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The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan • 8

The Times Heraldi
Port Huron, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

XfX XX I 1 1 TTzz-- i THE! STATE OF CONT RACT LABOR ONE WEEK OF BARGAINS Customs Pepartment People Residing Ch'Mting out sale uf White Pi jucs. Piasn, Stripe nd' Ctuckod Mu.slins, Figured Muslin. All Summer G.vds muU he cKeJ i once. l'itrter trT all our T.kbb fur rash OWEENA WON.

0 i Work in Port Huron. i MARX I BROS I EMPHATIC TALK. The Rind Thu- Carries Conrlct'o! to l-vcry t'ur? Huron Keobr. Conviction, must follow such etiij'ha-tic proof us is "giv-n h-r. The, testimony of Tort Hutn residents suould the mo.

sk-ptical. Here is -u 'l'T it nl w-e if doubt can t-xlsr 5u the face of this Mr. John Kohlr-aon. of Eleventh burners at tlx XP.MTor-rfilek Harcws Uop on Mllitary rtivet, says: the resale -probably of a arraln at etme 1 was tr.di-Med with a. heavy, aching through my loins.

It lather nie a great deal when doing heavy work ind even when keeping ill trying to rest myself n.y beck nm became very tired. I usd different remedies which w-re commended but I nor he isi-tlve enef.t. Hearing Ioati'f JCIdny highly spjken I got. a box at FT. M.

Adam's dng store and I ued them. I notiord their result fruin the very start and I was soon relieved of the 'Th re was a rcirt on thv tnet this Avety liad.ixtievl an r-itt; that wfph iviti bs iu Port I Huron. ii was Tho Tiin-. call. ial iN JjH c.

Pn ji. 11. vil.iil at eiil TriE PEOPLE'S COLUMN iia. t. tin' HlU Hl avellllvi I "Collector Avery came i my and lnkkeejier tnu4t i-it her take tip lit would 'ake the jm i-essiry js t.

ill -in-- t.i'. emidoytTS of The Ttmes Huron to reside. I anadian alike." lkvn iwiable arn Enforcing the Law-- in Sarnia Cannot that Hec; jh-r-iiliug in I of the laln-r law. cu--'fiti n. use a i mi lowed ne nan jt hardsvare dealer, said U- The lUt'TIiled nie tkit wv nee in Port Hun a th i-ep lier iu A -i r.Mt!: SlK' pivsntjie the clleetcr will at ary cae.

I Attache Can Find No jto Stay With. collapse of Boer resistenco to the American authorities. Captain Helch- AdTMrtlementa for tM colttpm He left at tlie :) offlie of The Times, "tl Whi.t atreit. or al auy of the follow- hot hraiich effScew. .1 U.

(5. HurweH'o drtnr afore, corner tlra-tlotO'cnuo and Klinw at reel. T. t'ofvitrrnoira dru atore, ICS Pine avrnuc, K. t.

Wood'a ajrwery. Twenty-fourth eouib of rallrortd. Offlee of Pnbllentlon. The Khfrmaa Hall.l- 'v a 13 Water Street. 0ER WAR OVER.

United States Military Transvaal Force I Sept. 12. The British was announced today by the inan, the United States military attache with the Boers reiuiretl that niilitajry apaches leave tlie Transvaal that the i-ouditjiotis aijd asked for tone to which lie instructions. His dispatch dietins that there is no can lie attached, as ordered home. PICKLING SEASON! Our ot sic' js crm; Whole jircut of every Vivi end Snc-si THY OUR WHOLE MIXED SPICES FOR PICKLES PRICE.

IOC. F4CKA0E. Full directions for tbeir uso given on eaoa WILBER SYLVESTER DRUGGIST, 203 Huron On Oeor Narth First national Baak. Spring Ducks Chickens and Fowls at 1 1ST. CLAIR CITY I 1 it- lTIUIauis Farullj Tronblee 8eUrd.

To the Editor of The Times. The trouble between Mrs. J. H. Will-iants and her Inband has been settled and Mrs.

Williams has returned io her homes Mr. Williams nas Ixh-u engaged iu the grccery and meat busins3 for the past ten years and has been 1 LOST. l.i tS'I" f'i'Hle ro-kT altnnM. llh'. hile sret on hrcast, Hiiawera lut'tie tf Did a)'.

