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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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ENTERPRISING UeUTtnlniul GERMANY. Gladness Comes ith a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physical ills, which vanish before proper ef' lightly directed. There-is comfort in the knowledge, that so forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis- Mac, but simply to a constipatedconi? tiOD of the. system, which the pleasant laxative, Figs, prcmpt- That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is esteemed so by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the ome remedy which promotes internal without debilitat-'ng tho on which it acts.

It is therefore jdf important, in order to get its bcne- aVaal effects, to note when you pur- ckmse, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, (fid the system 'is regular, laxatives or Other remedies arc then not needed. If any actual disease, one be commended to the most skillful ajtiysicians. but if in need of a laxative, should have the best, and with the veil-informed everywhere, Syrup of tigs stands highest and is most largely and gives most general satisfaction.

A SHORT JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA IN FIRST CLASS STYLE The Southern Pacific Co. "SUNSET LIMITED" TRAIN. Shu IH In the Maimracturo of Woolen Ameriuu luis not roalixeil the grunt strides Germany is making in the manu- fiMulLire of woolen urtieles, and J. C. United States consul nt Chemnitz, thinks it.

time that we knew somei-biuir about, the matter. In a report to the stiiti: department he tclis how The. Germaji pi-otlueei-s rind inaiuifiietiircrs have r.iaclu every elToi-t not only to regain their liome market, but to inoi't their in parts of the world hitherto Ill-Id almost exclusively by Ivliglish and French. While it is true, he sayti, tliat. Gcrmnny must buy hirg-e tpiantitles of ynj-ns from England, it ic also true that she is resolved to be independent nnd is rapidly putting herself in n'-po- Kitioij to supply nil the demands of hoi- cloth manufacturers.

Her woolen goods- hiive puintil dcul in quality and color, and it ia questionable whether they arc inferior, price against price, in either respect to those of the nations named. Mr. Monag-hnn makes some interesting- observations in his rerwrt, ns follows: "The official organ of the government in this city (Chemnitz) has long nrticle in this morning's issue clenl- ing- with the conditions of the United States' woolen industries. "The Frankfort Times; had a similar article two or three days ngo. nre -watching" us; they are watching No effort is too hopeless, no energy is lacking.

They know what they want and are earnestly working to obtain They have cheaper labor than we have, but that is only one factor, not the greatest, in their success. They economise where necessary, and they are enterprising to rashness where enterprise is needed. They will senfl samples free worth a great deal of money where and when it is a tion of winning new markets." FEMALE DISEASES. Caused liy Ca-taiTb of rhe Pelvic Organs Says, LOCKJAW BACILLI: the Sunset Orleans to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Was discontinued April IGth, The Mperior accommodations given the number of patrons of the above during tha past tourist season, 'the announcement of plans tut next season of finer service with superior to anything -yet taown in transcontinental traffic.

Look for earl" re-lnaugnratlon LIMITED" this fall. For Home Seekers. The Southern Pacific Co. "Sunset In connection with the "Queen and Crescent Route" are running the only line of through tourist Pullman Weepers leaving Cincinnati every STlmrBday evening for Los Angeles and Francisco. These excursions are specially conducted, and the object Is to enable those who do not care to buy the flrst class ronnd trip or one way tickets, to entyy comfortable ride -with sleeping car privileges and no change of cars at the low second-class rate.

For further Information, address W. H. CONNOR, Commercial Agt. 8. P.

Cincinnati, O. W. G. NEIMYEB, G. W.

Agt S. P. Chicago, 111'. B. F.

MORSE, G. P. T. Airt. S.

New Orleans, La. Section of Loag iHlund Where It In tho Soil. Tbc sudden death of little Flossie Bernstein, of Qjiiy Thirteenth streetand Bath avenue, Brooklyn, N. who fatally Inoculated herself with the lockjaw germ 1 while playing in the front yard of her home ten days ago, has excited much speculation ns to Llio danger which confronts every child that plays out of doors on the eastern and southern tiers of Long-Island. Tho reason given for the prevalence of this bacilli in The (section "named is because of the peculiarly damp condition of the soil in which they thrive.

