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The Indianapolis Journal from Indianapolis, Indiana • 12

Indianapolis, Indiana
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cortkwest corner of Third and Jefferson streets. 6T. LOUIS-Union News Union Depot WABIIINGTON', D. C-Tltiggs House and Ebbltt House. SIXTEEN PAGES The Kansas Populists have not yet discarded tho stars and stripes for the red flag; but they should if they keep on.

This favored city is not alarmed at the prospect of a protracted period of old-fashioned winter with a daily con-luniptioii of coal ten times as great as the daily supply. Dr. Gatling's new gun, worked by an electric motor, will discharge two thousand bullets a minute, and must convince aensiblo people that war as an institution shoufd be abolished. Senator Davis, of Minnesota, who has just been re-elected, was opposed by the Old Catholics because of his speech opposing Cahenslcyisni in the Senate last summer, and some effect, as two Republicans voted against him on that ground. On tho other hand, Archbishop Ireland stood by him in the contest.

An Atlanta literary society having Tironoaed to invito Ino-Aranll tc lecture, several clergymen have signed a protest warning the society not to wantonly provoke the displeasure of God by the course it has announced. There is no evidence that the Deity takes Colonel Ingersoll so seriously as do the Atlanta clergy. TnE story goes in Washington that the Democrats nre very tired of Mr. Holman's pod-auger economy, and that Speaker Crisp has determined to displace him from the chairmanship of the appropriations committee in the organization of the next House. It is said that Mr.

Cleveland desires this, and, of course, the wishes of the Czar must be complied with. The Brooklyn Eagle, a Cleveland organ, recalls the fact that Randolph Tucker, who is spoken of as Attorney-general, once declared that Northern papers could not be delivered to Southern subscribers because their contents 'were liable to make slaves desire to bo The Engle should remember that slavery and some other evils which tho Democracy sustained are no longer liv-'ing issues. In the public prints Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, who flatters himself that he is a candidate for United States Senator, askB the other competitors to Join him in a pledge not to use money for any other than legitimate purposes in the canvass. It cannot be that democratic members of tho Kentucky Legislatures have been influenced by lucre, and it is not possible that Mr.

Clay proposes to prohibit candidates from keep--ing open house, in Kentucky. An observant Washington correspondent complains that the senatorial pallbearers at Senator Kenna's sported the gayest of neckties and several of them wore light trousers. Opponents of the fashion of wearing black in honor of the dead may argue as much as they like in favor of their hobby, but eyes trained to conventional usages inevitably experience a shock when colors are conspicuous among tho attendants at a funeral. Mourning garb is a mere fashion, but the bonds of fashion are strong. Those newspapers whoso occupation it is to admire everything Mr.

Cleveland does are bubbling over with praiso of his course in attending ex-President Hayes's funeral, and are saying that a strong friendship existed between the two men. If tho two men had anything more than the merest acquaintance with each other tho fact was never suspected bythe public in Mr. Hayes's lifetime. The anxiety shown to exploit tho action of tho President-elect in paying his respects to a good man's memory savors a little too much of an effort to make political capital at the expense of the dead. Nothing could be more offensive.

The Journal prints in this issue the remarks of Judge Barker, of the United States District Court, on the relation of labor organizations and strikers to the law. Theso remarks wero delivered yesterday from tho bench in the case of some of tho Muncie strikers who were before tho court on the charge of contempt in disobeying its order enjoining them from interfering with the property of tho Lake Erie Sc Western Railroad Company. Tho court decided to admit the strikers to bail pending a final decision of the caso on tho GOth inst. In announcing this decision Judge Baker took occasion to define in very clear and decided language the relations vblch organized labor, in common with all other interests, bears to the law. It la doubtful, if tho caso 'has ever been better stated, and it is very gratifying to find a judge who has tho backbone to make such a deliverance.

