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The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan • 1

The Times Heraldi
Port Huron, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Ol lb 1.1U1 i i action of our national and State autliori THE STRIKE. The Baltimore an 1 Ohio Railroad of- ficials report all working well, except on the third division, between Piedmont and Keyser, where a mie of the strikers resorted to vcack intr bv attempting to shoot train men in imssin-j trains. BREVITY COLUMN. A fA, ciutn.i. I ft C.HW s- A'.

thrrt -r rt t-'fcfteaf TUKFK CKSTS -v riTK CE.T$A f.HSi.a;m tu ft felly. yn SALE. 1 oat VL 'n. Ml a its i it 44 15 IS I ta 0 40 6(1 PICE EXTRACTS -O F- Jamaica Sugar, and Lemon, OF THE FINEST QUALITIES, -AT- 6 2G 1 0 DRY GOODS. Clearing Out sale.

I)ltE'Iors trtfKtr wml-annnul sforir ak'-Itilf. Aiififcl lxt. we will oil er 'our en tire stock of Dry Uooda at greatly reduced prices. Summer Silks. Dress Goods, Fancy Suitings, White Goods, Linen Suits, Shawls, Parasols, Cloves, nosier? and White (nod.

Wilt be bold rvgardleed of cost. Uoods soid STRICTLY FOR CASH I nil all arcouHta must be aettled during the resent moiiih. Tailoring Department! THIS Department is well stm-ked witn staple and Ianry woolens, and we oiler special Inducements to Cash Buyers. Our Stock is well assorted iu all departments, and we shall make it an ohjei to rash purcliastrs to fjive us a call before buying. Huward, Bondy Co.

Cheap Cash Store, North End of Bridge. TEAS. A Fresh Stock of Teas Just Received, nice assortment, by A. L. FLYNN, Sanborn Block, Military Street, Tort nn- ron, Mica.

ia I im. GRAND EXCURSION Under the management of the publishers of Tiiis Dktkoit tvitNiNa Nkws. Thousand Islands, Rapids th' St Lawrence, Montreal and Quebec, A NO th a WHITE MOUNTAINS! 1766 Miles Bff-d for $25.00 from Ditroit Antmst and re turn August lith. Tickets to stop over at any point, ami return on or before August ltiilu tForfall martlculara TUB DKTUUll AEWS. Send stamp for circular containing fuU de.

tails and liesv. nations for the route. Addrx, W. II. BRKARLT, V3 UrUwolU ietroit, HE DAILY TIMES.

fa ttjr the tort Huron Company. TERMS Tt rarrier. 1fl lV.VmT-rr.fU advance, ll fT.r three months, $2 for six months, Its mi for one year. f.r miiil rl nn. Scents a week.

l'"L" hu ti'nn on vfu.r. IJ fur inrco i "at th rate of 5 0 a year. postage. ti; t(ie publishers, alwaysiii advance. "tilth anrdaj'double edition: R.V carn-r, VntsaV-ek, 50 cents a month or six I a year.

By mail 50 cent a month or orVuMK-ation. 1 1 ceuu week. 44 ceuta Ln.h..or44. a i in Al llic put.lVit.rrt every l''f; IHy mail, Me dollar, nd a half. Jo M.Vla'r County.

II a year In ad- We. ToeltltiBin tuner t. C.r tn silvince, postage prepaid. 6o no IVin rn M.chl,.n. north of Oe-KtPaffi tli.

he vertiH.nK medium In iieventn Congressional DuUict. MARINE. jttl- 1811 star Line Steamers. HILTON I. WARD.

Capt. I KriiyeH. fcVK.MNG STAH, Capt. Jonu ioan. URINE CITY, Opt.

W. E. Comer, OBT. HOLLAND. Capt.

J. Jones. THE STEAM Ell hllLTON D. WABD, till leave Butler street clock at 6:00 fur IVtrolt, on Tuesdays, Thursdays id SturOvs, calling at all point a on thver SL Clair, the Star Island Hotel, In House, St. Clair Flats.

Fare to nroit tl Returning will leave Butler street iiaiiv at 7.W) o'clock, a. on rViJavs anl Sundays for Lake-irt, Port Forester, Forestvllie. Whits Hock, hack Falls, 1'ort Mope and sand Ueach. EVENING STAR.

