The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1
- Publication:
- The Courier-Journali
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- Louisville, Kentucky
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
1 AR The Tournal. AR MURRAN BA The Courier Tournal. LOUISVILLE. SATURDAY. AUGUST 18, 1883.
CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS. NO LET UP. THE EXCITEMENT CONTINUES The Necessity is Urgent. This week we will commence extensive alterations in our mammoth establishment. We must have room to do it.
This sale will again proceed notwithstanding remarks to the contrary by unscrupulous dealers that this sale is an advertising dodge. We have had sales, slaughters, crashes and mashes the whole season through, BUT THE RED-LETTER SALE which we commenced some time ago climax, and we sit on the cap. This sale is striking all departments alike. If we have slaughtered prices before, the prices for this week shall be wholesale murder. Look for red tickets.
This sale is positive. The goods must go. It will pay you to borrow the money, if you want any article, and attend this great half-price sale. Buy your goods as early in the week as possible and avoid the rush. MAMMOTH TH Clothing, Hat and Cap House, "TOWER PALACE," Nos.
424 to 430 West Market Street, between Fourth and Fifth, Louisville, Ky. KLEINHANS SIMONSON. C. R. MABLEY, SPECIAL DECKER SON NEW COMPOSITION METALLIC FRAME Grand, Cabinet Grand and Square PIANOS.
Intended for the Southern Exposition, are on exhibition at my store and at the New Alexander Hotel Parlors. Call and see them. EMILY TRIPP, SOLE AGENT For Kentucky and Southern Indiana, Publisher of Music and Dealer in Pianos, Organs, mr15 Satf-Lor4p No. 519 Fourth Avenue, Louisville, Ky WILLS' WORLD WORM CANDY. This old and well-known worm remedy has been purchased the undersigned, and is again on the market.
Put up in nicely flavored sticks; the little ones delight in taking it, and instead of being forced to take a nauseous vermifuge, they cry for more of this candy. WARRANTED PURE. WILLS' WORLD CANDY CARLISLE, KY. R. A.
and Frankitn CONNER, Sts. We Make Three Fire-proof Roofs: COMPOSITION- The best roof for the least money in the world. the choice quarries of this country. Large roofs and decorative slating a specialty. RON-Cheap, light and good.
Can be applied by any one. Correspondence solicited. PIANOS, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1833. STEAM ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS.
CO. Phenix Foundery and River, Louisville, Kr. CRAB ORCHARD SPRINGS, Cumberland Mountains, Lincoln Ky. THIS famous and popular watering-place will be opened for the season on June 1 1 under entirely new, ownership, new management, and new auspices. The company have secured the services of Gen, Jas.
F. Robinson- (formerly of the Phoenix Hotel, Lexington) as manager, and they promise to guests comfortable rooms, the best of attention, and a cuisine of unequaled cellence. The buildings have been placed in Arst-class condition, and everything possible will be done to promote the comfort and add to the enjoyment of visitors. The hotel. and cottages supplied with all modern improvements, gas, tel: graph office, telephone connections.
extensive promenades, ample amusements, ball-room, music, billiard-room, and bowling alleys, with excollent fishing and hunting couvenient. The waters for medicinal qualities, excellence and variety are the best the world affords- -the White Sulphur and Chaly being the finest and purest in the United States, the Sulphur greatly excelling any found in Virginia. Crab. Orchard Springs are on the Knoxville Branch of the Louisville and Nashville road, 115 miles from Louisville, and can be reached by rail from Knoxville, Louisville and Cincinnati. Trains from Cincinnati make close connection with the Louisville train at Danville Junct.on.
For terms and circulars apply to Gen. J. F. ROBINSON, Manager, my22 dit Crab Orchard P. O.
A Suit of Clothes Will Be Given to the Finder. A better stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing can not be found anywhere. Our prices are the lowest and our styles are known to be correct. H. A.
Barnum, Jeweler, Fourth and Market, I will sell, commencing Saturday, 18th, and continuing daily until all goods are disposed of, his entire stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, fine Plated Ware, Clocks, Mantel Ornaments, etc. Ladies will be furnished accommodations. No article sold except as represented. Mr. C.
W. Miller will conduct the sale. IRWIN DUGAN, Assignee. PIPE, ETC. GAS AND STEAM PIPE.
421 W. Main Louisville. 1 PIANOS, ETC. D. P.
FAULDS PIANOS ORGANS! Immense stock, in every kind of wood, at Exposition and Ware-rooms, 523 Fourth ave. Prices always the lowest. Bu PANTILE. ORIENTAL PANTILE. The most comfortable, useful and unique winter and summer hend covering ever invented for all classes of men and boys, for use on sea and land, and in all climates.
