos, Caunod Kerosene Oil, at Moffat's Ware been more interesting than any held heretofore. I house, 4 16 1 0 BUFFALO ROBES. ETC. Xx-ULltaB Clam Chowder, a favorite di-h at the East. A.

L. Flyks's. Etc JustReceived Of course, orchards, outbuildings, suffered very much. In the village of Sand Beach, chimneys were blown smokestack of the salt works was toppled over, and the new Baptist Church was badly twisted and wrenched, almost ruining the plastering. The barn of Augustus Santany, of The II at el a.

The following is the list on the reg Cash Paid for. Butter and Eggs, T. Murphy is meeting with remarkable success in bis Tailoring Department. Gentleman wishing goods made np in tbe SHOES T. FISHER'S.

Potatoes, and all. kinds of farm'lproduce Call and see. isters to-day: TH0MP8O5 HOCSB. afflicted not delay until medicine may be powerless to aid ycu. No injurious Sects can possibly follow the use ot these Indian Remedies, as they contain no minerals, by which the fate of the invalid is so often sealed nndertbe form of some temporary sedative or stimulaut, These Indian Remedies are widely known and still possess the public confidence, after tbe lapse ot sufficient time to test tbeir efficacy.

The Shoshonees Vegetable Sugar Coated Pills have won for themselves the most favorable reputation of any I'iil before the public. Their elCcacy baa been fully proved as a remedy for Biliousness, Sick Headache, and inac best of manner and in the latest styles Otis Lamb, Brockway; F. A. Fann, GAYLORD CO i 5 22 2 6m u. Brad Dent, Mrs.liarrett, hang Cross; Pekin; Seven members of Mirror of Ire will find Mr.

Murpby the man. Ilaxall. Lake, was struck by lightning, and burned with all its contents, which included his just-gathered crops, being a loss of several hundred dollars. They were just able to liberate and save the horses and ether stock. land; A.

White, J. Dnsbaod, Memphis; Substitute for Buckwheat, at McMor- J.J. watts, Saginaw; J. W. lien-nett.

Battle Creek; Mrs. Croset, Lapeer; ran Co', Opera House Block. 916 20 STOVES. M. Uuier, Wyandotte; A.

B. Walker, Forrest; D. Turel, Flint; E. Chap Kid gloves lor 25 cents per pair, at Shatto s. THE "CROWNING GLORY" i man, t.

W. ood worth, Hushing; I. D. Oxford, Oxford, MICHIGAN NEWS. I Pert Huron Times.

is the only cooking store In tbe world witk living! Extra choice mackerel and codfish Tbe wife of Stephen Butler. tivities of tbe stomach. Price of the me waning uvn Hear HARNESS, TRUNKS, AND SATCHELS. about three miles from Wayne, Wayne just received at anu urer me rear extension Remedy in pint bottles, trial size TJUMtSDAY. SEPTEMBER S.

1878. county, committed suicide Wednesday SalkofPixb Laktw. Mr. Henry 9 23 2 2w F. A.

Wsyers Co's. 35c. Pills 25c a box. Which I will sell at prices that will defy Vs a I a coaipetion. tadd Whips.

BETEOROLOGICAL. On, JlarneRS. e. Harness. Prepared only by FOSTER, MIL- Howard, of this city, has sold to Mr.

J. 8. Minor, of Alpena, 7,000 acres of xnesieam oarge Jiary aiujs wiil re-. I have marked them ump turners, eita. BURN Buffalo, N.

Successors ceive freight at Moffat's dock, up to 4 away down. pine lands on Thunder Bay River, for siy prices are down to so the times. Be to S. N. THOMAS.

Pfcelp. N. Y. Cstresn tats Srewax Omcil Uraon, gept. its, no a.

Saturday, for Lexington, Sanilac, roKTASLi rLaMiMHSD corns liracavoia It la manufactared only bv SHERMAN S. JEWETT A. Buffalo and Detroit. None but the grenolae articles have the name "Crowning Glory. For bale by one enterprising dealer in eveiy place.

It is the only Move ia the world will a Warming oven under the Firebox, and front doors opening over a detachable shelf In front. Buy the only Cooking Stove evr made exactly suitable for the Farmer 111 smoa. $42,000. We understand that pay sure to call and look at my prices before purchasing. i For sale by Wm.