If to VCH N-uionr strict f.l A ladv'a pOi-ketlKxtk on Monday con tain some money and rnr ljeave nl 1 lines ottice and kct rewerd. 12! t.OST- At IjiSnllo lMach, on Sunday morn-lUK. set pliotor.iplilo lenses In shutter, In leather hoi, Kclura to The a office and cet rea-artl 9 13IJ l.OSI" Uetweeo Ind. ruiere HviDiila oeacn Suud.iv nltcriitxni, a rape trimmed wil Ornld. lcder pleaan leave nt loo-J Lincoln ave.

and receive reward. t( -t l.tisT On Knturdny venin. a toll of hills. Kinder please return 1 133 Mkt. and pel rcWHrd.

i Kl 31 L.OHT tin Kutx-rlor lret la-twcen Mirs nil I it ird Ktreela. an amclhyat lint plu. Kewnrd If reuirnc! to AIT ttcers si icel LOST -tin Tliurrday.niy void watch." Nam Inside. U-turn to Time office and e-l reward. K.

A. Me. rt Imr. sjst LOST Iluueh of 10 or II Keys-hetxeeil the Miccln Temple, City If till or '1'h Tltto- tirllee. Flndr pleas iclurn to The i'lines onice and recei rvwni d.

f. Adama. HT in Hsturiiy evenluit, a ladMa' K'kctoock on Huron nvi. Jenienl The 'i't dies oltlce ud k-i rew ard, IU TO RENT. To UK NT for KopttMiiher, furnished at KewabdlQ uch. Thomp. son. 4 4r BOOMS KtHl At UIK Kiuhth Slrtil for rent I wo pteasnni fiirnlshil room. ii stairs, ll It ater i I and coal lln Just the plare for ilr.

aamak r. 1 2 (1 to JtKNT Klne oftlei-s with strain elirK' and ta tlstnrea, well 1. airy and comfortable. Iu Hio Hive A p-ply to Boymoii A Son Co. 1 1 TO KK.NT stores on est side Huron avenue, bet w.i in Hard- and aire suitable lor nierennllle busliif.s or tuanu.

puriaiaes. Apply to 11 itiiioii A Hon Bee IllVf re block. IS 0 uves.01 and always honest, his 1,1 dealings with the public. Thio fam- Utmle 1111(1 west loupitiule. ily ditlicultiesand occurrenccn -aiv very 11 course almost much to be regreted, 'caused a they ar die porihwest, passing through by the fbH-ial glass.

that lia brought Kingston, Jamaica, aud if it lr.ul con-so-row aiid ruinto many a good family. tiuot, otl thtH 8auu bne it would St. Clair, Sept. 11. Miss Lottie Shepard if visiting Port Huron.

llev. M. W. Gilford left this morning 5 aiveston all the time, but oh Pomiae to be in attendance at. tii? diy of last week, whn almost due KaeseiBByer Bros.

STORM IN MICHIGAN FIEnCEST STORM OF THE OS Tilt! LAItES. Till FTIS (TOBJI BOCX AT Ml'S-KE(iO IS Illtilf. nt" II IJOM3 TO'IMIOPKHTY TflHOI (iilOlT Til STATE, St. 'September 12. The Texas gale struck this pfiaee yesterday morning, bursting with renew ed force, with a iieavy downpour of rain about 3 o'clock, and increasing In power until night.

The reports from the peach farms aye exceedingly alarming. The heavily-laden trees in many cases are lying flat, while the ground Is covered with the finest fruit. The cooling! of the atmosphere put tjfce peach men! in a better humor, they believing the fruit would ripen less rapidly, but last night the several boat lines were tied up, leaving on the docks here over sixty thousand packages, most of which are peaches. This alone, unless something can be done, means a loss of J75.000 to the farmers of this vicinity. The loss from the wind among the peach orchards will run up to $12,000 or $15,000.

The express companies and fast fruit trains are going out heavily loaded. Muskegon, September 12. The fiercest storm of the season is raging, here and the sea in Lake Michigan is the highest it has been in many months. "he wind iis blowing sixty miles an hour and is shifting to the northwest. The Goodrich.