The right of all men to labor and of property-owners to control their own property is asserted in language which cannot bo misunderstood, and which shows that the court means what it says, while the line of de-markation botween organization for legitimate purposes and organization for a criminal purpose is drawn so distinctly that no ono who reads the statement need mistake it. CORRUPTION IN REPUBLICS AND LIOUARCH- IES. The revelations relative to the Panama canal fraud in France nre being used by the enemies of popular government to create tho impression that corruption and jobbery are tho natural results of a republican form of government. In France tho most is being made of the scandal, to the end that public confidence may be destroyed in the present republic and a monarchy substituted. History is the other way.

Despotism has always been corrupt. The more absolute the government, as a rule, the greater is official corruption. The present condition of France, with its public debt of 88,000,000,000 or more, is largely the result of monarchical corruption. Napoleon III sought war with Germany, but when his armies were in the field it was discovered that they had neither organization, leadership nor equipment, because favoritism and corruption had permeated every branch of the service. France had men and patriotism in its army, but it lacked leaders, its regiments carried inferior arms and ammunition, and its commissary was both inefficient and inadequate.

Germahy triumphed and compelled the payment of an indemnity which constitutes tho larger part of the present public debt and is a greater burden upon tho French people than a dozen Panama swindles could be. Official Russia, Turkey and Spain aro corrupt. Germany has escaped because it has been kept pure by the ability, integrity and tho simple lives of tho ruling family, thoHohenzollcrns. Yetnow it is asserted that the Ministers of Germany have found it necessary to create champions and silence powerful foes by the use of publio money, and that if a revelation of such transactions could bo made there would be as much excitement in Berlin as there is in Paris. Government in England ha9 become honest as it has become popular.

When the royal prerogative was powerful Parliament was for sale. Not much over two hundred years ago the King of England received a monthly allowance from the French treasury which was a bribe. Under the despotism of the Tudors the leading Ministers ma do fortunes. The estate of a noble family in England had its foundation in tho wealth accumulated by an ancestor who was Elizabeth's Prime Minister, by practices for which he could now be transported as a felon. It is a matter of history that the great General Marlborough took bribes from the king he was fighting, now betraying the crown that' ho served and now tho crown that bribed him.

Republics punish their great thieves. De Lesseps and the others who have robbed the French people aro sure of punishment, but the official pro-motersof the Mississippi bubble devised by John Law under the sanction of royaltya much greater fraud were never called to account. Our Tweeds are remembered for their punishments, while the names of the Tweeds of monarchy are lost in titles. THE C0N80LATI0SB OF THEO SOPHY. It is the Christian theory that our happiness in tho next life, which is to say, in heaven, depends upon the exccllenco of our conduct here.

Good behavior here, it is also held, ought to assure us happiness and contentment in this life, but whether it does so or not is no matter, since earthly happiness is really a matter of no consequence any ay, and a thing wo should willingly dispense with in view of future bliss. As a matter of feet, human nature being what it is, contentment does not necessarily and inevitably accompany exemplary, conduct, and there is apt to be, even among tho veriest saints, a longing for happiness and a kicking against tho pricks which no pious contemplation of coming heavenly joys will hinder. It is here that thcosophy comes in with its doctrine of Karma and otters solace of a different sort. This doctrine holds that men are what they have made themselves, not merely by their actions in this life, but by the acts of a series of lives or Incarnations. This, it is maintained, is not the first earth life of tho individual; it may be the hundredth.

Each life is a step in education a slow process by which the soul is being led from human Jittleness to godlike greatness. If ono suffers or enjoys hero it is because he has earned sorrow or joy. Tho conditions surrounding him here do not, necessarily, indicate the rate of progress or tho degree of merit or demerit gained. According to thcosophy the degree of happiness the man enjoys marks development, and happiness is not controlled by riches or poverty, by obscurity or rank. What the man's state is, runs this doctrine, he is alone responsible for; ho has earned the conditions, whatever they may be.

