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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

to luan aamiast ess vd damage by tre. alaa, koasaboid runuiara.atoaaa of fluids sail Mlw ar-scaal property, besldiagt, ships, aad other tiiiiIi la port a ai jarotaba tari a ether ia tatlea. IIICKU. ltals1 mate rtr InnniiM Uniyuy, AO. Stf WALL.

UTRMMT. CAPITAL iuLTLLi ovta bojes. 1 aWaiwe1 by Boads Mortgagee ul Vaults! ItttM tlx per mat stall 9 LHHTiTiui Baa par, ea ardatrrupv-X 14 Mm IH lntr-fc ul niUmUiM lit Hlk, kiagami Certles, maaa Vaa Wjok. t- Robert Waaka Job Wod, 9ojaafa ktreng, BlHar, I'riah Carpenter. Cbur CauldwaU, Morris letehuat, Josbu I'Bderhill, Charle Cromwell, Char! Imuia, jtoeert a Tboma raaraaB, Ifcaore- Peat.

Albert Woodhull. Btaphaa ktorm, Banjamin Slroog, Stuart Handulpb, Oaorga Vaogba, Bamual Verplanek, Oaorg a P. koaara, klirbaai AUawa, WUUam Blaakley. Joha B. Bkaalaal, Uaoraa Arealartaa, Joha la Maira, Hi Whlta, Joha J.

LaflTaT, ri laaa Haaanta. Biereiary WUliam T. Hooker, BemaelC I Celeb Bantow, Bama.l MiteUD, Jaaiei Marah, ACnshaita, WUlmsa Tito, ftobert I array, Sotoanon OrlSn, Patar Bonnett, Joaeph Lord, Robert Case, Henry TrbrL org CornaU, Robert tone, William Bradford, James Cham ban, Chart B11L altar Uaderhlll. JOSHUA 8. UNBEJUiILL, rraaidaat James Witaia, Beeretery JylO City Ft re I rsaw rm rte Company, Off ICE HO.

St WALL-STkEZT. Cash Capital. sterplas, aflar orovldlag for dividend just deeler peadiog alalm. 10100 "on AU, aauVty revested aeoordlng ta th provision of IM smarter. laaaraa mad at law eat caii.ul rata.

Brasc-rea. Richard A. Raadlof Thoma C. Char dav oyne, Cyrae Hiteheock. Jwlak Ma-y, William alia, JMfk W.

Cortlaa, Joka tt. Wright, Abrahaia Bil, Tbneaaa J. Tearaaaad. Paur8 THoa, Daniel Triaibi. Thomaa Car pan tar, U.

Coaaa.laaratary Maiph Mead, Richard field, Ellas Irad Hawlay, UaoTfa 8. Vox, Richard Camas, Henry H. Barrow, Hull Clark. t. Bmyih Rogeri, A.

RZASmO rraaldeat. jylO tla lUnr lMaairaaiea DIRECTORS. OaaapanX No. l(rl URKKNWICH STKtt CapttaJ. k.JW.OOO.

THIS Compaay, baring aaaa aalatarraptadly ta baM-aaa for aaarly taanty-aaaan yaara, and pnmnlng thalr Capital aaUra, oontlnaea ta Inaaro acalaat kaa er Sanaa, a by Bra apoa favorable tens. DIRtCTOKS. Wllllaia C. Rhiaelandar, Andrew C. Zabrhklo, iana joonaoa.

ADranaa vaa naaa, John hloaaoa, Lyman Denieon, Haoiaal V. Hodman Peter U. Arenlaria. Corn'a V. B.

Oatraader Jaeok R. La aVay, Jerantah l.aaihart, Mattbaw Amnnu. Habt Vaa Wagenen, Jr retar anarua. -Pet H. Waraar, Jaaaea Vaa oat rand, WUHan B.

Dixon. CTP.R ft. WAHNKR rrarideat The Kaat Klnrluaranci Caiapany, Or THK City of New York. Offle No 69 Wall street. This Company oonttna to lasur against lose and dasnag by fire, oa dwatltnghouasa, warehouses, bluldings, ooda, Barohaadlo and household furniture, oa as favor able tens aa suailax laatttutiona of this elty.

aiBBcveae. Jnba Breaw, Robert Boormau, Jama 11 lows, Jame MeBride, Abiei A. Low, Wm. H. Vaa Wag man, Jeha Moorhaad, Philip Embury, Heary Salisbury, Joseph Keraochaa, Slaatoa Bebea, Washington R.

Vermllye, Henry W. Hills, Ch. N.S.Rowland, Aadrsw V. Stout, Robert J. Dillon, Nathaniel L.

Oris wold Jr. Wm. Thomson, Thotnas Nesnutk, Russell Btebblns, Henry A. Hewe. JOHN BROUWEJL, Prasidsnt.

CaABLaaR. BtaaBT.Bearetary JylB (JliUia 1 Use Mw York lbiUtaJla lua Branca Company. Nw Yoas.Jaae 18th, 1849. AT th Aaatal Eleetloa for Dir actors, held at tba offle a IB Campaay, on Moaday th 4th inataat. th fot- swina aatiaaa wen eUoted Hiakard J.

1 boras, Hear katat. Ab'ai U. Tbompaoa, Lambert Buydaja, bepberd kaapn, John P. Nesmtth. Joaeph Bouchaud, Paul SpotTord, Christian II.

Band, ueorg Kapeiye, Harvey Weed, Henry Rowland, Robert Alnslie, Joseph W. Duryee, Jam E. Cooley, Gardner A. Sage, Robert A. Robertson, Antbony r.

Haiaey, Tarrant Putnam, Nathaniel Brims. jams u. ward. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day. RICHARD J.

THORNE wa unanunoualy re-aleoted President tor th eosuiag year. JylO JostrH STRONG, Secretary. frtHE GREENWICH INSURANCE COMPANY, Offloi X. No. 400 Hadsoa street.

Capital $200 000. Thiseem-aaay continue to ins ore Buildings, Merchandise, House-bold Faraltara, against loss or damage by fire, en teres a favorable a inular Institution In this city. BIBBCTSBS. Timothy Whktamore, jawi ee le. weus, Abraham Vaa Nest, Joba Dalamatsr, Clinton Gilbert.

Horatio Mutt, Ben). D. Brash, Ceorge Miln, Jamas Harriot, A. M. L.

Scott, Warrea Harriot, Balthaser MaUok, John Randall, Vineent W. Many, John Jackson, Rutssn Suekley, Jeremiah TerbeU, Edward Green, harlee Havemsysr, coaries oranaj TIMOTHY WHTTTEMORK President. Jstarsr Taasxv, Secretary Jyll lit KNICKaRBOCKER FIRX l.NSUHA.NCs. COM PANV OF NEW 7GRK. CAPITAL OAe No 64 WsU street.

Th Legislature of thia 8tate, at it last session, passed an act changing tha eorporate nam of th old Mutual Insurance company of tha eity of New York," to th Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Company of New All future business that corporation will therefor be transacted under it new name. Itmay be well to add, by way of explanation, that the old notwithstanding Its title, was In fact a stock eompaay, having a capital all paid ia and securely Invested, and that the ehauge of name was obtained to prevent mlaapprahaasion on that point. This company eentinuea to insure against loss or damage by fir oa a favorabl term as similar institution ia this eity. BiBBcToae. George I raised, Anthony Lamb, John Oothoat) Adam Norria, Geo Arc ul alios, Robert Hermit, Robert Baaaoa, Anthony Chardon, Joha Campbell, Lewis Hamersley, Ueorre Conklla, Charle P.

Leverleh, Joshaa Brush, Benjamin De Forest, Robert L. Stuart, William Tacker, Joha Gray, Ashar Riley. Edward ook, Alex. Lawrenoe, Henry Ellsworth, WUliam E. Deaa, William Browning.


HA8HVILLE, Chartered In 1833. CAPITAL 9800.000. OFriCB NO.68 WALLSTRKET, NEW YORK. This old-established Company insures against loss and damage by Fir oa Merchandise. Household Furniture, Dwellings, Stores, aad Buddings generally, on a favorable tarns aa thr Companies of equal (tending.

DIRECTORS. Joha M. HiU, Joaeph Woods, Hilar kaKia, namuei Beay, Alasaader AUIaon, George W. Martin, yraaola B. Fogg, Godfrey M.

Fogg, John M. Baas, W. W. Woodfolk, Jacob McOavock, JOHN M. HILL, President Ose.

W. Mabtib. Secretary. WM. JAS.

B0GG9, Agent. By the previsions of tbe General laeuraDO Law. Deseed at tha last sesaloa of tbe Legislature of Use state of New York. Ifraa which all existing Fire Inwureaoe Companies chartered by thia state are exempted) Inaurane Companies ehartered by ether state are prohibited under a penalty of 90 fat eaehoflaaea, from transacting Fir la aureec baalneas la thte eity or state, except by virtu of a eertiaoat of eataortty from tha Comptroller certifying that each eompaalea have furnished him with set factory evidence ande oath, whiah la required to be renewed annually, that thsy puis aw aa unimpaired capital Wat iseat glNlvOOO. The Teanaaee lasniraaee Company havlagexhlblted nn-dv oath te th Cesaptrollei that then- Capital la about twofold th amount required, aad thereby haling fully complied with tbe foregoing law, tbe following CksUIFICATK OF AUTHORITY HAS BEENGRANT- i IDS A Ata STATE COMPTROLLER.

CoMrVBoLLsa's Orrtca. ALBaar, July 5th, 1849. Ratlstartory evidence having been furnished to me that WM. J. BOoUS.of the city of New York, ha beea duly appointed Ageat for the Tonasssis Marine and Fire In-auraaeeeoaapaay, being aa iaauraaee Company incorporated by th etate of Tennsssss, aad that th said eompaay le fmaaeeased of Vaa amount af actual Capital aa-Impaired which ia required by th 7th aectlon of an At entitled Aa Act to provide for th ineor- porattea of laaureae Companlea, passed April loth, i New, therefor, la pursoaaee of th provision of ths Aet afoeeaald.

Wasmsovea Hoav, Comptroller of the (tat New do hereby certify, that th said Boggs Is aeAaortsed aa aa Ageat for tbe said iaauraaee Compaay. te lara PaUotaa, raeelv Premiums, and transact th buatase of loauraaee la th eity of New York. la witaeaa whereof, I Bare hereuato subscribed my B.J atas aad caused th seal of my offle to be affixed the day aad year trst above written. JylS W. HUNT, Comptroller.

THsC COSBECTICUT MUTUAL. LIFE 1.1-t RAMCK cinaPAiv.nv niRTman Capeay, ebartered by th Legislator of th Was W. Ellsworth. Oeorg Sumaer, Bimeoa L. MaanaGross, Saml.

Woodruff, Hearv JAMES GOOnwiv Out Secretary. New York Offle, 64 Wail street. tecAt, BBraaaacE. A 4 i Ufi luanuiM unpur. Cuimuii tii iamiATuaa tf.wiwi"i Or KICK ttCf.

WALL STKEET.1TBW TOBJt. rRUlUM JU1UUCK0 33 tt.U. CKJCT. Xhas Institution is eutltortBed. by it tutarter, to tern aolieje of Imuran apoa Ufa, and to snake alt and ot connected with Ufa rise, aot to sxrssd 40U0 apoa th life ef any on Tba laadlu faatarea of thia eomBany 1.

A ruaranty of capital of SAO quo, which, toe-ether with tba aaewmnlalina; praaaiaat, ia deemed adeoate to meat arary eontiogaDoy. X. A aioccTioa la to rate ot aremloja of 25 Mr east. payaJiUannnaCy, aanil-annnally, or quarterly, aa may a. aa aaaaraa parxuiaata aaaoaily la tha) IaanraBea nay be effected bT ur aaarrlad apoa tha lit of bar hnband, for bar aol uae and benefit, rraa froaa aay aUim of tharciaaaaii 11 lata arkar Iiihu3 or any of hi areditora.

a. NO peraonal Uabuity of tha BMrnhcra haml K. amosnt of their annual premlam of inraranee. a. v.raaiior auy injur to Urea of their debtor or debtor tbemaeiraa may iaaarator tha protaetioa of their ereditora.

T. Clargrmen, and other Daraona. whnaa danandanaa ia npoa a aalary, will nod thia an excellent way to aacare their famitiea from want, in ease of their death. a prorpaeto Da been tamed (which can ba had grain at th oflloe of tba company, or aay of it agent.) ax-planatory of tha Uxmi and eondttioni of imaranoe. TRUSTKCS WBW 10BK.

Ambroae L. Jordan. SamaelLeed, Cyrui p. Smith, Gold 8. SUliman, Ueorge Hiil, 1 OaorgeD.

Phelp, Frederick T. Paet. OFFICERS. BENJAMIN Praaldaat. Neaaii Wilcox, Visa Praaldaat.

CaLi Mix. Treaanrer. Baajjjua Naraa, Secretary. FaiDiaiexT.PixT.CbalrmaaLoeal Board. Wiuoaai WaaawoaTM, Aotaary.

MEDICAL EXAMINER. Williabi N. ouuua. M. U-i 1M Bleeekar (treat.

Jyio Protertton lnaaranea Company of Hartford. THIS COSLPASIf wa ineorporaud with aarpetaa) charter in 1826, and i now on of th oldeat and best eatabliBhed iuitltutiona in thin country. A very large aad proaperotu ouaineat for twenty year th belt ruar- anty of It character. DIRECTORS Daniel W. Clark.

John Warbnrtoa, Charle H. NorthaJD, Eliiha Feck. WUliam Kellogg, Thomaa Belknap, Lemuel Hamphrey, A. O. Hilar Benjamin W.

Greene, Ebenexer Saeley, WUlia Thraoa, Mark Howard, Hilary Hill, John W. Seymour, WtUlam A. Ward. D. W.

CLARK, rreaident. William Secretary, Marine and Fire Policie injured at th offloe; No. 10 Merchanta' Exohanre, Wall jtreet. next door abore the Atlantie Offloe, on the moat fayorabta term. Claim for low or damage promptly adj oated and paid.


This Company wa Incorporated in the year 1819, with a perpetual charter, and insures against loss or damage by fire on dwelling houses, stores, manufacturing establish menta. household furniture, and merchandise in general, oa tha most favorable term Anyloasea which this Compaay may sustain, OB risk takea at that agacy, will be liberally adjusted by the agenu here, according to the usages of tha beat Fir Com-panie of the eity of New York, and paid with promptness. In money current at tha banks la this city. This Company has never contested a loss made in this elty. Bat in case differences should arise, touching the loss or damage, the Company has pledged, by a resolution the Board of Directors, to submit to arbitrator lndif-erently eboeen, or at the option of the assured the Juria-dlotloB of th courts of thia elty will ba acknowledged.

bsabo er oibectobs. Thoma K. Brace, Robert Bud, Samuel Tudor, Mile A. Tattle, Joseph Pratt, John L. Boswell, James Theme, Ebenexer Flower, Ward Woodbridge, E.

A. Bulkeley, Joaeph Church, Roland Mather, Silas B. Hamilton. Edwin G. Ripley, Frederick Tyler, Samuel S.

Ward, Henry Z. Pratt. THOMAS K. BRACE, rreaident. S.

L. Loomis, Secretary. Applications for Insurance, or the renewal of policies and all business connected with the offloe, may be made to ihe subscriber, duly appointed agent for the eity fpf New York, with full power to receive proposal and issue policies, oa terms as favorable a any office in this ity. T. A.

ALEXANDER, Agent, Mo. 89 (old No. 87) Wall street, Jyll eor. of Water street. Trie orwlcrt fire Insuvranee Company.

Chartered In 1803 Capital Increased to entire ana weu seourea. CONTINUES its business in this city, under th authority of th Comptroller. DIBBCTOBS. Charle Johnson, Lewi Hyde, WUliam Williams, Joseph Williams, J. G.

W. Trumbull, Jedeuish Huntington, a. tv. wiiiiams, ana. alter ijener Joaeph Backus.

C. JOHNSON, President. Jostrn Williams, Secretary. Policies on Buildings, Merchandise and Furniture (not axoeedlng r6000 in any one risk) issued and renewed, by 1HUHA9 A. AlilAA.

ur.H. Agent, No. 89 Wall street. an8 8. W.

corner of Water st. SEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, FORMERLY THE NAUTILUS, Office No. 88 Wall street. BY a recent act of ths Legislature, the name of this Company has been changed, the term Nautilus being deemed inappropriate to the business of Life Insurance During the four years in which it has been in operation, ending 16th April last, the Company has issued 3698 policies, and paid for losses 69,000 dollars. In fifteen instanc- eetne sum Insured was for tha benefit of the widows and orphans of the deceased, and, in a number of cues, the timely relief, thus afforded, baa been the meant of topping together families, and saving them from destitution.

