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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

triple Binaar. SUNDAY MOSMWO, MAT 11, 1979 THB CONVENTION, Proceeding at the 17th Dsy'i i BsMlon. auction of Ordlawioo, Ro aofl Reporti oi Biff Lemj)fcta preaent. 'or. by the Mr.

Jjrbe tTafr mitonueeat hat heappoiqt New Breaux. rtrs jafrMAte VMi few show this. It would also show how the etnerapwt aueflticm only wasted 15W0 ooples ight the country 9 farther mi MMody advocated Mr. Suiherlrn as the Committee on Oonteatf ring Uie consideration of the case of RIt, 'nScoSttee on CM i Orw. exist In this 8tate in the car, rice and other prodnctii eerds of iwiOTnlKht bVtie on th StatedebtT.

SSTni atofaSes that exfct In this 8tate in the sale or eottxm, sugar, rlcb and other products, and Ml fifSSaShs dn ebtwas allowed robligioww the ortreBtatwouldr called up and referred to the Commit Provisions. hlmdncUts Oraloances. I u' By Mr. Loan For the Imposition dietary CummUWu the ordlnanoe mtl appeals to roe Sapreme Court from parish of Caddo. DeSoto and Bossier, inrnable in the oifcy of Saw Orleans In 1 gd.

and suggested they he referred 1 tote oouid printed. The sixth article was then read fsh or mnnlc ipanaut orl "to gran tanyPe thorize the payrtent ofPny cbji thereafter ag iutihe Blare, or any parish or umnicipaii of the State, under any areo iudeb ted uessV i Ubi'l i oMpiA corporation tbereiufexeept due on confiscated property and ands of persons whose property forfeited lor nonpayment of Sifs' hords dxeS te oJtLi tn Jannary. "77." le oflVred a i i tttute to lor id ineethetto provision was mde jjBwgam lttec ojaTaatn repojrback "rted, and snggeaedhey he referred to WmiL committees. The report wae adopted tfind the report of the Committee of the Mrhole wae adopted. The roport on the third article was then proceeded to the fur alttM olunon.tlie report of the Com larari to.

tier the words "any claim." release or extinguish thought that the man who mMsVw jnThCrtsh ol Nacbiioctaetbe HxoJfaS inrSnd fte SSrfifeffiri WBeitt tar tesistlng community such as Mr. CnnnlDgbam did. The people of the toehes, who set all human laws and govern to ask Mr. Cunningham one question. What th'pos1 them ember of the Legisla hmnVB up MsBauury In nuiu'wBpeechf Mr.

Domas re ccarkea that he hoped It was the last time he woutd be eaUed upon to reply to any more Woody shirt speeches from the two good FIaflnmhd1ht the majority of the delegates were high toned men ana disposed to iort oned men and disposed to forget tho past nd to labor for the formation of an organic tw which would bring relief to the people or years to come. He would vote to refer Mr. Forman moved to refer the article Mr MooreCthoght refer the article back to the Committee on Llml other hand It would not be proper to refer the article to tne commute then came up on the.adopK porta of the Auditor there was now out leUemanM slsn Mr. Brldger spoke in opposition nees amounted to oyer half a million dollars. The speaker did not think it was patriotism on the partttese corporations to refuse MWarmoUtben delivered a speech full gdUl'lKg relSon The way of tax resistance It would Had the Democracy a solid unit in opposition to It.

time wnenhthenUrecitey' turned oat'i meetareturningfuKiUve jTrom the P'ih ksowif to jlnedltax registers. The speaker thought when he was that dlMUntrutshed position his views had Afterepeakiniuthla11 iijgsericiuMy.he grcat tac TIN? people having passed, ments to the pendin Uon adjourned until Monday at nooi LOCAL MISCELLANY. ing and swooped down upon the luckless bead of his Honor like an Alpine avalanche. A majority of them were persons commp wltblntb discretionary Pwer of the May of "tbena proposedto peddle 1 of ixty orders for jpernsits were granted within one hour, ana so many acerveltn gathering oi persons ta iioney was going out again meeting tl The resolution offered by Mr. Booth, ar adopted, in the Ho ird of Heilfb.

proclaii of ir agalLtt j.igeoi.s. encewas postponed. The Taarant Ordinance Iufernreted. There was a copeuir tlon jesterday, bate tte Mft5r alid tbe Cul utter must related to idle they0ncablonraTuruaD I mf mber of his family mlgh" makepi complaint as willfully idle. I iu i ond ffction.

relating to the crowd of'annoytncef "Thetdrdl1 reUtlwt "to Cthe teapreted to mean that heffIferonqore! for to pass. interpretation Dished every policeman guidance. TheMr.vorof Chicago having sent anln tb the City Fathers to visit his 1 5 thv ii.tendon oldnistratorsMarks SsSjaSsaMHrr WPl.T the past. kssRd Wifia artSwtirw'as th latter are squatters, as they claim the property on which their shanties are erect Mayor does not propose to remove; but eapuld they have no title they must go." form.d that An, WHOLISALB L1QCO The Order as to Katrtra In tl The law imposing a penalty Kookf rdeffiUrrecIf verify 'nd forward tl 111 'f to make the transcripts niSyalberpeV IbeSn Modifications. aity of acting Ue considered It ad X'sTOMS OFFICFRM AT QUARANTINE sent to the Quaranilne Station yester There are now at that point one Depu np by its owner for several days but was at i KAhBOAT.

was entered and an open face gold be accordingly made Ida complaint Accompanied by Mr. Meeker, Corporal 1 the vesnel lying at the ion 'was absent. ON KI KM ATI ON AT ST. 'rven'b. 'or the proper reception of the sacraments hk they have received.

