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The Jacksonville Daily Journal from Jacksonville, Illinois • Page 8

Jacksonville, Illinois
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New York Stock Market NEW YORK API Amid a 25.25-26.25. good 22.50-20 50 preponderance of Improving eco head Hiring high cho.ce Lutai Teacher (ompuible ridu 1000 IV eights 28 00 bulk choice IIIoll Ul I Fvanston steers 31.0041.25. most high choice and prune H00.l4o0 lb 28.75*30.75. Sever al loads 1050 lb 990-1450 lb steers 26.25-2850, many loads maxed good and choice Tragedy Strikes Twice Miss Della C. faculty Imt the and prime luia lu lie.iers 28.25, member at Jonathan Turner Jun ok market made a moderate equal to la.

week's peak which lor High School, has accepted an advance in somewhat livelier trad- nut Two Jersey County Men Meet Death TY-Radio nv CYNTHIA lOWflV TelerMitii-Radio Writer NFW YORK af: er noon on a recent Monday two I JEKSEYVILLE Two men of. The funeral sen ice for Kmghau- tired women slumped lot highest paid tor to do summer school the Jerseyville locality were kllMisen will be held Sunday at 2 poa.jdown-froiu als tn chilly, empty Vftl Since January High choice teaching at National College of in separate unubual accidents from the First Presbyterian church Carnegie Hall hot a.i Tf i'i mlxed cholce Md Education In Evanston. Ill Thursday afu-moon within a few! of Jerseyville. The Reverend nibbling ham-on SOf Grace liapel Home Of Mrs. Standlev Journol Courier, Jacksonville, Morck 18, 1962 ALiOS IMT IIAS PRESIDENTS Oh if VACATED The Moas-Walton Unit.

American Legion Auxiliary, met recently 20 at the home of Mrs. Wright, Anna St. at 7:30 p.m. 'r st the OOM of the president home of Mrs Pmd Standley with Martha 420 South West Eriieat carmtan of Manchester Mi 1. 323.797 the pnor week I non jb hewers 27 and was the largest since 16 8i3.460it.hoKr hcifcr shares were traded in the week Hannah A sang.

Rrockhou who the bu-lnflW' is a patient at Passavant hospital session.Cubain ai Mi Paul A. "My Faith Looks ndrd Feb. 17. The Dow Jones industrial average this week rose 833 to 722.77 as Into tire re- M. tancr area leading to the historic high of 734 91 reached at the close last Dec 13.

The Dow Industrials. In fact bulk xi kj Utility; and commercial bulls cloned at 18.50-21.00 good and cho.ce veal-j ere 28.00-34.00, Sheep Compared Friday and ewes fully steady. Two loads and a deck clioice and prune 103-111 lb ran up a string of six airtight ftd 18 50. daUy of them pretty choice and prime narrow-before they eased a bit 107 we with wet! Friday. Many market niuddy fleeces choice; analysts acre permitting them- native wooled selves a decree oi cautione optl-, ter lambs 17.75-18 25, cood mlsm and some were enthuslas choice 18 50-17 75, cull to good tic about prospects for the aver- wooled slaughter ewes 5.00-6 50.

am rr aching new highs before too loof A number of them for ftnongrr market performances with the expected pickup In The broad economic tended to boater this attitude Industrial production was reported back at record In February after the January Government officials predicted an 8 per cent rise In business for new plant ami year over Weekly production after two weekly decline, PereonaJ Income also Social Louisa Bundy opened with trr parenta of a daughter born er snd the pledge to the flag fol- 13 tn Ft Bennlnf, OeorglH Cornelia Carter read hours of one another. Edwards Breed, pastor of the randwlches and discussing their Up To followed Leo 25. was killed church, will officiate, and the which were aborted meditation and nrsver. while operaiuig a pickup truck ttiterment will be in the Onk Orove sufferina Ater had the a driveway to the Ringhausen cemetery. from a had head cold, and it Rta- farm three southeast of Jcr-j Survivors of Rmghausen are his sounded in her as she A Sehone.

Mrs seyvllle about 1 RinghauMti mother. Mrs. Stephen Ringhausen I talked. Carol Burnett had a band- Wilburn assisting. had a truck load of gravel which o( four brothers.

For- age on ncr a a sp- Hospital with rehabilitation booked hr was dumping on the driveway. Hubert and Philip of Jer rv. suffrred in a dai i wr-re given bv Mrs. Ater. police Friday The apparatus govemuig the ville.

