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The Jasper Weekly Courier from Jasper, Indiana • Page 2

Jasper, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JASPER comil Eli. A. vtc As we snticipated, Mr. ltiainger ions of inquiry wers adopted and referredj Thx Uultusb or New A I-1 1 ill porta III to withdrawn aa a candidate for State Senator.) to appropriate committees. Mr.

Woollen baay Ledger very truthfully remarks IhatjA KAKK CH ANCE IO VSP li SATURDAY, flee his card in papep. Let no Democrat flul to on next Taeedqr. IT Tueeday ia the day for the spec ibl election for State Senator. It uehooves all Democrats lo be lure and caet their votes. county jail io aov without air- 21, 1863 gle boarder, for the fi ret time in 1 SENATORIAL H.

Walter, sndeeverat mem- pera of the 05th regiment who were home 1 EBUU -4, 1808. 00 furlough started for their regiment introduced -e joint resolution protesting1 there le no teMing where the advance in the) AKK MONKY' against indemslflcatioa of the Preaidentj pKee of all fabrics in which cotton efweryladv for military arresta, by any acgof Congreas.Uutes an ingrudieut is going to end. There Tf and gentleman to new idea. Twenty-eight bills paased their first reading. is no reason to exnecl that it will have commenced the manufacture of a Ad jeer ned.

point ehort of double the prices Gold Double Locket, Ihe exact WlomtDlT, F.bru.rj 11, 186.1. i.b.ic. will tl.o,, bo 8aa.Ta—Th» dUcauion .1 Mr. 0f will pul resolution concerning the employment vjew Df 1 fact every farmer ehonld churae. the perfect likencvsea of any two 6f negro soldiers wss continued, and ccnsumed devote a portion ol his to the O'-neraIs or leading officers who may the Messrs.

Browne of Wells, an excellent crop person sending, aa we bave Iteli, Wolfe, Murray, and Dunnlug spoke utitudc, when properly For Senator: A. T. FLEMING. I lest Thursdiy. I Indiana Legislative Summary.

MonnxT, Feb. 9, 1861. Senate transected considerable clearing the flee, ellhough there wss nothing of eery general interest done, Tbe committees reported on. bills sod reeolutione referred to Bilie were passed, to emend section 1 of tho net to provide for leyiog out towne, to authorise the Directore ol Ihe Bank of the Stele to remove branchea end relocate them at otker pointe within ihe bank dietriete; lo satboriae chairmen of conmitloee appointed by either branch of the General Aeeembly to ieter oathe lo wUnceoee before theas; to tend the lime for the com pie tioa of where $2000 per peea for the relief of Aaron Foeter. Mr joint reeoletion protecting against arming negroee ee soldiers, waa by consent referred to the committee on Federal Relatione.

HbOi-s proportion to perpetoste the mamortee of our galleet soldiers who hsve feliea in defense of tbe Uuion was opposed by tbe Republicena. Mr. Packard introdu ced it, end tbe afternoon wss epenl without of W. i L. Breti, toed Ion hard the portrsits of uesrly all lbs offi- in the army, sa -well as areet of the length on tbe question Involved.

tre Terjr of the staple cclton Rebel rare offer we smendmenis resolution were aU voted gP0(jg which might not bt rriuliiy enough send with every locket desirsbls gift down, but the Senate sdj at a by the products of flax and jewelry or wstsbea, worth io hour without comine to a vote on the main For men snd A bill was introduced by Mr. dou aus We guarantee thai this question. Circuit judicial tribunal began ita teaaion in Duboia County laet Monday morning, and adjourned yesterday morning, sfter a tolerably busy work. Owing to sicknees Judge Burke was unable to be here, but bad msde errenge ments with Mr. Bsker, of Vincennee, to preoide.

Judge Baker presided witk aa esse end dignity well becommiug the high aad we believe gave univereai eatia faction to the membere of the Of lewyeee, we noticed in ettendance from other counties, Traeewell, of Har rieon DeWolf, of Clements, of Dsvteeo, and Wilson of Orange. Tbe prineipai business occupying the attention of the Court was of a criminal cbsrscter, and there were more persons sentenced to the Penitentlsry than at any of the Court in thia County for severs! The following are tbe convictions (or Isr- "ceny: Chss. Ahrene, petit two aix yeara for legialative purposes. devoted to buaineas Bills household use, flix linen in well adapted ae gnoda of cotton maiiufac'uro. caaee where peraon is diasatiafted.