TIIK FVF.NINQRTAR arrlven from De troit DAILY at departing inime-Lately for Detroit ami river tort. BUlShUKD Acem Mar Line, l'U Huron. MONH.tJ.MKKY, AlaiiHgcr, Detroit. ttX)R MACKINAC, CHF.KOYG4X, ROCr-r fcK.S CJlTY, QUAURY, rl tie Mearaer Itery Filay morniuir at 6 a. The Steamer, Caft.

NV, Comer, irery SuniUymoruitiff, afrT o'clock, a. For pansasre.fretght and other Information apply j. r.oTM-uiui a Aftents, font of Huiii Street, Fort Huron. It. L.

iluNKUlM FHY, Uanag- Detroit. SAG1XAW AM) BAY CITY, Y1A l. IKS I H. IT. I'll I INK AT t-AVD KKACH.

Piikt Hifk. GklNl- MUMSCIU, FT.AVS.BV, KATIAWAS, lAWASCiTV A Ml ALABisTJiiL 7S Stoamor Hortscliy, Capt. G. W. McGrkoor, Win leave fTr aimve ports on SUNDAY MUK.N INii, AuiiiMt 5th, at 6 a.

111. For frtiglit or panamre aiiplvon lioard or to J. t. Hul'Sf uitu A Asrnts, foot of Fort Uuron. E.

L. AloNTl.OMKHY, Mauairer, Detroit. FOR LAKE SUPERIOR. Tie Union Steamboat Atlantic, The favorite passenzer steamer WIN SLOW, Capt Ben. WUkina.

Ucaira on gandty, Aug. a. AT 1 A. Saa't St. Urin, Manjnette, noUlrhton, S.

lYs, 1 paaaaatiplv at ourortlce. foot of Butler at. bOTfeFOlU) A J. T. Whitino.

General. Aent, D'tuolu" BOOTS AND SHOES. Iffed Eush I Tot tint claa custom BOOTS AfiD SHOES Ttnuj aiwaji reasonably Water street, op new Omom House; ties in their etiuris to enforce the hi-premai-y of the laws, yet we do most lietrtilv svmpathize with (he condition of honest aud industrious laborers who are willing to work, but remain uuem-pii, or are employed hi wages ininle-quite to comfort; ai.d as au earnest of our desire to liud a remedy for their condition, we recommend First, ttiat Congress establish a national bureau of industry; seeend, that Congress exert its authority over all national highway of trade by prescribing and enforcing" such reasonable regulations as will tend to promote the safety of travel, aud secure a tar return for the capital invested, and fair wages to employes; preveuting mismaniigenieut, improper discrituinntions, and the aggrandizement of the officifla at the expense the stockholders, shipjers and employes; third, that provision be made for kUtu-tory arbitrations between employers and employes, to adjust controversies, recqu-ciie interest and establish justice aud equity between them. THK STATE TICKET. The tull ticket nominated by the Ohio State Republican Convention to-day is as follows.

For (Governor W. IL. West. 'or Lieutenant Governor Ferdinand Vogler. 'or Supreme Court Jtuhje W.

It Johtigon. For Attorney Genera George K. Nash. For Clerk of the Supreme Lut Dwight C. Howell.

Fur SrAoof CoiniitUsioiier-J. T. Luk-ens. For Member of the Btxird of Public IJ writs A. J.uckey.

THE EASTERN WAK. Iletnila of ibe Ki'i-sinn Defeat let Plcv na It ta fi Very Serious DinaMer to tb Czar'n Invasion. LoNDOX, August I. The Daily News corresjiondent, telegraphing irom bul garini, fifteen miles east of Plevna tives a detailed account ot the fighting ot Mondav. 1 he 1 urkish torce was es timated at Jliey occupied a series of positions which are naturally strong, ami also artificially lo1 titled iu every available stKit, forming a horse shoe in Iront of l'Jevna, with both Hanks resting on the river V'id.

The Russiau ree consisted ot the Ninth Army Cor( under Gtn. Krudener, the Thirtieth Division, and the Ih'ruetb Hrigade of the Second Divisiou, under PrJuce Schacbesky, with three brigades of cavalry and loU guns, it was amine ed that tieu. Krudener should attack the Turkish centre at Grivica, and the northern flank of the entrenched jwisition over Uahova, while Schaekesky attacked Gen. Skbeletl'held incheck the strong Turkish force at tsooka, which was the extremity ol the Turkish ane. Gen.