Wast ell and other Ricbmondville, Forester, Forestville ment is to be made in lumber, at mar Druggists in Port Huron. Wholesale John McCormlck Sand Beach, Port Hope and Port Austin. Bates lower than usual. No charge for evening. Henry Hadner.

of Canon tewnship, Kent died Wednesday from tbe effects of the kick of a horse received one week ago. Capt, Joseph Nicholson, of Detioit, has caused the arrest of John Atkinson for libel. A'kinson gave bail in the sum of $5,000. Mrs. Harry S.

Wick wire, of Jackson, attempted suicide for the third time on the 22d by taking strychnine, but timely efforts saved her life. ket prices, from j-ear to year. by Farrand, Williams Detroit. Military Street, st Old Ktand, rort Huron. 10J0 1 dockage.

9 20 2 2t. I ST. CLAIK COUNTY. FISa5CI.IL AMI COMMERCIiL. Graham Flour, at McMorran St Co's, 5 -V luzp II xv 11; Cloudy Opera House Block.

9 16 2 01 Proposals for Building. FINANCIAL. Furniture. MEMPHIS. Deeeallaa I'aed.

Corrected daily bv tbe Port Hnron Proposals ill be received bv the nn.ler. It is strange so many people will con 80.00: Sw 18) V'iiweo IsO.kSi Mxvls Jhmmmmt 61 xw Savings Bank. The Twentieth Michigan Regiment tinue to suffer day after day with Dvs BUTIXQ. 8KLLIKQ. sijrned uutil ISatonlsy night.

Sept 1878 for eDclosln the CaihoUc Building' according to plans and eciflcationa. Biila will be received, together or serarate. for earpenter work and lannir of i.r., (Correspoodenee Oegg's eider mill in faU blast, Tbe lumbermen about Memphis are making preparations for going to the Sfeasrs. 8WEET TCTTLE sre now MOA 60 NW 0.4S 88 aw I 1, 1 ST Cloudy so Cleat 5 Cloudy Cloudy Clear 00 Clear vs Clear Clear Exchange on N. i ork par I nrem.

prepared to make to order all Winds of fur- Exchange on Detroit par 1-10 prem. 4-ad 80 24 30.84 63 XV 1S 4 141 M.XV li Committee rest rve the riuht tn wt pepeia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, General Debility, when they can procure at oar store SHILOH'S VITALIZEK, free of cost, it it does not i Wj woods soon. 1 or all bids. Canada Money 00 I 00 tin ui wui sstaaa -i a trap mm I monhllnR, cheap.for cash. Kepairing done wrn neatneas and dispatch.

honth end of Seventh street Bridee. ort llina, Mich. A. MAKONTATE, tec'T. 3I4I I IS I Im holds its reunion at Lansing, October 9, Col.

C. B. Grant, of Houghton, formerly of Ana Arbor, delivering the address. F. G.

Walton, late of Almont, and leader of the Almont band during tbe last State band tournamennt, has taken up his residence in Lansing, and become a member of the Knights Templar band at that place. The only daughter of a widow. Mrs. Another missionary concert; was given by the little folks at the Congregational REPORT 2 O'CLOCK P. X.

cure or relieve them. Price, T5cu. Sold THE MARKETS. Poet Uccox, Sept, 25. by McCollom A Sweetser, Port Huron, INSURANCE.

30.252 INSURANCE. The following are the prices paid for Mich. Church, Sunday evening. The house was crowded, and it proved a success. Kev.

Mr. Gorg has been appointed produce from the farmers' wagons: or um isaca, Mae or t. nest, use Uamidity of Wind. 58 48 11 APPLES New apples retail at 30c E. G.

SPALDING SHILOH'S POROUS PLASTER. to 40c per bosbel. -VOJwity (aa ilea per boar). by the M. E.

