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The Jacksonville Daily Journal from Jacksonville, Illinois • Page 5

Jacksonville, Illinois
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THE JACKSONVILLE DAILY JOURNAU SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27, 193 MIDGET WOLGAST FRANK GENARO FIGHT DRAW National League Fielding Averages Show That Many I JACK DEMPSEY IS IN NEW YORK TO PROMOTE BATTLE Records Went By Former Heavyweight Cham- pion Says he is Ready to Young Strihling Is Leading Heavyweight Boxer Of World Is Opinion Of Many Critics EAST WILL PLAY THE WEST TODAY Battling tor of Arr Expected to Game Between Outstanding Fc.tbaM Flayers of the Country. Talk Business fir Iluth S. Fullerton Jr. Maranville. Boston, shortstop; Wftlly1 York 26 a Nf York Dec 29 Record-; Roettgcr.

New York, outfield and Dempsey came to New York today In the National league last Gabby Hartnett, Chicago, catcher, noncommittal on the possibility The Championship Put Up A Terrible Exhibitior New York. Dec. L. most progress during the year, gaining Young) Stribling of Atlanta, is 1 335 points. Sharkey was given eight-j legs will run so the weak may some the lending heavyweight boxer of the een first first place and Seh-' day walk when football stars from world in the collective opinion of meling ten, while Mickey Walker.

Max many parts of the country clash here Bv Itusvell J. Newland Associated Press Sports Writer San Francisco, Dec. (A ny Edward J. Nell Associated Press Sports Writer Madison Square Garden, New York. settling a ratings of the ten loading heavy- each.

charity game. Proceeds of the single even to prove weights was published today by the Three of last first one of the oldest charitable gridiron themselves title New York Sun. Otto Von Porat and enterprises, will go to the Shrinert Wolgast and Frankie Oenaro fought Oenavo's stiff right to the bod quick knockouts of Von to finish the this year, Crippled Childrens hospital. 15 dispirited rounds to a draw' tonight Midget whipped his left to the hen Porat and Phil Scott and his decision places being taken by Primo Upwards of 50.000 persons are ex- tn Rn engagement that was scheduled anil chased Oenaro around the rin 1 wa? i i battuM Othei phueis i In each 0f his fighting again, but quite willing seventy leading boxing critics, whose Baer and Tommy Loughran got one tomorrow in the r.nnuai East-West Dec. 26 Hr official fielding avernpes which tlon had higher averages than these t0 talk about promoting battles be- i trr released today reveal Two new six but they were recognized as lead- 'tween other boxers, barks were ground out in the null of ers through having the highest marks r0gdy for a fight right the players' daily toil in the field of any who played in 100 or more Jack to promote Chtirk Klein of the Phillies, who games.

not fight it. I'm open for any charged straight into the g.ove bai rage and smashed at bou right to the at the gong. Rcuml left eye ws -vl i he danced out an won renown as a hitter, also stepped Grimm had an average of klnd pf a proposition" Into the limelight as a defensive1 Crits's mark was 9742. beating out worker when he made a total of 44 Frank Frisch of St. Louis :5 1 nt hhi rUfl 73 bliiTy of his "fining wUh Madison jack Sharkey was ranked second, I The ratings were: Btrlbling.

647, (of recorded throughout the nation this exhlVft7on' no two" of the'Three" rlnK The frnne. recmd was S(luarr in pro- only a tew percentage points below a possible Sharkey. 611; Bchmel- It will be the sixth renewal of JS ki decide on I made iv Mitchell of Cm- nWd taii Iona a of thr with Max Sehmeling. recog- Camera. 351; Griffiths, 273: the game hiagurated here in 1925 rd hSSit Trom lllc also pljned two iwsitlons, hav- Mlaml this winter, some of rh.mn4n« unn thp three 1.." 1 dgct The leaaue a whole compiled a ing a .965 average in 138 games nrw 1 18 drubl.