Four annual dividends have been declared, three of fifty. and one of forty per upon which interest is payable atsix percent per aLn-jm, and transferable certificates will be Issued in eases when the whole premium has been paid in cash. The assets of the company for the payment of losses already exceeds Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, and are rapidly increasing. The operations of the Company are purely mutual, the assured being tba only proprietors, and to whom divi dends are declared annually of all ths profit. The premium upon Policies may be paid annually, semiannually or quarterly, at the option of the assured, or when they are for life and exceed fifty dollars, sixty per may be paid in cash, and a note given for the balance with Interest at six per cent.

It is believed that should the assured live to make thirteen annual payments, leaving the dividends to accumulate, the policy will be paid for. The prospectus of the Company, and auy further information, will be furnished on application at its office, No. 68 Wall street, or at any of its sgencies. Morris Franklin, A BUST EES. Busbnem David A Bokee, Alfred Freeman, M.

John M. Nixon, Henry A. Nelson, Henry I. Seaman, John C. Beach, Isaac C.

Kendall, Pliny Freeman, Samuel C. Parson, J. Denies. J. M.

Wardwell, J. S. Bussing, Spencer S. Benedict, Cyrus Curtis. Daniel S.

Miller, iUiam Barton, William Coxa Dusenbury. MORRIS FRANKLIN. President. SPENCER 8. BENEDICT, Vice President.


6 St. Mark's Place. George Wilkes, M. 28 Laight street. New Yeas, June, 1849 INSURANCE AGENCIES.

BY th provisions of th General Insurance Act, passed by the last Legislature, agencies of foreign companies must prove to the satisfaction of the Comptroller that such companies have an unimpaired capital equal to tbe amount required of ur own companies. The Trenton Mutual lifthuuranct Company. we believe Is the first to comply with the law. They have an unim paired capital of J4 100.000 invested in stocks and mor gages, and Mr. Charles G.

Imlay (in one of the front offices of tbe Manhattan Bank) is duly authorised to issue policies, as per thefoUowlng CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. Comvtbolleb's Office, May 2d. 1849. Satisfactory evidence having been furnished to me that Charles G. Imlay, of the eity of New York, (No.

40 Wall ha been duly appointed an agent for tha Trenton Mutual Life Insurance Company, being an insurance company incorporated by tbe state of New Jersey aad that the said company is possessed ol the amount of actual capital, unimpaired, which I required by tba seventh section of aa act entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation of Insurance Companies," passed April 10th, 184 Now, THBsaroBB, In partuane of the provisions of the Bet aforesaid. Washihotoii Hurt. Comptroller of the state of New Yerk, to ktrtby ctrtijy that the said Imlay is authorised, as aa agent for the said insurance company, to issue policies, receive premiums, and transact tbe business of Lif Insurance In the eity and county of New York. In witness whereof, I have hereanto subscribed my name, and caused the (eal of my office to be affixed, the day and year first above written, mylt W. HUNT, Comptroller.

VTORTH ABIBKICAN L1KU ANI KM1URA- XI T10N Office, 130 Broadway, New York. iVstioriW. FERRIS PELL, Esq. Treajtirer and Counttl. THO'S.


Leroy, Charle Butler, Esq Sem'l. M. Fox, Esq Bach McEvers, T. Sedgwick, Esq David C. Colden, a.

B. Grave Esq J. W. Schmidt, Con- Dudley Selden, I FrUMl W- Alfred Pell, Esq. 1 bis Company baa been organised for the purpose of va eountrv.

I laws au, i. im. "PI nardiyoe quee- pan aot ocmo. i.un.. 717- imper- whieh ar.

a. ,7 I oepumy.wus euvomauy, eumoimng te onng th Subieet waeatn. party laeared arwr- W.i a ra 4uu 7.Z. mii a. 7.v BoU- Thich note may be neTe'el LLT WD teret at 6 per eBt.

Tke. tas dieaiaUa aar tw i. A. 'VL rr)H Ua.d th Insured Jaaees Ooofwta, Flow, kdmaad G. Howe, Zephaoleh Prestoa, Edwin D.

Titian i. r- taaaa oy other as of th day. From th government return in England no to Anrll 1847, it appears that 1.026423 pusens emigrated to tha United States and her own colonies, from 13 to 1847 of which 552.306 cams direct to the United States, in addition to upward of one-half of those who originally went to tbe colonies, and afterwards crossed the frontier. Those returns apply to a period during a large portion of th early part of which the tide of emigration set with comparative sluggishness towards this country, very unlike th cumulative force with which, in consequence ot th increased faculties of communication on the Continent, aad the stupendous agitation, both political and social, of tha last year, that tide 1 now swelling. And it I aot, perhaps, assuming too much to assert that th next fir years will witness th number tending to th United States trebled If not quadrupled.

companies having for tneir object tne promotion or co- Phelps, Dodge a Co, Iroa merchant. 21 Cliff it' Fred. I lo'ulio have, from time to tlmo, sprung up in Great Doming. Esq, President Union Bank; Morgan Co! I th continent ot Europe, each advocating tOB. Jiercuanir.

Ill rresin,, WOOuIord HQ Paaal ICaktfliMm Brt. i. AJ t-r at. msa a tVJS sw, jur mm, DMlMt, Rankers, 47 Wall st. Austoa.

Aver ill ft to, Cota. Mareh'ta 47 booth at; Cutter ft Co, Maanf. 43 Cliff at. P.J. KISS AM, M.

Medical Examiner, at th 0(9 daily, from 3 to 9 o'clock, residence 864 Broadway. Application for insurance (California risks excepted i mad. to W. B. DUNHAM, Agent, Jyl 10 Prime's Building.

No. 84 Wall st Hartford tv-rw 1 rata rm nee CsMsttan)r. AfiENCY OFFICE. No. 68 WALL 8TRLET.

sa srsa urunrsa i- i. i. k. risk.

Issue poiiels aad adjust th losses occurring under theAgeasy. This loag sUMIsn4 tnetttaUoa, InejorporaUd la 1810 with a Bwrpetaal charter, ha transacted a Tory xtnsiv Insoraaee bnaiaaaa, (Itumriag against loot or tUmage by Bra on dwelling manufacturing establishments, luaeboM furnitore, and atarebandiaa la geaeral.) for more than Tbirty-Kight Years: and its barer ter for probity and respeeubility Is well kaowa. It has aimed to tecara utxlo eoafldeoee by aa hoaorahl and faithful fulfil meat of lueentraets; and ownenof property are assured that all fait alaima for Iras ander iu BUielr. win a. hi.ii.

migration to that particular region in which it had embarked tu capital. Australia Australasia, New Zealand, Canada, and nearly all tha British Provinces, have their Land Companies, and pay large dividends, while the represented only by individual agencies, nieh, from various cause, but for the most part from the tale of lands with imperfect titles, have inflicted deep "P0" the confiding emigrant, and brought diare- r-k? th country. evil, wi? P1" atsoeUHon to remedy aa I I inuw hi vii ami i 1. i "Xitlttt ud BsthodirAl amsrastsnt ciMurr, a. ivr sisi si sum, sa smmh.

lat. ted. aad promptly paid la current ausaaj at the I pare pare 1 hej ir'sd etioa ofth CaurtsU this elty will la fcaovb 4g4. DIRICT0R8. riirdvtlef Terry, wjekiab Huatltvgttm, A- iiwav, Jaahts 8.

Morgaa, JniuOeodwia, ChaHe Bawwasi, lieary Calvla Day, Daalel Back, Jaar. B-LlfHALAT TtiUir, FfeiilsBt 4IIU Q. ijU capileZu 4oir." Ji Vt to -crr toconfer with the omcerofTh. xat-on andageoclr. oToluSSSVL't Sot which the eompany prori-e to erTSc? thefr b.

pj-jnt, it i. beileved. adeuaU inducem.i Tu. rS. of the eompany proposes to rxrrer the entlr rrou.d emigraUon, so as to meet full, th.

1... ha sera a well as owner. From th. laad. whether adapteB to tillage, sjraaiag.

woolrrowni BtiaeraL manufWetnring. aad maehanie advaatajrea! labor, fcc, ftc, all of which. It I hoped, will taad topro. mote th eauas ef a well directed emigration and the aub-(taatial Interests of land proprietors. Mor dalailed pav.

ttenlanean be obtained on application at office of the eompany, No. 130 Broadway, New York. N. B. AU kltexl bo nogt Pai4- j7aT OT SttAilifiiTs.

PASSAGE FIFTY CENTS. i 1 Throngh wttbmit Laadlng eat raaak a. The tptaadid pranrarr rteambota T-CJTLJbAAC NEWTON, Commodor Wrn. H. JT nad OREGON, Commodore A.

r. 8t. John, will lam th pier betweea Cowxtlaadt and Liberty (treat, tbr Albany, daily, (Sandaj axoepUdJ at 7 oca, P.M. MAIL LINK. Th(tnboatSOT7TH AMERICA.

Cacwrthi Peek, and COLUMBIA, Cap. Alf. daily front aiar betwwas Barclay aad Rooinaon atreeta, at O'clock, P. M. landing st all the Intermediate Landing, Freight taken aa either of the abor boat at moderate pnri am aiieanirwiart wm no rorwaroea Dynauroaas to the interior oovntry by arranreanent with tha arrerai For Intbrautioa apery at the ofle 14 Greenwieh atreat or at eea oa tb wbarn wnere tne boata ba ap ..1849.

FOR a LrJFwLrJ'CENT8- Taroogh withoat landing. RIP VAN WINKLE, Captain a. bchuyler, will leara the pier foot of Robinson treat, lint abore Barclay, erery Tnatday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 6 o'clock r. m. Returning, will laara Albany erery Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from tha new steamboat landing, Broadway, at 8 o'clock m.

For paaaage or freight apply on board, or at tha a Aoa on th pock. r. a. This boat wul arriy at Albany la time lor to ears seat aaa west. apia CLfJ TROY, DAY apl 8K.CIIAMB1 LINE FOR ALBANY AND and the intermediate Landings.

Imraa and aleiraBt low vraaaare steaiosr St.W WORLD, Captain Stephen R. Roe, will leare the new pier foot of Chambers street, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock A. M-, making the uui lanoinam Returning win leare Albany on Mondays, Wedneadayx anarnaays. Brwaktast and Dinner onboard. MnRVlvO LINK AT O'CLOCK.

I FOR ALBANY, TROY, aad the inter- nlv lamlina at CaldweU'B, Weet Point, Newburgh, Hampton. Milton, ro keepsie, Hyde Park, Kinipton, Red Hook. Bristol, CetskilL Hud- ana. Coiui-kia Kinderbook lsa-inz New York Monday, Wednesday; Friday; 1 Faring Albany sueauay, iif aay, aataroay. mrnh.fl ii boqr on dwtu uvm.

The new and elerant steamer ALLDA. Captain F. W. STONE, will leare the steamboat pier at the foot of Robinson street, WUAUAIS, hukuujii, mm t'H I A VS. at o'clock A.M.

For passage or freight apply on board, or at th offloe on the whan. N. B. All penon an forbid trusting any on on ac count of the abore boat or ner owner. juh.v i.

Agent, I4 Foot of North Moore street, np-stair. EVs-NlNGLLNE FOR ALBANY AND TROV DIRECT The steamboat EMP1RC Capt. W. fTnnper. will leare foot of Courtlandt st TVirris'1 Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays at 6o clock p.

M. Tha (teamboat TROY, Captaia Wm. H. rratee, will leare at the same place, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ato o'cioox. For passage, as, apply on board, or to i I1KLAI' Ns at the ofBce on the wharf FOR NEWBURGH AND FISH KILL Handing at VAN CORTL AN DT'S, Peeks- COZZENS'S WHARF.

WEST POINT. COLD SPRING, and CORNWALL. The Steamboat ROGER WILLIAMS, Captain G. W. Woolsey, wiU leave th Newburgh pier, foot of Warren street, every afternoon at four o'clock, (Sundays excepted.

Returning, will leave Newburgh every morning at seven o'clock, landing as above. N. B. AU freight, baggage, bank bttlt. or specie, put on board of this boat, unless entered upon the books cr receipted for, must be at the risk' of th owner or owners toereor.

B. CARPENTER LINE FOR I NEWBURGH The new barge SUPE- vpin iumh win leave tha foot of Warren street every TUESDAY and FRIDAY afternoon, at 8 o'clock, and returning, will leave Newburru every wtUNUUJl and SATURDAY afternoon, at 74 o'clock. The above barge I fitted up with state-rooms, large and commodious cabins, and passenger wul find it a very pleasant way of making the paaseg. Freight taken at the lowest rates. AU baggage, packages, parcels of goods, or monsy, must be at the risk ol tbe owners thereof, unless entered upon th books of th boat, or receipted for.

mhlo FOR KINGSTON. RO.NDOUT W1L- IBUR AND DELAWARE AND HUD- CANAL The steamboat EMER ALD. Captain James Cary. will leave New York, from the foot of Murray street, every MONDAY and THURSDAY Ar i EKNOON at 6 o'clock. Returning will leave Wilbur every Wednesday and Sat- uraay arternoon at 4 o'eioex.

Freight taken at reasonable rates. For further Information, apply en board, or to WIL LIAMHUN a VAIL. 164 West st Bp'AS OR BOSTON. VIA NEWPORT FALL RIVER a NEW BEDFORD By the snlendld and superior steamer PiHa. STATE, and BAY STATE, of great strength and peed, particularly adapted to the navigation of Long island Sound running in connection with the Fall River and Old Colony Railroad, a distance of 63 miles, to Boston only.

Leave pier No, 8 North near the Battery, daily. Tba steamer EMPIRE STATE. Captain Comttock, on Tuesdays. 1 hursdays. and Saturdays, at P- M.

The steamer BAY STATE, Captain Brown, on Monday, Wednesday, ana fndays, at a r. M. This is tue onlv Line running direct for Newport These steamers are fitted with commodious state rooms, and every arrangement for ths security and comfort of passengers, who are afforded by tods route a nignt's rest on board, and on arrival at Eall River proceed per railroad, reaching Boston early the following morning; or can remain on board, getting their breakfast If wished for, un til the starting of the accommodation train at 6J A. which reaches Boston at about 84 A. M.

A baggage master is attached to each steamer, who receives and tioketa th baggage, and acoom panics th Bam to its destination Ths rates for passage and th price of stat rooms, the same as by othtr uoe. A steamer runs in connexion with this line to and from Providence, daily, except Sundays. Freight to Boston is taken at the same rate as by the otber regular uses, ana lorwaraea witn greater expedi tion by an Express freight train which leaves Fail River every morning. (Sunday excepted) at 8 o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at it destination at or about 11 A. M.

For freight er passage, apply on board, and either to TISDALE BORDEN, 70 West street, or at the office of he Line, at the eorner ot Washington street and Battery lace. jy2 REGULAR MAIL LINE BETWEtr, IBOSTON AND NEW YORK, via STO- and PROVIDENCE. Inland route, without ferry, change of cars or baggage. The new steamer C. ANDERB1LT, Captain Joel Stone, and the COMMODORE, Capt.

Wm. H. Frazee, in connexion with the Stonington and Providence and Boston and Providence Railroads, leaving New York daily. Sundays excepted, from pier No. 2.

orth River, at 5 o'clock, P. M. and Stonington at 8 o'clock, P. or upon th arrival of the mail train from Boston These steamers were buUt expressly for the route, and arein every respect particularly adapted to the navtgatwn of Long Island Sound. 1 he accommodations for passen gers are commodious and oomtortable, the officer eapa'ol and experienced.

The route being th shortest and most direct between Boston and New York, passengers are enabled to arrive in ample time for the morning lines of steamboats and railroads running to various points from those cities. Tbe c. vamjekbilt will leave New York Tue day, Thursday and Saturday. Leaves Stonington. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The COMMODORE, will leave New York Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Leave Stonington, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. rassen gers on the arrival of be steamers at Ston ington proceed immediately in the splendid Rail Road oars to rroyldenceand boston. A baggage master accompanies the ateamboat train te and from Boston, to take charge of tke baggage For passage, berths, state rooms, or freight, application may be made to tne agent on toe wnari, ana at tne of fice. No.

10 Battery riac so REGULAR MAIL LINE IFOR BOSTON, VIA NOR AND without change of ears or baggage.or withoat crossing any ferry. Passengers taking their seats at Norwich are Insured their seats through to Boston this being the only Inland route that communicates through by steamboat and railroad. Passengers by this line are accompanied through by the Conductor of the train, who will have particular charge of tcetr baggage; and wno will otherwise giv nis attention to tneir ease ana oomion. This Line leaves Pier 18, foot of Courtlandt street, dally, (Sundays excepted) at 6 o' clock, P. and arrive In Boston in tune to take tbe Eastern trains Th steamer WORCESTER, Captain E.

D. Roath win leave every Monday. Wednesday and Friday, from pier 18, foot of Courtlandt street at 6 o'clock. P. Ths steamer KNICKERBOCKER.Captain WUliam will leave every Tuesday, Thursday and Sstnrriav.

at 6 aloek, P.M3 The above boats were built expressly for the Sound, Having great strength, and being provided with life boat and fire engine. As there is no change of ears or ferry on this route, all kind of freight will be forwarded with the greatest di natch and care, and at the lowest rates. An Extra Train will run for the purpose ef ensuring th greatest possible despatch to New York and Boston freight. By this arrangement freight forwarded from New Yerk win reach Boston at about 11 15 A M. the fol lowing day, and freight from Boston to New York, if de livared at th Depot in Boston before 12 o'clock, arrive in New York early th next morning.