MB.THEANI HY RECEIPTS Far Friday. Internal revenue $8,820 85 Lowest temperatuT in New Orleans during Friday night 68 Oenerally clear weather, with high temperature and humidity, und enaterly and tnunderstorme are ocLumng along ilf shore. Sale at the Cu.iom llou.e. Mwxa? with t0lhey were brought to the cUr about two i jrhj I On Thursday lat 60 bbls of whisky were seized by the officers of the Internal Revenue Department, being found Without Mttfips Indicating that the duty bad been Ihe whisky was owned by Mr. L.

bchommer. The penalty la confiscation. 'sSSS Sf'uds nature0 thatthe UwasTtrgateed majority of lnetanees tbe whisky is oiuer to insure a rapid sale of the liquor. BIRTH, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES. Fer the Week ended mmm Smcarday.

Births, iieaths. ges. Monday ss 7 Tuesday 12 7 1 I 14 4 1 2 SEIZEI GOOD4. that a fifty paMajMgB bftffiyS am at of June. reVeDUe pr8" OF CIGAR MANUFACTORIES oers he l0" given boi i Commls6i(Jiier Quin'tero on Saturday BASE BALL.

I annlzn Ion ef Clubs. 5 Thursday eveninx, My met yesterday af teres received from Turing a walking match uiftlraSilTfflTrltl thjniVf M8( A coromnnlcaUon from Mr. R. Charles mltMaaaMSl orderv1 was referred' to the "ance Con hadtoidrMm tg. This was inodental to a report they said they had closed' pumping and the work Mr.

Sorter moved that two of the Abbott Houston that the two garbage boats would he "ould designate a place In time. Report u6fn regafd SSfce pahlis hesdth, saying, in that If such places became Council atyCT. of the suggestions so far as possible, but Mr. many people recently bought lou erected costly toniba, and It would hardship to prevent tbcin from using Braugbn held tbe 1 riled crt. Hu tuai oi be properly builtand loed of tombs In the graveyards prohio iDteri r.

Holliday tUm by wheh the objt ot desired might be ac ctimpllfihtd. but thought a sweeoiur lost now would operate harshly against the subject was referred to the explained head vantages ot imeueed to the City Council. was reported that the ffeneive, log Imperfectly te r. 8 ted to appoint h4SKff he tqi.iva enr 'u nr. urM; a.

nil, ,1 Stdtt ly oi. tb" ap Wfttoo'ai'tla ct nv n'f modVnd im who paiUcipated in the uie ThO Sanitary Council of the Mississippi t4The result. produced tbeeffDrta of pted as unities, bnt to render that once Dracticable and safe. vlacei I ir Gen wDent. closed a most successf Bryant iS llfeii liiifis BASB BALL.

SlSTr! tls The Dr. E. Dreifns Base B.U Cfuh gSgJfiW? tKir estSife Solm President" dJU8R.n namtd Thfontest resulted In Mis, Mb Captain Cfllenges addressed to the Secre Bcbuppert being chosen QueenT mSS rSSSKS Se ttaroardf lth and the members of the Sanitary Edward Fesnes 3flo tJlSrof December Inclusive. or towrT, shall obtain a while at the docks and wharves of a city have been complied wR Said reightao? whatever descriptton. 18 In giA anitary condition, and may be safely transited to its point of destination.

Debate bv Ors. Jones. Dow 11. Thompson Dunning, Pi oposition IV All boats navigating "me manner at New 5BoSST Vlcksbt I deatina Proposition Whenever yello; cholera prevails at any of the taken, and the dam from the town, at a point tbe disinfection and cleansing At thereqUfSt i ber of the yards and lots of the citya cheaply obtained; and whereas, sired ana expected tnat tnrougn tneorui SdhereSfSe city drf dgeboats are now In good repair and salidhlc'BhaU Utiauon erod the committee of conference, The report was received. Gen.

Bussey stated that he wished the ity authorities to understand that while ut a thorough con I his colleaguos nn tir sympathy and co operation In the some desultory mmittee on Billiard Halls, Saloons RELIGIOUS NOTES. On Toesday evening next Rev, pr atb at tbe morning Bedt mptorist Churches. nchl, Alalers. Via L'otue little Vraf iht v.aitr,ar.ditgraeli it'i people auras cs 1 ni yujiUia1 Hedges uha Csirtias assistod In the noat iteif is a beauty. She is dou' ithrSereadwf and ilf SSspiips tTrecoM of8the tfoat aaThValteelf: hoJrSWlSSf Souttoff SI TarTeVbetor Id or a carfS lput boani On the Joseph A.

alker SO 00 'i v.i 25 Yi K. Prophet 20 no rouonriin't ommittee on P.nildtnK. 'Mechanics and Foundries. Fr.d. Wirp 50 00 R.MMdlrniis.".'."."."..'.'."."."."."."!.".'.'."."." 25 Cotton Buyers and Brokers.

