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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 5

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i ft i friei recent arrivals, of THOMAS McELRATH, JAY JARVIS, ROBERT BARKLEY, JOHNS. HARRIS, Nathaniel Richards, hamuel Mutt, Peter H. Sehenck, William F. Mutt, David L. Haight William W.

Fox, George S. Fox, F.liaba Riggs, Rufus L. Lord. Thomas Barron, Moses Tucker, CLOTHING. wholesale and retail I.

J. de voir, lMJOHir8to.M,K11 New York. Thomas T. Woodruff, B. R.

Hobaon, M. D. John R. Davison, Francis P. Sage.

John C. Merritt, John H. Lee, Thomas Morrell, Samuel Milbank, Josiah Richard. James 7. Otis, Hugh Auebiaclosa.

Caleb Swan, Dsnsrl a. Feeriag, Cornelius Me oob, Andrew Faster, jr Hemry Parish, Tboaaaa'i Drake Mills, VkaauWj WiU th. morf AaD BCH HER CLOTI1INQ B.lV.. sBaanfaetorad, ud bays (par riiS "ttlOf our mnla fnn llu markets in the world. sad ariiktu 10 c0 tb RMatMt variety of Clothing, wehav TiW of 'MnilI stul mora the reputation TaZr i "Twhere acquired, that ia of keeping Sai Stork ott Fashionable Clothing, nr Md at tba Lowest Prices, tfZJS whole Continent.

fins ie bow ia Earope lor tba purpose of good and at tba aaa Hal of examining lata Jottll hsartnaos, of rtadying tba fahroue, and of baaiaaaaarranoB4eBU la tba dxatingnsshed ClsrtJa, Casartaaere mm VctUnp Harts World. Tbli wow Is accessary tat tba pur-JJ" Sarryhig oat our great enterprise, for we are a I depend oa ranee, uermaay aad Kng- wor iner deaeriptioa of good but we are proud to say that tba time la sot far distant wben our own country only be pre-eminent in tba manufacture aUoaaeriptloneof CLOTHS AND CARSIMERES, but aba take tba leading part ia tba Wenu ar Fasaioa abo Taste. Wa purchased our entire (tock of Staple ami Domestic Oooda far SPRING CLOTHING, before tba advance in prices, and eaa aril them cheaper lM they would aow cost ua if we bad to purebaee at tbe advanced price. Oar stock of FOREIGN GOODS I jSTeryeltenalve.m.ire varied and at jlish than ever before, aad GanneBU alinoat as Tariad in style aa tbe Goods, and suited to every eaetioa. We have, in fact, every deaeriptioa of Garment kaowa to tbe Trade, from tbe Terr lowest priced to tba eery fioeet CLOTHING worn In the United Slates, ail at tbe Vary to wait tariff of profit.

t. tt J. DEVLIN, mh2S up 88 and 86 John ttroet.cor. Nassau, ep i ii 01 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.

J. C. JIEK11IAN HAVTVG enlarged their (tore for tbe extension of their buainem. respectfully iavlta tbe attention of thlr and tbe puuuc to their increased assortment, per f. utlery.

of Rodger's and other makers, riheflleld fltl Ware of all descriptions. Dixon'i Britannia and Uenuan Silver Ware. Tea Trays and Japannery. Brass, op per. and Bronsed Wares.

r.eglUh Tin Oisb Covers, Disbes, be. reuch and Qerman ancy Goods. Be. Together with a eompiete assortment of Kitchen Fur nilure and Cooking L'tenaiU for Hanges. be.

Rsrsios- Bronsed Hat and I'mbrella Stands, rancy Cages. Tin Ware. Tables, Wood Ware. Brushes. Mats, be.

In abort, every article appertaining to our Una. To persons commencing bomvkeeping. we confidently assert, that our assortment is unsurpassed ia the country, and our prices (which are uniform) as low. Hotels. Ships, steamboats, be, supplied at short notice, with every article in our line.

HULK AOENTS for tba sale of Shay's Ventilating Refrigerators. Catalogues furnirhed gratia at the store. Uoods sent to any part of the city or Brooklyn, free of charge. mylnp Citizens'1 Fire Insurance C0.1LTf.V I. New York Offices 7 Wall and 1ST Bowery.

THIS COMPANY, with a full cash Capital, all paid ia aad securely invested, insure against loss or damage by fire oa Dwelling Houses, Merchandise, Household Furniture and all descriptions of personal property, en as favorable terms as the City Offices generally. DIRECTORS. DANIEL BURTNETT, LUKE BAKER, JLRKMIAH JOHNSON, JAMES C. BALDWIN, i Jorhua Blsicsis, CHARLES DEVOE, WM. WALLACE, DA.VL W.


DANIEL BURTNETT, President. JAMES M. McLEAN, Secretary. ap28 np The Dlanhattan Fire Inaurance Couipany. No.

OH Wall street, WITH A HKVKWKU CAPITAL, Oa a.Mi.OOO DOLLARS. PAID IN and safely invested, insure property againrt loas or damage by fire hlv, oa as favorable terms as similar institutions. DisrcToti. Russell H. Nevlns, Augs.

II. ward. Mooes Taylor, John Steward, James t'olles, Thomas W. Pearsall, ltirhard Tighe Peter Cooper, Edward F. Sanderson, Henry EUworth, Lyman Denlnon.

NATHANIEL RICHARDS, President. Thomas Bull. Secretary. aJo'2wne UFs ltK Of Xlife, rfas bitKUA AjaiXkjLJatA COMPANY. No.

SO Wall, street, orroairc Mricstari' ExcHaanc 1 New Yosz, February 01b, 1849. AT an election for Directors of this Institution, held at tbe Office of tbe Company this day, tbe following gentlemen were elected F.lbh Higgs, Thomson Price, John P. Moore, James E. Holmes, Joseph Allen, Joseph Drake, William K. Thorn, Stephen Lyon.

Philander Hanford, James Gilleepte. Tbe following gentlemen were at tbe same time elected Inspectors of the next election, to be held in 1860 C. V. 8. RooeeTett.

William Bradford, James E. Cooley. Subsequently, st a meeting of tbe Board of Directors. MOSES TUC KER, was unanimously re-elected President for the ensuing year. ed'Jawnp GEORGE T.

HOPE, Secretary New York Life Insurance and Company. OFFICE NO. 61 WALL STREET. CAPITAL. tl.00O.O0O.

Tbe Company luaures LIVES, grant and pnrchases ANNUITIES, aad makes any other contracts, inrolTing the interest of money and tbe duration of Ills. DEPOSITS. Tha Company allows interest oa deposits payable upon 16 days notice 4 per cent, per annum. For 2 years and over 6 do do. Deposits by tbe Court of Equity and 5 do do.

And oa all deposits intended for accumulation, such interest as may be agreed on. DAVID THOMPSON, President. PHILIP R. KEARNY. Secretary mhl3np Etna FIRES INSURANCE COIYIPAMY OP NEW YORK.

Office No. 5G Wall street. WITH A PRESENT CAPITAL, SAFELY INVESTED, OF MORE THAN $150,000, CONTINUES to take risks upon Dwelling Hoaxes. Stores, and other Buildings. Merchandise.

Ilouaebold Furniture, Veewla in Tort, and other Personal Property, against loss or damage by Fire, ou as liberal terms as similar institutions. CHARLES TOWN, President. Jaros BseiiwEB. Secretary. C.

8. Woodhi'Ll, Counsel and Attorney. eodnp Tennessee FIRE. AIM I) IYIARINZ3 INSURANCE COMPANY. liiCORPORATKD 1833.

CAPITAL 300,000 surplus OFFICE No. 68 WALL STREET. JOHN H. HILL, President. J.

J. GILL, Secretary. WM. JA. BOOGS.

Agent. The Liverpool and London FIRE AND LITE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, Ten Millions of Dollars. Will Insure DaeeUing-aaaues, JTamu'ture, f. at the same rates as tbe New York Companies.

Apply to ALFRED PELL, No. 4S Merchants' Exchange, Corner Wall mh36nptf aad William streets. jfAAiNU AND FlRK ISIUHASCEI THE MsuATATtllo Inswmnee area Treat Company INCORPORATED 130. CASH CAPITAL, ALL SAID IN AKB SHCl'SELT MVKSTKO. Leases uaaaaLLT aojusteb abb rsoarTLv taibibbcw Tfllt.

JyZSap A. B. HOLM KM, A (rent, Wall at. FIRE INSURANCE. ata Marta American Flro Insoranee Co am party, OFFICE NO.

b7 WALL ST. CAPITAL. Wl.tfc HANDSOME SURPLUS. This Company offers to insure against loss or damage av ire within the city of New York or its vicinity, on ilrm as favorable as any similar lnstituUoa. DIRECTORS.

Charles wiutame, David B. Keeler, Samuel J. Heals, Wm. 8. Wetmora, James Borert Bieh'd M.

Blatcbtbrd, Jonathan Thorns, Wm. taitewrigtat, Moses H. Grinnell, Wyllis blacks to aa, Henry. JAMEs) W. OTIS, President Secretary.

mb4ap tssuldinsf Card. wrrvrilMO. VISITING AND MERrHANTS CARDS). Pruated ob the panat White Porcelain bar face, easy bad at CORNER OF BROADWAY JxD MAWEX I 4 117 1,. 1 Where specimen, may be aes WEDDING ENVELOPES, n.t tmsorted tba most fashionable styles, from which a careful selection bss been made.

ELEGANT CAKE BOXES, 1 Embossed and Watered. 1 llHI SPLENDID GOTHIC AND SHIELD PLATES, Tj aWors.oxsterllns; surer, use piase ot w.ica wmm 9 i- all.AL KNGHAVING. NotrW, Consular. Lodge aad Society Seals, sbenvd aad eBrraveei sv. 1 mm iif A K.M AND cRrJTTS.

emtlB Ntosas, Silver. Brass ar Gold, In a -t-l. hi saanraer. the eseawtioa of which 26 yearahaatriveageaaralteatlafactioB. B.


FENCH. CASES. No. 1 Court Avenue, Boston. 101 HsUi6M surest, iw VERY II AP AHl'ETLR Oil CJotbs, TRKrabaeribefB keria taken tba store Ne.

US rearl treat, wbieb they derate exeiuerrery to tba Carpet baaiaeem, would lavite the attentwa of their friends aad tba public generally to their new aad exteaaiTe stock of Venetian, Tapestry, Ingraia. Sexoay, Three-ply, Wilton, Brussels, Royal Terrst, and Axminster Carpeta. Together with a great Tariety of OIL CLOTHS, DRVUUETTS, HEARTH RUOS, CARPET SATCHELS. TABLE COVERS, all of which are tba latest designs, aad ottered at tba low-eat prices Tbe favorable arrangements they bar made with as, era! of the manufacturers, through which they are in con stant receipts of tbe most modera and deairabUi patterns, together with large additions from tba lata forced auction salaa, enable them to sell at greatly reduced prices. 1 bay would raepactfully solicit a call at their ware room, oy ciose oarers.

i CO mh2U 148 ea.1 street, New York. JVetv Carpeting IMPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE SPRING TRADE. SMITH A K9APP, 364 HKOADWAV, (erros.T. rm. err nj TTAVK JtbT ltECEI VEU by UU arrirals a fu3 -M.

a. asennment oi NfcW AND ELEGANT CARPETlSOS. of tbe tatast and beat designs, adapted to every style ot furnubing, with a great Tariety of entirely new patterus or Weil eeaftooed KNOLISH FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Also on band a full assortment of AMERICAN ARPKT1NGS, of all kinds. By eonflning their attention exclusively to this depart.

meat of trade, and receiTing their goods direct from the Foreign aad American Manufacturers, they arc enabled to oner peculiar inducements to purchasers CHOICE BKL8SKLS CAKPtTSat 12) per yard, Other goods selling at proportionate prices. apii zmnp New Carpet, Oil Cloths, Ac. THE subscriber would call tbe attention of his friends and the public geuerally to hi extensive assotment of all the various atyles of AAVIINSTtK. VELVET TAPESTRY, BRI'SSELS. BKUSSfcLS.

THREE PLY, INGRAIN, and every other description of Carpet-inz Uuretber with a great Tariety of OIL CLOTH, in width bum 3 feet to -H feet, many of which are old aad well dried, to which the atteutioB of Steamboat owners and Hotel keepers ia particularly requested. Also Drug. get of the bePt EDluh manufacture, aplendid patterns and brizbt colors, varying from one to three yards wi ie Hearth Ku(rs. Table Covers, Stair Rods, be. Purchasers are informed that the arrangements with tbe manufae turers of Europe and this country, enables tbe advertiser to RETAIL the beat qualities of Carpeting at tbe usital WHOLESALE prices, at W.

H. GUION'S Ware Rooms. Fronting on 64 East Broadway, and 71 Diyiaon it. PBmliung Uoods for Hotels, Mblpa. ataaoa iaamts.

and Pttblle lnatltnUona. THE snbeeribers. (in addition to their full supply oi STAPLE ANI FANCY DRY GOODS.) offer parties about purchasing, an assortment of goods abam-cd to thx asovx ruaroars, as extensive as can be shown by any House on this Continent. The goods are selected with great care, minify for tar fraifr, and we are constantly receiving from the Factosim in thisCouitTBT and Euaora all new and desirable articles. We have always on hand the beat style of BERTH BLANKETS AND COUNTERPANES.

aMmuocfurl rs prtatfy te eur erder, and which for quality, durability and beauty are unsurpassed. Any desired name can be inter -worea either in white or permanent colors Tbe assortment consists in part as follows Tickings and Cheek- Linen and Cotton. SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASINGS, All styles, widths and qualities. BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTI, ui every Tariety ox style, sise ana weignt. DAMASKS.

6-4 to 10-4 Linen and Cotton, for table cloths. Table Cloths, some very large aad elegant, with Napkins and Doylies, to match. TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. Wool, cotton, worsted and silk damask. TOWELLING.