For further Information inquire at the office south aid nler No. 18. North River, foot of Cortlandt street. Inquire at th office on the Pier, or on board the boat at tha wharf. AU persona are forbid trusting any on onaeeonntof theabove eoel or owners.

myv ACCOMMODATION L.INK Foil (PHILADELPHIA via CAPE MAY, AT FA steamer RHODE ISLAND, Capt. Newberry, having recently been fitted up in complete order, wiu leave every neaoay ana srlaay at 6 o'clock P.M., from pier No. 2 North River. Cabin passenger si, deck ml cent, re gnt taken at reduced rates. aaSO tf Kali Arrangement.

FOR FLUSHING AND ASTOK.IA I From Fulton Market Slip On and after Sept li th, 1649. The steam boat WASHINGTON IRVING, Capt. S. Leonard. wiU leav Flushing every morning (Sundays excepted) at half pest 7 and Astoria at 8 o'clock.

Returning, will leave New York at half past 9 o'clock. Afternoon Trip WUl leav Flushing, at 2 o'clock, and Astoria, at half part 2. Returning, leave N. York at half past 4. STAGE ARRANGEMENT.

To aho raow Roslvh, Mabhasset aso Ntrw-Yoax Passenger will leave New-York by steamboat Washington Irving, from Fulton Market Slip, at half past 9 o'clock A. M. and half past 4 o'clock. M. Returning, will leave Roslyn at half pastS o'clock, A.

M. (no afternoon trip) Manhasset at 6 A. M. and half past 12 P. M.

aad Little Neck at half past 6 A. and 1 P. M. Passengers taking the steamboat at New York, will procure their tickets of the captain on board the boat. Fare through from Roslyn 624 cents, Manhasset and Little Neck 50 cents.

Bayside 874 cents. THOMAS CORN WELL. Stars Prom-ietoT. Flushing. September 5, 1849.

si 8 Fmll ArrangtmsBU FOROLKNCOYE. OYSTF.RBATand iCOLD SPRING, Direct. Commencing i OU Wednesdav Mornino.Sent.-IOth. 1849. The steamboat CROTON.

Cantada feek. Jon will leave New York from Fulton slip, every afternoon, (Sun- uavs ascrrwu, nauraaet i ClOC X. r. M. Returning, will leave Cold Spring every morning at half-past Oyster Bay quarter before 8, and Ulea Cove 9, A.

wiituiuaw iiihbhibs eaca vtr. Huntington, Northport and Centre port stages will be in readiness, immediately oa the arrival of the boat at Cold Spring, to convey passenger to Hantinrtoa averv evening, and to Northportand Centre port every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings aa Aeeotntnodatkra Stage will also be ia attendance for Cold Spring and vieinitv. Fare to Glen Core, 2S Oyster Bay and Cold 8nrrng 80 through to Huntington 62 through to Northport aad Centreport, is cents. FOR BLEU COVB.


Hoff- mir. -ill New York, from the east side of SWa- boat pier. Catharine Marxet, on Aaeeoaya. Anorsuays, aad Saturdays, at 8 o'eiock. a.

tt. Returning, wul leave Stony Brook at 8. and North Fort at a quarter before 10, oa Mondays, Wednesdays, ana rnatjs. Fare to Olea Cove 38 cents: North fort, 35 cents Stony Brook, 75 cents. Freight takea at packet rate.

(19 MENT FOR 1849. The steaua-boat New York pamphlet wiU be eeeaaaoaally attaed. I PASSAIC, Captaia J. Cafly, oa aad after aneeifla and sraoticai detail towebm th. I Moodav.

October 1st- wfll ran mm follows let Of inquiry, sue as popuiauaa. tbe cbaraeter ef the VARE ltl-UCENTS t- i urnriDV rilt A 11 It A 2 f3 Leav Centre street Wharf. Newark, at 8 o'eiock A. 11 Leave foot ef Barclay street. New York, 8 o'clock P.

M. The Paasaie baa beea refitted, cabin aularged, and ele- pniij rurmsnee wita evvry eoBveBMraoe. ereicht takea tt reaanriabl ret. eX7 A TltiHT PARLOR STOVICSa FOR WOOD 4 OR COAL, a variety of new patterns. In sal cheap, -1 JAllUf.

1ISSI1S.UIMII1SIS1. iLifiHTFVL Sunday, monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 14th, 16th, lftth, 17th, 18th, 1Mb, SOth, 21st, Sid, 23d. 24th.

dimmm Biaaaa.1 feat WatMnB toa, Han fa Docat, Brarwaa Parar. tU-: euaxerarBt,) ua ztcax i ne aew ana wau jam CJr CONFIDENCE, Captain A. Haggar -T -ui Un watt aide of Peek alia pier, East Rirar, a follow Lean New York. Laaaa Shieaiauiy. i Saiarday.S'pt lat, P-M.

FH. 3d. 4th, ata, eta, 7th, Bta, Sta, iota, llth Wedaeaday, 13th, Thursday, 25th, 10 A-M- a lot 11 26th, 11 27th, 12 M. 28th 1 r.M 29th 24 ai Monday, Tuesday, i-Wadatday, Tharaday, LFriday, Bataruay, Sunday, Monday, Tueeday 'Wedaeaday, 13th, 12jrM, Tharaday, 4 Bd, 4 4ttvrA.M. 6th, 10 -eta, 101 1th, 111 8th, i PM.

ta. 1, lutn, i 4 Friday, 14fh. 4 Saturday, lata, a Sunday, 16th, 4 Mow day, 17m, 4 Tuesday, 18th, 4f Wednesday, 1Mb, 84AM Thursday, 20th, lof Friday. Jlst, 11 Saturday, 2d. 12 Sunday, gaa, 1 r.

M. Monday, i4th, 1, Tuesday, 25th, a Wednesday, 2dth. Thursday, 27 th, Hi Knday, ZBth, 4 Monday. Oct 1st. P.M.

Line Stage for Squan YOlace. Freehold. Colt's Neck. will be In readiness, on tha arrival of the boat likewise stages to convey passengersto all parts of the country. rosi Lively no rrignctaxea oa auaday except peaches.

N. B. All persons are forbid trujtinsr any oao on aa- eount of the abore boat or owner. JOHN F. RODMAN.

Amnt. auSl Office 224 West street, eor. North Moore. For DERBY, landing at MILFORD land STRATFORD, Cona. The elegant ANSON1A.

Cant Geo. Dranina. will leare iaw 1 ork for tha abore places. from west side of I MX sup, every I uatdsy. 1 bursdav and Saturdav.

Re turning will leare Derby every Monday, Wednesday and rnuay. i.AV& LH.UBY, LEAVE NEW YORK. FBOM STEAMBOAT WHABP FBOM WEST S1DX FICB SLIT. Aug. 1.

o'ctock Aug. I. 7 o'clock i.8 4 1 8 8 .8 10. 9 11 10 IS 74 14 6 15. .8 1 a 17 8 18 9 30 10 21 1 22 84 28.

8 24 24 10 2.... 2 11 80 8 80 7 Stage ran in connection with the boat to and from Waterbury, Nangetnok, aad Humphreysviile also, to Milford Centra. For passage or freight apply on board the boat, or to aula a r. bhiimtn. aoanntnstnwt.

(HUDSON RIVER RAIL ROAD. Passenger trains will eommeuee to run between New York anl Royer Hook, one mUe above PeekskUL on SA- autb instant, stopping at tba following places, and at th rates oi rare respectively stated Cents. Cents. Manhattanville 12J Tarrytown 35 lookers 25 Sing Sing 45 Hastings 30 oils berg 60 Dobbs' Ferry SO FeekikiU and Royer Hook 65 Omnibus stage will be provided at the inaction of L-nambers ana nuason street, to convey passengers, who provide themselves with Railroad tickets, to the en Kin sta tion at 31st street, until the rails can be laid to that point. Down passengers requiring It, will alto be conveyed free of expense, from the station to Chambers street, or interm-diateplaeeson Kipp Brown's and tha Knickerbocker lines, whose stages will, at any time, take passengers to tne station at sist street.

Until urtbor notice, the trains will start as follows. every aay. sunoaysexcepiea Leave corner oi numbers ana Hudson street, in Om nibuses, ai bam, in, una 4 at. Leave Engine Station at Thirty-first street, At 8, a 12, and 4, rat. Leave Royer Hook and Peeks kill, At 7 am.

11am. and 8 rat. Tickets may be procured at tbe offices of the Company. act inamoers street, ana at tae station at mst street. Passengers are particularly requested to provide them selves with tickets before taking their seats ia the ears.

Baggage, for th present, csn be received and delivered only at tne station at sist street. oniei Engineer. New York, Sept. 28th, 1840. --Stockholders who may desire to view th road during the ensuing week, wiU be furnished with a ticket for Peekskill without charge, oa celling at the office of the company, no 04 wall street.

sazadtf On and after th 20th of Au gust, the trains wiU run a follows. Sundays exeeepted ROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS From! New York to Owego, will leav th Company's pier, foot of Dnane street, at 7y A. M. and 5 P. stopping at all th way stations.

From Owego, the through trains will leavsifor New York at 6 A. M. and 7 P. stopping at all tha way atations. A SPECIAL WAY TRAINS For Port Jervis.

and in tennediate stations, except Sufferns. wiU leave New York every Saturday at 3j P. and will leave Port Jervis for New York every Monday morning at 5 o'clock. A M1LR TRAIN With Passenger Car attached WO! leave Port Jervis for New York at ten minutes past 5 M. and returning will leave New York for Port Jervis at 8j P.

M. Another milk train with a passenger car, wiU leave Piermont for Otisville at 9J A. and returning leave Otisville at 5 P. M-, connecting with the freight boats to New York. The milk trains do not connect with the R.

FREIGHT Leaves New York every night for all the regular stations on the road A freight Ira wUl leave Owego every morning at 6 o'clock. A Freight TrainwiU leave Port Jervis. lor New fork every morning ato o'clock and another at 8 A with market freight. A special train for cattle and other lire stock, will leave Owego on Fridays at 4 P. and from Port Jervis tor NewNork on Saturdays at 8 A.

M. rare from New ort to uwego 7o. i ns intermediate Stations in proportion. COMMUTATION tickets at lower rates for the Stations Between New York and Port Jervis, can be pur- Based at tbe New York and nermont omces. The steamboat Erie, leaven New York every day at 8 o'clock for Piermont.

and returns on the arrival of the train from Owego. arriving at New York about 7 P. M. anSl JAMES r. KIKKWUUU, Superintendent.

NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 21st, the following Train wiU leav tbe office oltn pasnsj Company, from 29 Canal tT-f-'J street. iiZiiklt Passengers will also be received at the offle of tha New York and Harlem Railroad, at 27 th street. Acsommodation Train at 71 o'clock, A. M.

for New Roehelle, Mamaroneck, Rye. Tort Chester. Greenwich, Stamford. Darien, Norwalk, Weetport, Southport, Fairfield. Bridgeport, Stratford, Milford, and New Haven.

Passengers from the Way Stations for Albany and tne station on the Housatonie Railroad, will take this train and stop at Bridgeport, and for the Canal Railroad and Hartford and New-Haven HaUroads. wiu leave this train at th Station House in New-Haven. Exnress Train at 8 o'clock, A. M. for Stamford, Bridgeport, Albany, and Housatonie Railroad.

New Haven and stattonson tne canal Kauroaa, nanrora, spriBgneia, Worcester, Boston, and intermediate places. Express Train at o'clock r. M. for Stamford. Nor walk.

Bridgeport, Housatonie and Naugatuck New-Haven Canal Railroad. Hartford and bprtngfield, and Connecticut River Railroads. Accommodation Train at 4.30 P. M. for New Ha ven, and all the intermediate stations, as named above for the 74 train.

commutation Train at 8 o'clock r. as. for Norwalk and the intermediate station Trains to New York Commutation train at 8 A. M. from Norwalk.

(toping at all the intermediate station. Accommodation Train at 6 A. M. from New-Haven, (topping at all the intermediate stations. Accommodation Train at 9,36 A.

M. from New-Haven, topping at all tbe intermediate stations. In connection with trains from tbe Springfield and ruew-naven ana canal Railroads, the Housatonie and augatuck Railroads. Express Train at 12,50 P. or oa th arrival of th Express Train from Boston, from New-Haven, stopping at Bridgeport, Norwalk.

Stamford and New-RochaUe. Accommodation Train at 4 o'clock P. M. from New- Haven. stODoing at all the intermediate stations.

Passengers are requested to procure Ticket before ta king places in the can. May 19th, 1849. R. B. MASON, my22 Superintendent.

HOTJ8ATOSIC RAILROAD. 1 he can on tnit roaa run in connection wtta tn iew Tork and New Haven Railroad. Passengers for Albany, Troy, and way stations on ths Hounatoaio Railroad, will take the 8 A. M. extras traia on the New YorkaadsNew Haven Railroad, Offloe No.

29 Canal Street. Stages run la connection with tbe ear to Lebanon Springs. Lea, Lennox, Old Stoekbridge. Curtisville, Win- sted and Norfolk. Also te Litchfield, Sharon, Woodbury, Danbury and Bthl.

fJTr Freight intended for th Housatonie and Nauga tuck Railroads, ia received during the day at the Depot foot of Market street, on board th steamer NIMROD This is the only steamer tunning in connection with these Roads. Shippers, Contractors and Coustgaesa generally, are notified that Freight forwarded by any other steamboat irom another docs will be taken from Bridgeport at local rate, and may be suhj-eted to an extra charge, on ae- eonnt of not being waybill ed through from New York to place or aesunauoa. IMew-torx, Junevxitn, im. U. M.

rtKKf. Agent. Office on the pier. C. A.

Kibtlardt, Superintendent House tonic Railroad. Philo rleio Superintendent Naugatuck Railroad 129 Ssrmssx viuiunn jaxsAr lairaAMra RAILROAD LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Al irtLt raOON. PasBengers taking this lin will leave by tbe steamboat JOHN POTTER daily, except Sundays, at 13 o'clock, noon, from pier No. 1, North River, for South Amboy 3u miles, proeeed by ears to Camden, 62 mile, cross the Del aware river by steamboat, aad reach Walnut street wharf rhuadelpbia, at a clock, v.

m. By first claas ear. .88 00 By second class ear For children under 13 year of age. half pries. To Freehold and Monmouth, by stage from West's Turn Oat 87J Or by stages from Hightstown 1 80 To Perth 12, To South AwiKow.

JjS Meals provided on board 60 I EMIGRANT AND TRANSPORTATION LINE. Passenger leave by (teamboat TRANSPORT. Capt. I. Gould, daily (except Sundays) at 8 o'clock r.

for South Amboy proeeed by ears to Bordentown, then take (teamboat Burlington, and arrive at Philadelphia aext morning at 7 o'clock. Fare .9 Children ander 12 year of age, half pries. Flftv nounds of baggage allowed to each riasseturer. to be carried at tbe entire risk of its owner, but nothing will be received or considered as baggag except wearing apparel. Extra baggage ean beforwarded by th freight Line at 3 o'clock, and willb promptly delivered at Fhu- adeipma Julv.

loaf. TORK. EMZABETHTOW3, tOMIMtR. 11.1.H.. AAa.vrr.


ofth. Railroad from SomeTvuleto White Hons (10 mile), is open for travel, reducing the staging netweea lmMom aad tne tarmiaaB ox tow trow, mt swwuaaw tiMnnr Train Ua. Taasenger will leav New York by steamboat, from Pier N. SL, er by the New Jersey Railroad, which Leave New York, foot Courtlandt st 9 A. M.

8 T. M. risrsai TVainswDeerw Leav Whit House, 30 A. M. 1 40 P.

North Branca, 3 40 1 Soraervill. 116 0a BouBdbreok, 08 3 14 PtainfieltL 6 SS 40 Wsatfleld, 46 3 00 F-Hsabethtown. 14 a 30 The Freight Train (with a parwengwr carattaebedl wfll leave White House at 8 46 M. bVnervlUa at 830, Plaia-8eld at 6 la, aaal iaiubethnort. hv steamboat, at SO.

Ret tuning will mav. New Yerk, by aUaaboat, from Pier Ne 1, North River at 1 P. M. raiwenrersfoe Eastoa, WUkesbarra, Allen town, MiBeb Chunk. Fa, and for Ftemiagtoa.

Clinton. Jacksoaviiia, N. will tak th 9 A. M. traia from New' York.