It is capable of being transformed into six or more different shapes. FOR SALE BY ALL RETAIL HATTERS. JOS. WALTON CO. Shippers SCREENED PITTSBURGH COAL, At 19 Cents, $8 00.
THE NEWS. For Tennessee and Ohio valley, generally fair weather, winds mostly southwesterly, falling barometer, stationary or rising temperature. Taus end of the tiresome Hill investigation is ip sight. THERE were 488 deaths -from cholera in Egypt Thursday. SEnator JONES, of Florida, is on twomonths' trip to Alaska.
THE new postal notes will be ready for circulation September 8. THE wife of Judge CASWELL BENNETT, of Smithland, is dead. "PIG IRON" KELLEY writes from England that his health is Imiproving. THE admission to the Exposition this afternoon and night is only twenty-five cents. TWENTY-TWO young students, who tributed to a Nihilist journal, have been sent to Siberia.
TATESIG HAMMERSCHLEG, New York syrup manufacturers, have failed. Liabilities, $235,000. HANLAN won the regatta on Lake Washaticum, yesterday; HOSHER second, LEE third. HEALTH OFFICER GALT denies that there is a dysentery epidemic in the Western portion of the city. REv.
S. J. WILSON, Professor of History in the Western Theological Setninary, Allegheny City, is dead. IT is predicted from Washington that Commissioner EvANS will permit Hostetter's Bitters to go on the free list. THE Bennington (Vt.) Battle Monument Association has adopted a design, by Prof.
WEIRE, that will cost $100,000. Mr. MIDDLETON H. GREENWOOD, of this city, and Miss BETTIE CLAYTON were married at Washington yesterday. THE Glen House, Watertown, N.
containing about forty rooms, was reported burning at a late bour this morning. Two MACHINISTS at work in the Treasury Department at Washington found ten new $1,000 bills under an old machine. THE Second National Bank of Warren, has closed its doors. K. M.
cashier, 18 a defaulter to the amount of 000 or $80,000. JOHN DEVOY, editor of the Irish Nation, who was sent to the New York penitentiary for sixty days for libeling AUGUST BELMONT, was released yesterday. THE Governor's ball at Crab Orchard last night was a grand success in every way. Delegations of the best people from every part of the State were in attendance. THERE were 170 failures in the United States Canada during the past week, against 182 the week before.
The Southern Stares furnished twenty three of these. EIGHT THOUSAND weavers in the Ashton-under-Lyne district, England, bave struck for higher wages. The movement has thrown 20,000 people out of work. THREE of the Acadia Powder Company's mills at Rocky 8., exploded, killing HENRY McEWAN and fatally injuring ROWLEY SMITH and CHARLES MILLER. THE mutilated remains of Deputy Sheriff CHITWOOD were 'found on the Cincinnati Southern railroad in Scott county, yesterday.
It is believed he was murdered. THe hangman yesterday successfully entertained TAYLOR BANKS (colored) at Scottswood, MARTIN BRADLEY (colored) at Terrell, and DENO CASSELT at Little Rock. A. BIERMANN has nominated by the Democratic State Central Committee, of Minnesota, candidate for Governor in place of W. W.
McNAIR, declined. BIERMANN accepts. IN a collision on the Westchester branch of the Pennsylvania railroad, at Angora, JAMES WELSH, fireman of the market train, was killed land twenty-five calves and sheep were scalded to death. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN of Boston, publishers of the Postal Guide, deny that THOMAS B. KIRBY, who has been discharged by the Postmaster General, ever received a cent from the work more than he earned.
IN an accident on the Chesapeake and Obio, near Memphis, yesterday, the special coach, containing Gen. EcHOLS and Superintendent BROWN, was ditcbed, but without injury to the occupants. Engineer HAGAN was fatally scalded. COL. SAM M.
BURDETT, of Lancaster, has been suggested as a suitable man for the Congressional nomination in his district. His Democracy is unquestioned, and his worth and capacity fit him for any office in the gift of his people. THE great Omnibus Stakes, for $10,000, will be run at' Monmouth Park to-day. MORRIS PATTON'S Drake Carter and PIERRE LORILLARD's Pizarro are the princontestants, with the betting and the chances in favor of the former. THE telegraph operators have quietly surrendered, and the Western Union has beguni to dictate a little.