Upon himself alone depends their amelioration. Naturally, this theory simplifies life to one who accepts it. Where others see inequalities he sees only absolute justice; if ho suffer deprivations they aro just; if another enjoys happiness ho has earned it. This belief begets contentment which is happiness; it leaves no room for envy of others, no room foi murmuring against a divino power which seems to divide favors unequally. It is a panacea for trouble.

"Karma," declares the theoso-phist, "acquits Providence, calms resentment, abates discontent and vindicates justice." Having done this it, of course, stimulates to higher endeavor, since tho next life will be marred bythe faults of this, and nee versa. If, in addition to this doctrine of Karma, the believer accepts tho further theory that human thought is photographed on etheno matter and that the prevailing thought of one age affects tho conditions of tho next, advancing or retarding it, the inflnence to high thinking becomes even stronger. Good orthodox Chris tian people scornfully reject all these theories and doctrines as dangerous, and declare vehemently that they ofler nothing equal to their own. Very likely they, are right, and yet, since many millions of people now upon earth hold to theso or similar doctrines, it is of in terest, and may bo beneficial, even for people profoundly convinced that they have the best and only true faith, to know what tho belief is that makes lifo worth living to the other half of tho world's population. And a religion, though it be not ours, which inspires to better living and purer thinking is not to be despised.

A STRANGE PROPOSITION. There is a movement on foot in Salem, to erect a monument in honor of the victims of tho witchcraft craze which swept over that town in 1GD2. This is' a singular proposition, and, if carried out, the monument would stand unique among human memorials. As the victims' aforesaid were not particularly deserving in themselves and never did anything worthy of commemoration, tho monument could only stand as a memorial of tho folly, fanaticism and injustice of those who persecuted them to death. Yet tho latter were not, at heart, bad people.

They were simply very narrow, very bigoted and blinded by a superstition which prevailed extensively in that age. The witchcraft craze and the persecution and execution of alleged witches were not confined to Salem. The same superstition prevailed in England and in different forms in continental countries. No doubt it found its way from England to tho colonies. Perhaps it had its origin in tho Old Testament injunction (Exodus xx, 18): "Thou shalt not sutler a witch to live." There aro traces of a belief in witches during all tho ages.

In 1484 Popo Innocent VIII issued a bull ordering the arrest of persons suspected of witchcraft. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries hundreds of persons were burned at tho stake for this cause in different countries of Europe. It was a crime recognized by the laws of England for five hundred years. In 1697 twenty-four persons wero burned as witches at Scotland, and twenty-seven moro in 1617. A great many were hanged in England.

Sir Matthew Hale, now regarded as one of the fathers of English jurisprudence, was a firm believer in witchcraft and tried many cases. As late as 1765 Black-stone, authorof tho celobrated commentaries, wrote: To deny the possibility, nay, acfcial existence of witchcraft and sorcery is at once flatly to contradict the revealed word of God in various oassages both of tbe Old and Now Testament; and tbe thing itself is a truth to which every natiou in tbe world bath, in its time, borne testimony either by example, seemingly well attested, or by prohibitory laws which at least suppose the possibility of commeroe with evil spirits. Blackstono adds that "these acts continued in force until lately, to the terror of all ancient females in the kingdom, and many poor wretches icro sacrificed thereby to the prejudice of their neighbors, and their own illusions, not a few having, by some means or other, confessed the fact at the gallows." In view of the almost universal prevalence of this belief and of severe penal laws against witchcraft in other so-called civilized countries of that period, it is not at all surprising that it should havo prevailed among tho settlers in the new world and have broken out in the form of terrible persecution. In judging of tho Puritans who hanged witches we must put ourselves in their place. They cannot be judged by the light of the nineteenth century nor held to tho standard of modern ethics.

They thought they were doing God service. Who shall say that much wrong and injustice are not even now practiced under the same delusion? Nor was the superstition confined to tho Puritans. Trials for witchcraft occurred in Virginia and North Carolina about the same time. The outbreak in Salem was duo to charges brought against certain persons by some young girls who claimed that they wero tortured and driven by the witches to do certain eccentric things. Public sentiment among the colonists seemed to bo in an inflammable state, and, once begun, tho charges ran like wild fire.