I SCHOOLEYU MOUNTAIN. Splendid stage wul leave for the Metrataia en tbe arrival of the 9 o'clock traia from New York at White House, This route ba IrM iifiD( uaa guy giQr, teja a bbj sff ff tffPH RAILROAD. DAILY SUMMsVH ARRANGEMENT. Oa and after April 80tli. 1849.

the cera will run a fbl ww, waui iwrtasr aoa. Bneaay eiewvuw- Train will aaaa the Ctty Hail, feew York, tbr Harlem aad MoxTxcsne A OO, 8 SO, 9 80, 14 96, A 12 3,8,40.. 90,4. M. Trains will Wave tha City HaR, New Yerk, for Fonfham and Williams Bridge, at 7, 9 80 AM, 13 M.

aad I 90, 4 80.880.8 If PM? Train will laavetheCtt Hall, New York, Hants Bridge, Underbill's, aad Hart Conor, at 8 80 A 4 89 and 80 M. Trains will Wave tha City Halt, New York, for Taeka-hoe and White Plain, at 7 aad 9 10 A 80,4 SO aad 889PM. Trains win leave th City Han, New nor lor uavis' Brook. Cbapaqua, Bedford, aad Pardy'B, 9 SO A aad 4 80 M. Train will leav th CKyHatt.

New York, for neaaaat-vflle, Neweastl aad Croton Falls, at 7 and 9 80 AM, SO. 4 30 PM. Train win leav the City Han, New 1 ork. for Brews ter's, Towner's, Patterson, Paulding', South Dover, Do er unlace, and Dover rutins, at a ana a uui Paasanrer are reminded af the great danger of stand ing npoa the platforms of ths can, and are hereby no ti nea tnat tbe practice is contrary to toe ruiea oi ine uns-pany, and that they do not admit any responsibility for injury sustained by any passenger npoa th platform in ease of accident. For Sunday arrangements see hand bin.

Returning to New York; will leave Harlem and Morrisania. at 8 20. T. 8. 8 89, 9 80, 45, 11 89AM, 1 86, 3.

8 40,4,8 PM. roidnam and wuiuuns' crlage, at 0, 7 40, zu, i It, 3 28,8 40 M. Hunt's Bridge, at 80, 9 10 A It M. Underbill's Road, at 7 23. 9 A 808PM.

Tnctahce. at 7 30, 8 66, 19 08 A M. 8 66 46 24 PM. Herfe Corner, at 7 07,8 49AM, 2 82 PM. Whit Plains, at 7.

8 St, 9 47 A M. 2 45, 8 M. Davis' Brook, at 8 25 A 1 37 M. Pleaaantville, at 8 06, 9 27 A 2 23, 4 35 M. new castle, at I 41, 9 13 A bj, 04, a 80 M.

Bedford, at 7 81 A 1 68 PM. Meehaniosvule. at 21, 8 67 A 1 48, 4 15 M. Pnrdy's. at 7 06 A 1 84 M.

45AM.1 Brewster's, at 8 81 A 8 4 M. Towner's, at 8 19 A 8 34 M. Patterson's, at 8 11 A 3 26 M. Paulding', at 8 02 A M. 8 17 M.

South Dover, at 7 47 A 8 02 M. Dover Furnace, at 7 40 A 2 it M. Dover Plains, at 7 30 A 2 48 M. Th trains for Harlem aad Morridani. leaving City Hell at 6.

7 30, 8 SO, 10 30, 12. 2, 8, 8 and 6 15. and from Morrisania aad Harlem at 8 20, T. 8 80 and 9 30. 11 80.

I 85,8,4 and 6, wlU land aad receive passengers at 27th, 79th, 86th, 109th, 116th, 135th and 18id The 7 AM and 80 Trains from New York to Cro ton Falls and the 7 80 A and 2 45 Train from I lover Plains, wiU not stop between Croton Falls and fw or except at Meohanicsvllle, New Castle, Pleasantv I le, White Plaiaa. Tnekahoe. Williams' Bridge and Forda iia. Freight Trains leave New York at 1 M. Return! tg.

leav Dover Plains at 3 daily. a car wm precede eacn train ten minute to taki ap passengers in ths eity. The last ear wiU not stop, ess pt at Broome street and 27 th street. BIT) al.OAT. SatMrtntoadaa LA1NO ISLA VO RAU.JXUAAS COMPANY.

SPRING ARRANGEMENTS To oommenee April Del, 1819. tion in ruewara FROM BROOKL YN. From Brooklyn at 8 a. m. through frtlght On and after July 17th, the trains will leave as follows Leave buffers' Depot.

8 08 o'clock, A. 4 83 t. M. a Leave Suffern's Depot. Leave Peterson Depot, eJs fOr on arrival of the El at OA.

al. audi r. mi huraD AY TRAINS, 8 08 o'clock, A. M. I 4 P.M.

PATERS0N Leave Peterson. 6.40 o'el'k, Market st fat depot 111 Jo 4 r. M. 8 25 a Market It vj Pat. Depot 8 40 o'clock, AM.

Market st a rat. uepot 8 P. M. do E23 vs a.m., passenger. 12 Jamaica, passenger.

4 r.M. Yaphank, paasenger. 61, Jamaica, passenger. (This train will stop to land aad receive passengers at any place between Brooklyn and Jamaica) TO BROOKLYN. From Greenport, at 8 a.m.

through freight. 9 a.m. through passenger. From Yaphank, at 64 a.m. accommodation passenger.

i is A-M. tnrougn passenger. 11 85 a.m. through freiuht. From Farmlngdale, at 7 a.m.

Yaphank accommodation pits tinger. 12 40 r.M. through paasenger. 2 24 r.M. through freight.

From Jamaica at 7 a.m. Jamaica passenger. (Thia train wul atop to land and receive paasenger at any place between Brooklyn and Jamaica.) 8 a.m. Yaphank accommodation. 1 46 r.M.

Greenport accommodation. 4 10 r.M. Greenport freight. 6 15 r.M. RATES OF COMMUTATION.

Three Six Twelve month, month, month From Brooklyn and all Interme diate ptaoes to Jamaica, each 818 830 $50 to Farmlngdale 20 88 60 to 26 40 88 toRiverhead 80 45 70 to Greenport 85 60 76 No freight taken by passenger train. mhlS DAVID S. IVES, Superintendent. NEW JERSEY RAILROAD, April S4, 1840. NEW YORK AND PHILADEL PHIA DIRECT.

ACCOMMODATION LINE. Leave New Yoke At 6 a. m. foot ot Courtlandt street, via Jersey City, and Cam den. Fare for 1st class 38, for 2d class ears, 92 60: ar riving at 11 a.

m. jUAlli LdlVES. Leave New Yobb At 9 a. m. and 4i r.

M. foot of Liberty street, via Jersey City, Trenton, Bristol, taking steamboat at Taeoney in hour. Fare for first Class Cars, 93 Second Class Cars, 92,50. Returning, the Lines leave Philadelphia from the foot oi Walnut St. at 6 a.

9 a. m. and 4, o'clock, r. m. On Sundays, ths Line leave New York at 9 a.

m. and 4J r. m. Philadelphia, a. m.

and 44 r. M. Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each pasaea-ger in this line, and passengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of the owner. Philadelphia Baggage Crate are conveyed from city to city, without being opened by th way. Each Train provided with a Car, in which are apartment and dressing rooms expressly for the Ladies' use.

NEWARK AND NEW YORK. Lr ate New Yose At 6. 8. 9f 10. and 11 St.

a. and If of, 74 r. and 11, Wednesday night. All trains marked thus stop at Chestnut street sta Leave Nkwabe. Leave Market Street Depot at 840, 71,8, 84,9.101 a.

12 12'. 2, 4, ana 11 o'clock Wednesday nights. Leave hcssiut ortritT devot At 7 20m 7 10 20m a. 8 50m 6 20m 6 50m. r.

m. Ok SimDAVS Leave New ork at 9 a m. and 4j r. Nawa-k at 111 and 8 10m r. for New York.

Philadelphia Trains stop at Market street Depot only. NEW YORK AND ELIZABETHTOWN. Leave New Yoax At 6 and 9 o'clock a. and 1,2,5 ana eo eiocx r. w.

Leave Elixabethtoww At 6 7, 81,101 a. 12 8 and 7 r. m. On Si'isnavs Leave New York at 9 a. and 44 r.

EUaabethtowa at 11 a. and 7 for New York. NEW YORK AND RAH WAY. Leave New Y'obk At 6 and 9o'elock a. and 1, 2.

5, and 6 o'clock r.M. Leave Rahwav 10 A. 12J, 3 7 40m On ScnoAvs- Leave New York at 9 a. M. and 4) r.

York" Rahway at 10 a. aad 7 40m. r. for New nr.w runs, Arsu ie.w Btiur3wii.n.. Leavb New oax At 6 and 9 o'clock a.

1 and 6 o'clock r. m. Leavb New Baoaswici At 8, TJ, 7J a. 71 r. Osi SonDATi Leave New York at 9 a.

m. and 41 r. m. New Brunswick at 10 a. m.

and 71 r. m. for New York. DO- Those marked thus leav upon the arrival of tha trains. Cg-CoMMCTixj will show their ticket the lame as other passengers.

FAE, Excxrr the Philadelthia Tbaibs To or from New York and Newark, 26 cents EUtabethtown and Rahway, 81J cts New Brunswick. 50 cts. Passengers who procure their ticket at tha ticket of fice, receive a ferry ticket gratis, the Wednesday night extra Une excepted. Tickets are received by the Con- only oa the day wbea apt RABIAPO AND PATERSON AND PATERSUN AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROADS. Leave New York.

8 30 o'clock, A. M. 1 P. M. 8 a train which leav Owego Leave New York.

9 o'clock, A. M. 8 P.M. TRAINS. Leave New York.

84 o'clock, A. M. 9 (i 124 P. M. 8 6 SUNDAY TRAINS.

Leave New York. 9 o'clock, A. M. 8 P. M.

N. B. On Monday mornings the first train from Bur- ferns will leav at 8 23, instead of 8 98, or on the arrival of tha fort Jervis train. The trains on th Ramapo road wul atop at the Market street depot at Peterson. The trains which leave New York at 8, o'clock, A.

M. aad 8 P. will be in time to meet tbe Erie trains morning and evening, going west, at sunern iiopot. jrt SOUTH AND vYRBT. FARE REDUCED.


H. and 9 A. 13 M. and 44 P- M. Leave PhiladelDhla fSundav excepted) by railroad, from the corner of Eleventh and Market streets, at 84 A.

and daily at 10 P.M., tot Baltimore, Pittsburg, Wheeling, he. Tha only line from Philadelphia oa Sunday i at 19 r. m. Leave rhiladelphia daily. (Sunday excepted) at 24 r.

by (teamboat from Dock itreet wharf for Baltimore, Pittsburg, Wheeling, fcc. Leav. Baltimore at A dally for Cumberland and th wast, by th BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAlt-ttUAU, Leave Cumberland, at 6 by TWttTV DAILV LINES ofth Natioaal Rned and Good Intent Stage Companlea, and arrive in or Wheeling next evening. Pasaengersfor Pittsburg take the tpl'-naiu new ana moa-ern built steamboat Baltic and Atlantic, at Brownsv lie, and thereby hav only 74 miles of staging on th whole route. First elaas aaamheaia leav Pittsburg aad Wh cellar regularly, and passenger are forwarded without delay to Cincinnati and all other port in tne sousn aaa nhi.

at th Railroad ofliee. earner of erket and Eleventh streeU.or at 46 South Third street. Or on board Steam boat at the foot of Dock street whart pare tnrougn trom Philadelphia to Pittsburg. 12, to Wheeling. 313; with the privilege of (topping at Baltimore ana resuming seats at pleasure.

or rurxuer lnrormauoa, appiy J. L. SLEMMER. Agent, At Adams Erpres ofle. No.

18 Wall street, at 11 A or Aixvarieaa Hotel, earef Broadway aad Bar- clay at. pe THK SEW VORK ASOHAVllKIlTIKI Whit Laad Co. are now receiving from their factory aa aa-ortment ef White Lead, comprising th several grade of aMorted-sited packages, vi: Dry White Lead, pure, extra, aao no. pMkagefrom7. 7.

800 to 800 lb each Grouad in oil Pure tn easts 800 Ihs each Purem sooiMeaeB Pur ia casks. 800 lb each Pure ia casks SOOlbeeach Pur. in kegs 109, feO aad 24 lbs eweb Extra ia cask to 800 lb neb i. Extra la kegs 26 to 100 Ihs each No. 1 la 200 to 600 lb each No.

Iia keg to 109 lbs each Tbe sealitv of this Lead Is warranted equal to any made, aad to giv entlr satirrfaetion, er it may be re. turned aad th money refunded, with any exp taste Incurred. alAM8 McCULLOUGH, President, 12 IM Frowt laae CBOlt'S VhL'lTi The finest nMtarine. peaches, piasg, pear aad grapes, in th eity. will be foand at XnOMraON a Saloon xoaaroauvray, opposite the Park Fountain.

Fancy basket lured with fruit, taatteiuliy ktTSDged, eat. I -to MWIIWWIIIw. rf THI Iimira AND NORTH AMERICA" ROYAL ueww juiu. ai a ii. a rt.

j- wrvWTe.w NEW-YORK AND LI- T-eJ TTRpnoL. and betweea BOSTON AND LrvTRPOOL, calling at Halifax talced tended to aaa as follow. AM ERICA, Capt. Harriscnt from New York, Wedaatday, August 22L blBERNLA, Cast. Ston.

from Bottom, Wednesday, August 29th. CANADA. Capt. Jadkins, from Nrw-York, Wednesday, September 6th. CALEDO I Capt Leitch.

from Boston, Wednesday, September 12th. NIAGARA. Capt. Ryrl from New York, Wedneeday, September 19th. EUROPA.

Capt. Loft from Boston, Wedneeday, September 26th. October 3d AMERICA, Capt. Harrison from Boston, Wednesday, HiBERl.A,CapLStoBa)frooNw-rrk, Wsdaasday, October 17th. CANADA, Capt.

Judkina, from Bostoa, Wednesday, October 24th-. Aa oxasrisaotd aargeaa ea bearC bertn secured aatd paid for. Freight will be charged oa specie, beyond aa axeoant lor personal expense. All Letters aad Newspapers mast pea thrragh th Post Offloe. Paaaag from Nets-York or Bostoa ta Llvwrpaol.

first cabin. 1 JO: 2d do, $70. For freight or passage apply te au20 E. CUNART" 38 Broadway. FOR HAVANA.

NEW ORLEANS 'AND CUAGRE3. The new and spa-etoos steamship OHIO, Lieut. Jaesae A. Scheack. U.

8. N.eeauaaader. wul be die- patched from this port on Tuesday, the 16th. of Oeto bar, at 1 o'clock, P.M. from the star foot of Warrea st North River, touching eft the bar at Charleston aad Savanaah, te lead aad receive male and paassngsrs.

The Ohio will carry tha Government Mai a for th Pa-eifi. ae. to go by tha November steamer from Panama. Passengers for Cb agree wiU be transferred at Havana to tba staunch and weU known steamship Faleoa, Lieut. Harttten, U.

8. commander, and proceed in her. direct to Chagras, arriving ia time for California steamer ef November int. The Ohio ha superior Double Engine of lJOOhcne sower, constructed in th beat manner, which giv a great assnrano of safety to the passenger ever any re steamer running with a single engine. In six, strength, and accommodations tbe unequaled by any steamer afloat.

An experienced Surgeon is attached to th Ohio. RaUt of Passage te Hi State-room berth, ladies' saloon- .370 State-room berth, dining saloon ..70 Standee berth. In 3d cabin. ..65 Steerage, found bed and board. 25 No berth is secured until paid for.

per cnbic foot. River, or to th efflo of jyew urieams. 876 cash. 75 60 26 Freight 25 cents HEOCCaO ItATES er rASSAOB TO uHAOBES. State-room berth.

In ladies ot dining saloon. eaah. Standee berth, in 2d cabin 80 Steerage, found with beds and board ..50 200 lb baggag allowed for cabin and 2001b. fur Steerage passengers. Freight tacnagresa oo cents per anble foot.

All tickets tor passage must be procured at th offle of the company. 22 tol7 M. O. ROBERTS, 118 Westst. FOR CHARLESTON.

The S. Mall Steamer SOUTHERNER, Capt. M. Berry will leav pier No. 4.

North River, on Saturday, October Cut at 4 o'clock. M. precisely. All bills of lading signed by the clerk on board Freight on measurement goods 12 Jc per eubio foot. For Freght on Passage, apply to ol SPOFFORD.TlLESTONkCO, 43 South st.

1 Shippers of good consigned to the A gent of the South Carcliua Railroad Company, Charleston. S. are requested in (every instance) to forward bills of lading either by mail or vessel direct ar much confusion it caused whan no bills of lading are received. KOR SAVANNAH UNITED STATES MAIL LINE EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 4 o'clock. P.

a Th steamsbio CHEROKEE. Thomas Lyon, commander, will leave oa Wednesday, 3d October, from pier No. 4 R- at 4 o'clock, P. M. precisely.

