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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

STASLT H. FLEKTWOOD, th. tW IMHI MfMtf commissioner for omo. michioan, Illinois, I.N DIANA AM) MISSISSIPPI, take tckwMpMit of Deeds, Depositions, he. jy26 BAOI.Et'a a OLD PENS.

A. B40UY CO, MANXFACTLKLKS OK UOUl PENS, Oolel m4 Mirer Chh. DIALERS SUPPLIED AT THE LOWEST TRADE PRICKS. WnkM (old inn) 119 BnUwtf, Slew lrk. jjig ft.

Fire ug oorraspoa-. Van Schairk deae bH pesaed between Hoa. Mymlsrt ana ix xcpartnicai uu clly Nw Tx, 16th May, 1H Zoraai Mill, F-q President, and Joh a. Gilx. Lao Traaaanr.

XIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITT OF NEW YORK Gentleman For th. benefit of tb km of oar Firam-a ad Exempt 1 nel herewith, a Dead of Oit. of two fuli scholarship la tha Unlveraity of tb ity of New York, which coat fifteen hundred dollar each. Tha habitual miuo of juatlr, wbieb baa diuiogurhed th aondeot of tha luan of oar tbair prevailing ha of Rood order, tbair obcdieac to tha li and tbt propriety of tbair Btiim toward each other, and to tbair fallow eitiaena, entitle tha Fire Department to tba respect and admiratioa of every ai. aad woman too, loves tba Institution of tbt fraa and aolM country.

Be plaaaad. therefore, to present tho document to tba Fire Department of tba city of Naw York, witb my moat eoi-dial and hearty withe for tha rootiauad reputalioa and prosperity of that invaluable inslitaiioa. Ca application to thai baaraiior of tba I'Biversity to a will lae taforraed of tb time wbea tba Bext seasiOB will commence, aad of tha rjusliflealions which ara required ia Bow scholar Ibr admiation. Aj tba erbeme of instruction in th University was de-Vised for tba purpoe of educating tha reateat number of young aiaa. for whom eroviatna could ba made, and a th lnatruotton la 6uod' upon the pimple principle of Universal Equality, wtiirh eun.titut th mala tritura and strength of tha political Institutions of tkia country, and aa it.

mart-fare, contain a aery large proportion of Free rhnlar. It will be benefited by the good t-piuion of all It friends and by tbair union in ita protection, niargcixiat and support. I bad th satisfaction to ba among th first who originated that Seminary ef learning, woo mat ia 121 and for tha creation of a large aad liberal College, from purpose and intent the University prung. liar-log continued by anoaectioa with thli institution to the praaaat day, I ara fully qualified and abla to aeaert that It wa th deaign of Ita founder to construct, and that it a tbelBtenttoa of ita eupportar to perpetuate a system which ahall grow with th locreaaa of the city, which by it liberality ahall torit scholar from nary clasa of aa tna naaai naceaaary for iu aupport ahall permit, aad which (ball managed by rititen ebo-aa frota aearyaaet and party who ara willing to unite la an Inrtitution for tha pn.molii.a of the caue of liberal education, and the culture and freedom of tL human mind, without rrfrreaee to any other motire or deaign than the exteneion of knowlelra and iower among the graat body of tba people Op thia ground atanda the Lnlreralty of the City of Naw iork. and yonr Society ia titled, by tha poaaaaaion theaa acholarahip.

10 ha' two young genilameo iutnieted In tha lnatitatlon. to wota at lu alaetkina of member of the Council, and to an qaal rhanoe of being reprraentad by on of your own uaocla'ea In that Board of Direction. With much rKard, I remain, gentleman, Your Kellow- ttiien, M. VAX SCHAICK. DF.F.D OF GIFT.

In eoiuldaratlnn of toy deaira, to afford opportunitie for youug men to acquir th learning of the age. and to eiarcne their heart and mind la the Chrlatiaa acivne of eelf gOTernmaat, and conaldaring tha great baneflta which, tba improved ondit.oa of lb Fin LJeparUuent oonfer 00 tbi rlty, 1. Theaubacrlbar, do hereby aaaign, tranafer aod eoo-ey to th Fir Department of tbe City of New York. and to their aucceaaora, and on tba coaditiona which loltow. two full achularahlj'tta th nircraity of th ity of New Tfork.

To InVthaa Scholariblp election ahall ba made by tha Board of Truateea of th aaid Department from the one of Flraoiaa and ol Exempt Kireuieu. Tboaa young gentlemen ate to ba preferred wbo ara abost diatlnguirbed for good natural part, Intellectual eultlratlon, purity of peraoaal sUaractar, anilaj-go n-dowmanu of mind. Tb tranafer of theaa two Scholarablpi ia made iu perpetuity, excepting that In caao of non-uaer for any two year after th dale hereof, they aliall raeert to the ub-enber, MYNliLHT VAN Si HAICK, L.S.I lapraaaneaof Hraar Van 81 Mam. Naw iork, May 18th, mil. Nxw Yo July 27, 1849 Hob.

MraniaT Vaa Kinaica Ilrar 5ir Y'our epteetn-d faeor of the Kith May duly came to Laud, aiao th iJeed of Oifl of two full Nchoiarabipa In the Uniraraity of th City of Naw York to the New York Kir Department. Theaa doeumenta were laid before the Board of I ron-laat evening, who expreaawd much pleaauro for tbia nnhleact of brnerolence and good feeling toward the Department. Thee paper wtll laid before tha Repre entatlT, (eonaiaiing of two member from each ir Company) at their flrat meeting la behalf of tba Flra Department, most cheerfully aeeept tba Dead of (Jift of tbe above-named Scholanbipa. lucerely tbaaking you for the kind rolietlude uianiferled for tba welfare and prorperity of th Inatitulion with wblcll we are connected. bag to aaaure you that it 1 with th warmeat fealinga of gratitude make thia acknowledgment la behall of the ire Department, which iUalfia on of the noble.t eharUie with which this city It blcaaad.

Ilk tb highaat regard, believe ua, Very reeaectfuily youra, MILLS, FraUdeat, JOHN 8. GILKH. Treaaurer, New York Fire Department. Ia oOBformlty with th above dead of gift, application for appointment to tha two eholarahipa may be niado to th olSoera and truataea of tha Ura Drcanment. whoae aaaie art pubiiahed keraaitb, and who will explain th qualification nacaaaary.

Tb term commence on the inn or Hopieniber. y.OI'HAR MILLS, rreal.l.nt Uiaaox T. Nora. Via President. Jaaiaa Swoana.

Saoretary John Gii.k, I'reaaarer. John f.oger, Jr ...144 Front at. (0 Wall at. Broadway. Walki-r at.

233 South st. 79 Baekmaa st. .148 Water St. Front st. .253 Front st.

...604 (irandet. 8') Burling Slip. US Market (t. aul It Jam kaliy Henry A. Burr.

damuel Baratow Jame Fryer. Trustee John R. I'eck Adam P. Pants Peter H. Titua New York July 11.

lsao Uancrai foilely or AlrrltanUs and TraJeaineii of tbe City of New York The regular meeting of the Socl-ly will hold at Mechanic' Hall, No. 472 Broadway, thia evening, Augiut lat.on hour afaraunaet. ul it aroclanaailon. Tba FraalilaBt of the I'nlted State, and alao the Oorer-BfTof thia atate, having reroinmended Friday tbe Sd day of August to be ob'ervad aa a day of tabling, humiliation, and prayer, and having reraminend'd to persona of all raligioua dennmlnatioua to aa far as practicable, from aecular occupation, and to aaaeinble in their respective place of puMie wrnhip to acknowledge the Infinite Gocdueaa which haa watched over our existence aa a aation, and ao long crowned ua with manifold bleeainga and to Implore tb Almighty in hi own good time to stay the progrea of tba fearful peatilence which 1 spreading ita ravage throughout the land. Now, therefore.

It is hereby earnestly recommended that all parson nnita In a general obaerance of tbe day above mentioned aa a day of fatiag, humilintiou and prayer, in conformity with tha proclamation af the Treaident of tha Vnited States, and the (iovernorof thi state. In witneaa whereof. I have hereunto act my hand and affined the seal of the Mayoralty tha city of New ork, thu30th day of July, A. D. 184H.

tS Mayor. diy-Ulvhloml Mam.01 tna Itniaaroi i. Rait aoTo Coairaav. The of Dlrectora have thia day deelar-d a alml-aaaRal dividend of Fear per cent, on toe capital stock, (including the amount paid on tba aerip share.) out of th earainga of th six month ndiojr 3)th June laat. payable on demand.

Holder of stock rcptaterad on tha Tranafer Book ia tha city of Naw Y'ork. will receive their dividend at tb erne of Wirvlow. Lauier Co, No (2 Wall street. All others at thia office. Ceniltcata of Scrip Shnre must prvaented at the offlee for tho ndnraamant thereon of thia dividend psy-dan t.

Dated Madison, Ind'a. July 2-1J. 1R-I0 WM. N. Ja( HSON.

Secretary JylS Iwl Madison and Indianapolis Railroad Co. "(Vf- TrtaTlew or lara icCoin pa Th Preaident and Directors have declared a dividend of Fin per cent, for tb last six months, payable to the tocbhotders, or their legal representatives, on and after Monday, the ninth Instant, at their office, No. 60 Wall treat. July 2d. 1849.

JylJmls JOHN It. LTF.LL, Secretary. (ir- Schnolay'a "loiiu tain. New llouta wia Central Havllroad of Naw racy.raaaengers leave New York by tb sew a learner Red Jacket, pier No. 1, North river, and tak the cars at xUixabelhport.

Tho leaving by the Nw Jurauy Railroad, at the sauiv hour intersect tha tralu at Llixabethlown. Splendid etace will he In leadinea on tba arrival of th car at White llonaa. rasaeogera dine at tha Mouatain. Thi route ha lea taglog than any other. je owl SPIKIT GAS From Wlllinm'a high proof alcoho-for sale by WILM0T WILLIAMS, jyl'J 133 Maideo lane.

1)ROiZE POWDERS, GOLD LEAF, kc of all W1LMOT WILLIAMS, Jyii 138 Maiden lane. Bllt 144 k'LLTU-Willlama treble ratlned, ale by WlLMO WILLIAMS for Jy2 188 Maiden lane. i r1 a WF.DDINO. TI8ITINO AND MERCHANTS CARDS. Frio tad on th purest White Porcelain Surfaoe.

may be had at 8 TH CORNER OF BROADWAY AND MAIDEN LAAiEf Where spacimens may ba aaaa. WEDDING ENVELOPES, Just Imported tba mot faahiooabl style, front which a eareful aloction haa bean mad. ELEGANT CAKE BOXES, Emboaaed and Watered SPLENDID GO'l tilC AND SHIELD PLATES, For doors, of starling silver, tea plat of which ia warranted to be of unuenal tblckaaa. SEAL ENUHAVINU. Notarial, Coaaular.

Lodge and Society Seals, found and engraven as rvaaonani price. COATS OF ARMS AND CRESTS, Blatnned aad eut la btene, Mlver. Braae or Gold, la a style and Banner, tna execution of which for 26 jeer, ha givaa general at1fctlcn. GEO STOUT, 16 aa corner Maldan Lanand bmadway AVW EfiULAXfi UUl.D aJiV jVLdA FACTORY. BARD Aj BRUT II KR.

P1AMOM) MANUFAC AND DKALJtKa IN trOLD AND MLVLK i'ENCIL CASES. No. I Oonrt Avenuo, Boton. IOI Willi a tat ata-eat. Maw York.


KICII ft I Hi SALAMANDER SAFES AGAIN TR V'MPH ANT On Saturday Bight. Jtk the fooretnry waeahauaa Faari atraaC wa entirely consumed with lueoataou. Mt. Edward FHley executor of tbe aetata of the rtr Morton, occupied the loft, and had In use one of tha above irg wniru ubierLed to Intaaava beat, and fall to the ground floor It wa notowasied until Monday, and rafarea) is made to tba lettet at foot a to toe aonjiuoa oi cvawau as th.l tim. A lar.

annnla or tha aajaa kind of Safe. Of TsrionS iaaa.oa hand aad for aala by A. MARVIN, li Wa ter at, Agent for Maaufaotarer. Cry-Mr. A.

8. MARVIN: Agent lor Elch Co. Safes: Dear Sir la ana war to vonr lawralrie as to tha eon diUoa of tba boakaaad papers la a Safe I purchased of 70a, 1 am aeoas. nappy to etete that notwltbataaaing xposars te tb flra during th whole of Faturday Bight, th paper aad hooka Wakwging to th Estate I represent, of great value. Ineludlag beak note aad Botes of hand, were take a Iberafreea wlibent kaTiag reeaived eraantial Injury, aad far aa I have baaa bla to axaaine, every UO IB aaaa waoaa awe paper aa lagitH.

Yours vary truly, SI god. EDWARD FILLET rtaw York. April. jr56 g-VUltsfY tOAla Imported axunaule t.m.i.w aaa J3 par achr. Father Mathew.

discharging foot of kavanth treat, I -an nm, ai in im to aail i-t hy ur.u. B. akOWNE, Tib atrrat. near 4 sreia, jytl 8th street, near Areau 11 1 3 6 COMMERCIAL. Honey JOarkcU Wanaasaav, Angaart 1.

Tb market dull, especially for Government atocka faitad State '67 have dacUned. Reading Railroad ha loat and Hudaon River i- Harfaas kaa adraaoed Money eontlnae plraUfnU at tb prwrlooa rate. Th bank ai rather better snppliad with paper, by tbair regular customers, though far below their mean of dia-cooating. Loag paper, (six and Bin months) with aa-sxeaptioaabl aamaa, ia readily Uiaeountad at 7 to yer eeat. Tb Norwich and Worcester Railroad hav by a reao-lutioo at their Board ef Director, held 28th July at Nor.

wieh, revoked and annulled tha dividend of 2 per cant, declared by theaa on tb 11th July, and payable in the scrip or bonds of tbaoompeay. The Issuing of bond to aa amount exeeeding one-third the coat of the road, was found to be in violation of tbe law of Connecticut. RALEd AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Ag. 1.

3KO Treaa. Notes 115 M) do KH 91 VI do C'aatoa 1J5 do Read Kg HO do Uarlcm 64 KaJ do do b3 Mt anO rlo no 03 a do do 63-5 100 do do aX 13'! 50 do If) 00 Inland 31 10 do Erie RE hij do 10 cV'a lOMJlJ. 8. 6 a. o7 1IH rla fli tin da do Ill', dua) fo 00 ll.V, Sai no Co "68 1 i.S'j fw ao do 115', 1-MJ Keara juj hVad floade (ilf lus)ooroaet lata oV.