Any person who had a grudge against another could prove a case of witchcraft. Although most of tho persons convicted were of tho common sort, there was one educated person, a preacher, among the victims. This was the Rev. George Burroughs, who was executed with others at Salem, August 19, 1C93. Ho was arrested while preaching.

His trial, liko all the rest, was a farce and the evince against him of tho most childish character. But, as in all the cases, the court was organized to convict. On the day of his execution Judge Sewall, of Boston, a member, of tho court, wrote: This day George Burroughs, JohnWillard, John Proctor, Martha Carrier and George Jacobs were executed at Salem, a very great number of spectators being present. Mr. Cotton Mather was there.

Mr. Sims, Hale. Noyes. Cheever, etc All of them eaid they were innocent, Carrier and all. Mr.

Mather said they all died by a righteous Sentence. Mr. Burroughs by bis eoeecb. prayer and presentation of his innocence did much to mote unthinking persons, which occasions their speaking hardly concerning his being executed. Tho.

court which tried the alleged witches was composed of nine persons, and while they were not all lawyers, they were among the ablest men in the colony and none stood higher in the soeial scale. In all the cases tried the testimony was of the most frivolous and, from a legal stand-point, con-temptiblo character. The accused wore treated with great severity and, really, allowed no chance whatever for defense. They were convicted in advance. Twenty-one persons, in all, were convicted and hanged.

Years afterward, when the craze had passed and tho people had come to their senses, they greatly do-plored their folly and nearly all those who had bet-n connected with the trials made public confession of their error, admitting that they had been the victims of a delusion. Tho first chnrch in Salem, by vote, recorded that "wo are, through God's mercy to us, convinced that we were, at that dark day, under the power of those errors which then prevailed in the land." All tho jurors who sat in the cases united in a public statement in which they said, among other things, "We justly fear that wo wero sadly deluded and mistaken." Some of the chief witnesses lived to repent and recant their testimony, and all admitted that a gigantic wrong had been done. Tho proposition to commemorate any of tho actors in this frightful folly by erecting a monument seems very strange. It is ono of those shocking things that should be suffered to pass into oblivion. NOT 80 BLACK AS PAINTED.

Tho statements of the Journal's correspondent, Rev. Henry Tuckley, in regard to the progress being made in France and Germany towards a more strict Sunday observance will surprise most readers. Americans have heard so much about the heathenish disregard of Sunday in continental Europe and havo so often hoard the condition of affairs there contrasted unfavorably with the puritanical observances in vogne in this country that they havo flattered themselves that their own people morally and socially so far in advance of Europeans in this respect that the latter could never hopo to arrive at an equal standard of virtue. It must, of course, be highly gratifying to Americans to learn that they have not a monopoly of this variety of rectitude, but that powerful influences are working to extend its practice, even in Paris. It will be ho w- over, that the reform is entirely of an industrial, and not of a religious character.

The movements in Germany and France are in the interests of the laboring classes and to seenro them a day of rest. The law, having provided this day, will not dictate tho manner in which the rest shall be taken. Guidance in this will be left to the religious and moral instructors, and there is reason to suspect that Sunday theaters and other light amusements will continue to flourish there, even as they do in several American cities. The drift of the times seems to bo towards a more general Sunday observance, but as a day of rest and recreation rather than a religious holiday exclusively. LET THEM BE SEPARATE.

Another and perhaps a stronger argument than any yet mentioned in favor of the entire separation of the Girls' Reformatory and the Woman's Prison is that inmates of the Reformatory, on leaving the institution, carry with them an undeserved stigma. Many of the girls in tho Reformatory aro not criminals, and are not necessarily depraved or viciouo. They may be sent there, often at the request of parents who lack force, because they are incorrigible or "wild," and need firm discipline and control. When they come out they should bear no unjust (burden, but as a matter of fact they do bear the prison brand. The institution, including the penal department, is known indiscriminately as the "Reformatory," and the careless public does not distinguish between those who have been inmates of the school and those hardened criminals who have been in the penitentiary.