Dr. Joseph H. Raymond, of Brooklyn, who has made a. study of saJd the other tiny: "I have made tetanus and have that the section of long Island in nnd around Jamaica is infected. The disease when'it once seizes upon a victim is almost sure to prove fatal, I know tbnt it prevails elsewhere, but on Long Island it seems to have gained the inos-t prominence, so far us the east is concerned." Prof.

John W. Vancott, expert on pathology at the Long Island college hospital, advises paj-euts to keep thnir children from handling-loose earth, especially if they have sores of any description. "Sir, 1 he said, "1 cannot live without your daughter." her cruel father retorted, "get out. of here and never let me see your face ng-ain. My daughter never baked a loaf of bread, never made a dress, and she can't operate a typewriter.

If you want somebody to support you, put an 'ad' in the Leader. If 'there is fi disease wJi.ieh is morn prevalent, 'than all is chronk: catarrh. Over halt 1 t.l:e people have ii lit son no J'orni in- aniotihcir; yw probably not, ji kiiiirh (ff ponple know Mint tihetr is One ptirsmi ha lirotidiiliiis: :niuithe.r Brlidu's disease; another Hvor C'lnnj'ilahit; miO'llicr likm; iiiiiothor female Thest 1 people would bo vi'J'y much surprised hoar Tlint tihey all suffering with- chifdiuc catan-h. But it is nevertheless. Kadi of t'lit-se troubles, ami groat ninny more, art 1 simply that.

Is. chiroiuc iiiiil.iinrmaiUon of the mucous lifiiiiing of wink-hover Is af- fec-fiCd, of tihc pelvic organs i.s a. very can 1111011 kind of catarrh which Ktuls to known as female disease. Nearly every woman who fcinale a victim c-ataiTli of the- pelvie brfrajts. 'J'hoso woman should wnine to Dr.

Hartinan, Columbus Ohio, a dcsci-jptiion of tlicta- symptoms and will give prompt answer with dl-iwtikiiis forlrttitmoTiit free. Any infernal remedy that will cure catarrh in one location will cure ic in any othor "This is why Pe-ru- na has become no JTisiKly famous In the dire of fomtilc- dfeoasos. It euros ca- whorever 'lonitpd. Its cures re- nKnhi. Pe-ru-ua.

does not palliate; it cin-es. to Dr. 'for a frco book on female diseases. HEALTH DESTROYING VAPORS, Water impregnated with Hie seeds of malaria, produce ln.enlcnl.ible misery throughout vast portions Of tho North and South American continents. The most effective medicinal dfcfeuc-e against these producers of physical mischief is Hostetlor's Stomach Bitters.

Wherever the great endemics, chillis and fever, bilJou-s, remlitent, dumb ague nod ague cake are prevalent, the Bitters is alike the chosen preventive and remedy. In Mexico, Guatemala, on the Isthmus of Panama and In South America, no less than in the United States, it has demonstrated Jts superlative efficacy, and lias received Llie com- menda.tjon of the medical profession. It remedies rheumatic, kidney and stomach ailments, nervousness uud debility, and counteracts a. tendency to premature decay aud the troubles attendant upon advancing years. Appetite and the ability to sleep are both aided by it.

Use it with persistence, as it well deserves to be used, aud the trial will avail you much. 'MN FOR THE DRUMMERS. Traveling men are Invited to send items- of Interest-to this column. Personal notes will be gladly received. Matter should reach The Journal oflice by Friday night to insure publication the following Sunday.

The present Emperor of Russia Is a man at' modur.iite lit)bits in eatJjig. To his simple wants he.has a French chef, who ranks as Colonel in tihe army. This fiuictkniaiy is profusely and luis under his command a-t court' banquets about 1.200 subordinates. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Washington, D.

July 7th to 13th, the. above occasion tickets will be sold by tie Wabash Railroad company at rate of $10.75 for the round trip. Tickets will bo sold July 4, 0, and 7, JSOti, Good for continuous passage in both directions. Arrangements can be.made extending time of tickets return-ing until July 31st. Side tripe from Washington have been planned at greatly reduced G.

Newell, Agent. FOB OVEE FIFTY TEARS. Mri, Soothing Syrup haB twed for over, fifty years by millions or mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, (t soothes the child, softens the gums, illays all pain, cures wild colic, and ii the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor.llttje sufferer Immediately, Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Twenty-fire cents bottle.