Blrdseye. Huekabnek and Bamsley Diaper. Russia Diaper and Crash. Medicated Huck. a very superior article.

CURTAIN MATERIALS A rich and varied assortment. CARPETING. FLOOR CLOTHS AND MATTING. We invite tbe attention of purchasers to our stock, and are prepared to nil orders with dispatch at the lowest mar. ket prices.


TTAVK now in store and will be constantly receiTing, XX throughout the season, new and desirable styles of uooas, adapted to al iln r. a tis rancy and plain r-ngiisn and French Linen Drills, buff, drab. be. French and English Drap D'Etes, Ugbt and dark colors. 3-4 and 6-4 Drap de la Reines.

Plain and corded Silk Erminetts and Wellington Cords. Black and drab Orleans Cloths. Drab, slate and black ash- Cottonades, in great Ta rietr. Thin Tweeds, entirely new styles. Satins, Serges fco.

ALSO, mere ts. Marseille, and Lawn Vest- ings. Padded Linens far Vestlngs. Plain and checked Lustres. Marled Linen Coatings.

4-4 slate and buff Linens. French. Belirian and American CLOTHS AND CAS SIMERES. of the vaxioun styles, at greatly reduced prices. Together with a general assortment of Trimmings, and all good adapted to Merchant Tailors and Manufacturers or ciotmng.


TKACY, 323 Broadway, T1AS iuat received a large assortment of new pattern IX nf( arpeting. ordered for spring salea, consisting of Royal Wilton,, velvet, apeatry. Venetian inree Plv and Ingrain, fco. ac. Also, floor un i iota, uruggea ac all of which are selling at very low prices, tifib Is Fisher Rird HAVE received by the late arrivals GARDEN STATUES, (some natuarl sites.) large FOUNTAINS, MORTARS.

TILE, which, together with their collection of GALLERY SCULPTURE, CHIMNEY PIECF8. they offer at moderate prices. apfltf is L'ottuge and uriiit lire Blanufactory VTareraonu, 168 New-Yoek. AT this establishment will be found a full assortment of Cottage Furniture, consisting of Black Walnut and Painted Cottage hairs. Dressing Bureaus, French Bedsteads.

Wasbf tandx. Commodes, fce Also.a fine stock of Mahogany Furniture, made of good seasoned wood, consuming of Sofas. Divans. Ottomans, French Parlor Chairs. Easy Chairs.

Sofa Bedsteads Rocking Chairs, Tea Tables, Card Tables, Wardrobes, Book Cares. (Quartettes, Centre Tables, c. All kinds of cabinet work made to order. Steamboats and hotels supplied with good work at prices as low as any other establishment In the city. D.

fe WM. H. LEE, 168 Fulton St. A beautiful Tariety ef Ladies, Sewing and Parlor Chairs. Also, Fancy Work Tables, of every description, at low prices.

ap20 is TOHNDtTNCAN Si PON, No. 407 Broadway, el New York, offer for sale a large assortment of tbe following goods, the principal part imported by themselves vis Wines Madeira, Spaniflh, Portugal, German, French, eneriffe, be, in original packages, demijohns and Liquors Cognac Brandies, from ordinary to very old. and finest Tintages Jamah's and St Croix Rum Scotch and Irish Malt Whiskey Holland Gin, in orignal packages, demijohns and bottles. Malt Liquors Scotch and English ale, London brown atout American ale and porter, in pints and quarts. Teas Gunpowder, imperial, hyson, young hyson, byson akin.

Souchong. Poucbong and Oolong. Sugars Loaf, crushed, granulated, powdered St. Croix, Porto Rico and New Orleans. Coffee Mocha and Java.

Oils Olive, sperm, and whale. Candles Paris wax. patent, sperm, and tallow. Cheese English, Swire. Italian, Dutch and Ameriean.

Hams Wettphalla. Virginia and city cured, iauees Worcestershire. Harvey, John BulL Reading, royal table, Atbenssum. Soho, Oriental aad Benral Chut ney, essence of anchovies and shrimps, anchovy and bloater pete, catsups, be. Sundries Preserves, in brandy and syrup: serars.

ab sinthe. Kirsch, arrack, liqueurs. Peach brandy, Monon-gahela whisky. Methegliu. syrups, bay water, Cologne water, peach, rose and orange waters, extracts or spices.

Enrlifh and American pickles, petits pois. cbampienons. truffes, pates de fbies gras. sardines, anchovies, French and English mustard, spices, table salt, maccaronl, ver micelli, arrowroot, tapioca, sago, groats, barley, oatmeal, starch. Russian and American isinglass, gelatine, chocolate, cocoa, almonds, raisins, figs, grapes, currants, Tarragon raspberry, wine and cider vinegar, French, English and American soaps, Italian sausages, curry powders, Boston craekers in kegs.

Scotch and Dutch herrings, p'rench and Spanish oliTea. capers, be. ac. N. B.

J. D. S. sole agents in the United States for Worcestershire sauce. my22 WINKS.

THOMAS MMILLK.1,10 Wall street offers for sale in cask and bottles Sh.rrv. of various srades. some extra One old Wines combining greet delicacy of flavor, with perfect absence of Brandy. Madeira, or Tanous grades, tome cuuice em avuiu eiue Wines, several years In bottle, of tbe vintages of 1820, 1834. Champasrne Of dlnerent graaes ana rauet esseemea brands.

Port Dry old and fruity, free from Brandy and sweet- MS. Claret Chateau. Lafitte, Margeux, Latour with 2nd and 3rd rrowths. nurgandy Red and White. Hermitage, red an white Hock and Sauterne, with other French and German Wines.

Brandy HennessT's aunerior old London Dock. Bale and dark. Shipphur and export orders carefully executed at the lowest prices and usual terms. my22 HICKKINU' (Vll.lei-. i-atcnt) SALAMA 1KR SAKICf.

BOOKS AND PAPERS -MUST AND SHALL BE PRESER ED." Tbe many obstacles and difScultiee which at first met tbe introduction of tbe Salamander Safe, and the determined opposition obliged to be overcome from both prejudiced end interested parties, for a long time smothered and almost paralysed the first attempts maue to oeneua uie ouaiaess public by putting within their reach the knowledge and possession of this valuable discovery. Since then, however, its real qualities nave become bet ter known, and as tbe late fires and accidental burnings have brought them more fully before tbe public, they havecompletely silenced all efforts at opposition, and the Bmi MAlmaaaBder now stands wbera it has sons; deserve to stand. fa aknowie.ljrd superiority over every other c.r.-iii.rti ever nreeented to the public. TO multiply testimonials nere tue riiieri tv ueema auneeeaeary euluee tosay ma i i umj in stances in which these safes nave Been exposee ana sorely tried no one ease can oe reierrou so ever yet found waBtine. and toprorements," (at one time so called) ot this class, entirely abandoned and thrown away, while tbe name ealasnandet (first applied to this safe only) ie now taken bold or with aridity, and asea irj article fm the sbaao-of a amts, sacking other raoess i ns iij.nid.

a xnerejoro against imitations" of all kinds ana ib an article eiaa much rmportanee as a good safe always mwst aa to tooe ell haSnra aliretloai.baiBe Well BSBBred that tasV WW BBS th. HMMflS M.i..mirr ww tbe Im eroved of all iDsnrovementa. and in every respect warn plaoad In comparison with others-by far tbe cneapest aaa tne beet." kilas c., my22 137 a 138 Water at eor.

of WepeyetT nlMXER PHICKt FEACH ORCHARD COAL Tbe Tariews sases of (newly mined) Peach Orchard Coal, for family use. fee sal. at summer prices, Also Lehigh sad White Ash Coal, of the best quality, at reduced nrinea. Liverpool Orrei aad Ceaael Coal, jast reeeivsd, for sale at tae mwest rate, swmwa i Bwpenor career. B.

CO. Murray, ear. Canal aad Else. era pf (sn.wsstiti, llama Braves Fine Imrsasca Ce, I New York. May 11.

1MB I at- Tata laasil far nw.t. Inaututioa. aad for inaseetars for tba aazt aaiaiailins ateetioa.wiU be held at tbe onto of tbe aoatpaay, Na. oa aioausy. tae tn eay or jubs aext.

sae puu wiu epea at 12 and asoae at I o'clock r. M. By order. JAMES ILK IE. TM Beeretary.

COMMERCIAL. Honey Market. TrxJDsT, April Z2. The buoyancy of yesterday's market, has been lost la a measure to-day oa fancies, at tbe same time with a de monstration ef firmness aad la soma eases of an advance ia secure stock. At tba Board, Erie went ap Peaa fs, Gov era aint Securities are better.

Ia Sterling there iaa fair boeineaa, eloaiag at lOSalOS. BALES AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE. May 22. 3Tr Tieaaary Notes. 111 zaui do oo U.

B. Ca '67 auo do in 113 113 XMJ do do liu 110 KyCa 15 PeaaS'a. louu do oo K'4 do do al fu Oaaofo lKi Km do SUA do Wj aWUeh.N 110U da Bk lido MaabsiUB Bk. 1K)' do Farm ftS Kio do do 3tt'i luu do do US 110 da do. 3K lev da Oi 6 do Csstoe Co bu do do 38it Ul do do U30 3f SOde da 38 US do Nor War BR 87 3u0 do ReadiacRR.

j3 31 da i da Hsrieea aew full. do I. lilaad RRatw de Harlem 6doo do sS B-7 ISO do do 1UU do da b3 S. lull da da tfu SH Ul do da O) au do Hadaoa KK. ia 60 do Stonmrtoa btaao 63 10 do NYfcflH Mdo do 90S fid do HtC da da rju uo Erie a IJS do da 25 do do 14 do I'nra Scoa.

riade Asb at Rocb. a'. lit 86 Correspondence of tbe Evening Post. Philadklphia, May 92. ales by Thomas Biddle Co 40.000 Pens 6 s.

10 0U0 do Mj; fsKiOde 844: UCamdea a Amboy. 140: 1000 Reading Bonds, 42 3UV0 do62i, iOOCitye 189S, XUlf. Salcs or Stocks at Boito, May SI 68 shares Boston and Pror RaUmad 91 6 do, b8. 01 16 do 01 f8 do. 7.

01 do Fitchburg Railroad 116' SO do Vt Central M2 do 61 do Western Railroad 1061. 8 do 106 20 do Vermont and Mm Railroad 4-J 36 do Boston and Maine Railroad 100; 8 do Cheshire Railroad 74 8 do Boston and Worcester Railrord 1U8 10 do New Eng-lend Worsted Co 04j 8 do Bovlrston Bank 100 10 do Northern slimed, 30, 8 40 do Fdgwortb Company, 6 60 dividends Vt Central Railroad 2 66 6 do 2 62, The Knlekerboker Fire Insurance Company hare declared a dividend of seven per cent, payable June 1st. The Bartlett Mills, of Newburypert, hare declared seml-znnual dividend of 8 percent. The James SI, of Newburyport, have declared a semi. annual dividend of 8 per cent.

The packet shib Harre, for Harre, takes 8300,000 ia liver. OFFICE OF THE EVENING TOST Tt'EsoAV, May 22. 1 o'clock, P. M. New York Marfaeta.

lous The market opens firmer to-day. and at an ad vance on western brand. The morning's sales add up 3MI0 bbls at 4 37 a 4 62 for common state and western nour, tne demand being particularly for Michigan ana 5 12 a 6 26 for pure Genesee. Of southern, holders are asking 4 76 a 6 for mixed, in meal we hear of little doing. Rye flour is steady at 2 87 a 2 06.

uiiiv-Wheat opens with fair Inquiry, and 1UUO tiu good Ohio changed hands at 104e. Corn is in brisk de-maud the movement sums up 3o.000 bu. principally round iNortnern at biaboc, and aeawi far Southern mixed, in Barley, we quote a sale ef 800 bu round at priTate terms. Rye is firm. 900 bu brought 58c.

Oats are about 34a.16e. Psovmewa Pork is firm at present prices, with sales of about 200 bbls at 87, a 10, and 8 26 for prime. Beef is dull, at $11 for Country Mess, II 60 for City do. aad 12 for cnieago extra. Lara is quiet, lou dms srougnt 01 a Sj.

WHiaxr 100 bbls Obio were taken at Zle. Wines Sale at auction this morning of 160 pipes and half pipes Burgundy Pert brought the annexed rates 8 pipes 17c; 4 do 16; 15 do 16; i do 22; 6 half dolftle: 16 do 18J; 20 do 18; ter do 17; 20do2lj; 20 do li- NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET May II. Offered 1800 Beef Cattle, fl200 Southern, remainder from this State and the East, 160 Cows and Calves, and 2600 Sheep and Lambs. Tbe marke for Beeves, to-day. was rather duil.thougb there bas been a tolerable active demand throughout tbe week.

Sales Imainly to at from 86,76 to 80 esry poor qualities at the former figure 100 driven to Bosten, and about 1US left over. 1 here is a fair demand far Cows and Calves, and tbe supplies continue to come In freely. We quete safes at from (26, 840 a 860. as in quality. Sales of bheep from 13 to i.

Lambs, 82.50 a 8. All sold. Reported for the Evening Post. RECEIPTS THIS DAT OF FLOVS, -e, VIA NORTH Troy and Erie Tow Boat Line Barge Oregon COObbl flour to order 17'4 do Wyckoff 639 do Cbeteeu, Merle eo 496 do Corning a eo 681 do A Hunter 700 do Cramer. 3 csiks aebes Sheldon do 17 do Mead a eo 17 do OdeU a co 10 It Bussing, 36 bbU lard oil Robinson a co.

