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The Jasper Weekly Courier from Jasper, Indiana • Page 1

Jasper, Indiana
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PUBLISHED ITSIT FRIDAY, AT JASPER, BY MEHRINGER, DOANE SMITH. TEJtM IN ADVANCE Single Bubacription, fur fifty $1 Or Foratore of 10 linea or lent, 1 week, 75 cts. Each aubsequent insertion, ctt. Emperor and his Daughter. A few since, there wee in the city of PetereboVg a young fir so beautiful and so lovely that the greateet Prince of Europe, had he met her even in peasant Amelia, daughter of MaximilliarTJoecith, admirable cavalier, in tru but aa far inferior then to Marie Nicolmwnalat no ae commun soldier to in emperor.

"fa it aaid the Czar to himself, eo he sent for the colonel, with the design of hut, might well lieve turned hia back upon diemiseing him to Munich. But at the mo- Pnnceaaee to offer her his hand und throne. L. ment when he wan about to crueh him with bich Bot far from having eeen the light in peae-. 7 a word, he atopprd et the eight of hut, ahe waa born In the ot the proudest throne on earth.

It waa Longer edvertleements, at same rate. A fraction ever tven aquare or counted the adored daughter of the Em- Theae are the terma hr tran-iperor of Russia. Aa her father aaw her aquare advertieementa; a reasonable deduc- blooming like the May flower, and sought for tl.ll I. recnl.r adTertiaere. beit, uf roJtUyi (y arrourciro cardidates.

For Townahip offices, each, For County For District, Circuit, or State, fainting in her caleche. "There la no longer doubt! tie Indeed thought the Czar. And turning hia back upon the etupified atranger, he returned with Marie to the upon tho faireat, the richeat, and the Palace. 6, 00 Women. to the Amsxcnian on rights Uie habit of many public itronizing and coinplinientiug wo- telling bow much we owe to father and a king, aaid to her: ry who Kj-Below

piece N.poleoD'. heed nngani gifted bid. I.i. bulged qui The skull of the poet td.Jf, ft occupy troni r.nk,linrn. we, carefully mcaeuml among the poeteaee, of our land.

We hope di.iuterred oo the burial of hia wire; it our columna may be often-graced by louchea of her fancy. A Scene in Life. BF CECILIA A. HUSTOR. I law a child with a sunbeam play A with golden baby-brow waa undimnied by thought, Hia sparkling eye by care; jatan," die.

We have a distaste for thin because it ia degrading in ita It elwaya an under currently euid feeling thet woman, aa woman, ia inferior; the brow of the Czar; and your that ahe will auch assertions of be obeyed!" Jber elmoet equality, aa a exclaimed the Emperor, For six all thet prudence, tempered with love end adverity, cou'd inspire, waa child, vou are no'w of enag, to 10 of and I haee'choaen for the you a queen, and the man at the end ere man, ahldea render you Mcon'1 of -Th. man render me Ihe end of the hpa pale, the with 1 fourth to to her br'ltht wee Ihe only to ni hcr heart gave utterance. aa ahe aaw a Irown gathering on court of hia host, without daring to confess to himself the cauae, did not wait for hia diamiaaal to return to hia regiment. He wee on the point of aetting out for Munich, when en aid de camp of the One gentle atrafn was all he aang, From morn till dewy not, weep not, is bright, gone conclusion, that Mr. Hugh Miller, measured twei ty iwo and a quajter inchea round, which, allowing kflf an inch for the would mako the circumference of ihe living tead twenty two and three quarter targiah Mad but not iraordiuury.

Goethe'a I tead we believe was not remarkable for About Shaspeare'e hpad our only information must be from the Stratford bust Cbeuntrwy pronounced from certain eigne, to be elmuat certainly modelled from an original caet taken after death. It is a curious example of a Win we bear aucb efforta at rhetoric injbling tor the first time in his life; "is 1- frnblie sense of right ia alwaya only aa an act ot obedience that ciTcitded; and we have a feeling that all will receive a husband from my have aet out yesterday," he aaid hearing auch re-j The young gi I was aiiunt auu coucealed'to might have evoided what merke, will be diaguated. Suppose aome tear. oratrix ot Ihe Fenny Wright or Abbey Kel-i your faith already "iy achool.aheuU return the compliment to! Tke young girl waa atill ailent. au aaaeiubiy of the lords of creation, andj yourself, Marie! 1 command tell tliem how much the world ia indented 10 -man, argue that in some things manj At thia word, which awaye aixty millions is almost equal to woman.

