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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 5

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THi; LABOR' CONVENTION. Etar Hve Hundred Delegates to Attend. n. Nearly Completed for the Jin-ting ext Saturday Afternoon getu-n of President Fitspatrlckt from Louis Tba Nineteenth Ward OrganisedOther Matters. TIJE COMING COXTEXTIOX.

Th r.xecutlve Hoard of the United Labor tnr lnt night, at Workman's 11 all, Cornier In the obalr and E. A. at uiiB us r-cvrelary. After reading tbe niluuten of the laat meeting the nnal fir the convention, wblcb will Irii'Kl Hatunlay afternoon at Workman') tfif made. 1 be committees have been lo the following rooms: On Creden-t joiu on Permanent Organization, in on Resolutions, lloom 20.

A. will call the convention to order. It i roiisitt of, 4W delfgales, three from each vit i i. precinct. ll.t-y "ill be elected at the meetings of the rt-nt VVnrd Clubs Friday evening.

tirkfU and badarta have been aecuretl, i i dltrlbutd Saturday morning by on credeut.els. All oih piY)r. lions have beeo There. til Hie ward eiuba read lust ulgbt show luorerfse. It ezpecteil that tbe t'ty a 111 poll from 16.U to 17.0UU volea eler artfl litaiia were appointed to into Hie quullQciatlona of candidates for p.

'Ilia Bourd adjourued to uiucl again iy ut one o'clock, one hour before tbe uncuuuu ia eauea. F1T7.PATU1CK RETUnMS. Mr. Kitzpetrlck, President of the National irun Mulders' I'nluu, was found In his allies bavins lust returned from SL Luiiii. He bus been there In attendance opon xi'i'tmi of the local Vulous where wasdls- tij the situation a between them and euiployera.

As is known, they bad laudt udeiiuind for an advance of 15 per cent. T'lia the employers have refused toentertnln, tiiimmig unit compliance at tlilr time oan iiu! oe. tj -y agreed, however, tn grunt an aivHiicauf ten percent, to take effect the first uiJiiiie. by auco date tlie worKUien claim trif BHunftn Is prurlltially at an end, and lu tiielii would Rccrutt. ne cm plovers," mid Mr.

Fltzpittrlck, "do Inclined to pui.ll Ibe mutter, and have it Kdtnitied tlmt In case of a rush of ni-e will grant tne advance uaked. Tre nirn lu three foundries are out. Uil- Bia.i Is anllclpaled." MXKIl.KXIH WAKU OBOA9TIZED. Th Cnlted labor party of the Nineteenth a ineetln; lual nsght at 608 West Hftii treet fpr.tbe purpose of organlzrhg a c.ui preparatory to electing delegates to tbe riinvcuiion neft Saturday, and taking part lu the corning municipal campaign. Tbe i i tli.g was largo and cnthuslasllo, and ev-r in.

-a prrat-nt ezpreN4ld a Uelifriiitnation i-i'i'ihi utmost In stirring up the voters iiivvani andnuvea oig trineiing on innrs- d'V hi IIih asme place. Win. C. Hon I r.ecied temporary 1'rnsideu liobert ordiUo tsuipurary berretury. HtMiX GKOltGK CLUB.

An orennlratlon to te known at the Henry (i-or: Club line Jut been organised, wltb ii.puiNerxlilD of forty. The object of the iiuu are the furtherance of the Ueorge priu milr-i. It iia fixed onon hoad-aoartera at i. ii Vine street, where tberouuas wilt be and day. NKff VUKK OTE.

risraTvB To TME xxaciavav Si.w ouk. Murch lit Coul-denlers dnn't hive aiy cold duya. They are celtlug back eat of cou-tumera, with Interest, the money nul on strikes. In plte of the fact that liibtage across the river has been reduced "in SI a ton to twcul y-Uve cents, and tn of the fact, also, that nlcht watchmen tne hundred are do longer' necessary, they a -h keening the price up lo SO SO and (7 a ton. Ihey advance, as a reusou, a scarcity i coul.

for last week's product was against oto.lfa In the corresponding week lin or an Increase In the production. With milder weather, of nearly luS.UUO tuns. oiue of tbe retail dealrra complsln of the nulty In getting coal to the yards since the trtke. The demand but been so greut that i-ual-boau are blocked at tbe whurvesot I city waiting an oooortunltv to discharge, n. U.oi knde.

Iiowrver, la now very slight i i.e iHat per ton to r-lnll di alcrs to dump in the j'urd. Is ns follows: Freight, r. ni coHl-Loal, He; curluge to tlie v.rd.'.Ki.; triiuuilugs In tbe yard, 6c waste, c. i lie holeale price for all gradee of wblte fchii Hist Kitk wasttsua toti. AO a tne 7(c eiihe.

und the vust to the dealer in the iw.l omd tie For thla the retail deal i. tT. Jri.rmerly the retail men were tMtriiH'd alib small proflte, Now they ro iteu iiHtrulnor neurtv i i ti mine roal handlers at Port Johnson pritctivalty kIn en uu tne conieui. and t- Mhotit titi nf the strikers Joiued the r.u.ktof tne Inw lio wern bold' euotigb to 'art lu a week ago aguinat tbe orders of er WorKinan li'Cuiinur of tbe lUatrtot A s-mbly of the Knight of Ijihor. cordr I r.

the Police Jualicn of lU.vonue City. ierdHy iisd a etiferene wltb Mr. TIIIIiik I'r sideut of ms of ttitt (Hml companies, in a view to coming to a wottlemei.t lu the rent of the men, hut hen he went last ning to l.rady's Hall, where tbe Assembly I uueling. in deliver his uieeage, he iosed ad hp Master Vi oralllan 4 imor. which walDrobrthly due to political 'itir-ticutiouu.

t'( ouuor i emg CHiidldale for ii." ii un imuiwr tieaeu I'uitertiiii men will all be dismissed neek, and Hayonne Itj, which has been for two tuohtbs and a ball, will ii. iu u.sunia us usual busy aiiiaranc. i i- ii io toe gra: Inaullouof the store-keepers. ti'i iiuve Dtftn neuvy lo-ent iiuriHg inu iiiur it.sul-ienerl Adamaoa wrote irura fan i. mime time Oiscnraging AmerlCMn 1 from ucceotlne the offer of labor i t' the istumus to work on tbe writes airs I u.

under date of Fcb- 1 "iy liti. reinforcing his former stale- i' i-iiti. lie sav that there is au army of men on the Isthmus; thnt the hoe ncAomniod-tlone are lusuuieient, ana iiie imu art, ti ischurired tv tne cou t-. ctors, wiiii thus rtivent tb us.elves of re- ou.iuiiiiy for ho vital costs. fctHfJT rowN.

srn-iAT. pikpatcs ro vaa ssotnara. uin AroLiu. March IS. ihla mprnlog tlsomceof tba saw-works of E.C.

AtktnsA lu. aers plucarded with tne aononucemebt -ioese worka are shut dowa nntll farther ii, nice; persons desiring employment tea nil ia their names or apply personally to K. Preslcentof tbe company." Tba eureuuia la doe -o tbe demands of In the eross-cnt aaw department, "ni the works will remain closed until tba hi. -cnlr? is adjusted. Last week there was a Oi.rry in tnl to a rumor lut witkes were to be reduced, and on Moo dt twelve Journeymen andelgbtapprentlcee ut out, on a refusal of the company 'et the prc-nt schedule of wagee stand uell March, lJiMj.

The company, however, waa do thla If utber tuanolaoturers in suari.uiee the same. me striker" submitted anotber la efleel that there be no of wagea without thirty days' oettoe, ana that there be one appraatloe to evsry lot n.ej mea. Ttie first was accepted, but Hie' one wlta reference to apprentices rejected, the President claiming teat tl traaaaa great OarvilT of saw-workers, ai.d itiut It was necessary that mora ap-pn-nitcea boald learn toe trade. Toe Presl-oeiu also elatmu that the present suite is due to a fw outside agitators woo nae se Hired places la toe factory, aad that Use OtviF liLU 111! THEATER, 5si Thirteenth andTin reduction la three years wsa trtwlsl one. of tbe Aral to These parte are to the oos-wblcb tbe men did not complain.

Both hmiui of Mr. Henry 8. Pit tc hard, a slues' arc Inclined ut think the strike will not practical bridge engineer of Philadelphia, beof long duration. While but few employes, I who undertook to critically examine tbe comparatively, are vitally Interested in tbe wage question, tbe trouble baa thrown out 1 neaxly two hundred workmen. BTOBWT MEETIHO OF STRIKERS.

Bowtox, March It. The farmer employee of tbe Sob Lb boston Railroad met laat eveolng aad formally declared tbs strike off by a vote of 139 to So, with aseap not voting. Tba report of tbe Audi to re bowed that, bat tlU-m 40 bad been received, while 112,037 bad beea expended. Mack dUeaUefaeuoa waa expressed over this, soma speakers eoarglug dishonesty. Tbe committee waa ordered to make farther Investigation.

At address to tbe nubile waa adopted acknowledging tba defeat of the strikers snd asking tbatall boycotts bo lifted. Alter tbe vote to surrender bad beeo carried the Chairman laid down his gavel elm tbe remark that be had got tbe strike declared on and could now raturn to work. Crteeof "Traitor," "Scab," ware hurled at the Chairman, the men believing ibat he bad sold ont to the company. When quiet was restored anotner Chairman waa eleoted and vote of Xfisnka pawed to those vUo had sa-alated tbe cat a during tbe strike. FIGHTING rOBElQN BOTTLEi.

PrrrSBUkO, March 18. For some time past tba Green Bottle Blowers' District Assembly, Knights of Labor, and tba Trades' Assembly have bad a Joint committee In an effort to atop tba reuUing of Apolllnarls bo I Ilea wltb beer and otber drinks. The com- mi tee baa been bard at work among Pllte-j burg bottlers, and It baa beea found that some of tbe firms have large stocks of these bottles stored an. They are of foreign make, and toe workmeo are trying to drive tbetn out of the American tiade. All the Pittsburg nnna express their readiness to favor boras proouction in ouying Dottles, out some oi tne urcest boiuing nouses in tne country are nth to do away wltb the cheaper article.