Conference to take the pUce of Rev. U. Campbell, kr. Price, 2octa. Sold by McCollom Jt BUTTER We note choice at 12(313c Seneca Hicks, of Kalamazoo, became a mother before she became a wife, and the body of the babe was found thw Cloady.

with no sale for grease butter at any Campbell ia to go to Korth Branch. General Insurance Aerents. price. Sweetser, Port Huron, Mich. 8 5 1 eod ly Dbiemses old Ace.

a BEANS The demand and supdIv are ST. CLAIK. light. We quote: Hand picked, IL40 Wednesday in the cellar, murdered. Mrs.

Hicks has been arrested. A large baj-n belonging to the Hanna Brothers, filled with grain, farm ma-ebuaery and hay, in Walker township, At men at proeches hit allotted thre tol.ou per lower grades. $L10(3 From toe Repubuao. The Hnbel block was andergoinr re. i i l.u per onia.

insurance Company of Hartford, of Connwiirnt core and ten years the vital powers be- pairs last week. BARLEl Supply fair, and demand New York L'Bderwritera gin to tail; stimulants of various kinds good at SL301 50 per luO lbs. German Aoerican, New PennarlTanla. A dramatio dob ia to orzanUed Ia arw need to strengthen tbe naturally BRET1TIEM. -Tiie rain Uet night sent people lueiEx from the races in a hurry.

Cigk barometer, fair and cold sswlhii; at all points, this morning. Tbe ladiea will not forget Meisel opening to-morrow evening. TJiclIcme Atchcrs were enter, -toaaed by the Misses Danger yesterday CAHBAUtS-Sew cabbeires seU si jveiu cuuniy, was sirucK Dy liguining Wednesday afternoon and burned up. Lose, insurance, $350. The balance of cash in the State this city soon.

failing sjsUni, such aa wines, bark, fcc Niagara, New York LI verpooL London and r.lnh 40 to cOc per dox. tC.lM,5Tl OS 00 OS OS 00 14,41 00 1,34,571 Ot 00 66,3.219 00 4,000,000 00 fl4.64,57I SO TRAVER. Instead of these, let the aged keep np Travelers, (Accident). CELERY Retails at 50c per dox. the supply of the trse strengthening el DRIED APPLES Quiet at u.uii,.icw (uie) insurance L'nlon, Fred Sewart is bailding a new house on Witherell street.

I We understand that the potato crop is rotting to a large extent ux this sec etnent, iron, by tbe Peruvian Syrup, pouna. err aemsna. wbicb oners a protoxide of that metal EGOS The supply is limited sod Treasury Sept. 14, 1878, was receipt during the week ending Sept- 21 were 17,543. 69; payments during the same time were balance in the treasury Sept.

31, IS 78, increase for the week, $8,409.11. E' G. SPALDING. demand good, with prices at 11 (a, 12ic ready- for Immediate absorption. Sold HARRY GRAIN The following are tbe prices by all druggists.

Office over Wastell's Drof Store. paid on tbe streets for eraic: No 1 Ftmb WK. Chihlin, at. New White Wheat, 90e; No. 2 White Wheat.

Bedford. Harry B. Montague, alias Edrar JL Forrest, who went ti Uol. Wstlles' residence, in Kalamazoo, to board in June, was sick there and eared for in tion. There was aa immense turnout at the M.

E. Church, Sunday welcome back Eev. Mr. Campbell. Mr.

Campbell is very popular among his floec ft learn that tbe residence of Bamnel Roaael, ot Algonae, was destroyed by fire Saturday night the contents were BAKING POWDER. Z3c, White Oais, 24c; Peas, 50a55c; "I hsve employed the Peruvian Syrup ttariey. i ou. saceeas rally in ease of dyvpepaia, chron GREEN CORN Retails at 8e rer le diarrhoea, nervous debility, neuralgia, uoz. erysipelas, boils and diseases of the akin; concoriH retail at 7c: hr tne moat humane manner, and when he had recovered showed his gratitude by plundering the household of 300 worth of valuables, has just been sent U3 Jackson for two and a half Tears.

basket of 20 lbs 5j 6e per pound; Del also, chlorosis, leucorrhes, prolapsus aware, retail 10(3 lie; Catawba, none ten, and ia female conplaints generally saved. Yit have not heard whether there was any insurance on the bailding or not. in mar set. As sn alterative tonic, tbe syrup ought JnesJsj moraine's storm washed HAY Sella from 17 00 8 00 per ton. HIDES Green Hide.