It will not do to assert that the girls would carry the same measure of disgrace in any case. This is not true in tho case of the boys who leave the Plainfield Reform School. They are by no means regarded by the community in the same light as returned convicts. They aro not received with tho samo distrust, and havo less difficulty in establishing confidence in themselves. It would be otherwise if their school were within the wails of the prison at Jetiersonville or Michigan City.

There is no good reason for bringing the two departments under one roof case, of the women, and separation should bo made, Before the new Populist Governor of Colorado was inaugurated he expressed a purpose that the exercises should be of the simplest nature, but the managers had got the start of him, and everything in the Silver State which cbuld add pomp and circumstance to the occasion was prepared. The gaudiest military was out with tho loudest of bands, filling the air with tho most martial of music, and a coach and six horses waited to take the farmer-Governor to the Capitol. This parade made the party organ very wroth, and, among many other things, it says that "men with hungry stomachs who had come out to witness the simple inaugural of a Populist Governor turned away in disgust, to become, perhaps, bomb-heavers and red-throated Anaxehists." Now, this may bo true, but hereabout men with "hungry stomachs" seek the best substitute for a square meal that they can find rather than such unsatisfying things as the inauguration of Governors. Tiiekk has been much discussion and speculation, at various times, in regard to the origin of tho term "Hoosier," as applied to Indiantans. but none of the sup-cosed derivations is satisfactory.

The commonly received one, that it is an evolution of the phrase, "Who's hero?" as 'used in early times in bailing the inmates of a farm-house, seems very far-fetched. That phrase, if used at all, was common to every Western State, and had no distinctive relation to Indiana. The most plausible explanation of tbe term the Journal has ever seen, and one it has never seen before, is given by an old citizen of Louisville, to a reporter of the Courier-Journal, as follows: It was in the autumn of 182G, during the first work on tho Louisville and Portland canal, and men from all parts of the country were employed on the enteri-rise. The Indlauiana, however, were more numerous than thoe from any other Ptate, there being probably two or three hundred of them, ami ther were inclined to he fome-wnat clannish. Indiana vras a young and undeveloped State in those days, and her representative here wen? altogether an ungainly crowd, helng viewed by their fellow-laborers in about the same licht that the city man regards the mountaineer.

A Louisville man with an eye to business made it a point to be near the worts at tho dinner hour with a supply of edible, and among those he dispensed wa a larire loaf of sweet bread, an article in which tlm majority of the Iiidiamans Invariably iuvetc-d. The name of this bread-ieddler, as he might he called, was Hoosier. and from his jovial luauuer uud waxcl.oh air he was vry popular. The men from Indiaua, however, wero hi best patrons, and the novel sieht of a tar cumber of thaui. each munching a roll of Hoosier's bread, was too much for the humor of the KontucUans.

who applied to them indiscriminately tho nickname llooslers. Their fellow-laborrrs took up tue term, and soon all Indlantam on Xha works were known as llooslers. and from hero it spread" throughout the countr y. This is far away the most reasonable and probable explanation of the origin of the I term that has eyer been and if tho facts are true, as stated, it should be eon-clasi7e on tbe point. If the Louisville man is correct, and if tbero really was a bread-peddler -named Hoosier at the time stated.

It ought to be possible to corroborate his statement by other testimony, and the Journal hopes an effort will be made to do so. If that fact is established it will practically settle a discussion of longstanding. A Jersey woman whose husband took her when a bride to his father's house grow tired of living with her parents-in-law and sisters-in-law, and, alter a year or so, took her baby and went away, declining to return to her hnsband unless he provided a home for her apart from his family's. This, though abundantly able to do. ho refused, and she then sued him for soparate maintenance.