Krudener begau the battle about half past nine o'clock. After a long bombardment he succeeded in ilenciug the Turkish cannon at Grivica, but could never expel the iniantry from the earthworks. He spent the whole day to force the northern llank of the Turkish position, desisting alter dark, without having gained anything material, aud having hnusell sudered much loss. PrWice Scfiakesk at noon, carried Radizoo, and planting 4 batteries on the ridge beyond, bombarded the nearest Turkish position, which was earthworks, armed with caution, front of au entrenched village. After an hoar's cannonade he silenced the Turkish guns; aud b's iniantry, after a long and bloody contest, tarried the earthwork aud the Tillage.

A second Turkish position, consisting of a ledoubt and a series of eutrenched viueyards, strongly held, was then attacked, a-id manly curried; but with terrible etf.irt, and' severe loss, owing to the heavy Turkish artillerv fire. Ihe Russians nioreeiver were unable to utilize the eaptcreJ posi tion. About four o'clock a reserve brig-ide was brought up, aud an attack was made on the position immediately covering Plev-ua. The Turkish infantry was iu greit force, in a coutiuuuus line, under shelter of the trenches. Despite the most stub born no impression could be made upon that I'tie.

Two coiuNtuies of Rus sian iniantry carried the work around to tne rigtit ot tha I urkish trenches, and entered the town ot Pltvna, but it was impossible to bold it. Russian batteries were pushed beildly forward into the position lirst taken to attemit to keep down the Turkish caunonode, which was crashing itito the infantry in opeu held, but they weie compelled soon to evacu ate the hazardous spot. A sundown the lurks made a continu ous forward movement, and reoccupied their second posit on. The Russian infantry a succession of desperate stands, and died like herces. The Turks gradually took everything they had lost.

Ihe lighting lasung long alter nightfall. Willi the darkuefss ihe JLJashi Ba-zouks took possession of the battlefield, aud slew all the wounded Russians. The Russians held the heights aloog Radizoo, but the Bashi Bazouks orked aroood to their rear, and fell on the wounded collected in the vi'lage ot Kadi zoo. A retreat was compelled in the direction of Bulgeriui. The coutibgencies resulting from this untoward battle are of ominous significance, A special dated Widin, reports that Osmaa Pasha is waiting for reinforcements belore making a forward movement.

The Russians have request-leave to bury their dead. EliVlA LIKELY TO JOIN IX. BrciiABF.ST, August 1. Dispatches from Belgrade states that there is considerable activity there in military circles. The Skuptschina is holding secret sessions daily, in view of the probability of Servia joining in the preseut campaign at en early date.

KOFMANIAX A KMT TO CKOS3 TIIE DAN-TEE. Viessa, August 1. It is now certain that the Roumauian regular army of is to cross the Danube, partly at Girla, bek-iw idin, and partly opjKwite Rahova, Bridge building material has already been floated to both places. There are fourteen prisoners in the I-ipeer county jail, a much larger number than usual. Jnde Baldwin Las notified the county clerk that he will hold court in the circuit beginning August 14.

POLITICAL. The Dpmocrats of Mississippi and Republicans of Ohio Indorse tho President's Policy. Cov. Stone Nominated for Covernor by the Rifle Club Chivalry of Mississippi. W.

H. West put in the Field by the Buckeye Vassals of Stanley i Matthews. The Platform Prepared by the I "Four It Instate" which his Subjects Adopted. Mkmpiiis, August I. The Avalanche's Jackson Miss.

special says: The Democratic Convention was culled to order at noon hy tien. George, chairman of the Slate Executive Coiutnittee, who eioke in euh gistic terma of President liayeii's administration. Gen. Gholson, of Munroe, was elected jeruiueiit chairman of the convention. A committee of twelve was appointed on platform, who have not yet reported.

Seven ballots were had for Governor. The stood: UC: Ixiwrv, (IS; Humphreys, 31; Featherstone, 15. The convention then adjourned till 8:30 to-tiijjht. It is the laraest convention ever in the f-tate, and will require 1 23 voles ot nominate. STONE NOMINATE IJ.

