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The Daily Republic from Washington, District of Columbia • 2

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i thirty-first congress. I FIRST SESSION. I FkIDAV, August '23, IsoO. SENATE. I PelitioM were presented by Messrs.

WtilTCOMU I and Vi-Ltk MANtil'M moved, and the following resoI lutiou, urilcrcd on Wednesday to bo engrossed, was I taken up. and made the special order ol the day lor Monday next. I "Kuoli-wi, That Mr. Palmer have leave to with draw, take out a copyright tor, unit print on his own account, the documents entitled 'A roinpre I hensive view ot tlie principal independent inariI time countries of the illustrated by a chart, tritlti MCflllWmied the report ol Dm Secretary ol Suit no- BcMli iiadti dute ut the83dol April Ml tut, and rcU i ri t.i tin t'unuintiee OO Pol Ro la lions; and that the Secretary of the Senate be, I and he is hereby, authorized to subscribe for live 8 itiousand Copies of the work, together willi the 8 chart, under the above title, for the use of the SenB ate; provided the same shall be delivered by Mr. Palmer at a pi a dialpi i copy of not less than fivi hundred pages octavo, printed on tine paper, and neatly bound in inus I'ftl VATE UILL.

Mr. HKIGHT moved, anil tin' Senate proceeded to the consideration ol the bill, Iruin the House, lor the relief ol Al-loo I tit, his legal preseiitativee, anil their grantees, in to correct an error in regard to a laud title; which waa read a thiid tune and passed. INTEBIOCB WITH INDIANS. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the bill extending the lits of the 17th section of the net of June, lhJ-t, regulating the intercourse- with the Indian tribes, to the of Texas and other Stales. Mr.

submitted a substitute fur the bill, which was agreed to. A debate ensued, anil was participated in by Messrs. Yulcb, RccK.aud ill support ol the bill; and by Messrs. CiiAbt and Buaduvhy iu op(Kwiliou to it. 'lue question recurting on the engrossment of the hill lor a third reading-.

I'll ASP v. hii.I were ordered, ami being taken, the bill was ordert to he engrossed for a third reading yeas J7, nays it, as follows: Messrs. Ate bison, Badger, llell, ll-nton, Berrien, Cass, Clemens, Dawson, Dodge oI Wisconsin, Dodge of lowj, Downs, Koote, Houston, King, Mangum, Husk, Sebastian, Shields, Smith, Soule, Spruancc, Sturgeon, Turncy, Underwood, Wales, Walker, and Baldwin, llradbury, Bright, Chase, Clarke, Davis of Massac husetts, Davis of Mississippi, Dickinson, Greene, llauilin, Mason, Pearce, Whitcoinb, and The bill, as it now stands, reads as follows: Jitil enacted, That the provisions ot the act entitled an act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers, approved June 3(1, shall he, and the same are hereby, declared to be applicable in all respects to cases Indian depredations committed in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, subsequent to the 1st day of January, 1 and in Texas to the date of her annexation; J'ruvidid, That when there lias been no superintendent, agent, or sub-agent, to whom the party injured by any Indian or Indians could apply, the claims of such party may be examined and allowed in the same manner as if they had- been regularly acted on by such superintendent, agent, or sub-agent, in rose the prosr shall be satuf'ai tory that the injury sustained otherwise comes within the purview of 1 said act. fugitive slaves. Mr.

MASON loved, and the Senate resumed the consideration of the bill to provide fur the more cffectual execution of the third clause of the second section of the fourth article of the Constitution of the United States. The question was on the motion by Mr. Da. vis, of Mississippi, to strike out ot the bill the I. following: "And should such fugitive at any time after being arrested i- by warB rant as aforesaid, be rescued by force from those having such fugitive iu custody, then it II shall tie lawful for such claimant, his agent or attorney, to exhibit prool of such arrest and rescue before any judge of the circuit or district court of the Uuited States, for the State where the rescue was ellectcd; and upon such arrest and rescue being made lu appear tu bun by satisfactory prout, and that the same was without collusion; and further, that the service or latior claimed of such fugitive as due tu such claimant in the State, Teni- .1 .11 i.

.1 or oirim i II' IU i lie II.O, 11 null I'V me duty of such judge to grant to li rluimaut, liu auditor attorney, certificate of the ti to proved, and of tire value of such rervice or latsir the Slate, Territory, or District whence the fugitive to said claimant to be proved in like man tier; which certificate when produi ed by such claimant or his attorney, shall paid at ific treasury, out of any moneys therein not otherwise appropriated; and the same shall fie filed in the treasury, as evident of au much money due from the Mate or Territory where such rescue was effected to the United States, and shall be, by the Secretary of the Treasury, reported to CVinpreas at the next stasiou ensuing its payment: froridtd, That uot more than in case of a male, or lu case of a fugitive shall be so allowed or paid." And after (ome rt marks by Mhun aud (Davis, the motion to strike out was agreed to. Mr. DAVIS, of Mississippi, moved, and the following proviso in the sixth section of the bill was sir: ken out J'rnvuitd, That before sut charges are incurred, tho claimant, Ins agcul or attorney, shall secure to said ui1i. tr payment of the same, and case no actual force lie opposed, they they shall tie paid by auch claimant, his agent or attorney." Several verbal amendments were math The question recurred on the motion of I 11.. .11 after the enacting cliuor, ami insert a substitute proisiaed yesterday linn.

The substitute uAlaiu ciglit long sections Thr firat conferring upon the commissioners appointed under the at I of 1793, all authority and jurido lion conferred by the 3d secliou of the act of 1793 upon judges and magistrates. id. That the- aupcrior courts of the aevrral territories ahall have power to appoint these commissioners. 3d. That the circuit courts of tin I'nited and the superior courts of the Territories shall, from time to time, enlarge thr nuuihcr ol the-commissioners, with a new to afTord reaaoitahle facilities in the ret lawation of fugitives from labor.

4 th. Authorises these roOirnissioncrti to issue process for the arrest of the person charged as a fugitive, and to compel the attendance witnesses. It sliall duty of the person to whom this process sliall lie directed, to ese? ute the same with despatch; if said person shall re.fuse to caecule this pris ess, he shall he dismissed from other; the innmiasiooer authorised to punish persons guilty of disorder in hut presence, kc "Sac. And be further That wh? any pcraon held to service or labor in auy State or Territory, or in the District of Columbia, under the laws thereof, shall sacape therefrom, the party to whom such service or labor shall he due, his, lur, or their agent, attorney, guardiHii.oi trusts- may apply to any rourt of record in the oonty or paiisli from Uk- person so held to service or labor ahall ape, if in se ssion, or to a judge of 'said court in vacation, and make satisfactory to such court or judge of the escape aforesaid, and that ths person em aping owed service or lalxw to aia party. When upon the rourt or judge shall aisa a record to he made of th- matters proved, and also a general description of the person so es raping, with auc.h convenient rertainty as may and a trans-ripl of such record, authenticated hy the attestation of the clerk and of Uir seal of the said court, produ- in any other s.e tr, I ritory, or I in whii the person HO aping may be found, and lieing exhibited to any judge, coSlimiaatoner, or other oftcrr authorized the law of the United States to hum peraona earn purs' from service or lalior to delivered up, shall be held and taken to be full and conclusive evidence of the fact of escape, and that the service or labor of the person escaping is due to the party iri such record mentioned And upon the production hy the said party of other and further evidcrc if nereaaary, either oral or hy affidavit, in addition to what is contained in the record of the identity of the person escaping, he or ahe ahall be delivered up to the claimant.