Old Troy Line Barge Town 401 bbls Kent. Way a eo 887 do Dows a ary 26 do wm Heaton 44 do Pows a Otiiteau 261 bbls perk WiUoa Cobb 8 bales I Hinrdale 16 do Morris It co 10 do Canlield 20 da Spear Ripley a eo 14 Wood, Merritt a. co Sanderaon a Griggs 22 bul annee Smith a eo nu bbls seed Dates, Miller co 48 boxes axesClark a Wilson. Eckford ine Barge Utica 22 bbls flour A A Hun ter 316 do Mead co 28c.ka hams Mc Bride fc Sheldon 17 do Ahlers Brainard 6600 bushels corn Her-riek fc Van Buskirk. Reported for the Evening Post.

RECEIPTS PER ERIE RAILROAD. 17 bxs coal A Banta 2 bbls apples Tall man 16 bdla rags Young 65 tubs butter 8 calves I apt Cole man 7 i tubs butter 32 calves Capt Wickbam 13 calves 3i tubs butter Capt Dill 6 sheep i calves Welch 76 tubs butter 22 calves 19 aheep 9 lambs Capt Thompson 10 calves lambs 28 tubs butter Capt Leeds 11 calves 67 tubs butter Capt King 2 tuba butter Main a Son 7 firkins do Heeler 2 do 8 tubs do Morrison a Hyde: 2 tube do II Leeds 121 Bides leather Van Woort; 3 tubs butter Capt Clark 22 tubs do 3 bbls eggs Row 139 sides leather A a Mattison 11 tubs 3 flrkinr butter Van Auken fc co 24 tubs du 6 firkins do Leeds 26 sides leather Oilman a Son. Boston. May 21. Flour The demand to-day is moderate, and prices rule in favor of buyers.

We notice sales of Michigan at $4 7i a 4 87 Genesee at 6 My a 6 26 common, and 6 a 6 Ml for extra Southern flour is sold at 4 87 a 6 00 pr bbl, casn and 4 mos. t'omiuerrlal tsntumary per British Blall Steamer Hlbcrnla. Tt'Eaoav, May 22, 1846. The extreme tightness of tbe money market, which prevailed, to a greater or less extent, during tbe past month, has been, and is new met, by a correspondingly abundant supply of precious metals, so much so, that offers to loan on large amounts, at four a six and a half per cent are frequently made, without finding any customers. The want, and the origin of the present absence, of all speculative movement In our stock market, continues with tbe exception of the proceedings of yesterday, which exhibited rather more animation.

Various are the reasons alleged for this state of things, of which the cholera holds a prominent position. Tbe effect, however, of this disease is in a measure an ticipated, and the market, in the event of the epidemic's appearance, will be but slightly affected. Tbe unsatisfactory result of the spring business subsequent upon such a promise, and primary indications of great activity, has given evident disappointment, which, with its expectations of large payments, may also be attributed as another but remote cause of the present stagnation which now prevails. Tbe amount of stock issued for foreign account at Washington, for tbe week ending May 18th, is $127,650. The Secretary of tbe Treasury has given notice that the principal and interest of all such scrip as has been issued, or prior to tbe 1st day of July, 1849, may be issued, under the ninth section of tbe act of Congress.

The total amount of coin in the banks of this city, on the 19th instant, is set down at eight and a half millions The annexed statement exhibits the movement of stocks daring tbe past week. There is little government stuck pressing upon the market, while the demand may be considered on account of the rather reduced amount in the market. It will be seen that yesterday's operations exhibit some Improvement. 0.1'OTatioss roa the Psibcatal Stoces ib the New Yobe Mabket. JbV.

TreasnrrN'tsg's. 110 U. Sime. lew 1U Ohio tt's Kentucky 6's IDS' Pennsylvania Illinois IM, Indiana ekale 6'a. Reading Honda Readies Mts llda Readme Railroad Norwich it Wor.

Ene Railroad, old Errs 23 Harlem 68- ixHir. Uland 1i Mohawk New Haven Btootna-loa 6U F.raier' Ljoaa 35 Canton Cooipany 'diJi Morns canal ft. Aroer. Tut. UU 113S' sua b'l 62'.

23'. SS'. Wri. llU'4 113 Tt. 111? 83X Fri.

MHV 113', lcib 1.7 30 30 62'; 82 62; 8 23 Sat. Mm. llifa HI 114 -lujX 84a 6 Hi St', Ihe commlssioasrs of the Canal Fund have advertised for a loan of 61,739,024 76, by virtue of the act entitled an act to provide for the deficiencies In tbe Sinking Fund under tb. provisions of artlcl. 7 of th.

constitu tion," passed April 10, 1648. Sealed proposals will be re ceived until Wednesday, the 20th day of June next, at 12 o'clock at noon of that day. Traasferable certificates of a toe will be issued in the nam. of the people ol tbe state of New York, bearinc interest at th. rat.

of 6 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, and tbe principal reimburs able on the 1st day of July, 1666. Tbe money will be required to be paid on the 22d day of June aext, by deposit to the credit of tbe Treasurer of the Stat, of N.w York on account of Canal Fund, In the Manhattan Company' N.w York, or the N.w York State Bank, Albany. Cotton Statemebt. We continue to receive con firmation of the Injury from the frost of tbe 16th Inst, throughout the extent of the cotton region, the effects of which has enabled holders to maintain previous prices and to realize an advance of cent per lb. Uplands, vary erdiaary to middling, 6 a 7i cents; fair to good fair and good, 8 a 8J aad cents per lb.

Tennessee, aad Alaba- aias, 6, a 7 cents Mobiles, Louisiaaas, Ac ordinary to middling, Sj a 7, cents; fair to good fair, 8 a 9 cents good and fine, 9j a 16 cents per lb. The sales 'since the 7th last, are estimated at 16,400 bales. Tbe exports, ho of cotton since the 1st September to 1st Instant, are as follows :1 To uport 1,786 000 bales last year 1 .390.000 year 917.000. To Great Britain I 204. 000 bales last year 904,000 year before 682,000.

Receipts 2,600.000 bales; last year 2.047,000 year before 1 644.000. Stock 433,000 bales last year 476,000 yen Wore 621,000. The Bet increase this year Is put dowa at 403 000 bales Fa si mts. Th. rates of freight an to Liverpool for eottoa ia square bales I Sid a 8-164, aad round per lb; flour IslOd per bbl grain.ln hulk, 6d a7d per bushel for earn aad wheat res peeti rely.

To 1 -tnoa, 2a per bbl tor Soar. To Havre, eottoa cent par lb. Eichabge. The market is firm at 108 a 101 an Eng- laad. and bits ea France at 6 27 i a 6 A.

at. Oelaxoaire TSael Baeaaawaaa. May g. W9T1l6A8T1647 1646 lata A. M.

63 I 68 I 66 I at 00 12 I 72 73 63 66 74 3 P. M. I 74 66 68 72 '6 do TO 63 a 64 MARRIED: Oa the 22d inat by the Key. Beajamia Evans. CHAS.

E. JUNK to FRANCES daaghUr of Charles Mills, all of this eity. la this eity, at St. Javier's Chnreh, ea tbe 8tb last-, by tae ttarv satasr unseal, r. ua-RXfCE, U), of St, Louis, LAURA 6, THE EVENING POST: NEW YORK, TUESDAY, WAY 22, 1849.

Meat daughter of Thomas Van Zaadt, Esq of New York, bt Louis papers please copy. DIED to Sunday BkcraiBg. May 20th. at the waging ef her oa-in-law. Gea.

Heary Whiting, U. 8. A Mrs SARAH JANE MACOMB, la the 8eth year of her age. Oa Snaday, May 20th. Mrs.

SARAH BOS WELL, after a HageriBg illness la tbe 86th year of her age Ob Betursay. May ltb, Usl AMANDA HALVINA MORGAN, aged 20 years. Oa Monday morning, tbe list. Rev. JONATHAN LYON, aged 74 years.

His funeral will take place at the M. E. Church. Middle Village. Newtown, L.

I. on Wednesday, at two o'clock. Carriages will leave tbe Grand street ferry at one o'clock. At Brooklyn, ea Monday, May 2L ROSALIE, youngest daughter of J. J.

Brers, in the 6th year of bar age. At Brooklyn, on Saturday. May lfttb, of scarlet faver, FREDERICK W. KARTHAU8. youngest child of George a ana, agwa a year, au montas aaa says.

At tbe city ot Albany, oa the lltb inet. Mn. FINNY HINT WILLIAMS, wife of Col. Joha Williams, ef Salem, Washington county, aad sister of tbe late Moatgumery Huet, of Utica At Greenville. Greene Ce May 14th, Mn.

RACHEL TALMAGE, widow ef the late Major Henry Talnuge.ef that piaee. la the 83d year of her age. At MeGrawTille, Courtiand Co, May 16th, HENRY McGRAW, Esq formerly member of tbe Legislature man tnat county. At Galaay. Saratoga May 12th, Hon.

ISAAC GEER, aged 74 years. In Essex. May 4, Capt. TIMOTHY STAR KEY, 84. At tbe age of sixteen be was called to New Loadoa, with tbe Connecticut troops, to defend tbe town against tbe attacks of tbe British.

He subsequently made several cruise in a privateer brig, against tbe enemy's ships. He was early engaged in the West India trade, and maintained through a long life a character fur honesty and integrity. In Saco, Ma. May 7th. Mrs.

RICHARDSON, widow ef Mr. Nathaniel Richardson, aged 101 years and 11 months. Weekly Report of Deatlaa, In the City and County of New York, from tbe 12th day of May to tbe 19th day of May, 1849. Men 99; Women, 68; Boys 182; Girls, 59. Total, 323.

PISSASBS, Apoplexy Asphyxia Atrophia Bleeding Bleeding from lungs. Burned or scalded Bronchitis, Cancer. Casualties Cholera Cholera Morbus Conaumption. ConTulslons. Croup Congestion of lungs.

Cyanocis Debility Delirium Tremens. Diarrhoea Dropsy Dropsy in the bead Dropsy in the chest. Drowned. Erysipelas Fever Fever puerperal. Fever remittent.

Fever scarlet. Faver typhoid mv22 Unas 1 2 it 4 6 4 1 6 .42 ..14 6 4 2 .10 1 Fever typhns IS Fever nervous 1 Heart, disease of. 1 Inanition 1 Inflammation of InOammatinn of bowels. 9 Inflammatieu of chest. 3 Inflammation of lungs.

..20 Inflammation of stomach 1 InflammatloBof 1 Inflammation of liver, 1 Intemperance 1 Killed or murdered 14 Marasmus 16 Measles Mortification 2 Neuralgia 1 Old age Palsy 6 Poison 1 Premature birth 4 Pleurisy. 2 Serofula 6 Small Pox 12 Spinal disease. 1 Suieide 8 Suffocation 1 Tetanu 1 Ulceration of stomach. 1 Unknown 6 Age Under one year 76 1 to 1 years, 27 2 to 5. 14 6 to 10.

16; 10 to 20. 16 20 to 30. 46; 30 to 40. 29; 40 to 60. 31 50 to 60.

17 60 to 70. 14 70 to 60. 10 80 to 90, 6 99 to 100 and upward. 2 Places of Nativity United States. 207 Ireland.

60 England. 11: Scotland. Wales, 1 Germany. 23; Swlta-erland, 1 Prussia. 1 British Possessions in North America, 3 unknown 1.

From Hospital. Bellerue. 10 Penitentiary Hospital. Blackwell'a Island, Lunatic Asylum, do do, 3 Ward's Islsnd 14 Randall's Island, 2 City II Alms House, Blaekwell's Island, 6 Colored Home. 3 Colored persons, 16.

A. W. WHITE, City Inspector. City Inspector's Offlce. May 19, 1640.

PASSENGERS. In the ship Aberdeen, from Liverpool Mrs Rogers and lady, and 470 in the steerage. In the ship Oswego, from New Orleans Mr Diamond, lady, child and servant, and 8 in the steerage. In tbe Brig Denmark, from Nuevitas Mr Chas Morehouse. In the bark Bogota, from Cartbsgenia Mr Degenhardt.

Director and Chief Engineer of the gold and silver mines at Mamarta, near Bogota; Mrs Degenhardt and child. MissSchrader, Dr Putnam and child; LeFevre. Mint Engraver at Bogota; Mrs LeFevre; Wallace Bidlack. Eai, sen of the late Hon A Bidlack, 8 Charge to Bogota; Messrs Baldwin. A Hanabergh.

Foster, Anioateain. In the steamer Chesapeake from Norfolk Wilson, Edward Bart, Aug Bernstein, Martin BUhop, and Graham. In the bark Hannah Spragne, for San Francisco 2d cabin Lee, Munns, A Gagneth, Smith, Brown, Haslet, Peter Alabast, Pcttigrew, Titman. DeaviLg, McKee. Tracy.

Root Rice, Wrigbt, Rlcker Williams. Clark, Pews, Knr- eiyn, Feeniau, A Brown, Thompson. Evans, II Hail. Read, Corey, A Berger, 8 Brown, Wm Atkinson, and MrStea, Caldwell. David, Oagood, Fasheirs.

Simpson. Robinson. Brown, Edwd Coy ill. Brooks, Butts, A Eastern, 9 Harris. Wm Owens, Wm Wood Dare, I) Mowtey, Merchant.

A Hazard, Wm Jones, A Brown. Saloon Everett. Daggritt. A Wheeler, Milton, 8 Bookrtaver, Dodge. Dupignua.

Wiley, Both wall, Mead; Andrew, A A and Post; A Peck and lady. Peck and lady. Miss Peek; Mrs F. las and Master;'J Frink. lady and 2 children.

New York Commercial and Mining Co UK Garnlss, Smith. Garniss. Merrick. Foreman. A Cost.

Gorman, II Allen, Dr Webster. Hoag. Grubb. Goddard. Fair, Folger.

Jas Bellinger, Travis. Hall. A Johnson. Bellinger. Trovoat.

Hurrks. II Cornelison. IIule. Tiebout, Cod- dlngton, St George Twiss, BeadeU, inrcfip. THE EVENING POST MARINE LIST.

Constaneia r. Peonte de Chaves Pernambuco Habanera 2d Hamburgo For sals by Victoria, La- PORT OF NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MAY 22. sun aisss. .438 I sun sets. .7 16 hiuh 33 CI.IJIRF.D THIS FORENOON.