Far. 3H'l UU do do aid 21'! at) do Com Bk lau HIS THiLanicLrHia 8Tocxa, July 81 Frrrt Board 100 shs Far aad MecbBk b5. 61; 10u0 Che and Del 6 bs, 89; I nlon 61 lno I biob Canal, cash. 4o0 Pennsylvania 6 luo BO 87: 400 do do 87; KOda do fen a Townahip 2SI; bo Girard Ui; Commerl BankKy Hroraa ar BnaTow, July 31 5 share Boat Wot RR 10lt: 10 Boat Prov do oil; 6 Boat a Main da 1C3; he-hire do 68; 2 Northern do 7A; Old Colony do 7AJ; 60 Reading do IHt; 60 do 1. bW; VtCrDtrai do 46 do 48); 2do48J; 10 do 48j b4; do 4X; 10 do 48.

b4; 10 do 48; 10do48.bl0; 10 Norfolk County do 23j, 7 Concord do 60J; Weatern do 103' 26 East Beat Co 13. sou; 60 do eemoa; 37 do 15(; 60 do 60 do 13; 60 do 13f mos; alOUO City 6 'ol, 101. Faar or Nxw Tox. Export from July 24 to July 31. To London bbls pork; SilO turpentine; 116 pkga fur and rkins; Hl.oOO staves; 1.347 lb wax; 67.381 do beesa; ZJ 274 hems, fee; 12,170 whalebone, 6.563 mid tobacco.

To Liverpool M.0S6 bbl flour; 123 pork; 2 861 tar; UK) turpentine; 40vroan; 179 gal whale oil; 67.33 bu corn; 9.331 wheat; 4 ,4 SO lbs cheaae; 1.047 mfd tobacco; .740 Urd. bid flour; 773 rosin; 64 gum tha; T.1K0 bu corn; 4 4il lb laid; 117.3U3 grea butter; live To Ireland 16 500 bu eorn; 400 bbls flour. To France 160 000 stave. To Portugal spar. 60 000 stave.

To Tenenile 76,000 atava. 30 caaea cheaae, 130 lbs tea. 1 0 Gibraltar 9 bxs sugar. 86.00U stave. To Mediterranean 1.1'!)5 bbls rosin; 11 do balsam capi-vl; lit eerooo bark: 30 do larsaparilia; 70 ton logwood; 3'i do sapan wood; 'M do Lignumvitae; 517 logs roaewocd; 244 do mahogany; 177 bxs sugar; 8 bale jalap; 60 pun F'n rum; 1,546 pkga ginger root; 8 ease oil anniseed.

To Buenoa Ayre261 bbl flour; 200 do Am'n rum; 246 do naval stores; 409 do rice; 63 tea do, 318.968 fet lum-ber; 30 000 shingle; 'JOOcasea eider; 17 pkgs silk; 210 do domestics; 80 do druga; 4.714 lb tea; 3.2o3 do refined sugar; 3M cask nails; 200 bale wick; 60 galls spirit turpentine. To Lsguayra, Maraealbo. lie 300 bbl flour; 20 do rosin; 20 do tar; 600 bxs oap; 40 pkga domestic. To Central America 165 bblt of flour 10 do perk do bread; 20 do beef 30 do mackerel; do rioa; 72 pkgs domestics; 160 bxs soap; 7 do sperm candles; 123 do mould candle; 1 bhd tobacco; 30 ba es do; 740 lbs Mfd do; 1613 do lard: 73-1 do butter: S23 do eheeaa: K'21 tlah; 10 bags cocoa: 2U.O00 shingles. 1 Honduras 302 bar Iron; 30 bu tin; 102 do olive oil; 491 galls brandy, foreign; 778 do spirits turpentine; ba'e tobaoco; 3500 lb mfd do; 4 keg nail: 20 do lead; 80 do powder: 87 pkga domeaticar (6 coil cordage; 12,000 feet lumber; 6,000 shingle.

To Mexico 60 eask ale; 8 do sperm oil 18 cases tacks; S7 do machinery 4 pkgs silks la do drug (6 do chain; 12 boxes sperm candle. Tc. Spanish West India 500 bbl an'l carbon 18 hhd an carbon 68 bdls iron 46 bxs tool 42 bales yarn 138 trs rice 38 caska spike 47 pkg drug. To Danish West Indies 17.981 Ita fish 18.761 dorefd ugar; 480 do tea; 1198 do lard; 362 do ham; 3735 do butter 45 bbls pork 3u0 mat cassia; lot bxs mould candles 9 tea rioa 20 pun meal. To British West Indies 342 bhl flour, 20 ale, 645 meal.

25 bread. 25 mackerel. 82 pork, 400 bush eorn, 870 peas. 10 ira rice 620 lb heme, 2944 butter, 2U3I cheese, 300 bale hay. 2 hhda tobacco, 60 oxen, 80 sheep.

To British North America 46UH bbl flour, 657 rye flour, 975 meal. 12 tar, 16 bread. 695 110 beef. 1000 buh corn. 8 tcs rice.

12 bale hemp. 10 hhd tobacco, 21- vu ids ao mia, im ins tea, outtcr, 3000 stave. Esroara CHicano Th following exhibit the ex porta of th port of Chicago for thia eaon. from the opening of navigation to the 20th int lnclusiv Wheat. 71016: eorn 767.249: flour, bids 31.770 pork In 070; bam 1.614: bear, bbls 9.980: lard, bbln wool, lbs 336.000 furs, pks 303 Tha export from July 13th to July 20th, Inclusive, are a follows Wheat, bufh 48.42.1 corn 24.885 flour bbls 576; hams, ouia doil, poxa, iUS Carefully Reported for the Evening Post New York Markets.

WgDitisoar, August 1 AHEThe market I without change rmoderaU receipts and sales of Tot at $4 87 a $6. and Tearl 6 Cottoh Th market is not quite so active this morn ing. The sale of yesterday were about 12C0 to 1400 bales at tun price. 1 he purrhaaea are nearlv all on SDecula. tlon.

a portion being taken forshipment to Havre and the continent of Europ. 1 he orden for England are full one cent per lb nelow tbe market, and consequently cannot be executed. FLoi-a A good home and eastern demand for weatern and state, principally for the betu-r grades for which th tendency 01 tue margct is upward. The demaud for ex port ia limited 1 he sale reach 4.500 bbl at $4 00 a 4 2 for sonr: 4.00a 4 B7I for fine and uninspected 4 621 a 4.75 for old Wat ero and State 4.81 4 R7 for common State and mixed rstcrn t.i,uiii tor straight state and good Michi, gan 5 00 a 6.12J for good straight Ohio 6.1i a 6.1 for fnvorite Wei-tern; for pure Geneaee; 6.25 a 5.56 ior imry rtaieanu western; 04 aa ror extra Ohio; and 6 00 a 6 60 for extra State. Of the sales about 1200 bbls were for export Southern flour ia without change, and saleable at i 25 for Alexandria and Baltimore, and 6 31 a 5 37A for I'corgrtown Rve flour ia scare and saleable at 3 "00 a 06.

Cyrn Meal i Tery scarac; sal 200 bbl Jersey to arrive at 2 91. Brandywino 1 held at 3 I2J without Whiekey Tho market ia quiet at 24 a24 for Western, and 24 for Trison caih, and Drudge 23 a 24, time and interest. dealt There Is but little good Wheat o(TriDg. and prices are nominal at $1 12 for Ohio and 80a 90c for Up-ptr Lake. Ky is scarce at.

Vie. Oat arc saleable and rtn at 38 a 39 and -area. Cera ia tea-ly with a good demand, with sale of 20.000 bus at 56; a 57J for Western mixed and CI for round yellow, the latter ia very scarce. Hioie The market has been very active the laat three days. 8Kgl Rio iranda and Buenos Ayres Hides have en aold at 10 eta, leas 5 per cent, and lOcta.

6moa; laioo Oronoco at and 400 Southern merchantable The receipts though large have mat a ready de mand. and tbe market is firmer. l.r.aTiire The receipts come In very liir'it. The mar-fc-t ia firmer with an increased demand. Price are without change Hemlock Sel.

light and middle w.ights. 15) a lGj heavy weight 14 a 16 damaged 131 a 141 poor 9 a lie. Oak slaughter without change. raovisiov i here is but little animation in the nork market. Limited sales of mfw at tin 9 UU prime ia uiet.

ami rteadv at 9i9 06. Beef is steadv. with a moderate inquiry for ship stores and the city trade at 13 50al4 for good atate and Chicago mess prime mess ia held Ann at 9. Cut meats ara saleable at a71c for ham, and a 5c forehouldun. Lard is quiet at lii a 7c for good to prime, but little iuquiry for export.

Butter i firm but Inactive at 101 4c for western, and 7 a 10 for Ohio. Cheaae ia titrable at 2a6, and but little good shipping chxne in maraec. FaaiciHTi The rate ara without change. Cotton I aken to Liverpool at Id, and flour Is 4d to 1 6d. at which 6000 bbls have been shipped.

To Havre, Cotton is shipped at je and ashes st 8 a 10c. To Amsterdam, a few hundred bales cotton hav been taken at Jo. Boarot, JuIt 81. Flour and Grain. notice a fair demand for Flour at steady prices.

Sales of Genes-e. common and pure brand, at (5 25; Michigan and Oswego at 65 extra Genoeae at $6a6 5t; and Southern in fair demand at $5 25a5 50. 4 moe The receipts vf rn for a day or two past, have been upwards of 50. Quo bushel, and tha market is batter supported. Sale of Southern yellow hava been made at 646ac, and white at 60a01o.

Tb market pretty tlrm, but the demand mode- rat. Oat are more firm, with sale of Northern at 30 a 40c. and extra at 36a37c. In Ky sale are making at 2o. Provuona There ia ao cbango in prices, and the demand is steady from tha trade.

Alrsnv. July 81 Flonr-Th market continues but rather dull, th east and river demand being limited Th ale have been principally for home consumption Sties or 600 bbls at ii 06 for aour 4 121 for fine a ni a 5 87 for common State anl Weatern 4 87 a 5 26 for the beat brand for both, including Ohio 6 12 a 5 .17 fancy State and pur Geneaee. Grain A ateadv demand for Cora with a better aupply. Sale 14.000 bu at 60c for Northern yellow, 7 a see for Western high and low mixed At th close them were several lot on the mar-k-t. but buyer in view of expected arrival were hoMin olf for lower price, A al of 700 bu Geneaee Wheat waa mad at 61 16.

Oat ar quiet but held tlrm It a small parcel of Westers was bald at 88c. and a consignment of 18.000 bu to arrive was off at 40c No aala. Provisions Fork Is steady, with sales 50 bbl at 111.50 12. Beef is quiet at 513,60 a 14. Sale 15 pkgs Ohio butter at sc.

hisk-T Prison I held at 24ie. No sales Cnal Receipts at Albany, Julyjwth. Flour. 4.035 bbls; ashes. 146 do whiskey, to, 6.324 gal corn 33,491 bna oata.

4.067 wheat, 700 do clover arid rm seed. 4.301 lbs butter, 17 630 de eheeae. 3 618 do lard 2.268 do wocl tn.vri ao nains ana oacon, i.ouu ao. Bi'ffalo. July 81 Receipt within th past 24 hours Flour I.60O bbls; wbeat 13 000 bushels; corn 34 000 do The market for flour ha been dull to-day, aa buyers were not disposed to meet sellers st tbe high rates demanded by them.

About 500 bbl strait Ohio change hands at 64 50 a 4 C2. tor wheat the market I steady and quo tations Arm. A sal of 10 000 bnsbels Chicago wa made at 65e. Corn eantinoes Aim and in good request; tbe sales reaching between 30.000 and 40.000 huahe at 4Se for flat yellow, la Whiakey the sale ar 100 bbls Ohio at rreigni are wiinout material change. Quarterly Report.

STATEMENT ahowiag th true eoaditiea of th MECHAN ICS BA.MJ.U ASSOCIATION of thecrtvofNew York, aa Awiated Baak. oa th morning of Hatardar. tha 30th 1 ar. lev. RESOURCES.

Loans and diagonal, except directon and All dnefromduectora of this 13 ei.T, Oil IjMk i ah ani uue liwui oroaerr. Real estate 104.14(1 flock laiaaad expense auoouat, Oveniialta frpecie C'aJi llama, via: I I 25 MB Oj a 62 l.S:n 67 L3.6I4 Ctwckft aa cil banks taken in deposit. lie oa cuaoirjr nanus ao llilleof aolveot ban at aa hand Da 1 rot all van baaluoa demand. 61.7UIJW6 53 LIABILITIES. Capital I mill.

t'JUl 06 Rti-teved baak BOIaa received from comp' tlnlW (B4 OS Rcrilcreu baak sob In.Xlx 00 sn.eraoo 71 147 85 3.7'Ja 1 loe OciKailori oa demand I'ua hank. ua demand line aapaetl 1.710JgH S3 I Yrv aart I'ca-a-rv nt Nave Vntr as FnrJerick Peata avileal. aat Jnha II. C'naU. C'adiHi of seal Uaak.

being dnlr vom, severallr (tci-aee aad ar that tiiey ape Um and 1 aetiicr. aa atoreaaid. and that lhe fbecamar b. in all rruect. trae klalenaeat ol the roiHlrtioa nt titc a.l Hank, beibn tile uana.

actrou al aav banner oa tba morning ol tha thirtieth day of one. lew. (tan Hie dar aicincd hi die BoOc of the Coma. uulaar. r-nManr at Hlaia .,1 Tm.i,m iuit HMMnnf list.

dale of tltra rviaat leaiainng tna same.) aocordiagto tha beet of lanraaoaanire aao ucnn I ha said baak a aB aaaociatea but, aad a located aa the Cltv 01 New York tha ai Naw aak. wltera A ka a banking bonae lea tha IraBaacuo of ua bao-aaat. and from thrtimdar ol Jnae. less. a to Ui da; of making uue tauaat.

ua mm uwi uanvi'-leu at ancn kxat ca. F. PE.NTZ. Pretalrnl. lOIIM IT.UX1L-II 8aberibed and awora by both deponents, that 21it day of ol July.

before i anl I JOS. STRONG. Contrail 676.030 08 6.141 115 85.0H1 11 U) O. of 17 of bis for 88 of A x'a 'rsaaraaasoaacei. Augutl.

I 149 I la48lM7Ti46 1645 "6 6i 72 I 74 06 12 7 2 I 81 44 I 81 IT.M. I 7 I 16 I ao I IJ MARRIED. om tb anralng of the let tart, by Ber. J. P- RUC-KilASTER, of New Fork, to Mi JANE, daughter af John Urea cam, of South Brooklyn.

On Tuesday. July Slat, at the Church of the DWine Cnity, by tha R.t. Mr Bellows, ARM AND DE MACAR-TY, of Cuba, to MATILDA W. FQ8T, of thia city. DIED: Ob Welneaday morn lag, Augnxt lit, 1849, after a loag and sever Ulnese, which she bore with christian fortitude and resignation.

Mr. JANE, th wife of Abraham Brewer, 8ea 'r, ia the 62d year of her age. The relation and friend of th family also tha members of Mutual Lodge. No 67, 1. O.

of O. F. aad also the member of tha Damaaeas Encampment, No 18, I. O. of F.

also tb member of th Grand Lodge and Encampment of the State of New Fork also tb member Abram'a Lodge, No 20. of th V.aaooi fraternity, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, to-morrow afternoon, aa 5 o'clock, from her lata residence No 256 Henry street, without further Invitation Thi morning. August 1st, Dr. ABRAHAM T. HUNTER, aged 62 year The members of tb medical profcaelon and hi relative and friend generally are reep-ctfoliy Invited to attend hie funeral at St.