And the said court, com ri.iasionsr, judge, or other peraon authorised hy this act to grant certificates to claimants ot fugitives, shall, upon the produ? tion of tinrecord, and other aforesaid, grant to such claimant a certificate of hia right to take any peraon identified and proved to owing service or labor aa which rtifi rate shall authoriss such claimant to aelse or rest and tiansnort auch person to the State or ritory from which he aped. Prorid'fl, Aoieetvr, '1 hat such certificate, and the proceedings before the judge, commissioner, or justice of toe peace wfio may grant the mine, ahall constitute no evident whatever against the peraon delivered up a fugitive from service or labor in any anil there after instituted by him or her to establish his or her right to freedom; nor ahall aut certificate and lie placed and relied on in any manner whatever in any auch suit in liar of the plaintiff's right to recover hia or her freedom. This uon ahall apply, ao as to aotfiorize the making up a record in the mariner above provided in relation to fugitives from service or labor who have heretofore en aped, as well as to those who may hercslter escape. "ftac. 6.

Provides, that in case the alleged fugitive asserts hia freedom, and the aaid judge or commissioner shall decide to grant the certificate emjvwcriog removal of lbs said fugitive to the Slate front which he shall have tied, the said judge 1 or ouiniiBuioner shall require the claimant to enter into a bond, conditioned that thesaid fugitive ahull I he removed to the Slate whence he llccf, ami then 1 take aaid fugitive before a court of i onipctent ju- 1 and permit the fugitive to try by a jury Ina to freedom." Pre.x the form of the bond be iriv- i en by the claimant, 4tc. After the execution ol the Uiiid it is to sent to the United states attorney for the district in which tile aaid muster ahull dwell, 1 and, upon forfeiture, the said attorney ahull en- ter suit lor the recovery of the penalty, I Sec.1'. Provides a penalty of a fine not exceed- 1 ing five hundred dollars, ami imprisonment not ex- ceding six months, against any person who ahull willingly and knowingly obstruct, hinder, or prevent the recovery of fugitive tioiil lalior, or who i rIiuII rescue or attempt to reaeuc such fugitive when I ai resti il; or who shall aid, uliet, or assist such lugi- 1 live to escape from the person to whom such scrvice or lalmr is due, or who shall hurlior or conceal such fugitive, so as to prevent his recovery or arrest. And any party so offending shall forfeit and i pay, by way of civil to the party injured by sui illegal conduct, the sum of one thousand 1 dollars, to be recovered by action of debt, ire. Mr.

CHASE moved to strike out the second section iliia si 11 irfl i 11 I mi ss to confine the onrru- i tions the bill to the SUU'H, aiul not extend it to 1 the Territories. He supported the proposition at 1 leugih. The Constitution provided only for restoration of the slave when he escaped from one State into another. Hi' argued that the slave es- raping into a free Territory was free, and there 1 lieiug no constitutional requirement lor his rendi- I tion, he was entitled to the freedom which accruod to him when he stood upon the soil ol the free. Messrs.

I NDKKWOOD, BKRKIKS, BALDWIN, and DAVTON, controverted the positions assumed by Mr. Chase, and opposed the amendment. ('MASK replied to each; maintaining that the I principles involved in his amendment werecorrert. Lf-L-said he felt but little interest in the i bill one way or the other, localise he was satisfied i that no bill passed by Congress would prove elli- curious, lie thought that the only way to effect a proper execution of the Constitution was by a hangc in the temper, feelings, and legislation of i the people of the North. By way of illustrating what was the public seutinient at present in (lie not ihern States, lie alluded to the proceedings of a cotiveu- i tion now in session at Caronovia, in the State of New York.

The convention was presided over by a black man, and there was a mixture of white and black composing the vice presidents and other officers. Among- the proceedings was the I adoption of a resolution requesting the fugitive i slaves present (thirty in number) to take seats together in such position that they could be seen by the delegates He read from the address the fuf- lowing to the slaves of the South, adopted by the convention, in which, be said, the slaves were called upon to commit uic crimes 01 murucr, arson, una fobliery, to secure their escape; Including our children, we number here anil in Canada 20,000 souls. The population in the free States are, with few exceptions, the fugitive slaves' friends. We are poor. We can do little more for your deliverance than pray to God for it.

We will furnish you with pocket compasses, and in the dark nights you can run away. We cannot furnish i you with weapons some of us are not inclined to carry if you can get them take them, and Is fore you go bai with bondage use them. If you are obliged to take life, the slaveholders would not hesitate to kill you rather than not take you hai into bondage. Numerous as the escapes from slavery arc, they would he still more so were it not for the master's protection of the rights of properly. You even hesitate to take the slowest ol your master's horses, but we say take the fastest.

Pack up provisions und clotties, and either gel the key, or force the lock, and get his money and start." lie said that while such proceedings were permitted in the Slate of Now York, not only by the laws of the State, but also received the sympathy of the people of that State, there could be little hope that uny law passed by Congress could prove elleetual. lie despaired of the perpetuity of any t'niun, when the public leclirig in one section could permit, sanction, or sympathize ith sui proceedings as these. HODGE. ol Iowa, as a rcprcsi ntaiivc of a 1 northern Slate, lend to the Senator a law of Iowa in i respect to negroes and inulaticxs, to show that the I 1 alleged Idling of sympathy for fugitive slaves did I not prevail in that Stale at least, lie rcpudiaUd, so far us his Stale as coin eruial, the sentiments of the convention at Cuxenovia. He thought it would be as just to condemn tin State ol Florida lor the 1 Lopez expedition agaiust Cuba, as to condemn the Stale ol New Yoik for the proceed tugs ol the luualies at Cazeuuvia.

ciiisr ukcu on the motion to strike out, it was rejected by the following vole: VEAMr. Chase. A Atchison, r. Baldwin, Uarnw 11, llcll, Berrien. Bradbury, Butler, Cass, Clarke, Cooper, Davis of Massachusetts, Davis ol Mississippi, Dawson, Dayton, Dodge ol Wiseonsin, Dodge ol Iowa, Downs, Green, Hamlin, Houston, Hunter, Jones, King, Maugoin, Mason, Fearer, Rusk, he bivstian, Slilelils, Smith, Soule, Spr uam Sturgeon, Turriey, ndcrwood, Wales, Walker, Wlut ouib, Winllirop, and Mr.

moved, and the so oml n. cti ol the substitute was amended by striking out tlic word "mug islrale" aa one of the persons exercising au- thOrity under Ibis set Subsequently, Mr. 'M)KKW(HII) mot ml, ami the vote by which this aiiicmliiK nl was made was reconsidered, ami, alter debate, the motion to strike out was rc- jected by the following tote: Baldwin, Chase, Smith, and W.iillrop Messrs. Ah hiaon, badger, Berrien. But- Icr, Cm, Clarke, Davis of Mississippi, Dodge ol Wisconsin, Dodge of Iow Dow ns, f'oote, Houston, Hunter, Jones, King.