plays for shortstop and a poriect record tnr in the realm of the New York state the season. The former record in 1928, was 1.227. Two other outstanding shown in th; records were I I I I over Tuffy Grlfflts at Chicago during Camera, the man-mountain from pected to turn out at Kezar stadium to crown one or the other un- hands to the head an u'h? But v'hpn tllp varloua interviewing 1930 raise him from sixth place in last Italy, who ranked fourth this i ior the classic that will bring together disputed king of the body, i rank slipped to his knei 80 clin in J0 nienUon the possi- year's rating to the top of the heap, Baer and Johnny Rlsko. players whose individual feats were So half-hearted and clumsy was the whin caught off Dalance by a ie hook to the head but was up a count. The action died suddenl however, and they rested until tt bell.

Hound Eleven rushc Oenaro to the ropes but Frank stabbed him ofi balance with a shai left and forced the fighting to cioi quarters. Midpet beat a rat-a-tst head with his two ham fnr evaporated as he brought Sharkey fought only twice during polo, 167 Tommy Loughran, 160; Baer, contests while in 1928 and 1929 the the 'realm of thp New up his current business of referreeing the Miami with Scott and in 145 and Risko 94. East claimed victories. This year the 1 hfm Thp iormer champion aver- New York against Sehmeling. He won One of the surprises in the was eastern squad will line up the.

fa? f( ihp outfielder $3.000 for each appearance the first on a questionable knockout the racking of Camera. The results, orite. It Will have an eight pound tor inhnnv Frederick nf Hnmkivn bv two as reiprpp- he said, and to stay in and lost the second on an however. Indicated the critics believe weight advantage per man. lhp f5 ional noiiits KikiCuvIer of Chlcaro caine Fiorlda two months to promote a ed foul.

The Boston saUorman led the Stribling, Sharkey and SchmcltnK to Andy Kerr of Colgate n-rformanee most of thP i St L)h u' there he would have to cancel last year. be in a class by themselves, since Hanley of Northwestern, coaches of wh1Ie 11 lp without Jn third the wi .980. lar about 30 who was Riven first rank camera, in fourth place, was lar be- ths eastern team, have assembled such a c.amplon oi Wolgasls damaged eye. They bouni athletic commission, and Oenaro still king In the 26 states of the national boxing association. But in the eyes of Andy Kerr and Dick ho boot, 1- having any left unplaved at nett made a .989 average although his the finbh and the leat of pitcher Ken record of ten passed balls was the in tM fcmt never have to ba Mnd up tfMnrard.

on one pitched ball. Ash, a relief Twenty two pitchers had perfect It u-ithnnt hurk r. to C.rltmn ot but of Brtwklyn hcmi Of cour.r rhen too men on placed the top o( thh list. He PJ'f'ZX, As to refereeing, Dempsey said: by thirty-live oi the critics, made the, low Sehmeling. not a bad racket because you handled 53 chances without an error.

The New York OlBnts. who set a new league batting record of .319 also led In club fielding with a mark of .974. Cincinnati and Chicago were Chicago Grimm grounded into a triple plav and Cincinnati came through with four runs in its hnlf of the inning and won the game Rav Kolp finished the game but Ash was credited with the victory. The outstanding players in each and .9728. St.

Louis made the most position, according to the records, double plays of the record-breaking were Charley Grimm, Chicago, first season. 176. There were four triple Hughey Critz. Cincinnati and plays during the season. Cincinnati contributing two, Brooklyn and Philadelphia one each.

there is a lot of bother connected with it, too. You have to be taken around and be introduced everywhere and you stay up half the night being entertained. Its tough on me because Football Causes Kansas City Man Lots of Trouble ZUPPKE GIVES TEAM WORKOUT rd and sparred the round ouf. Rnund one eye tight ly closed. Wolgast set out at a break neck pace to seep Genaro around tl ring but two pokes to the bod slowed him down.