A portion of the strikers are being given back their positions, but only after taking an oath that they will leave the Brotherhood and never rejoin any such organization. COL. GALLOWAY, of the Memphis Appeal, and Private KENNEDY, of the Avalanche, have not yet, arranged their greement. The, Avalanche of yesterday severely criticised KENNEDY swore out a peace warrant against him, but afterwards withdrew it. A FRIGHTFUL collision oceurred at Winchester yesterday between passenger and freight train.
A car- load of giant powder exploded and scattered death and destruction. CHARLES of Lexington, the conductor on the passenger train, was horribly burned, both of- his eyes being scorched out. He died few hours afterward in great agony. RANDOLPH MARTIN, the conductor on the freight train, was also killed. FRANK HOCKERSMITH and CHARLES JOHNSTON were partially burned, as were BAKER and HENRY JONES, two colored waiters.
Deputy sheriff Mai to the Courier CHATTANOOGA, 17. -Th mutilated remains of the Deputy Sheriff of Chitwood were found at Chitwood Station, on the Cincinnati Southern railway, Scott county, Tennessee, to-day. thought murdered I be BLOWN INTO ATOMS A Locomotive Dashes Headlong Into Freight Train Loaded With Giant Powder, And Terrific Explosion: Follows, Which is Seen and Heard 1 for Miles Around. Conductors MoMichael and Martin Hurled: Through the Air, Scorched and Fatally Injured. Both of Them Die Soon After the cident-Several Others bly Wounded.
ENORMOUS DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. to the WINCHESTER, Aug. of the most terrible wrecks took place- here this morning ever known in these parts. At 1 o'clock the West- train on the Chess- TOMPKINS, HALL IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions FURNISHING GOODS 224 and 226 Sixth LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. The attention of the trade is respectfully invited to our large and complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, which will be kept up to standard throughout the year.
Orders solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. Special inducements offered cash and short-time buyers. jy18 Mod w3m JEWELRY. FIRE! DAMAGED BISQUE FIGURES, VASES, TEA A AND SETS, CASTERS, CAKE STANDS, BUTTER DISHES, FRUIT STANDS, WAITERS, FANCY GOODS, CLOCKS. In order to remove these goods quickly from my cases.
I will offer them at figures to guarantee their sale. No other goods will offered except regular prices. K. COURIER- JOURNAL: BUILDING, Fourth Ave. DRESS GOODS.
GENTS' LOW SHOES Point-toe Cloth or Kid-top, genuine Calf, our own make, reduced to $8. offered is in Gents' greatest Shoes. bargain we have ever HILL 360 Fourth SECOND DOOR NORTH OF JEFFERSON ST. se15 Sea Wely-1p PIANOS, ETC. PIANOS A HINZEN ROSEN, MANUFACTURERS OF UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS.
A 180 musical dealers in instrument Organs No. and 410 all kinds of LOUISVILLE, KY Eighteenth and Grayson CUNARD LINE. TOIL OR Apply RATES trove D. to New Franklin Bank, 813 Deaths on EDUCATIONAL. GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D.
C. Founded in 1789. REv. JAMES A A A A. DOONAN, S.
President. ACADEMIC and SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS open on Thursday, Sept. 13, 1883. Board, tuition, $300 per annum. particulars PRESIDENT GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D.
C. THE SCHOOL OP MEDICINE opens on Monday, Sept. 4, 1883. Terms for the full Course of Lectures $100. a Address J.
W. H. LOVEJOY, M. Dean, 900 12th N. Washington, D.C.
THE SCHOOL OF LAW opens on Thursday, Oct. 4, 1883. Course of studies extended and rearranged. Faculty: Hon. R.
T. Merrick, Hon. Jere. M. Wilson, Judge W.
A. Richardson (U. S. Court of Claims), Martin F. Morris LL.D., and J.
J. Darlington, Esq. C. W. Hoffman, LL.D..
Dean. Terms. $80 per annum. Address SAM'L M. YEATMAN, Secretary, 1,425 N.
Y. N. Washington, D.C. jy18 eod26 grass region of Kentucky, 55th session opens' September 3, 1883. Instruction in all branches of a College education.
Experienced Professors. The degrees of B. A. B. and A.
M. conferred. Useful course for those who can only speud one or two years in College. Terms low for advanLages offered. For catalogue or particulars dress early to R.
M. DUDLEY. D. Pres't. jy21 8a6 COLLEGE, VA.
SESSION begins Sept. 12. Two Courses for. Degrees. Partial and Business Courses; full' English Course.
