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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 'J -The Irmsest -d WrTjL IS North aal sUvldead ot R. BLs.8.CBX.Ia, lm lark u4 tn Twill to paid ape tlx flock of Uw New ork T-nnX'beoUwulto closed freak ths Utt day af tall the day of a unary NATHANIEL York, Peeewber IK, ill" "1 itaicBEBeeeEie Fiae C11FA or New Tom, November ITta. W- I rrt- DIVIDEND-TtorreeldeateBd Dimeters have Biaday deelarml dlvidd oi To. rrlT taistock, payable aa after the ln( aay Deeemlier Trassfe Book will to elesed arma ths 23d tart aa-tmtHofD- tor. u.noSALD.

BJ IT la Secretary. Ol.tdel.-Ta. Br-rd of D. cton 'h. Ho-, diaawreaeo Company, have slsred raws au.

eeat oa thVeapitnl, rr- Bad after Mob- ard Seven day, lMb M. 14. mimw su, low. LlWm PHILLIPS. Secretary Orrin Himi Rirsa Rail Roab Co.

WaU area. Now Tort Nor. M. 18. ft-p.

Tka llofUH rJewds of this Company, boor lac seres par Beat, latert-rt payable eeatl-eBBually, (tolas a Snt lira oa tar satire road ejoipmeate.) aad swevwrtlba tarn the stock of the at tho pleasure of tbo bolder, till live twi h-om their dale, will bo sold at per la earns of Asv, LJ or a appueatloa at taw emee. Be ardor of tho rioaaeo Committee. Ttf M. lonit fias Isacsiui Ne. lid Bowery.

Orf- Dividend assd Diroctora of tnis ompeay baro declared a aaml-eBBBal dividend of TEN rER payable oa aad aflat Uu 1st of De-ftnbof sett Transfer Bmki will bo dnW from tho Uth Inotaat to that dar. Br order of tho Board, O. G. TAYLOR Secretary. NoTomberlSth.lMt.

nla In QTf- RoUrSt-Diueail saa Risirto Casal, sso Caaoss sea Aifsor RaiLSeso aso TasaaroaTSTiea oarasirs The rteaideBt sad Direetors of the eroro-sald eompsates bare this day declared a semi-aaoaal diridaad of ns par payable oa aad after Taoeday. the Uth laataat, by Win. U. Uatssaar, a the efllee of tbo amdea aad Am boy Railroad Ceospaar. la Philadelphia, aad by Ira Bliss, at tho offios of the said eeapany ia Now York.

JAMES NF.ILSO.V, TreMarers K. A. aTEVfcNS, Bordeatowa, I. J-, July 11 WW. tf ITS- tasttara la laradoa PeMt Waatca.

aa- taiaad ia the Loadoa root Oetee. ob aoooaat of aostaco aapaid, oaa to orocarod by sppiymf to HARNUt.V Wall street Bight Drafts from I rterlisc, aad apwards, payable ia all the towns of Great Britain. yn tr TiiaiAOKFROI L.IVERPUUL., Jork. Dae I 11a. Haiiaat.

aWa The sabeertbers ooatiaae to lama, a raeaxas raas. paaaae ticket from tho above ports, a caws aaipa aaiy. Tbo rroateat oare is taken to proride for the comfort and eoaeenteoee of paMea- are, aaS every facility possible (iroa them oa embarka- tloa. AM, drafts from XI apwards cashed at sight la all tbs towns of Earlaao. Ireland.

Soot land an4 Wales. HAR.NUEN fe WaU street, aad oil Tl South eorner of Maldea laae. up italrs. aew York anal Paris Kxpresa Aa-eaer. rpHlC IliBeCRlBERI beg lears agaia to notify A th eir meaos aoa too bbdiic, that no one Bas any rlgbt or authority to transact their business la Paris bat Joha Caaohoise.

No I Place de la Bonne. Livingston, wells co apl 10 WaU street: NUTiCKracrot ship Champlain, CapU R. R. Da-can, from New Orleans, is discharging at Macy' wharf, Fast River. Consignees are requested to attend to the receipt of their goods.

ail E. 8PTTON, Wall tret. BxT OTIC K. Packet sbio It.V.VLMlt. from Mai ll Orleans This Tcssai is discharging foot of Pike E.

aud the ooasigoeef are requmlod to attend to the receipt of their fooda wllnout delay, dll EAGLE HAZARD, 40 South St. XTOTICat Couicneee par ship GALENA, from New -Ll Orleans, are rsqneeted to attend to receipt of their goods, at the foot of rise etraa, without delay. dT WM. NtLSON.OiSoutbat. OUlf JAVA.

FROM 1.1 is dia-O eharglog aader general order at Maey's wharf, foot of JeDersna itreet, Cast Kirer. conslgaeoswui please at tend to tbo receipt of their goods. d7 HARNDEN a CO. C7HIP nKDOHACK from LiTerpoot. ie new die sharglag aader general order, foot of CUatoa street, J.aat Kirer.

CoosigBoos Will please send their permits on board, SAML. THOMPSON kNF.PHKW, dl rt Pearl street YXrAITKUT'O CI1ARTRH A Brit cle reaaei TV of 1 DO a 1,400 barrels capacity, to Europe and oaei to uis pun. Appiy at a Bearer street, to dltt BARCLAY It LIVIWOSTOV Wa.i i An experience aalesmaa having an ea-tenaire acquaintance with southern merchants, by a Dry Iroods Jobbing House in Philadelphia. A liberal salary will be paid for a competent man. Address B.

at this office, with reference and probable extsnt of trade. rANTKU Situations for a number of excellent girls recently arrived, free from city habits, and wiling to work for moderate wages. Application to to Bieda at tho oaoe of Commissioners of Emigration. No Barges. vnhlatt HOtSE HlBlVtCb with promptnem and despatch, both ia New York and Boston, upon reasonable terms, by d7 HAHNDEN CO.BWall street.

Oft linn PAI RiTOOODYKAR'S PATIl.1V1 MRiTAIalalO RUBBER (HUES of tbe best ntvlee. for sale low by tho siMtf UNION INDIA RUBBF.R CO, 10 Nassau st. 1 A OFF1CKR8 ASD PKA-CUATS. MOSHKV JACKKTS ANUOVEK. ALLS with a largo stock of other goods la tho clothing uai, rcr aaie a nm rig tf UNION INDIA RUBBER CO.

.0 Nsenia t. TlRAUV'S FAC-HlMlLlC KUlllO.V tlr ihu- X3 MAS H1HTOR OF PENNSYLVANIA AND WEST NEW JF.RSKY, A. Aa Historical and Geographical Account of the Pro vince and Country of PENSILVANI A and ef WEST NEW JERSEY, In America. Tbe Richness of the Soil. the Sweetness of tbe Situation, the Wholesomoese ef tbe Air, tbe Navigable Riven and others, the prodigious Increase of Cora, the flourishing condition of the City of rniLAULLrniA, witn tne stalely Buildings and other Improvements there.

The strange Creatures, as Bird', easts. Set bet aad fowls with the several aorta of Miner. als. Purging Waters and Stones, lately discovered. The stives.

Aborigines, ineir language. Heligton. Caws and Customs the first Planters, tbs Dutch. 8 weeds and Enr- lish.wlth ths number of its Inhabitants as also a Touch npoa George Keith's New Religion. In his second change since he left the Uuakers.

With a Mapof both Countries By GABRIEL THOMAS, who resided thereabout fifteen yean." NEW YORK. Lithographed la Fee Simile for. aad und.r the direction of HENRY AUSTIN BRADY. nooorary enemoer oi toe Historical aoeiety or rennsyl. vania.

memoer of tne new tote Historical society. Be. The second edition of the Work, small 8vo. Price. sloth 1 Tarkey morocco, gilt edges.

For sale by SAniLLIT a WLLPUKU, BIT lm Astnr House. Broadway. New York. WILLIAM II. LBUVtl'M'-ll SCllOOU, corner of Broadway and Twelfth street, will be re-rpened SB MONDAY, September Bd.

The aim Is to give tho rough Instruction la a lew bnnobes at a time, cf a care fully arraaged and eompnhansivo course. Including Drawing, Vocal Music, and other exercises for tbe organs of sense the English, Frenoh, and Classical Languages Mathematics; Geography and History, natural and political. Be. Tbe discipline is strict, without corporal punishment. There are four classes, ths terms for which are 8, $12, $16.

and li, respectively, without extra charge for stationery or fuel, aad with a liberal deduction when more than one ef a family attend. Circulan may be obtained at Lock wood's. 41 1 Broadway Broadway or of tas Principal. 371 10th street. Private instruction Buy be obtalnad after eeaool oun an286m (U UMAHI.rC DHKSNskS The Union India Hub tor t'oapany have made aa exclusive arrangement for making Submarine Dresses under Taylor's Patent aaa are new prepared to furnish the article la any Quan tity, all of which will bear the stamp of the Company and the nubile are cautioned against purchasing those fhj eg, laaawov QO a TVK.

HOOD TRUSS AND SUPPORTER These Instruments, so successful ia the treatment of tbe diseases to wblch trusses and support are applied, are bow offered at reduced prices to those requiring each relief. As the 7Vau is without combination levers. rateheo. wbeeis, or epnnss, to antagonise the direction and force of tho prepare, bat is accurately constructed apoa the priarlp'es laid dowa by the best writers ob tbe subject, aad adjusted to the inrulnal region, it is worn without InereasiBg tbe disease, without pressing upon or destroying the spermatic chords without interrupting the eirenletloa of the blood, or of creating the dlaeores of the spine, so oommoa to the instruments la ase. By Its eoaetrnetloa oa the principles laid dowa by ths best writers oa anatomy, it of eoune cures about half tbe wearers, aad besides is wore with great comfort.

The supporter, la the diseases to-whlcb womea are subject, ia dyspepsia or soy of the diseases arising from gravitation or displace, bowels, Is alike apparent, or sale by Bl4 J. 8AN0FRSON, Barclay st. WAt. HAMNAH9, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN WOOL, BUTTER AND CHEESE, also, all aioe or FARMKHb PRODUCE, Ha. 3a Water street.

New York. ncrraKflcts W. B. WeOat, Cashier Utioa Bank. 8.

N. Dexter, Ortekauy, Oneida. Scott. Cashier Otsego County Bank. E.

Me Kinney. BiBghamtoa, N. Y. John Williams, CavenoTia, Madison county. Alpbens Morse.

Log City, Ray Vaagba, Watertowa, Jefferson county H. Hotcceab, Watertowa. D. ashman. Esq 188 Pearl street.

Y. tT OAL-The subscriber has been uiombHi i t'alted Stales for the extensive Coal Mines of of Ls worth Hall, near Sunderland. larri Kj.j u. Bleed Nat Coal. "Da li a in nouse use.

W'-LLINOTON HART. S8 Broadway. TILiric ittawu tie mwe bas no uperior lom' last summer', prices from veiHr .1 WORTH VUT. I ufsTniVAv mmA IL. superior Coal, dry and ia prime order, for sale tram berg, marketrate.

J. L. I 7rK ar yWd. at tbe lowest F. WORTH.

d4 24 Broadway, aad eor. ThoapeeB aad ptfACII ORtHARD COAL, lrTirS-Cw, htOTB iw. aiariiartiat iroaa taarge reaaaie Bad Srhm Caroliae Hall, for sals low, If applied for ImmedUuiS GEO. B. corner ef Tth st.

near 8d avenue, and 44 Pth street. Bear avenue pANNELCOAIa Just received a lot of thisTurk coal ror family use, ror sals in lots te suit prirckaaers, T4 Wall st, 287 East Broadway, comer of 4tb avenue aad 13th st aad eoraar Ratgen aad Cherry sts LIVERPOOL, OKHEL COAL, A FLOAT Now laadlag from ship W. H. Harbusa. Hallibertoa's best Orrel eoaL ef Urge else, selected for family use, aad tor slsalm lea lata AV-aa aeala a.

a www waan pvrcnaaers, oy STUART F. RANDOLPH ft 74 Wall 287 East Broadway. corner of 4th avenue and 18th St. and 49 corner Hot vera rt qaaut, aad ta Jaeh Orchard, LrvarpaoL NeweSTS. w-rl Sjdaey.

a nrimTar 1'' for I Hall Place, opposite Tompkins Market di enema rttwt. near Avenue T) bro" mixed a.d dll TRIMBLE ft TO Broad quslltiss, ex steamer Canada." 4rMwias Bow opniaf ud or sale by BlV CBAJ CARyiiLE, Broaartrcst rv "contract for Cue delivery of Coal of product heM miuee-namely. prrrrH, sahMuawa, Jenassnon'l Martliv KUam CoJ joBassnoBi by od, lo as I I THR DRCBlWICH InBVlVaJiCX CO.tfPa-r, OCOoWo.4oaHanaotrn. Capital MM.

Thai oawipaax eoatinaa to iaooro Baildiaca, Merrhea-djaa, Houeeaold Karaitare. loae aad daaugo ra.oaaofarorabU Uma aoaiaiilar laatitatioaa la taioatty. araaeraa. Thaotkr Whttternoro, Jaatat S. Walla, Abraham Taa Nest, Joha Doisiaotor, CUatoa Oilbart, HonUs Mott, Bca).

D. Brash, GeorcoMllB, am as Harriot, Wanwa Harriot, Balthaaor Metlck, JohaBarsdaU, Viaaaat W.ltaay, Joha Jaekooa, Batooa TertoU, Kdward Groea, Ctaarlaf H. HaTamcyor, A. M. 1.

Beott, Vliariee isranw. TIMOTHY WHTTTEMOBE, rrssMoat. Mae Hassiaoa, Secretary al City Fire Insaaranoa Compeuiy Off ICE HO. 61 Cash Capital t210 0M warpiaa, after proTidiag for diTidoads just deelar sad ail peartisg olaisw. a.

..1020 HI 0.600 ALL. aafely tarostea aeoordlnj to the prwrisioBS of lusharter. lasoraaoes saado at lowest oarreat rates. BtaacToaa. Richard A.

Readirxf, Thomas CChajdarorno, Cyras Hitcaeoek, Ralph Mead, joeiao Macy, William H. ails, Joseph W. Coriiea, Joha D. Wri(ht, Abraham BaU, Thcsaas Towasead, titarS Titos, Daniel Trimble, Thonai Carpenter, D. CcaaT.Seoretary.

Richard ield, tlias Hicks, Irad Hawiey, -George S. Fox, Richard F. Camas, Henry H. Barrow, Hull Clark, J.oinythRofers, A. READING rrostdoot.

jyio Ustltoa States mra Insurant tJontpan, NO. 9 IV ALL STREET. CAHTAL S250.000. SURPLUS OVER. M.000.

BSOAfWVl Bosnrod by Bonds and slortgigec and United SUtas lx per eent Stock. rssIB IKBTITtTTIUX has pursocd aa Bnlnterrupt-od boeiaeee for twonty-foaxr Tears, and stUl eontinnes Insure acaiast low and damage by Bra, on merchan-tisa, household furniture, stocks of roods and ath n.r. a rTv7, uaiuviiurs, euipa, aua otaer vessels la port s. fto, OB as favorable terms as other institutions. Biascroas.

files Floks. Samuel Psxsoa, Caleb Barrtow, Bamael MitchilL James Marsh, AC ashman, William Titus, Robert 1 Murray, Solomon Griffea, Peter Bonnett, Joseph Lord, Robert ase, Henry TerbelL George Cornell, Robert Bowne, William Bradford, James Chambers, Charles BilL rae)ariiB corUea, vaa wyoh, Robert Weeks Joha Wood, Benjamin strong, Beorge Hassey, Uriah Carpenter, Ebeaeser CauldwaU. Morris Ketchum, JosbaaS UnderhilL Charles Cromwell, Charles Knee land, Robert Mintura, Thomas PeanaO, UacrriD rest. Albert Woodhull. waiter underbill.

