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Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa • 7

Des Moines, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WHAT DES MOINES A CLOSE SHAVE KENNEDY GOES THE EVENING TRIBUNE MARKETS ANOTHER BREAK CATTLE SUPPLY SMALL TODAY Local Wholesale Produce and Commission Market TO GET A MAN Is After a Champion Wrestler to Meet Frank Gotch Next': Year for Title." Down Ootch," la the cry among the wrestling managers In the country at preaent. George Kennedy, perhaps the moat prominent wrestling promoter and manager In the country', haa started for Bulgaria, Turkey and other eastern coun-tries to see If be can find a man that can beat Gotch. When Kennedy waa In Pes Moines last stated that he waa going to get such a man If it took hun all summer. Antonio Plerrl, the manager of the 111-Caled VussilT Mshmout, has also gone after another man. Gotch la not worry.

Ing any. It Is possible that he will retire before any of them reach the counlrv, for he is contemplating going back to tlie larnj) after he returns from his match with In Australia. VICTIMS OF QUEER ATTACK Mason City Couple Severely Beaten By Housebreakers. MASON CITY. April beaten and bruised.

Mr. and Mrs. James Peeney of this city had an experience with a housebreaker last night which caused them one of the worst frlghte of their lives. They were awakened from sleep by blows of fists rained upon them, principally, on Mra. Deeney, by an unknown man who had broken Into tha house during, the storm.

Grasping one of the hands of the Intruder and with the other, after a hard atruggle. Mr. Deeney succeeded In clinching the fellow's throat, shutting off respiration, which compelled a hault In the attack. In the meantime, however, he had used his free hand to good advantage, leaving big bruises On the bodies of Mrs. Peeney and her hua-band.

The fellow broke away when ha saw he waa being mastered and beat a hasty retreat. Mr. and Mrs. Peeney had been awakened by the storm' and heard the noise which broke In the door, but thought tt due to the wind and made no examination and had dropped off to sleep when a few moments later the man entered their room and began he attack at once. MANY CHANCES IN SCHOOLS Several Iowa Superintendent Go to Sew Fields This Year.

CKDAR FALLS. April Many cnanges are taking place among the prominent city school aupetintendenla of this slate. Prof. P. M.

Kelly, for the psst nine years superintendent Cedar Kalis, goes to AVebster City, succeeding Prof. L. H. Ford, who retired Immediately afler the school election In March when he found that the new members of the bosrd elected were opposed to his remaining for the tenth year. Prof.

Rruce Francis, for the psst year at Washington, this state, will come to Cedar Falls. Prof. A. C. Fuller, for the past five yeara Ir charge of the Storm Lake schools, will Jo to Washington.

Superintendent Henry ohnson, who has been In charge of the lHcorah schools for the past six yesrs, has been chosen superintendent at Aberdeen. 8. P. His successor hss not been chosen as yet. Superintendent E.

C. Hob-erts, who has been at Cresco for Ihe past two years, will succeed S. A. Powers, who retires after six yeara of service. C.

L. Woodfleld. who hss been In charge of the New Hampton schools for the past six years, hss resigned to accept a place st Rochester, Minn. C. E.

Nevlln, who haa been at State Center the past year, baa resigned. As yet no successor has been elected. Among the other Important places In the state that are said to ba vacant la Alhla. Funds for Marshalltown MARSH ALLTOWN, April filan to mske a future levy, for ten yeara necesssry. In order to complete the sewer system of this city is In contem- tlatlon by the city council.

The sum of ft.floii will complete the system and by making a future levy and Issuing sewer rertlfli-stes the city will he able to make the Improvement and have money left to keep up maintenance, take up some of the certificates when due, and psy interest. The council is also planning to, refund all city warrants, now hearing per cent, at about 4Va per cent for twenty yeara. Sewage System for ('tear Lake. CLEAR I.AKR, prll 22-Afler a long snd healed controversy over drsln-ago and semersge this pises hldn fair, within a few weeks, of having the vexed question settled. The council at the next meeting will vote for the establishment of a complete system of aemersge, using the septic tank system' to collect the drainage.

Taken to Annmosa Prison." NEWTON, Ia April Frank Balonm, sentenced to not exceed ten years for forgery, and Arthur Barber, not lo exceed five years for malicious mischief, were taken to Anamnss yesterday by Sheriff Russel and Constable Wade. Colonist onc-wav special low rates on ana April irom all Western Line to San rortiana and Fugct 7 Many of Them Happening Every Day but Soon Forgotten. Close shaves would he of more frequent occurrence but for the tender faces ot many men. which will not permit of slmvlng Heretofore, nothing haa been said in these columns about poslam. a new kin discovery, in connection with Its use after shaving.

Its publicity and sales have been confined almost exctu-slvely to Its remarkable properties aa an ecaema cure; It stops the Itching at once and cures the worst cases in a few daya. While tha application of poslam after shavmg is one of Its minor uses, such aa for pimples, the complexion, shavers will find It a revelation, as It does foe abrasions, roughness, and sever acrap-Ings what It does for all manner of akin difficulties heals and cures In a few hours. Tt In the only article possessing real antiseptic and curative value that has ever been exploited for this purpose, and will soothe and tone up the skin aa no toilet preparation could possibly do. Poslam can be had for fifty cents at any reliable dnigjflst. particularly Rccd Hurlbut, who- makea a specialty of It.

Or the Emergency laboratories. No. 22 West 26th 8treet, New Tork Cltv, will send a trial supply by mall to anyone who will write for it. This Is sufficient to show results In 24 houra. NERVOUS PHYSICAL DECLINE Why not conault the Old Reliable Specialists? If you need treatment, you need the bast, and you should have It at once.

