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The Bridgeport Telegram from Bridgeport, Connecticut • Page 1

Bridgeport, Connecticut
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The Bridgeport Telegram Fairfield County's Morning Newspaper VOL. LXXVII1, NO. 12.1 BRIDGEPORT. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1 969 -10 Weather Forccasl MILD TODAY WARMER SUNDAY Fuel Cell Fails But Apollo OK SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) A short-circuit in a BLiop sy.sle.-n has idled one of Apollo electric generating units but poses no threat to trie astronauts, officials said Friday. Air Farce Thomas P.

Stafford iiTid Navy C.mdrs. W. Young and F.ugenc A. Ccr-nan svere reported able to continue operations on the mnnn-orbiting flight with the spaceship's two remaining electric called fuel cells. TV Show Delayed Stafford asked and got permission to move the planned ID-minute television Apollo JJ's last from around the moon -from 7:09 EOT, tn 12:45 a.m..

EDT, today. Stafford said the rive-hour, 4D-mlnute delay would permit he astronauts heam to more spectacular views of the moon's austere landscape. The astronauts, who ore tn blast out of mono orbit and start for home early this morning, spent their finnl moor, urbii-liig hours Friday solving lunar my; torir.s that will Ihc Apollo 11 crew land 111 July. 'I hey aa. Ted 'voir vest pe'-inrt at Stall p.m.

EDI. After their telecast they must prepare for the rocket firing thai will sturt them back lo oarlh, a quarter million miles awai The trip will take about 51 iiours. with a splashdown scheduled in the Soulh Pacific ilea- liauiea. Stafford also revealed for the first time Friday thuL lie and his f.n^inslps hans-e been ctjoehtne. Snt-eiing and ilehing for three ilava ar: uaa ii'ii 1 1 1 1 ei was polluted by floating fibers of glass wool insulation.

As for the fuel ceil, officials: said it can be activated when needed, such as in maiar rockcl burns, hut is kept idle lo pre- Fuel cells produce electricity It. rraaita: rrr The resulting controlled reaction gives uff electricity and The crew performed land-lPprkinu mark i.r;-:cki irackine Dlwioeraphy Pcsl Trial Is Continued ze Tuesday liy ROBERT E. HAWLEY 22. A Stipe morning, becoming south lo south- easterly ar in irj ia inuts an iivui this alternnon, nm rrerlinci". nay n( ine tt 8:12 p.m.

Hi I wlicn he was accosted bv another iVOUtll itnd shtlOl llg his pistol wieldtar; assailanl briefly after the shot was fired, but the killer broke free and ran across the narkintt iol toward the rn-biv sent Itoilte at I nPei'L a.m. today alto, il had approvo ct 'aiWl lo reach a verd aflei 12 llalf 19 hours of deliberation yosterdns university 27 antl a total of IT. hours lorm-a me durioit lectins al are than aad Women's News Roh.r. 1 Ilic nieeiing. rrtjiiesled several Wm, Lawrtnce, D.aS.^LS I he WCatiier n.

rocsitav itttirninrt. which Irusiccs look mms rinTfinw rHABArrrns AT mission A lame screen in Mission Con trol at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Hashes the cartuon characters "Charlie RromT arid in grueling after ihe linkup between Anollti 10 lunar module and command module alter the moon eiploralkm Thursday. The Apolln III crails were named after the cartoon characters. Boy Shot Dead at Mart; Killer Flees to Carnival By PHTFR KR1EC 1 1 S4 West avenue. gunshot wound in the chest.