JOSHUA 8. UNDERHILL, President JaMisWiLii Secretary jylO fortn stiver insurance Ccinupmiiy, OFFICE, No. "lM GRr.KNWICH STREET, Capital. rTlHIS Company, having toea Bninterrnntedly in biuri- Bees for Bearly twenty-eeveu yean, and possessing tneir capital entire, eonanues to insure against loss or mage oy arc apoa favorable terms. LIIHI-CiUilS.

William C. Rhlaolaadcr, Andrew C. ZabrUkia, aavia juuueun. Abraham Van Nut, 8tephen Storm, joss Bioaaoa, Lyman Denison, Samuel V. Hoffman Peter G.

Areularius. Benjamin Strong, Stuart F. Randolph. George Vaughn, Samoa! Verpianok, George P. Rogers, Corn's V.

B. Ostrander. Jacob R. Lo Roy, Jeremiah Lambert, Matthew Armstrong. Wiienaei Allison, WilUam Bleakley, Joha B.

8chmelsel, Hub't Van Wagcaan, Jr. George Areularius, John Lo Maire, reter martin, Peter R. Warner, James Van Noetrand, r.u wnite. John J. Lagrays, wiuiamn.

inxoD. PETER R. WARNER President. wiuiam n. uixon.

Jobs Rieiats. Secretary. ivl0 DiUoo of taa New York ski ul table Insurance jonapstnya New Ton. June 13th. 18J9.

A the Annual Election for Directors, held at tbe office XX at the Company, on Monday, the 4th instant, the foi- wwiag gentlemen were electeu Richard J. Thorns, Harvey Weed, Henry Rowland, Robert Ainslia, Joseph W. Duryee, James E. Cooley, Gardner A. Sage, Robert A.

Robertson, Anthony P. Halsey, Tarrant Putnam, nenry i lies. Ab'm G. Thompson, Lambert Suydam, Shepherd Knapp, John P. Nesmlth, Joseph Bouchaud, aul Spofford.

Christian H. Send, George Hapelye, Nathaniel Brigga, James O. Ward. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day. RICHARD J.

THORNE was unanimously re-elected maldenl for the ensuing year. jylO JUStrH STKUNG, Secretary mHK KNICKERBOCKER FIRE INSURANCE CUM A. PANY OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL Office No 04 Wall street. The Legislature of this State, at its last session, passed SB act changing the corporate name of the old Mutual Insurance Company of the city or New York," to tbe Knickerbocker Firs Insurance Company of New York.

All future business of that corporation will therefore be transacted under its new name. Itmay to well to add, by way of explanation, that tbe old Mutual," notwithstanding its title, was la fact a stock company, having a capital all paid in and securely invested, and that the change of name was obtained to prevent misapprehension on that point. his company oontlnues to Insure against loss ordamags I fire on as favorable terms as similar institutions in this f.lV DIBBCTOSS, Jeorre Ireland, Anthony Lamb, John Ootboat; George Areularius, Robert Benson, John Campbell, Georrs Conklis, Joshna Brush, Robert L. Stuart, John Gray, Edward Cook, Henry Ellsworth, Adam norne, Robert Kermit, Anthony Chardon, Lewis C. Hunsrsley, Charles P.

Leverich, Benjamin De Forest, WilUam Tucker, Asher Riley, Alex. Lawrence, William E. Dean, William Browning. GEORGE IRELAND. President.

A. B. McDonald, Secretary. jyltl THUS CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE 1 RANCH COMPASY.OK HARTFORD THIS Company, chartered by the Legislature of the State of Connecticut, with a perpetual charter, and apon the purely mutual plan, ranks amongst the soundest institutions oi tne country. A nere are many leaturos the operations or tols com- pany not common to other institutions of the kind, anions wnicn ere.

nrst, a payment of all tne dlTldends to the In sured during the life time of the party Insured second when tbe party Insured prefers, he can pay one half the annual premium by giving his note, which note may renewed from year to year by paying the interest at per eent. ThuM far Ike iividtndt kave been eaxutl to (Ai aotr thereby cancelling the notes, and thus saving to ins insured one-nau ins premium taken by other com- panics. UltttLTUKS. James Goodwin, Wm. W.

Ellsworth, Ebeneser Flower. Edmund G. Howe, Zephaniah Preston, Edwin D. Tiffany, ueorgc sumner, 8imeon L. Loomis, Mason Gross, 8 ami.

Woodruff, William T. Hooker, nenry z. rratt. JAMES GOODWIN. President.

Guv R. Phelps, Secretary. New York Office, s4 Wall street. LOCAL BEFESESCES. Phelps, Dodf Co, Iron merchants, 21 Cliff it: Fred Oeming.

Esq, President Union Bank: Morgan It Co. Com. Merchants. 70 Front st; Pratt, Woodford Co. Booksellers, 168 Pearl it; Ketchum, oxers it Bennett, Banters.

47 wall st; Austen. Averm Co. Com. Merch'ts IT South st; Culver Co, Manuf. 63 Cliff st.

R. J. KISS AM, M. Medical Examiner, at ths office. daily, from 2 to 3 clock, residence 664 Broadway.

Applications ior insurance (California risks excepted made to w. B. 11 UN hi AM, Agent. JIB 10 Prime's Building. No.

64 WaU st. Hartford (rirw Insurance company. AGENCY OFFICE. No. OS WALL BTRtET.

It KZRl VJL tl I TIT. 1. AW.Utuuj VT- IVl JOHN NEILSON. in the Airanov for thi Company, both being clothed with tuU sower to take risks, issue policies and adjust the lames occurring under ae Agency. This long established Institution, lncoroerated in 1810 elth a perpetual charter, has transacted a very extensive insurance business, (insuring against Iocs or damage by Ire on dwelling houses, manufacturing eetabu.hments.

household furniture, and merchandise in general.) for more than Thirty-Eight Yean and its character for probity and respectability is well known. It has aimed to secure subtle confidence by an honorable and faithful fulfilment Ks contracts and ownen of property are assured that all fair claims for loss under its policies will be liberally adjnstea. ana promptly paid in current money at tne banks in this city. The Jurisdiction of the Courts ia this city will to ar kBOwledged. DLH-fcCTuns.

Eliphalet Terry, Hesekla Huntington, Albert Day, Junius 8. Morgan, James Goodwin, Charles BosweU, Henry Keney, Calvin Day, Daniel Back. Junr. ELIPHALET TERRY, President. IlMEi 4 Rxnwtarr )v1 Protection Insurance company of Hartford.

rrVHlS COMPANY was incorporated with perpetual A charter in 182S, and is now one of the oldest and best established institutions in this country. A very large and prosperous business for twenty yean is the tost guar- euiy ui its caaracter. DIRECTORS Daniel W. Clark. John Warburtoa, Charles H.

Northern, William Kellogg, Lemuel Humphrey, Benjamin W. Greene, Willie Thrace, r-ustia recx, Thomas Belknap. A. G. Hazard, Ebeneser Seeley, mart nowara.

Ellery Hills, John W. Ravmiuir. vr luiaaa ay. vv ara. D.

W. CLARK, President. William Cchweb, Secretary, vaenu- a Marine and Fire Policies Insured at the nfllce- No 10 Merchants' Exchange, WaU street, next door above the Atlantic Office, on the most favorable terms. Claims for loss or damage promptly aaj astea ana paid. nu.nA3 I JylB JEREMIAH P.

TAPPAN. gents. riTNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HART -Hi FORD Agent's Office, No. 89 Wall street. This Company was Incorporated in tne year 181S.

with perpetual charter, aad insures against loss or damage by Bra on dwallinr houses. stores, manufacturing establish menu, household furniture, and merchandise in geaeral, a tbe most favorable terms Any losses which this Company Buy rartaln. en rut taken at this erencr. will to liberally adjusted by tbs agents to the usages of the best Fire Com panies or tns city or New rorx. ana paia wiia pruauputi in money aurrent at the banks in this city.

This Comnanv has never contested a loss made ia this altT- But In ease differences should arise, touching ths OM or damage, the Company has pledged, by a reeolulioo I the Beard of Directors, to submit to arbitrators indif- erentiyenosea, or as tne option ux tneaeeureu tow jaw diotlon of the courts of this city will to acknowledged. BOABB BV BIBBCTOBF. nomas K. Braes, Robert Buel, Samuel Tudor, Miles A. Tattle, Joseph Pratt, Joha L.

BosweU, James Thomas, Ebeneser Flower, Ward Woodbridge, E. A. Bulkeley, Joseph Church, Roland Mather, Silas B. Hamilton. Edwin G.

Ripley, Frederick Tyler, Samuel S. Ward, Henry Z. Pratt. THOMAS K. BRACE, President.

L. Leean, Secretary. for Insurance, ar the renewal of policies aaa iBe subscriber, duly appointed agent for the city of New York- auk f.ii i. "'7- tth fuU power to receive proposals aad is-e pouetes, ob terms aa favorable as any office in this ty. T.

A. ALEAAN, Agent, No. 88 (old No. 87) Wall street. eor.

of Water street T8ta MexrerteBi sp i Chartered la lima Capital iacreaeedts BlsO.OOO, entire eaneTierri secured. anonty an uw maaptrouer. 'aiasOTess. Charles Johmasw, Lewis Hy frS-nk hwlul i "tdiah Huntingtoa, T.W.Williams, 2nd. Walter Lester Joseph Baerni.

t- ww' Josara WrixiAwa Srwtary. Polictes ob Buildings. Merchandise sad Furnrtnre root a awij www hi renewed, by aavnae ASMt No. SB WaU street. I.

Vt. BtraaT 1 WUr st "aa. pai free ar at and of SB 4 iiitna or Tas Lmkutcu or CoonsirriccT tur. rvriricu no. 40 wall toiik.

vy ritieiLB HtDUCfcD St rfcR CEMT. I L- I Jy aathoriaed. br ru aaarter, lo M- Tla Jenwj City, Priaoa, Traatoa, BorUartoa aad poikaea of iaoBraBoe apoa lifa, aad to Btaao all aad bob. a raaaa aoaartalaiMg so. arwwwwe wiui uio I bob to axoeod fMOt) apoa taa Ufa of any oa bub.

laakBejdlDsfaatBTeaertaio oosspaay oro 1. A rBaraatTofeaDital of M.0O, waieh. toawthar th thoaoowiBnlattac dsoawd aooqaau oo arory eonnaceany. A asoocrioa ia too rates of promhxoi of St ar ma payaoieaaBBaiiy, aeit-enneaiij, quarterly, as may S. The assured participate aanuaDy in the profits.

4. Insurance mar to Bee tad by any eifru Boon thelila of her husband, for her n. i from any claims of the representatives of her hue band Bay of his creditors. a. No personal Uabuity of the amount of their annual premium of insnrance.

"7 the Uvea of their debtors, or enters txuaxaelves Buy insure for tk. orwlitora. 7- Clergymen, aad other Banana. imaaimaa ia T'-WiU this an excellent way to secure their families from want, in esse of their death. been issued (which can to had gratis the OSes of tho company, or any of its agents.) ox- vi ue terms and conditions oilnsaraaco.

TRUSTEES. stw iosi. Ambrose L. Jordan, Bamael Leeds, Cyras P. 8mith, Gold 8.

Biliimsa, George Hall, George D. Phelps, Frederick T. foot. OFFICERS. BENJAMIN 8ILLl.MAN.8e., President.

Nossis Wilcoi, Vice PresideBt. Cauts Mix, Treasurer. BssJaMiB Novas, Secretary. Fa tDsaicv. T.

Pasrr, Chairmaa Local Board. WitxuM WiMwasTS, Actuary. MEDICAL EXAMINER. ana. Li .1 o.

Wiwasi N. Blssisuii. M. 183 Bleeeker itreet. IEVY YORK L1FK ISIBURAilCK C03LPAST, FORMERLY THE NAUTILUS, Office No.

AS Wall street. B1 a recent act of the Legislature, the name of this company Bas been changed, tbe term Nautilus beins- deemed inappropriate to tbe business of Lile Insurance. During tbe four yean in which it has been in Deration. ending loth April last, tbe Company has issued 36ttl poll- nee, aua pain lor losses ov.vuu dollars, innneenlnstano-m the sum insured was for the benefit of th widows and orphans of the deceased and. in a Bomber of eases, the omeiy seirei, tnus anoraed, tuts been tbe means of keeping together families, and saving them from destitution.

Four annual dividends have been declared, three of fifty, one of forty per eent upon which interest is payable atsix per eent per annum, end transferable certificates will be issued in oases when the whole premium has been paiaincaso. lot assets oi tbe company for the payment loaoes already exceeds Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. and are rapidly increasing. 1 Be operations of the Company are Barely mutual, the assured being tho only proprietors, and to whom dividends are declared annually of all tbe profits. The premium upon Policies may to paid annually, semiannually or quarterly, at tho option of the assured, or wnen tney arc ior life and exceed orty dollars, sixty per may be paid in eauh.

and a note given for the balance with interest at six per cent. It is believed that should the assured live to make thirteen annual pay ments, leaving me dividends to accumulate, the policy will to paid for. 1 be prospectus or the Company, and any further infor mation, will to furnished on application at its onlce, No. Wallstreet, or at any of its agencies. IIIITIU.

Morris Franklin, Pliny Trceman, Samuel C. PaxsOB, J. Herrick, J. M. Wardwall, J.

S. Bussing, Spenoer 8. Benedict, Cyrus Curtis, Daniel 8. Miller, illiam Barton, u. Busnneu, David A.

Bokee, Alfred Freeman, M. John M. Nixon, Henry A. Nelson, Henry I. Seaman, Joha C.

Beach, Isaac C. Kendall. William Coxe Dusenbury. MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. SPENCER 8.


Bogert, M. St. Mark's Plsoe. George Wilkes. M.

28 Lelrht street. New Yoke, June, 1840. The East Hirer Insurance Company OF THE City of New York. Office No be Wall street. This Company continues to insure against toes and damage by fire, on dwelling houses, warehouses, biuldings, goods, merchandise and household furniture, on as favor able terms as similar Institutions of this city.

BIBECTOBS. John Brouwer, Kobert Boorman- James Fellows, James Mc Bride, Ablel A. Low, Wm. H. Van Wagenen, John Moorheed, Philip Embury, Henry Salisbury, Joseph Kernochan, Stanton Bebee.

Washington R. Vermilye, Henry W. Hills, Ch. N. S.

Rowland, Andrew V. Stout, Robert J. Dillon, Nathaniel L. Griswoldjr. Wm.

Thomson, Thomas Nesmlth, Russell Stebbins, Henry A. Howe. JOHN BROUWER, Freeldent. CbaslesH. Bisivrr, Secretary jyls INSURANCE AGENCIES.