Crosby Barry Line passenger steamers due to, leave last night, are stormbound, and the Pere Marquette car ferry Muskegon, which was reported having left; Milwaukee for this port Monday morning and due here at 4:30 yesterday afternoon, has not been sighted. The steamer Ryerson left Whitehall Monday afternoon and sought shelter here yesterday afternoon. Holland, Mich September 12. A high southwest wind blew all day yesterday. The captain of the life-saving station says the biggest' sea of the year was rolling.

F. P. M. No. 4 brought a large excursion, about 400, over from Milwaukee Monday night, and left with them about 4:30 p.

ro. yesterday. No fears are expressed for her safety, as Capt. Russell was advised of the storm reports and made light of them. The Holland Chicago steamer Soo City did not attempt to leave last night- Fruit and shade trees and shocked! com have been blown down.

i Grand Jlaven, Mlch. September 12. The Petoskey, of the Pere Mar-quett line, with a big excursion from Milwaukee to Detroit, via Holland, was obliged to run in here for, shelter last night, owing to the severe storm raging on Lake Michigan. The F. P.

M. NOj4 Is outside the harbor, not daring to try to make Holland. Marshall. September 12. The severest windstorm of the season prevailed here last evening, tearing up trees by th roots, moving buildings from tbeir foundations and doingr other damago.

Paw Paw, September 12. A very heavy wind struck Paw Paw yesterday afternoon and blew down several shade trees. The Democratic pole was brokea off about half way up. Reading. September 12.

The worst wind storm in years prevailed here yesterday, Apple and pear trees are stripped of their fruit, which will be a great loss. The TVraat; Wire. Jackson, September 12. Charles A. Worden, electrician of tho Jackson fire department, had a narrow escape from death last night.

No. 3 circuit of the fire alarm telegraph system had become crossed with a trolley wirt and a lively display of fireworks resulted Worden, in en deavoring to straighten out matters while working at the top of a pole, got hold of a wir charged with the street railway current, and was knocked senseless. In falling the climbing Iron on his boot, caught on one of the hand-spikes- driven in the telegraph pole and he hung by one leg. Worden was working alone. A passer-by noticed his dangerous predicament, and summoning assistance, lowered him to the ground.

His injuries are not serious. Mtrklaran Patenfa. Washington September 12. DstM A reason, car coupling; Louis A. Cornelius.

Grand Rapids, flexible waste pipe cleaner; Lee K. For-sythe. Battle Creek, artificial stone base; Alexander Gordon, Detroit, cisar bunchlns nia chine; Daniel Griffith, Wexford, steam -engine governor; William S. Borry, Sault Ste. Marie, electric furnace; Reinhold Ikling.

Kalama-cxx duplicate whist tray; John H. Jew-ett, Koss. insertible cutter or tooth for rotary saws; William Mitchell, Cold- x-attr lik mam mftM" twirrt 17 jTmml- TWroiL sheet counting de- m. 1.. eouieriaioe.

I M. W. Gifford and daughter Ida left today for Howell, where they will sjiend a few days. The dot? noKoi or ac" nt La-t Bight the big Newfoundland dog sulal the coast to the vicinity of Cha H. Mono succumbed to the of Tampa.

Here tho storm made au-poisoner's liand.r i lohe'r sban turn to the westward. Detroit Yacht Club Race Came off la Fifth. Tueadny Detroit, ShjitI VI. Tb' tliirty-fKter ivosi jtii' Stt. flam tnitiy asd the Ik L.

a iu i which tli waws continually rolled over tin l-at aiiu tit-' t-cvv Mini dtvn-led to the ('iAinix' atid ifjilitdid kuuwledgp of jachthiHiihii) jwasj what won the vic tory. I bo actual, trine over tl" courw was' 5 hours. ui'lntues and ouds; corf'Cted tim. Tlie Kchota, wliicli; kl Muiid iy, nd thtt city of ting Straits did not linisli. The Sultana, of -Clair.

i came bitU witli :11 I -corrected tinit1. Owing to the disabled of many of tin- yat hts tin- reniniiider of the races of the regatta will be saibiij tomorrow afternoon. DETROIT CONFERENCE. The Mfly Fifth Annual Sesnlou Sow (in at Pont lac. Poiiii.te, Mi.