Frankie swept I behind with fiveraRes of .9733 1 llkc t0 hlt the early. Asked Dallas, Texas, Dec. Two high powered football squads, represent Uig the middle west and south- City, Dec. about thr current crop of With sports guides among his west, got down to hard work today fighters, Dempsey had objection, tomes on jurisprudence. Judge Lee In preparation for the third annual expected to resort almost entirely to of the voted for Genaro and the hesd and they flood toe to tc luminaries as Len Malcaluso of Col-: anywhere, gate, fullback and high scoring ace of After ten rounds of hopeless mlll- the eastern sector: Tony Siano.

Ford- with neither fighting anvwhere ham center; Hank Hruder. halfback near their previous form. Referee of Northwestern; George Van Bibber. Patsy Haley, who finally called the Purdue tackle and many others. engagement a draw, warned them The eastam squad has been drilled they must fight harder or left hook to the head and they swat in the wing back formation and style he tossed right off the premises.

The ped bodj punches in close. The crow of play made famous by Coach Glenn warning brought In action in the clor- pleaded for action but the best tli Warner of Stanford. ing rounds but the uprising was mites could do was a series of The western eleven coached by Dana enough to provide the judges with and wrestling duels up to the bel: Bible of Nebraska and Percy Locey sufficient material to get together Round tore int ot the San Francisco Olympic club. Is upon a winner. Harold Barnes, Genaro with a volley of left hooks Adams.

St Louis, third base; Rabbit The guys who should fight other he said. JUDGE J. LYLE IS CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR JOB Seeks Republican Aid in Fight on Gangs; Many in Race tax review, and any other candidates who may enter the contest before the February primary Is held. Thompson and Barrett already are in the race. The announcement from Judge Lyle was made without awaiting the decision of various politician factions which have been seeking a candidate on whom they could unite in opposition to Mayor Thompson.

Neither did his statement indicate whether he would seek the support of these groups. Among political leaders with whom Thompson has broken is Bernard W. Snow, chairman of the Republican Cook county committee. Believes Power Available Referring to Chicago gangsters and their bands of followers. Judge Lyle said in his statement that it was to assume that all these officers county) cannot and almost totally annihilate N.

D. Lineup Good For Set Plays each Judy was forced to ignore the rules Dixie classic, charity engagement here a passing attack. This type of offense Tommy Sheridan, the other arbiter, 1 ugglng with both hands. The crow committee and assess penalties 1 dol- New Year's day. has featured the West practice gave to Wolgast and then went home cheered the change in the situatlo lars Instead of yards whon a football Twenty-two stars from the midwest sior.s although considerable emphasis In disgust.

they Increased the pace. Wolgai swept through his court today. under the tutelage of Bob Zuppke. also has been placed on the line! About one fourth of the customers whirling in with left hooks to til Thomas Peters was charged with veteran Illinois mentor, put In two crashing capabilities of Big Jim left before Sheridan did and failed missing frequently wit failure to return a punt which he hours of practice on offensive football Bausch, University of Kansas Oenaro put on a spurt in the 14th but landing solidly wtth caught in his back yard aone. at Fair Park stadium.

A similar back. and 15th a spurt that pulled to the body. They were hsr Chicago, Doc. new candidate for the Republican mayoralty nomination. Judge John H.

Lyle, mill- 0 candidate for mayor," he add- tant foe of gangsters, was in the race ed, hope for the votes of the good today with a platform in which he citizens unless he defines in unmistak- promised to break up what he termed afcie terms his position on the Issue of alliances between and politics." divorcing crime from and un- Judge Lyle, who as a jurist on the the language of that declaration bench has gained accords The jurist and referee penalized troupe of southwest performers was Peters $100 for holding and awarded put through preliminary sessions by the ball to the other side, represented Coach Morley Jenning of Arkansas by Joseph Lawrence, of the Rosedale university, at the Southern Mehtodist high school squad. university stadium. But Peters stood his ground, claim-1 The squad gathered by Zuppke aping the boys were offsides. peared heavier than that of the tired of them breaking down west and early workouts Indicated the my fences and trampling over my Illinl mentor plans to rely on a hard lawn," the safety man told the Judge running attack behind his heavy line. "I am not going to give back the The southwest eleven, if it runs true to form, will employ a passing game After this kick.