He Mil W1RO Ar IH-veai ril Win luW ve pi.t ci.m-crt rl.v.d rearer anoui lu.u with a special t-attiera. a I lists hope Ihe film, wheo '-alii aalina' th." tltna v.i.l establish rrliable way lo uavieate over Ihc Tlte work was the last maior had tn complele hefore starting t. tararnirit Stallord levelled to ground a three titty old Space cabin air pollution piob- (lonrinued on Page Four) Features for Everybody In Telegram Every Day Chef Classffied Ads Comics Crosswotd Puzz Dear Abby Editorials Fashions Financial Newi Jacohy on BriJg, Obituaries Sports Theater News TV and Kadio renorted searciiirjE for the ki.iet carnival raiting piaco on the sprawling snnnpirg mart grounds. Steele, whose last known address was helieved lo be and i with several 'olher youths! MnrMrA rsM aIul Etale standing i ihc carnival, leaving Steele of SHU Board Accepts Sharing of Authority liy MARTIN P. AbTUOIil Tlte board of inisices of Sacretl police set up watches aad road-b'nt'ks alttft; Post raad, Con liirnpike, and other itd- A himhhiker' was Dicked up bv Slate troupers bul released after questioning.

ouiiiber of witnesses gave of a moiive. oi whether the fiailant and victim knew each othrr. Steele had a police record and had recently served a sentence. potire reported. The scene of Ibe slaying was about Sm yards behind Alexand-nr's store in the shoppiag center and about 2110 feet from Ihe en lo the carnival.

Heart university yesterday form- lv idea a eta great- versily affairs, but delayed acl lnF ion on Its a The Coleman Hrolhers carttivalj been playing a piontol tinal I They also gave the. greet. of the I a on a tr.a I of. Val irti stiles prcnoiion. i State Income Tax Move Backed By House Leadership in Revolt AF Mechanic Lost With Stolen C130 LONDON (AP) A young U.S.

Fotr.e mechanic, a Vietnam medal winner, is nre-snmeif lost a' siciidrg dM IleiculCs troop irf.n-.puit ils English base rriday sua neaoing the in a solti aller.ipl to fly horne. The U.S. 3rd Air Force sa'd Set. Paul A.

il. a ground crew elrcl. ttxik off at a.m.— 12:10 a.m.. tUT- the Mildenhall Air Base 65 miles norlheast London. A few hours earlier.

Meyer hntl brer, iili to lied dntnk by his first seigrnttl. an Atr Force spokesman rcporietl. His last rontai" was a raGin- teirph.nif tonversalton wilh his wite. m.iiv a.iii. oi reporting he was h.tvlnt; iirc-jble iwo hou-s lake n-'i.

Mevvr Lew Ihe 52.3 mtH on tlirbo-prup the British Chaooel lo a point north f.herhnuri:. France, on a cnuric that would have taken him cut ser the Atlantic. Then radar mtact was lost. Aa ana ttaaiaa t.a il Ihat Inr missing plane had been spotred west ot the Isle of Wight bv an Amcricnn F1O0 fighter plane at about 12:05 m. Tlf i 1 1 was h.

difficuKy hovering at slow speeds, lost contact with (he tran.spnrr plane aue wentlwr and cloud co ta.aiaa ra aaive ar on 10 lose 'to. on his mil The Mo of Wight is jusl nil ihe Bt wish coast, near Sou- trace of ihc missing transport nn Two) SOT. PAUL A. MEYI The Approprinlictis itommiiiee oiiiineaded an mtmon ttui L) al-aa't a tar. rata a of (418 miilitm.

1 The second major cut, SSI is in DemnsPV's I'econt- Iho jarya hours ut cvnn ill5iQP BRIDGEPORT AND VICINITY these were to be only aversilv president who has tunny lo anyone?" should llioie he any sperta Mosllv sunny and mild In- I aaa-aatos involved. Uvcarhcrcd majoi sludent dis- tHabhidge. a lotmer tiaatslanl for colleges or uttivers.lir M.h 7S. Ck-nr (Wwrrie, nnlded niotirn I in ol 1 l.oari tif rrustectt and colli lonight: law in die Ills. 1 air Jmniedialely prior 10 Ihe agonist campus dis- kind ot Ihiog is to f.itifoi alieiidy ins I and warmer lomojruw.