Ship Higginson, (Br) Owen, Quebec. Miln. Ship Emperor, Brown. Charleston, Williatnaa Gibon. Bark Linden, Kirkpatrick, Sligo, Grinnell, Mlnturn Co.

Brig Albert Fearing, Buekman, St Thomas, Russell ft Morton Brig Sunny Eye, Sealway, Rathmelton, Nesmith and Walsh. Brig Boston, Tice, Port-au-Prince, II Delafleld. Scb Wm Jenkins, VanderbUt, Petersburg, an nront. Seh A delalde, Robertson, Boston. Br scb Scotia.

Richards, Auehat, Lane Ce. Br scb Richard CobUen, Munson, St Johns. NB, Buraham. Scb Atoka pas. Pierce.

Kavsnnsh. McCready. Scb Cornet, Pugh. Washington. NC.

Schr Eloulse, Robinson, Wilmington, Me-Cresdy. Schr Margaret, WoKlom, Petersburg, Va, Hunter ft Co. Sloop Cabinet. Terry, Trovideuce. Sloop Jas.

Long, Jones, Providence. Propellor Black Diamond, Stevenson, Philadelphia. ARRIVED THIS FORENOON. Ship Oswego, Ingersoll, 26 us fm NOrleans, with mdse. toT Stanton.

Ship Aberdeen, Hubbard, fm Liverpool, 17th April, with mdse, to Sturges, llearman ft Co. Bark Cumberland, of Portland, Woodbury, 11 dys fm Matansas, with 468 boxes sugar to A Horn, 100 do to Moller a Sand. 3o0 do to Meyer ft Stucken, 170 do fc Co. Sid in eo with bark Alabama, for Gibraltar. Left barks Jubilee, for New York, next dsy; Bridge, for do in 3 days; Panama, for Gibraltar and a mkt, soon; brig Vlneennes.wtg freight; bark Ranger in Cardenas, for NYork, in 3 dys.

20th inst, let 37 21 Ion 73. passed tbe wreck ef a vessel bottom up, painted green, apparently about 220 tons burthen, supposed two years old. Barque Samuel Train. Plummer, Ponce Porto Rico. 6th May s61 bbds sugar; 140 hhds molasses Horace South-mayd ft Son.

Vessels Left barque Jane Anson, fm London for Falmouth, 8th May; barque Mariel, Colson, Boston, York 24th May; barque Forbes, Herrick, NHa ren, for Haven, 8th May; brig Lucille Gilchrist, St Thomas, for Falmouth, 8th May; brig Marion Parker, fm StTb.mas. for Falmoutb. 10th May; brig Conqueror Starks, fm St Thomas, for Falmoutb. 14th May; brig Wor. uuoco, Lu bee, for Baltimore lOtli May; brig Extra, Cooper, fm NYork, for for York 10th May; brig Oliada, Frotbiagbam.

fm Boeton, for Boston, waiting ear- go; brig Oregon. Smith rm Demara, ror IN York, 6th May; brig Francis, Sabine, fm NYork. for NYork. 15th May; seh Oregon, Cook, fin Newberry port, for Newberryport, 10th May. Brig Margaret Davis, Dyer, 10 ds fm St Croix, WE, with sugar, ac.

to De Forest fc Co. L.ft bark Jas Hall. Mitchell, for York, 10 ds, th. only Am vessel Ib port. Brig Deomark.

tof Tbomastou, Roney, fm Neuvitaa. Cuba, 7th inst, with440 bbds molasses to Owen fc Son se.OuOsegars Brett ft Voae, Left brigs Matha Sanjrer Mayhew, ldg for NYork in 10 or 12 pa Susan Snatferd do do ab't 16 ds Salmon Eaten, Nelson, fm do, just ar Marseilles. Hopkins, de do. Brig Ohio. Erakine.

20 ds Santa Crux. Cuba, with 40,000 gallons molasses. 72 logs muhoeeny, 48 bbls honey. 31 bales tobaebo. to Lasala fc Nephews.

Left brig Arve. Bramhall. for New York. toon. 20th Instant, lat 37 Ion 73 06.

Passed the wrack of a vessrl bottom us. Experienced a NE. gale for 4 ds. brig Areelina. Rosa, 32 ds fm Para, with mdxe to Corning The steamer Senator, hence for Rio de Jeneiro and California, sailed about 14 days previous Brig Azores, fof Thomastoa.) Amesbury.

18 ds fin Trin idad de Cuba, with sugar and molasses to Elw.U. Vessels l.ft before reported. Br brig Eyry, Knowlton, 14 da fm Windsor, NS, with piaster to Soule, bitney fc Co. Br brig Sibaon, Walker. 60 ds fm Newcastle, Eng.

with 300 tons coal to Manhattan Gas Company. 4 steerage passengers. Brig Potomac, Smith, 22 days from Maraeaibo, with hides, fce, to Maitland, Phelps fc Co. Left no Am Venecia id tort. Seb Cornelia, Blixard, fm Wilmington, DeLeorn meal, bd to Haven.

Yenetuelian seh Bollvsan. Mandrlck, 19 ds fm Angostura, hides, ke, to Moller ft Sand. Sch Bent, Means, fm Cherry field. Me, with lumber to Smith fc Boynton. Schr Frank.

M.Math, 2ds fm Norfolk, with Corn to Sturges Clearman fc Ce Schr Zulette, Stanley 9 ds fin Dari.n (Geo) with Lumber to master. Schr Alexander, Deal, fm Philadelphia wsth Coal. Sloop Annawan, WUles, 21 ds fm Mobile, with cotton to master. BELOW 1 brig unknown. SAILED Ship Catharine, Charleston; Southerner, NOrleans; and others.

Wind ENE. ROTO IT WIRE JULOLS The subscribers hare constantly on band aad for sale the usual varieties of Wire, manufactured from American charcoal iron at the above works. Their stock comprise, a general assort ment of bright aad annealed bundle and stone Wire. They are also prepared to receive aad exseuta orders for telegraph and bridge Wire of a superior quality, mr-'Tr ef which eaa be sees at tbe offioe. my23 IMP.

W. MACKIC a CO. 66 fc.87 Bread st HAVANA 8EUARS-LARGE AND SMALL RE ALIAS, Caxadoree, Millar Comun. Londres, Fuer-tes, Cabal.ros. of tb.

following brands J-ara Dobie F.nlaee Semiramas Sot de la Habana Washington Competenca. fce. JOHN T. BRiGHAM, 73 Broadway. OWNKK Off fSTKAJRBOATfe ARB YOU TO be btanwA or are the aaseengere who exposed tbem selvtsi without a life preserver to di serve sympathy whea lost or drowned within sight of land, whea the means of saving can be supplied at undVer i Tba travellinr ssasna fa at haad.

Two dollars is mere nothing. It the price of Day a neat aingte Life frerT-er perfect seenrity. Day a Life Jacket will susUin three persons. With it eaa caa earn a line ashore. Warehouse 23 Cortlandt st, usiar xi as a myg Mannfactnrer of India Rubber and Ontta Perch.

TIT Tt AC'S 1 it XC KTR A MBOAT EJrTIRK um Preaerrera The loss of life by th. wnak of th. steaaboat Emnira. mirht have been prevented If tbe unfortunate victims had been provided with one of Hodgmaa's India Roboer Life Preservers, Travellers should by all aeeaaa before venturing on sea, sound, river or lake, eaul at tbe New York India Kubber Ware House, aad supply thsmmrarea with a Life Piesei ver. Jacket.

Belt1 orCb-traiar of the sabseTibers own BxaButaetnring aad D. HODGMAN, Kew-Tork India Rubber Warehouse. y22 Nee. 27 MaMre Laae aad 69 Nassau st. A (rash.

A'a. For salaliv JOHN DUNCAN aoir, fOf Bg Ttltgrtpk to tar Evtniag Pott Robbery of thus 0.mlacy Baak, at Bos torn. Boston, May 22. 1S49. Tbe Quineey Bank was robbed this morning of $3,000.

The Cashier went into the bank early this as ia bis usual custom, and took from the Tault thai amount of money, and arranged it in his drawers, for the purpose of facilitating business at the opening. Ha then locked the bank and proceeded to breakfast. When ho returned, he found that the door had been broken open and the money stolen. Up to 11 o'clock no tidings had been heard of the robber. Boston, May 22.

It if estimated that tha insurance Companies in this city, will not loose over $50,000 by tbe late destructive fire at St. Louis. THK COLUMBIA COSVKSTIOJI. The chivalry have had an awakening in South Carolina, and have found relief in the adoption of tbe following resolutions, submitted with a speech by Mr. Elmore, Chairman of the Committee of twenty-one.

They were adopted unanimously. We shaQ look to-night to see if the moon shows the effects of her obvious interference with these movements of the South Carolina politicians. 1. Resolved, That a full and deliberate examina tion of the whole rabjeet has forced a deep conviction on the Delegates of the Committees of Safety here assembled, from the several districts and parishes in the state, that alarming and imminent peril is hanging over the institutions and sovereign rights of the shareholding states, caused by unconstitutional and mischievous interference with our domeatie slavery and the rights of slaveholders, on the part of the people of the north, their legislatures, courts and re presentatives in congress, and by withholding from them the aids aaa remedies guarantied by tbe UonstitBtion. 1 hat arguments and appeals to cease and abstain from this course of unprovoked wrong and insult, have been exhausted in unavailing efforts, which have only been followed by repetitions ef injury, and aggressions more alarming, persevered in with an appearance of concert and determination, which leaves to us no alternative but abject and humiliating submission, or a like concert and determination, in maintaining our constitutional rights, and in defending our property and persons thus wantonly put iu danger.

That South Carolina should stand prepared, as she now is, to enter into council, and to take that firm, united, and concerted action" with other southern and south-west-tern states in this emergency, which the preservation of their eommon honor, sovereignty and constitutional privileges demands, and to maintain them at every hazard, and to the last extremity aad that in view of this alarming condition of public affairs, a Central State Committee of Vigilance and Safety, to consist of five members, be now raised by ballot to correspond with other committees and persons in this and other states, with a view to such concerted and united measures as may be expedient in any emergency that may arise. 2. Resolved, That we entirely approve The Ad dress of Southern Delegates in Congress, to their Constituents," and the wise and patriotic coarse of those senators and representatives who signed tbe same. 3. Resolved, That we confide implicitly in the wisdom and firmness of the state authorities for maintaining our constitutional rights, equality and honor, and that we heartily approve the course hitherto adopted by them in relation to the aggressions of non-slaveholding states.

4. Resolved, That we would regard the passage by Congress of the Wilmot proviso, or any measure for abolishing slavery or the slave trade, or the ad mitting slaves to vote ia the District of Columbia, or of any equivalent measure, as a direct attack upon the institutions or the slavebolding states, and as such to be resisted by them at every hazard and that in either of such events, the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to eonvene the legislature if it is not in session, to censiuer tue moue ana measure of redress. 5. Resolved. That we do concur in and ado tit the resolutions which have twice been confirmed by the Legislature of Virginia, as containing the clearest exposition of the rights and duties of the several states.

so much wisdom and deliberation, and that the liberties, honor and interest of the slaveholdiog states will be sate under ber lead. Baltihoee Cld brig Helen. Perry. West Indies; A'd brig Cambrian, Walter, from Klugstou, Jam. SAVAnnan Cld Steamhip Cherokee.

Lyon, N.w York; snipe uonuar. narstow. Liverpool; isaneua rtand, do; nr. bark Intrinsic, Marfarlan, do. New Oblears, May 12 Ar ship Austria, 14 dsfmN York.

Cld ships Wm Patton. Dicker, for Liverpool; Knight, do; Mary Ward, Little, do; Uriel Simpson, uo; excuanre, Antwerp; a a aioa, cracser, Liverpool; vara r.xprrwt, uo. IITUROfATHV AND THIS WATER-CIKE. fc WELLS, 131 Nassau aisxir, New York, publish, and bar. for sale, all works on Hydropa thy, Water-Cure, Physiology, Phrsnology, Magnetism and Physiognomy at wholesale and retail.

A eompiete sortment of the abore named works always on hand. Just published Tbe Water-Cur. Journal, monthly, $1 a year; Water-Cure Manual, 60 cents; Water Cure in All Diseases. 60 cents The Cholera Hydronathicallv reaieu, zo cents. mh-J FOWLERS fc WELLS, 131 Nassau st Jlcoif.

BALK. A superior toned second II wiU be sold low for cash. -Aiiolv at West loiu street, near otn avenue. my'i 2tie AW PARTRI KIISHIP. The subscribers have formed a partnership iu the practice of the law.

DANIEL SHEPHERD, New York, May 10,1849 ALLAN MELVILLE. my22 tf 14 Wallst. PACKET SHIP INDIANA, from N.w Orleans, is discharging at Murray wharf, and consignees are requested to attend to the receipt of their goods without aeiay. ttusT ft HICKS, niy22 68 South tt. "VTOT1CK Packet sbip GARHICK, from Liverpool, XT is discharging at the loot of wall street, consignees are requested to send their permits on board, without delay, as all goods not permitted within live days must unavoidably De sent to tne public store.

mya bt "It CKS. BILLSLANU, having made arrangements lit with some or the flrst manufacturers to do a com mission business, will commence from this date to dUpese of her rich and raluable stock at and under cost. if the wbole be not disposed of in a few days, it will be closed by a sale. Tht stock now offered Is all choice goods, the plain stork having been disposed cf by private sale. The following is a list oi wnat win De sold Dinner Sets, enameled and gilt, white imperial stene.

Very rich desert and tea ware. Rich Va-es and ornaments. Rich toilet ware. Fifty very rich English cut Decanters. Including some l.larel i-iteners, witn a variety or Cbsmpsgnes.

Clarets Hocks. Wines, Lecures, Sailed Bowls. Butler Tuba. Ca- rafts, Pitchers. Pickle Dishes, Finger Bowls, all which is the first quality of English glass.

