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The Indianapolis Journal from Indianapolis, Indiana • 8

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1891. uui bmii Tli fotr Winter GnntN rrmnlnliiK on oar counter nr burled lienetitli tut avnlanehe of new Spring Drea Fabric. Wo Open To-Day cnae new Wool Drrxs fiool In all the Intent inlttiire mul coloring, runtime In price from rilc to $2 a ynril, leItiiw nnl pattern nil our own, anil cannot be duplicated. lOO piece Printed Indln.

Sllka nt 7rc, the very newest design. CO piece Illnck Ilrocnde Chlnn, nt ii'Jv; Hold lant unnon nt 11. ilOO piece Xew lire CiliiKham. ciialmks. nmnins.

xkw avasii pomcsre. We InTlte yonr early Inupcctlon. L. S. AYRES CO.

Illnck Satin Ducbe nt S9e, OSc nd north to ARE YOU WITH US? Monday's Window Bargain Salo Will surpass itself. (It has no rival.) DOWN! DOWN! DOWN! 50 Down Pillows, Silk covered and rafiled both sides alike, worth from $2.50 to each, your choice for S1.98. ONLY 50 OF THESE PILLOWS. Don't blame as If you don't get the finest in the lot. Come early.

Other Bargains. Other Bargains. IP ASTMAN, If SCHLEICHER LEE Windoio Bargain Sale Every Monday. Agent KNOX'S Hats, Henry Heath Wf and Taylor CosW English Hats. TRIAL OF JOHN L.

OAKS. Case Agrainst Him for Killing- Pitts Comes Up To-Morrow. Tho case apalnst John D. Oaks for killing James Pitts during: the Big; Four boiler-makers' strike, at Indianola, comes up for trial to-morrow at Lebanon, where It was taken by a change of venue. James IMtts was fatally wounded on the afternoon of Thursday, Oct.

5, In a clash at Indianola between special deputies of the Bis Four and boiler shop strikers, aided by a number of citizens. The trouble had been brewing for several days, and during this time thero had been several scrimmages between the respective sides, with no serious results. In tho latter part of September six boiler makers who had been employed at the Uiff Four shops at Indkin-ola were discharged and their places filled, as the discharged men say, by nonunion men. Several other workmen who belonged to tha union refused to work with them, and demanded that they bo removed. This the company refused to do, and the union went out on a strike.

The feeling- of the strikers' friends was directed against the newly employed men, and such were the demonstrations that tho company deemed tt necessary to provide a special train for transporting tho men to and from work. and also to place Kuaxds around the works so as to prevent an assault by the strikers and their friend. On this dny, as the special train with the employes aboard pulled out the west end of the yards on tho road to the city, ft was met by a volley of stones and clubs thrown by a. larpe number of boys that had stationed themselves at the Washington-Btreet crossing. The noise and excitement soon attracted a large number of men, who, as the special reversed its motion and started directly for tnr city, shouted defiance at the dputieH and made threatening- demonstrations.

The boys then threw volley after volley of missiles at the deputies and General Superintendent Itiley, who was stationed, with the deputies on front platform. The deputies threatened to shoot, and this frenzied th assaulters. The attack on tho train was heavier than before. John D. Oaks, leader of tho deputies, stepped out in full view of all and lired.

The assailants made a rush for places of safety, and succeeded In reaching an alley near West Wahinirton street before it was noticed that the shot had been effective. Tho bullet had struck James Pitts, who sank to the ground crying, "2ly God, I am shot." When it became knewn that a man had been wounded the attack on the train was soon likened to a small battle, and the needs of litts were forgotten for the moment. Shots were exchanged by both sides until the special was out of range, and the strikers and their friends then turnedi their attention to the condition of the wounded man. He was carried to the rooms of Dr. Deitch, at the comer of Uloomington and Washington streets.