During the progress of the suit she expressed her willingness to go with him into a home of their own, even though it consisted of but two rooms. Tbe husband professed a willingness to provide this for her. and the judge suspended his decision and gave him the opportunity. Afterwards the jndge took it npon himself to inspect the new home, and finding it a shanty barely furnished and a mere subterfuge, he ordered tho tricky husband to pay alimony to his wife. This decision seems to establish the right of New Jersey wives, at least, to homes apart from "his folks," and already fears are entertained that trouble will re suit in Jersey families arranged on tbe patriarchal plan.

It is the doctrine of woman's rights breaking oat in a new and unexpected place, and New Jersey husbands hardly know what to make of it Miss Florence Bascom, daughter of the president of Williams College, in Massachusetts, is to receive from Johns Hopkins University, next June, the highest degree in its gift that of doctor of philosophy. The authorities of Johns Hopkins, however, make basto to say that this does not mean the free admission of women to the university; that Miss Bascom only gained the privilege by special permission and that her case forms no precedent. Tho authorities are undoubtedly wrong. If they sap-pose that other women who want the advantages of that institution will cease from knocking at its doors, now that ono member of the sex has gained the honor, they little understand the determination and persistency of advancing woman. Johns Hopkins must open its doors to all students, just as other universities aro doing.

Miss bascom, the recipient of this unprecedented honor, has already received the degrees of bachelor of arts, bachelor of literature, bachelor of science and master of arts. She taught for' several years in Madison, and was also instructor in natural science at the Rockford (111.) Female Seminary. Americans who visit Edinburgh should be careful how they invest in alleged man uscripts of Scoteh authors. A wealthy banker of New York has for some time been the proud possessor of a large number of such manuscripts, supposed to be the works of Scott, Burns and other Scottish celebrities, for which he paid a big price in Edinburgh. His snspicions as to their genuineness being aroused by a recent newspaper paragraph, he sent tbem to tho British Museum to bo examined, and the experts of that institution pronouneed tbem all forgeries.

They add that in the alleged "early historical documents" of the collection, Mary Queen of Scots, Rob Roy and Claverhouse all used tbe same make of paper. The canny Scotchman will bear watching as closely as the thrifty Yankee. Gail Hamilton has written to tho Boston Journal explaining just why she wrote the letter charging Mr. Gladstone with guilty complicity in the unjust imprisonment of Mrs. Maybrick.

Incidentally, but with Mr. Gladstone still under consideration, she quotes the scriptural corse: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites that pay tithe of church, worship and essays upon Gadarene service and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment and mercy. Ye blind guides, ye whited sepulchres, ye serpents, ye generation of vipers how can ye escape thodamca-tion of hellf" If Gail isn't careful she wilt forget herself and say something personal. A gardkn'rh who lives near tbe city has commenced the cultivation of mushrooms and finds a ready salo for all he can produce. In tbe vicinity of large European cities, notably London and Paris, it is an extensive and profitable business.

When onoe tbo art of propagating and cultivating mushrooms is learned, it Is comparatively easy and the crop is profitable. The Department of Agriculture at Washington has issued a pamphlet which contains some curious ana interesting information concerning the different varieties of ediblo mushrooms which grow wild, with instructions how to cultivate them. BUBBLES IN T1IK A1IL Solid Investment. Briggs I can't understand what keeps X. Q.

stock so tirm the.e days. Urags Guess tho water in it has frozen solid. Finis. When a man tells his wife, in tones intense, With scorn and anger blended, "At your age you really should have more sense" Why, then the honeymoon's ended. What We Kcap.

"It is mighty lucky," said Potts, "that we recollect nothing of our previous existence when we are reincarnated. uat fancy oneself being compelled to listen to a ten-year-old boy telling about the awful winter of 300 or 400, B. We Will Get There. "You won't navo the nerve to put up the prloe of ice next summer, will youl" asked the plain citizeu. "My friend," replied the ice-doaler, "If your henrt bled as mluo does for the poor men who have to work on tho ice ponds while tho mercury Is about zero, you would feel Justified In getting the highest price possible as a recompense for their sufferings." Then and Now.