'Nkw Orleansi, August 1. The Jack son Democratic Con veuiioo. to-duy is the largest ever held in i.ssi.s-.i jd by any party. Every county is represented, und there is much enthusiasui, ua a nomina tion is equivalent to an election. Four candidates for Governor were placed before the convention, nud two were withdrawn alter inefl'ectiiul ballots.

Ou the tenth ballot Gov. Stone was nominated, receivinif 133 votes. Geu. Ixiwry re ceived lul. The cou'ventiou has ad journed till to-morrow.

Obio. Clevkla'sdI, AuLnist 1. The Ttepub licau State Convention wjis called to order at eleven telock this morning by the Hon. W. C.

Cooper, who made a idiort speech, and introduced the Hon. It. Grosvenor, of Athens, Ohio, as temporary chairman. He addressed the con vention at considerable length, after which the usual committees were appointed. The convention, took a recess till two o'clock this afternoon.

The convention reaeserubled at two when Gen. James Garfield was appointed permanent chairman. The Committee on ilesolutiona not being nady to report, at 3:15 the convention took a recess until 4 in. TI1K M. The followint; is the platform adojted by the Ohio State Republican Convention: 1 he Republicans of Ohio, in convention assembled, the people that the long term of tlitir coutrol of the affairs of the State, no stain has been found upon their record as a party; that their tiiuiiaueuient of local affairs has been true to the moral and industrial interests of the people.

and therefore they coutldeiitly point to their past as the best evidence of their intentions for the On national questions the Ohio claim the same fidelity to liiriueipies ami practice that they have! exhibited iu local and state Appealing to tlie determination of ihe people to maintain Republican principle and; practices, they ot'er for he candid consideration of the voters of Ohio the following platform of principles: fcetioivrd, inatwe reaiurtn ana adopt the platform and resolutions of the national convention of the Republican party adopted in the conveutiou at Cincin nati in June, 1 o. IZtsolcerf, That the Republicans of Ohio reaffirm their unfaltering confidence in r.utiierford B. Hayes as a statesman, patriot and Republican, ami cordially approve and support big efforts for the pacification of the couutry and the establishment ol its civil service upon basis of purity and efficiency. litvlvrd, That wj reaffirm it aa the unalterable purpose of the Republican party to maintain and enforce the provisions of the recent amendments to the Federal Constitution guarauleein the equal rights af all ciuzens before the law, irrespective ot race or color, anu to insist upon the full and effectual performance by the Federal Government, in the execution of all its power, of its constitutional obligations iu that liehalf. we are iu favor of both silver and gold as money; that both shall be legal tender for the payment of alt debts except where otherwise specially provided by law, with coinage aud valuation so regulated that our! people shall not be placed at a disadvantage in our trafle with foreign aud that both metals shall be kept iu circulation as the money of the nation, as contemplated by the Constitution; and we i therefore demand the reuiooetizatiou of silver.

licxoh-td. That we are opposed to any further grants of public lands or money sutxidies, or the extension I ot the public credit of the General Government to aid in the construction of railroads. That we are opposed to the renewal of patents, by act i of Congress, which are turthenwme and oppressive to the masses of the people, and esjiec-laliy to the laboring classes. Jittvlrrtl, That we view with alarm the present disturbed condition of Ihe country, ss evinced by the extensive strike workiugmeii, and iollowed by the of life and property in different parts ot th country; fcnd while we deprecate each and every resort to violence and disorder, aud cordially approve the It is still Serious in Pennsylvania, and more Bloodshed at Scranton. The Railroad Men and Miners Coalescing and Troubulous Times Feared.

Arrests and Punishments of Strikers Still Continue. STILL defiant at ILKESHAHRE. Wilkksbarke, August 1. The mail train on the Lehigh Valley railroad was detained here to-day three-quarters of an hour by a crowd, numbering several thoufaud at the depot. The strikers uncoupled the passenger coaches and engine, and threw the coupling bolts into the canal.

They were replaced, and United States Detectives were stationed on the platform. The train was backed below the dejot, and under a full head of steam shot past the str rs. Some of them attempted to Dord the train. A rowd of 6,000 or 7.000 assembled at the Lehigh Valley depot to see the mail train south come in this afternoon. The constable and I'uited States detectives, standing on the platform next to the en-cine, were stoned.