The wound was dressed and the medical treatment fas such that after a few moments Pitts was able to speak in a low ton. He said, between deep-drawn breaths, that he had taken no Iart In the assault on the train. He had left his home on Wrijjht street but a short time previous to his being wounded with the Intention of purchasing sonre groceries. Coming east on Washington street he arrived at the scene of trouble Just before the shots were exchanged. With natural curiosity he waited to see the outcome of the trouMe immediately east of the tracks.

When he saw the motion of the deputies as If to shoot he ran Into the front yard of Washington street. He fueceeded in reaching this place before a shot wa.s lired by either side. Turning round he heard the report of a pistol and felt a stlng'ng sensation in hi sskle. He sunk to the ground and was carried to a place of treatment. His last word before the removal to his horn were addressed to his numerous railroad friends who had gathered a Knit him.

"Hoys," he salJ, "I was not doing anything. I ba.d got there when the shooting occurred, and I was hit." Many, if not most, of tn rioturs are still to swear that Pitts tok no hand in the affair, but was simply looking on Pitts was remove I to Lis home soon, afterward. His condition became rapidly wcrs-e until his death, which occurred at o'clock on tho following morning. tfiw; siie-lcirds at L. liner's.

I f7 SO 1 1 THEY MEAN BUSINESS Republicans Organizing: the State Very Compactly and Early. Date of the State Convention Not Likely to lie Changed 31 r. Gowdy oil an Story. Never before In th? of Indiana Republicanism has there been so much activity shown at this time of year in perfecting the organization of the State. Nearly all the counties are already much more completely organized than they have heretofore been by the middle of the campaign.

Committeemen have been elected either by precincts or by townships all over the State, and but four or five counties have delayed in electing their chairmen and secretaries. As a result of this general activity and the promptness with which the Republicans are taking hold thl3 year, the State commutes already ha3 a very nearly complete roster of all the committeemen of the State, clear down to the precinct men, with their postofflce addresses, and hope3 to have it completed within another week. Rut this organization, magnificent as It la, will soon be still further elaborated and perfected. On Tuesday of this week Chairman Gowdy will meet at Evansville the county chairmen and secretaries of the First district, and on Thursday he will meet those of the Kighth district at Terre Haute. It is intended thu3 to cover the whole State by districts within the next month, urging the perfection of the organization upon the line of the plan Indicated in the following circular letter, which will be sent out to county chairmen to-day: "We proiose to make this year the closest and most complete political organization Indiana has ever known, and in order to accomplish the result must have your hearty and energetic co-oporatlon.

Things look favorable to us. but that is no reason why we should try to the campaign run itself. Rright as our prospect is, the Democrats might beat us by superior organization. In. an off year there are always so many stay-at-homes on both Rides that in a State as close as Indiana that party that gets out the largest percentage, of its total presidential vote invariably wins.

We want the whole of our total vote, besides all the Democratic votes we can get. "The plan of organization we outline for you has been proven by long experience the very best under all conditions ever devised. If your county committee is composed of one member from each precinct, so much the better. Then have a committee of deputies composed of as many men as you have wards and townships, giving each one general supervision of one ward or township, and hold him responsible for results In it, In cases of small townShlp-. you might bunch two or three together under one deputy.

If the county committee is composed of representatives of wards and townships, hold each one responsible for his ward or township. In that case a committee of deputies will not be necessary, each member of the county committee acting in that capacity. Then let him have a committeeman in each of his precincts, whom he will hold responsible for that precinct. Let the precinct roan in turn be the head of a precinct committee, in cities and towns this precinct committee should be composed of as many men as there are blocks or half squares in the precinct. Kach one of these block men should keep all the time a list of voters in his block, note all changes, know the politics of each one.

He should be able to give a correct poll of his block at any time. When election day comes he must be held responsible that every Republican vote In his block gets in at the earliest moment. On that day the precinct man should keep a full list of Republican voters of his precinct, check them off a3 they come in and keep the block men moving after them all the time. His list should be arrange. 1 by blocks.