John' Church, at half past 12 o'clock of to-morrow, (Thursday) the 2d inat. (SJ- Cincinnati paper plea eoj.y. On Tueaday evening, 81st ult, of dysentery, ATALE-N A youngest daughter Freeman Campbell, aged Tear. Tha funeral will take on Thursday. 2d iiist, at 2 o'clock P.M.

Her remain will be taken from the residence of father, Vtl Roy (treat to St. Luke's Church, and tbsaee to Greenwood. Th relative and friend are requested to attend without more particular invitation. On the SOth July, CORNELIA FRANCES, daughter William W. and Sarah A.

Lyen, aged 7 yean and ft dy. On Tuedy morning, July 31st, of the nreraillna anL demie. JOHN FETHEUSTON. aged 46 yean, formerly of county Weatmeath. Ireland, and late Steward of the Emigrant Refuge.

Ward's Island. ROBERT ORMISTON. aged 17 Team, who cam. death by drowning. On Toeaday evening, th 81st nit, of the prevailing epidemic.

Mr JAMES CARKOLL, printer, a native of Ireland. In the 62d year of his age. On the 3Ut July, of disease of the heart, WILLIAM BRYAN, aged 60 years, formerly of Kingston, Jamaica, (brother of Robert W. Bryan, of said place,) and many year a resident of thia city. Monday.

30th ult, of tbe prevailing epidemic, JOHN THOMPSON, ajed 30 yean. Ob MondaT. SOth nit. WILLIAM CITFC of Sh.r,to Mallet. England, aged 50, of tha prevailing epidemic.

uu niouuay, wia ult, adiuham UOi'EK, In the 84th year of his age. on Monday. 30th nit. after a abort illness, THOMAS PATTEN, in the 10th year of hi age. On MondaT.

30th ult. MARGARET. Tounewst danirh- tcr of Mary and Bryan Regan un the ult. ol the prevailing epidemic, GILBERT D. OVERTON, aged 37 yean.

At BrooklTTJ, of the prevailing epidemic. JOHN WHIT- ORE. aged 56. At Troy, N. ult.

JOjEFH HOWARD, an of Stephen and L. Matilda Wirkes. At hi residence in Greenburgh. Westchester county, 28th July, JACKSON ODELL, son of Col. John Odell, deceased.

At Clermont. Columbia county. 17th ult, at tbe age of year. GEORGE B. LASHER.

At his residence In Uermantown, FETExt i. ASH Lit, aged 8.1 years, brother of the above. At Cincinnati. 20th ult. in the 76th year of ber age, Mrs ABIGAIL MARIA STONE, wife of Ihe Hon Ethan Rtonr.

one of the early adventurer to tbe North-Weatern Territory At Wilmington. 38th ult CHARLOTTE wife Rer. Pennel Coombe, and daughter of James Harper, aged 30 years PASSENGERS. In steamship Northerner, from Charleston Pe Wolfe. Bannister.

8 Magar. Barrudd, Laroud. Powell. Ryan, lady and child. Mr Ash.

Miss Livingston. Bancroft. Fringle, Mr Thompson. Samuel Coussin lady and 2 children, 2 Mi'ses Couasin, Mr Van-derherat. Mrs Wayne.

Mr Leve. Bristol lady and 2 children. Thuger, Ranney, Falls. Jr. Member.

King. Mr Laudeeker, Bowman, Barclay. Oatrum. flhulerman. Leona.

Rv Bush, Mr Hed- dleaon, A Tarts. F.rwin. Kanster, Holman, Srudder, Byrne. Avery. Ncilson, Brush.

Williams, Hyat, Roll, Wyley, and 10 in th steerage. In preket ship Columbia, from Liverpool A Hart and lady. Mtes Hart. Edward Molaon, John Tratt. Rev Samson.

Wenstrom. Mr Flnnigan, Mis Finnigan and maid. Mis Mary Finnigan, Master James, William, Joseph and Francis Finnigan, and 416 in the steerage. In tbe packet ship Amencsn Eagle, from London Peck, John 8 Thompson. Vorke Walker.

Louisa Nottc.Chr1.1tma Notte.C Fandt, Eberts, Minno Eberts, Lipperman. Charlotte Lipperman, Martin LinDerman. Maria Bassett, 15 second cabin and 247 steerage pas-s-rcera. In propeller Sea Gull, from Baltimore Samuel Honkina and lany. Janney.

joa Benton, Miss Caroline Benton forward, Khefllnld.s freeman, Gran harry, Mrs Ann Ray. Mr Harris, James Sykes, Col 1 aoec, ana a in tne steerage. THE EVENING POST MARINE LIST. PORT OF NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 sen .4 56 I sun sets. .7 16 1 hiuh wit.

7 26 Steamers, raoat wcw-voaa. roa LivxaroOL. Europa Lott August 8 Fo stw voax, roa W'THia ioi xo Hermann Crabtree August 20 from BoaTOrr. roa LtrgaroOL. Caledonia Donglas 1 raoM LivcsrooL.

roa sew vork. America Harrison August 28 FROM BOCTHlUrTOS, FOR rlW VORR. HcrmRnn Crabtree July 20 FROM BRF.MF.!. FOR NEW VORR. Hermann Crabtree July 12 CLEARED THIS FOREXOOtf.

Steamship Cherokee. Lyon. Savannah. Ship Switxerland, Fletcher, London, GrinnelL Minturn Co Bark Henry Trowbridge, Smith, Barbadoes. Trow-briitge a Co.

Bark Bogata. (New Grenada) Thomas, Kingston, Jam anu arioagena. r.veretl a tfrucn. Baik Cahara. I.ittlrjobn, Liverpool.

Robertson. Brig Sarah. (Br) Johnston. St John, A hmiihers. Brig ranee, rianiincb.

Marseilles. Brig Quebec. Pearson. Bristol. II ft Myre tCo Sck Peter.

Rook, Jacksonville. Sch Cornelia, Young. Bedford. Sch l.ydia Farnham. Mclntyra.

Philadelphia. Hand fie a lavery. wtiedan. McCready. Sch Jasper, Nickerson, Boston.

ARRIVED THIS FORENOON. Packet shin Columbia. I.ivernool. 55th Inn. with rnJ'c to Mr.rshall.

Packet shin American Ecele. Cbadwick. fm London aod IMymonth, 21ft June, where fhe put in on account of rnnera wttn muse to John Griswold. July 8th. lat 45 30.

Ion 31 20 spoke Br brig Ruby, fm St Vincent, bound to i.onnon. SDort or hread supplied ber. Byson, Janvrin, 7 day from Boston, in ballast, to Nor brig Princess Eugenia, Emberg. 6ti dl fm Newcas tle (Enc) with com to Monrewocd Co. Br sch Arvdia.

Barnes, 16 di fia C'umbeiland. (NSI with gnimHonen-iti vj i oa. 1st sch Olive Branch, St John, (NB) with lum ber. Soh Hope, Merrill. 25 ds fm Lacuna, with loo-wood kc to i.abagn ft hhepley.

Left brig Aenonhon. MoxeT. for 1 orx loading, tbe only American veaeel in port. Spoke oars jurry. er aurry, Anderson, master, hence for Lagu a.

10 us out. Sch Mary Angnsta. Kellock. 20 ds fm Trinidad. Cnha I i 1 Bklow Shin Monterev St UbeR, with salt, ke also 2 brigs unknown Wind NE.

By Magnetic Ttlt graph to the Evening Post Boston, August 1 C4min after 1 P. M. The steamship Caledonia has sailed with 9 passen gers lor Halifax, and 31 passengers for Liverpool. SOUT1IERS MAIL. Mexican Items.

The latest news of important diplomatic appoint ments at Washington, has c-jine by the way of the oitj of Mexico, and is to the effect that Mr. Clifford will be superceded by Mr. Letcher, of Kentucky. We get this intelligence from the Monitor, published in the city of Meiico. The New Orleans Picayune, oftlie 2Uh, contains some interesting passages frem Mexican papers of the latest dates received, some of which we copy below lhe YyaiffTInion, of tbe 4th has the following Last Saturday an American named Sisann.

alia passes for a doctor, gave a representation at the National theatre. The entertainment was tha exhibi tion of a nondesoript phenomenon, together with ex periments in animal magnetism. The attendance was large, but, right or wrong, the audience believed themselves humbugged. They saw nothing in the phenomenon but an ungraceful deformity, end tha ex- auaguenam am not produce conviction in the mind of any one. The unfortunate doetor had, besides, an interpreter, who did not interpret anything, and only said, Dice el Seftor" the gentleman says.

At last a grand row took place, the cushions were thrown on the stage, and tbe sitting terminated nx.u uid O.IIC5H Ul IUD IMHgUOtiSer. The government of Coabuila has ordered all articles ceuauriug the acts of the authorities to be tub- iahed n.ll. in Ik. i I vuivmjuyiiiai. The state of Jalisoo has directed a memorial Ia other states, suggesting that precautions should be taaen to save tue repablio from the revolution which threatens it.

tba states of New Mexico and era Crne baaa ratified the decree terming tha new state of Guerrero. The state of Jalisco wishes Aguaecalientes to be formed into an independent state. A new steamer, called the Gen. Hen-era, hag been launched at Tampico. She is ISO tons burthen, and draws three feet water.

It is expected that she will navigate nearly the whole length of the Tamese and the Panuco. Tha cholera has almost disanrieared at Saltilln anil Monterey, but has broken out at Parras. We have learned through th politeness of a mer cantile firm here, that has received advices from the city of Mexico to the 15th in that the finance minister. Sr. Arrangoix, has resigned his portfolio.

This was eaused by the opposition to his measures for the adjustment of the English debt, in th senate. His retirement is universally regretted in Mexico. The various newspapers at the metropolis Tie with one another in terror 01 eulogy, or. Arrangots is well known and much respected in this city, where he was for a considerable time Mexican eons ul. But the Crescent, of the same date, on the other hand, says it was only rumored that Sr.

Arrangoix would resign, if the arrangements in regard to the h-nglish debt were carried. That person describe tho contemplated measures on that subject in the fol lowing terms Eiolish Diet At a ennfeaene) an tha Tth ha. twoen the Minister of Finanee and the representative as ruexico 01 the tnglish bond-holders, the following settlement was made The Interest ofthe debt shaU, rro.m ih of the last conversion (June, 184d.) aul lso9, be reduced from 6 per the rate formerly agreed on, to 3i the creditors thus "f-mui 1 t.UW.ISBJ. In IS.1U a naw.n to future interest, shall be entered into. "Jt'? financial state of Mexico ahall be taken into consideration.

As a set-off for this loss the Mexican government to pa, the English erediioTtiST? order to extinguish the in lore at already due. and to aeet tho future interest a. it fall, due. This ram Sato be taken, la aqual portions, tram th. 11 menu which the I nited States is to mak annuidlT" according- to the Guadalupe treaty.

Finally, mail much aa the amount collected oa tha uUn little or nothing to the English creditor, the government agrees to sit an those eraaaitem no anl th. income Irom the duties oa the precious metals exported from the Pacific pert, hut aim the revenue derived from the duty en the circulation of gold and silver tnrongnoat tne wnuic repuniic. The extraordinary session of the' Mexican Con-frej was opened on the 1st of July. The deputies 25 ia a EYEMNG POSTi'iNEW YORK WEDNESDAY; AUGUST: 1, 1849. and the senator bald a preliminary meeting ott the 25th, at which they chose their president, vice president and ecretaric.

The deputies chose for pre-aident. Sen. Coat fot Tic preaident, Sea. SoLana both of Zaeateca and for a-etariea, Senores Malo, Beutegui, bianco and tUTaequedo. The Se nate ciervau cn.

Cromex redraxa itl president, aad Senore Lafragua 7 Virp. and Ccrio, secretaries. Thi Guut Allkoib Dzfalcatiow. Tha Wash. inglon Union furnishe tte following explanation of tho charge of defalcation, brought by th Republic gket Mr.

Denby, late Navy Agent at Marseilles. we are glad to find that it is not a ease of rnhhanr bnt only of commercial embarrassment." We be-lieye, howerer, that the material fact remain name- that the money, $135,000, ii gone The defalcation, whatever K. mn.M not occasioned by robbery, but by the commercial embarrassment of a house in Richmond, which was to transmit the government funds to Mr. Denby in nonse was ruined because or tbe ra in Which the revolution in Franca haa hannaht Aown noon the house there to which the Richmond house ma 1L" consignment. The drafts were returned protested from France, and Mr.

Denbj'i drafts (bared a similar fate." BALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET. July 36. Cattle At tha acalaa nt.v 4t.A. ua 1. .1 of Beeves, of which 400 were aold, and 200 were driven to rBiuaetpbia.

Prices ranged from 2 to $3 124. on the nooi, equal to $46 net, and avenging 2 62J gross. a quuve iron aa ou to 53. BaLTIHaac. JnlT 31 Thara la aran.

uK.llv In tha Flour market, and Wa hava aala Aon KM. frh mrnnd Howard street at and 400 ehoiee brands made of new wneat at 5.25. Sale 600 bbl city mills at 5S, new. Pales of red, Maryland strictly prima at lloo. No prim white here Sales yellow com at 61 a 62e.

Oats a 28e. Nothing in Bye. There Is ao material change provisions. Nrw Oxuiiaa. JulV 23 Ar Prnssian brie I.ucena.

Mat thew. Bordeaux. Cld ship Indiana. Hunt, NTork. SsviaaaH, July 47 C'ldsoh Del Norte, Loring, Boston.

BiLTixoar. luly 31 Ar Br brig Somerset Black. De- marara; brig Helen, Perry, Turk Island; ache Robert, i llama. Bermuda; Plato, Weeks, Fork; Jenny Lind, Cullen. do.

Cld bark Liberia Packet. Howe. Liberia: hrbr A Mania. ford, Muoaon, Rio da Janeiro; Abo. Jones, do and a mar aev; iicavraon, iaicaerson, ooston.

Sid brig Vesuvine. Rutter. for Malaara: Rail Fvana Damarara; Jabes. Antigua: Nickerson. Nlckerson.Bos- ton; Dover.

Clifford Boston. HYDROPATHY ANU THE WATEK-CIRE. ft?" FOWLERS fc WELLS, 131 Nassau btriit, New York, publish, and bare for sale, all works on Hydropa thy, Water-Cure, Physiology, Phrenology, Magnetism aad Physiognomy at wholeael and retail. A complete as sortment of the above named works always on published The Water-Cure Journal, monthly, 61 year; Water-Cure Manual, 60 cents; Water-Cure in All Diseases, 60 cents; Tbe Cholera Hydropathieally Treated. 25 cents.

je2 FO WLERS It WELLS, 131 Nassau at Ship llaniUa, for San Francisco Now lying at pier No. 8 North River, will (all as abov next week weaiVrcrly Tbe bulk of 500 barrels freight be taken if applied for this day. Also, aTen first cabin passengers. Ship Susan Drew Is bow loading at foot of Vestry street, North Hirer Three quarters of eargo is engaged. Bulk of 2,000 barrels can be taken on immediate application.

Also, ten first cabin passengers. Shippers and passengers will find this a most desirable opportunity, as the ship Is a notorious fast sailer, and will have immediate despatch. Apply to ol E. B. SUTTON, 84 Wall st.