Passage 625. No berth secured until paid for. No freight received after 12 o'clock on the day of tailing. BUI of lading signed by the clerk on board. Freight on measurement goods 10 cants per cubic foot.

For freight or paeeag, apply ol SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. 194 Front (t. The TENNESSEE, Capt. G.

A. Cole, will leave on WEDNESDAY, the 10th October, a above Goods sent te the agents In New York, and all good Intended for th interior of Georgia, South Carolina. Alabama and Tennsssss. addressed te th eireof T. 8 Wayne, agent of th Central Railroad J.

A. Fawn, agent Georgia Steamboat or Thomas R. Mlila gent Iron Steamboat CO. will be forwarded rre or commission FOR LIVERPOOL-RegularFaeketofthellth I of October The fine fast aaiUng pack ship JOHN it. skiudy.

nomas snipley, commander, will sail as above her regular day. For freight or passage, having superior accommodation apply on board, at the foot of Maiden lane, or to ol ROB'T. KERM1T 78 South st. Cabin naasacs 875. The new and splendid packet ship WEST T01NT.

W. H. Alien, master, will succeed the John Skiddy, and sail on the llth of November, her regular day. jt- FOR LIVERPOOL be regular packet of 3 St October Th regular packet ship OARRICK, PX (. aot.

E. Howe, will sail as above. For freight or peaeage, having splendid accommodations apply on board, at tba foot of wall st. or to el 8POFFORD. TILESTON 48 South st.

FOR GLASGOW Regular Packet of tha 6h October Tbe A 1 regular sr. packet bark 8C8AN. ShO tons, Capt. A. Taylor, will sail a above, her regular day.

For freight or vassace. having excellent accommoda tions, apply to the captain on board, at Jndd wharf R. ol or to A. WHOODHULL. 67 South street.

The regular Br. packet bark AN ARLE will suc ceed tbe bark Susan, and sail oa her regular day. rv- rust HAV ki racxet of tne tuta or uetooer AiT Tbe packet ship GALLIA, (new) A. Riehardsoa. master, will Bail oa her reeralar day aa above For freight or passage, apply oa board, at pier 13, East ol 9l.

WHlTLOCa. sontn st. FOR HAVRE Packet of the 20th of October The packet ship ZURICH, Capt. Malison, wul sail on her resrular dav as above. For freight or passage apply on board at Pier 11 N.

or ol to FOX LIVINGSTON, 22 Broad st. FOR HAVANA Positively th First Vassal 1 The Regular Packet Ship ADELAIDE, Capt. R- Adams. will tail witn despatch as above. For freiBhtorpsseagehavingsplendidaoowunodations apply on board, at pier 13.

E. R. or to 01 fet urroKlJ. 1 iLttiua.s tu, an aoutn ea. r- FR BKAZOS, BROWNSVILLE, PORT, POINT ISABEL AND MOUTH RIO 1 GRANTE thof September The regular packet schooner GEO Roger, master, bu lit for end has been vaara in th trade, havinar most Rates-Positively First RerularPacket To sail on 7' Wednesday 3d October Tbe fast sailing coppered packet ship ATLANTIC.

Saml Rose, master, it now loading and will positively sail as above her regular day. For freight or passage, having superior state room accommodations, apply on board. Murray's wuarf or to ol FROST HICKS, 68 South atreet. No good received on 4oard after This evening 2d of October. Measurement goods (ix cents per foot.

The packet ship MEDIATOR, P. V. Bllffena, master, will succeed the Atlantic and sail 18th Ootober. Agent in New Orleans, Messrs. John O.

Woodruff ft who will promptly forward all good to their FOR NEW ORLEANS Holmes' Une Regular Packet for Monday loth October The last sailing coppered ship GALENA, T. J. Leevsu, master, is now loading and will positively sail as above. For freight or passage, appiy on ooara. at nnest wharf, ol or to WM.

NELSON, 83 8uth t. Measurement goods six cents per foot-No goods receivedOB board after Saturday 13th October The ship SILA8 HOLMLS, CC Berry, master, will succeed the Galena, and sail on th 28th Ootober. SEW ORLEANS Eagle Lin. Receives Freight aatil Friday evening next, 3th October The fast sailing regular pack.t shin JERsKY H. Day, master, will receive freight as above, and positively sau on eaturuay, out uotoaer, tun or aot lull.

For freight or paaaag apply on board, at pier 11 E. (Old Slip,) or to ol EAGLE HAZARD 40 South St. Positively no freight reeeivtd on board on tbe day of railing. The new packet ship ESFINDOLA, Geo. Barstow, Blaster, will succeed th J.

and sail on her regular day. Agents in New Orleans Messrs. aem'l Toby, and Nop hew who will promptly forward all goods to their address NSW ORLEANS PACKET reeeent City Line To Bail on her regular day full onto full The A 1 regular packet bark ALVARADO, Healy. master, will positively sail aaabov. For freight or passage, which wU be takea at th lowest rate apply on board, at purr 9 East River, or to ol FOSTe-R ft NICKERSON.

35 South st. Agent in New Orleans, Veasrw, Fosdick ft Compaay. will promptly forward all good addressed to their care. MOBILE PACKET Eagle Line Goes to th wharf Clear Saturday next, 6th Instant -and positively th first aad only regular packet in tbe trad that will be despatched punctually a advertised, full or not full Tbe new fast sailing regular packet bark EMILY MINER, John W. Miner, master, trill receive freight until Saturday availing met, and sail lb follow-lag Monday morning.

For freight or passage, apply on board, at pier 11 East River Old slip, or to ol EAGLE fc HAZARD, 40 South St. Agent in Mobil, Messrs. E. C. Centre who will promptly forward, free of oom mission, all goods to their add! FOR BALTIMORE Union Llaa This I ay frTb -Th.

regular 1mmt sailing packet schr. der IN CHIEF, J. etc hum aow load. For Throngh Ticket by this route, apply ia Phfladel- log at pier 12 East River, Old slip and will leave as abov roTireignt, wuica smw uuivs a ua sowcat ratca, to tba Captain, oa board er to ol ft BRIGGS.40 Soath St. i For NORWICH.

WORCESTER. and BOSTON, Via Railroad from norwven 1 i l. rKurt.LLt LINE FROM PIER No. 8 NORTH RIVER. SHE 1 UCKET, Capt.

J. C.Geer. DECATUR. Capt. E.

Oeer. QULN'EBAUO, Capt J. WBIiams. One of the above boats will leave New York every Tuesday. Thursday, aad Saturday, at 4 o'clock P.

Keturmag, win leave norvwi tor ivew era. moaday, Wednesday, aad Friday, at 4 o'eiock P. M. Fer freight, watea wut De lasers a reassert aeteae. a ply oa board, er at tbe oflee oa Pier 3 North River.

s29 For PHILADELPHIA via Delaware 1 aad Raritaa Canal Bwiftsnr Liae Towed bv Steam Tnrottrh ia thirtv-t hoara The" berre SHARK, ta new loadiag at ptar 13 East River (Old Slip) aad will leave thi day, at P. M. For freight apply to el N. BR IOCS. 40 Soath ttraat HARTFOkli.

Stoam Transportatiost CONN. Back'- Line Th 1 1 1 1-u i-u my IIHill. EMS A mml CAS, are now receiving freight for th ibmpliOH of which will letrt pior MZmtt Rirer. Old tvlia. ertsrp TooadaT and Friday, at 4 P.M.

Fotr fraisht ot poaaaro. bdt It to 11m oavCols om hoof d. Of I I CEGAL NOTICES. NEW YORttCOMMOa P1.F.A3. sacwo narveawusamoaauy aadl LjiMB Rhade fVaeB wits.

EJsak Peeiy aad Ca'hanaa bis wise. Vt'iL haaa M. HasskM. cad MasMaiea Rater haw is. Ja.

rob Habaed aad Man Elizabeth hw-wu. Masdalra Rit-kwPrall. Haaaak ManaPiall, Cathanaw Haawa Prafl. Joaa aa hwnu Hamsa Fa. Elim Aaa PraH.Coraeha Aa SMta PmJLA bmham A Pnul.

1 By vwtaeo) aa enleroS Ibe leaitaf ineLwr aa oeatvot now vara ssea rmt at aad ta theabove pfereediac. Ill I tm peoreadmg. will iweed ta sel the Meerhvnai' haas Btrwewraf New Yrit. aa 't day efoTntVBeit as Ix te the sea-beat awkkw? swtmv, th iVtawwut llaw ateate the eav aad aaewrra'New ora. Wwa: ALL tha emaJa trart, pare ev parerl laad.

wwii the bailduuri theeeon.sstaat. trial aad beta sttfe 1JU Ward th cay el New York, hooeded at folloer. to wn sUeta-Biag Bta Petal a the weetrriy asrleor luf the Sill aveaaa. dsaaat eee kaadrad at-d hutr-euht feet aad su sat am aMlherly from lne sontheffy side or lie of vnli wrM. raa.

aas tiaraee wwaetty at a atraatht aw miiaili asst. tw mHs. es and one half aa inch a point dwtaat we aaaUr aad rwrtv-faav feet anVrtr fesmtiwrmtherlr sad or He of arast. at nsht eagles ihetete thewe aenbiremlr sa a atrauat kae eee ha art red aad forty. feet aad six tarries ro a point taat BUtsiyae feet and ars sscaes smtaeiir team the soanWy dear line oi Stu rAreet.

ai axkt aaslea tnema theae er-weMerlr ia a erraurht tmeoae baadred aad tbirtr-eicril feet aad oeeica a pB distant axtp-euae seeteaetherly lfemthata-erly sbleor line of tih slieet. at nrlu, aaslee uSesrlo; tbeac aestiiwealariv a atfaurht hae eae hottdred aad twrwlr feet and tea laitVv to a pout dntaat lottr lee saaliwrir Irem th eaetheriv sideor bneof tfl street, at neht aarl-a thereto tbeac ssrth-weaierly astraiybt iiaemietily-tlism asst. wreeiaehea aad half aa iacB to a point distant twenty-four feet aad thar lachea eaiherly fiwea tba eoeAtwrly eel or liae 4 ffeh Wreet, at nsht aesWw thereto; thewe eorUiwerteriv a etratsbt liaeetshtrewa feet aad aiaeiaenes to a potnl tlataat apveatae fem aad eaeth- nir man in tssiweity sale er Ba of at nrnt anrlra these aorUiwssa rly a slaurut lute aixty- feat and as mehes ta a as, Ihe w.m ba rBlh Mreet. dwtaat owe baadred aad Bra tart aad tw iarnas eaiMshr from the fdeer kae of ta 9th avraae: tbeao aevtkwevMly ia a teat aad tra lachm pciat rfataat hfty-K hem the aortberlr ssd or kf Sih arret. If.iS an UT: these Brwesurly a anaurla line simaraawt ueini thaia milrwdrh fLT.Lf "r- daal forty -two teas aad Umw raehes wmtherty tram tke moniri, r.

UnrlHuk. UM. -Li "trail ka aw heailred feet "'J" BlS a pmnt a the weoerl, wd sme rf the fJi aad mx mchm Mberly fro. tbeaoe teetu north we eriv oa a etrairht Lm. wu i a point oa the aorthertr sue lias of IfUi suwm.

dauat ww aaaarea aaa ax feet westerly from "a areas, at ns at aasMs Una. tt st-tle two bead red and thinvMx (set a. a ihirtj.loar feet Lne weaeftr ihle or ka aonherlr Irem UmaortlMrir wde mm Bd laern laches i- uvominpiue MNiL asestalilfajied hv taw. at a potet dwtaat fillyisht feet aad sever laHrlnrtherW from the aonherlr auleor kae al 'A. ZTT.T!T Uierice sortie I aloe tlie eMerlr le or Iia.

ia, loom laru ale ros.1. a. nubUwl bj raw aad along the eaw le kae the loth i rluln u-l. 'ri eveelr-oae fret and five inches aonherlr from the aartherlr rm auwst.

line it lire llr'rS 2 i "muiesaienj aJoe Umeeetreot sam road, as the tame now to a point oa Uw aonherlr nue oi ho ol 1st street daunt five headre-l aad live teat aad six iaehea easterly Irani the easterly tide nr line of the lUh avenae- thearw oalheasuirlr ak die centre of md marl, as tbe same aowaaZ to a iiomt oa the lootherly sale or Une ol TlM suwet. dasaat feet and three Indies ea-terly fiom the eesterlr sale or line of hiaih aveane: thenoe woihranerlr aoar the eee rre of uid road to a point oa theeasieriy side or line ol tbe Eubik avenea, da'aat twatyevea leer southerly from Ihe KHiLherl, rule or iineol 7M tkar th. westerly sate er kae of the Eighth avenue six hundred aad tbuty-uinw lest aad two inches la tbe places point of be? inning. All tiiat certain lot. mece or Darnel af lmn1 ik .1 i.i: thereon.

Mtnale. lying and being la tlie nth Ward of the citr ol New York, bounties as leuows. te wa Bertaamg at the corner lormed by the lnlesi-uon of lire aortheily MUe or liae of Chatham wreeca wiui ineeasteny woe or une vi mott Hreet. rnnaing tneoce northerly aioog the easterly tale or kae IHott ttreet kityignt feet eight iaehea. theace easteriy aad al right angles or aearly mo to Molt street tweoty-aia teet aad tw In.

ties along the MMitberly wdeul the hwue sow knowa as No. 4 MuUsueet, tbeno noniv erly along the easterlyk-nd ol said hoase now 1 aowa as No. 4 MoU Hreet sittr lacoes a senea. rjwjsrae eeuteny aloag said teac six leetand eleven laches, theace aortheaatailr ul tmm a teet aad eutbt iacbes. tbeace aortuerlr aioas raid teaos wxuara leet and two laches, thence astefiv aad siiwhi so to tlie last described line there Suet aad sevaa lacrsr.

theae emieriy ana ai ngns aacsator aaany so to the Isat ilr.ii 1 1 1 1 1 oar teet aad iht inches, tiiewce easurriy oa a bee coatmnatioa by a Straus; ill ka of the dtvaswe tewoe betweea the hoaaa aad lot now kaowa mNo4MottstrAaadrimbeiaaad lot aow kaowa as No 6 Mmtatirsjtbv leet aW two mckes to lead aow er Use of ihb uueraii.inencesoauieriy along said lead aow or taw oa Joba Fotterali bltyx teet aad eigul lackea-te the aaartheriy U1 or liaot C'kaliiam atra.t, lie-Bee wcteriy aluog the said SHMtherly ad ot line ot Chatham tueet tuty-au lest aad live laches to the idaue ol beginning seal premises beaux aow kaowa as Bain ben I'll, lfci. JbtaBdiabCbatbam street. Also, til thai certain lot. paooe or oaoa of land, with the hoild. log themm.

situate, lying aad bnas tbe said 6th Ward ot ths ctty ot New York, boaaded as follows, to wa: Uccinoing at a potataa the easterlr uJa or line OI'Mim'street. piittant tlltr eft aad eutbt lad northerly Irom tke amrtberty sele er kae er Ckatuam suaet. running tlieace aaulariy aad at right eaglet tar nearly to to MoU sueet twenty teet aad two aches auag the soathedy sale ot the bouse now knows as No 4 MoU street, tbeaoe nprtbetlrai. theeasleriy end of said boose aow kaowa ri aimi auret aiae ucaes to a leace. theace eaaterty along aaui teaeem leH and eleven laches, iksjaee assrthnateriv ataeg Bud fence five leet and eurht iaehea, tbeac orUarrly aiusg said fence axlee reel aad two ladies, thence easterly Bad .1 right ueleaortMey solo the last described kae three leet aad seven laches, thaaoe aonbsiiy and at nght aagw or aeauly ao tlie last descn bed line four leet aad eight inches, tlreace westerly aad at nhl aaslea or aearly so to Mott atreet lonr-thiee leet aad mx I achat lo the eanerly aid or line ol Moa street, tbeac aoutheriy aioa se4aslriy si or lin of Mou street tweatr.lwo leet and two lachea toj ue pant oi becuuuag taad usesuaata beug new kaowa te not Mott street.