We have been established In Des Moines for nearly twenty years. Our success In all Pelvlo Diseases of men Is an established fact. No need to fllve up because others hive failed. We cure others and we bellsva ws can do tha same for you. vtiis3 fl.

F. Fallows, M.D. J. T. Fellows, M.O, We want to talk to men afflicted with Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney, Bladder, Nerve Debility or exhaustion, Blood and Skin Dlsesae and all associated dtseases.

The fact that you have treated elsewhere without benefit is no resson why cannot cure you. We are curing men every day who have had a similar experience. It Is In Just such cases that we have made our repulallon. Our special training and years of experience gives us many sdvantagea over tha ordinary special- OUR SUCCESS IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT. People consult us from nearly every state In the Union.

Every man re-ceolves our very best csre and attention. The curing and building up weak, broken-down anit diseased people hss been our life work. Our sympathy Is enlisted with every patient. The cure la our first thought. our stsndlng and the cures we perform before going elsewhere.

It msy ssve you msny yeara of Buffering F.xperlence has given us such confidence In our treatment tliat do not hesitate to give every one a ehsnre to try It without anv charge, If the results are not satisfactory, New 7S-psa hook which tells rlPD Diseases, explains our I I DO methods and how you can est a treatmant on. trial without cost, If It falls to give you satisfactory results. Wa also guarantee to cure Hydrocele or Varicocele. One visit necessary. Consultation free.

Drs. Fellows Fellows Co. Office Hours to 7 p. m. Sundays to 1.

Ream 2, Rollins Block. Car. Wast Fourth and Walnut ts. Dea Moines, Iowa. Alderman Leavea.

(Evening Tribune Special IOWA CITY, April 22. Alderman, the star Freshman weight thrower, haa left Iowa City for Philadelphia, where ha will take part in the t'nlverslty of Pennsylvania games. Alderman Is expected to take a plac in the discus If not in any of the other eventa. tiotch Vi. Beell.

PF.NVttTt, April Ontih, champion of the world, and Fred Beell were matched last night lo meet at the Denver Auditorium the second week In May for the world's wrestling championship and a purse. The mstch will he under the direction of Ja Curley of Chicago. second class tickets at sale daily during March points on The North Francisco, Los Angeles, Sound points. Good Garden iV-Ws 1 'HnJ77 WW PEOPLE ARE DOING CONTINUED FROM PAGE FIVE. thoroughly Informal.

Each guest broughn im lor un onae-eiect, wnicn was carefully wrapped and on the outside of the parcel was written a rhyme, which represented the- article Inside. Miss O'Leary was obliged to guess from the rhyme the nature of the article, which was then presented to her. This created much merriment for the guests. A lunch-eon concluded the evening's pleasure and Just before the departure of the guests they presented her with a handsome can-dlebra. The Klrkwood Mothers' club is plan-rung a delightful entertainment for the children of the Home for Friendless Children, at a matinee party Saturday, to witness the performance of the "Princess," to he given by the pupils of the seventh ami eighth grades of the Klrkwood school.

Mrs. Rose A. Crowe will entertain the pupils of the eighth grade of the Capital l'Rrk school at the matinee. Literary Club Calendar. Thursday Reading club with Mrs.

Cora Shoekley. The Klmwood Mothers' club will meet tomorrow afternoon at :80 o'clock at the Klmwood school house. Logan Mothers' club will hold It regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at tho Logan school house. Mrs. W.

O. Harvlson will he hostess to the Scudery club at Its regular meeting tomorow afternoon at her home on Brat-tleboro avenue. A meeting of the board of directors of the Women's club was held yesterday morning, st which It was decided to Invite all the officers snd delegates of the City Federation of Women's clubs to the meeting of the Women's club at Hoyt Sherman place next Wednesday. meeting Wednesday will be In rhurg of the civics department, Mrs. 8.

S. Still being chairman for the day. An Interesting programme has been arranged. Including Canon Bell snd Miss Flora I'unlap, both of whom will spesk on the subject "Much Needed Chic Reform." -3. i.

The April meeting of City Federation of Women's clubs will he held Tuesday, April 27, at Hoyt Sherman place. The programme for the afternoon will he In charge of Mrs. S. 8. Still, Miss Orace Pallantyne and Mrs.

Hugh chairmen of the children's committee ot the federation. Judge H. McHenry will speak on "Uwi Relating to Children" snd "Iowa Child Labor Uw." Mrs. McFarlnnd ill spesk on "Juvenile Court snd Curfews." Miss Helen Ssum. contralto, will contribute a group of songs.

The meeting promises to be most Interesting and is open to t'e public. Tha programme begins promptly at 8 o'clock. A meeting of Ihe board snd social rom-mittep will be held i o'clock, prior to the regular programme, to mske preparations for the lawn fete that Is to be held on the Huhbell grounds In June. Another Importsnt Item for the regular session will be the tVvllon of delegates to the State Federation of Women's clubs, which meets at I'svenport May 18 to 21. The meeting April 27 will be the last meeting before the election of office.

Rev. Thomas Cassdy addressed a lsrge gathering at the meeting of Unity circle at the Unitarian church yesterday afternoon. Tha aublect of his address wss "Faith and Its Therapeutic Power." Rey. Mr. Cassdy's discussion wss highly interesting He spoke of some of his own experiences and dwelt particularly on the lesson Christ tsught in the matter of faith.

Mrs. F. C. Waterhury and Mrs. Floyd Iais were hostesses for the afternoon.

Society Personal. Miss Ethel Hewitt leaves tomorrow for a visit imana and Lincoln. Neb, Mies Edna Tllton returned today from a snort virit with friends st Stuart, la Mrs. J. S.

Smythe of Tacoma. Wash la the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Rlsser.