Master Mechanic Drumheller was running the engine, and the sirikrrs stoned him till he had to get off. As he did so he was struck in the face with a sUme. The strikers cheered, mounted the engine, cut it loose, and ran it to Sugar Notch. John Keil-her, the cmistaoie, was seized by the mob and roughly handled. They were going to duett him in the canal, and would have killed him hut for the inter ference of lridids.

A large number of passengers were compelled to lay over here. The strikers have the engine that was taKen from the train, aud are running it up and down the road blowing the whistle and cheering. Miners and railrcad men are coalescing, aud trouble is feared. A FATAL CONFLICT AT SCRAN TO S. SckantoN, August 1.

At 11.30 this morning about men, armed nith clubs and revolvt forced all the employes of the L. I. and C. company, who had returned to ork afier a brief strike, to desist. They then proceeded to the car shops ot the Delaware, Lackawanna aud )Vestei'u Railroad, drove the men Irani it heir posts, and threatened to destroy the car shops and offices.

Notsatis-fiedwiih this, they violently assaulted several of the employes, both iu the shops aud otlices, and many of them sustained painful, thougu not serious wounds. Mavor McKeene hastened to the scene, and at the same time sent word to, the volunteer organization of young men, which had been guarding the exteusive stores ot the lj. i. and company for about a week past. The Mayor's arrival ut the scene of the melee was the signal for a general upon him, and but for ttie interposition of lather Dunn, a Catholic priest, he would probably haye been killed.

He. escaped, however, with a double Iraciure tf the jaw. Meanwhile about 4') or 50 ot the volunteers miircl cl down Lackawanna aveui'e Washington, where they were met by the rioters, and alte' a brief assault wiih clubs aud stones they fired into the crowd, killing iur men. Too mob then elispers-d, and as they ran several tell, seriously wound-. ed.

Ihe company returned lo their quartets uniaoles'ed. All places of bn-i-ness are c'osed by order of the Mayor, and citizens are jo ning the volun'e rs in large numbers. Tro ps lave been Bt nt lor, and are expecied to night, when fresh trouble is feared. Meanwhile, the strikers are being cleared by the Mayor, agisted by the police and volunteers. THE LATEST.

August 111:30 P. M. Everything is now quiet. Tlse streets are patrolled by armed men. Troops are hourly expected.

The I Delaware, Lackawanca aud Western track, at the notch north ol this city, was soaped to night, but the Iraiu got through it allJ right. It had an escort of seventeen armed men from this city. Large crowds are attending the wakes ol the rioters shot to-day. The Moosic Hotel has burned down, about four miles from Scranton, to-night. Further trouble is feared.

and IlARElbEL'KG, August 1. Of about forty-eight persons arrested, part were charged with riotous conduct aud have been committed for trial. Indiana rOLl S3, August l.The strikers arrested at Viucennes were brought before Judges Prammoad and Greshara, of the United States Court to-dav. to an swer for contempt ot the court. Three pleaded puiliy and the evidence of the iourth was heard, but sentence has not been pronounced.

ST. Jx)lTss, August 1. The hearing of argument in the habeas corpus case of Albert Currlin, which was to have taken place to-day belore Judge Jones, did not come off. a warrant having been issued charging him with rioting on Jnly 24, Dy forcibly compelling peaceable laboring men to stop work. Warrants were also issued against eight of Currlin's a- sociates.

and they will be brought to trial as speedily as possible. MISCELLANEOUS. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has passed the usual quarterly dividend. Thedireetors consider it advisable to use all available cosh in repairing recent damages. All is quiet in Illinois and the militia at Fast St.

Louis have goneome. The sherifl's poase at Harnsburg Las been disbanded, as there is no ilanger ot mob violence existing there. Mobs are in the entire possession of everything in Kingston, Plymouth and Nantiocke. Gen. Brinton, with the first division, has artived at Naniiocke, and i proceeding cautiously to Kinustn, WirKesbarre and S-erenton.