Kenneth of Wood River: flvi hoisting of the truck bed became Mrs Leonard Scranton stuck and he cot out of the cab iTn.ana- nanirl nf auom u.v wr rim ------------------------j, report and Opal Wright RLT HARCiES uave the report Donald Lacey, 328 Pulton street Plana wrre completed for the Cari of Waah- veterana birthday party at the Btreet were arrested suffered in rehearsing a dance rerx-rts were Riven nv Mrs. pouce Ivp number Both of them had Th. Aprtl will he at the the police station on drunk and 0f tiple bruises ami welts suffen-d nf Mrs. Wilburn Wlswell Rrovn With Mr. Fll.

WtaWI (o adjust It While he was reaching under the william Woodman of Jersey truck bed wrth hLs head partly un- vtlle and Mrs. Roger Wallace of der the elevated bed, he apparent- California. win be RWRta Mention same hall crowded to the top cal- niFlrtf tlie annual snrlntr Too Late To Classify Cards Of Thanks DELLA SIMMONS Miss Simmons will teach lery by a black tic audience. to on Aprtl st Un lr tripped niechanlMn B.PDl1fn V'iT 1 ton 1 l.t rhutrh Ul. Tlie deccateas ratner, eiepnen lng poised, and as if they fh.

hour dropped the truck bed. His head Was ictiiecl on getting egiht hours sleep to Mrs Cora was caught between the frame of date In March seven years 8 11ig1)t for months. Gone weir Hv-mes when h- WRfl gored to lh, r.riw H.t ---------------------------------a bull at the Rlnghaasen farm Julie voice: Carol walked with its Mrs "Sta' Wlswell Mn Reasonable 1050 No. Paytwe out even her ankle winjum Wtswell. Mrs.

A. Sehone i Phone 243-1179 It wae another example of that w' alitxwt routine miracle of ahow Mrs Broekhmise. Mr, business Uiat turns what aeems a Eugene shambles at rehearsal into a Miss Minns To rnrn 1 12 .000 per year Operat- M. thanks, lu my dud mashed. The second man wbs Charlefr Benjamin Brock, who was kill- w.

ed while attempting to remove KLMNtUY rHUIWfcS the transmission from a used car soviet root. He had Jacked up the truck and had it resting on pillars composed SPACE PROJECTS In of bricks. The Wheel had been re- we offer our sincere thanks to Mn "Maggie Parlier. Mrs. Harold'FOR SALE used davenport relatives, neighbors and FayvJM Pflthy during our recent bereave' ment Hannah Mrs me Sturdy Fannlj Prockhouse and Rsx ull smooth, stimulating performance, ui performers out of nerves.

Monday dependent coliege for elementary pillars collapsed and he was crush- by Khrushchev, pn- Carnegie was a onc-nhiht ine International Relations tn asais nnitrhf nf v. a television suecial which Evanston from June 23 to August 3 moved and he was working undrr 0f Soviet in- and discomfort National College Is the oldest fn- the vehicle when the bricks of the clUyl pRst ptiblic CatieoH Bees Tiie first meetlnp for the venr of the Bmv 4-H was held show. Julie Carol at the home of Mrs. Roy NlrkH a wen tv girls were present ann Mrs rnnrlM FllloU was a guest will meet decline to a record rale in February. A rise In manufacturing employment was cited bv the aov- eminent as evidence of a sharp 19th improvement In the )oh picture.

Mtturdy. West College Ave. with Mrs Rob- around the world. Chapter CY. P.

at In the Laboratory School train- Charles B. Brock. of activities nvteo mg student rs. carl, four brothers. Fred Kennedy was careful to leave P'lt tape.

The Slkfrty on Oeoreta Ing branch office of Home nurseR aides for cure courses. Large 51 county pro- recelvwl pH(tent at hs tected area. Ready to hospital. Also relatives and leads available. All you need Is frlcIuils jar beautiful riowers.

gifts office space and ability. AddreM und car(js They were greatly Key. O. Box 402. 111.