It nev persist in using tbe foreign bottles, it is aid a boycott will be nlecad urjon tuam by tbe Knights of Labor. HOLDER HB1KK. sracisx mararca hi uasitts. CoLTjMBca, Marco 18. The Bolder.

twenty In number, la 1 lee vaa a foundry and agricultural works qnlt work to-nlgbt because of the new ralea taking effect to morrow morning requiring them to work by piece in order to let some boy apprentices Irara onder them. Instead of 12 25 per day at heretofore. They declare tbey will not re turn under the new rules, end Reeves A Cow say they shall not except under the new rules. CAPTURED BY THE CUKES BACKERS. Dftroit, March 16.

The convention otitis' Michigan Labor Party yesterday at Lansing was captured by tbe Oreenbaeaers. Meaars.Itlanchard and Atkinson, the Oreen- buck notuiueea for the two vaceDl Judtre. ships, were alto nominated by thla ooue EW ASSEMBLY FORMED. sr ccia PlaesTca CO suia Htsiaas. Lima, Ohio, March lo.

Tba Kotgbti of Labor of thla city are Increasing In numbers so rapidly tbat another Assembly wat org sa iled lett evening. This makes foor Assem blies here, one composed entirely of working' women. LABOR MUTES. Tuis evening tbe Sixth Ward Labor Parly Club will bold a meeting at blath aod Main streets. Tbe bour filed noon It seven o'clock.

iHKfJxtb Ward Club of tbe Untied Labor party will bold a grand maaa.meeting this eyenlng at eight o'clock sharp at tbe north west corner of Hlxth and Main streets. Every body in syuipnloy with the new movement lalnvtteu. SAD SCENES. Burying the Dead at Dedham. A Say of the Deepest Gloom and Monrniiig.

Testimony of the Master Moehavnlo of tbe Boatoxt and Providence Roaui Private Ezsvmlxtatlon. sracTAt, DtsrATca 0 tmm XKonraxa, Uostok.Mam,, March 16. The grest Tall road catastrophe at Kosllndale on Monday eat still continues tbe all-absorbing tople of conversation and comment. Borrowing par ante, wives and children of Ped horn's victims of. the recent disaster are to-day looking for tbe laat time on trbe acea of their dead.

It la a day of deep gloom and mourning. Tbe blow hat fallen heavily on tbe entire community. The friends of tba deoeated Include tbe entire town. All bava shared the grief of tbe BTBICKCir notJKF.HOXn. While tbe preparatlona were making for the fnnerala kind friends in all parts nf the town proffered atllance.

The car4jr morning traina from Boslou to Dedham carried aev- eral hundred persona who were oa their way to attend tbe funeral ceremonies. The first funeral was at Ht. Mary's Church at nine o'clock. Shortly before that bonr a Ions pro cession of men, women and children raarcbed from tbe house of Mr. Mauds vUle.

on Harvard street, escorting tbe remains of Miss Lizzie. tbe coflln of wbtcb was covered with white brocaded velvet. Tbta waa almost bidden in the bed of flowers which had been tent by sympathizing friends. After the funeral the body waa burled In Rockdale Cemetery, In Roallndale a stranger would know that some terrible calamity bad befallen tbe ham let by the eloaed a tore, the oulet streets and the subdued voices of the many people on tbe sidewalks. Each new train brought free Ii arrivals (of mourners, nearly all carrying flowers with which to deck the coffin of some dear friend or near relative.

Note store or shop In tbe Tillage ezeept tbe apothecaries' stores was open; small groups of men and women were on tbe street-corners, talking of tarn aTOHMixo oalastitt. Funeral services were held to-day In Roslln dale over tbe bodies of V. R. fetrange, laa Ida Adams, Mitt Atiee Bornett, Albert E. Johnson and Mrs.

Barmidaa Cardinal. In every case tbe trlbutea of flowers were pro fuse, and came not only from personal friends and relatives, but In several caeee from cm ployert. INVXbTlOATIHO Tnl CAV9K The Railroad Coanmiualonera thla morning returned the Investigation Into the causes of tbe Kosllndale accident, Mr. Punam, coun eel fur-tbe Providence Road, submitted to the Commissioners several pbotograpba of the aeene of the accident. Tbe first I meet called wat Mr.

George Klcharde. of Rozbury, muater mecoanleoi the Providence Road for the past ixieeu years. He gavv the details of tbe dispatching of tbe wrecking train from the tlopa and the searching for tba dead and wounded substantially aa bava been before given, and described the position of tne car wnen ne arrived at tne scene. Continuing, ha aald: I tbink the original ea use of the accident was a partial derailment, wblob must have takeo place on the bridge, aa, on the Roeiln dale aide, there was no sign of any derail men l. Me Ide-, Is tbat something must have en need a derailment, and that caused tba tel.

uaeoplog. and gave tbe bridge such a Shock as to cause It to o-ive Any thine which would nave thrown the first or second car off the track would have caused tbe accident. He thought tbe bridge changed ita position when the space between tbe tender and the drat oar waa over tne last abulmeut, derailing Ibe car aad breaking tbe eouaertlon. be obstruction, whatever It wna. might bava come from any ear baok of "tbe fifth.

Tbe obstruction waa undoubtedly on tbe bridge. The derail meut must have preceded the teleeeoia-Ing. Tbe bridge tumbling, over carried tbe cara tnat went down to tbe left, while tne can that slaved on tbe em oan meet went to the right. Ibe bearing waa then adjourned until to-morrow morulng, when Buperin- teaden-t fouteu wtu Aaother Investigation. Ktv Tobx, March It.

The Engineer STews. having thoroughly Investigated the Forest Hill disaster on tbe Boston aad Providence Railroad, will publish tbe following la sard to it In tola week's laansi The canst of thla dreedf ul catastrophe baa beea very Dec are la tbe newspaper accounts, the only eertalo thing having beea that tbe bridge waa a sort of patcB work hnndsseilpt. which violated several of tae meet laa porta a and fundamental requiremenla of good bridge designing. We ere now fort one tely able to thed far more light on what the tea cause waa than baa betetefoea apnea red. or than ta at all' likely to appear from any Other source, even la the official Investiga tion, from tbe fa that we Bare now la oof ofOee what'' wluT prob.

stale- be tbe moat Important nit of evident that Investigation, towlti tbe two Original Dsvru which la ail haasa attjnahiir.r ST.PATRICK'S DAY PROABAMMC structure on behalf of tbie JOoroel, and Who went aboat It apparently a little more sys- tematlcally tban those wbo bad preceded bln. Ia connection with fnrtner Information gathered for us wltbla an boor or two after tba accident occurred by Mr. Frederick ttrooaa. a ot uostoB. tneee rragmenta may be aald to bo abeolalelf eoocloai va aa to i las real difflealiy, since It la Impossible tbat there should bava been more defective porta In tne bridge If it was to stand np at all.

"Tne parte wolen first broke were tba two bangers, wblcb earned tne last or most east- riy pair of Door beamaof the northerly or last built truss ths truss wblcb carried all tbe load, tut fares oan be 1 edged from out side appearances they are made of far from gooa iron to oesna witn. ont la sedition to tbat tbey are of very bad deelga and most perfectly welded. Ia addition to tbat team, tbey are both of them very badly flawed by old and deeply rotted breaks at tbe most strained section, there being two distinct breaks of this kind to each sped mas. Tbe first banger, has both breaks acroee tbe weld, tbe first break belne oomotete. and tbe second break, an ineb aad an eighth ont eoaapiete, tne metal merely banging together by tbe outside ekln.

Tbie banger can never have done any work since Iteorlginal and now ancient freetare. or tt would bava broken snarl tone since. Tbe sec ond Danger was checked across bait of Its Inside face (covered by tbe supposed weld) for about half lu depth of effective section, and inia was eteariy soars ireeture Drat oegan. it caused a secondary fraotnre at a eeoond old break In the hook of ths waided end. wblcb cot off a somewhat larger proportloa of tba eilectlve strength of tbe Iron.

"All this it clearly shown in the engravings or the bridge and its broken parte which appear la thla isene. and tbe general Judgment of engineers will bear us out la saying that more shamefully bad spec! mens of bridge design, metal and workmanahi p. can hardly exist. We regret to nave to ex press so sweep- ng a condemnation of tba elruotore. out iba facta more tban Justify It, and It It but right, tbat Id an occurrence of thla kind tne truth should be pointed out and made ciear without fear or favar.

It ie appalling tw think of tbe tana of tbooeaade lives wblcb bava literally bang by a tbread In passing over tbtt bridge during tba past eleven years." BOODLERS HELD. Heavy Ball Required from the Cook County Officials. When a Charge of Embezzlement la Mad Affalnet a Pnbllo Officer It Means Bualnaea. Cbioaoo, March 10. The five county of ficialsWarden William J.

McUartgle. of tbe County Hospital; Warden Henry Varnell, of the County Insane Atylom; Edward McDoo aid. Engineer of the County Hospital, and the employes Drlsooll and Connolly, arrested laat ntgbt, ware taken before Jndge Anthony, In tbe Criminal Court at ten o'clock tbls morning. A number of city and county oI ileitis were present ia the Court-room, but otherwise tbe crowd waa of only ordinary proportions. Tba prisoners were In charge of a Deputy Sheriff.

lion. I. N. utiles appeared on behalf of tbe Bute and staled tbat MeQarigle, Varnell and McDonald bad three Indlotmente pending agalmt them, which, retpectlvely, charged them with conspiracy to defraud, and de clared that one indictment Involved com plicity In the embezzlement of a sum ex oeedlng leO.OuO, while otber Indictments were for entailer amounts. He asked tbat the three defendania a boo Id furnish ball lu the torn of I10.0O0 on each Indictment, and tbe ball of Connolly aad Driaeoll be placed at tS.000 each.