Sept. 12. Tlie eonf'iviK-e of. the Mj K. cliurch opened thi.s luoming fori its' 55tli annual Bitiiiop Joyce presided.

are IV i nieinbers of the confereueo and friends in attendance and (his will he largely increased. Tht? pentecostal services at 8 a. in. daily will be one of the feature of thf meeting. Iiev.l P.

Ttosti I'ankh is named as-iant; ppcictary, Bih-hcp jj. C. Harwell, of Afi t. Is xpected tlie ji She Came from Iet kervllle. lU-korrille, i Sept.

Lulu Terix-nlngj the iusan woman win took tiK life of TJeltyca 1'ienian lr. the Wayne county asylum, is a daughter of Marine Ten'nirg. of this place. The family if niuvh grieviil over the! tad arcurren Her mother is dead. I Killed by a Kapld Car.

Detroit, Sept. 12. A Polish girl SO years wa ruu over tlii moniing by a Rapid railway car and her head crushed. MICHIGAN COMMENT. Detroit hotels are still crowrded to their limits by thOse in attendjiucle- at the vaiioua convention! in that city, During the present week four pation al and two state conventions are do ing business there.

Senator Burrows Is considered by tbe Republican national committee the best and most effective campaign orator in the country. While he luiay deliver a few sjieeches In Michigan this campaign, most of his time jwill 1h' sient in states that are classed as more doubtful. Cblonoi Bliss' voice Is giving out tjrom tliHstrain ut upon it by inun'jer of adrefwes he haa been maklug lately and been' temporarily comixdlcd to give lip hLs active campaigning, He thinks; that a few days' reM will! put him iu shape to go on the road. again and by care lie will be abk to continue the. campaign to the end.

Monroe county Republicans are Insisting that the nomination for state senator in the fifth district shall go to that couuty this year. Lenawee county, the other one In the district. has the candidate for Congress. tlie presidential elector, besides a number of other party honors and Monroe thinks1 it is entitled to some recognition at this time. i The story.

that has been going! tho rounds of the Democratic press of the state to the effect that H. H. Hanna. of the National Sound Money League, has written a letter to a man named ed Geeek, at Owosso offering him' re-numeration if he will join the Ite-publican party has turned out to le a huge joke, ierpctrated by a friend of the recipent of the letter. i STATE NEWS IN BRIEF.

Tlie Jiulson faction of tb-? Kepublican ivuty hi Washteua county, to start a ncwiKiper at Ann Saturday of this week. It callel the Washtenaw Republican, but will 1h pnuted 111 Detroit. At Cummer Jfc liggin's lumber camp, north wen of was cut 011 Saturday the last line tree in Wexford. and which ins lwt-11 the chief industo- of Cadillac in to this time, will on be only a rcmembraac. Th one lone pine was allowed to Ktaml by irself for eeveral days while a i nunilicr; of plKtogniiIi9 were takeu! of it as souvenirs.

TO ASSIST THE SUFFERERS! RrTeave Cotter Wlnota ITas Been Ordered CalTtaton. Washington. Sept. 12. -The revenue' cutter Winona, now at Mobile, was today ordered to, proceed to Galveston to make Itself.

ufuL I Good Health. The stomach Is the foundation of health. ben it does its work properly disease cannot enter the body. If it is out! of order. Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters, the restore Its vigor.

It is liuw-t valuable medicine lor stotcach ins known tusci-nce. iry ror Induration, dyapeptd. eonatlpalioa. e-r Malaria. Fever and Aew.

Our prtiaUr nnM stamp covets the neck uf tne OttiC. ostettcr's Stomach Bitters Thar Is Wothiar Jut As Good', I A.lfi rtUcuirtit In till column, four line (25 word! or b-, 'J." centa for oue cltflit wiita anbsou'tit ia.r. twi cents one. week. Tor each ituhmiiient wH-k, cent a.

For In ttie Wet-Wlj- 15 eciili. no ituMlentton In Weekly only, 2." cent a. liienftl adilttl to thece rates for each a.bUtl nnl Ilnv over four. Liner Advertisements. HELP WANTED FEMALE.

WASTKIiOlil to do geoernl housework. Apply 137 Pino Cir.ive ae. WS20 WANTED-A competent K'rt for Reneiiil liounework In fninlly of three. Mu.kt itirhI conk. ii tHl wtiRef, A pi'ly r.