Mrs. Ontlirle of Omaha Is a guest at in i naries iicwm nome on est Eignrn street. Mr. and Mrs. L.

Ginsberg left yesterdsy for a two weeks' visit st Excelsior oprings. Bio. Miss Ssrah Riley of Blue Islsnd, TIL, Is expected soon for a visit with relstlves In Pes Moines. Mrs. E.

P. Pouglsss nf West Ninth Ninth street is visiting friends snd relatives In Keokuk. Mr. snd Mrs Chester Oray left yester day for Omaha, where they will make their future home. Miss Mahle Curtis leaves early In June form Cheyenne.

where she will mske her future home. Mrs J. E. Hallowell and Miss Fannie Rule of Hampton, are visiting In Des Moines for few days. Mrs.

Isaac lllllls is spending today In Monroe, where she Is the guest of the Mothers club of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Auley of Perrv, are the guests for a few days of Mr, and Mra. Thomas Pea.

Mrs. Margaret Tomllnsnn of Sslem, Is a guest at the home of her son. Mr. 1. T.

Tomllnsnn. on West Ninth street. Mrs Carl Kahler will leave soon for Indianapolis to attend the wedding of Miss Msbel Cooley snd Mr. Roderlc MrKlnnon, which takes place Msy 1. R.

A Rilling of Milwaukee and Mrs, E. Ft. Rilling of Iroquois. 8. ars tha nests of Miss Mnhle Rilling, physical Irector of the Y.

C. A. Mr, and Mra. Frank J. Mullen are expected In the city soon from Cedsr Falls.

They will make their home for tha summer at 1320 East Grand avenue. Miss BlsnCh O'Leary, who resigned her position as tescher In the Cooper school this spring, will leave tomorrow for Fort I'odge, where her marriage to Mr. Ed Mulroney takes place next Wednesday. John Irady, son of Mr. and Mra.

Mlcti-sei Prady of 1183 Sixth avenue, and brother of Asslstsnt William Prady of the fire department, la visiting with his parents. John has been located for twelve ears st Sioux Falls, 8. where ha la engaged In business. Mrs Charles Hnlen and Miss Mamla Richards, who have been visiting for a week or more at tha home of Mr. and Mrs.

K. W. Steels at I4 Center street, departed yesterday for their respective homes at Mnherly and Parry, Mo. RUN DOWN BY A TRAIN Workman la Killed on tha Barling-ton Railroad. CHARITON.

April -Special: fllchsrd Pouglsss was killed at the foot ef White ftreaat hill by the paa-senger train yesterday. The accident hap. pened this morning. Pouglsss wss riding on a railroad Wcycie He lived at Lures and waa a bachelor. He wss the switch light painter of the company.

The hesvy grade waa responsible for the accident CHARLES WESTON IS DEAD Former Dee Man Passes Away at R-d Ming, Minn. IOWA CITY, I April 21 -Charles Weston, until recently division superintendent of the Great Western at pes Moines, formerly general superintendent of the B.C. R. 4 died Frldsy at Red Wing, Minn. Hsraledalsi Pastor Resign.

SWALEPAf.r", I. April 22Afler a pastorate of five yesrs, the Rev. John Jngson of the Baptist church resigned, to tske effect June 1. The Rev. Mr, 1mgson Is one of the best known and active men of the Cedsr Vsllev sssocls-llon and has been In chsrge of flnsndng Ihe movement for the upbulldlnc of ti weak churches and has succeeded admirably, He haa not decided on his future rpholda Purchase of Cemetery.

SIOUX CITT. prll S-CHy At-tnrney Fred W. Sargsnt hss announced thst th proposed purchsse of twenty-eight tx-res on the east side aa an addition to Flnvd cemetery, which Is now completely filled. Is legal. The illy hi contracted to psy ft') an a rs to Charles Wise The residents In that section of the cltv hare derided to aek an Injunction to restrain the city from enlarging the burying around, claiming thst It will Ospraxlata tha value of their property.

WALL STREET' NKW YORK, April started up with the beginning of business at the Slock exchansro todav. The transenn- I tinental railroad stocks were prominent. I'nlon Pacific, Southern raclfto, Atchl- Mil SI I nil A. preferred, Norfolk Western and Southern Railway preferred rose large fractions, Chesapeake Ohio 1 and Minne apolis sr m. txuis iv4.

Oetstde of a rise of it In Union Pacific there was practically no reflection In the active stocks, but the vigorous advance In the Industrials and minor railroads. In fact, Reading showed heaviness, re acting a point from its best price. ii acss company's improved 2V American Telephone and Teleeranh and Metro politun Street railway 2, Great Northern Ore certificates IS. Colorado Southern first preferred I4. the second.

American Kect preferred IV and the com mon. Delaware. Hudson. Wisconsin Central and North American 1. National Lead fell IV The price movement was sluggish and freiiuent fluctuations showed lis uncer tainty.

Gains of a point or more were niHdc oy Bouinern iew torn Central, American Can. American Ice and AIIim-c halmers preferred. Atlantic Coast Line declined 1. Lackawanna sold at an advance of 5 and Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha declined as much.

Speculative sentiment was more cheer' ful. as there was brisk demand for Union 1'acirio and other representative stocks. Crex Carpet lumped 6V New Tork. Chi cago St. Louis 3.

I'nlon Pacific and Southern Pacific 2, New York Central 1 and wt. Paul. Great Northern preferred, American Sugar and Consolidated Gas 1. rurthcr advances were made, although tnc Buying was of a limited character. 1 nion Facitlc continued 111 the van, touching 1J.

a rise of 2V Tha metal slocks showed more general strength, following the rise of a point In U. S. Steel. Now York. Chicago and St.