A consignment or four bbds rich eut glass received this dsy from one oi tne nrst nouses in Birmingham. my22 6tis 701 BROADWAY, 2 doors above 4th st. POWELTOH IIOUBK, Newbargh, N. V. rpHE SUBSCB IBKR having lease this favorite es- X.

tabiisbment, will now receive visitors ana boarders. and assures his patrons that his exertions will be un remitting to continue, as heretofore, especially for families. a house arranged in every respect to combine the luxuries of the most popular hotels with the quiet comforts of a private dwelling. Independent of th. attractions of the magnificent scen ery of the Hudson Kiver and Newburrh Bay.

tbe build ings ar. extensive, with spacious rooms and piaxsas. and convenient apartments ror warm, cold and shower baths. and are surrounded by fin. lawns, ampi.

play rrounds. aad ornamental and fruit gardens There ar. two -oaily malls, and the facilities of intercourse with New York are not surpassed by those of any other summer retreat in tbe country. Telegraphic communications can be sent to any part or tne i nion witn great facility, iMewourgn Being a sta tion. Newbureh.

May 22d. 1849. my22 2wis GIROLAMO DON ADI, Proprietor. QAKDS' SARSAPARJLiLjA. "Every cell and organ xr or tne human Body," says a distinguished m.dieal writer, 'ie originally built of.

grows and is renewed by aa independent vital force and wben eauees which arrested such growth, or renewal, are removed, then by the inuueneeof this vital force, the actions in a part, or in tbe whole system. resume their harmonious course, and tbe ravages consequent upon disease, are overcome, obliterated and repaired Here is tbe whole theory of disease, and the same author proceeds to say, that in many diseases "substances are conveyed into the blood wbleh are incapable of assimilation.11 In order, therefore, to restore the "ritsl force." and get rid of these tnbstanoes," it is necessary to employ an agent wnicn wiu aet witn dtreetaese and certainty up on tbe blood in the process of its manufacture, prarent ing the introduction of nonassimi'ating substances, and thus cutting away, as it were, tbe Tery root, of tbe dis ease. That this preparation is such an event, is abund antly provri by tbe innumerable successful results that have attended its use. it sxper rates the source of the disease, of its course its outward evidences, robbed of I their Infectious substance, in the blood, are rapidly absorbed, Bad the patient is restored to health. Prepared and sold by A D.

SANDS, Druggists, 106 Fulton street. New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the U. S. Price 1 per bottle.

Six bottles for fire dollars. my22 -r; r-rt notarial SaCAX. PKKSSKS-We hare just received a larg-e lot of tbe above cheap Seal Presses, of the most approred pattern and fin ish, warranted to give a perfect impression oi tne seal. For banks, companies, corporations, notarise, courts, societies, fte to whose instruments or documents it may be important to affix tbe seat, we offer these cheap Notarial Presses, and warrant them a good article, well made and finished. Alao, various sixes and styles of ths abore presses, of lever and screw patterns.

Please call and see for yourselves. RICH ft LOUTREL, -lmnortins- and Manufactories; Stationers, 61 William st. one door below Cedar st. Paper. Blank Books.

Manifold Writers, Copying Presses aad Stationerv. a large stock at th. lowest possible my22 GUH ELASTIC CHEST EXPANDERS Tbe subscriber, in introducing tbe Gum Elastic Chest Expander, would observe that tbey have received the approbatioa of some of our first physicians. Tbey can be used in tbe parlor, (of wbieB taey are aa ornament.) or in the store they are so very light that they eaa be carried about the person without the least inconvenience to persons who are closely occupied at their business oceupstioaa tbey will prove Invaluable, as regards health and elasticity ot umo.

natesaie ana retail. D. HODGMAN. New York India Rubber Warehouse. y19 No.

27 Maiden lane and 69 Nssasan st. "IVORY TABLifc CUTLJtKI-In setts of 41 pieces X. and dotens. Aiso. amves eniy.

or josepn Kodgers ft Son's and other makers. Also. Carvers. Slieers, steels Cooke KnlTea, Nut Picks aad Crackers, Cork Screws, fce fte. Tea Trays and Walters, in setts ef Gothic and Sandwich tortus.

Also, fine Painted Waiters, with a general variety of low priced aad aosasaoa Tea Trays, Bread -Trays. Silver Plated Castors, fce. Persona about purchasing tb. above named goods will find it to then- interest to examine tbem, as tbey are all of this spring's importation- and wiH be sold without a second profit. Also, a general aasxartaeat of Hardware, IB all Its aortas, rer sale oy NEWBOULD ft RUS8EL, importers of Hardware aad Cutlery.

anyxz sew saitossst, peaweea aroaaway and rsasaa TTTIK Nathaniel Paulding has placed In the hands of John Duncan ft Son, to sell tor bis account, the balance of his stock of old wines, consisting csT auperiet Maoeiraa, eroasA marjaura, xtroww anerrrsea. ae. mjia NAlrlSNICU rAULDINS. A lAXriiUL barreJa ia fine order. sale by WILLIAM T.

HICKS ft CO- my22 149 aad 161 Front st. TKSKTIKlf JLfia am bass very bright New Caa tie, now seeding aaa ror sale by H. EL sCJuusELIrT ft FOWLER, JL C. KEMP, Auetioaear. Large aad poaltlra sale) of buaBdsosma Psnil- taure, lnaMfortea, aswl itch axamsaftsmlalalsasr sutXslea, To-morrow WEDNESDAY, at 10 o'clock, at Sales Room.

1 WaB St. C. KEMP will sell at auetlra, without reserve by XV. eatelogBs. a large aad beautiful aseortment of Rose wood, mahogany aad walnut parlor, dinaing-room aad chamber Furniture, ea suite richly carved sofas; tete-a tetes; eery aad spring -seat chairs ia style of Louis XIX; a rich rosewood centre table; I chamber suit of rosewood furniture; Tory handsome sextension dining table; mar.

Die-top centre, pier, aide, and wont la exes; iiDrary Doa-eases; wardrobes; suits of rich mahogany aad walnut cottage Furniture, ac. Also. illyer-plAted aad Britannia ware; cutlery: china. glass and crockery. Also, several refrigerators.

Also, second hand furniture a lot of vary good seeoad- hand furniture from a family, and barber's chairs la ensasea pinsB. Also, piano-fortes at 12 o'clock rosewood i octave piano-fortes, which are well worthy the attenUoa of purchasers. Also, a aeraphine, in rich mahogany ease, in good order, coat 1260. Also, gold watches It fine Engliah gold Lever watches, IS hoi as jewelled, to be sold without reserve. Catalogues oa tbe morning of sale.

Goods bought to go out of the city can be packed ia good shipping order at a reasonable charge. my22 It HENRY H. LEEDS, Aaefioaaar. La.rre bsmS Valautttlo Sale ef Cstatco Selected Wines, BELONGING TO THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Tw BE 80LD WITHOUT RESERVE, TO CLOSE THE CONCERN.

HRKRY II. LEEDS St CO. will sell at auction on THURSDAY, 24tb instant, at 11 o'clock, at the sales room. No 6 Wall near Broadway, the entire stack ef Wines, belonging to tbe St Charles Hotel, removed for convenience of sale, consisting of a well-selected and extensive stock, vis MADEIRAS.

Old East India red seal Oliveira, XX pure juice, south side, old Bnal. green seal London particular, vintage 138; old Blackburn, old J. Howard. March fc Ce vintage 1826 1829 and 1830; Calender Madeira, in gallons and, qt magnums, bottled 1826 aad 1829; old Malmsey, only 6 bottles, but very choice, he. fcc.

SHERRIES. Old Amontillado. 1830; Amantavilla, 1835 old Sevres, vintage 1826 aed 1830 Duff Gordon fc Co. aad London dock brown, superior pale Sherry, fce fce. ruRT.

Old black seal pure juice, old London dock, bottled Bine years Graham aad pale London dock, bottled eight years, fce. SCNUKIES. Golden Lion Champagne Barton fc Guttler's Claret. warranted Hhudeaheimer. Tint 1042 and 1844 fine real Holland Gin.

old Jamaiea Rum. Monouzahela Whiskev. It years old old Scotch Whiskey, very fine pale and dark Brandy, and Justo Sans Segars, fce fce. na above are a very choice assortment, and such as are rarely offered at auction. Samples on the morning of the sale.

(1376) mv2i 2t HENRY H. LEEDS, Auctioneer. Collection of Oil Paintings. HKNRT II. LEEDS ck CO.

win sell at auetioa on WEDNESDAY, May 23d. at 11 o'clock, la tbe gallery, rear of store No. 8 Wall street About 100 Oil Paintings, belonging to several private individuals, sent for convenience of sale. There will be found amongit the number, many very beautiful works of art, and originals, well worthy the attenUoa of ama teurs and others. The sale will be positive, aad they can be viewed in the gallery one day previous to the sale.

1376J mylO CARRIAGE, HARNESS, fce, FOR SALE. Tbe elegant Chariot. Harness, English Saddle and Bridle, and splendid Brussels Carpet, lately imported ia tbe ship o-eaei, iroui Bremen, are now ready for exhibition. Apply to HENRY H. LEEDS fc ra 8 Wall st.

Bsrsn ay ore. aaiet Wilt" PtDfl SUPREME LXMJRT- Garret M. May bee and LyJia, his Otll rH HORACE LKI.AND, NAHUM PlTlsMVAlf, WIL- LI AM T. MASON, and HUBERT HANLUV hi are Itereby nquird to aaswer tin? coin plaint ia lb above arttoa, which has ihu dav bma tiled ia th4'ttw Hmil ol tkwmtvst N- Yarfc. and la nerve a coor nf Tour im ii lliiniT ml N'aw tMk.

wUhia tweaiv din aJter mnrn ioe this MnriisisM. awa-tsa. hive of thenar of tenrice. or the blainut. will apiblr at asDecial torn of the Hnprnw Court, to tie held at lite Ca- Hall, ia (lie eit-ot F4ew York, on tZlthdar July Beit.

lor lae relief de. nianueii ie uud Tomia.nL Mated May kl. 184. CUTLER At TOWNSEND. PKfr Alt yt.

my 22 lawtivr 77 Kicheoce. IS. V. barah May bee aeaiDst Garret M. May bee and l.yilia, hn wile, and (ithrrt K1IPRKMK ntllHT aH HORACE I.EI.AND.

NAIH7M SULLIVAN. WILLIAM T. MASON, and ROBERT 11 A LEV You are hereby required lo answer the complaint in lite above action whh-n nas uib car Doea nieu ia tlie Uity Hall ol the city or New York, sad to serve a copy of your aaswer oa na at tbe cMyei York, summons, ex- r. -T I zvfa, hiiiu iw.m uti aim service oi U1BISUB New within twenty daya alter service of thia leeungana oeneving tnat sne wm continue nrm auu elusive of the us, ol aeivice. Hie will apply at atoecial resolute in maintaining what she has announced with 'enn of the Supreme Court to be held at the City Hall, ia the cy ol New York, on thelMth day of Jsly next, lor tbe relief de manded in sasl ooinplaiat.

Dated May 21. 1KW. CUTLER At TOWNSEND, Plaintiff's Attorneys, my22 lawfiw 77 Exchange Place, New York. aramst NEW YORK SUPREME COURT Waller T. Hatch SomnerW.

Bennett. ri'O HI MN1.R VV. BENNETT, the defendant above named Sir, Yen are hereby summoned le answer the complaint in this cade, fnled in tlie office of the Clerk of lhi.l!nH tl city of New ork. on the 22d dsy of May. ltvj a ail serveacopy of your answer on ns, at ro.

29 Wall street. New York, wuiiia twenty days suet uie service nereoi. exclruive ol uie ay ol aucb eervH-e; anil if yon fail to answer Uie eoniplaint ss aforesaid, tlie plaintitrwilltakejailr mnllbr thesuruof six hundred and aixtr-Mir dollars and Iturty-aineeeBL. with niUjtett from I lie Mb dt-y ot May. one thousand eight hundred and forty six, beaalea costs of son.

Hated New vnrk. may lBW. BARNEY tt BUTLER, Plaintiff's Atlorneva, myfci law 6w Wall atrac NEW YORK SUPRKME COURT. Walter T. Hatch.

agsinst Sumner V. Ben aat mO HI MSKR W. RENNET, eanwl Sir I yon ale hereby sammOBed la ajMwer I lie pamnlawl tin. I raitae. (tiled in tlie oflire of die Clerk of this Court, at the City of I new i ors, ob uss uiuirvi mir, irw.i arwi serve a ootty ol I voar aBswser on us.

at i.u. a iriu atreet. new xors. wruue twenly days alter theesrvice hereof, exduaive of the day ot'sach servK-e and if yon tail to aaswer the complaiBt as aforesaid, Ihe ptauiun wui laae judgment lor the sum ol eleven hundred and eighty-live dollars and sevenly.eiglil cuts, with iaterest from tlie tweniy-niniu nay or June, one mousaaui eigui uundreu and lorty- ine. besides cos ol suit.

Daled. New York. May 6, BARNEY BtTTT.ER. my2ilaw6w Plaintiir. Attorneys, a Wall street.

A GENTLEMAN eaa be sni ted with a parlor and bed- il. room adjoining, en second floor furnished or unfur- Bisbsd. witn or without breakfast. Apply lal fri nee st RANCls Si Maiden Lmne-Wao- ufacturers of Account nooks or erery style, t.opv. Pass and Memorandum Books.

Time, Work and Wages nooks, Hotel Keewters. au Einds or boors ror Dealers, Manufacturers. Courts. Public Offices, Banks. Lodges.

Societies, and private. We have on hand a full stock from which setts can be selected, which for quality and low price are unsurpassed. W. also mak. to pattern any style required.