All that ass Kin tract, pseeeor parcel fttad ataate. lying and being ia tlie lah ward ot use cuy ot New York, bounded as Uat-to Besiamag at a point am the southerly tele or kne I add stiset. dsstaat two baadred and thirty-two leet andeitul inches liora tbawsateav aul ovliaeat of th Uaueentaadale road, ateatablbhed by law loaamg thence seuibeaaterly ia a straight ba baadred aad thin, -lour feet to a pual distant aiaeteaa leei aad lour inches soutnariy trom tke soaUiecly atcU or ba ot 43j street, ml nam Uteaelo thence auuliastefiy one koadred straight kae tony leet ami two inches ts a potat dmaat six teet and bv laches itortherlv from the Mnnl. A. I tBvae? wT IV KJ DDI iina A Ait alosss I BBtfl th 19119 ottb sueelal nght aaglm thereto: theace aorth wmterly aa a I niie wu.

uuoumi awimsiity. uve leet aad two ladies to a 1 Point oataal esevea lest aao oa men aonherlr from tlie northerly I aile or Une ol 64th street, at nlit anclaa thereto tbraee urtliwm- v. a su.u,iu une unnr leetanuMX inctie. to a pomquulant eourtistB leet aad eleven mcbet Bortberly from th northerly aoe uoe vi irein meet, at nam angles ursrelo theace northwesterly on aamight hae hltr-rbor leet to a point lilstuit twenly-hve feet aud five Ulebes norlher.y trom the aortheily Mile or Une of 44tb street at neht angle, thereto ibeDce northwesterly oa a strauthl line hlly-ae teet t. a point entant forty two feet an five inches northerly from the aonherlr une or Une el frith street, at rigm eagles thereto: thence oonhwesteilv o.

a stntivl.t fcel anil cunt niches to a point datant titty leet aad live inches ur iienr iiom uie soruieny suie ot une el r-uli street at nght aa. (les thereto theme northwesterly oa a straurht line one humlrej auusauiras puns. ti.TSBI m-e uurutvriv Irom trie ourtiierlr n(M ansa. thereto: tlssnc aoeinwesierir ty-two teat to a point dwtaat tuiy-nin f.t ami aiae lachm northerly from tht nnrthertr snle ur Una of Mth us. at L'lH angle therein; tbeac awrtaweamly aatmwM ua twaaty-ne seal aad aitnt inch to a point dutaot mvaotyaw.

teat and eleven mcbes northerly frum the i olWn) nu. or lin ol S4tb areetal right angles thereto: ibeoc annawoteriy on a atiaisbt lin aitee leet end six mrhe. hi. Hwt and three ntehea aevtharty from the rroetherlr sio or Iim ol norther ty sue or line 01 Mrb street su ruhi ansb. ikm.

tee nee notttweaun-ty a a stmigbt ha fo irix ii and two urrae to lb auiarlp art ,,00 rJ th llth avenne at apmnt dirtaat etghtyeeven nrnt and Hire mehrt aoruVrly from the northern sue bswo6h street, at hrlitaogk w.w. hw. h. wvwi.j ,.1. nnaaaed leet and eiarht incheatothe woteriy wdeorlineol the llth aveane at a pomt autai.l ninwy-swht test lour haetie.

aer from the aonherlr side or line 01 Sttb sueet, at rutin angle. UmrMa thetaee dis. weaeriy oa a straight line twentyix feet aaJ six inches to anoint dutaal one hnndred aad two am aad stx iBehee. aovtherty from the northerly tkieoriine of aUi Uirwt, at nght aagles thereto theaca aorth merly mm arUAiyht line wxty -sine leei and line incheato a point distaat oaebnaured aad twelve seat aad oo mch aonnrv ly Irom the northerly side or line ol Mlh street, at nitit snAlrs them-ts; lisrace Borihsreaterly oa a Hiaisla brw eae baadred aad srx-leea leA anil three inches to a point dm aat iw hundred and twontyieht fcvA and ten inches aonherlr from the aortherlv ude or kae ol 64 ih njeet. at rurht aarlm Urrm uwaoe north weater? oBastrushtUne torty-twoteet and Mtiacbeaura point diattnt one hnndred aad tinny-live leetand rive Inches aonherlr from the rwi ww.

rtgni smgawutewsia Ussaea on a straight line tliirty-aine feet and nine laches to auointiilatAntonehandied ud lenr-one-leet eleveB iaehe trom Uw aortheriy wd at lin of 64th street, al neht a. rtee thereto theace lArthsTr. 1.. lZ.tI.7.. ad nta mcbes to a point datant oa bsBrlred hnndred and Ion -even feet and one inch aortlierlv oonivanr side or hae ol street, at rigtrt aagmr thsreto thenee Bonliweuerlyeaaaraignthae lbinyiA leet aad on anch la a point dutant one baadred aad firt feet aad Bine iaehea aonherly tsum tbe aoruaerly Hdear hae ot akb amet, al neht aaslm tbesrto ngnt tnerw Bonhwerteny oa a auaujbt Una one hundred aad leet 10 tn termer barn water bae ef North ar Rivet at.

a potat dutaal one baadred aad tweet.av.. leet nae oi rtm sueet, at nght angle, thaaeto theace aonherly aloag the former Yil dso. sKivertothesOBlheriysiile ot Bol corn street: Ureaoe wmtheulerl. tl- ot aaeol toth street: thewrwsoatheaaerly amag the sooUiweaterlv I FOR SAVANNAH. Gm.

Frtisht at Reduced I asde or baat Kih street u.n.. i. rTI m-r? naseri rueiuvesy tna nrvt nxuiu parsri o.tor- TfiVir d.v 6th October -The fine fast sailing regular packet (hip HUGENOT, Gardner, master, wul tail at above full or not full. For freight ot paseageiaviDg elegant state room tlarace aoaihwraaerly ahrns timwreurrly aao ha. a) use ruth aoe two hnndred leet and um uteoa.

to the aonheny sale 01 be ot otlri street; tneaoe aorthwesterly aloag theid aortherir avle or liae man street auvMT leet ami th msisas to th. ns aeeeea. I gaming. ntouetionarspply to the master, ea board, foot of Dover st ar to it. M.

uemilu rront (treet. No freight received board after Saturday evening rain or thine. Passage 918. Freight taken at two-third lea than customary. All good Sent to tbe Agents tn New York will be for-wa-ded free of commission, and all goods intended for the interior of Georgia.

South Carolina, Alabama or Tennessee, add. raced the care of Thomas Wayne, Agent oi Central Railroad H. Mills, Iroa Steamboat Co or J. A. Frwns.

treorgia Steamboat will be forwarded free of oommiasioa. ol 1- 22 .7 FraaetJ TWiatrk. sad askee. 'Sr-r B4Muaas.ef a aesawes ialiii -ro itw AsL' wlwata. Iriag.

ZZJyj-tt ZZJZl perns aernWiv (M by Geswi OS-mL IZjlZZTZl by FonTik euest, (fofmeriy Seeswd aiw.1 fraacw IWgm-tHek. (Uurt-nd. hni as raswl aad war twrwli4lro ttwt. aad an Irwrth T5irei seveeir-ivvkwk ihesaMieaueaatam.beaer ksmwa aaal ds baxaadirn a a certain map dd aeaoerty brkmrins te tw I raaevj Ikmueiek. BOW rirrjraaed.

aaa A. D. Irul br Willa. BrMgea. Ckj ParTeTer.

by th 8. th sard lot kusd Bee. daiisul by Msrrar K. Doeatark. a dartner Fsk-w nmmiek.

afiimi I. Fsaaoa ilisswrnik, a gn bit taw saad Fraacw Laoamaaa. riisaassA lhud New Yrs. tieoA V0. JOIlV J.

V. WESTaVlXT.9Khsr. Hxvet E. PTtrs. An y.

sJ awiw Jena La'maa. 1 Witha aniaat I W'aie aad Artresf aaesf a drum of the ar.aaef a daerm of thefusa Staatft SUPREME COURT. la ineCeertssf these, of New eea. win esrws m'e. in umtt dav at i.s-iorjrv.

e'elort, at Ik. MetUiaau' Ejckaage. ia taw csty at ALL the mi, restdne. sad rerriaiaderof th verm of sixty arse rrta fsm its trs -1 1 i Bad. sassstr-eevea.

all that eertata tot of mad. sweara aad da. oa a eeruua map of a tract of iaad in the eiiy at New York. uu-leoar nan in ruuutaals at UieeHy Isew 1 era. Prutewant Chert-h of thenar at ork.

by a n-rlain mdewrare of teasr.riaud the flne dav el sr a tlsDwsaad aevea kaadred aad iMHrrn. demssrd aad taim anm Asroe. rmexernto-n. adrninatrnloes and ayxras. ta i.

1 lottow. westerly mxsl by street, aorthertr by lot anmner Vt). ia the rear hr rraaad Beaaaat Jkiha Jaeob rAnar. and aasstheely kv kst ember 1 A. tmtaitisi beeadth Hs float sear rwe.ty.fiv leet.

aad ia tank mm eaek tine one Rnaa n-d teet amd lot beinr aow kaowa at Baatbat Stj9 iTT.ZS LTl'aV-" i'w. LOTE. ai nr. n.iinari si. ICi.

jt 1111 Edward H. Peery. Au VV ESTER YELT. rtherifl. se2l aswJw arlTREMB (TM'IT The EagM tarn Cerauaaj Nw Yark.1 aaH otKerA la a of th ftinmiue lent of th Friar art New York.

I will expose a ante. ihe ark, dav af lasra. IH1, at va rioea. 3 at the ileti-nana erty of New York A lAm that eenaia ladewtBTeoflraam. tieminr Amtm rl tree Ui day ot Apnl.

A. 1 1. Ih44. saarlr by tke Tresuv. in Sailors' r-aar (la-bor la thecjty ol New erk.

to The tecs, Fire Company of New ork. aad aho th renews! thereof, brejias dntathetwwaty-rtk day ef Apnl. A. D. 1Mb.

saade by the cam Tke Traatees of th SaiJonrjaaE Harbev ia UWcstv of New York to VViiham H. liow tared, aad the saral aad iimssadet af th aaexpired term ot years tlservta asraunaeri. aad satrjeot te tk coveaaats and ooailitaoas tlssnrta coatained. of all that eertaia Lit ml Wnd dMentMd I. saud lease, as lullowa.

ta wa: Allthu eertaia lot of Ian, aaaate. lying aad herns the Filueatk warn of thecttyrsf new York, being part ol the loads ot the mmi The Tret-res of the Paitors rnai Harbor ra the CSr af New York. aad dt4grnjsbeil a snaaiof VtB' smaperly us the mm wftnl ml. he TtMsru. ldlnm.

Cstr ftarvevor. New i nr. Jaaaary. ireea. nsad ia theolhor of tbe Reraatar of rhecaty aad eoanty of rtew as sat aBeev siity-oe I'll J.

troaailed easterly ta froat by llioadway. westerly i the sear by pan et lot aemhef two hvndred tad tweatyrvea oa said saap. Bonherty oa oast seta by Eurhlh asset, aad sostherly oa the otjier by lot aamber two bandred and twentyiakt oa said man coetaiatng ia front thirty leet anarht iaehea. ia the sear tweety-eve seer, ee Ike north ml one koadred Skat three laches, aad aa toe south ssa ae hnndred feel. Dated New Yerk.

May 15. Kt. HN J. V. WESTER VELT.

PheriB. Wells it Vaa Waeeoea. Au'ys. mvlf Jesw'jw The aaleof theabove ts iponed aaui tbe 9tkday at Jerry Brat, at the same hoar and place. UaleuNew York, June H.

IMS. JOHN J. V. WESTERVELT.PrwriC Welbk Vaa Wateoea. Art'yt.

jeaaawts The sale of the abore pmperTr a farther potxpoaed aaui the jd day af July. at the same hoot sad place, baled lock, Jul. IPta. JOHN J. V.

WESTERVELT. WwerfL Wellt Van Waxes. Au'n. irlOun The sale ol th abov Drouenr ar farther nostnoned umiil the 10th day of Aacust aett. at tiar same boar ana patoa.

Isatad New York. Jnly 2ld. 1M. JOHN J. V.

WkCTlVlT. rXbertft. Welk at Taa Wareaea. Auoraevt. irx3 awn The sale of theabove property a portrjoaed Belli the atk day ef 8eiiterober Best, at the Sam hoar and place.

Iratal New York, Aarnat luui. It. JOHN J. V. WESTERVELT.

8herrC Wella Vaa Wageama. Anoraeya aalkaawit The sajes ol the above rrropeny is farther pnsliisai il aaui the 13lk day ot rVptemuer at the same hoar aad place. Dated New York. rVotember th. IMH.

JJtl V. WEST ERVELT. Pherifr. em as, aa vv areasra. Aiimaria.

The sal of th ahov. nsaoenv aa fnrther 19th dav of Seiiiember at tke mm tMmr aadpaaoa Dated New York- 1:1 iKliv JOHN J. V. E9TERVELT. Pberift WeJk Va.

Waai Atlomevs. .1:, ta-. I be sale of Ihe above property a farther pastPOBtd aul th xotn aay ot aeptemrjer mstaat. at Uie same aosu aad iisarwa Dated New York, r-rtemuer 18. 1M.

JllllJI J. V. WESTERVELT. ftherhT. Wella Vaa Wazeaeeu Auavnevs.

slk i.ti The sale ol the abov peopaaty farther rasstimoad taul th id day ot Oi-toher next, at the same hoar aad ptac. Irued New York, depleruuei JO. M'. aim aaaruj JOHN J. V.

WESTERVELT. BbertfC SUPREME COURT. Frederv Weejloum, Bgaiaat I A tlhnr 6. rowed and othera. In piuananc at a decre.

mt the Saprsfnef'osrt of the Mate ofNew i ork. I will expose to sale, oa the 17th dav mt tjctohcr. 18t. at ckx-A at th Mrrahaau' im ukoitdi new lora A LL that eertaia lot ol ground, srtaant, lyiag Bad being ia th Ebrvrwth. late Tenth.

IV ard. ot lire city of New ork. Bad distiaranhede amapeH property wtnate Bear the terry at Cr. laer's Hook, hekmgiar ta the estate uf Isaac Claaoa. aleerasaed.

made by eUephea Latllam. city arveor. by tbe aamber tare kaa-Sred aad tweatyhree, 23.) distaat tw aaodred aad Blty feet aootlicrly from Staatoa atreet bwaaled westerly in f.oot mm 1'itt street, easterly la tlie rear by lot aamlirr two haarired aad Iwo, northerly by let aamber Iwe beadred ami tweaty.iwo. aad sootbiriy lot aamber two bn exited aad twotr-toer. to Abijuh Artie, euatalnia in breadlk Ss from aad rswrearrh ami at tset sail omm innh lo wuarlr ad.

kae of sard Bloom- I or Ihe emd prrmiaea. matte aad eieewted hv tk saud Atauds Ar. mxdaie.nied as mtatiliUmd bvlaw Umace amlherlr u.e I Sea. oa the Much. 1R19.

te Reaiaama Berk. aal reawnwd aanl wmtenr Sel or kae of la mul vu I tlie ottl ul Reeiev oi 11 efl rat New Yawt s. the I em au uve mcnea ts IMsaatherly ssde et kae ef 4dd street; lonrtb 181. In Ciber No. IS! ot Coaveyaswra, page 21.

aawaisni nn. one bue- aad rutkly-oae test aad tut mches. to a potat dsrtaat thirty met lea mches ajnlierly irom the aoruVrly mm ka ol street, al nght angles thereto; theace soatheasterly. struxht of her cargo engaged and going on board, will positively I 00 hr adred and seveatydive leet aad tea laUam. to a puat Bail as above.

I eathe woterly une orlioe 01 tire bUi aveane. dMaat eleven lel oa a and For balance of freight or passage, having good accora modartions app oa board, al tbe bulkhead between piers 8 and 9 Eaat River, or to ol FOSTER NICKERSON. 2 Month st. r- FOR MADURA, RIO DE JANEIRO, VAL-gA-gPARAISO, or SAN FRANCISCO. Passage only.

Th arnt elasa eltnner huilt brl ERNAM. 3O0 tens register, on year old, will sail positively on the loth October. Her accommodations are unsurpassable combining every comfort. She has state room for 10 er 12 passengers for whioh. apply to Capt.