The ward or township man should keep moving from one precinct to the other, and in cities should collect from each precinct man reports at 10, 2 and 4 o'clock on the number of votes still out. "In the county this system of half squares cannot be used, but the 'neighborhood svs-tem can and proves fully as effective. Let the precinct man have prepared a map of his precinct and divide it up conveniently so that no man will have more territory in his neighborhood than he can easily cover, using roads, rivers, as boundary lines. Let each neighborhood man be held responsible for all voters in his section, covering it just as the block man covers his block, the precinct and township men performing their duties as outlined above. "There must be frequent meetings bf the precinct committees.

Let them take their little memorandum books and discuss each doubtful voter in the precinct, find out who his best Republican friend is, send him after him. etc. Then the precinct chairmen, composing the township or ward committee, should hold frequent meetings to go over these points developed In the precinct meetings. Offer a prize for the precinct man showing the biggest gains. "All this means work, of course, but it is work in a glorious cause, and if these instructions are carried out to the letter the Republican majority in Indiana will be enormous." statu coxvuxtiox.

Date la A'ot Likely to He Changed Some Pre Comment. It is impossible to fix the date of a State convention so that It will not clash with some interest. This year there has been much less objection to the date fixed than usual, and there seems to be no question that the time fixed by the committee, April 23, will stand. The State committee has received commendation for the date in 123 letters since the meeting was held, and objection has been raised in Just four. These objections are of weight, but the same point raised in them that the date is too near that of the town and city elections, was fully discussed and weighed in the committee meeting.

Of the newspapers of the State the Kokomo Tribune and three other papers, so far as noted, have objected to tne date, while the others have either commended it or announced It without comment Ilelow are given some of the comments printed last week: Rensselaer Republican: There seems to be a general sentiment among Republicans all over this part of the State in favor of early nominating conventions. Quite a number of counties have already called their conventions, and others are moving in that direction. The philosophy of this sentiment seems to be in the fact that the Republicans everywhere feel that this is the year of all recent years when the welfare of the country demands a sweeping, old-time Republican victory. To that end they don't want Republican strength wasted in long canvasses for nominations. They want all their lighting strength reserved for the struggle with the free trade, free soup enemy.

Another strong point in favor of early conventions is that less time is thus given for the growing of strifes and ill-feelings among rival candidates for nominations: and that also the early conventions give more time for such bitterness and ill feeling to subside before election day arrives. We are satisfied that if the Jasper county central committee decides on calling an early county convention their action will meet with almost universal approbation among the Republicans of the county. Tipton Advocate: We would like to see the whole ticket In the field, congressional. Judicial, legislative and county tickets at an early date. Two years ugo we nominated in April and there is no reason why we should delay later than May or June this year.

The party is ripe for action, and by getting into the field early lots of good work can be done. Attica Ledger: The committee did a wise thing in selecting an eariy uate for the State convention, April 2J. As the Ledger said a few weeks ago, the Republican party has always been benefited by early conventions. The only argument offered against the proposition came from a few disgruntled paiers that always prefer to be with the mlnortiy because they inlnk it gives them credit for originality, but the mass of the ieople demanded just such action as th committee took. Warren Republican: The Republican State cent nil committee Is again organized.

Chairman Gowdy being hi3 own successor. The committee decided to hold the State convention April Lt, which Is a new departure from other campaigns. A few yearn since a short campaign was the idea, and now it is to be a long one, a very long one. sullicient to wear the people out long before the election, six months or scud campaign work will require? a large rum of money, anil the crop of campaign l'es will be unusually large. Fowler Republlcan-Kra: The re-election of Hon.

J. K. Gowdy a.s chairman of the State committer was just the thing, to do. Uy every' consideration deserves the place; and he deserves it just as he got it by unanimous vote. It a fitting recognition of earnest, faithful, honest service when all odds were against us and defeat was honorable.