Print Cards, Circulars, Bills, Checks, Notes, Receipts, fce at lowest rates. Writing Papers Ruled and plain, all qualities, at the mill price, Note Tissue, eelored, fte; Mourning papers, envelopes, erroratea noara. Stationary Artistes Both fancy and staple. Copying Presses at reduced price; improved Manifold Letter Wri- ters. Gold Pens, Elastic Bands, new styles Pen holders.

Patent Letter Clamps, 1 in Casta and Deed Boxes, Bolting Hollers, scran nooks, rortionos, anu an other articles In our line at lowest price. SHAM CIS ft LUU 1KX.1., stationers. my 22 77 Maiden lane. WARM WEATHER IS COMING EFRIGE-RATORS We are now offering a kind of Refrige rators that possess one desideratum ever erery other kind in the market, la not causing any mingling of flavors. and lu of arrangement.

All housekeepers wishing one of these most useful articles, should call before buying and examine our assortment. oMtin, j.urtitE,r a tu. Housekeepers Furnishing Store, y22 60 Maid.n-lane. BARCLAY Si L.1V1NGSTON, 24 Beaver street, offer for sale 140 bbds and quarter casks Godard's Brandy 60 pipes Vine Leaf Gin 150 qr casks and Octaves Madeira Wine 1600 qr. casks and Octave.

Harris Port Wine, Pure Juice and other grades 300 eases 1 doe each do do 160 casks Campbell's Scotch Ale 70 do Guinees' Doublin Brown Stout 200 do Dunbar ft Son's London, do do my22 IRON. The Works of the New Jersey Iron Company, at Boonton, N. having been put in complete repair, are prepared to execute orders with dispatch, and lur- nish a superios article of fuddled Iron, also made from charcoal blooms. i in to 6 in round and square Iron 4 to 4 flat 1 to 6 band 1 to 2 hoop half orals, half round oval jvals. Nail, Brad and Tack Axe and Scythe Iron, Wire and Rivet Rods, Pig Iron.

Apply to JN0. MACKIE fc CO niy22 66 aad 87 Broad street. CARRIAGE yds. Carriage Cloths, made under Good year's Patent. For sale at the UNION INDIA ZUHBlKtU'I, my 22 19 Nassau street LIFE.

PRESERVERS AND JACKETS. A large assortment of tbe best make, for sale by the UNION INDIA RUBBER CO my22 19 Nassau street. QYRINGES AND BREAST PUMPS. A large assort- ment made of Goodyear Patent Rubber, and my22 Larose, Bran Cantenae, St. Julien.

and ordinary Table Wine, for sale by HENRY D. FELTER. iy22 66 Broadway, corner rnnee st. LIVERPOOL. ORRELi AltfO BLACK JAN-KEL COAL of large sise and best quality.

For sale at low prices, by J. l. WLlrt 11. anaqvay. my 22 and eor.

Thompson ft Fourth sts. SC11REIDER. CUAHPAGNK-lsO baskets, qts and pts, just received and for sale by ULNKI 1. lUlll, oau oroaoway, my22 corner Princ. at.

ADDING 100 bales or blsck and white wadding, manufactured at the Empire Steam Millt." equal, if ret superior to any in the market. For sale by my22 JUiin r. wr.Aniir.iiu, it Nassau st. pHECKS ON ALL. THE CITY BANKS In KS sheets and in books, for sale by WM.

W. KUSE, my22 Stationer and Printer, 19 Wall street. BEAVER AN BROAD CljOTHSBlack.browD, drab and eadet mixed, IncludiBg tbe Utica Globe Mills and other styles, for sale by my2 i.a TUtWBt.r, i i ll. Broad st. BURNING FLUID Williams's treble refined, for sale by WILMOT WILLIAMS, iyiat iaa Maiden una.

PORT WINE 1609 qr casks and octaves Pure Juice rich and Dry Port Wines received direct from Messrs. Harris ft Sons, per brigs Emma Frances and Leo nora, rrom Oporto, aal for sale at 20 Beaver street. by mylZ BAKCLfA a ft L.IVINUSTON. TYAILROAD IRON The subscriber Is ready to AV contract ror Kailroad tree of superior quauty, to be made at the works of the New Jersey Iron Co. JOHN F.

MACKIE. Sole Agent, my22 86 and 87 Broad street. s1 LU 100 barrels, aa invoice just received, for sale by vja vr a. ti i' a kj. my22 149 aad 151 Front strswt.

Tjm STING CtsOTHS. medium and low indeed, for A tale by MARCUS srHino ft co nyu ei r.acnsnys riaee. 3LD MADEIRA, PORT, and Sherry WiBealawooJ and glass, for sale by HENRY D. FELTER, 666 Broadway, my22 corner Prince street. TivRSl 17 TWIST.

3 eases plain colors aad shaded, assorted. For sale by WM. it- CAslY ft 1 my 346 Pearl street, near John at. YERY SUPERIOR OLD BRANDY The fiaestever brought to this country, for sale by HENRY D. FELTEst, 669 Broadway, nxvt cot net Prince street.

mya RC LAY ft LIVINGSTON, 90 Beaver sc. ALJPALCA i-apUees of Plaid Aljraaoa, just reeaiv-ed aad for sal. by WJi Jk. mutual insurance company: CCf- This Company have taken tbe Boosas atthe eor-ner of William street No. and Exchange rTaee, where they are now ready be receive proposals for Marine aad Island Insurance exclusively, excepting where the Are risks is indispensably eonneeted with the Marine.

The means of indemnification for claims for losses, eon-slats of Psemaaesr Novas, whieh terms of subscription are the absolute property of tbe oompaBy, and may be negotiated, pledged, ordumosed of by them, or In any way used to pay claims which may be made oa them The subscription now anaosmts to TWO RCIDHIO AND POHTI TBOTJSABSD DOLLAR. TRUSTEES. ZebeaeeCosk. Tbss. Tihatoa.

F. 8, Lathaao. Sidney Braoka, F. H. DebiBO.

Geo. Grrnrold.Jr W. D. Thompson. Ettas PoBvert, E.

J. Brwwa. Fred A.Lee. Geo. Bird.

John B. Kitchiag. Allied Barrett, CkanaceT D. Hud EAw, Aithoay, U. B.

Brewster, FraBera Bkjody. Sunt. E.SpBtulb, Eben. B. Crocker.

Joha A. McCaw. Was. F. Balkier.

Gee.Codf,a. A. Fraaecaa. Jas. 8- Hyde.

Wm. Bryce, J.W.Culbert, Ang. Betkaen, R. T.Woodward. to list December, 1848 Losses paid during the same pe Tbea.

Crane. RebcL. Taylor. B.Ceitleadaa. L.

8. Pood. r.A. H.ReasnU, C. M.CoeaoUy.

EtsstmsUbbeas. Paul Aalea. Thee. DaBBem, W.Kent, 85 Cedar at, John Harper, Jamas Myers, James Stuart. Saml.

L. Bosh. iNsrxcToaa er election. Wm.C. Laagley.

Wa B. Tools. Heary K. Harral. ZEBEDEE COOK President, EDWARD ANTHONY, Vice Pre at.

EDWARD A. STRONO, Secretary. my22 lawTu6mls Orrics art si Atlabtic Mutual Irtst'BABCECeMrAiiT, I New York, 27th January 1849. Qtj- Take Trias tree. In conformity to the Charter of the Company, submit the following Statement of the affairs of tbe Company on the 31st December, 1848 Premiums received on Marine Risks, from 1st January, 1848, to Slut December, 1848.

61,412,701 24 Premiums on Folic ies not marked off 1st Jan uary, 148 118,640 04 Total amount of Marine Premiums. 61,831,641 28 No Policies have been issued upon Life Risks nor upon Firs Risks disconnected with Marine Risks. Premiums marked off from 1st January, 1848, riod $724,384 63 Returns of Premiums and Expanses 189,160 76 $913,536 38 The Company have the following Assets, vis United States stocks, State Stocks, New York City Bank Stocks, Loans on State and other .6163,992 18 tocks 6711.916 06 Bonds and Mortgages 240,690 00 Dividends on Stocks, Interest on Bonds and btortcagea and other Loans, sundry notes, re-insuranee, and other claims due to the Company, estimated at 61 ,414 68 Premium Notes 791,710 24 Notes In advance of Premiums (61,647 66, of which are unused by Insurances) 17,000 00 Cash la Bank 06,836 42 Total amount of AsseU 61,689,476 43 The Board ef Trustees have resolved to pay an interest of six par cent, on the outstanding certificates ef profits to the holders thereof or their legal representatives, on and after Tuesday the 6th day of February next. The Trustees have further resolved that the remaining twenty-five per cent, of the certificates of profits, issued In 1846, and the whole of those issued ia 1846, be redeemed and paid to the holders thereof, or their legal representatives, on and after Tuesday, the sixth day of February next, from which date all interest will cease thereon. The certificates to be produced at the time of payment, and cancelled.

The Board have also declared a dividend of Thistt-atx rxa ckbt. on the Bett earned premiums of tbe Com pany, for the year ending 31st December. 1848, for wbieb certificates of profits will be issued on and after Tuesday, the sixth day of February aext. Tbe preflts of tbe Company, ascertained from the 1st July, 1842, to the 1st day of January, 1848, for which Certificates were issued, amounted to 00 Additional profits, from 1st of January, 1848, to 1st January, 1849 431.820 84 Total profits for 6 yeats 61,047,750 84 Certificates of 1844, and 76 per cent, of 1845, paid off 498,247 60 Nett earnings in hand, 1st January, 1849. 34 By order of the Board.

J. D. JONES, Secretary. TBt'STEES. Walter R.

Jones, A. P. Plllott, Josiah Hale, Leonardo 8. Snares, Thomas Tileaton, Christopher R. Robert, Henry Colt, Ernest Malesieux, E.

1). Hurlbut, Le Roy M. Wiley, Wm. 8. Wetmore, Henry W.

Hicks, F. liaba Riggs, Daniel S. MiUer, Henry Parish. 8. T.

Nieoli, -Auguatin Averlll, David Lane, Charles 11. Russell, Joshna J. Henry, Samuel T. Jones, Wm. Sturgis, Lowell Holbrook, Henry tt.

Bogert, P. A. Hargous. A. A.

Low. Edward H. Gillilan, Lewis Curtis, Meyer Gang, Deauls Perkins, Wm. C. Pickersgill, Joseph GalUard James McCall, William E.

Dodge, Ramsay Crooks, Mortimer Livingston, Caleb Barstow. WALTER B. JONES, President. JOSIAH L. HALE, Ylee President.

J. D. Jobes, Secretary. mh9 lawtf Ttxe Mutuuxl Ufa Insurance fjoanpeuiy OF NEW YORK, NO. 35 WALL STREET AUUUMULiATEU lUiU fPHIS Company has an accumulated fund of 6742.600 In X.

vested in Bonds and Mortgages on real estate in this City and Brooklyn, and stocks of the State and City of New York and United States Government. This fund is rapidly increasing by a widely extended and prosperous business, producing an annual income of 6360.0U0. Tbe Company declared a dividend of profits of fifty-two per cent on all existing policies on tbe 61st of January 1848. Policy holders, whether for life, or shorter terms, par ticipate in tbe whole of the profits, in. accordance with the terms of the charter.

Tbe premiums are payable in cash annually, or if desired, semi-annually or quarterly, interest being added on tbe deferred payments. The cash principle adopted by this Company, secures to the parties for whose protection the Insurances are effected, the whole of the benefits without subjecting them to the heary drawbacks of accumulated premium notes. Persons may effect Insurance on their own lives, and the lives of others. A married woman can insure the life of her husband, which will inure to the exclusive use of herself or children. Pamphlets explanatory of the principles of Mutual Life Insurance, and illustrating its advantages, with forms of application, may be obtained at tbe office of the Company.

ii rv an -street, or oi any oi its agents. TRUSTEES. Morrison Robinson, Alfred Fell, William J. Hyslop, David C. I olden, R.

H. MeCurdy, John C. Thatcher, rreuenca s. Winston, wuiiam netts, C. W.

Faber. John P. Yelverton. Theodore Sedgwick, Stacy B. Collins, John H.

Swift, Jos. B. Collins, James 8. Wadswortli, Henry w. Hubball.

Joseph Blunt. Isaac G. Pearson, William Barnwell, William Moore, Zebedee Cook, Jonathan Miller, David A. Coma tock, Robert A. Schuyler.

uvDrerDEur vv iiaius, adds s. rerry, John V. L. Pruyn, Joseph Tuekerman, Frederick Whittlesey, Moses H. GrinnelL CbarlesEly, Wm.

J. Bunker, John C. Cruger, Eugene Dutilh, Walter Joy, One vacancy. MORRIS ROBINSON, President. SAMUEL HANNAY, Secretary MINTURN POST, M.

Medical Examiner, who at- teaasai tne omeeaaliy rrom 11 to 12 o'clock. JOS. BLUNT, Solicitor. February 1st. 1848.

mh6 2s INSURANCE AGENCIES. the RY the provisions of the General Insurance Act, pass- most oerfect article ever offered to the public. For sale OT foreign corn- by the UNION INDIA RUBBER CO'Y, If Nassau street. CVPERIOR CE.ARETS Latour, "lftU" Leorille. panics must prove to tbe satisfaction of the Comptroller that such companies bare an unimpaired capital equal to tbe amount required of our own eompaniea.

The Trenton Mutual Life Jnassrasare Ceaararan. we believe. tt tb. first to comply with th. law.

They have an unim paired capital of 6100.000 invested in stocks and mortgagee, and Mr. Charles O. Imlay (in one of the front offices of the Manhattan Bank) is duly authorised to Issue policial, as per tbe following CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. CoMrTBOLXEB'a Orrics, Athany, May 2d, 1849. Satisfactory evidence having been famished to me that Chsrles G.

