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The Tribune from Coshocton, Ohio • 4

The Tribunei
Coshocton, Ohio
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THE COSHOCTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27. 1933. FAQS FOTCt THE BALLOON ASCENSION WILL BE TEMPORARILY POSTPONED This Curious World William Ferguson THE COSHOCTON TRIBUNE (AND TIMES-AGE) AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Entered us econd class matter at the post orfic Coshocton. Ohio. Published each, evening mid Sunday morning by The Tribune Company.

JOHN W. CUIAEN COMPANY National Advertising Representative WESTERN OFFICE EASTERN OFFICE a rear-Impoverished people a chance to regain their traditional social and economic Independence, And, further, these patriotccrs who boosted for war in 1917 and who are booing recovery In 1933 forget how large a part of the present expenditures wilt be recovered, cither by repayment or thru improvement in business conditions. Even at the lowest estimate, the return on the nation's Investment in its future will look, by comparison with the wartime squander mania era, like a gigantic New Era profit. New York ,1 Smith Mtchlaaa Ave, 501 Fifth Chicago General Motors Drtrclt. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation.

Select LUt of Ohio Dally Papers, Associated Ohio Datlle. RATE OF SrBSCKIPTIONS In City by Carrier 7.00 Per Per Year. By Mail One Week .15 Nine Weeks 1 00 pourWeeka .60 filx Months MAO One Year $4 60 Tie Tribune has complied with all National Recovery Administration code. provision of the 1he WORLD WAR. OUT AT A 7IAAE WHEN VIRTUALLY AU.TH& OR CAT LEADERS WERE PAST THEIR PRIME CLEAAENCEAU 75 66 KITCHENER 64 FOCH 63 MOLTKE 65" SUKHOAALINOFF 62 ASQUITH (51...

WOODROW WILSON WAS BUT 59 FISH NETS 0ELOW THE TELEGRAPH Ni HWVKl INC. 9 ml ill if OLD HAVE BEEN OOO, ARE CUT Nazi Sterilization HITLER'S Nazis, who stress the need for a virile and healthy body of citizens in Germany, seem at least to have the courage of their convictions. It is announced in Berlin that more than German men and women presently will be subjected to sterilization under the Nazi law for the prevention of diseased progeny. Here is action of a kind which eugenists and other scientifically minded folk frequently have urged, but which Is so drastic and which involves so many factors about which our knowledge is not yet complete that most nations have shrunk from it. But not the Nazis.

They are determined to establish a and active race in Germany; therefore, no one who has physical or mental defects which he might transmit to his descendant will be permitted to have children. The law is severe and inflexible but it is at least logical and courageous, Full leased wire report of the International Newa BervK la received dally. Unsigned letters from readers cannot be puhltKheU, altho upon request the writer's name will be omitted. The editor reserve the right to reject all communications In excess of BOO words, or others not suitable for publication. Manuscript will not be returned unless accompanied by postage.

SQUAW DUCKS1; CAyGKT IN Wt OOOtmMXT lOO FEET A THOUGHT FOR TODAY The mob has nothing to lose, everything to gain. -Goethe. OOO TREES ANNUALLY FOB. TELEPHONE, r-rv- An Old Argument II'' HIP; ciforts of Col, Lindbergh are successful, the old hostility between Orville Wright and the Smithsonian Institution at last will be ended, and the Smithsonian will get possession of that historic Wright airplane in which man began his great conquest of the air. The antagonism begun because the Smithsonian seemed inclined to give primary credit for inventing the airplane to Professor Langiey.

Mr. Wright protested that the Langlcy airplane never got into the air until long after the first Wright flights, and that even then it flew only after important alterations had been made in its structure. Public opinion doubtless sides with Mr. Wright in this dispute. And it Col' Lindbergh succeeds in smoothing over the situation, so that Mr.

Wright will consent to let the Smithsonian have his plane, everyone will rejoice. This plane is an American Invention, and it belongs in an American museum. KEEP YOUR SHOP FREE FROM FLYING DUST Inhaling Fine Particles of Stone or Other Materials Causes Serious Lung Disease That May Lead to Tuberculosis The Pledge of Peace IT isn't always easy to figure out Just what Is going on at the Pan-American Conference at Montevideo; but In at least one respect Secretory Hull seems to have paved the way for a bettor and healthier understanding between the United States and the nations of Latin America; By giving his government's pledge that hereafter no Latin-American nation need fear Intervention by the United States, Mr. Hull has struck boldly at the greatest obstacle to International friendship and co-operation in the new world. Mr.