Peters was said to offset the Invaders weight advant- by the court to have agreed to return age. Three stars expected to play outstanding games for the southwest were not present for roll call today, but have announced they will be there when the whistle sounds New Year's Day. They are Barton Koch, guard, and Jakey Wilson, quarterback of Baylor, and Noble Atkins. Texa.s Christian university center. The trio, unanimous all-Southwest Conference WILL SCRUTINIZE the ball to the high school youths in return for suspension of the penalty.

IRISH STARS ARE READY FOR GAME Lawrence, Dec. Big Six conference faculty committee on eligibility will scrutinise the status of several football and basketball players at the Ur.hersity of Kansa; early next month On the home grounds, the proiesiwrs will bore into the charges of professionalism and it at the bell. Hound ripped left hook to Genaros head but too a light to the ehm in return. The slugged it out on the ropes, wit Genaro out-roughing his levs ex perlenced foe shat a tigli iti the head as Oenaro whaled int him with both hands. They wer manfully in a clinch at th bell.

usual speed and sip. flinging punches oenaro. slowing up after ten years ni. came together for the fir? of warfare, seemed to lark the stam- punches of the round him up on even terms with the class' ler Midget and in the opinion of many of the ringside critics gave him f.pfDIf IXV shght edge over the entire route 1 1L11 entire exhibition was so discouraging there was scarcely a disapproving voice when the verdict was announced. The Associated Press score card gave Genaro 6 rounds.

Wolgast Wolgast fought wrlth none of his cruittng and other accusations hands to the body but rrankt by Prof. A. Tarr. Missouri's facul- 9f wolgast fought the the head back with i ty representative and Hugh McDer- rounds wtth his left eye uppercut. They rested in i mott.

Oklahoma basketball coach. tightly eiwed from a riiht hanu clinch, punching to the body, bu The investigation follows punch he intercepted in the second broke sway in a wUd two-fisted ex oanlshment of James A. Bauaoh, star round, Genaro suffered a slight ah- change that set the ctowd to roarins loot ball and basket player, under Otherwise Otparo forced tV milling, shootin a new interpretation of subsidation was negligible a final rtghrto the head at th belt Los Angeles, Dec. a and the school's promise to abide by The small crowd paid a horn I2C000 week of intensive training behind ln thp vt'J the findings, with wtiteh to see the show. Oenaro weighed 111 Ck cnttaH rVcjma vile i Uv Doll Vso I By At.

Here's another Notre Dame basket- them a squad of all-Notre Dame football stars and another team made up of middle western, southern and western gridsters rested today, primed for Francisco tomorrow, but will return by airplane in time to play here. TEAMS PRACTICE FOR BIG BATTLE the Jayhawkers gained reinstatement1 pounds. Wolgast, lilt in the conference Dec. 5. One charge definitely set for hear- FIGHT ROt'NOS ing was made by repre- sentatlve.

who accased Kansas au- Kound fighting In thortUes of recruiting Phil Boreilo, New York state for the first time in City athlete and iormer Dotre Dair.e years tore out to carry the battle of Concord municipal court bench nas gained, accords with his record of widespread vwibllcity by his treatment 1 service. ball play, sketched just as the center, tomorrow contest to be staged ior of gangsters, will oppow Mayor Wil- have hesitated because of the No- dribbling in a hall-circle to charity. ham Hale Thompson. Charles V. work I am already doing in the effort basket, a stunt hes able to do be- The all-Rockne aggregation, made rett, chairman of the county board of to purge Chicago of the criminal CttUse of some cr0RS court "hut" up aimoJ8t entirely of members of tiie Kangs that infest the city.