Oeorge Lewis FOR SALE Four room house hr Tn Priced Stnixre to doctoi. reasonable Telephone 245-2487 and relu tlvea and friends for cards, and visits while 1 was a patient at The resumption of skel labor ti however, brought ert S. Bills as assistant Official Call (ieorge and Ben of Tucumcwrt. hia propagala open-ended to allow Health 1 LOVEI two bedroom liuuse m- I and J. of El for chaise if the Soviets destre T.

the Cure of the teeth, emllv Kir- pWrjy redecorated Inside and Camelot. chtr; work of prottram chair N. comment that the two sides were Mrs HaI1 haVC 1 still far apart and that govern- inert intervention of some kind or another might be necessary. Oreat Books Group will; These thoughts were no help to mett 8t 7 March 20 steel shares. In the board room at the Public Aerospace and other defense Library to discuss "The ssues were soft in advance of Discovery of the Oreat West: Lathe Oeneva disarmament confer- Salle." The next reading is cfico but they turned firmer amid "The Sense of signs of a continued deadlock Beauty- over Berlin and evidence that ET Chapter of PEO will meet there was not a great chance for ftt 8 p.m.

Tuesday with Mrs. Cecil any meaningful agreement be- Ford, 253 East Michigan avenue, tween the major partlee. Mrs. Victor Sheppard will present The Associated Press average the program of 80 etocks this week rose 2 20 Ciub will meet the aft- U) 261.80 it was the fecond ernoon of March 20th at the home straight weekly advance for of Mrs- E. Armltage.

9 Jones traded Ounn, 2 1 2 mS? 575 Matrons Club of Wilber Wedneeday produced the only Chapter. OES. will meet at 7 30 sharp advance in the market. The way was prepared for it by two Ki-n sessions in which Cully, I strength allowed an undercurrent Ref Mary Buck, serving un Garry 1 Texas; seven steers. Mra.i Uioking beyond Uie immediate IWJTV Melvin Reynolds of Jerseyville.

future to advano-a In ntiXi Mn Virgil Tharp ot El cSi TZ'. as Mrs. Barney Sanders of nsks member of the program The 1 1lXe 4 nix Arizona. Mrs. Eugene Jones the cosU to worked together wHl and "am.

of St. Louis. Mrs. Jnmes to the men who engage in nimvber was such a hit that next wl11 Tues- Jenkins of Pam Bav. Florida: Mrs.

Producer Bob Banner immediate- day. March 20. at the Roy Nickel Ollie Richardson and Mr.s Charles of Marine decided to team the two In botne with Sandrs Oerdes and Duncan of N. wport, JT one-shot show of their owik Elaine Nickel, refreshment com- Funeral services for will Mike Me hob.

of the brilliant mlttee. plans were made to attend comedy team of Nichols and Journal Courier Cooking was pulled in to help write the School. White imizlng these rkJts Among examples Where 'it may be Sunday. March 18. at 2 p.m.

from Jacoby Brothers Funeral bp t0 rtart planning to Home tn this city and interment jjOW out. quiet neighborhood, electric-j tty. tnatde water, no bath, 9 MB 0 vvc extend our suicere tliankd to terms tf desired. of tjie personnel oi Paesavant Huapi Mrs. Edith Travis.

Woodson, call Modem Care. our docto; 85F23 Franklin. axvd ta relatives and friends to the care of and many acts cf kindness shown to our mother and grandmother. Emma Hendc aon. her long lllnees.

Our heartfelt thanks reach out also to all of her relatives, frier.d.* and neighbors, and to ours, for BAUMANN SON will be In the Oak Orove Cerne ten I Coul.l Take Nuelear Deslrov nZ.i-.t. Finally, late February, they 1 Ue might started reheaiaing the bits and ItlltlciLC III manned exploration of the lunar; Pu iiuiiaiv pietm cs snow surface, or we mbrtit MmmMt Clrol vti JaUt Kewanee 10 ft. wheel disk Kewanee 11 ft. 8 tn. wheel disk.

km harrow with draw bar 1 446 4 row planter with fertillrer. their kind expteaMons of sympath now the mutual definition of to be taken In sequence for an had their regular Jobs to do- In In Greenfield 1 John Deere 490 planter. 1 I 448 4 row planter. John Deere 3 row cultivator I 280 cultivator I 238 cultivator. Wheel horse tractor and mower, point rear mounted blade.

