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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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Holiday Novelties! Neckwear! Handkerchiefs! Gloves! Suspenders! Night Robes! Elegant Goods! Great Variety! BE WEN TER THE JUSTICE BUILDING IS AttiEi THE SCENE OF A GRACE'S CLOTHDW STOCK DAMAGED. The Sttel Celling Saves the Fart or tbe Blaze In Supposed to Hare Staried tbe Stove in the JBoar of the of Over the Insurance Will tails. LE61SLAT1TE KOTBS. THE HATTEB. I OOINO Said one of our Customers, but I want you to save my measure.

When I get a GOOD. TAILOR' stick to him. You Suit me to a T. E. PLURIBU6 UNUM! TUCKER YOUNG, THE, PErtRL 6TRBET TfllLORS.

DAILY JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING. FEB. 9. The New Cliy Directory. Neat, complete, compact, conven lent and most satisfactory, are the of tbe verdict of all the fair and Intelligent crlllolhms of the now city directory juet Issued from the bindery of Messrs.

Lorpwell Cummings, the publishers of the work. Xhe work bears evidence in all Its parts of iklllful and successful effort to make a model of its kind. There la not a luperlluous inlt, Its material is the best that could bo used for such 'a and is strong and lasting. Its beautiful imprint is clear and clean. The arrangement of the matter of Us 390 pages IB close to perfection, Tbe 10,000 names and addresses i presents leave room for only tb smallest possible per oontago of thi errors inevitably incident to the ceo euBarlly brief canvass.

A numbe of changes since the canvas will of course, appear, but it is Baf to say, that as a whole the directory 1 universally reliable and complete There is an 'unusual demand for i outside of the subscription list, and the prospect is that the publishers wil find their most satisfactory public oval in the call lor the book proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof." In Imptirtmt Item. Po not waste your money on vile, watery mixtures compounded by inex perlonced persona when Ben Fisher, ruggiit, sole agent, will give you bottle of Otto's Cure free of charge. If you have coughs, colds, asthma, CODBumptlon, or any disease of the throat or lunga, a fen 1 doaes of this great guaranteed remedy will surprise you. Hold a bottle of Otto's Cure to the light and observe its beautiful golden color and thick, heavy syrup. Samples free; large bottlee 50o.

Paa Handle Car on Fire. The imokiog car on Pan Handle No. here from Cincinnati 11:20 last night, caught fire from an over heated store, Tee dam- af -was slight. Awarded Hlfbtst Pair. DR, HE WAS RELEASED.

Joir-pli a Royal Center Boy, Will Not be Kept In Jill. A sixteen year old Royal c'onter boy, Joseph Thurston, was indicted by the grand jury at its recent session for an alleged assault with murderous intent on Joseph Robbies of the same town. Bailiff Batty arrested the young mao Thursday and yesterday he was for a short time an Inmate of tbe county jail. He was released yesterday on his own recognizance and at once went home with his father. Young Thureton is said to be an intelligent young man, and as his guilt is not thought to be clearly established, and no difficulty ia anticipated in finding him when he is wanted, his release was easily brought about.

Thurstoa was employed as a runner for one of the Royal Center hotels bdtween which exists a little rivalry for trade. Joseph Robbins, the rival runner, wtis one night struck on the head by a enow ball containing a heavy stone, and he alleges that young Thurston threw the missile. Robbins claims he was knocked senseless by the ball, and suffered for some time from the effects of the blow. THE GOOD TEMPLARS. The Had Weather Coin the Attendance toTwcuiy-flve Delegates.

In spite of the fact that the district meeting of the Good Templars is being held during the worst weather of the year, all of the five counties are represented and there Is a strong interest shown in the sessions. There are twenty-five delegates with their wives in attendance from out of town, and the local Templars are showing their hospitality to the visitors in every way. The public meeting announced for last nlghtat the Ninth street Christian church was not held because of the fact that the building could not be warmed. This forenoon at the council chamber, an open session of the district meeting will be held, and the last session will convene this afternoon. WILL HATE TIMETOTHISK.

At 10:40 last night a son of L. Sol- mano, who keeps ibe fruit store on Pearl and Broadway, stepped out ai from door of that establishment ad at once observed a dense volume of smoke issuing from Jos, Grace's clothing-store No. 426 Broadway, ia the Justice block, otxt door to the room in which V. Kenberger, the baker was quartered until a fire, breaking out almost at the eama hour of the night, a few weeks ago, d-ostroyed his stock. An alarm was turned in from tbe corner of Broadway and Fourth street, and at 10:45 the department was hard at work fighting tbe stubborn flames that burst in considerable strength and volume from the rear ol the Store room.