BY the provisions of the General Insurance Act, passed by the last Legislature, agencies of foreign com panies must prove to the satisfaction of the Comptroller that iuch companies have an unimpaired capital equal to the amount required of our own companies. The TVrato Jfufuei Life Insurance Company, we believe is the first to comply with the law. They have an unim paired capital of f.100.000 invested in stocks and mor rages, and Mr. Charles G. Imlay (in one of tbe front offices of the Manhattan Bank) is duly authorised to issue policies, as per the following Ci-KiiMUATt Ur AUTHUKI 1 I CoMPTSOLLEa'a OFFICE, Satisfactory evidence having been furnished to me that Charles G.

Imlay, of the city of New York. (No. 40 wall street.) bas been duly appointed an agent for tbe Trenton Mutual Life Insurance Company, being an insurance company incorporated by the state of New Jer sey and that thesaid company is possessed of the amount of actual capital, unimpaired, which is required by the seventh section of an act entitled "An Act to provide ror tne incorporation or insurance Companies," passed April 10th. 1848: Now, THKnr.roax, In pursuance of the provisions of the act aforesaid, Washington Huwt, Comptroller of the state of New York, do hereby certify that the said Imlay is authorised, as an agent for tbe said insurance company, to issue policies, receive premiums, and transact the business of Life Insurance in the city and county of New York. In witness whereof, I hsvc hereunto subscribed my name, and caused the leal of my office to be affixed, the day and year first above written.

myl( W. HUNT, Comptroller. sxAKJIOEN ctt Vorelgn Domestic and Forwarding and Commission Blerrbvanta, HAVING disposed of their interest in the Express between New York and Boston, beg to inform theii friends and ths public, that they will devote their attention particularly to the Exchange, Shipping andG eneral Commission business, in connection with their Liverpool and Boston houses and agencies at London, Paris aad Havre. Ths facilities that have been offered by the subscribers for the past few yean, for ths execution of London and Paris orden, are now very much increased through the direct line of steamen from New York. Orden for purchases to be made in England, Franca, and other parts of Europe, will to executed, and upon the most favorable terms, by our agents.

Cash advanced and credits given for ths purpose of facilitating their execution. Particular attention paid to entering and clearins goods at the New York and Boston Custom Houses, and forwarding with the utmost despatch. Exchange at sight in sums to suit, constantly for sale on London. Liverpool and Paris. Offloes, No.

8 Wail street, New York, 8 Court street, Boston, 8 Cook 80 Wateriooroad, Liverpool HARNDEN A CO. N. B. Our firm in Liverpool continues to giTe every attention to the forwarding of aU kinds of merchandise upon the most reasonable terms, by steamen and sailing ships, to all Dart of the world. s8 BTEW lOKK STKAJI SAW RV1L.X..

ESTABLISHED IN 1842 THB. 8ubscriben having their Steam Saw Mill in complete operation, and also on hand a full assortment of White Pine. White Oak, Georgia Pine and Hemlock Timber, of the best quality, an prepared to furnish ui oruen witn wnicn tney may be favored on very reasonable terms and short notice, vis. WHITE OAK TIMBER in Cribs or Single Logs, or Sawed to order, for Keel Pieces, Mill Shafts, Be. Wale Stun and flank or all sixes Machinists' Dimension Stuff.

Bridge Timber. King and Queen Posts. Header and Trim mer Beams, Dock Fenders, fee. GEORGIA PINK TIMBER in Logs, for Top Masts. he.

or Sawed into Plank, Ralls, Columns and Girders. engine a runes, and every other description that may be required. WHITE riNE TIMBER by tbe raft or single log. or awed to order into Deck Plank, Bridge and Scow Flank. Gutter Sticks, Balustrades, and building timber of every description.

HEMLOCK TIMBER in logs, or sawed Into ranging and cross timber, and for all other uses requiring a low priced article Together witn a large lumber yara containing a full assortment, and constant supply of Eastern and Western sawed timber at the lowest market prices wholesale and retail. Public Contractors, Bridge Builders, Manufacturing Companies. Shippers, and others, requiring large orden, may depend on having them executed at the shortest no lice. We have also in operation a complete turning and boring shop, for every description of work in the trade Also two superior Cieculab Saws, for making long or short small sited stuff such aa Pales, Blind Lath, Rails, Bed Slits. Wedges, Be.

er saws let by tne hour to persons furnishing their own timber for rip sawing or cross-cutting. To all those Interested in the above we invite to call and examine for themselves, at the MiU. N. B. A constant supply of Georgia pine flooring and step stuff in the rough state, and southern or city dressed.

all the qualities, oomprisingone of the most extensive and complete timber and lumber manufacturing and furnish inr establishments ia the United States. fUUASU Groses Coltee, New York Steam Saw Mill, Thomas Ddoasb foot of 14th street. N. River leBtf GLNfOW AKK ouOO kegs F. F.

F. G. perflate Sporting Powder, of i.1 lbs each 4000 kegs Dupont's ditto Sporting, of 13 lbs each. 2500 3000 2000 do do do do do 6 do do do do, in canisters of 1 lb. do do do do i lb.

do super Eagle Powder, do 1 lb. do do do, in papers of 1 lb do Fagle Rifle do. in kegs of 6 lbs. do Eagle Duck Shooting, in kegs or 12 lbs do do do, in canistenof 1 lb. 8000 kegs i'-no do 1000 2000 15O0 2ooo 8000 10,000 sooo do do do do do de do do do Navy Cannon Powder, in keg of 2S lbs do Musket Powder, in kegs of 2S lbs.

do high glased Powder, for export. In kegs of 2S lbs. do do do, U.ofrniu. do do do. In ken af 81 lbs.

too 10.000 do superior Blasting Powder. For sale by al ISAAC T. SMITH, Agent, 101 Wall street, eor. Front. LFREDPLlXKETT.lmpMttr, 104 WlT-llaaa street, ogers for sale the following articles, In quantities to suit purchasers New Plastic Medallions, carved aud plain frames.

New style of Embossed PrinUeframed Ivory, bronse, wood, biscuit, and wax Figures. Ladies' work boxes, deaka, aad Odeur Boxes, newest patterns. Kid. paper, silk, aad feather Spanish FanxJwith pearL ivory, ebony, and bone nicks. Book of Common Prayer, Urealine.

Manuel a. Pearl and Polyglot Bibles, in rich Paris bindings. Gold and silver Charms. Coat-links. Vest Chains.

Bracelets. Ear and Finger Rings. Bell-Rattles Sallad poena, and Forks. Opera. Eye.

and Sy Glasses, best makers. Pearl and ivory Ball Carnets. Tablets. "Card Cases silver, pearl, Ivory, and leather Fort MOOBsxtiwxxe. wawmwal Hair.

Cap, aad Shawl Pins Brooches, and Jet One, ALSO Fiery Paper Boxes, aad gilt rTUsree articles dl 0 Save your 1 in Roof aTStftl JWt SUIAtwae f-pHE American FaUnt Soap Stone Paint has proved. by the experieaee of tbe last tea years to be ths most arable aad economical article ever offered to the public, or need for preserving tin roofs, and miking those that are leaky tight. The subscriber wiU warrant to make aU tla or metal isom tight that he undertakes, for the low price of one swart par square loot. B. F.

BUNKER, 138 Chamber street. N. Orders left at ths store, 138 Chamber strew sit bar for roofs or pain ting ia general, wfll be promptly 24 AOLrOlLavD, Glased, aad Faaey Papers, for sale by tisis vr. riA.i'L' a i Cv CUS 8lwe, rinnr Fare Walnut Oa 4 f. Fifty from city, provided If, Si, All if.o, au On Newark and 12 Or York.

and f. a. On a. York! o'clock f. a On new 0t7 trains.

York extra as the mu. i the 9 of and the the i time York On a and on this and and all at the on I I I I I 1m.EXBNINGf,P0ST;: vNffWfypKK, VJEDNESDAYt DECffllB 12, sB JERSIY RATLROID. IsrU lH. I ssiin a NEWJfORK AN II I PH1A DIRECT. Tv-J-" tm t.

ACCOMMODATION LINK. r3 FOR KUvafcSTON. RONDOtTT at las Kallroad omeeeroisiaraeiaiius.ievouiB i v.j i.a aw muro eiocx, (suadaya excel U.iyn. fMt ot tartlaadtsveek sarasna .1... at SwU alaasaara-BS aa- ar.

at 11 HALL LINES. Lbavb Nrw Yeas At a. a. aad 4 f. m.

foot of Liberty street, via Jersey City, Treats. Bristol, takjag steamboat at Tacoaey ia hoars. for first Class Cars, Second Class Can, t23. Returning, the Lines leave Philadelphia from the loot at st. at a.

a. st. aad 4j o'cloek, r. a. Sua days, the Lines leave New York at a.

a. aad a. Philadelphia, I a. a. aad 4, r.

a. pounds of baggage will to allowed to each passea-geria this lino, aad passengers are expressly prohibited taking any thing aa baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the riaa of the owaer Philadelphia Baggage Crates are conveyed from city te without beiar opened by the way. Each Train is with a Car. in which are axaiztaBenia aad dxes-Btag rooms expressly for the Ladies' nee. NEWARK AND NEW YORK.

Leave New Yobs At B. 8. St. 10. and lllf.

a. and If 4f at, f. a. aad 11, Wedneeday Bights. trains marked thus stop at Chestnut street station in Newark Lbavb Newssb.

Leave Market Street Depot at 640, o.a,iu a. at aw i 80BDAVS Leave New York at 9 a a. and 41 w. at 11 a. aad 10m r.

a for New York. Philadelphia Trains stop at Market street Depot only. NEW YORK AND ELIZABETHTOWN. Leave New Yobx At Band o'clock a. mn and 1,1,3 o'cloek r.

a. Leave Elixabctbtowb At u5m.aTi gl, A. 8 aad r. a. StriroAVs Leave New York at 8 a.

aaAdt r. EUsabethtowa at a. aad 7 nM or New NEW YORK AND RAH WAT. Leave New Yobx At aad So'dock a. and 1, 1, 4, 6 o'clock r.

a. Leavb Rahwav At SJ, 8, 10 a. 12, BJ, I 40m Sdwoavs- Leave New York at a. a. and 41 r.

Rahway at 10' a. a and 40m. r. for New NEW YORK AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Leave New Yobs At and 8 o'clock a.

1 and 8 F. M. Leavb New Bbosswics. At 8, TJ a. 13 a Tl 8ustdavs Leave New York at 9 a.

a. and 4 r. a. nrunswicB at lir a. a.

and 7j r. error new york. Those marked thus leave upon the arrival of the 0(f- CoMMtT ISA will show thcirticketa the same as other passengers. FARE, ExCEFT THE PRILADBtFHIA TltAllVS TO OT frOC New and Newark, ii cents EUsabethtowa and Rahway, 311 cts New Brunswick, SO cts. Passengers who preoure their tickets at the ticket office, receive a ferry ticket gratis, the Wednesday night line excepted.

Tickets are received by the Conductor only on the day when ap4 HUDSON RIVER RAIL y.s.-t ROAD, FRO.MI.NEW YORK TO NEW HAMBUaUH, Ana intermediate riacee. Passenger Trains will run DAILY, (Sundays excepted) follows Leave Chambers street. New York At 8 a. a. for New Hamburgh, At 1 r.

a. for Peekskill, At 4 p. a. for New Hamburgh. Leave New Hsmburgh for New York At 8 IS a.

a. At 8 15 r. a. Leave Peekskill for New York At Taa. Daring the continuance of navigation, the steamer JOSEPH BELKNAP will ran in connection from New Hamburgh to Kingston, stopping at Foughkeepsie and Intermediate places.

WM. C. JUUNU, Chief engineer. DeecembeT 8, 1848. d5 LOU ISLAND RALLROAli WINTER ARRANGEMENT Commencing December 6th.

1849. un and after December oth, 1849, trains will run as follows, exeent on Sunday run. rAKse.NUE.KH. Leave Brooklyn at 9 A.M.. for Greenport and intermediate stations, except Cypress Hill, Woodville and Wa-yerly.

Leave Brooklyn at 4 P. for Yaphank and all intermediate Leave Greenport at 11 P. for Brooklyn and inter mediate stbtions, except Waverly, Woodville and Cypress Leave Yaphank at 6 A. for Brooklyn and all intermediate stations. The steamer ALICE will connect, at Greenport, with 11 P.

train from Greenport for Brooklyn, and the A. M. train from Brooklyn, and run daily, Sunday excepted, between New Loudon and Greenport. FOR FREIGHT. Leave Brooklyn at 8 A.

for Greenport and all intermediate stations. Leave Greenport at 8 A. M. for Brooklyn and all late-mediate stations. Notice Passengers are reminded of the great danger standing on the platform of the can while in motion are hereby notified that the practice is contrary to rules of the company, and that 'hey do not admit any responsibility for injury sustained by any passenger upon platform, in ease of accident.

No freight taken by passenger train. n30 DAVID 8. IVES. Superintendent. DAT USE TO NEW LONDON.

BY THE LONG IM.A.1 It AIL, HOAU-To running daily, in con-, nection with steamer Alice, to New London, via Greenport, on Wednesday, Dee. Sth, 184B. Leave Brooklyn at 9 A.M., for New London. New London at 11 A. for Brooklyn.

Fare through to New Loudon, $2 00. Passengen by this line will arrive at New T.oadon in to take the can of the New London and Williniantie Railroad at 4 P. Norwich, and from thence by the Norwich and Worcester Railroad to Worcester and Boston. Baggage crates be In readiness at Sooth Ferry, New side, untU IS minutes before A. M.

dl DAVID 8. IVES. Supt NEW YORK AND NKW HAVEN KAILROAU. and after Thursday, Nov. 15th, tbe following Trains wiu leave tneomee oitne fhtfc Company, No.

29 Canal street. Paesengen also received at the New York and Harlem Railroad, office 27th street. Accommodation Train at 71 o'clock. A. M.

for New RocheUe, Mamaroneck. Rye. Port I 'heater. Greenwich. Stamford.

Daricn, Norwalk, Wcetport, Southport, Fairfield, Bridgeport. Fsasengen for ths Naugatuek Railroad Morning Train, from the Way Stations for Albany and the stations the Housatonio and Naugatuek Railroads, will take train and stop at Bridgeport. Express Train at 8 o'clock, A. M. for Stamford.

Bridgeport, Albany, and Housatonio Railroad. New Haven statunson the Canal Railroad, Hartford, Springfield Worcester, Providence and Boston. Accommodation Train at S.45 A. M. for New Haven Intermediate stations.

Express Train at 2,15 o'clock P. M- for Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport, and Naugatuek Railroad. New-Haven. Hartford Springfield, Worcester aad Boston. Accommodation Train at 4 P.

M. for New Haven, aad the intermediate stations. Commutation Train at 8 o'clock P. M.for Norwalk aad Intermediate stations. Trains to New York Commutation train at 8.30 A.

M. from Norwalk. stopping at aU the intermediate stations Accommodation Train at 6.4S A. M. from New-Haven stopping at all the intermediate stations.

Accommodation Train at A. M. from New-Haven, stopping at all the intermediate stations. In connection with trains from the Hartford and New-Haven, Canal Railroad, and Naugatuek Railroad. Express Train at 12,80 P.

or on tbe arrival of the Express Train from Boston, from New-Haven, stopping Bridgeport, and Stamford. Accommodation Train at 9 0S P. M. from Bridgeport, stopping at all the intermediate stations, in connection with trains from tbe Housatonio Railroad. Accommodation Train at 4,30 P.

