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The Courier News du lieu suivant : Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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MONDAY, APRTL 6, 1931 KLYTHEVIU-E. (ARK.) COURIER NEWS PAGE THREt ED, MM (Continued from Pago 1) commented on iheir plans for ctty administration if elected with each candidate declaring himself opposed lo any increase In taxe-'. Mayor Heed declared: "I am against any Increase in taxes. Net. the case, and regain this revenue for tho city's benefit." Referring Uie possibility of a' gas franchise Mr.

Fairficld said: "If at oily tlm? a fianchlE? can be on f. basis I believe niythevillc sLiauIil have gas. but not under conditions." "I niver have been in c'. sa'. called 'blue lav.s.' I fcillcvi in churches and scliach nnd a i ble application and all laws." Mr.

Lawlcr would let the Kiilar- of the dtluns what tiny Presbyterians -lo Celebrate at Shrine April 12 In the v.ny of bin; laws for themselves. The "pcor man's candidate 1 declared that he v.ould find the will of ihe people tin and enforce them accordingly. only have we Just gone through a i A nQre Mf ujss-ibmlon of 'Red Cress year; Hi; worst period thc bur( en of by mi known In our history but this has ment of assessments or tows been rigidly enforced at tlr- beginnlng of this year a worlc witl (ll en naturally resulted in a sharp de- sltmgly a( iv cca ted Ly Mr. Lnwler dine. In the city's income.

But ,,,5 lmpM 3nl nt has'been a great falling cf re- tt )a ime celpts. Had collection of tnal wlll cnforcc he linv ECO1 ng their oalh. Tncn inayur must I work with Ilia council and mnk: of businesses might have been (hcm sharc UlQ t( i ed to close. Hardly any of th: city.i lnstejd cf lryl lg cv 5 thing on his' own decision." The financial for the fisci: year ending In March, which wr, completed Salurdcy by Audiior A. G.

Hall, will to published immediately upon approval by city mille'uge of the tax collections been made available this year b3- canse of the slow payment of Each department ol the city has been put on a minimum basis and expenses of every department kept down as much as pMsibls. i council. Mayor Reed said "I am opposed to th? granting of any gas franchise that the ccn- sumers will be unable to uss en account of the rate being too high. I have no axe to grind nor business to recuperate." nnd his brother, who were early pastors. The double ulceutennry niinivcr- snry celcbrullon mid pUtcrlnitiGO will bring to Old Tonnoni, the official heads of the Presbyterian church and a host of visitors Irum dlstr.tit places whoso religions or family traditions are tied up with Ihc chuivh's historic past.

Hi-v. Charles II. Ncfl Is pastor. New Cotton Seed el hit ing Process Proves Sueeesst'u! By Service P110KN1X. Arizona A method of delinllug cotton seed v.lilfli involves nothing more tliai undiluted sulphuric iicld and quick drylnjr process, has been ad vancrrt by Thomas F.

Armour Tempo, Arizona, who says that th will save cotton planters million dollars a year. Heretofore cotton planters IIIH difficulty in iilnnlii the lint which cove them pi events inalsliirc from lly reaching Ihc bud germ tin tends to produce uneven planlir "Perfect Love Match" 'Broken Chickens Save Lifer A substantial reduction in expenses of the city 11 will be possible with less politics and more efficiency in the clly government, according to Mr. who declares thai he will brln7 about this reduction if elected. Mr. Fairfteld also stated: "I will insist that all misienieau- or cases in the city be fried in th: city court Instead of transferred to justice courts as has bsen Old Tcnnant Church at Freehold were sheltered In the church.

It N. J. cbjact ol a great pilgrimage also survived lightning stroke and 12 lo April 15. In rec- lire during a storm In 1873. H0 HDED FIISDS I edition of tho 20CI1.

ar.lveisc-.ry ol Us cvcn to Its! wi GS ils thc 225th annl ttToujlu-lron cenlhervane-; its (UPl-Whcn the home of Mary v( rjal of the of th? walls, pcv.s and pulpit arc antiques. -Mcrlcy spinster, who coiidiiL't-1 first I)as tor ol the ancient Antme tho church's pastors was i is a national shrine of Presbyter-1 Ktv Tennent, famed for ed a dingy grocery store, searched bank books nnd aggregating were found restoration lo lilt: from a trance The historis church, 'first opened after several days, during which crevices, drawers, shelvss and clh- (o public worship 1731, is land-1 (lmc lx 01 Uvico Ba thcrcd tor his er out-of-lne-tvay places. Tile wo-. lnark Colonial'America as well funeral He wns ordained pastor man had been thought destitute. as o( (i ic antecedent days of the i 33 martyr Covenanters' ol Scotland.