MR. ANDREW DEL MEDICO is requested to call at th Counting House of Fraucia fc Co 83 Front, and pay ire gnt ror a quantity or marble, shipped to his order, orig enpeira, 01 ucnoa. aoi at- THOMAS FARODI. Master. THE LEVER TRUSS COMPANY" offer their superior truss and supporters to the medical faculty, uu union, uu larutaur toiuia, at tneir only aepot.

2 courtland street. Alfo, riding belts, shoulder braces, kc. fc. aul 6t VEW or tc pt.pih aonn j. vn liuaairx.

John Vaa Rmk-vrk In punuanreofajutlxmentandorrierof the New York Common Pleaa. I will eiprwa to tale, on tlie twenty. fourth dav ot rtuiwi, irn.1. at dork. 111., at the Merchant' Ex-rnanee rnthaialv of 'ur Vn.1 ALL and untnlar ail that certain leasehold lot, piece parcel ot land, twine the Irani mil In l.n demised br Stephen llakeranrl Roliert Bnnhan.

jnnior. by indenture ot lease, baanna dale rh 17lh Hav r) i eisht hnndrad and tixteen. beincalto part ofrartain lotaofxroaDd cwci uy nounmr uimini 10 iiiesam CMepnen l.axer. br indenture of lease, dated the math day ol November. 1H0I.

which said lot a Hiuaieu in tne nitn wart of the city of New York, and is tonmwicn siraet. ano Doaatlerl weeterly in tront on (reenwrch atieet. northerly, by premiaea now or lorrnerly iiwrann ui jmm iowerre. easterly trie rear by premue now or formerly in poaseaiion of anil conveyed to the raid James Lowerra by tlie saal Robert Buclian. junior, anil which pnor tliereto wm he rear part ol a lot ao ai al'oreaaid leaxal by the said SMenlien Rakartothe takl Roliert Itochaa.

iunior. aa aforeaaul. anntlierly by prenim now or formi-rly in posteauon of William Traphasan, containin in breailrh in front and rear each Iweuty-tive feet, anil in depth on each Mile eisry.twe leet, rtstlie tame wa nia)m ano vtiuneo io r.ionnce i piracy, by John A. Aliiler. awirwrui iwia i in anu jonn r.

KHlner. Dated New York. An- 7. Jut'N 1- V. WESTERVELT.

BherirT. T. Campbell, Alt y. anl 2aw3a- Bl'PREME COTTRT-1N EQUITY. Latx ia 'HarrKRv llet'nrelhe Xh Chancellor.

Aaioa WilleU and rlamad illeta. 1 v. Archibald Watt, and wife, and Isaac Plart In uuriianre ola decree of tlie (kiurt ol Chancery, rlale.1 April Kit. IRtI, alo in piirtnam- ot an onler of the ISapreme I'onrt ol tlie-tnleel N. York, in Fioitv.

I will eil-ose to rale, on lhe IMlh day of Anrntt. 184H. at 12 oVIork. at lla Merrhanla' Fxi luntre. in tire cay of New York IiL thoa? 10 certain lota.

par-es or parrels of lan-1. Mtnata. Ir. a. inn anil ilng in ue Want ot the eitr ol New ork.

oun'trti aa loiiown. 10 wu aonrnerlv ny urth rtre-t. noitlierlv Ity tlie centre line of the block ot rrronnri iHMween liaah ami tree's, westerly bv a line drawn parallel to the Third avenne on tlie westerly tiile thereof, attlieilistarioe of 4Hj feet tlarrefmrn. anil eaterl bv a line drawn parallel 10 tlie Third avenue, on tlie west-em- si.le tliereol. at the ibtance ol l'JU feot therelrom.

UatedNew York, Aiil-imI lit, J- v- ESTER VEI.T. PheritT. V. C. etmore, olitilor.

aul xaw.w SUPREME COCRT IJf EQUITY, i.a-rr ih rmvi iRv-irmrr rn vit a uamcxllob, AtnoaWillcU and Mamnal VVillela.l vs. Archibald Walt and others. In pnniiani-e ol a decree of tlie I'onrt of Chancery, dated day ot April. 184 also, in portnance of ailc-crteol tlief opreme 'onrtolthataeof Nea York, in Eiiditv. I will eiiioae to i-.

vii iiiriHiiniiy ui nmuw, at ia nor, al the Vlpwl, ants' Kirhinm in 1. ALL those fifteen certain lota of land titnate. Irinr and heinr hhi tl'l'welllh Ward of the city of New Yb-k. bounded a rollowa. to wit aontlierly liy llfctli street, nonli-rly by the centre lineot the block of trroanil Irelween KlHih aad lltth straeta.

watt, erly by a line drawn parallel to tbe Third avenue on tlie westerly Mile thereof at the distance of 4ii- feet therefrom, and easterly by a lum drawn parallel 10 the Third avenue on the westerly aide there- ui Miir iir-ianca 01 i im uwrerrom. Dated New York Ausn-1 1. 1841. JOHN J. V.

VV'ECTERVELT. PheritT. w. Wetwqrx. Sol r.

aul in aw SI'PRKME COL'RT. unipn rsra ann tviiham liaml ia. I tOrblt. rs air. aaainu Ralph PesL.

nm! ntlien Iu purnanc ol a dn-rea of the Fnpreme Court of the State of New iota, i win ex pose to tale ou turaitli day ol August. 16111. at 1J orloik. at tbe MerdianU' EAi-hauue, ia the A LL thataartnia lot. piece of parcel of land, situate and being a In I he 1 evenlli an nl lht.ilv nl -ur i.

erly mile ol rMualon street ia the block betwea-n Allen and Orchard irncit. ana Donnneu aa loiiows. mat a to say: Uerinnin at tannton Mi anion street forty-tive leet easterly from Ilia comer of Tiara wreea. uiem-ernnnmc nonoerty on a line parallel with A Strofl MltV.hva teat In lanil nnw nr aianflnhn I 1 7 amae tne lana ol tne arua John alentme on a line nara env aH a-i i taniun iuvei iwenty-one leet. I nance aontlierly oa a oaral wl afaiu with A ea tima uav.fiva ljt anil thence westerly on tla? line of Stanton sueet twenty tort ui rayanina oa ua; same more Ot le.

Dated New Yoik, Autt'in 1. 1849. J. V. WESTERVELT.

WraritT. B.oeaon Scl 1. Au'ys. anl Jaw3w SEALED PROPOSALS will be rrcervait at the office or "the 101" nntilSalnrday.the 11th day of Aueii.t, IMS, at dock P. To build a sewer in avenna fram Ika htia avenue, at 3sh street, to lac aouth aide el 34th atieet.

in kattb M. E. THOMPSON. StieetCommisuoner. Street Department, Jnly ai.

181S. i lnII PUnLIONOriCBie hereby riven that the followint petitiea ha. been prtaented the Board of Aldermen. To linild a anil nnmi. Jk, I.

I dale road. "aaamns- AlllMmona rntemcrad th. -lu. I hons tnereto. ara rrnuesaed to rlum iA I i ai ii.

ii o. a nauoi iteoorus. oa or belore toe 10th dav ol mnVKriw E. XHOMFSON. Btreet Deimtm-nt, Anrnrt I.

IK49. Street Commisaioaer. aal lot AL.A;il A.MJl!,t. SAFINS I-Ona HxaaiRo saoax taua roa Nxw You. Mav.

liuo Mr. 8. C. Herrins, 139 Water street 41tho.h thia may reach you rather late in the day. parbapa, to be ot much useful service to vou, ret even if our artinration of the followinic facta can be a source of aratie.tinn yonrself or the number already possessed of yonr safes, and to whoae faithful trust they are now confiding for aa wuuiu Bay, iiuh IU lue montn 01 April.

1647, our lime establishment, foot of 20th street, North River. wno ucmiujeu uy ura. The safe which we bought of Ton was on th. Boor of that building and that, aome time after the sir had commenced, our attention was directed to somethinc in the second story, which seemed to hav lodged upon he sleeper or rafters of tbe buiiding. The moment It caught our eyes, we at once recognised the safe In the vary auuunt oi im ura.

ana expoaeu to all the fury of the flame The safe wa plainly discernible. a it wu r.i and instead of an iron safe, had all the appearance of a burning coal. A short time after the timbers gave way aad the safe fell with them and there remained until our entire buiiding was one heap of ruins. Upon opening it, we found our books, papers, and even paper money think bills.) all toft and-seuad. And having so much confidence In your safe, which wea know tub fir1Tf.

have placed tbe -'same old 8alamander" ia the waU of our new building ain-eerely believing that, should It ever be Its lottobeenre ror placed as above described, that the result will then he "likewise" i (Signed) A. A. PENMAN fc CO. ninit rual BTha i i Pattern tn m. rand adopted by the eity anthontiae.) eontinnes to be maBttfactrn-ed by them and a ad awninr post set un in Brmuim i form to this pattern, these requiring th.

'article should take the precaution to com Bare those they pnrchaae with i that may nm find thejreai eompeUed ramor. them for -want of conformity and strerrt h. They nav.etablirhed their vrlce aa low th. same weight and oiality of iron can be afforded and although their poet are heavier than those now being put up by others, they believe them to be as liaht i. withsafetT Their pattan.

1. tbe ne.teat on. iu and tb-Kfwund. having cast on each side. Having been at tbe expense of getting up the original pattern, and introducing th articleTtbe under-srgned would respectfully a. the natnaag, ef their r91 aa rs at at ft 1 nra mi hlla xaanaa i a i at wiuxur prow. WORRALL fc CO Iron Fouade, Printing free and Saw Mtiiif.r,.. JtS0 22, 24, Ma ad IS Ulta traat ACCOCP4T BOOKS, PAPER, STATIO.IERr. afce The undersigned, invite terasiv and well selected stock of Account Books. Paaar and Stationary which believed to be utirorpaaied bl aay other iu th country, and which i oflered for aale at the lowest rates, thua giving purchasers the donbl.

ad-rantage of selecting from a large assortment and of baring upon the most favorable term. It comprises Blank Books A great variety oferaryaiae, pattern and bj atllla VI WW S3 uivoi aaurvtsvaj, awtjrn met, ft fj Writing Papers Of very quality and aixe both En. itch t' flM-man anA TT wove anaiaiav floriying Presses A large assortment Flaying Cards An unequalled of all the usual Tarietie and of ao peri or quality. Slates and Slate Pencils From the Warren Slate works. Of every descriptiovi.

Copyiag and Writing Inks Imported and Amaricaa, ef various eotoia. Fancy Not Paper Of a variety of patterns, embcawad, eolcfred and plaiu. EnTetripes A large stock, eomprltlag buff, cream and hlwawow. laid ofeveTT alia bteel Pens Oiilott's, Herts', Mcalav'a, Knixhi'. Wla-tova.

Windle'a fce Colored, Glaxed and Fname'led Papers -Aa extaaalv stock at manufacturers' prleeat. Drawlug Papers hatman's Tarkey mill, American rri Hiau. snceta anu in roua oi various qualities. MMwaiSMnail VI eretj n'-cnpimx WILLARD FELT. 1 (0 the tate rm af David Felt fc Ne.

181 Fan street, at tha old etand. third door laraaw MaJdeB lane. IKISH taKNS The aabMrtber baa noairad iate tore and offers tor sal by the package, a large aaaort-aent of 4-4 Irish Uneaavof thawea-knowaaealof Jajae and Rottert Twang," aUUywaaaa, --j Aiao 34 ana 4-4 Brown Hoilaad. aad 6-4 and 4-4 Linen and Unloa Platila, (in boadj auitabw for th, Mexioaa market. aul WILLIAM REDMOND, 30 Haa street.

BELvL, tUS6ERS aVKD LOCKSsiITIIS will find at ourator a prim artiel of soft Conner Wira manufactured for BeD Hangers nsa far bona and ateam-boat work, tfaretker with a good aaaortmaat of tha nara- sary ariialea used ia that liae of aaininaaa. at low arieee, at naaaiULu ituaaE.x.'B, Jobbers of Hardwara, 140 niton aal between Broadway aad Naaaau at. rpO HOTEL KEEPERS AND STEAMBOAT OWNERS, who ar io want of kitchen Hardware, will Sad a fall stock of Clark'" make of composition and enamelled ware, consisting in part of round and oval Pots. Sauce Pans of 14 different isvs, enamelled do. Preserve Pans, Gridirons.

Mosiin Kettle, round Basins, Tea Kettles, ac ke which are tflVred at reduced prices, by nr.nsutLU at KtMtL. ImnorLera of Hardware. 140 Fulton it 1 between Broadway and Naaaau St. PATENT LETT6R CLIPPS-By which Letter Invoice. Prices Current, ke.

he, ara instantly and eueetuwuy racarva tna reaatrm aa available for UBmedi- ate reference or perusal aa if in a bound volume, from I which they can be detached without mutilation. For I sale by WILLARD FF.I.T. (of the late firm of Tarid Felt Co.) at tbe old stand, No. 101 Pearl third door below Maiden lan. aul TSiGLIBH DAIRY CHKKSK A auperioTaJticU o-s or x.ngiin uairy 1 naaae.

ror sale Dy KT B. UkKtNWOOD. aul 487 Broadway, cor Broom street. WESTPHALIA HAMS Just received, a superior lot of Waatshalia Ham, for aal by HENRY B. GREENWOOD.

aul 487 Broadway, cor Broome street. POLISHED STEEL POCKET BOOK. Locks and Catches, a good assortment at Terr low prices, ror aal by A. w. SPIES a aul si Maiden lane.

PERCUSSION CAPS English and French Persuasion Caps, of beat brands, for sale In any quantity oy a. aul 1 Maiden lane. a- and assorted color also 27. 28 and 3J inch black cmoreua cioinj. ror aal by aul S.

JONES CO. 49 Exchange place. TIE AC PLANK- feet suitable for plane mak- JL ers, for sale by ui M. DEMILL, 186 Front at. IITXtER HOSE A superior article, made upon a new plan, warranted to stand the Croton nraaanr loreoi eoy tne UNION INDIA KUBBEK CO.

"1 19 Nassau St. RAILROAD IROS. The subscriber ia ready to contract for Railroad Iron ol superior quality, to be tuauo aa uie woraaoi tne new jersey iron CO. JOHN MACK IE. Sola Agent, 66 and 87 Broad a treat.

aul rpEJaN AST'S BLEECHINO POWDER For sale by CYRUS W. FIELD Importers of Bleaching Powder, tc. 11 Cliff street, N. Y. anl fa tft'SIC WIRES From one of the first manufacto- J-vA rle in England, for sale bv aul HARNDEN xt 6 Walls! TJLArVKKTS A superior make of white Mackinaw AJ also stone and light and dark drabs, fawns, browns and golden mixed, and Gantianilla Whltneya and Mae aiuawa, ovxeo, a anu iu ids, suitable for coats.

For saie Dy aul 8. T. JONK8 fc CO. 49 Excbang Tlac. I VTESTPHALIA I1AM9.

A superior article iwiiini, wu auoioa irgiDia nam, I or sale oy 'unn utJ.iiyAn a tun, 407 Broadway. WATER CRACKERS, BTnTfcCo'sTjuTt received, for sale by eut DUNCAN fc SON, 407 Broadway. BLACK TEAS Fine old fashioned Souchong Teas in various sited packages, for family use, for sale JOHN DUNCAN It SON. nl 407 Broadway. bale St.