Louts moved up 4 points. The market closed irregular. The ad vance carried up Pullman 2, United States Steel and Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati St. Louis 1U, Amalgamated Conner 3. the preferred 4'i and American Smelling ami the iiepimnc stocks 1.

Profil- taKing sales took a fraction off ton prices. Ueatling gave away again to near the lowest. Bonds were strong. Xew York Ktotks. (Furnished by Bros.

Co.) Closlna- Stocks Open. Aor. 22. Anr. II.

American Car 5nii 50., 50 American Luco r.4'-,s RRS Amal. Copper 75T Anaconda 45 Atchison 107 B. 114. Brooklyn R. 7 Canadian Pacific 17 Chcs.

Ohio 544 9N 76 45 novfc iso 30 tVi 31 145. US 14 5' 145i 741, 4k 130 145 40S 3'ft, 136 llitti 1461 1 i 6S'J 131', 1S 5S' 115 47', 53'i 761 44 114'i 176 764 as 65i 31 144 67 C. N. Colorado Fuel Colorado Southern Erie Great Northern 3M, mi, 31 Great Northern OS's tireal p.siern hj Illinois Central 145U L. Missouri Pacific 74'n K.

431, National Loed 8-s4 New York Central ...131 Northern Pacific Norfolk 03 Ontario 4K'i Pacific Mail 301 Pennsylvania 13(1 People's Gas llfi'i, Pressed Steel 37U Keading I4'g liepiihllc steel do pfd 75'i Pock Island com do pfd Southern Pacific 110', Southern Railway 2 SI. Paul 149-S American Sugar 135 Union Pacific is75j, U. S. Steel com 5:" do pfd 114'2 Wabash, common is do pfd 47Ti, 'Ex dividend per cent. 138 74 43i 144H WS 40 30 13514 116 37Si 14KH 22V4 74', 2Si, w-i 2S 149'i 1S6S 5l 1SU.

47Hi Storks in Ionrlon. LONDON, April earlv market for American securities was Irregular with the Harriman issues showing strength. Trading was quiet. Tht following were the closing bids on lie stock exchange Con. for monev.

35 N. Y. Norfolk 051 do pfd 90 Ont. Western. 501 Pennsylvania 60Vt Rsnd Mines Reading 75L, Southern ny.

27, do pfd 60 Soutnern Pac 12? Union Pacific. ..1024 do pfd U. S. Steel Con. for acct.

.15 1-16 Anaconda 04 Atchison do pftl B. O. Can. pacific ...1171 Chesa. 7S4 C.

5U C. M. St. Oe Beers 13i4 Erie 61', do 1st pfd 4S'i do in Grand Trunk III. Central 30 do pfd Wabash do nfd ...117 19 49 20'i, .150 Louis.

K. 44 Spanlsu 91 Bar Silver-Steady. 23 13-16d pr "ounce. Amnl. 1 op Money per cent.

The rate of discount In the open market for short hills Is 1', per rent. The rate of discount In the open market for three months' hill is 1'4 per cent. Produce Movement. CHICAGO, April following la the dally movement of produce: Articles Receipts. Shipments Flour, bhls 23.900 21.S00 Wheat, hu MV) 75.501 Corn, bll S7.50W 131.400 oats, hu 171.600 174.500 Barley, bu 34.500 21.300 Cur Lot Receinls Wheal 14 rmra uMtl 1 0f contract grade; corn.

59 cars, with 18 of contract grade; oats. 117 "ars. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago, Minneapolis and luiluth today, were 149 ears, com-lared with 1,10 cars last meek and 146 cars the corresponding day a year ago. Chicago Trorlure. CHICAGO.

April 22. Butter-Steady rreameries. 22i82sc; dairies, lWf25c. Eggs Steady; firsts, 21c; prime firsts, 22c. Cheese Siesdy; daisies, l.VplS'ic- twins, H'yaRV: young Americas, 14, IS 15c long horns, HVZflS c.

Potatoes Steadv; choice to fancy, fL16 T1 fair to good. ti.nMM.0JI. Poultry Easy; turkeys, 17c; chickens. 14c; springs, 15c. Veal-Sieadv; JO' to 1 lb.

weights. r.g.-)isc; 60 to 8S lh. weights, fc to 100 lb. weights, "HS'Oc. New York Produce.

NEW YORK, April 23. -Butter-Barely steady. Cheese Firm. Eggs Less firm: western firsts. IVir; seconds, 20Hfl21c; southern firsts, 21OT22o; seconds, 20Vff21c.

Poultry Alive, steady; ehlckens, broilers. 258 33e: fowls. 16(8 lV: dressed, firm; broilers, 46a Wc; fowls, 15(3 15V. Kansas City Produce. KANSAS CTTY.

April 22-Butter Creamery. 2V firsts, 2S seconds, 24c; pa'king stock. ISc. Exfrss, 22c: current receipts flat, 20c; seconds and dirties, lie. Sugar and Coffee.

NEW YORK. April tt-Stigsr-Raw. steady: fstr refining, JIMc; centrifugal. test. IIMc; molseses sugsr.

JlV; refined steadv; crushed, powdered, t.Otr; grsnulsted. 4.95c, Coffee Steady; No. 7 Rio, IVS No. 4 Santos, Metal Market. NEW YORK, April f4 'j4 2I Copper-Oilll; Sllver-51V.

ST. 1X)UIS, April f4.12'i. melter-Sleady; t4 955.M, Money Market. NEW YOP.K. April 22 -Money on rail firmer si per rent: ruling rate, dosing bid, 2.

offered at 2V Time losns quite active and ellghflv firmer; sixty dsvs, per cent; ninety days. 2t per rent, six months, 2t3 per cent. paper Prime mercantile. 11404 per rent. Sterling exefange weaker, with actual business In bankers' bills at f4 gi 46 40 fnr sixty-day bills and at 14 87 66 for demand.