A blinding smoke Issued from tbe front of the building, and from the sidewalk only a red glare could be seen at times as the clouds lifted. The firemen who handled the nozzle on the interior of the building could only get their breath by crawling with their faces close to the floor, but they fought the enemy in a most determined way, and in a short time had it under complete control. A lot of burning garments were car rled out from time to time and' the flames extinguished. Considerable water wae used in putting down the fire in the Grace establishment, and it is feared the stock Is badly damaged by smoke and water besides a loss that is by no means small resulting from the blaze. Mr.

Grace could make no estimate of of his loss last night, but it will probably not fall below $1,000. The steel celling of the room protected the upper part of the building. Judge P. Baldwin's office is above the room in which the fire was located, The third floor ia occupied by a part of Craig's overall factory. Joseph Grace has insurance on his stock.

NOTES. The firemen Buffered intensely from the cold. Grace's stock was damaged to the extent of $200 in the Renberger fire two weeks ago. The small crowd of people who ventured out to see the fire were obliged to take violeat exercise to keep warm. Judge D.

Baldwin, wbohad been atCrawfordsville, reached the city and passed his office in a hack during the progress of the Sre. He wont quietly to bed. A blow-off at tbe Ore plug on Fifth and Broad way ehot showers of epray over the front of I. N. Crawford's hardware store, and that store is now decorated with a sheet of ice.

Senator LBoyd'c Inaarai.ce Atalnni Snpt. to be InreaticaUd. IndlanapolH. Feb. S.

Senator Bojd's iatuiacce bill, which wrs reported of favorably, provides that the cash accumulations of a company over and abore the losses and expenses shall be added to its and bald, by tbe company for ihe protection of iw policy-holders until it amounts to $100.000, after which the board of directors may, fur any casia aucumuhitiocs thereafter, declare a dividend once Ic five veiu'o. io proportion to the arnouoi paid by the then policy holders, and may pay ihe same to ihem on renewals, for five or sevp.n years, of lloir policies then in force. It is provided i-hat no dividend need bo declared or paid In renewals or otherwise until i.he cs.ih tlons shall have reached a sum exceed' ing 6 per cent, of the amount of Insurance ia force against company. Tne accum jlalions to amount of per cent, of ihe insurance in foroo fehall be added to tbe capilal of the company and held by It for the pro- lection of the policy-holders. Ground Hog Boots! Too late foo Felt; buy Leather.

It's a a Ground Hog case now, and it will pay you to help you clean out our Winter Boots. yVai KFR i i a i X. ii 430 Broadway. nn me For Specialists Iftronic and Private Diseases and Speaker Adams will give ft reception to the members of the Assembly. Tbe cards of invitation read as follows: Mr.

and Mrs. Justice C. Adams reouest tbe pleasure ol jour company at a reception In Uouor ol tbe Indiana Senate and House of Representative Monday evening, February eleventh eighteen hundred and ninety-five eight to eleven o'clock. 7(0 North Delaware street. a.

v. Deformiiies. Disease-! of Women by tha new electrical luothod tbat IIHS given wonderful results. Djii't forge i that their vapor tri-iituieut for Ciirouie Lunir frets the remedies diseased HIK! cures wln-n evwryrhinp; else fails. Call nt'd investigate any It costs you.

for consultati Drs. CHrisiopaer Longcnecter, At.Tlie Medical There WES an animated discussion today In the House over the anil pasa bill which makee it unlawful for a railroad company or other corporations to extend such favors to public officers. It had been favorably reported by the committee on rights and privileges and wa3 on second reading A motion to recommit the bill to tbo committee on railroads was carried by a vote of 49 to 28. Resolutions were introducod by Senator Boyd authorizing tbe committee on benevolent Institutions to thorough, lyjinvestlgatethe charges-Eeventeeti in Alexander Johnson, superintendent the School for Feeble-Minded youth at Fort Wayne. After considerable debate and opposition by the Democratic members tbe resolution was adopted.

The amended militia bill was put on its passage in the House without discussion. It makes an annual appropriation of $45,000 for the militia. Tbe bill was 75, nays 10. It is thought that the bi'l will pass the Senate. 417 Logansport.

MILITARY IN PARIS. "OLD GLORY" IS PRESENTED. Martin Ibe PJnmber, Who Threw Beer Keg Tferouah J. Window, gfxtr CREAM BAKING POWffit MOST PERFECT MADE. Grape Cream Tartar Powder.