TMb year -victory is as certain as that suusiiins will come and day; follow, nljht. It comes. and It will, Mr. Gowdy must le on the top wave. Accept congratulations.

New Castle courier: indianapoii3 vas selected as the place for holding the Ftate convention, the experience at Fort Wayne two years ego being as yet too green the memories of the committeemen admit of a suggestion to farm it out, and Thursday, April 2C. was flxM as the date for holding the convention, which goes to show that the leaders are anxious to perfect the organization and clear the decks for action. Auburn Dispatch: The Republican State committee, at its meeting last wee fixed the date of the Republican btate con vention for April and the place at Indianapolis. The place Is right, but the date is about three or four monts earner than will suit the convenience of the rural pop ulation. Martinsville Republican: The reorganiza tion of the Republican State committee is giving general satisfaction all over the State.

Republicans may now rest assured that the nominations to be made in com ing conventions will give equally geed satisfaction. Wan nn Imnfif Inntlve Story. Referring to the story telegraphed from Cleveland to the effect that his recent visit to Columbus, was as the of assurances from Harrison to McKinley that he would not stand In hl3 way, Chairman Gowdy, of the State committee, said yes terday: "That is all bosh, of course. I have no more Idea than you have of the intentions of either General Harrison ir lovernor McKinley regarding the presi dential nomination in IMG, and I am posi tive that General Harrison knew nothing of my visit to McKinley. I went over there to invite the Governor to make a speech at tho Lincoln League meeting here on eb.

13, and he courteously declined upon tne ground that he was advertised to speak at Columbus on the same date. That was all there was to it, and though he conversed with me for some time the matter of the presidency was not once referred to." Is ot a Candidate. J. If. Ilodupp, of Seymour, has an nounced to the Republican State commit tee that he will not be a candidate for State Treasurer.

He was announced by his friends as an aspirant a week or so ago, but after thoroughly considering the matter he determined not to make the race. Cnptnin T)nlle-'n Candidacy. Capt. A. C.

Dalley, of Lebanon, has en gaged convention quarters at the Denlson and announces that he 13 In the race for Auditor of State to stay. THREATS OF LYNCHING Frank Boone County Negro, Brought Here for Safe Keeping. He Assaulted Sirs. 3Iary Ackers, a Re spectable White Woman A Crowd Gathered at Lebanon. Frank Hall, a negro, twenty-three years old, was brought to this city from Lebanon yesterday morning and placed in the charge of Sheriff Emmett at the jail.

The negro 5s cliarged with assaulting Mrs. Mary Ackers, one of the most respectable women of Boone county. He was brought here by Sheriff Trautman to escape the fury' of a mob which gathered In Lebanon yesterday morning. The story of the crime, as related by th Iioone county sheriff, is denied by the prisoner. Mrs.

Ackers was brutally assaulted about 10:30 o'clock by a negro, who forced his way Into her room. She resides on a farm five miles northeast of Lebanon, her house standing in a lonely spot a. half mile from the road. Mrs. Ackers is a widow of comely appearance, and belongs to a family of high respectability.

She lives alone with her two children, the youngest a girl aged alout three years. On Saturday night she retired to her room with her youngest child. A few minutes after 10 o'clock she was awakened by the noise of an opening door. She arose from her bed, and was immediately confronted by a negro, who held a revolver in his hand and cautioned her to keep quiet. She screamed loudly, and the negro placed a revolver to her head and warned her not to repeat the cry.

Then he told her he would blow her brains out If she attempted to make any resistance. Despite the warning she continued to scream, and made a desperate struggle to escape. Her struggles aroused the sleeping child, which added its cries to those of the mother, but the hour was late, the house far isolated from neighboring residences, and no help came. The negro, on entering the room, "aad turned up the light, and both mother and child were confident that they recognized the man-Mrs. Ackers, after her assailant had gone, half dressed herself and ran to the home of her brother, Isaac Isonhaur, a distance of nearly a mile.