Taylor, IS3I sixth xt. T0 WAN! KI-Two dining room Rlils nt the New 7 WANTEP- tiooil and plrl or woman to do general hotiHowork. No one under years of ttfio ni'cd Iv. 314 WANTpl A pood compelwiil plrl for housework nt once. Apply to Austin's Jewelry atore.

02i WANTKl itrl for lo.lft Howurd at. Keneral houaewnrk. It 0 NVANTKK A conipetent girl for treneral housework, also nurne. Apjdvto IHia Mlll.nry M. 12 4t WANTKI'-A cultured mid refined nilddle-aet tndy for permanent taialtlon.

Cull nt pniior vt New l'nciric liotcl hours 5 to 8 p.m. Hftt WANTKK-A nurse girl. Inquire 03 line WT(f W.VNTEH-A dlnliiK room or kitchen Ktrl. Iniulre at tlie MesaeuRer House. 7 -t WANTED.

WANTKl) Board Iu rrlvate fnmllv. hv fnmlly of four. Pref-r ninth wnid. Ad- dreoa lie I luiea oniee. t' it rellnlile men In every county to represent lare company of will.

I nam-In! reputation. 1.1 per day uhsolulely sure to start. onnn txma uie atimrloa rontraot Md exponsfs; opportunity to cure jht-tuaneut oltton Involvlnx no Puiversal, Box T3a, t'hllndelphla. UELIABI.E innn In every town to repre sent an oiu eiaiiistici mnntifa'turing comimny 11 cupu.ii or fuu.usi. nmnry jwr year niei expne.

prti. notion and itermancnt p.ilon reqiilroig no ciinrnmlni. CnusiiHl eptxrtunl( luanoger, I U. Mox 1173 I'lilla deiphln, l'a. WANTKll -1 Jidlitt or Kiiilleineit to work for SI "0 ir dnv.

Adliiaa ejire The 'flna lytHf to M. O. 1 1 at ANTK 1 sollcltora. male and femnle. to solicit Insurance tor accident and health oepnrtim-nt.

Onlv applications irom reliabl" aii't reapouslble paritea entertained. Appllcntlona to be made In writing with references. W. K. Hnvldson, A31 Water Huron, Mleli.

lost WANTKll A position a hnuaekeeper In fina family or with elderly people, a trustworthy. lady. Call or ad-d reas 72 Howard at. II Ji MISCELLANEOUS W'ANTKH Ureas itmklnx to do bv the dnv. flK)d and quirk work done.

Address Mrs, May ll -nnrenard. 1'pton M'orka. I at KiVE HOLLA lis HKWAKD For rrturn of parrot, wblcn escoped from New Pacific a lew dnya ano. Tot FOR SALE. FOR BALK Ten sere of rich garden land with modern houat and srood out build-Iiikb, situated on I.a)ecr avenue four miles town.

Kor p.irllculrs and price apply at residence or write to it. l'urlsleu. Tort Huron. Oen. 1HI.

8 7 4w FOR KAhB-Kleh niuck trsrden lands and ocean cottage lt at Boyntoo, Florida. The finest location on the east coatt f-r iutr resbleiice, and the most productive lands In America. Will sell land on monitor, quartejiy or yearly nsxmrnta. tr will exchnnce for I'ort Hu Huron city property- Apply fr particulars to Born ertr. At Hon 1TO- ion iwn.

nee Hire mock 7 liO Port 8A LK Complete Konntaln l'red W. yherniati. The Ttmee office. 0 FOIt KA I. K-Several irool Improved farms, K.

L. Vincent, at H-. Clair Co Kalncs onna, i. ii uron. 50 FOR SALK-flno of Kdlaou'e Antoinatle mlineoerapha at a bargHia.

Apply at the Kheruiau atore. tf It A F.STAT Two bits in Tort Huron for sale, or exchange lor firm property. Can lnrnlsh money for smull houre. Kosy terms. Address Loci? Bt pv, Altn, 31 3 it FOR SAI.P I hsre two bouses and lota for sale nt a half their ratne.

on J. W. Benedict, of Military and t'lne streets. 7 r.l not K.M.h ltiiproTei farm near Heii'h; so seres. t.jum prb-e.

Kasr tertea. C. l-. Harrington, 2.S 0 FOR SAI.K-Cottace on Ijipor arenne. K.