In other days, in armor dlght. In armor cased from head to heel, Tho baron bold went forth to light. Dependent on his trusty steel. But.cow, in finest fabrio dressed. In padded gown and slippered heel.

He sits at home and takes his rest. Depending the trust to steal. AIOIT PLOPhE AND THINGS. Miss Mary Moody, niece of the famous evangelist, intends to engage in missionary work. A pttUcaiST at Chicago believes that if be could secure the soda water orivilegcs at the world's fair his fortune would be made for life.

Mas Gkorgi: Hearst, the widow of the California Senator, carries on her life insurance policies that aro said to amount in the aggregate to 5 JO. 000. It is given out in London, on reliable authority, that Prince George of Wales is seriously contemplating a trip to Amerioa during the coming spring, to participate in the naval review in New York harbor. ksse Sthicklkk, of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, died on Wednesday, aged cinety- tbroo years, He bad voted at nlnotoea presidential eleotions and had smoked on, an average a dozen cigars a day for seventy live years. Susan li.

Anthony, who has been a campaigner with Mrs. Mary Ellen Lesse. in Kansas, says that Mrs. Lease is better qualified for the United States senator-ship than any man in the People's party of that State. Horace Smith, of Springfield, died the other day at the age of eighty-four jears, was tbe inventor of the original type-writing machine, it is claimed, and also invented tbe metallio cartridge and some improvements in email arms.

Among Judge E. Hockwood Hoar's dislikes was one for Wendell rhillins. They say that on tho day the great orator's remains were borne to the tomb someone met the Judge and inquired: "Aren't yoa going to the funeralP "No," was tbo reply; "but 1 approve of it," The bronze statue of Gen. George B. Mo-Clellan, which is to be placed at the northwest corner of tbe Publio Buildings plaza in Philadelphia, is almost ready to be turned over to tbe committee.

It will not be unveiled, however, until September 17, the thirty-first anniversary of the battle of Antietam. TmtKE hundred persons were employed in the kitchen of Kicbard I of England. When we take into consideration the fact that this hospitable mouarch daily entertained six thousand persons, this was not such a large force after all. His Queen required upward of three hundred servitors to obey her behests in the direction of household affairs. Lady Pauncefote, wife of tbe Britifh minister at Washington, finds that place sociable.

On a recent afternoon she had calls from 1,400 visitors whom she had never seen or heard of, and roost of them shook hands with her etlu-sively, as a consequence of an informal announcement that she would be "at home'' from 4 till o'clock. Miss Flokknck Bascom. of Williams town, who will taketbe titleof "I'D. next June from Johns Hopkins University, will be the first woman to receive suoli an honor from that institution. She has been studying in the geological department in Baltimore for two years, and had been similarly engaged lor three more in the Uuiversity of Rev.

Dh. of the New York Independent, who had charge of tbe compilation of religious statistics for the census of lb9J. stated at a publio meeting in New York, a few evenings since, that "where the population showed an increase of a little more than 21 percent, tbe increase in membership in tbe ditlerent Christian denominations wus 42 per cent." Judge D. li, of Annapolis, is a terror to transgressors who plead Indulgence in drink by way of extenuation. It happened, recently, that a lessee of the Judge, a hotel-keeper, was brought before him for unlawfully selling liquor.

His Honor would listen to no plea for mercy, and sentenced the defendant to tho longest term of imprisonment which the law pro vided. One of the special exhibits made by Illinois women at the world's fair will represent a model nursery, the infants and little children, and best ways of clothing tbem, being represented by large dolls and their outfits. In tbe department showing tbe work and out (it of the English trained nurse dolls will also bs used, so dressed ns to show tbe costumes worn in every part of the kingdom. When Delegate Caine, of Utah, went into Wyoming to make stump speeches last summer, as there were many emigrants from the Territory to that State to whom he wished to address himself, an amiable reproof for trespassing was administered by fcenator Warren. "If you come over heie again." said he.