Roosevelt, already had promised that this country would be a "good neighbor" to the other new world nations. Secretary Hull's pledge implying, as it does, a far-reaching change in our Latin-American policy Is simply a means of putting that into practice. FROMTHE TRIBUNE FILES Two women sauntered to tho book counter of the department store. "Looklt. Emma!" squealed one, holding up a copy of Louisa Alcott's "Little Women." "The picture opened up at Radio City last week 'n' already they got it out in book form!" (The New Yorker.) he was struck by a Pennsylvania train at the Locust st.

crossing. A milk wagon belonging to Alon-zo Robinson was demolished when it was struck by an automobile. Robinson's team of horses was bruised and cut. Word was received here that Demtrius Baggs, a former Clow plant employe, had been wounded while, fighting at Solssons, France, in May. C.

R. Herblg, an employe of the Firestone Rubber was made superintendent of the bi-products department of the plant. 10 Years Ago Today DECEMBER 27, 1923 Spinal meningitis caused the death of Harold Raymond Doak, 16, son of Mr, and Mrs. Luther Doak of Fresno, at his home. His death followed a short illness.

Vandals entered the Chestnut st. school building and stole 12 of the 15 boxes of chocolate bars which were in the building. Mrs. Jennie Davis, 60, a former resident of Coshocton county, died at her home in Jackson. following an illness of complications.

Health Commissioner Wynne of New York finds that whiskey sold for less than $3.50 a quart is worse than the liquor bootleggers used to provide. Well, we can't have ALL the benefits of prohibition. Ity DR. MORRIS I IS1IBEIN Editor Journal or the American Med ical Association, and of Hygela, the Health Magazine. If you happen to be working in a shop where a great deal of dust is in the air, you should see that all possible precautions are taken to keep frtim inhaling that dust.

Doctors have known, for centur- les, that dust is one of the primary causes of lung disease particularly tuberculosis. One of the worst types of dust diseases, that leads to tuberculosis, is silicosis, caused by breathing In silica dust. There also is asbestosis, from breathing in asbestos dust; anthracosls from breathing in coal dust, and siderosis, from inhaling iron dust. Silicosis is known, popularly, as miner's consumption, or potter's asthma, or stone mason's phthisis, according to whether it Is found among workers in mines, In potteries, or in stone. Silica is used In all sorts of scour ing and polishing, and in sand paper grinding.

It is found in the development of fertilizer and insecticides, as a filler in rubber, in manufacture of glass, in manufacture of various insulating materials, nnd in grinding of lenses. Naturally, the amount of dust de veloped and inhaled depends on the nature of the Industry concerned, and the various measures taken to prevent inhaling of dust by the worker. Ex-President Hoover advises the G. O. P.

to hold its fire against the Democratic administration until enough errors have accumulated. But the next presidential campaign Is less than three years away! An oceanographlo expedition has discovered on the floor of the Indian ocean something that may be the "lost continent of Lemurta." Did taxation put it there? (South Bend Tribune.) Recovery vs. War Funds Prom the Detroit News A CYNICAL and irreconcilable newspaper critic of the administration recovery program mournfully declares that "the New Deal Is now costing the nation's taxpayers $12,500,000 a day," and wonders why nobody is appalled or startled at It. Inasmuch as some economists contend that the World war was of far less moment to the American people than the economic chaos and widespread poverty which have grown out of it, It is perhaps not so very surprising that they should not be "appalled or startled" at the cost of the New Deal, when they contrast it with the terrific expenditures of their Government in that most unholy and unnecessary war that "wrecked the economic system of two continents." It is to repair a part of that tremendous wreckage that the New Deal has been inaugurated, and never was Government money devoted to a more imperative and beneficient public end. The cost is almost trifling compared to the billions which were poured Into the bottomless pit of war.

In two years, the Wilson Government expended and, according to Gen. Hugh Johnson, who was a member of one of the chief war boards, if the war had continued thru 1919, our expenditure for that year would have increased the total by 30 billion dollars, as we were putting up. most of tho money to keep the infernal conflict going. Let it be remembered that those mountainous war expenditures were made for criminally destructive purposes, with not one lota of benefit accruing to anyone except the? shameless profiteers, while every dollar being spent under the Roosevelt recovery program Is devoted to repairing the awful havoc and it wrought by the war, and to give AND POWER LINE POLES IN s. alone; 12-17 When dust containing silica is inhaled, it produces fibrous changes in the lung.