According to Treasury ne- was 0ulldec by refujess from I The church's corporntc title Is pnrtmcnt, the President of the. gpniith persecution nc First Presbyterian Church ol United States receives his salary Ihe Counly of Monmoulh, bnt il check scmi-momhly. He receives; Old Vcnucm escaped destruction had a variety of popular names, a chsck for S3.125 signed by the: at ihe Battle of Moninuulh. scars I Its title of Church was ac- trcasurer of the United States. i.of which it still bear 1 quired In memory of John Tennent BROQKMAN Author of nnin; TODAY r.Yl'KI IM'Ur III Xrvv York utfltr.

mnr- Tln JP1 WAI.1.AI;F. lljv 4aj aflrr 111- im-i'la hlu. nl Ibr home or hirr uViIffcj ri.iMln. ANXK TKOW- i lr IM-CH jiHcd l.y AI.A3 rnnSRY. Imck from a In PnriK, and Wlll- lluncrr hnikcn their ca- t'-ixrmrut.

TLvrc no romance In Itic union. Wnllzcc la yoDnc hmjvr. Tbej- Ru bin home In T'crcKt C'lly where bin iitt- to niid licr. JTln tbe defenne of MMA HOIlKHT-i. i.cco.rj of mnr- Ufrlnc her IJH.

Tlie cane HISS. of lo the on Ibr xlnnd. KxprrtB de- the- ivnund i-uold nut bnve hrra iclf-tntllt-lrd and It anpenra iircigrL-ulloii will trin. xara tm mee at her bnmF. GO H'lTH THB STORK CHAPTER XXIX A girl in a soiled apron, answering.Gypsy's ring, looked out doubtfully through the partlj opened door.

"Does Mrs. Fowler lire Gypsy asked. "Yes. nia'nrn, hut I don't know if you can 1 "You don't understand. Please tell nor that "Ob, are you the nurse?" The door npcnc-d tlien and tbc rjirl stepped back for Gypsy to en- lor.

The pause wase barely perceptible. Tucn Gypsy nodded. slic said. "I'm ihe hursc. houiM it vns best to let Uio girl uisuftderalancl." Tbc woman's face had hardened.

'Who are you?" she demanded. 'And what do you want here?" Gypsy spoke In a lower voice: 'I'm Mrs. Wallace." Bba said. "I saw you in Ibc courtroom the other day. My husband 13 Nina Roberta' Sirs.

Fowler put up one hand to her. "I can't listen to you," sho said. "Upstairs my little hoy is lying dying! I've got to-go to him. You'll 1 have to leave." TT was terrible to see the woman's ngony. This lil'i' ilia fainting spell in (lit- "But 1 cau'l I've inlrl tlypsy ILIH: tho doortell inlerruiitcil.

ler.licsllatcd. Tlien slie iipu i door. A pleasant soprano voii-p spoke. "I'm Misd fly Will you hert?" tell Mrs. Fowler I'm A child's cry.

frcttul nnd high- pitched, reiil llic air. and Ihu girl lurneil. "I'll tell her you've come." I said. "Dr. Rogers sent me lo take care of the lilile boy." come in." A young womau in a blue suit, carrying a small suitcase, entered, Slio smiled at Gypsy.

"How is tie child now?" the nurse asked. "When 1 left him," Mrs. Fowler said, "he was quieter, but I don't know how long it will last Will you come upstairs?" The two disappeared and Gypsy sat down, frowning. It must bo now or never. Mrs.

Fowler would have to listen to her! Twice she heard tho child crying. It must have been 10 minutes before the returned. Dearly crazy! 'Bobby' Isn't going lo get well. He's die because I've been a wicked woman! I didn't mean to do It, I tell you. I swear I dldnlt! Oil, Bobby, Bobby! Oh, what will I do?" disturb the boy!" Gypsy ordered.

Jlrs. Fowler was -weeping hysterically. There was no time to lose. "Bobby Isn't goins to die," the girl went on. "Don't you see it you tell tba truth tilings will all right? Listen, I have a cab waiting outsido.

Get your coat nnd hat and I'll take you right "But I can't go. I can't leave Uobby!" the woman protested. "Do you want him to die? Do you want him to die because you let them punish Nina Roberts for liat you did?" It all illogical but It was effective. Almost beforo Mrs. Fowler knew what she was doing Gypsy had her in the laxlcab.