Graham, on board at Hobokeu, or at 24 Beaver atreet. ol BARCLAV LIVINGSTON. tneaos nonnweevny along the sou inert stir or enrol url an. tw baadred and thirty-lwu feet aad etgnt mens to the ptaat Ol Piaoeol bsntnnin. AU thai eertaia tract, piece or parcel of taad sitaate, lyiag and bong in tW tsui ward ot tn euv of New York.

u. lows Begiaaias al the corner lormed bf the wtmsrousa el the Btsrtbarly sadeor Ea etaal street wub the westerly aeie or line oi -rT2uwT en.niMe law raeaiag themes Borthnrly a( tbe wd westerly woe or kae et the Uiomniaxdale srstdeo fcaailmn aad wxtyeevea feet two lachm aad hall' aa men ibraie aonkwesteay ea asualsht baa three hnndred ami Iturteea taat lo Ih. soothnlv T.u JzTrTZTZ aorui westerly along th MiuuWIy tai or hacol 4tk street two 1 kuiHlred ad Kin leet and eithl invhet to utterly sal ot ba I UmStb aveeae theaue souUiweslerly along tbr UKI outer I aide et im ot the Hui veau tw hnaurtal leaa aad W. icbe. to the Bortimir sue or line ol ood atreet thene.

mitheasledr a oet Uieaasd aastherlr wd or line oi add street five Hundred aad 'Bckea the poinlor plao el begmmns. All that certain tract, piece or pan-el of land suuate lying and being ia lire Lilii ward ol In aty ol New York, bonnded at toU lo. a. to Wit Deeinninf al imm.i a. ilu Uw 9Ui avenee Oistaat sirty-hve feet (ortherly from Um aortheily aideof bn ol ud sueet nmaiag Ureae soatheamvrly.

ia a araicht line, thirty-two leet and lour lack es to a point iliataal tif. tr-sit leet nod kve locoes awn herlr from theaonlietly si.le or line at odd sued, at nght aatk. Ibeieta tiarao eorjiaeaateity in a straight tin, axtymne leet aad live inches toa mot dMant tit ty aadeigid mches aortherly from the aortlierty sole or kae atraet. at rmlit anxk thereto theace -rsilmly. ia a strautbt kae one hundred and tort one leet, loaiwiat.

uiuant tit-ty-to leet northerly Irom the aortheily side or ba el 61 atreet at rutht aaxle. thereto Uience aoulneasterir. un.etai one kandred and twenty, nine feet and owe rack, to a Po nt distant lurtv-aiue leet Bortheily Irom tue northerly stile ar line ol adth street, ftt nrnt angle thereto theace aoutlieasierty oa a straight kne cuhiy.twe MM. pmot daaaat leet and two mcbes aoniieriy trom the ncot herlr sideor kae ol aUd steert. ai rurh tear ark.

northerly tram the aonlierlr" wis or li.e of Md arL-H ninnmg Uience aoniieAsterlr Bung the aortiiweaeriy snie ts hae ot the eth aveane, two hnndred and tweotyeevea teet aad le lUlctiea; theace aorth on astraiglit liae.eicht hand red and at leet aad tour inches, lo the Mile or kne ol I along th aoatneasterly avle er line .1 the zth avenne. two kandred aad sevrwty-tlime leet aad tea lechrtto the potat er place of hesiaoing; tiiesaiue being ia-clmled wulun the umiu ol Hloomiagdale as bud oat by the Com missioned siiuoiated to lay oet area, an. 14 roads la JheMaty ot New 1 ork. by act ot tlw LrgadalUR uatMrd Apnl 1. All that eertaia tract, piece or parcel of taad.

annate I vine aad beiag la IheUlh ward Uwcity of New York, bounded as Iowa: beginamgata poiaton the Bon herlr wdeov kne of a4tli street, dutant ninety feet three incites westerly from the west, eriy ad. or lineoS th lUh aveaaa raaaias the. re north westerlr r. i mcism us ainai oataal uoe FOR NEW ORLEAN8 Duion Li Redact Dated Aew York. S.

naemher KM Ji HN J. V. WESTERVELT. fheTTfr. Wa.

M. Bat aaa. Atiavtary. sa mxwjw rtxahetbS. Fl'PREME COURT.

BobeitMcMiia.a-vd omm htt Wllflu eL'teUksVO. Wilham W. AnnArou, Ja-M W.f Im wif. Ue-njuttia RiaxWtt P. mck.

Juha Klk worth, and Marihv hn i wile. Krtfrw tlewWt, lAfl PI. rah. ha wi(. boma stmm.

htnan A. iSiorm. mnrk iMsorm. I 1 EtsTH littst alOfLU, Jt3Briaa afKfc, I ftatl aSoua M. VaiK-k.

la pniauicai ol aa onUrt of thi eoart muulm ia aaid eaow, wil otd at tvbc aat-tion. Batter the 'ir9rli(a ol thr ralrnra-f tfrtu-. at iKr 1rirhuiU' KicbaDtr. ia thcnirot Ntrw VKk. oa liie Vnh da ot OtiUAxr, ImS, al UvckK M.

uf tliat tiaj ALL that crrtnim lot, piane. or pare! of croond wtaatrd at io. 8fatie MM, ia the tilth ward vuy ol New 1 fk, aad buanded aad dsweM nta as toftow-: ta front by -tatla m. wcswi- ia iw Ur bba-is aow or fcrrmerir trwiwd by orirt IraUail, aorthrrtr ar iaaib tssnac-ttf owa-d Iry John Aahfietd. aad MMiherlr bjr laoci.

ionmetir owned by Urmfj Vaa Wak-a. beiur tutj--five fnrt wtde ui troat and rear, aal tilt 7 ret tieep, terrtnc the utd John AiljtM-hl. tm betn and atvauca lorever. timnttH of uatetrtr ihroatrti an aitW aioot lhrr let wtileoa tlie nofth w.i of uM lot pmcm pam. gioaa-i.

Uateii Sriiunnba idtia. hhH. LA zaw im J. N. CLPHMAN.

'lERMfl of a Ihntierl rattaerhip Setw-a tha 9afaarnbei-, I. tato panaaat to the tint title ol the foarth rtouertst tbe wroad part at thalLitkBd Htatalei the Kttrte Nr 'mk, torkrwa: Tha iuw or brta at tha said Paitaar-htp Kairca aad avLLrrr tha caral aatarr ot um ba lawa latetrc. ta ba UmOfaaMtH Itj ML, is Ua boviac aad -UiBkTfl ootU aad M-p-tkma dtve on fVnmtauoa. The wwcntw-T, KDWvao J. Ivallctt.

tWiprail pari ieT. and the otiser tobacntier. are the raJ pari. am ia the mid PaitarrtJiip. The fad l1ward J.

fiaJett, aa partaarr. mntnbotrd to ih cooaritVaa alork acaili parosrfrau the of Three Thoaftand I oi an. Tarn Paitaer-ah i C4TOrTeAqsa the Kitat day ot i Mf-iurr inttant. anH will ir. aiaata on Ue Fail lay ef Thoaaad Kt-rht Hna dred aad Fifty -1 wo.

U.Uod the Fi- day ctot-r. IK4-. KIV ARI J. M1.IETT. WILLIAM I kJiefiL, ocl ftw.d Ft TLK ALLU T.

W--f knauf iV ADGEH I PATENT HORSE Threehinx marhrae and drcular saws m.v h. at th manufacturer's depot, 89 Beaver street. New York. They are pronounced by the most exeerienced farmerv. manufacturers, and mechanics, to be tbe best, mott powerful, and durable ever Invented.

They have beea BTS RCRA5T8 AND FA RuKR8. ATTENTION. I JOHN MAYHER ft CO't New Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store. 197 Water street, N. where they have for sale tbe largest and most complete assart-meat of Farming Implements ev.r offered for sale la this eity.

all et which they will sell 10 per cent cheaper than th. a.m. kind of rmda earn he mt air other hem. "veB inch norUierlj from the aortuerlr mte or Una I in tbe city. Our gooes ar all warrated to give satiefae-fjShfSiSJJ SrMima' aorthwederly oa tioa Fanners wanilog to purebaae, wiU please call aad a slraixht line thirteen Kara leormcar.

te a amat amvmmt ass. I 1 1 aad tony aseorunent may be foand tbe celebrated hi bet premium kagte rioughs, utbr wits tne auost apprevsa ptoogbs new ia asst. Also, borse power, thmbiog aiarhinas fan mi us. cor. yokes, ox serapere.

horae rake, hay rates, patent ehaia pamp. (tnat averirses aor rasts.i ssa.nsrtiana.-In fact, we have everything for Barming parpoaas, together with guano boa dost aad tber fettriurs. JOHN MAYHER ft 197 Water ttreet. Nw York. N.

J.M. ft C. also their 196 Front street, near Fattoa Market, el7 Make' Patent FIre-Proor Faint, from Ohio. tTrnirn a nrur Mnvirui twmrn wsa mm. AiiUatfBkPUnarnsw I -aTl.

1 I IVittlO MW Jovw.low: Regiaamg al a pomt oa th aortherly wo or ka. oi th action of tn. weal tAB sleeet dsstaal haadrert aad amaty hwt aad eleie. tneh- wvarrir rrom the weaerty atde or line ot th lutn avenne. raa- amg thence aonbweatetiv mm a siairht at tr-loar feet and hvemche.

tohigh water mark of Ua North orliod- a potat distant eirldv-bv fret aad atae ische artherlr from the aonaeasteHy si-le hae Win sum. at net aacles thereto thewce ruaainr aloag said burh sun mark of the North or linoao. aadlarsw. as la aortliimsiely sideor haeot isath stieet Uieace aoautruletlr akrng ih-aoruieau.

ctiy ftr er bee ot rtrest, owe thuwaaad aad uire leet aad e. isK-ne. 10 ineHxiat plsc. Dated New ort. Uptober In.


mritrv GEkAkS fc Platt. Altarwrys, Nsssaaatjest, If. T. oi lawuw SUPREME COURT -IN EUU1TY. Isaaa Merrttt.

Ex i. etc, vs i Joha W. lfarhx. and othsn. la tiarsnsnee of a (ieeree ol the Paiisern Cneit ef the Pt.t hew York, re uwety.

I wiH expos t. sale, ea the lath day at October. IMS at o'clock, at th Merchaats' txebaax. i -nrvi v- I i.i wars ALL thatervtam fessrstoryacii nasM aad lat, paeeeor parrel of sronad, stloata. tymg, aad barmg.ia Um Fuvt ard of the Car at New erk.

nart wist 11 wf is kaowa aus 1 1 1 tier owe bd red aad axtyeix rwd anrt, ua paiiwlmof a aaowe aad dtstir.sdarsl mm aamber ftmm bona lrdaad eoeummg torether mm follows, thritistoar girarag ea Pearl street al the aonkweelerty r.u.1 mt arorel street. st be- 1. aw w. sraaoma aad attv soar musrrau. rm.

oimm me party want Us. aVwa that lot, ami of the storeoe Uw lot hereby mlea.led to esmveved and m.m.r theae Mmthrawerl) throaxh the teulnle of ud uui.sll aa.1 thrwrwmsM-ewtrrsB mmmt gwmd of He. uZi72I poiBt alsnestr wrra leet 10a, mrte-s su umK loan, of aa fmt tbr he-tert, ronee, T't otoLmTimTLZHZ aoeth vloc Pearl ereet wet wars raclseTsd KlSZlTlTLy awavwrwaa the rao. Hesmnrk rworaem. ka beta aad auaagas.

mm ml I sot at lb. opra yard, ea UM nstrrhr eoraer tiiereol I.d mmhtnt ertaai Ball pan of ahe extieme laainng the fsais slliaiaa en a -ftjT RANTED TO CHARTEB-Agotid vessel bound 1 jliHN VVfcrfTERVELT. Sheriff. st 1a so wui rarry uw to aouw aow. eaa I a tiiesx.

roteiior. atfl Zaw3w to obtain a return freight from th MediterraDea i fralght from th MediterTanean thi pan ea appUcsUon at 34 Bra rev street, 6v UYLNQST0X. t-lTHjtKJi AATTTOr. YAKS, Swl saaorted number. For sale hv BcuU IWJUNtTKLS, pnteetiag whatever covered frost ather aad from lira Parehaw.

slxould be partiaular aad see that every barrel tt marked Blake's Patent Fire-proof Paint," as these is any of worthies counterfeit arto'l In th market, railed fire proof paint. The genuine article for Bal by th patentee, at 3 Broad strert, York 3DkC W1LLAM BLAKE. PK. CONNER ft SON'S STATES TYPE FOUNDRY. Tte subscriber, bava now idl handaaexeetieat aaavrnment of Bonk, vewspaper, sad Ornatnatal Type Bordering, wbicli they are prepared to sell at rwdaeed rate, oa paper, at menth.

or at a discount of a per cent tor cash. Tbe eeries of feotch fares, so mam admired and rprovd of by th trade, aad our type In general, feet asatuwd. caaaot be excelled either In beauty or finish, by any Founder. AU type manutaetored by tat ar ma, ef a mixture ef metal, differvat ia report ions to tfcoee as-d generally, by which we inrur, greater durability. To oar SAaortmexrt of Ornamenta' bing Type, Bordering, be.

barvemade a la se- t-ad or constantly adding to tha vrw. sera. WoedlTypa, taamv, 8 tan da. Brass aad Wood i Imponng Hone. Composing Sticks.

Brass aad Wotet -alleys. Cats. Irwet lacks. Regleta. aad every article ae -resary for a rompUt Printing Offle faratelsed wkta deepaetab.

Siiemutsea sheet, of Scotch faeaa. are aow ready ir delivery. Old Type takea ia exchange for new at aiae eeata per pound. Publisher. et wsafssm who wiU Insert this sV vrrieeeoerit three time and l-rvird as a twdetr.

previous to the 1st of January 1 SAO. will be fa'd la materials of our manursettre, by tearchwalag fcar time the amoaat of -4 a. .11 Sm. tk SMriataOt. wmu.

JAMES CONNER SON, eoraer Ann aad Naataa st. a A new Beeltssra Bwrk will bsswed aad ready for dVttvwrr aamit tke 1st of Novembwr, J. tf TKIMitlftik. s-lEO. WACaiiH sb 43 Joaa tret, effar riatr-s- setwiag aad BuAUest, Gimps, black aa eolonsL emote aattrsraa.

Braida. srewted ead sua. eferery and Paris Kaa-ry tirade. Ta 10 000 3OIiK JACKET AiiDOV. illl with al.rg.Moc of other goods talk ahlrg tf VaiON WPIA BVJBU.

N4WM. rt. CITY NOTICES. sTtORPORATrO! NnT7rT-4ataV atw ta tawery ptsi ta a4 Vet. i nu.iiil aad are swljr ra trwrbrof the Rnsna oi aalise all mires sir" lined, via Iraiidtag a sen as 1 kne ruaws, po-nt aearua csesavlr sadwasf Asewsss A.

I am aaarw e-orarwa or sase i-- 7. sane, aad aa siwaad. vsoat uvrrn aad pauafceS aaad awatreal e. sasth sues Ti.trJ meet, between A A 4jmn.ajlai.ainet. Larsnivaw How last remrtk stssets avae mm rv.

at Avaaa A. svjwa Hidsws aea rararut Ssxi. Ail i isrsss whose Ian list, afreeted by ta anew aaam a sssswat. aad who t- teaar as thesaese. er ecusv al u-sc.

nee ijwesird wrvBsr.tetnenreV-vurBnat. i int. i witnra tre- ream eWssaees urn aerw. H. l'C swjrvaaa based ad Ai i ism Omrt rlraaac of r- Huwrt luamiismat.

fm- mi. jot, i sJ Wt POkORATlON PIOTK-E ralaW v.laiasrvssor B4 aarMred mra he SW I'. ma yaauna tar aH ninnmail.w: rv ae-e-Atma Thurr-rir semen aad smbi ansms. warBBTTaB1' tTfvs'r'ws IVt) Jr ur reel turouxh turn aaa tm art tke rwaj lxinrrrj rsaraw Wm e. He eaaetiy rape of mn lefts, i Ziad saaarests as efleetal bv th aSor saeard.

ovvmmmi the aauro ear mmrr ot UmmZ wm she ei al that adssa. woaia ustr dan rnwa tba dale el taat SAMITL B. DE MrrTT It a t-r a Orrtrt Kr-BBAr er Asaiarar-rTt, I fut liswtiot. tvra. m.

leet tXVk" "ORPlR ATION a hav rr-a Vy ttheraerr Irani. avrapaM ar--rt mt mi boaam and ken. luiaaswid aw nniniaianiial sassna mini i 'he ibinrwiar asiiaanat. saw. bee.

eawirdrard bv rk i aad are ksdred ta uwenWaf The Bore of Assassnssmss Iy akpssiem mtevewesi. Koreeildmraarwma'tk street, freaa tke Eaat rrvavt a set 15s. teet west at irraKlL I mnnt I an hmiei rmtsaied hv sac a me at meraeall Ik arveval lets. las aael pnreett a Baed both ssd-t ot EixlKk riel. be wee.

tar art nrav aa-i aporal I'jti U-mt or" mm hotk air at aswaa aad sMareaw aatd takwrea-. AU penaeas how mirreshi uaeaad by the antere aewatd aa. in T-vnrTamin1mis. sr ns nil ia I auarsti to pns.

at the. obirrtioaka. tm w.mmr so th asrkiaMaml asU.n ortvee. wsSia tr-mr use. iitmb the d.t.

nl il.M tAVLtL H. UK Urna Bruit er Aisrm, I freeA ltrpanmcat. Bv. tr-tV. xS Wh OORrORATlOJI ammi-ejred rajels.

aSrte.l thenbr.taat law lot. KOI SMHlaliM "e-. i r. iMrfy-aMas wssra. ran -i ares ta A'ar.

ITTBM. Sad for feline eart. -w ewteeneea oy eae usswa mcl.le aM thesevoef rwajKl. varut an. oarer.

nlnu.L.1 Mrs 1 setesot street, Th-ri mmA ----fk -av. beewea rnmTEJZZr reiTTJT -r K-ed U- ars. aad wao amsunened to tk same, er sattaer est arererioetted O0K-. dav.

from the cute rt- f.AMUEL H. DE MOTT. Chairmaa JUmtM of "treet ikrirartmeat. trjt. Sib.