French and German spoken. Library of 16,000 volumes. Good morals. Healthful mountain Expenses for 9 months $149, $176 or $204. Students from sixteen 'States.
Catalogue sent free. Address JULIUS D. DREHER, Pres't. jy16 BELLEVUE HIGH SCHOOL, BEDFORD VIRGINIA. FOR ness, Boys College and or Young University.
Men. Prepares Thoroughly for Busi- and handsomely equipped. Full corps of instructors. Beautiful and healthy location. For catalogue address W.
R. ABBOT, Principal. Bellevue P. O. jy12 eod2m WASHINGTON, Va.
AND Instruction LEE UNIVERSITY, usual academic studies and in the professional schools of Law and ENGINEERING. Location healthful; expenses moderate. Next session opens Sept. 20. For catalogue address "Clerk of the G.
W. C. LEE. President. jy 19 eod2m MISS J.
F. WREAKS' Boarding School for Young Ladies and Children, 52 East 77th street, New York, reopens Sept. 27. Number of boarders limited. Address, until Sept.
15, care E. STOCKBRIDGE, Central Valley, N. Y. jy31 DEEKSKILL (N. Military Academy.
For eirculars address Col. C. J. Wright, A. Prin.
14 w4 GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, Georgetown, on C. S. R. R. the and beautiful Blue- BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.
MRS: HAYDON, Principal. Opens Sept. 13, 1883. Encient teachers, systematic training and the best characterize the scuool. 619 SIXTH STREET, LOUISVILLE, KY.
a012 Su Sa15 GEORGETOWN FEMALE SEMINARY. THE R. Institution, in the situated far-famed on the Bluegrass N. 0. coun- and try, enjoys the reputation of furnishing Young Ladies the very highest type of intellectual, s0- cial and moral cuiture.
Address J. J. RUCKER, Georgetown, Ky. au8 CHARLIER, Park. INSTITUTE, Established 1858.
108 West 50th bet. 6th 7th aves, N. Y. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN OF 7 TO 20. Prepares them for all Colleges, Scientific Schools, West Point, Naval Academy and business.
French. German, Spanish spoken and taught thoroughly. buildings erected purposely; the best equipped private school in the world. Next school will begin Sept. 18, 1883.
23 d52 Prof. ELIE CHARLIER, Director. Louisville Female Seminary. DOARDING and Day School for Young Ladies Founded 1851. Thirty-third 3, annual 1883.
session will commence D. V. September Address MISS NOLD, 925 and 927 Fourth Louisville, Ky. au14 FOREST ACADEMY OF ENS Sept. 3..
term End $15 of to full $23 term for June tuition; 1, 1884. $75 for board half term. Address au6 1m J. W. Anchorage, Kg.
Southern Home School for Girls, 197 and 199 North Charles Baltimore, M4. W. M. CART, MISS CARE. School.
Established 1842. French the language of the sul Sal6 MIR. PREDIN'S PRENCH AND ENGLISH AND DAY SCHOOL -No. 15 Morris Eden Park, Cincinnati. Fall term begins September 10.
Circulars free on application 1y 11 8a26 EDGEWORTH SCHOOL, BALTIMORE, MD. Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles and Children. 20. The Circulars 21st school year begins Thursday, Sept. on appl.cation to the Principal, No.
89 Franklin street. 1y 16 1644. FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, 1883. New Jersey, for Boys. Courses: English, Modern Languages.
-For catalogues apply to the Principal. Rev. A. G. CHAMBERS.
au7 dis A 8400; York. with Terms for 8500. SCHOOL. boarding 2.021 pupils Fifth peake and Ohio railroad collided with freight train on the Kentucky Centrai, doing immense damage both to human life and property. The freight depot is located in the fork made by the crossing of the abovenamed roads, making it impossible for the engineers of the different roads to see the coming trains on either of the other roads, and as the 7-o'clock train on the Chesapeake and Ohio road was pulling into this station a freight train was backing on the Kentucky Central, and, to make it doubly dangerous, the rear car of the train on the Kentucky Central was LOADED WITH BLASTING POWDER bound for Point Lick, on the Kentucky Central, where the work is going on on the Kentucky Central extension.
The engine ou the Chesapeake and Ohio struck this car broadsided, bursting it in twain and the fire from the friction ignited the powder, causing it to explode. The explosion bad the effect of an earthquake on the town, causing disbes on tables in the romotest parts to rattle and houses to shake. It threw powder cans a hundred feet into the air, making the air dense with all kinds of missiles. THE KILLED ARE: CHARLES McMICHAEL, conductor on the Chesapeake and Ohio train. He was thrown a distance of forty yards, sustaining injuries from which be died at 11 o'clock.