L. Vlucent, at County Sarlnga bank. 27 SAFE IN PORT. fere Maroiette Mtanir Rrarhrd Mll- waokce Tixlay After a TerriMe I.iprr-lenre. Milwatikee, Sept.

12. lVre Marquette steamer No. 4. with 375 excursionists on tmrd. has arrlveil from Holland.

after a terrible experien-e In the storm. A niimlaT of the passengers were injured, come of lie in was feared the vessel was lost. A LONE HIGHWAYMAN Held I a C. B. A Flyer aad Made Away With.

fl.SOO. Omaha, Sept. Is re.iorted that thj OverLiiuI flyer rn the Cha-a-go. Iturliirgttn aisl limiH-y railroail. vp a dollar, in jowelry and in ca'x A isw hi pursuing.

TO HK.N Two convenient houses wllhl.i five iiilniitea walk oi the Jas. Oouldcn. to OKKU LS TO KENT Two verv dctrnl.l trout otllre. In I he hit, bull ins! will raly for new tenants nt an cnily rtnte. Tnere are alo I small rooms lor rent llli joint a with another tenant for ten.

eral witUIni or work ronn. Krd. W. Sherman. TO KKNT Twohoiiaea M.llfary sir.

el. Nix. into and latl, house porner Ketenl Ii ami Chestnut s'leet. a I km m.u- east Water street. K.

1. Sanborn, 7 tiUl tary streel, 7 9 9 OKKIi F.S TO KKNT laastrAlde rooms In the While liidldlnic, slnr) or In suites. All with steam beating and water. If daw aired. Suitable for Is wrera.

physicians. Insurance awnts, ete. fiujutre of A. Kticriiisu or P. W.

Khr-rtusQ. FOIt KK.NT bomeaoad. ttansj Mllllnry st furnlshel or uiifurnlshed. Apply to Four d'ablcF, Edison eephone. 't it TO KKNT-lit t.

u. K. Temtde, one or Iwdh torea. Very tine ba-allon on Irftpr BVniio. luqulio Titos.

Wellman. White biiliiltng. 7 a TO KKNT Two stores on corner of Twepty-fouria aim I'pton streets suitable fir ment market hii.I grocery. Will rent very reasonable to HrIu party. Call al iUi.

Howaid st. int FOIl HA LB ort F.XCHANOH for Hty pron-erlT. a farm. I laud aud well located. J.

itoyce. It At the quarterly conference of the M. K. church held Monday mght, Kev. M.

W. Gifford was given a unanimous invitation to return for hie third year. BOND SALE. i Controller Cady Dlapoaed of 95.0S5 Worth at Noon Today. x.

At. noon today Controller Cady oiK'iied bids for with miscellaneous short time bonds, Burt D. Cady, agent, purchased of the lKuds at a premium of $10.25. Geo. W.

Moore took of the bonds at par. NEW YORK DEMOCRATS. Croker IU Name the Ticket-1(111 to Die Game. Sent 1oTho Hem sept. 1- llie I'em- Saratoga; X.

T. Boer COURSE OF THE STORM. It Began Sontheaat of Snn Domingo ami Made a 71c Zac Courst Oter the Con try for Two Week. 'j As marked out on the charts of the w-eather, bureau the storm which struck Galveston had a jx culiar It was first definitely located south by east of San Domingo, and If last day of August tlie center of the disturbance was approximately at have struck Galveston just tbe same, 5 bjnt somewhat earlier him it did. The storm apparently was headed for I south of Cienfuegos, Cuba, it chang- el its course so as to go almost due neroK8 tuw l8laud of Vuh 4 through the toe of the Florida lnin- 1 land headed again almost straight for (jjilvestoo it was this sharp turn to the west w-ard which could not be anticipated ho the weather bureau sent out its hurricane signals lwth for the Allan tic and the gulf coast, well 1 under standing that the prediction as to one of these coasts would certainly fail.

As soon as the storm 1 turned westward from lelow Tampa the weather bureau knew the Atlantic coast was safe, and turned Its attention toward the gulf. The people of Galveston had -abundant warning of tlie coming of the hurricane, but. of could not anticipate the destructive energy It would gain on the way across the Gulf of Mexico. The w-enther bureau was Informed that the first sign of the disturbance whs noticed on Aug. 30 near the Windward Islands.

