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The Jasper Weekly Courier du lieu suivant : Jasper, Indiana • Page 2

Jasper, Indiana
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umni'ouiuivK. aspi 11: publish below the returns ot the election in all the townships of this county, excepting Bainbridge, whidi we gave last week. We give the names of the Supervisors elected in Ferdinand township, which is the used by thu people ol Corinth Purity aud the ad jacent country. It is connected with both of these towns by roads. Corinth, the headquarters of the rebels, is 20 miles distant.

Indiana, it is supposed', hud twenty oue regiments iifr the fight, and Dubois county probably men, in the 24th, and 53d regiments. APRIL 16. 1862 oitizeiis should make some provision for looking after her brave soldiers, who may been killed or wounded in defense of onr country. Cairo, Aprii 1U, 12 jaat beginning to relUble of (lit grern battle ut Pittsburg, from aererai gentlemen Who Were on Held afterwards, or in the tight. we.

The Iowa, Col. were captured almost an masse. Gen. after ha was captured, escaped and came Into campatone. The re be It bad the very flower of the Po- are informed by Mr.

Ackermann that a dispatch has been re ceived at announcing that only township whose poll books McGuffin was killed in tliebat properly made out, so that they will tie at Pittsburg. tell who were the successful candidates for that important office. atoka For MO votee; E. Pickhardt, 77. Par Coe.tablee.-W.

Carry, 245 D. Miller, 121; A. U. Millar, 93; R. F.

Laaewell, 86. For Supervisor in Huntingburg W. F. Shively, 232 voles; F. Delfosse, 84.

For bridge''aeroas Short creek, 180. Agalaet bridge 36. Supervisors, 49 Csndidatea eaat at School Justice--J. Phillips, 42 votee; A. 8houlders, O.

Stine, 4. For Hays, 29 votes; H. Sanders J. B. Hammona 26; M.

8- For Dembo, 38. Votee cast at Celeetine. For Shoulders, 26 votes; J. Phillips, 1 J. G.

Stine, 77. For Hays, 59 votes; 11 M. Atkina, 24; J. Brentlinger 11 Deubo, 92 votes. Coiumsia H.

Cap linger, 36 votee; W. Hardin, 39; E. Hoffar.48; W. M. Beggarly, 22; P.Merritt, If.

For Pic nick, 33 votee; H. Graee, 62; 8. Persone, 43; A. Curtia, 9. Brigadier General Veatch had taro horses shot under bln at tho battle of Pittsburg, and escaped unharmed.

Home Maguine for May is received, and, as usual, is full of choice literature. The Sharp Shooting at Yorktown. The New York correeponder.t with McClellan's army, aaya of the first day'a fight before the enemy's intrench- menta at Yorktown: first the rebele were very daring, apringing on the rampsrta and cheering, but the deadly resuite of this braggadocio speedily taught them Our men could see them fall; could perceive their comrades catching them or palling them down from behind The first rebel killed, conspicuous from his white shirt, fell while hurrahing and waving hst upon the bresstworks. He was picked off1 by Truman, sharpshooter of eleven yearn experience in tbe Rocky Mountains. So terrible a fire did Berdan's men keep up that rebele found it next to impoeeible tc load and man a gun.

They put up planks and endeavored to effect it under their ehelter, aud aotually diamount- ed a piece, brought it rouud the parapets, aud aeat tea cooteate eeatteriag through tbe Fur Harris, 63 votee; orchard with aucb aavage baate that Cooared, 28; H. Morgan, 23. did not wait to remove the Haaatsoa could net dieledge the human her- P. Winbough, 39 voice; J. Fisher, 20; R- Lete creeehiug within Ite friendly G.

Harbiaou, 21; J. Anateu, 58; S. White, piog, apit! epit! epit! petter 22; F.Caveoder, 13: W. B. Cooper, 14; H.Latter wont the rifle bullets, and boom C.

