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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 20

Logansport, Indiana
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TBKMB OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally per week 10 per month 40 per year ad tb. Pharoi the iwo lonnlnjr the Semi-WeeKy il.26 a in advance. Entered at the Logansport. as claen mail matttsr, as provided by law. THE same gang of Wall street gold conspirators who forced the government to sell bonds to maintain a gold reserve, are now trying to rob the government of in the Unlnn Pacific railway sale.

The same gold conspirators made not less than 48,000,000 oft of the government in the bond sales. NoremBer OEEHf 1 Tuesday. The result Ib Ohio IB awaited with most interest. William Jennings Bryan will begin a speech making tour of the state on Wednesday President McKloley will speak ai Cincinnati on next Saturday night. Tue campaign Uwed up the past few weeks and a large vote will be polled.

COUNCILMAN BOYER should not get aouiy He should chew bis anger as patiently as the brlndle ID the back pasture chews her cud. Let Him uy how much new machinery the electric light plant needs and the council "111 nc doubt grant the appropriation 1 1 is useless to disguise If the plant Is abort of power or short of machinery, a new supply can be provided from the earnings of the electric lljjht plant But let everything be done open and above board. The electric light plant Is a public institution and the people are anxl'ous to know more is needed to make their property useful and profitable. Let nothing be concealed. The Union Pacific Scandal.

The syndicate of bankers which was formed to beat the government out ot 120,000,000 of its claim against the Union Pacific road, Bbould be defeated In Its purpose. The government should not permit the road to sell for one dollar less than that which it owes the people and the administration will be derelict In duty, if It does permit such a thing to occur. The government of the United States is richer, is stronger than any banker indicate. While it is charged that the bankers' syndicate con- triouted two million dollars to Banna's campaign fund with the understanding that their plans of robbing the government should not be interfered with, we do not believe that President McKinley will permit the American people to be robbed of 820,000,000 by Pierpont Morgan and his crowd of Wall street shurks He cannot do it if he is aa honest raon and respects his oath of office. McKinley refused to appoint Joan J.

McOook attorney general because the appointment was dictated by this bankers' syndicate. If Attorney General McKenna Is a representative of the syndicate he should resign. mtze more closely the coming winter than e'rer before. Bun we are glad that the wail or the calamity howler has been subdued We are glad that the typed words, "smokeless chimneys" been taken out. of the cjlutnns or Repaolican newspapers and that soup-hoU3es" are now patronized by lean and hungry shoats only.

A convention of persons favoring the adoption of the direct legislation pkui in the state of Illinois is to be held in Chicago in November. Direct legislation is to some extent locally die practice already in this country, as when the people of a city vote on measures concerning it alone. The method pro posed by which laws would be passed by the people of a state instead of by the legislature alone is as follows: If the legislature enacted a law and a sufficient number of voters cared enough BOW the people of the state before it went into effect, then these who cared would call for a referendum of the act to the people. governor would he hound to appoint a day for such popular vote. If the law were rejected, then the action of the legislature would be void.

Again, if a sufficient number of voters desired a law which the legislature did not care to pass they could take the initiative and demand that a draft of the bill be submitted to the people at a popular election, and once more the governor would issue a qall for such popular vote. If the people passed the law, the legislature would be obliged to follow and enact it. Begin to Hedge. For four jears beginning with the election of 1892 and ending with the elootionin 1896, the wall of the calamity howler was heard from the Atlantic to the Pacific with persistent repetition. Every Bepublican etumper and every Bepublican newspaper howled like hungry wolves.

No 8 ooner had McKinley been elected than the howls of the hungry were changed into songs of prosperity. Times are somewhat better, but the change is in no sense due to the election of McKinley. Neither is the change for the better due to the passage of the tariff law. It is due t-- natural causes. It is due, what there is of It, to good crops in this country and an extraordinary demand for our surplus products by foreign cations.