Gov. Ilartrautt, additional troops, artillery and supplies, is on the way. Altogether there are about IQJxhj on the way to Lnzerce county. The strike at Nashville has tnureiv collapsed. Four shots were fired from the Maryland shore at Bid R.vck.

one striking a braketi'tiu on the chin, another hitting a conductor on the. wrist. Thre shots were fired from the West Virginia sid. but diil no linage. The railroad company have trered a lare reward tor the shoot ers.

Gen. Getty has tent a yuard of sul-diers to try to capture the rascals. Ileum by Tcleuraph. Stiles, one of the witnesses against Grover in the bribery investigation has been indicted for perjury. The decrease of the public debt for July was Internal Revenue receipts fell off during, the month on account of the strike.

Ex-Gov. Moses, of South Carolina, who has been imprisoned at Columbia for a week past, while testifying before the In-vestursliug Committee relative to the political hitorv of the State, waa released Wednesday on bail. News. At De-catiir. on the 30th, George Barton, son of Milo Barton, was drowned while swimming in the Lake of the Woods.

Calvin Allen, who was shot in the side bv an unknown person at Clifford, near North ranch, a few weeks airo, elied from the effect of the wound on the 28th. Mr. IIanchett, president of the Niles Water Works Company, has returned from New York where he tiejotiated the bonds of the company. Work will be begun as soou as the necessary bnils arrive. On the morning of the 12:30 o'cloi a barn belonging to E.

J. White of Lapeer, consumed with contents, conitirg in part of one valuable team, one double buggy, one side spring bug-ey, one phaeton. Two adjoining buildings wete also consumed. Cause not known. Loss about no insur ance.

HESTER'S 00BE. Recently I'lst'overed Remedy ASTHMA, Uronchitis, Catarrh. i HAY FliVEB, COLDS, And ALL DISEASES of the It EM PI RATO OKUANS. jpy-wo I) i'XTi. CUR F.s- Have been made of the alwive diseases, of longstanding, where everything else fails.

Remarkable Testimonials from Phjsi-cians, Druggists and Prominent Men. Addresr, WM. E- CHESTER I CO-, 37 Hanover isX, (Drawer'SO.) BOSTON, MASS. rHe that fails to try this remedy, will suffer when sure relief at hand. Mailed to any address on receipt of SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.

5 31 1 6ra GRAND EXCURSION BV THE- German Aid Society, -O N- Sunday Next, August 5th, 1 -T Fawn Island and Return. The Steamer CAKHIE H. BLOOD has been eiik-rifed ft.r occasion, and will leave tti dock at foot of Uutler street at 8arn, caCing at C. A L. II.

K. li. dock at 9 o'clock. Music by the City Band. Good Ttefreshments served on twia'ih Ticket forthe ro'ind trip 50 cen'j.

Chil dren under li years, as crntn. K2S3t BY ORDER COMr DRESS-MAKING. LADIES' CHILDRENS' TIMED HATS Only 45 Cents Each. Mrs. Malcolm McKay, 5(5 Tort Huron, Jnne 23.

1S7G, 3 S3 o. ADVERTISING AGENTS. CEO. M- SAVAGE CO Newspapeb AdTerti.Ing Agtg i Conirress West are authorized lo contract for advertising In this paper. They wii! send their ADVEKT1SIii riLof ilicuijfan Newspapers, with price, fbss by ma BROOMS.

Aii kinds of r.moru on hand and male to order. Orders by turn. liUetu r-hlicl AL, rTOpu, 4 19 8 P. Box LU I.ul! oiiirr aitial. cmU i cijr.Tr or otlieraiuaii art L.

A ULliMAN A 1(1 TO lit. ST. 'IIO KKNT. The shop furn.erly occupied by K. on teu urge in the from pait of our Keed More.

Is a F. A. WKYElts A CO. riX) TtKNT. Two laree and convenient 1.

rxH.u.s, reccutljr vacated hv the ua- H. IlOWAKll. 4 i 0 WASTFD. competent clrl to do (ren-f I eral house work. Kuquire at tlie residence of It: 2 0 MRS.

11KXHY HOWARD. T'AXTKI). To rent, or lnisht purchase at a (treat barirain. a good row boat. Enquire at tne Tiuks office.

7 a 0 A I rANTKll. Purchasers for old papers a tinsortlce. Large ones, uucut, for hundred. J.A77.VC.y. TO.

o. F. Port Huron l.ottjre, 'o. meets every Monday eve uiug In Odd fellows Hall, Itallenfitto HJoek, WAl KEIt, N.Ci. Hancock, Sec'y.