Cnrnmerrls! bills, 4 MSG Bur Silver. RIV, Mexican dollars, 44c. Bonds Government firm; railroad steady. IN WHEAT PIT Part of 3-Cent Loss at the Opening Recovered on Buying by Shorts. CORN SLUMPS AFTER A RUSH UPWARD Reaction Follows Making of High Record Oats Market Firm.

CHICAGO. April prices broke sharply again today, the July delivery selling off to a point more than lc below the low mark reached during the sensational bear raid of last Tuesday. Borne down by a general selling pressure, that option today declined to ti ll, which was nearly 3c under the final quotations of the preceding session. Prices then advanced about a cent on covering by shorts. The market opened weak.

Influenced by additional foreign news of a bearish character and by the general favorable weather for the' new crop in this country, An official estimate on the week exports of wheat from Argentina placed the amount at 2.SOO,0(in hu, which was nearly half a million hu more than the acliiHl shipments of the previous week. Tile Liverpool market also was weak, with prices off a penny. Opening quotations here showed declines of V5'i' to ''sc. July being st 11.12', to fl.l3 and M.iy at fl.231, to fl.24'. On the break July dropped to fi ll, while May declined to fi.23.

The July then rallied to $1.12. Liquidation was the order of the day tremendous lines of wheat were thrown on the market. Pries hnd severe sinking speils all day and In the final quarter hour July dropped to tl.09, and May to fl.21. The close was w.ak at almost the ultii July and May eai showing net losses of 4c at for July and tl.21 for May. After touching a new high mark for the season at 72 corn for Mav delivery broke nearly 1c on profit-taking brought out by the slump In wheat.

The opening was Arm. with prices Vic lower to 'c higher, with May st 71VU7IV. After selling at 72c. May dropped hark to Tlc. Local receipts were again small and prospects for any material increase were slight.

The market slumped with wheat, Mny to I'rii. The close was weak with May wn l'jiuliic at Oats were firm at Ihe stsrt. hut weakened along with wheat and corn. Mav opened h.uer to tc higher at frtiV: and sold off to 55'sc. Provisions were quiet snd Arm.

A hff 10c advsnce In live hogs offset for a timn the easier tone of grain. Prices at the start were o'-je higher. Chirago Grain Quotation, 'Furnished by Lamson Bros. Col Close. 1.21 l.9'4 02sVi LOOT, 57', 41x5111 41 '4i 17 924 18 Sr', 18.02i in 35 10.4714 10.60 9 so 9.70 8 S2'4 Wheal.

Open. High. 1 Mny July Kept Iec Corn. May Juh- Sept llec flats. May July Sept Pork.

Mhv Trd. Mav July Sept Itibs. Mav July Sept 1 231, 1.1'. 1.05 1 71 69-Vilj 5. 50'vfl'i .244 1.13', 1.05 1.03V j.

I.oos, l.oia, l.onij 70, RSI, OTH 67', 554 40 41 14 17.92V4 IK SHU l.2!i 10.32V4 10.45 10.60 9 60 9 70 9.80 SO'i tM, 44 42 18 05 18 20 10.4m 10.57'j 10.67V, 9.05 9 7,4 9.S7', 18.05 JK.22'4 18.22V4 10.4:j 10.57V, 10.67V, 074 9.77, 9U7V4 Cash Quotations. CHICAGO. Anrll 52 Cash- 1, htNn red, f1.fUl No. 1. I1.31V4 1 35: No.

2 hard, fl.2ivei.30,: No. 8 hard, fl.ld 1,1 96' 1 nnrliiem 0U1 i.T 4 northern, fl.21V4(R l.244; No. spring, fl.lf orn-No. 3, KiWV'ir; No. white, 73c; No.

yellow. 7iyS72i4c Oats No. 3 white. 54tt56Wv Ka 4 -ltA 54'S55V4C. St.

Louis firain. PT LOVIS, Mo April 22-Wheat- jitrair' ra.r Va 4 Jt 1. 1 tni 1.62; No. 2 hnrd, f1. 81(51.

34; Ms.y, tl.2.1'4; ij i i.m'ii. ti-nck 'n 9 No. white 731'74i. Mhv imfl5i.T July, 6Sc. Oats-Lower: track.

No. 2 cash. 66c; No. 2 white, 58c; Msy, 54c; July, 47c. Poll try unlet: chickens 13c- mrlnM 18c; turkeys.

13Vn ducka, 5c. Butter-Weak: creamery. 22H28C. Eggs Firm; 20c, case count. Kansaa City Grain.

KiKfiiq CITT Un An. II 94 Wheat-23c lower; No. 2 hard. $1.26 1.30; No. ll.24KM.2S: No.

2 red, fl.41a 1.16: No. 3. 46 Corn-V4ilc higher; No. 2 mixed. 70 f0'4c: No.

8. 707ilV4c: No in- No. I. 7V. Oats-l'nchanged, No.

2 white. 66357c: No. 2 mixed. 63354c. Kye srTi3c.

Hav- Prairie. KDflTKc hlhr- changed cholc tlnioihv, 11 7512 oo- rhntce nrslrle tlO 001A Dululh Grain. Mini, 49 -l Wheat-May. I.18; July, I No. i northern.

fl l'O; No. 2 northern. fl.1S. tjais iic. Minneapolis Grain.

MINNEAPOLIS Minn. Anrll r-lr, Wheat -May. fl IWfl.l!": tl cash No. 1 hard. f1.12WM.23H: No 1 northern.

fl.21'.W1 22i: No. 2 northern, 1.19'S 1 21H; No. 3 northern, I.16',itjfl.l,t Peoria Grain. PEORIA. III.