Be sure and afrk for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take ao other' kind. ANNUAL MEETING NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. For above-meeting which takes place at Buffalo, N. July 7th to llth, 1SOG, the Wn-bash Railroad company will sell tickets July Oth and (irh at rate of for the round tri-p, good-for continuous passage in both directions.

By special arrangement tickets can. be extended to Sept 1st, 1SOG. For details call on or address C. G. Newell, Agent.

1 a great many ihings the average sjtlc.smau ought 10 loam but one nf rhe is 1o never deviate friun in.snwtilons of his -house. Name tlic tine house wants cjuok'd and adhiTr to snik-rlv whether the is alli'i'-l-cd or not. Better lose sale 1 I'haji- a.t, ctiit. jirire.s ami yet I hen: aj-e s-akwrneu will go to such extivnu' lengths diisolmdkiK-e that rlH'y break the on it-strk-teil goods. N'o wonder wine nieii can't, hold a job.

Fa.riin.-r "I've got yor now. Take yer hand on: Diait, turkey." wrong me -in siKiikiug so I'm waJkiiij: dck-gatc for the American ScieaK-e I was simply feeling the bird's putee 1.0 ascertain if the mas ceremonies -had any effect on his nervous orga.nfea.tion."—Judge, WouJd yon believe it, they have large dvpiiiirjiK-nt Ja) Soini-h Africa. Johannesburg. South Afrk-i one of r.lie' c-Eties with 1 isiich stores and said to lie one of -the in Hie world. "Wliicliever way the wiml doth blow liea.r.t.

is g-lad to -have it so Then Mow -i't east or blow it west Tilt wind rha-t blows, rhatwind is best Nciw has a lot to learn Emerging fi-oin her prison. The now nuui says it's now his turn- To talk; go-t to Sleep Induced by the use of coca, opiate or narcotic compounds is bsd, decidedly bad. They undermine hcnlth ftnd shatter the constitution nnd the patient i.s steadily growing into a worse resulting in tho. terrible slavery and misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Sleep induced by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla does not perhaps come as quickly, but it comes more surely and more permanently through nature's great restoring and rejuvenating vitalized and enriched blood.

This feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds up the system and constitution Irom-the very foundation health and rich, ted blood. Hoods Sarsaparilla Is Die One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. cure liver Ills, easy to take, HlIIS to operate.


B. CHURCH. The biggest dol-kns out of our see are those. King Oscar of Sweden likes the na- i.ional dish of raw salmon preserved in, and a soup composed of boiled barley ami wMpped In case he is deposed lie is well trained to conduct a as all the remainders of roast ki his lioiiseliolO are made into hash. It rs not generally known that the ex- Euipress is O'ii one part she was descended from U-JwU soldier of foituue, wlio made a name and place for himself in the ijitermii.uable.

Spanish wars. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Jtqalclcly and surely re-. Nurrouonoss. Impotoncy, Klffctly Evil Drcnras, dlMMcs nnd nil em-cm of-sclt-jhuse or msam IniJIscrollon, Eestores Vitality, Jtoirer nnd FulllnK Metoory.

Wnids Insnnlty and consumption. Cured when all others fall. Iralst on hiving ITAI.IS. no other. Cnn bo curried In (be pocket.

By mnll package or iiftiisrantce to Cum oriwiojia Circular Free. Ailclresl MEDICINE CO-, CHICAGO, ILL For sale by Ben Fisher and B. MARVELOUS Ffcrn a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman of Diimondalo, ve ore perai'ibted to make tihis extract: "I have no hesitation In recommending Dr.

ICiug's. New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in tlio case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rh-es Junction -she was bro-ught down with pneumonia suc- ccediiiij le grippe. TerrlMe paroxysms of coughtng would last UOUTS with Kttlc Interrnptlon and it seemed as If she could not survive them. A Mend recommended Dr.

ICing's New Discovery; It was quick in its work and highly safefactoiy in results." -lirlal bottles free at F. Keeping's drug store. Regular size 50c and A eniilous point hn.s cropped up in tlio Conrr o.r Ajipea'ls, London. A railway employe, vho is insured against, all at' ac-wdents, sustained a shock wlijclr pcnnanemiy iucapn-citated htm, rliroiigh W'taiO-ssiiig tin accident. The question was.

could he recover undw the poJiicj' aiml decided that he. could. There is bo MI appeal to tihe House of BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE, The best salve In the world Tot cuts, bruise's, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures'. plies or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.

Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. F. Keesllng. ELECTRIC BITTERS.

Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid sluggish and the need of a tonic aud alterative is felt. A prompt use.of this medicine liaS often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing Hie system Croon the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yiokl to Electric Bitters. 50c ant! per bottle at B.

F. Keesling's drug storo. It is sta.ted I-IKIT nearly ouc thousand persons iai the open about Downs it.lio night before the Derby. A karat" for gold and was originally a grain of Indian wheat, well dried. Pass the good word along Plies can be quickly cured without an operation by simply applying DeWitt's Witch.

Hazel M. Johnston. Subscribe for the Journal. intfapo BA WMOQO'MEMIDV czs Tnx ABOTX In 80 oui DiMMor. Tallin The Salva.tlon Ajtmy has now five divisions in Germany,;h lioadqua.rters liu Borlliu, Hamburg, S-tuttgart.

Essen and KanJingsborg, Small In size, but great in results. DoWitt's Little Early Risers act gently thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. would be hard to convince a man suffering from bilious colic that his agony iis due to a rnlscrobe with an un- pronouncable n-arae. But one dose of Colic and Cholera Cure will convince him of its power to afford In- relief.

It kills ston. It is couveniojit for Jioosckecpevf? know that, of wiliest llo'nr a'lmiost exaotJy a pound. "Are you a Daugilitcr of the Revolution?" lie asked. "1 think I a.m," she an.swc-red feelingly; "I rMe a Free Press. We are anxious to do a little good In this world and can think of no pleasanter or-better way to do It than by recom-" mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected M.

Johnston. The U. Consular reports says the China nwrchanns system of payment of their bills Is periodical, paying them aboinf. the 5ih of May. the 15th.

of July and eiul of December. Chini'se a clasw are honest-a ml meet their obligations as promptly perhaps as any in tho world. The traveliiiig men as a rule believe in honest money. "Sliacob, vat vas it yon study? "Reading, wriitblg ami rit.liniut'o.'' "Can you toll mo vas two aiul two?" "Six." "No. diit Is Jiot riKli't.

"I I was afraid you would, bejl.t 'me "How you?" asked the Dutchman. "'Oii'i. of sfeht." replied his t'rieml. "Ha! Ha! Do.t vas punty good. 1 viJ get dot oft' mteclf," La.tar: Divtx'ii'main's are yon old boy?" A snulJc illuiniucs fhc Dntchniau's face and he replies: "Yon can't, see me." Thou (he sJinll be romlod And Mie bondage shall be And fraternity extended Over laitid ami 'J'iLOU if he darkness shall be lighted.

Aud tho'wrongs of men bo righted Aixl no son of be slighted In rue days that are to be. All thii'ings to those who wait But, alas, oftiimos rliey (09 late To men of brfl'iiis or men of muscle All things conic to tliosc who hustle. S. Downing, a prince of good fcl-' lows aurd a T. P.

A. of Liif- ayctte anal a. toiler far ttift interchange- ailile mileage Hclie.t was dorng business in Kokomo last Monday. Waterloo, Sept. 8, Pepsin Syrup Dear have been afflicted over twenty years with dyspepsia or sour stomach.

I have tried different remedies without much benefit. Finally I bought a 10-cent bottle of Pepsin and found that it benefitted me. I am convinced that it will do what it Is recommended when taken according to directions. I have taken nearly one bottle and feel like a different person. S.

P. KLOTZ. For sale by B. F. Keesling.

REMEDY. PHELPS' COUGH. COLD AND CROUP CURE. Office of "KlnKsnEher Kingfisher. Dec.

32, '93. believe it my duty to write you a line in regard to the beneficial effects of Fhelps 1 "Pour Remedy" so far as I am personally concerned. A week ago last Thursday. I was taken with a severe attack of la grippe and in a short time became sa hoarse I could not speak above a whisper. The night previous I had coughed nearly the entire night; Just before.retiring I took a teaspoonful, ana slept the entire as sweetly as ever I did in my life, not couphlng once.