Jago wrapper and fillers m. iu store, lor sale Dy il MOSES TAYLOR fc 44 South t. SODA ASH SO ton low test, for sale by H.M. SCUIEFFELIN fc FOWLER. aul 143 Front atrwet TTORJf TIPS 25 ton Horn Tip, suitable for man- -a.

a. uiaciurars, jor aie uy aul WM. H.CARYfc CO, 245 Fearl street. icvHUlr OI superior trengtn snd quality, for J. -a.

sale Dy WILLIAM T. HICKS fc CO an I 140 and 151 Front at QOCHINKAIa- 6 ceroon Mexican, for sale by WILLIAM T. HICKS fc 149 and 151 Front street: aul REF1VED SALTPETRE-ln keg 100 IbaTeacb for aal by WILLIAM T. HH Kg a aul 149 and 151 Front at. 101D PKJiS-A Urge assortment of varioua ouali- VX ties, manufacturers, and price.

For sal wholeaala and retail, by WILLARD FELT, (Or the late firm or David Felt It Co.) At the old stand No. 1CI Pearl street. aul third door below Maiden lan. 1VOH.Y. 17 tusks Bombay Prime Ivory, for aale by WM.

H. CAR fc CO anl 246 Pearl street. CANTON SIL18.6 cases white and red figured poneee hdkfs; white and colored harder lustrine hdkrs: checked sarsnet and black silk neck hdkfs, just received or aaie oy aut IllOhS It TOUEPH RIPKA'S PA.IT STIFFS -A great as variety oi atjion, io eaie oy LAnHtMK, TRIMBLE at aul 86 Broad street. WIGANS S-4 and 4-4. Mark and white, for sale by LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE fc aui 3s Broad street.

pOLOIlED CAMBKICS-Bl and assortel colors. lor sale by LAWKthtK, TRIMBLE aul 36 Broad street. --VSNAHCRGS Eagle, CurtrigbX and other manufac- tares, lor sale oy LAWRENCE. TRIMBLE fc CO aul SS Broad street. riUDARD BR AN 11 Tha Ilbarrlh.e aol.

Vt for I Oodard Cognac, have constantly on hand a ruppiy oi ni cnoire rale uid and colored Brandy, which buejr uuer rur tair unuer tiistum nonse loca BARCLAY fc LIVINC.STON. nl 24 Beaver street. (y-l BltANDIKS Pale and colored Cognac Brant uies, in wooj ana eias. ror sale pt anl JOHN DUNCAN fcSOM. 407 Broadway.

WINKS Nathaniel rauldlnrr haa placed in the hands of John Duncan fc Son, to sell for bis account, the balance of bi stock of old wines, consisting of euperior i oqiuuu iiiaunm, divwii uernee, cc. ui NATHANIEL PACLTtlNO FIROWJI STOCT-75 caeka. in quart and pint hot 1J ties, received direct from Messrs. D. Dunbar Ik Son London, for sale at 20 Beaver st.

by "a xIAKCLAt fc I.IYINOSTON. lltAMl, 20 bales Scotch Crash; also Burlaps. Hessians, anvaas Paddinrra and Bareinz. for sal hv aot o. i. a tti. r.xcnanir.e place. CAI.F SKINS A small Invoice of very superior qual- ity. for sale by em HAKNUEiv fc CO 6 Wall st, MLIH lMtU CAfS-lf cae aaorted brands 1-6 a anu l-iy. just received and for sale by ani wrel.

tl.t.An.s 246 Pearl atreet. AlttsAfAlUJLiLiA 75 bales pnuio Z7t sale by ISAAC T. SMITH. 101 Wall street. aul nitLKAag CIAFTIIS-fJIack and a-sorted color.

various qualities, now oomin in store and for tale bv am i has. I.AKI it.i.r., 17 oroad at flL ANO S50 tons, the entire eara-o of the Brazillian bai Patriot, arrived from Patagonia, and said to be oi superior quality. lor sine oy aul SfOKFOKD. TILESTON fc 48 Sonth St. tfy LiTJK.

Consignments of Western, of medium quality vs lor aaie oy i. mi as aul 149 and 151 Front street. S' from Sicily, and for sale at 20 Beaver st. br. aul BARCLAY fc LIVINGSTON.

Tl-OOR CUrTHS CAR ASS S. T. JONES fc Co have received a large assortment of this article, and are offering it at low prices, at their store 49 Exchange Plsre. anl tfLtJE PJJLJU MASS Warranted one-third mercury AJ for aale by WILLIAM T. HICKS fc ui Uiaand 151 Front St.

L'PSOM SALTS English in barrels, for sale by XU WILLIAM T. HiCKS fc ana isi ttont at. A l.CK.MIAI.K tDMTERPrnl a I uu a. Deauinui article, ll 4 ana b-a lor sale by aut L.A bu.isci., irtiiviuLic.fcuo, 36 Broad st. inn hibber coats, ciaau.s, a.c- va oi uoouyear I stent metallic ltubbr.

anu ox tne very aeat quality, ror sale ry the 11 UN IO liMJIA JtUBBEK IB Nsasau (t, COUTIIERX COTTON TARN-Asortedn mbn I roraaieoy a Q1 5 Broad street. BLEACHED jDT.APKK.-7 8 bleached Dialer-for sale by LAWRENCE, TR1VBLE fc vo. Broad street. CARPET RAGS 4 bale Carpet Kara for sal br" I H'lllum "1 i Broad street. haiiwuiv.

pLACKMERRT SYRUP AD JELLVFreah oiacKoerry, iurrani. tuu inner svrnn ana Join ioreaieat Jit'ici nij.w ranjlN "8. Saloon and Confectionary, 235 Broadwar, oppnait the Park Fountain IVORY COMBS, B. 10 000 dos Fin Ivory Comba, 3 in to 4 in 600 do do Dressing Comb. l.lWO grcas Horn Side do.

600 do do Dressinc do. Suitable for the Spanish market. for sal. bj WM. H.

CART fc CO "1 4 Pearl street llllOWN TABLE CLOTHS 6-4 and 7-4. for sal oy i rtl.vtrll.r, fc CO Broad atreet. -Kf ARIBTBR'S SHIRTISG STJilPEg-ScTeril lur aaie vj LAW KE-vCfc, TRIMBLE It CO-al Broad street (ia-aauia ataataia as.n Drown anu aea'd col or foe a 1,1 I luiDiui'D ora, IOr rf-s, a rmMa a-wv at ata uy barrnbiivr ini.nDLLSCO, 65 Broad atreet. ISDIGO BLUK of uualiti for aal by LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE a aul 86 Broad street 5 A CLE ACHE. SllEETlXCs, for sal.

bv MARCUS 8PR1.NO fc 7 aul 61 Exchange Plaee. TCJfi BUAhS 1VH 4jFs'lCEA tery eonvenien A aad cheap article, for sale by aul SMITH TORREY fc CO-6e Maiden lane. JOSEPH RIPKA'S SHIRTING SI lUPtS A very tniMrln, Sna aal. hv aul I.AWHI.M.1. 1 KIMBLE a 86 Broad NiA.iuilkKltSt.IS-r.ittt heavy, wool a nine aul.

i r.xrhawga Plaee BLEACHED SHKKTlSCiS Lonmlala. Uope, Co hannet. AlasonviLe. Newmarket, aad othar ati' anl LAWBiNCE, TRiMBua a co.3( Braadrrt NEW IORK MILL CiOOUs Various styles of Kood. the manufactare of tbeaa Mill, whoa.

r.K ncs are of estabUslMd reputation. For sale bv tba 17 Broad GUM COPAL A superior article. For aal by WILLIAM T. HICKS fc CO aul 149 aad 161 Front at. AMP WICK-IOCO gross Lamp Wick, comprising aul DIETZ, BROTHER A CO-136 WiDiam at.

"1 AMPHE.tlC, of superior quality, for sal. by the bar. relby DIETZ, BROTHER fe CO- ..1 IMIPnu 'w uiiam it. SPIRIT GAS, OR BURNING FLUID, of tiTbaet quality for sal by the barrel by aul. DIETZ, BROTHER It CO, 123 VLUUm st.

HOT HOUSK taRAPKS Black Hambwrgh i at selaa and other choice Grape, received daily at JAMES THOMPSON' Saloon and Confectionary, ts Sroadwar. anl opposHetbe Park Fenntala. PAPER LAMP SHADKS-6U0 do. bhida assorted, for sale by aal DIETZ. BROTHER fc CO, 13a Willis at.

puant i-o ana a- all wool aad couos A aad wool, new stykM also small check Gala Plaids. hmh 1 wga Gavii lut cuuuim. rureaueoy 1J 2T 8. T. JONES fc 4S Eicbaag lacel piUXJPS, OOIJQK Xa, Nos-laaadn CUaTat a.

oner aox aaia 1 Tlx Flatea, 1 aad 1 abn a fun arat. at of xtra aiaee or all aaaailBlliiB RooflngPUtea. 14X201C and 14x20 IX. Taggers Thi Plates, 100 boxaa Taigeralroa, 608 do IOum bundle Pesna. boa Wire, all Bankers uO do English do 600 slab Government Banoa Tin too do India Tin 800 InrcAa Eaurlaah Tim tOM boadia English aad Amarrieaa Sheet Iron, No.

10 to no. zo 1000 do R. 6. Sheet Irom, No. 10 to N.

26 Ranwia Sheet Iron laoitatioa a Bar Tin, Pig and Bar Lead sheet Zino. bpelter Sheet Bras. Sheathing Copper Yeilow Metal Sheathing Braxiera' Copper, all weights and xixeal Bolt Copper Copper Bottoms, raised and flat Bra Kattlea Comnmltin. ai.n. An4 Togethae with aa Tlnaaall Tarda Kettle Ears.

Handlaa- Riaata. Maahinaa. with anrv art! ele for Tijinien' ase Ita nates and Sheet Iran, entitled to debentaro. aul PHAMBERLA1S dk FHBIaPS. 103 Front Btreet, I off'r foT ale I LlCORlCEPASTE-ea Spanish olid.

60 do Imitation Calabria. 40 do ala bna "Baraoco" brand 91 tin Cl.ll Ml.h OLIVE OIL 86 half pipe aad qr. casks. B50 haakata It kMafrU. a-Vil i8 8ieUy' PoJar0' on--FiLBERTS 200 banSiaile y.AJ-NVJS-W bag Sicily washed.

11 UOU Co tvran sicilv sort sneiied, PRUNE8-1O0 boxa. 8icUy PUMICE STONE 10 casks. FEATHERS- bales Sicily. ORANGE PEEL-8 bales bitter. LEMON JUICK-13 pipes.

ESSENTIAL OIL 2 cans OD Bergamot. 12 ao do Lemon. A Am An CASTILE 80AP-600 boxe Red MotUed. RF.D WINE In Dine, hhda and ne SICILY MADEIRA WINE 16 qif casks.

inuctoilia anub DOXeS. SAL ROCHELLE 7 boxes. aul TOHN UDRASO dk CO. offer for aala at 107 Cedar ff BtrTTTTV MAGLORY COGNAC BRANDY, vintage 1R31 JEAN LOUIS do do do 1806 OTARD DUPUY do LA ROCHELLE do do dark and pale of differ. ent vintage do John Dmrand fc Co, dark and pal do Uritro PaOFRIXTORS.

Do do da BOUDEAUX do J. J. Duror. dark fc aal Do Do do do J. Erauo, do do CLARET WINE, Br Julier, casks and Do do do Hirjr TaLarica.

In i Do OLIVE OIL, Job Di-aaaofc Co'a brand uo rsuES, la glass Jars Do EMPTY CLARET BOTTLKR la hamn BUROl'ND PORT INK, in half ani quarter pipes nui.i,nriuirin, assDor nrana LAUUAV RA COFFt GUM MADRAS INDIGO 8T. MARTIN 8ALT. aul TOHVUraCASA SOX. No. at 07 Bmarlw.v.

New York, oiler for sale a large assortment of th louowwgjrosus.tne principal part Imported by thcoiselvee Wines Madeira. Spanish. PortnraL Oarmaa. Fr.nh TeneriOe, in original packages, demijohns and bot tle. Liquor Cognac Brandies, from ordlnarr to Tar-a dd and finest vintage Jamaica and St.

Croix Rum hootch anu inrm niaaey nulla Da utn, In ortgnal paoa- aKa. utmiiuiiii auu Domes. Malt uquors hcoten and English ala. London hroww tout. American ale and porter, in pints and quarts.

i eas uunpowaer. imperial, nyson, young hyson, byson skin. Souchong. Pouchong and Oolong. Sugars Loaf, erunhed.

granulated, powdered St. Croix, iwivnmviuu laaw Vlieavil. Coffee Mocha and Java. Oiui Olive, sperm, and whale. Candle Pari wax.

patent, sperm, and tallow. Che English, Swiss. Italian, Dutch and American. llama Westphalia, Virginia and city cured. iauees Worcestershire, Harvey, John BulL Readlnr.

royal table, Athenaeum. 8oho, Oriental aad Bengal Chut ney, essence oi ancnoviea ana nnmps, anchovy and bloater paste, catsups, fce. bundrie rreserTe. In brandy and syrnn: sea-ars. ab sinthe, Kirarh, arrack, liqueur, Peach brandy, Mouon-gahela whisky, Methegiin, (yrnpa.

bay water, Cologo. water, peacu, ruae ana uraDES waters, extraeta or enleaa. English and American pickles, petit nol. ehamnlrrnona. iruues.

paiea ue ruiea graa, aaraiuea, anenovles, ranch and EDglian mustard, spice, table salt, maeearoni. ear. miuelli. arrowroot, tapioca, sago, rroats. bar lev. tarcn, nosaiaa sua American Isinglass, gelatin. chocolate, eocoa. almonds, raislua. fig, grape, currants, Tarra- gon ana ciuer vinegar, renea, tnglisb and American soap, Italian sausages, curry powder. rioaton crackers in kegs, Scotch and Dutch herrings, French and Spanish oIItos, capers, fce.

fce. N. B. J. D.

fc S. sole aeent in the United stataa for ore estersnire sauce. aul THE NEW YORK AND SACGERT1ES White Lead Co. are now receiving from their factor an aa. ortment ef White Lead, comprising th Several grades vi tnnuiwtutu iar sagas, 1 1 a ury wnita Leaa, pure, extra, ana No.

1, packages from 600 to 800 lbs each Ground in oil Pur in euta 800 lb each Pur. in oaaks 600 lbs each Pure in casks 800 lb each Pure in casks 200 lbs each Pure in kegs 100, 60 and 26 lbs each Extra in casks a3 to 600 lbs each F.xtra in kegs. 26 to 100 lb each No. 1 in easks 200 to 600 lb each No. 1 in km 9AIa Ion Ih.

Tbe quality of this Lead 1 warranted eoual to ana give euvire sauaiaetion, ir it may be re- Luiuru tne money rerunaea, with any expanses iu- tuinu. JADtl McUCLLOl.Url. President. nlj 160 Front oor. Maiden lan.

HM. a FOWLER, I4 and .144 Front offer for aala indow Glass 600j box assorted (rises, Brooxfiald'l WbiU Wax 2000 lbs. Soda Ash 60 tons glas and aoapmaker's. Gum Benxoin 20 case, entitled to debenture. Black Lead 200 ease I.