Throughout the ride tho woman kept her eyes covered with a 'handkerchief. She wept spasmodically. Gypsy was ei cited. Over and over she rcpcatcc instructions. make tbo cookies, I want to mako tUein myself." frillE- cook looked dubious.

kind of cookies wevo you to mnke?" "1 don't know. Molasses cookies, guess. No, eingcr. We've got omo ginger, haven't we?" "Yes, Mis' "Where's the. cook book?" "There's some books up theri on be shelf, in the cabinet but If you want the kind of ginger cookies i lake I never use a recipe." "Well, then, you can tell mo what put in." Gypsy lifted down a Mrs.

Florence Rice Smith, above, whose marriage ney Smith, socially prominent New 1 imirh" nlans Reno ril-l Ci-mr's ability to raise prize-wlnnhijj chickens hna won him a vorce. Mrs. Smith, daughter of from Hlu sentence In prison. Ten years ago John was sen- Grantland Rice, spoils writ-1 U'liced lo die for murder. Friends succeeded til having Ihe sentence has been separated from her I to i l(e tc Jo i entered prison In San Francisco and husband since October.

slarlcd raking poultry. His birds won so many cups and me'dals that i In v.lll soon be given freedom lo enter tlie business. He Is shown here New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS. April C. tUp'i- Cotlon closed steady.

Open High Low Close May 1050 IMG 1015 11115 July 1015 1081 1070 1070 Oct 1104 im 1101 1102 Dec 1124 1133 1122 1122 Jnn 1140 113011 Mnr 1145 llfiOb Thomas V. Armour by "skips" itirows when netliantcal planters nre used. With Armour's device, however, he lint Is removed from the seed vithcut damage and leaves the SpDls closed steady nt 1020, oit 5. New York Cotton NEW YORK. April 0.

(UP) closed steady. Mas- seed "naked, 1 somewhat rcsem- July bling a black coffee bean. The de-j Oct. has another desired effect! CC that it completely sterilizes the; Jan. srcd.

eliminating the dreaded blackarm fungus disease so costly many southern stales. Tills alone wil mean a large saving to ninny cotton areas. Exhaustive tcsls. ol -the new tle- llnting process have proven so conclusively its value is almost sure to become regular adjunct to )the gining process, Ernest Douglas, cotlon expert of the Salt Rivtr valley district, reports. Mrs.

Kowler had been weeping. said nnd disappeared through She came directly to tbe girl, fixing her frightened eyes ou Gypsy s. "What is It you want?" she nsked. Out of the unknown, inspiratioa a doorway. Gypsy hud lime to Inspect tbe room.

It ran the widlb of Ibc house with a of windows making a wir.tlow scat facing the street. The room was well furnisbad Ihough no parlicuiar dlslincllon. There was a piano ai the far side. a piece ol Chinese embroidery thrown over ils lop. The furnilure v.T.s a malqhins "set" of heavy, r.verstuti'ed design with hero am! there a piece of mahogany.

The rug looked expensive. There were newspapers In an untidy heap on Iho davenport and Gypsy caiigbl glimpses of tbe black headlines tcrlblng the Roberts trial. It must have been a day or since the room had been dusted. Gypsy noticed lliat there were ashes In the tray heslilo tbo davenport. At Ihc somid of foolstcjra Iho slfl arose.

Mrs. recognized her in the doorway. Tho woman's face was drawn and worn. Her hair was knolleil back carelessly. Sho lookci older than wl 'en Gypsy had acei her In the courtroom.

"You're Miss Thompson?" sh said to Gypsy. "1 wasn't exuccllii; you so soon hut I'm glad you've come. Hobby's feverish and 1 can' make klm Ho qulcL Shall we g. Gypaf Interrupted. "Just a mln nte, Mrt.

Fowler." slio said. "I'd better tell at once I'm not th nurte." "Why, what do you mean?" "I'm not tho Thomp gou or whoever It was you ex peeled. I've como to sec you abou something terribly Important, tell elsa and had come to Gypsy. It was not hat she had Intended to say. It as in that brief nstant Mrs.

Fowler had paused on 10 threshold. Tlicre was no time 0 consider. Gypsy slooil up. Her voico was ushcd. "I've como to tell you that hey know!" she whispered dra imirally.