M. or on the arrival oi Accommodation Train trom Boston, from New-Haven1 slopping at all the intermediate stations. Passengers are requested to procure Tickets before taking seats in ths can. November 15th, 1849. R.

B. MASON, Snnerin ten dent nOUSATONIC KAlLKOAli 1 he cars on this road run in connection with the New York aad New Haven Railroad. Passengers for Albany, Troy, and way stations oa ths Housatonio Railroad, will take the 8 A. M. express train the New York and New Haven Railroad, Office No.

28 Canal Street. Stages run in connection with the ears to Lebanon Springs, Lee, Lennox, Old Stockbridge. Cnrtisville. Win-sted and Norfolk. Also to Litchfield, Sharon, Woodbury, Din bury and Bethel.

Freight intended for the Housatonio and Nanga-tuck Railroads, is received during the day at the Depot foot of Market street, on board the steamer NIAGARA. Captaia John Brooks, Jr. This is the only steamer xnn-ning in connection with these Roads. Shippers, Contracton and Consignees generally, are notified that Freight forwarded by any other steamboat from another dock, will to taken from Bridgeport at local rates, and may be subjected to an extra ch.rge.-on account of not being waybiUed through from New York to place of destination. B.

Shippem wiU please be particular to have all packages marked with the name of the Station at which they are to be left. New-York, October 1st, 1849. G. M. PERRY, Agent.

Office on tbe pier. C. A. KiartAitDT, Superintendent Honsatocle Railroad. Philq Heap Superintendent Naugatuek Railroad o'i8 BiKW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD.

ortN TO P.LM1RA. On and after the Sth of Or to 3: ber, the trains will run as fol- is lows, Snndavs execented THROUGH thaiwol. v.w to Elmira, WiU leave the Company's pier foot of Duane street, at A.M. and 6 P. stoouinr at all the wav stations.

From Elmira, tbe through trains wiU leave for mra ate jt. m. aua a su r. stopping at all ths way stations. A SPECIAL WAY TRAIN For Port Jervis.

and intermediate stations, except Sufferns. will leave New York every Saturday at P. and will leave Port Jervis for New York every Monday morning at 4 SS o'clock A MILK TRAIN With Passenger Car attached will leave Port Jervis for New York at 8 A. M. and returning wiU leave New York for Port Jervis at 8 P.

Another milk train with a passenger car. will leave Piermont for OtisvUle at 9 A. M-, and returning leave Otisville at 4 SS P. connecting with the freight boats to New York Tbe milk trains do not connect with the Pan R.iirnari FREIGHT Leaves New York every night for aU the regular stations on the road. A freight train will leave Elmira every morning at 8 20 o'clock A.

M. A Freight Train will leave Port Jervis. for New York every morning at ft o'clock A. aad another at 8 A witn market freight. A special train for cattle and other live stock, will leave Elmira on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12 20 P.M., and from Port Jervis for New Nark on Wednesday, and B.tnerl.n art ft Aft.

A Fare from New York to Elmira Th. Intermediate -jy-j. COMMUTATION TICKETS at lower rntm for tha Stations between New York and Port Jervia. e.r hm imr. chased at the New York and Piermont offices.

The steamboat Erie. leaves New York every day at D'Cloca rur rtcnuvua. auu ivtuiirj vm arrival or tne trai a from Elmira. arriving at New York about 8 30 P. M.

oo JAMES r. KIKlt u. superintendent. RAMAPO AND PATERSOH AND PATEllSOfl AND HUDSON RIVER RAIIaROADH. On and after Wednesday Octo- tor 24th, the trains wiU leave as Twiaw WvrfoUowa untU farther notice Leave Soffernw Depot.

I Leave New York. 6 08 o'clock, A. M. 8 o'clock, A. M.

4 M. II P. M. eg a at Oron arrival of the Ene traias which leave Owego at 8 A.M. and TP.

Ml SUNDAY TRAINS. Leave Siiffern'l Depot- I Leave New York. 08 o'clock, A. M. I 8 o'cloek, A.

M. P.M. I 4 P.M. PATr.xionV "TRArNS. JlTk MarMst t-eava Patersou.

Leave New York. 8 o'clock, A. M. Tat. depot Cm 124 T.

M. 4 a StS 8.2S Market at SUNDAY TRAINS. f7? DT- I Leere New York-. ..40 o'clock. AM.

Market st 8 o'clock, A. M. I A.M. A 8 P.M. Pat depot I 4 it -Ow Monday mornlnrs tbe flrat trata trom Snf-Aernswffl leaveatl aO.ijmmujofagg, orouths arriralof tne run jervauaia.

Tbe trains which leave New York at 84 e'eloekXA. M. 8 P. will to la time to meet the Erie rains sBOraiD sni.fTexUnr, (oinj Test, at SuSan 1 i oj, r. I pnia eeoek wealBesday Bight.

uti Cyumv n.M.ift Tajw. ruw I UL TO M. the and 10 the of and and to wt clay to to A. 1 I SOUTH AMD wYBiST. FARE REDUCED.

streets. or at 4 South Third street. Faro ttvrooga from I oa. stetorning. win leave nrwDnrgh every morning ais a ysri.Miinv eiA.

with tke I sevwB o'clock, laadiac as above anvuoro or stoanlnr ax Baltimore aaq resmminr stsite at raanaiii.ew oeata tbsm SPRING AND 8UMMF.R AR RANGEMENT FOR PITTSBURG .1 WHEELING. CINCINATTi. ST. 1. is, NEW ORLEANS, via PHILADEtPHI a.

BALTIMORE and CUMBERLAND. MD.aad BROWNSVILLE PENN THROUGH IN 48 HOURS FROM NEW YORK PITTSBURG sad WHEELING BY THE UNITED STATES GREAT RAIL 880 arMes nil road, miles 131 ational road. Passeng. rs Leave Nrw York at 8 A- M. and A.

1 asut 44 P. M. Leave Philadelphia (Sunday excepted) by railroad, from corner of Eieventh aad Market streets, at 81A. daily at 10 P. for Baltimore, Pittsburg, Wheeling, ke.

The only line from Philadelphia oa Sunday is at P.M. Leave Baltimore at Tl AH, daily for Cumberland and west, by the BALTIMORE AND OHIO KALLROAD, i Leave Camtorlaad. at 8 by TWENTY DAILY LINES the National Road and Good Intent 8 tare Companies, arrive ia Pittsburg or Wheeling Beit eveaiig. Passengers for Pittsburg take the splendid new aad mod-era built steamboats Baltic and Atlantic, at Brownsville, thereby kay, only 74 miles of staging OB the whole route First class steamboats leave Pittsburg and Wheeling regularly, aad paasenrns forwarded without delay Cincinnati and all other porta ia the south and west. For Through Tickets by this route, apply in rnuauei nleasnxe.

For further Information, apply to J. L. SLEMMER. Agmt. At Adams A Co.

Exorees ofBoe. No. IS Wall rtreet, 11 A. or American Hotel, corei Broadway aad Bar st. ape CAJKDEN AND AMBOYj RAILROAD LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA.

er-sr-Jj Paeeenren willleavebv the steamboat JOHN FOTTEK Capt. John Simpson, at 18 o'cloek, daily. (Swadaya, excepted) from pier No. North River, for South Am boy, SO miles, proceed by ears to Camden, 62 miles, cross the Delaware river by steamboat, and reach Walnut street wharf Philadelphia, at o'cloek, r. a.

FARE. By first class can 00 By second class ears 2 00 Fochildren under 12 yean of age, half price. To Freehold and Monmouth, by stages from West's Turn Out 87 Or by stages from Hightstrrwn 1 To Perth 12, To South is Meals provided on board 60 EMIGRANT AND TRANSPORTATION LINE, Passengers leave by steamboat TRANSPORT. Capt. J.

Gould, at 8 o'cloek r. daily (except Sundays) for South Amboy proceed by oars to Bordentown, then take steamboat Burlington, and arrive at Philadelphia early next morning. Far 81 10 Children under 12 yean of age, half prioe. Fifty pounds of baggage allowed to each passenger, to carried at the entire risk of its owner, but nothing will received or considered as baggage except wearing ap-pareL Extra baggage eae to forwarded by the Freight Line, at o'clock, and will be promptly lalivered at Philadelphia. o29 GEHTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY WINTER ARRANGEMENT.

loojaaEHCina thubsdav, irovcaBEB 1 Hawaii- 1st, 1849. The extension of the Railroad from Somerville to Whit House (10 miles), Is open for travel, reducing the staging between the terminus of the road and F-astoa to miles This line leaves New York by steamboat Red Jacket. Pier 1, N. R-, and by the New Jersey Railroad, which leaves the foot of Conrtlandt st, as per schedule below. LEAVE FEW TOIt, By N.

J.R R. from foot of Conrtlandt st. at o'clock. and 4 o'olock. P.

M. By Steamboat, pier No. 1, North River, at 11 A. and 4 o'clock, P.M. BETDSfflIa WILL LEAVB White House.

frt tr at 8 A. M. at 8 aim and 1 40m P.M. North Branch, 8 80m 1 Mm somerviue. Bound Brook, Plainfield, Weetfleld, 880m TzSm a 20Sm 2i 2 40m 8 Elisabeth town, 12 Stages will be in readiness on the arrival of the can at White House by the 9 o'clock A.

M. train from New York, to convey passengen to Easton, A 11 en town, WUkesbarre, and Maueh Chunk, Fenn aud to Fleming-ton. Lebanon, Clinton, Biicktown, Jugtown, New Gcr-mantown, Be N. J. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, to Delaware nater Gap.

Stroudsburg, Bartonsville. Stanhope, Dale- ville. Bnektown, Lackawanna Iron Works to Providence. Pa. N.

B. ATI Baggage at the risk of the ownen until delivered into the actual possession of the agents of the company, and checks or receipts given therefor. nl IT pi el raa. luiut At nav tsiaxuaSbim RAILROAD. WINTER AR-1 ntlad (.

RANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Dee. 3d. 1849, the cars wUl run as follows, until further notice. Sunday's excepted Trains will leave the City Hall, New York, for Harlem and Morrisaua at 7, 10, Ui 11,31,4, 41, PM.

New Villsge-si, 10. 11,, A SJ, 4). 6 M. 10, 111, A 2). 41.

8. M. William's Bridge 8f AM. 10.2J. J.

PM. Hunt's Bridge. Underbill's, and Hart's Corners 8, 10. A M. Tuckahoe and White Plains 8j.

10. AM. 2J. 3JM). PM.

Pleaxantville, Newcastle. Bedford, Mrcbauicsville. Purdy's, and Croton Falls, and Intermediate Stations on 21 and 31, M. Brewster's, Towner's, Patterson. Paulding's, South lover, Hover Furnace, and Dover Plalas J.

A 2. M. NOTICE. Paseengen are reminded ef the great danger of stand ing upon tne platforms or tno cars, and are hereby notified that the practice is contrary to the rules of the Com pany, and that they do not admit any responsibility for injury sustained by aay passenger upon tbe platforms in case of acoident. Returning to New York: will leave Harlem and Morrisania 8, 8, 8 87, 10 21, A 1 18.

21. 3 35.6. M. New Village-S 63. 8 27.

10 14. A 1 08. 3 27, 4 55 PM Foidham 6. 8 19, 10 06, lo 37, A 1, 3 19. 4 Ml WUliamt'l Bridge 8 14.

10, 10 32, AM; 3 14. 4 M. Hunt's Bridge 8 04, 9 SI 3 04. 4 38. PM, on signal.

Underbill's 7 87. 9 41. A 2 46. 4 32 PM on signal. Tuckahoe 03, 9 38, 10 18, AM 2 62 4 29, Hart's orners 7 38.

9 20. AM 2 37. 4 10. PM on signal. hite Plains 71.

9 12. 9 68, A 21, 4 10. M. Davis Brook-8 S7. 9 47, AM: 4 02.

M.on signal. Union ville 8 44. 9 39. AM; 8 64. M.

on signal. PleasantvUle 8 37, 9 32, A VI 3 47. PM Chapaqua-8 27. 9 25. 3 41, P.M.

on signal. Newcastle 8 13. 9 14. AM; 81, PM. Bedford 8 03.

9 08. 2I. PM. 7 63. 901.

AM: 8 18, M. Golden a Bridge -7 43, 8 SS, 3 12. signal. Purdy's-7 35, 8 48. AM; 805.

PM. Croton Falls 7 8 43, A 3. PM. Brews tern 8 J. A 2 47, PM.

Towers 8j. AM; 233. PM. Pateraon 8 07, A 2 26, M. Paulings 7 87.

A M. South Dover 7 42. AM; 2 01, PM. Dover Furnace 7 36, AM; 1 64, PM. Dover Plains 7 36, A 1, M.

The trains for Harlem and Morrielania, leaving City Hall at 7, 10, 11 1), 4 and 6j, returning from Morrisania and Harlem at d. 8. 10, 1 16. 2). 3 36 and 6, will land and receive paseengen at 27th, 42d, 61st, 81st, 79th Bflth.

109th, 116th, 126th and 132d streets. 1 hs Dover Plains Train from New York, at 2) Returning, leaving Dover Plains at 7 25, A M. will not stop betweea White Plains, and New York, except at Tuckahoe, Williams' Bridge and Fordha-n." unless to leave paseengen coming from above Croton Falls. A car will precede each train ten minutes to take up passengen in the city. The last ear will not stop, except at Broome street aad 27th street.

Freight Trains leave New York at 12 M. Returning, leave Dover riains at 12, PM. An extra train wiU leave New York on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 o'clock. A Returning will leave Dover Plains on Wednesdays. Friday and Sundays at 8 o'clock AM.

For Sunday arrangements, see handbills. dS tf BLOA T. Mun-rrnrerident. New Arrangement. FUU FLUSHING AND ASTUHIA From Fulton Market Slip On and site! October 15th.

149. The steam boat WASHINGTON IRVING, Capt. 8. Leonard, wil leave Flushing every morning (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clock, and Astoria at half past 8 o'cloek. Returning, will leave New York at 10 o'clock.

Afternoon Trip WUl leave Flushing, at 1 o'clock, and Astoria, at half past 1. Returning, leave N. York at half past 3. STAGE AKKANOEMKNT. To AMD FBOM RosLY, MaHHASSET AXD NeW-YoSX Steamboat and Stage through In three houn.

WiU leave Roslyn Pinkney's Hotel, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 6 A. M. Titus and Chapman's. Manhasset at half past 8 o'clock, and Peter's, Little Neck, at 7 o'clock. Returning, wiU leave Fulton Market Slip, by steamer Washington Irving, at half past 3 P.

M. Passengen from New York, are requested to procure their tickets from the captain of the boat. Fare through to Roslyn 6s. Manhasset and Little Neck 4s. and Bayside Ss.

THOMAS CORN WELL, Stage Proprietor. Flushing, October 12, 1849. ol3 Winter Arrangement. FUR GLEN CUVE, OYSTF.R BAY, COLD SPRING, and HUNTINGTON. On and after Thursday, November 1st.