Free WB Ammonia, Alum cv wy other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Martin Hughes, whose temper got he best of his judgment Wednesday rentng to such an extent that he hrew a beer keg through a plate glaas window in the front of Jacob Sebastian's ealoon, because he could not come to an understanding with that gentleman In an agreement over an account, plead guilty in the circuit court yesterday to the charge of malicious and was fined $50, and given a jail sentence of sixty days by Judge McConiell. Djspepsla seldom death, but victims to live on In misery. HoodV Saraapartlla cores dyipepsia and all itomach troublea.

Appropriate ExtrclHtn In Honor of I he Important OccntUon "Vettcrdt-y Afternoon at the High School. The Ladles of the G. A. B. through their representative, Mrs.

C. L. Dillie, yesterday afternoon formally tendered to the school board the national flag which has been for some time in tbe keeping of the patriotic ladies, wait- Ing an appropriate time for its accept, ance by the school authorities. At the assembly hall of the high school yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Dillie on behalf of the Ladles of the 6.

A. R. presented the flag in a short and most appropriate epeech. Q. A.

Myers responded in behalf ol the school, the school board and the patrons of the school. Hia remarks were patriotic and suitable to the occasion. The Ladies of the G. R. deserve the good will and thanks of all the patriotic citizens for the gift of the nation's emblem, which should be kept in the sight of the young, as the love for the principles it represents should be inculcated In the earliest teachings they receive.

No American will ever tire of the -red, white and blue. Peruul eu Is greatly enhanced by a fine set of teeth. Oa the other hand, nothing so detracts from the efftct of pleating features, fine eyes and a graceful figure, as yellow teeth. That popular toilet article SOZODONT checks their decay, and renders them as white ai snow. Properly be Hale.

Beginning Momday atd continuing from day today until all are offered for sale, the property listed by the auditor for delinquent taxes, will be placed on aale by the county treasurer at the court hoiue door. H. of Saiiiiarluni. The executive committee of tbo Knights of Pythias, havingin charge the matter of building 1 a national Pythian sanitarium at Hot Springs has arranged the preliminary details An assessment upon each Pytbia in the United States will be levle which will yield a fund of $.500,000 out of which the sanitarium will built. It will be exclusively fo Pythlans.

The expenses of each par son going thither will be borne by th lodge sending the member, but 1: cases where indigent members of the order are to be cared for. no chargi will be made. The Modern InrtlM Has tastes medicinally, in keeping with other luxuries. A remedy mus pleasantly acceptable in form purely whole torn in composition truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objectionable quality. If really ill he consults a physician if constipated he uses the gentle family laxative Syrup of Figs.

Men at Jlonticello. The working team of the We a Tribe, Order of Bed Men, was at Monticello Thursday night and, with a party from Flora, assisted in the installation of a new tribe at Monticello, in which were twenty three members. A good lime Is reported. lie Hade Three AK em pig. An atUmpt was made Wednesday to pass an alleged forged check on Mrs.

Potter, the Broadway milliner by the same E. Smith who attempted the game on two other tmilli- eers and was successful in. one instance. XoBejr to Loan At 4 per cent, 5 per cent, 6 per cent and 8 per long or short Consult J. T.

CocncBjr, Room 3, Spry Building. Prohibition Jnbllea. The of Boone toira- are preparing for a two'days' jubilee to take place at Bojrfi. Center time In March. French Cupltal i ouUl Not AgKln Should the fortunes of war ever again expose the city of Paris to the hardship of a sioge the besieger would find the reduction of the French capital to be a far more difficult undertaking than did the German armies in the winter of 1S70-71.

Lt according 1 to the Philadelphia Record, be doubted whether the city could ever ag-ain be compelled to capitulate. The fall of Paris, as is well known, was not accomplished by the German siege batteries, but the city was starved into submission. A recurrence of such an emergency is supposed to have been made practically impossible by the development of the art of preserving- and compressing a great variety of nutritious foods into the smallest possible space. Thus, for example, forty thousand rations of preserved vegetables can be placed in a cubic space measuring only forty inches each way, and millions of the rations, tog-ether with solid soups and preserved meats, ara constantly kept ready for the eventual necessity of the military provisioning- of Paris. An enormous stock of Hour and biscuits is always maintained by the war department, while the introduction of fodder rind the silo "system have facilitated the storage of suflicicnt food for the horses required by the cavalry as ivell as by the omnibus and street railway companies.