Maiigum, Mason, Fcsrse, Rusk, b.isli n. Shields, Snruam Sturgeon, Turney, Underwood, Wales, Walker, aud Mr. MASON moved to amend the bill by add- "And should any marshal or deputy marshal re- fuse hi receivo such arrant or oilier proceos, when U'lidercd, or to use all proper means diligently to exit ute the same, lie shall, on eonvk lion thereof, be fined in the suin of to tbe use of stub claimant, on the inutiou ol such laiiunut, by the circuit or district court lor the dislrit of sueh marshal." Which was agreed to. Mr. MASON movid to add to the rricnJuunt just adopted the following: "And alter arre-t of me It fuiritive bv so, li mar shal or dcputy.ur whilst a ny tune in Inseus- under (Ik- piwiliuMof lino should such fugitive earape, wlether with or without assent of --m lili rfrputj, marshal atiik 11 lie liable in hi? official Ismd to Is- i utcd for tin- benefit of such claimant for full valor ol (he service or labor of fuiriiivr.

In the Mate, territory, or district whence lie aped." Mr. IlKKKIKN railed fur the and on thia motion, and they vn rc ordrrrd; and tng la- ken. the ainrndinrnt wan agreed jfou 22, 13, MlMRK Mean. Atrhiaon. Badger, Barnwell, II, Holier, Clarke, Ikaviaof Mississippi, I ire of Iowa, Downs, Kuotc, Houston, lluntrr, Manrum, Mason, Prarcr, Hunk, Sebastian, Shields, houlr, Tiirnrv.

and NAVH Baldwin. Ilrrrirn, Bradbury, f'haae, Dayton, Dodge of Wliriiaais, Hamlin, Spruancr, Sturgeon, and iatfirad 13 Mr BADfeKR moved, and the pending sotisti 1 lute of Mr. waV amended adding similar thereto. The question waa then taken on aulwtituting Mr. bill ar amended, for the hill fore the Senate, and it wax derided in the negative 14, nay 23, follows: Ifradloiry, Clarke, f'oojier, Davis of Massai husetta, Dayton.

of Wisconsin, t.ieene. Spruanee, Sturgeon, Tndirwuod, Wales. Walker, and Wjnthrop 14. JiAVS Messrs. Atrhiaon, B.vdger, Ke-ll.

Berrien, Butler, Caaa. Davis of Mississippi, Dawson, Ihslge of Iowa, Downs, Kontr, Houston, Hunter, Jones, King, M.mrooi, Mason, Husk, Si baslian, Souls. Turney, and Vulee '23 Mr MASON moved, and the section of tfie hill was strii ken out, and the tirat three tions ol Mr. L'xna swoon's aulietitute (relating to theap pointmcnt of (lie roinaiiaaionerv, tie tr and powers) was inserted in lieu thereof. Various amendnienla issary upon this change were made.

The question Is inr on oedrrinir the lull to tie en. groaned lor third reading? I Mr. DAVIS, of MaiiKhilf llii, that, the bill I being now in llic ahape deaired by lta frienda, lie moved, an additional act tion, fS the followlM That il any marinrr or other free rol- I ored peraon arriving on Imard of any In any 1 port or place in tb? I'nitrd Statea, ahall be iinpria- oncd or deprived of lilierty ithout any alleged crime or againat law, it ahall in all area he tlie duty of the at'orin of the I'nited St a tea within and for the diatrirt where auth impriaonmentor deU ntion inay rur, to eauar any eurh peraon ao iinpriaoned or detained to lie lirougM by writ of before the rirrilit ordiatrkl judge of euch diatrirt; and il ahall lie I the duty of the judge lieforc whom any aueh per- I on ia brought, to inquire info arid der ide whether auch impriaontnent or detention ia lawful and if he find the aame to be unlawful, lie ahall thereupon diarharge from uatody any aueh peraon. And (lie i ne? incurred in suing out pio- I i rm and ptweutinf the aaine ahall, when the aame are. approved by the judge hearing the raae, I he paid by the f'nited in the aame manner aa a inilar charges are now allowed in criminal I utipnt Mr.

VIS briefly itatcU the legwiatioq of South Carolina ami Louisiana in relation to the arrest anU imprisonment of free negroes who may go to im places in the prosecution of a lawful business. Ho rlso slater! the etiorts made to test the constitutionality of llieir legislation, ami their failures, lie dcni now lo have this ijueetiou settled one way or Ihe other, and hence he proposed this amend ment. Mr. liUTLP.K replied in explanation ol the proeedtngs which took place in Charleston on the ar ival there of the commissioner seiit thither liy the liovernor of Massachusetts to test the validity of the laws of South Caiolina. He denied that any iolcnec had hocn exercised to that gentlemen, lb1 tad not tin- material at present; but it allowed time, would proceed to argue that the free negroes ol Massachusetts were not entitled to the same rights in South Carolina that the citizens ol South Curo Una ere; that they were entitled only to the same rights that free negroes in South Carolina enjoyed, lie would also defead the conduct and course pursuer! by his State.

Mr. HKK1UKN followed in opposition to the intendment, par lieulurly as an amendment to this bill, lie moved, with a view to allow the Senator I'roin South Carolina time to debate the that the bill be postponed. After some conversation, in which Mr. Hutleu that lie was illing, if a vote could be bad to waive hid argunn ul ul this time, ths motion to postpone wud withdrawn. Mr.

WIN TllKOF continued the debate in I of tin amendment, and in deleave ol the Stale jf Massachusetts in her ellortd to have a deeidion a pott the of the lawa of Mouth Carolina in this pattieular. BERRIEN replied. Mr. ATCH1MON moved to postpone tin hill till Monday. Lost ayes'), noes not eotiiiled.