"Who? What do you mean?" "I'vo conic from Ihe ioborls' trial." Gypsy went on Dreathlcssty. "I've come lo tell'you hey know she didn't do It. They've got the whole story. Everything! 've come to warn Fowler's eyes were glassy She was staring nt the girl. Gypsy sure slio was right, went on relent cssly: "Go to my husband and tell him he truth!" she whispered.

"Only hurry! He'll help you. They'll be easier on you if you confess. Tel them he was lo yon! You'v got a chance if you hurry. No en will ever know that I've been here 1 promise you they'll never know! Mrs. Fowler had burled her fac in her liauils.

Her shoulder When tho words came the were Indistinct: "Ho threatened to kill Bobby! she moaned. had to do It! Gypsy put her hand on tho otbc woman's arm. "Tell them that, sho snli). "They'll be easy wll you. Did you?" Mrs.

Fowler shook her bead. He voico was still muffled. "He Bobby!" she said. "He wns Jealoi o( him. And now Bobby's going to punish bee Mrs.

Fowler was to go to little room at the rlgbt of tbe en trance and speak to the-bailiff. Shi must say she had an tarportan message for Mr. Wallace. Very im porlant! After Jim appeared sh must talk to him privately and tel him it was sho who had killed he husband. Jim would know what do next.

When tho cab slopped Gyps pulled the other woman's bal dow to hide ber face. Thero was liltl likelihood that Mrs. Fowler woul 'f can't como with you," Gypsy aid, "but I'll be praying for Bobby. oodby! She told the driver to wall unlll ho black-coaled figure had dlsap- enred through the cnlrance lo the ourthouse. Then they drove back lha Wallace home.

When she entered the house ypsy was amazed to find ll was nly 10:30. There were letters on 10 table In the ball. She glanced hrousli them. Nothing Interesting. Ihe tried to busy herself at half dozen tasks and gavo up each one illsgust.

Only one tblng occupfcd icr mind. What was happening In bo courtroom? There were moments when she If Mrs. Fowler's nerve lad failed her. Had she been able reach Jim? "I should have stayed down Gypsy thought. "Then bo extras on the street.

No- It's better for me to bo home!" So long as she was alone eh could not keep her mind off Ihc trial. She went upstairs and changed to a house dress, then de scendcd to the kitchen. Mallld wns pulling clean paper on Ih shelves of the cupboard for Gypsy asked, "how you make cookies?" The cook looked around from he perch on tho top of tho stcpladder "Haven't you ever baked cookies? she asked incredulously. "No, but I'm going to. I'm goln to mnke some "But Mis' Wallace.

Friday's th baking day. If I'd known yo wanted cookies I'd have made them "I'm glad you didn't," Gypsy 1 UrrjipteiL "i 3 1 W. arge yellow mixing bowl and luntcrt through a drawer for ipoons. Matilda's gaze was disapproving. This was certainly an un- iccustomed procedure.

"I can stir up a balcb. In no she suggesled. "I can make em right after Gypsy shook her head. "They may ue tcrriblo cookies," she satu. Tiut I'm going to mako them myself.

Now what's the first thing I jut Into this bowl?" For a half-hour sho stirred and mixed dough and rolled It Into thin sheets to be cut in discs. was at her elbow, prompting suggesting, but Gypsy refused assistance. When the first lln of cookies went Into tbe oven the girl stepped back with a sigh. "What time is it?" sho asked. It was 11:30.

Time enough for Jim to have telephoned' If there wero any news. Surely there should have been word by this time. Gypsy went to the door and propped it open so they could hear more clearly if tliQ telephone rang. There was another tray of cookies to bo filled. 1'resenlly the uir was filled with pungent, spicy oiior.

"Want mo lo look at 'cm?" Ma- Ida asked. "Cookies burn awful asy." Gypsy drew down the oven door, ho cookies bad puffed up and ome of them bad run together. Stio irned the blaze lower and relumed the miiing board. Snon ihe lirst was out and the second baking. "They're good," Maljlda admitted rudgingly.

Gypsy munched a cookie and nodded, satisflea. "You'll have to write down tho ecipc fur tnld llic cook. Wherc'd you learn how to mako IiemV" raised her bands in of mock dospair. "How hould 1 know? Ginger always made them tho vay. German filrls how to when they're young.