Prvhtlbth-! iV W11S re. -mRt however, the Irosters aaa I I ar a at to a puni- practice. It's nil- gal stltlfri-y nee-lee a ly of rain 10 per cent IhMUgh 0 lo tu.stscr oral qtieslinns as well, live over-kill. It. lep.s for rv'tv "vtlljed Willi what tonighl.

Light and variable ivinds Xlfi made a. Eight trustees pnilicipaled in- Dr. Homer Hahbirigc, presi- particular. If you tin. you may )InlnC campus.

under in muen an iiooi niolion for disniissnl jdli'i; Ihc Mtisl Hcv. waiter on end un ftossme nws aliening 1 tnnvint en we is I. 1 the grounds that the jury jljcrris, Bishop or rirklgcporl, who curlier what goes (Cnnlinucd nn Two) (Continued on Pnge Tun) gilding to protest campus re. HiBhrat ycmciday Scala Te Probers His l.areer t'l ilighesl year ago Pirm SlailHpr' ilighcsl year ago ycF-erday Lowcst year aco yeslerd.iy PRECIPITATION Vcsterday WASHINGTON (A?) An in- 1-ai mat: and lit in stirance aeeni ttnd a loured of their crnt lit. a.

I colonel told a Senate suh-1 Humidity (8 p.m. reading) 5a coiniiiilloc l-riday their Army pr.vacy Co sou jalso would have disastrous el-ifects on poor slutients receiving state or federal financial help, i The House Wetlnesday Jitl-ljl tin atoeodment which nghi to cnrrc.l mulcadins (Cnnlinucd nil Pi(e jic n.i lis, aaal I'aita a tontk lo i ollrces that tlon'L lake agent, Joseph demonstratnrs. Morn limn THE TIDE hv 11 leniedlobs by irnnc lhc (llr teder- Today Tomnirnw .,,1.,, nprud by the Re I hcfalIS(. an ad- on campus disor- 5 a High laiM-fcdi. Oi.

verse report by Rcinil Credit. um 1Z The rcpor, said laws add op, um a.m. 1 ir, itir.ii-'fiinn with nttitan- example of over. 12:06 p.m. oitnfO- "i -aiaghng people ntibbldge inid in an inter AUUNAC each monlfi lne U.M 1 and Saturday, Hay Mil.

r- nht upp-tainK. a oiuckle divorce' vou noting a young secretary 1 Todnv is the hundrril lori.y flic icstimony came duiitig a inl: iliv .1 Ihe vcar an.l tl hraring ing ol a huaking and cV stud secrclary, posiible fruui geihitg a higher sltbconiniillfC cons.tlcrtng narcotic selling cnnnetlion. pnl- ii as a punishment would ol a hanking nnd aiaralaa- Babbtdje' ndded.i DR. HOMER BABBIDGE mim Ilahbidge cttultl gel some reaction hv livio this tiiiitj; on his on "an-, IS ptlirtly Siippor ISllhludge Ones ciin lal-f I have beta lOQO This i think ih. violent kind ruptfitis it is uttnesstiig lain aonte rtiaarr-.

piuiiK ro lake phicr." lit- "fiivru Ihr ol rontemp irnrv life, they'll havf in rnn iquickly." Wlir.Rr. STOLEN PLANr MAY HAVE IIEAIII II- Map lucalet area ia Enp'and where IT.O Ironp transport plane was slolcn Eriilay ill ranjte nl ilisltinces ticrOas lite Allanlic. An Air Eoice spokesman said the plane headed snuthuesl. Ihc Pentaunti in Wtishinglon Mar Ihe plane had abtjul hours of luel al takeoff mid lhat Sgt. Paul A.

Meyer hnd been heard from hy radio. State Budget Is Reported Out With Cutback of $234 Million HARTFORD, Conn. (API scv budget prdoosal would ne The Appropriations reach Ihe million fig, John Dempsey's spending planireporico tavoraniy ny i. thamplon. islative lradershin ci rtajc a Dpnuhlit leased action late i-riday a aia-a-d stale bitnra, a.

strips S234 million from Gov.lnlher areas, nte spending pi; sh'P- lao mg the eight bul Ihfi Air Tore-; iih sl 5 h.J0r, said it was unlikely thai any tveck which tlte clait vi il achieve Ihe nlilltOn Il will be a balanced budget, Cifll' Ir-artecs say. wtUiau men or. a pavrrnl ray. supported by the a budget proposal. Potkay Killed by Car; Watermelon King' mended budget inr personal services.