Ridiculous as 0( human beluga, the princeee fell at the feet of the Czer. I heart ia no longer my own; it ia beatowed upon a yeung man who knowa it not, and who 4 he effort might it would be no more eo than what ww often hear in Christian mb lies, in attempted praiae, but in awaits me. At the first flash save yourself from the- thunderbolt!" He waa ushered into the Cabinet, where kinga only ere allowed to enter. The Czar waa pale, and hia eye was moist, but hie air was flrm and resolate. "Colonel duke," eaid he, enveloping end penetrating hip with hie elance, "you ere one of the hendaomest officers in Europe, (t ie eaid, I believe It ie that you posaeee en elevated mind, a thor enost efWctusI disparagement of women.

If we were notlNng wou'd sooner neyer know it, if eucb be your wiabf He lively teste for the srts, a gNwMte me to become a rights tfciffutseme and misplaoed flat- Me It is tim ler which men end (Mti ee to the (ither, ie es would be i1 each of which reepective purposee (Puritan Recorder. -This curious weepon, Mtives of Australis, has oft pettier to men of science. It carved wood, neerly in the form from thirty to forty inches et both ends, and the corner ebarp. The mode using it as ir es the weapon. Aak black to It eo es to fall at his feet, and away i' pees, fell forty yojds before him, skimming the eurfsce at three or four feet from the ground, when it will suddenly rise iu the air forty or sixty feet, describing a curve, and fiually drops down at the feet of the thrower.

During its course it revolves with greet rapidity, ae on a pivot, with a whizzing noiee. It ia wonderful so barbaroua a people ahobld have iuveoted so afngultr a wee poo, which eets the lew a of progression et tMance. It is very dangerous for a person not used te it to try to preject it at eny ob. jsct. ee it may return end strike himself.

In a uative'e bsnd it is formidable weapon, etriking withoet the projector being eeeu; like the gun, shooting round a ner equally aa well as etraightforward. It wae invented to strike the kangaroo, which eeeu me but two or three timeeatadietance, and we will never speak to each other il your nibjeaty forbids The Emperor wae silent in hie turn. He grem pale. Three times he made the. circuit of the saloon.

He who would have braved lor a caprice, the monarche of the world at the heed of their from hie omnipotence, feared this unknown youth, who disputed with him the possession of eis dearest treasure. MIs it he demanded hastily. hiir of a king, at leeet?" -No, fatbeg." "A grand duke!" "No, "A eon of a reigning family!" "No, father." At each step in the deecending ecsle tbs Czar stoppod to recover breeth. "A strsnger!" father." The Emperor fell back into an erm chair and hid hia lace in hia handa, like mon at the eecrifice of Iphigeuia. "Is he in be resumt-d, with an effort.

father." 8t. Petsrsburgl" -Yes, fsther." And Oio veire of the young girl grew faint, "Where shall I eee him!" eaid the Czar, rieiag with a threatening aspect. "To morrow at the review." "How ahell 1 recognise him!" demanded the Czar, with a etamp of his feut. "By hie green plume end bie blsrk 'Tie well! Go, my daughter, sad pray God te have pity upen man The pvincese withdrew in a fainting ditioes, and the Emperor was soon loet in though'i "A childish eeprice!" he said at length; em foolish to be tjUlurbed at it! 8he will forget lit She ehall for jet ft!" ted hie lips dsred not etter what his heart added. "It muet be, for all my power would be weeker then her teare." No more those tuneful Thst dyed happy hours With Iris tinted rays.

onee the earth wsa beautiful! Oh! once 'twas bright!" he cried, "But Time has altered my young My hopes, my have died. Alae! I have no Mother now, To wipe my acorching For Mother sleeps benssth the While I em mourning here." "I hsve no sister, kind snd true, A brother I've known. My father beneath the Oh! I am all alonel I sometimes see their sngsl sinilcs When sleepsteaie my brsin; My heerttben thrills with rapture Aye, rapture near to peinl ter and the animal, the Boomerang comes round the corner end breake hie lege. were fret used nelly in eenter of ell eirenge and cute ideee. Or.