Mr. Forrest, on behalf of the prisoners, ar gued tbat tbe alleged offense waa only to be regarded at a misdemeanor under tbe stat ute, aud contended tbat the amounts asaed for were excessive. Judge Anthony said tbat when a charge of embezzlement wua made against a public officer It waa to be regarded aaa high grade of crime and eouid not be treated lightly. He cited the action of the New Yora Courts ta the recent trials tor of fenses similar to the onea charged against these defendants. He would Ox tbe bail In tbe amounts asked for by tbe Btate.

Tbe sureties then repaired Ut tbe office -of tbe Clerk of tbe Criminal Court to schedule tbelr property, and tbe regular call of the criminal calendar waa returned. THE WOOD WAS LOADED. How an Adama County Farmer Dlteovered the Whereabouts of Hit tolea Property, arzciAt. snu-AToxt ro Tit ajfotnaks. Winchester, Ohio, March It-Mr.

Hiram Cowman la one of onr most prominent farm era, and resides with bis family lust at the edge of town. He baa. Or at least did Nave, a oord of stove-wood in his wood -shed near bis residence. For tbe last two week bia wood has been mysteriously missing, and be could not account for It, and he went to work to unravel tbe mystery. He took five tticka of the wood, and, after marking tbem, be bored a bole la the end of each stick to tne depth of six Inches, and loaded them with about a half pound of powder In each piece of wood, and drove in plugs.

Thla being dona. Mr. Bow man locked bia wood-abed as ntual, and re- il rail tn bed. At aix o'clock thla morning, while tbe fam iiv nf t-arv Peters, colored, living about bttl a mile iront tow was minx av terrible explosion occurred. A largceooking- atove la tae aitcnen waa mown to atom.

and pots, skillets una stovc-iiat new in every direction. Tbe Inmates of ths bouse fled In terror, except Lizzie, tbe eight-year-old eblld nf Peters, who was struck by a small piece of the Move and knocked down, and renelved a terrible gash across her forehead. Window-glass waa shattered and some furniture waa badly damaged. Tba carpel took fire from the hot ashes thrown from the stove, but wns extinguished before eny serious damage was dona. '1 no total loss win not ezceeo sou.

s-e-ters threatens to sue Mr. itowmaa for HUXiO damages. AKEOX. A Race Between Telegraph Coenzmatea Fatal Mlataae New Infirmary Ofllelala. trWCIAI.

DtSaATCat VO TMM BKOXTIXUQt. AKRON, Onto, March IS. Work wat began to-day on tbe United Llnee extanaion from Cleveland to Akron. Tbe report that the and O. Telegraph waa coming Into Akron lm mediately without waiting for tbe ratal ng of tbe (3,000 guarantee first asked from Akron nana factarera accelerated tne operallooa of the United Llnee.

The new competition of tbe Weetera Union prosaleee to have Ita office open here April 1st. Frank aheaoeeser. an employe ta one ot Akron's sbopt, gave laudanum to his baby by mistake, thinking he bad given It tba medi cine left by tbe doctor. Tbe eblld was dead la a few flours. pevelopinente of tbe late Inveetlratloa ta Akron iaOrmary affairs by a committee, beaded by Dr.

A. O. Uyers, of Columbus, baa led to the retirement ot Mr. aad Mrs. Hamlin, the Superintendent and Matron.

Ont nf twentv-flve epvlleant-, some living outside of Ohio, the Directors cnoae Mr. and. Mrs. Sherman tbotur. reeidenta of Akron, to sue- eisa Ar.

and Mrs. Hauallu. The Wooeter PrebibiUeaiata Nominate a Ticket. wnnit BisvACOXf TO waul aUVocriBaB. WoosTkB.

Ohio. March 1. Tbe Prohibitionists Of thla elty held a meeting laat night, and nominated the following city ticket: Mayor, Alviaal Cnonangbam; Marshal, Wm. a. Uurst; City Solicitor, ilsen Orr; Waterworks Troaiee.

J. T. Wltner; Member Board of Education, W. A. Underwood; Coooot.

men Flrtt Ward, Second Ward, J. J. Aabenhurat: Third Ward, Tourta Ward, J. Prance: fin Ward. Joba Pentefc.

Tbe Republlcaa asty sod township primaries will be bold next Saturday, Mareb ARth. and tne Democrats oa aatarday, Mareh Kth. After Mss, Many Tears, areetax. xMaaaTcn. TO Taut ajinsiaaa.

Watxt.t90. W. Va. Mareh Ernest Kilt, traveling tor Moekatadter A Col. Importers ot liquora, la New York, was arrested beta to-day on a Charge of fraudulently obtaining ttb, the property ot Ferdinand Jenny, of tbta city.

offenae dates baok to eiahteen years ago. Kits had a bearing before Justice Phillips, wbo admitted btm to ban pending a declaloa in the very complicated case, Seated alee af Aaeete, Ae. Knr Tmx, Mareh IS. The achedulea la the assignment of Merebalt, LeSerta Co show liabilities I17S.8S& eootlngent 11a bill ties X36.7U5, nominal aaaeU 12a48B, actual ass la Oaly Wwrda ef lraie Are aald of tbe great remedy. R- Brandt towuss.s'lllt.

Out of tboeaaaeaetteeUanoalala Wblcb we received (neat poo pee taiaotty during tbe laat few months we aueauoa the foilowina: "i'tu KicHAmn BntjrpT lr 81rt I bare tried your Hwist HI It and tveommeod tbem to auy oae troubled with ladicewttoa and lerpHt liver. C. b. HrxTIt, r.uIo, 1S Ninth Cincinnati, tb'o. Sraadt'attwiss Pll is are for tale at tiJ.

Vine a twatawaA aU araei-atoraa. THE QtHBEB, CnSTCINlTATI, THUiiSDA KABCH 1,1687. a -Mxxsxarcirrs. 333I.C3- IPOTDT SPARKS Denies That Hi Choice 13 Hill. Witi Himself Occupying Second Place oa the Ticket.

Ed Stokes Challenged to Come to the front With the Letter. The Conflict of Authority ia the War Department. CleTeknd ITow Bothered to Find Two Republican Commigzionerf. A New Jeraey Democrat Says Bis 8tte Would Bo Happy to Offer Mr. Randall a Conatltuency.

sraciAi, snrvATczf go saa tntatrnza. WAtHiauTos. D. March IA Contldera- ble tentellon waa created bare In offlolal clr-elet to-day by tbe announcement la a local paper that Commissioner tspartts. of the Oan- eral Land Office, had eome out strongly tor Governor David B.

Hill, of Kaw York, aa tbe next Preeldential candidate of the Demo cratic party, accompanied by the writer of the communication for the aeooad place on the ticket. It waa aaaerted tbat Commie aloner parks bad tent tne letters to promi nent politician! ia the State of Neae York aud among others wbo had secured such an Indorsement of Hill wat Edward blokes. who shot Jim Flak several years ago, and who aow conducts Ibe Hoffman House. Ex-RepresenUve Frank Kurd, of Onlo, la quoted aa authority for the -exlat- ence of the letters, and wns made to aay tbat bis client, Mr. Stokea.

bad such documents la bis possession. but be could not, or would not, tell whether tbey were addressed to Governor Hill personally or to tome friend In New York. Further more, tbat Important matters in wbtcb Messrs. John W. Maocay and blokes were In teres ted were mentioned as pending before tbe Land Office, and nothing would be done In regard to tbe publication of Commissioner bparke' letters unless bia consent and that of Mr.

Hurd'a client wa first obtained. Armed with this Information, an Esqcibir representative sought Cotumiasioner fcperks at the Interior Department, and found him In Secretary Lamar'a room, talking to As. atstant Secretary Mold row aad Representa tive Peyton. Kubaequently Becretary Lamar Joined tbe party, and tbe Commissioner apoke bia mind very freely on tbe eobject tbat ba was being questioned about. "You oan aay." remarked General Pparka, that if suca letters aa you bava representee to ma are Id existence tbey are base forgeries and manufactured out ot wbola elotb, I have had no occasion to write any auch communi cation to Governor HIJl or any one else in Ntw York, and I would Ilka in la denial to have tne widest circulation.

"There ta aaobstratum of truth in tbe news paper article to which my attention baa been called, and tbat la in regard to st, nurd being tne attorney in tha eaae now pending before my office. He Is toe representative of the Nevada Bank In a claim growing ont of certain aurveya ot poblio landa made by John A. Benton In California, Ke. vada, Arizona and otber parte of the Westt Tnany years ago. Comptroller Dur ham decided tbat the claim ought to be paid, bat I refused to sanction It, because tbe aurveya bad been made of uninhabitable deaert lards, and It waa a mere waste of poblio money, borne body baa muda a mix of this eaae, and endeavored to put me In a false position before the country; but 1 repeat again, no such letters were ever written, or even tuggetted, by me to Governor Hill or any body Tbua aay ing.

the Commissioner arose, and. accompanied by tbe Secretary of the Interior, retired to a private room for consultation. beeretaurjr Kadieott and ftorgson-Oaaeral Moore. Burgeon-General Moore, of tbe army, aald to-day that the publication of hit coatro- veray with becretary Cndlcoit wat aubelanti ally correct, notwithstanding denials from the War Department and evasions from the Wblte House. Be said It was true that he had remonstrated with the becretary for making changes in bia office without consulting him.

beou use auch a thing waa unprece dented, end waa a reflection upon bia official character and competency. If be waa not capable of adinguleterlng the dutlee ot his office he should have been appointed, The Presided and tba Secretary of War knew just aa mocn about hat ability and Integrity when he was nom lasted aa tbey do now. His record as a burgeon In tbe army continued over a period of nearly forty years, and was accessible lo the President and the (secretary at any time. He had not applied for the appointment of Burgeon-General. He waa one of the few officers ia the Medical Corpe whe bad not applied for It.