On Aug. 31 it M'11 W8 la f''ani Th Kfrtrn, age through the Caribbean Sea and Cuba, but was accompanied by tremendous rains; Iurinir the tirist twelve hours of Sept. 3, in Santi ago, tuna, I0.r0 inches rain fell and 2.8o inches fell in the next twelve. Oil Sept. 4 the.

rainfall during, twelve hours In Santiago was Hi InclieK, or a jotal fall In thirty-six hours of 17.20 inches. There were some high winds in I Cuba the night of Sept. 4r By the morning of i the fith the storm center was a short distance northwest of Key West, and the high winds had commenced over southern Florida, forty-right miles an liojtr from the east leiug Teixrtcd from. Jupiter and forty miles from th" northeast from Key West. During the Uth lmrometric conditions over tbe eastern portion of the United Slates so far changed as to prevent I 1 the movement of the storm along the and It, therefore, eon- est over the Gulf of tne mornins or ttie Tth it appnr 7f It a pre entjly was -entraI sowth of the coast, altout loncitude H.

latitude At this time storm signals were ordered up on the north Texas coast ai during the day were extended along the entire coast. On the morning of the Sth the storm was uearing ibe Texas const and was apparently central at about latitude 'Jft, -lougitude Pi. On the morning of the loth, the storm was central in Oklahoma, but its velocity had ceastl and it was be Hevjed to dissij.afing. On Tuesday. however, it had again resumed i acti vity and was central over Iowa with the barometer at 2VUJO.

It moved very rapidly in a northeasterly cour-e during the day. ass-nmiue great energy, tbe centre passing to the north of thM city at 12 midnight. Tbe barometer 41 1 tlie weather bureau office showed 1.42. a drop of one half inch in 12 hours. The rain was very heavy on jfhe northwest quadrant of the storm, the wind assuming a maximum "veloHty over Ijike Michigan of ocratie state convention met hero features diirine- tt FOR SALECHEAP.

I have a let of recc nd-r-snd bcrse mater-that I asn very anxlcns to dl- pose of and cell at Mtittnely low trices. Will RlTe romttotMli month time on good en-Joraed notes if required. Among tbe material la the follow in Haeka, Two Lumbar Wagons, Carrla2-. Bugjlaa, tia(la and Doubla Haraaa. If j-oo have for anything of tbli character you can ge'.

a bargain of me. JOHN UWLERU LIVEBY, Histh treet, opposite P.O. FURS REPAIRED. O. E.

Harrington, 719 Grlswotd street, is ready to receive orders for the making of fine furs In any style desired. Furs repaired. All work guaranteed to be In first class style. Fine seal goods to be repaired will be dyed free of charge. My tanning business and machinery for sale at a reasonable price.


DEYOE, DCITIST. 1)4 Narva I SAOfATK of Mtehlcat vX nd Post Graduate fcKihoul o) CttlCBo. Dr. IeT haa hd TAr experience In the practice rl IteatUi'nr aiva I prepared to gtre bis paUouU tUe i work at lowed prtc b.k lUodt3 Patcletxtrsct'Kt5 )Ktet IV-tb cMsrwui SOe SHrer flUlOK fliilnna Plndna flUlota TA GoinCnmnH All TTofk Buroiwd. TflT'Over Ceedaiaa'a Cletajiaa ktre.

A Bec Fake at TO NT-street a. E. Honae corner Ilos I. Vloeent. sod aittk (2IU 1, '-J BUSINESS CARDS.

8. V. JOXKM. pension elslni afen'-y, rooni 8 Kteveua block. Port llrtn.

All pcraaloa matters proetly attended to. Tonticr execute, etc. Ileal eatate and Insurauce. 23 2 0 1 MONEY TO LOAN. MONKV.

TO LOAN AM KMTATC -Mony leaned 011 resl eaisle se nr'ir, i'srtn and iitr property sold nn I I. Itlllinels. flllailiess KTCloiliije. sialrs I 0 MONEY TO IlA.V-O. KlU.

1 No. Wetatis bbe k. Oftl'-e honrs-IO a. m. to 2 p.

in. 1 Agent f.r Ollrer Trpwrlier. SloXKY TO MlAN-Keel properly. Also a limited amount of nen (o l'sn flrst-lass projrty. Hurt i.