Horton, 5. leounded the artillery, cutting and craehing For Hoffman, 33 voteo; D. 1 through the treuke aid branches. Colonel HarrJi, 69. Berdan eetimates that at loest a hundred and aid balls tore through the peach or W.

Wsgwer, SO votes; J.G< Hoffman, 143. joriBf gjht. For J. Rickel-J gloorioos newa from the West ii man, ft; M. Draate, sad F.

MilW1 Mil. acting as an excellent etinralent for our For Woerter 96 greatly eneouragee tbe J. Eeny, 46; J. Berdae'e abarpabootera give good aecouta of Joe. Gopfrich waa elected Supervieor iaLhftTnttj.TT the let Dtotriot; F.

Joerger la the 2d; B. hold an advanced position under Teebbele tbe 3d; M. Wagner In the rebel batteriee, from which they eon C. Oeilng In tbe Xh. stantly haraea tbe enemy.

A bend above of the hardest fought the parapet becomes an inatant mark fur battle of the war so far Will be found half a dosen rifles, whleb at one tbooaand in paper, and while we have distance rarely fail to bit tbeir mark gained ft victory, it is not such an I eherpabooter, belonging to the Cali one as will tend greatly to shorten the fornia regiment, bee almoet wholly prevent- Wftr. In fact, we narrowly cscaped led the rebele from uelng a large gun in an being completely routed tbe day the important position. From a well eelected enemy completely surprised oorar- rifle pit. be keepe a coneteaVaim upon tbe iny. Wedoot lay claim to militarysci- 1 g0a, end hardly an attempt baa been made cnoe, but it seems to us any coalman- for two to fire It, without tbe rebele der.

with ft grainof common sense losing one or two men from bia deadly aim precaution, could not be taid that one of oar divieione baa eo disastrously surprised in an ene- aeeured an importaut poaitlon, tbe holding country, and by eotamao arm; wWeh fMei eethat ander Beaoregard. It tar th. o( prising to us how oar brave snd gallant army were ftble to withstand ntall The rebels attacked Prentiss'brigade at tomac army with them. Breckinridge was six o'clock on Sundsy morning, whits eat- 1 reported killed on Sunday. When our re- ing brealtf ant.

It roneialed of the 61 I Hi. porter left Wadnesdsy morning our ed- noli, Col Fry; 16th Wisconsin, 24ili vance, which had been pureuing, had only ana and Ohio. The were aaid to occupied the ground formerly held by it, nuinbei strong. Prentiss aud man about aeven milee from the enemv's others are prisoners. trenched camp, which is located half way At 12 the entire line wae fiercely between Corinth and Pittsburg, gaged, but in fuU retreat.

At four The enemy are atraining every nerve to the enemy had taken Schwarts's battery (6 get reinforcemente, and bloody work muat guns), battery (4 guna), Water- yet occur before we drive them from their battery (2 rifled), 5th Ohio (6 guns), position, and another Ohio battery, qame not given. Thoueaade of our eoldiere took refuge under the bank of the river, and utterly refused to fight; in fact, they could not, for officers and men were in inextrieeble The ermy eeemed utterly demoralised. Qen. division, about this time, srrived on tbe opposite bank with fifteen thousand men, and were ferried acrosa during the evening and night. Tbe gunboata Lexington and Tylor ed a tremendous fire of ehell upon the enemy, and kept it up every half hour during the night, aaving the army from utter They eet the woode on fire, and many of tbe dead rebele were burned.