5 Cite, per lb. awsy a piece of track on tbe Chicago Michigan Lake Shore Railroad near to be used by clergymen 7 editors, cashiers, clerks, lawyers, and others wbo use dry flint, 13 14eaJted dry 10 12. calf sin. ktc-b. ivcz aeaeon sains Z5 ta Sir.

D. Lynn lost a valuable cew Josht by poisoning. No clue to tlaepcsrctratora has boca found. A carriage containing two ladies overturned on Huron avenue this aJasrawoa but fortunately one was lust. The first of the series of enteruin-iesl erven by the ladies and gentle-irsca cf Grace Church takes place at 4xdsiaas Hall to-morrow niht.

-The convention of Women's Chris-tmm Tctr.jv ranee Unions for the Ser-cai CUiressioaal district is called, to Im feU in Tort Huron October 23. Among the cootriLutions reported ia Detroit for the benet of the yellow fcw miZervn is 1 35 from Integrity J-e-e ZLu-hta of Honor, of Port Hu- The basket of Concord grapes wm contested f.jr at Ed. fUkTj yesterday, was lylL ilc'iiu by A jcore cf HBa cf a possible 9, eaen; sheep isuna, 75e10. their brains mora than their muscles; as well as operatives, printers, tailors, shoemakers, seams tresses all those whose ML SKMELONSGood demand and ixuom, iiernen County, which threw the Grand Kapids express into the ditch. One gentleman was nearly killed, a lady was severely though not fatally injured, and most of the passengers were severely braised.

The JL.its 90 mm sa supply, loey retail at 6(1 5c occupation confines them in ill-veotllaiei JLW lOMAlUES-Srw tonuiM and over-hated roosts, wbo are liable FECIAL fiAYoruriG Mbacis. aeu readiiT at 30CJ40 cenU per basheL safter more or less from nervous debil Eminent CThamlsta KAIXJtOAD The Grand Trunk Company will pey no more commissions on the sale of tickets. i The G. IL R. R.

being relaid with steel rails north of Grand Rapids. Over seven miles have been laid already. In thirty days it is expected that the trading and traeklajicg will be completed on the new railroad from East Saginaw to Vassai. i The Flint and Fere Marouette Rail. ONIONS 50e per ba.

OATS Mixed, 23c; White, 24c. ity." Sold by dealers generally. mm Wv vw kiijr lust ucse ijooas richer, more efTective. rroduoe better POTATOES Ths supdIv ia rIehr rrouii inaa suit Others, aviul that Sermon oa Tbe Bible and Science," by Rer. A.

Hastings Boss, for sals at L. tneir own ramille. They are quotable at 30e per bu. engine is a total wreck. The trains were delayed several hours.

aThe storm which passed over the northern part ef this State yesterday caused considerable damage to property and some loss of life. At Ionia, J. O. Blancbard, a prominent farmer, was instantly killed by beinc struck by a falling roof At Eaton Kartida. POULTRY Dressed chickens 910c NIOUE PERFUMES are tbe Gnu mt AO Odora A.

Shermaa A Patterson's book- FAETEIDGES 40 cents per pair. DR. PRICE'S ktore, and by the author. Also, "The TOOTHfiNE. SUCAr.

A Snbatltate for Leoows. EXTRACT JAMAICA CIMCED. FwdPinEooL PLUMS. Retail st 2.00 per bo. Lord's Sapper who may Partake of it," a reprint from the Congregational Quar.

PEACHES 5 Quart baskets. 2 eXPeCtlsr' SbortlV I Ilvatt mVr hv livhtninir mnA way company are bush, baskets, $L25. STEELE A. PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST CEEX3. i -Tk.

V' 'c Ulca wul oe aiusfeegon a laborer named Cnristeo- Xm Mem I Um Tmmmt 4m Um mrt IPEAKS Tbe supply is scarce. They Tlf. me same author. Price of Ser mons 10 eta, of Reprints 15 eta inu i-wwiv sa uouy. wis strucit by rigutaiaj srn feiUed; retail at liA)(ZQ per baj iijJ5 CfVUEZ.

Uwt, Ciica-jo, Et, Levi a4.

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