Coming to him unsolicited and unexpected, for tbe first be knew ot it was a letter from tbe President asking blm to accept the ap-' potntment, ba felt greatly honored, and naturally supposed tbat the promotion waa conferred npon him because of the confidence the President bad in him. Therefore, when the assistant he wanted la hla office waa or dered away, and a Burgeon detailed tor the position with whom be waa not on friendly without even consulting bit wlsbaeor advising him what was being done, but Ieav lng him to find ont the transactions ia ah Is own office through tbe medium of tbe papers, he naturally felt outraged, and recog nised that it waa a alight put opon him to gratify the malice of some enemy. Tbe Surgeon-General had alwaya the selec tion of hla own seals tun is, ana necessarily must have mea in confidential and responsi ble positions tn whom be had eonfldenoew It waa absurd losttalgn to duty aa his conhden Hal assistant and Executive officer a man wnom he disliked aud who disliked htm. man with any sort of sense would tolerate It for a moment, leaving aside all qaeetloaa of Official dignity and prerogative. He bad been appointed Surgeon-General, and aa long aa he held tbat rank be ebould exercise the outlee of tbe office.

Secretary Endlcott bad refused to revoke the order tbat was so offensive to blm. Tbe only coarse left for him, therefore, waa to appeal to tbe Pres. ident, as he had done shortly before Congress adjourned. He bad asked tbe President either to per mil him to administer the duUeeot hla office witboat Interference from the Secretary of War and others or to relieve htm from duty He would lnaiat npon exercising the authority et hla command or retire from lt He would not- accept tae rank without tba responsibilities, and be instated upon be ing treated aa bis predecessors In the office bad been. Me waa informed by the President that the eaae wonld be taken up at tbe earliest possible moment, and that full Justice aboaid be done bia.

He had confidence In the President and was willing to rest cpon hla decision. He would watt nntll "It was rendered, although tbe delay waa annoying. General Moore waa not aware tbat the President bad referred tha case id the Secretary ot War. He bad beard a good deal of gossip aboat tbe mattes, bat did not know bow much of it Waa true. It Is believed that tbe President will revoke the orders, and.

It be should. It will be a re- bake to fceoretary Endicott, wbo. It Is aerted. baa proved to a great disappointment, and not a success aa Becretary of War. It la claimed 'that tbe entire Department needs reorganization, but, oefore this can done, It will be accessary to appoint a Secre tary with better.

quelifioaUone for the position tban tbe preeeatene poses area. It ta tne belief tbat the reseat compUeatioa will re call eventually la the retirement ot Mr. En dlcott from tbe Cabinet, if. ta fact, be has not already determined to do i The CaUleea I ensaatsslwe It le believed now tbat the President will an no 00s his appointmentof msmbera ot tbe atlas lea this weak. isulosel la-1 whea asked aboat tbe Comas to-day by aa Eciaxt rspneenteUva.

Intimated that tbe appointments wonld be made before ths sad of the week. Hs aald ths Preaideat was engaged la arranging tne a late, bat eon Id aot snake the ria-hteoav-bination, po lit! sally aad geographies I It. it understood from taottsrssswt laat tne Preaideat baa decided apoa tbe three Demo cratic members of the Coanmiaaioa, and tost tbey are Va B. Morrison, eedtUnots; John D. Keraaa.

of Hew York, and Indian Com. mtaaioaer Atataa, of Tean But thla tuey be oaly speculation. Mr. Cleveland is now In ootraepoaaeare 1th severs 1 Republicans, bnt has not yet al together made aphis mind ss to wbo tbey Ul be. One of tbe latter will probably ne a prominent railroad man.

Bbonld Atkins go on tbe Commission there will be a vacancy la tne offlee of Commlasiooar of ladlaa Affaire. Ko appolatmente for Secretary of the Treasury or United States Treasurer will be announced until the date when Mr. Man a lng 'a resignation takes effect, April 1st, Thla atate- ateat Is also made apoa the authority 01 Colonel LamonV. Asked tf Mr. Theodore Cook's asms wse being considered in aay of these eomblaaUoaa, ths Private Secretary aald it was not.

Randall' a Friend MeAdow Indlcnatea. Representative MeAdoo, of New Jeraey. wbo enjoys tbe distinction of belag one 01 tbe moat faithful lieutenants enrolled under tbe banner of Ex-Speaker Randall, was very lndtanant to-day over the action taken by the Apportionment Committee by tbe rennayi aula Bouse of Representatives, by wnicn tbe district of bia chief at Philadelphia ia to be made Republican. "If they oont want Randall In Philadelphia." aald be, "tbey can let him come tocsin New jersey or iew York. We would gladly give blm a.dlatrlct.

Counael from each a leader la badly seeded in tbe Democratic ranka now. and It would be suicidal to abelva auch a manager aa Mr. ctan dall has proved himself. Naturally, I expect tbe lower branch of tbe Pennsylvania Leene-latere to agree to the apportionment pro posed by tbelr committee, but tne eenate may not be eo willing wben tne matter reaches there. In eny event we win taka Mr.

Randall in our State, and be glad to get him. Tbe aetton nit taken at Harriaburg. In my opinion. It done tn tbe nature of punishment lor ztan dall "a recommendation to reduce tne duty on staei rails from S17 to U2 per ton. No mutter what otber caoaea may be assigned, mark my words for It, this la tbe underlying principle of tbe effort to get rid ot blm by Pennsyl vania Republicans." President's Reception.

There was rather a 1 res and unruly crowd at the President's publie reception to-day. Tbe first man to shake bands with blm banded Mr. Cleveland a cabinet-size photo graph and aald. Here Is a picture of my first-born, which we have named rover Cleveland." The President took tbe photograph and held it lu hit left band while be shook banda with the three or xour nunarvo people wbo crowded tbe East- Room. Tbe ri.lesaea to the National convention 01 school Bnnerintendeut, followed the general public and were each Introduced to tne z-rei- dent Individually.

Nothing In It, The announcement of the death of Preat- dent Cleveland cornea exclusively from Ohio. There was nothing occurred in Washington to-day upon which ancb a rnmor could be founded. Tbe first beard of auch a rumor at the Executive Mansion was a telegram re ceived about eight o'clock by Colonel Dan Lamontfrom General M. Anderson saving: It Is rumored here tbat the Frestdeut Is dead. Is it truer Tbe telegram waa dated at Dayton Depot, Ohio.

RAN TOGETHER. Bather a Disastrous Collision Between Two Trains on the New Yora Central Railroad. OE5VTA, N. March IS. A collision oc curred on tbe Auburn Branch of the New York Central Railroad at -o'clock this evening, few rods west of the station st this place, between tbe express train from Rochester and a freight train.

In wbtcb sev ral men received severe injuries and much damage was done to the engines aad cars. fbe approach to the Geneva Station Is by harp curve, and ibe engineer of the express did not see tbe freight untli an Instant before the collision. Immediately after tbe acci dent tha Geneva fire alarm waa rung, and tbe Department, accompanied by hundreds of oareona. battened, to the scene of the disaster. Tha situation of the engines and con tiguous cars makes It seem marvelous tbat tbe engineers and firemen were not crushed to death.

Tbe engines met squarely and stand on the ground only a little removed from the rails. Both pilots and headlights were driven under the express engine. Th mall oar, wbtcb was attached to tbe engine of the express train, waa lifted -from Its truck and cart-led before It, the body of the tender clear on top of the boiler. Tbe baggage can and all the coachee oteaped damage, and th occupants were uninjured, aa far aa can be learned. The following la a Hat of the Injured; William Manning, of Rocbeater, englnee: of tbe express, compound fracture of the left leg and Injured about tbe bead.

Michael Moore, of Rochester, fireman of tbe express, sprained wrist. Charles Onaterhout, of Syracuse, fireman of the freight. Injured severely in tbe baok. G. W.

Smith, of Rochester, mall agent, left arm and tight leg badly bruised. Fred A. Holmes, of Bubcocka Hill, N. badly cut about tbs head. Thejnlured were conveyed to the home of Thomas Beard by, surgeons were Immediately summoned, and tbe sufferers received every care and attention.

It Is dlffioolt to locate tbe blame for the accident, but tbe freight train la aald to have been on the main track on the express train's time. DISGORGED. Recovery ot a Bundle of Money aad Dlav- zuoada Stolen From a Woman. srsoiAi, ntspAT-m to ras xvaniSEa. WAKUttox, Isjx.

March Id. Last week Mrs. Grlmsley, wife of Joba Grtmaley, one ot tbe three Township Trustees of tbls county who iaaued large quantities of bogua township warranta aud disposed of them and went to Canada In July. and who returned 10 tbls county laat fall, gave out tbat she be been carrying In a belt a large emouot of money and diamonds, and tbat on leaving It In tne bed one morning (where aba alwaya deposited It of nights) some one sneaked Into the beast and stole it while ebe waa upstairs engaged in ber household dutlee. The story waa not accredited by many, but It turns out to bsve been true.

James Klrby, a brother of Mrs. Grtmaley, suspected William Flstcher, yoang married neighbor of Grlntsley'a, to be tbe thief, and hla suspicions Wsre strengthened by tbe actions of Fletcher In visiting the bouse of another neighbor (John Bodd) nightly tanee the property was stolen. A few nights ago Klrby crawled under tbe house at Kudd's. and beard a conversation between Fletcher end Rudd wblcb convinced blm that Fletcher was tne one wao bad stolen tne money end diamonds, worth ia ai It la alleged. Henry C.

uaynee. aa toraey at Plaineille, near where tbe parties reside, was consulted, rnd he look It oa hlm- aeii to act aetecuve. Bending lor Fletcher, be told.btm tbat it tae would retora tae money and tain 00 da intact na looald bava a reward of Sl'JU end no questions would be asked bite, Fletcher produced the packet just aa it oaa oeea taaen irora orlmsley bed. and atr. xiaynea Banded Fletcher over the reward, aa be bad ottered.