As these fibrous changes occur, resistance of the lung breaks down in some manner, so that the lung with silicosis is more likely to become tuberculosis than one without. The disease develops gradually. In the early stage the person may look well and feel well. Soon, however, he begins to develop a dry cough, he has a tendency to catch cold easily, and then shortness of breathing or short-windedness be-cames a prominent symptom. In an earlier day it was necessary to depend wholly on the physical examination and on the history of the case to determine presence of this disease; but with development of the X-ray, it is possible to make a positive diagnosis without difficulty.

The patient with silicosis who develops tuberculosis has a much more difficult time in recovering than one who has not silicosis, and in many instances this form of tuberculosis Is fatal. A person working in an industry where silica is involved should have protection against its dangers. Dust-producing operations should be housed in special departments and in these departments, wherever possible, effective exhaust ventilation should be used, to remove as much dust as possible. Water used in the places where It Female shetp. 18 To doie.

20 Monkey. 22 To steal. 24 Species of pier, 26 Mow. 21 Sheer. 29 Hops kiln.

30 Second nets, 31 Nay. 32 Before. 33 A university. 3Rxifitad. 38 Monetary units of Bulgaria.

41 Seized. 42 Aromatic berry. 44 Left hand page. VERTICAL 1 To honk, 2 To mux. 3 Either.

5 Transpose (abhr). 6 Kindled. 7 To be sounded 48 Clay. back. 47 rtthlik 8 They flew into stemmed plant the 60 Behold.

10 acted 81 Dyewood tree. ti the lifting 68 Lubricant, force for th 4 Age. balloon. 66 Averait 12 Beer. 13 Simpleton.

87Mortndl 4yt. Mary Pickford says that her religion is something like the New Thot. Doug's religion, no doubt, is something like the Second Thot. (Minneapolis Journal.) Germans, by a new ruling, may visit any country except Austria. And that's the only decision of Germany's, probably, in which Austria might He Aims High Sonic fellows are such poor managers they know how to run everything except the Journal.) Answer' to Trevloiis Tur-zle the dust develops is, of course, helpful In keeping dust down.

In some types, of work, it may be possible to substitute other materials for silica. For individuals, various types of air masks and respirators have been developed, to filter the dust. Use of silica now is so widespread in industry that it demands special consideration to protect health of workers. Washington Letter By RODNEY DUTCHER WASHINGTON. Dec.

27. Roosevelt will support Senator Hiram Johnson for re-election in California, according to Democrats who claim to know. The senator is a Republican progressive who bolted his party to support Roosevelt in the 1932 campaign. He returned here a few days ago announcing his support of the Roosevelt policies and raising the alternative of "Roosevelt or hell." Then he went to pay hla respects to the White House. Now tho dope is that the president will call on California Democrats to get behind and not to oppose Johnson.

The Hoover faction controls G. O. P. machinery In California and has been anxious to beat Johnson when he comes up for re-nomination. Roosevelt's action might mean a formal effort to take over the progressive wing of the Republican party, which generally supports the New Deal, and thus begin the long, awaited realignment of parties on the basis of social-economic principles.

Senators Cutting of New Mexico and LaFollette of Wisconsin are al so up for re-election this year, facing a severe primary fight and the Met that their slates have gone heavily Democratic. Roosevelt's at titude toward endorsing them is not known. It may depend on developments in the coming session. Boon for Housewives Electric stoves and refrigerators for half the prices now charged will be available in the Tennessee Valley area when the TVA's flood of cheap electricity is turned loose there. That's part of the Electric Home and Farm Authority, Just created to finance consumer purchase of electrical equipment.

David Lillenthal of TVA has worked it out with manufacturers. Senator George W. Norrls of Nebraska, father of the TVA plan who believes "a new world" can be opened up by cheap power and cheap equipment, thinks such equipment usually sells for three and a half times what It is worth. High prices of electricity and equipment have kept down sales, he says, whereas a first-class electric stove "shouldn't cost as much as an old-fashioned cook stove, and operation should be cheaper." Lynching to Be Costly Senator Costignn's antl-lynchlng bill will be a stiff one. Counties in which lynching occurred would be fined $10,000, payable to the victim's family or the Treasury.