Anrll 22 No. yellow, 7.V; No. 3 yellow. 72c: No. 7V; No.

72'4c: No. 4, 71V-Oats Lower, No. 3 white, 66Vic. Grain. LIVERPOOL.

Ena. ADrll Pool. No. 2 red, western winter, firm. 8s HVd: futures unsettled.

Mav. (a 8U1 July. 8s Heptemher. 8s 4d. Corn-spot, new American mixed, via slvesion.

strong. 4d: futures Km- May, 6s 4d; July, Ss Id. Ketrhel vs. apnnl. CT.

JOHBPH. Mo. Anrll 22-Accnrd. Ing to Colonel Harris, a fight promoter of Chicago, who wss here last night msnsglna Kid Clipper, who mets Pete Kavnv, Stanley Ketchell, aspirant for the sinrld'a heavy welaht title snd Tnnv c. ponl.

a near champion, will he matched tor eiani roijnos Tor a rurse or The bout, he says, will take plsce at Chat-tanoogs. within six weeks, K. W. Korstner, a prominent automobile menu.

facturer Is hacking the scheme, accord ing to Hsrris. Took Iloanls. Frank Harris, a negro, took a few hoards last night from a new coal mine which Is being opened hv Oeorae fllmn- son and Pstrolmsn Muhr caught the negro walking home with them on his milliner. In police court loday Harris leaded guilty and elertrtfled the court iy producing a che, book and writing a heck for the amount of his fine. Preshlea In Action.

The rrake emlversltv frhman team will meet the pes Moines college baseball nine this afternoon on the ues Moines college grounds. The Jirske freshmen have a fsirty gooq team sno should give a good account of themselves parger and Berry will the battery for the iJrik team. Butter and Kggs. 'Furnished by Elllngson Co.) Bufer No. 1 creamery, 20c; No.

2 creamery, 26c; first process, 24V; second process, 23c; country butter, packing stock. 16VS17c. Cheese-Toung 17ie: brick cheese, 17c; Wisconsin, 17c; egg while cneese, lie; egg yellow cheese, iOc. Eggs Select, 23c; No. 1.

21c: No. 2, 19c: cracked. ISc. Hay. (Furnished by Pease Has'jTommlssion Co choice timothy, $13.50 per ton; No.

1 timouij, upiann, Fruit and egetables. (Furnished by C. C. Taft A Co.) egetables-Potatoes, 91.20 per bushal; new cabbage. 4jc per home grown onions.

2c per lb head lettuce, fl.25 per iivous. 4J'atic 001; green onions, per doren; green turnips and beets, 75c per dosen: cucumners, hothouse ii-u: si.ow per amen; red ribbon celery, iio per doien bunches; spinach, 75c per dosen bunches; wan beans, f4.50 per hsm-per; new green neas. 82 50 oer bushel: new potatoes, per. pound. Florida to- inniues, per crate, sweet potatots, Illinois Jersles, 60-lb.

hamper, f2 U0. Bananas 4Vc Der lh. Apples New Tork Greenings, f700 per 41. pre noi; naiuwius, per bbl; grape fruit, f5.00 per case. per case.

runs uominlcan limes, fl 10 per basket vi uuit-ii, isxas waxed onions, per Ufte; Spanish onions, f225; cranberries, f3.50 per bushel; Texas strawberries, f4 .00, 24-auart cases. Flour and Feed. (Furnished by Shannon Mott.) Flour-Iowa and Minnesota, car lota, 6.a0; local lota. $6.40, Iowa and Minnesota, straight car lots, ffi.00; local lms. $6 20; Iowa and Minnesota, first clear, car lots, $5.00: local lots.

tr. Feed Choi) feed. 11.50 nei- 1 corn, fl.50 per cwt; coarso meal, fl.50 per ii. uruen snorts. $1 .40 per cwt; mid- iiMiiKK, per cwt: brsn.

$1.35 per cwt. These prices are on the basis of ton lots. Cereals Bolted meal, per cwt. kiln a ry Ilour. family, per iime rve nour.

li.Mi; u. graham. 10-lb. cotton sai ks, t2.60 per cwt; Falcon graham flour, $3.00 per cwt In 10-lb. cartons; whole wheat flour, fS.OO per cwt; rye graham, $2.40 per cwt in 10-lb.

cartons. Spring and winter for either kind. Hide. (Furnished by C. L.

Perctval Co.) Hldes-Oreen No. 1, 8c; No. 7e; cured No. 1, 9c: No. 2, 8e; horse No.

1, f2.253 2 50; No. 2. fl.25. AUTOS CLIMB M1U00K0UT Chattanooga Quits Business to Witness Remarkable Test of Machines. CHATTANOOGA, April 22-Ideal weather conditions and a crowd nf spectators numbering many thousands are the prospects for the Lookount mountain automobile climb this afternoon.

Business has been generally suspended for tha event. Of the fifteen entrants, ten are noted drivers, among them being Lewis Strang. Ie Witt. Louis Chevrolet, Orenler of Chicago. Hary Tuttle and Bert Miller and P.

V. Lytle of Memphis. The start will be made from the Old Blacksmith Shop, which was the scene of the romance of "St. Elmo," and the goal is the mountain homa on the top ef Lookout mountain, tt Is no prepared Course with cushioned curves. Along the route are points where danger of a fall to dissy deptha Is Imminent.