At 6 the firing generally ceased. At midnight tho rebele ettempted toflsnk a battery within three hundred yarde of position, siege gune, but they were the gunboata and aiege guns, the regimente of division. BAtTtMnnx, Apil United States gunboat Reliance arrived here this morning with the eehooner Hartford, captured off tbe wuw bM" I», and ealamitiffo of eeditlon and civil war, and Proclamation By the President Aoril 10. By the Preaident of the United States ot It has pleased Almighty God to vouchsafe signal vktoriee to the lewd end naval forces engaged in suppressing en internal rebellion, and at the aame time to atert from ottr country the dangers of foreign intervention and invasion. It le therefore recommended to the people of the United that at their next weekly eesemblagee In their accustomed plaeee of worship, which shell occur after the notice of thie proclamation ahall bare been received, they etiall especially ac- kowledge and render thsnks to our Heavenly Father for theee Ineetimable bleeeings, that they then and there implore spiritual consolation in Kehaff of all thoee who have mouth of Wychamreo river.

A copy of the Richmond Whig was found on board of the eehooner, which waa Jur- niched to the Americen. It contains the that they reverently iuviAn the Diviee gui. danee for our national to the end that they may speedily result in the restora. following dtspatchee in reference to the non or peace, harmony snd unity through, tie In Tennessee, all being dated on the out our borders, and haaten the eetabliah- and giving account of the Sunday fight only: attlc field or hiloah via okibth AMD hattarooga April Gen. per, Adjutsnt General: We hnve this mor- mentof fraternal relatione among all the countries of the eorth.

In witneae whereof, I have hereunto eet my hend, and caueed the eeal of the United ning attacked the enemy in a atrong posi-, St a tee to be sffixed. tion in front of Pittsbuag, and after a eevere Done in the City of Waehington, this battle of ten hours, ihenke to Almighty God, day of April, in the vear of our Lord 1862. gained complete tbe enemy ABRAHAM Ired yarde of every driven hack hv The Ions on both sides is heavy, including Foote hae made hia ten driven back by tK elrike, end has several spare balls yet, but us, supported by our Albert Sidney oobody to eet ep the the Jobnston, who fell gallantly leading hie alley boy. WaaaiaeTon, April A diapsteb to the impetoons assaults of such over Itho Secretary of War from Gee. whelming numbers as attacked them ted Fortreea Monroe, April on thft first day of the fight, and oar Tbs MerriaMo baa been atatioeery aear loee on that dav is Prill all day, bet in plain eight, accooat for oar not following them op The following diepatcb waa received by repulse on the secondUbe Secretary of War, dated Ileadquartera day.

The fiiat pcbUahed report of the Id Dlvleion, Henuvilla, Alabama. April 11: battte gave oa a decided victory, bat After a forced march of Incredible difll- Wft were Onlyhaving Fayattville yaeurdey, my ad- able with great! vaaM eetered Hunuville tbia The city wss completely taken by march practl viitoo aunp we bad, and wen within mile of tbe UodiBg. where tbe eppraaeb of night, thetlmt IT of wU, 1 om ertiUerieti eod We On Monday, after nine Brigadier General received from General QDly thle, end Mot TtoHwriaMkMaMMJelMt dtrieiy advanced beu a mile beyond I ihiak ktt objMt he oa Monday, oxoept Lew Mr nleim from Norfolk to York tow a. naldjs situated on the Cuneunt relnforeementa te the rebela of the Tennessee river, in the dtreetioa of Rich me ad and the Hardin connty, 919 miles from are arriving. msath of the river.

The town con-1 J0UN WOOL. Our informante pereiet in eetimating our lose on Sunday at three thousenjl killed snd five thoueend wounded, ee a low figure. It waa undoubtedly tremendous. Sundey during the night the rebele were reinforced by Price and Van Dorn from Ar- kansaa, with a very large force. Gen.

Lew. Wallace came up from landing with the 11th and Indiana, 44th Illinois, 8th Miaeouti and Battery, and in the morning attacked fiercely the left wing of the enemy. They went into the fight oa the doubln quick, with tremendoue shouts snd did terrible execution. By JO they bad driven the enemy back two milea. Tbe Battery performed predigiee of valor.