RANDOLPH MARTIN, conductor on the construction train. He was thrown over the depot a distance of sixty yards, and landed in the farthest part of the yard. He lived about two hours. They were the most heart-rending objects ever beheld by mortal eyes, McMichael's eyes being partly out and both being charred beyoud recognition. McMicheel died at 11 o'clock, and his "remains were taken to Lexington, his home.
Martin will be buried here. THE WOUNDED ARE: FRANK HOCKERSMITH, of Frankfort, a carpenter, terribly burned. His recovery is doubtful. CHARLES JOHNSTON, of Dublin, a carpenter for Hamilton on the new depot bere. He was burned from bead to foot, but his burns being mainly oxternal, it is thought that be will recover, although is is suffering terribly to-night.
WM. BAKER and HENRY JONES, of color, both waiters in Hawk's eatinghouse, seriously burned, but 1 it is thought that they will both recover. The wreck utterly demolished four freight cars, throwing pieces of them hundreds of yards. The west end of the new depot was completely blown away, and the bricks from it crushed into dust. Hawk eatinghouse was considerably damaged, but fortunately it did not catch on fire.
A number of persons, seeing the collision in time to take precaution, ran into the cellar before the explosion took place. This house is situated only about forty yards from the crossing. Several parties were in and about the freight depot, about the same distance off, but none of them were hurt. M'MICHAEL WAS POUND standing up after the wreck and tearing off his clothes, which were on fro, having suoceeded in getting rid of all, except a stonil remnant about his waist. watch found to-day.
He was the most popular conductor on the Chesapeake and Obio road and bad a host of friends all along the route. He leaves a wife and one child, and Martin was also a married man and lived st this TAKE THE Grand Rapids Indiana Railroad The "Fishing Line," FOR TI Trout, Grayling and, Black Bass Fisheries AND FAMOUS AND LAKES HEALTH OF AND SUMMER RESORTS NORTHERN MICHIGAN. Write at once for our TOURIST GuiDi tifully illustrated work of 160 pages, and contain ing full information for reaching and enjoyiag this grand region, which will be sent tree, wita time cards, map folders, etc. Address (mention ing the Courier- A. B.
LEET. Gen. Pass Agent, Grand Rapids. Mich. del UNITED STATES HOTEL.
IL. BROWN. je16 EDUCATIONAL MD. Vernon Institute, Vernon Place. Home Boarding and School for Young Ladies, Founded M.
J. JONES and Mrs. MAITLAND. able Circulars Professors. Languages practically taught on application: 1916 Weasel SCIENCE HILL SCHOOL, SHELBYVILLE, KY.
DERSONS desiring first class advantages for their dauguters should send for a of the above institution. Address W. POYNTER, D. Principal. 20 DR.
WARD'S SEMINARY, Tenn. The largest school for Girls the South, and most complete. 828 pupils this year; 14 more than Vassar had. For Me catalogue address Dr. W.
WARD. 1,10 d2m CT. GEORGE'S HALT FOR BOYS- ReistersD.own. Baltimore prepares for any college or business life. $300 per year.
in the Mindle States. Prof. J. 0. Catalogue Bad place.
THE DISASTER FULL PARTICULARS OF THE COLLISION, HOW IT HAPPENED AND THE DAMAGE IT DID. to the LEXINGTON, Aug. before 7 o'clock this morning the mixed train on the Chesapeake and Ohio railway, between Mt. Sterling and Lexington, Charles conductor, reached Winchester, where three cars were to be switched. ing the passenger coaches east of the switch, ran forward to the side track the three freight cars, but a tailure to throw the switch caused an advance on the main track.
To stop these detached cars and the passenger which had not been sufficiently braked, ran down on the tront part of the train. The train on the Kentucky Central track backed across the Chesapeake and Ohio line in front of the advancing engine, which, owing to the pressure behind COULD NOT BE STOPPED, in time to prevent a collision. The freman jumped off on one and gineer, after reversing lever, the otbes side. The engine struck the third car from the rear of the Kentucky Central train, which was loaded with seventy thousand pounds of blasting powder, billed to Richmond. This was turned over, broken in two and some af the powder cans being broken by the shock, their contents spilled on the track and sparks from the fast revolving wheels of the reversed engine, or from ignited the powder, causing TERRIBLE EXPLOSION.
Conductor MoMichael, running forward on top of the train to put on the brake on the first car, blown from the pleked up 200 fest away to the.
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