The mav- and a blocking in the two undefeated elevens of 192i and 1 ------------------------------------------------------oraltv office is the one sixit in Chlcaeo comer of the court. 1930. reigned favorites over their op- Pasadena, 26 mlM where all the that touch crime No- 4- has the ball at ponenta. despite last minute additions Contending football teams in the made by Coach McDermott and racketeering converge The start oi lhLs scl Htlack- Note how 10 the a11. star 1 Rose Touranment's annual game here i lJiat William and Kenneth Johnson, the xhe Midget whhled around the law enforcement officer lines up his five on set Coach "Hunk pinch hit- January I today turned to the serious Kansas sophomore basketball players the ruxg an amazlng clip, swapping with resDomibllitv for orotectins Center in left hand corner with ting for Knute Rockne and in charge business of rounding into shape for irom Oklahoma City, engaged in a left to the head One left i the left forward a bit back The right of the expressed the be- the sixteenth annual wtth I non-conference game during lcU 10 neaa 4,11 freshmen.

The other eases, said to Involve ten to ta-enty athletes here, include a PHONE 53 PHONE Moving PIANO MOVING You will like our service and our prices. Ead es Transfer and Storage 112 West College Ave. his younger iaAer opponent. Wolgast took his first left hook to the head and then chased the Italian around the ring with a rapid ftre attack to 1 property and reputation of the citizens. He Is head of the police department and directs the prosecuting branch of the city government.

With 1 this in mind, and believing that as mayor I could promptly and completely finish the work that I have been engaged in as judge, I have decidcd to become a gave the Crimson tide a hard practice at Patterson Field, because of have been roundmg into top BALL PLAYER IS Asserting he would give Chicago an aiound him. forward is in the right hand forward lief his team bolstered by Frank long afteri year ago. area. A bit unorthodox this lineup. Carideo, all-American quarterback Christmas Day let down.

-------------------------No. 4 pa cutting across, and Joe Savoldi, fullback, would have Coach Wallace Wade of Alabama Meantime No. has driven to the left little difficulty coping with the op- hand corner, where he pivots and position. blocks the opposing center, the op- Coach Jimmy Phelan of Washing- the disapfjolntfng way in which ponent of his own center, No. 3, so ton.

former Notre Dame player, had that 3 may swing back and then out a different opinion. In spite of the to take a past from No 2 as the latter short time allowed for pract: the opened a 6llght cut in Oenaros eye lid just before the bell. Round snapped a left i hook Into head that stirred the Philadelphia mita mto men form Meanwhile, A DFn whirlwind of energy He tt vULJU aro around fllld pump. Coach Orin Babe" stream of left hooka I Oenaro stopped him Ba to the head short wtth a efficient police department, the judge I called attention to as Capone and his underworld semi- politician criminal allies," and declared that a club in one hand and a gun In the other, officers should TO HEAR MEREDOSIA expressed the belief his players would Hollingbery handled his squad of gridsters rather These moves clear the court for No. be able to handle the situation nice- i Washington State 3 who dribbles in for a short shot ly.

gingerly. ba ket lay 11 coi expected Welch, Purdue; The Cougars have come along so tlnuc with the Notre Dame offense. Concord Dec, 2S-Mr and Mm Harold and Sterling Andres of Springfield. Miss Mildred Andres Chii-' las Da; with their parents Rev. and Mr? C.

W. Andrew. Mr Mrs George Stone NJiCiusky of Springfield wen visiti rs In Concord ith Mr. and Mr? J. Ginder Chmtmas day.

of A visited her sister, Mrs. H. B. Rent- sehler this week. Mr and M.