About 10 tbe rebela were reinforced and for a few miaotae our gallant boya were forced to yield. The other divieione of BuellY army now appeered and nt once became fully engaged, and for two houre ell the de- etructive elemente of eerth eeemed etriving for tbe mnatery on that fetal field. Tbe Southern chivalry proved no match for the unflinching bravery of tbe Weatern and the rebele fled In all directiona. With eome 12 000 troope, mostly cavalry, Geu. Buell followed the fugitive foe, taking thoueande of prieonen, end emiting without mercy thoee who would not surrender.

He waa reportend to have taken Corinth, with all ite immenee etwee of arme and ammu nition. Tbe rebel troope were moatly from Louis iana.Texae and Mississippi, with msny from Georgia and Alabama. They fought like tigere. Our inlormante attempted to ride through the bettle field where our forcee were poeted, but the deed were eo thick in tbe line, that they could not do it. They aeeured ue thet the rebele occupied our cempe on 8unday night, took care of our eick and woonded, but deetroyed nothing expecting confidently to haye our entire army tbe esxt day.

Tney thought the battle al reedy woe. On Sunday Gen. McClernand cut hia way through the eaemy tbet had eorroonded him Moet of bia troopa behaved with great gal lantry, but the 53d Ohio waa ordered to tbe rear la disgrace, for refuaiag to fight. April The flgbtiag on the eseoed day waa eommeaeed by Gee. Lew Wallace'ediviaioae, who had eomeep le the eight from Laadiag, on the left.

The enemy fought with bell dog eeer were drivee beck iech by I neb, hotly pereeed. Six of eet batteriee were reeeptured, aed about thirty of tbe rebel geea were A Michigan battery, eaptered ee Sue-iay wae recaptered by the 16th Wieaonale on Meeday. At tbia line Gceeral Beaoregerd area woeedad le tbe ana le hia eflhrta recapture the battery. He led tbe eltaek le per eon, ergleg hie mee ee with hie eword. He waa aecceeeful le takieg the bettery( bet it wae agaie taken from biai.

It wae cap ter ad sad recaptured no ieee thee rix timea. The rebel artillery le eeperior to They have eome of tho fleest ordiaaace offi cere le the eeeetry. Tbeir sowll aima ere alee equal aura. Our reporter placea the loss of tbs seem at killed aed woeeded, aed our loee troops into tbe thickest of the fight. fS G.

T. BEAUREGARD, Gen. Commending. On the 13 by Millbi'xn, On Monday l'K. wounded eoldiere and eeid he intended to share their fete on the next battle-field, end, eome weal or woe, be would be with that MISS MARTHA A.

ARMEU. all of Por. tereville, Indiana. MUR. DEMORES TS them, the ceuee ie safe, and we will conquer in tbe end.

TIIK RPXINO Nl'MBKK CO I.MS THREE LARGE AND SPLENDID FASHION-PLATES, THREE FULL-81 ZED PATTERNS. Comprising tbe Latent Paris atylee of It hss been raining forlBleeve, Child's Aproa, and the The creeks are very much Hew Bpriag Walking Coat, Nxxe Yoarrown, April 9, 12 P. weather etill continuee unfevoreble for military operations, nearly two days. swollen, and the low grouods covered with I Together with neerly 100 Engravings of ell water, msking the roads almoat impaaeable the noveltiee for for empty wagons. Spring Bonaets.

Cloaks, Trinuaingi, Information received ehowe the rebele BteSSSe, Etc. aad have force of which ie repidly no-1 Valuable information to Miilners, ing added to by. troope from the end Ledleu genarelly, prs- Yorktown, end by river. They hevieg four and eold everywhere nt 9ft cento, or sent by stesmers and aixteen tranaporte in eoe, by meil post free, on receipt of the amount, the time the roads are to condition for the Nearly $1 with the following valuable pre mium. Kach yearly aubseribor will bo emitted to Unioo army to move, the rebele may be able to meet them with 100 000.