1849 The steamboat CROTON, Captain Peek. Jun. wiU leave New York from Fulton slip, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock M. Returning, will leave Cold Spring every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, at a quarter before 8 Oyster Bay. a quarter pasts, and Glen Cove 9 o'clock A.

touching at Whitestone each way. Stages will be in readiness, immediately on the arrival of the boat at Cold Spring, as usual, to convey passengen to Huntington Also an Accommodation Stage for Cold Spring Village and vicinity. nS FOR ALBANY PEOPLE'S LINE OP STEAMBOAT PASSAGE FIFTY CENTS. Through without Landing Tae splendid low pressure steam pots is- IAAC NEWTON, Commodore Wm. H.

and OREGON. Commodore A P. St. John, wUl leave the pier betweea Conrtlandt aad Liberty streets, for Albany, daily, (Sundays excepted at 8 o'olock, P. M.

MAIL LINE. The steam boats SOUTH AMERICA. Capt. Curtis Peck, and COLUMBIA. Capt.

Alf. Houghton, will leave daily from pier between Barclay aad Robtnma streets, at 6 o'clock, P. M. landing at all the Intermediate Landings. Freight taken an either of the above boats at moderate prices, and when directed wiU to forwarded by Railroads to the interior country by arrangement with the several roaas.

For information apply at the office 144 Greenwich street or at offices on the wharfs where the boats Ue ap20 EVENING LINE FOR ALBANY AND TROY DIRECT The steamboat EMPIRE.C'apt. w. iTunner. wiU leave foot of Conrtlandt st Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at o'elock P. M.

The steamboat TROY. Captain Wm. H. Frasee, wiU leave at the same place, oa Mondays, Wednesdays aad Fridays at 6 o'clock. For passage, ftc apply on board, or to 8.

8. CHAMBER LA IN, at the office on the wharf 1849. FOR ALBANY. PASSAGE 25 CENTs-lThrougn rtbit The new steamboat RIP VAN WINKLE, Schuyler. ill leave the pier foot of Robinson i ptroei.

nret aoove Baremy.every Awenoay. a oureiaaij. avuw 1 Saturday, at 6 o'clock r. a. lLjtttrning, wiU leave Alba.

I mnA from the new I steamboat landing, Broadway, at o'clock a. For I passage or freight apply on board, or at the office oa the I anel. I P. 8. This boat wfll arrive at Albany in time for the the ears east and west.

apis DAY LINE FOR ALBANY AND TROY, and the Intermediate Landings. The larre and ejerant low pressure steamer Nr-W WORLD, Captain stepnea It. noe. wiu leave the new pier foot of Chambers street, ea Tuesdays, ThtmdaTs aad Saturdays, at o'clock A. makiag the Bsual landings.

Returning wiU leave Albany oa Mondays, Wednesdays anurnoaya. Braaakfaat aad Dinner oa Board. MORNING LINE AT O'CLOCK jl-n fyFOR ALBANY, TROY, and the Ji-r- plavces, landing at Caldwell's, Went Point Hampton. Milton, Po'keepsie, Hyde Park. Ktasston, Red Hook.

Bristol. Cetakill, Hudson. CeatsaekJe, Kiadcrbook leading New York Monday, Wedneeday. Friday leaving Albany Taeaday, Thars-day, Saturday. Meals furnished at all hours CB board ths boat.

STONE, wiU leave tbe steamboat pier at the foot ef Robinson street, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at o'clock a. a. For pavware or freight apply SB beard, or at tha oftse oa the wharf. N. B.

All persons are forbid trusting any ons oa as sobbi ex taa aBerrs boat or asr owaer. JOHN F. RODMAN, Agent, aid Fscatwf North Mbore street. Bp-stairs. I YTTHITUw PAPER8-A very 1 I aU kinds, always in store, and for sale by uo CYRUB W.

FIELD ft COU Cliffs ALU, foot ansay leave aad verj pet and and P. of ia I BUR AND DELAWARE AND HUD. SON CANAL The steamboat EMfcR- aptain James Cary, will leave New York, from the of Murray street, every MONDAY aad THURSDAY AFTERNOON at Bo'eloekv Returning will leave Wilbur every Wednesday aad Sat- arternooa at 4 o'cloek. Freight taken at reasoBihle rates. For farther ieformatioa.

apply oa board, or to WIL LIAMSON a VAIL. 14 Wee st an 2 B. CARPENTER It CO. 'S LINK FOR NLWBLRGH The bow barge 6UPE-RIOB karlae Halstead. will uo Warrwa street every TUESDAY aad FH1DAY aftvswoea, at 8 o'clock, aad retwrnrnr.

wUl Newbatrgaewary WEDNESDAY aad SATURDAY afteraono. at 7i at The above- barge ie fitted Bp with commodious eebiaa. aad li nsi large will find it a r-aiism way of BukiBa the nav rateaT raeelptal ror. mhlo AKK REDUCED Rjawk k. TO NF WBUROH Avr, vngHmLL JAN CORTL ANDT-S, (Peek JHexm imakill.) COZZENS'S WHARF WEST POINT.

COLD SPRINfl The Steamboat ROGF.R WILLUMS, CapVam Wooieey. will leave the Newbargh pier. fo. of Warren 4. at Hook and PeekskUL cents.

N. B. All freight, bar rare, bank bills, or nerJe. nut board of this boat, a niece eatered apoa the books or receipted for, mast be at the risk of the owaer or owners thereof. FARE IS a CENTS.

FOR NEWARK FALL ARRANGE MENT FOR 1849 The steam-boat PASSAIC, Captain J.GaSy.oa aad after Monday. October 1st, will raa as follows Leave Centre street Wharf, Newark, at 8 o'cloek A. M. Leave foot of Barclay street. New York, o'clock P.

M. The Passaie has been refitted, cabin enlarged, and elegantly furnished with every convenience. Freight taken at reasonable rates. setT REGULAR MAIL LINE BETWEe.Pi Vr BOSTON AND NEW YORK, via 8TO- arrrw PROVim Nf lr uland route, without ferry, change of can or baggage. I The steamen C.

VANDERBILT, Captain Joat stone. COMMODORE, Cant. Wm. H. Fiasco, la connexion with the Stoningtoa aad Providence and Bostoa Providence Rsulroaus, leaving New York daily.

Sundays excepted, from pier No. 2, North River, atde'clock, M. and Stonington at 8 o'clock, P. or upon the arrival of the mail train from Boston These steamen were built expressly for the route, and areia every respect particularly adapted to the aangarisa Long Island Sound. The accommodations for passengers are commodious and comfortable, the officers capable and experienced.

The route being the shortest and most direct betweea Boston aad New York, passengen are enabled to arrive ample time for the morning hnee of steamboats and railroads running to various points from those cities. The C. VANDERBILT will leave New York-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leaves Stonington. Monday, Wednesday aad Friday The COMMODORE, New York Wedneeday and Friday.

Leave stonington, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. N. B. Passengen on the arrival of the steamen at Stonington proceed immediately in the splendid Rail Road can to rroviaenoe enu ooston. A baggage master accompanies the steamboat trai as te and from Boston, to take charge of the baggage.

For passage, berths, state rooms, or might, application may be made to ths agents oa the wharf, and at the ofBoe. No. lo Battery Place DI9 OR BOSTON. VIA NEWPORT a FALL RIVER By the splendid and superior steamen EMPIRE STATr. STATE OF MAINE, of great strength and speed, particularly adapted to tbe navigation of Long island Sound running in connection with the Fall River and Old Colony Railroad, a distance ef 83 miles, to Boston only.

I-eave pier No, 3 North River, near the Battery. The steamer EMPIRE Captain Corns tock, ob lueiiaa. a uiumjaji, son 4 AI. Tbe steamer STATE OF MAINE, Captaia T. G.

Jew-ett. ob Monday. Wednesday and Fridays, at 4 P. M. This Line is the only one that runs direct for Newport.

These steamers are fitted with commodious staterooms, and every arrangement for the see jrity and comfort of passengers, who are afforded by this route a night's rest on board, and on arrival at Eall River proceed per railroad, reaching Boston early tbe following moruinr: or can remain on board, getting their breakfast if wished foe. un til the starting of the accommodation train at 81 A. I which reaches Boston at about 81 A. M. A baggage master is attached to each steamer, who re ceives and tickets the baggage, aad accompanies the name to Its destination The rates for passage and the prioe of state rooms, the same as by other lines.

A steamer runs in connexion with this Une to aad from Providence, daily, except Sundays. Freight to Boston is taken at the same rates a by the other regular Unas, and forwarded with greater exnedi- tion by an Express freight train which leaves Fall River every morning. (Sunday excepted) at 8 o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination at or about 11 A. M. For freight er passage, apply on board, and either to TISDALE BORDEN, 70 West street, or at the office of tne Laoe, at tne corner at Washington street aad Battery place o30 REGULAR MAIL LIN FOR BOSTON.

VIA NOR WICH AND WORCESTE w.thout change of ears or baggage, or without crossing any terry. Passengen taking their seats at Norwich are Insured their seats through to Bostoa this being the only inland route that communicates through by steamboat and railroad. PasseuKera by this line are accompanied through by the Conductor of the train, who wiU have particular charge of their baggage; and who will otherwise give his atteutioB to their ease and comfort. This Lins leaves Pier 18. foot of Conrtlandt street, daily.

(Sundays excepted) at 4 dock, P. and arrives ia Bostoa in time to take the Eastern trains ThesteamerCLEOPATRA. Captain Wm. WUcex.will leave every Monday. Wednesday and Friday, from pier 18, foot of Conrtlandt street at 4 o'clock.

P. M. The steamer WORCESTER, Captain Williams wiU leave every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 4 o'clock, P.M. Tbe above boats wuebnUt expressly for the Sound Having great strength, aad being provided with life boats and fire engines. As there is no change of can or ferry on this route, aU kind of freight will be forwarded with the greatest despatch and care, and at the lowest rates.

An Extra Train will tub for the purpose ef ensuring tbe greatest possible-despatch to New York and Boston freight. By this arrangement freight forwarded from New York will reach Boston at eboot 11 16 A M. the following day. and freight from Boston to New York, if de liyered at the Depot in Boston before 12 o'clock, wm arrive in New York early the next morning. For further luformation inquire at the office south lids pier No.

18, North River, foot of Cortland street. Inquire at the office on the Pier, or oa board the boats at the wharf. AU persons are forbid trusting any one on account of the above boat or ownen. myf 44 Nassau street, near the Post-office, New-York FA1H10K11LB ASS ANATOMICAL BOOT AND SHOE HIKER. THK subscriber begs to esil the attention of gentlemen troubled with CORNS or BUNIONS to his NEW METHOD OF MAKING LAST9, as it is well known that nearly all new boots hitherto introduced, require several weeks' wear before they become easy, caused by the LASTS being made upon principle not in unison with the foot.

He would also invite gentlemen whs want really good and handsome Boots, Shoes, or Gaitebs, that an intrinsically better, also much lower in price, than those of any Fashionable Establishment in He would particularly recommend his srrr.Bioa CONGRESS GAITERS. as being an article pleasant to wear, and beautiful to the eye. These articles are gotten up in a style superior to any othen in the city. Boots hade ye oboes, on his celebrated plan of takj lug a DRAWING OF THE FEET." and keeping a pair of lasts for each customer, by which means a misfit is besoeeed impossible. No matter how many Corns or Bunions there may be on the feet, a handsome and easy fit will in aU eases be guaranteed.

Constantly on hand at very reduced prices, Pstent Leather Boots. French Dress do. Congress Gaiten. Cloth and Prunella Button Gaiten. Cloth Lace Gaiten.

Patent Leather, Calf and Morocco Shoes, Patent Leather Oxford Ties, do do Walking Pumps, Cloth Tie Gaiters, Fancy and Plain Slippen. Also, his newly invented California Mining Boots, and any other articles in the Une. Gentlemen visiting the city, by leaving their measure when In town, can have their boots made and forwarded atany future time to any part of the Union. All the above mentioned articles -being manufactured by the subscriber, (not being tho common work usually sold,) he wiU warrant each and every pair to give en the satisfaction to the purchaser and will not. on any account, permit an inferior article to leave his establish-ment if custom is worth getting, it is worth preserving.

f27 PHELPS. DOUGH; ek No lead 21 st offer for sale Tin Platbs, 1 and 1 also a foil assortment of extra si see orauaeecripuoBS. Roofing Plates. 14x20 1 and 14x20 IX. Taggen Tin Pistes, 100 boxes Taggen Iron.

600 do 1000 bundles Penn. Iron Wire aU Bumbsn 600 do English do 600 slabs Government Bancs Tin 600 do India Tin 800 Ingots English Tin 6000 bundles English and American Sheet Iron, No. 10 to No. 28 1000 do R. O.

Sheet Iron, No. 10 to No. 28 Russia Sheet Iron Imitation do Bar Tin, Pig aad Bar Lead Sheet Xine, Spelter Sheet Brass, Sheathing Copper Yellow Metal Sheathing Braxiera' Copper, aU weights and si see Bolt Copper Copper Bottoms, raised and flat Braes Kettles CompositioB Nails and Spikes Together with a full assortment of Tinman's Tools Kettle Ears, Handles, Rivets, Machines, with every art! ele for Tinmen's use Tin Pistes and Sheet Iroa. entitled to debenture. feU CARRIAGE LININGS.

CPHOLSTER1 GOODS, GOAT HA1B, PL.CBHEB. aftf joflxTimTj treet, John Jmportera and Jobbers, are now receiving a -markTrte Wi'' rrDDiirpn ivrua cLOTH8 AO. colon and styles for top aad ooay iimirs. I COTELINNES Drab. bine, and erlmann rv.

I Unings. Hgured and plain goat's hair plushes, for rtn enaehee anH EOLINES Silk and woraierl a. I wv.vH mmm WUmm I cakkiage 8ILKS-14 tolT Inch drab, blue, free, nrlniAB. ATM IilUiG WO aU corsTnd ouauii- a aotXen 8ATIE DE LAlNS-8-t for curtaia and faratw COTTON VELVETS Black, crinuoa naxarins hlrae. I purple, free a.

drab. pink, white, ke Jtt1 Rft'aetta, all colors; men earU'ns I turrtttures, hair Beatings tarpeu, buckrams, btrriaps, hoUands, -ot-in-. no. ibt.l.." "aaaiue, aua. 0d.

by WO RRALL ft (and tto auUritiew.) contlnaee to be mannfacturd by ttoaa, as aU awning poets set up In Broadway bave te eorf 1 to this pattern, these reouirinr th. eity and form to this pattern, these requiring the article shew Id take tho precaution to compare those they purchase with aey may not find thexoselves compelled to I They have established their price' aa low as I 1 1uilty of iron can be afforded: an auaaa, aor want oi coniormity and strength. A their poets are heavier than thru, nmr not as by others, they believe them to be as Ught aa ie eouaistasat wiwaumj neir patterB a tbe auatmt one IB wee, ana eaa be eel firm in the rreund. ha viae winrs cast on each aide. Having been at ths sxpease of getting up, tbe ori ginal pattern, and introducing tns article, tne bbubt.

signed would respect fully aonsit the patronage ef their frmads and the uubHe. reqairinr awninr poeta. WO RRALL ft CO, Iron Fowaders, PriBtiag Ptwssaad Sew Maaofaeturers, kttll ttHamiKiemmaUn Brii. Khlya, goods, tended EL for rabia. Office for taae u.

oa ton. own boat of to and the a of i I and I GERMAN, AND OTHER FOREIGN Khr. .7 t-" aa aha Laited States, ia IZxVtZJl4 Jaaaaryxt: ttore- will i vZLZZZ krUwi ecerdieg ta rfT i i Tlz "lziZ -rwiU tto ia, STTltTLSS tZ THKBBXTISHANOAM, ROYAL as natiiaB aa baaal eawaaaawaad reeeava to sail as follows. are la. CALEDONIA, Cast Leateh.

fma. ai "aiimy, CANADA. Capt. Judkias, from New-York, December 12th. HOP A.