Or.s Gray and Seym ur of Jacksonville Christmas day visitors at Harry Yeck'a. Mr Mr ti. Me do a L- nard dinnei guests at Mr and Mrs. Aura Unes Christmas Day. Mi ir C- motor.

run them out of every public building in this Anton J. Cermak, protege of the late i CASE IN ASS COl'NTl Russ Saunders of Southern California rapidly he was afraid thev may reach Atianta Baseball club and Don Mosen also a former Trojan the before time oi the contest. backficld ace, to cause the men of The Cougars were given a com para- Notre Dame any amount of trouble. tlvely light drill. Felber.

a North Dakota sophomore Another light was planned Auburn, N. Dec. 36 H. Farrell, secretary of the National right to the chm. The parr slowed Association of Professional Baseball and the crowd booed but thev were, le agues, announced tonight he had slugging at close quarters as the gong Ashland morning tl awarded Luke C.

Aiijihng, former rang. S6J50 cm bit claim tgmnu that dub locrrd the Spend the with Mr. and Mrs Bei Way. Mr and Henry Nortrup motor- Virginia, Dec. Cess board end, won a place on the all star team for tomorrow.

But the squad from George W. Brennan, is the only Deu- of supervisors has drawn a special by hi 3 ocrat who has announced himself for for trial of the case brought by Angeles that iiarty's nomination. showing against the Fireman Christmas Los the northwest will do nothing Sunday. day. Coach Hollingbery said he had Appling, a year out of college, waa playing for Atlanta when he was sold to the Chicago Americans in a deal which involved mcney and players.

He was promised a percentage of the purchase price, but the club and he going, stepping in with left hooks to to Jacksonville Thursday morn- the body but Wolgast spun him mg to spend Christrr. with then around with a left to the head and daughter Mrs Edith Denny Meredosia Lake Drainage and While he will not start he probably i 01 dered his team to strict training on hc total Levee district against the drainage will see considerable action. Mrs. Alice MrAvoy of Chicago spent district of Chicago, the assumpsit ae- Christmas in the home of her sister, tlon to be heard January 14. during Mrs.

Ed Austin on South Main the January term of Cass circuit street. court. The complainant has for coun- 1 1 Attorney Willian Hairgrove of Jacksonville, the defense being reprc- reg ulations. Farrell said he understood the club VIRGINIA U. COACH RESIGNS HIS POST If there is to be any of this psy- the players about $4,000.

chology stuff he said, 11 do it myself." Both teams took sightseeing tnpt- today. The southerners visited Holly- forced the Italian veteran to hold with a two-fisted body attack. They were cautious after that, both refusing to lead, and crowd booad them quietly up to the gong. Round stabbed tin Philadelphia midget off balance with a stream of lefts and inspired Wolgast Dr, and Mrs A Johnson anti family motored to Astoria. Ill te spend Christmas wtth Mrs parents, olenna Plank.

Alpha ano Nergenah were prejient. Roberta Yeck Fred Willard. Dorothy Sehnltker, Ruth Turley and thi children of Mr. and Hubert FOR the iry uieUK prevent 1 precautions adopted now may gretable lots and litigation later on when you want to sell your real estate There are nineteen chances lor loss wiuch only a properly piepared title abstract title can prevent. Let us assist juy ue have many hundreds of other property The service is complete, feet unusually reasonable.

Morgan County Abstract Title Company ir a Atrrs Hank Bldg. I.lie 9 tt Merrill. Prta St im a feec-treaa Hpma Hapke, Hanafti THE FLAVOR OF Kleen Maid BREAD to tlie llnest homemade loaf. The process used has particularly developed the taste of the wheat and other ingredients. It is a real loaf with an honest to goodness home made flavor to tempt the apjietite.

Try a luaf tud I rum Grocer! PEERLESS BREAD CO. Phnne 837 North Main St. Jacksonville, III. the Bread itb Ihr beekerbuard Wrapper rented by the firm of Dietrich A i Northcutt of Beardstow n. The jury Ust follows: ROCKNE to sUrt flRhtmtr They hooked fester i nd Mr Diamond family are AT MAYO CLINIC to the of mease la lustily and then slUed down to clinched, head football coach at the Dtcture studio'at Culver i lllu- ing and sparring once more, Thev erslty of Virginia has resigned, officials of both schools wera football took so easily that the crowd wia roarh at te anrnnla Richmond.