8t. Foix, who wee a great eolleeter of news, got leeve to print ebeete te distribute emeng bie petiente. The reeding of them took their from Ibemaelvei, end wee feroreble to cere. enimel la killed by it with certainty, end cope.„n tha 'VT Czar, whose esgle eye embraced ell at glance, aought end eew in bie bettelllone nought elee then green plume end bleek cberger.

He reeognieed In him who wore the one end rode the other simple colonel of the Bevsrien Light Joeeph Eugene Auguste Beeubernoie, the duke of Leuebteuberg, youngest child of the eon of wee for noble and a loyal character. What think you of the Grand Ducheae, my daugh ter, Marie Nicolawnal" This peint blenk qoeetion dezzled the young man. It is time to ssy that he ed mired, sdored the princess, without being aware of i(, A eimple mortel adores sn angel of Paradise, ss en artiet edoree the ideal of beouty. "The Princess Msrie, reading at last his own hesrt, without dsring to resd that of the Czar; "your anger would crueh me if I told you what I thiuk of her, and I abould die of joy if you permitted me to eay it!" "You love well!" reeumed the Czar, with benignant emile; end the royel hend, from which the duke waa ewaitingthe thunderbolt, delivered to the colonel the brevet of General Aide de Camp of the brevete of Commandant of the Cavalry of the Guards, end of the regiment of Chief of the Corpe ol Cadete end of the Mining President of the Academy of Arts, and Member of the Academy of Sciencea of the Umveraitiee of St. Petersburg, of Moscow, uf Kesssn, of the Council, of Militsry Schools, fcc.

All this, with the title of periel Highness and severel millions of revenue. eeid the Czar to the young man, who was besiis himself with joy, "will you quit the ssrvice of Bavaria, and become the husband of the Princess The young officer could only fell on bis knees end bstbe with his teare the hende of the Emperor. "You eee thet I also love my dsughter!" said the lather, pressing his son-in-law in bie arme; The 14th of July following, the Grand Ducbeae wee restored life: and the Duke Bepuhsrnois de Leuchtenberg es- poeeed her in the preeence of the tativea ol the royal familiee of Europe. Such an aet of paternal love merited for the Czar end for hie daughter century of happioeee. Heaven, which has lie eecrete, bad ordeined otherwise.

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1853, the Duke of Leuchtenberg died, at the sge of to the leet ef bis brilliant destiny, and leaving to Msrie Nicolawnaeternulregrets. All tbeyoeng prineeeof the world will dispute the prize ef her hend; bet ebe hae been too happy as a wife to consent te become a queee. Then wherefore should we of this bust in his edinirsble work entitled Impressions of Englsnd snd its describes the head fromperaon- si inspection ss a very large one. The skull, he aays, uiust Lave bt en of a cspscity to contsin all Dr.

Chalmer's braina. This, Dr. Chslmera was then alive, waa tantamount toSaylng it was of lh- largest known dimensions. Now, with this very description in our memory, we hsve ouraelvee examined the Stratford bust with the utmost closeness csre, and we unhesitatingly declare thst the head in the bust is, if not one, st Ifesst such ss any average Engliah hal could easily fit. We believe it ia a atnaliish hesd.

In short, from all the atatiatics we have at command, respecting large and ernsM hesds, including our own private tions emong our acqusintsncee, we have never been able to obtain any presentable conclueion on the point. The opinion of David Scott, the painter, wae thet large heads were generally found in successful men of the world, such es statesmen, ere and the like, end thet thfffneneee ef nervoue tissue requisite for leciuel lives of artists, thinkere and literary men generally connoted email or average of head. opinion, however, will break dewu if applied ie prectiee. We know very energetic, predeal Ulead weighty men with smallish heads; and wehaew mea with vary large who oeem et lmme only ia the meet exqaieite aad ernemnijal kleds of mental eetivity. More ewt tlte any conclusion thet ean be come te thie point of eke, seems to be notion heard advanced with respect to the fetei ef heads.