The balance of trade this year promises to be the largest in the history of the United Spates. Does any man of intelligence believe that, without good crops and the increased prices for them occasioned by the shortage abroad, there would have been any change for the better? The Journal has been reminded from some cause that it had better hedge on the prosperity question a little, and it says: The farmers out ot debt of course had something more to spend and the result was an improvement in general business but up to ex pectations in all quarters, Now the truth is that the com Ing winter promises to be as hard a one for the laboring classes in our large cities as they have eye experienced. The number of people employed at present Is larger than a year ago, but there hM been no In oreue In wigei to spstk of while on the other hand owiDg to the Dingle; tariff and short crops abroad, the cost of supporting a family has materially increased. Under present condition laboring people will to eoono- The Mormon, like satan, cannot entirely conceal his cloven hoof. It will peep" out and belie the most saintly face he can wear.

Witness the advice given by "President" Woodruff at the semiannual conference of the Mormons. It is to be remembered that in spite of protestations of loyalty to the United States a majority of the Mormon connection are yet as much under the thumb of the priesthood as they ever were. The significance of the following remarks of old Woodruff will therefore be understood: God Almighty requires you to unite in your temple work and unite in your politics. You should unite to elect your city council and also all your state officials. You must put aside your Democracy and Republicanism and as Latter Day Saints unite, and you will not be taxed to The Mormons will bear watching yet for a generation.

American ranchers in Texas ought not to divert the water of the Rio Grande to their side of the line to the drying up and destruction of the crops of the Mexican ranchers on the other side. Many Mexicans have been obliged to abandon their farm lands because of this, and it is a just cause of grievance with them. President Diaz suggests that Mexico and the United States together construct near the head of the river a great international reservoir, which could be filled during the spring freshets. This would afford ample water supply for botli Mexicans and Americans along the line. President Diaz ought to be met half way when he expresses the hope that the United States government, "overcoming the obstacles raised by speculators," will'conclude treaty with Mexico for making the reservoir.

The editor in chief 'of a German newspaper, the Hamburg Echo, has been convicted of leze majesty against Leopold of Belgium and sentenced to eight mouths' imprisonment. It is bard to see how the character of that tough old person, Leopold of Belgium, can be in- 'jured, no matter what anybody says about him. Little William of Germany has taken a large contract on his hands in attempting to whitewash a man who is so bad that even Wales is afraid to associate with him. RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. of Truth Gleaned From the Teachings of All Mind is the beginning of civilization, but the ends and fruitage thereof are of the N.

D. Hillis, Central Music Hall, Chicago. Providence and Luck. The greatest men are quickest to acknowledge their debt to that Providence which fools call Frank Crane, Methodist, Chicago. Nobody It Contented.

One of the marked characteristics of these last days of the nineteenth century is its impatience, its restlessness, its Frank L. Phalen, Congregacionalist, Louisville. Chance Events. What a sweet comfort the thought to the soul in trouble that there are no chance events in this world, but that all are the result of a divine, watchful cara ev Jd. Palmer, Presbyterian, New Orleans.

Pulpit and pew. There was never a time when the preacher and the people need more to distinguish the true idea of preaching than at present. The pulpit and me pew need to get closer B. Matthews, Christian, Louisville. Liberalism Sot Dead Orthodoxy has insisted for 100 years that liberalism was dying in this country Our brethren should learu wisdom and hold the announcement until the obsequies are fully R.

A. White, Universalist, Chicago. What the Queen Expects. Queen Victoria is reported to have said recently to a clergyman: I am looking for the personal return of my Lord I should not be at all surprised if when I am called to lay aside my crown it will he literally to lay it down at the feet of Jesus Christ. S.

C. Palmer, Congregationalism St. Louis. Gratitude Is Expected. Naturally men, in their dealings with their fellow men, look for gratitude and regard the lack of it as a most serious defect.

If this be true of the dealings of man with man, how much more so must it be true of the dealings, if so we may say, of man with lather C. Powers, Catholic, San Francisco. Flirting. so called innocent pastime is most contemptible. It is bad enough in the case of a woman, but heaven deliver us from the man who will so far forget his manhood as to practice the contemptible arts, the GREAT AUCTION OF- Buggies, Carriages Harness Saturday, Oct.