A FAIR AND LIBERAL OFFER. reaching No. 185 introduced. A number people whose are not pleth ric of We not aak any one to send us of bills on second reading diapoaed htVe fo them-elves to ley HU they know whst gift they will Bille psesed No. 41.

prohibiting Judges of' mr r. Be' Any person rsn send as their name, Panunon Court, 'mm nr.n^ino' in in I elrgant a br the com lry w0 will inform them Common Pleas Coorta sc mg in 0f clothing snd hourehold uaeJby return mail wliat gift they are entitled ferior eourte; Ne. 57, providing for ihe htTe not yet fairly and they can then do aa they pleaae lection of Government etempe used on pric6i 0nly just beifinning to it. It would be well for I 4 aiiu larlu as nl lam confined in eounty jsil one hour, disfranchised one yesr. Thoe.Chandler, petit pair of ehoee from the etore of Mr.

R. $1 sent to penitentiary one year, and diefrancbised five yeers. Geo. Hendereon, petit three coon ekins from Ssm. A.

fiaed $1, peaitealiery one jeer, disfran- ckleed tfe years. himself sgeinst very grave charge of the Republicene pspere of Ihe city that he bed threatened that tbo wivee end children ol the minority would be butchered if they, tbe Republican, attempted to carry oul their programme. Feb. 10. xxitx r.

Cobb reported baek from tbe Committee oa Federal Rolatloaa hie Joiat resolution instructing our Coagree eioael delegation to tote sgeinet the hill te loom. For summer clothing 'or men doilars boys, for toweling, sheets, pillow be conducted on fslr snd honorable Williams to spportlon the Stste for the Bn(j hundred rthcr of principles, snd will rsfond the money in all No. 63. omentlinf Two 90 of practice act; No. 62, repealing section' Ih.

iha i i immediate. na A jm jcontmuea, the ratea now ruling at the, those who apply first will have Ihe 2d of act defining be comparatively cheap to chsnce at this eplendid of araoo; Ne. 82. ellowing County 0 of Nortfa hpye tQ for; Agen'a who send us nimee of pereone in aiooers lo meet in other placee than part of the country, to try their luck. placee the of Juetice of the Peace act; 11.

amend- most of the etaple necessariea of life, lL Ileuses; No. 83, amending the section receive ten per cent, of all money they what is worse, we have a certain prospect: may us. It is impossible to give all of a bankrupt treasury and a worthless cur-jthe in an advi but we III do by private to these Plnkstea, aa "Aairieti of arm aegro eoldiera. Aa amend- l.rc..,-«^io, d.cU. fro Moltar.

w.lcb,-í.oí IM fMflt of tbio bU tmynn, MihM 10 rnn. tbo nooloilo. ini tku poftdiag mo .10 had tfooHrrtd api.K orato, Mlohohi (hortoor.r.^ otool.l hM Srwhor-SMl Ohffnt i. orno.d HoHootiory ah JMH OospbMioool Mop Uon to Uxlr for rote lo lb. coo.

oploot Lowlo Cata. MHm Inr.innii,. of lb. wn for Mhi.oonor (or wU. of entered oa Friday moraing, oa eccoaat of Hr.

Rey offeted tble addition, d.r.01 lo lb. procooding. bofaro Mr. Cl.rpooli-o.d lb. ohorfod UdiM.odl^ ib.t Ib. bMB toan iMd. b. o.lf for lb. parpM. of crush leg oat the rehelNoa, reeteriag the ing the low as to weights snd meusuree, making Indians coal 70 to the el end PenneyIvsuia 80.

TaoaaDAr, 12, 1883. sbate memorial from tbe Army of tbe Cemberlaad, and reeolutione adopted by the Indiana regimeote in that army, were preeented by Mr. Claypool. They were laid on tbe table and 5,000 copiea ordered to be printed. A psper from two Indisna giving tbe proceedings of meeting of officers, tbeo wss laid before the Senate by the Preeident Mr.