She aroused the family and related the details of the ar-sault. She told her brother that her assailant was Frank Hall, who lives three miles from the Ackers home. The brother lost no time in alarming the neighborhood. Search for Hall was at once a half hundred men joining Isenhaur. Distinct foot imprints could be seen leading through the light fall of snow In the direction of Hall's home.

The tracks were and led directly tc his house. The child stated that after her mother left the house to go to her brother's, Hall had returned for his gloves, which he had left In the room as he made a hasty exit from the house. This Incident strengthened the theory of the tracks, and the crowd of indignant neighbors prepared to capture the assailant. It was decided that it would be wise to wait until daylight before surrounding the house, and about 7 o'clock a posse of citizens went to Hall's home to see that he did not escape while a warrant was being prepared for his arrest. This document was served by the marshal of Lebanon, and Hall was taken Into town without difficulty.

He was put in the custody of the sheriff, but that official grew alarmed at the rapidly Increasing crowd of farmers who gathered about the jail during the mornlntr. and he secured an order from the judge of the county to bring th2 prisoner here. The sheriff started with his man on the noon train. When he left Lebanon ther? were many threats of lynching, anil It is highly probable that an event of this sort was averted. Sheriff Trautman will take Hall back to Lebanon this morning for a preliminary hearing, but will return him to Indianapolis immediately after this proceeding.

Hall denies the charge, but admits that he was on the road home from Lebanon at the time of the alleged assault. He says that he walked to town early Saturday evening to attend a watch drawing and started homo about 7 o'clock. He declares that he did not pass the house of Mrs. Ackers at all. His aged father states that hs did not get home until nearly midnight.

Hall is a married man, and, with his wife, lives with his parents. He has resided in the vicinity since bovhood, and was well known in the neighborhood. For a year he llvrd in Indianapolis, and worked at the Panhandle shops. There i3 Intense excitement about Lebanon. The victim is a woman or irreproachable char- acter.

KACIXG AT ROBY TRACK. Chicago Bookmakers to Open the Place Next Week. It is announced from Chicago that the race track at Roby Is to be opened a week from next Saturday. The men behind the scheme are Leo Mayer, the bookmaker, and Dan O'Leary, a man also in the sarin business. O'Leary has been running a pool room just outside of Roby.

Electric cars now run from Chicago to the track, and the sports claim that the increased transportation facilities will bring out big crowds from Chicago to gamble. Mayer offered to bet SLOW a few days ago that the track would open February 17. There are to be five races each day with big purses. In ca.e Roby is opened, Ed Corrigan will probably try to Introduce winter racing at Hawthorn. LAYING NEW WATER MAINS.

Over Five Thousand Feet Distributed Last Week Spring" Work. The water works company last week distributed over five thousand feet of new mains, and has contracted for eight thousand feet more, early delivery. President Davis says that as soon as the frost is out of the ground the company will beln the laying of the mains. While 13,000 feet seems a considerable quantity of new pipe to lay, this is the ouantity to be used in the spring work. The company, Tresldfnt Davis says, Is determined to keep pace with the needs of the city in that direction.

Flour. $2.25 to $15 at Telf DIPPED IN ICY WATER Nearly Seven Score of Colored Folks Baptized in the Canal. A Novel Scene Near the Yellow Bridge Fifty Pairs of Much-Needed Trousers Stolen. The record of all previous public baptisms In Indianapolis was broken yesterday when the 123 prospective members of the Second I3aptist Church (colored), on West Michigan, stood on the canal banks Immediately south of the Indiana avenue bridge, commonly known as the "Yellow Rridge," and awaited their turn for Immersion. None of them seemed to be chilled by the extreme cold, for all of them held their places with stolidity.

Both banks of the canal were lined with peopte of all colors and of all classes. The baptism was set for 11 o'clock, and the majority of the spectators began to gather as early as 10 o'clock. They waited patiently, expecting to see the arrival of the candidates and their minister at the appointed time. Eleven o'clock arrived, and many thought "the unfavorable condition of the weather had been the cause of postponing the ceremonies. All the while the crowd was fast increasing.