Dec. the cougars went to a Abel, head football coach at the Uni Neither he nor James Beardstow 11 -Carl FUchei Ch reach Biemler. E. F. Llntner.

R. Parks, i but Professr.r Allen Vosheli.l--------------------------- C. A. Parry, Fdwin Lamb, Frank iC.U GOLF ASSOCIATION South Bend, Dee. 2 fU evigney, sss i i irrsui Birnbaum.

Irwin W. Pilger, Lucy confirmed a report of the ence with Knute Rockne, head coach, who is at the clime at Roches ter, resting. Waddell, Thelma George, Elva Lola Scholdt, Martha Jacobs, Emma Phelps. Arensvilie Philip Stock. Joseph Peck.

Edwin Paul. A. H. Rupple, Martha Bates, Nellie Bates, Sadie Hlerman, H. Hinds.

Julia Hewitt. Bluif Miller. Carter, Chilton. Alma Cherry. Watkins Nordseik.

Panther Cline, Thompson. Philadelphia Walter Daniels, El mer Bell. Schaad The Charlottesville Daily Profress this afternoon printed a statement REACHES AGREEMENT Round clinched and boxed continually at close quarterr. a strange performance for tiny lellowi chock full of speed and boxing ability. Obitaary Mrs.

Virginia A Rentschler born near Virginia January Itn Her parents were John and Sophia Punk Behler. She passed away at the Pa hospital. December 18th, 1930 Che ws- united in marriage wtth Silas o. Rentschler. March 26th.

18iH5 She leave? her husband, one Mrs Alice Meyers of Beardstown. 111., and the following nieces UniverMty members of the council and there will the big winter golf campaign at sev- Sangamon Thompson. TO VISIT IlfcRE Kansas City. Dec TT. Jess Harj)er.

Kansas oil magnate, who and the crowd disapproval that a tumor current Abol had 1,1 been asked to resign following UDon asset at ion has made 1912 will visit Knute Rockne to the head and s.ung th a meeting of the a hlet cTouncil wUh tbe various sponsors oi 11 Rorhe.ster, next Monday, it Midget with two to the body, and nephews Mr, Meda of theuniversity by agretliig to for- was iearned today Wolgast refund to open up and the Chicago: Mrs. Ruth Rees, of Council That report is inaccurate Mr demand for 10 per cent originated the famous Ous siim crw'd became siunmer as the Iowa; Cecil Meyers oi Voshell said adding- of net tournament proceeds Dor a is-Rockne forward pass while to go home Beardstown; Joseph Earl Heiwef of pThe most cordial relations have now at! Hound wrestled and Jtui.uUian Penn WUllamwn 1 sparred for a full minute without of Mapleton, Iowa; and John Wll- either landing a solid blow Oenaro of Casfana, Iowa, and many tried to a fight, thumping Wol- iriends who mourn her passing, gast twice about the body but the Funeral were held Thurs- Midget stayed awsy. Genaro a rtav afternoon st the residence in 1 right to the head thst started a lump Concord at 2 o'clock a goodly number over Wolgast's left eve. They sparred 01 relatives, friends anu neighbors weakly up to the bell. attandsnce Rev, L.

Hovda Round danced into 'iai1 charge of service, assisted by Wolgast with a left to the head and Wev W. Andrew Mrs Adelia Coop- to the ribs and the midget de- and Miss Aima Deterdlng rendered decided to fight back They clouted songs. Isle," "Lead each other lustllv about the head and Now the Day Is Over" DOWNERS GROVE i 0 A- sald ca5h the Coach cftin? to the I under a three year contract which does not expire until May 31. 1932. obtained I Voshell said the athletic council met, in and mil Administrator Oates also denied re- Albert Peterson, Edgar with Mr.