Townsend, Wooley Co 25 00 A PROPOSED EXCURSION. On tbe 26th of the current month an excursion will take place from Galveston to oai, Antonio and return. The managers of the ORterprise re endeavoring to exteu.i trip from New Orleans So San Antou o. enccuragement tbe project may be given A CHILD STOL.EW. i.

an. ai on Thursday mornlug Mrs. Anton wect to market, lealnp hr infant When She returoedfrom martethewo' ai child were both gone, without ti i clue orjreaeontor the departora 1 I ooa beiod'and the kidnapper i.unifched. thl apprehandld nd crew. The in godfdal? wonWfiy PeaiTIi respectively, Tho leasees rethUunh log several retained by Capt.

Hamilton. joined In wishing he boat will be ready to take the place of predecoeeor, the Minnow, on tbe 1st ot Mrs. Mary some oalamity yith the following 1 J.rsement: was taken out. A notice President, and Mr. Barney 1 lohear from its contemporaries.

All lengee should be addressed to Kettle ADrtl, from his brother, James William. witnesses were examined, and testified Picayune on the 30th of April. it that the death wu ftu sed from fleet of tbe blow infllotea by James Wil liams, coroner Maraey aocoroiBgiy maae In custody. Thursday the peddlers for pedc i arrested twenty seven Prytanla btreets, and stole from tl of one of the servants three ooats, of pan ts and one vest. pairs son of Mr.

Paseama, was knocked down an( 88 8t. Mary street. Mr. Passama refused yesterday mornlne a little rwldVng0 StjaSSS i Stiraparu and First streets, a the wharf, head of Soraparu 1 The body has nbeen Muned Mela playing ids and body Bis Irdurlsflare paarfnl but not dangerous. Mn i.ael Ryan, native of Ireland, aged aO ears, yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, dropped dead at bis resMenoo, No.

iy Sev ei tb street. Deputy Coroner Finn viewed he body and gave a certificate, that death rauecd by general debility. Yetterday evening a colored man entered car No. 7 of The Tchoupitoulas streeT i at the corner of Tohpupttoulas ahd and hastily aban ll eM? g'fn't he Vnr nf tree Ursul'in'es'and St. Philip, Philip i hich had been Died of His Wound.

Anguste Lepage, who accidentally i rhePlcayuni ubat Loeper's Park, Bundaj 11th. A Pfeaslra Feifornmncf, Payaf rce'andctQM bweU re musical the stage. They belong to the funny family Ives of tbe world The a splitting 1 Tbongh last evening was certainly not PPyBeturns present "Many lib'pry Meenllcbt Ple.XIc. Baltz's PsvUion at New Lake End had a evening, on the riven by Battery the btautirnl night, and the pleasant "tea 'breezstne lie sweet music provided by i ic iic i place at Loept will be given lie Fruity terlati StnfLtores1. nn.t were a gmo of chess with living eautrr.i tal leanxhy the of at the Headqaarters was or ma1Ij8 BY IHE MEXICO AMD ST.

nwu Co Markoy held anmqueetfntheoaleofSamlwmiamiw hiow 5fveA on "hi Ji nth I 5rClSd mi' Ljf Llauibias, George Oavld'ati Despommler ere the members castings probation. HUNTING FOR WEAPOM BMBuB dettaKo? thehiKSSH ter, tie sensation la any thing but platsiBtW MM I 7 TBE SKATING RH Cleln Entertainment of the nll skating rink at Eiposlti the opinion of the i udges Miss appropriately dre Br. ant, the Assistant Instrtutor ff r. Bryant was taken by surprise, ai teredisfeelinKB6 and answered lot priate terms. The members of tbe el a dy beaded by a band of music, ms serenade.

The medal was mtU is an elegant piece i Mens Sana in Corpora Sano," i mg THE COURrS. and that ehid corporation, i live purchasers rcbasers at the said Mb Second District Coi lia Zalvarlno applies 1 J. Leche, agent, sues Charles Fifth DUtrlct Court. Damage Fenrth District Ceatt. Cnetave Yltter sues Jean Foumart! W.

W. Carr vs. P. Ranoe. Herneiaa! 1 JKB "jungua vs.

J. tore asagnltlco. twenty days; fskiiiganv aid BteaUng goods Tin n.en of the court' Judgs I L. bad jury polled and every .1" aas ordeied to be onteredal nrned i RrnrnKEB'S. acceptable donation in is the bound volume is to the press.

Thev and April, 1 need scarcely say highly attract! re. A PRBSBRTATIOS. Lively Time Amsnc the Atklstss..

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