Wolfe moved to re ject tbe peper, aa disreepejful to tbe Senate ia ite language. It wss rejected, and tbs 8eerelery waa ordered to return it, with resolution of the Senste introduced by Mr. Ray, giving the reasons for the rejsction. la the afternooa eoaaidereble busiaeas was doae, but aoae of eny general intereet. moraing seesioo wse taken OP with the traasactioo of busiaeea.

A number of reporte from eomaMtteee were eeted apoa. Bill No 473, relative to public aai aaacee, wee peseed. Bill (No. 84) repeel- iag eeetioaa of lew of deecents, relative tj righto of widowe, wee, of ter debate, ubled la tbe afteraooa aothiog wee doae, tbe Houae odj mraiag to witness, si the reqeeet of Col. B.

Carrington, artillery practice. Fatnix, Feb. 13.1863 ibxtb he majority of the Committee on Elections reported in fsvor of Messrs. ftsy; Mellett, Teegarden and Bcarss, whose seets bad bsen contested on tbe ground tbst they had scted as Draft tbet they were entitled to hoid. A minority report wse elso preeeoled.

Reports from the same committee were, also mads in favor of Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Browne, of Ran dolph. The reporta were ell laid on the te ble for the future ection of tbo Senate. Gensrel Kimball wes, by resolution, io vitsd to oa tbe floor of the Senate and waa welcomed eppropriately.

The joint reeo lotion in regard negro regiments was A omb ept Jerger, of the 27th la disne regiment, Army bf the Fotomee, peidjUaioa, maintaining tho CenMltutloa, en M. koBO a.Djr frlood. Iwi. oW AontIcoo ibi. we.k.

Tb. hi. ool fw muy pbliiid.1 ouety elek, but bee ao fer recovered as to look aoti-elsvery pur Mr. Wolfe mov a boat as well ee ever.

He jafonae aa fwthet eaaeod as to add: Ce. cea mueter about mea for active ibet it eheli be the doty or the doty, able to whip lew more tfcaa tha Preeideat to tmmeiiewly with uwa number, ta rebela, at eay time. Re left ble emeacipatiea Mr agela no final action waa had The lorejolahle regiment yeetorday moralag Kew moved to teWe, kit toe meiioo faHed, committeea reported oa several bills and Ue repreeeats tha men eaxfous for sn hen- aad tha emeadmoal was rasolatioas, but there wee no final sction on orehle peeee, bat hellevee tha rehele maet thia 14. nays li. Oaring eay messore, except on one bill eutborixing ho aoaaily thrashed before tbet eon be at- the progvene of nteesaw tbe eele of ceoals, which wes passed, tsiaed.

speoebee mete by Merab, business was trans mm i mn jCebb, Duaalag', Wolfe, and Bredmeof Reporte were made from sundry is directed to tho law forinoon, bnd bp Meeere. Ray, aomsiltteee bIPe iotroduced and tbe revenue of Hr. W. II, Treaewall, ia aa other Mereh, Cobb, aad Olay peal la tbe bill, bill emeadetory af geme lew, bill sbro oma. Mr.T.

sttsadedoar Coart for tbe wie aol gating Coarte of Conciliation, peseed. tima dariag this term, sad we hope bereaMeigdad. bill making United Statee money legal for ter he mey recette a fair shsra of Committee oa lftXCt WM reiJ A grat tjm9. biu ip resented a bill o. 152 to sacept tha Caa.

the Stete for Senatorial and land for AgsieaRaral Got' Ropreeentativs purposes. The hill rs-dls- trictiag tbe Btete so ss to provide for tbe Ad- 03T Jadge of Viaaeaaee, sddraseed the paaple at the Coart Hoeae, aa leet dap eveaing, la a eery able aad logieafl "A reeolatlea wss adopted to isetruct spLch. laker an old Baa Whig. Committee oa Weye end Mess, to istjuirs sad of eoarea eppeeed to all eectieeellpaiUee.Lto snd the llsbilltise Heabesly showed la bis epaeahtha roo.Lf the State for such frelatent boods. Mr.

neetioabetweea the preeeat Dieaaiea Re- (er is omnlbae F. pabUeaa party, aad tha old Aboliilmi pertf.Lommittee to repart common platform for m. and waraed Ihe people egeiasl omag deaeivLe members, In retereste to the powere ef Vt oted 10 buti- ad If the preeeat foedere af that party, al-Uhs Ooveraar aad tbe proeecatloa of the war. theagh they aow claim la he for tha It coosamsd tbs morning sea- aai aaaapp Ugh paeMoas ia the Gavera-Lea. Meay Desperate there call of the Hou.i meat.