The bridge was covered with buggies and vehicles, whose occupants could not be persuaded to move on. The vehicles whose seats were not already taken were promptly tilled by those standing near by. The banks of the canal had now become crowded from the avenue bridge south to the bridge at Vermont street. Those who had come early were restless from long standing in one position. There is no part of the city that has as many colored citizens as this neighborhood, and they turned out by the hundreds to do honor to the occasion.

When 1 o'clock came all eyes were turned in the direction of the church, a few rods to the northwest. The candidates 'were coming. Promptly at this hour the minister of the church, the Rev. J. W.

Carr, appeared at the entrance and slowly walked in the direction of the bridge. Following him were the two deacons of the church, who were to assist their pastor In his work. After these came the candidates. The delay had been caused by the failure of about fifty of the candidates to put in an appearance. Those who were to be baptized were attired in much worn, but warm, garments, which they had donned in the church.

As the procession slowly marched toward the bridge many were seen to be in a state of excitement that would apparently give birth to shouts and hallelujahs as soon as the opportunity came. The converts stood In one long line, the women and girls in front, and the men and boys bringing up the rear. Passageway was made for the Rev. Mr. Carr and his two assistants on the west bank, and they stepped out Into the water.

Each wore a pair of rubber boobs that reached to their bodies, and In this way they were protected from the Icy water. In a few moments after-entering the water a heavy frost collected on the mustaches and beards of the minister and his assistants. After a short supplication, the minister motioned to the deacons that he was ready for the ceremonies. The deacons each extended a hand to the first woman and led her safely to where the pastor stood. After a short prayer the immersion was had.

As fast as one emerged another was led Into tho water, and in this manner the entire number was baptized. The contact with the water had various effects. Some of the candidates were meek and passive and offered no resistance. Others made a little demonstration, but the deacons extended a hand and there was no further trouble. Rut far above all the rest in apparent enthusiasm were those who plunged boldly into the water and made their way to the minister.

These were generally humming some favorite hymn as they plunged in, changing the song to a loud chant as the minister and his deacons laid hands on the candidate. A series of struggles, whether through fear of contact with the water or considered a part of extreme enthusiasm followed the immersions. The friends and sympathizers on the tanks and on the bridge shouted words of encouragement. Immersion followed Immersion, and a half hour had passed when the last candidate of the 138 stepped into the water and received the baptism. As soon as each candidate was helped to the bank a kindly brother or sister extended a hand and accompanied tha new member to the church, all the time murmuring words of encouragement.

Some, mostly men and boys, declined assistance, walking slowly in the direction of the church. The ceremonies over the great crowd, estimated to be over two thousand, slowly dispersed. About fifty of the men and boys, on repairing to their quarters to don their dry garments, found that some unfeeling ones had confiscated their trousers. A search for them failed to reveal the whereabouts of the missing garments, but kind brethren and sisters were soon out petitioning for the loan of the required number of pairs of trousers. They were procured within a short time, and the victims began invest! eating matters, intent on capturing the offenders.

The Rev. Mr. Carr has been pastor of the church for nearly seven years, and during this time he has held large and enthusiastic revivals, but none to be compared with the present one. PERSONAL AND SOCIETY. Miss Augusta Austin will give a piano recital, assisted by Mr.

Edward Nell, baritone, at the School of Music, next Fridaj Mrs. lirannln Shirley and Miss tta Hughes, of Louisville, are visiting Ren L. Webb, 75 West Walnut street, for a few days. Miss Henrtetta Kltchell will give a series of three soirees muslcales In a short time, the first one to be given in about two or three weeks. She will be assisted by some of the best local talent.