Cady. White building. SOCIETIES. J-iftT HI HON OMMAMJF.Itr, N. K.

T- Itetrtilar -oO''al si tisll. nuny eTet.iiig a ur full K. FORT IIRATIOT 3T-J. P. A A.

M. li'i'iiiir coirinouil' tlon In Mi.ji.Ik list). Port Itaron, loewis nfun after full tuoon. "PHVrrrt, Secretary. w.

u. rrKORCJK WHITItV )ftVTl7l LUMBER Plumbing' Steam and Gas Fitting: Hot Water Heating: We are pyepa red to lr est mates on the slss in Ibe very latest ikiii sri'iiBa. sir work a sperlaHr Headquarters for W.l.lncb aud Uastiouds. iocandesceot NORTH BONNER, TTatrr fkth Ibiicfl NORTH T. Richard CroUer, the Tarn- many borst, is in control.

Tlie ticket will le as follows, unless present plans miscarrr: For governor, Jolin B. Stanchrleld, cf Cmnnung; for! lieutenant governor Win. F. Mackey, lof Erie; for secretary of rotate, John T. Norton, cf for comptroller, Kdwin Atwater.

of Dutchess: for attornej-'geii ral. George M. Palmer, of Schoharie: for treasurer, Guy H. Clarke, of Madbwn; for engi-netr and surveyor, Kuss 11 A. Stewart, of Onondaga.

Only an absolute, breach of faitli can prevent the of two a the head of this tiyket, and Mily the icr-oi'tent claims of up state leaders will upset She eomplejte ticket. the ljor'eIessms of pnispect Mr. Hill is still determiu 1 to prt-nt tbe im me of Mr. Cur to the convent ion a r)d in o-dcr that the nomination shall ijcome tu tu his own county. Otto Kemper, of is im- Uerstooil.

to lave jilwn prevailea tnm ft luase rue noun nation. j-eiune-r 11 in, it is expected, will make a speee'j sec-ondinsr the in.minit i.m DAMAGE AT BUFFALO. Oirl Killed and Kmpoaltloa It-Jared by the Storm. Buffalo. X.

ISept. 12. The gale rwept over this city night, aud a fast amount of damage as tlie Ian-Amerieai. psptssntion cestly biilldings ui coun of gtotllbN erection tvere badly damaged. Ilsa Marcatre was killed by a live wire which blew! down.

ALLIES SUFFER LOSS. Attacked a Fottresa Near 1 aka and Were KepnUsed. Berlin. Germany. Sept.

Shanghai telegram dated Sept. 10, says a mixed force; of allies mttacked the fortress at lining Tang, near Ta- kn. The allies loss is reiortcd very great i Detroit. Sept. 12, Secretary Alward Tice for printing presses; Charles R.

of the Republican state central co.n- Shaffer, Muskegon, gearing for wash-mitte said yesterday: "We have run ins machins; Faulue J. A. A'andeinse. down the letter alleged to have been Greenville, corn planter; Charles P. sent by the Republican national om- Vernier.

Hudson, punch; August Vis-mittee to A. Gleeck, of Owosso, tin teL Coldwater. hat rack. Democrat who claims to have lejni asked to turn Republican for money. I We hare in our possession a carbon Ldi ce mr.

copy of the alleged letter. It was' Hillsdale, MichJ, September 12. made by Owosso Denrvorats. A Dem- Mrs. Alvin Wolrin.

of this city, was ocrat running fop office in Owoss seriously injured Monday evening by can tell ail about" now the fake was th Jtxreakiwc down of an outside stair-produced if he cares to" do so. lt is "way on Broad street. She had reached ridiculons to snppcs- that such let- the landing at the top of the steps would be sent out by the national when the platform gave way, lettius Republican committee. Tlie- authors her fall to the ground, a distance of of the fake were wise enonsh not to fourteen feet. Her shoulder was brok-make the letter a personal one and en and she was otherwise badly brois-thus make themselves liable for forg- ed.

A lady who was with Mrs. Yol-ry. Jin escaped without injury. i i i storm jseems to te central over tlie wh held up by a lone nua ton llaigli-valjey of the St. Itwrence an-I niorning.

Tle islet-far pts-tsi- "lni he yid of the rno-t destructive storm it has known In modern times. a.

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