Capt Lott, Bostoa, Wedaaaday, ueeemoer ita. HIBF.RNIA, Capt. Stoem, fro- New-Y-k. Wwd' December 36th. ITv" 'T- I Aa rTZm: eaateLa.

pereonal erpensea Ail Let ten and Newspsnen mast pass thrwarh the fast I Pagefre- N-Yk or Bosto. Llvwrpem, Bnt U0 2d do, $70. For freight or passage apply tc ritvur ea a a I I Of E. CUNART 38 Broadway STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND HAVRE. The COMMODORE, and oth- ser first class steamer, will leave Havre Liverpool oa FRIDAY, the 21st of December, and win goods for transhipment to New York or Bostoa, by British North American Royal Mail Steamers.

Apply to c. MAC IVER, 14 Water street, Liverpool. m-j aauurmatlOB, to E. CUNARD. 88 Broadway.

PACIFIC MAIL STEAM SHIP COMPANY The United States Uail steam packets. The PANAMA 1067 toaa. Cent n.i 1 1 n.llw w.SXir? Rotors. H. Pearson.

The CALIFORNIA, 10M toaa, Captaia Thomas A. Budd, are in tended to form a monthly Liae betweea Panama aad ports la California. rassengers in tno After Cabins are hnUal todaHa. wines aua liquors, ana will to allowed space for personal baggage tree, to tne extent of 250 po ads weight. Botexeeeaingiw aeeamtrement tea cable feet.

Freight extra baggage or saerchandiae when takea. BS0 er and one and a half per cent, ea specie. Packages should aot exceed 128 lbs. weight for male a a Cabia. Steerage.

Passage from Panama to Saa Bias er 2 SanDito. 12S Sea Francisco. goo lie Passengers In the 8teerage are found ony with such rations as are furnished to the crew, and must provide their bedding. No stores to be landed win be takea as baggage, AU penooal port charges, including health feet aal hire to to paid by the passengers. No passage secured until paid for.

Apply at the office the Company, New York. 84 South street- ol FOR HAVANA. NEW ORLEANS 'AND CHAGRES The only Regular Man Ltne for Chagrea direct via Ha-avana The new aad spacious steamshiu OHIO, Lieut. James 8. Schenck.

U. 8. N. eommander. will dispatched from this port on Thursday, tbe 13th.

of December, at 1 o'cloek, r. M. from the pier foot of Warren st North River, touching off the bar at Charleston Savannah, to land and receive male and paseengen. The Ohio will carry the Government Mails for ths Pacific, ke. to go by the January steamers from Panama-Passenger's may rely ob arriving at hag res, ia ample time to meet the January Steamen Passengers for Chagrea are transferred at Havana te staunch and well known steamship Falcon.

Lieut Hartstene, U- 8. commander, which makes the route direct one, from New York to Chagres. The voyage is made in 11 days. The Rates of Passage to (Chagres aremneh reduced. The Ohio has superior Double Enriaesef 100 horse power, constructed ia the tost maaaer.

which give a great asearanee of safety to the passengers over any sea steamer running with a single engine, in else, strength, and aeeommodat ioas the Ohio st uneqnaiod by aay steamer afloat Aa experienced Surgeon Is attached to the Ohio. Rates ef Paare te Havana. Arw Orieaws. State-room berth, ladies' saloon. 870 76 State-room berth, dining .70 7S Standee berth.

In forward 68 80 Steerage, found bed and board. 2S 2S No berta a secured until paid for. Freight 28 cents per cubic foot. AU Bills of Lading must to signed en board the ship. steawrre states ey fetAcge te CAArrr.

State-room berth, in ladies or diningsaloon .8100 Standee berth, in 2d cabin .80 Steerage, found with beds and board 60 260 lbs baggage ail owed for cabia aad 200 lbs. for steerage passengen. Freight to Chagres 60 cents per eubte foot. All tickets for passage must to procured at the office tbe company. the company.

alb tuia M. O. ROBERTS, 118 West st FOK. CHARLESTON The II. Mail Steamers NORTHERNER and 'SOUTHERNER, wiU leave Pier No.

4 North Klvar. for Charleston, every SAT. 3 o'clock M. as follows SOUTHERNER, Capt. M.

Berry Dee. 1st S.Budd. Sth SOUTHERNER jsn, NORTHERNER 2-d SOUTHERN a 29(1, For freight or passage, apply to B28 SPOFFORD. TILESTON ft CO48 South st. Consignees are particularly requested to attend to the receipt of their roods ob the arrival of the steamers as aU goods will be considered at tbelr risk aa soon as landed 4MV-w rOR CHARLESTON.

TbTTT (ff'Tim8' MsJl Steamer SOUTHERNER, Capt. QiVVJi- Berry, will leave pier No. 4. North Trr ii i if River, on Saturday, Uth December at I o'clock. P.

M. precisely. AU bills of lading signed by the clerk on board For Freght on Passage, apply to dlO SPOFFORD.TlLKSTONftCO.dSSonthst. FOR LIVERPOOL The splendid new racket lehip WASHINGTON, P. Page, master, having a eocaderable portioa of ber cargo engared and going on board.

wiU meet with immediate dispatch. For freight or passage having elegant furnished ae-commode tionj, apply on hoard, or to d8 FROST ft HICKS. 88 Sonth st. FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe regular packet of aeth iDecmber The regular packet ship SIDDONS, Capt. E.

Howes. Jr. wUl sail as abave. For freight or passage, having superior acoommodatlonx, apply on board, at ths foot of Wall st. or to n28S PO FFORD TILESTON ft 48 South st.

FOR HAVRE Packet of the 20th of December The packet ship ADMIRAL. Capt. Wottou. will sail on her regular day as above. For freight or passage apply ob board at Pier 11 N.

or dl to FOX ft LIVINGSTON. 22 Broad st FOR HAVANA The First Vessel The Resm- lar packet ship ADELAIDE, Capt. R. Adams, wiU have immediate despatch for the above wort. For freight or passage, having fine aeeeinmodatioBJ apply oa board, at pier 13.

E. R. or to SPOFFORU. TILE8TON. ft CO.

48 Sonth st. CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLD REGIONS sJFor 8AN FRANCISCO and BSNECIA The splendid A I. fast saiung. coppered and copper fast ed. Uveaak built Canton packet ship VIRGINIAN.

1000 tons burthen. H. W. Johnson, master, is now Loading at the pier foot of WaU street, fur the above porta, and will meet with immediate dispatch, as the bulk of her cargo is engiged. The Virginisn has superior accommodations for passengen.

particularly for families her cabins are airy and eommodisus. and are furnished in tbe most superb style, and ber eommander is long snd favorably known in tbe Pacific trade. Intending emigrants are particularly solicited ta Inspect this vessel before enraging their oas- sage elsewhere. Tae mailing quaiitie af Mas resaW are meii known, having made the tkortett revere en record ta Canton and mark, and her recent pamoate from Valpmaim ta Hew York in tke unprecedented mkart space of 62 dame. For freight or passage apply to tha Captain on board, or OA.

wtuii.liun Alt 1 oe Broadway. nS8 or to E. W. KIMBALL, ft 9J WaU st. j-r- NEW ORLEANS PACKET Eagle Line bJTW The fast sailing regular packet ship TEN NEB.

SEE, Albert Cook, master, will receive Immediate dispatch. For freight or passage apply OB board, at pier I (Old Slip,) otto dl2 EAGLE ft HAZARD 40 South st. Agents in New Orleans Messrs. Sam '1 Toby, and Nephew who wiU promptly forward all goods to their address FOR 8AVANNAH, Geo. Freight at Reduced mtji RatesPositively the first regular packet-Wednes-EiC day 19th Inst -The fine fast sailing regular packet brig LOWELL, Hobert, master, wiU sail as above, fuU or aot full.

For freight or passage elegant state room accom modations, apply to the msatenon board, foot of Dover st. orto DEM1LL. ft Co ,180 FroBb street. No freight received oa board after Wednesday evening rain or sniBa. Freight taken at two-thirds less than ewfftornary.

AU goods sent to the Agents in New York WiU to forwarded free of commission, aad aU goods intended for the Interior of Georgia. South Carolina. Alabama or Tennessee, addressed te the care ef Tboma- 8 Wayne. Agent ot Central Railroad R. Mills, iroa Steamboat Co or J.

A. Fawns, Georgia Steamboat will to forwarded free of commission. o22 FOR BALTIMORE Union Line Rrrular Day i The fast aaillngschr. COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Ketchum.

master, is bow loading at pier 12 East River, and will saU as above. For freight, which will be taken at the lowest rates, apply to the Captain, on board, at pier 12 East River or to dlO ft BRIGG8.40 South at. For PHILADELPHIA via Delaware aad Ran tan Canal Swirtaure Line i II i iw-in 9 Towed bv Steam Through in thirty-six hours The barge PORPOISE, is now loadinr at pier 12 East River (Old SUp) aad WiU leave this day. at 8 P. at.

For freight apply to o22 J.k N. BRIGGS. 40 South street. for HARTFORD. CONN Bnekt.

Steam Transportation Line The trtM. Pyalors8ACHEM.8ENFXA sad UN. i iwwii. iraiuiiuf tne above place, one of which will leave pier 12 East Rive Old slip, every Tuesday and Friday, at 4 For freight or passage, apt ly to the captain oa hoard, or m. iv.

areata. SO Month at. For NORWICH. vORCVSTFp aad BOSTON, Via rUirmad from I CrVT LINE tTr-B-WV -AV- ueer. DECATUR.

Capt. E. Oeer. QUI NEB AUG. Capt.

J. WilUama. rrB! 01 boT hoaU will leave New York every Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday, at 4 o'clock P. M.

"orw'ea for New York. Monday. Wednesday, aad Friday, at 4 o'cloek 7' For freight, which will to Ukea at reduced prices, ap-ply oa board, er at the offiee on Pie North River. SREIGHT FOR CIENn EGOSTkr bulkier HmZW 'arniahed to a suitable vessel, immediately. Apply to M08F41 TAYLOR ft CO, 44 Sooth St.

n8 FOR 8ALE, FREIGHT OR CH ARTE The cJi a a i i uw iA: 734 1. ntA, TJ4 tons burthen. Annie a. AMU. THOMPSON ft NEPHEW.

274 Pearl st. nil FORRAI.r a in wiiiui avprnra auu cvuprja 1 fastened Brig. 220 tons burthen, has a large bouwe a9 at wau eaicuiatea ior tne CaUIcamia trade. Apply to to DEMILL, ft Co, 188 Front at. -TJ- WANTED a rood schr.

to load In Union Lias izp ior naitimors Apply to o24 J. ft N. BRIGGS. Boath st: a-f" WA! WANTED A good vessel to load in the line for ttSr A lo. one to load in tha lis.

for New Or leans. Annlv to EAGLE ft HAZARD. (0 Sonth it. C1CNB, PISTOLS, etcio eases double rnna. reel aad imitattoa tvnst Ilamascus.

ke. 18 cases siBgle do do do do 4U00 pairs nogie aad double pistols. Allen ft Thurber's barrel revolv 4, 8, and 8 inches. Do do self -cocking pkttois. roTiVby iTv w' MU' d10 aaJlisS? Ji and 248 Pearl streec.

iYrlCS W. KIELU Na 11 Vriem. a foil assortment of ced BMWmr BUxdera, truBk, straw, aad bandbox boards. Foreign and aomeartb, ran Bleaehirtr nowdew ee tk ae Feltineu Vl tolw makere' atock maw BxakereVmT' "a dlO li nttlXAwaiA-Dixoa's Tea and coffee aeta. of pmrms ot aeamrsteiy; aas ptsted altera, at a ad aad revolving, with rich cot bottles; plated sake baskets, wias ryphons.

candJawticka and esmdeiab-as, sauflers aad trays, butter kaivus. knifu rut, ma uiu fine table cutlery, rvory. aelf tip. stag aad h---Tin. "-urnoy aUail It, ItlRkr.

IV ft CO AU MlkltBdsftlABB. ticks they oat. agaimat the tbe warm A elT vatiaa west ou mmm to er ia will tbe and I I I PARIS PATENT laEATRER OVERS BO EA. WITHOUT A BEAM. a no eaaemeei sals a mrce at af thorn an Parie shoes, I Iocs and Moceasias.

made from mother. watBoat a ari.b leatbertaieB. are aJatar-preoC, aad deeaaadly the best as. ia market. They will keep the feat warm aad dry, withoat lajury to health, or spoiling tto boot over which are worm.

These shoes Fecaia taeir gloss BBtH wora They are free from the ebeeetioas so peeeaarr wrg4 the India Babtor oyenBoae. which, by esussusg feet to perspire, makes tbeea trader, aad pre-dtopoaes wearer te eaids, eaeawmBtiaaa. ke. he. aad wtoa ia a room contract, aad render the feet aneommrtaeaa.

wwrd to the wise is safficieat." City dsalsraars la-vtted to call aad otamias the article. For sale by the ease.dosBOTBatr. T. WIN8HIP CO tm 171 reart street. N.

Y. COLKTttl BB.AT BtlU. BALsw-Ike wad. I I EBOWB place, tate IBS saruvail I. aarav aara.

ae- I ceased, situated at Mil toe. New Jersey, abort eae I ZZZZ LTJZi nlTZZ, of'e wtth feaces, ks kx perfect cedar. The farm is watered aad supplied with wood land, aad Is reader- watered aad sw relied BVBtio. vUZET Tee imm.

t-t i.v, Iwl It aTyTy ZJSelSI'wm the Bgmamwt te WM. F. BROWN. r.iTi, at a 11 tow. the Railroad stat.

ai au. a "ILL AM KLLLY ROkfcBT KELLY, i 410 i auridtara. Heaewer swreet. aad a sab cellar. Tbe a iis wadio.

ll if itrTo, erT. 1 the b.ilding Road rtrT el Onrngm The rear building will be devoted to exhibition aad other public purposes, aad tbe stare aad 7Mr ttought to -eU calculated Br, confectionary and ice cream salona. lui. vr permit th.

Interior to touted to wants of the tenants. to also to rent 1 oa large axnibrtloa Rooms at am i 1 v- ar a I aw. ass eorBeroi Broadway, Leonard street. Jy30 fTxa warn. saLa-House or browa stone aad ot onca.

aemgneu expressly ror genteel private re-f sidenoa. with every convenience aad oraaaneat such as hot air fnrnaee. gas fixtures, plate rises, statnarv marble msnteie, Crete fixtures throughout. Be. he.

Built ia tne best biibbst and aemrably locat-d. Ta accommodating. A. B. VAND1 RPOLL.

jyS8 28 Wall street. FUll IALK OH KIlHtSUK Atarad 169 acres, oa the bank of the Hudson river, ia Co- ibia county. Tne Hudson River railroad rear through it. City or country property, tmprovad er an- tmprovea, wtu be tsutea la payment mhl A. VANDi.HrOF.L.CS Wall rt CALIFORNIA PORTABLE HOUSES ef wood or iroa- Cottages suitable to the West ladles aad this vicinity, wail worthy the aHealiea of snippers.