Super Carb. Soda 100 kegs prime English. Quicksilver 16 flasks. Red Prusaiate Potash 600 lb. Bait.

Soda Saleratu J. Dwight It In assorted pack- White Lead 200 keg KngUsh, 28 lbs each. Morphine 450 ox. Farr'a Quinine 300 oxa Roaengartan'a. Oil Peppermint 10U0 lb, pure F'lower Bensoin- 1560 oxs.

prime. Blue Vitriol 60 bbls Salem Lab'y Co'l. Alum 100 bhl. do. Saltpetre -100 keg Boston refined.

Epsom Salts 100 bbl Bait. Alcohol 60 bbl. 80 and 66 pert ent. Paris fc Prussian Blue 1000 lbs prime. Calomel Corro.

sub. and red precipitate, ia 25 lb. bxs bawyuur ifcei DDI. arb Ammonia 20 easks English. Glue -136 bbls.

low priced. Green, Paris 6000 lbs aea'd SB dee. Do. Chrome 50 case. Do.

Paint in Oil 100 kegs English, 28 lbs. each. Black Paint in OH-4M) do do do do Red Lead 100 kegs Glass Litharge 70 do do do. anl A ILLIAm T. HICKS alt ui i Front atreet.

have constant in mtnr anA Alcohol of high strength. Borax Wood's English refined. Blue rill Mass for which they are agents. Brimstone Roll and Flowereot Sulphur. Camphor refined in New York.

Castor Oil No: I and shade. Cochineal Mexican, in assorted packages. Cream of Tartar powdered, in barrels. Epsom Salts Baltimore. Gum Arable Turkey.

Indigo Madras, Manilla, andCaraeeaa. Liquorice aste Calabria and Sicily. Lamp Black for which they are agents. Madder Dutch Ombro. Magnesia Calcined and Carbonate.

Oil of Bergamot, Casaia, Origanum. Lavender, fce. wnoMtwui i uwu-American ana cngiigQ Saltpetre refined, in kegs 100 lb, each Seiiiitx Mixture, and Hoehelle Salt. Venetian Red best Kngll-h brand. Sal Soda aad Soda Ash 'Newcastle." Sitperearbonateof Soda arrow" and other brands.

naeawax vcllow and bleached, in rakes. aul nYRl XV. FIELD tn No. 11 CUlIstraet, Writing Taper 600 ease, a eompleU acsortment. Printing Paper 1 2.000 reams, all Colored Pihm- 1S00 rn.ll aiaaaf alaaad aari nn.

giaicu. Hanging Paper 70 tons, white, green, blue, red, fce Tuwu aper 10 0 ream whit, and colored Hardware Paper S0U0 reams, various aixe fc qualities wrsppinsT i aner lt.euuream Htraw r.nar. uuri Bixe Wrapping Paper 1000 reams Rag Paper, assorted ail Bonnet Boards-400 gron. white, bun and brown. Straw do 100 ton, a nart Terr mnarioa Trunk do 16 ton Bostoa and New Jerasv xemna.

wniiiv. sheathing Paper 26 tons, various Qualities. Tea-ether with all the various kinda at auaa vtan.n. JftOfl. The Works of th New Jersey Iron oanpany at Boonton.

N. are in full or. ration wbu viuvil I nun, lUUtlVI in to 4 in, round and squar. Iron nat to 4 band to If" eeron "tot hoops to 11 oral, half orals, to 2 half round ScTth. Axe.

HoraaShoa and anl Iran 1 he abov made from htant PudAlarf hlA. 1 1 uiwv. ur tut 7 aul JNO. MACKIF.fcCO 84 aad 87 Broad st. PORTABLE IROJI HOCSES FOR CAUFtJH- rt ia, 1 be Ualranlsed Iron Houses constructed hv me.

forCalifnrnia. haTinr met with ao annan. annnwmi. I am thus induced to caU tbe attention of those going to vwnuruia. ao an exanujiation oi tnem.

b. iron I gro. ved in uch a manner tha all part of tbe house, roof and sides, slide together, an 1 a house 20x16 eau ba nut aa ha leas than a day. They are far cheaper than wood, are nre proof and much mora comfortable than tenta Ahnnae of the above site can ba shipped in two boxes 11 feet long ana a met wrae ana ifeaea deep, tne freight oa which would ba about $14 te San Franc owe. Thar will also no trouble of removing irom one part of the country to taiuar, aa tue owm can in a lew nour oe taaeal oon and put np: By aJiina axon the lubaeriher a novas ef toe above aixe can be aten.

anl PF.TF.B SAYLOK, No-18 Stoa street. WALLSEND COAL AKLOAT Will betaadfng ia a lew day from brig Jane. Hildah Wallaead Coal of superior quality, for family or manufacturer aaa, for ar nna au anrv pttrnnavteie, oy Bl UAK ar. KAnlDOLrrl fc 14 WaH at, 87 East Broadway, eerner ot 4th arena and 18th at, aad jy31 eoravar Rutgers and Cherry TtEACII nHrillftn iinriVn a A aubaeriber have landing, a eargo orf tbe bast quality ef F.rg Coal, shipped in order, aad for sale at 60 casta aar ton below the yard price, delirereddireet from the boat. a.

B. KtlVE fc CO, Murray, eorner Canal aad Elm, aad corner Jane Jy81 aad Waat aareeta. LIVERPOOL ORREb COAL AF1OAT Tbe Uadersitrned will bar landing la a few days, ffrom a Liverpool I'aeket ship Orrel Coal of tne best quality aad in superior order far family nsa. tbr sale la euantities to suit eotwumers at the current price, delivered direct from the ship. bl a avxjLV a wa ia urray.

aoraer Canal aad Flra, aad corner Jan lane feate. jySl and Werttreeta. urmrji Aan coaj for ranges. If Just received a cargo of White Ah Err aad Kurva Coal, ef the best qaa'lty for ranges aad asovea. far sale at low price, la quantities to sut orjannarre.

delivered rat superior oraer. o. at. KEEVE fc Murray, oor. of Casual aad Ehn.

jy31 aad eor. ef Jaae aad Was TjBACH MOUNTAIN, BEAVEK Mt41OWl AS0 JL sutt ncAin i.ual rreen mined, aad of th. varijw aites. for aal in rot to suit purchasers at the awweaa aaataaaa prujaa aij bTUART V. RANDOLPH fc CO- 74 Wall st 187 East Broadway.

corner ef 4th arena, and 13th at. aad i81 eornar Rutgers aad Cbarrr at. CASXEL. COAL AFLOAT Will eelaadiag tea day from ship Vandalia. Causal Coal of em large mi 1 a i 1- mm.

sua saauij av aoraawaa toaalt purchssera, by Tr I i LART w. RANDOLPH fc I 14 WaJJst.tWlMlrowarwaT.' t.t. eornerof 4th avanae and lth aa. and J7W eersaxrJUrnaadCbaaTjete JC1.T RIFORT, THK MTJTTJAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE aaawed during tb month of July. 1348, aaa haadred aaA Bfty-thraaj now Poitelea, Til aarau aaa Merthao.Uk Traders.

40 To Broken Editors i Judge i U. 8. FabUo offlesra. U.S.Coasol 1 4 Otitar eccnpatooa. 6 Tt 124 an-ufacturar ..22 Meehaxuea.

...14 Clergyinea. 6 Ladiaa 4 Clerks J7 Phyaielana Teachers 4 126 Tetali aelieles hi Jaly. 14 163 ROBERT 1. ITTIBunV Br-lakri Saaaajxra C. Miua, Seeraaary.

JOSEPH L. LORD, Agaat, James Stewart. Madia.1 Ciualiw ik. a. dally, from 2 to 3 o'clock, P.

M. "it tna Company exceeds 2400,000 aul TThkSlmis LT REPORT op thr Tr 1. T.iBTiE NSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. No.

is w.11 street. Net accumulated fund Aar. lit. 1641. aaaaadiaa ar 000 Thia Institution, daring th month of July barued ene hundred and ninety -seven new policies, vix To Merchant Trader.

74 I To Physician. MeebaBiea ...25 Clargyi Manufaetarer. Captains Ladies Hotel Keeper Bank Omars. Snrveyora Railroad Contractor. Fanners ..12 ...28 8 1 6 4 I Lawyer Clerks Broken.

Kditor Agents ov eminent OB ear. Teachers. 1 Other occupation. .46 StudanU 176 65 176 Lives larared JOSEPH B. COLLINS.

PrealH.nt .241 SAMTL HAN NAY, Secretary. MINTURN POST, M. Physician. aal 2aw2w British Commercial JLIfe In surance Company. 33 Cornlilll, London, and tV3 Wall troe New York.


MARTINEZ. Refevaaa Im ar.w 1, His Exeelleney HAMILTON FISH, Governor of Stat ANTHONT BARCLAY. Esit, rT RTP.PMf ar ConuL vv iii j. ,11 Bjni JAMFS OALLATIN. EariT 8AMCFL WETMORE, Esq.


476 Broadway F. U. JOHNSTON, 751 Broadway 7' Sraaoino Cocn.ttHon. WILLIS HALL SouciToa ALBERT OALLATIN, Jr. Actuary for th Southern State.

reaMette at -m r. JOHN WINTHROP, 16 Exchange Flaoa, N. General Agent for the United States FREDERICK 8ALMONSON. 6a Wall street, New York. erf CALIFORNIA AND SPECIAL RISKS OP ACT.

ivi.iiia A A ia v-UAlMtnaustATE rKi.MIL' mnv eoais Albion Life Insurance Co. LONDON ANlTjTK YORK." INSTITUTED IN 1806 F.MPOWRED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT THIS COMPANY ha been in successful operation for over roaw Tears, and rj resents to the inaured all the advantages of the Mutual system, with th. security of a joint stock Company, having a large paid up capital portion oi wmcn is invested in U.S. blocs and New York State Stock) and responsible stockholders, and di. Tiuing tne pronto every thus years among tb insured.

reraons insuring on or Before the 1st day of May next, will be entitled to tbe great advantage of participating mi met in ail th profit of th buainesa. and will receive a full share at the division ia September next, in either cf th, luuutiiiji wajTB, VI St IN CASH. BY REDUCTION OF ALL FUTURE PREMIUMS BY AUGMENTATION OF THE lUn INSITHU When the Insurance I for whole life half tha premium may remain unpaid for five year en paying interest, or -oe pryiminm may oe paid quarterly, nail yearly, or an aually. No charge is made for sea risk to Europe, at any season vx tue jatM. MEDICAL EXAMINERS.

J. W. FRANCI8. M. No.

1 Bond street. J. C. BEALES. Era M.

64.1 Broadwav. Proepectuaea. with rates and evarr information, can ha wi wu yucauuH ava aua Agency. JOSCrH FOWLER, B. 8.

BUCHANAN. ap6 eodls 27 Wall street INSURANCE AGENCIES. BY tha provisions of the General Insurance Act, passed by the last Legislature, aceneie. of foreien rim. panics must prove to tbe satisfaction of tha Umantmiw that such companies have aa unimpaired capital equal to tauuut ratjuirvu vi our own companies.

The Trrnlon Mutual Lift Mrarrsnce Cmeaaviy. w. believe ia tue urai to comply witn tne law. hey have an unim paired capital of F100.000 invested in stocks and mor gage, and Mr. Charles O.

Imlay (in one of the front offices of the Manhattan Bank) ia duly authorised to issue pvucies, as per tne following CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. CoNrrxoi-tat'i Orrtcx, All. Slav IA iui Satisfactory erldenea havine han fBmih.A tr. m. that Charles O.

Imlsy. of th. eity of New York. (No. 40 Wall street.) ha been duly appointed aa agent for th Trenton Mutual Life Insurance Compear, beinr an in surance company Incorporate! by tha state of New Jersey aad that the said company Is possessed ol the a mount of actual capital, unimpaired, which is required bv the seventh aection-of an act entitled -'Aa Act to provide tut me incorporation oi insurance companies, nature April 10th.

1646 1 Now. THItrmtr. In aonaaaea of th. the act afi-r. aaid, I.

WatrrrtoToa Comptroller of tuu. oi nrw i era. ea aerrny eertiy tnal the Held Im. lay I authorised, aa an agent for the raid insurance com Paoy. to issue poUcie.

receive nreminma and trtmr the buainas of Life Insurance in the city and county of wi a. In witness whereof. I have hereunto subscribed mv name, and caused the seal of my office to be amxea, tne aay ana year first above written "ylJtatf W. HUNT, Comptroller Kadlec to Ratlromd Contractor. Orrrca Pa-raara RatLiaao Cousin, 78 Broadway.

New York, July 26, 184. THK FIFTEETTII DAY OP AUGUST next, the Maps, flans. Profl'e. and of tuat pn-tiou oi tna ranama Itailrrad. which It is proposed ts.

r-wi uuuer contract, via De ready lor exhibition at the office Sealed Proposals, addressed to Francis Snha. Smnim of the Company, and endorsed Proposals to construct rauarna nanroau." ror tnat part ofthe work between the magna Hirer and tne racine Ocean. Lelnr about twenta uuaa. icouroraDBDie io tne piana. specinrations.

ae may pa axnioitea.) win no received by the ompany. at tueir vmce, uutii 110 ciocx, tne latn day or Si-ntoui-ber next The tomnanr rea-rvea th rirrht of "I wa aii im in'amaie tnatmay oa otiArea IIIUMAS v. LLDLOW, Preaident Faaacta Sriaa, Secretary. iluwi N. B.

Any general information In lha ua company, may oe naa on application at the oftlee ATOTICK TO COajTIlACTORS Kf IrTTk hTrr i.1 1NO Wanted to be removed bT dradina from 60.0CO to 160,000 cubic yarde of earth in from two to eight feat of water, at th end of tbe New York and Erie Railroad pier, on the North River, at Piermont. Offerers can receive tartn.r information at this office, or from 8 rtis mii i. at I leravont. Proposal will be received at tbi otTIc untn tha IA nt August, i ropueal wui also be received drivlea a pues. a a onuan, CBlef Engineer New York and f'rie Railroad.

45 Wall street, New York, July 24 1S19. jy.n Qiaui UJ? tOWK BOARD at the eragant modem and vary eonventent real dan ea. with hath, ke.No. 36 "uiatq tirmt, uetwrva Droeuwev ana rtallrpad Tb. number limited to eight.

Most satisfactory refcr- viiw. r. aau niruimi. ac. Drouiaet at i t.

rm. L.nntn at nnan Dinner at 6. P. Te at 71. Supper when required Aa exclusive sitting room furnished, with attendance wines, fuel andfwax or gas lights 65 to 610 per Kvwui.

i. tna tour. A pleasant vacancy for a gentleman and bis wife, with out children, or for twosinrla rentlemen. or two laifl A suite of four handsome aad well furaisbed noma, oa tnenrat Boor, with gas txturee fce aad three closets, wouiu so let to a raall lamuy oa satisfactoty terths. jaav law wf ai Cottage nncl nbinet Kiirititure nannfactory WrcIVOxria, ati AT this estsMihmnt will be found a full assortment of Cottage Furniture, eousist'ng of Black Walnut and Painted toctage Chairs.