The flower of I the selection of 60 eenta worth of plain pat their ermy. with tbe beol or me, are in terne, from the deeigns in the book, or frem strongly intrenched poeiUon. show roome, or they mey be ordered and Previous to our troope occupying the during tbe year, by ent position, the military eutboritiee bad no meane of aacertaining the extent of rebel worke. lnformatiou obtained through deaertere and other sources shows the enemy hae neerly 500 guns, some of them ot the largest calibre. in- some commend in person, showing they tend making a desperste reeietahce to the bounderiee of eefUon number advance.

Tbeir iutrencbmeete extend from of range aum the Jsmee to tbe York river entirely eeroes the 1 peoineula. 1 WtFrederickeberiforfciehieoedendYuik. Theee will be fouadmo4araiaeuiemente poitauce to the fact of its being the town. (The enemy have token more ing tbe poetego. Splendid Inducements to KFMING NO.

NOW READY. 16, SURVEY NOTICE. virtue of an order of the cuit Court, mede at the January term Tbe rebel Geu. Joseph E. Johnson, with 1 a the undersigned County me of his forcss, liae arrived end eounty, will proeeedL on the lit dsy of May, IMS, le rue the lines snd ob KT owr April Friday about 300 of the 12th New York voluatcere on picket duty were attacked by rebell The intermediete linee will alao be rea and the cornere thereof eetebliebed.

All pereone intereeted will please take notice. JOHN FRAZER. April 16, $3 00 regiment. They retreated, beving eev soppoood te he'solvent. ANNA MARIA ERHAET.

April NOTICK, io, navmg aev-i vr oncE ie hereby given thet tbe oral killed and wounded. Later ie the dsyULv eigoed bee been agpeintnd the rebels advsnced in conaiderable numbere tor af fhe eeteteof Joeepb Erhsrt, Ists of from another point, driving In nur entire county, deceaeed. Seid eetete ia picket eod burnings dwelling which been uoed by our troope. During both eklrmiehee we bed three slightly wounded. AyCftll.

The 57th aud 63d Penneylvania regimental a few eeterpricieg Agente, either Gentle- had a akirmleh with the esemy on Fridey men or Ladies, ere weeted to letrodoce a in which we had two killed and four wee ad- Literacy Newspopor. Te neeh ee esa give unexceptionable refereeose aa to A ballooe waa aeet up frem tbe rebel wlll pay from $26 to iimmm thia morniiw fee the first per month, end their necOMery the ftrut au. ieg expo enee. Oe receipt of tee eeata.wo The weather sud ronda ere Improving. Mnd-peet peid, epecimee copien of ibo There waa ao flriH oa either aide yeetor-Laper, eod pamphlet, giving Ml day.

-I April 0, nomrs Braso! or Gov; nie Waehiag Ma oorreepondeet of tbe New York Ti a te that paper ee follewa: I XT OTIC is hereby given, thet I will eech of Boester Wright of ledi- need with the Surveyor of iy, eauaed en immenee eoeeeiieelboia county. ee the fith dey of fcrfl the IHne aed determioe tftitoweahip 1, sseth telegrapba te thet peper ee follewe: The eaeeeh eaeeae ea immense eoeeettoe 1 boie county, among the Republliaea. Tbey 1862, to rua tbeugnt Gov. Mertea hed doee poor werklbeeederlee (e aeleetieg Senainr 1er Kepublieeu Lf range ft State. Oa the etberbewd the DeeMeretel The ieteweadiete HaeswHI alao be rea aad eaeaarvarive Repwblleeea were well and tbe aoreera eetabHabed.

Fer- pleaoad, aed ara aura Indiaea wlll over-laoea ieureated wiH tberelere tnke eotlee. whelmingly eustein Senetor Wright. Thie epoeeh le regerded by tbe Democrate eethe FRANCIS X. BOKEET. met sigeificent token et given of the ra- April 0, lS62-3w enimatien of the Demoeratlc tn tbe pruonere than Uoited Kistes.

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