BERRIEN, BALDWIN, DAVIS of Mississippi, and continued the debate, and tin- tjucstion being taken on the amendment, it was rejected, as follows: Baldwin, Clarke, Cooper, Davis nf Massachusetts, Dayton, Dodge ul Wisconsin, (jrectie, Smith, Sjiruauee, I pham, Wales, Walker, and Atrhidun, Badger, Barnwell, Bell, Berrien, Butler, Davis of Mississippi, Dawimiii, Dodge of Iowa, Downs, Foote, Houston, Hunter, Junes, King, Matigum, Mason, Fearer, Rusk, SeliBdtiuti, Snule, Sturgeon, Turttey, Underwood, and Yulee The (juestion was again stated to be on the engrossment of the hill. BALDWIN called for the yeaa and nays, which were ordered. And the hill was ordered to be engrossed lor a third reading, by the follow ing vote: Atchison, Badger, Barnwell, Hell, Berrien, Butler, Davis of Mississippi, Dawson, Dodge of Iowa, Downs, Foote, Houston, Hunter, Jones, King, Manguin, Mason, Fearer, Busk, Selastian, Moule, Sprtmuce, Mturgeon, Turney, UnJerwood, Wales, and NAYM. Messrs. Baldwin, Bradbury, Chase, Cooper, Davis Of Massachusetts, Dayton, Dodge of Wisconsin, Greene, Minith, Cpliurn, Walker, an I INTERCOURSE WITH INDIANS.

The bill extending the act regulating intercourse with the Indian trilies, to the people ol Texas and Others, being engrossed, was read a third time and puased. at- uVtrvrr journ it adjourn till Monday, and the motion was igreed to hy the lollowing vote: Atchison, Badger, Barnwell, Bell, Berrien, Butler, Davis of Mississippi, Dawson, Downs, Footc, Hunter, Mangum, Mason, Pearce, Husk, Smith, Soule, Turucy, Uphani, Walker, and NAYS -Messrs. Baldwin, Bradbury, Chase, Cooper, Davis of Massachusetts, Dickinson, Dodge of Wisi onsin, Dodge of lown, Houston. Jones, Sebastian, Spruance, Sturgeon, Wales, and inthrop And then, on motion, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

civil and diplomatic a ppboi'bi ation bill. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on tin state of the Union, (Mr. Bcht in the chair,) and resumed the consideration of the hill making appropriations for the Civil and Diplomatic xn? ot the Government for the year ending Jim 30, 1551. Mr. THURSTON oflCrcd an amendment to appropriate SJI.odd to continue the coast survey operation on the western coast; and alter a fewwords iroin him in its support, and a reply from Mr.

Toombs, it was rejected. Dlbl nllll'tion or BOOKS. Mi. BROW of Mississippi, moved to strikeout the lotlowing clause, vis: "To enable the Clerk of tbu House of Reprcscntativ i to pay for one hundred and two copies of the Liglitii volume of the American archives, to Ik- delivered to the members af the twenty-sixth Congrc, at sixteen dollars and eighty three ocnts per volume, 00." Hi wishod know- whyilns Congress were callod upon to pay lor books fur ineiiibers of the twenty-sixth Congress. It has tieeii nearly ten years since this Congress expired.

Some oi the members have died, and others have changed their places of residence, and (lie Cleik wouid not be able to find thcui. Ma kr the appro priatiou, and the result will be the greater number dI the hooks will be left in the folding-room, mi the Doorkeeper, or soim body else, will sell 'them. Mr. BAYLY said that il the appropriation should be stricken out, it would gratiiy no one more than If. ilul, iui he understood the matter, these hooks were ordiicd by a law of tire land, and by a law providing lor their publication.

Ali. JON Kb understood that the contract was made with Clarke and Force lor the puhlrratiuu. If it could be rcpculcd, he should be glad; hut, as he remarked, the contract was now in existence, and the books were published under it. Mr. BUOW'N said tlrut his objection was not so inut as to the printing and paying for the hooks, or to tin.

dilliculty ol delivering tbein. More than lifty lucintx rs of the twenty-sixth Congress are in iheir graves, and others liave changed their ct. The question was, to whoiu shall the hooka jc Messrs. made a few -eioarks, whin the motion of Mr. Ilauwx to strike the lause as disagreed to.

Mr. Ill'NTKK was understood to suggest an iincridmr nt, and to say that the proposition to rote books to dead mcu and to those ho had moved i way, was ridiculous. He then fore hoped that the lasiks arc to be paid lor, they would be given persons now in existence. Mr. XKtiVY.N, of Mississippi, mrniil to strike rut the words, "to Ire delivered to members of the wrnty sixth Congress," and hi insert, "to he rea in- in tie mn of the lei ti.

I.i -1 I hy Congress lie not want to throw the ss.ks away. The amendment will secure at least orne Ism as gentlemen think that the mist lie adhered to. 1 he amendment was agreed to. Otis prnpom-d hy Mr. ifanW'N, to the next i laosw-, ippiopriating II, lor one hundri and sCv-nb en copies ol the American archives, to lw iliaributed to new members of the twenty-seventh Asngri PiuuiKiijr nuru, Mini 0.

Mr. FITCH dbreil an amendment, was agreed to. giving lo the delegates from the TerriMr ha the unit uuiubcr of copies of the Congrcsnonai tilotie and Appendix given to tin of Corig CONOXKealOKAL GLOSS AND APrilMI. The following rlause bring nadar consideration, rlt: To enable the Clerk of the llouae of to for five thousand five hundred arid 'orty-four dm of tire Congressional tilohe," iml for five lb aunaitd fire hundred and forty-four a of the Appendix, at three per ropy thirty-three ilx.iiMtid two hundred and nixty four Mr. McCI.KRN A I) olfered an ainendnirnt, to enable the Clerk of the House to pay for reporting ml publishing in the flatly O'lnle two thousand otumna of the pro.

of the lixtlt, at a. and fifty per culm an, fifteen thooaand lb off. red a in its support, ind aaid tfiat the pnMiration of the oet twenty much sabscrlfHion imoiinte.l to. It wa? commenced in in order lo publish the proceedings the day after their wr urrenre. Trie expense of the i heavy item, the of setting np the and ttie ldental ftprnnei.

'I fie reason a by the llouae patronised th? 4,11,1,0 war, the re ol the Henate engrossed almost all the the oldeat of the rity. He thought that fie publisher. Mr. should be indemnified for ft is Mr AMIMl'N opposed lo the amendment. IKtily did noi anawrr the porp.iae the daily reports require.

If the publisher lining liy hat he. doing for Congress, tie wa? eon lent vote a targe solan riptton to the Congressional Ml but not to tin daily paper. If we want to pay lor daily ptihlh we ought to put the in pajtrra of large irrulation in the InMH yeneer and In ion where tfic of una Free-toilersean he seenfiytlie who I. lountry. The Daily a new epaper, in.nlalii.ti il i I.

mailt. lie repeated, il did not anawer any purpoae to inform of what done the lief ire. For the aaional (ilotie wim of great uee and value. Mr 1)1 KK moved to red ore the rompenxation to one dollar per column; and mid that the llouar had imn-Mid, at tfua armrion, the Bttflther ot rtijiin of Ihe Omgrewfonai Appendix from lo twenty four for ear nn mljvr. If the Daily (iltihr lad the Congressional (rlobr were Ixrth tHwaallw jed, no evil would result.