Abel regarding' his, resittnation jto be abolished. He said Harlow i would continue to manage the bureau. GIRL KIDNAPED AS PARENTS WATCH f. a DAL'UI L' TT- lift' bt't'll VtOlklllg tO MOOd LA i KULDU I vj 1 r.lirims#» hai, Chicago, Dec. 29 her par- ANNUAL MELLON FEB.

1 Mias Clara Swain has arrived to spend holidays with her father, C. Swain of 717 West Douglas avenue, I Chicago, Dec. of Miss Swain is dean of women at Sears Roebuck and company today purpose while the gossips have oscn ents watched helplessly from the front thP customers cheered for the maW beautiful flowers were rumoring' about the admtnls-1 porch of her Downers Grove home, tune in the several rounds. Wolgast Mrs acconipantat trator said you take into Allca Ceranek, 17, was can-led off In a nice left to the jawr but the by Mrs. Walter McCarty the fact that prise an automobile yesterday by a young spurt short-lived and they and Mlsii PUson neighborhood of man, dispiritedly up to the bell, i bearer were P.

consideration money in the neignooriiood of dispiritedly up to the bell. oearer were Leonard Yankton College. South Dakota, and declared the usual 62i per cent caih 000 has already been scheduled, along Michael Ceranek, a truck driver, and. Round EUht-Oenaro out to Cooper. E.

M. Harman Alfred has recently been elected president of dividend paysble February 1 to atock- with two or three more open dales hit wife, Una. were having a Christ- pepper Wolgast damaged left eye holders of record January 9. The that should boost It to at least mas reunion. They watched Alice sr- and a series of short rights in a quarterly stock dividend of 1 per cent 000, it would not seem to indicate riving from Chicago where she was clinch all but closed the eye.

Wolgast the State Association of South Dakota. The Yankton institution oi which Misa Swain has been dean for tlie past seven years is a CongregaUonal coeducational school with an enrollment of six hundred students. It what is said to be the finest had previously been declared. HTAGCI GRANDPA AGAIN ClUcago, Dee. 28 Amos Alonso Stagg.

the old man of Uni- out-door 1 versity of Chicago is a theatre in that particular section of grandfather for the second time, the United the finest The new arrival, a daughter, was dormitory and the best equipped sci-iborn to Mr, and Mrs. Alonso Stagg, ence hall in tlie northwest territory. on Christmas Eve. the gift of a wealthy Massachusetts philanthropist and his wife, who came out to its dedication in October RT IN Al TO MISHAP Robert Sellers ti this cliy was that the tournament bureau is fail-; employed as a maid. As she reached 1 fought on he defensive, forsaking Ing In its purposs oi providing more! the gate to her home, a man Jumped his usual rapid fire attack and the better tournaments for the pro- out of Ills tar, forced her Into it and crowd booed steadily as Genaro, not carried the screaming irirl away before aa speedy as he used to had injured Thursday in an her parents could go to her assista nce trouble finding the midget.

Genaro Wobile collision at the corner of TUT WITHDRAWS Mn. Ceranek told Dupage county got in close for one shot at the West street and Douglas ave. officials she believed she recognised before the bell rang. Pue She and her husband were rid- St Louis, Dec. King the man as a former friend of Alice.

ST. LOUS VISITOR Minneapolis welterweight, today with- drew frcan his engagement to meet Jackie Brady of Syracuse, N. in a bout at the arena here nest Friday WESLEYAN DEFEATED Atls E. James of West Lafayette ave-impht due to a serious eye Injury he Rice Institute of Texas defeated 1111 nue Christmaa Day visiting in suffered Monday while sparring in nols Wesleyan lurt tonight by a or mo Round Haley warned nortli and Edward Bsil in another both boys in between rounds that was headed west, when the wreok they must fight a bit harder if thev wanted to stay In there with him Both -cars went over on thetr aides Bloomington, 111 Dec, for 15 and were considerably damaged II came out slugging, belting Sellers was badly shaken up and ore tlie veteran about the head and bodv a cut on one hand. She was removed tB.

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