Bash epeaebas, fram each smo ate waa Id aot hs haaad by of say bb I bi paeala to etna sad rsflsct. aadlanmmittee The reealatloa iree smetdedi Ulta by ysss snd says, Rifle mucbaood iTii rescMng No. Ill, and Col Joba Msbringer, who ia Monday next MMt Preside at. Mr. Walfe, Mr.Dougleee end Mr.

coBBoidott ib. u. s. bcwM M.di.1^,, by mhWH appo. 0 wMilla boao oa a Ipiag flati.I gMakai appaiata! a aoBBiiUa ibat ibap bar.

Ilnlp Uaaa wllb Hr. Caaan'a raaala- there beating gesrrillae, and asp tari ag 0 eoaeiets of Useere. Miblaek, Qbnmi QbaiM. Abut to ss Paii. trabead feeds aa their wey loath.

Tbe Abbott, Nswrnas-Terkiog- Argws tbet Ue earn ol treopo under bis eommaad raeaatly took the Bhsfer, Bird, O'Brien of Hamll- aoterioee guerrille, Cept Rap, and bis flaraey, sad Tsa Boskirk. Tha tber, prisoaers. Baceess to them. reeds mood time. Reiola- reucy in view of the re.

2 of temine The prudent will far se possible prepare for future duy of bankruplcy h'gh prices. July 7 1858. TV.C. W. bacx ear tho humanity, permit lo announce, through the columns nf your Cir cular, Scan vi.n lil iud Purifier mid Biood which is sure curc slid Liver Complaint.

We have several persona in town, who'have been Buffering with Liver Complaint and Intfigeation, and notwiih- etaading that we have aa good aa- caa be found in Northern Ohio, yet baffled their skill. Consequently we were in stale of despondency, until we commenced using yohr Piils. through snd by ihe edvicewf your friend, Mr. Brennan.1 We sued the medicine eccordtng to directions, aad are aow fall of life ead bllsrlty, snd our greti ade le equal to our improremeut in heehb and apirite. When we teke into eon- sideretion wbst we hsve been, end wbet we ere et preeent, we fool like chs rging our eeleee ef tbe sin of ingmtitede, tf we did not try to announce to tbe public tbe great ben efits of your Medicine.

Therefore, we re commend to the public st large, tbs expedi ency of bsving recourse lo your medicine; snd consequently, es io duty bound, dis- chsrge what we feel to be our duty, io sd- vising persons whe are suffering as we have suffsred, to make use of tbe only true and sure cure for tbe dissssss already mentioned. Mss- Gwis. Mas. bb rab Mss. lisxTox.

C. C. txlmab inn ilieir namee. Tho lockete and will be by mall, poet paid. Money sent t-y mail al our riek.

8. Write your neme, Poet Office aad S'ate distinctly. Address, A. W. Co Cerner of Third di Plus Streets, St.

Lnuie, Feb. Missouri. ote to ditobs ny Editor who will thia meot and note one month or upwarda and call atteotion of Editora and others, will receive (in ndvanee if desired) one of our Dollar Lockets and by notifying oa end eending copy of psper. DRfilKB IMNIIIONABLB TAILOR, Lawrence street, next door to Union HoteK JASPER, OFPKR8 ble enrvicee lo tbe pnblie, ll to attend to all the braachea of tailor- JUm ing, and will be tbeokfal for share ef patronage. He gaaraateee ell hie work to be done In the beet etyle.