NEGRO AND CASH DISAPPEAR TOGETHER Had Been Kmplnyed as Temporary Porter in Barber Shop Polite Search for Him. A negro whose name is unknown, who was employed temporarily yesterday to do some scrubbing at the tteorge Hay-worth barber shop, disappeared slmll-tsneously with f35 cssh from the trousers pocket of the boss. The police were today notified and a search Is being msde for the porter. Ilayworth left his street clothes In the closet when he changed into the white trousers wnrn in lh. during the day.

No trace of the negro nas necn toutm. PANIC IN PICTURE SHOW Several Hurt In Escaping After F. plosion of Film at Centprvllle. April east night a film In a moving picture show here exploded, Injuring several persons, none fatally. A panic followed the explosion aid many were severely bruised In a mad rush for the exits.

Some women In the rear of the hall threw their children from the windows, hut all escaped without serious Injury The fire wss soon extinguished and little damage resulted. MAY CET VENUE CHANCE Jnnken May Xot Be Tried at Ottutn-w for Murder of Clare) Roeon. OTTTTMWA. April 22. -County Attorney flenera Cornell this afternoon states that In his opinion Judge C.

XV. Vermillion would tomorrow sustain J. C. Mitchell's motion for a change nf venue In the case of John Junken. which will send the trial to Fairfield.

Centervllla or Albla. Judge Vermillion states that ha has not decided the matter yet. hut Cornell has gleen up hopes of having tha trial In Ottumwa. ROBS MANY POSTOFFICES Bloomington Bojr Deads Guilty to Charges. TKORIA.

III. April 22-Bny Oilam, a Bloominglon. Ill boy. pleaded guilty in United States court yesterday to robbing jostofnees st Remolds. Coal City and Taylor Hlde.

111., snd was sentenced to (ve years In Fort Leavenworth and fined 1100 Chlwm. with his brother F.arl, robbed the pnstofnYe at Jsmesport. last month, and In escaping Earl was killed. Roy was raptured after a long chase. In which a polite officer was fatally wounded.

dEAD ENCINEF1 AN I0WAN J. C. Meredith, Kallmad Builder, Mnrtlod at Ames. BEDFORD, April 22-flpectal: J. Mrdlth.

engineer In chsrge of construction of f'lsgler's Flnrloa F.sst Coast railway, who died at Miami, was an Iowa man. He graduated from Ames college. He hss two brothers in Tsylnr county, Thomas and Kdward. He had been assisted In engineering work hy C. fl Nelson.

A. A. Rsney. 1 H. Galley and F.rnest Cotton of Pes Moines.

Xew Machinery for Shops. AfiPHALl.TOtrN, Is April 22 -For fr lousand dollars worth of new ms-rblnerr for the Iowa Central shops has been ordered hy Oenersl Mansger Cutler snd Master Mechanic Oossett hss been Instructed to prepare st once to operate the shop, here to their msslmum capacity. The company recently added two machines to Ita local equipment at a cost Of fl4.W. With Only 3,000 in Chicago Yards Steady Prices Prevail. MARKET FOR HOGS 5c TO.

10c HIGHER Receipts in Chicago Amount to About 12,000 Sheep Market Strong. Clil( ago Bureau nf 1 The Evening Tribune. T.MON STOCK YARDS. April 22. Scarcely 3,000 cattle arrived today, which was a remarkably small run for Thursday, but the logical result of the repression in the market earlier In the xisted and higher the fair usiness bought up quite readily.

The top was i.60. Cows and heifers were steady to lower, uemana in that department being slack. Bulls held steady and calves were strong, with top at Mockers and feeders sold stead but slowly. Good kirds were scarce Receipts of hogs, ll.nnn. With this small supply packers could not manipulate tilings as they wanted to.

Shippers bought most of the hogs sold earlv at JOc advance and a few of the test heavy were The 'op was tA. with the bulk it i.2rtft7.40. There was a good clearan'-e. Receipts of sheep were 5.000. Buvers had no urgent orders to nil, but took" the offerings at steady rates.

Quality was rather poor. Most of the Colorado'lamhs "'l)0-w, itiui iiiw siiurii class at (6 Cattle. Official receipts yesterday. head: 'shipments, ft. IS.

rteioipts tndsv. 80 ii0. Market steadv. Reeves 14 7Ke- ft rttrt at i. i and heifers, tZMfiv.M; stockers and feed-' us.

westerns. 555. EstU. mated receipts tomorrow, 10,000. Hogs.

Official receipts yesterday, 10,078 head; shipments. 5.f,ii. Receipts todav, 12000. Market closing strong, mostly ldc higher for the day. Top for the dv, I7.47H; mixed and butchers.

Jfi.05fi7.45;' good to iiTj'-t 2fB7.47H; rough heavy, JS77.15; light, M.B-.; hulk, 7.1.W7.4"; pigs. JS.7SifiiS.70. Estimated receipts tomor-', row, U.0OO. Sheep. I Official receipts yesterday, 1.447 lead-shipments.

2.5.,u. Kecetpis tndav, 5 ono PhrpP- lamhs, 1 400(1 Estimated receipts tomorrow. Live Stock Quotations From Principal Markets Ie Moines I.l ve Stork. Cattle Receipts, 125 head; the market Is steady at prices unchanged from Inst quotations. Steers, choice, $5.

5066.25; medium to good, 5.00fif;.50; common to fair, cows, good quality, J3.00'a 3.75; medium. ranners and 1 ut- i ters, J1.S0US2SO:,. venl calves, J4.OOfSS.50. 4 Hogs Receipts, 650 head; the market Is steady at Wednesday's prices: good to I choice grades, 40CT8 medium to good. J6 20f6.3S: rough stuff on the mixed order, 4 95 5 95.