Orders executed cb nberai terms, by all A. WELLINGTON rlAKT, at, Broadway. CALIt-ORJUA IIOISKS Tbe weO ksowa firm ef George Kreianaa ft Co, sre prepared te supply shippers aad emisrraats. with houses supe rior to any thing ia this or any other market, at very low view aouees Bave Beea triew. aporovaa or, and ex- patrouitaa by Cauronuans ana tben.

Call at No SO Broadway. dlOlw PORTABLE IHOl HOUSES TOU CAIJrXm- a- 1 Be Galvanised Ima Hnaaaee eonetrneteal by me. fbrCalifornia. having met with so mncb approval-1 to th atteatloB of these going te California, to bb examination of them. The iron te greyed in eoeta a maaaer that ill parts o' tbe bowse, re and Bides, slide together, aa a bouse 20x18 can to put ap hi a day.

They are far cheaper tbaa wood, are fire proof and much more comfortable than tents. A bouse of the above sise eaa be shipped la two boxee 12 feet long and I feet wide aad 8 inches deep, the freight oa which would to about 914 to Saa Franc ieeo. There will alia k. no trouble of rrwxrvlnr iron one part of tbe country te "aaen. aw cat IB a 1CW BOUTS DO tBkeB OOWB ana put ap- By eaurog apoa the rubeeribez a house af tne aoove sise ran oe aeea.

Pk.TF.S NIUfll KVlttlew, ween, CrlOlCk selected farmiag aaraes la Macbigaa, I VVw Illinois and ladiana, te exchange tor city er coaa- I try property. I mhS A ANDERPOEL. Wan St. B. ASDEKPUKL, Keal Eetate Agent, No A-e 23 Weil street, eorner of Broad, buys and eeUe on eflmniaalMi- hoiiaaa 1 1 1 i KnIMlnw In, f-a.

effects exchanges of property, aad transacts all kinds of Brokerage business connected with real estate. Has con stantly oa band a large amount of property in this city. aad the city of Brooklyn; also, ia the adjoining counties, and in the neighbouring states. Persons desirous of purchasing, selling or nehanging, eaa scarcely fail to to suited on applieataoa at this office. The rate of eommw-sioB is.

in all eases, one per cent, when sales are effected canerwise ao enarge a snada. axe Ct-stob HoriB. New Yoek. Collector's Office. iT.lM!.

CEALF1) rHoPOf WILL HE RF.c tl tbisadiceaetdtwltihnayol'lleocaitier a xt. li. uidili ol Raiwaaletbe I'eneH Hi Reaawae 1 'alter oa tha stauon. for tbe term of awe eeai froaa the tine Car of January aeru I lie Battoa lot IBs enetrwvrwa Uaeaaave as that allowed ta the Naval service, annular I he Ihiaor. aad iaiai mti ill Ik.

gaaawraiwi la ueiwwwtaf laiwc. Ml wa IFraciioasoa a onirti. Week, qt.4 1 1 1 1 I Sfe 7 1 7 1 4 4 1 1. The Retbota. to he of a rood aid wholmm oaalrrr.

to lm an. I'vijvtwj uy utf oufrinr aaa ur ainf-ni anicm tlim raiioa) io betlHtVwfyd oa boanl iheCattma rural aaa nthcwmU ra- ua fct. to pnmiiH. by uw i otttrartor. mmS Uw fxm- Utffvm OHtiarrtrr DiarkM oa 8arh.

it to ba ttml UtCtm4i3r WiU boaad tO iBrmtail. ausM mwBfaitaai aWxtareBB aottra as aiar ba peqaiM-i by the Cbuh-ub at th niirt, -rttn aLruxMaoa of tne c-oiiMrtor, (not uicnliBC apoa aa awmgfs, on dar ia each wc) wwK-ti Irr-ii meat aad frrvti TecAleor frr be wxaaiTtBAV-at to ihmcanrnmtMimilimM omitm cd tiAeiaUMia. miMw. eu id me navai teotoa. 1x114 H.

MAXWELal-. ToUeclor. mAAIr-llollecUir CCSTOM HOtTSE. NEW YOEK. toe's Orncl.

Notemlier x7. 149. r.i CEAI.ED PROPU.oAI.H will he nceiretl al thai orTire Iheletb of Hecember aext, lot sapplrinr Ship Chaallery Ie' the Reveaae Cauer aad Bwta oa tlua st-tioa. lor one rear team the not Jinaarr Best, according to tbe tealewiac Ust. vis Aiichon and Retiree Brootm.

Hickory, Birch, ori, Bantiag. all color i. rail width, half w.lui. Block a. friclioa rolleca.

Caavaaa. boliaarla. a a I leather. Pimp. Amencea Hemp.

I Amtaer. Wtaue CotUa No. 2. Fise. ekar.

All, Ne 8. No. 10. Havrirra. Maaiiia.

Hemp Hawsers, Hoe jiae, HftrabcsiiDe. 1 1 ooU aau Tbimbiss. Jess, leather, nrrrnr. Oak wood, sawed aad ashveesu. nakaai.

Oil. atrerm. wia- tev atrrueeal. elnsnaae. Lasarefl.

per rack oer aheave. iroa bnibsd. Rii toruxre. tarred. hemp, patret, holl rope, Manilla.

Lena. Plitli. el kleaH WlaHea-ad hi ot rroead Poaarrcuteon. pnanag rloap. browa.

eHea rara. ABsjticJmBOteBBSarratedto be famished si the lowest mark pnr. H. MAiVVELU air) trill -txaleuer. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The aeleniraed VVilram K.

Hheoarrt. Albert W. Wneht. Gaierre C. Ripley.

Lowell Hoi. breok. saS TlaDtnaa r. Neaoa. have tiut Bay lonned a Luailed Partaerahip.

eader aad accoruiar le part sstoed, chapter loenn, title lint of the Revaeii rjlalntcs ot Uw But ef New York, aaa notice hereby fives that the firm QS'ier a hir-h 4i Tliat theaatore of the baala aw neceaniicrH, r-ti r.rAttir. vvkioiii at itiri.r-x. I lalenrlevi to be IraaMarted the Foretra aail Uosnealie Ilrv Goods 1'rreiriTMinn linainew. aad that perdiaaeaod saleol MeechaaUrae rraerallf. lo be cofiiiarted ima.

eipallr in thecrty of New ork- 1 bal Uw aaa. ol all the rear-mi panaen islereated ia the said penrerrahipare William E. Step, anl aadGeorreC. Rurley rota of whom reverie la the city ef a. erxl Albert W.

Wncht. eaa iwsili i ra the oly of New thai the only special partaera later, ted thereta as 1-ayweal Holbrook aad Tuoenaa S. Nehoa. who ana reaeie la the enj of Braoklva thai uw amount ol capital wbich the eaul Lowell lloi. brook and Thomas S.

Nehoa. saaaid Hwcial panaerv. havecoa. tnbutevl lo the oornsaoe stock of aaa! partaerahip. Thirty Thoe-aaad Dollais IB caah thraaal Lowell Huibtook aad TrHaraas 8.

Ndoeeecb baviar coalnheted tbe wall Kill era Thenaaatl Dollau aad that the sard uanaerahip at ta comrneace tlua aixik dav el' LteccmUer. ia the year one ihooaaad nrni haadred aad tortT-aevaa aad lo terminate oe Uu first day of DeoBmber, la ths year oae thoaaaad rhl baadied and tortr Biac. Lhued Mew Yetk, lleoesuliat 1M7. WM. K.


rh-Lev. UiWEJ.L HOLBROOK. lliua. d. rttvLBON.

WOTICP. IS RFBCRV RIVF.rf Amt ik. f. Ili PartBerahip at hereby wet mec aad ooaUDoed for a U'ther terra ef two years, tewi aae uiaas oa the tat dar of liecembar, leftf. aau tor.

avaa ms oa Use 3Uh day of November. lcoL New York. IJecembar IMS'. WM E. gHEPARD.


have paraaaat to the ptwvwaane ef true ana. part aarowd. ehatner kmnh.e4 Ihe Revned ntalaaesat theiutees New erk- lar a a uraited panner4iiplo be coadBi-teai aatier the aasne or krm of ty.t, Aa.iuiil.iluj. ihe reneral aalareol Uat barj-aera mtraded betraaaacled ia he importiaf. pwrrvueuar aad vriHus a.

rieaai. pan wmm aaa pnaoi rivmia. Sfnmmt artjean. taocy banlware. plaAeifwareaBd -aliarr.

rare Barnea. whoae leatrlenoe a the city wt Rtooklyn. eoaaty of Kiaca. aad stale ol New York, aad Wiliuua H.Oataa. whoae araadcacw is ib oeceater, ib the state of ewachnsctla are fhe raaeral aartaen mrrrnted I heme, aad Ethaa A lira 'aad oane I namev.

waeae arataaenve urn nana ate Werrwra the state of MaaearhaaevH. are the aweeaal panaera maw tnevwa, Aad aa sack epectal panaera. the ar Fthaa AL ff aad ChaiapsThwrtrar. have each eate in bated Uataam mi Five waeu etaiata. actaai caaa paraaeaL, epral te stoek.

The penod of the eewirm areejesl ef said parraerdiip. the twealyevealk dav el Novembet. 1MB. aad the lend at wke a vn amnaiaeH HUateaaliwteaihitir et Hoveawa. Pv.


BARNES ft ONION. Maaafacrawas aad Importer. y.mmm. rtatota. l.aa Blateriala.

iartiar Apiwnuaa. aad wiU (lot lite present) ooetiae their beaiaew as the enove srticaaa, aad will, oe the 1st revivwary Beat, eiwe at Majrlee lae. wnl a tad arrwrtinent ef evervtbau IB thear Lee. New york, NereembarkSlB. lea.

adbtat Vva-wrii i.r OT1CHU The under! cued live notiee that, eeeorw to tbe statute eBtitied -of limited carta they have duly formed a limited Bartarrship. aad tbe terms thereof are as follows: that tbe sane or firm under which each pertnersliia ia to to conducted is Geo Sis- tare; that the eneral nature of the business intended to ee transact ea a a geaeral stoek aas exchange bneiaeea tkat ths reneral Banner interested therein is Gee. Sistare, whoae place ot tvantieaee is ia the city and eoaaty of New York: taat the special Banner intereeteal therein is William H. Hicks, whose place of residence is in the city of Newark, la tbe state of Nrw Jersey; that the aaaouat which tbe special partaer Ikarreia before Beans' hath eentributad to the common stock Is tea thmsrsad sellers; aad that the period at which tbe said partner ship is to commence, and the period at which it will ter minaie. is as kalows: the same hi to commence on tbe twcnty-lrst day af November one thousand eirht baa dred and torty-ain; and to termtaate oa tbe Brat day of so ay eighteen nondjred and fifty-one.

Dated the 'a' day wi earr loeir. SIS 1 A1U- a2l 8w W. H. HICKS rfcO SaUXa PATENT PRKMICH SFBUO HATTH-aCAS. Y1ATENTED Anrnat Sth 1SAO A Ik.

JT medal of tbe FrankUa. aad the first pre mi cm of tbe a aitveaau at taw Prt- Depot t. tion aad. Bale Of this lu xnrlnne: rural la now onen at No. Jobs street, corner of Broadway, second flora-.

Tbeabj tentioa of ths Ladies, houee-keepera. botal-kerpera. sh aad Bteasa-boat owners, cabinet makers, fn Tellers seelasa the Biedieal faculty, bospitais. and the public gmere'iy is invited to this anperior bed. It atsimBie.

durable, cheap. cvanpaca. aaa eombiBes BDore oee treble qualities thsa aay mattress or bed Bow ia ase. aad eaa to ased oa any common bedstead, aad may to elevated er depressed ia any part to suit tbe comfort of tbe incumbent. We predict the time fat at hand whea as family wiU to without one of these articles for tbe sick room at least.

It wUl to rc- valuable to mothers ia tbetrmoet irrtsr hear Aavi, Dr. Baekmanf PATENT INVALID BEDSTEAD, (patented April iirth. 1848.) a useful aad very convenient article tor taw nek room, as a enables tae Bed rifling is as ensnared without interfering with the patient who eaa be ratted to a srttlBg posture snd can taae a seta witnout lea v. eg hie bed Vwetfcrr with tbe Elevat og Lew nee aa Orrery. for schools, recommewdwd bv the Fartl'-iee of Cambridge aad Brew a Univwnrtiea, with severs! other new aad valuable patent articles.

N. Patent Rights for aaie. F-B trance Ne. 2 Joha street tweoad door frees tns eorner si TUJC ft BB47BM 8KB has established hlmrelf here as a General Coamisaiow MerehaBt, aad soatciu the srders of hat rneooa. A.

wtui.wiu.i HAKT, X8 roadway RErxsxscca Messrs. Leasoa Hart ft 80a, Loadoa. Alfred Dudley. Eso, Liverpool. D.

Jensashoa Sendee-land. Jeese Joseph. Esq Montreal. Bl8 W.C. Maitlaad.

Eeg, New York I lltlV KOlUlCD CONFECTION I XX atRY put ap ia ths tost manner far tto sowthera anew, rWaalawa iHilll iiiiii Ml 11(1 111! I 1 II I Ml I I Tue.liv.-1 1 14 i VII 1 112 Madder. 1 i 14 ,) 1 1 Thetwlar.l 14 2 1, 1 1 I I tt i I 1 111 Satanlir. 1 Hill I I I I I rm 4 Tm TVtu AS avat aad aad tbe a I uj Bad western mar tats, sad for exportatti by T. O. HODGKINS, MsatiiaartaTwr.

lASGrseawich etraa, betweea CowxcUnadt aad Liberty. Whslaals sash prloes Candlue and Sorur noma, 14 cents tbe pevBe. Borar Amaoads. IS cewta Mottoes. 28 te 81 eeats fl.w al) CITY NOTICES.

1 CRro RATIO rfOTICXbte a wswpexepaveae Sl4 fimW-m tm iUim nrsafiu bmmm mm mmm. Mffmts ntm4 by mmek ad hots at rmmmd. Ykr mm mvmxmmnr mam Uru4 wommx. ave afawmd by the starve Basrad ssv eltbeoebafCUeea.iawfia. aattnaee Inirrv liinlTM r-ATii m.

ip, Mi itt i 8RANCIK lrH-loS' Si ISAAC WM. saiTlL i fVnrx BrBBsc rVt DetartaeewU taerwj.neT ma. i dM Kt pHRPRATlOW I ITM P. 1- tm repass esems. at as or eeiespaoaed aada.

allncwa ueeebe lh im i bare bee ceespieted bv tke aaaeaaaaa aad at tae Bawaa ef 1 K-T beualwt a aewOT ia aveeae la Imag naaia "7 scaii lam ISKjeaeatiwsreeral sad tna eueeaa. 1 1 "visa peaoa. kela I ai oa by aetemtaaalsa eta. aad was miaaaca ee iiiaaaerftew stiiarosac wrrtiur. toih.

weed.1 litany i tea asm of law ssv i Mm. H. DE MOTT. I I A MCHm ijji; a AAC WM UMITU. im i ir? AAC mrw Kmsae er Dtfeet tsetiariavAwt aAaeemsar leus.