Any officer neglecting or falling to make all appropriate efforts for protection or for apprehension and prosecution of mob members would be liable to maximums of five years Imprisonment and $3,000 fine. Any official co-operating in delivery of a prisoner to a mob would be liable to a prison sentence of from five years to life. Oreat Luck for Nary The navy is getting tho breaks in this administration. Roosevelt, a former assistant secretary of the What's to become of the home chemist's that tasted like the contents of a storage i Detroit News.) IcIajh AJLIOIE AWT nHE MARY DiApN OAlt WROE 20 Years Ago Today DECEMBER 27, 1913 Word was received here of the death of Seldon Boyd, 41, a native of the Fresno vicinity, which occurred at his home in Norman, Okla, after a brief illness of pneumonia. Damage estimated at $5,000 was done when the Burrell Frazier hardware store In Frazeysburg was burned.

Fourteen years before a building belonging to Frazier's granaiamer naa Deen aesiroyea by fire on the same lot. Coshocton relatives of Mrs. Caroline McGuire Connell, 55, a former resident of the Canal Lewisville vicinity, were Informed that she had died at her home in Ventura, Calif. When he fell down a flight of stairs at his home in Clowville, John Keller, 50, suffered three broken ribs. 15 Years Ago Today DECEMBER 27, 1918.

John Lugis, 50, was killed when navy, is seeing to that. The Coast Guard, with its 10,500 men and 200 vessels, will be turned over to the navy under present plans. The marines were recently put under it. Thanks to Roosevelt, the navy drew $238,000,000 for ships from the public works fund. It expects millions more for modernization.

PEOPLE'S FORUM PROHIBITION WAS BETRAYED, HE CLAIMS Editor The Tribune: Your picture of, the final ceremony attending the annulment of the 18th amendment, Instead of sounding the doom of prohiblton, just announces the advent of more prohibitions of the liquor traffic than was ever Intended by the enactment of the 18th amendment. The public is a'wut it witness numberless prohibitions of the liquor traffic, any one of which will prove more obnoxious to the foes of the late amendment than its straight and simple prohibition of the manufacture, sale and possession for beverage purposes. No one of ordinary mental capacity and Intelligence ever thot it would completely destroy the beverage use of intoxicants. All that could be reasonably expected of It was to simply restrict and reduce the abuses and evils resulting front it as much as possible, and educate the public to a realization of the enormity of the evil, and tho benefits from a total abstinence of the use of a demoralizing, degrading socially depraving influence. Prohibition itself had nothing to do with the results of a predetermined intent to nullify it by the united force of the liquor interests; the servile hypocrisy of venal politics and high-hatted hypocrisy of the professions and professional reformers were responsible for all of 'It.

Nothing else could come from the liquor Interests than the part they took In discrediting It. It was the other forces working within the ranks of prohibition that produced the seeming disfavor of the public for it. Prohibition was stabbed in the back by the politicians, who Used it to further their personal ambitions by professing fidelity to It so long as they could win vote by doing so, and by the lowest form of perfidy, knocking It New York, Day IIOIUZONTAL 1, 4 The balloonist Is Lieut. Comm. Acid.

9 Wealthy. 11 Mad" 14 Your. IT. ItlRlit, ti! Detty. IT Form nt ID Natural power, ill Heverenee, mutant.

Woven string, '25 Uame played on lioi'spWk, 17 t'nlt. 25 Who was at -oaring partner? 34 Huge, Street, SuRuelouft, 87 Verbal. and turning against it with contemptible charges of evil when they thot by so doing they could best serve their own interests. We had several notable instances of that kind in Ohio. They submitted to domination by the extremists and enacted drastic enforcement measures that incurred the displeasure of rational supporters of the Jaw.

Tho war propagandists, profiteers and eminent exponents of militarism brazenly asserted that prohibition was responsible for a great increase of crime following its enactment, when the truth Is that the depravity usual after the end of hostilities is invariably due to the depravity of the war sponsors, who hesitate at no Infamy and justify its horror3 for purely selfish purposes. Prohibition will be one of the most bitterly fought issues In the years to come of any before the people. It has a solid foundation of merit with the better half of the people to support it. Its enemies were forced to go to the slums, to resort to falsehoods and trickery to win, and now they find themselves compelled to take large doses of prohibition to operate what they practically confess a shum and menace to the public. The doom of prohibition is as far away as the millenium.