"I will have to' kill you." "That's all right." replied the Delegate, "but you must remember that in the matter of killing the Cains have, always had the best of it." wiio shall arbitrate? Now who shall arbitratet Ten men love what I hate. Shun what I follow, silent what I receive; Ten, who In cars and eyes Match me, we all surmise. They, this thing, and that; whom shall my soul believe! Drowning. SHE is ever there. They talk about woman's sphere As though it had a limit; There's not a hundred-dollar gown.

There's not a bargain store In town. There's not a style from any source. There's not an action for divorco Without a woman in It. Washington News. HILKY'S CLASS.

Others than Max O'ltell Consider Htm Out Greatest Living 1'oeU Minneapolis Tribune. James Whitcomb Riley, to whom the people of Minneapolis have tho pleasure of listening this evening, is one of our true poets and humorists. He is a poet of tbe American heart and home, woods and wild liowers, and is troubled with none of the) rules and isms and cults of the schools, lid is a genuine hurooristof eonnd and healthy mind, big heart and bubbling fancy no cynic, phrase-maker or clown. Like Burin, Lamb. Gray, Shakspeare.

Lowell. Whit-tier, Holmes and Hret liarte. Uiley reaches home to the human heart and daily experience at every sally. Nature's humor and pathos in all their health and sweetness abound in Riley, and make his works genuinely human as well as typically American. Different from many authors, Riley is An effective reader and reciter of his own productions.

Max O'Rell, who considera liiley our greatest poet, saks of an mstanco of Kiley's enicienoy as i exciter, at tho I acquet given in honor of Henry Irving and Ellen Terry at th cloaa of their last season in America. O'Kell relates that a dIsId, homely-looking man. on a simple announcement arose end recited "Down to Old Annt Mary's." Tbe FreuJrh critic states that, ordinarily callous. Mio found at tbe close of the homely recitation that tears were coursing down his cheeks; and that every one else present was similarly affected; while Ellen Terry, tbo emotional queen, was so overcome that she had to be removed from the banquet hall. The Tribune is glad to welcome James Whitcomb Riley to the Minneapolis public Miy Go Where They Please.

Philadelphia Inquirer. Tbe cause of women's rights is marching on so rapidly nowadays that it is almost impossible to keep up with its progress. Tbe last victory for the gentler sex was won last week in San Francisco. Not long since tbe Driving Association of that city proonred the passage of a law forbiddiug women to attend the races held in their groundafhey wore anxious, ther aid. to prevent tbir wives from betting.

Tho law was observed bv all the former lady habitues of the place except one, wfto was not to lo pot down so easilv. On tbrt-b occasions she presented herself at tho gntes and insisted on being admitted. Twice she forced her way in and was forcibly ejected. The third time she was arrested, tint instead of giving np, she carried tbn case to the Supreme Conrt. whit has jnst decided that women have a clear richt to attend racing exhibitions if they want to.

And since then scores of women who hadn't tbe courage to he Ip Ler make tbe light are on the racing ground every afternoon before she can get there. Flpe-Stnokcrs Paradise. Washington News. In Washington a roan may place his good old briar pipe in his shapely mouth and walk around town, smoking according to the dictates of his own conscience, none daring to make him afraid. It is not so in all Parts of the country.

There are places where such conduct would bring him under police surveillance and cause him to be ostracised by society. There has long been a deep-rooted prejudico against the pipe. A mau might appear in public smoking a cigar that would cause horses to swoon three blocks away and nobody would say anything, but if he smoked a pip on tho streets his social doom was scaled. Reason, however, baa resumed her rnajestio sway, leveled the barriers of superstition aud conquered tho armed hosts of prejudice, and as a result the man wfio smokes is happy. A llappx Thought.

Baffslo Express. "The great problem that I have to deal with." aaid the keener of tile imbecile asylum, "is to tied some occupation for the people under my chorge." 'Vhrnutet tbem to mveuting college yells." asked the visitor..

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