BO, '97, At ten o'clock a. I will sell at my store, 617 Broadway, Logansport, IncL 2.3 New Buggies, Second-Hand Buggies, 3 Road Wagons, 3 Canopy Top Carriages, 1O Leather Top together with a Large Assortment of Plush and Fur ROBES HORSE BLANKETS and many other things too numerous to mention, in fact every- Thing that goes in connection with a horse or a buggy. These goods will be sold without reservation to the highest bidder. On all -ales under Fire Dollars (So) cash; on all sums over Five Dollars ($5) we will six per cent (6) interest. George Harrison, to 323 BROADWAY.

The successful crossing of the English channel by Charles Pollock in a balloon marks a step of progress in air naviga tin- Prom Eastbourne, England, the of departure, to Abbeville, where airship was sighted in France, is miles. When the safe and leisurelj was at length made, the aero naut was near Amiens. This shows to some extent at least, balloons may bi In order to elevate yourself it is not at all necessary to throw down some- else. Some newspapers are journalistic de- penerates. "Tour complexion perfect.

Where did get it?" came -with Dr. Cathartic PUU. Ihavenotkad pimple or blotch dnce I begmn to take them, my conrtlpatlon cured and my frifhtflil headachei pme. Dr. Greene's lJurarm Cathartic regulate the Itrer and boirela, and are thepaUofdTJlteatloii.

Made hy the dtceoverer of Dr. NerTBra." yitu; idiotic oglings. the silly twaddle, the pretty handkerchief gyrations, the swinish throat rumUings and iuaiie manea- verings incident to b. I. Lindsay, Presbyterian, St.

Louis. Power of the Gospel. The righteousness of God is so reveal ed in Christ that it is known, first through the word; secondly, it com mauds assent, and, thirdly, it is efiec tual only we yield our trust. A shipwrecked sailor trusts a boat, a child trusts its parent, and a sinner trusts the righteousness of God revealed Chnst and inasmuch as this righteousness i better than a boat in a storm or th promise of a parent to a child, so ar ve more assured of its power to Rev. J.

Weidinan, Presbyterian, Phila delphia. The Face of Friend. Have yon ever scanned the face of friend who has returned to you after Ion" parting? He left you, perhaps, callow young man, quickly respoiisiv to all the glamour of the world, pur hearted, and with the engaging enthusiasm of youth upon him. He returns after a score of years, with the old voice and laugh, yet the mood, gay or intense, is not so lightly swayed, there is a sedateness that was not there before; he has been face to face with serious things. You feel that fire has been there, and forging, and grim encounter with trials.

All this has invaded his rounded beauty perhaps, but how much more your friend is, after all, with what greater repose confidence you can tie to him. There are fiber and smew in his friendship J. F. Genung, Congregationalist, in New York- Esau'u Sacrifice. Today is not all.

Oh, the folly of sacrificing the birthright running through many years and crowning them with glory for the sake of gratifying the desire of the passing moment! There are many in the world today who made their beds as they did because they did not consider how long they would have to lie upon them. With their own hands thev kindled the fire within their breasts because they did not remember that the flame they lighted is the one that shall never be quenched; hence the stress which the Bible lays upon faith, upon the great future. There is a future future with its glory, honor and immortality. Mortgage not that future. Be not like Esau, who for one morsel of meat impoverished all his after Dr.

Webb, Secretary Evangelical Alliance. The Coming: Man. Some declare that the stock is dying out; that the good old days were the best. They despair of the future. According to them, degeneracy is the goal of humanity.

This is wretched philosophy tc teach the youth of any land. The man who adopts it muse have a opinion of himself and a small opinion of those who will come after own children, for instance. A man ought to educate his family in the belief that his son ought to be a better man and fill a nobler place in society than himself. He ought to believe progress. Have hope for posterity.