Dressing Bureau, French Deuexeaa. waaoetanas.iommoae. tc Also.a nnestockof Maboraay Furniture, madeofsood seasoned wood, consisting of Sofas. Divans. Ottomans, French Parlor Chair.

Easy Cbalrs. Sofa Bedsteads. Rocking Chairs, Tea Tables, Card Tables, Mdeboarus, Ward- roDes book i.a-ea.Kuartetie, emr All kinda of cabinet work made to order. Steamboat, and bntela rmonllad with rood work at prices aa low aa any other establishment in tha eity.

ir. a vtcvi. ri. l. r.t..

103 rnnon st. A baaatUul variety ef Ladies, Sewinar and Parlnv Chairs. Also, Fancy Work Tables, of every description, at low price. aj.20 HOOOKINS" STOVE DKIF.UCOJFECTrjli EKY FUR KXPURTATION Candles asaorted 14 cents tha pound. Sugar Plums, assorted, 14 cents.

Sugat Almonds It cents. No charge for boxes or carters. T. U. HODOKHvS.

Manufacturer, 146 Greenwich, beteaea Conrtlandt and Liberty atraets N. B. The, goods beinc store dried ara mat u.hi. a. d-terioration by change of climate 1.30 B.

GRKESWOOD, 487Brt4wsy corner of Broome street, offers for sale a ui ortment of Wines, Frnit, fceH consisting rn part of th loaowing anica. rut WIN Lo-Fina Old Madeira, Sherry, Fort Sicily, Li. bon. in wood and glas. FRENCH AND GERMAN WINFJt ah.

C'f Sf' Kteia. brarkling Hock fee." owe-egnac Brandy. Jaauxiea Rasa. Holland Gia PehBraady. fee.

Ahw.nperiorold Scotch end Irith Malt Whiskey, la wood and glaa CORDIALS AND Llttt TELRS-old Bordea.x Axd-etta, oyaaa, Ross, Partait de Aaamsr. fee. fee. old Bk Braady fee. FRLir-Malaga Raisiasaad Orapaa.

arra a ta. CiUoe, AlSBoada, fresh Faxavxruaea la taavra h.aa. 1 moo fee fee. hU. -a DHlESiekl.8ssreera.

Catsups. Braady Fruit. Havana aad Caatoa IrweMaaeata. Hams. Tevguea.

JeUies. rvws, Bar a 1 naa. AncbovW. Dutch Herriag ---a- nvara, rnosca intcn. r.ngith and rT 8rm Ceeeie.

Table Oil Franrh aad Knrliah Uui.rJ Cm. 1 Kirseh. eld Metsg1s. Batavla Arrack, fee. fee, HAVANA ij3 I TjATCNT FIIK CUT PRjT.B8BU TOBACCO, A Being tbe inventor of this kind of 1 oba.eo.

and baring a patent securing to as. th. exclnxir right te use eaune-ii Being entirely dinareat from any other kind, enable me to bring it before the aBbtie ia its highest state of pawsactioa. All impcrrietiee are xtraeted. and tbe sweat aroaaa preserved, thereby hat parting a pleuaant and delightful taste aod Barer Being thus prepared It I ran dared deaarabl aoi obit tna k.

aaa, but tbr thipmant oa loag voyage and warrant ia retain nm aaanars ana savor rrxr 1. aay elimaU Pleas, notle. that each box aad paper has printed mbehv-E. Goodwin, Patent 16th MaaaBantured aad fe aal by JySO K. GOODWIN a ROntRS.lUgcajU at.

1 "UK 4 COtS MPTMO tin tt XV. PRESSES. Th. wbscaiber ansuxafactara aad aaavai aVata aaanlai mm ikaaa ar- mw-mwrn) eaa, wuica aaey woatd call tha ma'om f.T"1 ealaxta whoaiwr. want 4 iZ The surface of ca, eopyrwg prraeiB taring turned true, a narteex aaaa v- Obtainod with easa and exnedltioa.

copying ink, eopymg books, paper. fc0. ef a-nuntu, rress Makers, fce i Osi street, Clothing jEtnjwriutn AND Gentlemen's Outfitting ESTABLISnMEifT, Ko. ST CORTLAXDT STREET, (A few doors below the Westera JlateL) SPKTXO AND SCMMEJi STOCK OF fashionable Clothing: AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rYVYIXO te the i vi jty.Ti hnve fouad it aeees- THEIR PREMISES in order to ae- aiaeajMta taUBJ LARGE AXD ISCREASKG PATRONAGE th EsUbbhxeeat.

MORE THAW TWICE THEm ORIGINAL SIZE, aad ar fitted with the Laaexar atra aert raameaaaLx ajaeamarr er SPRING AND SUMMER tiOODS rer before offered. Their stock has baaa (elected witb great care, with pecial reference to th SPRING AND SUM KR TB vie Of th proprietor devoting his whole time either fax AUCTION OR IMPORTING HOUSES. Their corps of CUTTERS are men of acknowledged skill an taste, and eaaaot be excelled la the United State. They would call tha particular at teat Ion of auu tu. puoiie totnairbPlvl.NO STYLE of DRESS AND FROCK nuTS Ia prices varying from Far superior to any thing ever before offered equal fa every respect to CUSTOM WORK.

Aiwa, their new style miT A Tery genteel article, at price from to (10. sX CATS from 61 60 apwards. Tbe PANTALOONS mannfkatne ment, are admitted bv aU to ha nri -a and eleganee to tboe of any other house in tha trada. aaa are sold from upward. The aaaortment of ESTS embrace all tb.

new Spring and Summer Styles prices from 61 apwarda. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS OraUth.FASHIONABI.r. STVtrt v. er Tard, with a full supply of '00 lAlLUlt'S TRIMMINGS. Always on haad.

MERCHANTS AND CLOTHIFBo. Are invited to examine their Stock before purchasing as tney are determined not to be undersold by aay llena in the trade. The Fancy Department embrace all that is new or desirable in English, French and ltaliaa Rl-k and Fancy Silk CRAVATS Ginghams aad Linen do -SUSPENDERS of French, English and American atanu! far-tare GLOVES of Cheesons black and colored Kid, Silk. 1 1-le, and summer do, of every description HOSERY at Importer prices CARPET BAGS at mana faeturer price, with every other article usually kept in a GENTLEMAN'S OUTFITTING ESTABLISH MENT. We feel under great obit ration te our numerous customers for their past attentions, and trust that by close application to business, and a determination net to ue exoeiiea ny any CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE United Stnfp To merit the patronage which has been so liberally be- J.

C. BOOTH CO. rP MWMWkc a- m- to r-M" Horace Waldo Offer for Bale at XT and 26) pia. oalea acarlet, yellow, green. white and blue.

plain OVJU and twilled, all Wool Flannels. ISO bale scarlet and whiU, Cotton aad Wool Flan- 100 ease Satinets, various Qualities. 120 eases gold mixed and blue mixed Kentucky 360 eases grey, black and white, and drab Kerseys 176 case grey mixed, and black and whita Plain. 126 eases Plaid Linseya, anall aad large patterns, 100 eases whita and drab Blankets. 60 bales drab Coatings.

250 bale Manners' twilled and plaia 40 eases Marlboro' fancy ITaids and Strirtea. cases checked and striped Chambrays. 160 bale iodiro blue Denim. 120 package. Allendale.

6-4 8-4. 9-4, 10-4 and 12-4 srowa ano ueacnea KUeetinga, cases "Allendale" Counterpanes. 660 bales "Jewett City." Washington. Hampden. Do ver, uoniia.

Virginia, noxran, Alatoaea and Ash tana 6-4 Drown sheetings 260 balei 27 and SO inch brown Shirtings. 150 bales 27 and 30 Inch brown Drills. 76 cases 27 and 30 inch bieached do. Lonsdale Comp'y Silvia, plain and twilled Lonsdale 4-4 super bleached Sbhtinr. 460 eases 3-4, 7-8, 4-4 and 5-4 bleached Shirtings, va- aiuue BVjree.

130 eaaee colored Cambrics. 76 eaaes bleached Dianera. 4J0 cases 4 and 6-4 Ticks. 60 cases yellow Nankin. Brown and bleached Jackson Diapers.

200 baler southern Cotton Yarn. 6io bales 28, 30 and 36 inch heavy cotton Osnaburcs. jel2i. 6 a a A 323 Broadway, HAS juat received a larce assortment of new pattern of Carpeting, ordered lux spring sales, consisting of Royal Wilton. Brussels, Vetvet.1 apaetry.

Venetian Three Ply and Ingrain, fee fee. Also. Floor OH Cloth, Drucget, ae. all of which ara sailing at eery low prices. ap25 is FIlirfc Bird HAVE received by the late arrivals -GARDEN STATUES, (some natuari sixes FOUNTAINS, large MORTARS, TILE, lie, which, together witb their collection of GALLERY SCULPTURE, CHIMNEY PIECES.

Ac, tbay o(T-r at moirrate price. apdtfk EW YOilFCTYPE FOUNDRY AND Plus, ll TF.RS' WAPF.HOCSE. established In 1810 JOHN T. WHITE, Type Founder, has removed to No. 64 Ciiff.

corner of Beekman street. New York, and would call the attention of Editors and Printers generally to Lis assortment of TYPES, FLOWERS AND ORNAMENTS, which will ha found as varied and extensive aa at any ea-tablishmevit ia America, and to which constant additions-are being made and which are now offered it greatly reduced price. Also. Presses ofthe different kinds, Chase. Case, Brass Rulers.

Comprwirir. Ink. and every article required ia a printing oSce for the most reasonable terms. Old Type taken in exchange for new at 9 cents per pound Editor and Printers wishing to establish a newspaper. Book and Job printing othce.

will be furnished with an estimate in detail for the same by stating th six of the paper or thr particular style and quantity of the work to be executed. Editors of newspapers who will Insert thi advertisement three time previous to the 1st cf July, 1644. and rend a ecpy of the paper containing the ssxa. to the Foua-dry. shall be allowed the amount of their charge ia purchasing three time.

Its amount. New York. Afrll 24.148 fyir aenner'a I raited tate a Type Voaiaielrw, THE aadereigned bar. selected national name for their stabliahment, as above. They flatter them-lv that.

aiBee they have. Phoenix like, risen from th afhee of their crid they wilL through strict attention to th. wants of their Typographical Brethren, snd by tbe beauty, durability and gen-ral excellence ot Tpye. be enabled to oomcand not only a continuance of the orders of their olo but a libera share of b'X'iueea from tr. ears.

They hope through the liberality of their friends to be entitled to attain to the height of petfeetioa in thelineof thai; profession. Their old estab iishmerat has been succeeded by a new. commodious, substantial and batter adapted building. New Moulds. Mat-trices anl Machines ara substituted in tbe plaee of those destroyed.

No pains, expense or exertions hare been spared to produce Type of all site and kinds, together with every other article ia the Printing line, of the vaav aasr acaLivv. FACES, of a SCOTCH CUT, from Agateto Plea, of vri8Tirpaaed beauty and unequalled for durability, particularly calculated fir newspapers, have bean procure at great exoeriae. from one of the belt letter-etirters in Scotland With these many advantage, elicit orders, promising every facility in forwarding in every way he favors of our fri en ds. A liberal policy ia price, sud credit. as weu as In deductions for cash, shall characterise their mode of doing beta.

neas. N. B. 8uch newspaper throughout North America will copy the above advtiaeiit three tiroes, and will tae four ti mas thr a mono of their respective bill out in printing material, are requested to copy. JyH JAVFS CONNER fc SON VORTH AMKHICAN LAUD AND KM TION CO-, Oxace, 13 Broadway, New York.

JVraiaVwi. FERRIS PELL. Esq. TVassarer anw Ceaau-f. THO S.

AfiiW EMMET, Esq. Sfeaerer. Mr. THOMAS RAWLINGS. JJerrrf of Francis Hall.

Faq Wm II Leroy, Frq tharlta 11 tier. ttal Fox. Fan Bach McEvers. Fsq Sdgwick. Lq David C.

olden. Esq a B. Graves J. W. Schmidt, tin Dndler Maiden.

It. sal en 1 of Frwas-a. w. a a.n Alfred PelL ti 4 1 aiai oenpauy ba been orranlixl far tbe mrroaaof rereiving for aad baying and selling on eoamisaroB. aanua in every state in tbe an Th aeeaasity of sneb a 4 ompany a hardly be questioned aauaaa have of late year, bean tin per eorntinii.g to bring tbesBbject of emigration into tha poaitioa it aaw oeerupiee.

a cue of the great questions ol tho day. ram tor givvumet retnnt ia oglaad up to apni, 147. It appears that 10261i3 pers-na emigrstad to the Called blate aa4 bar own relnnie. frnm 18 to 1I7 of which 66-L304 came direct to the I'Bired eiat laarldi-tion to upward of one-half of tboaa aba ttrirtnally west to tb colonies and afterwards rrorrrd the frontier These return an civ to a nartod curiae a laxr nortlon cf the early part el which the tide of exai-estioa set with enmparative towards this country, very unlike the cBBinaatir force with which. In conaeqaenee ef th increased facilttie of eonamunieatlon oa Ira on Ti na rt.

and the rturaer.dea aritetioc. both p-vutieel and aceiaL cf the laat year, that tide is now swelling. And It at not. Baraapa. aaanmtng tras much te assert that ttr.

Best nv. years will wilnee tba aumbar teading to tbe I'nited States trebled if not quadrupled omnanie ha vine fur tbair chi-et th promorroa ef ee- loniaatioe, have, fnaa tiaaa to time, spruag wp la Great Britaia, and oa th continent of Eerrwpe each advocatrce emigration to that particular srgioa ia which had eaa. barked its capital. Aastraiia. Aaratasla.

Nrw Zealand. I aaada. aad nearly all tb British Prwvtoeea. bare their LaadCompsniaat. and pay larre drvlOaida.

while the Cat. ted Stataa are reprtaaaied only by indlvida! trtselit which from various eauata. btrt for the eaoat part from tae aaie or leads wtxa aa, pert art titiaa, bar tad eted rWe Injary apoa th eeafiding uaigTaat, aad brewght dxtre-puta upaaa the ooantry. The daaiKB ef tho areraent asatw lalaaa a. rmA-m eriL which ba beaa loag fcit, not eoly ba Earope, but la waairr-Slant i bla Vtat of iMit.iu.

p)y. bavug aa orgaaissd aad avaMbadical arras rriuent at home, acd la eoiiaspuudeae. with asbaibedaearVas ra Great Britaia aad oa the Coatiaarot araaaonrar ta eopttalist aad panacea mf emigranU. every variety ef land, wilh ae aaauraaoeof title aad qaality. thereby ia-spmng confidence la tba emigrant, aad aaevathaa the amerlcaa lands in the estimauo) ef aarnpaaa eapRaa.

uwner. ef land ia Uaa. att teenafer with lha otneera af the eoaapaay. a. the ergaau-satkm aadagennea already established, aad the tana aw which tbe eompaay propos.

teecadaet tbair baaaa. teaaeut. it is Wuaved. adeqaato ladacMtawl Tbepaaa ef th. company proposal to atrver tba eaUre groaad emigration, as to meet felly the views eeery e-es panrbasar as well Froaa the eeatrai edte a New York pamphlet wlU be aeeasioaally aaeeteo, grrB peeific aad practical daHils too ah lag the vaaTaaw wa-jeeU cf Inquiry, such a popeuatsea, the aharaatev at ta lands, bather adapted totiuag, graatBg.