I was entirely relieved before taking ono bottle. Phelps' Cough, Cold and Croup Cure should be in every household in the land. I send you this wholly unsolicited by anyone, for you are benefactors ol tho race in crivintr it the antidote for some of the worst afflictions to -which It is heir. Very TrulyYours, C. J.

NESBITT. Editor. I guarantee 4 in grip, asthma, croup, cough and colds. Try F. Keesllng.

Graham Morton TRANSPORTATION CO. CWICE DAILY STEAMERS TO CHICAGO, CONNECTING WITH THE VANDALIA RAILWAY AT ST. JO- SEPH. iOLO by and. leading "Wake up, Jacob, day ts breaking!" lo DeWMt's Little Early Riser to the man who had taken them to arouse bit sluggish M.

Johnston, Children Cry for When we consider that the intestines nre about five times as long as the body, we can realize the experienced when they become inflamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure subdues Inflammation at once and completely removes the M. Johnston. Revised estimates of Hie gold production of Australia for 1S93 -place the amount at ounces an increase of 100,928 ounces over Hie to-tal of 1S94. small son o'lf Mrs.

Qiilnby Teller, of GliLmer county. West fell Into ft liifttle brook a.nd in two Indies" of A Collar Tk Sun Can't Hurt. "Celluloid'' collars and cuffs arc waterproof and will not wilt with perspiration! You can wear them on the hottest day or in the hottest place with comforting knowledge that they will look as nice when you take thcin-off, they were when you put them on. When they get soiled you can dean them yourself in a minute, with, a Ed Leonard is out hustling for trade ha'ving been homo sick for two weeks. He was doling business in Anderson Wednesday of the past woi'k.

Billy Me'Oee of Lafayeiite was at Now Oastki last: Thursday 'luislling for orders. Mr. WHl Quigg, secretary of rhe T. P. A's.

was at New Castle tho week. WHl is a hard worker and has pleuify to do sfnce elocted Stale rv of the association. Pass the good word along the line. damp cloth or sponge. Get the Piles can be quickly enred without an operation by simply applying DeWitt's TRAOf Witch Hazel M.

A Burlington man. gives his baby by towlrig the ehlltts, cainiEage behibwl" hils Wicyde. OOD'9 Sareapaiilla hag over and over again proved its'genres, when allbtherpreparatioDgfaile'di that il Children Cry for INTERLINED and. you'll hare the right kind. 1 her an Ira I tiled of conno, bntlf yon want genuine Inil.t upon tnoM with trade mirk.

Sold enrrwom, or lend direct to Collara CnSa wctiiti paid. SUM and wanted. THK CKU.VLOID COMPA.MY, nbfpped crrBin. Place cream over ice until 'thoroughly cliilled, and whip with an. ng-g-beajtei Or wli'ip-clium until it froths.

While whipping place frotb on a sieve, and return to bowl to be rewhipped nil that passes through. When cream is difficult to whip, add to it and bent with it the white of an eg-g. Sweetened and flavored, this is a choice dessert alone, but it may be served in various ways. Jelly glasses one-third full of jelly and filled up with cream moke a very wholesome nnd delicious Y. Ledger.

In a bone care there --was. found in.sonth foesil Beginning May 25th and continuing antil about Sept. 30th the steamers of this line will make two trips each way Jally between St. Joseph and Chicago, tte following schedule: Leave St. Joseph at 4:30 p.

m. and 10:30 p. daily, including Sunday. Leave Chicago at 0:30 a. m.

and 11:30 p. daily, Including Sunday. Extra trips on Saturday leave St. Joseph at a. and leave Chicago at 2 p.

m. Running time across lake 4 hours. Trl-weekly "steamers to Milwaukee, leaving St Joseph Monday, Wednesday ind Friday evenings. The equipment of this line Includes the side wheel steamers City of Chicago ind City of Milwaukee (the largest and Inest west of Detroit), and the newly febnllt propeller City of Louisville. Service first-class.

Connections with all Tandalla trains. Tickets on sale at all Fandalla Line stations. Chicago dock feot of Wabash J. H. GRAHAM, Benton Harbor, Mlcb.

Wfcea Brtj; WM rick, OMtotta. When wu a ChUd, cried 'or OMMrtk Tbeo che became 11 clang to CubxM. skull.

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