One of seven, I vns I used lo help my mother with the baking when I was 10 years old." "Where did you livo when you were a girl?" Gypsy askeil. "Minnesota. I've got two brothers there still." It was not Ihe occasion for Gypsy Opfn High 1G30 lOaS 1075 1080 1105 1112 1125 1133 1130 1H3 1153 1159 1047 1071 1102 1125 1135 1152 Cbse 1072 1104 1125 I13G 115) wit! 1 two of his prize winners. Disturbances in Peru Fail to Halt Sailings NEW YORK, dls- lurtances In Peru have failed to lull weekly sailings lo llic West Coast iiorts of South America, officials of Ihe Grace Line reporl, Aiuciican properly mid members of American in Callno nnd Americans has been siiown by the. discontinuance- of passport requirements, vaccinations, and good health and good conduct certificates tntd- A thermometer with ths marked with raised figures and Inscriptions In Braille characters has Lima have gone unmolsted.

been Invented for Ihe use of blind Penis 'friendly altitude toward persons. Spots closed quiet at 1015, oil 0 Only One Alien Serves British Army LONDON, one alien is serving In Die British nrmy, according to statistics. Last Right of Way Obtained for Canal NEW ORLEANS, last major obstacle to the completion if the Infracostal canal in Louisiana was cleared away recently with the delivery of checks lotall- fng $40,000 to landowners for rights wav in Terrebonnc parish. The Federal government had allotted millions of dollars for the project, but none of the money could be used until all rights of way between New Orleans nnd Morgan City had been obtained. Work will probably get.

under way sometime in May, Major R. P. Powler, district engineer here, said. 7.G38 1 Welshmen, Scotsmen, 8.813 Irishmen, 2,535 Colonials, 161 Britons born In foreign states and the one alien. Accordingto the report 125,000 of the soldiers belong lo ttaj Church of England, 22,500 arc 1 Ca-1 tholics, 13,300 are Proshylcrluns, 7,610 nre Methodists.

W.cs- leyans and 123 Jews. I AM SO my SKIN is now clear S.S.S. la famed for Us ability 'to build new strength in Uie the kind that HEALS so-called skin troubles. Every spring countless thousands take this purely vegetable tunic so that they may have a clear skin and greater resistance ngainst infection and disease. You, too, will want to.take S.S.S.

forthis very reason. Select the larger size as it holds double the quantity anil represents a price saving, S.S.S. Spring take S.S.S. Tonic In 1550 a Portuguese navigator published book on Ihe subject, of building a Panama canal. Cripple Obtains License To Drive His Automobile PITTEFIELD, (UP) Clarence T.

Manger, 40, crippled by infantile paralysis since lie was four yoars old, walked into the motor vehicle regislry office on his, hands and requesled permission to i take the regular test for a driver's license. An hour Iat3r he drove away with the license in his pocket. Belangcr's automobile is equipped with hand controls of the clutch and brakes. Your If bothered with bladder irritations, getting up nt night and constant backache, don't take chances! Help your kidneys at the first sign of disorder. Use Dofln's Pills.

Successful for more than 50 years. Endorsed by hundreds of thousands of grateful users. Gel Doon'j today. Sold everywhere. DDANS PlLI Thed fords BLACK- DRAUGHT i Vegetable) to be Interested in Mruiliia's relatives.

As soon ns Iho hist tin of cookies "was out of Uio oven the left the kitchen. Gypsy went Into the living room and gazed dejcclcdly out at tho street. Suddenly she heard an un- familiar noise. She ran lo the front door and out on the porch. Far in tho dislance she heard a boy shout- i Ing, She could nol tee Ihe newslwy but Ihc voice carae from the right.

Gypsy slarlcd down ihe slops, nut then tho telephone rang shrilly, Sho turned but before she was In- side tho house Matilda was culling: me, Mis' Wallace!" POWDERED LAXATIVE AND FOR INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS FA-35 IN. USE NEARLY 100 YEARS Discount to All Owners of CHEVROLETS On Parts nnd Repair Service, Including Washing and Greasing. During April And Look at These Tire Prices They're Available to You at Wholesale. U. S.

Royal Cord Size' Sale Trice Tutw 21x4.50 6.20 20x4.50 5.90 $1.30 19x4.75 6.80 $1.35 32x6.00—10 ply $33.60 S3.80 U. S. Peerless Size Sale 1'ricc Tube 21x4.50 $4.95 $1.10 20x4.50 $4.85 $1.10 19x4.75 $5.80 $1.15 Every Tire Guaranteed Used Cars At Every Price W. I. DENTON CHEVROLET CO.

CHEVROLET CARS AND TRUCKS Main Franklin Phone 378.

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