The rftw would be that the. would be more extensively read, and would be ul a much higher order. Too much matter wax puUiihcd. How any person could wade through THE REPUBLIC. so much, the nights being too short, tie could not apprehend.

The newspapers would have reporters here, (he believed the reporters were gooo.) and would publish what the people wish to read, and what the people wish to see. If the proceedings were not published at length, there would not be so nuu'li said. As to the publication of speeches, members would, us now, send them to their constituents. McCLEIlNANI) replied to the gentleman who preceded him. It wjs true, the circulation of the Daily (Hobe might not be so extensive as is dosired, but this cannot remedied by the proposition now pending.

It was notorious that the columns of the Uuion and the are -ed with the proceedings of the foliate, and very often they are ten days behind the current proceedings of that Tlnr committee raised during lite last session, to inquire into the best mode of reporting and publishing tin proceedings ol the House, were content to let tlieprcsentarrtiilgement continue. The. gentleman from New Yoik, (Mr. Dcttt,) said that Congress has already patronised the work; hut obtain the printed reports at a less price than the terms ol subsi ription, and obtain inure than the value of the subscription. The amendment to the amendment offered by Mr.

Dcr.a was rejected. Mr. IT.ATIIKIt.STON' opposed the amendment, lie had no objection to paying for the 'ongrcssional ujom' una Appendix, Out wae not willing' to adopt the Utiioti uud Ihtflligrnctr as pensioned presses on tin' Government. Mr.TOOMHS thought it wide to continue the puhlieation of tlie parliamentary history of the country, but lie would not consent to give patronage to the party predd. It has a corrupting inllueuce.

Here neutral press, and the work waa well done. It was the duty of Congress to preserve a record of its proceedings, and the best way to do it was in paper not connected with party politics. The amendment of Mr. McClkbsand was I hop agreed to- ayes ')J, ies lid. Mr.

BROWN, ol Mississippi, oifcrcd an amendment, which, after a brief ocbate, was agreed to ayes 81, noes I jj; for the binding of the Congressional Globe and Appendix for members, the work to be executed by contract. TIIK PUBLIC ntlNTlNG. Mr. Mcl.ANK ottered an amendment: For the purpose of enabling the Joint Committee on l'rinting to audit and settle witli the public pi inter, and to pay the amount actually expended by him, with per centum additional for the profits of the work, Mr. TOOMBS rxisrd a question of order.

The resolution, he said, was directly against the law. The CHAIRMAN asked whether lie was not correct stating that the terms of executing the publie printing arc fixed by law? Mr. TOOMBS replied in the allirmatlvc, and said that the amendment was, in cfleet, to override a public law. Mr. McLANE remarked that it was entirely competent for the House to appropriate a sum over and above the amount for the full performance ol the contract, which will still be executed.

The amendment did not interfere with the contract. It takes it for granted that the contract will be performed. It was for the. surplus of public printing, over and above the contract. The CHAIRMAN ruled the amendment to be out of order.

An amendment wa3 adopted, appropriating lor one hundred sets of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, and appropriating 15,500 for a hundred sets of the Register of Debates; to be deposited in the Congress Library, for the use ol members. The account to be kept by the Librarian, as of other books taken out, and one set ol each is lo be deposited ith each of the States and Territories. Other amendments were acted upon. APSROPBIATIONS COS The following items havu been passed by tire committee, iz: For'the annual repiirs iu the at the western gates, repairs of public stables, repairing abutinenls at Tiber creek, enclosing and improving the public grounds at the north, south, and west of the Capitol, and the open triangular spaces on Pennsylvania avenue, $20,000. For annual repairs of President's house, garden, and laborers; graveling tlie walks in President's square, manure, leather, nails, tools, and repairs of leiue at Lafayette square, Fountain square, President's square, and Piesidcnt's garden, eart.

age, four thousand five hundred dollars. For lighting Pennsylvania avenue front Capitol square to the Treasury Department, and compensation of two lamp-lighters for the same, and fur lighting the and Capitol grounds and indent's house, eleven thousand dollars. For completing the eastern ing of the Patent Oliice builuitig, according to the original plan, under the direction of the Secretary of the lntei tor, one hundred and ten thousand dollars, to be paid out ol (he patent lund, if so much of said lund remains unappropriated, and if not, the excess out ot any mum in the treasury not olhoi ise appropriated. For compensation and contingent expenses of Auxiliary Guard, six thousand seven hundred and seventy-tive dollars. For repairs of the bridges on the eastern branch of the Potomac, and incidental expenses, and re.

i bui-in to tlie corporal ion ami lev court of ashingtun city six hundred and fifty dollars, advanced by thein for repairs already done, five thousand dulknrs. For completing the graveling on Four-and-aluII street, fioiii avenue to the arseual grounds, and (lagging the west side, one thousand Fur ilto support, cure, mcdii treatment of twelve nt medical ur turcica! i tii nu in the Washington Infirmary, two thousand dollars, to be expended i.ndrr the direction of the Commissioner ui Public Buildings. For grading, graveling, repairing side-walks, building1 culverts, and otherwise improving New Jersey avenue, nurlli of the Capitol, three thou sand dollars. For like improvements on New Jersey avenue. South of the Capitol, thousand dollars.

These sum. are to be expended under lie-direr tion of the Commissioner on Public lluildtngs and Grounds. For completing the grading, planting with trees, and enclosing with a substnntial wooden fenee Ibr their protection, the mull frmn sixth street west; ward to the Potomac river, live thousand dollars. For extending the sewers bom the Kxccutivc Departments and the President's house to the canal, and for further improving tin- gruiin is south of the President's house, fifteen tbuu-und dollars. For payings Iwlanee due the contrat tors for laying the Capitol and Fifteenth street, within theCaiutol and Capitol grounds, snd lor ehandrlirrs and hnrners in the President's bouse, and for completing the branch pipes, within the Capitol gtounds, three thousand dollars.

For continuing Ihr sewer on the east aide of 1 Fourteenth sins to the canal, three thousand dollars. For the of paiijs-r biii.ilu in the Mary land lasipital at Baltimore, (sent thither from the Distrir of Columbia,) right thousand six hundred dollars. Without the bill, the committee rose, and the House adjourned. List of Patents tied thr I niliri Slnlrn I'altnl Ofiirt far Ihl i endmg A newt fl, sul Isarinr dull A ug'l'i so, mod. Thomas Batty, of Bow Yotk, N.

improved Mallets l(ol? rt Brown, ol New For 1 pnirrmrnu in uii imrj" nnu im. mm II. (, it A. Wnhm At LmiHler Hdkbil, Arnahh, N. For in tricnl Nupportrra.