Bach told weed mower. I during our bereavement. Tha Family 'Contmueu PaKC lem and to plan in relation to national intenestfc. not Just service of renewed'demand both by der frothy Buchanan, chairman Wade made an official vteit to the in the thousands of words in public stkI bv the larce institu-1 Wednesday Jacksonville club Thursday noon the controversy over the 2 000 tiono) inventors. This was reflect- Fortnightly will meet at 2:30 He spoke on the alms of Kiwanls mile-an-hour B70 bomber, why Is ed by sains In a number of low- Wednesday.

March 21, with Mrs. on the national, regional, and er-priced Issues normally favored Oeorge Schwendemann. 818 South 1 level, by the publie and by the nse of Main with Mrs. Margaret selected blue chips. Caldwell having the program.

SfcXKCT CHICAGO After Wednesday, however, the The American Legion Auxiliary 1 market simmered down Unit 279 will meat at 8:30 p.m FOR IRY UNTO Bond prices reached their high- Tuesday, March 20. at the Legion jivdi if vr est level of before faltering Hall for a potluck supper held with Hj'wJJIv 1 a bit. Some top-irade corpomtes Post members and the latter group, were selling for more than at any will provide the meat and drink .1 'Continued rrom Page ue time since March 1961. When the Tliose attending are to take table. types of local TV programs, week closed, however, many U.S.

service and covered dish A board Nearly 100 witnesses represent exhaustive scientific Investigation a I) I I wSrSSt rsownc. Hamliow Girls ik contwlrratlon vowMe Hall avaUabl. for utility of manned In auch lw. i. fore the urn, Camer.

SON mualcians. day nivht lntttaied nine tmndl-Uji Morgan. 246-5317 stara moved In early and worked JUS News Notes by Cleetand and Janet Rowe .8 from morning until well past mid- 45 the largest since the. Ullig UilUi 1 night. They were back, hollow- RENT-3 room unfurnished eyed but ready to continue, at I Miaa Karen Linn, Worthy am on the big day 1 or prwlded.

Initiated were-Aim la the mcmt exciting day Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of my murmured Carol Bruce Haven; Pat Thayer, dftugh- apartnient, upstairs, heat and water furnished, TV antenna, garage. 24S4486. We wish to express our alnoere appreciation to everyone for the many acts of kindness shown, foi the the cards, and use of cars and for all sympathy extended to us during our recent be ieavement.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Mr. and Mr? Elbert Dawd- Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Dawd and family local Mkea the' ajicrait liiducUoo ceremonlaa tor for a minute until affcT tte er; l.ynn dauihbjr of rouW mcmbrr, of the Newton over UmKM. I never Mr. and Mt. Wlrt.II urMvfiw rollini hv nitswiles. euch Bateman Chapter of the National Set up again Jackie Meng, daughter Ot and nervously 1 dare let Iter of Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne furnished efficiency ap art, ers," and hier Clooe ou Weet 8tate. Adults. References required. 243-2579 ooo.fnr>t.

rei lina bv missiles, such i Bateman Chapter IwP as the Nike-Hercules? Honor 8ociety will be In the Mss. Louis B. Meng; Cindy Con air J.HB. auditorium Monday. March ww dausthter of Mr.

and Po'lr oi Earl r. 1 Jeanle FOR corner lot In Force has already concefleo around and waiting aoclety will speak on the four ram wwuiig. of Mr. ami Mrs Charles! a reference to th, nc. con Le.der.hlp, Schol.rahlp, and Mra.

cept of the projected plane a Service. p()od4 tnd increaskvg1 daughter of Mr. reconnaissance-strike bomber. i the volume of the house McNamara has Uie technl director and crews daughter of Mr. and s.

Wll- Book addition: aleo 10.000 beauti-t fui teicks. Telephons 243 1242. Our sincere thanks to our doc. tor, nurses and nurse aides at Passavant Hospital, relative.1, friends and neighbors for flow- tm- sitms of sympathy during the I on of our beloved husband and father. The Family of Arthur J.

Wohle. roods, dtmminf and Increasing FOR SALE-Cllnum 11 seed oeU. inland Claude outline. weight 37; govemmrnl and corporate lusuet meeting will be held for the Auxil-, Kr0Vps inU'rests sy6tenU5 would enable camera angles. jay at the Black- testify the first of to detect targets oi ami costumers wandered around bur Cox were fractionally below the the next day at the Black- in we rirsi pnase of t))US detect targets oi tne nienest scoring on a test on costumers wandered around ,1" 11 1 ll' Monday and Tuesday.