IBv. dMItt fyiRPllRATION HOTrTE-rVbSe mnnTuiZe. gtw. theowaevev swsna.em.aaam av af al kvt. liuieored er aeiecnea.

aal avaea. eaWeed asr awlces ia llaeotTKeal Uw riaaaal A aenaauee toy as senjai taa uaad. va lev beiklias in was aeases aaw ralverw at Uw inaisaima ef nasal war aiKi avaaas. aad tas si torM ivene aae jau stssrt. TW haiaiMlTMd kvawa al lota of ramaeyaraal iota, aarcea aad swsnris el saaaL Aanww-xamxmYat MV UUUMs msiaeaat mcwde the ereeral Baxol wesa taoekead mmA mmo vwuon Aw saeaeaaa eata, tat ax.

el stad. protewtiea to tto haaith of the 1 Mela are made from the I i ei aad a Ne ear ataaaafal liw aaaae er evUaw at teeea. ase I rr'," peea-ai Uiear obtertioaa. ia wntieg. lo uw lsJii ss stlioe, aua ttr frr the 'ua aoOxa.

i HAMCKI, lie' VI'iTT. 1 lrAAC WM SMITH. "raEtr or AnrasBivra. ieuam, Dae. nx.

L-j i dUKt ir- SSiSSStZS. touowta thaeefcy. that a we erher Ke. t-rrrfrB HrBEar or A.v.a.vT. vmnmi ii.eaa wh.

Ivss. H8 MUtrxiKAriiiN Nii teiBeewaasevowaen waee. eeeau.elef enme el all ll. er aaiaswaeerl laavla. arUt tneeewa tlZ7tae aal lata.

taapioeSe a Icrni bv uav oenami aalioa. bv all WLiaea. tarf I Far (UcriBr a erjee o.r tert theeera the -l trt. -a wreet. betweea Banadwavaad I eank eveeae Tlw 'aau relrana by each aa el aariade all rhe eeeeval beeaejaad lataef reaaad.

now i. utmased aaa kafe ae aw. are afsrea1 by the abeve aaawd eat-, afuZZ AMIT-l. PE MirTT, A i CI I IhAAC WM. CVtlTH.

ajevK-B nrSEAD or Aianittm NOTICE te ihe ease av earnest, are sad Cora. eianaat er aeua Oil IWteafijBBrat. llec sua. 1C NOTICE. Ta bar a ef is Hea.

andaw awifl ta I fee odwwof Inr l.ateaa at mum i all pwaaaa inn Id. vol i 1 1. i vvrmne wreev Tftfa kmnnxmnZ Hawe, I ke liaaa. eaaUaced bv sack Aewassaewt Huueaied Iawa of Gwead. vacaat Laeu tnou.

aaaaled ea Ihe encri, a de el IB' mmv uios arnBBtA. SBS oa Ua, mm. 1 t. -V. tweea Forarth aad lava, aueeta aa Beta aek, at tiraad netware Ultalreui Artotnev am.

a. 7 lo atwet. betweea INvaava aal Bronaar a L-TZ ll Norkek SK a. sedan, aw a MOfJ aewti iefmaail a MwA abb. etna, i heiknue.

Onam ami Aiwa TWalilts i.roanas tuvt ael en beta aai 1 WaiaasdlmadalrccSA, AUperaoaswNOar tele arte are sffected by the ataie aannal A-ewwarela evu-tofiZT DtMf lam tram lis-A ataVJ. faxasB tax 4 BAMCEL DR MirTT I RAVI masi'ivis iiuiTu I' Of nt g. RrBEaroy AaatMirvrt, firm lanwruweat. tee. swn.

wttf ltt lOBHJRATION JT P- it bV wrW.rrv Cm.ml4KmtrfMUn4 kwM. If rmr-r twjm 8bb.i av lsi tas. essw" aawe- sviBvxi isb IsW awisja-aw Bja upai fj sWllDftUOae. OJ BaU IIBmllMtll, fJTX rmt a-ttiac cvrti mmd tiiu.MBBw.MiAiktwa. itmih awmwa.

aad tutiM nsm MBBtt. Tim sntrlttB awfaalBf-sa. Wa4 arsBii mmM mm but 4Mk Li-te. s'win ud W. the ahOT mMwmi.

iiiiaiato awl mmm mm mxm, um mm, mrttttttw mi ttar-a ara miiweaied to P-et U--ir e4Aioa. ra ti mmnmr utnmi mi labaai tlW vaJua uunv tUn lm. J.n. ZIZ FAMT-FL H. PK MOTT FBANCH ilf'Hi jtoj lr1 AAC WM SMITU.

Urrnt Rrtursi iunnirra, i Hlteel Dniannwat llec. I. IMS. a tot CORPORATIO bcSkw herebv rrreu to liwewawevewnera. eerapaal or errwiatats el all loam mnA mumra T.BectWSeTrt, Itiie- louowtar i i su ZrJZTlSlm am lodywl ie uwortiorol the 11 si 1 aisim s-i inr i-- -T twe by ai' oeeaona teterrated.

via totresralaues Aelaetraet betweea the Kmth mmA TWfc mue. le aun lite srade ot Niatb avraae. laelunKaembracea by ear eewavmrut memsw aO tto stwetsl braares aact aol rroaBrl vacaat paacaa IM pateraiel land wjoa both Bdsel 44th streets, Aaam Teiih All peroaa vrhw ateeraaa are afWwe hr rhe a Sore asaaed saw waveau. aaa waa aia, eaeeail aih. ed, at Lbau omoa, wsn-a thirtv dajra Irorn Hie nasi ol bUa mu r-? i r.i, iir.

r. I RANCH Mcili.uHjV-, Asssssacs. ISAAC WM. riMITH. Orf 11 nrttiear iMm.ri i a tlrimet Dr4anBent.

Declat, lee. am kX OFFICE or CoBBieeioexB or IrrrasTWxirr or Rrraixs ASP brmiks. New ork. llec iiearraaals vM aacerred al Uwlon.oeal li Sai.nhea laemrat see I nj Hall aau Muarl. I A.

l. (al white una Uw prowavaa waj ke rouacrf epewed.lawmakiacatUret' Hose. A tamic ol Ihe ne Woaiml eaa be mm ml tmm ralf, H.l-a a hlixatwtk stM. WILLIAM AIiAUet CommisBuBLi at Itenam aad tfeppare. TREET DEPARTMENT.

Ne. 4 Hail of SfStce is beeehv rrven thai the i have an Die Bled ia liiat KaaM mf A i i Miia, a erwee ra lb sirert. from 1st to 24 aveone. lo haiai eailMaf Mlllwrrywreeta. All penons mterared.

baviar otiuxutre. thereto, toprearet UwaaaTM. la wnunc. In lire BaaicaiBnl i ea or beless tus Kth ef lleeenirx next av I UO-vtraoN rj treat imxnun rut. DEPARTMENT.

No. 4 Hal w) I k-7 Nouce bewlr riven, that the tnlicaias Thai aid staaat be I famed aad shaded Bete lUtsaU All imeamtssvaesw. tovi.f ebrrtroaa thees. are wnwened S.VT?. wmiar.

te ua aaOeraraeal a hm eehee. M. E. THOMPSON. 1 otlut SVa'ItMHT wil be received by the Cwvevnota.

at tarn erbor te the Pant, aa-til font dock. P. of ll- I tar. amevher lor 'i'l Reilrvne Heapsul. Lasae Aaysarn aad nUndaHs Uaad ancb qaaaulrea of rood aad whnl.i 11 an malum a.

amy be repaired Irnm Hum toUme. from Uw alal llrmalar. l4. aatil the Slat Uecemiwr. leoft.

The manoe te be eabjart ui UieiBHuwioa et a taaabm peraos. choaea by the lerswra. whamderauoa. aataqealitr. Wiall be 8aal.

Patawaia to Wsaaale en pvraewlaUoe st bdb snry cevuhed. aas eneaa 10 be aouoaapaated alh lat Balnea el twe av te" etna. vm inew aural ta wnuac. mm arcamy lav Ike irerleawmaeeor the eoatract. Aar mtcrmaium that sear he av eewad bv panuaecW as lor the abewa.

ank let riven ee aooaca. 1 ua GvvTTBtws. at tbaa ethos. a no a are li Ofnce af lieCweraonof the Atrna-horne. New era, beeimibec i.

mtm. i rJS BS BL'PRRMB COURT. Jama Btrachaa. OSak H. klaribel aad orW, I la parsaaaeeof a drtiw el the Baiaarju Ceeel ef the Bam of xrew ora.

I wtu atioa la saw oa um tuwt day ef I lay ef mm 1 Btebaas.m net. aBr. ai 12 0 cMxrl. si.mtBe 1 WW CUV mf Krnrn ait- A LL Uuue eraerel, pan bey leva ef was, sarasm ia A lAwTwelnawaialellaweslref.New Vera, aad kawwa and rlKarerat.hed ea a curiam map ef IB Harare. Ceaameea.

aaade ar rFharwa Oteum. perverse, aad ea Bw la the Re mac a eaVe eC ttiealrol fc-w 1 arm mm kua aamurjta (lortr eaiwrty saue.) tviaetr.) aail aiiaauil rreauesea tae mankaveeee. aaul lew earebetatan four aaacwd mmA twettr-lwo.) 44 (fee' buaeaaS aad IWTWty Jaime.) 4U (lev haaadssd and twent4uer. mataimr neerieau aua tareaiy.eve.l aaiMi baadred aad I Wui.HX tour haadred aad leaaiataa.i I 1. mm strmet Ineutul uua llat tea borlT aad tanat laraame uhice nave eewveyed to ua earn Eitiah II.

kmalmU. bv theaaid Mead Whua. Irv atxl Batra aw wtta aud br aa uadvwlem lararmc eeea daae twaa.uuuepraaeawluaai riralaunniuiie Um I 11 I eranua aaooey muatuiBed aad etun 11 il ia uwuud mntnlr-a JlesBd New eak, rlenwlm IU I- MtSS A V. VVamTERVELT ItaurC Laewaie. Attorawr.

all Bees Tbeeakr ot llw aimve psoperry is pntiinaawl Saul uw An ear ef laaaerr. letal. at um mane hour aud lim JmU.N J. V. WLeTEBVELT J.

Imvrwwce. Arjavney. rill i KUPR Ell COURT. toesver, at. at.

atatl a decree ef Pair ok Ketreas. 1 ta uwrutiaace el a decree ef the Bus Court ef the state ef Jew ers, I wul exiuuetoe ber. Bub. ml 11 e'deek. uiatrarafKur I'rl ee the day ot Neiaav I Uw Mrvchaau Elcaaase.

ALA. Uaal ear in tut. aura er paueul ef Kara wraale vrtnt end braar ia the rurvealecwta. lorawviy EwaaalJi WaaS at lu. Buy erf ktew YeaS.

beuaoed aad eaurnauul mm eiaai aecmamc a a patet ew UwumtJualy naa ef Ka-reetJi ateeaa, dutaal umw tied ran and eiaetv lr. us aacnm mam Uw mwraeaulrirt career mf aweata auant aad Avuaee A. raaamr tteanee auu'. i'y audsus-a-ati wrtl Avuaee A. aaaey.aaer law ease mcana mm the eenrw Sue tae coca, uaeaee eaut-nv amt law aaul rvwlm cue aae narrt- turty mat.

1 lurtv mat. taearw eerrjarur and uejellri waa Aveeae A aiauvy-kwrHUX eurhl la Amu lu tae eaaiaaiir kuneata Bruat Umaee wastm.r aaaat aaad asathsy skavefaAee. eath sueet torif awl 10 law place of eeriaaias. llelad. New Yora, Nmrmber ad.

It- JOHN J. V. WKrrrERVELT. BbarrC 8 T. aVsnef.

Aftaraev. assauiw Tbe mleel uw aioae propurtv it HIT, aunj aatil Ike liu day ef lWruIir, raeaf, at tarn aim sou, aat t.tace. lasaad New 1 era. Novemluy i. lust JOHA J.

V. E6TERYELT. "Seerrl. H. T.

Ptsaer. Auavuev. aiaaa Tbe Bale el the above saw Its is heats farrhar iwaiimaed astd lbs xiat day el LWtaaiua iauuubi. at tbs same beer aad luace. Deled New Yetk, LWevnbw llik.

r4. JobN J. V. LrJTER VELT. KhecC C.

T. rTBOs. A Horary dll mw Shirt Store MRS. CLEVELASD, SOB Bias it may. New rfc.

reapertfolly anonacuf te tor fri-nds aad to the pablic reawraUy. that she msaafsctBrae aad esn-staauy keeps torsaae a larre stock of swperior aad fash-iosably made liaea for geatlesnea aaao, DruusiBg Goams, Bosoms. CoLars. ravats, GlovesJ Hosiery, Be. Skirts.

Boa sena Collars, ke. aasde to order ia aey druirad style, sad at tto shortest notice. The axteauoa ef tbe rrBllesswB as soUetted te aa haepuction of her stork- In eoaaectioa with the above, Mrs. C. has established her own Leaadry.aad at now prepared to contract mr tto washiag of iiotela.

Stores. Families aad Geotieeaea. to solieiu orders ae above, araanrmr mil hut vraArnaj rwa be dose ia bar Laaadry, aa weal as ia aay part ef tto city, at 13 term all then lautiee and Awntiessea erBe oave eaarw as- srpsiBted ra ewtaiaisg her aew style efLa dies Break tastDremws aad G.wliemwB's th lu ulnuutr takea ea a mere earn bur of extra hands, and that she bow trcia aite eoeeeeel ef aaeetiBg aU I ffcr these new aad eiegaBt artieies, BUAout Na 1 Aster House, Nov. 8, 1849. Shirts aad CoUmeamra srwitwaat.

CAX1FORN LnH: KIT rarsoava who Utuad rBBgWttoaElDerae-. SBeeud bear at mind tbe ImsortaBeeef srertmagthsmSBlveB with certsna araws ef laxbARsbcurGewAW. aaacB as soaas. at eapa. wadisa aweaa.

earns baaakuts, tsaata. 1 a. ae waneh wiB to townd a rvwa 1 Willi lad. ana roruaiuiaraarwarei eaadlotoolrTOaad t-T lartade all the eeeeeai aveasa. aaa ik.

rewsHI ed Tl i-d aaelk oumS. enwaaef PiiiiBiBveaeatasiwesBBaB AH pevaaae whaae eltMAa affeM Wv lb. .1 seaeaieau. aad be aw etn u. laew ecaca.

waam mult days fwm the Ssss at tlua asv BAMIELH. DKMnrrr 1 1 All in I mi wheat isWaials aawtaasea'a. aas woe are ovps saraed. at ttaew smos, waam tawtf days tram taa aaa. bsimw.

writ eewiMwa ateeet ta lbs faaaueet sareaew aBmewnial eaa Wjaae. Uaiis are trajaieraed a aaa avhee. ka eoasa. eaoaan. 1 1 1 terata.

in ism, a rvuat eeeatart aad iterwrawBs; advuwtaurur. ww pa tunc Vwlaaawid snterBrietBs; 1 wow Be Last Rubber, granted Tyer ft Hem, 1848. aad win stand tae. beat sreu-d ef aaj oiUaaU. Fee aaie by the fn tarer, rl.

DAY, dT 21 CsartiaBdt stsast- UBt aUa-KLXA. LArT and taaia a may i cases jeut luutad. fry auie By (il LWWJStE, TaUXwU CO, Jw FM tt. 1.

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