1- 1 cm v-; rrctwak, erHloned Pioposal Inr aftewer A Mreev will be areereed STthe aTit ratoa Asjawlaet lteoanme.1, Itat.xia. iZmZ-iT the rith of Oernt-r. 4 ta Isald rSewi wrth the womuy ILeoerrm, Bum mm C.rVeT. mAmtZZi 10 t-lm ateran. -eaSTilSiS Tbepluof tJ ssvpmaadetssrTBieatsi sasne.

aad aB ether toraaatioa rriatiag wa iwer i iu ui. ier 1 nrvevaf. New Yatk-iSaMrmber asm. lac. ah asaruWImsMmref th.

rwa aa i at Una adica. WICHOl. DEAX. ivm 01 use a. roroa Aovsuect I mrpmr CROTON AUUEOUCT prormmlr.

emkwwal Pmrwml far bmjm-f Raaa aad Ca W. eorwrr of Graml aad ttiw iZJT. 'i be serwised al th ofie. mi th Cms. Award mrt UnmrlmrmZ Rotaada.

P. aaui Moadty. the rr day OnmmwTmyS 4 clock. P. to baild a Recemas Baaia aad Caivett, as th southwest coraet of 'hrs.

tonsil stisw. eh the sewer Sollim wraaa. The snoaet oi the Msa. aad mmm ether mtermatioa aeiauas thesna. 10 to.

ater 1 urvrj or. at ibMn rtew era. oepc S9. tbtv. sweek.

sj rTW Premdrwt af tlm rmto. Ammmdm f-r--, Imm (KiiTON AUL EItUCT BEPARTMTAT-T Keeled esMtoned Proinaah tor hasMiac a sU-eeivms BaassanMl Careens at sk are aad ek atsrau wall ke aa. craved al Ui ohVwof the lot on Aqimlaet itnitmet ib. tnada, Park.iaaul Muaday. thesthnsrot lletewr.

at, 4 coek. V. kaud tbe st Rerervmr Raaaa aad al. veru at the maienecuoa of Broadway aad 1 atas. smd ss th.

mleftrvtio ot Fifth vense smd anal, to ns-aert wrth the aewea unstt. wm. Th pl.n ot the bana aad cnlrem. aad -rnsfirnTwas fat th aaildiac ot ll same, aad all other mfontiataoa nrtaiu 1 eaa obtaiaed ea sun-scaurs. 10 the Water Panel or, atlSji New York.

rletataBaer STta, 1849. KrCHOLAS DEAN. 1 al Pressdewt of the Clolo. AmM Umnjmmt. STREET DEPARTMET-No.

4 Hall ReeireWrabhe tie. herebv rivea. ar the P-trrlalwias have beea I set earb aaa gauss tu are. aea. In tlw Board of Alarms Jbuda war.

To wselnm aad gtad 4Ttb aiisw nse. aa SUB atsnet. ketwwea 9lb Bad 19th TooieB. ser.Tate aadmt earb aad gattar ia 3Dtk 1 tU If. 1 SSmI 3d BTCSBM Totr-nag a ana 4 wet wide.

awth asiW a atrC oetwera 31 eejd 'ad aveaaes. fence vacaal sott sttvtk side 21st stieet, bases adaadsaas-i save. A m. west sad 3d avese. liaS.u 31a sad ax 111 1 11.

Air, the tallowmr peioan- 10 n.Hi sewer street, twlwr at aad annas' Tsbaiat srwav Lafaystte place, iiom Joam sum To uave aad set earb aad gattar mth taaatte i 'th area. Bmnd- Berareea sutk aweaa aad Ski. towxM All petwaa' mtin.d ta tha he pmthm. kartar mlX. tVvat tiwt4.

aa rruui ta pM-a ttW mmt wiruac to ttia iionaiMi, mm wwa, aa at aeiaaa ttw auia 4j mi Octta. "1 XX' R. THOMPSON. Buaat am r-n. aKa.

is, SL CTREET Pf'PASTMKVT PmMae Bote-e a bewby rrwea hat th. toliowmg petaaaa. ka aeaa ta find of AJaermew To iiav. sth svewwe. from JM torli Mr.

Tedasaaeietsret wme ttavmrh sidewaiaa ia XSth amil bs tw era all aad Ad aveaaes. rrssiAte aad grace 80th street, brttnr BdaadM are are To bund a srwer. serutat. pave saS art oaib aa (stteraowu, alto cat 'rotoe water 31st strrat. betweea Hh a.d sua avewa-a.

A ho. the soliowtas resoinuoa. ador4l by tti oxoaoa Coea-ej'. aad atwrarei by the Feptemuer il. IMH: That culverts aa SBraswia Usams be i-lvel rK.

tmimmj of 3d street aad aveaae A. lo cned wok tbe sewer I 3d street. All km. ta tlw above ptopOMtioM. kavmg alaos- tms Iheve.

are rertneviraf te pr sent Uie asm ia wnlng loth ai ha othce. No. 4 liaJet Recorus, ea at bekrw Uat Say el h-refaer next. t-ttemuav2jta. IKi.

AD tWTW i ki. R. THOTPvN. latraat tTKKKT IIKPAR1MK.NT. fi 4 H.Hf prntioM.

win seonvea .1 uua ttM n.ijl Tharmar. Oct. n. Ib49. aatil i car, r.

to fiat a spans 4 teat a Uionrtstiiewaikaof sLsueV, twtwexa Fast aeaeee aad avsr Biae A. Pava aad stwrarVrnwe. a. 4 all mf nmatius theresa. eaa ke bad ea apvermMia tlw ntasat tJaaaamasBsast.

sa aaatura. Hnsnnlat MLB. 1-fi. sejt in M. E- THOMPtXtN.

Btsttt Coaatwaatswar. tTRKET IHilafttoifc fmlmt I Ire rrvwi.d at teat ataoa auala tVestaamlas -O-iojrr 4. IS, at to'ciock P. M. To bcill a well aad posapmiil.rstaadMaaewtie.

Tobaihi a wrv) aim v.n,a i. Ar. smi mmA -M Taieamlaaa. pav aad hag ttm suaet. ssasraea frb atri Sth BveC Biaer.

Plaas. speetfr-atioas. aad all mfninmlwa thenar, eaa be had ea airplieatM-- tn 'heptreet I'm roiioot. at bac-dirw. MARTIN E.

r-taast tjuautuwioaer. fVajatmlm a. t4. mt-A lot STREKT IX.PitRTMETT. tia 4 Hall of Reevmir-Pabh bear a herebv grvea, that the trlkrwene aat beta toaaiu lets tm ttoaataa ttssat, iwtwrwa Bwstilasy aad Mu'berry As lerma i.taitatud ss tba above

having abjre-tm. thereto, ore reirn-ed to preaest the same, ia wniiBS I lh anoenvaed at k.nrhee.o-i or th day ot Ch-tooef a. it. -1- ItiOAU'aOJi btamt I Sevtember 37. 1m9.

i. IlL'BUC NOTICE a hereby grseei that th. Ialtw ssaoL tma bat beea preerauvl ia tiir Boanl ol AhHrmea To repave BU atreat, Marks Avea- BSraoaa aademened. mt tlw 'M day oi October sraataal ta the abov niotvwttm.

ksvhrg i. it i ao tn. ba otbcw. No. 4 Hail ef Reoemis.

aa eg bran hepreniber Zil. w-4 lot M. K. THOMPaON. TT.VTFD STATEri OF AMERICA.

FCHlTHERBi WS. a-r 1 nil 1 ur UHlt, ss lie res. ic tew. men is trw i nmnfi o.n ot thet. BiTee Btatesot Aasmca.

tlsr rkeather. Ihstnct of New tork. a the wet ihiLsv of bar as in ifmj ot Ml Lav oa Uiosssaa eagbt hnarimd end lorty- thoroughly tested, and are warranted to giv aatirfactioa. am. J.

Prrvoott Bui. Lswuwt Atamwey NOB-VANY 0 I rw I m-rao. two pvree. of womeri. tarl bve of Tin.

(Orders attended tlb street, at rigbuanglee taatato; tsMatee nhweirlr ta a anight lie ibuty-tkre feet and e-itit iaehea to a point distant eighty-four tset and five meaas aurtberfy from 1. punctually to.) Oartca Leaa Isuaro RR. Co Brooklyn, Aug. 24, Mr. J.

Rasaell Dear tr la reply to your aot ef yesterday, nmkiag Lnrteiriee la rexrard te the Badger's Pa tent Horsepower." which we bought at your establishment ia New York about eight months since. I mast say that the frtt trial that were male by different person in our emptoy went to snow tnat tne peaier we required eomd be had from it and fur the 1 -st six moth it has been in constant us at several station ea our road as sawing wor 4. I have seta a eord of pine wood sawed through once. Is ten miatrtea, which quite equals th steam taw which vt nave in use pan or tae time. For iu power and durability of t-o us tr action, I cannot recommend it too highly Very maeskftilly year ebt eerv't.

an27 DftC DAVID 8. IVF.8, gnper't. art TrttriTM itia arnlaiT-i iif 1 1 il nlfiaiiini ftw Rrni at tm fon aad Lhrv al Utiii daf iT.iTHiii tin aid nniii fanoieU to 'is Bsc of xitm I aihsd hta.Le. Titit ttid nail wmM ua nti. dar iBtolmucr itMMi itb.

DartJBfj ra tha tin? iSjlom. aad om tt teath sap of tV(raiU-r aataat, wew Ummd cmxmia' hoaw ta iiwrnummk fm, Uie alp mf frwm mmamam mtwrnm ap-i srjcrtimt ba oaal taatnaoa. comtrmrt ri bra it. bs7J bs-ibti ta Art smi aavaTwai id. I7T9.

raiiauMi A a Aa-l im mnumtm sVaa ooiavcttua af tiaiiaaotTi tgawjamrtt aaxi iraytar that the nal tooti. iim aad kerrtiaa4ia mmf be fwdrnMl aa to tba at 1' lm CatXttm tatw Mow. Uisjr. ia fBMa! mt Vm bmImm aar timmttl mt trst- aajtrj VOOIt '4 BdlW'wXw1 Oe aarBj-iaW air tftibinS ouc to ai riaJun9C rhe root, wikrm aad wpv iiaa-diM. ar aar aaaiBcr iaat mmtl t-iat the b- aad mir fi brio tif kwUtl iK-urzi ItjwnUfbfliHd ai u-mtjm9 bm York.

a atfi ih mta tw iapv-B lKTKtor ym York, oa teat ai a dijot (Motirf art.u atrtk 'cM-k ia tie iomoom ol thai (MtoralfHl thrttaaie ail bra a--oi henrakr oa iLm nt uap ot ji.ralcJaa UiHwlir.) hem m4 trnt-tm lo aiTpa9 tijfFir diui-. aad to aiaivr (ix-u air(alm9M im Ihai Othaii. iJllad tiie lefts QJ Ot AtflwM.VT Ukjifiv p.tuxmaix;e., aitvrf 0taia Hatatr. an J. rgriTTT TTaLL.

V. E. PrxBt'ict AxxmrmrT, 1 l.MTKH BTAT OK AMEBJCAeOCTHTRN TKUTOK NtW Y(iRK. Wttrmalibt-i kaia terra Vhrd IB ttV rTiX-t HtliOl UafiattCkm Ktatf104 AObrsffK, lOTttlO rNsil-Ta ItmrtOm ml hrw Vorit, oo tito oielM-atk tap mt CUt. yrmi-rr.

ia tit tmr ml oar lod ooe UiUwMai ric.rt ban iird t4 by ioiim iNriii. mtmimm. Um iwk baa WanLbeT tmekim. lie. Aaa witt il taaMatsj of tW ad wh4 iatfaat tfytg 4wo tha BaMs huafvLmat tar M-rtait fBmabed aad btw f-rmo li-ctaid O.

uittmm ml ia. Aad praviBr inm caia bart. brr tarHr kf ill ha 11101W mbmI aai aoai to tha bfi ml tbe bbrtiaoc IStrw UkakMa. ia pansaBeCB mt 'he tuatiioB Aew tlW avaJ oi tha ax1 roan lone dim. ao4 itti.

I 1 tv9-by rro I'Btsbc ootafja to aa imrr9o narum trw amid lajk. b-r taciir. of ta aar Biaaaoriaxmsnrad Uirnaa. thmtxtmrr be aad m-j' the Mat itvtrtt-t (onrtlo be hrtd al i Herat mt hear York, aiml KK uo aa4 a-kooUbrra Uirvct ml Yor.oa ttM -a Up o. Crtoor.

at iw4naBm ckBfk ia Us tcm oocsa Off that dap. fjm- VHked tls UtTat fks-tal tm a du Of lUfnar eiBrm atat bBH mr aaa. ama 1tst llrw a dap TjBTBMlartKo Uo wttrr. Um-b aad tkca to tfttaiaf sUiuiTW. aad to BiBsVc thMr aiU-rKtiooB ta that Iwbilf lmha ikm 'mA daf ol Orvmrm, l-.

11L.11.. I Al.l.Tt I-jEa, aoed btaBtaa MsUiktW. tie. tWwTiT. PrOrtpT for Lihrliami.

a. UMTF.D htATF OF rAMUC. BiU'TlihRS Mi. TRKT Oi- M.VV fktv. Vbro- a it, batb bam Nl ib it TswwUKt CoBft mi iim adrd iMairaoa Ajoror-m, lar too booUkrra Ihrrt ot Sew "1 or, oo tt Inn nap oi rW-0too3t-at, ia -m oar Ixnt owe ll.oo.rt ad 4-ubt baaf Pe-1 aad lony-Bioe.

bp Abraliaoi itr r. arra vm momrr 1 alcao bta tacAJa. tWel-, toa oi kod. aaU Grorrm M. MMia.

Aad wkno the momrm mi the mta mtm DM wm waa hbeiUM otBiedl muvmemmm thamid vim a cargoto im ajooBBl of Aad prairioc tbat iba aaal arboaoer. mm tapUa. hrn aod tha aal to-tvd. Bbrnf aa c3QOdfad ao mm a paf tha ttawia oi iim aaal bopHaoL mmi txmgl tm mm diRrn) aad wVrais-d. I Vo bmby re Odstioeioail riiinaf tbe mud obeaart.

mm fcr. aod tMud iraii. or ib aap uim ibiwbI UiLoriB. taat tmef ba aid at-Paf bciooj the said lhtrv-t oart to b- fa id at U- nip ol Strm York, ia aad tor too aaid frautir Ihtmiirt Nrw ork. oa Ur mA aay ol tcuXmrt mxt.

a e-o a Bt ia Use hwv boob ot tnal dap. twOTKt-a u- Maw om ua aoay o' jin'nim. Mhrrwoe oo Um mrt dap ot jbnajjrX44a Uiewva'Vr urB aod tafr 10 iatctpi tac ciaim. i Utat befcan. uak.

Kkb day of IMS). H. K. A k.9W. Pwarry ltr4l Aat.

i-ssrua rM-ww I 1 llnid dav krrtr-ame. as am. tk i. tn ban sua st tnat aay. WM.

t. j. w. C. LtVi-irDCE.

j. Mtv-imarvX. aeamrdiM I WW. warn. k.l Be.

it l. MV. AUermrw rl fonram.r ot tJ ctry l.r Vera, reuurv. luurll fiMiiMi lF LAhAL "T11J.LT. tlsr u-1 rvrv.

ia s.mii-ht kne "-T aml the WlllthlNlim WAUUrllrXI. a sJ tre-nonle-nr I form a -reel or. -rveiy-b idm I BaSawm street, as th. mtenaatasa ml Cauaj. Oraaaw.

a-saasm aass. Uliiwr. ejsM tk easts sad anarres is iwd by wi m-er. tax. ma or tne no.

Jon vs r-o. mmm ot mO Jusrm. ot tbr ama wart, U-1 b.m rf Us. aaid Cewrt. ta sr HmS mt mt He.

oA. mm isa ml Orusbav. mth. iwrsw saasamr maaarasm SAT TH ATT UK KMT By ereVsrof Hem ISei'enek 1 rMrwu. Jmlse ef krwosaarv.

aetira a sr-wov rive-. IBM aa eummasea Bs mmmmt agaraat ta Mal af 9 Va Brant, a o-otor. aad u-t aaaa aj. i bur pasmrwlof a. detaas.

aatrm Be aeprwr. aad ttKhmrrm ha m. tIm tra PU mam ot ttm mmm mmm uw Bar mean aets its. aat. asm tne aeavwy W.t tut baa.ay asasjiesty SUM utw ttm brtsmgrn us km.

aad ua U.A.W et aay awiA aeatranr by aaaa, am tf law HOEATIO WA1.KFK, isetf Attanasy aw Anmaiamt Camnust. Ma.UiCla. AJaI'LMAvHt:BTtJBK- The aaksmribar etTera a ntail aad wkmussaua, a tall nssCTtmewt ot ls saort pnpal! msslniam aad Bwrtuaamv of lb day, Uvorabl. term, by JOaLPH IHAMBLkUN.fUCeartlaadttt. UttarFilmkesamw above.

ale CUTTO4-Oa ba aew crop, for by 8U24 Jl.Ji. XitiilU-iM Xi tiiltt, front 5.

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