Oi ttav. ol li tan- AnolherSI.1 inillutn istis lupued Milford, well knoiiti nlf the gove I riot's propiisai to, a granting pay raises lo state 1 thmugii a las' tvlieii smirk by inula of per cent in the first an aulo while in roadway tn year ol toe jMIWVI bienoium -'n't Ins place nf husini-s. net- rent in Ihe last as tie Denps'ey ptoposod a t-5 JttVl la. lie remainder id Inn budget results from the Democrats' i lo use bonds to meei other tisctil obl.Lt.alion.s 'i'ltey are S65 millii'ii in s'ale laaid.a instead ol cash for the loachers relirr metil tend, atO million in httr-rowing Inr ttcnitol oosltai: 1 ioti and S2I million for the Opttrt of Until nullity Affairs.

The lolnl rul frnrn tut i' Babbidge Warns Legislatures Of Campus Penalty Over-Kill a hts il, ill htirkmg out of a op lo Patr Nt rnrth nf Iho Mriilgf- Tt.tfftt tlivtsi Bv II. MNM.V 1 fH.SOM Metal lirpori.s Mantila.t nd an but tltttr ftirt'luaatl I villnRf. rnm l.idn iSudden Step Uosets Levy On Payrolls Marcus Dissents Over Levy Pegged to 6 Pet Of Federal Charge By ALAN E. SCIIOENHAUS HARTFORD The Democratic leadership of the House of Representatives staged an open rebellion in state party ranks yesterday by rejecting a party-barlted lax package and announcing support for a state personal income tax. Speaker of the House William R.

Ratchford. D-Dan. bury, told newsmen that a proposed 1 per cent payroll tax, designed to be the key lo the emerging tax program, is unacceptable to House Democrats. The payroll tax package had first been publicly proposed by State Sen. Edward L.

Mar-UK, D-New Haven. Ihe Senate majority leader, and was reorder! in legislative circles as having the implied backing of the stale party leadership Ucmpsey, Marcus Opposed the vt.titl'VI leadtMS tiv House the face ol long-time iby Ibe govertvar. ana opposition Ihc Democratic governor rcc-iM proposed state They claim il will no! present hv. leadership ommended in his budget mess- to mmpiihlic srhoois. tor extended plan lor borrowing Ratchford and tgc 3 General Fund program of.

mtt itt-nui), tarns lit! cipcurti meei in nperauur. e.v.5r(1II, Kfp tail Ajrilo. D-An. 11.7 billion. The Democratic lee- unveil a budget eaily coniained in Ihc com- majority leader.

saiti thev rations Moarlay to offer Ihcir plan. They clnimed House Dcnta- I' a'a raal ttco inclodea a 1 t'nl iierarcj toraiTie a uotler v.hirri e.arh taxpayer p.iv I ins i of Ihe million ri- In llm 'Iwnjld ir-rhidp hiking I'n? t.iv i f. prr rrnt. 1 Olhcr Londprs loin In ackinif-a in lieps. HntiMnnl Hit vhi-Wvr ii ilir niT.r iiTif i I'-uv- DrmOrM.s hv fio whirti iml rii i- i rn lax.

ftri--i onllnufd nn Page Two) Steps Begun for Sale to 2 Industries Of Part of Disputed West Side Tract The dale ret tt bit S-va has he is-norl nllrr it hr.irs all viewpoints Alderman liiown expressed uprise nt the current prelnti-r ttrry Iteps to sell Ihe Inutl he. hue the study it s-iimpletctl. jllul ho nttnchtnl sigmftrancc 10 i (Continued no Two).

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