BARGAINS IN FINK PLATES AND CLOCKS. Up to and including Feb. 10, we will sell Plates of the highest grades of China, at COST. Clocks will pell at cost and 10 per cent, above co9t. We do this to reducA stock, and trust our customers will take advantage of the reduction.

Successors to Ijinam Val, Leading Jeweleri. 12 East Washington St. 00K AT OUR WINDOW FiYe days more and then vain reprets will avail nothing. Tho bargains are now within yonr reach. They will not bo after tho closing honr next Saturday night.

The choicest creations of tho best merchant tailors in the United States. Suits, Pants and Overcoats at ono half original price. "We will namo no figures:" if you want a Suit or Overcoat come to us. pick it out. Yonr price will bo ours.

AVo need CASH. Only Original MIDI1 11 TAllLUrt 35 N. Illinois Y. M. C.

A. BUILDING 1 Has again invaded the beautiful Book Store of Again we are obliged to sacrifice a large part of the book stock in our retail department. The public will reap the benefit as soon as losses can be estimated and adjustment secured. Books, Stationery, Albums, Tablets, Writing Paper, slightly damaged by MOKE and WATER Will be placed on sale, but not before the latter part of this week at the P. Wholesale Department on the upper floors was uninjured.

i fcutctesors to J. B. McElwaxnk Co. and Gko A. KiciiAuui.


Washington St Indianapolis IISIfJFSS UHIVERSIT i i rAiiii nf Rnilncu Shorthand. Errant A fctratton. Estftblihed 1n0. hen Block. Ei6-Tator day and ni arht.

11)X ormertadent- boldind pay. ing positions. Widely known. Our radorwineBt pa port to best iltaations. Grwit railroad, mftnufacturinff and commercial center, the.pboardlnr- Law ty.

Individual imaruction byjexirt. tay pyi--J. Enter now. Write toda7 for Elecant Descriptive Catalogue and Paper free. Yountr and middle ased people prepared for the active duties of life in the shortest time consistent with hlph-prade instruction.

500 students annually. Now Is the time to enter. Call. Tel. 499.

enter. HEEDt President. Assignee's Sale. The entire Btock of Mantels. Grates, AndironB rind Tiling of the linn of May lirothcrs.

at No. 101-103 North Delaware street, is now ottered nt private Bftlo at above business rooms by order of tho Marion Circuit Court. This stock is tho best 6flected and larpest in thn city, and nothinp but new designs are carried. A low appraisement enatdes th undersigned to ofl'er inducements to purchasers never before offered in this line. All mantels will be Ret by competent mechanics under surrvifcion of a member of tho firm of May Brothers.

Call soon nr.d pet a barpain. GEORGE SEIDENS TICKER, Assignee. WANT FILLER 'rL. A FAITIIFIL CLERK, Cents A DESIR1DLE BOARDHG PLACE, tJ A Lino Or PBOHPT-PAY LODGERS, Write Just what you want, plaixlt, in the SP II AL JO I FUN or Mirer at FIVJ2 CENTti FOR SIX WOK US k-7-L -LJW-LXA-1 WW KJ A. to THE JOURNAL, InaiaDapoha.

Sotting lets than 10 ccnta. Wall Paper for 1894 Wo can show you all that is newest and best Moderate prices. Our special sale on cheap papers continues. Blanks at oc and 4c a rolL Gilts at 5c and Cc ALBERT GALL, 17 and 19 West Washington Street jitney tot Johnson' Parquetry louring aoii Borders, Estimates Iuraiii A 0" BOOK STORE VALENTIN ES. COME AND SEE US.

CATIICART, OLELAND CO. East Washington street. Indianapolis. Inrt. GOOD ADVICE.

Every patriotic citizen should give his personal effort and influence to increase) the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Frotec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible. After the noma paper is taken care of, why not sub. scribo for the American Economist, published by the American Frotectiv Tariff League? One of its correspondents says: No true American can get along without it. I consider it tho greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for freo sample copy.

Address Wilbur F. Wake-man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d New York rv.

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