Julin rir, ot Mount ruon, method of Propelling Roafa in Shallow Water. Imla Drake, fie Id, N. improvemerit in Compound H'ufiiti boaca. Mo hard Ditrtdr, of Sew York, N. improved Strum loftier.

I), flarlick, of l.ynna, N. For improve meat in lianging Notary Motion into iprnratinfr motion. J. br kr Hardeman, of Arrow ftork, Mo. For iinprovrment in Marfiinra for Cutting Hemp.

lohn Millar, of Spring field, For improvement in Ful.tug-mill*. William of New N. improvement in for Cutting Cm ki Cuke Vanderveer Newton, of New Vork.N. For improvtment in Preparing the Face of Metallic Kngraved Plalrt, mc. George Pollock, of Roihurj, For improvement in Hot-air Regirtcre.

an tea D. of Philadelphia, Pa. For llegiater for Steplieii P. Itogglea, of For machine for Cutting Ate. ingle, of h'ew York, I- or im proved Upciiuig and Cloeing for Paddle? her la.

John Van Hrixklin, of Middcport, N. itnprovrnir ntn in maeliiiira for Heading Acr. J. A Window, of Roxlmry. Maw.

For improved im (ho.I of Carrying Vcaaela over Yming, of MnB' heater, Kngland For i prove me in proreraca tor making StMinaOa of Potaah or Soda. Patrntal In England, December St, ISAs in America Auguat 'JO, Donavan, of Pittaburg, for Siovea. Ffovr IIatti, Aewttar 3 -We learn from Captain llaneoi It, of the lirig Moaellr, that the K.inpo fur had not yet left or intended ripartition to the Npaniah part of the ialami, Imt ia atiil making preparatlona to do an, hut time ii he will commence hia march ia um rtain. THE REPUBLIC. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21, 1S60.

Cuitgrco, Iii I Semite, on yesterday, the liill extending tlu1 provisions of tlic act regulating inter course witli Indian tribes, approved dune, I KM, In the people of Texas and others, was passed. And the bill to provide for the more efleetiiaI execution ol" the third clause of tlie second section ol the fourth article of the Con slitiition being hat is known as the Fugitive Wl I'll I I I 1 mate urucriHi iu uts iMignjsNrii itir a third The lluuxr oj llepnnentiilirfx, in ComniiUre nl the Whole tin slate ol' the were engaged in the consideration of the Civil and 1 hill. The Fugitive Slave lilll. My reference to the ougressional reports in another column, it will he seen that the Kugi live Slave hill was yesterday ordered by the Senate to he engrossed fur a third readiiic. This is tantamount to its final passage hy that body.

We congratulate the country upon this aus pieions risnlt. Tlie measure, if sanctioned hy the House of Representatives, which we will not permit ourselves to doubt, cannot fail to ercise a benign and wholesome influence on a section of tin- I'nioii which has long had just ground of complaint on account of the diilicul tics hieh its citizens have frequently had to encounter in the recovery ofthcirfugitive slaves. The enactment into a law of the hi 11 which yesterday received the lavorahle action of the Senate will remove these difficulties, secure and protect the people of the South in the enjoyment itf' riirlit r-i ill liwl t.i tliMn iiV lln? tuiiiui to pursue and recover tlieir fugitive slaves, and thus remove not only a source of constant irritation to that section of the but a grievance, under which it has for many years labored. The measure, we are sure, will be regarded as satisfactory by our Southern brethren. The Voice of (he South." In an article under this head, the Southern I'rcss tells ol the number ot proceedings public meetings at the South it has published, and states that "the liitclliircnrer, the Union, and the Republic, have not contained, in the same period, one-fifth part of tiiese authentic demon strations of the people's will." Answering lor ourselves, we have to say, that we do not consider we should have been consulting the true interests of the South, by contributing, in any degree, to increase the agitation and excitement which have unhappily prevailed to some extent in some porlionsol' that sedtion of the I'nion.

And further, we do not at all believe the proceedings of these meetings to have been "authentic demonstra lions of the people's will," so far as they lend countenance whatever to ilUtniiim, in the i vent of the adoption ol the measures now Irefore Congress. tell the I'rem it labors under a great misapprehension with regard to the feelings and sentiments of the real jteuple of the slavehuiding States, l.ei but a single direct, paljMibic, unmistakable movement be made, on the pari ol a single Slate, towards or disunion on account of tlic adoption by Congress of these measures, and there will be an uprising ot' the people of the South that ill strike the prime movers of the undertaking with dismay. Then will the I'rcss learn what arc "authentic demonstrations of ihe jrcople's ill." hi out urination ol tins opinion, the patriotic, conservative press of the South bruits us daily proofs, a few of which we may cite on the present occasion. The New Orleans Bee, shaking for Louisiana, 'We aicijuite certain that amongst the five-nudfurty Southern Sena tars anil Iteprtseniuiivca who i in uiirnp the of the establishment ol print at Washington, to defend the intrrests and lucidalc the opioiona of the; South, there arc not ten wine would give the slightest sanction to llie doctrine of disuuion, or who would hesitate to re pudiste and denounce it wherever and under whatsoever it might Lie broached. If this impression Lie correct, it followa th it the Southern I'reti grossly traduces the sentiments and cvni iclions of its patrons, as it does those of an overwhelming majority of the South, when it rrprodueea, with thai virtual approval which aili nee artiele ol whu il is drta ult to any whether the opinions are moat abhorrent or proposterous; most worthy of indignation or ridicule.

"The Nvutturn f'irss may settle the question of its fidelity to the prineiplrs on which it was founded, with those who contributed their means to it into tieinjf. Our business is with the Atroi loos ntiui' iit hi- ii it has helped to disseminate. say, then, without mui apprehension of error, that disunion is looked upon with loathing by tune lentlia ol the ns of the Smith, and by every citizen of IsHiisiana. We sneak by the card, in reference to disunion, and we wish to lie distim tly understood as intending ludo in our tlncUrtI ion tiie people ol the country as well aa the r1ty. Nut a syllable has uttered, nut an opinion put foi tb in refrrem to tin- groat (juration of slavery by the citizens of that doca not hrratln the strongest lament to tiie I'a ion.