The aext day. nowever, ssr. urteasiey went to rtetener aa demanded tbe tluw from blm. and oromfawd if be would fork It over tae Hrtnsley) would not prosecute mua. rietcner ooeyeo, ttaus tha matter rests.

EsgUtsr Killed. LouirvTi.rx, Kr, March 14. A telegram received here thla morning announced the death et A.C Pnrdy, a railroad engineer, at Norton ville. KJ. Pardy was employed on ths aoutb-caatera Road, and was at work at the time of bis death.

He bad dlsnseaated from bia engine and walked dowa tbe trees: for some purpose, and taea motioned bnt fireman to eome on. Ae tbe engine went by htm Pardy mounted the tten to enter tbe ceb, but a is loot shipped, and he. woe throw under ths drivers. His body was horribly t. aaa waa almost CoasMerabty Klavetsd.

Taratos r. ftsi, Mareh MU-a terrible acct- dent happened tbls morning at tbe Lincoln Colliery, near thla place, where operations ware rsa anted this weak oXtoc a ioaa hla at oh aad tbe bnt in if ba of I William Parry waa seated apoa a keg at pew. der. eatoklag a pipe, whea the keg aoddanty exploded, btowlac him into tne are. Hht baads and face were frightfully burned, aad eight was entirely destroyed.

Several other miners were eitghtly bnraed. aad the aneota wtuca tae mea were waa wrecateo. ELOPED FROM CECECB. Bt tae Old Waa Tea TbjUaat aad Levers Aetiea ia Over keeled Daxrax, fant, March ML Tbe southern part this eoaaty le all torn ap overs eeaaav- liooal episode tbat transpired at ths little arch at College Corner BetttraaF evening. pretty yeaog laae earned Delia Copstjyck, 1 Impetaoos lover named Gilbert Patty.

W. W.Copatlck. the yoang ladyt father. figure as the chief parties la tne affair. For several months past Patty baa beea paying particular attention to MlaaCopatlek.

and bia salt has not at all bean favored by yoang lady's parents. Patty to what Is known saa "country dnde." tbe girPa father had aet his mind eo bia daughter marrying a horny-handed neighbor boy. Sunday evening, while the Copetlck Iljr were at eh area at College Cora sr. yoang Patty drove up la bis buggy. After service tbe young lady got In bia boggy with 1 and they drove swar.

Tbe father was wild whan be discovered tbat biadeugbter hud left. and. lumping on a borse. he started pursuit, overtaking tbe couple two miles distant. He grabbed tbe bridle-bit ot toe young maa'a boiw.

and. altbuugb the yoang fellow covered bun wlta aa uziy-looslos revolver, be pulled hia daughter from tbe ouggy, piaeea ner apoa nis none, sua, jumping on beblnd ber, galloped away toward home with the discomfited lover In person. Locking tbe girL In tbe boose. Copstick came to this City and filed a botch ot email vita aasloat tha young man, and nad him broasbt bare veetenlav. A lane delezatlon came along, and tne Court of 'exjutre IJejoard was rrowaso.

ne waa nnea ana eoeusa sou. end tuen bad the Court give the old man a dose of f-o for provoke. tor youug lady attended tne tnai, ana was the center of attraction. Bhe la 'a beautiful brunette, eoarceiy seventeen, and owns tbat Patty nuu to continue tbe Czbt she will witn him. even to tne hymeneal altar.

Weester City Ball Kits ttslsctsd. traciAj. oiaraaca tc vbs uoiTiamv Woostlb, Ohio, March Tbs City Coon- ell baa authorized tbe purchase of a aits for a Ciy Hall, and a committee of Council lias purchased a lot IW by laureet, rronuaaen Esil Liberty street, about a square aad a half eust the Public Square, for I.O.utO. Ibe Sugu or tbe city Hall bonds bus been received, and abU.eU) Is to be expended on tbe erection of toe ball, which is to be done aa aoon as 00a- aiola. Wasted at Haslatea, at an aaa.

A block of ground will be dooeted to any person who will start a canning factory at 01a place. Good fruits and an excellent terming country. For particu tars addreaa A. BAXKEtriKID, Mapletnn, Boarboa County, svaaaas. A hound tbe earth.

In every land. By every stream that I'm aaareof. Id every town, tbey understand How teeth may beet be taken care ot. From Jersey flats lo Blrmab'e mount '1 bey sing tha prut-e ol bOZODuN LOCAL When Baby was sick, we gave ber Castorta, Whea sue waa a Cbiid. she cried tor Castorta, When ens harems' Miss, she cluug to Oasturta.

aaa she bad Ctailiusa. aae gave tbeat Casturia, afFor an irritated Throat, Cough or Cold. "Jiroavn's Bronchial Trochet" are, oflered wltb tha fullest confidence In their efficacy. Sold only in bozea, oar-oid Whisky. parmerton.KS W.FIxtb at.

BAKING POWDER. Pmm iMATUSMLmiT I rtAiom KOST PERFECT MADE Premared 8trenettu and llealihfulness. Dr. Pru.e a Dakinjr Powder contains no Amman it, Ume.Alum or Phosphates. Dr.

Prices Jit. tracts, uniiii, jeman, etc, usv or oeimonaiy. MILLINERY. MILLINERY BUYERS Ton will find tha largest assortment of Rib bons, Gauzes. Noveliiee and Velvets in the new shades at WEBB'S.

Hats and Bonnets In all tbs leading ahapea, from Canton to tbe finest Mllsns manafact-erea. Over Si years' success In tbe bualneee Is a sufficient guarautee for proper prices and fair dealing. Mlilloera will find It greatly to tbelr advantage to give as a call before laying lu their MUicXs. WEBB, 154 W. Fifth St.

Between Rsos snd Eli DEATHS. ANDREWS Tuesday 7 AJo'ctocK. fhlllp Airorews passea to nis rust. be buried from bis late residence, Eastern ave- at 2 P. U.

l'haraday. frlsoda in vlted. OILMORE March ISth. of eonsumption, la tbetuth year of bis age, Milton M. Ullmore, youneeet soa of tbe late Gordon K.

and Malvlna Gllmore. Burial from t. Xavisr's Chnrcb, Thursday. Marcb 17in, at I M0 P. M.

ISC Louis (Mo.) papers piesae copy.l l3 F.IT.L Wednesdar. March th at P. auddenly, of apoplexy, Arthur Hill, In hla 74th ysar. Funeral services from the residence of bia son. Alexander Hill, ICS Woodf burn tft, Friday, atz Jr.

h- x-a trFMPKR At the family residence. 877 Kem per laue. Frederick E. H. Kemper, on 1 aea-Oay evening.

March loth, at SaO o'eiork, tn tne 73d year or his ore. unerai tnia aiter- noon at o'clock, xturlal private. miiiolM John S. Malcolm, suddenly, on Tuesday I5tb. el5 A.

Unseeds years. Funeral win taae visas iniu uiinwme dene. 187 Mound sireet, Thursday. March 17th. et 3:30 P.

M. Friends In vited. McCANE At (Mount Airy. Ohio, Tneeday midnight, Mrs. jane JueCane, aged years.

The funeral will take piece from tbe family residence at iw cioca nosy, ssaurssi inn. McGLENNON John MoUiennen, aged 17 mis. Funeral Friday morning, from rest deuce, 72 Spring at. High mesa of requiem at Su Xavior's Cburcn at aat cjook. r-khaN I bef unerai of Cbaa.

B. Meeban will take place from tbe residence of tie brother, art Sycamore au High Mass at nt. Thomas' Charcb etV A. M. su-H ftA IlF.R In Newport, Ky.

March 19th. at6Uk A. ot eonaemptloo. In the list ear of second Kin of ti- F. and A.

M. Schrader." Burial from family residence, 11a ocebard et- Friday. Marco 1SIB. et o'clock P. M.

Frieaoa ot tne family In- viteu. 8HAY Tbs funeral ef Cbarlee Shay will take place from nia late Dome, icaa Alal su. Covlngtoa. aly Friday af teroooa at o'clock. TOTTEN W'sdc esday March 16, IStsf.

at the residence. 1M East Pearl su. Mrs. Sarah K. lot ten.

aged as years months andeesys. of acute bronchitis. Burial Friday alter- aoon at o'csocst. ri.uus invitea. HILLY March 18, at T.

Paul, aoa Is, A. ThlUy, aged year. Bo rial trtvele.l73 WOLF Joseph Wolf, at hla residence, Flediay su. Wedaeeday axroralng. Funeral Frtoay aiteraoeau Private.

17 Fuss Graalte Memortela as Waitarw. ath. STECIAI. xTOTXCXS. ASttt COCMTI M1P.

with gall tss. formattoa ot the Mate, mailed a. r- r. K. WASWsUa.

Aeeaulat Vina su.Ciac1uaali.C1. juioie-tfj ArriHsusxl ef Uraaa-Hskws asta.wl-edze tbe superiority ot Haoover'a fyotem of Drees euttlcg. KoUce under Persoasi ss4t eJS-TTstaa aad SesaxtatBT kT Bm Walker. tn atraei. I SPECIAL rs re I SmiXHAX.

WATERS. PREPARE To meet the Berratlaa; saasoa ef th year by asiaa; ths asast renswasa of SataraJ Imsortsd sad Uosssstlo afiaeral TT liters. They the aygteam ana liertiM the rital actio, af the atOaeaea. Apollinaris, the Qneea of Table Waters; HaTrterire Tlchy, TS'elder Setters, llonjadi Jaiios and jVriedrichshovll llathorn, Empire. Cljsniic, Ponemab, Silurian, Buffalo LithLa, Ka trolithic, WILHOIT NPBDiG (Portland, Oreeon), the only reined ial water for BKlGlirS DLSKASE.

SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE TRADE, Tbs Largest Mineral Water Depot at THE "OLD BOUSE" OF JOS. Ii. PEEBLES' S05S, Main Store. Eoatern Branch Rke's tw an Westera Hreaeh Peebles' Cornfcr, E. Cor.