Vol- hawk at 7:30 p.m. inquiry expected to run five opportunity and then deliver mis- History and Current ftUge ajusilng draperiers. Cole- UndA E1 ume on the Exchange totaled The Halite Strange Group. CWF. Representatives of the against them from a dis Events.

The prtre ls a four weeks: dresses on hangere. Ma.gaiet Elmore, Janet 879.000 par value compared with Central Christian church will meet tance Just havWt been developed trlP of the aisles the chorus boys kept on Oriswold and Rhonda Parks who th. previous week. Wednesday at Illinois Christian i are unlikely to be for cance In the Eastern nited States. up exiTclaes reheshmentA to member? Home.

Mrs. Donald Llttler will be some Ume' He opposed to Vw Carol and Julie, In whatever and Eastern Stara. the speaker. production of the B70 at thli. I United Nations.

Mlnta -fogtumeg needed next, hud American and Current I also 3 purebred Hampshire boars. Virgil Wegehofl, Concord. Chicago Livestock Market Report will meet at the home despite congressional pres- t0 vtrIoUi hi CofltfilCt Mrs John Hackett, 12 Valley- station's 1958 license renewal. The union charged NBC cut1 sures to go ahead about her trip. view Road Mrs Rirhard LukemanU.

There have been reports that front of them, often muttering will present the onner network yie Rusi-ians have made Singing numbers ranging from eve Wednesday will meet 1 arable progress in developing an classical to popular, the J.H.S on the monitor by. ST-m antln.jie'mwiv: Utat Chorua directed hy Mr went, on on CHICAGO raged in maw. dismissals of locali McNamara said the recent Springs, will give its first more tea, more sandwiches, more, waits, more run.vthroughs. Final- hundredweight lower. Mar 21.

at the Woodson Christ The receipts at Chicago were ian church. Members are remind up 4 per emit and the largest to take a guest. MX weeks. However, offerings on the 12 major markets declined to the lowest level since August. The supply consisted mostly of lb weights gradins? mixed 1-3 Slaughter steer prices during the week reached their highest For Addition To While Hall Plant FOR SALE 1968 Chevrolet ton ptck-up truck, good condition.

Harlan Wttherbee, Murrayville, phons 882-4101. FOR SALE new 3 year old bedroom Mariette 10x90 ft. trailer. Electric stove and diagonal kitchen. Our aincere thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for flowers, food and all otlier kind express lorn of sympathy during our recent bereavement.

Francis Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lockhart and family I wish to express my apprecia tion and tlianks to my the nurtes and aides of Paiisavant Hospital, to Rev Olson, other ministers who called, all those who ministered spiritually through messages and prayers while a ps sacrifice for quick aale.

1 87 days at Passavant hoe ly. In the lake afternoon, a dinner HALL During the! LARUE 3 room upstairs Unfum regular session of the city council.) apartment, private en TTltn jtrtff wa5 votwl award the bulldhigj trance and bath, new bath cere thanks to each and Boyd Memorial Hospital Notes miracle. Suddenly no one n'w 10 clty no C. Jr. with Mrs.

Robert Plies weakened the butcher hog S. Bills presenting the paper AFTRA pfUiion to slightly lift week and The Woodson Womans Club on In the Wfh Prices were steady to 25 cents a'will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday. at Se the techniques of an anU Also on the program are a string hundredweieht lower. Mar at Wnnriwn Th.

but there no quartet, and a vocal solo by Reg The annual convention of the 'evidence that they have succeeded Rabjohns with choral acconipaiit- auonai>ciaUon oi jjn producing a satisfactory or ef-iment. The public is cordially ln- fectlve sj'stem. I doubi if they are vited. wrr far advanced as our Nike-, -tired, no one blew the Unee faring. Newton Selected by vote of the faculty went off beautifully.

FCC chairman, wiD be the fea- gut back to the ma.n points: ifrom three boys elected by the to as soon as the tured There are two gn at nuclear (senior class, Ed Killam, co-editor weather permits. 1 in the world, the United of the the recipient of mary toother FCC- members after gutes Russia, capable of the 8 R. Oood Citizenship hiquiry is completed, m0llfttjng nuclear at- Ed Is also president of the a season and Arterial Street H.ex nature or l.iir* summary Honor Si-Kieiv ce-nreai- 'tending from the home of Oeorge Srime Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace of iff A which haff dent of the "HlY" club, and a FrOfTI Plttsf ield to the southwest of the saxl, how- i Modesto are the parents of nition SH 5 -rnber of the Student and Senior i limits was abandoned ever the of prime on born Friday in Boyd earlipr concluded a other Cla'SS c0uncllv on the influence of net- thU6 ieaving tt third power, such Wtll Can finance part.