One of the gravest causes of distress during the last siege of Paris was the scarcity and poor quality of milk. Such quantities of this indispensable article ns could then be procured wore worth their weight in gold, and the mortality among infants resulting from their deprivation of this necessary food reached a frightful rate. In the next siege, however, milk will not only be plentiful, but very good, thanks to Dr. Ante- fage's -process of "pasteurizing" milk, which has been adopted by the French- government, and by which milk can be preserved almost indefinitely absolutely pure and unaltered. Twenty years a.go the art of preserving meat by means of cold storage was in its infancy, but the French KOvern- ment lias fully availed itself of every improvement that has been made in this direction, and at the first sign of impending danger the authorities would be prepared to store hundreds of thousands of carcasses of beevus and mutton.

The military magazines are always kept filled, but at the approacl of war the numerous warehouses ant buildings which have beon indicated for the purpose and prepared for the of provisions would be imme diately brought- into' requisition. By means of the Fixary process drcssec beef and other meats can be kep' sweet and fresh for many mouths, anc by new chemical methods tbe stor- ag-e rooms can be kept cool without the use of ice, In its careful preparation for the dire emergency of hostile attack the French government seems to have overlooked nothing; even coal, wood, petroleum, chemicals and a thousand other things have been provided in ample quantities. It seems almost impossible to believe that any future siege of Paris could be prolonged until the war department should have exhausted its fabulous accumulations of provisions, which are constantly maintained at their proper level by renewals of stock as fast as they are used up. "Xhe best laid plans o' mice and men," however, "pang aft aglee," A Royal Myrtle Bnib. If ear the principal entrance at Osborne there is a flower garden in which an immense myrtle bush is to be seen.

This has been grown from a sprig which was taken out of the wedding xniquet of Empress Frederick in 1S5S. has been a role at court that at royal marriage at vrhich bride or bridegroom was a descendant of the queen some pieces of this myrtle have placed in the bride's wedding- jouqnet. The practice commenced when Princess Alice married Prince Ixrais of Hesse at Osborce in 1SC2, and has been continued until the day when their daughter was married to the emperor of Russia. The annual fire loss" from incendiar- sm in the United'States and Canada ia 39,000,000, according- 'to concervatiTe DAINTY POWDER PUFFS. the Liven of Nearly Twenty Tho Yoanff Sivun Kvery A new count in the indictment woman in the matter of her craving torn plumage ornamentation is found in way in which it is said the needs of dressing table arc supplied.

An English journal warns the don ladies that their powder puffigj those airy necessities of the toilet, heavy with the blood of slaughtered inf nocents. It is stated that as' many as twenty thousand young they a re killed every to supply this dainty fluff, to say ing of innumerable young birds of eider duck and wild goose varictijy The bulk of these are swan and geese from the islands of Baltic and from Norway and Swede and the elders from the northern more icebound seas. One cygnet will make nearly average-sized "puiTs," which shows many women must be, to a greater less extent, addicted to the use of der. The puff trade is highly profitably as may be judged from the facjj that the down of cygnet costs little more than twenty-five centi' the poor creature often being pluckc.4; nlivc so that it may bear another erojv while the puffs are sold at from ty-Cve cents upward, nicely mounted bone and blue or pink satin, which juncts amount to comparatively ing. The ladies of Paris and Vienna are the largest consumers of puffs, owiiif chiefly to their fastidiousness in aside piuTs as soon as they lose pristine delicacy.

SCOTCH Sawney PArmOTlSM. But Win A.U» "Woo" roil Ficht. The Scotch of the day ara- patriotic, but not inclined to militarisnv The recruiting- scrg-cant goes aiaonf; Stan-ing 1 crofters and idle workmen Dujj he finds few willing Io (alec thu shilling- and serve their country as soldiers. A writer in the Scotch Ilovicw says that this reluctance to shown by Scotchmen, is due to a for personal independence and to rooted dislike to strict discipline! "We'll no pairt with oor luborty!" it Sawney's response to ihe appeal to foV low his country's flag. By way of COTS' trust to this reluctance, the writer an incident illustrative of the martial spirit which animated the young Scotch recruit of former days.

The intended recruit was brought to the orderly-room for inspection by the commanding officer of the On being- measured, he was found to a trifle under the regimental ofheig-ht. He was a strong built and looking young fellow, and thereforaj the colonel reluctantly decided that could not be accepted. Expressing hfa, regret, he told the recruit that lie waa -too short to be enlisted. colonel," exclaimed the exciteA recruit, "ye'U surely no torn me I'm wee, but I'm wicked." was.Scotch for spunky, mettled.) The colonel stretched a point an0 passed him. What Zoa Phora won't do for WOMANKIND no medicine will.

gold br KMCUtaod John Ooolwa..

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