Ttb Walnut Hilla. aad Culver ats. CINCINNATI. OHIO. Prtee-Uet mailed oa applies Uoa.

FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. EEAL ESTATE and BROKERS OFFICE Flna aaw-mlll nronertv for aale. Most ad vantageous suburban property adjacent tolibe elty odared at low pries. It wilt psy you to correspond wlta as. Rare ebancea ottered for paying investments, we oner ex ire uuviw menu to Northern capitalists and to men and women seeking homes.

Addrea SV11.L BHELOW A P. O. Hox 173, Gadsden. Ala. (mht-njt X.TJHCH.

The Waterworks beinf ahlo bow to furnish a (all sapplj of water. The GLENCAIRN t4 West Fourth Street, Offers' lu usual Attractions sad I'uciUtis. Loach from II A. M. to P.


Conghs.CoJds.Chaat Neuralgia. Ac Paris: J. EmPIC, xu, rue eu Lezare. JSew torkt fUlbtUAi M1X.UAU. bold by all CbemLts ot America.

AJJMINISTaATOIlS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. PURSUANT to an order of sate from tbe Probate Court of Hamilton County. Ohio, to me lsued. I will oner for aale on SATURDAY. Aprti tf, IK7, at 11 o'clock A.

tn tbe rotunda of tbe tourt-bouse In Cincinnati, Ohio, tbe following described real estate in Hamilton County. Ohio, ta wit au tbose certain lots 01 lanu in xjemi Tnwnanin. Hamilton County, and State of Ohio, belua lota No, seven (7) and eight (S) oa tbe plat ot jane nnix auoaivisiou 01 iota one (1) aud the euat bait of lot two tzi and lot nine and of lot eiebt (XI ta Allea L. Reader's subdivision in Delhi Township. The said plst of Allen L.

Reeder being recorded In Book 119, page SV8of Hamilton County Records, aud tbe said plat. of Jane Paul being recorded in Plat xiooa pase si. Mammon County Records; aald lots seven 7) and eight 11-1 each irontlnz nrty (Jxo feet on tne south side of Center slreeU and extending back be tween parallel lines tbe same width in rear aa lu Irohl lit leu more or loss, to toe river. Kee Deed rlook tat. DegeeoOL xtamiitou county Deed Records, and excepting therefrom tbe following described premises, lo Witt Beginning at tbe north-east corner of lot Pio.

elaut Oj 01 aiivd 1. iwwirr of I. nil in Delbl Townshio ot Hsrnlllou Cottuty, Ohio, now in tbe village of Riverside, on Ceutsi street, thence with tue auutb line nf enter street west thirty-three I.H3I feet. tbeooe ral lei witn tbe east line 01 said lot towara tne uoio iuvr resr itn. ui ssiu mi, tbenee wltb aald rear line thirty-three i3Si fast to the east Hue of said lot, tbenee wua said east line north to the eoutb Hue of Center street to the Dlace of beziitbinc.

Also, saving ana excepting tae louowmg described premises, to wit: Also, part of lot elebt IK) In Paul's subdivision of lota la Delbl 1 1, ueKinuiua atb uur.u-ea eornerof lot 1.8) In Allen I. Reeder euodl-vlaion and In tbaaootn line of Center atreet, tnence eest sixteen and two-thirds (U?) feel, nil minis narallel with the east Hue of said lot elebt t) to the rear line In Paul'a aubdl- vislon of lota, tbenee west with auch rear line 16-, feet to tbe eest line ot sold lot eight DI a.tlU IIRUWS uu V. witn tne last asuira vass us. ugrui mi suv nf Oeslnnlne. Sold as tbe property of Bridget Walsh, de ceased, In Case o- 4.108, Hamilton County Probate court, to pay aeota 01 aata aecwaoea.

A nDrsluu aa roliowsz 1 he part of lot So, 7. 13H feet, at (It 00 per fool froou Tbe part 01 lot no. 11 ieet, at eis per trout loot. Terms of Bale naif caau. ana oaieace in and interest, aeouied ny utortaage on tbe premises ooia.

0iiAirairi.Ai, Administrator of Bridget Welsh, deceased. TN PURSCANCEot an order of tne Coon 1 of Common 1 less 01 11am 11 ton county, Ohio, I will offer for Bale et pubiio auetloa on the Zd day of April, i7, at i o'clock P. upon tbe premises, lbs following oeecrioea real estate, situate in tne county wi nsiau toe aud btete of Ohio, to wit: In section No. 6. township No.

4. fractional range No. Sot tbe aliaml rurcnase in saia county 01 rrsm-liton. beginning In tbe center of the county fond, leading from Pialnville to Montaotnery at toe norto-west corner of tbe farm for merly owned br x. r.

arms', oeceaeea toeuce north SI" iV east 7.S chains, thence iKirib 8.S west 4.1s chains, tbenee soatb hs l' weetcBi cbeine to tbe center of said county road and eectloa line, aad tbeaoeaoetbl east wltb tbe section line 4,17 chains to tne place of beetnmag. oontalalnk aerea strict meaa- re, being the same premises conveyed to Mary A. Printy by deed reoorded In Book jBa, page Hamilton county, uoio, ztecoras. A onealsed at It-AuO Mi. 1 erma of bale une-tntrd cesb, oee-third la one leer sad one-third la two years from day of aele, to be secsred ay mortgage oa nreml-ss auld.

To be sold tn Cass No. 7e.S5S wherein Archer, Administrator. Is plainUU, snd Ann Jl. fclavens et al. ers deienaaats.

ARCHFJL Admlnlstrator ot Mary A. Priaiy. deceased J. X. Dimax, At toraey.

mns-ttia MONTJJxCEirrS. "WMa MONTIM ENTS NO. 44 COURT fsTREET Tbe largest and moat romoiete sixortnual of Forelan an Native Granite Moaumeota now on aand. which I am ottering at aa exceedingly low price. Call and examine, xuuii-w WATCHES, r.llCHIE 178 1U.L Yalctss and bl4ao SOCIETY" KOTICES.

a A SK-OTTIeft artz. mi Isl man V. Hon t.lbuLsSB Ii-'- lAeXaSSI Tills vravrs-Aav 1 tVr'SINO lor wrk la see sx 7-3S s'cieek. vtsnses tevtteS. Mtiiae Cee set Ltausa- ter saa Cne.lstery latx sax uiaiueas.

It Jta. A. COLU.1. Laege. a US, F.

oaS A. -Vs. at. taxsd CMesHsiesti Tills ItlX attaa. 1 '1 II t- WtamiVt.

ta-y. ED TJ CATION AI. TJVlLT-- COi-LKUK For yearns weaaea. Prluee A-l too. X.

4. tus sxiicvisrv. sii si THE BIO FOUR, SCUOOLCBAFT and COES, GEORQI ya 13 JEJmj TTXAHCIAL NATIONAL BANK TaXASITBT CPAS TV err. Omcs of Ooar-rsoxxva emu Craav-rcT, Wwsixstss. Xsrca a iat7.

i kk A. BTOATltie-ACTORY KVIOCNC pes saa tea le tae saOersarseH. it ass ana aiaea te apsesr teal -Tea atartet jtaueaa baak 1 exs- tae ITty of OertsnaU. ta tbsCesntref aaxtitea aad male sr tin 10. aaa com sited all th.

provBKoaeaf tae etatatee ef tae raises Ntatee suss .1. seams SB aaaoctuusa) is aatascxai 1K1S Aav. 1 a. 1 at as a. I.

Jesse fx AtaraaaaBa. fiewatvasa Acting Comptroller of the cerrvscy. au bereey cot- rytaax jee scaraei ia-rieaei tsaaa ee usns. eatx." la tbe CUvef Oaciaaatt. la tae Coeoiy af aaxtltue see State ef Ohio, la astaemea teeeav tee baatseas ef banal as a are, M.4 is ne.

00 any see ns.iss asd sixty--ause et tas Mi 1 assS tttssstesof taa a lies xuatcs. la tsMtosnsy stwsal witaess WThsail aag ssel eg tBnuuataif wkArck SBAl-l JM IXAIHAIASS, aaS Actios Cues a troasrta tas Carrearr. No. atsx, asBu-ent rTNDLAT REAL ESTATE. NATURAL GAS.

TTjWVEwTM EKT9 IH REAL ESTATE AT JL Fl.VDLA x. uaiu-1 taave Invested ta Flndiay real estate tor noa-reatdesw wltbla tbs past six weeks, and la every lusts nee. so far, tbs property purchased bus appre. ciatea in value not less utt so rxvot on tbe total amouat of oarcOaae money PR vt ES-tt, 1 bold myaetr at tbe aervtee of tailors and will cheerfully reply to letters rltbout charge. Refer to General Henry M.

1st la Cincinnati, and to Flndiay banks aad business men generally. Others furnished If desired. I L-SOK VANCE. Flndiay. Ohio, Marco Is.

1C. mhlf-Xte LEGAL COMMON FLEAS COURT Or HAMILTON County, Slate of Ohio. Case No. TtOeU innle Dsiiey. plalnUZ.

vs. Bridget Jala nay etal. k-dwaro Fiannagan. jyory 111 on ore) at sa gs 1., Robert Maogan, Catherine Conyon. Joan Couyoa, Annie Hunt and Patrick Hunuaii residents of ciooamuiien.

castle Loughgiyn, ounty Rosacomtnon, Ireland, will take no tice that, on September Zx lata, the pialnun" above named, filed ber petition in the above eaae, wherein tbey are aefcedaata, pray lag. among other things, tbat partition be made amouc tbe belrs of Mary Flannagan, late of said Hamilton County, ot tba followipg described premises, to wit: All that lot 01 land annate in taia ntnii-ton ounty end Htate of Ohio, tn Section TowaahlpS, Fractional Range 2. in Ibe of belag part of Lot on a of partition siuoug the beire of Joba Hears, decwaaed. and deaorlbed ae followa: beglnalug at a point oa tne weet aide of Aiearaavsnae luO feet northwardlv frum the south line of aald Lot No.

thence north 00 tbe west line or wears avenue 91 ieet: tnence from tbose two points beck weatwardly at right angles wlta alsure avenee distance 01 1U. (wt oa las eurm line and feet oa tbe eoulb line of said lou and being tbs same bremiaee conveyed "to Marr Fiannaaan by deed recorded la Book paje lift, of said County Records. 1 hat If partition ean not OS maae, mat aata pre mi use may be sold and such other order bad aa la pauvided by la w. etald defendants will be In default tf they fell to anawer or demar 10 eaid petition oa or before tbe stub day 01 April, 1x07. w.