Pliona Pittsfield 752W. pltal. Also to all my friends and relatives who Malted me, sent cards, letters, flowers, gifts and those who have donated and will be donating blood for me. My stn- roorn, new kitchen new floors. 10 South, Adults Write 4282 Journal Cour-i ter.

cabhaets.i one of you. Mrs. Lytlia Jo Reeve The sum of $900 i tu O.rl size 2 and 3. fancy and plaUi. navy spang coat and hat, siae 4.

Excellent condition. Phone 243- the Khoury League for the ensuing 5 1081. re the smaJlest iii 19 Memorial hospital. Snow-blocked roads in, Miss Julie Ann of Kane works on television programming China, unharmed' Mon month idjacent to Chicago! was admitted to the hospital! but the findings have not been hamper marketings. Prices'Thursday.

Admitted Friday public. raiued from .0 cents liigher onjjoe Meyer of Greenfield, ---------------high choice and prime to 50 cents Dismissed Thursday were Harold lower on yiades aicraiiini choice Herring of Fidelity and Mks Ann and Sullivan of Carrollum. Mrs. Nina 1 ra i ir Vickroy of Peaii and Mrs. Mary sue Holmes and daughter of Car- rived with wet or muddy fleeces! hut they sold generally steady tn a fairly active trade Strategists have long arguedI over whether the possession ITC intact nuclear arsenal by a third I PKKSSURETO TESTING COM SE XKCH CHICAGO iUSDA i lowing ts a summary of the hog.

cattle and sheep markets for the HOPES DIM power would deny the two major nations the opportunity to concen- i rii trate resources and rebuUd except (J It(k(lS on that third power terms. Could the United States absorb a nuclear eirike. deliver a counter- From Page One' blow against the Soviet Union for a licence. One was the till have enough strength leit to, International Trading Company PITTSFIELD Babiet. born at Il.inl Community hospital: A son VVI MEETS IN to Mr.

and Mrs. George Spoon- more of Pitiafield Friday night; I daughter to Mr. and Hugh WHITE HALL Peter Motley of Barry Saturday morn- Kittel was hostess at her home mg. week Hogs week Fron Page One) On the one hand: The noncommitted states counter third blackmail? Brazil. Burma, Ethiopia.

India, Mexico, Nigeria, Sweden and the United Arab Republic despite their inner political differences, showed slims of beginning to func-i McNamara Wc do I I tion as a coherent group Inside In discussing the rapid increase and the United Status government 25 lower, sows steady to 2o Military sourots in South Viet and outside the conference room, tin the nonnuclear war ca- has no kiwmation that Uie Chi higher, advance on weights 450 Nam said they presumed the There was talk ann-ng of pabilities, McNamara said that by nese Communists have requested ibt and up. At the close, most- Army men were goinf there to an early combined Initiative. This increasing the Army to 16 combat- wheat Ko 1 and 2 190-225 lb boater U. forces backing up 'could perhaps take tlie form of ready divisions, augmenting the TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Mystery Woman Compared Friday last; (Continued From Page Barrowa and gilts steady I I believe of Seattle, and one This impaea an overwhelming company which had put in strength Do we have enough to rl 8 ht to export leave at home to counter a third 1 wheat to China, but there Is no information that they are working on an assignment or as an agvut a joint appeal for a deferment of strength of the three-division Mi ir i 4 rmi, all plais for fresh nuclear test- rine Corps and adding UUdltllldla il 111 fUing in order to give the brlftdet and rtglflBMtl, thne has iu and been iui effective cent In- A kj On the other hand oreeee strength of conventional 15 VUll Western as well ap Communist forces. FOR SALE Nice Rockj baking herv.

Phone 5098 I WANTED Housekeeper, to live; out. and. housekeep for family of two adults. Phone 245-8322 to membera of the nr branch of the American Aiwcia- FX)R SALE Newton seed oats, tion of University Women on germination 98. $1 uo per bushel March 12.

to the at bln Charles Finch, R. 2, 'were Mra. James Mrs.j Jacksonville, phone 245-4088 James Mra. Albert Smith. Ms s.