Length of bead from front te beck we have heard an eminent and very ubeerv- men declare to be, according te hie perience, the moet constant physiognomic sign of ability. Only in one eminent bead, that of Shr'Waher Scolt, bad ha febad sign raeting. and in thia case if properly considered the want wae eignificent. Next lo length or depth, hie idee wee that height over the eers, ee la Seott'e head, wae the beet sign, although he bad not found thie nearly eo eaaeetial. To us it appears liet if to the two dimeneioue of length or depth, sod height, aa thus expounded, we add the third dimension of breadth, and if we attach to the three their correepondifig ler meaninge, when used in speaking of inental a deep hpad or a head long from frout to back, or jftim the forehesd to the slgnifiteelof depth or a high head, or a heed rieteg high over the eers, aa significant of nsril elevation; and broed bead, as meaeured acroos and behind the temples, as significant of what called width or generality of view, we shsll have as tolerable a eyetem of practical cranioiogy aa the facte will war- rent, not very diffrrent either from that pounded by the ordinary phreeologieta, tho' they would carry us much farther.

eleo, however, let us not be toe certain in our judgment We have eeen "loreheede villainouely lew" en very noble grand deeme of beade on mere blocks end ignorance. I've wept, eye, wept till every tear Hae aeemed liquid Although 1 try to celm my beart Yet teare aiH fall like rain! They tell me thet the dead will live, And bid me cease to mouro; Ahl think they by their kind ear eee To eootke this heart forlorn? "I feel my life Is jtk bing fast, Cold wet my The happy thought steals my mind, see my mother now. Death latest, truest To celm, yet not deetroy; When esrthly friends refese tbeir aid, Desth soothes the orpben boy." PoftTMXUUTH, hio fry Billy, why you go te Whet do you get the heller tiipeEmprtsf el ef Augustelsche; what I the London Leader: The Giro of Hetis. With regard to the lerge beed and small bead controversy, we muet esy we heve ne ver been eble to come to any taegible cou clealon. Cuvier's head muat have been lerge, for hia brain weighed sixty-fire ounces Thie ie generally accounted the lieaviest known healthy brain; but we were recently told of working men who died in Charity London, and whose brad wse so lerge thet the etudente had the brain weighed, out of curiosity, whan thsy found it to weigh sixty-seven ooncee, though 'perfectly healthy.

On inquiry, ell they could learn ebout the man wee, thet be wee eeid by his neighbors to heve bad remarkebly good memory. The breln ef Dr. cromby, of Edinburg, weighed ouncee. Dr. Chelmere had a very lerge heed indeed, (Joeeph Hume end be were ssid te have the largeet beade in the king dom)j end yet his braia weighed bet fifty three under the On the ether hend, bed a email heed, at leeet Mr.

Leigh Hunt us that hie hat, which in not very large one, need to go quite over head, but hia braia Ie seid to have weighed eeerly four iCeste and Shelley had very smell heede, Mr. Leigh Hunt'e bat golag over them toe. Ref- faelle had a emell head; Sir Welter 8cett bed email heed) eo bed Neender, the church bietorlsn; so also, if we recollect aright what Bernel Diaz eeye, bed Cortez, the conqueror ef Mexico. beed ie eeid te heve been under the everege size. The hrein ol Nre.

Meaning, the murderess, wee pound lighter then her husband's. The ekull of Rush wae very lerge, meeeuring, we think, upwardaof twenty-four incbee round. Perielee, ss wa know, bad lerge head; ee had Mabometi eo bed Mira beau; so bad mb 8 la no Tzans ie eetoelebieg bow elgaore ere impened upon by nemo of oer wags. The ether dey we new a little Freaebmee, juet errived, who bed been ing English leeeone, aa he informed ee, oe the voyege, from fellow-psoaongor. He complained much ef the diffiroltiee ef oer gramaur, oopocislly the irreguisr For eeye he, verb to go.

Did oee ever eee4ee such verb Aed with the utmoet gravity he reed from chert ef get Thou par test; lie We rat stick; Ye or yoo make treeke; They aboqeetuleie. Dieul Moa Dieo! disregular heve ie your language.".

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