Manhood has not yet attained its nil growth. In the long roll of the centuries there a man, even Jesus of Nazareth, and in the oncoming ages there is to be revealed in the humanity now straggling and fighting toward higher things the fullness of the stature of the man. in Christ J. J. Muir, Baptist, Washington.

How to Beat Kgcs Easily. A wire whisk is the best beater. Have the eggs cold, and always add a pinch of salt to them before commencing to beat. They should be light and dry, and that means to put air into them, so at each stroke with the beater lift it from eggs, and the work will be quickly accomplished. GREAT HARVEST Four Wei-e Taken and Fonr Left.

Bradford, Oct. and three other men were killed near Weiner, by a boiler explosion. -A strange feature of the explosion was that eight men were work- in the mill, four with families and four sir.ple. The four unmarried men were killeil Still After That Special Session. Chicago.

Oct. twenty and thirty representative citizens of Chicago will so to Springfield tomorrow morning to meet Governor Tanner by appointment, and urge him to call a special session of the legislature, for the purpose of enacting revenue and primary election laws. 3ov. to Clean Willow Furniture. Take a good strong soapsuds of some nice white soap, with plenty of borax in the water.

Use a clean scrub brush and rinse in cold water, then place ID the bright sun to dry. Grand Kapids Is Having Fvm. Grand Rapids, Oct. city's grar.d carnival opened today. Free entertainments will be given in the streets until 3 p.

when the children a parade will begin. Every day including Saturady will be crowded with fun- making. ABBREVIATED TELEGRAMS. Cyclist Jimmy Michael will race at the Coliseum, Chicago, Nov. 12 and 13.

The young twin sons of Frank Leska, of LaCrosse, both died on the game day, of fever. President McKinley declines to allow the national administration to become involved in the Greater New York campaign. A.unt Nancy Daniels, a colored woman is dead at Sacramento, at the age of 119 years. She was a native of Virginia. There arc 150.801 farms in "Wisconsin, averaging about.

121 acres each, valued at with ar, annual product of $150.000,000. Port Randall military reservation in South Dakota was opened to intending homesteaders yesterday. There are 100,000 acres. llrs. Zoberowski, aged 62 years, went back into a burning house at Sharon, to get $35 in money and was burned to death.

Almost the entire business portion of Baxter. was destroyed by fire Sunday night. Loss, $30,000. Nine blocks were wiped out. The Emmanuel German Lutheran cnurch one of the oldest religious organizations at Rockford, has decided to dissolve.

All the schools in Iron Mountain, bave been closed by order of the health officer for a period of two weeks and owing an epidemic of diphtheria. Sam Gamble shot and killed Fred Kelly at Lost creek mining camp, Sunday evening. Gamble was defending his wife from a murderous attack made by Kelly. The Turkish government has demanded the recJill of two American missionaries from the province of Aleppo on the pretext that their mission for the distribution of relief is likely to cause disturbances. Burgltrg shattered the safe of the Stare bank at Blairsburg.

with dynamite and secured J6.000 in securities a small a.mount of cash. One robber was shot and is in the hands of the Four bodies were stolen from tho morgue rn connection with the county institutions at Dunning, near Chicago, early yesterday morning and the authorities are greatly disturbed. It jui easier Joa robbing a. For Particulars See Supplement. THOMPSON'S HERB TEA FOR THE Blood, Stomach Liver and Kidneys Composed of Roots, Herbs, Leaves and Barks.

A GUARANTEED CURE Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Nervous Debility, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Blotches, Pimples. Scrofula, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Eczema, Weak Back, Fever Ague and all other Diseases arising from Impurities of the Blood or Derangement of the Nervous System. Price 26 Cents, PREPARED BY THE THOMPSON HERB TEA CO. NEW YORK.

From Start to Finish me most Satisfactory FiTe-Cent Cfcar Ever Sold The transient buyer comes a permanent patrol A. Kiefer Drug Company INDIANAPOLIS.

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