The at lirmrs of profligate or intemperate politiciana to bring about dissolution meets with no favor in our patriotic State. We subjoin two other extracts. tlm one from a (seorgia the other from an Alabama per. A very -hurt time will, in our liiiinlile opinion, allow that these prints lar better undent tarn) the real Mill i me of the of their reapn live Slates than diss the Hovlhrm Fiom Iht Auguula Chranielr and Senlintt. "Men of lie Sooth However the North may iliiaht the roiiM-'jiienri a of the admission of California as site is, and the finnl rcjei tmn ol the line of the Missouri compromise, I lake it for ir rant's that there is not one mixing you who dinilit that upon the happening1 if tlx ontingenry, that the t.

iv. ernor ot (Georgia will issue his proclamation, that the ill choeen, that her convention will be hidden, and thai, that blasting inmturr will thru have into an irrctrie vnhle fra-ution, the convention will act- in the only remedy left toer, and will adiipt it! I take it alao for that tlicrc in not our of you who that even should Georgia fail to stand by her re solves, (which none wbo know hrr gallant people can ladicve,) there arc other will aland itiiiniilahly upon the platform of the Nashville convention, and reaort to secretion, come hat come may; and that the aame rnuat incvitably entue." Such ia the language employed by a writer in the Smtlhrrn I'rmt at Washington city, who deaecratea the illustrious nameof Joua by atlathing it to iiia article. In the preceding portion of hia diaoiganizing rominunication, he addresses bimaeir to the men of the North, and them with the. accession of Georgia, if California lie admitted with her conatitutioa and present and then follow the acntencej quoted atiove. lie to en tertain the opinion that there ia no doubt that Georgia will arerde from tlie Union if (California lie admitted; at leaat he would induce to think he ao lielievea.

In these of wild fanaticism there no calculating or catenating tin? powcra of a fervid imagination, and per( hance the writer tlie people of Georgia equally fanatical and deluded a a hiineelf. If 10, wo heg to assure liiiil, and all others, his delusion will be'most fatal to hopes and wishes. II California a limited, and Governor Towiii, in his to ai ijoirc little notoriety, calls a coiNentiun anil orders an election, as contemplated the law of the but legislature, the people will take the matter into their own and will teach Governor Towns, weak and puerile as he is, the demagogues of the last legislature, and all sectional ultraists, that they know the value of tliid Union, and will preserve it, whether the people of California adopt or reject slavery. The intelligent, conservative people of Georgia know their rjghts und the righto of the citizens ot California, and they willingly extend to them the privilege of exercising alt those rights, even to the uiiiimuu 111 imcn, i in win dui IN mi uj i i of fuctiouists 14ml demagogues, who arc necking1 to destroy the hAoii, into position of hostility to the governinent, for the exercise of a right which the South lias always vindicated. The people ul California have the undoubted rigid to form any constitution not repugnant to tlieConatitutioiiof the Union, establish or reject slavery, and Congress lias no power to control thciu and no rigid to deny her admission into the Union, provided she have tiic requisite population.

Georgians have too long maintained and loo thoroughly satistied themselves of the soundness of these pi ills iples to reject litem ut this Into day, ami follow the lend of those who seek to shield their treasonable purposes hy attempting to inukc the admission ol California a pretext for assuming a position of hos tility to the Government. We have no fears of the result when Georgia is called upon to eleet members to the convention to take into consideration the. propiiety of dissolving tin- Union because of the admission of California. The patriots of the land will rise in their majesty, and the ultiaistd will lie overwhelmed. From (he Alabama Argus.

Soitlli Carolina. According to the press in South Carolina, there is a very excited condition ot tin; public mind in that excitement nearly akin both in its nature and intensity to that which prevailed there during the nullification fury of 1M31 and '32. The toasts oifercd and applauded there during the festivities of the late national anniversary startle us by their vehement animosity against the North, and hostility toward the Union. Can they truly indicate the feeling generally existing there? Does it in the respects mentioned so exceed the indignation at the action and opinions of the North which prevails elsewhere in the South? If so, that feeling cannot Ik? altogether a feeling of patriotism. There is ahout it too much of the fierceness of an old and reawakened hate.

And then the desire for action which these toasts indicate is too eager to have been all born of the present occasion. They savor of purposes and plans formed before the present crisis of excitement upon the slavery now promptly and ardently avowed in consequence of the hope of (heir the present crisis inspires. Can the leaders in South Carolina have been preparing for that State action which some of her politicians have recommended? Do they intend to involve the entire South, however unwise und unnecessary the act may in a dismemberment of the Confederacy, by the part which they shall make her lake, in reliance that the generous sympathy and affection of the rest of the slave-holding States will impel them to support aud join her? Such wilfulness on the part of the political leaders in South a determination to control events in which the rest of the South is as much interested as they, according to their own plans and views, argues an arrogance which ought not to be tolerated, aud an uukiudncss, if not contempt, toward the rest of the South which ought not to he encouraged. In reference to an event of sucii terrible consc(unices as the dissolution of an Union which Washington, aud the of his time, labored hard lo create -as the overthrow of a rrpublican Govern I. of prosperity, ami power, and glory, as to have become the political marvel of the event of durh mighty importance, not to only, hut to our children, autl our children's children, to remote generations, and to mankind nl large, the politicians of a single they the most passionate and reckless of not to be suffered to control the action of all.

How to mukc the Producer pay the Duty. Tim radical error of the ad valorem system, as it now stands, is. that it fixes only the jiro portion of tin Government, leaving the quantity to In- fixed hy others; thus making it the interest of all who deal with us to undervalue their goods, for the purpose of defrauding the treasury, and thus throwing on the consumer the payment of the duty. The Government must be supported, and, whatever is not paid hy the foreigner, must he jiaid hy ourselves. Had prirtt heen determined at the same time hat were fixed, the quantity to lie received by lite Government would have been an uniform one, and all the grievances to hieh we have ealled attention would have been prevented.

It would then have been easy to grail nate the proportions so as to meet the demands of the Government, raising the rate of duly if if I' nr nrir more were raised than was required. The English manufacturer himself fixed the priee of vires in our markrl. was willing lo place there one hundred iNHjnds fur the ynn of out of wliirh he paid the duly, he ther high low. He placed hollow ware there ai a discount of (illy jier joying himself the low duties of I81I-82, the high uf 181.1 to or the medium of suppose the to hare lieen then fixed, and nee what would then have heen the effort on competition. The paid by the foreigner would haw lieen $1 and it would lie payable on every one hundred irnpirted, whatever the price at whieh the foreigner might nee fit to invoice The Government wouhl not have found itnelf leagued with him for the dentrnetion of that eompetitiun whieh ran alone destroy monojsdy and establish freedom of trade.