4 Vi i IJORT HURON COY. MANDERV.NO. 7, K. T. Reiruiiire-ouclave at Masonic Hall Friday evening on or fore the full moon.

F. L. WELLS, K.C. H. C.

Horn, Recorder. 3 i 0 HURON 11APTEK, N(. If. A. Regular meeting everv Tuesday evfs.

tiintf on or ln 'ore full moon in Masonic Mail. All sojoiirnncr companion are rordiailv invited to attend. 1'. I. CARSON, I li.

T. Yeats, S. 3 VI'- A. Huron Lodjro, No. IS every Friday evening, at SI.

eieorge a Hall, lu.iek. 33f S. T. ruORETT, W. M.

rO. or U. meets everv Taes-lav even, p. M. at st.

Hall, Wis-tell loek R. tf. J'Al TLKsuN, W. C. T.

1oRT III RON Regular meet for drill every Mondav evening 1 licir armory in Harder' Oucra House. W. Lr'oRH, Caplalti. IllHltY TRAVhK, Sec'y. 2 t) 2 M1K CHORAL UNION nieeti everv Tuesday at K.

sliarn. in the Opera House IJiock, eiordon fu-structor. a 13 11NE I.OIj;K, Nh. 11, A A. Kctrular meeting Mondav evening cn or before Jail moon, in Masonic Hall, VSarer fcU'Cwt.

ilns iv IlLaios, v. M. Rout. T. Y'kats, scc'j.

1 vi a IiORT HI'IMN' LOlXiU NO. F. A A. M. Regular me-iiiiir Thursday ry ening ou or before full nioon.

John chambkks, W. M., Sec'v--' INTKoRlTY LOIK.K, NO. 17H, KNItiHTS OK HONOR. Ketri.iur meeting Wed-nesdy evemmrs at in ld Fellow Hail, Uallenilue Uiock, J.

II. Mctator. Iior.T. T. Ykats, Reporter.

3 -l ly NH. UTS iF I'Y'l llIAs Charter I Jvl(fC No Is, K. ot meets ill ineir Casli Hall every Fndav eveulnsr at Prank whipple, c.c. A. W.

II UN LOR, Iv. ol R. A h. 3 InlSUHANCE. L.

S. 3STOBL.EI, Life, Fire Marine ipBcy, ESTABLISHED IN I8S3 Aud has a record of over twetity-flir. years Look at Line of loturanr loniin, ni: Ins. of ford Contll.entii!, of New 'i orK 3.3o,j,j() Imperial and Northern, of Lon-j don, e.Mlusive lire, no Life dioiaiiment sn.non.iv) Ro.val.ot LiverjMMd and,i.m t. Orient, Fan! Fire and Marine i.mvhh Fireman's Fund.

Cal Oot tH'Ottish Cuiuincrciai, lua-gow. Scotland Trader's, of lin-rtir jA.OoO.noo l.iI.W' ft "O.i'Od (.1 -ns Falls. New Shawtfitint, of New York Life, of New York City i This was estabtished In 1 an I has been coritinue 1 that time without chautre of and t'lou-amH of polieit hav been u-sue 1, of winch have the Signature of S. Not a smirledohar hfisleen lost liy any policy holder by tnr fanure of auy c.uipanjr rcprenenled at this at'encv. Call on over John A late flanking otHee, Port Huron, ifor lirsl class iiLsurauec 6 I ly BLACK3MITHIKC D.

McKSNZIB. Thanks his customers for the literal patronage he has hitherto enjoyed, and hopes to secure its roitinua.x:e "bv snaritiit pains to give genera! satisfaction to a.l who give him a caJ. Ton win gave io per cent, by getting" jozt saxl at the JffiCAGU fMIS SHOEING SII'JP. on Water Street, 1'ort Huron. I have rediji-ed percent, la shoeing for e1.

New nn cei.t". o.d pn- rr.ts. l.j:en".. oi pn-Mf aid cents. Au work or no cf.arsra reqairsL iu" aui.

1 wou't be undersold by any otie in Rwu. 5 30 1 3m X3. TJkloXXLoiiicio.

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