V1, fee mavaunictariBg and aaesaatti atrvaaUf labor, he k-, aM of wbteb, It ka haaasa. li natrte tbe eaaf ef a wall directed aaaigralioa and th rab-ataatial iBtarests ef laad aropoaKaa. "aaa "ballad par-tiruiare caa be obtained on appiieatioa at tbeemceef tbe company, No. 130 Broadway. New ork.

N. B. All letter must be post pel a. BLB1CHED, Brr-wa. Bins and Prtated DrlTls, severe qualiter, far aaie er JjU AMUSEAtfsoVTS.

XI3IXTS ftlRDCH, Acting Maaagar, ear. Chipeaaseaar tag MasMgeg, Mr J. aarftraa Leader aad alawsal Diraatar. Mr. La Maaiaaa Coalanaer.

Sir. roserty MaAars, Maaara. Flaaaon aad Lrlibart. FIRST COMEDY NI MT. First appaarance af Mrs.

Uevrard, Mr. C. Barta, Vt. Dawson Mr. Seltoa, Mr.

A. Aadrewa, aad aire. Watta. qiHIS (WEDNaD4Y) EVENING, AagM 1st, IMS, A T- '--rr- ill iiraamaaia lbs initial. La BarearaL." A a bar.

-tVi ih ii. iillit JOHN DOBaa Jobs Dobbe. Dawaaa MraL bestartpm. Watte Half aa hoar latarxeisaloa fur the pvucaaraf xUfraahaaaast, Overture, '-La Sirvaae Aabat i Te eondwde witb tbe popular burieUa of JENNY LIND. Jeaay Liad.

Howard I Baron Bwrko iMors opea at sevea clock -To eowim.aa at eight, TICKETS FiFTr CENTS. Thnrsday aad Fridaj ernaaa, the Rvl Fassfy win PPeaaT- OHTUl6 TIIEATHK, Drears Circle end Parqawrta. 60caats Family Clrsaa ar Seeoad Tier ts aants. alHI8(Weerday) EVEMNO Auguet 1st, will played the popular Farce, called ANIMAL MAOJTETTSW. The Doetor Bartaa La Fleur Cbsraasa Lacetla Miaf HID Te ke followed by th.

naw Farce ef JOHN DOBII. John Dobb. I Mr Pseraoeter. Barton Jdis Chesterton Mfca Taylor To conclude with the Drama of THE DEVIL IN PARIS Count Hear! de Beaasoieil. Clark Couat Vanilla.

Jordan gtevaa an. siynenoax Straager Mia Taraar Doon otaaa as 4 past Tpertaraxaees te soaaaeeaes a S. Strarurn-t aad viaators ara tntuiuai laat Ttekata tar this Thaatre ar to be ebraiaad at aU the terhaeipal Hcaaaks. MArut js a awslKisvAJs saL aavLsa. Bamum.

Manager aad Provarletor Oraainwoed Aasartaat Maaarat SPLENDID PERFORMANCES traj mlleTBnnu at il. and evening at o'clock THE LUMP OF oni weighing over seven pound, and brought from Califor nia oy steal. Two laughable Melange, entitled THE UNFINISHED GENTLEMAN, aad Dm vor rrra sxan Tore Wtrs to BaoeaLva. will be enacted at each entertainment Also engaged The well known Comic Singer MR JF.RKV MERR1F1ELD. MR.


WAX SCR1PTIRIAL STATUARY Adralaaioa oenta. hiidrao under 10 rear barfwrlea. TMaixi AttTS Hereafter the Gallery of tha JT Old Masters, at tbe Lyceum Building, 663 Broadway win not be open after sunset. jyl lau THK MOST DEUOHTFTL OF ALL EXCURSION A SAIL ACROSS THE HUDSON RIVTR TO HUBOK EN aad then a walk to the ELTSIAN 11XD8, along th exeeedinrly pieturaatiue shores of the place, will prov. th.

moat easily accomplished aad attractive of all rural exearamna that eaa be made from the cttT lbs ground now present a charming arpect, tbe oeing in tear, ana tbeeott covered with a rich turf. ne waits are in excellent order, having bee ttctavij cDumwiN im rraaent sprrng. Night boats run from Hobokea to Barclay street wntfl lSe'dock my1t4m sTtno Watrtiee Jewelry and Btlwer Wmre TUB I br eelling an dearrty tions of fine Gotd and ailver Witches. Jewelry. aa 1 Silver Ware, at retaiL at tha vary krwnet nraoas.

lit uoiq ana dutw x-argitea patent lervajg WatcsaaS, Fin. Gold aad Silver Detached Lever. Fine Gold and Mlver opines. Fin Gold Guard. Fb aad Vast Chain, Gold and Silver Pencil and Gold Pens.

Ladies' Bracelets. Gold Lockets and Thimble. Ladies' aad GentlenieB' Breast Pins. Sterling Sliver Spoons, Cup. F'ork, tte.

Gold Watches as low aa 20 to $26 each. Watches and jewelry exchanged. All watcbe ranted to keep good time, or the money rat era 1 4 Watches, Clocks aad Jewelry repaired ia tb beat meaner, and warranted, at much less than tbe usual prices, G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watche and Jewelry, wbnl seals fe6i aad retail 61 Wall atrtart, aa ataaaa l'RICE 1MPKXTVKD PATENT MELODEONS ar now the stoat popular musical lastrameat ef tha ear.

Our bmuimuw. la ajan a 1 Buffalo our whole. ale depot 177 Broadway. New York. Order addresaed to aitaar ef the above plane wiH be promptly attended to.

Amateurs and others are Invited to eaiL PRICES. Four octave clad eons, extending from te Sea Five octave extending from to F. Large Ave octave ease elegantly Baisla- in the tyl of th Plane Forte Q0 The ease are made of rosewood, and are as ban dwarf lyfiuUbed as any Piano Forte. Tbe Key Board i praciea-ly tb. same as the Piano or Organ, and tbe tone (which as very beanlif ui) closely resemble that of the Flute stop af th Organ tbe note peaka th.

instant tb key ar touched, and will admit ef tbe pel fin man ea of a rapid paavagesa ihe Piano. The volume of toate i eqaal to that of a email Organ, aad by mean, of tne ewaxl may be Increased or st tbe pleasure cf the paifiaaxi tt i ufBciexitiy loud tor saaall churches, aad ia weal eawV-culat-d for a parlor instrument. Hundreds hav axaaa-ned thaav aad all hava been lead in tbair praise, hat tbe bt evidence 0 their aaent is tba rarad aal. Bat it is a new instrument, a new rnreatioa aad aa yet hot little kaowa ia the masieal woeid. aad it is Ibr this raaniaa that we call to it th atteatioa of all lover, of Bate, ba-lievir that there are tboosands who would loss ne taste in seeuring one were they aware of the existence cf each instrument, and tb.

low price at which it could be obtained GEO. A. PRINCE fc CO. myt hi 177 Broadway, (np etatr WJOD A BID WAKIUSTfcD I-IAfaO FUHTEe aa ba had of BENNETT fc WILDER 162 Faton street, east of Broadway, aaada in the latest style, aad of good staler aL Theaa in want ara film tSnllw ln.1,1 1. call and try them, Planoa to let.

Tuning promptly attended te. P-' BENNETT tt WfLDEK. Piano Fortes, Harps, Guitars, Jin sic, A. SAMUEL. C.

JOLLUC, HAVING JRJthUJKED tb. linaie bnsineas at 300 Broadway, four door froaa tba aaxaa aisia. reepectfaily aollctts tha patrvass-eof all th mnaieal world. At hi warebaaea. purcha-ers caa at all times Bad a ralaabl arvortment of rlerant ilabogaay and Rosewood PIANO FORTES, from the celebrated maaalacturera.

Nbbb fc Co-," 8. C. J. being the exclusive agent for Nanus fc Co. la that city.

SINGLE AND DOUBLE ACTION HARPS, of rariorss nrdi rs cf finish, fiom tbe well-known mabers Pitt, Le-wat fcCe." MELODEONS, SFFAPHTVe. HARMOrriCONS. FLLTES. FLAGEOLETS. BANJOS.

GUITARS. fee. of every variety tone aad flnieh. Pl NO aRTFS to birr, br the week or month RFTAIRiNO AND TR1MM ING of all descliplkme of to with despatch. NKW AND tFAfcHION ABLE MUSIC.

The advertiser having purchased the entire aad ex-tenxiv. stock and ratalnrae of Fiate and EarraTed of IR. JOSEPH F. AT WILL, will be enabled to supply all orders for every of music enbucawd ia the country. Vtuae bound Catalorries given, and all orders mtae-tually attended to.

bv addraesing mj24i 100 sROAUWAl', aaaT'lTrairrT." PIANO FORTE B. SUNNS cat CLARK. afaa-rracTi-arr awn raorairre or COLEMAN'S PATENT AOLIAN ATTACHMENT No. aV37 Broadway, fe27 istf PIANO FORTES. fc H.

BARM ORE offer for VX. ry aod warroom.S01 Bleerker atreet, aaaacrtaaesit of rosewood aad maboraay Piaao Fortes, of finely carved Gothic aod modern Farisiaa stylea. These Piano, for Bx-raeaieal eonstructioaxeelieaey of worksaaaearp.aad richness of toxto. cannot be auTT-aaaeat. aad where tha purdioeer has any doubts, they will be eat are.

aad ray reasombi length" of tim. allowed to satisfy him. This being a new feature la th. bnrtneae. it is important to tha pnrrriaaor.aa tba aaarteat is fail ef trace, wall eaOcwtatcd to catch tbe inexperienced.

A rvarponaible warranty wttfc eavh instrument. Brf(raa te oeae eftae arst famliins the eity. N. Piano to let. wr V.

PSLAEU't COUNTRY NEWSPAFEJt AO Agency. Trtbun Buildings, Now Terft embrace most of th bmrnt newspapers cf all tbe cities aad principal towns la th United States aad Canada, art which ha hi duly aatturriard to rece-rv. il 1 1 1 mm taal and rrufascrlptions, and luily aarpowarW tegtv raiialpa. 6.eTchsnt. manuctarara.

artists aad iadivldasla ga-Barally. besides public irastitatioras. Inriwpontad eaaapa-niea and sodetie who wieh tc il 1 1 1 1 aaa lav, or laaas IS for. newspapsrs of any actioa cf the country ar raspaart-faiiy inv.ted to exazuine the hies Io rcrscv aU doubu aad taapaa-abavaaloB. the agaart -brrrby Btrfe tba public, flat no person ka aathosamd by him to solicit alvertisamer tr.

rards or rrabacriptioBe forth, 4. gent. The aaBoyaneo to mrrrbant aad other, grow- ing out ef Bunaarou wrateuied ceiifia ia thia city. sea. dera tho aaxoption of this etaise imantislly proper resru nxtpcaition.

Those, therefore, who wist trsnraet bnaiaase wtth bis acwaey. aad avoid faVtckwu are lnrtted te band tat-ir ord-rs at the rffe. or adJraas V. B. PALMER, Americaa Nawapapar Agawt, Triban Buildinra.

BTT- Tn aoet ef adrertVinr in aoarntrv ranara a that of tna eitie aad town thrvarhout the I'nlor, la whwk the papars are published tr-getLer with coplea ef tb aas- papers trr wbi-h ts duly autamnae Agaatx, a at hie aaVaalB tha Trthataa CalMlasa KtriiKU nose 6-4IR-71RJS T.AGlBsv6 AJ Meamhnstit. Factories, ittreat WasJiers. fe factored from tb bet oak tanned leather, erttb OTp- rivet, always oa haad and for sale bv mn.v n. nowiE CutTteraad t-aaUv-riiaalara. 60 Ferry tvc Wbo have also for awdaralaapva Jrtar aaa aaars Wta mtyf I I D. VA Broadway, ixmm ed A 1 Prlne atreat, ba for aa'ir FiNK OLD MADEIRA vwvat. -o, cf vary aoperior 4d Madarra Win, part ef which wa occur ta 1-2X lerpartad direct frem th rate heated briBf cf Howard March fe a dock fe ctt. aad p. J.

Morrt-cro fc Co RefaranBaaaaai b- given in reUtvon h- abarartar of aaid win OLD PURE PORT WNF, la WtUes aad demijoaas, lmr rtad erprasawy frr family naa. OLD SCHIEDAM OIN.ia pipes, dcmljchss and hot- unit v-r-y miperiar OI.D CHERRY fe KA'rBEERl BRANDT, bot- tlae and damijohas x.uui)-v sJAUCF.e. PICKLES. CEFE.F..e. rtrtl.

InaUia. Vlrtoria. Maria Lowuta, Cabaoa Ratralls, Frsngaaria do. Waab-irgtoa. Lena tiro, Prtarramss.

Jurawted. Paaataaa, Monaga, eorenis, A. O. E. Sultana, witb tther aavortte BTO1 CHREroERCHAMrACNFlesara, ta eaarru and pint VERY SUPERIOR OLD BRANDY The Beeot rre bvc-agbt to thia ecarwlry J31 pitE gCUaCKlDKKcarmg baaa a Maaaawlafcasaax; A oery for twaaty-Ive yeaxa, ba aara iteaats tike pTarUre cf hi piofiaainti.

will coafiae bisaaaif prtr -dpally efitea aaaaaaaaa.aat saontcvaiarly te the af Uth te Seal Uraafee tVtbaJeiVrestsrseteSMBlsdp 11. baa ramored late tb. aa. -at aawaaa wvtst Oa. aid of good tb eottectia.

af avaas kaarrnx tbe veounM. aad to ta an ura wtn gam aal anataw ef lauaaU, Trata-s, aad Oawva. wbo mat ba aa eataaaaas tawata, sat fee. atteaa rvasasannra las. 46 tnaasgret VbaCTICALi WWKUaxi1, MR.

C. C. JaARsta, aeanvataat. No. Ceatad otrsat.

aatbor es the reeae mf ta a I t.wtry'-f -r1'- aad the Art of Kiatr Eatrj lanS kaafiag aowaaaes te laaea aa abar. Lima nf lastructloa, Tbe poblia is Tspatrvay am-rerwaad and aaeo-ed, that tb piaa porsaed bp Mr. k'aii atarrrlng that importaat xraaiy a aaaeftea ta kaaoins books, rati, aelbaa a sums eflaaSaarsr aa tba Liseei ITas papa Sieomie tajaiiiar. xrea rrai aaa, vntfc the booa a sat, aad a peawoa af read axfaaeta ty will, by this coarse, beer see eompetBt tejob-koapate la about mosith, aad wiBreeaex-tifoaU to Uaa6 eflact. Piuep.etases wtth taraas, aaa ae efctaltasd at th roa ana A at so at eias ONrtDALsT.

SIXErll AS rtbrat-la CaMJaa, laper Mas aaa. sad Blaaabaal Aaaaaitt. tag aal by fe CO JySl .1 .1 Breed TTiaC AJ SBrwblp aaakrra. rTM. b.

CART fc CO jvureari.

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