D. S. SNIDER. Flapper Fanny Says: nro u. eT orr.

Rome Mgh-toned girls need to ioft-pedal their afComiHshmenl. 4,1 Form of "be." 4fi Oemia of rodents. NiRlit befort. 49 Wild goose. 61 Saered interdiction.

r3 Heglon. Mi Fish eggs, f6 Insect chrysalis. 51 Call for help at sea. 40 ManlfeM 43 He Roared over 19 In jirevloiu inllcn flight, lie used above the a S. earth.

NEW YORK, Dec. 27. -Certainly no person outside of lrvin Cobb, has been the Iegupon which so many stones, ribald and otherwise, have been hung as Dorothy Parker. Every one. giving a tryout to some imBgined nifty, credits it to the queen of the Algonquin Round Table.

Thin gives it especial plume. If she told it-it mutt bo good. Mi s. i ranter is consequently jooura upon as a perpetual sky-rocket of flashy lelz-booin-ahh. Quite a number of her japeriri, I presume, have added largely to the gaieties of nations.

On nccasluns, the has been a card. Vet runny subtleties accredited a I by Day hint thulllng up and down a room in uptiulwlio refutation is convincing, lie thinks America the most glorious of nations and his criticisms are because ho loves and wants it always to maintain supremacy. One of Lewis's closest friends is I'raxlcr limit," who now lives within walking distance of the Lewis home in Bionxvlllc, nicy enjoyed the same sort of neighboring when both resitted in London during their for-native To watch them dra matize the characters of their respective small (owns Alexis, and sauk Center, about us much fun as a fellow can have. Speaking of fun, is there any so cataclysmic- a watching Ted llealy cuff his stooges about? Jjealy author's a definite originality in low t'lmetiy nod is funnier by six laps than fd Winn, Eddie Cantor and Die I'otir Muvxes rolled, into one. His hobbledy walk Is an art in Itself.

And the raspy jeer; "What Joil getting sentimental?" when a spittoon halr-cutted Moo Just misses braining him wtth a club is uiifor-gettniie hot'M'-pliiy. A curb slrprff in lie 4U lias become a be to nolr, tSrvnal times the sudden jut has upMdalsicd ma into little running tpurts and once I sprawled my entire' length. Today, approaching it RihReiiy, I looked about furtively then turned and walked tho othei vutv. That high-hatting a curb stone! her have been Lois Long's and ahipjilu upon, returning to America. By O.

O.McIntj persuasion, she faced tliem raMlv, cllmaxlnit a bravp Jl(Ue smoking roum honey. When taughVer Bubsllledf thc arosli lho pre.arr:ni;em(inl 0 a mis, Among "time killers," lor those With BHDS to 1111 between In din. hikI midnight functions, are shooting galleries along 6th avenue. Often betwrcn 10:30 unit midnight, groups in evening attire are banging aay at the swinging clay pipes, the bulls rye, elc. Button's )mfj new- inquired I'rlnce created but 'allaht in flays ion in wed me Duke of Manchester and Anna Oould.

Cnum Boni, Interna tional alliances ve hot stuff and lui conductor He (i.i0 idling tip a i the (ml war tu tolLt'oniHtirm wuh 'tis hjco dramatic Oilie. Mrs, l. Hie former D. utility Thomson. Uvs completed a piny of the Nazi regime and Is on a lecture tour.

Lewis is frequently prodded by implication ills attitude toward America is cymeal, jje roars fierce ly at such insintia lions. And tu tvt rumwr oi even jowiirr mow. Mis. Parker's mood could be only one of eternal flippancy to author all. Her friends say (he is noi always mnicing nay.

More often up Uvmeiidmi liradtlm dust, her mood is of wnnbre attenuations. jUut there h-tc bicii icu mimy mon-Her world (strikes her as drub. ri1 ttw p.n;,,, Then fctie the gravity of her dourer poems. There are times I All about the Binclitir Lrwi-s: nhen her intimates do not ce her Lewis liiiiutm out a novel, tenia-lor long stretches. Most of the lively called Hailvouder," the cracks of the bars are likewise hung human tJrte thru the vt A laim- I 14 ib i Jd A -j "5ir" 13 TO T-SSS rsr -PI--- on Wlliion Mtzner.

Not half are his. Mark Twain Is 1,111 sponsoring many ehcbtnuU he probably never heard. Incidentally, about the brightest tif feminine wise-crackers In moons was, of ail people, the British novelist, E. M. Dclafleld.

One of her triumphs over the tradition the English lack humor was at the Dutch treat, a Weekly grouping of artiUs and writers solel yof malo.

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