Imlay, of th. eity of N.w York, (No 40 Wall street.) bu been duly appointed aa agent for tbe Trenton Mutual Life Insurance Company, being aa Insurance company iaenrporated by the state of New Jersey; aad that the said company ia possessed ot tba amount of actual capital, BBisn paired, wbieh ie required by tbe seventh section of aa act entitled An Aet to provide for the Incorporation of insurance passed April 10th. 1849 Now, THsaxroax, la parsuanes of the provisions of the act afureaaid, I. Waahibgt.b Hit, Comptroller of the state of New York, do hereby certify that th. said Imlay ie authorised, as an agent for th.

said insurance com-pany. to issue policies, receive premiums, and transact the business of Life Insurance in the eity and county of New York. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, aad caused the seal of my office to be affixed, the day and year first above written. istf W. HUNT, Comptroller.

A PRIX. REPORT. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 11 Wall st, have issued during the month of April, 1849, ene hun dred ana fourteen new rat tetes, vis To Merehantsft Traders. 27 Mechanics 11 Manufacturers 13 Lawyers 4 Clerks II Clergynsea.

1 Physician. A grata 6 4 78 To Ladles Teachers. Farmers Public officers Steamboat a stains. GentMtssea Brokers Other eeeupations. this offlce, stating where aa interview may he had.

36 78 Total aew policies issued la A pri! .....114 ROBERT L. PATTERSON, PresidsBt. Bebjajsib C., Secretary. JOSEPH L.

LORD, Agent. James Stewart, M.D Medical Examiner, at tha ostea daily, from to o'clock. myl TThftSlmie WANTbCD A aniddle aged Aanerieaa woman, af x-aerieaee, to aaairst ta the stare of a aae-u v. and general EtaBsrvmsnt of the honsibutd. Address-' fail aejtmillara, at the Courser aad Enquirer efUca.

aryl ssbs I a I PTJ slm7 Test eaatwm arm a a IS rrriP4t rAtTtt-iB Jbsa I wwniimi--i1 fDCwit.1 mW9 TWIM 1 nmntofTnS'fLnlly groceriesfor by Xj JrFT, HENRY FELTER, 669 Broadway. C1UPERI0R ORANGE COUNTY BUTTER, reserved direct froea the most esmbrated dairies three aek. tar sale by HSlxar l. SfcLTlJi, my22 6S9 Broadway, eoraar Pri nee sties. BRANDT AND GIST SO Half pipes aad casks God-are 'a Pale and Colored Brandy, vintages of 1849 aad 1842.

6 Pipes Vine Leaf Gin. in Bond, and for sale by myst el EITHER IIOeiK FOR. FIICK ESGIbTeI Bteembeets, Factories, street Wasbera, fte. ne factured from the best oak tanned leather, wsU WTonght eopper ea hand and for Bale by JUH.T it. BOWIE ft CO- Who have also for Bale, calf -skins, wax aad rralBnesar- leiraer, aaa swi i isa ssamar ca every assenpueeu my IS FKX.NCB WAFERJI- For sale by yiHt 40) MITliJrti IW "sBlcr Hate WM.

BEERE Hat ters, 166 Broadway, New York, ear! is rkaaal street. era 1 rauaaetpma, are now offering a. ertenairs aasertsarBt of summer Mats, of new aad iH, ahapea comprising xtra fine aad erdtaery rauaaaa, Iboraa, aad Straws, In every variety. Also a new and beautiful Hat fce gen-ttemen, of a dark edor, with double brim, very light aad desirable. We have received direct from tae auisfu.

turers a new style of Hat, speeiaUy adapted for young gentlemen, with double and single brims, called the TREE LEA uat, at a Tory low price. Dealers are respectfully informed that we can foralsh them with a few cases of tbe Tree Leaf Hats, double and single brims, at wholesale, at such prices as will afford then a large profit- myitis Ship Prohus. FOR California. The flrst class A 1 ship PROBUS, J. C.

de Tries, sa ter, will sail Best week far SAN FRANCISCO. Parties Intending to saU In this vessel, should make immediate application, as the number of passengers rs strictly limited to sixty, aad no more than that number will be taken upon any eonai deration. Passengers will send down their freight Immediately at pier Na. North River, that It may not be exdndedi Shippers wiU send ia their bills of ladlag at the office for signature Tbe bulk of 600 barrels heavy freight can be taken if applied for immediately. Apply to E.

B. SUTTON, 84 Wall or my21 JOHN OGDEN, 116 Wall St. 4ip UD anu Bite On and 8 AN FRANCISCO, VIA CHAORES 23d of May Tbe aew splendid steam ship CRESCENT CITY 1600 tons burthen, Charles Stoddard, master, will leave for hag res direct, from her dock at pier 4 North River, on SAIL kuav, tne issd.Mayate clock, r. M. Passengers by this steamer win reach Panama In time lor tne 8.

all steamer of i una. Passage ia saloons $160 do forward saloon .....116 do lover cabin 100 do steerage. 80 Freight ou specie one per en extra barcage 70 cents per foot. 8 cubic feet ofbeggage allowed each cabin passenger, and 6 do allowed each steerage passenger. No passage secured until paid for.

Any person one half tbe amount of passage money, caa secure a oertn lor one weea. For freight or passage, apply to my 14 is J. HOWARD ft SON. 73 South st: FOR NEWBURGH AND FIKHKILL. landing at VAN CORTl.ANDT'S, (Peeks- kill,) COZZENS'S WHARF.

WEST POINT, COLD SPRING, and CORNWALL. The Steamboat ROGER WILLI AM8, Captain W. Weolsey. will leare tbe Newbnrgh pier, foot of Warren street, ererr afternoon at four o'clock, (Sundays execut ed. Retpraing, will leave Newburgh every morning at uvun n'eloek.

landing as above. B. All freight, baggage, bank bills, or specie, put on board of this boat, unless entered upon the books or receipted for, must be st the risk of the owner or owners thereof. ItCWtdRH A SIB NEW IIAVKN RAILROAD. after Mondav.

May 21st, the following Trains will leave tne omc. oi toe Company, from 29 Canal street. FaSMmrers will also be received at theofRo of the New Turk d1 Hub. R.ilreail at 27th street. Aeeommodation Train at 7j o'clock, A.

M. for New Rochelle, Mamaroneek. Rye, Port Chester. Greenwich. Stamford.

Danen, INorwalk, westport, soutupora, rair Jd BeiilirennrC Stratford. Milford. and New tiavea. 1 1 11.. .1 rasseBgers irons tue way bisuvus iur mismj -svtlona on the Housatonie Railroad.

wiU take this train and stop at Bridgeport, and for the Canal Railroad aad Hartford and New-Haven Railroads, will leere this train at the Station House la New-HaTen. Exorees Train at 8 o'clock. A. M. for Slam lor a.

Bridgeport, Albany, and Housatonie Railroad. New Haven and stations on tbe Canal Kauroad, nartioru, spruagueiu. Worcester, Boston, aad Intermediate placer. Exnress Train at 2 o'clock P.M. for Stamford, Nor- walk, Bridgeport, Housatonie aad Naugatuck Railroads New-Haven Canal Kailroad.

Hartford ana opringneiu and Connecticut River Railroads. Asaommodation Train at 4.30 r. M. for New Ha ven, and ail the intermediate stations, as named above for tbe 7J train. Commutation Train at 6 O'clock r.

m.ior norwaix auu tha Intermediate stations. Trains to New ork Commutation traia at A. from N'orwalk. atoDinr at all the intermediate stations. Accommodation Train at 6 A.

M. from New-Haven at all the intermediate stations. Aeeommodation Tiaiu at 9.35 A. M. srom New-HaTen, stoDDinr at all tbe intermedial stations.

In connection with trains from tbe spnngiiaid ana cvew-naveaauu is 1 li.ilrasula.traa Housaton and NauatatUCE HBliroaus. Express Train at 12.63 r. or on to. arrival oi tne ErsMi Trsia from Beaton, from New-Haven, stopping at Bridreoort. Norwalk.

Stamford and New-Koenelle Accommodation rain at cioce r. ni. irons new- Haven, atom.inr etaJlttie intermediate stations. avengers are requested to procure neaeis oeiore in king places in tbe cars. lorn.

1H4U ax. x. ainaun, my22 Superintendent TlOUSK IN ATI. ANTIC STREET, Brooklyn, for sale. A verv deeirable brick bouse, iUlLtwo stories and basement, 126 feet from tbe corner of Power street.

Lot SluxlOO feet, house 36x44 feet, court vard in front. A very desirable residence. Tbe omnibus passes the door. If desired, most of the money can re main on bond ana mortgage, rosseeaiuu Annie to A, vnyS2 17 Nassau st. FTJRNISIIED HOUSE IT FOUR TEENTH STREET TO RENT.

A Urge ULweil furnished house, with modern improvements Apply to wm. J. airst-iiiaisv. an7 hrtr a IS PRINCE Ai IMPROVED PATENT MELODEONS are now tba most popular musical Instruments of the ri.v our manuraciorv is zou RnffVln nne holuO flebOt 177 BroadWBT. NeW Orders addressed to either ef the above places will be promptly attended to.

Amateurs ana others are invited to call. PRICES. Four octave Melodeons, extending from to C. $46 Five octavo extending from to F. 76 Lane five octave Melodeons, eases elegantly finish ed in the style of the Piano Forte 100 The rases are made or rosewood, ana are as nanaeomc-ly finished as any Piano Forte.

The Key Board is precisely the same as tha Piano or Organ, and tbe tone (which Is very beautiful) closely resembles that of tbe Flute stop of the Organ the note speaks the instant the keys are touched, end will admit ef the performance of as rapid passages as tbe Piano. The volume of tone is equal to that of a small Organ, and by means of tbe swell may be Increased or diminished at tbe pleasure of tbe performer it Is sufficiently loud for small churches, ana is weu cal culated for parlor instrument. Hundreds have exam ined tbem, and all bare been louo in xneir praise, nut the best evidence of their merit is the rapid sale. But it is a new instrument, a new invention, and as yet but little known in the musical world, and it is for this reason that we call to It the attention ol au lovers ot music. Believing that there arastbousaods who would lose no time in securing one were they aware of tbe existence of such an instrument, and the low price at which it could be ob- 1 A VDIUl-V a.

I'll tatnea. r. n. Vy. mr3 Is 177 Broadway, (up stairs UCSljll AM) VVAKHAJTKU IA IS FOKTEf Can be had of iii.rinr.i a wilui.k 162 Fulton street, east of Broadway, madi in the latest style, and of good mater al Those in want are respectfully invited tc call and try them rianoe to Tuning promptly attenuea in.

is BENNETT ft WILDER. PIANO FORTES. ml. ML Gate WARE ROOMS AND MAUFACTORY, 104,104 staid 108 TbJrd Areasxe, corner Thirteenth street, WIIKRE'MAY RE FOUND AN dttenslv. as sortment of superior PIANOS, Of the most modern styles, made in their well known sub stantial manner, from tbe beet seasoned materials, and by experienced mechanics, under our immediate superrlsion Purchasers will not regret an examination before buy ing elsewhere.

mntu as PIANOFORTES NUNN8 Si CLARK, MAnrrAcTiracss abb rsoraiEToss or COLEMAN'S PATENT ACOLIAN ATTACHMENT No. 55T Broadway, SrrOSlTE THE lltl BALL. feZ7 Istf PIANO FORTES. fc H. BARMORE offer for sale at their mannracto- T.

rv and wareroom.301 Bleeekerstreet. aa aaaortm of rosewood and mahogany Piano Fortes, of finely carved Gothic and modern Parisian styles. These Pianos, for mechanical construction. excellency of workmanship, end richness of tone, cannot be surpassed, and where th. purchaser has any doubts, tbey will be set up, and any reasonable length of time allowed to satisfy him.

This being a aew feature la the buslBesa. It tf important to tbe purchaser, as the market la full of traps, well calculated to eaten tne Inexperienced, a reeponsiMe warranty witn each Instrument. Keftireae. to some of the first families in the eity. N.

B. Pianos to let. Fl "Finn Watches and Silver THE SUBSCRIBER Is selling all descrip tions of fine Gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, and War at retail, at tbe Very lowest prices, me Gold and Silver English patent lever Watches. Fine Gold and Silver Detached Levers. Flue Gold and KUver Leplnes.

Fine Gold Guard, Fob and Vest Chain Gold and Silver Pencils and Gold Pens. Ladies' Bracelets. Gold Lockets and Thimbles. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast Pins. Sterling Silver Spoons, Cups, Forks, fce.

Gold Watches aa low as $20 to $26 each. Watches and jewelry exchanged. All watches wsf ranted to keep good time, or tbe money returned Watches. Clocks aad Jewelry repaired in the bast man. ner, and warranted, at much less than the usual priees.

O. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches aad Jewelry, wbetetals fe6 is aad retail 61 Wail street, up stalls) THE DIAPHRAGM A NEW ADAPTION Or Till! well known Invention Is now efferet! to tbe public by the subscriber. hereby it can be used sous to filtet all tb. water that enters a dwelling it Is let into the main pipe of tht building, and so arranged with ad ditional stop-cocks, that it may bt cleaned without any trouble of rever sion.

The site made use of is of suf Seient dimension so as not to retard the usual flow of wa Ser. This plan bt already introduced Into many firs', class houses, and has been satisfactorily tested by severs eitissms. to whom reference can be made. Tbe assail Diaphragm Filter as designed for attachateni to Cretoa faucet, still manufactured by WALTER M. GIBSON, ap-Wts XA9 Broadway, coraer Leonard St.

DO YOU WANT TO CCIlil'OtIOsOItES 1 IF SPAVINED, or afflicted with Poll EtH Oreaee, Quitter borse. lluanors, 8 well lags. Gal sad Neck. Korea, or Bruises trroeure a boxo ALXEY'8 ANIMAL GALVANIC CURE ALL It at Tar fails to afsaet a eura For sale at the Proprietor De pot, 416 Broadway, corner Uspeasrd, aad at Tat tares U4 SVJO is tt er trf WAJTEU J-T uosss sso gage, on unincumbered improved pro- party, in ana on oi me 15000. 0nyl7 BAY TOMPKINS, 36 Wall st, OWHAwB OR IsOFT WANTED A Loft for etorage ts wanted, apply to M.