He has a smsll stock of choice goode, which be will make ap ebeep for Oattlag doae 00 short notice. nag 8,1862. ifhth ru gentleman who has sd- miniatered tbe following remedy fordiphthe ria says thst it hss slwsvs proved effectual je affording speedy relief: Take a common tobacco pipe, place a live coal within tbe bowl, drap a little tar upon tbe coal, snd lei the pstient draw smoke into the month, aad discharge it through the aoetrils. Tbe ram edy ia aefo end eimpie end should be tried whenever occasion way require. mf valuable lives may be ssvtd.

the informant confidently beiisves, by prompt treatment aa sbovs. State and County Taxen! would remind delinquent tax payers that the time prescribed by law, in which all ehsII be punctually paid, ia (sst drawing to close, being the day of March 1863, after which lime 10 percent wiil be edded. end ibe Isxse collected by BMCTIOjntOTICI! EXECUTIVR DEPARTMENT. 1 Indisnspolie, Indiana, February 1861. To the Sheriff or Duboia Couaty, ilts REAS by the deetb ef Hoaorable Thomas Shoulder eaeency existe in the office of Penator for the Senatorial District of the Countieeuf Dubois sad Pike, It ordrred thst sn election he held in versl Counties embraced in eaid Senatorial Di-trict, on Tueeday, ihe Twenty lourth day of February, 1S6S, eecordlng to law, for the purpoee of Ailing satd veaancy.

By the Govereor: ft 0. P. MORION. JAMES 8. ATHON, Secretary of Stste.

PKOCLAIATIOY In sccordsaee with the ohovo aotice the Oitiaeos and qoalifted Voters of Ifobois County are hsrebf noli fled tbet there will be sn election held et Ibe anal plsces of holding elections ii Dubois Couaty fer ibe purpoee of electing Beaetor from tbe Countiee of Gibeea, Dahoie ead Pike, to fill the vsreaey oceecsieaed by Ihe destb ef Thomss Shoulders, in aomplleaee with tbe foregoing notice at tha ticM ead plsce foresaid. Witnees my bond, thie Uth dey af Fsb- ruary, A. D. 1863. February Idtb, 1661.

JOHN WBIKBL, S. D. C. 4 Sale. he undersigned will offbr for ssle 00 Siterdsy, Feb.

IS, 1868, on the one snd a lislf miles weet ol Jaaper, oa tbe Boonvlife rosd. tbe eaath waet fr. of tbe myssif or Dspulies, by distress snd eele oijeooth east qr. end ibe eoath sasi (jr. of tbs personsl property.

Tax payers wiil east qr. of eee 14 town one south bsr tbet for tne payment of there is range five west, known as the Geier no property exempted be lew. It is expec- There le on tbe form food dwelling bouse. ted tbst si! will aot wsTt until the leet dsy to psy their taxes; but will endeavor lo psy them at lasst one week prior to the third Mondty In March next. THEODORE BONDERMAV, Treasurer.

Veh ti, 1661-3W. mOBMl AT UW. IB aederetgaed will hereafter practlee ia tbe Qireait Court of Duboie County, end will promptly altead to all busiaeea entrusted in his cere. 181, WILL lt. TRACEWELL.

bern and ont with excellent never foiling wster, an about flftf aeree improved lead. Hsadred doltsrt cssb is hand, and the remaindsr la twelve from dsy ef esla, wtih aots aad spproved eeeurity, bserfog intereet. CONRAD MADER. for your Rafa SAVE EM SAVE EM SAVE EM will pay these cents pound eaeb, for 4 eetton rage delivered 11 000 000 iagreea-haefcebes srrivsd aad ie te be ueed ia paying the toldiera snd COURIER OFFICE, for othsr govern meat purposes. Jasper, anusry 24 18 W.

Jtseplt Trailer, sah xilxs is HARNESS AND SADDLES, Ceraer Eset Meia ead McDoaeld Streslip IABPER, FFERS bis theatre to the aHtseas of boie joaaty aad etetaiiy for their past petroasge, ead aellelte a soattaoeace sad exteaefoa of tha aoaidset he eea meke it to the Interest df pereone a went of sny tklng tn his lias 10 deel with khn, ee bis motto Is "sirill profits end tpy IMsy 15i.

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