John McQuillan and Miss, Winnafred Shepard. i FGR SALE Antique cherry cor- The second of four programs ner cupboard. Phone 243 1220. on Africa presented by the, members of the or- 7 vanlzation. They discussed HAMPSHlRi; bred $.5 'TH! WAY TO BEAUTY' JUNE HUSS and gilts 18.75-17,00.

70 head 17,10. South Vietnameee troops fighting Mixed No 1-3 180-230 lbs 16.50 -1 Communiet guerrillas from the 18.75 230-260 lbs 16 00-16 50. No 2 Red-hekl north sector of that and 3 250-285 lbs 15.50-16.00, country enl loads 325-350 lbs 15.00-15.25. In Burbank. experts tx Mixed No 350-500 lb a investigation of No 2 and 3 450-800 night.

Sabotage I leaders moved quie'ly behind the When McNamara took office 13.80-14.25 taken into consideration but the scenes to the support and months ago. the Army had Cattle-High choice and prime lnvestteators said they had no ev- sympathy of the middle-roaders II of them were claeeed slauglrer steers strong to 50 of It. for their rival Rusk as combat fit. (Continued From Page higher most advance on weights1 0n the same of and British Foreign Secretary All told tlie conventional war ty an victory. umt 1200 lbs choice pcarailce oi alrlin- Home have carefully avoid-strength of the United States now contends Uie complainU aie snd beZ steady to 80 lowe- 225 Bul 22 Conununkta and Caatro embarked oo BANKING ON DEATH norme Conditions In and; pictures of different coun-: tries.

The April meeting will be held at the home of Mra. W. A. I Wilkiuaon in Roodhouae, with Mra. Kittel and Mra.

McQuillan talking on Leaders of Africa '1 and The Status of Women in Africa 1 i 4 Short hair with Uie proper Support er, a Flying Tiger Line cargo treating them a bloc. But up to about 21, possibly 23! btseiet mlk plane what waa have taiked earnestly in pri-1 combat-ready and Castro wemente ei as routine military equip- like Meuon Could this force meet erases ou disorder to cover their figy stoUy, abowd crwhrt ap- San Tiago Dantas. Oeten Uaden ttwo fronts without forcing it the elStioTi theke and below s.radj to to land in the Aleutian Sweden and For iiUo partial such Jowfr Bulls ateaay to 50 lower. during a storm The T)art Gromvko has shown no such 4A It went through nt the time of Vealers about steady Four bound from TravU Air deLcacv Ht had ail eight middle he la. Berlin-Lats THE CLASSIFIED ADS prime lb Base to Japan.

to uauuut' i i umiM ht A man was murdered less than two weeks before Christmas and his laat rlsl tor was a woman carrying a holly wreath. Was the the killer? And if so, what waa the bloodstained object she carried away? I disappoint results. By Emma Lathen Beqining In Your Next Edition each. 170 each take 15, 16 Wo eiicii, 800 taKe 10 or more. 10 each or lodO lor 10 Lf sold at once.

ALo 3 with 2W ar.d 1 to fairow right away. 5 Hampslrd.e registered sows to farrow soon. Will deliver. ia completely versatile as ley Niederer at Snlcarte phone I into ultra smart Bath 35X3. or graceful softness to suit the in- FOR RENT 2 room furnished dividual, but unless you apartment, batii, eui- curl there la the need tor ployed adults only, private 4 permanent for soft, trance.

West. 245-6385 Her '4 youd like t0 daring this spring with a cbanci tly Initiated Into the Mac- vvANTED TO witij of highlight. Murray Chapter of Chi, a na- first noor, bfjejT effective. YouTl love a are Jean Book, 1618 Hardin, and, Jr ElUott WUliams, 1407 Clay Ave. T0; 4jta Journal 3-18-3t-A be eligible for membership In Pn FOR SALE Urge Chi.

one must have a average in1 splendid running condition1 psychology and a cumulative aver- pholie 245-5786 of plus. I Book and Williams are boti. Dinner 0 short orde i graduate students in pisychology. coo 3-18-3tr-Bj LOCAL DENTS MAKE PSYCHOLOGY HONORARY AT MAC Two residents were it and so would everyone else For the finest call JUNE'S SALON FOR BEAUTY Dial 245-2202 225 So, Mauvoistairt..

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