It would, in effect, liavc.said to him, Von have fixed the priee at whieh yon are willing to nupply your gissls, and we have fixed the proportion of that priee which mtixt pmf into our treasury. We ill not increase that proportion for the purpone of aiding our own to drive you out of our market, hut, on the other hand, we will not reduce if to enable you to ruin hiin. Ruin him if you ran. Our policy is non-interference. We believe that freedom of trade ami reduction uf ill be promoted by competition.

and we are not favorable to the idea that we should aid yuu in the destruction of onr enterprising citizens who to establish here ij. The market of IH perusl at which the preterit tariff became a those at hich Kngland was tiling to supply ns with cloth ami iron, and out of those prices she herself paid the duty; and to permit her to than she then paid was to transfer to our own shoulders the burden which we then decreed she should make the consumer pay hat was intended to he paid, and was then paid, hy the prodneer. llad those priees lieen established, the (iovernment would have plaeed itself in a position of non-interference between the foreign and ottr ow citizens. By not es tablishing them it has made itself the ally of foreigners in a most destructive warfare on our own people, and in a war against morals, hy offering a bounty on perjury and fraud. By now I 1 correcting the error then committed, we shall accomplish four great objects first, that of rid ding ourselves of a system of fraud second, that of enabling the government to determine for itself the quantity that shall he paid; third, that of replacing the payment on the shoulders of the foreigner, to whom it properly belongs; and, lastly, and most important, the government will cease to lend its aid to that foreigner in his elTurls to erush our own for the purpose ol maintaining a the direct effect ol which is to compel us to give for his commodity far more cotton or tobacco than we should have to give were competition once fairly established.

"Km 10 number of alien passengers who arrived in New York durinur the vear f-U't. is reported at of which or little more than half, were from Ireland. To useei tain about the amount of capital brought to tlie United States by tllia vast army of immigrants, we refer to the statement of moneys received on account of minora becoming orphans by the deaths of their parents, on the voyage or soon after their arrival. Eleven heads of families are there reported to have died, leaving twenty-live children, and a total of 03 in money to be divided among them. This money, which is in addition to other little effects and property, in many cases of considerable value, if equally divided among the whole tliirty-ix persons interested, yiclda $10 05 to each.

Estimating the whole emigration from this, the total money capital brought to New York by tlie emigrants is 15. Large as this amount may at first seem, a little further examination proves it to be materially under-rated. "The mortality, in the statement referred to, is greater among the poorer portion of the emigrants, the Irish, than is their excess in uuinlier over others. Seven of the eleven families were Irish, and numbered in all twenty-six persons, among whom only $007 08 of the money is to be divided $'22 to the remaining four families, consisting of ten persous, would have the remaining $1,824 85, or 18'2 1H to each. The proportion of immigrants during the year is a little less than eleven Irish to ten from all other countries, and the money cnpital of eleven Irish at 96 each, and ten of oilier nations at IS each? yield an average of 02 all round, or a total capital for the year of This, too, is a small estimate, lor, practically, the deaths are the most numerous among' the poorer classes, and it is, almost without exception, only those which would be reported to the commissioners of emigration.

The exact proportion of Irish to others is, moreover, as is to 1,080, the calculation of which would also considerably increase the sum total arrived at. 'Figures will not lie' we were told by the copybooks, in our school-lxiy days, ami, if the rule still holds good, our remarks have established the fact that immigration, even of the poorest class, is a source of gnat profit to the country. And yet we have alluded only to the importation of tangible ruth capital. A field of nearly equal extent would be embraced in an estimate of the personal property and 'household gods' which accompany the emigrant in his journey from fatherlaixi, while I the value of his labor, and of his knowledge and i experience, are beyond the ieach of calculation. We may safely suy thai thirty millions of dollars I in hard cash, and twenty millions more in properI milliuns in the direct increase in the available capital of the country, by way of NewYork alone, as the result uf immigration in 184M.

i The lass uf immigrants is also rapidly improving; the more wealthy are now seeking our shores. How much greater profit and advantage, then, may be expected front tlie immigration of future years!" All who have had opportunities for observation will verify Ihe statement of the Suu that the class of emigrants now arriving is much in toils pecuniary ability, to its predecessors. This is peculiarly the case in reference to the emigrants from Ireland, because the taxation under the sysi tent has become so great as to make it necessary for those who possess a little property to remove from the country in order lo retain it. Those who possessed no means, and Itarely earned enough for their subsistence from day to oay. would always Doen iomi 10 remain, but for tin; fart that large amounts have every year lieeii remitted by friends who have preceded them, for the ptirjxtsp of reuniting families which their own emigration had severed.

The same is true of the other countries from which emigration proceeds. It is no uncommon thing io find young men from Germa ny toiling and saving, to enable them to amass the means for paying the passage money of a future wife; and instanced are known where the case is reversed, and llm damsel imports her espoused hushand. The German, industrious and economical, sisin saves enough to enable him to indulge his innate to lie the proprietor of land. This propensity is much less marked the na lives of Ireland, ami a eonsispience hns lieen that they have histensl, to a greater degree, in the cities of the seaboard Rnd along the lines of great works of internal injprovcmcol, which give employment to that labor which can Is-ex without the ownership of a of capital, not even to the amount of a pick or a spade. The increased pecuniary ability of the recent emigrants takes a larger of them to the West to become landholders.

We understand that the Hon. Tiiomas M. T. Mi XNit a of the Interior, leaves the city thin morning on a visit to family in Pennsylvania. We Irani from Philadelphia papers that the Whigs of the Third ongnnsional District have nominated llr.sav I).

as a for Cungrins from that district. We regret to hear of the of the Hon.W. Mil.i.en. one of the Senators from New Jersey. He left this city on Sain rday last for his residence at Morristown, where we understand that he is con lined to his lied.

A niv Srttnhfir American says that "plasteis of di-iaolvcd gutta peri hs have in one among 'regular for two yeara. Chloroform ia (nploytd to dissolve the gutta perilia the aolntion in first-rate for cuts. If a printer the points of his fingers rut, or the rutirle worn with new type, let loin go to a druggist and get them pointed with this gntta-perrha liquid; no sooner is it applied to the lingers than they are covered with a thin, white, hard, yet flexible and nrniij liuifniiurin rvnjiornu'p in an instiint, MMl the p-ntta percha behind Gun-cotton diMolvad ia cfclotolMW Mlw i i a working -man VaaMoitT. Hon. William Hehard haa been nom- I inaU-d by I he of the eocon ioimI district of Vermont for re-election, by acclamation.

and suite arrived in Ailainy on Mm -lay, and took at Congreaa Hall. The Lord lliahop of Jamaica ia at tire aame hooae. The N.iahville, Tcnnraaee, arc in mourn- fl 1 our on account of the (loath of fir. TaooaT, an eminent eitiaen of that place. He waa a in the I'niveraity of Naabvillo, and VMtMMfty State Geologist.

Ixii'Iaiana Pi a Governor Walker, it ia stated, will call an extra acatimi of the trialatiire of in order to make sonic pro vision, during the low water of the ail miner and fall, (or the protection of the plantationa of that Slate from the overflows of the river, which during the two yeara are aaid to have "Nsen morn do- atructlve to the prosperity of laiuiaiana than the rovag-ea of an invading Uat..

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