SPRING ft CO my 17 61 Exehange Plaeo. "ESTATE IN NEWPORT, it. 1. Fta. IAIsE.

Ths estate, at present owned and se-anpied by the sebscriber. Tbe boose is large aad eommodaoos the stable and ou t-buildi ga very convenient aad wall arranged with er without the furniture. For tar aaa. apply to J. E.

Thayer ft Brother. Boston i Camsaaaa A Whitehonse, New York or the subscriber in Newport- ALUUSTUS THORNDIKK. Nswiwet. Msy 3d, 1849. my4 lmkr TO li4)01tsELLER8.

HALED PROPOSAI4J will he received by the asulevaigaed. at tliealkar of tlie Clerk of the Board ot Edwatioa. Baikliars.) aaxil Use Jeth day at May mat', at 6 o'clock. P. 4 but ihski sh swsiereacs hst nse ust rrue Acaisemr.

A Iaa ot Uie books and description of the style of bind lag as. sued eaa be seen at Ihe said elii-e. ROBERT KEIXY. THOM At DENNY. 8.

BOSWORTII. SAMUEL A. CRAPO, Executive CoeamiUee for tae otm.tooomMM Peted. New York. May ItUi, TuriTi PALE AMOffTUXADO SHERRX BROADWAY IHBAf RB' Baaaa as a i lb faiSilBiBBsa to unnwii art Drees Circle and Parqaette, Ti eente Family btrelo and UspST Tiers seals.

THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Mar, wtB be pre. tosBod, the grand romautie spectacle, la 6 nets, an. matisad expressly tor this Theatre, ewtrtled THE tuum uf afiufs laatis i tr Edmond Daatee. a Sailor after wards Cob at of Mowto-Clis- to the characters of a SBtarrler, 8 fa aad, tba Greek, aa English Traveller, and a Flenah Abbe. Lea, Mons Morrell Vac he Hadaway Tbe Abbe Mercedes.

Abbott Feraard Fredericks I Saydee Miss wauas Pope I Julia. yet BVRTOI'I II it KB. stress areas and Parqaette, 60 cents Family Circle er Second Tier. 26 oenta. "PHIS (Tuesday) EVENING.

May, be Bar. A fc. rated, tba noBular faree. called rutriwinii Mr Tobias Muns. Socks Raymond airs natter.

Mrs Vernon To be followed by the popular satire, in 1 aet. called r. 1 a I. i a Mr Meany. Burtoa I Fourier Orieley.

MrsMenny Dowling I Mary Miss Hlltert a ie. luuowaa oy tne urfesqne Opera, called HERH ANN Herr Nanny I Charley' Cast eel. Hell Wire Miss Chapman Special Notice Alteration of time iinrni aaam ax o'clock Curtain will rise at 7) Celoek. Strangers and visitors are Informed that Tickets for this Theatre are to be obtained at all th. ariacipal Hotels.

UAH. IV LAI' a AJLER1CAII MCagCUBri. Bam am and ProBrieAor Greenwood. Assistant Manas ex SPLENDID PERFORMANCES svery afternoon at 3, and in tbe evening at quarter to I The manager nas engagea toe ecieoraiea, tiUAKtK GIANT Ann UlAn isjsa, TITANIA. tbe Fairr Queea.

Lnrt week of the eelebrsted MARTINNETTI FAMTLT and LOUIS ELLSLER, la their various eoaie panto mimes, kc. fte. GREAT WESTERN, the Yankee Comedian, MR. HARRISON, the celebrated IMPROMPTU SlNOERs SPLENDID A I. -vi i in us a xis.


THE BINGHAM PTON PIG, which weighed whea butchered last fall 1987 and measured nine ftt ia Mugtb- WAX SCR1PTURIAL STATUAUT WAX REPRESENTATIONS OF THE S1AMXSE TWINS. MADAM ROCKWELL, the Fortune Teller. Admission 26 oenta. Children aader 10 years half price. Sbaksprrenn Restdtnar.

Mil. W. M. FLEMING WILL READ THE PLAT of HAMLET, at the Stuyvesant Institute, ea Monday evening, May 21st, at 8 o'clock. Tickets 00 eents I DC naa aa too Astur xxmaaa, srviaia Houae and of Mr.

Beach street. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Mr. Fleming will reneat bis Heading at tne srooEiya Lyceum. on Tuesday Evening.



AdmiseiOB 60 cents. Tickets to be had at all the principal Musis Stores and Hotels, and at tbe doors la the evening. Doors open at 7 Concert eomsoeBees at B. i Change of Programme every evening. myxl 6t THE DUSBELJXIEtK ACADEMY Oar FINK ARTS.

THE exhibition of Paintings by Artists of the abore School will be open every day Sundays excepted from 10 o'clock, A. M. until 10 o'clock, P. at the large room over the ball of tbe church ef Divine Unity la Broadway, between Spring and Frinoe street. Admis sion 26 cents.

Season Tickets until 16th June Inclusive 60 cts. Catalogues 12 cents. apl82nt THE GREAT CHINESE MUSEUM, CHINESE BUILDINGS, BROADWAY, between Prince ana spring v. This eoliection. tbe largest in tne wort ana tne eniy one of the kind in this country exhibits the different cissies of society In China, tbe form of Gorernment, Manners and ua toms, Progress in tbe Arts- Religions, Laws, Literature, Agriculture Trades and Manufactures.

It consists of a large number of figures of tbe siae ef Ufa, several hundred Paintings, Stores, Apartments, emits. Models of Temples, Houses and Bridges, specimens of Manufactures of various kinds. Agricultural aad Me- ehaaieal Implements, Musical Instruments. Leataraajko. Open daily from 9 A.

M. till 10 P. M. Admittance 26 eents. Children under 12 years of age half price.

NOW OPEN, AT THEIR ROOMS, Corner of Broadway and Leonard street. Tns TwrrrTv-FoiiBTH Abbital Exhibition or the Natiobai. Academt or Debmib, consisting of original works of living artista, nerer before publicly exhibited In th. eity of New York. Open from a.

to IU nr. Season Ticket. 60 eU. Single Admission, 25 ets. Ca talogue, 14J oents.

apB INTERNATIONAL, ART.UNlOss. ESTABLISHED in tbe city of New York, for the pro motion of tha taste for the Fine Arts in the United States of America, by introducing, through the Beans of a perpetual Free Gallery, the cjuj-4'mnrw of tbe European School of Art. its object is to furnish the Student of Art with Paintings worthy to become bis, aad to promote a general public taste. Subscription $6 per annum, for which each subscriber becomes and entitled to all the privuegs. ef the Institution, which are as follows 1.

A magnificent Annuel Enmravtng.dammmmprmalmfarfkm rtisr irutM aa-i worth lac nil arses ef tk -eBnaraf seAacrie-tion. 2. A srwre in (Is Annual Dittributitm tf Pmintinrt smf Wwrkt tf Art tf Ihe very kifkett class, reds as lev never teen offered to tuiteribert to any Art-Union in the world. 3. In oddtuon Im rsese ee-ranca-ges, erery sssssenser isc rntemmtional Art-Union will A.

re fAs honor of eontrioutinM to the work which the hutitutitn toket upon Utelf of tending erery year one American Artitt to Europe, oi itt own exoenm, to ttuda two yeart in itt bett tchooli. The first yl distribution will take place December 10, 1849. Subscribe! for 1849 will receive a copy of tbe splendid mexxotint engraving, by Allais of Paris, of Tbe Prayer," after the original picture of Dubnfe. A proof eopy amy be seen at the rooms of tbe Institution, 289 Broadway. subscriptions may oe sent oy man (enclosing tae essn and postage paid), directed to tbe Managers of tbe Inter national Art- nlon.

who will Immediately forward a cer tificates of membership. Honorary Secretaries will be appointed In erery city ia the Union. They will receive subscriptions aad forward the Engravings and Works of Art. Jas law managers. THE MOST DEUOIITPI'I, OF ALL EXCUR8ION 8.

A 8AIL anassBjsneaBBrAieBBs uoo she. ii xvi. Kin, i HOBOKEN. and then a walk to the ELYSIAN FIELDS, along tb. exceedingly picturesque shores of the place, will prove the most easily accomplished and attractive of all rural excursions that ean be made from tbe eity.

The grounds now present a charming aspect, tne trees being Ib leaf, aad tbe soil covered with a rich turf. 1 be walks are in excellent order, having been eo Hai ders bJy embellished tbe present spring. Night boats run from Hoboken Barclay street until 12 o'clock. myle 4m To the Medical Pv-oreaeloai nnd tste Pmsslta. HECKERS' FARINA, new In nseat the HcepJ tals, Asylums, and other public establishments, aa recommended by some ef tbe most distingnisbed Phyet eians end Chemists, aa an article of diet tor ehiidreaaal invalids, much superior to arrow-root, sago, far mora strengthening, pleasant to tne taste, ana easy of digestion.

Put np in 24 pound boxes, of half poual papers each eeeompanied with printed directions for Booking fte. For sal. at th. principal drug stores. Wholesale by st, 2uiCBerryst.ri.toT.

Lkbig.iahis AxTieultursiChemistryB. 48, PbU.ed. Observes: -i i "Children fed upon arrow-root, salep, or Indeed- nay kind of amylaceous food, which doea not contain ingredients fitted fur th. formation of bones aad musdee, become fat, and acquire much embonpoint their limbs appear full, but they do not acquire strength, nor are their organs properly developed. 11 In the analysis of tbe Farina made by Prof.

Bald of New York, among other constituents, he gives 16 per cent, of gluten and albumen and remarks, that tha claims of the Farina upon the Medical Profeeatoa aad the vublie will rest upon its containing in the gluten aad albumen, vegetable fibrin, and other nitrogexused bodies not sound In arrow-root er similar aubstanese, aad which modern chemistry has pointed out aa being sat salary so the for-mail ob of animal fibre, aad by means ef wbieh natnrw BukesaprogthssesunAatWMtathatUksealsee hat si human body autdap VI. PILHKR'8 COUNTRY NEWSPAPER Aa-e Tsrtising Agency. Tribune Buildings, New York embraces moat of the best ne spapers of all tbe elties aad principal towns in tbe United States aad Canada, for which he ts duly authorised to receive advertisements aad subscriptions, and fully in) powered to give receipts. Merchants, manufacturers, artists and individuals generally, besides public institutions, Incorporated eompaniea and soeietiee who wish to advertise la, or subscribe for. newspapers of any section cf the country, are respect fully invited to examine tbe fllss To remove all doubts and nisapprehenslons, the agent hereby notifies the public, tt at no person is authorised by him to solicit advertisemer ts, cards or subscriptions for tbe newspapers for wbieh he is the only aotborbwd agent.

Tha annoyance to merchants and others, growing out of numerous pretended agencies in this eity. readers tbe adoption of this oca la. smsntlaily avopet guard against Imposition. Those, therefore, who wist. transact bussnssa with his agency, aad avoid mistakes, are rwapeetfUly Invited to head ia their orders at the ofnoe.

or address Y. PALMLB-, American. Newspaper Agent, Tribune Buildings. OCje The cost of advertising In country paper a list of lbs elties and towns throughout ths Union, in which the papers are published together with copies ef the several papers for which he Is the duly authorised Ageat, may bsseea at his oSjae in the Tribnae Bnlldiaew rpHE BUBSCIUBKB. having been a MssterlaCnau! X.

eery for twenty-five years, has now resumed tha practice of his profession. He will confine himself priB-rlpally to oflloe busfnees, and particniarly to the examination of titles to Real Estate-to the safe investment of monies, aad procuring loans on rrMtl xtate He ha removed Into the eity, and will Hkevtee, witn the aid of good age BU, attend to the eoUeetlBg of rente, keepiog the accounts, and to the entire management of satatae of Infanta, Trustees, end Owners, who may be ab-MBtTfee THOMAS ADDIS EMMET, ayante' ffonneliT at Law. 46 William Street tforace Waldo OFFERS for sale, at No. 29 Fiaa street-16 eases Indig klas, aad black Caseiaaares to de Kentucky Jean varioua eolora S76 bales Scarlet, Blue, Yellow and Urees snanaels Plain aad TwUled 160 eases Kerseys and Plains, various styles and qualities tf sases Douglas Waveriy aad Odd Flald high se lors 160 bales Indigo Bine Drills 5 900 hales 27 It 29 In. Brown Drum 426 eases 3-4, 7-6, 4-4, 6-4, 10-4 sad 11-4 BUaahsd Shirtings 40 easee Bleached Triaparb 226 bale.

Mariners' Twul'd Shirttnf Btrrssil' aad 30 inch 1TI bales rraalHles 2S0 bales 26. 27, 28 and 30 ineh.TlokS 190 eases Colored Cambriee 260 bales 8-4 Brow a tjhirtlaga. 1S6 bales 7-6 Browa do 450 bales 4-4, 1-4, 1-4, 1-4, 10-1 sal 1 lngs 41 eases I mixed Satinets 1W bales 17 and laeh CooB OewaSBTES apxlls i PRACTICAL tsOOAa-lsl ui. No. 6S eeas eV tbe Beletace of Donblo Entry street, anther eg tne katrT iiauad the Art ook-keing tuimtcm above.

T51 cT.trDctlo -Th. puUI. at respeettully lw' uI, that the I. leeching this import.ns branen, iVk-pia. rathe.

ua ef lortarmi Vbpubeom-s famniar, from actual with nil oJ boots eoTsrtttB-sfng a set. and a person of good eapael-tvwiU. by this eonrae. become competent book-keener Ib about eae asaath, aad wul reeelTe a eerUficat. tha Prosrecteses with terms, saa be obtaiaad st tbe rooms rB.iTMt.trM HJ SEITLERE66 WAI11 IlWKSFor-le PJi U6 t4 Wjew, TTtrli Uf' v..

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