South Omaha Live Stock. SOUTH OMAHA, April 22-Cat- tie Receipts, market steady to 10c higher; native steers, cows and heifers, I3.lfiei6.50: Texas steers, J3.00'ai 500: cows and heifers, 12. 854. SO; cannera, tl 25('3 75; Blockers and feeders, f.t 75; calves, J3.006.75; bulls and stags, $3 Hogs Receipts, 0.700; market RWlOo 4 higher: heavy, J7.10ra 7.25: mixed, 6.90'fj) f.7.05; light, S.7Sj90; pigs. J.650 S6.25; bulk of sales, 5 Sheep Receipts market steady 5 and active; yearlings, $6 5ftfo7.25: weihers, i l.00i6.40, ewes, lambs, I7.40M' 7 90.

i KaJisas City Live Stork. KANSAS CITY. Mo April Receipts. 3.000 head, including 200 south- i ems; market steady; native steers. J5.25 1S66O; southern steers.

I4.604J6.01; southern rows, native cows and heifers, tl2.VB6.25; stockers and feeders. 4.wv?i6.75; bulls. t3.75i75.25; calves. western steers, western rows, fft.iVKji5.Sft. Hogs Receipts.

8.000 head; market strong to 5c higher: bulk of sales, li.ff 1 7.20; heavy, packers and hutrh-ers, f6.95J7.2S; light, pigs. fS.fOS' 6.25. Sheep Receipts, head: market steady; muttons. f5.0fWi6.50; lambs. f.ViT S.OO; weihers and yearlings, 4.7.Vj7.30; ewes, f3.50436.00.

St. Louis Iive Stork. ST. LOUIS, April 52 Cattle-Re- celpts, 1,500, Including 450 Texsns; market steady 1o shade lower: native beef steers, stockers and feeders, f4 50r5 25: rows and heifers, f3.504j$ 15; calves, t4 50'y) Texas and Indian steers, ft 001,6 25; rows and heifers, 2 Hogs Receipts market barely steady: pigs and lights, f4 50fi7.15; packers, butchers and best heavy, PhecpRerelpts. I.OOfl: market steady: 4 native muttons, f4.509 26; lambs, f6 .000 I w.

St, Joseph lAve Stork, ST. JOSEPH. April Receipts. 1.500; market steady; steers, W.504j6 5O: rows and heifers. 50; calves.

f30feioo. Hogs-Receipts. 7.oon: market 5r higher; top. 72S. bulk of sales, f6 9Off7.10.

Mheep Receipts, 1.0i)5; market strong; lambs, f7.Ctt37.t5. 8lou City Live Stork. SIOUX CITY. April 22. -Cattle-Receipts, 400 head; market steady.

Beeves. fS.nn6.30; cows and heifers. f3.76fl4.R5; stockers and feeders, K.S5(i(4.S0: yearlings and calves, bulls and stags, f3.5O5.00. St, Ixul Wool. ST TXDUiP, M8 April territory and western mediums, fine mediums, l22c; fine, 12HHV.

FIRE IN CRINNELL 'GYM" Studenta Sarei Structure, Damage. Amounting to Only $200. GRINNELL, April There wit a half hour's wild excitement among the student body last night when a Are was discovered In the basement of the men's gymnasium. A pile of rubbish had. In tome unknown way, caught lira and was burning fiercely, when finally discovered bv smile students who were fussing by.

The alarm was qulrklv turned and In the course of a few moments in Immense crowd of students, with vis-Ions of a mined arvmnasitim and a hastily built training shed erected ss a substitute flitting before their eves, were hastening toward the scene from all parts nt town. The local fire department was soon on the ground, but the fire was extinguished before the hose could be unrolled. The dsmaga will amount to approximately REEVES TO MEET COTCH Jnwai Wrestler to Grapple In llamll- (rap Matrh at Boone. OUTHRIR CENTER, April 21 Reeves, the wrestler of this cltv, well known all over the state and the entire west, will meet Frank Gotch at Boone In a few days. Gotch agrees to get three falls on Reevea in an houra time.

Jbetk. Some shipping orders steers were practically JOc 'linn VMtMYlav kn. tf nits uuin in i 1 to medium grades sold steady. "Brfs unite active and the recelni Daily and Personally conducted tours in tourist sleeping cars via the Chlcado, Union Pacific Si North Western Line tt' fufl mrihalarj krrV A. Hutthh-t.

Mtr. Ttmrist 2 12 CA'cae. C. F. Mtlty.

Ceti. Agt. C.rdt A f. Walnut Vtj rem Pleasure, Health and Profit Prepare (or a good garden this year aad ts flrst essssssry ts ss seoa tor a copy or our large aee-nriptlTS eetlofM sod seises Ihe varieties wsoted 19 THE TIME and other plsote In the house as well as Paosles. Verbens sod ether flower seeds.

Don't negieet everrtlilnf started early la your gardes aad seed 00 your lava. VsVXTlVK 033X1X3IS ars also a greet with na tatelogae free It yoa tueattoo this Address I A IOWA CURCD WITHOUT THI VOU PAY NOTHINQ UNTIL CURIO- and permanent. I cure almost aa msny NO FOR MY 62-RAOB FRKB BOOK age paid. This book contains much In flirted, snd many testimonial letters fre can CURB YOU. Whether you take treat Dooa.

(sit or write today -It will nay P. VV. MoCANON. M. 717-711 Li -See- TIM a-e-jy xsaa CJ tning HQW telery Asters.

to have see greas pecieii; us oer, 1 SEED COMPANY, 613-615 locust St NIFS, CURB OUARANTCCO. My treatment ts mild, absolutely reliable women as men. I will send It to you free, post- forrastlnn of great value to anyone af- cured patients, I cured THlM and ment or not. you are welcome to me you. Free Consultations, Examinations.

T. Des Melnea, Iowa..

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