P. aiuiiU', Attorney lor riainutx. NOTICE. T3ECBEN P. GRAHAM.

SAMUEL T. WIL. IV CUX und Laxulsa. hla wife. John T.

Fools. nneldon J. Kellogg, Joseph H. Taylor, Richard Phillips. William Phillip.

Joba W. Mee- ick and in. watte, as Masstck A to. tad Edward Tavlor. Conttaniins Jeneriee snd John I.

Galne. and tbe bet re at law of any of aald parlies wbo may be deceased, and whose names are unsnown, win nereny taae nonce tbat on the eib day of March. 1bt, Robert Ballard fll.d petition No. T7.7SI In Hamlltoa County (Ohio) court ot Common Pleas, pray ing that Court to have re-tored, under toe provisions of the law of Ohio touching burnt or destroyed records, passed April lit, ifet. tbe final- record ot a certain action numbered 11.

aid In said Court wherein said l.euben Graham filed bis petition February 1, 1854, eaalnst tbe otber parties above named aa asienaaote to recover i upon a protuiesory note made cy i tick A Co. and secured by a mortgage on certain real estate on Fifth street, eaat of Broad way, and elsewhere, and said Will iam Pniilioe made aald Jona 1. tiainea and aaldJobn W. Messlck and Wm.Watis andotu- ers. parties defendant to hla cross-petition.

sua all Ol voaiil 111117 aervsu .1111 suiu moos, aud aald Gainee held and aet up therein mortgage from said tumuel T. Wilcox end wife. Louisa, doted neptetnoera. lnUt, aad recorded in tiook 1W, page aoi, 01 liauiii ton County Recorder's oUlce. to secure 1 fctOUO Ou note therein described, on certain real celele, lucludiag a lot seventeen feel and six Inches In front, on tbe aorta aide of Fifth streeu Cincinnati, unio.

couamenoing su1 feet eest of Hroadway. and as feet deep, more or ieaa. to a tract boocht by eMorer Phllii MavUl. 1S31: tbat at January Term. 1M4.

of aaid Court, Judgment was entered In said eaae. ordering certain premises, including above lou to be subdivided and aoid by A- Paddaek, Master Commissioner, and that be sold said lot and tbe rest November 2U, at Judicial sale, lo 1- W. Winston, trustee, end such sale waa duly confirmed at Novem ber Term, laue, and a deed ordered to be exe cuted to the purchaser, and a complete record of all said proceedings was made, as required by law, in Record noog, volume pase etu; that ail of said record was destroyed by tbe Court-house Ore in Marcb, 14. and can not be restored by copy, end that auld Robert Ballard Is now tbe owuer of said lot above described, aud seeks to have decree eutered by said Conrt establishing tne fact or toe ex 1. 1 nee of said record before said Ore, end the tenor and substance thereof as aforesaid, and that be ba ve all otner proper relief.

All of aald parties named 10 tua comraeoos-arm hereof now livius. end tbe heirs of env who are deceased, are reoulred to answer or object to said petition on or before UATL'K- DAx, April 10, lo7, at wnicn time tne court will be asked to enter a decree granting the relief prayed for. E. P. BRADM RKKT.

Attorney ror xtoeert tsaiiaro. Cincinnati, March ft. 17. mbhlTb Notice to Xon-Be'sident Defendants, THOMAS T. NUGENT, whose residence ts unknown, and Lewis Hopkins, a reel dent or sw 1 ora city, non-resiueiiie or vnio.

are hereby notified tbat on Marcb 7, le87. Ma ll da M. Monforu tilalnltrj. nicd ber Petition No- 77.74a. In tba Common Plena Court of Hamilton Connty.

Ohio, against Thomaa 1. Nugent, Lewis ziopklna and Adeline a. Lowir. Executrix ot Ream Wllllsms. esaaed.

asklaa to foreclose moricxis made by aald Nugent to eatd Hopkins Id. 1074. and recorded lo book A pace JV5. lu the Recorder's oflloe lu eald connty, and for aale tne following real estate, tn wit: Tbat lot of laudiu Hamilton Ceuuty, Ohio, known ae 1Ot 1 ot JiopKioa' fourth subdivision of land ne-r Norwood elation, as per plat In Plat Boon 4, psses iin and Kl In setd Recorder's office. PlatntlfT la the owner of six notes forl'jO uO eacu, aeeured by aald mortgage, dated November 10.

1874. and paya-bia rasoectlvelv In four. Ave and six years. aad Buy-four, sixty-six and aevenly-eight months after data; all tbe other notes secured by said mortgage have beea paid; toe re ts cue pieioiiu xczv uu, witn interest irom tne matnritv of said notes reapectl veiy. Is a ilen on said lot, aud also ei7 JO.

amount of taxes paid by pialnun on eald loU e-eld petition ssaa for the sale of CKid lot ree of tbe elalaaeof ail ef aald defendants for tbe pay- meat ot aeia sura uus ner. Held Thomas t. urgent and is Hopkins 'Ul tsks notice tbst tbey are reoulred to anawer aaid petition on or before the Tib day of May, 1X7. or the prayer of eald peti tion will be trranten. Mareh 10, ISS7.

currocK. at HAH Jlhl. mhlo-Stlta Attorneys for plamtint P2U)P0SALI. Sale of School Bonds. A I.ED RIDS will be received at the office of the Clera of the Board of taae -Hon of tua Village rtcbooi District of HU Marys, Ohio, until 12 o'oloea noon of tbe let day of April.

A. It. lrJB7. for tbe purchase of twenty (201 bonds, amounting to the sum of tweoiy-nve tbouaaoo dollars 1X4.000 issued by tba Board of Fdueatloa ot tbe Vlllace eiceoel Dlatriel of rit. Marys, Auglaaae County, 0010.

aa follows Tea (10) bonds for tuOUO eacD, one of wblcb win ba Divauie in one.two. Lures, tout. nve. six. seven, eigbu bine and tea years, alter aula or Muren i itvi.

lao. Ten (U bonaa for glOS 00 each, one of wblen will nsi DsTsaia in sisvsn. swsivs. uinrss, fourteen, flfteeo. sixteen, seventeen, elabu sen.

nineteen end twenty years, aiter date of March lae7. Esrbof asld bonds. bearinr Interest St Si nt nm i.unf numaBtaf Bnrehass money, payable asrai-enaaeiiy oa toe xssaay of alsecbi and Beataaaber. tori net osl and In terest beiag oeyebie at Ibe Third aatioaal Bank ef tneCity of Jiew lora. tatd bonds oan not be sold st lees thsa per, with all Interest that may eecrae tuereoav and ttae right to reserved to reject any or ail ,.1 etsid bonds are issued aader authority ef Section xsjx of tbe Revised statu tas 01 oaio.

end ea act passed Marco XX, una, unto Juawa, vol a we w. page an. By order of the Board ot Education. tx, jay. Clerk.

Dated 8k Marys, Ohio. Marea laa. Imbl7-StTh) paorootLs roa sctTOOL. fcr.sitcbb. Orrica or vsa Coast iisiux aaa, JjarrticT or CoLt'seis.

tt MSltflTOV, Msrca taj7. wttostQ- ig. snariaseil Loim it anlaalaiiafs sf Ihs lAstrlrt of oiuosbls. will be reraiysd at IB Is since caul 11 u'lock M.on Wsaaes-sa. tae alts ear at arck ttu7, am fiiraisBing tue litatrlcl of Cwlaaiela wltb tseaty-euxat kasOred sun paaiie' aesas.

wita lan esua coaa ivtiuht I a4tfcee' dests sal forie- etauty ts, tables. aw ue Leas. Btdoees Will be reuulrws ts ueS aur ail farntturs iiell lu aceout eslWixta. sou lor iw.l' oesza os screwed to aoorv. saa ta told sepsrsiely lr esi-a aiss ol UKiKuls'asaas.

all furallorv le mmcnl. snS snceursj- 1 be ris at IS reserved Is eeisct sue sr sll er naruva btea. Nine basered siwl sixty pupils sisteee ifett tescaers' eesks aud slxtesu -141 teachers' nam wial toe veeatped ea er uvfar iee tsl ttar sf July. law. JMsetees tiDsm sua tweuty iM.Mwu'Mki.

Tesetiees Cents sua luirty-twe tewtasrs' tsaie win ae rsauirei so tela re tae 1st Sax- (I September. ia. Hldeers will lorssr-l tauir to W. A Powell, Saps. Ism asisnisf fatolle rraaehu Ivi.air-C.

ISxrtvssua aad hi eta. N. W. af H. Prestdael awd tsssaxlsalauta, Ia Q.

xaiSst Sai FLORFACi: FilEXCII, JOE HART, COXROY and TTIOMPSOX, jk ltvsTMZjnrs- PATT11MUSIC HALL I PATH Miles A Ralnfnrta, nam. 051 PEaVFOAJLANCB ONLT, SATURDAY UAHCH Mr. Henrv T- Abbey respect fn It eaaonates the APPtvARANCS of r.lf.lE. ADELINA PATTI! WITH MME. SOFIA SCS-LCHI.

SIC ALBERT CUILXC, -SIC A TOej I A LAS St, SIC FRANCO MOV ABA. Aad a largely augmented orchestra under too direoUoa of SIC. LUICI ARDITI. Batardsy Jaatlnea, Marea Wta, win post, tlvely be Mme. Psius last appearance la CIS-da OS It.

oa which oeesvuoo, ia adiltioa to a GRASD C05CEBT HOUR ASME, WtU be given la coateme the Beieead Aet at AU of tbe above artxeta will appear. SKATS IJej-V MALH At Hawleys Book 8 tore, 1st Vine su Beats eJ, a end mble-tt GRAND To-Xlght! Matinee Renowned and sterling Artist, MB. FRAN at MAYO, la a spwclaily selected cropenv. tn jVortbTnciu The evealug waa una of great ojoyatil aa" senutne surprise for eil preeeau'v ka Qa.rer. -It la tbe fruit of great labor by flan minds.

com. Gssette. -1 he play la a atroag ear, fall of latenee sltaatloee." Poeu oaoay. atarcn gist j. zt, row.

la tae its. ieiv fuaav aad anni aiasful sbsurdltv. Mixed Ptcklee. ashlt-tt PATTI Best RSdSnrSa SEats, Ceater iWe, Eiol Keats, ira. ana.

Second Rows. Drea Circle lialcaaye LOUIS P. EZEKIEL, SIO Vina treat. 15Slj HETJCK'S IT0-S1GUT! THE CUM EDI A Xt. LEON -VIVO CUHHM.AJNI In tbelr Great Comedy Bonttaa.

03NT TH iil STa-era-IIIl JSext Bandar Mauaeeeod Fvealne Oltvas Doud Byron la "Inside Traelt." Monday Evens nrMccaall company la "rluddygore." it XX.VJL.HN' THEATER, To-NlabU MaUnee Baterday. Bartley Campbell's Great Komaatlo Bpee lacaiar Drama, OLIO. SO Peonle. Grand Mils A dele Cornalba, Premiere; John L. Baylnich as ft.

Plan, next ouaaay xoe two Joaos. 17-tf "A Miracle of Artistic Condensation," THE 0DE0NITUE 0DE0N TXXjEJ STODDARD LECTURES NEWCOCI1HE OP Fire Illustrated Lectures. I Entbustsattcaily received by over- I flowing eodieness in jew I ora, cos- iton. Philadelphia, Chicago. HISTORY la the very eeeaee ex Me a a aae.

asset, -Waadariags with Charles Dickens ta Kaw rape and Aaaerteaw Halcysa Days la tbe tyrleat. Monday and Thursday Erentfigs, MARCH tk, St. APBIL 7. 1U March I Tbe Story ot tbe Sees RAPOIEON III. end load Empire end Its tbs fkii.

Of PARIS. I inglorious overthrow. March SJ. A proad page In Ea eland's history. progress In arms and letters.

1L QTJEEX hhlLAPt AprU 4, A Journey throuah many lands wltb Iba novelist. (Entirely different from previous lectures.) IIL CHAR. DICKENS akd HI9 Anrtl 7. A remarkable character. Creation ef halloa from barbaric hordes.

IV. PEIER THE GR1CAT: or. Tbe Birth of Russia. AdzII 1L I A delightful Journey. Oriental life and man-I nero.

Imposing ruiao. V. EGYPT AND THE ML1. Mr. rtTOIliAKjJS EIGHTH ANNUAL NEW tsEIHKt la rohfldentiy ottered as toe HJQH-WATKR ztAKKof bis achlsTsmeat, end THIS 1LXIJ1 RATlONet, obtained sat large pert by one of tbe underelaaed.

Sot spent tbe past summer la F.orope, ere Ce-eonsled la Cberacter end Variety by eny ever offered. COURSE TICKET" (reserved sestel i THE HALE OF COURSE TICK ft I r4 will open at John Church Co. MONDAY March 21 ntagie ticaeta. naturaay. xtaren rein.

P. A nnlaiie pros psc tua. vrln led by ED. MON NI ERA CI Paris, baa been Iaaued. If not received apply at ticket eifloe or by mail to managers.

Boston. Maae. njhi7-Bi bUKiu iTa r.uiiTis, HARRIS' mUSEUU.Ia Rsbicsoa's Open Ess us a HARRY LACY! Supported by EDXA CARET, tn tbs OUL a MIDDLkTO'lt VINK-OTRKkir DIMS kU'EUU. TATTOOED HOCI SAT IS ivx Otber Curios. BIG BTAGE SHOW.

14-4 VINE-STREET OPERA HOUSE. Ths Cream of ths Specialty World. LISA WEBER'S BURLESQUE CO. PROPOSALS. Proposal for Indlas Supplies asd iranrporumon.

TtFPARTMrwT OX THE IXTKHIOR, OJIre of inaisn Kesled pro ABslra. tVastotnxrwn Isart 111. lasT tiesled propossla indoned "Proposals for ileef tblds for Heel must be submitted In sensrats nsi in sept oves). Bscns, lour, or I r.nspnrlstiou. ate.

las lbs case may Wi. aad aire-teS to toe Com S3 ia.1 aa sr sg Indian Aflat rs, cbaojber of Couiai.rce Bulidlnic. roraeret Third and aestaul xtrveis. et. costs.

Missouri, will be received "Bill IP. M.of 1 APrli 1Z. Its, lor rurnisaiog ror ine Ionian service sttout tieAopvwaea Bspob. IrtjttXiAe pee aoa beef oa Ibe bunt. T.VMJH Dfrfiods Hesns.

Tmijiju btiiwli iVii, e36SO poo ml. t-offee. Sxx'juoo pour rts Kluar, afilOS duuba Hominy. Z- Onu tjouotls lird. toarrele Mess Perc, ttu.ou) poti a-i.

Hies. 7JM0 poaaes las. auM.uue psoads asit. unixee poeaiis sugar stuixegwe poaudsWbesu Also, transport ailoo ft seen of ibe articles. goods end supplies ikst snay uvx be eoe-trscted for to be dellvsree st Iss Agvnelsa A lao.

proposals Indorsed as aitoi e. anj directed to tbs tommlwUtaer of Ia.tlss ASslrs. Not a and ST Wootlff strswt. Divw Yora Cily. will bs reevsd Dill 1 p.

an. of 1 aesday. May I Ins7. for Mlsnaets. Wooleu asd cettoa (eonsisting ta part sc 1 Icalrjg, ati.oio ysrds: etaodard Calico.

lUBixjo yards; Drilllnc. I4SU0 yards: Uoos. tree fre-m all sninr, yaroa: Ueoims, 17OJ0 yarns: Utazbsoi. Me ad yards; Jteotacay Jrsn. tx.SU ysrds: Chuvlot.

MC yseils: lint. ebeetlnc. ITS SOO yer: Bleached ufaeetlag. etaut yarda: Htcary sbirttau. etas yarasiCsilco ekirimg.

t.tvu sras winsey, re yards): 77 ae pounns ef Matins powder: rt.4 sounds ef fcosp t'lotblaz. Oraeenee. Notless. ilsril ware. MeSlcal Hoppliee.

fccaont bouts. ana a long list of sniseeiisaeaasariicles. soca ss H.raeos, Plows. xtsKss. fsrks.

Ic- aad lor sousi ext tVaeoas reonlrsd Pit tae eervtce. to as oeitvvred at i Kansas Oiy. see Moss City. Alas lev such sa one ss assy be reoulred to tae ultmeteef tae Pactne Coast, wlta Caiilwsala brsaes, eeliyervd at see raeeiect. Bine aces an mass etrr ea Oovza vatxxrs tuxit HcBedulee sbewlag tbe blade see eoeetttiee of esiwisteacw supplies requires toe esca asvnry asd heeooi.

asd Ibe kisd. and euautltfes la grots, of stl other gauds aaa snides, toseiny with mass pes. posaia cooditioas to tie observed toy bidder. Hubs arid plare of delivery, tonus of eon tract sod traaspsvtAilsw ess tea see all otber in i isii lastract ions will be furs Isa stl iste sppllcsAioa to tbo IsolaaOmcefa Wasblorton. or ne tl sad ef Wasstsr street, aew VsrK: Jsoa-S Udrerwood.

A ew Vera; tbs sweretary vf taa Mer-ebanta Exchaore. au IulS. Ulasoull: tea t'un. oaiaaurlea of aaanXMesea, V.

a A- at caeyeaas. Cus. eae. Useeeaworts. uoisba St.

Lotii. at. faul asd baa Fraadare: tbe Pui anaators si bjusx cityaad qk ton su4 to the Pneaiaatees ax tbe foilowtag aaaxed places In Kanama: Arsansss City. Murllbz-toa. Caidweil.

uesa-elliv. t- ailxwia. tir.Hi Ore.t Head. Howard. Usteasasoe.

irssd, MePberaoa, atartoe. Medictae lAige. a'ewioa. city, edsn. teniae.

TepeXa, Walilagtos. Wtcerte aad Winfleid 1 be right tt reserved by tae Covers meat te reject eey saa sil bias, or aay port of any K4. xaioa sill too oposse at tbo stwr aaa Say above stated, aae tola dors are lasltsd te be prsesat at tbe wpeetog. Csanriaa Cxracas. All bide most tw arcoaspaoied by certifies ebeefco apoa some sited eiatas-beaoeiiory or ike rirs aaiioeai Hutal Cos A icum, Csi-.

for al least 4 per eeuu ot tas aaaoosl of tas penprsisl aahis-tspe J. it. A 1 I- n. tXAsrloaloeer. FOR 100.COD Pomids Old Irca.

EALED BIDS will be received et env arBea until 4 o'clock P. Maicb for xvil ot tue old sal and Wroaaht ixoa ths Fenlleallary walla, zugnt reserved to reject auy end ell bids. a. At. TAtLUai.

Wardea kr. Py, aaatl-n 4zaaAIxtswsa 51 ii ft; '-r I I ,1 1 tt I.

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